Female Modification Facility free porn video

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Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy.

The Female ModificationFacility

Part 1: Arriving

Waking up was like climbing a steep hill throughthick cobwebs. It would have been so much nicer to let herself fall back intothe comfortable warmth. As her consciousness crept back so too did the pain.It was an all over, every crevice of the body ache that intensified at severalpoints namely her breasts and lower abdomen.

She tried to roll over and groaned with the effort.

"This one's waking up." Said a male voice

"So? You know procedure. Get her ready to move." Replieda disinterested male voice.

She had not managed yet to open her eyes when shefelt something being forced onto her feet and around her neck. There was asharp pinch at her upper arm and suddenly she found herself wide awake.

Glancing around she discovered herself to be insome kind of hospital bed. Two men who must have been the ones she had heardearlier were standing on either side of her bed, dressed as orderlies.

"Get up woman." Said the larger of the two commanded.

Somewhat dazed from her quick awakening she obeyedwithout thinking and was embarrassed to find she was naked. Not completelynaked she did have the shiny black shoes with uncomfortable 4 inch heels andwhat felt like a wide leather collar.

"Where…where are my clothes?" she askedbewildered

"Shut up." Said the disinterested one as he grabbedher tit roughly and dragged her to the door.

Her last glimpse of the room showed whole rowsof identical beds, most of which were occupied by unconscious women. The hallwayshe was walked through was bare with high barred windows. The door at the endwas made of prison bars.

"Welcome home bitch!" said the big guy as theydragged her struggling through the door.

It was a huge three story prison though unlikethe movies this one was clinically clean. As she was hurried through she caughtglimpses of the prisoners. They were all women and all naked, save for shoesand collars. They were different sizes and shapes but each beautiful in theirway.

They passed under a walkway supported by ten pairsof clear cylinders. Inside each cylinder was a naked woman their mouths heldopen by some sort of metal gag. Their arms were tied behind their backs butthis was pointless, the tubes they were in were so narrow their shoulders couldnearly touch both sides at the same time. Several of the larger breasted women'snipples were pressed against the tube. The disturbing thing was that all ofthe tubes were filled, to varying degrees, with a foul looking yellowish brownlumpy liquid. Her suspicions were confirmed when she caught a glimpse of thelabel plate hanging above a girl who's tube was filled up to her chin.

"SEWER" it read. She shuddered as she was draggedon down the passageway.

They turned a corner just before a raised platformfrom which emitted a series of sharp 'CRACK's and female shrieks of pain.

She was dragged up the stairs to the third floor.As she walked several things dawned on her. First, her body felt wrong, unbalanced.She couldn't be certain but her boobs felt bigger, heavier for one. That wasthe other problem, try as she might she couldn't remember what she looked likeor even her own name. Anything before waking up in the 'hospital' was an impenetrablefog.

They stopped in front of a cell that looked nodifferent than the others. "Hey! Butt-Fuck! You new roommate's here." The largerof the two orderlies said, opening the barred door.

Inside a small olive skinned woman stood, bowingher head low, "Sirs"

"Her name's Penny," she was thrown into the cell,nearly falling at the small woman's feet. "Explain the way things work."

The newly christened Penny tenderly massaged herbruised tit, sniffling pitifully. Without a second look the orderlies walkedaway. Once she was sure the men were out of hearing the dark haired woman helpedPenny to sit on the single bed.

"Is your name really Penny?"

"I…don't know. I don't think so…"

"Then you probably don't remember much else." Sheran her fingers through her raven hair, "My name, at least now, is Butt-Fuck.You can call me BF."

"Why am I here, in jail?"

"Oh who knows….maybe you did something wrongmaybe not. This is no normal prison though."

Penny looked bewildered, "What?"

"This," BF made a grand gesture encompassing all, "isthe Specialized Female Modification Facility. Also known to us residents ashell."


"Of course," she laughed, "You woke up in a hospitalright?"

Penny nodded.

"Sore all over? Especially tits, butt, and maybelips?"

Again a nod.

"I think it's safe to say that whoever you usedto be you weren't…" she pointed to Penny's bust, "quite so shapely."

"I still don't understand."

BF sighed, "The women here, some were on deathrow, some were kidnapped or bought. All of them though were brought here tobe remade. First they remake our bodies, if necessary, then proceed to breakand remake our minds."

Penny was about to ask more questions when a voiceboomed through the corridors, "Lights out. All residents not possessing specialpermission must return to their cells for tuck in."

"Oh shit. Alright," BF looked around frantically, "Listenyou remember how I stood when they brought you in here?"

"I think so. Why?"

BF began messing up her hair in a seemingly practicedway. "There'll be some guards…I know what they'll do to me but you…" shebit her lip, "Just do exactly as you're told, trust me it'll hurt a lot less."

There was the sound of footsteps approaching fromboth ends of the walkway. Cell doors opened followed first by muffled malevoices then by women. It was an orchestra of suffering. Some were moaning,some crying, many shrieking, a few were cursing, and none of them seemed tobe doing it out of joy.

Penny had just followed her cellmate's promptingto get in position when their door slid open. In walked a hugely muscled manwith slicked back black hair. "Hello Butt-Fucker, your new girlfriend's finallyhere I see." He stroked BF's pert B cup breasts, "Hands and knees on the bed,you've got a 10 man protein enema."

"Yes sir!" Penny thought she saw a faint smileon the woman's pouty lips as she got into position.

"And you," He turned to Penny, "On your knees."

"What? Why..aiee!" she squealed as the guard kickedout her knee, forcing her to the ground.

"Rule number one: Obedience without question!" Hepunctuated each word with a jab to one breast or the other with a cattle prodlike device. While her mouth was open to scream he deftly removed a spreadergag from his belt and installed it behind her molars, then cuffed her handsbehind her back.

"Jack, I believe it was your turn for first oralfrom a newbie?"

A toned but skinny black man appeared, "Yes sir!Thank you sir!" Jack accepted the electric prod, undoing the quick releasefly of his uniform.

"Do with her as you will but no cumming until yougive Butt-Fuck a good reaming!"

"Yes sir!" Jack grabbed a hand full of Penny'shair and jammed the prod so hard against her right nipple he could feel herrib. He held it there for over ten seconds, letting her shrieks of pain andnude squirming harden his prick to its full 10 inches. Then, without warningor care for her comfort he slowly drove his manhood down her throat. He simplykept pulling her towards him until her nose was smashed against his groin.

Meanwhile Butt-Fuck was receiving her 'enema'.Nine men entered the cell in succession to sodomize the dark beauties un-lubedass. There was no foreplay, not even a hello. Each man entered the cell, fuckedher as hard as they could (considerably hard given the amount of practice theygot) until they came, then moved to her face where she quickly licked themclean of shit and cum.

Between licking dicks that had been up her buttshe held the lead guard's penis in her mouth. Not giving him a blowjob, thehead of his rod rested gently at the back of her throat, simply holding itand humming contentedly as she tried not to cum before being given permission.

All men at the FMF were possessed of some exceptionalsexual ability be it length, girth, endurance or volume of seed. These menhad all those traits but were exceptionally disciplined and their goal wasnot to exhaust her. Thus it was less than an hour before it was Jack's turn.

He released Penny, leaving her gasping for breath,face bright red from near suffocation and drool running down her chin likea small waterfall. She swooned, collapsing against the wall, barely remainingon her knees.

Jack was quick to add his load to the copious amountsof jizz flooding BF's bowel. As he stood there being expertly cleaned by hertongue he asked, "Sir, did you need me to stay and help finish the newbie'sintro?"

The head guard smiled, "Nah, you already did apretty good job of sedating her. You can watch if you want though."

"Thanks Jake but I'm supposed to be in the whippingroom if you don't need me." Jake saluted and walked out of the cell.

Jake caressed BF's hair, "Such a good little whore."

She cooed, leaning into his hand.

Jake walked slowly to her back and drove his rodinto her, pumped several times and began to piss. "Cum. Now." He ordered.

It was a relief to hear the order, with his warmpiss filling her after such a thorough ass fucking she wouldn't have been ableto resist. She let out an animalistic growl as she orgasmed, Jake roughly spankingher. When he withdrew she had to consciously clench her rear to keep what feltlike gallons of piss, jizz, and shit from running down her leg. Letting herselfbe pulled to standing by the hair she sighed, "ooh…I'm so full Sir!"

He kissed her deeply, "Good thing you have a newtoilet."

She looked at the still dazed Penny, her mouthheld wide, and said uncertainly "As you wish, sir."

He leaned in close to whisper in her ear, "Remember,you do a good job getting her through orientation and I'll be able to claimyou as my personal slave."

Her knees went weak and she nodded. "I'm sorry," shemuttered and turned her ass to Penny's face. Jake took a handful of Penny'shair shoving her mouth against BF's anus. With a groan BF relaxed her bowels.

Penny gagged and sputtered as the mixed jizz, shitand piss poured into her mouth. Her nose crushed against the dark woman's tailboneshe had no choice but to swallow or suffocate. It felt like gallons of thestuff was filling her stomach and it mad her realize she had no idea when shehad last eaten.

As if he had heard her thoughts Jake laughed, "Enjoyingyour first meal at FMF?"

He then attached a harness around her head andneck. The other end strapped around Butt-Fuck's waist, trapping Penny's spreadmouth to her pussy.

"Get in bed. If you're awake you're eating eachother out. You'll be checked randomly, of course, and will punish you if youare disobeying." He slid the door shut as the two women struggled to get comfortableon the narrow cot, bound as they were.

The night passed slowly for Penny, the smell ofpussy and well fucked ass less than an inch from her nose made her alreadyqueasy stomach retch. With the harness though she could do nothing more thandrool on Butt-Fuck's thighs and try not to let her tongue touch the hairlesscuntlips.

Once during the night she woke to feel somethingwarm and wet worming it's way into her pussy. It took a few seconds in thesleepy haze to realize it was her cell mate's tongue. Jerking her hips instinctivelyshe tried to pull away only to feel a pair of hands dig into her ass cheeksand hauling her back down. After a weak, unwanted orgasm she fell back asleep.

To Be continued…

Next: The first day.

Any comments, questions, suggestions are always welcome at [email protected]

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Female POW 1 Mother of All Rapes

INTRODUCTION: During the Gulf War two American female servicemembers were captured by the Iraqi Army. The women were non-combatants. One was a truck driver with a bad sense of directions; the other a doctor flying in a search and rescue helicopter. Both were, to use the official phrasing, "sexually abused". This story looks at what might have happened if women had been full combatants in that war. It was the second day of the air war and Air Force Major Diana Barker was feeling very...

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Female Gangs

Female GangsBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory: ONE  THURSDAY AFTERNOON?Why  don’t  you  shut  up!!?  cried  the young beautiful woman named Sarah.?No why don’t you shut up!!?  the young woman named Miranda  screamed back to her.It was a fight between two rival female gangs,  inside college campus.  The argument was taking place at one of the college’s narrow hallways.  Unfortunately, for all the other women studying in that college,  that the females highly outnumbered the males,  and the college...

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Female Led Marriage

Female Led Marriage by Sissie Maid Cuckold "That preacher sure messed up at our wedding." "What do you mean she messed up?" "She got it all mixed up she had me saying to: Love, Honor and Obey and then at the end she announced us as Ms. and Mrs. Coleen Jenson instead of Mr. and Ms. Ralph Ferguson, must have been her first time or something. " "You do remember agreeing to being in a female led marriage...don't you Ralph?" "Well Ya sure I agreed you could be the boss of the...

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Female Privilege

Author's note. We often hear the term "male privilege" almost always in a derogatory way as if there's something inherently wrong with a man taking advantage of certain aspects of his gender. However, we rarely hear the term "female privilege" and this could lead one to believe that there are no benefits to being female. In fact one could argue, and it may well be true, that the term "male privilege" was coined by a female, one with a massive chip on her shoulder who overlooked all...

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Female Slave Market Auction

A good friend of ours in the US told us that there would be a Slave Market Auction coming up in Southern Texas & that it was going to be a Fund Raising night for a Male Dom that had come down with Cancer.We have never attended a Slave Market Auction before, both my slaves & I were talking about this when diana asked if we could go, as it sounded like it would be a good event & for a good cause. alice said she had gone on line & read about real slave auctions, but didn't want to...

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Female Masturbation Japanese Style

Female Masturbation, Japanese Style Female Masturbation, Japanese StyleBy PoweroneCopyright 2006   This story is inspired by a series of Japanese videos titled ?Female Sexual Esthetique.?  ??????????? Eriko had always been close to her Grandmother, who had spoken at length about her life in Japan until she died last year.? Eriko was amazed at the stories her grandmother told, things that her mother would never even mention.? During her grandmother?s life, the sexual norms in Japan...

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Female Lifestyle Dominant

I did not become a dominant by accident! It was party fate and it was a combination of three factors. The first factor is any hypothesis and only theory, but I'm sure it was a important part in my path towards the dominant side of B&D.A) PhysiologyWe all have male and female hormones; science has proven that the behavioural traits come from these hormones. Meaning male hormones produce an aggressive behaviour and female hormones produce a passive behaviour. Some females produce xxy factor...

2 years ago
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Female Perversions for something different

This is something of a taboo subject, but it is real and continues to happen everyday in our lives. In this story I shall try to explain why women do this, I have done it and will tell you how I felt before, during and after, and if I will continue to do it, but please, if you wish to comment please do so after the story not in a private mailing, as I dont really like that.Please read on and see if you like my theme and the fact that we do it.1. If you look carefully at pet lovers, what is it...

3 years ago
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Female Perversions for Different Cock

This is something of a taboo subject, but it is real and continues to happen everyday in our lives. In this story I shall try to explain why women do this, I have done it and will tell you how I felt before, during and after, and if I will continue to do it, but please, if you wish to comment please do so after the story not in a private mailing, as I dont really like that.Please read on and see if you like my theme and the fact that we do it.1. If you look carefully at pet lovers, what is it...

2 years ago
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Female Housemate Wanted

I wasn’t really sure why we decided to take Phillip as a housemate. After Elle said she was moving out, me and Marie had agreed that we wanted to live with another female. Just for little stuff - so that we could walk around in our underwear without having to worry about some guy perving on us, that kind of thing. I’ve never lived with a guy before, but I can tell you from experience - living with girls is easy. Why mess with a good thing? Phillip worked with Elle at the video store. When he...

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Female POW 2 Nightmare in BosniaChapter 4

The tall, gaunt figure of Alexander Petrovic sat on his chair outside Arkan's office and sharpened his knife. That was what he did now that there was no fighting; he sharpened his knife, and he drank. He was bored and frustrated, just like he had been before the war- before Arkan had found him... While the fighting had been going on, Alexander had a place and a purpose. Despite his slender build, he had been Arkan's best killer, especially adapt when the victim was a bound prisoner...

1 year ago
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Female POW 2 Nightmare in BosniaChapter 5

The unforeseen fruits of Arkan's idea appeared a week later during a meeting at the White House between the President and the American ambassador to Italy. "Ah am confused, Mr. Ambassador! Tell me again how you came by this tape." "Well Mr. President, as you no doubt know I am - I have to be of course as ambassador- friendly with many of the government ministers. Occasionally, I attend very private parties given by some of the ministers, purely to discuss matters of interest to our...

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Females rule

He was 20 years old. His mother had taught him how to properly behave toward females of all ages, and he was out with her and his 10 year old sister shopping. He was not sure why he was there, but they stopped at a house boy store and his mother started looking at clothes…for him?!! Noooo they were so tight and the skirts so small. He said nothing while she held things up to him and handed the most embarrassing ones to him to keep and put others on the rack. At his home he had always worn...

3 years ago
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Female Fucking has taken a turn for the better

Come on, I know it can be embarrassing, but the truth is, apart from the real thing, women and girls today, are jumping on the alternative bandwagon for their fucking needs.I am not saying this girl has anything to be ashamed off, but girls are more adventuresome than boys, and their pets are chosen for love and curiosity. Do you know a girl who has a particular affection for her pet?There are three penises a girl will readily come into contact with as she grows and develops into a hot blooded...

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Female fragrances

Hi!This is Sunil again and wishing the best for ISS readers.In my previous stories I had told you about my voyeuristic sexpade with my Mami in Pune and then much later sex with her as Mama failed to satisfy her and during the course of our sexual dalliance she became pregnant and now has a beautiful daughter from me.It was during this dalliance that Istarted worshipping female body.My Mami is a queenlike looking Kokanastha Brahmin with creamy peach complexion and light eyes.She tall and bit...

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Female Ejaculation

Unleash the Ultimate G-spot orgasm If your reading this its clear that you want to know the depth and breadth of your sexuality experience.You want to feel great pleasure and amazing sexual ecstasy. You want it all, full body orgasms, multiple orgasms,extended orgasms with maximum energy that blows your mind, and that elusive and mysterious experience of female ejaculation. This is for both men and women. Not only willwomen learn to achieve female ejaculation, but men will learn how to help...

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Female for a day 2

  As Bill and I drove back from the doctor’s office I sat there in silence thinking about what had just happened. My name is John and up to a couple of days ago I had been a 24 year old guy. I had a fetish about what it would be like to have a set of female boobs and that is what got me in trouble. My friend Bill works at a drug research lab and provided me with a new drug that was being tested to increase a woman’s breast size. That’s all I wanted it to do to me, but when I used it my whole...

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Female Gokus sexy adventures

First off I just wanted to tell you that if you comment your race majin,saiyan,frieza race, or namekian aka piccolos race and what you are to female Goku which is either mentor,villain,training partner, or you can be Goku's boyfriend and you also need to put your first name (just so you can feel like your in the story) and you need to give a good description of what your character is wearing because I will use your description of what you look like and if you don't do that step I most likely...

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Female security officer CH1

By Dina Petro I was unemployed for a little while, I needed the job so bad to get going in my life, one of my close friends, Lisa, told me, her boyfriend was an owner of a shop that needed a security officer in charge, and they prefer female officer, I was shocked saying “a security officer, I have never done such a job before, I was a secretary most of my working life”She said “I know, although you are so sweet and a gorgeous looking girl, and security officers usually are more of tomboys or...

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Female Doctor

[/image]Just before heading off to college, I had a painful injury playing lacrosse. I ended up needing stitches on my scrotum and penis. It could have been much worse.After I started school in a new state, I had to find a doctor. I delayed doing it but eventually had to. Student Services recommended an office close to campus. The office was nice and used to having college students as patients.I needed to see a doctor soon to pass a physical. The physicians were booked. There was no one to see...

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Female without Choice

Female without Choice By: Rachael Free Here I sit, dressed in a slinky, little black dress, silky panties and hose, a very tight corset showing off my very large breasts and all made up with my long beautiful hair. My long red nails show off how delicate my hands are and the rings and jewelry are very feminine. I have been told to sit here and wait as Bev finishes dressing. How could I ever have agreed to this or even let this happen to me? I'll never know. I guess it all started...

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