Megaman's Plight free porn video

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Megaman smashed his way into the abandoned warehouse. He had anticipated
capturing several members of the Cravitz Crime family. Instead he only found one
very beautiful, young woman.

"May I ask who you are and what you're doing here, Miss?" The intrepid
superhero asked.

"Oh Megaman, I'm so glad you got here! I've been held prisoner for three days. If
you hadn't rescued me, I don't know what those awful men might have done to
me. I was so scared. My name is Gina Malone.
Do you mind if I call you Megaman? I've read all about you, and your crime
fighting, since I was a little girl." The beautiful, young woman gushed.

Megaman indignantly took a step backward, and looked at the girl suspiciously.
He suspected, that she was herself connected in some way with the Cravitz
interests. The shrewd crime fighter was not one to fall for the wiles of a criminal,
no matter how beautiful she was.

"I'm sorry, Miss Malone, but I must place you under arrest. This warehouse is full
of stolen merchandise, and I have every reason to think you're a party to the theft.
Or perhaps Don Cravitz thinks he can divert me from my duties with an attractive
young female such as yourself."

"Oh no Megaman, I wouldn't try to do anything like that." The girl answered
guilelessly. "Do you really think I'm attractive?" She added with a smile.

"Well, we'll discuss your involvement down at Police Headquarters later, when
I'm finished here. First, I'm going to search the place before I take you in. "

"Oh I've always admired you so much, Megaman. Don't you find me even a little
attractive?" The girl whined.

"Truthfully Gina, if I may call you that, you are one of the most beautiful women,
I've ever seen, but my mission is too important to be jeopardized by falling for the
wiles of any woman."

Gina wondered off disconsolately. She finally
drifted to a small crate and sat down to wait. Megaman rapidly and
efficiently searched the warehouse. There was only one room that was locked.
He strode to the door of the locked room.

As Megaman prepared to smash the door open, Gina rose with lazy grace from
her perch on the crate. She ambled over to Megaman, and stood behind him.

Just as the big, brawny crime fighter smashed his fist into the steel door, and it
crashed open, Megaman's svelte captive indolently raised her arm in the air.
Then with the power and speed of a striking cobra, she sliced the edge of her
hand into the back of Megaman's neck. Despite the bull like proportions of his
neck, and his super invulnerability, Megaman saw stars. His legs buckled as he
turned unsteadily and looked at the voluptuous girl, in disbelief. He raised his
hand, but Gina grabbed his wrist and skillfully judo tossed the huge two hundred
and fifty-five-pound, six and a half foot tall, superhero.

Megaman's head slammed against the flagged stone floor. Unable to believe the
beautiful girl had thrown him so easily, he looked up in shock, just in time to see
her knee dropping into his exposed belly. It was too late to avoid her. Even
Megaman's ridged belly collapsed, when Gina's full 145 pounds drove her
dimpled knee into his unprotected gut.

Megaman's big body contorted in agony. His mouth gaped open in a choked,
silent moan. Gina nonchalantly knelt on his belly, and judo chopped him across
the throat. His handsome head dropped back on the hard stone.

Still moving with slow, insolent grace, Gina rose unhurriedly from the superhero's
muscular body. She leaned over letting her long, dark hair brush teasingly across
Megaman's washboard belly. His muscles still quivered from her pulverizing
knee drop.

Megaman sat up, still shaken. Looking up at Gina's fantastic body, Megaman wondered how this young beauty possessed such strength. He
had often sparred with the redoubtable Stellar Maid, the City's strongest
super heroine, and even she didn't pack a punch like this girl.

Gritting his teeth, Megaman jumped up, his face, resolute. "I must capture her
before she commits some depraved crime. I just have to forget that she's a
beautiful girl, and treat her like any other dangerous threat to humanity!"
Megaman thought. Then, aloud he said to Gina. "I'll have to handcuff you, Young

Gina's large dark eyes flashed "Try it, Lover!" She challenged, in a husky,
seductive chuckle of defiance. Megaman was reluctant to injure the beautiful girl. He appealed to her good
sense. "Gina, don't make me overpower you, please?"

Gina smiled seductively. She touched her pointed, pink tongue to her full,
passionate lips. She shook her head "No." With a provocative pout.

Shrugging in exasperation, Megaman reached for the beautiful, dark-haired girl.
Gina backed away, tense and alert. Megaman followed cautiously. He didn't
underestimate the girl's combat skills, and formidable strength. Gradually he
backed Gina into a corner.

Megaman lunged suddenly. He feinted, as if to grab Gina's arms. Then quickly
switching target, he seized her waist. Two hundred and fifty-five pounds of
solid muscle pinned the dark-haired beauty against the wall. Gina gasped as
Megaman plastered her lush curves to the hard cement. Her fists beat
ineffectually against his broad rippling back. It was like pounding forged steel.

Gina's taut, sinuous body squirmed for leverage, but she didn't have room to
maneuver. Surrendering to Megaman's overpowering strength,
Gina went limp against the potent maleness of the handsome
crime fighter. Than, with sudden burst of strength Gina's strong, luscious body surged forward, gaining leverage from the wall.

Megaman tried to grab Gina's shoulders, but she ducked. Her hands found his
hard, masculine hips. She twisted his body away from her, and slid behind him.
Her plump, round knee crashed into the small of his back. Megaman's back
arched in pain, and Gina grabbed him around the neck with both hands. She
twisted backward until their backs touched and Megaman's neck was stretched
back over her shoulder. Gina went down on one knee, pulling Megaman off
balance, and then judo tossed him.

From his backward position, Megaman somersaulted in the air. He landed with a
jarring thud on his belly, stunned again by Gina's resourceful violence. It was hard
to believe the soft sensuality, of her love-goddess body was capable of such

When Megaman landed, Gina knelt facing him, arms still locked around his neck.
She rose to her feet. Using that surprising strength, she dragged the groggy,
muscular superhero along, up on his knees. She eased his head between her
firm, full fleshed thighs, and locked them around his ears. Megaman's spinning
head felt caught in a vise.

Gina leaned down across Megaman's powerfully muscled back. She clutched
him around the waist with both arms, and with amazing strength upended his
huge body in the air. His powerful legs kicked helplessly in the air. Taking a deep
breath Gina dropped to the floor in a sitting position, pile driving her unhappy
male foe's head against the stone floor.

Megaman jerked spasmodically. His legs flopped to the floor. Gina sat still for a
moment to get her breath.

Megaman was hurt and groggy, but he felt Gina's body relax. He pushed free of
her with his powerful arms. He clambered quickly to his feet. Gina jumped up too.
Megaman lunged at the girl, almost before she reached her feet. Off
balance, Gina dodged slightly to one side.

Megaman was still dizzy himself. He couldn't change direction quick enough, and
lurched past Gina. She wheeled and flung herself on him from behind. Her full
weight hit Megaman's upper back, knocking him to the floor on his face again.
Gina clung like a fierce tigress bringing down a bull elephant. The fierce girl
banged Megaman's head against the floor as he landed.

Giving Megaman no time to use his greater strength against her, Gina jumped up.
When Megaman got up on his hands and knees, Gina's leg flashed. She kicked
the underside of his belly, and knocked him over on his side. Megaman rolled
away and climbed awkwardly to his feet. The quick, dark-haired girl was on him
instantly. Seizing his wrist and elbow, Gina judo tossed her herculean foe to the
floor again. Megaman was amazed at this girls strength and speed. Surely, she couldn't keep up this onslaught for long. Just have to tire her out he thought.

Megaman pushed himself up on his knees, and Gina drove her dimpled knee into
his chin. As he struggled for balance, Gina's leg flashed again. She buried her toe
in his abdomen. His awesome body twisted awkwardly.

Megaman woozily felt Gina grab his wrist and elbow. She skillfully forced him to
his feet, and flipped him head over heels back on the floor. Megaman landed on
his behind. Gina's leg flashed swiftly backward. Her heel smashed against his
chin, flinging him backward as though a wrecking ball struck him.

Megaman sat up rubbing his aching jaw, just as Gina's heel smashed into his ear.
His head ringing, Megaman tried to get his bearings. Gina was suddenly behind
him. She locked her arms around his neck in a nasty choke hold, and dragged
him to his feet. In one fluid motion, she stooped low and grabbed Megaman's
wobbly legs around the ankles. Straightening her strong back, Gina pulled his
legs out from under him. Megaman fell heavily on his face. He lay on his stomach

Her knee drop was so effective before, Gina tried it again. This time she leaped
into the air first, so her sturdy body plummeted down into Megaman like a cannon
ball. Megaman was totally unprepared when Gina's knee landed on his spine. He
moaned aloud in agony.

Gina's exquisite face reflected her satisfaction at the excruciating pain she'd
inflicted on the masculine superhero. She followed with a two-handed rabbit punch at his neck. Gina felt Megaman
stiffen and quiver at the blow.

Gina laughed. Her dark eyes glistened, as she hit Megaman again, with even
more savage force. She tossed her glossy, dark curls, eagerly. Just then
Megaman heaved his lean, muscular body. Caught off guard, Gina fell down in a
heap beside him. "Mustn't let myself get so careless, again!" Gina told herself
sternly. She jumped to her feet.

Megaman lay on his side gasping. When he tried to get up, he fell back weakly.
Gina had nearly beaten him senseless. It was incredible. True, she was a big,
strong, healthy girl, but her rich curves were, soft and cushioned, rather than hard
and tough. Compared to Megaman, she looked like a small child. Yet it was Megaman who was down on the floor and hurting and this girl was looking fresh and smiling at him.

Megaman looked up warily at the girl standing over him. Who could believe, the
adorable, dark-haired girl was more sinisterly dangerous then a she-panther?
She'd tossed him all over the room, and wasn't even breathing hard. She looked
like she just came from the beauty parlor. His huge muscles, supple as steel, had
been useless against her soft, feminine beauty.

Gina leaned over, grabbed Megaman's ears, and sat him up forcibly. Before
Megaman knew what hit him, Gina jerked his face downward. Her soft, rounded
knee felt like granite as it smashed his cheek. Acting instinctively, Megaman
threw his arms around Gina's curvy legs, and upended her. The softly rounded
girl landed harmlessly, with the skill of a trained dancer. Before Gina bounded to
her feet again, though, her huge antagonist groggily lunged forward, and buried
his blond head in her firmly rounded, little belly. Gina gasped and fell over

The badly mauled superhero fell across Gina's body. Gina recovered quickly, and
sat up, squirming to get loose. While Megaman tried to collect his wits and
gather his strength, Gina kicked her bare feet free, and bounced to her feet.

The huge, male crime fighter followed more slowly. Megaman's handsome,
rugged face was bruised, and there was a trickle of blood at the corner of his

"Why are you doing this, Young Lady?" Megaman asked in puzzlement.

Gina answered with a flippant toss of her dark curls. "Oh that's easy! My boss
knows you're a pitiful fool, but you're starting to annoy him! It wasn't worth
sending a real hit squad after you. So they just sent a sweet, little girl like me to
teach you a lesson!"

Stung by the girl's sarcasm, Megaman swung a powerful slap at her smirking
face. Again the supple, skillful Gina dodged the blow, and simultaneously
grabbed Megaman's wrist. Instead of judo tossing him, Gina ducked, whirled and
twisted Megaman's huge, muscular arm high behind his back. Skillful leverage
neutralized his bulging muscles. She relentlessly forced his wrist high up against
his neck, capturing him, in helpless agony.

Suddenly, Gina lunged forward, and drove Megaman, face-first, into the nearby
wall. "Damn you!" The crime fighter breathed through clenched teeth. Gina artfully
held the big, powerful man captive, helplessly mashed against the wall.

Megaman braced himself and shoved backward, but Gina gave his arm a quick,
painful twist and smashed him back into the wall. She plastered her
fantastically voluptuous body against his hard corded back.

Gina whispered sweetly and seductively, in his ear. "We can stop this anytime
you want. All you have to do is say, you'll lay off my associates."

"Go to hell!" Megaman answered through gritted teeth. "Being a superhero means
I have the responsibility to see criminals are punished."

"Oh you stubborn, thick-headed moron, I really enjoy disciplining you." Gina
snapped. She gave Megaman's arm a savage twist. Megaman cried out
involuntarily, but threw himself backward with all his might, against Gina's
clinging, sensuous body. Gina went over backward and Megaman fell on top of

Gina felt like a house landed on her. She lost her grip on Megaman's arm. He
twisted over atop her soft body. His hard body thrashing about, felt like a sack of
lead pipes on top of her. Gina moaned and tried to think straight. Megaman
straddled her and pinned her arms to the floor.

Gina struggled frantically. Her upper body was pinned helplessly, but from the
waist down, her sleek curves were free. She kicked desperately. She hated
feeling helpless. Her bouncing hips twisted like a snake. Her jutting right hip
landed in Megaman's crotch, not hard enough to disable him, but enough to hurt.

"Ohh damn!" Megaman muttered. Capitalizing on her luck, Gina ripped her right arm loose, and smashed her fist
into Megaman's left eye. He tried to pin her wrist again, but the wriggling feline
slid her knee up into his belly. She drove upward. Megaman's ridged muscles
protected him, but it was harder to keep her down. For a second, he lost his
balance. Gina karate chopped his throat. Again his bull-like neck protected him,
so Gina drove her fingers dagger-like into his throat.

Megaman squawked in pain. Gina wriggled some more, until her whole foot
pressed into his belly. Gina's rounded leg straightened relentlessly, tossing
Megaman's huge body off her. Gina sat up rubbing her stomach. It was sore, and
she hurt all over. She silently vowed the big crime fighter would pay for that. She
watched her huge, muscular foe getting up, and sprang to her feet, too.

Gina dealt with her pain by taking the offensive. She sailed into the slower
moving man, fists flying like pistons. Her hard little fists landed in a flurry, on
Megaman's hard, washboard belly. Megaman was hard pressed to avoid Gina's
savage onslaught. She'd hurt him badly already, and he'd no time to recover. No
single punch did much damage, but their unceasing rapidity kept the huge man
off balance.

Megaman grabbed the fierce dark-haired girl in a bear hug, seeking to pin her
wind-milling arms to her side. Gina moved too fast! Megaman might as well have
tried holding a whirlwind. The tempo of Gina's attack increased, as Megaman
tried to hold her. A low flung fist penetrated the steely shield of his clenched,
abdominal muscles. The resulting explosive spasm in his gut left Megaman
vulnerable. More punches speared deep into his body.

Megaman's mouth gaped wide. Gina scented weakness, and hammered him
relentlessly. Every blow drove deeper into his gut. Cruel punches sank wrist-
deep, into Megaman's exhausted belly. The dark-haired sweetheart's feminine,
little fists drove Megaman to the wall, and like twin jack hammers, nailed his back
against it.

Megaman shuddered in torment, unable to move forward or sideways. He
couldn't ride with the punches, or shield himself from Gina's blistering attack. If he
didn't act soon, it would be all over. Desperately, Megaman swung his mighty
tree-like arms. He held nothing back. His left fist struck Gina's cheek, and a right
uppercut landed squarely on the point of her chin.

Gina skillfully rode with Megaman's best punches. They hurt, but she casually
shook them off. She confidently raised her fists, ready for more. Her success
pleased the dark-haired girl. Mighty Megaman's best punches hardly fazed her.
They should have knocked her senseless. The savage beating she'd already
given him, had grievously sapped Megaman's enormous strength. With a feline
smile, Gina savored the thought of the gut wrenching pain she'd inflicted on
Megaman to weaken him so.

Megaman advanced on Gina, a stony determination in his eyes, despite the pain
twisting his ruggedly handsome features. She may have hurt and weakened him,
but Gina knew Megaman wouldn't give in. This fight must go on until one of them
was stretched on the floor physically beaten into submission. "Well, it won't be
me!" Gina resolved gaily. She noticed her earlier blow had swollen Megaman's
left eye almost shut already.

Gina sparred with Megaman; she was a skillful boxer. She dodged and wove,
avoiding his brutal fists. She jabbed and counter punched, hitting him frequently.
The big man winced at each punch, but attacked doggedly.The girlish mob
enforcer dodged backward. She kicked her long, shapely leg with graceful power,
driving her toe into Megaman's lower belly.

Megaman's corded muscles were twisted sorely in painful cramps from earlier
attacks. Gina's toe penetrated like a knife, stopping the huge crime fighter dead.
Dancing with a ballerina's grace on one leg, Gina smashed the flat of her foot
twice more into his belly.

The excitingly curved beauty caught Megaman flat footed. His knees wobbled
and he stumbled away, from her, groaning. Gina leaped for him, disdaining his
tree-like arms and formidable fists. Megaman's belly was on fire, doubling him
over. Gina clapped both hands together on his ears with unbelievable force. She
jerked his head down. Her knee rose to meet him. Gina's swift, power knee-lift
cracked into Megaman's face, driving him bolt upright, leaving him wide open.

Gina bent low and hurled herself forward. Her head drove into Megaman's belly
like a torpedo. Her hurtling momentum flung him backward. His back smashed
into a steam pipe jutting out of the wall. The pipe bent almost in half, but it did
real damage to the superhero's near invulnerable body.

"Agggrrrrh." Megaman cried as he stumbled away from the pipe. His powerful
form bent backward at the waist in excruciating pain. There were tears of pain in
his eyes.

Gina smiled ruthlessly, at the man's anguish. Ignoring his distress, she socked
the stricken muscle man straight in the lower abdomen, putting everything she
had into the savage punch. Her fist exploded, like a grenade, deep in Megaman's
body. His corded belly caved in completely.

"Awwwwrrrr!" Megaman moaned as the last bit of breath exploded from his lungs.
He doubled over clutching his injured body, while waves of agonizing cramps
racked him. His mighty legs wobbled uncontrollably. He stumbled sideways, his
back turned to the cruel she-cat. Gina blasted the ball of her foot into Megaman's
hard, round buttocks. He crashed to his knees, and crouched on all fours,
overcome by pain.

With the purposeful, languid grace that never deserted her, Gina calmly stepped
in front of her fallen victim. She reached down and slid her hands under his arm
pits. Bracing her back, she raised his nearly inert body, until his feet were on the

Megaman's huge body, rippling with herculean muscles, swayed against the
slender girl, unable to stand without her strong grip, to support him. Gina braced
her strong, curvy legs and absorbed the burden of his helplessness. His head
drooped toward her shoulder, inches from her face.

Gina smirked at the resentful malice in Megaman's eyes. She knew it reflected
the unthinkable, impotent shame a strong, masterful man feels when a soft,
beautiful woman unaccountably, but undeniably defeats him physically. Gina's
heart flip-flopped in excitement. His face lay on her shoulder.

Even as she murmured her amusement at the nearly helpless muscle man, Gina
slid her arms around his lower back and belly. She locked her hands together at
the small of his back. She drew him tighter and tighter against her, her rounded,
silken arms, a prison of ivory hued flesh.

Gina's sturdy, healthy curves looked delicately fragile pressed against the brutal
power of her huge, male foe. But now, she was incomparably stronger, as though
in beating him, she'd stolen his own strength to use against him. She squeezed
remorselessly, crushing Megaman to impotent helplessness in her dominant
embrace. He felt like she'd cut him in half. He noticed once more that, he had not even been able to stand against her for five minutes. She had started the fight stronger and just had gotten much much much stronger than him. He realized that she was not going to slow down and he stood no chance against her. For the first time in his life, Megaman felt fear and he trembled.

Gina felt Megaman's huge muscular body tremble, felt the agonizing cramps rack
his magnificent, but helpless, body. She realized it was more than pain causing
that trembling, it was naked fear, too. Fear of her! How delicious!

Megaman was humiliated beyond belief. It was appalling mortification, being held
impotently helpless in the slim, beautiful girl's deadly embrace. Megaman was weaker than a kitten now, but he still
resisted her, with what pitiful strength she'd left him. He kicked his huge-muscled
legs, and batted his brawny arms at Gina's head.

Megaman's enfeebled kicks and blows were no real problem, but his futile
stubbornness annoyed Gina. She ruthlessly cut his struggles short. She lifted the
two hundred and fifty-five-pound superhero clear off his feet, dangling him in
mid-air. Gina's slim, girlish arms cut into him like steel cables, driving the last
precious air from his lungs.

Suspended helplessly in the beautiful girl's arms, Gina taught Megaman the terror
of helpless weakness. The tears of pain in his eyes overflowed and ran down his
bruised cheeks. Gina felt him trembling and saw the fear in his teary eyes. She
passionately appreciated his humiliated suffering. It was time to put the poor
creature out of his misery.

Gina gave one more mighty squeeze. Megaman feared the girl would break his
back. He groaned silently, lungs burning for breath, mouth gaping open. Still
Gina's arms tightened. Megaman lost all control over his limbs. His back arched
backward. His arms fell limp at his sides. His great tree-like legs dangled pitifully
still. His eyes rolled.

Gina contemptuously slung him like a bag of dirty
laundry. The huge man rolled across the floor, and lay trembling
uncontrollably. Gina bounded after him. She reached down and hauled him to a sitting position.

"No! I won't! You'll never make me do that." Megaman croaked.

"O.K. I've wasted enough time Sweetie-pie!" Gina answered. Without further ado
she stooped down and slid her arms under Megaman's big, muscular body, one
arm under his knees, and the other under his back. She felt him tremble fearfully.
The delicately built mob-girl easily lifted the huge, muscle-bound Megaman in her
arms. She picked him up right off the floor, and carried him helplessly across the
room. The look in her eye was terrifying.

Megaman never imagined such shame. Sure, she had dominated him and had been stronger than him but
holding him this easily in her arms this he had not foreseen. Gina angrily told
Megaman to put his arms around her neck, which he did out of shear fear of the beautiful girl, and then walked
herself in the middle of the room. He struggled to get free from the girl's
slim, rounded arms, but there was no way he could escape the grimly determined
young woman now.

Gina kept holding his weight easily and raised her arms a bit and
curled his muscular body up higher in the cradle, so his body was almost in her upper
chest height. Megaman quivered as his beaten body was squeezed in Gina's mighty arms.

"You know what, I don't need your assurance. Because every time you try to come after us, I will just play with you like I did today. From now on every time you come out to fight, you will be afraid of me", the beautiful girl said as she sat down on the sofa and gently lowered the huge body of the beaten superhero in her lap. She bounced him up and down on her knees like a baby. Megaman whimpered like a little baby, sobbing softly from all the pain and humiliation. Gina lovingly gathered his face and cooed, "its OK little boy". After a few minutes Megaman's sobs subsided and Gina got up carrying huge superhero like a little baby. "So, where do you want me to take you babe", she asked. Without waiting for reply she started carrying him toward the door he had come in from. Gina carried poor Megaman out of the door and couple blocks away, where the Megamobile was parked. Gina dropped him gently into his car and said "see you next time boy".

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There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street. There he was, the old lamplighter who came day in, day out, to attend to the gas lamps. Old? How old? Sixty,...

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Meanwhile Back at the Lamplighter

It is no secret that a lot of people really, really like living in Colorado. Karen Carrigan, who met Doug Yanevich while attending the University of Colorado, Denver, certainly was happy that Doug was able to get a job in Denver, shortly before she married him. They are somewhat of an odd couple. She is a tiny five foot, one inch, and weights one hundred and five pounds. He, who was a second string lineman on the football team, is six foot five, and weights in at two hundred, fifty-five...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2002 They Got Us Hi, Robert. Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me. Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me... I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak. When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with...

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Sex parody

Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some twenty feet and her little ass was making her pretty green dress swing from side to side, high enough so that every once in a while he got a glimpse of her...

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Exchanging Desires Part 2

Her breast was perfectly round and set high on her chest. Her nipple a tiny nub that stood erect in his mouth as he flicked his tongue across the hardness, using the flat part of his tongue to take long strokes across it before sucking hard on the nipple; pulling a moan from her tiny red mouth and he liked it. Equally so, he moaned on her nipple as the sweet Asian girl engulfed his erect cock all the way to the base in her tight warm mouth, bringing about high-pitched shrieks and giggles from...

Group Sex
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The Choice

The Choice By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 18-year-old boy Karen 14-year-old little sister Amber 10-year-old sister Miley 5-year-old sister Mom, Anne Parker 41-year-old mom (looks like she is 25yrs old) Dr. Beth Cole Doctor that thinks she can save the world "Mom stop picking on me how come you are always on my sisters side? You know I am going to be 18 tomorrow and I can move out anytime I want too." Mommy looks at me...

2 years ago
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Fall of a Kingdom

***My Introduction*** ((Hello everyone, names Lucianna. I’ve been reading CYOA Erotica for a few months now. And I’ve been reading here as a invisible guest. But I felt it was time to finally give it a try. So forgive me for spelling, grammar, and just poor descriptions. But I’m always up for feedback, suggestions, and just getting better. If you want to add to my story. Don’t hesitate to! I’d love to see participation. If you have any requests please feel free to share! Thank you and I hope...

2 years ago
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My Exhibitionist Wife With A Salesman 8211 Part 2

Hi. Amit here with the continuation of my story. This story is as told by my exhibitionist wife who was at a lingerie store in a mall. The story in the wife’s words: I replied to him I’m finished with all my trials and will be back soon. I disconnected the call. I handed him the phone to hold and removed the clasp of my bra saying, “All trials are finished. All the items have been tried. I need to get dressed.” I removed my bra fully and there my tits were before him. Fully naked. Just a few...

4 years ago
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Stein Um SteinChapter 5

Several hundred miles away Angie had been busy, thinking, writing, crossing out rethinking and rewriting her "confession" My Darling Husband I am sorry for the things I have done both with Franky Grimm and to you I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am or how I can ask you to forgive me. As you no doubt have guessed, it was all because of Charlotte. About a year ago you were away and Charlotte told me she had a double date with Marie and Frank and another man. She told me Marie had to...

1 year ago
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Savage African Capture

Savage African CaptureBy Shabbadew2002   Write me at [email protected] Chapter 1  CaptureOur trip to Africa was to commemorate our first wedding anniversary.  It was my gift to Midori, my wife.  I arranged a photographic safari as we were both interested in wildlife photography.  My wife was twenty-five at the time and I was forty.  She had been my student.  We fell in love at the University and married when she graduated.  The trip would provide a tremendous opportunity for both of us to...

3 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 26 Tactical Retreat

Dave woke at his usual time on Saturday morning. He felt tired after a very fitful sleep. He had tossed and turned all night thinking about Jennifer's concern over his meeting other girls while on the road. He had asked himself if he had avoided talking about Sheri because he knew Jennifer would be upset. Had he become too promiscuous? He had slept with a lot of women over the last year. His mind was still churning when he exited the elevator and saw Jennifer smiling at him in the lobby. He...

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Quest Kunoichi

The story is placed in manga/anime Naruto. The only difference from the story is that all characters start mature. “Today the genin exam's will commence.” your teacher states. “Your exam starts now!” Finally, after years of learning, you are about to earn your own forehead protector! Finally, you will stop playing ninja – you will be the real thing! All around you, your classmates think exactly the same – they can't hide their smiles and anticipation! Finally, you will be the proud genin...

1 year ago
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SlutStepSister Jane Wilde 25087

Jane Wilde’s world has turned upside-down. She just moved into her mom’s new husband’s house, miles from her hometown, and she just got fired from the local porn theater for getting caught giving a patron a blowjob. Her stepbrother, Damon, expresses his concern but all she cares about is getting her wet pussy fucked. She explains instead of her going out on the town giving BJs to strangers, why not let her stepbrother satisfy her sexual needs. She calls it...

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WildOnCam Liv Wild Not So Innocent Hottie Liv Wild Fucking

Liv Wild is looking sexy in her tight latex mini dress that can barely hide her purple panties and bikini. She loves to be a hot tease in her thigh high socks and wants you to come close to see just how wet her pussy is for you! Tommy Gunns girthy cock will give her all she wants as he tries to penetrate her deep going slow before speeding up to make her cry out in pleasure. She loves bending over in doggy so you can look right in her gorgeous eyes while Tommy takes her from behind making those...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 15 Chandra away

We woke, it wasn’t quite dawn yet with the sun under the horizon gently lighting the morning sky. I wiggled out from under Celia’s grip and slipped out of the bed following Chandra as she exited the small water closet. We dressed, quietly washed and left the room without disturbing the still sleeping strawberry blond. Breakfast was a subdued affair, she was too nervous to contribute anything meaningful. “You will be fine, just believe in yourself.” *Mumble. “You’ll be fine, trust me.” I...

4 years ago
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SeekersChapter 2

I had a little time to think between that meeting and the Sunday morning – enough to worry about what I was getting into. I had, as a result, given some thought to what I would do. They seemed to want a leader, but I hoped they would be content with a very relaxed style. I suggested we begin by praying and singing some songs, which we did. That relaxed everyone, I think, and I certainly felt more comfortable than I had. But we never got round to sharing our ideas that first meeting. I had a...

2 years ago
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Fusion Of Horizons Chapter 7

December 2014, LondonHaving saved the day’s work on the computer, I clicked shut down and waited for the windows to log off. It was late in the evening, and I wanted to return to my apartment. The Windows update running as the computer logged off got on my nerves. '67 68, 69… and its fucking stuck at 69!’ I took out the phone from my pocket and began to browse through the emails. Thirty-one unread emails from Mary were piling up. I could have blocked her, but no. I somehow derived pleasure...

3 years ago
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It had never been my intention to move back home after I had moved out to an aunts house at s*******n due to my parents having a vicious divorce. But my aunts place turned out even worse as she had a drunkard for a boyfriend. And she tried using me as her own personal ther****t twenty hours a day...So I worked my but off and got a place of my own a year later which really wasn't easy at eighteen let me tell you. The economy having gone to shit. Times were hard at the moment, for everyone....

1 year ago
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Sex Diaries After School

Eighteen year old Sonia Kay admired herself in the mirror. She stood in front of the looking glass naked, her blonde hair still very damp and her skin slightly moist from her morning shower. Sonia placed her hands over her D-cup breasts and squeezed. She then ran her hands down her stomach, her fingers lightly touched her neatly trimmed pussy. She turned around and admired her tight teen ass.I look goooood, Sonia thought. She quickly grabbed her pink panties and slowly put them on. She watched...

3 years ago
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Bedroom With a ViewChapter 4

I thought a lot about what I had done last week in Ron’s room and came to the conclusion that it was going to be a one-time thing. A story that Ron had better not tell anyone until ten years after my funeral. Yes, I masturbated to the memory of that night a couple of times in my bedroom. To further the sexual tension, Ron went to his room and stayed for about an hour. I was beside myself, thinking about what the three of them were doing. It was late Saturday night and a little before...

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Corrupted Glade

Aster yawned widely, stretching from her resting place in a blooming flower. She grinned and extended her wings to catch the morning sun. Spring was finally here! It was always such a pain to give the glade over to those winter tramps every year, they always left behind a complete mess. Fingers crossed for global warming, Aster leapt from her sleeping place and flew up to meet the others playing in the warm sunlight. A swarm of butterfly-winged fey flipped and danced around each other, calling...

4 years ago
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My Mother My WhoreChapter 3

After having fucked my mother in the ass for the first time, things really heated up, as I started getting my mother into more kinky behavior. Over the course of the coming months, we continued all of the activities that I described above. But it was while I was fucking my mother doggie-style, that I made a discovery that would lead to my mother becoming much more submissive for me and lead to some very unusual sexual activities between us. When I fucked my mother from behind, I would slap...

3 years ago
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The Stripper v2

I was nervous, as you would imagine, on my first night as a male stripper. Most men would have a knot in their stomach before taking their clothes off in front of a baying crowd of middle aged, cock starved chav women. I, however, had another worry. As it happened, I didn’t want to be a stripper, far from it, but my rent was due and I had spent all of my money on a new inflatable sex doll. This might sound a little frivolous, but her pussy was supposedly modelled on Spring Thomas. Unfortunately...

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Puff The Magic Dragon

Puff The Magic Dragon When I was fifteen, Mom and I moved into an apartment closer to where she worked. Mom was only thirty-two because she had gotten pregnant at sixteen and had me when she was seventeen. She was a good-looking woman and she was an exotic dancer at an upscale club just a block away. Her stage name was Bambi. The lady that lived upstairs from us was also an exotic dancer, named Puff Dragon. She worked at a place Mom always called sleazy and said that she would never...

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Anal With Ahsan

By : Kalsoom Hi readers, this is Kalsoom again with many thanks to the readers for their richly response to my previous stories. Those who want to read the previous ones, may contact me at this story is to narrate my further experiences with Ahsan whom I kept meeting at Sameena’s house. In the beginning I feared about the pregnancy but Sameena and Ahsan were experts in this field so they kept providing me contraceptives and I was safe from any kind of fear. But this use of contraceptives and...

1 year ago
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The Biggest Fish

The Biggest FishThis weekend was planned weeks ago, to go camping before summer ends but at the last minute there is a conflict and your daughter has plans. Instead of cancelling the trip after all the preparations were made you decide with your husband to go ahead anyway, just you and your man.Loaded up, you settle in for the drive. The conversation is torture and you are starting to think you should have stayed home. Your saving grace is that you know soon you will arrive by the lake and...

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A Purple Valentines Day

It was Monday, February 14, 2011, Valentine’s Day! I was fast asleep when I heard the doorbell. It was eight in the morning, and I was not expecting any company this early at my house in Alpine, New Jersey. I was still naked when I answered the door. To my surprise, it was Ashley, smiling and holding gifts. Ashley was a gorgeous, busty woman mixed with Black and Russian. She was about five-seven, with a honey-colored complexion, small waist, long brown straight hair, and gray eyes. Her purple...

2 years ago
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My new car

Monday evening when my husband got home from work, he told me that unfortunately he would he hear on Friday when I got my car as he had to fly to Cape Town on Thursday evening for a business meeting and would only return on the Tuesday. I was a little disappointed but knew that there was nothing either of us could do. The next morning once my husband left for work and after I got home from gym I decided to message Nick. I told him that I was getting a new car on Friday morning and that my...

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Yukios Adventures Part 5

** This is the fifth story in this series. To really understand what she is doing I suggest you read the other four chapter's first, but it is not essential. This chapter has some kinky sex and some genuine love making. The character development having occurred in previous chapters... along with lots of nasty sex. Comments are very much appreciated. I have tried to be careful with my use of the English language, however I am not a professional writer and it is my second language. Please...

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Wanna Watch Me MasturbateChapter 1

Hello. My name is Lauren Rose. I'm young, petite, brunette and I look a little like the British pop singer, Lauren Rose, so I took her name for this story. You can check her out on YouTube, under Lauren Rose-Hava Nagila. She's such a sexy girl. I wish she could watch me masturbate. And like her, I'm also Jewish. So you wanna watch me masturbate? I wasn't taking notes when these events occurred, so for the sake of the story, I had to make up the dialogue as best as I could. I'm...

2 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 29

The following nights and days were hard. They were cold, bitterly so, and not everyone was going to survive the winter months. Ivory was tested as she’d never been tested before. She could never have managed without the love of Ptarmigan who insisted on accompanying her lover on every visit to a villager who was ill, injured or about to give birth. This was well appreciated, especially by those who’d become villagers on account of having accidentally stumbled into the Mountain Valley. The River...

3 years ago
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My Vacation

This is my first story so please comment! My family and I were going to Cuba, When we got there we checked into our hotel. My brother and I had to share a room, my brother's name was Jeff. I am 18 He is 19, we always got along. I was wearing a skirt that was small for me and a see through shirt. It was hot so when we got to out hotel room i striped down and got into a bikini. My brother was in the bathroom and was changing to. Our parents said that we could do what ever we wanted, but...

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Oh to be thin

Oh to be thin. By SG [email protected]        All the groceries Rachel were going to need were bought and sitting in the grocery bags next to the table. She pulled all the items out of the bags and placed them onto the table. Pulling off the lid to the box of doughnuts and laying it on the table she then individually stacked each doughnut on top. Next she went into the kitchen and pulled the pizza pan out of the oven. The pan had a pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust on it. That was Rachel’s...

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DevilsFilm Nelly Kent My New Black Stepdaddy

Last year Nelly Kent was stuck in Romania with her mother destined for a life of poverty and boredom. Lucky for her mommy met a US military general who married her and swooped them off to America. Momma got what she wanted — a big black cock. Now, little Nelly wants a big black cock. When presented with the fact she was doing nothing with her life since coming to America Nelly explained what her goals were. To get a big dicked black man of her own, just like her momma. And if she is going...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Tiffany Watson Tiffany Squirts on Her Step Brothers Cock

Tiffany Watson angered her step sister so much that her step-sister sent her to clean the entire kitchen while her step-brother supervised her. Tiffany started cleaning, but soon Her step brother was giving her “ advise” as to how to clean it better. He told her to take off her clothes so she could clean better without messing up her clothing. Soon after that she went from cleaning the kitchen to cleaning his cock. Tiffany got fucked by her step brother all over the kitchen as she squirted...

3 years ago
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Teaching A Teenager

Hello, my name is kashish and this is the story of my latest encounter with an 18-year-old curious virgin girl, who is also the niece of the Ankita, the heroine of my last story. As you all already know I am 24 years age, plenty of experience in sex, got a 8″ tool. So coming to story, it all started on a day when my exams were over and also I was on a break for over a week (means no sex no jerking off). So I was full of energy and lust amd so was my sex godess maid ankita. I was at her house nd...

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Uncle Bobs Fashion Sense

Beth sighed as she addressed the last envelope and licked it. Her tongue hurt from all the thank-you notes she'd sent out. But she felt it was her duty to do them herself. After all, she'd gotten a lot of nice gifts from her friends at the wedding shower. And ... a girl only got married once. She turned to look at all the "loot" as her little brother called it. He'd barged in during the shower, while she was holding up a negligee that was almost completely see-through. Then he'd made a...

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BI adventure

Helen was sitting in between Simon and myself watching a new dvd slowly wanking our cocks back to life,the dvd we were watching was a Bi one 2 guys and and 1 female ( Helen had sent me to Oxford that afternoon to buy a new dvd for tonight ) Helen asked how I had enjoyed Simon giving me my first male BJ,I told them both I really enjoyed it Helen said it was one of the most sexy things she had seen. On the dvd it got to the part when the girl got hold of one of the guys cock and was guiding it...

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Student Exhibitionist Caught

This story will follow the experiences of the main character, as they are caught in a rather embarrassing situation. Depending on which direction you take, the main character will either be male or female. The male student. James Opal, is a 6'0 lanky 19 year old nerd, has jet black hair, always wear a polo shirt of varying colour and jeans, either blue or black. Currently in his second year at Woodridge academy, that teaches people between the ages of 18 and 20, James is the type of person to...

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Merry Clitoris

Struggling to walk home from the vast amount of free alcohol drunk at his works end of year Christmas party, Gary staggers gradually. Throughout the night, Gary had made himself look the fool with his attempts to sweet talk his female work colleges. With the amount of alcohol that was in his blood stream, he was past acknowledging that he was going home alone. He had taken a route along the esplanade on the beachfront. The dimly lit street had a gloomy feel from the street lights. Gary walked...

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Enjoyment with two friends neetu and soni

At present Soni is married & has a beautiful daughter like her. We had sex after her marriage also, but the frequency has reduced. Anyway this time I will tell you my sex experience which took place because of Soni. She dint help me by purpose. But her act ended in helping me eventually. Soni still now have no idea about this. Because I feel that such relations are better when they are kept a secret.This is about having sex with a friend Neetu who had introduced me & Soni at her party....

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Terrible life part one2

_________________________________________________________________________________________ "ugh oh yeah" I ran in to my my moms room thinking something was wrong... When I tried to open the door, it was locked! I ran downstairs to find my dads fat ass passed out on the couch. "dad! I think somethings wrong with mommy!" so we ran upstairs and he unlocked the door.  Inside we found a whip and school girl outfit lying on the floor... Dad began screaming!  I looked up to find mom...

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The woman who changed my world

It was during my first college semester when my feelings for women really started heating up. I had doubled up on classes in high school, and took college credit courses (yes....there is such a thing as a smart blond) and I had started college early. This would be my first time away from home, but I was excited to begin my life.I have always had adult mentality, even at a young age. I knew what I wanted and knew I would succeed professionally and finacially. I had a great group of friends, both...

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GloryHole Hannah Hays 04092018

Hannah Hays has been poking around her boyfriend’s “stash”, and by stash, we mean his jerk material. Hannah’s boyfriend loves interracial porn, and now, so does Hannah! She’s been in his stash for months, and she’s grabbed one of her man’s DVD’s and brought it into the neighborhood adult book store! Hannah wants more! There’s only one problem. Hannah doesn’t want her boyfriend knowing anything, from going through his personal stuff to...

2 years ago
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Martin to Martina

Martin to Martina By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: How a boy's life is changed when he decides to do what he can to be adopted. The only catch is that he doesn't like the consequences as things get out of control. Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Deals, Bets or Dares, Femdom, Authoritarian, School Girl, Age: Preteen to teen AP Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Martin waited nervously with the other children who were told that they were candidates fro adoption. He had...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 78 I Met Someone

April 7, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio “Hi, Mikey!” Liz said when I walked in the door of the house just after 11:00am. “Hi!” I replied. “You saw Paul?” “I did. Everything seems to be going OK. He said you had a good talk at breakfast this morning.” “I’m DYING, Mike! I need him to take me in his arms and...” I held up my hand and interrupted, “I get the picture!” “How are things with Angie?” “We only talked about her a little bit. This was mostly about me.” “Are you having trouble?” I...

4 years ago
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And The Dog Made ThreeChapter 8

Jennifer yearned to eat out Tracy's spunk-flooded cunt, and Tracy knew it. The raven-haired girl lay back, her legs spread open invitingly. Jennifer finished sucking the succulent cream from the Great Dane's tasty prick, then pulled her mouth off him and turned to Tracy. The two naughty and adventurous teenagers exchanged a meaningful glance, both more than ready for the next exotic experience they would share on this eventful day. Jennifer placed her hands on Tracy's knees and, for a...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 05

A gentle tug on Tom’s arm woke him. Only half-aware, he clutched Hannah tight to his chest in a reflex triggered by dreams of abandonment. She brushed his cheek, and whispered, ‘I have to pee, but I’ll be right back. I promise.’ The curtains faintly glowed with sunrise. Rain and wind tapped on the glass. Tom languidly stretched, and enjoyed a lazy Sunday morning contentment. His thoughts floated between dream and reality. The warm bed felt like an ideal place to spend the day. After a few...

3 years ago
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Carrying the Flame Ch 0203

Cooper and Callia looked up as the doctor walked into her room and then looked at each other, the look on his face did not look like they were about to receive good news. ‘What’s up doc?’ Callia asked, trying to lighten the mood. ‘Callia, your body isn’t expelling the fetus,’ the doctor began. ‘What does that mean?’ Callia asked. ‘Usually what happens in the case of a miscarriage is that the fetus is for a lack of a better term is delivered. Your body isn’t doing that,’ he answered. ‘Since...

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