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The lower branches and undergrowth slapped into my chest as I ran through the dense forest. A fog was creeping up from the ground which would help me escape my followers. I stopped for a second and sniffed the cool air and licked my mouth. I could still taste the blood and as I began running again I remembered the sweet tasting flesh of my victim.

Then I heard the sound I most feared, dogs. Their barking was coming from far behind me but I knew they would have no problem tracking me. I had to do something to get away, something that would throw the hunters off track. Then I saw it, the moon reflected in the water that slowly moved in front of me. The river, I ran up to the edge of the water and looked across. I could swim it, that wasn’t the problem. I was worried that the hunters would catch up with me before I reached the other side if they did they would have easy shots.

I threw myself into the cold water and swam faster than I had ever done before. My legs churned as I swiftly slid across the river to the other side. When I felt stones I stopped swimming and was just about to jump up on the bank when a shot rang out.

I fell to the ground as the bullet hit my front leg, just under my shoulder. I got up again and made my way into the woods, hoping that the men following me didn’t have boats.

I was hurt and I knew I wouldn’t be able to run much further so I began to look for a place to hide, but I was too weak. My injured leg couldn’t carry my weight and I kept on falling over. In the end, I was too weak to get up so I tried to crawl but that didn’t take me very far before my eyelids dropped and everything went black.




I woke up and saw a human man standing over me. He looked concerned and when he poked me with his walking cane I growled, hoping to scare him away. Instead, he bent down and slowly put out his hand. I sniffed it and then fell back; I was still too weak to get up.

He said something and his voice sounded kind and his eyes bore no sign of danger. I realized I needed his help, so I whined a bit and licked his hand. He laughed and then bent down to pick me up. He was strong for his size and when he turned around with me across his arms and began to walk along the trail I felt safe, at least as safe as a werewolf could feel in the arms of a human.

He took me to his home which was part of a tiny church. As he walked along the main street of the village people stared at us, but since no one said anything I figured they thought I was a large white dog. My fur is very fluffy and I have cold blue eyes that most of the time scared people off, which was fine since I loved the hunt.

The church was warm and he put me down on the kitchen table and then went away. I had regained some strength but I thought it better to continue playing badly hurt. He might give me some food and after that, I would make my escape.

When he came back he held a box, with a red cross in his hands. He put it down next to me and then took out a bottle and bandages.

While speaking he poured liquid on the bandage and then pressed it against the wound. I yelped and growled since it hurt.

He then proceeded to bandage my leg and when he was done he helped me down on the floor. My leg still hurt but I could walk on it. I sat on my haunches and tried to give him a puppy face but with my eyes, it is hard to do. He opened the fridge so he must have guessed what I wanted.

I smelt the wonderful fragrance of raw meat and when he put down a bowl of minced meat I finished it in seconds. A bowl of water was also offered which I drank slowly. When I was done he was sitting at the kitchen table watching me. I stared back at him but he didn’t turn away his gaze. This man wasn’t afraid of me, which was a new and exciting feeling.

I walked over to him and sitting down my head reached his chest, and I wondered how he could ever think I was a regular dog, but what did I care? He gave me food and drink. I gave his hand a lick and then went over to a corner and fell asleep.


Father George

As I prepared for sleep and said my nightly prayers, kneeling next to my bed, I included that beautiful, wounded canine I left sleeping in the living room. My petition was that she heals from her wound, that she would like me and stay around for a while.

The next morning, I awoke at my regular time, early, to go next door and say the daily mass. As I quietly left the rectory to walk next door to the sanctuary, she was still sleeping with a soft snore. Good, I thought, I am sure she needs the rest.

At the end of the service, after greeting the parishioners, I went back into my living room where I was greeted by a wagging tail and when I reached to pet her head, I was given a nice lick on my hand. Well, I thought, she must be feeling better and my prayers were working.

“Come on over to the kitchen sink, ah.. hmm,..what shall call you? Do you have a name?” Her silver, wolf-like ears perked up and she cocked her head at me as if to ask, “What is a name?” As I dished up some more raw meat and filled the water dish, I thought about it and looked at her carefully again. Her coat had become shinier through the night and she seemed to smile at me as I gave her the food. Her eyes had a dead blue color but behind them, I thought I saw something kind. There, that is it. I will call her Luna.




I had sick calls to make in the village so I left her to sleep more but this time, on the rug near the fireplace. When I stopped at small bakery on the main street, I discovered that my new friend and I were the all the gossip. Some of them just hinted at the sight of me walking in last evening with a big dog in my arms. Old Joe, hanging out on the corner waiting for the pub to open was more direct. “Where’d you get the furry animal, you brought in, Father?” I did my best to give non-committal answers and went on my way.

As I walked back in the afternoon, my mind went back to villagers’ queries. I too wondered what kind of creature this was and why I liked her so much already. I began to worry because it even began to feel like an attraction. Thinking back to seeing her wounded and lying in the woods drenched with moonlight, I had stood there, mysteriously enthralled for a few minutes before I knelt down to see what was wrong. It was as if she had a kind of magic about her.

I opened the door to my home and looked around quickly just to make sure I hadn’t been dreaming. It was real, she was still by the fire and when she had heard me come in she lifted her head and I thought for sure, smiled at me again. She watched every single move I made as I put together a sandwich, got a beer from the icebox and sat at my small table for lunch.

After eating, I retreated to my reading chair in the living room and she got up to follow me. After I sat, she walked over and put her chin on my leg. “Hello, you beautiful thing. I am so glad you are feeling better.” She wagged her tail and nudged my hand to pet her. “What are you and where did you come from and why do I like you so much?” Her eyes stayed focused on me and she seemed to wait for me to answer myself.



I sat on my haunches staring into his kind brown eyes. There was no malice, no secrets, just an open soul. It was one of my gifts, I could see into a man’s soul to see what he was made of. This man was like no other I had ever met. I decided to show him my real self, and I hoped he would not panic. I didn’t want to change in front of him so I went into the kitchen.

I stretched out my front paws and in my mind’s eye, I saw myself in human form. Within seconds my bones began to crack and change position. My fur retracted and so did my tail. Claws changed into perfect fingernails and my snout retracted with its fangs forming a lush soft mouth.

As I stood up I caught my reflection in a window and there I was in all my human glory, tall, curly blond hair down my back. I had an ample bust with tiny pink nipples. My hips were rounded and ending in long legs with strong thighs. I shook out my hair before turning and walking into the living room naked.

He didn’t look up at first so I cleared my throat and when he did see me he dropped the book he was reading and his mouth opened and closed a few times.

“Hi, you called me Luna, which is fine. My real name it too long and hard to pronounce anyway. I would like to thank you for helping and being kind to me.”

He didn’t answer at first; he just sat there staring at me. I saw his eyes take me in, inch by inch they moved from my face to my feet and when they passed my boobs and later my sex he looked away.

After swallowing a few times he said in almost a whisper. “Are you real?”

As an answer, I walked up to him and took the book from his lap. Then I sat down on his lap cuddling close to him and putting my head on his shoulder.

“Do you feel my weight, do you smell my scent?”


“Then I am real.”

He sat completely still, arms by his sides staring straight into the fire.

“You... you... you can’t be. Beings like you only exist in children’s books.”

I reached for his hand and placed it over my left boob, pressing a little bit.

“Do you feel my heart?”


“I am real and alive.”

Suddenly he jerked his hand away from my boob and began to push me away.

“Get off me, get off me!”

I did and when I stood in front of him again he said, “Where did you come from?”

“I’m from a village some two hundred kilometer from here, but my species are from Greece.”

He slowly shook his head while I sat down on the soft carpet and then lay down so I had my back against the warm fire and supported my head with my hand. Lying on my side I looked up at him and his eyes were yet again roving over my body. I read his mind and what I saw made me giggle.

“What’s so funny?” he said.

“Oh, how should I put it? I find it amusing what you were thinking because it’s so innocent. Most men want to ravish me, but you, you feel ashamed for your thoughts.”

“Can you read my mind?”

“Yes, I can, like an open book.”

“Holy shit!” After the last word has passed his lips he put his hand to his mouth and mumbled, “Sorry, I shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain.”

“It’s okay, I won’t tell,” I said and winked my eye at him.

“You are not real, this is some kind of game.”

“You are a Catholic father, right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay, take your Bible and look me up.”

He went over to a bookshelf and took out one of the many bibles. This was an old one and when he blew on the cover a cloud of dust filled the air. My sensitive nose picked up on mildew, regular dust, and small insects.

When he was back in his chair I said, “check Mathew 7:15 and Genesis 49:27.”

He fingers flicked the pages and then he read. He looked up at me before flicking to the second quote. After reading them he put the bible back and then said, “I need a drink. Would you like one?”

Lookin at him from the carpet I smiled and said, “That would be lovely.”

When he came back a few minutes later he gave me a glass half full with a very good cognac. I knew it was first class before I even tasted it since my keen smell picked up on anything and everything.

“What do you want?” he asked after sipping on his drink.

“Nothing, in a few days I shall move on and leave you to continue your life as you did before you met me.”

“Ha! That’s an impossibility, how could I? You are a werewolf, a thing of old tales and children’s books. But you are real, and lying naked in my living room. By the way, doesn’t it bother you that I can see you naked?”

“No, not at all. Why, does it bother you?” I gave him a sly smile and he looked away before saying, “Well, yes, it does. I have never seen a woman naked before, and you are quite the specimen.”

I giggled before lying down on my back and stretched my arms above my head. The warmth from the fire and the cognac made me very relaxed and something else too. I let my fingertips slide along my neck down to my boobs where they lingered over my nipple making it erect and then continued down to my sex. My lips were already moist and I could smell my own fragrance emanating from the folds.

“Hey, stop that, stop what you are doing.”

I turned my head towards him and while still playing with my lips I said, “Why, am I not pleasing to you? Don’t you find me sensual and sexy? Don’t I make your manhood come alive?”

“That is exactly the problem, you are and I shouldn’t have these dark thoughts.”

“Oh, and why is that?” I said pretending I didn’t know.

“I am a priest, I have taken a vow of celibacy, to serve God and not myself.”

My sex was now very wet and while keeping eye contact with him I lifted my leg so it was in an angle to the other. I adjusted my position a little so he had a better look when I gently slid two fingers inside my folds.

“Oh, God, woman, stop that,” he said and got up.

“Mm, it feels good, I just might have to finish myself off here on your lovely warm carpet.”

He picked up his glass and walked towards the kitchen. Before closing the door he turned and said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.”

I giggled and then went back to rubbing my sex. Fingers sliding in and out while my palm pressed down on my clit. I had been in wolf form for over a month and my sexual needs had built up and I needed to release them. Here in this warm living room I did just that, and when I came hard and long, I howled at the ceiling with my eyes closed, hoping I would be able to seduce the good Father so I could have his cock deep inside me.


Father George

As I almost slammed the kitchen door, I had to reach for the table. I was shaking and my legs were weak. How could this be happening, I thought? I have been faithful in every way, saying the mass daily, hearing confessions, performing the sacraments, and making yearly pilgrimages to the Basilica. Now for this kind of temptation to have been put right in front of me, in my own home, I wondered if it meant that I had failed God in some way, I had not even realized.

Renewing my determination and remembering Christ’s words, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”, I forced myself to dismiss the fear and to rely on faith. I knew what she was offering was very sinful so I would have to be very vigilant and prayerful so that God would take away the temptation.

I slowly opened the door and saw that she had fallen asleep so I quietly covered her with the duvet from my couch and tiptoed to my room, closing the door and kneeling by my bed for my nightly prayers. When I slipped under the covers, I found that I didn’t fall asleep easily as I usually did. Visions of the strange creature asleep in front of the fire kept flashing through my mind.

I must have drifted off because when I awoke feeling cold, I saw bright moonlight shining through my window. When I reached down to pull the quilt up, I heard a soft whisper of greeting from the chair across the room. I sat up, startled and saw that it was the woman I had left by the fireside.

“How did you get in here? What are doing?” I asked with a shaky voice.

“I have been watching you sleep, dear man. You are so fascinating.”

I was almost speechless but tried to explain how wrong it was for her to be in my room.“This is so sinful and I can’t allow you to be here with no clothes on. You have to leave now.”

Instead of going, she slid off the chair and crawled across to the side of my bed and reached up and stroked the quilt over my leg. I shrank back but she wouldn’t stop. “Please, you don’t know what a terrible temptation you are and how bad it would be for me to give in to my feelings for you.” It sounded as if she were growling with a very low soft voice. I took a deep breath and continued, “You have to leave my room. I could be condemned to hell for allowing you here.”

I couldn’t move. It was as if she had cast a kind of spell with her soft touching and her whisper. I could see the moonlight reflecting off the silken curls falling down her shoulders. Her skin looked almost alive with ripples of fur one moment and then flawless, creamy skin in another. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me.

Then all of a sudden, I realized what was happening and reached down, took her hand away and tried to push her back. “I can’t be doing this. I keep telling you.” She only hesitated for a moment and then moved up to crouch on the edge of my bed. I seemed powerless to stop her.



I had him with my spell, he couldn’t move away at all just lie there and let me do what I wanted. His lips moved as he began to pray, the words spilling out of his mouth, his eyes wide in fear as I slowly moved forward over his legs until I sat down on his thighs. I reached out and pulled down the quilt exposing his naked chest and then his underwear.

He kept on praying when I slid my hand inside them and pulled down. As I had thought, he was hard.

“No god or prayer can stop the human body,” I said as I wrapped my fingers around his shaft.

My other had had its claws out and when I ran them down his chest he tensed and stopped praying.

“Please don’t kill me,” he whispered.

I withdrew the claws and leaned down so my face was only inches from him.

“I have no intention to.”

I moved down until my lips were above his cock and as I took it in my mouth he began praying again. I sucked his cock head and licked his shaft up and down until I tasted the first drop of pre-cum on my tongue.

“See, you react like all other men,” I growled.

“Please, Luna, don’t do this, I will go to hell.”

“Not before you have a taste of paradise.”

With those words, I took him deep inside me and bobbed my head up and down while my tongue explored his shaft. I thought about pricking his skin to draw some blood but resisted the yearning.

He stopped praying and began to moan instead and continued to do so until his body tensed and he shot a big load of that precious cum into my mouth. I licked his cock clean and then sat on his hips. I could feel his cock against my pussy lips but enough was enough for now. I wanted to make him want me, instead of me taking him, which would have been easy at that moment.

“Rest Father, tomorrow is a new day which will bring much joy to us both,” I said.

His eyes were drowsy and he slowly said, “Leave me, leave me to my sins and my god. I will have to ask for his mercy.”

I got off him and with a final kiss to his shaft I walked out and closed the door behind me.


Father George

After Luna left with a prediction that the morning would bring much joy, I tried to pray but sleep overcame me. I found myself on a forested path being led by an ethereal figure. We walked slowly upward until we reached a crest where I could see over the tops of trees to snow-covered peaks in the distance. My guide had left me and I was very tired so I sat on a boulder.

Then I heard a voice. I wasn't sure where it came from or whether it was male or female but the words were clear. “My dear child, you have misunderstood some of the most important parts of your calling. You have done well but you have been afraid of and shied away from the most important love of all, that of two persons, naked and sharing life’s deepest mysteries.” And with that, a feeling of comfort and rest overcame me so I slept there on the hill on the needles from the trees.

When I next awoke, the sun was streaming through my window. I knew I was rising later than usual but I had no anxiety, I was in no hurry. I did feel disoriented as my mind tried to sort out the events of the night. Had it all been a dream? I couldn’t begin to comprehend what had happened to me

I dressed and went out to my living room where it appeared that things, as I remembered them had gone back to normal. The beautiful wolf-like creature lay quietly on the hearth sleeping once again. I continued to the kitchen and made tea to take with me to my chair. When I sat down, another fantastic thing happened and it shook my calm yet again.

Luna looked up at me, got to her feet wagging her tail and then as if shaking herself awake, began almost to convulse.The swishing of fur and the crackling of joints filled the room as that mysterious and seductive creature became yet again a gorgeous, naked young women.



“Good morning, Father. Did you sleep well?” I stood next to him and he was hiding something from me under the table. With my right hand I pulled out his chair with him on it which wasn’t much of a feat since I was so much stronger than any man.

“Oh, just look at that,” I said and licked my lips.

His erection was hard and glorious. The bulbous head was shiny and wet from his pre-cum. When I reach out for it, he tried to stop me but a low growl from the back of my throat made him stop.

I knelt down next to him and leaned forward so his cock was just inches from my mouth. I was already drooling and long strands of saliva hung from my lush lips.

I looked up at him said, “Do not be alarmed now, but what happens next might look a bit strange.” He was was still, staring at me with frightened eyes. Maybe he thought I would bite his cock off for breakfast but that wasn’t my plan. My wolf tongue came out and wrapped itself around his shaft. Father George gasped as he saw the pink flesh, so much longer and wider than a human woman.

I felt my hair begin to grow and then recede as my own horniness came over me. As I continued to lap and lick at his shaft and cock head, my growling became louder. Just before I took his cock into my mouth I raised my head and howled. Not to the moon but to the pleasure it would be to once again taste the seed of a human.

His cock was thick and quite long and as I began to move my head up and down, Father George finally came to and began to moan and gasp.

“Oh, Luna, Luna, what are you doing to this old man?”

I didn’t answer, instead, I let my fangs slide along the shaft without nicking the skin, a skill I had learned many moons ago.

His gasps became louder and he grabbed the armrests until his knuckles were white and his cock began to throb in my mouth. With a few final licks under the cock head where men are so sensitive, he began to shoot out his seed. It was hot and tasted like heaven, slimy yet easy to swallow. Salty but yet sweet, and I loved every drop of it. When he was still I made sure no seed had been wasted and then stood up.

“There, wasn’t that nice?” I said and patted his head.

He stared at his tea mug and slowly said, “Yes, my child, it sure was.”

He then turned his head to the heavens and with outstretched hands he continued, “Lord, why have you forsaken me, why have you made me a weak man who enjoys the flesh of a woman, albeit this one also a wolf? Please tell me, I am an old man, not far from the grave and I beg you to tell me.”

The room was silent, no answer came. So I leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Father George, your god is not answering you.”

“No he isn’t, and I hate him for it.”

I sat down on his lap and felt his semi-erect cock against my ass cheeks. I swung my left leg over his head like a ballerina and with that, I was straddling him. Moving slowly I pressed my sex against his shaft which once again grew hard. My long legs had their feet planted on the floor so it was easy for me to raise myself just enough to be able to sit down on his shaft. When he slid into me, his mouth formed an O and he put his hands on my boobs.

“My pussy is your new god, father, and I am her priestess.”


Father George

The events of the last couple of days swirled around me and how Luna had captured me with her body and powerfully seductive powers. When she slid her luscious pussy down over my cock, it was something I had never hoped for in my basest thoughts. I could not have imagined this even if I had considered it

“Oh Luna, you feel glorious,” I gasped and squeezed her full breasts. I pushed forward to take a nipple in my mouth and as I began to suck, she moaned and began to move faster on me.

“Keep doing that! Now the other!” she whined in my ear, a deep growl, and relentlessly pounded on my lap.

Then, the most amazing things happened. Her whole body began to convulse and her voice sounded more like the howl of an animal as she had an orgasm that kept coming and coming. Her contractions squeezed me so hard that a damn broke in me and she milked me as I shot load after powerful load into her.

As we both came down from our powerful orgasms, she laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped me in her arms. Her quiet growls and the relaxation of our muscles almost caused us to fall asleep in each other’s arms. As I drifted, I thought about what an earthshaking event was me finding Luna in the forest. I had not the least idea of what changes she would bring to my home, indeed, to my very life. When I took my religious vows those many years ago to fulfill a deathbed promise to my mother, I had never given any thoughts to lust. As the years went by and I served my congregations, I was able to keep all such feelings at bay. This beautiful wolf creature changed all that almost overnight.

As we embraced each other, in a kind of trance, another most amazing thing happened. My limp cock was still inside her and I knew that if she arose I would slip out of her. Then she squeezed it with the walls of her pussy, once, twice, and then several times and as she did so, I began to become hard yet once again. As she felt me swell inside her she started to move, this time in slow circles with her eyes closed and the soft growling in my ear. I knew at that very moment, if I had not believed it before, I could not let this woman and her mystery go. My priesthood would have to be left behind so I could roam with her wherever she would go. I would never again live without this kind of love.



I was impressed by the Father’s libido. For a man his age, he could fuck longer and shoot more cum than most men I had been with. Was this a sign to not just kill him after I had had my fun and then leave his rotting corpse in his house to be found by a worried parishioner?

I had never been good with long term relationships, I was more of a one-time girl. Many men, both human and shapeshifters had begged me to stay with them. Most were dead, others, I had let live out of the knowledge that they would suffer from their hearts broken. I was a cold bitch, and I knew it.

“Can I ask you something?” said Father George after he had recovered from his fourth orgasm.

I was still sitting on his lap and his cock was inside me. “Sure.”

“I...I...I want you to turn me.”

I leaned back and put my hands on his shoulders. My boobs were heaving from all the fucking. “You do know that that means, don’t you?”

“No, I guess I don’t.”

“You would have to die and then wake up a werewolf.”

His eyes opened wide and I leaned in a bit. “Imagine these ripping your throat to pieces,” I said at the same time I shifted so my face became that of the wolf. I opened my mouth and saliva dripped from my white fangs.

My nose was so close to his they almost touched. The fear in his eyes was real, and I thought he would have a heart attack right there and then keel over and die. But, he didn’t, the old fucker was tough and after taking a deep breath he said something. I turned back to human form again.

“What was that, Father?”

“I said, I’m okay with it. My body is old, I have no family to take care of me, and after fornicating with you I could not look my parishioners in the eye and tell them to be good people and good neighbors.”

I got off him and went into the kitchen where I drank a glass of water. He followed me and leaned against the kitchen table.

“Please, Luna, I beg you, help me. I don’t care if you have to rip out my throat or tear my chest open. I will gladly face pain and death knowing I will be immortal when I wake up.”

I walked up to him and said, “You won’t be immortal, but you will live a lot longer than a human.”

“How old are you?”

I tilted my head. “I’m two hundred and fifty years old, but don’t I look great?” I added with a giggle.

“Yeah, you do. Please, let me become one of you.”

I looked at the old man standing in front of me. I could easily turn him but then what? Would he follow me around like a lost puppy or would he leave me alone, which was what I preferred?

“Okay, I’ll do it but on one condition.”

His entire face smiled and he seemed eager as a schoolboy. “Sure, anything.”

“When you have turned, we go our separate ways.”


“No, I don’t want or need anyone close to me. That’s the deal, you turn, you fuck off out of my life, deal?”

“Okay, I promise.”

He tilted his head so his neck was exposed waiting for me to tear into it with my fangs and claws.

I laughed and said, “Father George, there is no need to make a mess in your kitchen.”

I pulled down his underwear and took his limp cock between my lips. He quickly became fully erect and when I looked up at him with half closed eyes he said, “What, what are you doing, I thought..?”

That’s when I nicked his cock with a fang and drew blood. He hardly noticed it but I tasted the red juice and almost turned completely to a werewolf. I mustered all my strength not to and as I slowly sucked and licked his cock my saliva entered his blood stream. His legs became week and just as his seed poured down my throat he stumbled and then fell to the floor.

I watched him to make sure he was out and then carried him to his bed where I lay him down.

The full moon was the following evening and he wouldn’t wake up until then. I hoped I had done the right thing because if not I would have to kill him.




The window to his bedroom was open and the full moon shone in and bathed the wall on the opposite side. Father George was in the shadow and he looked peaceful. When I put a hand on his cheeks he stirred. Slowly his eyes opened and when he saw me he said, “Luna, what happened?”

“It’s over, you are now like me.”

He lifted his head and looked down at his naked body. “But I’m still a man.”

“Get up and stand on all fours and make sure the moon shines on you.”

He had hardly moved into position when ripples crossed his skin from every side. There was a whisper that sounded like grass blowing in the wind and his back was suddenly covered in black hair and so were his flanks. His tail shot out and his hands and feet grew in size while the bones in his body cracked and popped. Long claws were now visible and finally, his face contorted and a snout shot out hiding long white fangs.

I turned myself and as I was in full werewolf shape I read his mind. “No!” I growled.

“Yes, I will fuck you right here and now, bitch.”

“I warned you,” I said.

“I don’t care, I am as strong as you know.”

This was what I had been afraid off. I had seen it many times with men I had converted. Once in werewolf shape, the beast takes over and everything else disappears.

When he tried to mount me from behind I turned and snapped my jaws at him.

“Don’t play difficult, I know you like it,” he growled and tried again.

I whipped around and since I was so much faster and more experienced than him I had his throat in my jaws before he realized what had happened. With a quick tug, I ripped him open and he fell bleeding to the floor.

I watched as his eyes glazed over until they finally closed. Then I jumped out of the window and ran into the woods behind his house. I was so fucking horny, but the funny thing was, I only liked to be fucked in human form. Maybe I should have told Father George that?

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Dear Diary part 15 Like One of the Girls

Dear Diary, A girl can walk herself into an opportunity she simply cannot pass on. This girl sashayed heel toe heel toe into one recently, though I might have given away too much in the process. I work in marketing in an office dominated by very astute women. They always come into work wearing chic, gorgeous outfits ready to meet with our clients. I often admire their style and keep mental notes of their outfits and pieces that I want in my closet. I am also the only "boy" in the...

3 years ago
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open relationship

My wife received an email from an old college friend who was going to be in town over the holidays saying that he would like to catch up with us and share some drinks or food. Well the night of the dinner came and I had a client come into town to try to hammer out some details on an up coming deal, I told my wife that she would have to go alone if that was alright and she said with a wry smile that Vic always had something for her and I said that if that was the case that she should let him...

4 years ago
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High School Cruise with Joseph

Joseph and I were great friends, but many people wouldn't expect it. We were both 16 and juniors in high school. Joseph was a varsity football player. He wasn't the star by any means, but he still had a great body with amazing abs and biceps. He was about 5' 9", had short brown curly hair, tanned olive skin, and a smile with green eyes to die for. I was still fairly popular in high school, but I spent a lot of time studying. I had a slim and lean body, was about 5' 8" with short brown hair, and...

Gay Male
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Conversion to Perversion Ch 01

Carla Evans loved the feeling of her needy, horny little cunt being filled by the big, thick strap-on. She felt so full and packed, she felt like such a woman. How silly had she been in waiting for so long to surrender her precious virginity? Why had she fought it for so long? Sex was wonderful, sex was fun! Over the past three months, she had discovered happy feelings that she had never known before and all of those related back to her sexual conversion. She had gone from shy little virgin to...

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I remember how old I was when I put it in

I was eight when I put my finger in myself, back and front, shocking, yes of course it is, but I was curious.At ten I discovered my dad's obsession with porn, so by then I knew about sex, cock sucking, cum, fucking, and anal.When at eleven and a half, I found my dad's girlfriend's vibrator in a handbag in the wardrobe, washed it clean, and as they say, 'The rest is history'.Whether my hymen was gone by eight or three and a half years later, one thing is certain, by the time I started growing...

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Caroline Ch 1202

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Contains firstly oral, then later oral, straight, and anal. Mike’s Tale Mike and Amy at the Villa Mimosa I’m writing this some time after the event. Lena wanted to collect all these pieces together so she could remember the past when she was older. She added to them all the...

1 year ago
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A Night With My Dear One

Hi folks, Thanks for all, who applauded me for writing my love cum sex stories in the recent 2 posts. I hope, those all you have read my stories, got to know that those are real experience one, not a fake. I know, since it is real, it may not drive that much sexual pleasure of you but guys, let me inform you, many have sent me responses either way of thanking me, congratulating me and supporting me. I recently had spent my night with her, so I will be narrating you all the night pleasure I’ve...

2 years ago
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Double Dealing

"When did you get so good at poker?" muttered Sebastian as he stripped off his undershirt. "I don't know," said Michelle, "When did you start working out?" "About a year ago," said Sebastian, "as I recall, you accused me of becoming a musclehead at the time." As he said it, he looked over at Devon, Michelle's new beau, for any sign of a reaction. It was hard to tell by fire and lantern light, but there was no sign, positive or negative. He kept his head down, concentrating on...

3 years ago
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Bred in the Balcony

I was leaning over the equipment with probably a better view of the stage than anywhere else in the theatre. This used to be a luxury box back when this place was more prosperous back in the 20’s, but it hadn’t been used in decades so they blocked it off in favor of a better sound system. In my opinion, they made the right choice. I was leaning over a piece of equipment, feeling the vibrations of the music and my right hand down in my panties lightly stroking my clit on my way to orgasm-town...

4 years ago
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Enjoying With Neighbour Aunt

Hey, guys, this is Harick Patel from Mumbai. This story is all about how I fucked my neighbouring aunt. Sorry for all the grammatical errors below. I am 19 years old and this happened a few days back, my neighbouring aunt’s name is Sara , she is 38 years old and have a fair structure, her boobs are small around ’32’ but her butts are very big almost around ’40’ she was 5’5 in height and her husband is quite wealthy and works for a national company so most of the time he is out of Mumbai. So...

2 years ago
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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

1 year ago
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Public Displays pt 1

(The setting is within a local department store, the main character is a girl who has been stopping by day after day, building what was once an innocent crush into a deep feeling of desire for him.. this story will depict their first encounter, after close to a month of her seeing him, daydreaming, and shyly running off when he looks in her direction..)Her demeanor revealing her true intentions; her arms rest behind her back, exposing her chest… Her shirt tightly gripping her body, the top...

1 year ago
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Nose job

I lost my virginity two days after I turned eighteen late birthday gift maybe, it was more of pain then pleasure. My best friend and I talked about it the jerk fucked me and left me with pain, I've had my share of sex but I never experianced an orgasm until I was twenty one. This is what happend me and bunch of girlfriend went out bar hopping I got so drunk I gave myself to this stranger who took me by the hand and in to the boys room he made me sit on the toilet, closed the door, lifted my...

2 years ago
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A party for dummies

One day I was on my way home and saw that I had a text from an old friend and so I started texting him non-stop and could'nt think of anyone else. So one day he invited me to go to a big party with him and his friends. I decided to accept knowing that I had'nt done much lately. So when I was getting ready for the party I decided to shave my vagina, so I did and I felt this night was going to be fun. I put on my black laced bra and thong under my clothes and went to the party. When I got to the...

2 years ago
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Daddy and I Secret Revealed

I was in the car with my dad. We were coming back home from the work and as mom was out of the city with a friend, it was obvious that Dad and I were going to fuck and sleep in my room. These naughty dirty things started between me and Dad about eight months ago. I could surely say that in these eight months Dad had fucked me more than he had fucked Mom. As we reached our house I stepped out of the car. It was around 10:00 p.m. and the night was beautiful with a full moon in the clear sky. I...

4 years ago
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Coming Out A Strange Fetish Revealed

This is a story about a really strange fetish. Most people will not be able to relate to it. Maybe a few will and maybe they will even get aroused by it. There are very few of us who share this fetish.The other day, I was browsing my favorite fetish blog. A came across an ad that caught my attention. It said, "I am a professional dominatrix, named Phoenix and I am interested in strange fetishes. Not the usual stuff, like feet, latex, leather etc., but really strange ones that only you seem to...

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BBC takes my ASS Gay

This is the true story of how I lost my anal virginity to Big Black Cock. I wanted to give some backstory and that's kind of long but I assure you the read is worth it.It starts before I would actually end up losing my virginity. I was dating a female.For the first year of our relationship everything was pretty normal. But when she went to college and I wasn't yet. She got a job at a mall and was constantly surrounded by older people. Eventually she stopped seeing me as a boyfriend and just a...

4 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 6

In the morning, I woke up and made coffee. As I drank it, I looked over the RV and realized that some shopping would be appropriate. I put on shorts, sneakers and a tee shirt. I went to walk and run to loosen up. I would return for more coffee and make a real list. This was a different RV park from before. It was closer to the airport by comparison and looked to be more transient. I had picked it for the airport. I had finished my walk and went inside to shower off quickly. I dressed again...

2 years ago
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The Electricians HaremChapter 9

Clarice called Jarvis to check in. She told him she was in love. He reminded her to be careful. “You are so sweet to worry about me JarJar. You know why I know Paul is the one? He never thinks about taking, only what he can give me,” Clarice said. Jarvis apparently made some pointed comments about all the things I could give her like STIs and babies. She laughed and told him he needed to get laid and get a more positive outlook. “If you have any candidates in mind, Miss I do hope they...

4 years ago
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My School Girl Fantasy

I’m a little school girl with pigtails wearing a mini skirt. You are my male classmate who helps me study for a tough exam. While we were studying at your place, you start to flirt with me, which lead to kissing me. It is my first kiss. You feel very horny that you carry me upstairs and lay me down on your bed, but I say no. You force me down. As you force me, I try to fight back, but you are so strong. You unbutton my shirt and later your hands lower to my mini skirt. You start to rub my...

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Text Suprise

James was finishing yet another bar shift at the hotel. It had been a long week and tomorrow the guests were going home. The last guests wobbled up the stairs having had one too many benny and hot waters and muttered their good nights. James sighed with relief and started to lock reception up, the soft lights in the bar making his eyes lower with tiredness. He was thinking how much housekeeping needed to be done when his phone buzzed. He had a new text message. With a look of puzzlement he...

Quickie Sex
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 9

We ate lunch with our friends. It was fun. As we were walking to Agnes’ history class, I received a phone call. It was from the District Attorney’s office notifying me that there was going to be a hearing Friday over Mike’s death. I asked what was the purpose of the hearing. I was told that it was to determine whether or not charges would be filed against Miz Stover for murder and myself for assault and battery. I asked if we should obtain legal representation since we had only protected...

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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Anya Olsen Sexual Curiosity

Johnny Castle spies his stepdaughter Anya Olsen checking out dick pics on her cell phone, so he punishes her by leaning her over his knee and lifting up her uniform skirt to spank her. Anya finally gets him to stop spanking her by saying that she’ll look at his dick instead of random ones on the Internet. When Jonny agrees, Anya gets down on her knees and whips his cock out. The next thing Johnny knows, Anya has wrapped her puffy lips around his stiffie and has started sucking. His weak...

2 years ago
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My Naughty Niece

Hannah is quite tall for most girls her age, standing at 5’10”. Even at 6 feet, my forehead barely stands higher than her. She has long brunette hair that she tends to keep in a ponytail which accentuates her long face. She has a point noise, big eyes and luscious lips that she highlights with a shadow tone of lipstick to contrast her milky cream colored skin. She is quite fit and despite never dressing provocatively, I can tell that she is blessed in the upper region. Ever since she’s...

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Chhoti Bahan Ko Chut Chaat Ke Tadpaaya

Me apki kamukta kahaniya pad kar hi apni chhoti bahan ko chod paya hu Indian sex stories pe hi me jyada kahani padta tha. Kyuki ispe kahani post karna bahut easy h baki bahut sari websites me kahani read kar chuka hu Ab me apni chhoti bahan ki chudai ki kahani lekar aya hu kahani suru karne se pahle me apko mera intro de deta hu mera name arayaa maaran h (changed) hight 5’5 h or average athletic body h 6 inch ka saaman (loda) h or 5.5 inch diameter h bhopal mp ka rahne wala hu 25 saal ka hu or...

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Dale vists

It was Saturday early evening we were out in the garage lounge. The wife's folks live with us and we don't get much privacy until they go to sleep. It's an attached garage that we use for our private place to have some drinks, a smoke and watch some video. A car pulled into the driveway and someone got out. We don't have many visitors and we were surprised to see an old friend of ours walking up the drive. We all exchanged hugs and they shared a few kisses and we went in to catch up on things....

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The Road to ChaosChapter 36

After the tsunami cleanup, after the prescribed period of national mourning, after the investigation into the confiscation of the Flintkote boat absolved him from any violation of Maritime law, Chief petty officer Mahiro Sato was finally at peace to look into the directions for building his portal. The boat was refurbished at National Expense and returned to the Flintkote family along with the thanks of a grateful nation. The Flintkotes were unstinting with neither labor nor finances. The...

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Jr Prom 3

In the morning, I got up early and was so happy, I couldn't believe it. Ihad sucked cock and been fucked like a girl. Not only that, I was so goodat it, my dad was proud of me.I had a big smile as I walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but my nightgown. My dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee."Good Morning... How are you today?" I asked as I lifted my gown andflashed him some pussy.He just smiled. "I'm 38 years old and last night I fucked the hottest 16year old in town. Not only...

3 years ago
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Bound And Bound Again

You get out of the shower and dry yourself off. You walk into our bedroom naked, looking forward to doing all the things you fantasized about while showering. Suddenly you feel someone grab you from behind. Before you can make a sound a hand is over your mouth. You start to panic but then your eyes adjust to the dark. You notice that I'm not in the bed and you feel the body pressed hard against you. You feel a hard cock pressed between your butt cheeks. You realize it is me holding you. ...

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More Fun With Jenny

So, I dropped my boy off at school, and headed on over there. She lived about 12 miles from my door. I went the back roads to avoid the morning traffic. On my way I received a SMS was her lips and tongue, then another, it was her nipple, then another, strangely her fingers! This was followed shortly by a text saying, my pussy juice on my fingers..wrapped around your nice big hard cock x" Oddly enough, i getting quite turned on. I was about 10 minutes away and another sms, her...

3 years ago
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Tour Guide

"I don't swallow," Linda blurted drunkly."I do," Denise countered with casual frankness. I watched Linda make ‘her’ face, the one she always made when discussing aspects of sex that disgusted her. I'd seen it so frequently in the last ten years that it was too familiar, almost her natural state. The nose wrinkled and the brows crunched in, the mouth grimaced in revulsion. She never missed an opportunity to express her revulsion. "E-ew," she spat.Denise looked at me with arched brows. "She do...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 12 I Cant Drive 55

NIS Day 4 – Mid-Afternoon, 11th Grade Biology Class, Medway High School 1:32pm, Thursday, November 1, 1979 “Ohhh! Lord! No!“ Sammy exclaimed after she turned into our eighth period biology class. “That’s, that’s a ... those are a couple of Gyno-chairs!” “Da-Doctor Tatum! Wa-what are you doing, here?” Tempe asked as she stared wide eyed at the two gyno-chairs and the tall good-looking thirty-five-year-old man standing next to Mr. Campbell. “Good afternoon, NIS folks,” Mr. Campbell, our...

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Cum Eating Challenge

Quite likely just about every guy has at some point or other thought about eating or at least tasting his own cum, but a good many never have. If they are honest about it, most guys out there find it a turn on to fantasize about being made to eat their own cum or perhaps even the semen of another guy under the right set of circumstances. If that describes you, then this task is something you might enjoy. Especially you guys who do enjoy fantasizing about cum eating but who wouldn’t dare to ever...

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Jennys Punishment Letter

Jenny sat on a seat in the hallway clutching her Punishment Letter. She was still stinging from the punishment already given to her by the dominant Headmistress. Now, as her Mum was away, Mrs Denver was going to deal with her, just one hour after punishing her. She was exhilarated and pensive at the same time, still tensing her thighs and giving herself a series of mini orgasms. She still managed a wicked smile as she watched Charlotte and Kelly Hall leave the Academy, both rubbing their...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 11

Christmas came on a Thursday that year, and on Christmas morning, we all sat around the tree in our living room. We opened packages and showed our gifts to one another. Most of my presents were clothes, including some items from the store where Mom worked. My brother also received new underwear, getting boxers instead of the white briefs he normally wore. After all of the gifts under the tree were opened, my dad got up and left the room. Dad returned carrying a box, placed it on the floor...

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Daddy turns Jessica into a Woman

I didn't care anymore, I wanted him to hear me now. I wanted my Daddy to come inside and see what I was doing, I wanted him to look at me as a woman not a little girl. I was tired of trying to be silent so he wouldn't hear me, I simply didn't care anymore. I licked my fingers and slipped them into my pussy, positioning myself on the bed that if he came in the first thing he would see would be my pink, juicy, wet pussy. I hit my G-Spot and moaned loudly on purpose imagining him dominating me. "...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 23

Chapter 23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Awakening Lyden Snow spared a quick glance over to where Sonia spoke to Shelly. He didn’t know what was wrong with either of his children, though one of Sheldon’s girlfriends— Shlee? Mandy?— attempted to tell him what they’d endured. Shelly was acting like a sex-crazed maniac while looking like she couldn’t care less about everything else going on. And Sheldon…. His oldest son lay comatose in his arms. His breathing was even, though his...

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JulesJordan Alina Lopez Double Team Frenzy

Sexy Slut Puppy Alina Lopez Gets Trained To Be The Perfect Slave By Jules & Steve! Collared & double-leashed Alina is led around on all fours until the guys find the perfect spot to stand her up. They inspect the goods and pull down her top so they can suck on her nipples as their hands caress her curves before putting Alina back on the floor where she belongs. Assuming the appropriate position Alina helps pulls out both of their cocks and immediately gets to work on them. Alina...

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Stepson FantasyChapter 4 Wanda

After the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and erotic event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened, so Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her latest tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who never married,...

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Meri Maa Ki Vaasana 8211 Part I

Mera naam Kapil hai. Mai 22 saal ka hu, aur mai aapko, hamare ghar ki chudai ki dastan batane wala hu. Hamara ghar bahot chota hai. Mai, maa (40 saal) aur babuji (54), ham tino ekhi palang par sote hai. Pahile pahile mere kuch samaz mai nahi aata woh log kya karte hai. Aab toh mai 22 saalka hu, fir bhi maa ki masik pali ke 5 din chor ke 25 din dono pure nange sote hai. Babuji jaisehi light band kar bistar pe aate hai, maa ku pura nanga karte hai aur chaddar se dhak dete hai. Maa mere aur...

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The Ordinary Girl0

Jimmmy D. "You've just got to remember to let the right one in." "That's it!" was what Felicity yelled into her cellular phone. Whoever might have been on the other end of the phone tried to splutter some sort of apology or excuse, but Felicity wasn't having it. She'd had enough. "Fuck you, Fuck your friends, and Fuck that shriveled roll of dimes you call a dick!" were the last words she would ever speak to the person on the other end of the phone, and she punctuated it...

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In Love With Neighbor

It brings me back to the time when I was 19 then and stayed in the hostel. I used to come home every weekend to spend time with my family. one weekend when I came home I saw one lorry unloading goods in our neighborhood empty house. When I asked my dad about those people, he told me that they were our new neighbors. I went inside their house quickly to meet them. as soon as i opened the front door of the drawing room I saw a real sexy man of about 20 years age moving the sofa. ” Hi, I am...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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raynas contract ch 2

"I loved it. I loved it all. We should have another session tonight." replied Rayna. "Maybe after the party, eh?" suggested Drake rather sleepily. "I have an idea. Maybe we could start tonight’s contract, at the party." "You do realize that this is a banquet for your work? Without making a great impression on some of those guys, you won’t get the deals you need to further your modeling career." murmured Drake, appalled at Rayna's childish thoughts. "Yes I do, which is...

1 year ago
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A New Years To Remember

I am mesmerized by the beautiful light explosions happening above our heads. The sound of laughter, bad jokes and drunkenness filled the air around me. I look around to see my family and friends enjoying the cool night air. I look over to my husband and see him lighting another fuse. "Hun, be careful! You're going to blow us all up!" I say laughing. Bryan chuckles loudly. "Nah, we'll be ok. Hey Ron! Do we have anymore bottle rockets?" Oh God, I thought. A drunken Dad and husband isn’t a...

Straight Sex
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Hot Cousin K Sath Sexy Padhai

Hello friends mera naam rahul h. Ma delhi me rahta hu. Ma regular gym jaata hu aur meri body kaafi shape me h.   Ab kahani pe aate h. Meri ek family friend h jiska naam h jyoti. Woh kaafi gori h aur mast figure h 34,28,38. Uske boobs to aise h jase dekhte hi sehlane ko man kre. Uske nipples bhi kaafi bade h. Ab aap soch rahe h mjhe yh kase pata. Story padhiye aapko pata chl jayega. Baat h tb ki jb ma 12th me tha aur jyoti iit ki coaching le ri thi kota ma. Ma uske ghar regular jaaya krta tha....

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Hooked Chapter 2

Her body was trembling violently when she awoke a few hours later. The strain from the ropes wasbreaking her down, tears already falling down her sleepy face. She had been crying in her dreams, too.“Please let me down,” Penelope whispered.No response.“Please, please... let me down,” She begged her head sagging against her chest.“Please!” She was crying out now, the pain becoming more unbearable the more her body woke up fromits numbness.She was not sure how long it took her to fall back asleep...

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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

1 year ago
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From friends to lovers

Heartbroken. After falling in love for the first time, I was heartbroken. My boyfriend had cheated on me with some bitch he met at a strip club. IN MY BED! As soon as I kicked his sorry ass out, I called my best friend Jamal. He was at work and promised he would come over as soon as he got off. Tired and pissed off, I got in the shower. I let the hot water hit my body as I tried to cry away the pain. After fifteen minutes of crying, thinking and washing, I got out of the shower. As I stepped...

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Indian Princes One Part 2

The next thing I knew, another woman appeared on the screen. Now, my Indian Princess - as previously described - is very dark, with coal-black hair and eyes. She is buxom, with the nicest little tummy mound above her pubis. "Lisa" was exactly the opposite: slender, yellow-blonde, and about 4 inches taller than the Princess. Lisa had been guided to the front of the computer by the hand of the Princess, which totally grabbed me - in more ways than one. Lisa squatted next to the Princess, so both...

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Bookstore For BoysChapter 2

It was with increasing apprehension that Jennifer awaited her after-closing engagement with Skip Palmer the next day. She still wasn't sure what it was that had prompted her to make her offer to go through The Joy of Sex with him. She hadn't even thought about the lack of wisdom in her proposal until the words were out of her mouth, and by then it was too late for her to back out. Nor had she been encouraged by her hasty reading, last night, of the book itself. Though it was not really...

2 years ago
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 1 4

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Written 24 July - 8 August 2013 Two teenage twins, one boy and one girl Looking so much alike, from their toes to their curls But the spider of fate had them caught in its web And had other ideas for the lives that they led. Chapter 1 The spider of fate, is building its web The strands that it weaves are lives that are led. With each...

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My Young Stud

I held the glass of tequila in my hands, often bringing it up to my lips getting little sips, just to keep the burn there. The boy next to me kept eyeing me. He was probably twenty-five. Or, as my friend would say, twenty-fine. He had short brown hair and bright blue eyes. He ordered another shot from the bartender, and then gulped it down. He then swiveled over to me and said, "I'm Kyle. Do you want to dance?"I gave him a look and said, "Boy, I'm old enough to be your mama."And to that he...

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Learn Chapter 2

Maximilian sat down at the table for coffee at this godforsaken hotel lobby, sick of the place. He'd been here for two weeks now, on business. It wasn't even one of the five-star types of hotel he was used to staying at, it was quite ordinary accommodation. Surely a vice-president of one of the most important companies in one of the most important industries of Germany, should not be living in a hotel filled with common people and common families? Max wasn't one for family life. He grew up an...

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Confession Chapter 4

Thank god it's leather, I thought as I stood up on rather wobbly legs. I was just about to pick up my clothes when a flashing light caught my eye. I looked under the chair where I had knocked my phone and realized there was a text message. I opened the phone and saw the message from my brother. Again I felt a prickle of guilt as I opened the message. “I'm sorry if I freaked you out, sis. I didn't mean to upset you. I've been in a bit of a weird place lately and to be honest, my behavior was...

2 years ago
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Vile Chapter 6 Isolation

The gentle sound of a cute yawn woke Rhino from his waning sleep, his tired eyes peering through thin slits to focus upon Bird's stretching physique, her perky breasts presented from her arching back. Had it all been a dream between them? Rhino's memories were those of a trance, blurred fragments of what may or may not have happened, and no mind of what led up to the events; he blushed thinking about what he had shared with the girl he had grown to feel such affection for, remembering...

2 years ago
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Me Jerking my cock

After a long day at work, I decide to go the local library to study for an exam. I'm already stressed out and I have a huge throbbing bulge in my pants that will not quit. I'm at the back corner of the library on my laptop away from everyone else. With only a few people there I decide to take a huge risk. Fuck it, there's hardly anyone here and this hard huge lain cock is unrelenting!!I can not concentrate anymore and I have to release this mind numbing pressure off my cock!! I bust out my...

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