Awakening The Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss Tantri
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Laura excused herself from the room closing the door behind her. The two women didn't notice her leaving as their lips met and their eyes closed. All they heard was the door closing as Laura shut it.
Laura walked out to the backyard and sat down in a lounge chair; she looked up into the clear blue summer sky and wondered if she'd done the right thing. In the back of her mind, she'd always wondered about Julie's sexual persuasion. It never crossed her mind she would become actively involved in it.
She thought Julie was too busy with sports and school to have a serious sexual relationship with anyone. Julie had boyfriends during high school and college but none that were serious and they never lasted more than six months. Laura closed her eyes and tried not to picture Julie and Susan in bed together. It was hard not to think about, Susan was just as lovely as her pictures. Julie was obviously smitten with her just as her mother was when she first laid eyes on Susan.
Laura began to wonder how Julie would react. She had seen her enjoy kissing Susan but actually making love was a bit different. Her heart began to race as she continued picturing the two of them undressing each other and exploring. The first soft touch, sweet tender lips against each other, hearts racing.
She tried to think of other things, but to no avail, as a warm delicious sensation began within her. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they moved over her body, feeling her own curves and warm skin. Visions of Susan and Julie making love flashed through her mind; arousing her. She thought it wrong to think of them being intimate but it seemed very erotic and lovely at the same time.
Her hands slowly moved over her thighs as she lay in the warm afternoon sun, a pleasant feeling growing as she imagined Susan introducing her youngest daughter to the joys of a feminine touch. She knew Susan would be gentle and patient with Julie. She trusted her new friend and didn't think Susan would betray that trust. Julie seemed so enraptured with Susan as if they were destined to be lovers.
Just as she was about to slip her fingers under the waistband of her skirt the phone rang, bringing her back to reality. She got up and walked inside to check the caller ID. It was her other daughter, Becky. She picked up the receiver and answered hoping not to sound like something was amiss.
“Hi, mom." Becky started.
“Hi Sweetie, how's your day going?” Laura answered back.
“Not too bad. It’s a little slow at work and I thought I'd call and see if your friend got in okay,” Becky replied.
“Yes, Julie picked her up at the airport while I was busy with a client,” Laura responded.
“That's good, I could have left work if you needed me to, and so what are you guys doing now?” Becky wondered.
“Oh, Julie and Susan are talking while Susan unpacks and I'm just relaxing out in the backyard,” Laura stated, trying not to let any emotion show in her voice.
“Well, I may be over after work, what are you doing for dinner?” Becky asked.
“I thought we might go out, I'm not sure how Susan and Julie will feel later on.” Laura caught herself and tried not to imply anything.
“Yeah, jet lag can be bad. She’s from the east coast right?” Becky wondered.
She didn't notice anything wrong with Laura's statement as she finished checking in with her mother.
“Yes, she is. I'm not too worried about dinner right now. We can always throw something together or do take out,” Laura replied.
She sounded a bit more relaxed knowing Becky had to get back to work. Her boss was a stickler for not wasting company time talking on the phone, which forced Becky to make her calls short.
“Well, count on me being there later, love you, mom. Say hi to Jules for me. Bye.” Becky waited before hanging up.
“Love you too sweetheart, I will. Bye for now.” Laura ended.
Laura hung up the phone and began to think back on Julie and Susan still behind closed doors. She wondered what Becky's reaction would be if she knew her sister was in bed with Susan. Becky was liberal but this might be a bit of a shock for her.
Laura waited a bit and since she didn't hear anything from the room and was somewhat curious, she decided not to peek in. Instead, she went to her room to lie down. She fluffed up her pillows and propped them against the headboard of the bed. Sitting down and sinking back into them, her thoughts returned to the two lovers in the other room. She closed her eyes as her mind focused on Susan. She had seen her partially dressed when she talked to her earlier. She remembered the soft curves of Susan's body; her bra and panties just hid the sweetness of her delights. Laura pictured herself as if she were Julie, watching Susan slowly undress in front of her. The warm feeling between her legs returned as she let out an audible moan.
She reached down to her waistband and flicked the snap loose from its position, opening her skirt. The sound of it opening as her hands moved to widen the waistband pleased her. She rose up on her bed and wiggled the skirt down her hips and off her legs, tossing it onto the back of a chair. Her hands massaged her thighs and tummy as she pictured Susan slowly reaching back and unhooking her own bra. She imagined the lacey cover gently sliding down Susan's arms and onto the floor, exposing perfectly shaped breasts with solid erect nipples longing to be touched.
As she lay back on the pillows, she imagined Susan posing for her, topless, cupping her lovely full breasts and teasing her with them. Laura's right hand felt the soft material of her panties as she slipped her hand between them and her skin. Her left hand moved up under her blouse pressing against her breast. She slipped her anxious fingers further below between her panties and her warm skin. They crept down over her pubic hair to her damp lips that had swollen from the images that kept running through her mind. She tried not to picture Julie but couldn't help imagining her reaction to Susan's charms.
She slowly loosened the buttons on her blouse, sitting up, she unhooked her bra, exposing her own ample breasts and hardened nipples. Her left hand caressed each breast, in turn, pinching and tweaking her nipples as her right hand continued its delicious exploring. Laura gently pushed one finger between her lips as she visualized herself kissing Susan knowing Julie was probably doing the same thing. She moaned softly as her fingers came back up to her mouth and brushed her lips. She imagined her warm moist lips against Susan's as their tongues entwined, warm saliva slowly dripping down their chins as their passion grew with each movement of their lips.
Her fingers slipped back between her legs and began following her labia up and down as she eased inside her moistness. The feel of her fingers continued to arouse her as she pictured herself lowering her lips to Susan's breasts, taking each nipple in turn between them and gently tugging.
Laura's left hand duplicated her dream, pretending to be her mouth on Susan's dark brown nipple, tugging and teasing each one.
Laura slipped deeper into her dream as her finger inched closer to her clit. The warm wetness surrounding her finger felt so good. She massaged herself very slowly imagining Susan moaning just as she was, delighted at her touch. Her vibrations grew more intense as she drew herself closer to orgasm. The thought of Susan's warm soft skin against her lips took her over the edge and into self-fulfilling bliss.
Laura kneaded her breasts, squishing them slowly together and gently pinching her solid nipples. She massaged her extremely hard clit causing her to shiver as the vibrations coursed through her body. Her back arched as her finger's intensity on her clit drove her over the edge and into her first orgasm in quite some time. It was short but so very intense. It felt so delicious and satisfying; she hoped that the two lovers were feeling half as wonderful as she was feeling at this moment. She giggled to herself and smiled knowing that they probably were if not more so.
Laura lay there and savored the moment, her hands continued rubbing and caressing. The images of Susan and Julie in bed continued to wind its way through her thoughts. There were still so many questions; How would she react once they came out and had to face her? How would they react? What would Julie do after Susan left?
She kept asking herself questions and going over what she might say as she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, her hand still between her legs.
Laura woke a short while later; she didn't hear anything from the rest of the house and decided to take a shower. It was late afternoon and she thought that Susan and Julie would have been done by now. She hated to think of it as a chore; she knew it was far from that. She was having a hard time dealing with it on certain levels. Her shower was long and luscious; the hot water against her skin felt so nice. She wished Susan were there to enjoy it with her. She began thinking those sensual thoughts once again and then decided she just wanted that feeling of clean after making such a delicious mess of herself.
After her shower, she got dressed and went back out into the living room, noticing that the door to the spare room was still shut; she quietly walked to it and cupped her ear against it. She listened for a moment. Not hearing anything, she grasped the knob and turned it.
Laura walked in slowly; peeking around the door to make sure everything was all right. The two women lay there smiling in each other's arms as she spoke, "Well, I guess things went okay?" Susan and Julie looked at each other and giggled.
Susan looked at Laura and with a sly smile, "We're not done talking yet Laura."
Laura blushed, as she turned and closed the door behind her leaving the lovers alone.
Laura sighed as she closed the door and went back into the living room. It was getting closer to dinner and she needed to decide what to do.
She made up her mind to just relax and try not to think about the two lovers. She went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, pulling out an opened bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. She had started it a few nights ago when she was anxious about Susan's visit and couldn't sleep. Now she was opening it again thinking about Susan and Julie, together, in bed, in her house, making love.
She went back out and sat down with her wine; turning on the television to see what could take her mind away from her current thoughts. She flipped through the channels sipping her wine and not seeing anything of note; she turned the television off. Sitting alone with her thoughts Laura concluded that all would work out in the end. It had to, Julie was a good daughter and she believed Susan was a good friend. Susan had reminded her that this was supposed to be a weekend for Laura and her. This "thing" between Julie and Susan was for Julie's benefit.
"Ha!" Laura laughed aloud with that thought; they were both benefiting from their time in the bedroom.
Laura thought Julie was discovering more about herself, she had always been so quiet and reserved. Maybe being with Susan would help open up her world a bit more. Laura wanted Julie to be happy just as any mother wants their child to do well and succeed. She thought back on a few of the moments in the past when Julie had accomplished things she didn't think she could. Now her mother was a cheerleader for her daughter's sexual well-being.
Laura reminded herself of Julie's high school sports activities and all the awards she had received over the years. She had even received a few academic awards along with her teammates and friends. Laura then thought back about a few of Julie's friends. She had always enjoyed when the girls brought their friends over, especially in the summer. She had never flirted with any, mostly out of fear of being rejected and embarrassed in front of her daughters. However, one of Julie's friends, in particular, she had become emotionally attracted to, Rachel.
Rachel was a shy and chubby redheaded junior when Julie had first brought her over. Laura loved talking to her; she always seemed to listen to every word Laura said and was such a polite girl.
During her senior year of high school, Rachel had grown into a stunning young woman. Her parents never attended her sporting events, having more work related activities to occupy their time. Rachel didn't show any signs of missing them but Laura felt she did.
Rachel continued to say hello to Laura and ask about Julie whenever they met around town. She hadn't gone to a four-year university like Julie but had gotten an associate’s degree and was working locally in a dentist's office. Laura enjoyed talking to her and made sure when she saw her, she took the time to chat. She seemed to feel that Rachel enjoyed these encounters, even going out of her way at times to say hello to Laura.
Her thoughts drifted back to her current situation. She finished her wine and sighed again, she needed to get motivated and decide on something for dinner. She went back into the kitchen and looked through the cupboards. She originally had planned to take Susan out somewhere nice where they could talk. Unfortunately, this thing with Julie changed all of her plans. She walked back out to the living room and decided to peek in on the lovers once again.
Laura looked in on them one more time. She couldn't help but see how lovely they looked sleeping together. Not having the heart to wake them, she closed the door and let the two lovers dream their sweet dreams. The talk could wait as well as dinner.
She strolled back into the living room, grabbing the remote and flicking on the television one more time. Scooping her empty wine glass, she went back to the kitchen and poured the last bit of wine from the bottle. Opening the refrigerator, she took out some cheese and an apple. She needed to eat; the wine was beginning to cloud her head and she didn't want to be tipsy at all when the two lovers emerged.
Laura took her snack and sat down at the kitchen table, watching the news and thinking more about her situation. She thought more about Rachel, how nice it might be having a younger lover, a relationship similar to what Susan and Julie were now experiencing. A relationship with a younger woman that was sensual and loving. Someone like Rachel, not some lust filled night of wild sexual abandon.
She had never contemplated a long-term relationship with a girl as young as her daughter. However, seeing Susan and Julie together began to make her think more about it. She smiled to herself, picturing the great sex with an enthusiastic and youthful partner. It would be a change from the other girlfriend she had had in the past.
However long term might be difficult to deal with. A younger lover would have so many dreams unfulfilled, which might ruin any plans they made together. Laura couldn't stifle anyone's potential; it just wasn't in her. If word got around town that she and any local girl were lovers, they would never hear the end of it.
All of Laura's lovers had been women close to her age; the greatest difference was a few years back with an aerobics instructor at a gym she was going to. The woman was thirty at the time and Laura was forty-five. It didn't hurt that Diane was youthful and in great shape. Laura remembered how limber she was but how quickly Diane seemed to lose interest when Laura kept canceling dates due to her family commitments.
Laura sighed as she finished her apple and cheese, placing the dishes and silverware in the dishwasher. She stopped for a second as she heard a door open and close. She peeked out into the hall and noticed Julie slipping into the common bathroom.
Finally awake she thought, now we can get on with our lives. She wiped off the kitchen table and sat back down on the sofa, waiting for the two lovers to emerge from their rendezvous.
Susan and Julie woke from their sweet dream state and snuggled for a bit. Susan kissed Julie's forehead and caressed her sweet skin. Julie cooed softly with the warm loving embrace. They talked softly about what Julie had just experienced. They kissed and gently stroked each other as they lay there talking. Susan answered Julie's question honestly when she asked about continuing their lovemaking during her visit. Susan would love to but it wouldn't be fair to Laura.
Neither one wanted to hurt Laura, although Julie was a bit reluctant, she agreed with Susan. They continued their cuddling for a bit, enjoying the time spent in each other's arms. Grudgingly, they decided to get up and shower. A shower together would have been fun, but they knew Laura was waiting for them and they didn't want to disrupt the situation more than they had already. Julie reluctantly slipped from the arms of Susan, grabbed her clothes and ran to the bathroom clutching them under her arms.
Susan sighed, hoping that what she had done hadn't hurt Laura too much. She found Julie to be very cute and exciting but her inexperience showed. Time and a gentle touch would correct that. She wanted Laura and the emotional connection they had shared.
Laura waited on the sofa to see if Susan was going to join Julie. After a few minutes, she heard the water running and realized Susan was still in the bedroom. She slowly got up and walked to the bedroom door, opening it slightly to see Susan sitting on the edge of the bed deep in thought.
“Well, is everything alright?” Laura asked.
Susan looked up at her and smiled. “Julie is an amazing young woman Laura. I'm surprised she hasn't discovered this side of herself before our, um meeting.”
Laura moved towards the bed and took a seat next to Susan. She could discern the sweet smell of sex in the room. Susan was slightly ruffled from the past few hours and Laura didn't know whether she should touch her or not.
Susan looked at Laura and managed a soft smile. “Laura, you know this was totally unplanned. I would never want anything to come between us. Julie is very special and you are more than special to let us have these past few hours alone.”
Laura sighed, “Susan, I wasn't really sure about it. But, I could sense the chemistry between you two and I didn't want Julie's curiosity to be dealt with by someone who wouldn't treat her with love and respect like I knew you would.”
Susan's smile grew larger and tears began to well up in her. “You are such a dear sweet woman Laura.”
Laura blushed as Susan caressed her cheeks with the palms of her hands and slowly moved to kiss her. Laura smiled and eagerly returned the kiss. Their tongues played as Laura's hands moved over Susan, exploring her warm soft skin. Both women began to feel the inner warmth and excitement building within them.
It was then that Julie walked back in and coughed to get their attention.
“The shower is free Susan,” Julie stated as a matter of fact. She seemed a bit terse in her tone of voice. This was something completely new to her. Making love to someone and then walking in while they were kissing another. It was made stranger when the one she was jealous of was her mother.
Julie's face changed from one of jealousy to one of sadness. Tears welled up and she began to cry.
The two women on the bed broke their embrace and looked at her. Both saddened but not really surprised at the reaction from Julie. Laura got up first and went to comfort her daughter.
Opening her arms, she wrapped them around a teary-eyed Julie.
“Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I was wondering if you might react like this,” Laura whispered to Julie as she held her close. Julie wrapped her arms around her mother and held her tight. She hadn't had anything so emotional happen to her since their dog died three years ago. Laura comforted her, massaging her back and quietly reassuring her everything would be all right.
Susan got up and hesitantly walked over to them joining in the hug. She wrapped her arms around them as she leaned in laying her head on Laura's shoulders. Her soft smile and warm embrace reassured them both.
“Julie, I hope you know you are so very special sweetie. But, your mother and I....”
“Shh,” Laura hushed Susan as they all stood together. They all seemed to be flush with anticipation neither knowing exactly what to do or say.
Finally, Julie spoke. “Mom, Susan I know, it was just a bit strange to see you two kissing like that. I know Susan was just helping me, but... I don't know. This is all so new and strange and wonderful at the same time.”
The tears slowly subsided as they all stood embracing and enjoying the feel of each other's closeness.
Susan kissed her young lover again as they continued their embrace. Laura smiled as she watched them close their eyes and press their lips together. Laura was so close she could hear and feel them both sigh as their lips met. She felt a twinge of jealousy begin to grow inside her; she dismissed it and just smiled watching them embrace.
Slowly, the two lovers parted lips. Laura smiled with a mother's knowledge that things would work out.
“It's okay Julie; I know this has been a very, well... different day. I love you no matter what and I hope you know that,” Laura reminded her. She leaned in and kissed Julie's flushed cheek and looked deeply into her daughter's eyes.
They stood there hugging, looking at each other more, still unsure of who should do what. Laura finally suggested Susan shower and get dressed so they could make a decision about dinner. Julie blushed, noticing Susan's nipples as hard round pebbles. Probably caused by either the kiss or their bodies close proximity as they hugged.
“Oh alright, I am starving.” Susan smiled as she left their embrace.
Laura and Julie watched as Susan left the room. Laura returned her eyes to look into Julie's. She smiled and softly hugged her daughter once again.
“Susan is very lovely, Julie. We need to deal with dinner and the fact that Becky might join us,” Laura smiled as she released Julie.
A quick thought about having Rachel as a lover flashed through Laura's mind, as she looked Julie in the eyes. A young lover might not be so bad, she thought to herself smiling at her now not so innocent daughter.
“Yes, and mom, you are too. Oh, is Becky coming over?” Julie smiled as she pulled Laura back to her, hugging her tightly once more.
“Yes, she called earlier. We'll call her cell once we figure out what we're going to do,” Laura added.
They both smiled as they hugged each knowing that today they had grown closer together. Julie's firm breasts pressed into Laura as her thoughts turned back to Rachel. Julie was having similar thoughts about Susan as they both turned and walked out of the room.
Walking into the kitchen, they began to talk about what they had around the house worthy enough to serve their houseguest. They decided going out would probably be the best thing and called Becky.
Susan walked into the bathroom and ran the shower; the water didn't take long to warm up. She stepped in and let the hot water sweep away the scent of her day. Recalling the image of Laura and Julie embracing, she felt a surge of joy between her legs.
Oh my, she thought to herself that is so bad. She smiled lasciviously to herself as she remembered Julie's delicious body and fantasized about Laura's mature frame. This could very well be a week to remember, and it's only been a few hours already.
Not knowing where they were going to eat, Susan decided on very casual attire, jeans, blouse, and pumps, just in case it was nice. She left her room looking for her hostess in hopes they could talk a bit before going out. Susan could hear Julie in her room talking on her phone to someone as she walked by. She paused looking, watching as her "kitten" stood with her back to her, chatting away to a friend. Susan smiled then headed down the hallway to the kitchen where she ran into Laura, her back against the counter sipping what looked like red wine.
Laura smiled as the glass left her lips and was set on the counter, “Can I offer you some?”
“Yes, that would be nice, thank you. I want to thank you again for letting Julie and I have that time together. It just happened and I feel bad about ignoring you.”
Laura reached up into the cupboard to get another glass for her friend, “I know, I had mixed emotions about it also. But, it's over and done with so we can spend time together, I hope.”
Susan sighed with some reluctance, “Yes, she is lovely but I don't want her to come between us. I'm glad you were so nice about it all. That's why we get along so well, Laura.”
Laura filled Susan's glass then topped off her own, “If it had been anyone else, someone I didn't know as well as you, things would have been different, believe me.”
“I know, that's why I love you. If the situation were reversed, you know you'd have my blessing with Caroline.”
“It's weird but erotic at the same time, know what I mean?” Laura confessed, handing Susan her glass.
“I do. So, where am I taking the three of you to dinner? Don't tell me I'm not buying. I have a very nice expense account and I need to use some of it and what better way to do that to take three lovely women out?” Susan smiled as she took a sip.
“You are bad! Julie and I talked and there's a small bistro about ten minutes from us. We can go there if you like. Becky should be here soon. I didn't tell you, she's a law clerk now and is hoping to move up and maybe go to law school.”
Susan took another sip, "That's great! She's what twenty-five now? Julie is twenty-two, right? I didn't want to ask but I knew she graduated college. Oh, do they know your husband knows you're bi? I don't want to say anything in front of Becky. The cat's out of the bag so to speak with Julie."
Laura sighed, “No, they don't know he knows so Becs is the one I need to talk to I guess. We'll make sure Julie doesn't say anything at dinner.”
“I promise I won't mention anything to her. I've already put a bump in this and I don't want to stir the pot. You handle it any way you see fit."
With that said, Susan set her glass down on the counter to slip her arms around Laura. Laura set hers aside wrapping her arms around Susan's waist. They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, each recalling why Susan was there in the first place. Susan then leaned in placing her mouth over Laura's to kiss her. Susan's arms encircled Laura as their bodies melded. They slowly swayed back and forth as their tongues danced.
This is what Laura had been yearning for since Susan had arrived. They continued their kissing, sometimes sloppy, sometimes delicate until they heard the front door open and a, "Mom, I'm here!"
Quickly they separated then straightening their clothes they gave each other a quick look over to be sure there were no telltale signs and then walked out to greet Becky.
When they entered the foyer Becky's back was to them as she closed the door. She was dressed in a Navy blue business suit, black four inch slingbacks, and black hose with her jet black hair in a ponytail just off her shoulders. She turned to greet her mother and Susan after closing the door. A sigh slipped from her lips showing her relief to be someplace besides work. She smiled, opening her arms to greet her mother, hugging her while looking at Susan with a bright smile on her face. She kissed her mother's cheek greeting her as she did. Glancing at Susan as she hugged Laura, she smiled showing off her perfect white teeth.
“I'm beat, mom. Are we staying here or going out?”
Laura turned so Becky and Susan could be introduced, “We're going out. Susan is treating the three of us. Susan this is Becky, my future jurist.”
Becky blushed, offering her hand to Susan to shake. As she did her jacket opened a bit revealing a beige silk blouse slightly tighter than it should have been. Her breasts strained at the smooth fabric as she shook Susan's hand in greeting.
Susan couldn't believe her eyes. Julie was lovely but Becky was outstanding, a bit taller than Julie with an air of confidence her younger sister lacked. Susan shook the young woman's hand admiring her suit as she did.
With her captivating smile, Susan took Becky's hand in hers and greeting her all the while lusting after her.
“It's nice to meet you, Becky. Laura has told me so much about you and Julie I feel like I know both of you,” she said as she held Becky's hand with both of hers.
Laura was thinking, Oh no, not Becky too. Susan!
“It's nice to meet you also Susan and thank you in advance for dinner. I feel like I'm overdressed if we're going where I think we're going. Your favorite bistro, mommy dearest?" Becky giggled looking at Laura.
“Yes, Julie is driving; if you want to change go ahead. We're in the kitchen talking when you're ready.”
Becky let go of Susan's hand but the look she gave Susan set off warning flags in Laura's mind. Was Becky into women too?
Becky headed down the hall while Laura and Susan returned to the kitchen. Susan followed Laura taking one last look as Becky's shapely rear end and lovely nylon covered legs went to change into something less formal.
When the two women went back to their wine glasses, Laura checked to be sure neither of the girls were in earshot.
“Susan, I saw the looks you two exchanged, please, no. Julie was a fluke. I couldn't handle you being with both of them.”
Susan looked at her with a surprised expression, “Laura, she is gorgeous but I told you I'm here for you. Nothing will happen between Julie and me or Becky and me. You have my word on it. I want you. You're the reason I'm here. I know Julie was a unique thing but it's over and done with.”
Laura sighed as she finished off the last drop of wine in her glass. She looked at Susan trying to believe her. She wanted to but wasn't convinced. She still had to explain to Becky that she was bi and deal with the fallout if any from that conversation.
Susan finished her glass then approached her soon to be lover, looking her in the eyes she whispered, “You and I need to spend time together alone with no distractions.”
As soon as she said that, Becky and Julie both dressed in shorts showing off their toned long legs, flip flops, and t-shirts showed up. Julie was twirling the car keys on her finger a broad grin on her face.
She caught the keys in the palm of her hand, “You two ready?”
“Yes, we're ready,” Laura replied, setting down her empty glass.
“Shotgun!” Becky announced, giggling as the two girls headed out to the car.
Susan set her glass down next to Laura's, then she tapped her on the shoulder. Laura turned to see what she wanted and was met with Susan grabbing her, pulling her close and kissing her. The girls were a few seconds ahead of them walking out the door.
Laura melted in Susan's embrace, returning the kiss with her pent up desire ready to explode. Common sense prevailed and the kiss didn't last very long. They separated then followed the girls to the car. They were both sitting waiting as Susan and Laura got in the back seat.
Turning in her seat, Becky looked back at them, “What kept you? I thought you were right behind us.”
Laura blushed, “I thought about bringing my purse but Susan reminded me she's buying.”
Julie looked at them through the rearview mirror as she adjusted it, noticing a small smudge of Susan's lipstick on her mother's lips and smiled. She started the car, grinning as Becky returned to face forward completely oblivious to what actually occurred.
As they left the driveway, Susan reached over to Laura indiscreetly placing her hand in her lover's. Laura sighed with the affirmation of Susan's word she was there for her.
They drove to the Bistro as Becky told them of her day at work. There was no mention or hint of what Susan and Julie had done all day much to the relief of Laura.
The bistro was a quaint little place tucked inside a strip mall at the edge of town. There was seating for about twenty-five people but it was rarely if ever filled to capacity. The décor was touristy French with pictures of the Eiffel tower, berets, and French postcards. The women took a table towards the back of the restaurant. The waitress placed water in front of each of them along with a menu. She was cute, maybe all of twenty, a redhead which reminded Laura of Rachel. Maybe since Julie now knew of her desires dropping a hint about Rachel might be possible. Something she'd have to ponder a bit.
The conversation consisted mainly of Susan telling the girls about her life at home, her stepdaughter, work and a bit about how she and Laura met. Becky seemed interested in Susan's line of work but didn't delve into it deeply. Julie however, slipped off her flip flops and was massaging Susan's leg with her foot as they talked. It was all Susan could do to maintain her self-control.
The food was okay, certainly not authentic French cuisine but pleasant none the less. As they ate and got to know each other the anxiety in Laura faded. It helped that she'd been drinking a bit throughout the afternoon. When they were finished, Susan paid despite Laura's attempt to pick up the check. A brief and friendly argument occurred even though Susan had told Laura she was paying.
The ride back to the house was slightly subdued due to full tummies. When they arrived the girls went to their respective rooms to talk on the phone or chat online. Susan and Laura settled onto the sofa, sipping another wine and quietly talking.
When they were sure the girls weren't listening, the subject of sleeping together returned to their conversation. Susan slipped next to Laura; her fingers playing with her lover's thigh as the other hand sifted through the lovely hair on her head. Laura was now in heaven, the day had been full of surprises but now they were getting some 'us' time.
“So my love, how did you want to do this? Were you going to tell Becky before she caught us or figured it out or just wait and see?”
Laura sighed, she was enjoying Susan's attention to her, something she'd been longing for since they first met.
“I don't know, I think we've had enough drama for one day. Let's let them go to sleep then we can go to my room and close the door. I've been wanting you all day, I even masturbated thinking about you earlier,” Laura blushed.
“Awww, you did?” Susan snuggled even closer, kissing the nape of Laura's neck causing goose bumps on her arms.
Susan's mouth moved over Laura's neck, her breath warm and soothing as she gently licked and kissed her way to the woman's earlobe. Whispering she asked, “What did you think about when you were enjoying yourself?”
Laura shivered not quite sure she wanted to tell Susan the details involving Julie and Susan so she fabricated parts.
“Oh, I pictured your gorgeous breasts in my mouth as I sucked on each one, playing with your nipples as they became solid in my mouth. My teeth biting down on them tugging, my tongue swirling around them slowly as you squirmed next to me.”
Susan shivered and in a low sultry voice, she replied, "Mmmm, that does sound yummy. I wish the girls were asleep right now. I'd love for your dream to come true, my love."
Laura closed her eyes, her head tilted to one side allowing Susan more area to lick and kiss on her neck. The warm sensations flowing through her focused between her legs as she squirmed with each pass of Susan's tongue over her skin.
As Susan teased Laura, she noticed Julie's bedroom light extinguish. The house fell silent just before the sliver of light from beneath Becky's door went out. The two lovers were left alone waiting for the girls to fall asleep before continuing their lovemaking in Laura's room.
Susan whispered, “I think the girls have called it a night, my love.”
Laura managed to mumble quietly, “It's about time. Let's give them a few more minutes before we go to my room.”
Susan purred in Laura's ear, “Sounds delicious lover.”
For the entire summer after her eighteenth birthday, Elizabeth was on edge. Everyone knew that something happened after you turned eighteen. They called it the awakening. After finishing primary school and before moving on to higher education pursuits, the adolescents were taken and educated by a special government task force.All Elizabeth knew was that the girls were decidedly different when they returned from the awakening. There was a secrecy, a maturity that wasn't there before. They were...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMatthew - The Awakening - Part 3Part 1 2 got home from school on Monday at the usual time, 3:30. My entire day was a blur. I kept wondering if my mom was going to be good to her word this week and if so, when? Could I even last through the week? On top of that, my geometry teacher noticed me staring at her legs again and kept me after class to admonish me to focus on...
Matthew-The Awakening - Part 2As you might imagine from part 1 I had a tough time making it through the next weekend. I mean, my entire sexual experience was me masturbating (and I was very good at that), a few handjobs from the girl next door and them mom sucking me off the previous week. I would have thought it a dream were it not for the fact that when I woke the next morning with the taste of mom's pussy in my mouth and our...
AWAKENING TO NEW PLEASURES ? by: Zay I am awakening. I hear gentle music. A soft voice goes deep into my thoughts. Something like "sexy calm," or "calm sexy..." I feel the headphones on my ears. I feel the silky mask over my eyes. I feel so calm and sexy... My arms and legs feel so comfortable and secure, wrapped snugly in silky material. My feet and knees are spread, so comfy... I feel the air caressing over my body. My cock feels like it sticking straight up. I feel so...
This is a story of a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands and cock of an older man — me. of, well, me. I’m an older man. I’m almost 50, with a still somewhat athletic build, hairy chest and body, and a decent-sized cock of about eight inches long rooted in a mass of wiry brown pubic hair. The young woman I’m about to tell you about is Kate N.. I’ve known her for a very long time. Let’s just leave it at that. Kate was adopted as an infant from China by her mom, Ewa, and her adoptive...
Part 1: 2: sat waiting at the table as she watched her mum walk over the fridge. What was she going to tell her? What was Mark saying? So many thoughts were rushing through her head. She didn’t dare ask as then her mum would know she had been listening in to her private phone calls.“MUM! Its not even 9am!” Katie said as her mum walked toward the table with a cold...
When Elizabeth woke up she felt... different. She'd slept soundly in the room provided to her in the government awakening facility. Last night, after her examination with Dr. Amora, she remembered feeling uncomfortable that there were no clothes provided to her in the room. This morning, however, she didn't feel concerned about that at all. Completely naked, she wandered over to the full-size mirror hanging on her wall. To her surprise and, admittedly, delight, she looked different On her...
First TimeJake’s dreamed of him and Catherine standing on the bridge of the Karenna sailing the skies. In the dream, Catherine was holding their infant son. The eels were there along with many tiny eels floating around them. The dream changed, Jake was laying in his bed. Catherine was lightly stroking his face. Then she kissed him and covered him with a blanket. The dream ended and he drifted deeper into slumber. He was awoken by a knock on his cabin door. Jake sat up looking around. It took a few...
Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. In Chapter I Dani was confronted with her past and introduced to sissy boy dress, public venues and intimate sex with her new Master. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please...
The Game : first time sex: Part 5 Awakening from the Dream and Pleasing Parvati *** Please read the following stories that lead up to this point. The Game ... First Time Sex The Game ... first time Sex : Part 2 – Virgin Sex The Game ... First Time Sex : Part 3 - Thanksgiving The Game : First Time Sex: Part 4 – The Interrogation and Inquisition Marcus, Tonya, and I had a great time Wednesday night before Thanksgiving Day. Tonya was not with us, and I missed her. After we finished and...
First TimeMy name is Matthew, though everyone call's me Matt. I've always been very aware of sex, even at the very early age of nine. I remember my sister's sweet 16 party and her sitting with me on the couch before the guests arrived (I was banned to my room when it started) admiring my sister's panyhose covered legs. When mom left the room I touched her leg and ran my finger up her thigh until she looked at me funny and made me stop by pushing my hand aside. I suppose that was the first time I could...
The Awakening by BobH (c) 2011, 2013 Four years ago someone murdered me. I was determined to find out who, and to make them pay. 1. The Party It all began at the firm's annual party. To the casual viewer this was an excuse for us to relax and for our spouses and significant others to socialize. In reality it was more like the Roman arena, a killing ground in which we associates warily circled each other, looking for ways to curry favour with the partners and to do each...
Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a f****y of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...
My Sexual Awakening---a memoirIt was 34 years ago that I had my first sexual encounter, and it started me on a path that made me the slut I am. My parents werent real wealthy. We always had enough to eat and a place to live, but things like extra clothes and other things just werent available. In the summer i usually had nothing else to wear other than some really old cutoffs that were really tite and short from having been washed and frayed so many times. They were so short that my little butt...
Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a family of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...
Alison's Awakening Preface Chapter One Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...
Wife LoversMichelle’s Awakening Ch 1Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more.Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the more...
Wife LoversThe awakening part 1 ?The awakening part 1 As the taxi drove through the Oxfordshire countryside I lent forward and wound down the window, the warm spring air blew around me, the scent of Elder, Hawthorn and grass heavy in the breeze, the dappled sun shining on to open fields, as the clouds roll through the heavens, crops beginning to sprout as Nature begins another cycle. I sat back as I thought of what was to come, meeting Cathy for the first time as my submissive. We had met twice...
I walked back through the coolness of the kitchen and out into the heat of the pool area. I walked back into my apartment and saw Caley and Paul sitting at the table eating breakfast. Caley was in a towel. She looked beautiful. Paul turned, "At last.....thought you had left for the day. Everything OK?" I could see that Paul was a little worried about how things might have gone regarding his little hook up last night. "Everything's fine, just needed to wait for Mom to get out...
=================================================================================== Yesterday was a normal day. Yesterday monsters weren’t real. Yesterday he didn’t know Rebecca. Yesterday is the past, forever unchanged, and when you have a day like the one Jonathan Adkins had, the future is most uncertain. Join me now as the tale unravels of a normal man thrown into a world he never knew existed. Jonathan Adkins lay in his bed waiting for his alarm to make the accustomed noise it...
Chapter 3 === === The rest of the work day went like any normal day for Nathan. For Rebecca however, it was an odd day. After the incident with Sheila she was very horny, and decided to see if Nathan had one more round in him by sneaking under the table to clean off the naughty bosses juices from his cock. She was very surprised when Nathan had told her to stop, but she was even more surprised when she was compelled to do so. Something wasn't right. A genie is never compelled by...
This is the final chapter in Awakening. I am working on Melinda and Mark’s story. Thanks for reading. Ashira CHAPTER EIGHTEEN -Months later- ‘Stop fiddling with your tie,’ Ashira said, batting at Jake’s hand. ‘I can’t help it,’ he grumbled. Ashira sighed and looked up as Mark and his lawyer walked into the court room. ‘I want him to just …’ Jake jumped as someone placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘Jeez Trevor, you gave me a heart attack,’ Jake groused. Trevor laughed. ‘Where’s Sunny?’...
My wife, Chris, and I live in an urban center on the east coast. We're both successful lawyers who work downtown and have been married for 15 years; 14 of them in total monogamy. I am 50 years old and she is my second wife.Chris, who is 38, stands 5'5" tall, has short brunette hair, 116 lbs., beautiful legs with breasts in total proportion to her body; a lovely figure with a defined, European face...big eyes and soft lips. (Her parents came from Sweden.) We don't have any c***dren by choice....
The Awakening:Chapter 1There are three remarkable things about this story. The first is the awakening of manhood. How a boy, whose age we’ll keep under wraps just in case people with higher moral conscience come banging on my door, became a man.How human imagination can open floodgates of thoughts and these thoughts culminate into elaborate dreams. The second remarkable thing would be how this imagination has no bounds. How it opens the gates to such immense possibilities without us realizing...
The AwakeningThis is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story.Well where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...
Mature(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...
No, this couldn’t be happening, she thought. This was not something she would ever dream of doing, no, she was a “good girl”. She had never even had a one-night stand, how could she now want to do this? She couldn’t help but relive that day. It was a warm late winter day, the kind that makes you know you’ve made it through the winter and that spring was on the verge of blossoming. I had had flights of fancy before, but something was brewing inside that was totally new. I had taken to calling...
Note: This is more of a literary exercise, however there is an erotic scene or two. Also to you who have not read D.H. Lawrence’s ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ do so, and not just for the ‘fuck scenes’ dp * * * * * ‘Professor Donovan?’ Constance called out to her English Literature professor as he turned into the hallway in front of her. The young tall dark bearded man turned, his piercing blue eyes catching hers. She felt blood flow into her cheeks every time he looked at her. It was a...
My fantasy continued… (If you have not read the first chapter titled "Awakening" ( this may leave you confused)Rachel held me tightly, her arms pulling me close, our lips met as the first spurt of cum left my cock and shot into her pussy. She moaned on my tongue again and I felt her rock her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against my shaft. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily, “Oh yes, fill me up,” she begged as the second spurt filled her and I...
Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...
IncestTales From The Painted Lady: Nikki's Awakening - By Beryl33 Hello, everyone! This is Nikki again, chambermaid at The Painted Lady. I've had some requests for the beginning of my story, the tale of how I became Mistress Anne's devoted - and transformed! - "lesbian" slavegirl and slutty she-male maid. Here's how it all began: I woke slowly, or half-woke, still drifting in the dream - a bizaare but very erotic dream in which I tried on various pieces of lingerie at the orders of a...
Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...
Dear reader, this is my first effort at fiction, but after enjoying so many writers' efforts for years I felt I should try to give something back to the wonderful people who write and publish these marvelous stories. This is a story of a sissy by a sissy for sissies - and hopefully a few cute admirers as well. Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. If it is well received, I plan on writing several...
Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapters I and II took Dani through her initial transition in the hands of her Mummy and Sir John. She is now to be presented to (a very select) society as a sissy debutant. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I...
Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. This chapter continues with the party and focuses on Dani's becoming all the sissy girl she can be! It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please do let me know. DANI'S...
Book I ? Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapter V deals with the party's aftermath, Dani's first experience with another sissy, and looks into the future. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please do let me...
My awakening into the world of bi-sexual encounters which have rocked my world.Up until I was 19 I had never even looked at another women with anything but a fashionable eye and a bitch about her beauty, but a hot and sticky July afternoon was to change that forever. My best friend had invited me to her beach hut where she spent most of her summers to relax and enjoy some sunshine and white wine with a couple of her colleagues from work, I had never been out with this crowd before but very soon...
Brenda's Awakening There I was, Xander Estevez, standing in the middle of my apartment looking at the news on my exe's Social Media account. "WE'RE PREGNANT". Those two words, well three if you break up the contraction, just shattered my world. Now I know what you're thinking and no, the kid's not mine. You may also be feeling pity and Empathy for a guy who just felt the world come down on top of him but I promise this is not a sad story, this isn't a horror movie or a tragedy. No....
Caroline's Awakening Caroline's Awakening The setting sun lazily flashed and flickered off the final water jump. Caroline dug her boot heels in to goad her horse, Odyne, to complete the final jump. Before the ripples caused by the mud falling from the horses hoofs had reached the bank, she had crossed the line to what can only be described as polite, almost sympathetic applause.?Bugger? she thought, disheartened in knowing that for the third year running she had failed to finish inside...
My Awakening My Awakening Part 1; The day was like any other day. I got out of bed somewhere around 3 PM, but only because I set my alarm. I took a quick shower and forgot to shave. I played around on my computer for a while, then I was off to work. I'm only 23 and I own my mother's old corner store, after she sold it to me for basically nothing as she expanded her other businesses. Anyway, it was a Saturday night, which is a corner store's best night. That meant I could have two people...
To follow the story please pick up on the first part of the series. now on things will start to pick up for the better (or worse) for our lovely Heroin. Make sure to like or leave a comment. All input is greatly appreciated and motivational for continuing the story. Chapter 3 : And so it begins Stacey lifted her head, a buzzing pain clouded her ability to think straight as she lifted her head from her pillow.My god, she thought...
This is the third chapter of Awakening. This is the uncensored version of this story and contains extreme gore and death. If you would prefer a censored version with a minor rewrite to avoid human death, feel free to visit my profile on Literotica or Lush Stories (links to both profiles are available in my DeviantArt bio under the name QuiverWrites), where the censored version will be published. Both versions are also available on my Patreon. As with previous chapters, this story contains...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
AWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Introduction: Girlfriends 1st Time with Dog & Pony NOTE: If you have not read the previous Bree stories 1-5, I would highly suggest that you do, so you can have a historical perspective of the past history of the people involved, that events that lead up to each individual chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends. If you have not read Bree 5, it is a prerequisite as Bree 6 is the continuation of where Bree 5 laid the groundwork and left off, then Bree 7 Shannons Encounter...
Background: Amelia is the last but highest ranking surviving member of her bloodline. She knows that if she finds her destined mate that she will be able to birth more purebloods and will not have to augment her forces with turned vampires. She loves all of her children but is in need of purebloods to strengthen her forces to combat the humans. She does not want war but will not allow her family to be extinguished by human hatred and fear. Humans know that if Amelia finds a mate Humanity will...
InterracialTHE AWAKENING By Betty Noone The Beginning Howard Polk, Age 34, and Margaret (Maggie) Polk, age 33 were in the kitchen of their home having the most important conversation of their lives since their marriage ten years ago. They were both college professors with doctorate degrees, he in History and she in Economics. While very young for such an honor, they were both tenured at their school and each earned just short of $100,000.00 a year. They had two children, a boy named Mark,...
I have tried to accurately represent the events as they were related to me and have submitted the manuscripts back to those who provided the information for review for accuracy. As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding of how these events began and unfolded over time. 41 Pages Bree 6 The Awakening About a month before the planned get together at the ranch, they all met in San Antonio at The Shops of LaCanterra to...
Purely Erotic Fiction. THE LONG HOT SUMMER – The Awakening Chapter 1 Well, as all things seem to go in life, new opportunities and experiences present themselves at unexpected times, and in unbelievable places. My story begins when I was a few days away from my eighteenth birthday. I was a bit of a shy guy, a studious “straight A” student, a good athlete, lettering in a number of sports, and really naïve about sex. I had offers from a number of very good universities, so life was good....
IncestDo you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Introduction: A continuation: Awakenings 5 I didnt think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked whats going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own...
Introduction: Read Awakenings 1-3 before this one. Awakenings 4 I didnt think Id continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something Im still trying to understand. Ive gone from a meek, nave little creature who thought sex was just...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesDisclaimer: I hoped you liked the first part of this saga I have started…its my first sex story, I have yet to expand more…but I hope you will understand…I will try my best to meet your expectations in the stories to follow…but I hope you will follow this story as it progresses…and it would be helpful if you leave me comments…hope you will enjoy… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Blinding Lust 2 – The Dark Lords Awakening No ordianry man could hear it, and he...