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Der Regen prasselte heftig gegen die Scheiben der Dachwohnung und der Donner der gelegentlichen in ziemlicher Nähe herunter stossenden Blitze liess die Einrichtung manchmal klirren. Ein Fenster war offen und obwohl es zur Wind abgewandten Seite lag, hatte sich schon eine ziemliche Pfütze darunter gebildet deren Rand sich langsam dem Fuss eine Stehlampe mit notdürftig geflicktem Stromkabel näherte.
Der schubweise herein fegende Wind hatte schon diverse lose herumliegende Notizblätter durcheinander gewirbelt und Magazine umgeblättert.
Es war ungemütlich kalt obwohl die Heizung angestellt war.
Von der gegenüberliegenden Strassenseite drang das aufdringlich helle Licht einer Werbetafel durch die geschlossenen Vorhänge und beleuchtete das innere der Wohnung, die ziemlich spartanisch eingerichtet war.
Es war um kurz vor 23 Uhr, als Geräusche an der Tür verrieten, das sich jemand am Schloss zu schaffen machte.
Als die Tür endlich aufschwang wurde im gelblichen Licht der Flurbeleuchtung die Gestalt der Wohnungsinhaberin sichtbar. Es war hell genug das man ihr ansehen konnte, das Sie einen miesen Tag gehabt haben musste und Sie nun zwar froh war endlich wieder in ihren eigenen vier Wänden angekommen zu sein, aber innerlich kurz davor stand vor Wut zu platzen.
Dieser Laune Ausdruck gebend knallte John die Wohnungstür heftig zu ohne sich darüber Gedanken zu machen das Frau Pelvers aus der Wohnung drunter ihr dafür morgen wieder durch eine Schimpftirade danken würde. Andererseits war das auch egal, denn Meckern war so ziemlich der einzige Lebenszwecke dieser alten Schachtel.
Als Sie das Licht anschaltete, blickten ihre zusammengekniffenen Augen wütend unter strähnigen, tropfenden Haaren aus einem Gesicht mit verlaufendem Make-up hervor.
Als ob es nicht schon genug währe das Sie sich heute Ärger eingehandelt hatte wegen eines Fehlers den jemand anderes gemacht hatte, war heute einer dieser Tage gewesen wo einfach alles schiefgegangen war.
Ein gerade noch verhinderter Verkehrsunfall, eine durch Tomatensuppe ruinierte Bluse und mehrere kaputte Geldautomaten die Sie in herbe Zeitnot gebracht hatten, waren dabei die Hauptattraktionen des Tages gewesen. Daneben hatte es aber noch ein gutes duzend kleinerer Probleme gegeben.
John pfefferte ihre Handtasche mit dem zerrissenen Tragriemen in die Ecke, griff die mit vorbedacht auf einem Regal neben dem Eingang abgelegte Fernbedienung und schaltete schon mal den Fernseher ein.
Natürlich lief gerade wieder Werbung.
Sie hängte den nicht für derartigen Regen gedachten Mantel an seinen Hacken und wollte zum Bad, - sich erst mal aus den nassen Sachen schälen und abtrocknen, - eventuell auch eine warme Dusche nehmen, als Sie das offene Fenster und die Regenpfütze darunter erblickte.
Jetzt konnte Sie ihre Wut nicht weiter zügeln und stiess einen geradezu urweltlichen Brüller aus. Sie stampfte mit dem Fuss auf und brach sich dabei beinah den Absatz ihres Pumps ab.
Mit Wuttränen in den Augen stampfte Sie hinüber und hämmerte das Fenster mit solcher Wucht zu das es fast zersprungen währe.
Sie sah das das Wasser fast das Kabel der Stehlampe erreicht hatte und griff danach um Sie beiseite zu schieben. Ihr Blick fiel dabei zufällig auf die kleine Uhr die auf dem Tischchen an der linken Seite des Fensters stand. Es war 22.52 Uhr.
In diesem Augenblick schlug der Blitz in das Dach ihrer Wohnung.
Es handelte sich um einen merkwürdigen Blitz, denn im Gegensatz zu den anderen Entladungen dieses Gewitters war er von intensiv grüner Farbe und hatte seinen Ursprung nicht nur im Ladungsausgleich zweier Luftschichten sondern im Eindringen eines ungewöhnlichen Kometen in die Erdatmosphäre.
Der Komet war schon vor Monaten entdeckt und im Rahmen der internationalen astrophysikalischen Möglichkeiten analysiert worden. Man hatte seine potentielle Gefährlichkeit erkannt als man feststellte das sein Erscheinungsbild keiner bisher bekannten oder voraus kalkulierten Kometenart entsprach und ausserdem ergaben genaue, mehrfach gegen geprüfte Berechnungen das er auf die Erdatmosphäre treffen würde, - aber anders als in irgendwelchen Hollywood-Schinken würde man keine geeigneten Gegenmassnahmen treffen können um dies zu verhindern.
Die Sache wurde international geheimgehalten, (was zur Abwechslung sogar einmal funktionierte) und man wartete was geschehen würde. Ein grosser Teil der reicheren Länder betrieb lediglich Massnahmen für den Zeitpunkt nach dem Aufprall und dessen möglichen Konsequenzen.
Was tatsächlich geschah war das der Komet zu dem vorausberechneten Zeitpunkt in die Erdatmosphäre eindrang und in mehrere Stücke auseinanderbrach.
Eines der Bruchstücke drang in die Gewitterwolken über der Stadt ein und löste nun eben jenen grünen Blitz aus, dessen Energien, die nur zum Teil elektrostatischer Natur waren, in Johns Wohnung einschlugen.
Der Blitz ignorierte in böswilliger Form den erst vor wenigen Wochen neu und korrekt installierten Blitzableiter und schien auch sonst wenig Interessse an den bisher als allgemeingültig anerkannten Naturgesetzen zu haben.
Er umwob die Dachwohnung fast wie ein Netz. Nur wenige seiner Ausläufer drangen tiefer und brachten zwei Sicherungsautomaten der darunter gelegenen Nachbarwohnungen zum abschalten.
Die restlichen Energien verteilten sich in der Wohnung.
Zwar zuckten winzigen Verästelungen des Blitzes an allen Metallgegenständen entlang, schlossen Stromkreise kurz und überbrückten gewollte und ungewollte Unterbrechungen, - so das sämtliche Lichter und Geräte an gingen. Aber die grünen Lichtbögen zogen sich danach auch über die Wände und an alle anderen Gegenständen entlang, wobei Sie die leichteren Teile herum wirbelten und dabei weniger den gezackten Eindruck normaler Blitze, sondern mehr ein gewundenes Aussehen wie von einem Spinnennetz zeigten.
In sämtlichen Geräten mit komplexeren Schaltungen gab es kleinere Explosionen von durchbrennenden Schaltteilen was dazu führte das es an mehreren Stellen der Wohnung in den Geräten anfing zu schmoren und zu qualmen ohne das jedoch ein Feuer ausbrach. Es klang als würden mehrere Ketten Sylvesterkracher herum knallen.
Die Kochplatten des alten Elektroherdes erhitzen sich jedoch kurzzeitig zur weissglut und platzen wegen der unnormalen Beanspruchung.
John, deren Körper von mehreren, stärkeren Ausläufern des Blitzgewebes getroffen wurde zuckte heftig zusammen.
Erstarrt vor Schreck, spürte Sie aber keine Schmerzen oder Angst, lediglich ein angenehm wärmendes Kribbeln erfüllte ihren Körper.
Die Zeit schien für Sie plötzlich viel langsamer zu vergehen. John spürte wie sich ihre Hand von der Stehlampe löste und ihr Körper mitten ins Zimmer auf den Boden geschleudert wurde. Aber Sie fühlte sich geradezu eingehüllt in einen Kokon aus grünem Licht und erlebte es als würde Sie schweben und durch unsichtbare Kräfte sanft getragen.
Energie schien wellenförmig durch ihren gelähmten Körper zu pulsieren.
Genauso plötzlich wie der Blitz eingeschlagen war und die Wohnung mit unzähligen Ausläufern seiner selbst gefüllt hatte verschwand das Phänomen wieder. Es hatte ebenfalls völlig anders als ein normaler Blitz mehrere Sekunden gedauert.
John verlor das Bewusstsein.
Der helle Fleck der John umgeben hatte schien die Blitze in sich hinein zu saugen und verblasste.
Nach diesem blenden Phänomen wurde es in der chaotisch aussehenden Wohnung fast unnatürlich dunkel und still.
Kiara Cole is one of porns brightest new cummers, and we at Team Skeet could not be happier to showcase her incredible, boner inducing body and flirtatious personality. She knows that her tight little pussy is going to make her tons of money because she is a top tier dick pleaser with something to prove. She wants everyone to know that she can suck and ride cock like a true pro. And she proves it today after our stud whips out his thick prick. She slobbers all over it before sliding it into her...
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CheatingAfter the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...
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When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years I left the radio station and started my own business by acquiring a licensing agreement from a national company to sell direct marketing products. As this was an outlying area and not heavily populated, the company looked at it as an area with limited profit potential and whatever...
Hello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...
I went to Madras in the last week of December to conculde a contrat work. I tooka flat in a appartment on lease in the centreally located business area. My appuratment consists of 7 floors I am in 7th floor. Some time I used steps to reach my flat. One evining while the lift is bussy I took steps to reach my flat. On my way in the second floor I saw her, she is beauty ful with red sarry and rose clour blouse and with flowers in her headand with a smiling face she wes waiting for some one....
EroticNote: I am grateful to for providing space to share with other my fantasies. I enjoy reading and writing about my fantasies as it provides me another outlet to live/re-live my fantasies. My stories and fantasies, for the most part focus on incest, exhibition, wife swapping, voyeurism, some non-consentual and group sex fantasies. I make every effort to omit anything which involves sexual relations with children, pain, torture and humiliation as it is not my style or interest. As...
IncestOnce again I awoke early to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Sue and the kids slept in as was their habit on a Saturday morning. My mind was in turmoil.I had dreamed of all types of strange things during the night. It had all started with me wondering if Sue had been impregnated following our discussion that morning. I then thought of my options including leaving her through to swallowing my pride and accepting any baby that resulted as my own. That then progressed into considering taking my...
CuckoldKeira's Offer By Silence Please do not copy this story without telling me. I don't mind you postingit, just let me know first, ok? Please do not allow minors to read this story. It would be very harmfuland I don't want that to happen. This is a piece of fiction and I'd like itto stay that way. Please feel free to write to me concerning what you think of this story.I would love to hear feedback as things progress. I couldn't help but wonder how I had allowed things to go this far. It hadbeen...
We had all seen them poolside and every one of us had felt them at one point or another. That wasn't what the fantasy was about. I wanted to fuck them. No one had even exposed their cock to her yet but they had jacked off thinking about it more than they would ever dare to report. Man they were big. Big, round, full and tight titties on a young girl who had no idea what she had. ...or did she?...naaw! She was just an innocent big breasted teenager with curves that locked up cocks in many...
Ok here's MY disconnected privilege para. During shelter-at-home I meant to get online and chat more, but I've been occupied. Also I've been hearing about how my favorite hoes aren't able to "work from home" like they should because of an online service called OnlyFans (I think?) where every sexually repressed 3-6 is able to chat online and videochat for $. Everybody being locked in is good for business, maybe my online chatters wouldn't be available anyway. But that got me thinking,...
"Mom, will you please let me fuck you?" Mother had an amused smile on her face, but no visible anger. "Why would I do that, Tommy?" "I want to fuck you badly, Mom. You are so beautiful and sexy that I always have a hard on when I'm around you. Please, Mom..." "Tommy, dear, it is not customary in our society to have sons fuck their mothers." "Duh, Bobby's mother lets him fuck her and she loves it." "Tommy, I know that Bobby is a good friend of yours, but do you believe...
Those who have read my previous stories already have the impression that I am, and you who will read this for the first time will briefly describe you. Along with my experience since the 16th year, until now, I've been doing a lot that maybe some people would not even have been in two lives. Call it happiness or misfortune you can see it yourself. From the early days of searching myself I never asked the person to look at him in physical appearance. It was not so important to me that I always...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story… So koi mistake hua toh maaf kardena… Mai raghu from kolkata, mera age 24years hai… Average built body, 7″ lamba nd 4.5″ mota lund jo kisi ki bhi bhukh ko mita de… Funny nd caring bhi hu… Jiske wajah se girls mujhe bahut pasand karti hai… Mera graduation completed hai… and higher studies k sath khud ka business bhi chalata hu… Ap apna comments jarur karey… pe mail bheje ya hangouts . Toh story pe atey hai.. Mai apna business k...
# 9 A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to askthe clerk a question. As he turns to go to thefront desk, he accidentally bumps into a womanbeside him and as he does, his elbow goes intoher breast. They are both startled and hesays, "Ma'am, if your heart is as soft as yourbreast, I know you'll forgive me." She replies, "ifyour penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room1221."# 8 A young man walks up and sits down at thebar. "What can I get you?" the bartenderinquires. "I want 6 shots of...
When we last left Bill and his girlfriend Lauren, Bill had taken his beautiful sister Michelle’s virginity after Lauren approved first though. Bill looked down at Lauren watching her sleep. She looked like an angel, her blonde hair let loose around her shoulders her soft breathing and that little smile that was always there if you looked. Just holding her like this was all Bill ever needed from her. There was such a nice feeling in the room with her resting on top of him letting out soft moans...
Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...
She Started It By Margaret Jeanette Sheila Morgan was playing outside. She was swinging on her swing set. She saw Jim Compton in his yard next door. She called for him to come over and play. He came to play. Being eleven years old both of them played together a lot. Sheila was a tom boy but enjoyed girl's games. She suggested they have a pretend tea party. He sat at the small table and took a cup and pretended to drink from it. "Here take this doll. It is our baby and you...
When I was a young serviceman based in Germany, I fucked lots of women. Seems they couldn't get enough american cock. Sucking a GI's dick and drinking his cum was standard activity. My base was on the outskirts of a large city. Riding a bus was the main mode of transportation. The downtown bus stop was located in front a large hotel. There was a public restroom on the main floor. It was the old kind where you stood and pissed into a concrete drain with running water. One night I was there alone...
Gay“Did you find it?” Jaime heard her husband Patrick calling from down below.“Not yet, I can barely see up here! Could you pass up the flashlight?” Jaime blindly reached down the hole connecting their attic to the second floor walk-in closet. She waved her hand impatiently until she brushed up against something hard and metallic.“Thank you!” she shouted cheerfully down to Patrick as she grabbed the flashlight. She turned it on and could immediately see the entire attic in front of her. “Holy...
ExhibitionismIntroduction: Dont freak out, she is over 50 years old. She loves to role-play. Have you ever felt when you were about half asleep that someone was watching you? Happened to me a few days ago after I had worked all night Friday night and was going to let myself sleep in on Saturday morning. With the sun trying to shine through my windows and all the early morning noises, I wasnt able to pull it off. I hadnt opened my eyes yet, but had the strangest feeling I was being watched. I finally got...
Chapter Six – George’s Adventure Begins George sat in his car in the rush hour traffic, cars jammed bumper to bumper, moving at a crawl. Instead of being annoyed as he usually was, he was thinking about Jasmine and what she had told him last night. She had had a sexual encounter with Rick in the park. He was a little jealous, but he was also extremely turned on by the thought of Rick fucking his wife. George also could not believe Jasmine had told him what had happened the previous evening and...
My first gay experience came when I was a teen, a guy I was being weirdly flirty with at the time.( I knew he was gay, he told everyone, everyone was cool with it but I'm not sure why I was being flirty with him, I didn't really see him as attractive and at the time I thought I was completely straight and being gay never crossed my mind even a year after this all happened haha )His parents worked late so we went over to his and chilled out. Next thing I knew we were rushing upstairs to his...
This morning I was musing on some of the good blow jobs I have received and thought I might share some: P – Expert technique, loved to pay attention to cockhead, shaft and balls. Plus had the skill to look into your eyes while doing it. She read a lot of womens magazines and took tips from them. Swallowed too, excellent girl when you just wanted to cum and couldn’t be bothered fucking her. J – I was the first (so she said) to come in her mouth. I was kneeling over her feeding my cock in my...
Author's note: First, to new readers I want to acknowledge that part 1 of MAU: Infinite Crisis is poorly written. I can only ask you to power through it as the later parts do get better after the story is complete, I will go back and rewrite part 1. Secondly, I would like to apologise to all the readers who've been with this story so far. I had some things happen in my personal life that forced me to put the story on hold. while I can't promise that future instalements won't get...
It was 1998 I turned 16 and my world was opening up for me. I felt excited about the future and in love with life. I was always known to be cute but this year I was really breast were getting bigger (36B), my hips seemed curvier, my legs longer (I was 5”4”), my body becoming firmer since I started cheerleading and running after school every day and boys were lining up to ask me out on a date even the older boys were starting to notice me. I felt good. Alive! Every day...
Couples & ladies who want to enjoy orgasmic sex can get in touch at It so happened that I had to visit Chennai on official duty. My visit was for two weeks as I had to scrutinize some records of a Multi National Company. I reached there and contacted my friend He was actually staying as a Paying Guest at one house. He enquired about my plans and suggested that instead of spending huge amount on hotel bills, I could stay in his house. That was really nice of him. He was also staying alone and...
My name is Steven polski. I am 18 and have recently traveled to japan from ohio as a foreign exchange student. I'm athletic, about 6 foot tall and tan. I'm on the highschool baseball team, which has won many championships. Unfortunately I'm the back up pitcher, but I'm so close to taking the top spot I can taste it. "I finally did it guys, I got my fake Id" I proclaim proudly to my teammates as I enter that classroom. It's first period science. My group of friends all scoff, They are just...
So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. She’d been sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for me and she stood when I entered her room. I could see the slight bulges of her tits poking through her light pink top, as well as her bony hips poking through her bottoms. She looked a bit nervous and in that way that two emotions can show on the same face, she...
My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did. Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...
Mike stood there stunned. The woman of his dreams, his high school sweetheart, had just broken up with him and the only explanation he got was an "It's not you, it's me." She was the only girl that he had ever dated and he had been ready to propose. As he watched her walk out of his life he didn't know what to do. Mike stood, motionless and numb, staring into space long after she was gone. Eventually, his body started to move on autopilot and before he knew it he was back home in his tiny...
Jeanette and I both had stunned looks on our faces. Was he really suggesting that we should have sex? “Well what do you mean dad? That we should try it?” Jeanette asked. “I’m just saying, for some straight ladies I know, it’s a bucket list item to be with another woman, I mean back me up here Christina,” John replied. “Well I guess you have a point. I mean it’s on mine I guess, but she’s engaged to you now. Would you really want her to have sex with Jeanette?” Christina asked. “Well I think...
My first Bi sexual Experience.......After months on adult sites,Chatting to horny couples I came across Emma and Will both in there 40's. Been married for 15 years and have four k**s. Like a lot of married couples after years of marriage there sex life wasnt very good. Till a few years ago when they decided to fuck other people. Both being bi sexual it made it more fun and there was never a shortage of willing partners. For a couple in there 40's they where very attractive. Emma was about 5.6...
Telepathy was studied in a lot more detail. Seeing into a skull helped. I was just not seeing what I hoped. Logic said that it might be more than our five standard dimensions. That was fine and good but none of us could see into more than five. There was some information on Tomma brains gathered but it was not good enough. Those that had died had been cremated and I would not feel right searching through their corpses. I did investigate my children. They were different again but not a lot....
It is the future all over the globe. After thousands of years of oppression women rose up and decided that they needed to take control. Little by little they organized themselves, and through combined political, economical and scientific efforts they decided to change the future of mankind. A new drug was stealthily taken by women that resulted in a significant decline in male births. So in a few generations women outnumbered men more than ten to one. Then women took power suddenly and...
Alle Personen sind mindestens 18 Jahre. Heike .M 39 Geschieden Mutter von einer Tochter und 18 Jahren schaut aus dem Fenster.Seit ihrer Scheidung muß sie notgedrungen hier am Rande der Stadt Wohnen. Die Riesigen Wohnblöcke sind beklemmend. Ihre Nachbarn hat sie seit dem Einzug fast nie gesehen gegenüber Lebt Gerd ungepflegt 50+ mit Halbglatze und einem beginnenden Alt Herren Bauch.Oft Hört sie das Gerd mit Freunden am feiern ist. Ein Paar Wohnung sind leer und das nicht nur auf ihrem...
With the heat of this summer I have been finding it difficult to sleep and strange things come into my mind likeWhy did Daphne always disappear with Freddy in Scobby Doo, they were useless though Daphne certainly had a wiggle that even now I think is pretty hot.Velma - how dirty would she be, I have been with nerdy girls and well they are very naughty to say the least.Shaggy ... I am still in shock during an episode with Scrappy Doo he was riding a Llama trying to escape a Vampire. Did the...
To this day Roxy is the only woman I have been with that took it up the arse, let me tell you how it happened. We were on holiday in the south of France a place called Hossegor on the Atlantic coast, a few miles north of Bayonne. We had been there the best part of a week and the weather had been great which meant I had the pleasure of watching sunbathing topless with the Pyrenees in the background, only one winner in that contest, although one of the lifeguards told her off for it as apparently...
M*m and daughter are very rich but like to be treated as cheap whoresIt was about 1am and my m*m came it to my room and said, "i can want to go and get fucked by a dirty cock now." So we got dressed up all slutty, i was wearing a mini skirt and a business shirt with 26cm blakc high heels, and my m*m was wearing a dress which was very short and 24 cm red high heells.I drove to the highway then took a slip roap and stop by the side of the road in a lonely area, and pretended that we had a...
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” Dion spoke, watching Andreas as the blond stood there, with his hand on the door knob. “Yes, I’m sure,” Andreas nodded. “For what is worth, though, Dion, thank you. You’re really a swell guy. Who knows? Maybe back in Drena, we could have been friends.” “We’re friends now,” Dion offered and was rewarded with a small smile. “Friends ... Yes, I’m ok with being friends. Take care of John for me, will you?” “You know I will,” Dion embraced him...
Personal NarrativesNerine, Drax, Flavia, LeoNerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaI feel sorry for the new girl, Flavia. She is very delicate, very pretty. Obviously so sensitive. Rather like myself in many ways. So I understand all the better what she is going through.At the same time, when I say I am sorry, I am also glad. Because whenever a new girl arrives, it takes the pressure off some of the slaves of longer standing like myself. To some extent we get less attention pais to us. That is...
To mere iss incident ka agla bhag aage iss tarah hai. Thodi der baad Nagji ne apna lund meri pussy mein se nikala aur sofa pe baith kar lund hilate hilate daru pi ne laga. Woh bola, “Amarsinh, Babu. Jo isse chodna chahta hai chodo. Main thodi daru pita hu.” Babu bola, “Main bhi thodi pi leta hu. Amarsinh, tu mar le iski chut.” Amarsinh mere samne aya apna bada mota lund hilate. Haste hue aur mere gaal pakad ke chumne ka ishara karte hue bola, “Janeman, chaal let ja bistar pe. Tange fela kar....
A Paul and Jenny and friends story. Copyright 2001 by Paul. All rights reserved. As I waited for my suitcase to arrive on the conveyer I found myself looking time after time in the arrivals lounge for my favourite American red head. Strange. She said she’d meet me. Perhaps she had the times wrong. Perhaps she had grown tired of a fifty-year old pawing her twenty-three year old body. That was more likely to be the answer. At last it arrived and slinging the strap of my laptop over my shoulder...
Hi. I am ‘that guy’ from Mumbai who is currently in the USA. I am 24 and have a 5.5-inch penis. I have been reading sexstory in iss for some time and today I want to share my experience. As this is my first attempt at writing in iss, please ignore my mistakes. Any feedback and any girls for chat, mail me at The beginning of this story was about 2 years ago when I was studying engineering. One day I and my roommate went to a pub and were just sitting there. My roommate then saw a friend of his...
"I feel quite odd," she said to one of the boys, "as though I'd had too much to drink." Running his hands over her tits, he replied "You feel fine to me," and they both laughed. Just then the other two arrived at a sprint and the aircar took off at maximum acceleration. Although she was feeling very woozy, Jacqui realised that she had been kidnapped and that Martha would be very angry. "Stop, stop," she screamed, "You've got to let me go back." "Shut up," said Leo, "You'll...
"When you need to be somewhere, but can't get there? You need the Hideki Ascend. There is no distance that will keep you from making your mark on the world. Be sure to sign up for the Ascend Ambassador program, and you'll always have access to a body in any Hideki location around the world. Be everywhere." The commercial for the new Hideki invention flashed on a nearby screen. It began with a woman looking at flight tickets from New York to Berlin, seeing she missed her flight. The commercial...
It was story when we went to Masuri in my vacation. I am living with my parents in Deharadoon during my vacation holidays my mami visited me she has a sex bomb like figure i thing i had done hand practice thousand times on my trip to the place we shopped and in evening we went to hotel where i got an opportunity to sleep with my mami as i had a good impression and bcz. My mama didn’t came with us at around 11 we went to sleep during sleep my hand went onto her breast when i woke up i felt the...
Hey yeah story totally fantasy hai mere ek friend ki this is not real and absolutely not my views. I’m writing it so that you guys can read it and enjoy. Ek baar me meri wife aur sister patna jaane ke liye train me bethe wo a.c coach tha n hum teeno ke alwa aur koi nhin tha mujhe neend aa rhi thi isliye samne waali seat par jaakr let gaya aur meri wife aur sister samne waali seat par bethkar baatein kar rhi thi.hum teeno hi young hain isliye meri sister bhi meri wife se kaafi frank hai maine...
Ally heard the come into the room, but couldn't do anything about it. The bedroom smelled strongly of her musk and Ken could see there was a puddle under her cunt. Jane removed the gag and quickly sat in front of the girl, pushing her gooey sex into Ally's mouth. From the look on Jane's face, Ally was very vigorous with her attentions, and soon Jane was humping away, having had all their cum sucked from her tunnel. Ally was learning how to please Jane very quickly and it wasn't long...
Multiply everything by eight. Could you possibly picture a man eight times taller than a normally large six-foot-tall man? Six multiplied by eight would give you a guy forty-eight-foot tall. Now, imagine what his well-endowed cock would look like. You’ve got it… that amounts to over seventy-two inches.*One day I fell asleep next to an ancient old tree. When I awoke the world seemed very different. After wiping the sleep from my eyes, all the colours were incredibly vivid and there was a surreal...
Gay Male“Crap, Paul,” Hunter said as we settled into out seats on the GX-3 in preparation for a flight to Salt Lake City. “Is it always such a hassle dealing with the Pentagon?” I chuckled. “That was a very pleasant meeting compared to some I’ve had with them.” “They sure don’t want to take no for an answer.” “I know. The Navy really wants a fusion powered fleet.” “It makes a lot of sense from an operational and cost perspective” Hunter said. “I think agreeing to furnish them with some generators...
Anne’s back arched as she came down on her husband. She hissed “Yesss…,” as her orgasm hit. Ray looked at his wife, his hands holding onto her hips as he thrust higher, releasing his hot cum into her womb. His cock spasmed and squirted, filling her until he felt it seep out of her pussy and run down his balls. Anne collapsed, exhausted, onto her husband’s chest, still trembling from her orgasm. She nestled her face into his neck, keeping him inside her. She whispered, “I love you, Ray. Who...
Sabrina wasn't sure which throbbing she wanted to quite more – the throbbing between her legs or the throbbing in her head. For two consecutive weeks now she had awakened with a vicious headache, which today had progressed in severity. Yet, despite the pounding in her head, she still got jittery between the legs watching that tall dark delicious man pass her desk. His name was London and his ass looked like it was built from stone. Every time she saw his baldhead she thought of how much she'd...