Critical Modification Chapter 1
- 4 years ago
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The badge clipped onto your shirt pocket reads "Lewis Smith", and a not-flattering-but-not-unflattering picture of you is next to your name. Underneath is written the text "Junior Laboratory Worker". Your job is largely grunt work; you mix chemicals, prepare injections, handle paperwork, and generally do whatever you're told. You have always wanted to work at DICO, but now you're here you find yourself feeling increasingly underwhelmed by it.
As far as your appearance goes, you're 5'10" tall and of reasonably athletic build. You have short brown hair, a clean shaven face, and you prefer contacts over glasses. You wear an immaculate, white lab coat with a light blue collared shirt, a black tie, and black trousers with black leather shoes. On Friday's you're allowed to wear a different coloured tie. Woo hoo.
When you saw a newspaper advertising a junior role at DICO's Reality Modification department, you jumped at the chance. You've heard the rumours spread far and wide across the internet about the company's top secret military contracts and accusations of human testing, but you didn't care. You've always been curious about this scientific field, and you're applying before you even finish reading the job ad. Unfortunately for bright young Lewis, once you settled into the daily grind you became increasingly resentful of your superiors and long for anything interesting to break the monotony.
You finish brewing a cup of coffee for Dr. Henazi (not in your job description) and sigh a little inwardly. It's laughable, really; all the technology and equipment at the disposal of this company and you spend your days carrying out mind-numbing work on a decrepit, 8-year-old computer with a sticky keyboard.
You rifle through your messy desk, wondering if you've got anything fun you could make this boring Monday pass faster...
DNA I like to walk to work on the days that aren't too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work. I smelled the fresh cut lawns and the subtle hints of humidity...
DNA: Time On His Hands Just a little short story set in my DNA universe I've been working on. You don't need to have read the main DNA sequence or the other DNA side story to understand what's going on here. For those of you who are wondering, I have started work on DNA III. This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is...
In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed. He ignored the dress and wore a loose green jumper and a pair of Anne's jeans. He noticed he was still wearing Julie's crucifix, it looked quite nice to Jim nestled between his breasts. After he had got home the previous night, Julie had been very apologetic and comforted Jim as the full enormity of what he had done had struck him. Jim secretly forgave her, he was actually starting to like her...
Recombinant DNA by Carol Collins Daniel Sims, Junior, lay on his bed gazing out the window. Spring had come early to the area where he lived. "Funny," he thought to himself, "when I was a kid, I ran through the pastures and rolled in the grass. I played with all the other children, grew up, got married, raised children of my own, worked in medical research for almost forty years. I thought that I would live forever. And now, I am almost at the end." Daniel had...
DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...
Jim ran his hand over his curving stomach and probed the strange folds of his vagina, how in the name of God was a baby supposed to fit through that? Well you might get to find out, said a corner of his mind. He thrust that away, the chances of him getting pregnant were small, he decided. I've only had sex as a girl once and you are always hearing of couples who can't get pregnant, he thought. In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed....
Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into themselves. So they'll immediately pick up the DNA from...
Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. The Female ModificationFacility Part 1: Arriving Waking up was like climbing a steep hill throughthick cobwebs. It would have been so much nicer to let herself fall back intothe comfortable warmth. As her consciousness crept back so too did the pain.It was an all over, every crevice of the body ache that intensified at...
"How is your research progressing, Doctor?" Quince asked. Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into...
Doctor Mary Ellen Dryden never felt quite at ease with the world. She spent most of her forty-seven years as a bit of a loner, never daring to grow close enough to anyone else to establish a true and lasting friendship. Even while at college, she avoided any and all real chances to associate with her peer group. She felt more secure that way, even if she was lonely. The six foot seven redhead had even repeatedly been begged to join the woman's basketball team. Mary always politely turned the...
Anne hung up and rubbed her bleary eyes. She was getting nowhere. The DNA altering virus she had injected Jim with had resisted all her attempts to remove it. If she increased the potency of the virus any more it would destroy his entire genetic makeup and Jim would literally disolve. A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old...
The actual announcement was fairly low-key. Anne submitted papers to the more respected science journals, and forwarded copies to various research groups working in the same field as herself. At the same time, she held a small press conference. For the first few days she was deluged by phone calls, faxes and e-mails asking all sorts of questions about the DNA virus. Most of the researchers contacting her from around the world couldn't believe her claims. By the second week, the mainstream...
A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...
"Am I keeping you up, Jim?" she said, smiling. "Sorry Anne, what exactly is that batch designed to do?" A small grin slipped across her face. "It's a secret, if it works you'll be the first to know." Jim gave up, it was obvious she was not going to share her secret. Jim had a fair idea what it was, for months Dr Chamberlain had been working on a project to rewrite a persons' DNA via a benign virus. The advantages were obvious, any defect in a persons DNA could be repaired....
Sex-Change: DNA by ponygirlTS Preface I've read many stories about changing one's DNA in order to change one's sex. Let me tell you that it isn't as easy as and painless as they lead you to believe. Chapter One Unlike Steve Martin, I wasn't born a poor little black baby but I was sure close. You see, I was the product of a couple of sixteen...
Quince had stopped at a cheap motel late in the night and had booked into a room. He was glad to finally stop driving; his leg had been getting cramp. As soon as he reached his room, he opened his suitcase. A quick check confirmed that the vials and money were present and intact. The vials were clearly labelled. The last thing that Quince wanted to do was take the wrong one. Quince regretted leaving his horses behind, but there wasn't any real choice. At least with the DNA viruses based on...
Normally he started the morning with some simple exercises. He had let them slip but he decided to do them while he waited for Michael to get up. It felt very different than when he did them in his old body. His upper body was far more supple than he was used to and his lower male half was obviously far less fit and had been a stranger to exercise. His breasts bobbed and tugged at his chest with every movement. He had to stop several times just to readjust his bra and stop his breasts...
Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine voice still sounded way too high to himself and he unconsciously cleared his throat. The receptionist frowned. "I don't recognise the name. Hold on, I'll just check our records." She tapped at her computer for a few moments. "No, I'm sorry. I have no record of a Doctor...
Edited by 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan'. I'm pissed, mad, aggravated and whatever other adjectives you want to use that are negative. I can't believe what she did to me. My so-called wonderful girlfriend and future wife took what I thought was a good relationship and threw it down a toilet. Let me start at the beginning: Sheila and I met at a private party. I was nineteen at the time and she was twenty-two. We always laughed when people asked if she was robbing the cradle. It didn't...
Martin keeps Beth sedated and takes care of Beth's hygienic and hydration needs. After the prescribed 12 hours have passed, Martin removes the Skin Repair patches and is pleased with the result. As indicated on the instructions Martin had downloaded from the Internet, there shouldn't be any vaginal sexual intercourse with Beth until she fully heals in four weeks. Beth awoke but could open her eyes. She heard a voice saying, "Don't bother to move. You are on muscle relaxants and pain...
Note: Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Bosses is a story of a woman who experiences the pleasures and frustrations of being a Hot-wife who loves Big Black Cock. It also looks at the desperation that her “husband” must endure as she is shared with a black man and given to a Master who changes her appearance without regard to how others will see her. It is a very true fictional story of how couples deal with the changes that they did not foresee when they decide to step into this...
Behavioral Modification Punishment Alessandra Durante "What are we going to do about that boy", Peter said as he looked at his wife, Brenda. Brenda shook her head and threw up her hands as she thought about her son, James. She had thought she had raised him right. He was a respectful and polite as a child, but his teenage years had seen him turn into a completely different person. Like her husband, Brenda blamed James's friends for his bad behavior. James started hanging out...
Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...
Is there any woman who doesn't remember the astounding day she woke up with her very first erection? My personal memory of what should have been a thrilling experience is forever marred by the reaction of Mark, my husband. I, like most of the newly created futanari, had slept through the process of my new penis erupting through the final layer of my epidermis. I had gone to bed feeling quite bloated and ill, and had taken a sleep aide to try and get some much needed rest. Mark, missing our...
Have you ever had a moment that, looking back on it, you know you behaved ridiculously, but did it anyway? It was at that moment, realizing that Eric and Bryan were in the room and were seeing me half undressed, that I squealed and looked for something to cover myself with. Yes, I had just been raped. My rapists cum was at that moment creating a warm pool at the back of my pussy, but I was concerned about my modesty. It's laughable, I know. But ... well, old habit die hard I...
Simonds breathed a sigh of relief as the last courier car pulled out of sight. He hadn't believed that Quince would be able to pull off this one final deal. Quince had just finishing dividing up the hefty pile of cash as Simonds entered the house. Simonds had never liked Quince's house, preferring to do business at the Quince Biochemicals building back in the city. Quince, however, had never trusted his people, who had replaced nearly a dozen policemen. He felt far safer in his...
Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe we can process the consignment before we have to leave. Remember, this final...
As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...
Amy awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright."8:30? Shit, I'm going to be so late!"Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as she could in her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. As soon as she was decent she rushed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and an apple for breakfast. She'd have to skip the normal coffee and cereal if she was going to get to...
Tara Gale knew some girls didn't handle the change very well, and she thought they were fools. When she went to bed the night before her fourteenth birthday, she never dreamed that the nasty crampy belly ache she had suffered with all day would lead to the best birthday present she had ever received! Later, she had heard the stories on the news about how many women had panicked over what they had become, but not her. When she awoke on her fourteenth birthday with a whopping big fourteen inch...
I was back about six months when I came face to face with some of the complications of spending several years in the past and only aging a few minutes back here in real time. I guess I should not say “real time” by referring to the present as the only reality. In a way, I had considered the travel to the past as more exciting and real than supposed reality itself. That probably sounds crazy to most and I would be cautious about saying that to some shrink I didn’t trust one hundred percent or...
Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread. Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and...
Paul slept better that night than he had since his transformation. For the first time there was light at the end of the tunnel. It was just after eight in the morning that Paul woke up. It was very quiet in the apartment. Michael wasn't up yet. The small amount of clothes he had lay on a chair in a small pile. He didn't like the idea, but he was going to need new clothes. Female clothes. Well, at least he could choose ones that were less revealing. Normally he started the morning with some...
"What do you mean, he's gone?" Quince's voice barked out of the mobile phone. Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe...
Adnan ko mein koi ek saal sey jaanta hoon…..wo koi 18-20 saal ka bara chikna launda tha…..6feet ka lamba slim aur muskarahut yau ghazub ki….jiski missal nahii…wo Toronto -Canada shayed refujee status pe aaya tha….aur ek apartment building mein 3 Pathan key saath raheta tha….usskey saatiyoon mein uski jo sub se ziada madad ki uska naam Zahin Khan jo taxi driver bhi hai….aur shayed koi 40 saal ka hooga…isska room mate tha… Waise daikhney mein Adnan bara chikna…aur ager kissi larki ke kapde...
The Program By Sissy Candie She said it would change my life, little did I know how much! First let me tell you a bit about myself, or actually, who I was. Three weeks ago, I was a systems analyst, named Michael for a major software company. Today, so much has changed, I don't know where to start. I was logged in to the main server, trying to find out why some of the custom functions for one of our clients were acting up, when a new co-worker, Amanda, asked what I was...
I.E.T.P (Identity Execution Transfer Program) deals with the sensitive issue of capitol punishment, it is fiction and should be viewed that way. I would never condone this type of execution ever! The concept of I.E.T.P is chilling, and yet in some sort of warped way... highly believable, especially when you consider the thoughts that possess the minds of today's leaders. The original idea for I.E.T.P. came from several replies to stories that I and other authors have written. Many...
JUAN or The Youth Health Control Program. By Angel Fouco A devious woman dominates young boys and girls and makes them fullfill her sexual phantasies. (F+/m, F+/f, F+/f+m+, M/m, M+F+/f, humil, cons) Main Characters: Ana C?rdova In?s Ju?rez, a female Doctor Mariana Garc?a, assistant secretary Juan Cuadrado Casilda Cuadrado, his sister Several others from the neighborhood Chapter 1: The health program Ana C?rdova, was a stout, short woman of around forty five years old. She was like the ruler over...
I was writing an SRU story and suddenly was blocked on where I wanted to go with it, so, after all the past discussion on morph software on the list, I wrote this instead, and brought back one of my odd characters. Bill ------------------ The Morfus Program By Bill Hart Mel sat quietly in front of his PC trying to decide whether or not to load the new morphing software he'd just bought. Normally there wouldn't be a problem, but he'd just picked up the software at the new...
Haan tau abb mein yaani Adnan. Aapko iss kahani ka 2nd part sunnata hoon. Zara dill thaam ke baithoo. Aaj kal mein university of karachi ke hostel mein hoon . Jaisa ke aap ko maloom hai mein iss waqt 20 saal ka sporty body wala jawaan hoon. Pechley saaloon se koi sex ka waqiya nahi huwa. Sirf mooth maar ker guzzara kerlaita hoon. Idher hostel mein university khulne se 2 haftey pehley hi aagaya tha. Mujhey merey parents ne ek jeep bhi dee hai. Wo loog london mein business ke silseley mein udher...
Gay MaleHis head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her bed? Then he remembered lying naked in her arms on the bed, letting Mandy suck and caress his breasts. He remembered slipping his hard cock into her eager pussy...
It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been working on it for nearly two weeks now, and he still couldn't see any way to reverse the process without a great deal of danger to the subject. Nearly every day, Paul would journey to his lab to see if any progress had been made. Paul could never quite hide his disappointment when...
"I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white blouse. He had never really noticed that woman's blouses had...
"Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied Simonds. "Damn. How much do they...
UKRAINE TAKED THE FIRST PLACE! DNA Absorption ...Spelling and punctuation of the author saved. Writes Alain, who lives in Budapest.So far, however, in terms of the amount and volume of drunk sperm ... But, apart from the Crimean conflict, they began to discuss the positive aspects of this state abroad. This is a porn site, which porn users often mention in abbreviated form - RV. A dozen Ukrainian marvels traveled to Madrid last year to taste nutritionally-protein yogurt from...
Green Acres 7: I-DNA and I By Ron Dow75 "Oh, for the love of..." Oliver Wendell Douglas nearly cursed as he woke up. It was the middle of the night. But that not what had him upset. He threw the covers off of his king-sized bed (and sent confetti flying). "What the-- Not again!" His fit but gray 60-year-old body was back wearing a long silk nightgown (green, this time). With its puffy sleeves, the only part of him left uncovered were his shoulders, and gray chest hairs...
My twin sister drives me crazy! Every time I turn around, she does yet another thing to make me lose it! "Lisa, you're disgusting! Next time use the toilet!" She gave me a stricken look, and I had the pleasure of seeing the blush almost make her face glow. "Oh shit! I didn't do that on purpose Sherry! I, um, I was watching a new download, and, uh, I accidentally reached the point of no return!" "And you just had to unload, right?" I laughed. "Wait until I tell mom what you were doing...
"Are you sure about this?" asked Quince. "Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied...
"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white...
Michael Kingston had never been invited out to Quince's house before. It wasn't a large house, but being well out of the city, it had a fair-sized field which contained several expensive horses. Apart from his company, they were the only thing Quince showed any real interest in. It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been...
As Paul's eyes focused on the ceiling it gradually occurred to him that it was the wrong color. He raised his head and realised that he was in Mandy's room. His head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her...
Paul's eyes stared in horror at the syringe Bill was holding. Once that was injected into him, he'd start down the path that led to total servitude. "Hold still," commanded Bill. He reached out and grabbed hold of Paul. Despite all his efforts, Paul could not get free from Bill's iron grip. Paul felt the needle being pressed against his arm and he knew it was now or never. He bit Bill as hard as possible on the arm, drawing blood as he did so. Bill bellowed in anger, but didn't let...
Simonds drove in a state of near panic. It took all of his self- control not to accelerate wildly when he saw two patrol cars scream past him going the other way. He watched the flashing lights vanish into the distance. He wondered if they were heading to Quince's house. Whatever the case, he had to dump the car as soon as possible. He was now heavily implicated in the murder of eight policemen and Quince's thugs who had replaced them. Despite the misgivings he had about taking the virus,...
Anne was so preoccupied as she left the plane that she walked straight past the policeman. "Doctor Chamberlain?" he said. She turned and noticed him and his patrol car for the first time. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's going on?" "Lieutenant Harrison will brief you on the way to the hospital." Hospital? Anne climbed into the back of the car. A man in a crumpled grey suit was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around as the car pulled out of the airport. "I'm sorry for...
Paul brushed his long, curly hair out of his eyes as he lowered his mouth to Anne's pussy. He ran his tongue gently over her lower lips until he reached her clit. He smiled as he heard Anne give a very familiar moan. At last she was getting into the mood. Paul began licking and nipping at her cunt. He had always enjoyed eating pussy. He had introduced Anne to it when they had first made love. Relations between them had been a little rocky since Paul had arrived at Anne's house. She was...
"So you're saying it can be done?" I asked. "We believe so, yes" "That's fantastic, when do we start?" "Easy there Jeremy. This isn't something we can just start tomorrow. I know we've been reviewing this for months, but that was just to plan all the roadblocks and how to deal with them. Now we have to get a surgical team together and plan all the logistics. We will want x-ray and MRI's available to check things, we'll need surgical supplies and medications on standby, a full...
"The Deeper Program" Agnes had been studying magazine and computer ads for a recreation service. It wasn't new, it had been around for a few years and was deemed perfectly safe. This is the twenty-first century after all, technology has arrived. There were all sorts of "vacations" a person could take with this computer simulation. The system was situated in an offshoot lab in a large urban hospital. With this system a person could take a vacation without actually going on a real...
My name is Adnan , I am doing my msc in University of Karachi. Iss waqt meri age 20 saal hai…I am 6 feet height, and about 125lbs weigh…and I have a good size Cock- Lund…7 inch long and kafi moota hai…and its circumcised. .I am actually very proud of my Lund . Meri Gaand merey ek mamoo ney bachpun mein phaari thee jub mei 18 saal ka tha. . Huwa aisa uss waqt mein apney kunwarey mamoo ke ghar gaya huwa tha. .meri grand parents kissi wedding mein Lahore gaye huwey thay……mujhey daikhker merey...
Gay Male