Tales of the Dryden Dna Disaster 02 Cockblocking My Ex husband
- 2 years ago
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Tara Gale knew some girls didn't handle the change very well, and she thought they were fools. When she went to bed the night before her fourteenth birthday, she never dreamed that the nasty crampy belly ache she had suffered with all day would lead to the best birthday present she had ever received!
Later, she had heard the stories on the news about how many women had panicked over what they had become, but not her. When she awoke on her fourteenth birthday with a whopping big fourteen inch penis, she had been overjoyed! When she had slowly pulled up her stretched out nightshirt to reveal the massive pole making a tent in the thin cotton material, she had actually laughed with glee. Until then she had kept her personal private sexual orientation preference a super high level tip-top secret. She had even been scared to tell her mother that she somehow just didn't see the point in boys.
Sure, guys had what it took to put babies into bellies, but the only thing actually needed was an eyedropper containing a few drops of baby gravy. Tara had nothing against them, really. She just thought of males as sort of free range mobile sperm banks, ready to be tapped if and when you wanted a kid. Now she could freely admit that she loved girls. With her big thick salami, nobody would dare say there was something wrong with that.
That morning six months ago, she had stood proudly naked before her mirror, staring at the sight of the tall honey blonde girl with the well toned body. Tara thought she looked DAMN good! She was five foot eight, but after hearing and reading all the press releases, she now knew something that most fourteen year olds could never know in advance. Due to the very nature of the change infused into her by the Dryden Sniffles, she knew for a rock solid fact she was going to grow at the very least, another four inches. The change only manifested itself in females who were genetically programmed for the superior height of six foot or greater.
Let's not forget about the tits! Tara was already the most developed girl in her class. From what she learned in the days and weeks that followed the outbreak of futanari, breast size seemed to be the other defining genetic trait. Tara knew she was going to grow at least four more inches tall, so it stood to reason her bust would increase too. Since the skeletal/muscular structure of her chest, shoulders, back and spine had been altered and strengthened at the genetic level for more efficient load bearing and weight support, she hoped she'd become a FF, or dare she dream, a G. That would sure impress the hell out of people!
Yes, Tara was overjoyed. While she heard her statuesque mother sobbing down the hall in her own bedroom over the unexpected addition to her body, Tara was delighted with the massive organ protruding proudly from her loins. She actually laughed when she heard her mother simpering about how that jerk she had been dating would never want her now that she had a dick twice as big as his. Big deal! Who needs a guy when you have one of these bad boys for your very own?
The happy teen had felt no guilt or hesitation. She moved the antique mirror to the end of her bed while giggling with joy. "It's time to take this puppy for a test drive!" she giggled, as she sat on the foot of her bed and grasped her cock. Watching excitedly in her full length mirror, she started to, well, beat her meat.
"Ooooh!' she breathed as she sort of slid the silky smooth outer skin of her cock up and down a little over it's iron hard core. "No wonder guys like choking the chicken. Jerkin' the gherkin is fuckin' fun!" She jumped up and ran to her nightstand and grabbed her bottle of body lotion. She shivered in sensual delight as she lubed up before returning to her front row seat before the mirror. "That, that's better, a slick dick does the trick!" Tara took to fapping like a duck to water. Her hand slid up and down the slippery shaft, making nasty little squishy sounds that were music to the girl's ears. "Please, let this really work! Why would I have such a wonderful cock if it isn't able to squirt?"
She closed her eyes, letting imagination take over. Somehow having a hard penis erased all of the guilt she usually felt when thinking dirty little thoughts about girls. She pictured her favorite teacher sitting on the bed next to her. "Yes Miss Conner. That's good! Keep jerking me like that!" She let out a soft moan. "What's that? My dick is much bigger then your boyfriend's little worm? Of course it is, he's only a man." She stroked faster, pert firm behind bouncing on the bed as she worked herself into a frenzy. "Oh, I, I can call you Betty? Okay Betty, I'll stay after school today, but only if you bring some condoms. Hand jobs are great, but I want to stick my cock into your cunt!"
Suddenly, it wasn't her sexy teacher Tara was thinking about. The image of her next door neighbor and best friend blossomed in her mind. Kim was simply gorgeous! The dainty little raven haired beauty had all the guys in class drooling after her because of their stupid Asian fetishes. Tara thought of her love for her friend as much more pure. She never spent time searching out pictures of naked Japanese school girls, or junk like that! She had seen the real thing, and nothing else would ever compare! Tara was proud and happy to know that none of them had ever seen the petite little Chinese American naked, like she had. She had dreamed of that perfect little body ever since the two of them had snuck out late one night to try skinny dipping in the Chow family's brand new swimming pool.
At exactly four foot, with just the tiniest hint of breasts, Kim always complained that people still thought someone who was a month shy of fifteen years old was a ten year old brat. How many times had Tara stopped herself just in time from announcing that Kim was simply the most gorgeous and sexy creature on Planet Earth, with a perfect body that would make anyone alive want to throw her down on the nearest bed!
"Oh Kimmie!" she moaned, as her hand became almost a blur on her aching hard shaft. "You're so beautiful! I want to kiss you!" She whimpered, as she felt some strange feeling of power grow deep inside. "I, I want to fuck you!"
Something was happening deep inside. Tara's hand pumped faster as she panted. Her eyes snapped open just as the cock in her hand gave a sudden jerk. Wide eyed, she watched as her image in the mirror was struck by a long gooey streamer of white slime. She was popping her very first load! She was scoring direct hits on a mirror almost six feet away from her. She was actually ejaculating just like a guy. It wouldn't be until much later that she learned it wasn't EXACTLY like a guy. No man alive could keep firing pulse after powerful pulse of nasty wet gunk for nearly forty-five seconds.
"Oh yeah, oh yeah!' she gasped huskily as the fluid coated her mirror and slithered down to plop thickly to the rug below. Shocked at the mess she was making, Tara still couldn't stop her hand from trying to pump out every last glistening drop of semen! The last few spurts fell short, and Tara ended up laying a trail of wetness on the rug between her bed and the now murky nasty mirror.
When it was finally all over, Tara jumped to her feet, and nearly fell as she swayed unsteadily. "Holy Crap, I gotta clean that up!" She wasn't particularly afraid her mother would find out. She was just concerned that the brand new carpeting in her room would be ruined!
"Thank God for scotchgard!" she cheered as she blotted a wet towel on the rug under her mirror. She could smell the heady aroma of the gooey glop on the glass. She never knew exactly why she did it, but as she blotted the carpet, she stuck out her tongue and started licking the mirror's smeary surface. That was how her mother caught her!
"Baby, are you okay?" Samantha Gale froze when she saw her naked daughter on all fours, licking what suspiciously looked like a twenty man supply of semen off of the mirror. "Oh honey, not you too! I, I'll take us to a doctor! Get dressed! Hurry! We need to figure out what happened, and find out how we can, um, how, uh, how we can pee!"
Still on her hands and knees, Tara just calmly looked up at her mother and smiled. "Jeeze mom, don't you know anything?" She climbed to her feet and waggled her still hard cock at the stunned woman with the massive tent in her nightgown. "If you have Morning Wood, all you have to do is pop off a few loads. Then you'll get flaccid enough to go wee-wee!" Calmly walking past her shocked mother, Tara went down the hall to the bathroom and spent the next half hour firing off a few more salvos.
Standing in the bathtub to minimize mess, she popped off five more good loads, letting them spatter all over the gleaming wall tiles. She was flexible enough, and the cock was plenty long. Tara knew she could capture the head in her mouth and suck down and swallow all that precious yummy juice, but there was just something so empowering in watching the pearly white ropes of gooey aromatic fluid erupt so forcefully from her penis and fly free! Tara loved the nasty little plopping sound each powerful jet made as they struck the ceramic squares. It was so exciting to see all of her slime slowly ooze down the wall and run into the bathtub to pool around her feet!
They weren't quite as impressive as that monumental first one against her bedroom mirror. In fact, each one was a little smaller then the one before it. That didn't bother her one tiny bit. From what she had seen in porno movies on the internet, even her relatively wimpy fifth splooge was large enough to make any male alive positively sick with envy. Small as it was compared to the four before, Tara was certain it would have nearly filled one of the little three ounce Dixie Cups she used to rinse her mouth after brushing her teeth. It would take a guy a week of jerkin' off to do that! She could have rubbed off a couple more, but by that point she felt like her bladder was going to pop. She put her hands behind her back and simply waited, ignoring the urge to grab on and stroke some more.
When she felt her self sufficiently "relaxed", she hopped out of the tub, nearly slipping in her semen in her hurry to lift the toilet lid and seat. Tara then made a little bit of a mess when she had an attack of the giggles while trying for the first time to pee standing up! "I'm gonna write my name in the snow this winter!" she proclaimed as she laughed heartily. Tara found that laughing while trying to aim your stream was not the recommended procedure. She ended up peeing off to the sides a little bit, and leaving several golden puddles on the floor!
When she was all done, the teen did feel a bit depleted. "Gotta remember to drink lots of water if I want to keep this pace up." she muttered between refills as she drank down cup after paper cup of water. "No more soda for me. It's water, always. I don't want to go and splooge myself into dehydration. That would be real embarrassing."
The next week hadn't been all that fun though. Tara would never forget the frightening day that she and her mother spent locked up in jail! Police had grabbed them while they were out grocery shopping, and used handcuffs and everything. She might have only been fourteen years old, but Tara knew that being locked up with no rights being read, or charges being filed were serious breaches of her constitutional rights. Thank goodness the president had put a stop to all that nastiness.
It hadn't been all bad. The great Doctor Mary Ellen Dryden was in a cell right across from hers. It was like seeing a rock star or movie idol, live and in person. Tara listened intently as the lovely doctor explained about their new additions, and how they could actually squirt a baby in another woman's belly. That was sure exciting news! Tara had popped a serious boner right then and there, but was too embarrassed to do anything about it while everyone was cheering and calling out the doctor's name.
Late that night, while mom was asleep on her bunk, she had seen something amazing. Tara couldn't sleep, and had been looking around in the dimness of lights out, trying to spot who was making all the noises while she obviously "Rubbed Off" a load. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, and watched as doctor Dryden walked up to the side of her cell, and began climbing through the cinderblock wall into the next cell.
Tara thought she would luck out and see a couple of futanari (That's what the good doctor said they were called) fuck each other. It took a second to realize that doctor went into the hole, but never came out of the other side. Doctor Dryden couldn't possibly have been hiding within the wall. It was far too narrow for someone with her huge breasts to fit. Besides, people couldn't bend that way. The doctor had stopped and wiggled a bit, as if the hole was a bit too skinny for her hips, but then she had lifted her feet off of the floor and just sort of shot through! It was like seeing a spectacular magic trick! Tara actually applauded as the guards ran around like crazy people, powerless to stop the wonderful doctor from making her dramatic escape. Thankfully, it was just a few hours later when everyone was released and allowed to return to their homes.
Things had settled down quite a bit since then. Experts claimed that society was adapting to the new biology, but things were moving much too slowly for Tara, Mom had it so easy! Once she got over her drip of a boyfriend, Tara's mother never seemed to go a night without dating another new and pretty woman. She shook her head "Does mom think I don't know she cornered the market on extra large condoms? It's so unfair! She's banging everything in a skirt, and I'm being cock-blocked by the whole freakin' world!" The teen muttered, voice echoing in the Plexiglas booth around her desk.
"Miss Gale is there a problem?" the speaker on her desk asked.
Tara smiled and picked up the microphone leading to the booth's external speakers. "No Miss Conner! Everything's just fine and dandy! It must have been a glitch in the amplifier!" she grinned. "Do you want fries with that order?" she asked in a sappy nasal voice." Her classmates laughed, but that was little consolation. Until mono-sexed woman and girls built up a little resistance to the pheromones the futanari produced, Tara, and the handful of other newly created changelings in the school had to sit in isolation booths while in class, with special air filters to eliminate any trace of her naturally produced pheromones. It quickly became known as "Working the drive through", and all the new futanari hated it.
"That's very funny Miss Gale. Perhaps you'll want to practice your comedy in detention."
"No ma'am!" Tara shuddered. She'd love to stay after with the beautiful teacher, but school rules prohibited female instructors to ever be alone with futanari students. It was a double standard! She heard it was different in public schools, but private ones were attempting at all costs to pretend nothing had happened. Instead of changing with the new morality brought about by what the media called The Dryden DNA Disaster, they enforced all manner of stupid and unfair rules to keep the futanari in check.
In detention she'd be forced to sit for an hour in old Mr. Wilson's shop class, with a bunch of delinquent boys that were all rather afraid of her now. It was even like that out in the real world. Adults could screw in the street, and Tara knew that from actually seeing it! If you were under twenty-one, everyone insisted you kept your dick in your pants or under your skirt. She knew new laws were in the works and hoped the laws would soon catch up with the new reality of life.
She heard a tap on her booth, and slipped a mirror out of her bag. Peeking over her shoulder, she saw Kim grinning. She couldn't help her own happy smile when the pretty girl made faces and stuck out her tongue. The bell rang, and Tara waited a few seconds for her female classmates to don the special filter masks that covered nose and mouth. She sighed. Maybe it really was better on everyone if she sat in the booth during class. Otherwise everyone would need to wear their masks all day long. People would end up hating her for that.
Opening the airtight door, she stepped out of the booth and stretched her long lean limbs. "I'm glad school is over for the day!" she announced to the world in general. "It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic! I usually just pretend I'm stranded in a busted TARDIS or something, like William Hartnell in "The Three Doctors" classic episode."
Kim giggled. "You and your sci-fi!" she paused. "Did you download last week's Doctor Who? I'm using too much bandwidth now grabbing all of Naruto."
"Sure, I'll put it on a thumb drive for you as soon as I get home."
Martha Steward accidentally purposely elbowed her in the back. "Oh, excuse me, freak." She said loudly through her mask as she almost knocked Tara over. Martha was actually taller then Tara, but rotten luck in the genetic coin toss had made the beautiful six foot redhead rather lacking in the bust department. She was very nearly as small as Kim when it came to boobies! As tall as she was, the simple fact that she hadn't grown a penis, pretty much announced to the world that Martha was as developed as she was ever going to be. "They should have kept you and the other monsters locked up!" she said with a venomous hiss. "I don't know why I'm forced to go to school with a damn mutant!"
"What's your problem, beanpole?" Tara snapped, ready to bitch slap the mask off of the cunt. The only thing that stopped her was one of the many the rules about masks. A futanari pulling the mask off of a monosex female student faced immediate expulsion!
Kim grabbed her arm. "Let it go, Tara!" she said loud and clear through her mask. "She's just pissed because as president of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee" and guardian of Olive Oyl's notes on how to land a big strong sailor-man, I turned down her application and refuse to let her join the Sisterhood of the Mosquito Bites."
Martha turned a rather alarming shade of purple. She sputtered for a moment before being able to re-engage the speech center of her brain with her razor tongue. "Shut your face, infant! When I want something from a Chow, I'll call for some Chinese takeout!"
"Miss Steward, report to the principal's office immediately!" The teacher yelled. "I've had about enough of your attitude!"
When Martha stormed out, Miss Conner joined the friends. "I'm sorry girls. Tara, I know she's been mean to you, but I also know you have no trouble holding your own." She turned to Kim and sighed. "Kim dear, I'm especially sorry you had to hear that racist filth! Why don't you call your parents up? They can arrange legal representation, and see about getting that, uh, person expelled." She sighed again. "I'm afraid that's what it would take. Her father owns the school, you know."
Kim giggled. "She doesn't bother me. Miss Conner. Besides, mom and dad aren't home right now." Her own face flushed as she giggled some more. "They're both at the restaurant, getting the staff ready for the dinner hour rush."
Tara couldn't help laughing. "Miss Conner, it doesn't count as a racial stereotype if the Chow family really does run the best Chinese restaurant in town."
Eyes opened wide, Miss Conner nervously fiddled with her filter mask. "Oh, um, I forgot that for a moment. Still, sitting in the principal's office won't do that one a lick of harm. See you tomorrow, girls!"
"Let's go home." Kim announced. "I have something I want to show you."
Tara felt an odd feeling of happiness and sorrow. It sure was great that the Chow family accepted her word of honor in that she'd never go within ten feet of Kim if their daughter wasn't wearing her mask. She was still welcome in their home, too. Tara just had to always sit down wind in the specially arranged forced air filtration system Mr. Chow had installed in their family room. As long as Tara kept Kim, and Mrs. Chow, for that matter, between her and the strong current of air, it was almost as if nothing had changed.
"Okay, let's go." Tara shook her head. "Could you wait up a minute though? It sucks not being allowed to think outside of the box until the bell rings. I gotta go pee!"
"Sure I'll wait. Besides, I have to go too!"
The friends walked down the hall. Between the doors on opposite sides of the hall, they separated. Kim went into the girl's room, and Tara without a flicker of embarrassment walked into the boys. That was yet another stupid rule. It was deemed that an exposed futanari penis in the girl's room would lead to all sorts of extra curricular activates of a biological nature. They were right, but who were they to once again ruin things for the futa? This rule Tara didn't really mind. She liked being able to use the funny bathtub on the wall looking urinals.
"Hi guys!" she announced as she ignored the silly unwritten male protocols of urinal usage. Tara boldly walked up to the vacant center urinal between two peeing boys and lifted up the plaid skirt of her school uniform with a dramatic flourish. As always, there was the frantic flurry of activity as the guy at either side frantically stuffed himself back in his pants, not being willing to let Tara see what she already knew. Including the male teachers, she was positive that hers was the biggest dick in the building. Well, some of the other futanari could be bigger, but that didn't count. Out of a student body with almost a thousand boys, Tara was certain she was bigger then all of them. "Ew, get back and wash your hands!" she called out as they ran from the bathroom.
Tucking the hem of her skirt into the waist, she fed her nine inch long dormant member through the funny opening in the front of the boxers she liked to wear ever since she grew her pride and joy. Tara sighed contentedly as the warm golden water rushed out in a powerful stream.
She heard a throat being cleared. "Gale, I'll raise it to one hundred dollars. That's my final offer."
Finishing off, she made a big show of shaking off the dew, before turning to face Billy Parker. "You're crazy, Billy-boy. Why would I do that? I've seen you giving Kim THE LOOK!"
He shook his head. "I told you. I am not after." He lowered his voice. "I am not after your girlfriend. I know she's off limits. Do you think I want you to beat me up, the way you did Mark Benson just because he touched her ass? You broke his freakin' nose and cracked two ribs, and that was months before you grew, uh, your dick!"
"He didn't just touch her ass!" Tara blushed. She had just about lost her mind when she heard Kimmie scream! People claimed they never saw anyone run as fast as she had when she came tearing across the gymnasium and kicked in the supply room door. Tara wasn't exactly proud of how she beat Mark into a trip to the ER. She couldn't stop herself even when he started to cry like a baby when his nose was bleeding. Thankfully witnesses also saw the sight that had filled Tara with rage once the door burst open. The bastard had one arm clamped around Kim's waist, while he was trying to pull her gym shorts down!
Several girls later came forward with stories of similar treatment from the jerk. Mark was kicked out for molestation and turned over to the police. Luckily Kim didn't have to testify or anything. Once they ran his prints and DNA, the cops fingered him as the perp in three local unsolved rapes. Mark was tried as an adult, and sentenced to twenty years. Rumor had it that Mark now spent his days being passed around the cell block like a party favor. He was everyone's favorite bitch in the inn of the iron bars. Tara just got a public warning about fighting on school grounds, and a private hand shake and pat on the back from Mr. Clover, the kind hearted but tough as nails gym teacher. She sighed. "Well Billy, you might go after a girl I know. How would I feel about that?"
His face turned red. "Listen Gale, if I tell you who, it doesn't leave this room, okay?"
Tara joined him by the sinks and washed her hands. "I'm not saying I'll agree to something so weird, but okay, who is it?"
He took a deep breath. "I told you about how when everything went crazy with you guys, um, popping wood, my parents shipped my big sister off to live with my grandmother up in the mountains. Granny is only five foot three, and she's a bit of a bible thumper. She could be trusted to keep an eye on sis, and make sure no dick-girls ever went near her."
"William, dick-girl is an insult! The proper form of address is Futanari!"
"Oh hell, I'm sorry!" he grinned. "Beth is home for a few days while mom and dad are on vacation. They think I needed someone to keep an eye on me, so home she came. They figure she's safe as long as she doesn't leave the house. It's now or never! I just gotta get some dick-girl, uh, futanari juice to slip into her dinner or coffee! I read all the science and medical articles online. I'm almost positive Beth's still a virgin. She'll never be able to resist me trying to knock her up if I can get her to swallow even a tiny drop of your jizz first! Then when mom and dad come home, I'll act all scared and weirded out, and tell them how Beth had suddenly busted into my bedroom and made me fuck her!"
Despite herself, Tara began to get an erection. "Holy shit, you want to pregger your own sister, and then make everyone think she molested you?" She grinned wickedly. "That's seriously hot. Now show me the money!"
The fifteen year old bushed fiercely as he tried to express his special need. "I used to pop serious boners if I even just saw a bra ad in a sale circular in the newspaper! I used to have to jerk off a bunch of times a day. I don't know why, but ever since you guys grew dicks, I seem to have a little trouble getting hard unless I think about her for a while! Even then, I only feel like fapping every couple of days. I was going to try and buy some Viagra online, but I know I won't need drugs with Beth!" He finally pulled a wad of cash out of his pants pocket. "Oh wait, that's a hundred and seventy. My allowance money is mixed in with my birthday cash!"
She snatched the money from his hands. "Consider it a tip. Did you bring something to hold the, uh, sample?"
He shrugged off his backpack and pulled out a large stainless steel thermos. "This should keep it nice and warm for a few hours. I filled it with water I heated up in science class last period. I used a thermometer and made it exactly ninety-eight degrees. I think keeping it body temperature sounds about right. Don't you?"
She eyed the large container. It should be big enough. "Sure, I guess so." She took the thermos and hefted the heavy metal container. "There's just one condition." She said with a twinkle in her eyes. "If you want me to fill this, I may as well enjoy it." She crossed her arms over her ample chest. "I'm not doing any work here. If you want my gunk, you're gonna have to get it yourself. In other words, give me a hand job!"
"Fuck no! I don't care if you are a girl! I don't wanna touch somebody's junk!"
"Well Billy, there's an old saying. It's my way, or the highway." she smiled sweetly and thrust the thermos back into his hands. "It's up to you."
He stared at the thermos for a long moment. "Uh, um, okay, if you say so."
"Wait right here!" Tara slipped around him, and stepped out of the bathroom. She spotted her friend in the hall. "Kim, would you mind going on ahead?"
The lovely girl smiled. "Sure, I saw Billy go in after you. How much did you work him up to?"
Tara waved the cash under her face like a fan. "A hundred and seventy smackers and you were right. His intended date rape victim is his big sister! Here, take the cash in case he tries to swipe it back."
Kim giggled and accepted the money. "Cool, I'm now officially your pimp! Come right over when you're finished. "I'll be sure to keep this on!" she added, while touching her filter mask. "See you at home!"
She slipped back into the bathroom, and pulled the small rubber wedge out of her blazer pocket. She shoved it under the door, and gave it a kick for good measure. She had read about that in an old James Bond book. It should be nearly impossible to open that door until she removed the wedge. It sure paid to be prepared!
She went back to the sinks, unbuttoned her skirt, and stepped out of it. Next, she slipped off her boxers and folded them up within the red plaid of the skirt. Checking carefully, she stashed them in an empty dry sink. Hands on hips, she turned and faced Billy.
"Oh my God, Gale, that thing is huge!" he said with note of pure envy ringing in his voice.
He thought she was huge? Tara was a bit embarrassed. After her initial rush over someone, anyone, knocking up a girl, her penis had lost interest and just relaxed. Her flaccid nine inches pointed right down at the floor between her feet. Billy just didn't have what it took to make her stand up and take notice. "Wait a minute; I gotta get myself psyched up for this."
She closed her eyes and concentrated on Kimmie, naked, with beads of water sparkling on her flawless skin under the light of the full moon. That sure did the trick! She smiled down at her own penis, watching proudly as each beat of her heart made it grow thicker and longer. It didn't take long until she was fully hard, with fourteen quivering inches pointing right at Billy. "There ya go! Get to work. I don't want to hang around in the bathroom all damn day!"
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DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...
Jim ran his hand over his curving stomach and probed the strange folds of his vagina, how in the name of God was a baby supposed to fit through that? Well you might get to find out, said a corner of his mind. He thrust that away, the chances of him getting pregnant were small, he decided. I've only had sex as a girl once and you are always hearing of couples who can't get pregnant, he thought. In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed....
Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into themselves. So they'll immediately pick up the DNA from...
"How is your research progressing, Doctor?" Quince asked. Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into...
Anne hung up and rubbed her bleary eyes. She was getting nowhere. The DNA altering virus she had injected Jim with had resisted all her attempts to remove it. If she increased the potency of the virus any more it would destroy his entire genetic makeup and Jim would literally disolve. A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old...
The actual announcement was fairly low-key. Anne submitted papers to the more respected science journals, and forwarded copies to various research groups working in the same field as herself. At the same time, she held a small press conference. For the first few days she was deluged by phone calls, faxes and e-mails asking all sorts of questions about the DNA virus. Most of the researchers contacting her from around the world couldn't believe her claims. By the second week, the mainstream...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...
"Am I keeping you up, Jim?" she said, smiling. "Sorry Anne, what exactly is that batch designed to do?" A small grin slipped across her face. "It's a secret, if it works you'll be the first to know." Jim gave up, it was obvious she was not going to share her secret. Jim had a fair idea what it was, for months Dr Chamberlain had been working on a project to rewrite a persons' DNA via a benign virus. The advantages were obvious, any defect in a persons DNA could be repaired....
Sex-Change: DNA by ponygirlTS Preface I've read many stories about changing one's DNA in order to change one's sex. Let me tell you that it isn't as easy as and painless as they lead you to believe. Chapter One Unlike Steve Martin, I wasn't born a poor little black baby but I was sure close. You see, I was the product of a couple of sixteen...
Quince had stopped at a cheap motel late in the night and had booked into a room. He was glad to finally stop driving; his leg had been getting cramp. As soon as he reached his room, he opened his suitcase. A quick check confirmed that the vials and money were present and intact. The vials were clearly labelled. The last thing that Quince wanted to do was take the wrong one. Quince regretted leaving his horses behind, but there wasn't any real choice. At least with the DNA viruses based on...
The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...
Normally he started the morning with some simple exercises. He had let them slip but he decided to do them while he waited for Michael to get up. It felt very different than when he did them in his old body. His upper body was far more supple than he was used to and his lower male half was obviously far less fit and had been a stranger to exercise. His breasts bobbed and tugged at his chest with every movement. He had to stop several times just to readjust his bra and stop his breasts...
Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine voice still sounded way too high to himself and he unconsciously cleared his throat. The receptionist frowned. "I don't recognise the name. Hold on, I'll just check our records." She tapped at her computer for a few moments. "No, I'm sorry. I have no record of a Doctor...
Edited by 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan'. I'm pissed, mad, aggravated and whatever other adjectives you want to use that are negative. I can't believe what she did to me. My so-called wonderful girlfriend and future wife took what I thought was a good relationship and threw it down a toilet. Let me start at the beginning: Sheila and I met at a private party. I was nineteen at the time and she was twenty-two. We always laughed when people asked if she was robbing the cradle. It didn't...
Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...
Have you ever had a moment that, looking back on it, you know you behaved ridiculously, but did it anyway? It was at that moment, realizing that Eric and Bryan were in the room and were seeing me half undressed, that I squealed and looked for something to cover myself with. Yes, I had just been raped. My rapists cum was at that moment creating a warm pool at the back of my pussy, but I was concerned about my modesty. It's laughable, I know. But ... well, old habit die hard I...
Simonds breathed a sigh of relief as the last courier car pulled out of sight. He hadn't believed that Quince would be able to pull off this one final deal. Quince had just finishing dividing up the hefty pile of cash as Simonds entered the house. Simonds had never liked Quince's house, preferring to do business at the Quince Biochemicals building back in the city. Quince, however, had never trusted his people, who had replaced nearly a dozen policemen. He felt far safer in his...
As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step....
Tales from School, by Some Writer Part One: Sex Education The boys and girls discuss sex "Who can tell me why condoms are important?" the teacher asked. "Man, this is so lame," Oliver whispered to Matt."I bet half the room has had sex already, and now they're trying to educate us.We're seventeen or eighteen, for goodness sake - it's even legal now!" "Yes, avoiding pregnancy is a good reason Roger, that's right.However, it's not the most important reason," the teacher continued. "What I...
Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave rises to power in ancient Rome. Tales 2 is a character study of a complex and murderous femdom. 109 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia by TG Chapter 1 Laying in Supplies "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...
If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex GamesI was back about six months when I came face to face with some of the complications of spending several years in the past and only aging a few minutes back here in real time. I guess I should not say “real time” by referring to the present as the only reality. In a way, I had considered the travel to the past as more exciting and real than supposed reality itself. That probably sounds crazy to most and I would be cautious about saying that to some shrink I didn’t trust one hundred percent or...
Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072: The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1: The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth. The story begins with 4072: The Verdict. If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...
Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe we can process the consignment before we have to leave. Remember, this final...
As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...
Amy awoke, startled by the shrill chiming of her alarm. She settled back into her pillow and looked sideways at her clock. Reading the digital display she sat bolt-upright."8:30? Shit, I'm going to be so late!"Amy jumped out of bed and dressed as quickly as she could in her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. As soon as she was decent she rushed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and an apple for breakfast. She'd have to skip the normal coffee and cereal if she was going to get to...
Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread. Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and...
Paul slept better that night than he had since his transformation. For the first time there was light at the end of the tunnel. It was just after eight in the morning that Paul woke up. It was very quiet in the apartment. Michael wasn't up yet. The small amount of clothes he had lay on a chair in a small pile. He didn't like the idea, but he was going to need new clothes. Female clothes. Well, at least he could choose ones that were less revealing. Normally he started the morning with some...
"What do you mean, he's gone?" Quince's voice barked out of the mobile phone. Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
FORWARD: This is the final episode of the Dressed for Disaster trilogy, by the author of The Jessica Project, a gender-bending thriller now available on-line from all major booksellers. DRESSED FOR DISASTER - THE SEQUEL (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Patrick Summers wandered the streets of lower Manhattan in an aimless fog, the chaos surrounding him a lurid backdrop for the turmoil between his ears. He had just suffered two tremendous shocks: his narrow escape from the collapse of...
Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves. Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons. Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley By TG Chapter 1 ...
INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...
Adnan ko mein koi ek saal sey jaanta hoon…..wo koi 18-20 saal ka bara chikna launda tha…..6feet ka lamba slim aur muskarahut yau ghazub ki….jiski missal nahii…wo Toronto -Canada shayed refujee status pe aaya tha….aur ek apartment building mein 3 Pathan key saath raheta tha….usskey saatiyoon mein uski jo sub se ziada madad ki uska naam Zahin Khan jo taxi driver bhi hai….aur shayed koi 40 saal ka hooga…isska room mate tha… Waise daikhney mein Adnan bara chikna…aur ager kissi larki ke kapde...
Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...
It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...
Group SexAs she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....
In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...
“Dr. Goldman, why did you and Ms. Clarke enrol my son in the Naked In School program? Honestly, why? It’s against every principle and precept of our Christian family! My husband is an ordained Baptist minister and preacher of the Gospel. This is very much the opposite of what we believe!” Mom glared at Dr. Goldman, who simply shrugged before he spoke, while Becky blushed and squirmed for some reason, trying not to stare at me. “Because his name was drawn randomly out of the lottery system...
September, 1985, Chicago, Illinois The plans for making the video quickly vanished as I followed Kara to the room then she and Bethany shared. I stopped suddenly, pained to see Bethany lying on her bed clutching a pillow with her knees pulled up. Her body was wracked by sobs as she cried into her pillow. “Bethany,” I said softly. I got no response so I sat on the edge of the bed and gently put my hand on her shoulder. “Bethany,” I said again. “It’s Steve and Kara. What’s wrong?” Once...
Catastrophic news came through from the corporate ship Io. There had been one hell of an accident. The entire docking section of their ship was blown out into space all the way from the core outward. The ship was crippled. Their cryogenic gas dewars had been damaged. They were getting low on air and they were calling for rescue. Earth had nothing of the scale required or that could make it to the outer belt in time. Every great mining ship in the system immediately set course for their last...
I knew the day Tulip moved into our neighbourhood; it would soon be a recipe for disaster. But I never imagined it would be a disaster that pulls me so much. Let me start from the beginning how an affair with the ex can be disastrous. I am John, a 34 year old male who is happily married for five years. My live is average, simple and free from drama. I go to office, work the entire week and get back home to hot supper and lots of love every day. It was what I wanted since my break up with Tulip....
Extra Marital AffairNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
Incest...is about to find out that fantasies do indeed go wrong sometimes... Her online nick name is Miss Disaster and he thinks it suits her perfectly. Not because she is clumsy, but because she brings destruction into his idyllic small town life (ok, maybe not so idyllic now, as he is on the verge of a divorce, partly thanks to this crazy one). More disturbingly, he welcomes the chaos that comes in the package with her. And only if he could just sit back and watch the destruction happen, but no,...
BDSMFORWARD: Nom de Plume is the screen name for the author of The Jessica Project, a gender-bending thriller about a crossdressing assassin from Publishamerica.com. While doing research for The Jessica Project, the author discovered this site, and became intrigued by the dramatic potential of characters masquerading as the opposite sex under extreme circumstances. WARNING: The following story involves the events of 9/11. If those events are still too painful to relive, please...
This Spell Disaster For you Boss My name is Robert Cole and I have been working for Tandon Art's (Italian artifacts company) in the US for the past 10 years now. Our company's owner Bill Tandon. The last few years his company has been declining in sales and profits. In fact a couple of months ago he acquired two old Roman books that spoke of a transformation spell. Right away Mr. Tandon thought if there was a way to transform yourself into somebody else then it could bring the company...