RuneswardChapter 53: Contention free porn video

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“You’ll be wantin’ to put out t’fire,” a man from one of the nearby camps spoke up as he approached. Yren looked up from feeding a small supply of twigs to the slowly growing flames. He’d just dug the shallow pit and lined it with rocks. He dropped the tinderbox on one of the flatter rocks and wiped his hands along his rough, brown trousers. As was the custom, he’d taken off his armor just before setting up camp. Armor wasn’t very flexible and most of the chores involved with setting up camp were difficult to do if you couldn’t fully bend or kneel easily. It was Sir Uud Beffing and Leading Field Usher Bromer Hedding of the Knottline Guard’s watch so he, Syl, Gillen and Tergin had removed their armor to assist in setting up the tents and firepits. It was common practice to pair a knight – or, in Yren’s case, a person with plate armor – along with a Knottline Guard for a watch shift. There were more of the Guards than the knights, so the rotation was a bit unfair, but Gillen had made the call so there was no arguing with it.

Yren tilted his head in curiosity. “Why?”

“‘S getting’ on t’night,” the man offered sagely. He was a lean man, leathery and wiry. His hands were thick and callused from hard work and his brown face almost glowed with a reddish hue in the fading light of the setting sun.

“Why does that matter?” Gillen Hawksley asked from just behind Yren before he had a chance to respond. She’d heard the flying monsters were attracted to fire, but there was still over an hour left in the day. Certainly that was enough time before the mythical ‘dragons’ would put in an appearance.

Besides, she wanted another independent confirmation of what she was told. It was probably worthless, but she needed to hear it again. She still had difficulty believing the creatures were dragons but she’d heard enough people describe the beasts that she was having difficulty holding onto her disbelief.

The older man started at her voice, but Yren just suppressed a smug grin. Gillen had taken to trying to sneak up on him lately, so Yren had taken to paying a more careful attention to his surroundings. It was another in the series of games and lessons the older woman was using to teach Yren more about the swords and shield craft. He had overheard her talking to Sir Givens a few nights previously. She was adamant on adding the various skills and practices that differentiated a knight from a regular armsman.

Yren wasn’t certain being a knight was what he wanted. He thought back to the words his fathers had told him during the Time of Remembrance. Many paths were open to him, and he had to follow the correct ones to reach his full potential. He vowed to tread carefully and be sure of any choices he made. He never wanted to disappoint either of his fathers.

He eschewed using the word destiny because it seemed to mean something that was pre-ordained – and he had never believed his life was laid out so strictly. It comforted him that Deia agreed. The future was not yet written. Destiny was a goal, not a law.

He shook off the melancholia that often accompanied his thoughts of that time. He missed Ardt. He missed his first family as well, but his memories of them were somewhat more distant. Gillen was only doing what she thought best and just because he might never be a knight didn’t mean he shouldn’t learn all he could. Sir Givens had added his voice to hers, urging him to pay more attention to everything around him while he was ‘on campaign’ and he’d taken the words to heart. Consequently, he had heard her coming a few moments before she spoke up.

“D-d-dey come mostest t’night,” the older man stuttered, a little awed at speaking to one of the knights he recognized. He’d not identified Yren as being the knight in blue. “And dey hates d’fires. We figgered t’out quick. S’long as we bank t’fires at night, dey mostest leaves us alone.”

“They?” Gillen questioned, coming up to the fire and favoring Yren with a wry glance. She knew he’d heard her coming. He was getting much better at minding his surroundings, even when distracted with another task. “Who’re they?”

“T’dragons,” the man replied simply, a look of fear on his face.

Gillen’s face drew into a closed frown, her brows drawing together. “You’ve seen these dragons?”

“Yes,” the man replied fervently. “I watched as dey set t’fire my stead. Burnt t’all down t’bare dirt. We just gotted out wit’ our lives.”

“Dragons?” Gillen asked disbelievingly, playing dumb. Everyone she’d come across was sure it was dragons they faced, but precious few had had an actual encounter with one. Instead, most of the terror was from secondhand accounts. She wanted to probe someone who’d actually seen them.

“He’s telling d’truth,” a woman blurted from behind the man.

The woman had once been a beauty. She had raven hair hanging down around her brief, oval face. Her eyes were a deep, forest green with a sparkle to them that was attractive in and of itself. They were set shallowly above a nose which was slight but proud. Her lips were full and only the wrinkles drawn from hard work out in a harsh sun detracted from her attractiveness. “I didna believe it meself – until I saw them. They wuz big as our barn and red as the demons of chaos. They spat fire from they mouths and burned everything. We were t’lucky we’d been in our field and headed t’me mams afterward. We lost everyt’ing ceptin’ what we had wit us.”

“Me mam,” the woman continued, tears streaming down her cheeks. “She lost everyt’ing includin’ her life. We could hears her screamin’ as we pulled up. She burnt wit’ her house.”

The woman looked down at her hands, which were bandaged with dirty cloths that had once been white. “I tried ta saves her but t’burnt too hot.”

“I’m sorry for your mother,” Gillen said softly. “We have a ... a priestess ... who can heal you...”

“No!” The woman said, a fire of her own rising in her eyes. “No. I’ll ‘member me’mam wid de scars from t’fire what kilt her.”

“I ... I understand,” Gillen sighed, her mind moving back to the friends she’d so recently lost. Strangely, they’d died by fire as well though a fire which was at least marginally more natural than the one claimed to have taken the woman’s mother. She shook her head as she realized she considered mage-fire to be more natural than a dragon. Prejudices were difficult to discard but she had to admit every eye witness account sounded eerily similar.

“So, you’ve actually seen one,” Gillen pressed lightly, but her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“May me goddess Ta strike me down if I’m lyin’,” the woman replied, her face stony.

Gillen stood for a moment with her lips pursed. Silently, she evaluated the two closely, her eyes narrowing even further. Then, she nodded her head briefly as her face cleared.

“Yren, put out the fire,” she ordered. “Evidently, less than two hours of light is too close to sundown. I’ll have Syl pull out some cured meat from the other day. It’ll be a cold meal of bread, meat and cheese but we’ll make do.”

She turned to the man and the woman. “I’m Honor Hawksley, First of the Third. You and your family are welcome to join us, goodman and goodwoman. It won’t be much, but we have enough to spare.”

“Thanks ye, yer’honor,” the man accepted gratefully. “I’m Tobold Sill-Larkin and this is our second, Melly Itti-Larkin. Our first, Kelly Larkin, be still at d’camp, lookin’ a’t’wee ones. We’s gots seven chillen, mostly growed, though t’oldest is still not reached her majority. We’s used t’doin’ witout fire at t’night. Melly here done cooked up a stew earlier and we’ve more’n enough t’share. It’d add a bit o’ t’warmth and help stretch d’meat and cheese. We’ll be ten t’dinner, if y’please, and bring some victuals of our own.”

Gillen filed away the information Tobold had just shared. Since Kelly was their first and Melly their second, it meant Kelly and Melly had married first and then brought Tobold, their third or maybe their fourth, into the marriage (Tobold could be fourth if Kelly and Melly had had a previous spouse who’d died). It made no real difference, but it could help avoid confusion.

“Don’ ferget t’pixie,” Melly admonished her husband.

“Pixie?” Gillen asked, her head tilted quizzically.

“Aye,” Tobold said with a snort. “She be followin’ us for t’past few day. Came out o’d’forest she did wit’out a stitch o’clothes t’her name. Cute lil ting, wit hair white as snow, but not right in d’head – quiet as d’mouse ... or maybe d’coor as she not made t’sound since she came to us. We figger she lost her mam and pap t’ d’dragons and t’filled ‘er head wit chaos. We be takin’ care o’ her.”

The man shrugged. “So, I guess ter be el’ens o’ us but don’ worry, she don’ eat t’much.”

Gillen nodded yet again. “Eleven is fine. There are thirty-four ... no, thirty-five ... of us, will that be too many?”

Tobold smiled, shaking his head. “Melly’s cooked enow stew for t’week. ‘S good ta heat ‘er up in ta evens. If we t’run out, we can cook ‘nudder batch later in t’week.

Gillen smiled and reached out her hand to grip the man’s, then turned and did the same to Melly. “Thank you for your generosity.”

Yren watched as the man and woman hurried back to their own camp, even as he dumped dirt on the fire he’d barely started. “More dragons,” he mused.

He glanced over at Gillen, unsure if she believed in the dragons yet or not. “They’re all telling the same tale.”

“I know,” Gillen said tightly. “These are one of the few who claim to actually have seen the beasts.”

“I think we’d best assume the stories are true,” she continued grudgingly, refusing to acknowledge Yren’s point. She wasn’t sure she wanted to trust Yren’s apparent ability to talk to metal. Of course, it wasn’t nearly as strange as dragons... “If you hear them from one or two people, you can discount what’s said. But all these people and all these eyewitnesses? Something is going on and dragons, or something close enough to being a dragon as not to have a significant difference, appears to be the culprit.”

“Elva used to tell us children’s tales about dragons,” Yren remarked, more to say something than anything else. His reticence to speak had opened up a bit lately, especially around Gillen. She’d taken quite some time and effort to keep his training honed and sharp and he greatly appreciated her effort, even if he knew it was self-serving. “Ardt too, for that matter. Don’t tell her I said this, but Ardt was always the better storyteller.”

“I think I can keep that secret to myself,” Gillen replied with a smile. The smile didn’t reach her eyes, which were filled with worry and doubt. She noticed Yren’s eyes would occasionally drift to the nearby tent. She’d have to caution him about that eventually. His eyes had a tendency to give away secrets he might not want to share. “Assuming I’m adequately compensated, of course. You help me steer Ataya away from any and all dangers and I’m fairly certain I will be able to keep it.”

Yren chuckled wryly. He knew her joviality wasn’t so much about the secret and more as an acknowledgement he’d tried to warn her about the dragons. “I’d do that anyway, Honor Hawksley.”

“I know you would, Yren,” Gillen sighed. “I know you would.”

She waited a moment, her eyes drifting around the camps surrounding them and then up to the sky. “Dragons or no, I think we’ll go with three shifts of three guards tonight. Spread the word.”

“One or two knights on each shift?” Yren asked. With eight hours to cover and five people with armor – Yren shied away from calling himself a knight even though the others included him in that group – it meant the armored contingent had gotten a full night’s sleep only one day in five. If they doubled up the armor wearers per shift, none of them would get a full night’s sleep.

Gillen thought about it for a moment. “Just one as usual. There are times I wish we could sleep in our armor, but it just isn’t practical.”

She bit her lip ruefully before continuing. “And make sure they watch the sky as much as our neighbors. We’re open here, surrounded by other camps. I felt the tradeoff between having people hiding in trees versus having to watch people sneaking around tents was a good idea. However, if there are dragons, we might be a bit too open.”

“Oh, and make sure Ataya and our guests dress down this evening,” Gillen went on as she knelt and helped scoop handfuls of dirt into the fire pit. “No mention of titles – at all. And no baths tonight. They had one yesterday and, while I laud their daily cleanliness, we have more pressing concerns. They can get by with damp cloths today.”

“Of course, Honor,” Yren said formally, rising up from his crouch. He was a bit disappointed. It was his turn to guard their baths tonight. Even though he’d taken baths with his sisters all his life, there was something about watching women bathing in a lake or river that excited him.

He looked down at the partially filled-in pit with a satisfied expression on his face, even as Gillen scooped more dirt onto it. “You did mention you were First of the Third, though. They’re bound to jump to some conclusions.”

“Maybe,” Gillen admitted grudgingly. “I think there are enough females around Ataya’s age to keep them guessing, however.”

She knelt there for a moment, rubbing her hands to get off the excess dirt and looking around carefully. She shook her head, a look of disgust on her face. “This was a mistake. We should have set up camp in the trees. I should have taken the dragon threat more seriously, even if I disbelieved it.”

“Shall I give the word to strike the tents?” Yren asked.

Gillen sighed and stood up in one easy motion. She stared at Yren for a moment, but he could tell her mind was elsewhere. He watched as her eyes focused on him and she gave a slight shake of her head. “No. There’s not enough light. It’ll be worse to have us fumbling in the dark ... and I think it best if we keep the fire out tonight. We’ll take better precautions tomorrow night.”

“You’re being awfully free with information,” Sir Givens said as he stood from his crouch behind one of the tents. He had waited until Yren was out of earshot before rising. He watched as the young man made his way towards the bulk of their camp.

“It’s the only way to give him the experience he’ll need,” Gillen replied.

“I’ve taught him the tactics,” Sir Givens said defensively.

“You’re a great teacher,” Gillen offered congenially. “The problem is, there’s teaching and then there’s doing. He needs the field experience and this, inadequate as it is, is the only way I can get that to him. At least, for now.”

“You certainly need to shore up his observation skills,” Tergin Givens sniffed, changing the subject slightly. “I was able to get as close as this tent and he didn’t notice me.”

“Oh, he noticed you,” Gillen explained with a sigh. “His eyes were darting to the tent every few seconds. It’s another thing I’ll – we’ll – have to teach him. He gives away too much information with his eyes.”

Tergin nodded, brows raised. “I’ve told him before ... but as you said, there’s teaching and doing.”

Tergin paused for a moment before continuing. “So, you’d sponsor him for the Third? Or one of the other platoons?”

Gillen’s head turned quickly to her old teacher, her face expressing shock. She was slow to respond and when she did, she measured her words carefully. “I had not considered it. Even without the customary apprenticeship as a squire, he has the potential to be great and I could certainly see him within the ranks of the Third.”

She shook her head. “I couldn’t sponsor him, though.”

Tergin frowned. “Why not?”

Gillen chuckled ruefully. “I think we both know why not. Of the twenty in my care, I’m returning two. My career, such as it is, cannot withstand that. Even if it could, no one will ever follow me again. The stigma will be too great.”

She shook her head, her face growing stony. “No, my career is over. I’ll be lucky just to lose the Third. I fully expect to lose my knighthood.”

“Surely not,” Tergin replied, aghast. “What happened was not your fault. You did what was necessary to return your primary charge unharmed.”

“What does that matter?” Gillen asked. “You’ve been away from the knights too long, Sir Givens. Things have ... changed. You know politics have always been a part of the thousand, but it’s become much worse now. In-fighting has grown, and ambition has become even more focused than in your day. Battles between the platoons have not yet occurred, but I fear they’re not far off. No, this trip has ruined me.”

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"I'm still pissed you'd send us off to do common chores when you're revealing new information about your abilities!" Becky complained once again as they drove to Sacramento for their next concert. "Cate would never let you get away with that." "Yeah, especially since it's such a short drive," Melinda added. "You should have just told us to ignore packing." "Then I guess you shouldn't have lectured him to pick up his stuff," Gini cut them off, tired of them beating this...

3 years ago
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Daves Motel Education

You might say my first time was a back door experience when I was fourteen. That same summer, 1954, Aunt Minnie was severely injured in a car accident. Since Uncle Cal and his brother Rod had just purchased a Motel, the accident was a major disaster. They had put their life savings into the venture, and had planned for all four of them to run the thirty six-unit motel until it became profitable enough to hire help. Cal had to stay with Minnie much of the time, and between them, Uncle Rod...

2 years ago
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My Black Boy Part 1

My Black Boy - Part 1 Lying back on my bed, watching the erotic, naughty images on my big screen tv against the wall, I moaned as I stroked my thick, 9 inch cock, feeling the engorged meat swell in my grip. I loved this part. I always got harder at this point in the video. It’s why I watched it so often, maybe more than any other in my rather extensive collection of interracial daddy/boy videos. Nothing turned me on more than watching a dominant white top daddy use and abuse a...

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Or maybe now

“What had you thought? Fucking for hours on end? Changing positions again and again, until it would be more an exercise session?” I laughed, pulled the shorts back over my crotch and sat up. All the anxiety, the dark thoughts seemed to have vanished. He still wanted me, he had touched me, fucked me. Feeling a bit sore, even after this brief fuck, I winced, as I got up. “Did I hurt you?” His brow furrowed and he looked really concerned. “No more than usual, after such a long time.” I laughed...

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I stand outside the door, nervous. So much time has passed, I wonder if our time together will be as good as expected. I adjust my dress just a bit, pull the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder, and lift my hand to knock. I barely get the second tap out when you pull the door open. I first see your face, and a big sloppy grin on your face. I bite my lower lip, chuckling, knowing tonight will be just what we both want.“Hi there” I am able to eek out. You just smile broader, reach for my hand...

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Mom and Daddy were always open with me about sex, so it was only natural that I would go to them with my problem. Mom taught me about orgasms when I was 13, and she gave me my first one with her fingers. They gave me a vibrator for my 15th birthday. And a year later, when I gave my virginity to Shaun, I rushed home to tell them. They were so excited for me. I hopped on my bed and opened my legs to show them how wet and sticky I was. It was a rush when a glob of his jism dripped out while they...

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Introduction: Eric loses his virginity and gains two lovers during one evenntful afternoon. First part by hornymother and expanded by me with public permission. We had a barb-a-que at my house one weekend in the summer. It was great. The weather was great and everyone was happy. My mom's friend Alice was drinking pretty heavily and was flirting with all the men. She even sat on my lap and said some little dirty things to me! It was a lot for a 15 year old."Eric, you don't mind if I sit on...

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First Night Out

My wife and girls had left for a long weekend. I loved this teacher's conference! I had been planning for this event for months now: saving $20 every now and then from paychecks, buying little things and hiding them in the shed out back, and reading Fictionmania stories. Getting off work (second shift) on Thursday, I hurried home to begin my voyage. All my makeup and clothes were hauled out of the shed, and I began. A shower with flowered bath soap and vanilla shampoo (both...

1 year ago
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Beths Erotic Adventures

This Story is fiction and contains adult material. It is intended for adultreaders only and contains b********y, i****t and F/F, M/F subjects.Chapter one: Italian RestaurantBeth Donaldson was a slim petite 34 year-old, long dark hair cascaded downher back and deep green eyes surveyed the world in which she lived. At themoment that world consisted of a quiet candle lit table tucked away in thecorner of a small Italian restaurant. Her husband Marcus sat across fromher as they drank their wine....

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A Father Finds Out About His Daughter

Holly Black was an only child and quite spoiled. Megan Black, her mother made sure that Holly wore the nicest clothes and was the best dressed in school. She had all the latest fashions. She also took her to a top stylist who maintained her hair. It was very important to Megan that her daughter be popular. Megan was quite attractive and had many boyfriends in high school. She also had lots of girlfriends. Megan worked hard during high school and was able to get herself into a good...

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Mirror Mirror

Halsey lay next to Maia in the bed. She had just brought Maia to an intense orgasm. Maia was breathing slowly and deeply, waiting for her heart rate to slow. Halsey leaned across and kissed her passionately. “I really, really love you,” she said. “Oh, and I love doing this, too.” She was combing her lover’s pubic hair with her fingers. Halsey frowned, “Mine is so sparse.” Maia rolled onto her side to face her. “It’s a blond thing. Blonds have lower hair density than brunettes. File a complaint...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Sophia 07192018

A hot 18 year old first-timer who does anal? Yes please! Young and blonde has always been a favorite combination of ours, and when you combine that with a super sexy first timer, you get lovely 18 year old Sophia in her video debut. Don’t let the age fool you though, this girl has some experience which she learned from guys twice her age. She grew up watching porn, well not so much watching as studying to learn new tricks. You often hear of girls that are sexually adventurous, but fiery...

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Hot Luscious Sexy Indian Bhabhi

Friends, we live in Govt quarters with 3 flats in a building. I live on the 1st floor, and on the ground floor, there is who is smoking hot. I have been eyeing to fulfill all my fantasies through bhabhiji. Her boobs were so big that they are always ready to come out of her blouse. Her ass is so huge that seeing her ass and imagining about her, I have masturbated several times. Though I wanted to fuck her but never dare to approach her in that way. We share a good relationship, and I also make...

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Dick in 3D

It is Friday night I'm laying down in my bed drifting off to sleep everything I did the previous day before I went to school on my first day was playing in my dream like a movie trailer. Then Fade into black and I see a title that says Jon Jon he's sitting in class his desk is in front of mine my teacher walks half way out the classroom everyone in the room is shirtless topless and the girls were wearing see through clothes. It felt like a nightmare at first then everybody disappeared Jon Jon...

1 year ago
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Awesome Lovemaking With Girlfriend At My Home

Hey guys, manu height 6’1 fair average build from ncr… This is my first story , so please ignore my mistakes if any as I am not that good in narrating… It happens 8 years back I was 22 at that time, this is a true story except her name as I don’t want to defame her coz after all she is a girl & no matter what I always respect females. So it started when I was in relationship with a girl priya (name changed) 19 years at that time. Height 5’6 fair perfect body flesh at right places (assi...

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Kristen Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge. I work on the late night production crew of one of those all night, all weather T.V. stations that seem so popular now. We work from midnight to 7 a.m. There are several of us guys and one brunette named Kristen. One particularly bad-weather day last February, Kris was up there in front of the big map telling everybody everywhere all about the ‘blowing snow’ here and ‘blowing snow warnings’ there. All of...

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Using the Sex Dol Twol Passions of the Rich and their Toys

“Oh, my heavens, Bill, you accepted my offer?” Coco happily blurted out, as she held his face between both her small hands! “Yes, I did, Doll.” Bill laughed in return, as he savored the feel of her small hands on him. “Don’t ever make an irresistible offer like that to a Texas horse trader unless you’re serious!” Coco and Bill hugged and kissed as they laughed and she cried from joy. Bill knew her young mind was adjusting to some awesome changes and stresses. He was just as avid in his...

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PupsRUsChapter 5

The only dog without a fuck that day was Attila, so they decided to fix that with a pairing of Attila and Joe. To Grace's surprise, she was feeling so horny that she was about to scream. She announced that she wanted to be Attila's partner, and Sue and Liz could decide between themselves who would fuck Joe. Liz wanted that job, and Sue gave in without the thought of an argument. Sue brought in Attila, and Liz brought in Joe. They went through the same routine as with Bruno, and Grace...

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Banging Anastacia

A Threesome Joyride for Anastacia - Craig and Flo banging the blond SuperstarThe countryside whooshing outside the window was barely visible for the passengers of this train in a foggy November night. The winter evening covered the rest or any sign of brightness like a dense blanket. On the benches Craig and Flo got nothing to do but rigidly gazing through the window. The dim, flaring and almost broken light from the ceiling contributed to the grim atmosphere. There was much room for...

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KatrinaChapter 3

I finally arrived home and my mom was waiting for me. She helped me bring in all of my and Alecia's things. She had my old bedroom ready for me and had Alecia's crib already set up in there. I hugged and kissed my little baby. I had to wonder what kind of future she would have. I would make sure she didn't make the same mistakes that I did, but then realized I was talking and sounding like my mother. I was about to tell my mother the whole story, but she said I needed to eat something...

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Minit Mart Quickie

I love my Minit Mart that I stop by every day on the way into work. There are a lot of very sexy ladies that work in there, and I've gotten to know some of them very well. Very well indeed. But, one of the most momentous events I ever had in the Minit Mart occurred a couple of weeks ago when I dropped by there late one evening. Lana was the clerk on duty and she had the entire store to herself. I walked in late at night to get some coffee and I got some cream to go along with it. But, not the...

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From my first to my last

I've had several experiences with guy friends at various stages throughout my life, everything below is true, everyone involved was consenting and knew exactly what they were doing. My earliest encounter with the same sex was at quite a young age. I spent almost every waking hour with my best friend Alex and neighbour Mark. We would do everything together and eventually discovered what our dicks are actually meant for. I must have been about 1 2 when we watched our first porno together at...

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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 4 Ms Jackson I Am For Real

Have you ever had a real, genuine friendship with the opposite sex? That happened to me once or twice. Her name was Olivia Jackson. I formally met in my sophomore year of high school. We were both sixteen at the time we met. However, I was not the only one watching her. I was in lunch talking to my best friend, Paul (who is just as much of a horn dog as I am, if not more) about girls and how our day went, when I saw her. I froze, staring at her voluptuous buttocks swaying side to side in those...

Quickie Sex
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Panne de chauffeeau

Un samedi matin il était à peine 8h00 J'étais devant mon pc dans le site xhamster , on sonna à ma porte , je me lève et j'ouvre et là sur le palier Houria ,la fille des voisins marocain " bonjour , "excusez moi notre chauffe-eau est en panne , est ce que je peux faire mon bain chez vous " me dit elle " tes parents sont pas là" lui répondis je " non ils sont partis au marché" me répliqua t'elle ," bah entre...

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Gemma teasing the boys at the supermarket part 1

After we teased the young bloke at the supermarket that Gemma really fancies by sending him an MMS of her wearing a raincoat and telling him she had nothing underneath apart from stockings, I can’t believe I managed to persuade her to go a step further and fuck did we have some funLate on a Saturday afternoon she went in the store with an old white v neck t-shirt without a bra, but so we didn't get too much attention initially she wore my big black cardigan. It took me a bit of time, because...

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The Bet Chapters 7 8

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 7 (Friday - week 1) Chad slept better than he had all week, even though he had to pee over and over again all night long. He was doing it so often now that he wasn't even fully waking up when he did it. He did completely wake up several times when the suppository did its work, but there was nothing he could do about it and eventually he was able to go back to sleep again. All too early though, Mel was turning on his light and waking him...

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Summer Vacation Ch 28

Kim turned Tommy every which way but loose before they finally went to sleep, but that didn’t stop the young man from getting up early the next morning. He really didn’t have any choice. He had a morning class at the dojo and couldn’t be late, not if he was going to make the dojo pay. He got out of bed, showered, dressed and went out to the kitchen. He’d just finished a bowl of cereal when Aunt Karen appeared wearing her bathrobe, her face glowing. The young man smiled at his aunt. ‘Good...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 26

Taachachi had left me talking to our new family members and gone to take over the loading of our things. We'd acquired quite a bit of stuff with the demise of selected assholes. Ceelily and Duweena made their exit shortly. They had things to pack themselves. It was a mistake for me to let them go alone but I didn't realize it until ten minutes later. I heard a commotion from the direction they'd gone and I saw Taachachi running that way. I headed there myself. My first reaction was to...

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ReginaldChapter 4

She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 185 Que and the Men in Black

Jen and I waited about ten minutes before her patience ran out. "Come on Max we are going to shake things up a bit." With that she stood. I followed as she walked calmly out of the door of the interrogation room. "Where the hell do you think you are going?" a patrol officer asked. "Sonny, if you want to keep that shiny new badge, you will shut up and listen. My client is not under arrest and obviously the detective is through questioning her, so we are going to dinner. Now get the fuck...

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Getting It Double Time

It all started when Cyndi confided in Louis. She told him her ultimate fantasy, getting it doubletime. As soon as those words had come out of her mouth, her boyfriend took advantage of it. Cyndi got a phonecall from Louis inviting her to his apartment for the evening. She gladly accepted, knowing that the night promised some great sex, as always. She was a real cockhound and was always looking for a 'slamming time.' Let me describe her for you; she's about 5'4", dark brown wavy hair that...

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Camping with my Niece Part 3 Edited

I dove down to suckle her cute little titties. They responded to my kisses and love bites them between my lips. I explored her breast with my mouth. Biting and sucking her soft and warm salty skin. I saw tears running down her cheek, "What’s wrong sweetie?" I asked. “Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just been waiting for this for a long time” Uncle Tim. She lay with her legs toward me and allowed me to gently spread them revealing a nicely trimmed triangle just above her pussy. I took in the...

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