I want to be a woman Chapter two
- 4 years ago
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Sharon was overwhelmed by the dinner. The fine silver, the white bone china plates with the gold rims, the candelabras at either end of the long oak table...
She had never seen such sumptuousness, nor such food, nor such service, and she felt ill at ease. While Mark and Lena carried on a witty conversation, and sparkling rejoinders back and forth all through the five courses, Sharon kept to herself, only speaking when spoken to, nodding and smiling other times, and worrying about the sleeves of her blue organdy dinner dress when she wasn't eating.
The blue organdy was a bad choice, a mistake she instantly realized when entering the dining room, after having descended the broad, banistered stairs from the second floor. She didn't have the proper clothes for such an affair to begin with; being American and the wife of a still rising businessman, she didn't attend affairs of this caliber. The blue organdy was formal, but didn't have the polish, the sophistication, that, say the black lace Empire dress Lena was wearing possessed. The quiet, dignified grace just wasn't there -- it made her seem young like a pubescent girl going to her junior-prom. She was in brief, embarrassed.
Wafto, impeccable in his black uniform, served and cleared with a subservience almost touching. It was obvious to Sharon that the little hunch-back doted on his master, lived and breathed to serve Mark Marlowe, to repay the debt of gratitude for being employed as a respectable man rather than a side-show freak. Wafto hobbled around at amazing speed, his miniature clubfoot with its built-up shoe thumping against the thick Oriental carpeting with the rapidity of a jack-hammer. He had to reach up to the table for the dishes and glasses, but in spite of his infirmities not a dish clattered, or a glass pinged.
Sharon watched Wafto, torn between her ambivalent feelings of repulsion and of pity. There was a sort of horror to the dwarf, a kind of wolfish glitter to his eyes and an evil smirk to his rubbery lips which, when he faced Sharon, made her cringe. It was -- well, it was almost as if he was undressing her with his eyes, leering at her as though envisioning her stripped completely naked in bed! A cold, clammy shiver would travel the length of her spine, then, and her stomach would grow queasy.
And yet that couldn't be, she told herself. It was her imagination; it had to be. Wafto had been nothing save the beautifully trained gentleman's gentleman that he was, acting as butler, servant, and chef aplomb. And always with proper manners. Not once had spoken out of turn or made any untoward gesture to her, and he had treated her with the respect and deference that she, as a house-guest of his Master, should be afforded. So Sharon felt guilty, concluding that her unwarranted fear of Wafto was nothing more than prejudice, and aversion to his unfortunate plight.
Wafto could not help what he was. It was an accident of birth, she kept reminding herself, a tragedy of sperm and ovum that was a curse to him, and one which he must surely know caused contempt and revulsion on the part of others, more normal humans. She was being unfair and as ugly in her mind as he was on the surface, she thought, and therefore she felt sorry for him as well. "The slings and arrows of outrageous misfortunes," she quoted in her mind. She watched Wafto, then; watched him with the fascination which humanity watches all great sorrows.
Poor girl. Had she but known what was burning through the hunch- backed dwarf's mind, she wouldn't have been so full of self-chastisement. Wafto went through the motions of servitude, starting from the first answering of the door, through the carrying of her bags upstairs to the guest bedroom and the serving of dinner with but one licentious flame lusting in the furnace of his sadistic brain. Soon... soon I will possess this proud beauty, this American bitch who looks at me with such coldness... yes, soon I will have her, and she'll like it. She'll love it, love me, me and my fine, huge cock worming around in her proud young belly. Soon...
The last course had been served, the dessert of Camembert cheese and ripe fruit. The last of the knives and forks which had lined each side of the place settings had been used to cut and eat, the china plates with the pits and seeds had been removed, and there was the long pause as the three of them sat back, touched their mouths with the linen napkins and slothfully contemplated the large amounts they'd just consumed.
"Shall we have coffee now?" Lena asked.
"Ah, yes," Mark replied, smiling. "Wafto!"
"Coming," Wafto said from the kitchen, and then he appeared. "You wish coffee?"
"In the living room, I think. And a little Grand Marnier, perhaps." Mark rose, placing his napkin on the table, and smiled at both Lena and Sharon. "I think we'll be more comfortable there, don't you agree?"
"I'm not sure I can move," Sharon said. "I'm so full..." There had been soup, a fine clear broth sprinkled with chives and parsley. Then the fish course. Sharon had never been one for fish, but the little fried surf-fish were in a mixture of lemon juice and butter and melted in her mouth. Fresh, Mark had assured her, caught just that morning. And then the filets, the eye of the beef broiled with garlic and the hearts of artichokes, and the side course of snow peas, and the baked potato still in its jacket, bursting with sour cream. And, of course, the final course of fruit. Never had she eaten so much or so well, and her dress was tight around her expanded stomach.
Somehow she made it to the library and was nearly in a stupor, almost uncomfortable, and she couldn't understand how her host could keep such a trim, muscular figure if he ate like that every day. Or, for that matter, how Mark and Lena could still carry on their spirited discussion, have so much energy for other things besides digestion.
Mark was expounding, "... I cannot agree that the change in our government is for the better."
"But you yourself said, my dear Mark, that you weren't for the Liberals or for Labor," Lena replied. "I would think that you'd be all for the Conservatives to be back in power."
"That's just it," Mark replied. "They aren't in power. Oh, they were voted in, Edward Heath to the prime minister's chair and all, but it doesn't mean one whit of difference. Not one whit."
"Why?" Sharon asked simply. She had never delved in politics much; as an American she didn't feel that she should form opinions about English politics, and she had left most of the domestic politics to her husband. Still, what Mark was saying puzzled her.
"Because the government doesn't hold the reins of power, Mrs. Court. May I call you Sharon?"
"Of course; please do, Mr. Marlowe," she blushed. "I mean Mark."
He smiled at her slip and continued. "Now in answer to your question, you must understand that in any important nation -- yours, mine, Russia, France, whatever -- you have a bureaucracy, a gray, anonymous world of officialdom, a growing army of civil servants, council officials, tax inspectors, and big business administrators. It is, as Balzac said, 'a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.'"
"Naturally, there's the staff. But --" Lena was interrupted by Wafto, bearing a shiny silver tray of coffee and cups and liqueur and glasses. Wafto set the tray down and proceeded to pour and serve. Lena continued. "But they are controlled by the government."
"On the contrary. Ah, thank you, Wafto." Mark stirred his coffee. "It's the other way around. Consider: the incoming party have been denied information on which to base political decisions because they were formally the opposition. Without such information, all their big talk about changing ways is irrelevant."
"But they have the information when they are in power," Sharon protested. She sipped her Grand Marnier tentatively, enjoying its combination sweet stickiness and bitter fruit flavor.
"That's it, Sharon, Grand Marnier is an excellent digestive aid. I always follow my evening meal with it." Mark turned to Wafto, who had finished serving. "My Partagas, Wafto, if you please. And the ah, special cigarettes." Then he turned back to the beautiful young wife. "I'm sorry for the interruption, Sharon," he sighed. "No, I'm afraid they don't have the information. The only way a minister could effectively challenge an already existing policy would be by going into the whole thing again from scratch, reading all the papers, tracing all the details of planning and contracting from the moment the project was conceived to the stage at which it arrived on his desk claiming an urgent decision. And that is exactly just what he can't do. He has neither the time nor the specialist knowledge. He is forced to take most of what has gone before as read."
Again the conversation was interrupted by the hunch-backed servant, who this time appeared with a large wooden box and a smaller silver one. He opened the silver box and offered its contents to Lena; Sharon could see slightly that the interior was of scarlet velvet and the contents a brownish type of cigarette. Lena took one and Wafto bent forward and lit the oddly colored cigarette with a large butane gas lighter of the same design as the silver box.
"The minister," Mark went on to say, "as well as the whole new government are limited by ignorance, in other words."
"Then how can decisions be made?" Sharon asked. The box was passed to her. "Oh, no thank you, Wafto. I prefer my own brand."
"No, do take one my dear," Mark urged. "They're something special, a grade of foreign tobacco much better than our English Virginia which yours are no doubt made of. I insist; it's as much an after dinner ritual at Marlowe Manor as Grand Marnier, or my Cuban cigars."
Sharon selected one, feeling its course paper in her fingers as she put its cork-wrap tip in her mouth. Wafto applied the fire; she inhaled. It was strange, an entirely different kind of taste than her brand -- an odd sour-sweet flavor which seemed to go deeper in her lungs, imbibing an entirely new sensation than she had ever experienced while smoking since... since she first began! She inhaled again, smelling the pungency of the tobacco. It wasn't rough, like a coarse American cigarette might be, just edifying, giving her that same euphoria as had happened when she had snuck a Camel from her father's package and smoked it secretly behind the garage many years ago. A simple matter of getting used to, she supposed...
"Certainly strong," she commented, blinking.
Mark had clipped the end of the Partagas cigar, which he had selected from the large wooden humidor Wafto had brought to him. "Yes, aren't they? Very tasty, I'd say. A mixture of Latakia, Turkish, Burley, and Cannabis," he winked knowingly at Lena, who seemed to have a silly smirk on her face as though she was sharing some kind of secret with him. "Mostly the latter," he added.
"Can -- cana --?" she tried to pronounce the last named tobacco. Somehow she was having a hard time focusing her mind on the word; things were getting a little woozy, in fact.
"Cannabis," Mark repeated. "Sometimes referred to as grifti, when it comes from Morocco as this particular batch did."
"Oh." It really didn't seem to matter. She continued to smoke, letting the lethargy she felt after the meal, the liqueur, and, peculiarly, the cigarette, take over her body.
"To get back to what I was saying," Mark continued, "the information the Minister receives has been filtered many times by who? By the same bureaucracy, by the same civil servants who have been there before him, before his predecessor no doubt. The Minister has no way of knowing what was discarded, what was emphasized. He may think he has a choice of three or four courses of action, but each of those courses has been plotted by his top civil servants, and they leave him little doubt about which course they think to be the best. Theoretically the Minister is in power, is free to reject that advice, but the fact is that he must always be dependent."
"That's a very cynical approach, Mark," Lena was saying.
To Sharon, her hearing was fading, for Lena seemed to be further away, as if speaking from the end of some long, narrow, echoing hall. She frowned and shook her head, trying to clear her mind, but it didn't seem to do any good. Moreover, she didn't really care. Everything was too pleasant, too relaxing to get excited over. She sunk still further in the feather-like softness of the couch and kicked off her shoes. Yes; it was too much trouble to keep up the pretense of correctness -- she hiked her stockinged feet up and tucked them under her buttocks. Her dress bunched around her waist... she should pull it down, stay modest, if informal... but again, it was too much trouble. So much nicer just to stay as she was and drink her Grand Marnier and smoke the odd cigarette with the Moroccan grifti.
"Not cynical, Lena," Mark replied. "Just practical."
"Practical," Sharon repeated soporifically. She thought the word was fun and tripped it lightly over her tongue a few times, even humming a little tune along with it. There was a small, faint warning in the back of her head, saying: what's wrong? Why are you acting like this? But she didn't pay any heed to it. The room was so beautiful, more beautiful than she had realized, so full of colors and that tapestry hanging over the credenza seemed almost alive with hues and shades. She stared at the tapestry, soaking in every detail and thread of its woven Hunter-and-Stag design.
"Practical," Lena was saying from far, far away. "Practical like smoking marijuana, Mark?"
Marijuana... that was bad... very naughty to smoke marijuana... did things to people. Sharon smiled at Lena vaguely, not once relating the reference to the drug to her own condition.
"I'm always practical, my love," Mark said. "That way I get what I want."
"You always get what you want, don't you?" Lena stood up and crossed to the wide leather chair in which Mark was seated. She seemed to take a century to walk to him, or so Sharon thought; such a slow walker... and now what was she doing? Leaning over, also in slow motion, I can see her lips puckered as though she was going to kiss him... how nice... kissing is a sign of love... I kiss Neal all the time... I'd like to have Neal with me right now, to kiss me hard as Mark is kissing Lena, to fondle my breasts as he is...
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After our experience with the cop we went home cleaning up and enjoyed a night of gentle yet hot love making. Being in bed with Arlene just didn't seem wrong, and if I had to say who had I felt more love for right now it would be a toss up between my Faye and Arlene. I think I may've got a clue about the two girls past, when I was going to town between those sexy thighs of Arlene's, she moaned eat me Faye. I often wondered about the two of them the way they would touch or if they kissed each...
"Please can I touch your nipple? Please,.. Mitch beg. "Haven't you touch your brother's nipple." I was still resisting."That is different, beside his fat and it look like a breast bigger than mine," she giggle and we both laugh and smile."Please Tito?" Tito means Uncle in our country."Ok!" I give in.Then she pulled me in the room and closed the door behind us.I said, "Leave the door slightly open, if your mother come up we will know and be ready to act normal. Mitch agree and we promise each...
Sorry, it took me so long to finish this story. But here you go Part II – The Next Morning. I woke the next morning with a pounding head ache. I rolled over and noticed I was in bed alone, which caused me to wonder if last night was a dream. I rolled out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. Marie walked into the bathroom with a cup of coffee and some aspirin, which I swallowed down with a big gulp of coffee. She then asked if I was ready for a hot shower, which I answered with a big “Yes”. I...
LesbianChanel Grey is one of those hippie chicks who like to get in touch with herself by wearing long flowing dresses and doing yoga. Today, she takes her down to earth attitude all the way down to her knees as she sucks our studs throbbing dong. She shoves it in her mouth and gets it as far down her throat as it will fit before popping her twat for some scorching hot pussy penetration. Our stud fucks her from every angle they can think of before giving her a creamy cum injection inside her tight,...
xmoviesforyouPart two His cock is back in his trousers, and we walk back home. I'm still in a daze, and wondering if I'm going to wake up in my bed and find this has all been a dream. No, this is Vicky walking home, on her Uncle's arm again. My hand still tingles where it was jerking his cock, and my wrist aches too. My head is down under the umbrella again, and my stride is slower than before, and not as unsure as it was when we first set off. Car headlights pass illuminating my legs in my black tights....
I have seen a lot of things in my life and I question what morality really is. Wanted to post my thoughts somewhere on this, and since it covers adult subjects I figure it might belong here on Lit. My first thought is, the normal ethics and morals of today’s society has failed us. Plain and simple, they have become overly complicated, unrealistic to where no one would ever be able to actually achieve what is considered to be the modern moral standard. It kind of reminds me of this one sexual...
July 26, 1997, Moscow, Russia “They’re really good,” Paul observed as we watched the Russian youth team warm up. “The Russians take their hockey as seriously as they take football in Texas and basketball in Indiana.” “So it’s religious, then.” “Pretty much!” I chuckled. “Who’s that guy on the ice with them, wearing a different uniform? One of the coaches?” Chris asked. I chuckled, “No. He’s Deputy Chief of Staff for President Yeltsin. His name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and I’ve...
She hurried back to her "lair" for a continuation of her session. I decided to listen for a while....and did she ever get a yell producting orgasm. I had to lower the sound then, so I could sleep as I had to take care of the c***dren the next day.When I awakened, I looked out the window and saw that his car was still here. I turned the sound on and they were going at it again. Not long though, I heard his car driving away. I quickly slipped into her "welcoming nest" and slid into bed. She...
{[email protected] test=1}This story works only in game mode. Please activate. It has also been recently reorganized, so I would appreciate it if you kept track of your decisions and let me know if any path leads to wrong outcomes. Thank you!{endif} The city walls appeared through the misty haze of the late afternoon. Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident, the Young Wolf, the King who saved the North, rode at the head of his host. 2,000 cavalry, not enough to fight any battles, but...
Around a two weeks had passed since my experience with Helen (my mother in law) and her friend Susan. I had hadn't seen my either of my inlaws since then and wondred how awkward things might be if they visted us or my wife and I visited them. Luckily I was in no rush to visit them and my wife was on the second day of a week long business trip so that gave more time before we may visit them. Around mid morning I decided to mow the lawn which needed doing. After mowing the lawn I went back into...
Wife LoversI was trimming around the gardens when Mr. Newburger came out and beckoned to me. I walked over, trying not to smile. I had made a cuckold of him a half-dozen times with his trophy wife, who was one hot fuck, but I had only met him once before. He stuck out his hand and said, “Need a favor.” I waited. “My ex is getting married and sent me my kid. Might be permanent, damn it, lawyers are working on it. Anyhow, she can’t drive and I ain’t gonna haul her ass around.” I nodded. “So you willing to...
First TimeChapter 2 Ben Bradshaw, BNB, hated going to the Greek Life Council meeting and was so happy it was over. It was filled with pompous people grand standing their small achievements. The louder and longer the President of the frat or sorority opined about the good deeds their organization did, the more likely it was small and insignificant. The charity work was not about making the community a better place; it was about being better than the competition He wished that the service...
My name is alok I’m 25 years old boy and I’m not smart but good looking hu meri girlfriend ka naam neha h or uski age bhi 24 k aas paas hogi wese mene apna or uaka naam galat btaya h sorry real nahi bata sakta wo meri first girlfriend thi usse pehle meri koi gF nahi thi me ladkiyo se bohot door rehta tha. abhi bhi I’m very shay mera usse breakup ho chuka h actually me ladkiyo se bohot sharmata tha isliye me use pasand aa gaya tha or usne hi mujhe purpose kiya tha mene use pehli baat kiss jab...
Hi dosto, main ISS ka reader hoon, lekin aj tak kisi larki ko nahin chod saka. Ye kahani jo main sunaney jar aha hon, bari hi ajeeb hai baqi kahanion sey, mera nam zohaib hai meri age 25 sal hai, meri 2 sisters hain (Afshan aur nasreen) Afshan is waqt 30 ki hai aur nasreen is waqt 33 ki ho gi. Hum Pakistan k city rahim yar khan main rehtey hain, aaj se at least 15 sal pehley shuru hoi thi jis waqt main 4th ya 5th class main tha. Nasreen jo k us waqt matriculation main thi aur Afshan 6th main...
Cindi and I have been fortunate, we both landed great jobs out of college and we enjoy expensive vacations. We both belong to country clubs and we stay in shape. Cindi is 26, blond, 115 lbs. smallish firm titties she doesn’t mind showing off when we travel out of state. She has a great muscular butt and she’s into it.I’m 28, dark hair, 6’2” and a package that is proportionate with my height. Lean and firm.Cindi talked me into a cabana at a place on the Yucatan. It is secluded. We have our own...
It was dark, rainy and cold here in New York City. I hated it. I had been living in Honolulu for the last 8 years and gotten used to the beautiful weather there. I also objected to the fact that I was sitting in the back seat of a dirty taxi making my way from Kennedy Airport to a hotel in midtown. But what the hell it was only for two weeks and then I could return to paradise. I could put up with almost anything for two weeks. I was ordered by my publisher to attend the awards ceremony and...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf and WunderboiChapter 49 - The Diary explains it all******Our story thus far:The welcomed arrival of Rhino the South African electronics conglomerate to impoverish town of Hawksville transformed the lives of many of the original inhabitants and at the same time attracted many outsiders to come and work for the dynamic company. What was not initially understood was that the products Rhino manufactured and the...
"Mom, aren't we going to the lagoon today?" Thomas asked the next day when his mother showed no indication that she was getting ready to go. Grace told Thomas that she wasn't feeling well and that they would have to wait a few days for any further lessons. She wasn't entirely lying as her period had started. But there was another reason ... she was worried about being alone with him again. She could see that Thomas was upset but she convinced herself that it was unavoidable. She...
Introduction: a story about the perfect girl.. My names Kevin, Im the quarterback of the football team, straight A student, and quite the ladies man (if I do say so myself). Im used to getting any and everything that I want (seen as how my parents are the richest people in town). But as much as I would love to tell you Ive always been a good looking guy&hellip,.I cant. In the fourth grade, I was the tall nerd kid who sat by himself because he had no friends. And thats just how life was, no...
You know how it is when something happens on one of the milestone dates in your life, or one of the ones on the calendar, something that then becomes inextricably tied to that date or that holiday each year when it rolls around? For me, for what I’m going to tell you about next, it started on my birthday, and I suppose I’ll always tie these events to that date. And that, for some reason strikes me as being very odd. Well, really it’s odd that it started at all, regardless of the date, but all...
Zane and Falina were having problems of their own. With her pregnancy advancing as it was, they had lost the intimacy, they had, so long, enjoyed, so much. She was used to them having sex at least four or five times a week, and even more often, at times. He was afraid that he would hurt her, or the baby, and held off. Falina enjoyed exciting her husband of now, nine years. She had grown more wanton as he had discovered that she enjoyed being shared with other men. She had, also, discovered that...