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Julia eine bildhübsche 26 Jährige deutsche Zollbeamtin am Flughafen Hamburg hatte seid langen einen leichten hang zum Klauen.Da ihr Ehemann Frank schon länder keine arbeit hatte war es für beide nicht leicht mit dem Geld über die runden zu kommen.
Seid ca.1 Jahr durchsuchte sie Koffer und Taschen heimlich nach Wertgegenständen,die sie dann an sich nahm.
Auch heute wieder,sie steckte sich gerade den kompl.Schmuck aus einem Koffer in ihre Tasche,als die Tür zu ihrem Dienstzimmer auf ging und ein großer kräftiger Neger mit seiner blonden weißen Freundin vor ihr stand.
Vor lauter schreck lies sie auch noch einen Ring runter fallen der genau vor die Füße des Negers viel.Regungslos stand sie vor dem geöffneten Koffer und sahr die beiden an.
Der Neger schob die Tür hinter sich zu,schloss sie ab und ging auf die junge deutsche Beamtin mit einem gemeinen lächeln zu und sagte:
"Was tust du Schlampe an unserm Koffer?Wieso steckst du dir unseren Schmuck in deine Tasche?
"Bitte,bitte das ist nicht so,wie sie vieleicht jetzt denken,ich.....ich...!"
Der Neger ging auf die Beamtin zu und betrachtete diese mit lüsternden Augen und sagte:
"Ich will sofort deine Vorgesetzten sprechen,will mal sehen was die zu dieser Sache hier zu sagen haben."
Die junge Beamtin war total entsetzt von dem was dieser Neger sagte und sagte:
"Warum wollen Sie......ich meine wehalb........ich hab doch nichts."Die Beamtin war jetzt total durch den Wind,völlig am ende und er wuste das.Er hatte sie ja schließich auf frischer Tat erwischt.
Er ging auf sie zu,streckte eine Hand nach ihr aus und sagte:
"Was ist jetzt,ruf deinen Vorgesetzten an!"
Dabei legte er seine Hand auf ihre Wölbung der Bluse und betatschte so ihre Brüste.
Sie stand regungslos einfach da und lies sich von seiner schwarzen Hand abtasten.Es lief ihr Eiskalt den Rücken runter,es war so widerlich aber was sollte sie tun?
"Willst du nicht anrufen?Fragte er sie jetzt und war plötzlich mit der anderen Hand auch noch an der Bluse.Seine Freundin ginste nur als dabei und es störte sie überhaupt nicht das er die Beamtin abtatschte,nein es gefiehl ihr sogar noch.
"Du kannst jederzeit deinen Vorgesetzten anrufen,ich habe ihm einiges zu erzählen."Sagte der Neger und begann ihr die Knöpfe der Bluse langsam zu öffnen.
Tränen liefen über die Wangen und tropften zu Boden sie sagte mit weinerlicher Stimme:
"Halt dein Maul du dumme Nutte!"Hauchte er sie mit grober Stimme an und hatte den letzten Knopf der Bluse auf.
"Zieh die Bluse aus!"
Als sie nicht gleich tat was er gesagt hatte,schlug er mit der flachen Hand ihr ins Gesicht und sagte:
"Ich sage es nicht nochmal du Nutte!"
Sie wuste,das sie keine andere Wahl hatte und streifte sich die Bluse ab.Wie ein dummes unschuldiges Schulmädchen stand sie jetzt vor ihm,die Tränen flossen über die Wangen und verwischten ihre Schminke.Der fremde Neger schlich um sie herum und betrachtete sie von allen seiten.
"Jetzt der BH."
Erst wollte sie protetieren aber als er seine Hand hob und ihr andeutete was sie zu erwarten hatte,griff sie hinter sich und öffnete den Verschluß ihres BH.Und warf den BH zu Boden und bedeckte mit beiden Händen ihre nackten Brüste.
"Nimm schön deine Hände da weck du Nutte,mach sie brav hinter den Kopf und zeig dem lieben schwaren Mann deine weißen Titten."
Sie gehorcht und zog die Hände ab und schob sie sich hinter den Kopf,schluchtzend stand sie jetzt gedemütigt vor einem Neger und konnte nichts dagegen tun.
"Hübsch,wirklich hübsch deine Titten!"
Sagte der Neger und trat dicht hinter sie und sagte:
"Nun beuge dich schön weit nach unten,den Oberkörper runter......las deine Titten baumeln.......los.......mach schon!"
Wie unter hypnose ohne jeglichen willen hörte sie auf den Schwarzen und tat wie ihr befohlen.
"Ja, geht doch mit Euch deutschen sehe ich Euch gerne!"
Sagte der Neger und hob ihren langen Faltenrock von hinten hoch.Sie blieb ruhig in ihrer erniedrigen Haltung aber ein leises stöhnen kam über die Lippen.
"Oh Gott,nicht.....bitte das nicht!"
Er schob den Stoff des Rocks auf ihren Rücken und zum Vorschein kamen zwei hübsche lange Beine und ein schwarzen Strigtanga.
"Wenn deine Vorgesetzten dich so sehen würden!"
Sagte der Neger und gab seiner Freundin ein zeichen,was soviel bedeutet ,mach mal ein paar Fotos.Was das Mädchen auch gleich mit ihrem Fotohandy machte.Ohne das es die junge Beamtin merkte, machte die Freundin von diesem Neger Fotos.
"Hast einen geilen Arsch,da läst sich schon was mit anfangen:"
Als er das sagte,schob er das bischen Stoff des Stings einfach mit einer Hand auf ihren Po beiseite.
"Komm mal hier her und mach von ihrem geilen Arsch auch noch ein paar Fotos,Doro!"Sagte der Neger zu seine Freundin die bislang viele Bilder von der Beamtin gemacht hatte.
Die Beamtin erhob blitzschnell ihren Kopf und sahr fassungslos wie die Freundin des Negers sie fotografierte.
"Neinnnn.............nicht............neinnnnnnnnnn..............oh Gott..............das könnt ihr nicht tun!"Wütend sprang die Beamtin auf die Freundin des Negers zu und versuchte ihr die Kamera weck zu nehmen.
Der Neger griff die junge Beamtin sofort in ihre langen blonden Haare, die zu einem Zopf zusammen gebundenen waren.Und schlug sie brutal mit der anderen Hand in den Magen.
Gekrümmt vor Scherzen viel sie auf den Boden und schnappte nach Luft,er hatte ihr gezeigt,dass er keinen spaß verstand.Ohne ein Wort zu sagen griff er nach ihrer Handtasche die auf einem Stuhl hing und durchsuchte diese.Bis er ihren Ausweis in der Hand hielt und sagte:
"So du bist also die Julia Müller.........Hafenstr.7.........gut,gut.....du hörst von mir!"
Dann verlies er den Raum mit seiner Freundin ebenso schnell wie er gekommen war.Die junge Beamtin brauchte noch eine ganze weile bis sie wieder einiger maßen auf den Beinen war.Sie konnte alles immer noch nicht sorecht begreifen was sich hier gerade abgespielt hatte.
A husband and wife, Derrick Pierce and Ryan Keely, are relaxing when they receive an unexpected parcel. Upon closer inspection, they learn that it actually belongs to their elderly neighbors and was accidentally delivered to them instead. Although they SHOULD return the parcel, their curiosity gets the best of them as Derrick and Ryan engineer a way for the parcel to ‘accidentally’ be opened. Once the parcel is opened, they find NURU gel and a mattress. They both immediately know...
xmoviesforyouLeaving Kimmi and Melissa to please themselves with the assistance of a long dildo, I turned my attention to the newcomer who was climbing onto the small bunk. Smiling widely, she enclosed the short distance between us."Oh my gosh, I've never done anything like this before," she stated, but she wasn't hesitating to join us though. "But I guess I should join; I was masturbating before yall came in."I smiled as I used my hands to pull her naked body closer to mine. With my legs opened, she...
LesbianHi everyone reading this i am a male stripper, 25 years old hugely build, broad chest, broad neck, dark in color, average height around 5.8”inch, quite muscular legs and a 7 inch penis, i love going to houses of those who wants me specially milfs (mom i like to fuck), life of a stripper is not that easy or that simple you need to keep on your skills working. So here is my story about how i was manufactured to a stripper. Shocked? Yes i was never a stripper i was a college student and still am,...
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You must read the first chapter to understand this chapter. My mother had just come back from her class reunion a few days ago. "How was your trip mom?" "It was fun. Did you enjoy having the house to yourself?" "Yes I did." With that I kissed her cheek and went to work. The day was like any other day. So I did what was assigned to me. On my way home from work I kept thinking about my time with Marilyn. When I got home Marilyn's car was parked in front of the house. She and mom was at the...
Hi, thank you very much for your overwhelming response for my earlier submission. In fact some guys/gals showed interest in me, I have given them my acceptance. But, all of you are interested in my other experiences. After the first with my younger brother Jai, nothing special took place except that we enjoyed whenever we got the opportunity. In fact, Jai wanted to marry me and settle down so that we will never be separated. I told him to wait for the right time to do that as there was lot of...
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The day that Wes returned to the hospital, my contractions began. It was mid-morning, right as I was sitting down for breakfast when I felt it slam into my body like a fucking truck. I breathed harshly, completely taken off guard. It was painful, but it could’ve been nothing. When it happened again a couple of minutes later, I knew. Bean. She was coming. I went and packed myself an overnight bag, taking all the things I’d planned. Some extra clothes, toiletries, a few outfits and booties...
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COMING OUT "Oh Mum, do I have to get a haircut?" Darren asked his mother, Eileen Jones. "But it's halfway down your back Darren, do you like being mistaken for a girl?" "I'll go next week I promise, I'm just round Bill's, I won't be late." And with that he was off on his bicycle to his best friend William Boyd's house a couple of streets away. This was the last weekend before the long summer holidays, his exams were done, so he knew that as long as she knew where he was, his...
John led the girls down the corridor to the room adjacent to the Firing Range. He pressed the button opening the door and ushered them into the Armoury. This vast room was originally used to store weapons and armour for the cruiser’s compliment of three hundred marines. With no need to store that much gear any more, row after row of empty weapon racks and armour lockers filled the room, looking forlorn and abandoned. Sparks looked around, wondering why he would bring her to such an enormous...
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Most of you would have read my earlier post on getting lucky with a lady while her kid was sleeping and this is a sequel to that and I used to frequent to her house as a booty call when she feels like having it or when I want to everytime I get there she is mostly chatting with her young study whom she was her boy toy when he was around. That day, I went to her house and immediately we started to kiss like we have never done before. She had not had sex in a long time even though husband was...
Chapter 1 I was the first in my family to go to college and it was something that I had wanted ever since I was a little girl. My family didn’t have a lot of money, so I worked during each summer, scrimping and saving for the fall and my return to school. It was summer and I was between my sophomore and junior years, now passing the halfway point in my college life and I was again working at a nearby resort as I had the year before. My duties did vary some but I mostly clerked behind the desk...
Paying My Tutor When I entered the sixth grade I was the oldest girl, having failed twice before. I had repeated the third grade and the fifth grade. So now I was fourteen years old. Everyone else in my class was twelve years old…every single one of them. My tits were bigger than the other girl’s tits were, my periods were quite regular, and my mother allowed me to wear makeup to school. I was much taller, heavier, and more voluptuous too. My figure equaled those of our teachers....
Chapter #9 Holli's home, but what will happen when Mom gets here? It felt like no time at all, before my sister Holli got home from school, but I think in real time it was way more than two hours. After saying hi to Mrs. Miller, She came right into the playroom, Lynn was all bubbly to see her, and went running over to Holli. She grabbed her, and started pulling her over to meet me. She started telling her all about me saying, come on, come on, you have to meet my new friend....
Blog 4: I’m sorry but it has been a while since I’ve found time to update my blog and the main news is that Stephen has become quite a regular visitor to ma maison. In fact it has been so pleasant having a boy about the house that I find it hard to imagine how I ever got by without one. The main difference that I notice is that he is so energetic and downright perky. Now someone, probably a mother, once told me that boys are like dogs, all they really need is plenty of exercise and certainly...
"Ahhh fack it!" You shouted aloud. Then hear a chuckle come from behind. You turn your head to see Haley dressed. "Wait! Was that tonight?" You asked looking perplexed, completely forgetting about it. "You forgot! I can't believe y-" But before she can finish the sentence you've already ran up to her and put your finger on her lips. Turning her around and whispering at her ear, "I'll make it up to you. Baby doll." While simultaneously running your finger up and down her crotch area. "You know...
This is Diotima again, readers must have read my first story, unfortunately this is the 2nd part of the story. I never thought that there will be a follow up incident of my black day. But it happened, however let me come to the narration of the incident without further beating around the bush. That was Thursday morning at about 10 o clock in the morning my husband Akash had gone to office and son Rohan to one of his friends house for studying in group, while going he told that there would be a...
My clothes were getting crumpled as I stuffed them into my bag. I felt bad after mum has spent all that time ironing them but I need to get them all in. It’s a good job I’m only staying at Suzy’s over the weekend. Maybe I should get a bigger bag but there is no time for that Suzy and her dad will be here soon. I struggle with the zip but eventually, finally I get it closed. I can hear the clock downstairs chiming 5 o’clock. I could get a bigger bag; I’ve got half an hour before they are due to...
It was time for a haircut. Haircuts are the best! Okay, maybe that sentence needs an explanation. How long did it take you to find a haircutter that you liked? One that knew your preferences, but was open to new ideas that you brought. One that was dependable, close to home and, above all, one that you were compatible with. When my wife and I moved into our new neighborhood, I went to about six of them. I wasn’t thrilled by any of them. In the meantime, my wife had an even harder time! She...
InterracialHer face so bright, her eyes so wet,I love to taste her sweat you bet.I lick the tears, I taste the salt,She make my heart beat, from beat to hault.I place my tongue to her lips,My hip to her hips,She hugs me tightly,From my love she sips,I love her dearly, she loves me too,I need her dreary, she loves me true.She is older, much more than I.I her master, till she does up and die.I kiss her, nothing being held back,She loves my kiss, and kisses my lips so black.She melts, I melt to her body so...
The evening went cheerfully and happily. The Carstairs did not hang about after dinner leaving Simon and Joanna alone. They snuggled up on the sofa in the family room. "Are you coming hacking tomorrow?" Joanna asked. Simon shook his head. "Tricia wants some time alone with you." Joanna looked apprehensive. "Is she going to give me a hard time?" "No, my precious. She likes you and told me so." They continued to talk happily interspersing it with kisses and hugs until Joanna...
Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...
PART 2After Kevin fed me dinner, he gagged me. He had earlier locked a metal collar around my neck to which he attached a chain to pull me by. He had also locked ankle cuffs with a foot long chain between. Those were the chains I had heard. He got me up from the dinner table and led me into his living room.Once in the living room he started lightly running his fingers over my nipples. My cock quickly got hard again after it had softened while at dinner. It started leaking pre-cum. Soon he...
“So, you’re the famous, or infamous Jessica, then?” Larissa teased my wife as she stepped inside her house. “And you’re ... Larissa, my husband’s new mistress or girlfriend or whatever. Who is she? That woman! Wait ... is that ... Rain? My God, you look like a woman! So ladylike, so exquisitely feminine ... wearing a wig, makeup, and lingerie, too? Damn, you’re actually gorgeous!” Jessica declared aloud her thoughts as she realized how much of a girl Rain really was, something that I had...
Two weeks passed. Larry and Faith had sex once during that time, on a Sunday afternoon. It was a very vanilla quickie, in the missionary position. Larry had cum inside her, but Faith didn’t have an orgasm and didn’t make any attempt at foreplay, after play or anything to help her get off. When Larry finished, she got up, washed and went back to the new gallery. Larry had made a point to come by there several times to check on things. He’d seen Josh there three times. Amanda explained that...
Hi Folks. Thanks as usual for all of the comments both positive and negative about last week's story. Your opinions really do matter to us. I did want to clear up one thing. I got a bunch of E-mails this week that suggested that I should delete some of the comments that were extremely vicious or personal. My slant on that is pretty much the same as it ever was. I really believe in free speech and usually when someone writes something that's more of a personal attack on either me or another...
This happened when we were living in Hyderabad, now we are in Bangalore. Those interested in chating with me can connect to me on yahoo messenger – my id is audityeah. My brother in law and his wife lived in the annix on the side of my house. So naturally we would see a lot of one another and just walk in and out of our parts of the houses when bored. My brother in law does night shifts as does his wife Sophie, but she can be a lazy bitch and half the time calls in sick or with some lame excuse...
IncestIntroduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Now Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 3 Re-Issued. Introduction: This is a dream I had after my sons took my wife. I wondered what Sandy and the boys were doing right now. Probably walking around town. Yeah I thought. Probably looking around for men for Sandy to fuck around with. I wondered if she did find men...
The part of my morning that keeps me sane is my morning walks. Something about being out there as the sun is coming up and birds are chirping really helps center myself. It’s in a great location near Lake George but sadly it’s not properly taken care of. Benches are broken, trash is everywhere and on top of that condom wrappers! I’m trying to meditate while I walk not think about some gross middle aged guy buying a hooker and using her right here on this path. I shouldn’t be thinking about how...
In the dark of her bedroom, thirteen-year-old Lisa could feel, rather than see, the red flush of mortification crash over her petite body, like an Atlantic roller against a November shore. It may seem odd that she noted this particular physical sensation at all, considering the competing stimuli: her own bony knees pressing into her cupcake breasts, the sour, whisky-tinged breath wafting into her face, and the hundred-and-eighty pound man pinning her down. It may also be surprising that her...
This story follows on from the others; this happened the weekend after Daddy had the homeless man around to visit me.My mother agreed to have the k**s for the weekend so Nina and I decided we would go out for a few drinks with our friends as we hadn’t been out together in such a long time.Due to Daddies influence Nina was always dressing slutty now when going out the house, tonight was no different, she had on a short skirt and a very low cut tight top, her cleavage on show, I was wearing jeans...
Hello dosto…..ISS ke sabhi pathko ko mera Salaam,,Mai 2 saal se ISS par story padh raha hu.Maine socha kyu na mai bhi apni sacchi ghatna aap logo se share karun..Isiliye aj mai apni pahli dastan aap logo ko batata hu..Ye ghatna meri zindagi me 6 mahine pahle hui,,Sorry maine apne bare me to bataya hi nahi,,Mai AYAAN MALIK from Allahabad…Age 23 year, kad 5.8″ inch,dikhne me bhi smart hu, aur final year ka student hu.Aur mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai,,ye ghatna meri chhoti...
45EE-36-45 mature white wife loves this picture! She had always wanted a black T girls baby. She was getting worried as at the time she was 47 and realized the biological clock was ticking if not passed and too late.She ran into a Joanne (use to be Joe), she looked a lot like this T girl. Because my wife wanted to be bred the donors personality was most important. She loved Joanne's figure even though she had a small penis (as in this picture), fully erect my wife said it was only 4" with two...
Marine Sgt. Junio del Mundo peered through his battered binoculars across the bow of the BRP Teresa Magbanua. The sea mist kicked up by the new Philippine Navy cutter stung his face as he stood there, stolidly watching as they drew closer to the wrecked hulk of the BRP Sierra Madre. It’s just a regular supply drop, Jun, he told himself as he ran his scarred, darkly-tanned left hand through the black crewcut taming his otherwise tightly-curled hair and ran that hand down to his sharply angled...
My first time? Oh, I remember that quite well. One really never forgets those things do they? Let me see… oh, I’ve got it now. It was the summer of 1943 and America was at the height of the Second World War. I was nineteen at the time. My boyfriend Johnny was just wrapping up his job at the malt shop. A year older than me, he was a soda jerk, he loved that job. He was saving up to buy his first car, so he took any job that really was available. I made my way to the malt shop and found him...
Mamma's Boy By Dauphin [email protected] (sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect at that even though I do try) ****** His nose was bleeding. It was just my luck. I know Cody is my best friend, but sometimes he just gets on my nerves. Today when he called me tiny, I decided to show him that even tiny boys could beat someone up. Lets face it; he was only a few centimeters taller than me. I...
I still drew weak breaths when remembering the party last week. I had awoken to find Tracey next to me her hand on my chest. But I couldn't stay until she woke, my mind wouldn't let me though my body so did. I knew that in a weeks time from then, I would be going to Portsmouth, and Tracey to Cardiff for our respective universities. Whilst at Uni there would, no doubt, be ample chance for sexual frolics. I didn't mind I just wish I hadn't had slept with Tracey before I...
A few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...
They never talk about what happened in the bathroom. In fact, Rory vehemently denies it ever happening. After having that strange dream the night before, Chance isn’t all too sure it did happen either. It certainly felt real, but so had the dream. At this point, he isn’t even sure the incident with the bowl of oatmeal even happened. So for the rest of the day he decides to give his sister a bit of a break. This is the first weekend that he is here and the first of a long summer. He doesn’t...
I’ve always thought of myself as straight. I’ve never had the opportunity to ever be with another man. Sometimes you hear about situations when guys hang out as kids and while they’re drinking or getting high, they give each other blow jobs or jerk each other off.That never happened to me, ever. I’ve never thought about being with a guy. I’ve always had my share of women and I’ve always thought of myself as a guy that enjoys pussy. Never once have I ever thought about a dick.I love women...
Gay MaleI shook my head, struggling to rid myself of the song I'd just heard on the car radio. It wasn't as if David Bowie was one of my favourite artists, but Changes definitely applied to my frame of mind, and I couldn't get the words out of my mind. A nervous, secretive smile appeared in the rearview mirror as I checked the highway behind me.Damn those words; they seemed to be taunting me — and my undertaking.~o0o~ Thirty-six years of age, wed to a bastard, and blessed — if that's the correct...
AnalFriday, July 2, 2010 It was Kara. Jake became fully alert. Wake Boris and then Ellen. Tell Ellen to link Boris to the rest of us. I’ll look around. There were two men in the grass on the edge of the road. They were about 25 yards from cabin one. Two more men were moving through the forest. Their goal was to take up a position near cabin five. There were two men on the other side of the road. They were going behind the cabins. Their objective was to get near to cabin three. They were almost...
"Come on, George, it won't hurt anything and just by participating we'll get to do a lot of traveling to places we've always talked about going to!" George rubbed his chin and gazed at his still young-looking and pretty wife of 27 years. "I don't know," he said. "It's really not the kind of thing I'm into at all. In fact, I'm a little scared ... What if I win?" Dorothy laughed heartily. "George, this is YOU we're talking about! Do you really believe you can win?" George shook...
Once upon a time there were three Guianas: British, Dutch and French. They were on the north coast of South America. Then the British one became Guyana, as the Brits ignored local tradition and applied their own spelling and pronunciation. The Dutch changed theirs to Suriname, for reasons best known to themselves, or at least their historians. but the French retained their original name for their part: Guyane Francaise.For the purposes of this story, we will turn to one woman; one humble woman...
InterracialChapter 6: Success in Charlotte Byron Mulliner had my card and knew where to find me. Bright and early Monday morning, I had an e-mail with a PDF attachment of a draft contract, spelling out the duties, rates for service, and options for both parties. I looked it over carefully and didn’t see anything that looked different from what we had discussed. I printed it out, signed it, scanned the signed copy, and sent it back to the vice president that same morning, with a copy of Carmen. I called...
Iryna was sixty-two; she had been unsuccessful in the marriage field, although she had tried twice. She didn’t think she was overweight but did recognize the fact that she was a bit tubby. Her hair had lost a lot of its original colour and there were the ‘wrinkles of age’ that she did her best with an array of cosmetics to hide. However, on the whole she didn’t think she was unattractive and did wonder if her tits that could be described as melon was a turn-off, but that was what nature had...
One night around a year ago we were sitting on our patio after having a BBQ and a few guests round including our friend who we will call ‘Laura’ we had said our goodbyes to our friends and after cleaning and putting everything away after many drinks me and my fiancée Natalie started discussing our sexual fantasies Natalie started by admitting that she had fantasised about having a girl on girl session with one of our best friends but of course this was just fantasy. After she had told me what...