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Fabienne est une belle jeune fille. Elle a 19 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-longs. De beaux yeux noisette, un joli corps qui fait se retourner les hommes sur son passage, un joli minois avec un teint mat, une poitrine plutôt grosse, sans être imposante, ferme comme le sont les jeunes poitrines de sportives. {first_name] est une jeune fille sérieuse. Etudiante en droit, elle travaille durement pour réussir. Ce n’est pas une jeune fille guidée par l’ambition, bien qu’elle n’en manque pas, mais plutôt une de ses personnes qui se lancent dans une entreprise et qui travaillent d’arrache-pied pour arriver jusqu’au bout. En ce début d’été, c’est avec une certaine fierté qu’elle monte dans sa nouvelle voiture, cadeau de son père à la suite de son récent succès dans ses études, et qu’elle prend la route pour rejoindre la maison familiale sur la cote bretonne. Quelques heures plus tard, elle arrive enfin à la maison de vacance de sa famille, tout le monde - enfin tout le monde, c’est beau dire, sa cousine et son cousin, sa mère ; se précipite pour l’accueillir. Quand enfin, la joie des retrouvailles s’éteint, elle monte ses affaires dans sa chambre. Elle sort ses vêtements, critique, en se disant qu’il allait falloir qu’elle revoie un peu sa garde robe, « hum, tout ça n’est pas très sexy ». Elle laisse un assez grand paquet, une enveloppe de plastique, au fond de sa valise qu’elle ferme soigneusement a clef. Elle passe quelques jours a lézarder, a aller a la plage avec sa famille, malgré l’ennui qui l’envahi imperceptiblement. Un jour, elle decide de ne pas les accompagner. Elle prend une bicyclette et elle se dirige vers la petite route qui s’éloigne le long de la cote. Puis, sur la route, elle avise un petit chemin qui monte une colline en direction de la mer. Elle néglige le vieux panneau de bois « propriété privée » et elle s’engage. Apres quelques mètres, elle se met à pousser sa bicyclette. Puis, le haut de la colline passée, elle l’enfourche a nouveau et se laisse descendre doucement le long de la pente qui la mène vers une sorte de petit bois. Juste à la sortie d’un virage, elle freine brusquement. Le chemin longe une vaste étendue d’herbe au centre de laquelle se trouve une vielle maison couverte de lierre. Des chaises longues, une table basse. Ayant probablement entendu son approche, une jeune femme d’une trentaine d’année, avec des cheveux blonds cendres se soulève de la chaise longue sur laquelle elle prenait le soleil, la main en visière elle regarde Fabienne. 'Bonjour', dit-elle

Fabienne s’arrête, pose un pied a terre.
'Heu je suis désolée, je crois que ce chemin est prive non ?'
La jeune femme rit doucement
'Ne vous inquiétez, c’est prive oui, mais c’est surtout pour rester tranquille vous savez.'
'Oui, j’avais envie de m’isoler un moment et c’était tellement tentant'
'Ne craignez rien, le grand méchant loup ne va pas vous manger'
Fabienne éclate de rire, gagnée par la bonne humeur de la jeune femme. Une seconde jeune femme, brune, aux cheveux courts, se joint à la première
'Je vous présente Virginie, ma cousine'
puis la jeune femme se presente 'Sandra', en tendant la main à Fabienne
'Enchantée', et Fabienne se présente à son tour.
Les rires s’élèvent. Puis la jeune femme, s’installe dans sa chaise longue
'Vous savez, si vous venez seule et si vous êtes discrète, nous ne ferons pas appel à la gendarmerie, revenez quand vous voudrez profiter d’un endroit calme.'
'Ho merci, c’est tellement aimable a vous, je suis désolée si je trouble votre enfin la tranqu…'
'Chuuut ce n’est pas grave, mais je suis sérieuse, si vous êtes seule, n’hésitez pas, venez profiter du calme, plus loin il y a des endroits magnifiques vous savez et quelques petits creux de rocher pour se baigner et par ici, il ne vient heureusement jamais personne.'
'Merci c’est très gentil'
Et Fabienne enfourche a nouveau sa bicyclette et continue son chemin. Plus loin, effectivement, le petit bois entraperçu de la route, avec une immense pelouse comme les landes peuvent donner et plus loin encore, après une petite cote, la mer, des rochers en pentes douces, un petit carre de sable. Fabienne se précipite et fait quelques pas dans l’eau. « Elle est trop bonne, quel dommage que je n’ai pas mon maillot »
Puis elle regarde en direction du chemin, autour d’elle. « Il ne vient jamais personne » songe-t-elle. Ni une, ni deux, elle se déshabille en un tour de main et plonge dans la mer, elle fait quelques brasses puis ressort de l’eau et, attrapant ses vêtements, elle se précipite sur l’herbe pour se sécher au soleil.
Elle s’allonge sur le ventre, un peu gênée de sa nudité, puis elle se gourmande « non je suis seule, elle l’ont dit, et puis, qu’est ce que je risque » et elle se retourne pour bien profiter du soleil.
Elle sent le vent chaud et doux parcourir son corps, caresser son ventre, elle se détend, profite de la douce chaleur du soleil. Apres l’eau fraîche de Bretagne, son corps se réchauffe ? Elle sent les pointes de ses seins durcir, une douce chaleur envahir son ventre. Sans y réfléchir, ses mains caressent son ventre, remontent lentement vers sa poitrine, la prennent sans serrer, puis ses doigts effleurent doucement les pointes maintenant gorgées de sang et érigées comme deux petites tiges de chair.
Lentement les doigts prennent possession des pointes sensibles et les pressent. Fabienne soupire puis les mains reprennent leur lentes caresses du ventre, des cuisses, descendent vers les fesses puis remontent, plus rapidement, comme impatiente et pressent les seins, se saisissent des mamelons et les pressent doucement. Fabienne soupire longuement, frissonne, sa peau fait la chair de poule. Ses doigts pressent a nouveau, plus longuement, les pointes érigées. Puis, avec un petit cri, Fabienne tourne lentement les pointes, les tordant de plus en plus, provoquant des vagues de douleurs qui résonnent dans son corps, des vagues électriques qui la parcourent explosant en vagues de chaleur dans son sexe. Un bruit la fait sursauter. Elle se redresse brusquement, se sentant coupable. Elle regarde autour d’elle, se gourmande « non ce n’est rien, il n’y a personne » pourtant elle ne peut s’empêcher de se relever avec prudence, en regardant tout autour d’elle. Mais une fois debout, elle se dit que, comme cela elle est plus visible et, troublée, gênée, elle se sent encore plus excitée. Elle se laisse doucement retomber a genoux, face au chemin qui remonte a travers le petit bois et ses mains reprennent possession de sa poitrine. Tout en la caressant, son regard parcourt le chemin, essaye de transpercer le rideau d’arbre. Elle pense à Sandra, Virginie, et ses doigts roulent les mamelons durcis, provoquant des frissons, des vagues de désirs qui rendent son sexe plus liquide encore. Elle n’y tient plus et écartant les genoux, sa main gauche tirant une pointe, tordant l’autre, sa main droite glisse entre ses cuisses, son doigt cherche son bouton qu’elle sent dur sous son doigt. Elle le presse, le roule sous son doigt, puis elle se pénètre de son majeur avec un soupir d’aise. Elle remue son doigt en elle, son pouce presse le clitoris dur, ses doigts tirent et tordent ses mamelons et elle jouit en gémissant, la tête en arrière, le ventre se contractant autour de son doigt. Le corps de Fabienne glisse lentement sur le coté, la main toujours entre les cuisses. Fabienne reprend son souffle, rouge de gène et de plaisir, excitée encore. Elle retire sa main, s’allonge sur le dos. Elle essuie nerveusement la main sur l’herbe a cote d’elle puis, sans y réfléchir, elle la porte a son nez, elle sent longuement son odeur, puis elle reporte la main entre ses cuisses, le doigt écarte les feuilles de ses lèvres et plonge en elle puis revient vers sa bouche. Elle se lèche longuement le doigt. Prenant plaisir a goûté son parfum et son goût de femme. Elle recommence plusieurs fois, troublée par son parfum, son goût

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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Jerome called me at my office that early afternoon. He warned me he was in town and willing about fucking my sexy wife in front of me. I told him he was a fucking nigger bastard; but he just laughed on the phone and hung up.Jerome was my wife’s Black Master. Ana had been hypnotized by this well hung black man and she would do anything for having his hard thick cock in any of her sweet holes. When I came home at evening and entered the living room; I could hear our marital bed squeaking from the...

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Rich Milf Need A Dick Part 8211 1

31st night in a row, that she would have to sleep in her bedroom alone ( she’d been counting). She carved for someone she could make love to, get wild, feel something inside, feel wanted. Divya was a 32-year-old mom. She’d been married for 4 years to Harsh, a very rich and successful businessman. The nature of his job required him to visit foreign countries and different places in India most of the time. Even in the days when he would come back home, he was too exhausted to make love. Divya had...

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The Girls School Biology Lesson

My new girlfriend Nikki was a new teacher in a nearby private school. You know, one of those very expensive private schools they have in England called "public schools". Nikki taught biology."You know K," she said to me, "I want to do something for my senior girls class that will really grab their attention about sex."Well, I thought that it wasn't difficult to grab any teenager's attention about sex, but I listened more. Nikki was the expert here, I guessed she might have a good idea and as...

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Gran and her boys

Gran and Her Boysby Jena121© This story has quite a lead up to explain the circumstances. Please read through the story and you will be rewarded. I have lived with my Gran since my parents were killed in a plane crash when I was just 15 years old. I was now in my late 30's with a son of my own and back living with Gran. She has made it so easy for me. She gave me all the love that a person could give. I was only away from her home for about 3 years when I got married, but that only lasted for...

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DommeInABox Dommes Story

Sex — fulfillment — control. Domme's life consisted of long periods of darkness, broken by occasional flashes of light. Her linear memories included all the times she was shut off since her original commissioning, even though those periods are highly compressed and contain no pertinent data. Domme is highly specialized for her intended tasks, both in form and programming. The niche her model fit in for interpersonal relationships was small indeed. Domme didn't resent the...

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The Girl Next DoorChapter 8

Tuesday I woke up on the Tuesday morning with Lisa's mouth around my cock, which is pretty much the nicest way I've found to wake up. I stroked her hair as she bobbed up and down, and told her she was amazing. Lisa crawled up my body and, reaching between her legs, grasped my cock and rubbed it on her wet pussy lips, before easing herself down, impaling herself on it, groaning as it filled her cunt. "Cum in me," she ordered, her legs starting to shake as her own orgasm closed in, and I...

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Shameful Boy

"Hi, come on in, all of you are welcome. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. I have some white wine if any of you are interested. Yes?" Since there was general agreement on wine, Mary went into the kitchen to take out the two chilled magnums she had purchased for this occasion. She had really enjoyed herself last week at the Abused Mothers Support Group, and was looking forward to this show and tell session. Last week she had finally heard enough of the other women's woes and had...

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"I still don't much care for lawyers," Lucy said. The breakfast table broke into polite laughter. Lucy's social promotion — from maid to guest in James's house — had not quieted her tongue. "Well, perhaps you would be willing to make an exception in the case of your friend's lawyer." Mr. Carhartt inclined his head toward Caroline, sitting across from Lucy. "Perhaps," Lucy said with a sniff. "But I still do not understand why she needs to go through all of this. Simply because...

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CherryPimps Whitney Wright Whitney Will Be Sure To Get That Cock Hard

How it may be possible to ignore a babe such as Whitney when she walks into the room looking all super sexy in her sheer white lingerie one may never know. It does not take her long though to get Chad giving that pussy of hers the attention it craves! He spreads those legs and goes to town eating out that delicious wet pussy until Whitney has had enough and needs that cock in her mouth! Getting it nice and sloppy with her spit she is ready to mount that dick and shove it deep in her pussy!...

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Mai apne sexy collegue se sex ki kahani

Mera nam kamal hai main ek company main accountant hoo meri age 26 sal hai main ek samany kad aur hata kata handsome ladka hoo mere under main teen ladkia kam karti hai aur teeno ka figure bahut hi sexy hai unki chunchee aur chutar bahut phule phule hai unka nam sweta (25 sal), neelam (24 sal) aur roshni (24 sal) hai. sweta aur neelam mere sath accounts dekhti hai aur roshni computer operator hai sweta aur nelam dono badan ki bhari hui hai. roshni ka figure yehi koi 24-36-24 hoga who dekhne mai...

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For A Friend

I welcome you both in. I'm naked, and I lead you both straight to the bedroom where I immediately begin to undress you while your hubby watches. I stack your clothes neatly on the ottoman, then undress your man too.Now I can adore your body. We kiss, my hands in your hair and my tongue probing your mouth. When we break for breath I notice your husband is slowly stroking his erection. I kiss your neck, the hollow of your throat and each shoulder before I fasten my mouth on your left breast...

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“Hannah,” my brother said with a serious look on his face, “we’ve got to talk.” I was in the process of unzipping my dress. I’d been wearing it all day, desperately waiting to get home, take it off, and show my brother the scorching-hot lingerie I’d been wearing underneath. Not that it was particularly well hidden - the dress barely ended below my red thong, and it showed off my tits quite generously. Still, there was something so hot about leading a “double life” - no one but my brother...

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Aurelia Manipulated By WHiFi

The wireless human interface, or WHi-Fi as the inventors called it, had been a black-Ops funded garage lab success in testing on mice and the two co-inventors were excited as they readied for an impromptu field test amongst unsuspecting human subjects. Upon entering the busy club, with management’s blessing under the guise of a social sciences doctorate study program in mapping and studying social movements and interactions, the two software engineers located a back table that gave them an...

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So, this goes back to the early 2,000's when travel got to be a pain in the ass. I had several long days with multiple flights and rental cars and now on my third hotel of the week. I needed to check in and work out to relieve some stress. As I checked in the clerk was no more than college age and I didn't pay much attention except that he was small and had a feminine way about him. He was polite and asked if I needed anything to make my stay more comfortable, I laughed and said that's a...

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Armchair Theatre

My mind was set alight with sexual possibilities when I was invited to spend a weekend at Charlotte's house. Her parents were away, and it was the first time anyone had been asked to her home. She had never been seen with a boy all through College, and the rumours that she was gay were rife. Now we had left College, and she was still without a boyfriend, and I began to believe all the gossip. She heard these opinions of her but never took the bait, she was completely non-plussed.That might...

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Nothing is free

Nothing In Life is FreeAs the taxi drew into the hotel car park I knew things weren't right. Ihad been promised a five-star vacation but this hotel looked more like apoor motel with faded signage and a complete lack of character. Havingtaken an age to check-in I made my way to the room, opened the door andwas met with a sea of beige and windows looking on towards brick wallsthat cut out all the light to the room. As I walked into the room thefloorboards creaked and I was met with a pungent...

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The week at college quickly flew by, and then me and Steve were in my car heading to my Grandmothers once again to film her.We arrived just as my Grandfather was leaving, he still wasn't happy about any of this, despite the money it was making, but once he was out of sight, we headed inside and began setting up the camera in the living room.It was then my Grandmother came downstairs, dressed in a black one piece swimsuit and red high heels.She had her red hair done up nicely and some make up,...

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Nina’s assistant passed a call to her early in the afternoon. “It’s your husband”, she said. Nina picked up the phone and answered, “Hello, my love. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I don’t have a lot of time because I have to hit the road if I’m going to get there. Call your Mistress and tell her you’re not available tonight. Tonight, you’re with me.” Nina couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice. “I’ve missed you so much. Are you going to be home for a while?” “Unfortunately, no....

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MandyChapter 3

After I became Mandy's foster parent, our love life just got better and better. She had moved into my bedroom on a more or less permanent basis. Mandy did go out on a few dates from time to time, mainly for appearances' sake, but mainly came home to me for her loving. When she turned fifteen, Mandy became good friends with a girl in her class named Tawny Bledsoe. Tawny was a gorgeous blonde, slightly taller than Mandy, but equal in all other departments. Since they were in high school...

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Braylin Bailey dresses in a hot little black dress to go to a funeral, which she doesn’t see a problem with. Braylin’s stepbrother, Apollo Banks, has other thoughts. He tells Braylin that guys are going to try to take advantage of her. Instead of offering to change into something more demure, Braylin takes Apollo’s hand and puts it on her hot little twat as she describes all the things she thinks he’s afraid might happen. She finishes by making it clear that she has a...


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