Sweet Victory free porn video

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The icy cold wind blew fiercely across the houses. Frost was already starting to appear on the windows. She stood in the kitchen looking out as she lazily put away the dishes she'd spent most of the afternoon washing.

"Brrrrr, it's freezing" a voice said snapping her out of her thoughts. Gabriella turned around to see her brother wearing what looked liked his entire wardrobe. He looked comical and she couldn't help but burst out laughing and nearly dropping a glass in the process.

"Have you looked at yourself?" she asked trying to soften her laugh. Her brother Paolo had a great sense of humour.

"Have you looked at yourself?" he replied. How did his sister manage to stay alive with just a thin jumper? Shaking his head like an old woman just made her laugh more. Gabriella was very close with her brother and despite he being five years older than her; he tried to protect her without the typical over protectiveness. Luckily for him she was quiet and usually had her nose stuck in the books, but when least expected she did have a fiery temper.

"I'm going out tonight with the guys" he said taking a slice of bread and spreading butter on it. Paolo's schedule lately had been going out whereas hers had been mellow. Though they lived close to each other, he would sometimes stay with her.

Rolling her eyes she knew who he meant just the 'usual suspects'.

"What are you up to tonight little sis" he teased, pouring himself some juice and gulping it down in three seconds.

"Aaron is coming here to go over some notes-just the boring stuff. Hey how come lately you seem to be going out from my place instead of yours?" she asked narrowing her eyes on him.

He pondered for a while. "Guess I'm watching out for my favourite sis?" he asking with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah right-I'm your only sis" she said rolling her eyes. The door bell rang before he had a chance to say anything. Walking over and unlatched her door expecting Aaron. She was just a little startled to see her brother's handsome friend instead. He looked so good in his jeans and t-shirt. His features beautifully chiselled.

"Hi Diego-come in" she said with a polite smile, standing to one side.

"Hi sexy" he said with a wink. She took it to be sarcastic as she knew she wasn't his average girl. Diego and her brother had been good friend since they were twelve, however he wasn't close with Gabriella, she wasn't like the other girls he knew, and didn't care much to get better acquainted. Lately though he would catch himself looking at her, she was pretty, straight dark brown hair which reach her mid back, big soft brown eyes, sensual lips and a slender body with generous breasts but she was his best friend's sister and totally off limits. Sure she was polite but distant with him especially when he bought girls over to pick up Paulo.

"I'm in the kitchen" Paolo yelled washing up his glass and placing it on the counter.

"Ready?" Diego asked glancing up at the kitchen clock. He didn't often come into her flat, but he liked being inside as she hadn't decorated all girly and pink like some of the places other girls he knew had.

"See you soon sis" he said bending down to kiss her cheek and taking his jacket off the chair.

"Bye guys-have fun" she said walking behind them.

"We will" Diego said with a wink before closing the door behind them.

Rolling her eyes, she glanced down at her watch and wondered where her study partner was. Gabriella began flicking through the channels trying to find something entertaining to watch whilst waiting. Typical, whenever she was home nothing good was on the TV. Curling up on the couch, she picked up a novel she'd started a while back and started a while back. She was reading a very steamy love scene and it was starting to turn her on. Although never having the experience, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like-now this book was giving her a very insightful look. The more she read, the more she felt like all those things were being done to her.

Suddenly aware that she was all alone, presented a very interesting situation for her. Slowly undressing herself, she lay back comfortably and began teasing her nipples, pulling and twisting them till she could feel her nether lips puffy and moist. She could feel her juices flowing freely out of her before reaching down to tease her clit; it was hard and very sensitive. Using her thumb's pad she kept working herself up to a maddening frenzy until her first orgasmic wave washed over her, hard. Moving her hand away a string of clear wetness clung to her fingers, this drove her over the edge making her jamb two fingers inside her vagina, as hard and as fast as she could, moaned in pain/pleasure. Now her juices were really flowing, she could feel them slide down her thighs. Reaching down she grasped her clit between her fingers and thumb again and began to roll it vigorously; she kept repeating this up until she was ready to climax again, but stopping herself to make the experience a delicious one.

Just concentrating only on her nipples made her want to climax even more, but she didn't want to rush such a pleasurable thing. Working herself up to a maddening frenzy she began to pump her fingers back inside but harder this time, until an orgasmic wave washed over her, hard. The orgasm itself was so intense that she moaned loudly as her insides clenched from the pain. Panting from the intensity of the experience, she tried to calm down a little before she got up to take a quick shower, making sure she didn't leave any evidence of her 'activity'.

Just as she picked up her phone to send a text, her door bell rang and this time she knew it had to be Aaron. Behind a pile of books he stood dressed all in black. His long blond hair hung around his face and thick rimmed glasses. He easily dwarfed her with his small frame and height.

"You're late" she said jokingly, taking the books from him and walking into her front room where she had a big table. They both sat opposite each other and started reading and working through the problems. Every so often she'd top up their caffeine intake, but it got to a point where her eye lids just couldn't remain open anymore.

Aaron rested his head on his arms, whilst Gabbi took the couch just clear her mind. She curled herself into a comfortable position before closing her heavy eyes. They both must've been more tired than they thought as each fell into a deep sleep.

Was it a dream or did the doorbell actually ring? Then she heard it again. No, it was real; waking her from her slumber on the couch. She could hear Aaron waking up too. He looked a little dazed, stretching his arms and yawning. As she padded off to answer the door, he was busily collecting his books and getting ready to leave.

"Diego!!" she squealed when she opened the door to find him waiting restlessly.

Before he could say anything, he heard a male voice call out to her. The voice sounded like it had just woken up.

"What's going on?" he demanded.

"Oh my God, we must've dosed off after all that studying" she said yawning.

"Gabbi?" Diego asked.

"Thanks for tonight" Aaron said hurrying past an angry Diego with the same pile of books he'd come with and left.

"What are you doing here so late?" she asked, closing the door to stop the breeze from coming in. she looked at her phone-it was past one in the morning.

"I just dropped your brother off and thought I'd come round and see how you're doing, but from the looks of it..." he didn't finish his sentence.

"I'm doing just fine" she yawned. She was starting to feel groggy after being woken up from a nap and walked into the kitchen to drink some water.

"Look if you're pissed off about me barging in on your midnight 'rendezvous', you'll thank me later" he said following her and leaning against her door frame. His voice had no sarcasm.

"Midnight what?" she asked laughing at the ludicrous suggestion, turning sideways and reaching for a glass causing her dress to ride even higher and expose her thighs.

"What the hell is that?!" Diego demanded pointing, when he noticed the distinct finger marks on her left thigh made only through what he thought was rough sex. He marched over and grabbed hold of her arm, turning her to face his angry and jealous expression. "Who've you been spreading your thighs for?" he accused.

She shrieked from the rough treatment. Before she could defend herself, he pushed his hand in-between her thighs, but as she rose her hand to strike in outrage he quickly caught it along with the other in a tight grasp above her head.

"Who?" he demanded. "Who?" he was now shaking her.

"Stop it!!" she cried, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Was it him? Did you let him feel you before taking you hard on the couch?" he was practically shouting. "What would Paolo say if he knew his little sister was entertaining men like this?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" she couldn't believe her own ears. Her breathing had intensified, and she could hear heart thumping. Who was he to barge into her house in the middle of the night and make such accusations?

"Sometimes you act like a little girl. A right spoilt princess" he said unable to take his eyes off of her. She looked so innocent and angelic in her white dress.

"You have the audacity to come into my home and throw insults at me!" she almost cried out in disbelief freeing herself and moving towards the door.

"Come here" he demanded grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards her bedroom.

"No ... stop Diego", but her protests fell on deaf ears as she was dragged into her bedroom and made to stand in front of her full length mirror. She didn't dwarf him like some of the girls she saw him with, but he was still taller than her.

He released her hand and left her to stand in the middle of her room attempting to ease her breathing. Her mind was half angry, half panicking towards his strange behaviour. He came over and pulled her dress over her head with little effort.

"Take a good look at yourself" he commanded sternly. She slowly turned and looked over into the mirror but didn't see anything unusual, but he saw a young 21 year old girl with tousled hair, bra-less and her nipples standing out. She didn't notice his presence behind her until his hands ran down her arms and up her rip cage to rest just below her breasts. Their breathing started to become shallow.

He bent his head and began to kiss her neck sending shivers down her spine. Her skin felt soft yet hot. Diego had always been dangerously handsome with his jet black hair, tanned body and blue eyes which girls could easily fall into. Momentarily she closed her eyes lost to the sensations of his mouth on her skin. His hands crept under her top and slowly lifted it up and over her head to cup her firm mounds and tweak her protruding nipples pulling a moan from deep within her throat.

He slowly turned her around and kissed her, probing her mouth open with his warm lips and slid his tongue into her mouth to stroke hers. She began to kiss him back with the same passion as he drew her closer into his hard body and she could feel his impressive hardness pressed against her belly through his jeans.

He reluctantly moved away from her to switch off her light. She heard him undress quickly and before she realised her predicament he was leading her to her bed with feathery kisses eventually locking his lips around her right nipple and sucking. He traced a finger from her belly down to her mound. Rolling her thong off, her slipped his fingers between her partially parted thighs and teased her slick slit with a finger. Her lips were slightly puffy and her clit was starting to poke out from under its hood.

Using the pad of his thumb he began to rub and make small circles sending jolts of pleasure through the course of her body. She arched her back as he swapped nipples and his touches intensified, grabbing hold of her bed sheets to maintain some level of control. Gently rolling on top of her, he spread her thighs wide to nestle comfortably between them. She was responding to his every touch. Her eyes flew open as she felt a longer finger push into her. Reality hit her hard.

"Diego" she moaned, trying to pull away from him.

"Hmmm" he said lazily pushing his finger in and out of her slick heat. Her wet, spongy walls clung tightly around his invading digit and he could only imagine how they would feel around his thick cock.

"We can't do this" she whispered trying in vain to push his hand away, but it was futile.

"Why not" he asked, kissing back up to the hollow of her throat. "Because" she swallowed hard "because ... I've never done this before" she confessed shyly.

"You're joking" his eyes flew to hers. Her body had accepted his finger with ease and the way she was responding to his touches told him otherwise.

"No I'm not" she replied softly.

"Are you telling me you've never felt this in here" he asked arrogantly, wrapping her slender fingers around his pulsing shaft and pushing his finger harder into her to emphasise his point.

"No" she whispered. He felt hard yet soft. His cock kept twitching and pulsing in her hand radiating heat. She winced as he spread her thighs wider, that her inner thigh muscles began to ache. Biting her bottom lip as he worked his finger inside her pussy, whilst the thumb played with her clit. She desperately struggled in vain to close her legs.

She cried out as another finger joined the first one and thrust into her increasingly sore pussy stretching and opening her up. He gazed down on her writhing, arching body.

"Don't fight me-we both know how badly you want this" he said unevenly.

Taking his fingers out and sucking her juices off, her guided his throbbing cock to the throbbing entrance and teased the blunt head with her heat; pushing forward slightly to slip the head in, and then grabbing hold of her hips he thrust hard spearing her onto his thickness forcing her body to accept him. She moaned in pain as he forced himself inside of her. Her walls eventually gave in as he slid into her hilt, the spongy walls stretched around him and clamped tightly onto him. She couldn't believe what was happening. He relentlessly drove into her virgin cunt his hands gripped firmly on her slender hips as began to thrust into her with long, forceful strokes. Her body writhing on him as she fought the discomfort, with each stroke he groaned as he rode her hard with long deep strokes, forcing her pussy to yield to his demands.

"You're so tight" he groaned into her ear. His fingers found her pulsing pinching it gently. Her moans were turning into soft cries. Suddenly she felt herself explode-clenching and unclenching around him. Her reaction generated a frenzy in him as his hips pistoned back and forth with new rigor until he too exploded deep inside of her. Hot jets of cum spurted into her unprotected womb, until he softened.

His spent body collapsed on top of hers, mashing her tender breasts against his chest, "Good girl" he whispered against her ear. Aware of the dull pain now and of wetness soaking her thighs, she pushed at him with weak hands.

"Get off of me" Gabbi whimpered as the shock of what they'd done hit her hard. He chuckled, still panting and rolled off her. She slowly pulled her sheets over herself, glancing back to him. His eyes sparkled up to her, satisfaction written all over his handsome face. He ran a lazy hand down his belly to stroke his cock; it glistened with their combined juices. Her face flushed a deep shade of red.

"Ready to go again?" he smiled languorously. She bit her lip to lock the sound inside. She wouldn't shame herself further by letting him think he had given her some pleasure.

"I think you should go" she said abruptly. "It should never have happened", her bottom lip was quivering as she spoke the words.

"Yeah, but it did" he said with slow deliberation, lazily reaching out to stroke her hip.

"I don't think you're in the position to be making decisions-you practically raped me" she said flatly.

"Come on sweetheart you don't expect me to believe all that virgin crap-you didn't even cry when I pushed it in" he said with a smirk before getting up and collecting his clothes and heading to her bathroom.

She lay there listening to the water of her shower being turned on and twenty minutes later Diego walked back fully dressed. The entire time she'd lay in the bed, her thoughts had been all over the place: the way he touched her and the way she'd responded. She hadn't realised how attracted she'd been to him or him to her as a matter of fact.

"I need to head off" he said breaking her train of thoughts. Seeing no reaction he turned and left. Walking over to his car he couldn't believe what had happened. Guilt was the last thing on his mind-even if it was his best friend's sister. A virgin? Impossible he thought-not the way she whimpered and came. Just the thought made him want to go back and fuck her again, but he shook the notion out from his head. Gabbi all the while lay on her bed unmoving from the confine of her sheets. She was too exhausted to get up and shower. Her bed would also need changing-all she wanted to do was push tonight out of her mind, but the wetness which was starting to seep out made it difficult to the point of impossible. She didn't know how much time had lapsed until her eyelids grew heavy and she could finally sleep.

"Earth to Gabbi-did you hear what I said" her brother asked slightly irritated that he had to repeat everything twice.

"I'm sorry what did you say" she asked trying to concentrate on their conversation.

"I asked how your study session went on Saturday night. Diego said some guy left around one in the morning" he repeated looking at her. She seemed so distant-maybe it was all the studying she was doing lately.

"Fine. We did a lot. Aaron fell asleep at the table-I guess there was so much caffeine we could take" she replied trying not to sound nervous. Oh and by the way your best friend came after and I had sex with him-she screamed in her head.

"Well as long as that's all you were doing" he teased.

"What did you say" she said irritated. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

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By the time I was twelve I realized that what my uncle was doing was not normal. I realized that I should tell on him, but by this time I had begun to enjoy his visits. I liked the attention he gave me. But mostly I liked it best when he licked my pussy, and what I had learned was my clit. As I hit puberty my body became more sensitive and I enjoyed the way he touched me even more. I did not tell him that but he knew anyway. He said he could tell by how wet my pussy got when he had his...

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It's been awhile since my last nasty i****t tale, so I thought I would stop by and tell you about my sweet cousin Cherry. Cherry is my Uncle Pat's daughter and the baby of the family. When Cherry was just a few months old when Uncle Pat and his wife split up it was Aunt Clair who got custody of their daughter. A few weeks after the divorce Aunt Clair packs up and move her and Cherry to the East coast. It would be f******n years before my Uncle Pat would see or hear from his daughter.June 2,...

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Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen By Rowena Morgan "I'm bored." "School will be out in a couple of months. What do you want to do this summer, Susan?" "Nothing." "Then you aren't bored. You're apathetic." "What's that mean?" "It means you don't care about anything." "Okay, I'm apathetic." "I don't believe that. Want to help me with a project I've been working on? It would involve you eventually anyway. Want to get in on the planning stage?" "Depends. Why would I be involved?" "Do...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge by: Karen Petties With just a week to go before the big day, Sheila Brown ushered her children into the bridal shop for the final dress fittings. Following his Mother, Paul stopped to look at the name of the shop, 'Buttons & Bows'. How embarrassing! He glanced around furtively, hoping that no-one he knew was watching him enter such a feminine and girly place. Sauntering into the shop, he was struck by the rows and rows of white dresses, the general...

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Sweet Bunny 60 77000

Sweet Bunny! While fapping on Twitter, I saw a photo of this sexy bitch flashing her tits. That's not anything new, and if you follow her, you'd understand how that's the bare minimum this chick does to make her followers cum. When she's not showing her tits, she's doing shit like shoving anal toys in her ass and peeing on camera standing up while telling you to cum. When she's not commanding her followers' cocks, she likes to have lesbian fun with her girlfriends. It doesn't matter whether...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Sweet Summer Ch 02

Anya's gorgeous cousins fuck her senseless. [The first chapter was mostly scene-setting. This one is longer, and has much more action. Again, all characters involved in sex are over 18]*****When she said she wanted it, Anya had half-expected Nina to take her right away; she'd been wet and ready to be deflowered there on the lawn. But instead her cousin had gently kissed her cheek and said, "sleep off the wine, Anni, and be fresh and ready in the morning. I'll wait for you in the summerhouse."So...

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Bittersweet Part 1

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara (Feldy) and Lucifer's Lil Kitty Chapter 1: "Love breeds confusion, or at least I thought it bred." 3:45 PM, a strikingly beautiful cat girl rode the bus, pink fur, the latest styles. A white faux fur jacket (Of course, faux fur, in a world filled with animals, do you think they would skin there own kind?) that went down to her knees, black denim jeans. Her beautiful purple eyes glowed in the gleaming sun. These eyes, however, spotted something. "Oh,...

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Bittersweet Part 2

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 2: "Try it on!" He began to cry, "Whenever something finally goes right, it has to be crushed, "Why!?" he sobbed, "Just fucking why! How could I be attracted to a man? Isn't this wrong? I'm probably gay and don't know it yet no wonder my life is so miserable" "There's nothing wrong with it, only with that I did." he heard her voice through the door, "I should have told you but I got to caught up in it...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Part 3

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 3: "The Lost" Kaze awoke the next morning. "Hello swe...hello", he jumped from his bed and searched franticly. "Tomino!?" he cried "Where are you?? She must be up already." He walked into the kitchen, no Tomino, he looked into the living room, no Tomino, he looked into the dungeon, still no Tomino. He looked outside, he didn't find her, but instead found a snowball flying at his face and from a distance heard "KAZE...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

2 years ago
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Sweet Summer Ch 03

The three lovers reunite in Germany [This chapter continues the main story of Sam, Nina and Anya. It sets the scene for the Berlin chapter, which will be much longer and have more action. All characters involved in sexual situations are over 18.]Sam liked to think of himself as someone who appreciated the finer things in life. Despite growing up in a wealthy family, he'd always thought that money was no substitute for simple, timeless pleasures. A sunny day on the beach, the sound of waves...

1 year ago
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Sweet Brother And Cute Sister

My sister Saranya (21) was about to go to the USA for her higher studies in few days. I and my parents were really happy about it. Although my mom was a little worried, I and Dad assured her that it would be good for my sister. I am Vikram (26), working in a small law firm. My Dad is a bank manager and mom’s a teacher. Our family was a close knit one, always been there for each other when required. Even though our parents were away from office, they always ensured me and my sister got all the...

3 years ago
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Sweet Smell of Lust

His experiment; to produce an aroma that allowed a change in mammals behaviour. Originally he thought it was a simple project, yet when setting out to create a new scent, his experiment became increasingly difficult. So far he was unsuccessful. His only pet, a Hamster by the name of Fuzzy, never reacted any different than could be expected. And the only reaction in mammals was his sister yelling about the awful stench coming from the basement these last few weeks. David's mother had agreed,...

2 years ago
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Sweet Pea

It was my uncle; my fathers younger brother. He was babysitting me while my parents were out. They were going to be out for a long night on the town. I was excited that my uncle was there because he always allowed me to stay up past my bedtime. I remember that I was lying on my tummy on the couch watching TV and he came to sit on the floor beside the couch, and slowly began to rub my legs, up to my ass, then my back and finally caressing my long blond hair. He told me to turn over; this was a...

3 years ago
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Sweet Little Lucy Likes My Wheelchair

--- JackassTales…tale # 50…Readers; for my 50th tale I decided to do something I rarely do. I took on a request for a story. A 21-yr-old lady I have been playing Private Message pattycake with (yes she knows I’m a Horny ‘Old’ Dog in a wheelchair who writes about young girls) sent the following request which I couldn’t resist. I hope she likes what I have written. I hope you do, too. --- I was wondering if you want to write a story about me sometime? You know like you fucking me as a...

2 years ago
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Sweet and Pretty

Seven mini-fantasies about sweet and pretty girls who were not born as girls and the boys who love them. The spotlight falls on the transgendered girls' romantic hopes and dreams, their need for love and validation, their passions, and their most cherished wishes. Here are seven adorable shemales in all their luscious beauty. You are invited to expand any or all of these into full-fledged stories. Sweet and Pretty By Farah Daye ~1~ Have you ever seen a magazine or...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 1

Sweet Santa has the hots for dear Debby, a fresh female friend, not far from his Winter whereaboutsSweet Santa has another erotic eye open for Debby's dear daughter, jolly juicy Jessie, educated freelySweet Santa ponders: "Proper presents for two tasty blonde beauties, who have already all, what can I do?"Sweet Santa wonders: "I search something special, a thing the two blonde beauties can't buy themselves!"Sweet Santa finally finds what he had been looking for all week long, just in time, as...

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Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale

Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter One Is It Just a Role? The dress rehearsal for the drama club's latest production was over. The curtain fell, the audience of excited parents applauded enthusiastically. The curtain rose and the performers stepped forward to take their bows. The curtain fell again and still the crowd applauded. The two stars, Troy and Julie, took their positions centre stage, holding hands as the curtain rose one more time. They...

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Sweet Pick Up

By Lady Regina Drake I feel strangely elated sitting here at the bar with my legs crossed, and my short dress riding above my knees. I just got back from the lady’s room and as I walked back, I watched all the eyes that were glued to my ass and legs. That’s exactly the reaction that I look for, and that’s why I insist on wearing short tight dresses and spike heels. Men are dogs and lets face it they will fuck anything in a skirt or dress, including sexy shemales like me. I love the fact...

4 years ago
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Sweet Sensations

Sweet Sensations ? by: JR Parz I. 'A Witch's Potion' was scrawled out in fancy red letters across the store's front window. He smiled, thinking that maybe in addition to finding a gift for the girls, he'd purchase a spell or two. As he entered he was pleased to see that the store carried a whole variety of different items. Now, all he had to do was find a few in his price range. He stopped to admire a doll collection and was awed by how life-like they looked. He was so...

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Sweet Ache

The warm breeze makes my auburn hair fly around my face. I’m not concerned if my hair is messy now, just enjoying the feel of the wind lifting it, feels sensual. Walking on the beach, sandals protect my feet from the thousands of shells clustered of the damp sand. Looking for perfect shells, maybe a intact sand dollar, to give to my daughter back home. I came here, to the coast for two reasons. First, to meet a friend from the net and have fantastic sex. Secondary, to take the time to...

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Sweet Peeper by loyalsock

Owen watched the girl turn down the covers and set the candles in place on his bed stand. She was so careful and exacting, he wondered if there was some set way things where done. He had never really noticed. He had also not noticed when that scrawny little girl with pigtails had become this fetching young lady with a gorgeous figure. He smiled and played with his snifter of brandy as he watched her bend and straighten the quilt.Her ass was not tiny, it was full and firm like only a young...

4 years ago
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Sweet and Pretty

SWEET AND PRETTY by FARAH DAYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Six little vignettes about sweet and pretty girls who are not totally girls and the boys who love them. The vignettes tell about the transgendered girls' romantic hopes and dreams, their need for love and validation, and their most cherished wishes. These sketches were written by Farah Daye, an artist living in the Deep South. Farah has blended little bits of her own history and some of her dreams into little sketches for you....

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Sweet Dreams Mr Wilcox Never Could Be Any Other Way

SWEET DREAMS, MR. WILCOX (NEVER COULD BE ANY OTHER WAY) by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: A pop music producer, who once was one of the hottest names in the industry,...

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Sweet Surprises

Well it’s the big day. I’ve been planning this for quite some time. I’ve only let you know we have something planned. And that you need a few things packed and ready to last at least two days. Everything else has been taken care of by me. You love surprises, and with me not telling you where or what we are doing has just about drove you crazy. I pull up in front of your house with my four wheel drive pick-up truck. Now all that’s left to do is pick you and your stuff up and we’ll be on our...

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sweet emily

Sweet EmilyMy day wasn't going particularly well, as I was feeling especially worn out from a long, hard and taxing week of work. I was however fortunate to be alone this dreary Saturday morning, after rising late, as I heard the doorbell ring.Answering the door, I found little Emily our neighbor's daughter, standing there looking so very cute in her modest dress. I have only known her for eight months, since she moved next door, right after graduating from high school. She seemed to really...

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Sweet Suzies Enslavement

Sweet Suzie's EnslavementA Love-slave Story (fiction) by mgdspiritI had managed to befriend her when, after she'd walked into the first day of art class late, and every guys head in the class turned to look and stayed that way far too long. In her white miniskirt, and blonde streaked hair, she was stunning, and she sat directly across from me in the big art room. I soon found myself with a bird's eye view of what every other guy in the room wanted to see, and given her sexiness, found myself,...

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Sweet Treat Store

I always wanted to open a candy store and sell all kinds of candy. I would stock my shelves with the finest chocolates, chocolate covered fruit, taffy, fudge, etc. I also was in the business of selling sex or I guess you could call it prostitution. I had an idea, that I would have the candy business as a front and then offer women for hire. I took my time interviewing women who I thought would be the best candidates. I would call my girls "The Sweet Tarts."The candidates would have to do...

Group Sex
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Sweet Baby Jane Chapter Five

  Each one of my daughters had worked together to give happiness to me, their once needful father, and boy did their plan work.  Though I had thought my self adventurous in the sack when Sheila had been my lover and wife, her three girls had shown me there were so many ways our family could find joy I had never imagined and until now never really considered. It is incest after all, and that for most is just plain wrong; thankfully not for us.  We would keep our secret safe over the times we...

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Sweet love to a sweet girl

Hi friends, I am Shiv from Bangalore. I work for a MNC. I am 35 years old, married, about 176 cms, medium built, and most girls seem to like my eyes. I have received some good comments about my eyes. I work our regularly and take good care of my health and looks. This is a true story and my first writing experience to ISS. Her name is Nisha and I met her in a conference related to the IT industry about 1 year back. She is aged 26, about 5’3”, sizes of 34-26-36. She is slim and fair; with a...

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Sweet Seduction Part 1

Angie was never much of a drinker, therefore the six glasses of champagne she had on this particular night were much more than she could handle. Her demeanor was becoming very loose and flirtatious. She was stumbling around, giggling almost uncontrollably and chatting with anyone who would stand still long enough. The straps on her dress were constantly falling off her shoulders, though she seemed not to mind. For that matter neither did most of the guys at the party. If it wasn’t for her...

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Sweet Dish 8211 II

SWEET DISH – II Shekhar again . I thank you all for great response to ‘Sweet Dish’. In first part you read that how on my 13th birthday my mother allowed my five friends to have sweet dish spread over her body and had her boobs fucked by all six of us. After friends left we both slept nude. She just held my cock .I never thought to fuck her that night. Next morning I got up with sound of call bell. She told me to open the door and gave instructions to give to maid. She asked me to cover her...


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