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Pretty thoroughly fiction, based in part on a few events from my life, though I will keep them private. There’s no sex in this story, more a relationship entry.


I’ve never liked the concept of abortion.

Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I’m no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb, neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, ‘Murderer!’ when women walk into them.

For me it’s far more personal.

My dad and I never really got along. He didn’t even want me, a fact I intuited (I think) pretty early, not until I was about eleven years of age did I really begin to grasp that.

You see, all through my childhood, whenever I did something wrong — which was pretty much every week — my dad would say, ‘Shoulda been aborted, ya little weasel.’

Didn’t matter what I did wrong, either. It could have been as serious as breaking his beer bottles (yeah, that happened a time or three), as innocuous as not making Little League or Pop Warner. Any infraction, any disappointment, any imperfection:

‘Shoulda been aborted, ya little weasel.’

I took it in stride, largely because I didn’t know what it meant. It was a different generation, years before Roe V Wade, a time when abortion was looked on as shameful and almost never discussed.

I remember the day I found out. As I said, I was eleven. A friend of mine (Chuck) had an older friend (Billy), one with whom I didn’t hang out, sort of a friend-of-a-friend thing, and this older friend had a still older sister who had developed a serious infection after this ‘abortion’ thing she had, done by ‘some guy.’

I asked my Chuck to tell me what happened. I didn’t know from abortion, except it sounded kind of like what my dad kept saying to me.

Chuck told me, in terms as graphic as an eleven-year-old could, what it meant.

I vomited. Right then, right there, I puked my guts out.

Chuck was really worried. He asked me if I was okay. I told him I was, but truth be known I was horrified. Not just for the baby this girl had terminated, either. I was supposed to have been treated that way.

My dad had told me so.

Chuck tended to me the best he could, brought me Coke with ice, brought me some Pepto, I thanked him, and put on a mask of okay-ness, and left for home.

I was so pissed at my father, now that I had put together the true meaning behind those hateful words.

I stewed in my anger for a few days, withdrawing from my parents. My mother asked me about it, to which I said as little as possible, Dad was not in the habit of noticing me, unless I fucked up.

It was about a week later when things came to a head.

I did something, I forget what, and he once again muttered that phrase: ‘Shoulda been aborted, ya little weasel.’

I stuck my face toward his and screamed, ‘Yeah, well you should too, you drunk!’

I woke up a few minutes later, I’d been backhanded so hard I’d been knocked out, and lost a tooth in the bargain.

My father stood over me, shaking a finger in my face. ‘You don’t EVER talk to me like that, you little piece of shit!’

I kicked him in the balls, scrambled up, and bolted out the door, headed for the next-door neighbors, screaming for help. The Saxons were family friends. They saw me, looking like I’d been in an accident, bleeding, my pants soaked in urine, Mrs Saxon sat me on the porch, while her husband retreated into the house.

My father came roaring out a moment later, cursing, screaming, he caught a glimpse of me next door, and charged toward the house. Mrs Saxon held me to her matronly bosom.

My father screamed, ‘I’m gonna kill you, you little…’


Mr Saxon had re-emerged from the house, brandishing a shotgun. ‘Touch him,’ he said quietly, ‘and I’ll blow your worthless skull right off of your corpse.’ He smiled and aimed the gun.

After a few minutes argument, a police car rolled up. Mr Saxon had alerted them, it seemed. A tall, ex-Marine looking cop got out, assessed the situation, and got, to his satisfaction, the straight scoop.

After a quarter-hour or so, having heard all he likely needed to, the cop pulled my father to one side, far enough away we shouldn’t have been able to hear, and said, in a voice we couldn’t help hearing: ‘You touch that boy again,’ gesturing at me, ‘I’ll take this gun,’ he held up his service revolver, ‘stick it up your drunken ass, and pull the trigger. You got that?’

My dad’s bravado had slipped a few notches. He nodded. The cop turned, then sucker-punched him, and then broke his nose with the flat of his hand.


To say things changed immediately at my house is an understatement.

My dad still hated me, and more than ever, I now hated him with a white-hot fury. It muted over time, of course, and we learned to tolerate one another, my mother the only thing we had in common.

We danced around through my middle- and high-school years, and on the day after I received my diploma, I took all my meager possessions (I’d accumulated virtually none of the trappings of teen life, having fantasized of this day), piled them in the front yard, and as my dad emerged from the house to go to work, I flipped him off, made a huge display of pouring lighter fluid over my things, and torched the whole pile.

He stared at me with empty eyes, then got the garden hose and put out the fire. Yeah, he’d be late for work. I didn’t care.

‘Joined the Air Force, asshole. Maybe one day I’ll have a kid and beat the fuck out of him, just like my dear ol’ DAD!’ I mocked.

It was an empty threat. I had no desire for children, because I was so deeply, deeply afraid I’d turn out like him. Still it felt good, as evil as I feel for saying this, to needle him that way.

Before I turned to go, I saw him staring at me, the way one would watch a dream evaporating.

Yeah, I’d won. At what cost?

Didn’t matter. Not that day.


I finished a four-year hitch, mustering out as far from my home town as I could, I set up something like housekeeping, having saved all my pennies from the service, having the GI Bill to pay my way through school.

Along the way, over the preceding years, I’d had a few sexual dalliances. Not in high school, mind, I was a virtual loner then, uninterested in girls, unwilling to risk making a baby. Some of my friends and acquaintances had done just that, each time hardened my resolve against.

I’d had a brief affair with a non-com in the Air Force, illegal, of course, a Dishonorable Discharge offense, but no one found out, and we cut things short after a couple of months.

In college, I had some girlfriends from other nearby schools. Two of those colleges, in fact, had something in common. One was Peace College, the other Camden. The saying in town was: You want a wife? Date at Peace. You want a Piece? Date at Camden.

Har har.

Yeah, I dipped into the Camden pool a few times.


I’d been dating a Peace girl, Kara, for a few months. We’d progressed from casual to semi-serious to serious to sexual, all within six weeks. I’d used protection, all but the couple of times she told me she’d just finished her period, and should be safe.

We continued seeing one another for another month or so, Spring mid-terms had separated us for a bit, after which I thought we’d resume our relationship.

Well, no.

I didn’t hear from her until just after graduation.

We were both set to receive our diplomas, two days apart as it turned out, mine first, I got a call from Kara three days later, a Tuesday, telling me we had to meet, it was urgent, and be at the Camden Inn Thursday evening at six-thirty sharp.



Thursday did not come fast enough.

I was in the lobby at five-thirty, pacing, explaining to various concierges and others I was waiting fo
r someone.

She walked through the doors at six-thirty, just as she’d said. She motioned me to a padded bench.

As we sat, she dropped the bomb. ‘I’m pregnant,’ she said, with no preamble.

My face froze, I could feel it, then I grinned. ‘Really? You, we… I mean, a baby?’ I was by now blubbering a little. ‘We’re having a little one?’

There was so much turmoil in my mind, hope and hatred, love and loathing, I didn’t know which way to turn.

‘I’m having an abortion,’ she said, flatly, cutting through my reverie.

I sat there, stunned, unable to take in what she was saying. ‘Kara, this is us, this is our baby, how can you…’

She held up a hand. ‘Jeff, you have no say in it.’

‘No SAY!?’ I thundered, people stared at us, as I lowered my voice and continued. ‘No say? It’s my child, too, isn’t it?’

Kara’s face hardened for a moment, she softened, then said, ‘I can’t have this baby now. I’m sorry.’

My emotions drained, suddenly, gone as surely as if they’d never been there. I stood, and said, ‘Explain that to little Gracie,’ I gestured at her abdomen — why I believed it was a girl, and why I chose that name, I didn’t know — ‘when you see her in the next life.’

I stood, stalked out the door, tears running down my face.

I should have been aborted, and my baby girl, my Gracie, was going to get what perhaps I really had deserved.

Sleep was far too long coming that night.


It was a Saturday afternoon, early, maybe one o’clock. My wife, Jessie, had popped out for a quick trip to the market, to collect a few items needed to make her tater salad and my bratwurst marinade, two of the finest things on the planet.

Jessie and I were both forty-five, parents of four wonderful kids, devoted to one another, as sexually motivated as when we were in our late twenties, more discreet, because the kids were old enough to know when Mom and Dad were doin’ it.

It had been a struggle, at first, I’d explained to Jessie what I’d experienced, in childhood and beyond. She knew I’d been accused of being abortion fodder, and had lost a child similarly. She’d comforted me, soothed me, ensured me we’d be fine from then on.

She had presented her virginity to me on out wedding night, if you can believe that, a woman past twenty-one with an intact hymen.

I took that prize, and accepted her strength to face future, we made four oh-so-gorgeous babies, naturals at the breast, grown into ravenous kids who loved how Mom and Dad cooked, eager to learn all the secrets a kitchen held, for a time when they would attract mates. What scoundrels!

I never hit them, ever, no matter what. Do it once, I figured, and it’s all over. I’d support Jessie, and she’d support me.

Oh, God, my kids were good, so good.

Anyway, I was in my office, a scant few yards off the main hallway. A knock sounded at the door, after a moment, my oldest, my son Hank, called out, ‘Dad! There’s a lady to see you!’

‘See her in,’ I yelled back, putting finishing touches on whatever I was doing.

I walked out into the parlor, and saw a young woman who looked astonishingly like me.

She looked into my eyes and smiled. ‘Are you Jeff?’ she asked.

I held out a hand, reciprocating her action. ‘Uh, yeah,’ I said.

She proffered an envelope. ‘I’m Gracie,’ she said, simply, and (I thought) a tad nervously.

My heart froze as I took the envelope.

Hank saw my look. ‘Dad, you okay?’

‘Uh, yeah, son, uh… hey, make us some tea? Earl Grey, hot?’

Hank grinned tentatively, ‘Yes, Captain Picard,’ he quipped, moving toward the kitchen.

I gestured Gracie toward the sofa. My other children had gathered, Hank shooed them into the kitchen with him.

Gracie sat, as did I, I opened the envelope. Inside was a note, and another smaller envelope.

Dear Jeff, it said,

This is a little strange for you, I know. It is for me, too.

If you’re reading this, I’m dead. I have, or had, cervical cancer.

Gracie is your daughter. I know, I said I was going to have an abortion. My mother had convinced me it was the way to go. She’d accept nothing less.

When you called my child ‘her,’ and named ‘her’ Gracie, I knew I couldn’t go through with it.

My mother and I were alienated because of Gracie. She never accepted me into her presence again, and died, some years ago, instructing that I not be allowed to attend her funeral.

I was never with any other man, sweet Jeff. You were the only man I ever made love to. I’m so happy to have surrendered my virginity to the man who fathered my sweet Gracie.

What you do now is up to you. Please show her the love you showed me.

I’ve enclosed materials for you to have tested, should you not believe she’s yours. She is, my sweetie.

Yours forever – Kara

Hank and my other children emerged from the kitchen then, placing the tea and assorted goodies — they were SO well trained by their mother, who loved the English social graces — on the coffee table, taking stations around us in the parlor, watching us like hawks.

‘I don’t know what to say,’ I said at length.

Gracie put her hand on mine. ‘I just want to know you,’ she said simply. She gestured around the room, and said, ‘They’re my…?’

‘Mmm hmm,’ was all I got out.

At that moment, the garage door opened. Jessie entered thirty seconds later, calling out, ‘Yoo hoo? Little help here?’

Hank called out, ‘We’re in the parlor, Mom.’

Jessie emerged a few moments after. She sized up the situation quickly. ‘Jeff,’ she said, ‘introduce us.’

‘Jessie, this is Gracie. Gracie, my wife Jessica, Jessie.’

Jessie’s eyes glazed over for a split-second, she smiled, took Gracie’s hand, then hugged her.

They pulled back from one another, Jessie said, ‘I’m so glad to meet you, sweetheart.’

Gracie lost her composure at that.

I don’t know what Gracie had expected, hostility, demands, how dare you infiltrate my family, you little bitch, but it wasn’t what she got. She broke down and cried.

My smallest, my little Madeleine, was weeping, holding my leg. ‘Daddy, what’s happening?’

‘Kids!’ I said in a clear, commanding voice. ‘No time for explanations, not right now, but this is your sister Gracie.’

I picked my Madeleine up, kissed her gently, and placed her on Gracie’s lap. They locked eyes for a moment, and then held one another, weeping as for one lost and then found.

The whole family joined in, experiencing a hug, altogether.


It’s been a few weeks, now.

Gracie inured herself into the family dynamic. Jessie welcomed her, the other kids adored her, I loved her. There was so much to talk about, so much not to say, so many bonds to work out.

And as a family, we just roll on.

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FRIDAY EVENING: I was on my way to the game and actually very excited. I was going to catch up with some hometown friends that I hadn't seen in a while. When I walked through the gate, I could see the football team warming up, people taking their seats and the cheer squad stretching. I looked through the crowd and saw Easton and Ty. 2 friends of mine from high school. ME: "Hey guys!" EASTON: "My dude! What's up man?" TY: "How's it going?!" We stood and talked until halftime...

4 years ago
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A Week With Jill Part 1

I found myself very nervous that Sunday afternoon as I waited for Jill to arrive.She was a college friend of my daughter Sarah, and although I knew her from a couple of vacation visits she made, now she was coming to stay alone as she had some job interviews in town.I have lived alone since I divorced Sarah’s mother, done well enough as an architect to work from the home I designed for myself. There was plenty of room for anyone to stay for a week without disrupting each other.Yet I found...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Lovely Incest

Note : This story is completely fictional! He saw this sex with "no holds barred" holiday advertised on the web, and my wife's dad invited us to join him, so that he could fuck the arse off his daughter for two weeks, with my full permission and encouragement. Before we left on the holiday, my wife drove down to her dad's, and he slept and fucked her for three nights solid, without any protection whatsoever. He was desperate to get his cock into his daughters cunt, and really empty his balls in...

4 years ago
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To Love her II

“I’m sorry you have to go cause I was thinking of riding that monster of yours later but since you have to go I guess I will have to settle for good old BOB,” Megan was looking at me with a seductive look in her eyes and was running her delicate fingers on my chest. I was now hard but I couldn’t stay with her, I had to get home as soon as possible. “As much as I want you to ride my ‘monster’ I really gotta get home or my dad could really freak out and have another stroke again,” It was the...

2 years ago
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Maddies Morning Surprise

I wake to a warm ray of sun filtering through the dusty window blinds onto my face and within an instant am struck by the fact that maybe those last couple shots from the previous night were not a good idea. A need for water and aspirin is immediately apparent, but hasty movements are out of the question as well. Better to ease into a hangover. I stretch my body out and that’s when I become aware that I’m not alone in bed, as my foot finds skin behind me. Dammit. Drew. Quickly replaying the end...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Using Lace pt 4

“Do you own this place? I heard the way Candy and Domino talked to you earlier. Antonio Richards. Richard’s Treasures. Are they one in the same or just a coincidence? Not only that your car is parked in the VIP section” She looked at him waiting for a response. He hesitated, she wondered if he would answer. Why was he so secretive? Especially with all they had done together. With intimacy like they had some insight on personal life was expected. He opened the passenger door for her...

3 years ago
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The Power of Science Chapter 1 The Story Begins

He had been treated like some instrument of intellect and knowledge ever since he had discovered the cure for Alzheimer's approximately one year ago when he was 15. It wasn't really that hard. It came to him while he was trying to ignore everything that his math teacher was saying. Last year, he was a freshman attending a regular, public high school. His family was not wealthy, and his parents had to work hard to keep food on the table and have running water and electricity. At the time, it...

2 years ago
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Part 41 Session

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 41: Session Peter and Kristen stayed over for the rest of the afternoon, lounging around with the four of us. We had a kind of elation from making something together. With the group sitting in the living room, I sat on the computer just a few feet away, downloading the tapes and starting to edit. I had tough choices of which angle to use and at what times. Holly stood over my shoulder and gave me her input for different shots. All in all, it took...

4 years ago
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Michael And Nicole Vacation Day One

It had been a few weeks since Michael and Nicole enjoyed their yoga session with Randy. The couple had learned a bit through their two threesomes and were curious about exploring more layers of their sexuality. Michael knew he enjoyed watching Nicole with other men, but definitely wanted to participate more physically. Nicole learned that she enjoyed not only being dominated, but humiliated and fucked roughly.The couple had started reaching out to men on the site they met Jeremy, who had...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Burglar Role Play

My husband and I play many a different role games; it’s just our way of spicy up our sex life. It’s been a number of weeks since we had done any playing so hubby and I talked it over and decided this upcoming weekend we’d do a little role playing. On Friday morning before hubby took off for work he suggested that when I got home from work to use my Merry Widow to include a nice pair of red fuck me shoes. He also mentioned that he’d be home somewhere in between 6 and 7 and would have dinner so I...

3 years ago
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Karishma Made My Pussy Wet As Hell

Hi everyone. My name is Varsha and I am here with my second account of lesbian sex with an ISS reader. I got many mails for my previous lesbian story with my maid. Thank you for that! All guys here, don’t mail me for friendship or chat bcoz I wont respond to your mails. Only lesbians or bisexual women can mail me on About me, I am Varsha Doshi, 34, from Mumbai, India. I am currently in my 2nd month of pregnancy. I am mildly fair with a height of 5’6 and “stats” as they say of 34D-30-36. I...

4 years ago
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My CoWorkers Wife

I first met Glenda Davis years ago at a family Christmas party being given by the company I work for. My family had just arrived at the place where the party was taking place. We walked into the party room and I immediately noticed a very attractive young woman standing and talking with Gary Davis, one of my co-workers. I was immediately attracted to this young woman and ushered my wife over to meet Gary, who introduced the woman as Glenda, his wife. She and my wife hit it off immediately as...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach A Visit from St Nick

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bikini Beach: A Visit From St. Nick While waiting for the annual visit from Santa, Anya witnesses a near-accident with the old man and his sleigh. Only quick magic can prevent a disaster - but with what consequences? ********************************************************************** Merry Christmas to all! ********************************************************************** With another quick nervous...

2 years ago
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my first master

Hello Darling, I'm Jessica.""Hi, Nice to meet you, I'm Bobbie.""Can I offer you a drink?" asked Jessica, noticing he was pretty nervous."Sure, that would be great," I responded as I watched her cute ass sway into the kitchen. We made small talk for a while than her congenial tone changed."Well, let's get to it. You ready to become my little slut bitch?" she asked."Yeah, I guess so," I replied. Before I could even finish she had slapped me in face."Is that the proper way to address me bitch?"...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Mia Moore Works Overtime On Her Boss

Sexy assistant Mia Moore works hard for boss Chad Alva, even overtime on the weekends when she’s in the middle of sunbathing naked poolside. He asks the tattooed hottie to pick up a suit for him and while trying it on the brunette babe can’t help but to check out the huge bulge in his pants. The naughty nympho gets down on her knees for a blowjob, which gets interrupted by a call from her husband. But once the cheating wife is off the phone, it’s hardcore fucking in this...

3 years ago
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 30

It took longer than expected to happen, mostly because Melissa stuck to her guns about completing her Chiropractic certification. (She managed it quicker than most, having begun the training at the beginning of summer the year before and continuing with little break until the end of spring.) Finally, with her true love's erotic and portrait drawings and her own prose poems surrounding everyone in a private showing, she joined the celebration at Elliot's gallery. Celebration contained...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 52 SM03Epsilon Day 8

Steve awoke to the sound of gentle snoring from one of his two bedmates. A quiet check revealed that Lucille was innocent; Angela was the source of the noise. As Steve lay there, waiting to see if he could fall back asleep, his mind wandered back to the events of the day before. He'd slept with Dianne (who wasn't interested in sex with him) and Jessica (who was). In the morning, Jessica had been nuzzling his neck when he awoke, to Dianne's amusement. She'd gotten out of bed and left for...

2 years ago
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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Tru

Rosa and Natalie, fifteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa’s father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean Michaels plunges through Natalie’s cherry. The debauchery was supposed to be forgotten. All evidence was supposed to be erased...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai Pehli Baar Enjoy A Lot

Hi ,mai Ishaan from Gujarat mai rehta Gujarat mai aur job Maharashtra mai karta hu toh vacation karne ko aata hu Gujarat mai.mera age 21 hai, height 5.9 hai aur Lund ka size 7 to 8 inch hai bada hai I knw. Yeh mera phela experience hai and meri pehli story, this is real story. So abb aata hu mai apni story pe ye baat kuch 1 saal purani hai meri chachi akshar mai ghar aati hai vacation banane ko aati aur woh ruk ti bhi hai around 10 to 15 days mere chacha nhi hai unko death ho chuka thaaround 2...

3 years ago
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Horny in public

On a hot sunny day Sophie got a word from her boss that she and her crew can take off the rest of the day and go home. Her colleagues were going to a huge party and they were going to get by her house anyhow so they offered give her a ride on the way. She hesitated because the car was a small Peugeot 206 with 2 doors and she was in miniskirt with a tiny tanga. Than she thinked what could hurt ... it might be a little exiting to ride in that small car beside 5 other guys. "Three of them were...

3 years ago
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After Work Surprise

Everything was ready. The apartment was lit by candles, which cast a amber simmering glow against the walls. The massage oil was warm and the crisp white sheets were turned down. This was her treat, her surprise. Hannah had to work a long day but I hoped this would make up for it. I was going to be her masseur, dressed in just a towel wrapped around my waist. I poured us two glasses of cabernet, waiting for her return. Hannah opened the door and stopped in her tracks. She smiled as she saw...

Straight Sex
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Brother in Law

Brother in LawNancy knows her sister Dianne is out of town for a couple of days in a business trip, but she drives towards her sister’s house, it was around 9 pm, she was dressed slutty, short tight dress, light material with low cut top, push up bra showing most of upper parts of her big sized tits, intentionally leaving a couple of buttons unbuttoned.She knocks at the door, her brother in law opens the door, he was alone at home as she expected, and wearing a pair of shorts only, as it was...

3 years ago
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K5 Secret Holiday Fun with Niece Katy

K5 Secret Holiday Fun with Niece Katy By billy69boyIt was a scene right out of a Norman Rockwell painting, no doubt played out in millions of holiday living rooms throughout the world: the gifts have long ago been exchanged, the big Christmas dinner was already in the past, and an intimate group of close relatives and friends gathered around the television, watching movies together. Our living room scene consisted of my darling nieces Katy, Beth and Mary, along with Katy’s recently announced...

2 years ago
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Episode 32 Getting Dressed

FantasyYou know the feeling: lying in a warm bed, breathing in a faint whiff of her perfume, new stiffy just starting, your wife / girlfriend / mistress / s1ster-in-law returns from the bathroom. Hair wrapped in a towel, skin all clean and smooth after a vigorous shower to wash your sperm out of her crevices."Come back to bed darling, you look gorgeous, all freshly fucked. Come on we've still got time for another quickie"."Get lost; you've had me all night. My arse is still sore. You're not...

4 years ago
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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

I knocked on the door. I was so looking forward to the next six weeks. I was staying with my Aunt and my cousins over the summer break from University. My cousin Holly opened the door, smiled, and held her finger to her lips. I said nothing.   “Hi Emma” she said loudly.   She looked gorgeous. Her black hair flowing down her shoulders, her black sleeveless t-shirt showing her bare midriff, black bra straps showing, and her red mini skirt. It took my breath away. We were both the same age,...

1 year ago
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Wrong Place Wrong Time

The following story takes place on the night of July 23rd, 2011 in Manhattan, NYC... Rachel Bilson was sitting in her Manhattan apartment around 11:00pm on a hot summer night. The sound of the faulty window air conditioning unit and the television playing a re-run of 'Law & Order' filled the room. She had kept the apartment for seven years, ensuring a place of her own whenever she was in New York. It was rare that she would be in the city during the summer since she enjoyed her time in...

1 year ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 17

September 2, 1847 We have been traveling through the desert area again but with one difference. Like a cheerful blue jay, Willy has been circulating through the train talking the entire time. The boys are fascinated with him and his stories, while their fathers are more leery. One of the Simeroth boys especially seems fascinated with Willy and his stories. He is hanging on every word of his tales of Indians and the areas where he was the first white man to enter. Johan listens to his tales...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Violet Monroe Anal Rage

In this week’s story Seth Gamble has some serious anger issues! He just can not control his rage so he seeks help from sexy redhead therapist Violet Monroe who has some untraditional and kinky therapeutic methods. Violet introduces Seth to her anger management program: rope, flogger, crop, paddle, ball-gag and Hitachi! A whole spread of BDSM tools to help Seth get back in his right mind. Tied up tight in doggie Violet encourages Seth to use her to get all his frustrations out. First he...

2 years ago
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Vampyre Bets

Vampyre Bets The road was long; moving from New York to Kansas took forever. White lines painted on the road in intervals seemed to be forming into one long never ending line. "When will the monotony end?" I wondered aloud. No one heard me, I was alone. I had been alone for sometime now. I lost my girlfriend to the worst thing you can. I lost her to myself and my own uncaring ways. She tried to liven things up but I wasn't in the mood, hell I wasn't in the mood for nearly a year....

1 year ago
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Crazy for other men

June and James were happily married couple. They had wonder sex together, always satisfying each other. James love June to dress up in sexy lingerie, or her office clothes without panties or bra on...roleplaying. That was the extend of their sexual voyeurism, all in the confine of their bedroom. They were happy,and were planning for a holiday overseas for two weeks. Sunny beach here they come, and come they did! The first few days at the beach, lazing around. She goes shopping, and James spent...


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