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NAILED --------------- A freak industrial accident puts his life on a path that he never would have expected, much less dreamed of in his wildest fantasies. --------------- I was fresh out of high school and was working construction to earn money for college. I really did want to go to college and get into business, but my less than stellar academic scores in high school prevented me from getting any decent scholarship money. Mom and dad were sympathetic, but unfortunately were struggling due to the poor economy, and it was all they could do to support themselves and my two younger siblings (a brother and a sister). They said they would help when and where they could, but I would have to bear the brunt of the financial burden for going to college. I lived in the Seattle area, which is good for the construction industry. We usually don't have really harsh winters and that allows us to stay working year round; unlike those out in the Midwest who have to stop for four months out of the year to wait for the snow to clear. It was just another rainy blustery Seattle day when my brief career in construction came to a sudden end. We were framing a house, most of us using nail guns. Nail guns were a construction workers friend. Using them, we could frame a house in a fraction of the time of using the old hammer and nail, and with much less manpower to boot. Used correctly, they were safe to use. If you ever held up a nail gun and just pulled the trigger, you would see it would not fire. Safeties are built into them to prevent them from firing unless pressed up against an object. And even then, we still treat them as guns and never stand down wind of one, just in case. So in a perfect world my accident should never have happened. I remember very little, it happened so fast; but from my understanding it went down something like this... Mark was framing a door jam. I was a good ten feet to his left and well out of his way, or so I thought. Nail guns are operated pneumatically, and therefore need an air hose connected to them. What Mark did not know is that his air hose had gotten wedged in a corner. Not enough to cut off the air flow, but enough to remove any excess slack. So as Mark was nailing, he finally got to a point where he was just about to press down to drive another nail when he ran out of slack causing the nail gun to twist in his hand. His downward motion still contacted the wood enough to allow the gun to fire, but because the gun twisted, the nail no longer sunk into the wood, but only glanced off of it, and found open air. Its new trajectory had it flying just above the ground, and about ten feet to his left... I was on my hands and knees doing some clean-up work. I heard a sound that just wasn't right. I looked up and was instantly knocked back. I took a framing nail dead center to my throat. I have been told if I hadn't looked up, my hard had would likely have deflected the nail. A half inch to the left or right, and the nail would have hit a carotid artery, and I would likely have bled out before paramedics arrived. Either way, I was knocked unconscious by the shot, and don't remember anything else until I awoke in the hospital. When I did wake up, the first thing they told me was not to try to speak. First off it would be painful, but some delicate work had been done to my throat, and the vibrations from speaking could have a negative impact on the repair work. No speaking for at least a week. I was told that the nail had damaged my voice box, but luckily did not destroy it. They had to remove some unsalvageable tissue, and reconstruct some more. They said the prognosis was good that I would likely be able to speak normally again, but... (There always has to be a 'but' doesn't there?) They said the repair work necessary had required my vocal chords to be shortened and tightened up. I was told I could expect my voice to go up in pitch just a bit. How much, only time would tell. I was permitted to go home two days later with my jaw wired shut preventing me from trying to speak until I saw the doctor again. Until then, it was bed rest and a liquid diet. I'm normally a pretty active guy, but did as I was told. Workman's comp insurance paid for most of the doctor bills, but if I did something that would cause more corrective surgery it would come out of my pocket, which neither I nor my parents had the money for. I watched TV, surfed the net, collected unemployment insurance, and went pretty much stir crazy for about a week and a half. Finally the doctor was willing to have the wires removed from my jaw. Sitting in his office, he offered me some water saying my throat would likely be a bit dry. After taking a few sips, he told me to try to say something. In a hoarse but squeaky voice I asked him, "What do you want me to say?' He smiled and said that it was good that I was able to develop sound. He said that my vocal chords were weak from non-use, and that is why I was hoarse and squeaky. He told me he would send me home and not rewire my mouth shut, but to take it easy on the voice. "Keep it to short words and sentences" he said. "How long?" I squeaked. He said that is the nice part of it. My body would tell me. If I over did it, it would hurt. Sometimes pain is a good thing. He also said he understood my financial situation. He said in most cases, a voice coach is recommended to help retrain the voice, but it may not be covered by insurance. Once my voice was strong enough to talk normally, it might help if I joined a church choir or a singing group. Either way would be an excellent avenue for strengthening my vocal chords. Within a few days the hoarseness did in fact go away, but the squeak did not. My voice sounded like a squeaky teenage girl. Contacting the doctor on the phone, he told me my voice was just finding its place and to wait it out. Taking the doctor's advice in another way, I talked to our church choir director and asked if I could join. He was concerned about my very squeaky voice, but said with a little training it should even itself out. In the meantime, my unemployment was running out, and I had to go out and start looking for a job. It is amazing how many jobs out there require you to speak. My parents refused to let me go back into the construction industry, so I ended up working at Sizzler as a cook. Choir practice was three times a week and my voice started to level out. Unfortunately it leveled out in a very awkward place. I was soon sounding like a teenage girl. But it was also developing into a smooth, pure voice. The choir leader had me singing on the women's side of the choir. At first way in the back so my squeaky voice wouldn't detract from the rest of the choir, but as my voice developed and got stronger, he moved me closer and closer to the front of the choir. After only two months he had me on the front row with his best soloists. Again we contacted the doctor and asked about where my voice was going. He said he understood our concern, but there was little he could do. They repaired my voice with what was left after the accident, and unfortunately this is the result. Short of some major elective surgery, expensive elective surgery, this was something I would just have to come to terms with. And so, knowing my voice was what it was, and there was little I could do to change things, all I could do was to make the best of it and move on with life. I continued with the choir. As my voice developed and grew stronger, the rest of the choir started to embrace me as one of their own, instead of just a visitor. The choir leader wanted to showcase my voice, but held back because it would awkward to have a guy up front singing with the voice of Mariah Carrey. Okay, I wasn't that good, but you get the picture. I found my voice was giving me problems too. Sizzler was a decent job, but it just didn't pay really well. Unfortunately as I was looking for a job, I kept stumbling over my voice. Nobody wanted a guy with a woman's voice; or at least no place that paid better than sizzler. I was at an impasse, and hoped something would eventually pop. The choir leader finally got his wish to allow me to solo though... In a way. In September, the church decided to put together a CD of Christmas songs to be given out as gifts during the Christmas season. The CD would be twelve songs total, and I would solo two of them, and sing lead on two others. I have to say I was thrilled. With all that had gone on in my life the last year, life had become difficult. The one thing I found that really lifted my spirits was my singing. I was really starting to enjoy it a whole lot. And to be allowed to sing lead on four songs on the Christmas CD was a huge compliment in my book. There was one girl in the choir that I was beginning to really like, and in the second week of November I finally got up the courage to ask her out. Her name was Christi, and she said yes. In the coming weeks we started seeing more of each other both in and out of choir practice. One month later the CD was a big hit for Christmas. But then again, anything free usually is. The church said they would take contributions to defray the cost of the CD, and they were not disappointed by the response. After the holidays, life settled back down to a routine; still making no headway on the job front, so I remained a cook at Sizzler. I was slowly saving money for college, but at this pace it would be a few years before I had any chance at affording college. Christi and I were officially dating by this point, and we were still in the church choir. Although, I have to admit, I always felt I sang just a bit better with Christi standing right beside me. On the first day of February we were practicing with the choir as usual when a man walked into the church. He asked the choir director if it would be possible to meet the young lady on the CD he was holding. The director asked him to be more specific since there were several singers on that particular CD. The gentleman indicated four songs on the CD. The choir director then motioned for me to step down and join them. The gentleman asked if this was some kind of joke, but was assured it was not. I was then asked to sing one of the solos I had for the Christmas CD and this guy's jaw hit the floor. Once he was convinced it was my voice he was looking for he said he was at a bit of a loss. He said he had connections with a major pop music recording label, and through some means or another had gotten their hands on our Christmas CD. To say they were blown away by the voice on this cd was an understatement, and he had come down here to see if he could get 'her' to go with him to L.A. and cut some demo tracks. But as I had found out in the job market, the voice had to match the face. He said he loved the voice but he wasn't sure they would sell any CD's if my face was on the album cover, much less fill up seats for a concert. I laughed and said that it worked for Michael Jackson. He laughed in response, but said he wasn't sure his label wanted to take such a risk. He would have to go back to L.A. and have the execs reevaluate their options. He asked for my phone number, then thanked us for our time and turned and left the church. I was certain that just like many other prospective employers in recent months, I would never hear back from him. I was wrong. Two weeks later he called back. He said that the studio executives still wanted me to come in and do a demo album for them. He said they wanted to get me on a flight to L.A. as soon as I could fit it into my schedule. I told them my schedule was surprisingly open at the moment, and I could be in L.A. in a day or two. I asked him if they could reserve two seats though so I could bring Christi with. I always sing better when she is beside me, and would reimburse them for her ticket. They said they would happily pay for Christi to join me, and they looked forward to seeing both of us in a few days. Two days later Christi and I found ourselves in L.A. standing in a huge lobby with pictures of famous song artists and gold and platinum albums lining the walls. We walked up to the front desk and I told the receptionist my name and that I had an appointment. She confirmed that I did, and had me escorted upstairs to the office of David Weimer, who just happened to be the gentleman who had visited us about a week earlier. He said he had a recording studio reserved for us for the next two days. He then showed me a list of some well-known songs as well as two I had never heard of before. He asked me if I would be comfortable singing a few of these songs. Looking over the list I found several songs I was familiar with and that with a little practice should be able to sing. He asked if I could get five done in the next two days. I told him I would do my best. He then turned my attention to the two unknown songs. He said that they were songs never before released, and to make sure these were two of the songs I recorded. He said they were important because the Execs wanted to evaluate my voice on its own merit, and not be compared to another artist, or previously released song. I told him I would make sure these two songs were on the demo. He showed us to a studio, and introduced us to a gentleman who would help me put together my demo tracks. He said he had worked with many famous artists, and would be more than happy to help me out. I had never been in a real studio before so he showed me around a bit and made me feel comfortable. He said the first thing he wanted to do was a sound check. He told me to sing anything I wanted so he could get everything tuned in to my voice. As he sat behind his console, and Christi beside me for support, I stepped up to the microphone and belted out the first song that I could think of... The Star Spangled Banner. He said for a first song he was quite impressed. He said he never expected such a beautiful voice come from behind a face like mine; No offense intended. I told him I heard that a lot and that I was not offended. He then said that was a better rendition than he thought he had ever heard at any sporting event. Again I thanked him for the compliment. We then got down to business. Between him, me, and Christi, we came up with three songs that I was confident I could sing well, and that he felt would best show off my abilities; plus the two that David wanted us to record, for a total of five songs. With his help and a lot of editing and retakes, we had a demo CD put together in our two day limit that we were happy with. Back in David's office, he sat there holding the CD in his hand and said that the decision makers would be very interested in what we put on this. He then laid the CD on his desk, and handed me a short stack of papers. He said it was not a recording contract, but only a release for the CD; turning over all rights to the CD and the songs on it to his recording label. He said that it was the only way the Execs would allow the CD to be even listened to. If I was not willing to sign the forms, he said there would be no hard feelings, and that he would return the CD to us, and wish us a safe trip home. I turned to Christi, and she just ever so lightly nodded. I signed the forms. Putting the CD in his top right drawer David turned to Christi and me and said it may take a while to come to a determination of whether they would go forward with me. The next morning we were on a plane headed back home. I was more excited this time than the first time I had met him and I waited anxiously for a call. In the meantime, it was back to life; with one notable exception. I asked Christi to marry me. I told her that regardless what the future held I wanted to marry her. Happily she said yes. Two months later I still had not received a call from the record label. I was beginning to feel that they had decided the risk was just way too much. But I put my concerns on the back burner for the time being, I was to be married in a little over a month. And then came one of the biggest shocks of my life. Maybe not as big of a shock as being hit in the throat with a nail, but quite a shock none the less. I was working the afternoon shift at sizzler when Shelby came up to me. She was one of the waitresses there at sizzler, but was also on the choir with Christi and me. She asked me if that was me. Confused, I asked her what she was talking about. She went over to a radio sitting on a shelf and turned it up. I rarely heard it over the sounds of the steaks grilling. But as she turned up the radio, I heard the final verses of a familiar song called, 'In Loves Embrace'. It was a song that nobody had ever heard before; a song that I had recorded in a record studio a little over two months earlier. I was in such a state of shock that I dropped somebody's steak-medium-rare on the ground. When the song was finished the DJ came on and said that the song had only recently been released but has already gained a strong following. The record company would not release the name and details of the singer and when pressed, they said it would have to remain a mystery for the time being. I contacted Mr. Weimer at the record label to ask what exactly was going on. He told me the execs still hadn't come to a final decision. I asked him what's with my song being on the radio then. He said they were testing the waters, and that a good or bad public response may be what sways the decision making process one way or another. I asked since my song was on the radio, would I be seeing some profit from it? He said unfortunately no because I signed away rights to it. But if the execs did decide to sign me to a contract, I could expect a nice payday in coming months. He then reiterated that he would be in touch, said he had to be in a meeting, and ended the call. I talked to Christi about the phone call, and she said not to worry about it. "What goes around comes around. When they finally pull their heads out of the sand long enough to call you and offer you a deal, you just tell them you want to think about it, and hang up on them." Christi was the rock I had learned to lean on. I especially like the fact that she said 'WHEN' and not 'IF'. She could also be sly and devious. I was glad she was on my side. We watched my song rise steadily on the charts. Originally it was being called the song by a Mystery Singer, but eventually they were calling it the song by the singer 'MYSTERY'. The third week of June turned out to be a milestone on many fronts. I started the week by marrying the woman I had come to love and trust. At the reception we danced our first dance to 'In Loves Embrace' which had become our song for several reasons I am sure you can figure out on your own. That was also the week that 'In Loves Embrace' hit number 1 on the pop charts. And lastly, I got a phone call. As Christi had said, they finally were offering me a deal. And following her advice I thanked them and told them I would have to consider their offer, and I terminated the call. Two days later they called back. Christi took the call and told them she was now acting as my agent, and all discussions would be going through her. She then proceeded to lay her cards on the table. She said that once we started receiving royalties for the song that was currently on the radio, we would be happy to come to L.A. and negotiate a deal for more songs. "You make money, we make money. That's the way it works." She was always polite with them, but let them know she would not allow me or us to be used as pawns and walked all over. She ended the call by saying that we look forward to working with them very soon, and once again terminated the call. I felt she was pushing things a little too far and messing with a good thing. She said that I had a beautiful voice, I knew it, she knew it, and the public knew it which would make the execs want me even more. She said, "Trust me, they will come around." Four days later I got a check in the mail for 137,000 dollars. I was so glad I married that woman. That evening Christi called David and told him we would see him in L.A. the following Monday. By the time we got to L.A., Christi had developed a nice little plan; not demands, just a plan she hoped the studio execs would go along with. When we got to David's office, she was ready to lay all her cards on the table. David spoke first and said that his superiors had decided that my voice was making them money, and had the potential to make them a lot more; therefore, David was ordered to find a work-around. Christi told him that she thought she had just the work-around he was looking for. She said that I should cut a complete album as soon as possible, but not go on tour. The public heard a girl's voice, and would get a girl - kind of. Christi and I had agreed that I would start taking hormones (at the studio's expense of course), and wait about a year for them to start taking effect. In the meantime, the studio could release a new song every few months to keep the public's interest up, but keep telling them the singer would remain a mystery. Finally, when everyone agreed I could pass as a girl, I would finally go on tour. David just loved the idea. He said he was working on a similar idea, but decided that Christi's plan was much better. After hammering out some of the finer points of the deal, he finally had a contract worked up and was ready for a signature. In the days it took to fine tune the contract, Christi and I had gone out and found ourselves a good lawyer. After he reviewed the contract, he determined that it was in our best interest, and we would be making a lot of money in the very near future. We stayed in L.A. for the next month to start putting together an album. Actually, the first thing I did was to get started on female hormones. It would take a long time for any changes to show, so we had to start immediately. We got started on the album as soon as we could. The studio had a large selection of songs to choose from for our first album. They had several that they said they wanted on the album, but as per the contract Christi had a hand in putting together, she retained a lot of creative control. Within about two weeks she had decided on fourteen songs that she though would work well. Luckily, several of them were the ones the studio had wanted as well. I found myself laughing. I was standing in the background for the most part while Christi was doing all the work. I almost felt as if I wasn't needed at all. Then I remembered, oh yea, I needed to sing the songs! Finally we got to the studio and started putting together our first album. Christi had picked out fourteen songs, but we would only be putting ten on the album. Having a few extra allowed us a little play to see which ones sounded the best, and put together a really good first album. After three weeks in the studio, we were finally done, and Christi and I packed up our things and headed back up to Seattle. I quit Sizzler, but stayed in the choir to keep my voice in shape. Over the next several months Christi and I were to just sit back and let the hormones happen. In the meantime I started to learn the fine points of presenting myself as a girl. Makeup, clothes, shoes, hair, habits - the whole gambit. Christi was determined that when the world saw me, nobody would question whether or not I was a girl. We visited Las Angeles about once a month to check in with the studio, show that their investment was in fact making progress. And some days David would fly out to Seattle as well. Everyone agreed that I was progressing faster than expected, and at the rate I was going, I might be able to make a new years appearance. The studio was releasing my songs at a steady pace as well. As one song was coming down the charts, they would release a new one to start climbing. As you know, 'In Loves Embrace' hit number one on the charts, and stayed there for four weeks. My second song, 'Of Guns and Music' also hit number one, but only stayed there for two weeks. My third song, 'Walking the Bridge' debuted at number one and just stayed there. "Mystery" was gaining quite a following. The paparazzi were going nuts and harassing the studio, but they were not budging. We were told there was a million dollar bounty for the first photographer to produce a verifiable photo of "Mystery". We were afraid that somebody in the church might talk, but nobody did; they were a really good group of people. Around town I maintained as low of a profile as I could so nobody would realize it was me as well. Although we lived in a tight- knit community, and those who knew the truth were keeping it hush-hush, we knew it was only a matter of time before something leaked out. Finally in November it was decided that we would try a real-world test. Christi, her brother, and I would go on vacation to Disneyland in Florida. Four days and I was to be en-femme the whole time. The studio also sent people to mingle with the crowd to watch their reactions and my mannerisms. I pretended Danny (Christi's brother) was my date, and really acted the girl part. We went on all the rides, chatted with people in line, I even used the girl's restroom when I had to go. I interacted with the public in every way I could while trying not to give away my voice. Without giving away who I was, I had to be a convincing girl in every way. A week after we got back to Seattle we got word back from the studio that everything was a go, and they had even booked my first gig. I had to laugh when they told me what it was. The very first song I had sung for the studio was 'The Star Spangled Banner'. As it turned out, that would be the first song I would sing in front of a live audience... At the Super-Bowl!!! Well, from there, my career just took off. I was a big hit at the superbowl and it was announced in a commercial during the game that "Mystery" would be going on tour beginning in June. Once the cities were announced, the tickets sold out in record time. Just the other day during rehearsals I just stood there on stage looking out over an empty stadium and wondering how much my life had changed in just over a year; from devastating injury to a near overnight singing sensation. Standing there in a blouse and jeans, I looked, sounded, acted, and was treated like any other girl, even though underneath, I was still a man where it counted. Although, with all the hormones and physical changes and training, I would actually be hard pressed to pass as a guy these days. I am married to the most wonderful woman who loves, understands, and supports me in every way. Our marriage remains a secret for a couple reasons. First off, a single star is more popular than a married one, and second, even though there have been great strides in gender acceptance, if people thought I was a woman married to another woman, ticket sales would definitely take a hit. We are able to stay close because everyone believes she is just my business manager. Nobody needs to know more. Will I ever take the final step and become a 'complete' female? I doubt it. Just like the name that the whole world now knows me as, most of the truth about my life will just have to remain... a "MYSTERY".

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by by Dunchad© Introduction: This story is a piece of fiction that I wrote for a friend from the site. So mandmd, I hope you like this as much as I liked writing. She sat on the back porch, enjoying the cool day and the breeze wafting through the trees. Her husband was out of town again and she was feeling terrible lonely. She wished he did not have to leave so often, but it was the only way to pay the bills, and even it was a bit of a stretch. She had offered many times to get a part...

3 years ago
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Staying With Family on Christmas

I was home on holiday break from College visiting along with an assortment of other relatives. My parents had worked out bed assignments so after mom told me who my roommate would be for five days I objected. “Okay”, my mother conceded, “maybe it’s not the best sleeping arrangements in the world but we don’t have a choice. With so many people coming you and your brother are going to have to share a room.” “But Mom! There is only one bed in my room! You mean that he will be in my bed with...

2 years ago
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Some of the best sexual experiences of my life pt

There was a time in my life about 20 yrs ago. I was 29 & had just gotten out of the state pen, 3 yrs for stupid petty shit. Anyway a kind family took me in & I became one of the family. The dad of the family owned his own business. The mom worked at the largest most known floral co. in town and she got me a job there. I started out in the wholesale dept., unloading trucks, keeping stock rotated, making delivery to the stores etc. The manager of that department was a woman I was to find...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 06

Trapped and Trained Ch. 06I did my best to make it over to the door, but the combination of the lightheadedness I was experiencing and the stability issues I had with the 5" heels I was wearing made it extremely difficult to concentrate. Apparently I was taking too long as I felt another burst of electricity flow through my "SLUT" collar, which was enough motivation to clear my mind and speed up my learning curve on the steep heels.Just before I reached out for the door, my Master realized he...

1 year ago
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My 2 jealous sisters

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had woken up for another morning at my dad’s house with hormones flaring as usual. I was on the bottom bunk and my stepsister, on my dad’s side, was on the top bunk, hopefully fast asleep still. I had wanted to jack off without her knowing about because if she knew she’d want it, and me, all over again. Her name was Justine and basically she was a 18 year old with hormones budding. On either side of my family, my mom’s or my dad’s, I was the one with...

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The Sexy Robber

I awoke in the dark. Then, I heard the sound that had broken my slumber. The kitchen floor creaked downstairs--no mistaking that sound. I reached in my nightstand drawer and felt for my pistol. Armed and alert I went down the stairs with my heart pounding hard. I avoided all the known creaky spots on the stairs and made it downstairs without a sound."Freeze or I'll shoot!" I cried. I had surprised the intruder from behind and commanded they put their hand behind their head. Seemed like the...

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my humiliation

when I was 19 years old, i lived together with one of my best friends. I found out early that his penis was huge (at least 7 inches unerrect) and compared to my my 4,5 inch peeker it was even bigger,Because of my small penis I never dated girls, but I was always hearing him fucking his One-night-stands in the room next to I masturbated almost every time to a different voice screaming about his big cock.One day we went out for some drinks and met a nice girl. she came with us and took...

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Bhabhi Aur Bahen

Pehle main aap logon ko apne baare mein bata doon main raj aur mere ghar par bhabhi bhaiya aur ek choti behen rehti haai hai.ek din ki baat hai main colege se wapas aya to bhabhi ne kaha “khana kha loo raj” main bola “bhabhi abhi nahin “asal mein main aaj college mein ek sexy ladki ko dekha tha jab se mujhe mood marne ka maan kar raha tha so main lungi pehen kar chalu ho gaya par darwaza khula reh gaya tha jisk wajah se bhabhi andar agaye aur mujhe mood marte huye dekh liya main kyon ki aankh...

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The woods

She was late. Cursing her own inexcusable stupidity for not leaving the party at a decent hour, she hurried down the dark street. It was well past two in the morning and the air had that peculiarly damp, green scent that only happens at some ungodly hour of the morning. Coming to the end of the street she makes a fast decision--she will cut through the swath of woods between the campus and her small house rather than walk the tedious eight blocks around it. With any luck, she would manage...

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Broken AngelChapter 10 Money Talks

"Velma, I have a disk here that I want taken across the street in ten minutes. This one is not sexual in nature but it is more explosive, I believe." She handed a new unmarked plastic case to the surprised waitress. "Will you do it?" "Oh yes I will, Dana. Oh yes I will." She accepted the DVD and tucked it in her apron pocket. "What is it?" "It's a recording of the number two man in the FBI accepting a "donation" and agreeing to look the other way where 'certain irregularities'...

3 years ago
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Me my Daddy and my front lawn

So before i moved to florida i lived in a small town in new jersey and found an older guy when i was about 18-19 and we kept coming back to each other no matter how long it was in between meetups. Eventually we made it a regular thing and he became my Daddy and i was his boy. This was really hot to me for a few reasons....i was always into dad n son role play. He was old enough to be my dad and loved the scenario too. And he was also the girls soccer coach at my highschool (a yr after i...

4 years ago
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My Sexcapedes With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello everyone. This story is based on an incident that happened in my life a few years back. And had a profound effect on me. Names and places have been changed but the events are true and described as happened. I hope you enjoy it. I certaintly did. This was when I used to live in nagpur. I was preparing for my engg. And had rented a room close to my institute. It was a neighbourhood with big posh houses and sterling hotels and restaurants. One in which I lived though, resembled more to a...

3 years ago
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Anita and the Sadie Hawkins Dance

Chapter 1 It happened -- I couldn't believe it. Anita had called and asked me to be HER date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Oh no!!! No way, no how!! You've heard of the Sadie Hawkins dance, right? That's when the girls get to ask the guys for a date to the dance. The point is that the girl asking the guy out usually is NOT the cutest, sexiest or most likely girl for the guy to go out with and some of the more homely and ugly girls in the school get a chance for a date with the guy of their...

1 year ago
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His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.SCENE 1His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable...

1 year ago
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Breast Feeding

I am Akash, 24 yrs working in a company. I will come to the story directly. I am staying alone in my home. The home next to me consists of a couple and their small kid. The lady named Devi is quite good looking around 28 yrs old, with huge breasts (may be of size 38), very seductive bums, which any one can watch all the time. Her husband is working in some company and he is almost out of home. So Devi’s option for time pass is only me. She often comes to my home for talking to me and watching...

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Our First Anniversary

I read a story on this site recently about suspension sex and it prompted me to share our experiences with you.Let me begin by giving you a little insight into our lives. Amy and I had been living together for one year before we married last year. She is twenty-nine and I am thirty-five years old; I work as an aeronautical engineer and she works part-time; Monday through Thursday evenings as an assistant to a magician.At least that was what I thought, as you will find out; I had never inquired...

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A Soldiers Boy

A re-posting of a good old British classic.--------------------------------------------------------A Soldier's pete ([email protected])***A young boy's first sexual experience encourages him to find his real sexuality. (Mb, 1st-gay-expr, oral, mast)***With acknowledgements to ‘RafSarge’Chapter 1I let out a stifled moan and took a man's cock into my wet mouth, in one single graceful movement of pure lust, for the first time in my life. I didn't even gag! I must have been born a natural...

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Sin BravelyChapter 20

"I liked you better when you were a cop," The Matchmaker frowned from the doorway of his Berlin flat. "I didn't have to get up to open the fucking door." "I could kick it in, if you like," Wolfgang shrugged. "For old time's sake." "Hmph," the man turned away, limping back to his easy chair and the football match on his small television. He was older, in his fifties, and thin with thick white hair on top of his narrow skull. He dressed like a peasant, Wolfgang thought, wearing...

4 years ago
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The Little Black Dress of Joy Part 4

The Little Black Dress of Joy. Part 4. By Tanya H. Even though I'd fallen happily in love with a soldier, my relationship with the British Army was, I thought, nicely at arm's length. Nina told me stories of the people she worked with, she shyly told me some more about life on tour, but knowing her regimental mates knew my history grew into a wall I couldn't climb over, meaning I hadn't actually met any of them. Nina may have been disappointed in that, after all they were her other...

2 years ago
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My Whore Ann

Ann had finally gotten a divorce from Walt and called me up to tell me and wanted to know if I wanted to celebrate with her. I thought for a moment and then told her to pack a few items for a couple of days and then come over and what to wear when she did. I knew Ann would do as I asked and so I put in a good bottle of wine in the fridge and waited for her to show up. The doorbell soon rang and as i answered it, there stood Ann with her long coat on. "Take that coat off" I told her and as she...

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My Co worker Sherrie 2 Mrs Susan

100% fiction! My mind was in disbelief when I was following Sherrie to her car, watching her butt sway side to side as we approached the car, I sat next to her as she started to drive me home, every time she was driving, I would take a gaze at her beautiful busty body she has, I was starting to get a hard on fast and gluped in fear, afraid of her reaction as I hided my erection with my coat, luckily she was paying attention to the road, we eventually stopped at my house and she & I relaxed for...

Erotic Fiction
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A Fantasy that goes too far Part 6

I paid the check and my wife and I hurriedly walked back to our hotel. I held my wife’s hand, as we walked, and I could feel her palm begin to sweat.“Are you okay?” I asked her, sympathetically.“Oh Yes” she replied, “just running through what I need to do once we’re back in the room.”In no time, we were back in the hotel and my wife stripped and headed for the shower. As she tried to get by me, I took her in my arms, as Dave had just done, and told her how much I loved her. I also commented...

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Parsimonious IndulgenceChapter 7

Veronica and Mandi leave the sauna with the mystery man just as satisfied as Samuel Sanders, though both women are probably even more satisfied than both men. They quickly shower in the locker room, doing their best to keep their hands off each other. It isn’t until after they finish dressing and are on their way back up to sign papers does Veronica remembers something very important. “Oh fuck,” Veronica mutters. “I forgot all about Danny.” A smile curls on Mandi’s face as she says, “I...

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Lost FoundChapter 75

It certainly felt weird as I left the Holuba Hall field from the final practice. I showered, dressed and gathered my extra things from my locker. All that was left would make the trip out to Phoenix. I was feeling emotional as I finished my work. I left quickly, calling out, "Merry Christmas everyone. See you on the twenty-seventh," as I departed. I didn't want to get maudlin. I had to go help my high school team win a state championship yet that night. I grabbed a sandwich and some chips...

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Crossover Janet L. Stickney [email protected] There was never any doubt that I was going to be a girl someday. I mean, from early on I would wear pale lipstick and eyeliner with my hair usually braided. Then came the Crossover week and I was able to dress like a girl from the skin out, complete with hips and boobs. My father was a drunk that never cared what I did, and my mom was long gone so how I dressed was never an issue. I work at a small shop that makes and repairs video...

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MylfClassics Crystal Rush Hot Home Studies

This Mylf Classics update features Crystal Rush and Peter Green. Originally released Mar 30th, 2019, this PervMom scene was and still is a major hit! Peter just wants to chill and watch TV but his stepmom Crystal has promised his dad that she will homeschool him. Crystal insists on going over their anatomy course, but she knows Peter won’t pay attention unless she does something drastic, so she decides to teach him about female anatomy, using her own body to demonstrate. Seeing her big tits and...

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Surprise Rendesvous II

I left home confused, but I knew where I was going. I drifted down the street, round the corner and into the nightclub. I couldn’t seem to find her anywhere though. I went into the back, through the curtains and into her bedroom. Then there she was, standing elegantly with a golden aura lighting up the room. She stepped towards me slowly, and I admired how her simple, black lingerie accentuated her slight but gorgeous curves. She lightly pushed me back onto her bed, crawling up on top of me,...

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A Mans Place is as a Woman Parts 1617

A Man's Place is as a Woman! Part 16 That next morning went pretty much as normal, with the exception of the Huge Cold Shoulder I was throwing at Jennifer. Thankfully she had meetings for part of the day and I didn't see her very often. Usually I did my school work in between phone calls in order to keep up with my classes, but today my focus was way off. I couldn't bring myself to study. The one positive thing to come of the day was an email I'd received from someone at the school...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 29 Its time for a final confrontation with the Drakkar raiders

John looked up in surprise as Dana and Calara walked into the bedroom. They both wore slightly confused expressions on their beautiful faces, which soon evaporated when they took in the scene on the bed. Jade was lying on her back, her rounded belly sticking up proudly where she was stuffed full of John’s cum. She was panting excitedly, having just been licked to a very satisfying orgasm by Alyssa, who was lying between the Nymphs spread thighs. The ravishing blonde looked back over her...

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Bunk Beds Chapter Four

Disclaimer: All people in this story are fictional and any resemblance to living people is a cryin' shame. It was created to be a pleasant fantasy. Bunk Beds - Chapter 4 By Isis Eris "I bombed my interview," I said. "I'm pretty sure he thought I was on drugs - he mentioned my eyes being bloodshot, and I was really out of it. I forgot the PS Vita existed at one point and when he asked me about games coming out next month I couldn't think, so I told him 'Half Life 3.' Which is...

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Barbs First Paid Photo Shoot Part 1

We were sitting in the living room after supper, sipping some wine when we decided to look at our joint profile on Fetlife (Pixie_and_Daddy). We wanted to respond to messages that we might have received and look at photo comments. That task took us about thirty minutes, just as we were about to log-out of our profile, I suggested to Barb that we compose a post looking for a paid photo shoot for her.She was somewhat cynical about the idea but finally agreed so we sat there working on the wording...

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The Librarian Ch 01

Miss Anna Stockton had been working at the University Library for the past 15 years. She was in her early 40’s, had brown hair, brown eyes which were normally hidden by her glasses, and always dressed very conservatively which did not reveal much of her attractive figure. Her supervisor was Miss Penobscott, an older woman in her mid-sixties who seemed frigid to Anna. Anna was beginning to dread that she might grow old and become a woman just like Miss Penobscott. Anna had led a pretty...

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The Rendezvous P5

We lean back against each other with a slight laugh from both of us. I whisper, maybe we should have charged admission to the show…as I say this I reach up and cup both your tits and rub your nipples with a light squeeze you then moan so lightly. My cock now semi hard slips out of your pussy covered with your juices. You reach behind your and pull me tighter as you grind back. You turn your head and say...I need more of that….I take you to the bed and lay you face down and turn to get the...

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Therapy First Sex Pt 4

Down at the creek, I shared my sandwich with the 18 year old woman who now almost seemed my girlfriend. In ways, going into fifth grade had me more mature than her. I was the one listening to her and trying to offer words of advice or consolation. I shared my lunch, she shared her life.As we sat there with our feet dangling in the water, a fish suddenly brushed her foot and she squealed! I laughed at her and pointed at the fish as it darted away from us. When I looked over at her, her nipples...

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Afternoon Sex Outside on a Mountain Trail

(episode 5) The Christmas Holidays my freshman year had been great so far, there was the Christmas Party at Jennifer’s house, the trip to the mall with Jennifer and her friends. I also had caught up with and hung out with some old buddies. And just two days before Christmas, two girls from UGA with whom I had become really good friends, Kelly and Katie, dropped by to see me for a few minutes on their way in to Atlanta for last minute Christmas shopping. I was also glad that Dad had given me a...

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Midnight Maid Service 2 by loyalsock

I surprised her by picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom, almost like the proverbial picture of the groom carrying his new bride across the threshold. Upon entering the bedroom, I gently laid her on the king size bed and rested her head on a pillow. She laughed, as she kicked off her shoes and settled in."Let's take this slow," I told her, as I settled in next to her on the bed. "I mean, even with everything we've done already, I haven't even given you a proper kiss yet. Let's...

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The Twelve Tables Ch 25

Authors Note: Thank you to everyone left comments or sent me feedback about previous chapters of this story. Thank you again to Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie ***** The Donati men sat around the big table in the Athenaeum listening to the sermon of the family priest as he retold the biblical story of the twelfth night and the epiphany the following day that the Son of God had been born. ‘Like that baby, your ancestors were born the sons of men with no name, no prestige, no power. Men...

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Bhai Ne Phadi Chut

Hi dear boys and girls. Mera naam bhumi hai. Main gujarat ke vadodara city me raheti hun. Meri age 26 hai. Muje iss bahut achi lagti hai.yeh meri paheli story hai. Aap logo ko shayad pasand story hai mari aur mere cousine brother(minesh) ki. Jub me 17sal ki thi aur minesh ki age 22year thi. Wo surat me raheta hai. Ek bar me surat gai thi chutti me. Wo apne mummy aur daddy ke sath raheta tha. Hum bahut ache dost the. Ek din uske mummy aur daddy ko bahar jana tha ek week ke liye.wo morning...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 8 Bad Reunion

Introduction: The digidestined finally make it to the digital world and face the tension building between them Tai woke up slowly. His body felt like it had been beaten with a bag of ice. He was in complete pain and he could feel the icy chill in the air. He opened his eyes and looked around. He looked around and found himself in a lush field in the middle of nowhere. There were mountains in the distance. How could this have happened to him? The last thing he remembered he was sitting at a bar...

4 years ago
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The Power Failure

It was a bit past eleven in the morning, and I was hard at work on my blue collar job when suddenly the power cut off. I turned off my machine and waited a minute to see if it would come back on. Sometimes the power does come back on after a few seconds. It didn't this time, though. After a few minutes of sitting without power, we did what we usually do when there was a longer power failure: we grabbed some brooms and started sweeping the floor. Some of the workers had been doing things that...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 705

The Old Dog A German shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he’s lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, “Oh, oh! I’m in deep shit now!” Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, “Boy, that was...

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Prologue Irysia - a continent fractured by the naivety of it's inhabitants. Decades of armistice between races was broken by the Undyr - a brutish force of tusked monsters, terrifying in stature when compared with their racial peers. Their insatiable lust to interbreed and lack of female counterparts has driven them to return to the old ways, raiding in search of potential slaves to mercilessly impregnate, and subsequently they were responsible for the outbreak of civil war. From the ashes of...

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Weekend Fun With Neighbor MILF

Hi, indian sex stories dot net Friends, I am back with another story of mine. A small background about me, this is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. You can reach me and share your feedback at This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. I stay in one of the premium apartment in South Bangalore and I stay with few of my friends. This story is about my encounter with the neighbor lady Padma. She must be into her late 30s or early 40s, as like most of...

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The Trade OffChapter 38

Charlie Heather wished her first time with me alone. Since she was a virgin I felt this was a reasonable request. When I got a chance to speak to Lucy I informed her what was about to happen and that afterwards Heather would be subservient to both of us. Since she had been instrumental in setting the situation up, she was pleased with the outcome. "I know she is a virgin, but I don't think you should hold back on introducing her to all that is involved in being your submissive little...

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