My Dilemma free porn video

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Thanks to ‘Techsan’ for editing this story.

It was the worst of times. It was the best of times. Boy, how many times have I heard that in my lifetime. Came from some book somewhere. Now a lot of the movies like to use that quote. For most people the statement is true. Only for me I seem to be getting more of the worst of times lately. My marriage of twenty-two years is ending in a not-so-good manner. Because of it, I might quit my job on the police force. So here I am at the old watering hole doing what I do best.

Police work is a hard job. A lot of people think that all we do is drive around and harass people and eat donuts. If that’s your opinion, then you are in never, never land. Every time a cop makes a domestic call he puts his life on the line. That doesn’t even begin to talk about car chases, robberies, rapes in progress or something as simple as serving a warrant. I have been shot at a lot more times than I’ve shot my weapon. You see, I have to watch when I shoot. The criminal doesn’t. They just shoot away hoping to hit a cop. But now that might be all in my past.

My marriage was very unsteady. We had our good days but they were mostly in the past. Our four kids are either adults or almost adult. Only one still lived at home but you wouldn’t know it. We never see him. Some days we might see his dirty laundry but that was about it. He was a stay-at-home college kid. So any free time he had he was out studying or with friends or both. I trusted him, he was a good kid as were our other kids. Two were married and the other away at college. We were lucky to see them at all.

That brings me to Beverly, my once wonderful wife. We had puppy love when we first got married. I guess you could call it rabbit love. The young sex was so great. We just did it, anything, anytime and anywhere we wanted to. Damn, those were some good years. But as the years went by and the kids start being born, our sex life was one of the first things to decrease. I guess that’s the way it is with most marriages.

I’m sitting here at the Old Mill bar just wondering what went wrong. We loved each other. I know we did. I know we both loved our kids. We were always there for them. They were first in our lives. Unfortunately we didn’t put each other at least second. I don’t know what happened. We argued about bills, never enough money. Argued about who was suppose to do what. Shit, we even argued about what damn toilet paper to use and how it should be on the roller, such petty things that eventually separated us. Maybe we were just too proud to blame ourselves.

We didn’t seek counseling. I couldn’t have some man or woman tell me how to live my life. Maybe it was a mistake. But our lives are full of them.

I came home one day and Beverly was yelling about finances. I was a full-time police officer and she worked part-time in the local market besides having the kids to raise. I told her I found some extra part-time work. I was to be a security guard at conventions, ball parks, races and even at the big theaters where all the stars played. The money was really good and I could do it as often as I liked. They preferred off duty officers and worked with our flexible schedules. Well, Bev was happy. She figured this would solve our financial woes.

She was right. Financially we did well. We lived within our means but our home life sucked. For over five years I did the part-time stints. Our marriage grew further and further apart. It was either me being home or the money. Bev stopped arguing with me because if I quit the jobs she couldn’t have some of the luxuries to which she had become accustomed. I was lucky if we had sex once a month. Other than shooting my rocks off, I felt no love from Bev. Maybe I wasn’t giving any love either but I guess maybe I didn’t see it that way at the time.

In my career as a cop, I’m not going to say I didn’t get a little on the side now and then. It did happen. Whenever I got home and my wife wanted nothing to do with me, I usually got pissed off, got back in my car, went to the local watering hole and sometimes found someone as lonely as me. The first couple of times I really felt bad about it. But after awhile it was just a fuck, a way to release the pressures a cop deals with. I knew I wouldn’t get any at home. Believe it or not the women meant nothing to me. Maybe I was trying to get even with Bev in some odd way for not having sex with me. I haven’t had sex with anyone since our separation. The moods weren’t there anymore. Sure is hard to figure out why.

The way divorce came about was I had been doing a stint at the theater. It was about twenty miles from where I lived. I was on my way home when a call came across my CB saying a fight was in progress at one of the bars in the area I was in, so I called dispatch and told them I would meet the patrolman there. I arrived seconds after the patrol car and showed my badge. We all rushed in and stopped the fight that was still in progress. I looked around the bar and spotted my wife Beverly with a strange man. She saw me and tried to hide. It was too late.

I walked over to their booth as Beverly screamed, ‘My God, David!’

The son of a bitch with her went to stand up and I pushed him back down. He drew a knife on me. That was all I needed. I pulled him out of the booth and took my baton and started beating the son of a bitch. All the time my wife was screaming, ‘Please, David, don’t, please, don’t hurt him.’

That was all I needed to hear. I kicked him one more time and then the other police officers pulled me off of him. They took me outside. By then I was cooling off a little. You just don’t know how it feels to come across your wife with another man and then hearing the words, ‘Please don’t hurt him.’

The officers went back in to talk to the man. He said he was going to file police brutality charges against me. The officers informed him that he did pull a knife on an officer and they could write that up also. He still wanted me arrested so they went through all the trouble of filling out all the paper work.They let me go home but told me that they contacted my commanding officer and he wanted to see me first thing in the morning.

I told them to go back and tell my wife that I suggest she doesn’t come home tonight. I will pack a few suitcases and will be out in the morning and she could return, that she would be contacted by my attorney within a few days.

I went home. It’s hard to say how I felt – mad, numb, disgusted and even embarrassed. I did pack some of my everyday belongings into whatever suitcases I could find. I had no idea what else I wanted in personal items. I just wanted out of there.

I drove to a little rooming house that I knew of on the beat. I had my own room and bath. I could eat there at an additional cost but didn’t take them up on it. I had no idea what home cooked meals were like anymore since Bev rarely cooked for me not knowing when I would get home. I set up an agreement to pay them weekly with a week in advance and a deposit. I went to my room and just sat there wondering what all went wrong.

The next day I showed up in uniform. My commanding officer called me in knowing all the facts from the night before. ‘Dave, I’m sorry, I really don’t have much leeway here. This Joe Walters has filed brutality charges against you. No one can blame you for what you did but I have to follow protocol and give you two weeks suspension until an investigation is complete. I’m sorry but I have no choice.’

‘I understand Bill as long as the paperwork shows he pulled a knife on me before I ever hit him. I told the son of a bitch to sit back down so I could address my wife about what was going on. Then the bastard pulls a knife on me and I lost it. He was lucky I didn’t blow his fucking nuts off.’

‘I know. I understand, Dave, and the report has it all in there. We are pretty sure that he will be charged with pulling a concealed weapon and that you acted with restrain with the other off
icers backing you up. But I still have to ask for your gun and badge.’

I told Bill I could use the time off especially since it was with pay. I had a lot of personal things to take care of. I gave him my cell phone number so he could reach me. I no longer had a home phone number. Hell, I didn’t even have a home.

I contacted my attorney and he said that my wife had called and asked him if he would represent her. She needed his help. He told her that I was one of his best friends and would probably be my attorney in this case. I thanked him and started in on the whole God damn story. It hurt to think about it, let alone talk about it. I’m glad Roger, my attorney, was my friend. It made it a lot easier to talk to him rather than some stranger.

He told me he wasn’t at all worried about the abuse charge. Due to the knife incident, he knew all charges would be dropped against me. On the personal side, he said it was still going to cost me dearly. There was no way around it even though she was the cheater. About the best I could do was a fifty-fifty split of all assets. I would still have to pay child support for my one son at home for another year. He was hoping for no alimony and thought I should win on that count. He would do his best to keep my retirement out of the settlement.

I told him I didn’t want to see her again. Twenty-two years and she didn’t have the decency to at least tell me. I wanted all dealings with her to go through him.

He stated that I should help keep up the house payment till the divorce was final but all the credit cards should be paid off. We had enough savings to cover them. He called Bev and explained the bill situation and they took care of it.

After the investigation was finish the commander called me into his office. He told me the charges against me were dropped and I was given my job back. Joe Walters dropped his allegations and received a suspended sentence on his concealed weapons charge. He was put on two years probation. The Walters guy wanted Bev to vouch for him in his law suit against me. Bill, the Commander, told me that she told him no way would she say anything bad about me. Guess she must have felt a little something for me.

That all happened about three months ago. I got a call from Roger. He said the divorce was stalled. Roger said Bev was fighting it tooth and nail. I asked Roger what the hell she wanted, wasn’t a fifty-fifty split fair?

‘Dave, I talked to her this morning. You told me that you wanted me to handle all conversations with her. Well, you may have to talk to her. You see, she doesn’t want a divorce. She wants you back.’

‘What? You’ve got to be kidding. I don’t get it. I offered her her freedom and half of everything we own and she turns it down.’

Beverly had tried to call me on the cell phone at least fifty or sixty times. She wasn’t allowed to see me at the job. I told our receptionist not to forward any calls from her I was a hard ass. She told my attorney, Roger, to have me please call her. She wrote at least twenty letters and gave them to the kids or to Roger to give to me. At the beginning I really didn’t care what she had to say. When anyone handed me a letter from her, I ripped it up in front of them. I have not talked to Beverly since I walked out on her that night in the restaurant.

I was at a loss, I told Roger to hold tight and I would get back with him. I had to give this some more thought. I think it was time to face Bev.

Funny I remember my wife yelled out how she didn’t want him hurt but their relationship went nowhere after that day. Probably because she wouldn’t back him in his lawsuit.

Our kids heard the story from their mother. I’m not sure exactly what she told them. They were really pissed at her but she was their mother and they stuck by her. After losing her husband and then her lover all she had left was the kids. I kept in contact with them but they were closer to their mother than to me because I spent all my time working while they grew up. I did still have an open line of communication with them. After all they were my kids even though they were grown up. The only thing I would not discuss with any of them was their mother. If any of them brought up the subject I just hung up.

I quit my part-time jobs. Money wasn’t important to me anymore. After going back on patrol I even thought of quitting the force. I simply didn’t have the ‘protect and serve’ attitude anymore. I did like my job and it did give me something to do and I was good at it.

As I sat there at the bar I had to wonder what my true feelings were for Bev. I mean I spent twenty-two plus years with her. Did I love her? God, I know I did. Did I hate her? I hate what she did to me. Was I happier without her? Boy, that was an easy one to answer. After twenty-two years together I missed her deeply, in spite of our having grown apart. Believe me I thought about it all. I think I could have made it past even the cheating and maybe reconciled with her sometime. But the words, ‘Don’t hurt him,’ would not leave my brain. He pulled a knife on me but she was worried about her lover.

Every night after I finished patrol I ended up at the Old Mill. Funny, I never got drunk. I usually had a beer or two and then drank coffee. I usually ate a greasy burger from the bar and thought about Beverly, my life and where I went wrong. Man, it was sad. The more I thought of Bev the more I missed her. I kind of wished I had read the letters now. Maybe I was wrong. I never did hear her side. I guess I was too proud. I felt as though my life was over and I didn’t really have any answers. I played the proud, egoistical man that knew it all, knew he was cuckolded, and didn’t need to listen. Well, I proved my point, I was the man you didn’t mess with.

As I sat there in my booth a woman came by and stood next to me. I didn’t even look up. I knew who it was. I could smell her. ‘White Diamonds’ was what Beverly always wore. I have smelled it every night in my dreams since I’ve been alone. Then I heard the words. ‘David, may I join you?’

I didn’t answer.

Then again, ‘David, please talk to me. David, I need to talk to you, please.’

I looked up into the eyes of my near ex-wife. She had tears in her eyes. I told her to go ahead and sit down but I might not be the best company in the world.

‘Dave, I’ve wanted to talk to you for three months. Ever since I made that stupid mistake.’ I butted in.

‘That wasn’t a mistake. Spelling a word wrong. Giving someone the wrong change. Maybe I’ll go as far as saying kissing someone and then realizing you shouldn’t have might even be a mistake. But don’t sit here and tell me that fucking someone and saying how much you wanted them is a mistake. Look in your dictionary and you will find out it’s called cheating, or adultery.’

‘I’m sorry. I used the wrong word. Yes, I’m sorry I cheated on you. I need to tell you about it .’

‘Why? So you can go to confession with a clean heart and feel better about yourself?’

‘David, please listen to what I have to say. It’s not to clear my conscience. It will never be cleared as long as I live. I just need to tell you the truth. I know you are probably not going to believe me but I must tell you the truth.’

‘Okay, Beverly, I’ll try to listen but I can’t help it if I break in. You see, even though our marriage might have never been the greatest, I have been thinking about it and you were my best friend as well as my wife. Then you took that trust and crushed it for a lover.’ Beverly was crying.

‘Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I have ruined both of our lives and hurt the lives of our children. Please let me get this out. I love you, David, I have always loved you.’

I butted in. . . ‘Then why the fuck did you tell that son of a bitch you loved him? Yeah, right to my face you said, ‘Stop, David, Don’t hurt him.’ Why don’t you explain that remark before going any further with all this new-found love for me.’

‘Okay, David,
I will start with the time at the bar when you caught us together. To begin with, I do not nor I have ever loved Joe. The only reason – now listen to me, David – the only reason I said, ‘Don’t hurt him’ was because I was worried about you. I know how strong you are. You could have beat him to within an inch of his life and it would have been you who would have gone to jail. I can’t make you believe me but, as God is my witness, that is why I said it to you. Knife or no knife I know you could take him down.’

‘So are you saying he wasn’t your lover and that you never had sex with him. Do you expect me to believe that?’

‘No, I said no such thing. I just didn’t want you to be charged for my stupidity. This part is going to be much harder to tell you. I did not have sex with Joe. Please listen, David. I need for you to know the truth. About two days before that night, Joe, who worked in the same store as I did, asked me out to lunch. As you know our love life had been – how should I say it? Pretty much nonexistent. I’m not blaming you. It was both our faults.’

‘Joe kept telling me how nice I looked and all the other compliments a woman likes to hear and then took me to his apartment. He started kissing me. He did touch my breast but I wouldn’t let him go any further. I told him I had to think about it. He asked me to meet him for dinner at the bar the night you caught us. When you came home after the first meeting I had with him, I couldn’t even face you. I wanted to just disappear. Anyway I went to meet him to tell him it was over. There was no way I could cheat on you. I had done too much already. He told me he was going to tell you if I didn’t continue the relationship. I asked him what relationship. That few minutes in his apartment was a mistake, not a relationship.’

‘I thought about it and the sex was not worth losing my marriage over and if he wanted to tell you, then he could go ahead. Our marriage might be over but you would probably kill him. The next thing I knew, you were standing there.’

‘Why should I believe you? Why should I believe anything you tell me? You broke my trust in you.’

‘David, I know that. I live with that guilt every day too. You deserved better than me, I know that. You just have to understand that I know I was wrong. I can’t go back and change it. God, I wish I could but I can’t. The only thing I want from you is to understand how sorry I am. I don’t want a divorce. I still love you and always will. I did my best to contact you but you wanted nothing to do with me.’

‘David, just so you know. I had never cheated on you before or after that one time. I have never ever even kissed another man. I don’t know if you want any contact with me or not but here is my new phone number. I had it changed so Joe would stop calling me. I work at a kids day care now full time. I even quit the store. I came here to finally get a chance to tell you the truth. I love you, David, and am sorry for ruining both of our lives.’

I sat there in thought as she got up and started toward the door. I knew I loved her still also. I needed time to think. If everything she told me was true, I might have made a big mistake.

I yelled to her ‘Bev, please come back here.’ She turned around and looked at me.

‘Please come here. I have something to say too.’ She came back with tears in her eyes and sat down.

‘Something is wrong in our relationship. You see all I have done for the last three months is think about you. I was wrong about so many things. I think we took each other for granted. We let every little thing come between us. We grew further and further apart, Neither of us giving an inch, each being too proud. Bev, I love you. I realize how much I have missed you and what a stupid ass I have been not speaking to you. I want that to change. ‘How do you feel about it?’

‘My God, David, all I want is you back home with me. It’s been so lonely coming home knowing you will never be there.’

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Chapter 2 – A Hot Workout Casey was still mulling over the idea and starting to do his reading when he got a call from Lani. ‘Are you ready to go to work?’ ‘What?’ ‘I’ve got a client. Ready and willing. Or at least ready and pretty willing. Her sister is the contact. She has already softened her up a touch. Not actually. This one is no softy. Hard body. Serious athlete. You may have heard of her. Deann Downs.’ ‘Deann Downs? That Deann Downs? You’re not serious. That one could get any man on...

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An Ashamed Bride Blackbred At My Bachelorette Par

Blackbred At My Bachelorette PartyMy name is Lori. I have been carrying the shame of what I did, and what happened to me, at my bachelorette party with me for 5 years. The guilt and shame are almost unbearable at times. I have thought about telling one of my close friends or my sister, but have never worked up the courage to do actually do it. I am thinking about going to a counselor just to talk about it with another person, while maintaining confidentiality. The only people that know this...

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Copyright© 2004 (Here's one for you, Bully!) They were an amateur Polynesian dance troupe, mostly young Filipinas, who had come to entertain at my best friend's birthday party. Not the best I'd seen, but they were pretty good and trying to get better. They started with a number of slow, graceful Hulas, the hand movements a little studied, not quite as graceful as they would be with a tad more practice. Next, they changed costumes and got into the faster Tahitian dances. Since I was...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 33

"It's really over, isn't it?" I've never wanted to lie more. There was so much pain in her voice. "Trace, I..." "You don't have to say anything. I think he made it clear." It was Tuesday after our tournament. I'd worked at the gym all day, and Traci and Kelly had team. Just before we'd finished, Mikee and Peter had shown up, looking for a ride home. Peter hadn't said a word to Traci all the way home. Hadn't even looked at her. "I don't think it matters. The boy ain't...

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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 4

The following morning I had an early breakfast, before returning to my room and working intensively for the next hour and a half. Then I called Noelle and let her know my program for the rest of the day, before starting the two-hour drive back. My first meeting was with a makeup artist whom we had been using during our undercover operations. To call her a makeup artist was quite an understatement of her skills, since besides being able to make a temporary change to your looks, she could...

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‘Good morning, daddy,’ she said with just a trace of her Ukrainian accent. ‘I really wish you wouldn’t call me that,’ said her stepfather, ‘at least not the way you do.’ ‘What do you mean, daddy?’ Her voice softer yet, like dripping honey, sexy, inviting, subtle in its meaning. ‘You’re flirting again, Kate, and it’s not right for you to do that. You have to stop. I can only take so much of it. ‘I know,’ she said softly to herself. ‘That’s the idea.’ ‘Maybe I’ll stop when I get what I...

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Dealing With George

Jo Gilbert and Madeline 'Maddy' Prescott had been school friends, but when Maddy went off to university they didn't see much of each other, but they'd stayed in touch. Maddy had wanted a career before she thought about having a family, but fate decreed otherwise. Her father had died when she was quite young, and the year that she graduated her mother confessed that she was dying, but that she wanted her daughter to finish her education before she told her. For two years after she was told,...

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SensualistChapter 3

The next day I spent in a fog, bumping into things and finally retreating to my room to avoid arousing anyone's suspicions by my unusual actions. Frank was still out of town, and as dinner came to a merciful end, Denise caught me by the elbow and pulled me aside when no one else was in the room. "Nine tonight, my room, Donald." I floated away, and showed remarkable restraint in not masturbating as the clock on my wall slowly ticked away the hours until our scheduled rendezvous. I...

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Business Partners Mother

This story is 100% true and I never thought it would have happened. I am a mid 40’s DWM, who is in great shape body wise, have been called handsome and blessed with an 8” cock that women have always loved. Over the past year I started a business with a woman and to date it has been successful beyond our expectations. However my partner has tried to have a relationship with me, and continually tries to. For many reasons I do not want one. She is an attractive woman, just the kind that would be...

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A tryst at the Chateau

I hear your intake of breath as you see the twenty five roses on the coffee table. They are in a lillet lead crystal vase, the best they had, but not exactly what I would have gotten had I had more time. Nevertheless, it's better than nothing. I grab you as you step in the room, turning to kiss me. "Hello, sweetness. I hope you are ready to get the ride of your life." "I am indeed", you reply, rubbing my crotch. "That's good, darling, because I've brought all the requisite...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 273 Look What I Found in the Body Shop

I had absolutely no concept of time, since I did none of the things which mark the passing of days. There were no announcements like, "I am hanging your breakfast bag of nourishment." Somewhere during the interviews, it changed from what I had done, to what would you do if. One of the dumbest of them was, what would you do if you went into a room with ten hostages and a terrorist. He is holding one as a shield and has a pistol to that one's head. He is threatening to kill them all. If you...

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Suffering for Shoes A hardcore gay foot sock an

Suffering for Shoes. A hardcore gay foot, sock, and shoe worship fantasy including ballbusting, trampling, retefism, and bondage.When I was 19, I knew I had a feet l, socks, and shoe fetish. I didn't know how bad my shoe fetish was until after I had been going to see this 35 year old studly daddy for a while.I saw his ad online. He only lived about 15 miles from me. Over in the college town. His pics were great. He was a stud. Black hair brown eyes. He was 6 foot 3 inches tall. Really Manly...

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SMOMS The Origin Ch 2

Hortense found me rewrapping my foot with a dish cloth. I had cleaned his shirt with soap and full boiling water. Sensing the emergency was over, my son reverted to practical matters. "I'm hungry, Ma. Did Greatgran eat yet?" I sliced headcheese and tore chunks of bread for both of them. I skipped eating. How my body was sore from a foot wound, I could not explain it. My foot felt somewhat better by supper. I made a stew. Hory helped to wash the dishes. I cleaned up Grandpa after dinner. He...

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The Holiday Part One

I sighed, stretching my arms out before me as the last customer of the day entered her pin number into the machine. It was a Sunday, and near closing time in the supermarket that I worked in. There where only 3 other workers in the shop, 2 women and a man and they too would soon be leaving. However my boyfriend, Craig, had talked me into staying for a while, and letting him pick out some underwear for me. ‘Especially for our holiday,’ he had grinned, as I reluctantly agreed, knowing he would...

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Kamuk Nepali Ladkiyan

Hello friends! Mera naam Aaditya hai. Main abhi IIT Delhi se engineering kar raha hu aur sath hi UPSC ki bhi taiyari kar raha hun. Main hamesha ISS se kahani padhta tha. Isiliye apni kahani bhi share kar raha hu taki aaplog maze le sako. Ye kahani pichle mahine ki hai jab main apni girlfriend ke sath Nepal ghumne gaya tha. Girlfriend ki chudai ki kahani kabhi aur bataunga. Kyuki jyada interesting bat ye hui ki us trip pe mujhe do Nepali ladkiyo ko chodne ka mauka mila. Meri girlfriend, Prachi...

2 years ago
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The NeighborhoodChapter 2

Bret continued to date Sally and took her out for dinner on most Saturdays. It was only dinner so far but she seemed to be warming to him. He had long operated under the impression that a woman would tell him in some way if she wants to take the relationship to the next level. He also thought he would spoil himself a little and looked to hire a cleaning lady. One of the neighbors, Trish Stevens, mentioned the lady she used. She said Consuelo Gonzales was excellent and gave Bret the contact...

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Too Much LoveChapter 72

Arthur Black hated everyone at his going-away party. That hatred wasn’t entirely new. It wasn’t possible to make senior partner at a firm like Black and Stringer without developing an armor of defensive contempt for most of your coworkers and active loathing for a few. At one time or another in the past quarter century, he’d worked directly with most of the people in the big conference room where Arthur had been “surprised” with drinks and hors d’oeuvres on his last full day at the firm’s...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 3 FutaMommy Joins Truth or Dare

Chapter Three: Futa-Mommy Joins Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Shannon Baker Cum leaked out of my pussy. Girl-cum. Futa-jizz. The slumber party at Britney's had gone wild thanks to that scented candle burning away on the end table. The air filled with Lavender Relax. My futa-cock throbbed to the beat of my heart. I had a big, throbbing clit-dick. It was so impossible and yet I didn't care that a scented candle had somehow given...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 11 Decisions

I was amused to be seated at the head of the table. Greta was on my left and Cavil had the other end of the table. The Bellows may have been wondering what was going on, but I wasn’t in any hurry to tell them. Dick had been seated beside Greta and his sons interspaced with Cavil’s three main spouses at my request. I had invited only one of my grandfather’s people to be at the main table. I was interested as to why my sister Jose had been part of his entourage. She had been seated on my...

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A Broader Pallette Chapters 1 and 2

A Broader Palate By Becky Chapter 1 -- A Bland Dish "Honey, I really wish I could stay," Stacy cooed, giving her boyfriend her best puppy-dog-eyes look. "But I promised Brendan I'd meet him for dinner tonight." With that, she kissed him on the cheek, turned on her heel and disappeared into the elevator. Jim raised his hand to the spot where her lips had touched his skin. "I'm gonna run across the street to grab a bite to eat," Jim's secretary Sarah announced. He turned...

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Just shut up and fuck me

I was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending an hour, cleaning off the chalk board. I was so sweaty after cleaning. I went to the boys...

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Thankkam Making The First Move

Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Thankkam to whom I and the whole family turned to, she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house me, my wife, Thankkam and Father in Law. My wife had a brother who is married and settled in Gujarath. My wife and Father in Law worked every day. Thankkam was retired 5years back from her hospital, and I had been running a Consultancy, comfortable enough to live well and support the family. One morning a few months...

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Ek Pyaasi Maa Ki Majburi

By : Sultana1999 Is kahani ko mere dost ne bheja hai. Padhe aur batayen kaisa laga. Apna comments is pate par bheje or . Hello mera naam Kamna Shukla hai. Umar 37 saal do bete hain, pati ka naam Rajeev Shukla hai aur unka dehant ho chukka hai.. Hum shuru se itne amir nahi the. Humne bhi garibi dekhi hai. Shaadi ke waqt mairi umer sirf 19 sal thee. Hum UP kay aik gaon main Mirjapur District main rahte the. Meri shaadi bahut dhum dham se ho gayi thi. Mairay shohar New York main kamyab...

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Sexy aunt in tights

I sat at the bar in the kitchen looking across the room at my Aunt Pat as she talked to my Mom. I trying to appear both calm and relaxed outside because inside I was on fire. My aunt stopped by on her way home from work and had expected Mom to already be gone. Mom sat at one end of the table and Aunt Pat at the other. From where I sat I could see both of them in profile but, they could only see each other from the waist up. Aunt Pat was wearing very conservative knee length black skirt and...

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"Du bist mein kleiner Blasehase!", sagt Simon neckisch und blickt auf mich hinab. Ich sitze kniend vor ihm und habe den Mund voll Schwanz – den Schwanz meines Bruders. "Ja, der bin ich! Und ich liebe es dir einen zu blasen." Um zu antworten muss ich seinen Lustspender kurz aus dem Mund nehmen, nur um kurz darauf mit dem Liebesspiel fortzufahren. Es liegt einfach in meiner Natur. Seitdem ich das erste Mal einen Blowjob mit 16 Jahren gegeben hatte, genieße ich es regelrecht Schwänze zu lutschen....

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Love can be in plain sight

My name is Jennifer, I have blonde hair and C-cup breasts. I have blue eyes and I'm tall as well, I'm 6'1. My brother Ray has always been jealous, he is only 5'9 and he's older than me, but only by 3 years and a few inches though. I'm 27, he is 30 and right now we live together in a small 2 bedroom house. We both bring people home and do the deed every now and then, but we have always been comfortable about it though. Truth be told I've had a small crush on Ray for awhile, I don't know why...

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The Internet has certainly changed the way we communicate, huh? You can slide into a slut’s DMs, post an X-rated meme on your friend’s Facebook, or chat face-to-face with your hot cousin on Facetime. Do you know what’s better than clothed video conferencing? How about if the girls are naked? That’s kind of the premise behind, a live webcam site where beautiful girls put on shows for perverts.Can we talk about that domain for a second? seems like it has to be Internet gold. I...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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When Enemies Meet

Kiya looked cautiously from the protective cover of the forest, her sharp eyesight gazing across the narrow plain at the towering crags of the Xeuxondran Mountains. Her lithe form shivered as the wind rushed down the rocky peaks, across the Winter barren plain to crash itself to tatters on the ancient trees like a mighty wave dashing itself to pieces on an uncaring headland. She felt the denizens of the forest drowsing in their Winter lodgings and the trees, somnolent until Spring, sleepily...

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The Boyfriend Search

He was very focused. Angel started to say something to him to let him know she was home, but he was hammering and a pipe must have burst. Water sprayed out violently. "Goddammit!" He scrambled to get the water shutoff, leaving him soaked and the shower a disaster. He continued cursing. She was taken back a bit, he was usually so calm and in control. "Daddy," she rushed up to him and tried to do something to help. "Oh honey," he said, calming down a bit on seeing her. "It’s been...

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Lily part 2

…Our bags are packed and we are ready to go but instead of heading out to the airport to see our family for Thanksgiving we are sitting in the living room watching the news. Of course a once in 100 year snow storm has landed smack on top of us. As the snow accumulates by the hour our prospects of getting on the plane diminish. The news eventually tells us that the airports are closed. Nicki and I decide to brave the storm and head to the grocery store and make it back with a turkey and all the...

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GAON KI VIKAS YATRA akhirkar bus me seat mil hi gyi. kisi tarah mai apni mausi ke gaon sikarpur pahuchi. mere mausaji mujhe lene aye. mai ghar pahuchi, sabse mil kr bhut achhcha laga. magar sb udas the. meri mausi ki ladki sunita ki sbse achchi saheli sunita ki aaj achanak maut ho gyi thi. mai bhi turant sbke saath uske ghar maiyyet me gyi. do din baad pta chala ki pichle kuch saalon se har saal 3-4 ldkiyaan mar jaati hain. maine pucha to mausi ne kha yha ki hawa hi kharab hai beta. fir ek...

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The Vampires KissChapter 3 Virgin Blood

Abigail turned the sedan into the parking garage beneath Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. The sun's rays lightened the horizon. Fear rippled across her skin. The sun meant death. Its light was fire reduced to its most pure essence. And purity was deadly to a vampire. But Abigail didn't fear for her own safety. Dawn lay a few minutes away and already she had pulled the car into the sanctuary of the parking garage. The dark, man-made cavern was lit by the impure, flickering florescent...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 86

When I awoke Sunday morning in the strange bed, it took me a few minutes to remember where I was, as well as how I got there. I had a feeling as if my mouth was wearing an overcoat. I think almost every woman can tell you where that feeling comes from. While I was trying to get my mind to focus, I listened to a male voice speaking a foreign language. That's when I realized I was in Vald's bed, but he wasn't. Vald sat in the small sitting area of the hotel room talking on his cell...

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Star Trek TNG The Replacement

What should she do? Beverly Crusher's mind wasn't really on it today. To be fair it was quiet in sickbay and all she was really had to do was the unenviable task of sorting out shift patterns and finishing off paperwork. The 'rewards' of being a Chief Medical Officer aboard a starship, she thought, although at least she got her own office. Her mind, however, wasn't on the job at hand. All she could think about was last night. She had slept well, although her dreams contained more visions of her...

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Private Practice

I met my friend Lesley during the first two weeks of working at Temptations. We were dancing on the same shift and I noticed the first few days I was there that the guys went wild whenever Lesley walked out on stage. She’s a slender, sexy girl with long, dark hair and small, hard nipples that drive the audience crazy. And her eyes…when Lesley stares at me with those beautiful eyes, I can almost feel her tongue burrowing up my pussy…but I’m getting ahead of...

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Invisibility II

George drove home from the mall, his bags of minor stolen items sat in his back seat, his mind still grappled with the experience he shared, at least that’s the word he was trying to use in his mind. The pleasurable encounter that he shared with the beautiful mother and daughter. But he knew, it wasn’t exactly a shared experience, he’d molested them. The words stung his brain, a dark bolt of dread. He was a good man, he told himself. He reminisced on the good deeds and generous acts he’d...

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Thomas grew up in Ayrshire, Scotland, the home area of the Great Bard himself Rabbie Burns, of Souter Johnnie and Tam o'Shanter; and so it was that his nickname was Tam. Tam was a pretty ordinary lad, with an older sister; but one bored day she dressed him up in her clothes, and that kindled in him a yearning he could never dismiss. He would secretly dress in her clothes at any opportunity from then on. No-one can have failed to notice the dreadful depression we are in and when Tam...

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