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Year Fourteen (Thirteen years after the Average Joes Defense Force Special)

The Third Battle of Earthat

Author’s notes: The First Battle of Earthat is the one that takes place in the story “The Chinese Obligation” by Thinking Horndog (our founding member)

The Second Battle of Earthat took place in “Water, Water”, by Zipper d. Dude, about a year ago, so at the time of this story there are already Sa’arm on the planet, in Africa.

This happens at the same time as, and is referenced by, my story, ‘Fly By’. You may read either one first. Earthat is the name the Confederacy has given to our solar system. Earthat system is where ‘Earth is at’.

The Sa’arm force dropped out of hyper just over one point four million kilometers from the Earth’s moon. They were almost fifty thousand kilometers above the plane of the ecliptic.

Three hive spheres, two recon spheres and their assorted heavy escorts formed into an arrowhead formation and accelerated onto a straight line run, heading roughly past the moon and towards the planet on the other side. As the human defenders started maneuvering, the hive spheres started disconnecting and launching their light ships. At the three G’s of constant acceleration that the spheres were using, if the Sa’arm went straight for the Earth without slowing, they could be there in less than three hours. For a zero-speed, zero-distance intercept ending in an orbit around Earth, they would be there in just under four hours. Either way, the Confederacy Navy was waiting for them.

Flag Bridge, aboard CVA016, John F. Kennedy

“Admiral, CIC labels the five larger bogies as one Voluptas class Hive Conquest Sphere, two Virtus class Hive Colonizer Spheres and two Volumna Class Recon Spheres. The big one is half a billion tons. All five are deploying their light ships. If they all have full complements, by our most current information, total count will be sixty-three in-system lights as well as fifty-one hyper capable lights. The non-hyper, light ships consist of thirty-six Lima in-system attack fighters and twenty-seven Lactanus in-system corvettes. The hyper capable lights consist of thirty-three Vacuna class hyper capable scouts, nine Vaginatus hyper corvettes and nine Venti class hyper destroyers. The Voluptas has a deployed heavy escort of three battleships and nine cruisers. Each of the two medium spheres has deployed three battle ships and six cruisers. The recon hive ships have three cruisers apiece as well. Thirty-six heavies total.” Lt Jenkins looked up from his display panel. His face was pale in the bridge lights. The enemy had about twice the support ships than the earlier, limited scans at the Oort cloud had indicated. The admiral showed no emotions, but his flag lieutenant knew that he was worried.

“Ok, ignore all that in-system stuff unless they come after us. Take down those lightweight hyper-capable ships. They are the only things that should be able to make it back out of the system. We let the Raptors and Semmes classes take out some heavies and then we’ll hit the big boys. Our lights can pick off the Lima fighters and the Lactanus corvettes as the opportunity presents. Stupid naming system! Who makes a ‘fighter’ that is slower than almost everything we have and that has at least ten crew?”

The human task force was heavily outnumbered by total ship count and by tonnage. Earth was home, but there were a lot of important places to cover.

The day before yesterday, hyper drive sensors had detected transits in the region of the Oort cloud, roughly one light year out. The Sa’arm had formed up and waited almost a day before heading into hyper drive again. Confederacy ships had significantly faster hyper-drives than the Sa’arm ships did, with a speed of roughly twenty light years per day, as opposed to one light year per day for the big hive ships. The hive’s escorts were a just bit faster than that. Unfortunately for the humans, the escorts and the scouts had all stayed with the hives. This meant there was no chance to defeat them in detail. For much of the past day, the enemy fleet had been shadowed in from their first hyper-space exit and rally point, with hyper-jump drones bringing the reports well in advance of the Swarm. A modified Archerfish was still trailing them, but it had very few missiles and had fired off nearly its entire complement of drones notifying the system of the impending invasion.

Confederacy ships also had much higher normal space acceleration rates, with some ships capable of hitting one hundred G’s of acceleration. The Confederacy had long had the means to make their ships that fast, but prior to the Swarm invasion and the recruitment of the humans, they had never thought that those rates were safe, or really needed. Gravitic compensators made it possible. Occasional compensator failures made it lethally dangerous. Warfare made it needed.

The Sa’arm’s highest acceleration rate was the twenty-five Gs that the Ventis could reach. The Venti was actually a copy of a captured Confederacy ship, refitted with Sa’arm weapons and now being used by the Sa’arm as a weak, but fast destroyer class. It could even hit thirty-two Gs in an emergency, but it only had weak gravitic compensators that negated about 10% of the felt acceleration. No one had ever seen the Sa’arm using its full capabilities. The big hive spheres could only push up to five Gs in an emergency while their battleship and cruiser escorts could do only eight Gs. Nonetheless, in combat, quantity has a quality all it’s own and the Sa’arm outnumbered the Confederacy forces by two to one in numbers and much more in total tonnage. Only the three Human carriers were as large as the Swarm battleships, and the William Pitt had to sortie from the repair yard with damage and a short complement.

The Swarm formation started shaking out. As seen from the human fleet, the spheres themselves were in a flattened two-dimensional diamond formation. The Conquest Sphere was in the center of the diamond, with a Colonizer Sphere to either side, one Recon Sphere ‘up above’, and one ‘down below’. The heavy escorts were in front of the spheres and the lighter ships were deployed even farther to the front except for a few which were trailing the entire formation. Each Hive ship had one third of their scouts in the very front, one third just behind the light attack craft and one third in the rear. The biggest sphere had none of the light attack craft but it seemed to be using its larger, non-hyper capable corvettes in the same role. It also had a solid clump of destroyers and hyper capable corvettes in the center just ahead of the cruisers and the battle ship. The Colonizer Spheres used their non-hyper corvettes in a similar manner. To get to the spheres, you would have to fight through the entire length of the spear-point shaped formation--

The Admiral looked at his plot as if he was hoping for more friendly forces to just appear at his wish. The system forces had been scattered al over the system on patrols, training maneuvers, and posted at the gas giants when the first signals came in. Now they were straggling in, one squadron at a time, as fast as they got the news and could make a hyper transit. Finding nothing new, he casually gave the expected signal. “Signal to the flankers. Execute Plan W2 - Wolves - Harry the prey.’”

-- OR, you could already be behind and to the flanks when the Swarm dropped out of hyper in the first place. A squadron of six Semmes class missile cruisers in three divisions was trailing the enemy fleet from three sides. Left, right and ‘above’. If they had been cars on the freeway, they would all have been one lane over in the Swarm’s blind spots. Per standing orders, they had each flushed their tubes of all four light missiles and the two heavy torps as soon as the enemy started dropping out of hyper. Now, reloading quickly, they got a second aimed salvo off with the missiles before the Swarm even realized they were there. The heavy torps had a lot more range and final speed but their launchers were slower to reload. With the Semmes’ huge acceleration advantage of seventy-five Gs, they then slipped out of the range of the spheres’ heavy weapons. The attacks had been done from just inside the missiles’ extreme range on a parallel course. Their later missile attacks would require speed runs tangential to the Sa’arm fleet’s weapons envelope. This would only place the ships at risk during the moments of closest approach. Three of the Swarm in-system corvettes, a battleship and a cruiser were quickly destroyed and two more cruisers were seriously damaged by the first salvos. The largest sphere had also taken a hit and was trailing atmosphere and debris. True to their reputation, even in an ambush situation, the Swarm ships managed to knock out many of the incoming missiles with their particle beams and lasers, but one big torpedo had hit the hive sphere even after it was itself lasered and no longer accelerating. Several tons of scrap metal hit the sphere at one hundred kilometers per second. The half a billion-ton ship pressed on, now a bit lighter, accompanied by an expanding cloud of debris. One of the deploying in-system Swarm corvettes took another hit that would have smashed into its mother ship. The Colonizer Sphere took no damage from the nearby explosion, but the corvette was completely destroyed.

Also available for the Humans were twenty of the newer ‘Raptor’ class medium cruisers. Designed from the ground up to fight hive spheres at the maximum possible closing speeds, their launchers contained no formal missiles. Instead, they carried ‘barrels’ full of ‘sand’, chaff, sensors and/or countermeasures.

The Raptors had divided up the predicted final hyper-space exit points, used their hyper-space drives to position themselves and then they had started their speed runs in pairs. Ten were ahead of the fleet, closing to meet the enemy head on, and ten more were coming in from behind. The first pair of the outgoing group had already passed their assigned breakout point, guessing incorrectly. They had gotten outside the hyper limit and now engaged their hyper drives to go back around to their starting point. Of the trailing group, ‘Kite’ and ‘Fish Eagle’ were quite a ways back, having been the ones to cover the earliest and thus, the furthest away of the projected exit locations. ‘Cuckoo-hawk’ and ‘Kestrel’ were also in the rear, but they would make their pass just before the main fleet closed. Another pair was on another pattern, too far to one side and they could not be back in position for three hours. ‘Sea Eagle’ and ‘Aquila’ were well in front, but were now going the wrong way. They would try to make a tight, high-speed orbit around the Earth to catch the Swarm napping. ‘Sparrow Hawk’ and ‘Snake Eagle’ were the second pair heading outbound from Earth. They had already passed the hyper exit point and would take at least an hour just to stop before they could start blasting back. They were probably out of the fight.

Currently ‘Buzzard’ and ‘Vulture’ were on the best and earliest intercept course. Moving at nearly 1% of the speed of light, they had been accelerating for nearly an hour at their full emergency thrust of ninety-five Gs, 931 meters per second squared of acceleration. Upon hyper breakout, they had adjusted course to close on the enemy. Their course was nearly identical to that of the enemy fleet’s and they had an intercept point in only two minutes.

‘Vulture’ sounded its battle cry over the internal intercom systems. “Patience my ass! Let’s kill something!” They killed their acceleration except for the necessary minor course corrections. Both ships launched twenty-four ‘sand’ barrels from the twelve broadside launchers, three launchers per broadside, rolling ship by ninety degrees each time and timing the launches so that each side fired in the same direction in rapid succession. The four bow launchers each fired a sand canister followed by a chaff canister, then both types quickly burst to partially cover the ships’ locations. Then, the ships used maneuvering thrusters to decelerate, just a little, and let their sand and chaff move out in front of them. The Swarm escorts were already shooting at the Semmes and their missiles, or preparing for the gauntlet run of the main battle wall. They were looking in front and to the sides, not back into the electromagnetic haze of their engines. Also, the Swarm had crummy sensors. Coasting ships were hard to see.

The barrels silently disintegrated and the contents started to spread out, moving like forty-eight giant shotgun patterns. The first that the Swam knew of the danger was when only a large handful of sand, weighing only one tenth of a kilogram, clipped a rear-guard scout at three thousand kilometers per second. The kinetic energy impacting the scout was 45 gigajoules, the equivalent of an explosion of just over ten tons of TNT. The scout’s shields went down and the ship continued on a slightly different course as a spinning, dispersing collection of wreckage.

More sand was now hitting the other Swarm ships. Even minor amounts, such as ten grams, hit with the force of a ton of explosives. Space is vast and hitting something as small as a ship is hard, but the bigger the ship, the easier the target and the more sand generally hit at the same time. In a lucky shot, nearly half a barrel impacted on a cruiser, which disintegrated. Its debris spattered several nearby light ships with damage. The formation started to open up and spread out. As the rear guard scouts and the heavy cruisers turned to face the new danger, their length now became a new weakness as they presented a larger target cross section.

The chaff was simple, lightweight, metallic-coated Mylar ribbon that humanity had been using for anti-radar chaff for decades. Mass is mass though, so when it hit, it also had the effect of blasting the enemy ships, but since it showed up so well, it was more easily avoided. Its primary purpose was to confuse the Swarm ships’ sensors, however and it did that well.

‘Buzzard’ and ‘Vulture’ screamed though the enemy formation at a closing speed of nearly three thousand kilometers per second; launching more barrels whenever they could get even close to a solution. At this range their twelve medium and four heavy particle beams had a good chance of hitting and they accounted for more damage, destroying four more light ships and scoring hits on several others. Then, they were through and they started blasting for a clear path to a safe area to regroup. One Swarm cruiser managed to get ‘Buzzard’ in its firing range and it came apart. There was no point in checking for survivors. Much of the debris would impact the moon in less than an hour.

Another salvo of twelve heavy torpedoes from the Semmes finished off a damaged cruiser and punched a hole into another hive ship.

While the Swarm escorts were scrambling to cover the Hives, ‘Raptor’ and ‘Condor’ flashed in from the front. They were following several layers of thinly spread sand that probably would not even degrade the enemy shields, but it covered their presence until the last few seconds. Being slightly ‘below’ the enemy formation as they closed, they first hit one of the recon spheres’ light ship screen. They killed a leading scout, damaged one attack-fighter and destroyed another before climbing through the screen into the central mass of the fleet. There, two of the in-system corvettes were damaged. One hyper capable corvette and a destroyer were destroyed and a cruiser literally fell apart under multiple strikes from small batches of sand followed by some heavy particle beams at close range. Out the other side of the formation, while damaging the colonizer sphere and destroying one of the scouts of its rear screen, ‘Raptor’ took hits from several enemy beams, but it survived the gauntlet to start its long deceleration run.

Half of the fighters from the carriers were with the fleet in a defensive posture, but there were nine squadrons of A-28 attack fighters and F-104 space superiority fighters screaming in behind the Semmes class ships. The F-104 Starfighters in particular were capable of killing a pilot just by letting them try to go too fast. Few fighter pilots were willing to believe that they could not handle everything their craft could do, but the Starfighter only had compensation for the first 120 Gs of acceleration. After that, there were another sixty Gs available that could be tolerated for seconds at most.

The Hive fleet was now moving at ten kilometers per second and had moved two thousand kilometers closer to earth. It had come out of hyper less than six minutes earlier.

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Autobiography of John RossChapter 18

The rest of that week was spent following up on my initial success in school. I brought the rest of the students under my control, except for two who were out sick for the whole week. I managed to bring the rest of the staff under my control as well, and was making steady progress on the substitutes and volunteers. Every day Sandra prepared for me a list of the non-regulars who would be in that day, and what their schedules were. I had begun considering her as much my secretary as Principal...

3 years ago
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You watch him more actively now. Watch as he almost shamefully stares at you. You tease him by pulling on your shirt to expose more of your breast to the point your bra is almost fully exposed to all. His eyes fixated you make a motion when his eyes meet yours. With a coy smile you draw his attention to your skirt as you slowly push it up your leg. Exposing everything up to your hip you cautiously uncross your legs. Your thong clearly visible to the room and watch him from the corner of your...

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Life Under MistressChapter 13

Hours latter after thing settled down. “Eric your just feeling sorry for yourself. You know that your Father says you’ll actually live out your natural lifetime with us. We’ll get old, and you’ll get old, and in the end we’ll all die of old age if something else doesn’t kill us...” Monica was interrupted by Sharon. “Or Wendy can’t intervene to stop it.” Sharon puts in. “Yes, if Wendy can’t intervene. The only difference is your body will repair itself and you’ll get younger after you die....

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Coachs Duties

Sachi had a vague idea about the ritual, but whined about going through with it, but these girls were not having it. They had pulled her out of the shower, and as they held her, spread eagle on the bench of the girls’ locker room, the rest of the field hockey team focused in on the ruckus, circling in on the center of attention like buzzards over their food. I held the tip of my cock just over her sweet pussy, slowly pumping the shaft until a single drop of precum landed on her pretty,...

2 years ago
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Found A Lovely Girlfirend In The Bus

Hi all this is Somya again and I am back with different story this is the story about a girl who is neither my relative nor my friend. It’s might be possible that you feel bare in start but this is a true story which start with true incidents these kind of incidents never starts suddenly they took time to happen sometimes it may be too long. This happen when I was coming back to Jodhpur by bus this was December month with cold everywhere, It was Saturday night and due to Sunday There was a lot...

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Service At Home 8211 Part I

Hello everybody. This is my first story here on this site. I am John from Mumbai and a professional maseeur. I provide massage and other services to any lady anywhere. This is a story of my first experience around 4 years back as a masseur to a lady who stayed at Worli. I had given an advt. in a newspaper classified and she approached me on my mobile from that advt. It was a hot summer afternoon when I received her call, and she introduced herself as Shilpa Sharma(Name same but surname...

3 years ago
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Apne Devar Se Chudi

Hi main hu seema .Aur main apke liye ek sacchi kahani lekar aayi hu ki kaise mera devar mujhe roj chodta h main ek married bhabhi hu .Aur meri chuchi .Aur gand ke dewaane to bahut h meri figure h 38 32 40 .Aur meri figure ko dekh kar ladko ka to lund khada hota hi h sath me mujhe budhe log bhi line marte h main apko bata du kaise main apne devar se kyu chudwati hu mere pati hamesha apne kaam me busy me rahte h .Aur mujhe thik se nahi chodte h . Aur main apne devar se khub chudwati hu main apne...

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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 6

Tuesday – Sunday Tuesday On Tuesday I went to work played catch-up from Monday. Janice called me and told me that she was going to have a surprise for me the next time she saw me and wouldn’t’t tell me anything else. Wednesday I had a routine day and nothing exciting happened, work, dinner with some friends and got home at about 9:00 and Janice wasn’t home, I went off to bed after news. Thursday Morning I got up shaved and showered. As I was getting out of the shower I heard Janice’s...

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Funny How Time Slips Away

This is a re-posted and edited version of the original story, but there are no significant changes. I asked LadyCibelle to read it through and remove the all too many mistakes and typos I generally make. Hopefully it will make it easier to read. * It’s funny how your mind works when you see something or someone familiar. I had just come out of a shop on the High street, when something caught my eye. I looked, and then I had to look again. No that’s impossible. No my eyes had got to be...

4 years ago
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Nice visitors

Had 2 guys (Vietnamese) show up late one night last week looking for a girl to fuck. I don’t keep a list here at the hostel so they were out of luck. They were probably in their mid 20’s and not bad looking so I offered my ass (and mouth) to them. I hadn’t had a good fucking in about 2 weeks anyway and was horny.They turned me down…that night…Monday night they came back about 10 pm and asked again, this time about doing me. Of course, I’m a slut, so they weren’t paying to fuck me, it was all...

1 year ago
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Joni The Mannequin

Mon Sep 3 17:02:02 2001 First, let me tell you about myself. My name is Joni (pronounced Johnny). I just turned 19 but look like I'm only 15 or 16. I'm a Sophomore at a college in Texas. I'm very small - 5'1", 95 pounds. I have long brown hair - down to my ass. My tits are small and firm, about the size of Georgia peaches. My pussy is shaved as smooth as the day I was born. I lost my virginity when I was 12 and have been sexually active ever since. I love sex and have tried - and mostly...

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67 Pams holiday 2

67. Pam`s holiday. (2)The couples went to their own beds, agreeing it was better they had not swapped as if the k**s had had a nightmare or whatever it would have been at least a little difficult to explain.Jim lay with Pam quietly chatting over the day, or more correctly the evening, his time with Molly, had been to use Carls term ‘awesome!’ she may seem like a quiet little old lady, but she had proved a tigress. He said she had told him that in the club she was normally a sub, she loved...

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The Absolute Perfect Girl

I sat up, pulled the covers off, and stood up. Being up this early really was a hassle; I could barely stand. Something had to be done. If I couldn’t go back to sleep, I had to find a way to wake up. Completely. I got a shower. Didn’t work. I got dressed and went into the living room to watch TV. I was still way too tired. I went into the kitchen to find coffee. We were out. I had one option: go out and get coffee. I didn’t have a car, so I had to walk, but luckily there was a Starbucks...

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Spanking Day

The twelve chimes of the clock tower heralded the top of the hour. It was noon, and a large crowd had gathered in the town square outside the courthouse. A crowd this big could only mean one thing.Today was Spanking Day.A large wooden platform about three feet above the ground had been erected in the town square outside the courthouse. Judging from the number of cushioned mats that were brought out with the horse, it looked like about a half a dozen women would be spanked today. William...

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Excerpts From My Life 8211 Part 1

Let me tell you one of my fetishes. I do like shemale porn, but only if they looked very feminine and not the ones looking like cross-dressers. Let me challenge you to guess my age. During one of my hopeless days, I came across this person in social media, she was a trans-woman. She spoke very nicely and sensibly. We exchanged numbers and texted for some days, got to know each other. One day she herself asked for a meet. I too was interested and said okay to it. We decided to meet in a mall....

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Laura part 2

"Show me! Show me!" Nicole eagerly giggles. Also giggling happily, I take the mirror from the kitchen table and show my new friend the glittery highlights me and my other friends have applied to her eyelids. "So cool!" "Me next!" Megan insists. Giggling almost feverishly, Nicole, Suriya, Priya, Harriet and myself take our glittery make-up brushes and set about giving my best friend a make-over just as pretty as Nicole's. I giggle and laugh as we take turns applying the glittery...

2 years ago
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Being owned Part 4

He had not been here either. My period had started one day before the rain. Since then I had been on my own. With a sigh I moved away from the window. The panties were uncomfortable, too. No wonder, dogs had a different anatomy. If I had to stay here another day without distraction I felt I would go crazy. The books and the TV only annoyed me at the moment. My gaze fell on the trapdoor. I had never been down there on my own. So far I had only seen three of the many rooms down there. The two...

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daddy needs a dick

'The HIlton saturday the 17th 8pm room 105' you knock gentilly on the door, not knowing what to expect. I open the door. You open your mouth to ask what is going on. I stop you with a long slow kiss. my tongue running along the edges of yours. I aggressively pull your waist against my hips. I want to feel you dick hardening again my clit. I pull you inside and slam the door behind you i shove you against the closed door pinning you against it with my body. i run the edge of my nose down...

1 year ago
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I had sex in a shed i was proud

As alot of you now know im engaged to this boy who's really lovely. and i love him as much as he loves me, i visited his mums house and well we was aloud to sleep over, the problem was that the walls were'nt sound proof and so we was worried if she would hear us bumping the tunnel.. so we went outside, was looking around and we saw the shed at the back of the garden, "Hey this looks like a good place" i said "You sure hun, it looks dirty and old". "I don't care live a little babe XD" i said....

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 18 A Nice Dilemma

When Jared got back home that Tuesday night from only his second day at Blanke Schande College he was still walking on air. Everything about the day had gone just so well. It got off to a bit of a nervous start when he got called into Miss Eleanor Grimes Ferguson’s office first thing. That incident, however, soon turned into a note of triumph and not tragedy as he first supposed it might. As a result of that meeting Jared now had a pile of application forms to fill in that just might get him...

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3 Scars Remain Ch 03

V — Beauty And The Beast Frustration had been building up in Kaylee for the last several weeks. The unusually grey skies and relentless rain over Northern California seemed to make her temperament even worse. Of course it didn’t help that, despite helping Luke take baby steps in his journey towards recovery, he still refused to get help. It wasn’t until a serious no-holds-barred argument that she made it crystal clear to Luke that she wasn’t about to back down. She had never torn into Luke...

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Abbys Blackmail Attempt

After Charles installed the video systems, as a Christmas present, in our bedroom and theirs, and Lily and I were treated to an intimate look at everything that took place in the Kowalski's master bedroom. Charles and Linda had the same access to ours. Some of what happened was mundane, but since Charles and Linda made sure the lights were on when they had sex, some of the shows were pretty good. I've covered that in other parts of my story. One especially interesting discovery I made was...

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Summer Holiday

My 18th birthday was here. My friends and family gathered at my parents house in Stevenage. I had a live band, and great food. It was really a great time. My Dad had bought me a new car, but the dealer didn't have the car I wanted. The car I wanted was in Devon, and the dealer couldn't get it in time for my birthday. So my dad had this plan that my uncle would drive me down to pick it up, and I would drive it to Colchester to stay with my grand parents for a few weeks. I loved my grand parents,...

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How I went from her husband to being his wife

After 25 years of marriage and 2 kids 2 grandkids I ended up divorced. After being bored and depressed I ended on the net one night. I met Ken on line he went thru the same thing. We talked for a while and decided to meet Friday just kicks around and have few beers. After a while he came up with idea that we could may be satisfy each other’s needs sexually, at first I said no but after thinking about it I said ok. So I asked how this will happen he came up with the idea that one of us be the...

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They were almost home when they heard the thunder. It was loud and deep, and seemed to have shaken the earth around them. The rain began falling, at first steady and calm, and then quickly progressed to a hard, heavy downpour, trapping Omar and Casey in it. They’d walked to the grocery store earlier, which was just over a mile from their home, and now they realized that they’d never make it with their bags intact with weather this harsh. Their only option was to run, and they did as best they...

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Karens BootsChapter 3 Wiedersehen

Bob sat at the kitchen's breakfast bar and thought hard and long about her note. He eventually decided that he would take her back if (1) she was really sincere in her apology, something that would be revealed in time and (2) she would tolerate the most extreme physical punishment that he could think of – short of mutilating or marking her beautiful body. What would be the point of destroying beauty only so that you could own it? But it must be pain or discomfort so bad that she would...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 3

ELENA I kneeled in the great hall of Castle Bentius, King and Queen Tiadoa staring down at me from their white thrones. Princess Leveria Tiadoa sat at a lower throne next her father, not even trying to mask her contempt. I suspected she was quite glad of Yavara’s disappearance. Were it not for my ranger training, I might’ve jumped the bitch. “You may rise, Ranger Straltaira.” King Clartias Tiadoa spoke. I stood up and looked up at the king of the Highlands. “Do you know why you have...

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