Vegas Ch. 01 free porn video

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I have long wanted to write a storyline that is different to anything else that has been published on this site. This is it.

Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. I believe your understanding will be the poorer for it, but that is your choice.

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told.

This is my first attempt at writing and I know that having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed:

Encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticisms that will help me improve.

Voting that will help me assess the enjoyment factor…. or otherwise.


It was late that evening when Daniel returned from his day’s work, wearily pulling into the loading dock and parking the truck. His internet poker game the previous night had seen him grab only a few, short hours sleep and he was feeling jaded. With another late night ahead due to Grace performing at a local club, he knew rest was some distance away, and that thought contributed to his state of mental and physical tiredness.

His young body ached as he alighted from the truck. Walking to the rear, he slowly pulled opened the back door for the part-time workers who at some stage would load it up again for the next batch of deliveries. But that was somebody else’s problem, he thought, as he made his way inside the building.

He poured himself a small white plastic cup of water from the machine that looked close to falling off the wall. Even at that time of night, Slim was still there. He was a thin man, with a fearsome reputation. Despite his nickname his face was chubby, concealing the hard, dark eyes that led to his ever scheming brain. Although he and Slim got on well enough, Daniel was always on his guard.

He was aware that a few of his fellow delivery drivers did little side jobs for Slim after hours. From the stories he occasional overheard, he imagined that work included bodyguard protection, immigrant smuggling and breaking knee caps. If there was something dirty going on in this part of London, it seemed that Slim had something to do with it, or he knew someone who did.

Daniel was well aware that he could very easily have been drawn into helping out in a similar way. He had the build for it, his tall, solid frame was perfect for hauling heavy cardboard boxes around all day, a proclivity that kept him in shape. And there was no doubt that the money would have helped. But Daniel felt that he would have to be both silly and desperate to become involved and was careful to distance himself from such activities.

There had been one occasion when he had given some tentative consideration to becoming involved. Money had become a real problem and this seemed a way out of their temporary financial distress. But after discussing some of his suspicions and thoughts with Grace, she naturally enough was fiercely against any involvement. That came as a massive relief to Daniel, who knew in his heart that he would have been incapable of going through with it. He just wanted Grace’s confirmation.

As Daniel drained the water and then refilled the plastic cup, he glanced over at Slim. What had led him to this position, he fleetingly wondered. In between playing poker whenever he could, he had further wasted his University education by taking this job, a driver for one of the local delivery companies. Much like Matt Damon in the movie, Rounders, he thought. Only in the movie, that was to earn back the money his character had lost playing poker. With Daniel, it was to earn money so that he could play poker.

In fact, it had not been Daniel’s intention to work at all. His ambition was to become a poker professional and support himself, and Grace, that way. But Grace had soon explained the financial facts of life to him, although in truth they were staring him in the face. She pointed out that if they wanted to continue to afford to live in the cheap apartment they were already renting then Daniel’s unimpressive internet poker winnings were unlikely to ever be enough.

He would have to get a real job, she insisted. And although he knew she was wrong and that one day he would earn enough from his poker, he had pleased her by taking a job for the Parcel Express business. And that was why he was here, right now, watching Slim amble over to him.

Slim’s trademark loud blue suit and yellow shirt still looked newly pressed despite the lateness of the hour, and he greeted Daniel with his familiar lop-sided grin before shaking his hand, his gold bracelet falling coldly against Daniel’s wrist.

‘You make all your deliveries today?’ he asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

Daniel nodded wearily. Always the same question, he thought. It was known that Slim was a hard taskmaster and Daniel would never return to base without having carried out all his duties. He wanted to stay on the right side of Slim. He needed this job, for the time being at least, and in any case he certainly did not want the consequences of failure.

‘You know me Slim, if I had not made my deliveries I wouldn’t be back here,’ Daniel responded with a slow grin.

He glanced at his boss to make sure he had not relapsed into one of his notorious bad moods. But Slim seemed affable enough and Daniel poured himself yet another cup of the cold water that could have been colder. Today had been thirsty work.

‘Ah, yes. We need more workers like you Daniel,’ said Slim, eyeing the younger man. ‘You know, if you ever want to increase your take, all you have to do is ask,’ he continued, his black eyes widening as he extended the invitation.

Slim did not provide that sort of opportunity to just anyone. It was only when he had full confidence in one of his employees, gained over a period of time. Daniel was fully aware of that and realised that he had to be careful, not just with his reply but also with the way in which he answered.

‘Sorry Slim, I appreciate the invitation as I always have, but I don’t have time to become involved here after hours. I’m a delivery man, plain and simple.’

Something in the tone of Daniel’s voice, or what he had said, must have been amusing to Slim, because he began to laugh loudly.

‘And you are a very good one at that. You are a fine young man, Daniel. But one of these days, I will convince you, believe me!’

He leant over, conspiratorially adding, ‘And I promise you, you will make much more than you will ever do through your poker games.’

Daniel nervously grinned back, feeling slightly uneasy but prepared to stand his ground. But Slim did not allow the subject to drop and he took Daniel’s arm in his hard, calloused hand. The tightness of his grip belied his out of shape frame.

‘In fact, tonight I have a job that would require your skills most definitely. Something a man of your build could handle with no problem.’

Daniel smelt Slim’s garlic flavoured breath as he spoke but despite the heavy odour, managed to keep a straight face.

‘Thanks, Slim, but no. I have to go watch my girl tonight,’ he said, crumpling the cup up and throwing it into the dirty grey waste bin some ten feet away.

Slim’s eyes followed the cup into the bin. ‘Good shot,’ he rather eerily whispered.

He looked directly into Daniel’s eyes as he took a step back. He pulled a packet from his pocket and lit a cigarette with a rather gaudy lighter, blowing the thin stream of smoke directly upwards.

‘Ah yes,’ he breathed. ‘The girlfriend! How is her s
inging going? Is she getting any better?’ He laughed, ‘If she is booed off the stage and must run home to her mother, you can come by here tonight at ten and I’ll make your night worthwhile,’ he said. ‘And afterwards, I have some lady friends coming by and…’

Daniel knew that although he would have a ‘job’ lined up this evening, this was Slim’s sense of humour and that he was playing with him. Nevertheless, he felt an immediate irritation inside and cut him off with a forced smile.

‘Thanks anyway, but she’ll be fine. I better get going, see you tomorrow Slim.’

With that, Daniel turned and covered the few paces to the door, praying that he would not hear Slim call him back. There was no response and it was with some relief that Daniel swung the door closed behind him. He silently cursed Slim for showing disrespect to Grace and her singing. He hated that.

He walked across the noisy cobbled stones to the dark blue car – a small, but serviceable vehicle he had bought with the first of his internet poker winnings. He started it up, the engine sputtering to life with an agonizing groan. Daniel pushed it into gear and exited into traffic, heading for their flat. By his reckoning he had around half an hour to get home and showered before departing for the Club.


It was more like an hour later when Daniel slowly circumnavigated the narrow streets searching for a parking place. His slow progress as he circled around proved an annoyance to several other cars, and they were not slow to use their horns to express their irritation. Eventually, he found a vacant spot a few streets away.

He squeezed the car into the limited space available and walked the few hundred yards to ‘Joshua’s Place’. In a doorway around twenty yards away was a homeless person, if the homemade sign around the scruffy looking dog’s neck was to be believed. Daniel fumbled in his pocket and dropped a few coins into the dirty cap beside the man. He could hear the noise from the club from there.

He entered a place that was alive with people, drinking and talking. The atmosphere was vibrant and he made his way through the thong of people and up to the heaving bar. It appeared to him as if he had arrived just in time and that the evening’s supporting acts had all finished. As he waited to be served by one of the over-made up girls behind the bar, a man was speaking on stage, setting the scene for Grace.

After a short wait to be served, he took his drink and brushed through the queue gathered around the bar. He headed towards the stage and once he had a little space of his own, he hesitated momentarily before looking over at the podium. A lone microphone stood in front of the empty platform and Daniel excused himself as he negotiated his way to the front. As he did, he sidestepped around the full tables of people, many of whom were now standing in conversation beside their seats.

When he reached the front he saw Grace off to the left of the stage, wiring up her small speaker and her electric guitar, making sure all the cords were plugged in correctly. She was wearing a plain green top with a knee length black skirt, and she looked incredibly sexy, he thought. For a moment, he sadly wondered why the spark that had ignited them only three years ago was dimming now.

He watched as her left hand ran through the shiny brown hair that framed her beautiful face and wished that at times like this, he could turn the clock back. She had not noticed him arrive, being too busy with her last minute adjustments, and he walked over to the reserved seat she had arranged for him at the table right in front of the small stage. He nodded to the two couples already occupying the other seats at the table but, engaged deep in conversation, they ignored him.

Almost unnoticed, Grace slid on stage and took a seat on the chair next to the speaker. A ripple of applause rang out as some of the audience realised she had taken to the stage, increasing in volume as the whole of the club joined in. As the applause died down and the background chatter became just that, Grace extended her slim, long arm, pulled the microphone down to her full lips and quietly spoke.

‘Hi, my name is Grace and I’m here to play a few songs,’ she huskily said, evoking another prolonged round of applause.

The background lights faded, leaving Grace clearly lit up on the small, sparse, stage. If this is the reaction before she sings, thought Daniel as he eased back into his chair, she will bring the house down. As if hearing his thoughts, Grace glanced down at his table, and flashed him the kind of smile he remembered so well, but which had seemed to be becoming rarer with each passing month.

She then shuffled back ever so slightly on her thin chair, resettled her guitar on her lap as she looked out at the audience, and launched into her first number. Her usual repertoire was to sing the slower songs first and then build up the pace, finishing by getting the audience literally rocking in their seats. Tonight was no different and for an hour she played mostly her own songs, interspersed with several covers.

The audience sat quietly through each early rendition, entranced by the husky sound of her voice. And although Daniel clapped enthusiastically after each song, the patrons did not seem to need any sort of encouragement. They applauded and whistled after each performance, becoming louder and more vociferous in their approval as the evening wore on and the tempo increased.

Her singing was remarkable, and as he sipped away at his drink Daniel found himself wondering why she had not yet been ‘discovered’. There was no doubt she had the talent, despite the fact that she always insisted she had a long way to go before she had any hope of reaching her dream of a record deal. But they both felt her voice was so good, so commercial, that all it needed was for them to be able to somehow source the right contacts.

When she completed her final song, she stood up and the club owner, Thomas, leapt across the small stage, microphone under his arm as he furiously led the applause. Daniel could see Grace blush a little as she gracefully took her bow, just ahead of Thomas softly taking her shapely arm and making a big show of kissing her hand.

He faced the enthusiastic audience again and pointed to Grace, and then led a fresh round of applause. Grace gave a final wave as she began to bashfully exit the stage, to the right of Daniel. Despite his instant and irrational dislike of this man, Daniel realised that Thomas was clearly a fan. It was clear that he was as entranced with Grace’s stylish performance as the audience. Daniel drained the final drops from his glass and then slipped away to bring the car to the back of the club.


He carefully drove the car to the thick, back door of the club, negotiating between dustbins on either side. There was a rumbling of thunder in the distance as he switched off the engine. He sat back to await the large back door swinging back, which would signal Grace’s arrival. Settling himself into the uncomfortable seat, his mind drifted back to the first time he and Grace had met, on a barmy summer evening at a charity barbeque.

They had watched one another from a distance for some time before they got talking. They made love later that night and first thing the next morning too. That was three years ago. Daniel had even wondered if she was the one he would marry and as it turned out, Grace also had the same thoughts. But it had never happened.

In the early days they had made a really good couple, enjoyed many of the same interests, and for a long period the sex was great. That seemed a long time ago, he ruefully thought, shuffling again in his seat, his tired eyes glancing again at the door at the rear of the club.

Daniel was not sure exactly what it was that had originally turned him on so much to Grace. Perhaps it was the regular sparkle in her bright, almond coloured eyes, or possibly it was her
infectious laugh. He was also knocked over by her natural sexiness, never overt, but always there. More probably, he thought as he wound the window down to gain some air, it had been all of those things. Whatever the secret, both physically and personality wise he had immediately fallen for her.

It had been so spontaneous the way they had got together. So much so that shortly after their first meeting they had searched for a place to share. Money had been tight, so tight that they found that all their combined finances could afford was a tiny, one bedroom studio flat in London. They instantly secured the place for a small, but significant to them, deposit that made their dire financial situation even worse than previously. But they got by.

And as time went on, some key differences began to emerge that impacted on the equilibrium of their relationship. Daniel became an avid poker fan and would play as often as his free time allowed. Any yearnings he previously had for success in business were replaced by an overwhelming desire for fame at the poker tables. He dreamt of the World Poker Tour and World Series of Poker, and of rubbing shoulders with the greats – the Brunson’s, Chan’s, Hellmuth’s and Ivey’s of this world.

On the other hand, Grace lived for her music and had an insatiable yearning to make it into the big time. She had originally described herself to Daniel as a songwriter, and had passionately informed him that such a profession was the third most popular in Hollywood, behind actors and writers. Daniel had found the enthusiasm she had displayed that first evening to be a particularly attractive quality and even after a short conversation, he fully understood that her quest for fame was an overwhelming obsession.

He also quickly realised that if determination counted for anything, then this independent woman was destined to become a star. He soon discovered that she possessed an extraordinary voice, much more sultry than her sister, Lauren, although for a while the two sisters had formed a duo. Eventually, after some urging from Daniel, they agreed Lauren’s voice was insufficiently different for them to become successful and Grace had turned solo. A small contribution, Daniel told himself, that he had made to Grace’s future success.

Lauren had turned to modelling and Daniel knew that she had the same fierce determination to succeed as Grace. There was no doubting that once she had decided on her new career, she was totally committed. And she had all the attributes to succeed, with both a personality and a body that matched her impressive single minded obsession. Despite their different chosen professions, in so many ways she was so like her older sister.

It was the key differences in their drivers that led to the first cracks beginning to appear in Daniel and Grace’s relationship. The carefree happiness of the early days had gradually changed to a simple acceptance that they were in a relationship. But neither had the time, or indeed the inclination, to give the full commitment to each other that was necessary.

They had begun to drift, and the spark that had once burned so brightly had begun to disappear as they both searched for success in their own different ways. Yes, they still made time to support each other where possible. But it had become more of a chore and that, combined with the continual tightness in terms of money, had both put pressure on their relationship.

If they were honest with themselves, it was probably nearing its end. Almost without noticing, the early glow had begun to wear off. Whilst on the surface they remained happy in each other’s company, that indefinable bit of magic had begun to disappear and subconsciously they were both seeking a different way forward.


The depressing thoughts kept filtering through Daniel’s head until, at the bottom of his vision, he caught sight of the back door to the club finally swinging open. He quickly exited the car, stepping out just in time to accept the equipment Grace handed him. He stored it safely in the small boot, grateful there was just sufficient space to accommodate it. After Grace said her goodnights they got into the car, but before firing the engine Daniel leant over to kiss her soft pliable lips.

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It felt like I held a couple of big cotton balls. They felt so soft that it forced me to press them and feel them for long. But I knew it was wrong. I moved my arms further apart and held her shoulders as I intended earlier. She stayed still, now, with my support. She moved back and sat down on the couch. Her eyes were looking at the floor. Me – “Di, I am sorry.” Di – “No. Don’t be. It’s ok. It was an accident.” Me – “Thanks for understanding.” She just looked at me and smiled awkwardly. She...

4 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 49

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 49 (Friday - week 7) He was wearing diapers of course, but nothing else - not unless you counted the plastic panties and the pacifier in his mouth. The diaper he was sitting in was messy too - it bothered him a bit, but there was nothing he could do about it. As he looked around him, the bars of the playpen he was trapped in seemed all too confining. All too high. There was no way out of it. He got to his knees and scooted over to the...

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Pam gets blackmailed

This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity to real cases is unintentional.If reading this is illegal for your age where you are, just leave right now and don't continue reading.This story contains non-consensual sex, forced exhibition, blackmailing, incest, etc. Most things I don't agree with. If you feel offended with this kind of materials just leave now and don't continue reading.If you reach this point, and like to go on reading, do it at your own responsibility. Enjoy this as much as...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 212

Albert had been sitting in his new office a few days later. He had shown several more houses, and made one more sale. In his first two weeks on his own, he had made almost 12K in commissions. The one he had shown the evening before also looked promising. He had mentioned to Carl that he was thinking about abandoning his plan to go to college, and Carl and his Mom had BOTH nearly blown a gasket. Carl had pulled out his phone and called William, asking him to come over as soon as he could....

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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 4

Sherry hit the key combination that would save her document. She sat back and rubbed her temples, trying to ease the headache she was developing. Never, in her entire life, had she worked so hard as she had over the past six weeks. She had put in nineteen hour days, with almost no breaks except for food, the bathroom, and naps. Alex looked over her shoulder at the computer screen. When the hour glass icon disappeared, he said, “You’re done.” “Yes, I am.” “With the papers, too?” “Yes,” she...

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MissionsMission 12B

We were still sitting in the chow hall and Chung was again teasing Gunny who was giving him hell. The conversation broke off as the Cookie approached our table looking for me. "Sarge, the Captain just called and he wants you to report to his office ASAP." "Ok Cookie thanks." I told Gunny and Chung I would meet them back at the armory as soon as I was done and maybe I might have some more information for us. I double timed it over to command and was surprised to see two MP's on duty....

2 years ago
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A Good Good Morning

Amy slowly woke up as she felt her bed moving. As her eyes opened and blinked adjusting to the sudden light of the morning she looked at Tim, seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at her with eyes full of love. "Good morning, Beautiful" he said as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned. "Good morning, Handsome" Amy returned to him. Tim leaned down to kiss his beautiful girlfriend on the lips. It had over a month since they had spent time with each other, Amy...

2 years ago
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It was that moment when defeat showed on her face that I knew that I had won. I had won the day against a rich bitch mother and the spoiled teenage daughter who I had caught shoplifting in my employers department store. I had made the mother an offer that was just too hard to refuse. “Come around her momma” I beckoned her as she sat on the other side of my massive desk. Momma (real name Julie) was a 40 year old married rich bitch. She just exuded money, but the behavior of her daughter had...

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Bone Deep

Bone Deep By Cassandra Morgan The bar was crowded, but the big man moved easily through the people. Those around him parted to let him pass. Bone Martin was used to people moving out of his way. Who wouldn't? Bone was 6-5, and weighed 280 pounds. He was dark and menacing, with large arms and big hands. He walked, and the joint scattered. No one wanted trouble with Bone. He glided through the pack of humanity, his eyes locked on a small table in the corner where two other men...

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The Unspoken Game0

enjoy: The driveway was empty when I pulled in at the end of my academic school day. It was just starting to turn dark when I got out of the car and headed into the house, enjoying the calming sensation of the warm early summer breeze on my skin. It was good to finally be home after a long day of studying. I walked over to the front door, my heavy bag on my shoulder, and turned the knob. It was unlocked and I entered. I slid the car keys on the hanger near the door and headed up to...

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Ferns Revenge

Izzy is currently participating in a Race She is currently 1st place but the 2nd Place runnier is barley behind her. The 2nd Place runnier Fern is very competitive and will sometime cheat if it means shes gonna win. She tries to knock Izzy to the ground but tripping herself in the process allowing Izzy to run across the Finish Line and win the race. Fern isn't exactly happy about this even tho she still made it second place even after tripping. No shes mad because Izzy always beats her in...

2 years ago
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WebCam Mom

Steve never thought about his mother sexually. That is, until hewas referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. Chapter 1 After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve had just turned eighteen and about to graduate. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at...

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Magic Glasses

I can remember playing pretend games with my friends when an ordinary thing like a hollow tree was a ship going out to war and, less dramatically, pretending that pair of sunglasses had the magic power to see through clothes. Of course, those silly games I used to play were a lot of fun when I was young. My friends and I would put on those pretend magic glasses around my sister or one of her friends. It would cause them to instantly start covering themselves as if those magic glasses could see...

4 years ago
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The Grocery ListChapter 6

Friday afternoon, August 24th {Bob} Obviously my days of trying to find Miss Perfect at the grocery store were over. I was well known there by now, and was pretty sure that whenever I entered the place I’d get more help than the Governor would have, had he showed up to do a little shopping. I thought about parking next door and watching people come and go into the parking lot, using binoculars to look for a woman with a big dog in the car. The store had a lot of Police traffic in and out,...

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Brad The Hypnotist Ch 03

Thanks for the feedback, it’s always welcome. I’m also looking for people’s favorite sites, if you wish to share. Two days and my whole life has changed. What started as a normal April school vacation for my wife Amy and I has turned into a nightmare. A nightmare for me, anyway. In the past two days, I have done more harm to our relationship than I could ever dream possible. I was never aware of any sexual problems between us, nor any dissatisfaction from Amy so how could I watch as she...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Cousin Rupa

About my sister Rupa, she is a 40-year-old lady with a fair bomb look. Her family consists of her husband and daughter. Well, coming to the story, her husband used to be abroad most of the time at work. Her daughter is studying in her native. So most of the time Rupa would be alone. I used to go to her house on a regular basis. My mom used to send me to give her some items like a dress, tops, medicine, etc. Whenever I went she used to treat me like her friend. We used to do chit chat about many...

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“Only if it pleases you baby.” “It pleases me very much. Tell me some more about them baby,” Sarah asks in the afterglow after our mutual orgasm. “You know I have a thing about bisexual men. And I love watching another man blowing your thick, nine-inch erection.” “They are both very attractive men in their late-twenties, with toned bodies,” I tell Sarah as I show her some pics on my phone. “Good asses. Both of them,” she smiles at the first pic. “And impressive erections. And look what his...

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Study Break to Fuck a drunk Slut

This incident happened during my first year in college. It was a Thursday night, which meant that most people at my state school were out partying, drinking, and having a good time. Unfortunately, I had to take an exam the next day, so I was stuck in my dorm, studying.I was busy reading in my floor's common room until well after midnight, when all the students eventually returned from their nights of debauchery at one of the campus frat houses or wherever they had been. Most of them were, of...

3 years ago
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A Tuscan Holiday Chapter One

Chapter One. The flight was short and gave me little time to contemplate what I was about to do. I clear customs quickly and find myself waiting for my lingerie packed case. I had travelled in a maxi dress and sandals, but neatly wrap a shawl around my shoulders before nipping into the bathroom to touch up my make-up. I add a flick of mascara to my already long black eyelashes, line my brown eyes with khol and apply a shimmer of strawberry lipbalm to my naturally rose coloured lips. I run a...

2 years ago
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Sex with cousin

This is not exaggeration; this is based on my story of 1993. I feel Ashamed, cause she my cousin sister. I shouldn’t have done this to Her. I am from south tamil nadu. It was in my semester vacation of my first year, and she was studying Ninth std. It all started from this point, in the night before my Sister’s marriage, she looked as if an angel. She is a medium Complexion, but…but really beautiful mean it. She was wearing silk Blow and the bottom (pattu pavadai). I was instructed to look...

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My Girlfriends Ex

I am James, a twenty-two-year-old. I work with my dad in a high-end car dealership, and as well as my normal wage, I get a commission on all the cars I sell. Suffice to say I earn a nice amount. I am tall with a dark complexion, dark hair hazel eyes, and an athletic build. Some might say I am hot or handsome, I say I’m average.Well, anyway a few months ago I got together with a new girlfriend, we had been seeing each other for a month or two. Kasey, my girlfriend, is older than me. She is...

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SamChapter 23

For those that want to know Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Thantas’ mouth was still hanging open. Sam had healed all of them, then without really thinking about it, had gone after the Tetricons. Shaking her head she tried to retrieve her memories. So many were there though, she couldn’t reach them. Almost nothing of her time on her home planet, her family, friends hardly anything was there. Her capture, her orders, the last fight all seemed fresh, standing out. Her...

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Traveling Companions

"Rich, generous, horny, fat, bald, old geezer wants to hire a tall, attractive, oral young woman with a medical background. The position will be as an assistant, aide, nurse and mistress for a retired gentleman during an extended, all expense paid, four-month tour of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The ideal candidate will be between 30 and 40 years old, between five foot five inches and five foot ten inches in height, with weight proportional. The successful candidate will be...

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Sissy Farm Chapter One

The Sissy Farm - Chapter One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, a natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter One Unable to resist the delicious image, I twirled again in front of the mirror, then started to undress. As I slipped off the silky stockings, I stood up one last time to savour the pretty frillies. Suddenly I stopped as I heard my aunt's call...

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My first sexual experience and yes it was gay

When I was much younger (I won't mention age, so don't ask) I was staying the night at a friends house with several others. We all had to share beds and I got to bunk with a guy who we will call "Adam" We were laying on a fold out couch just outside his mom's room. We were laying there and I pretended to be asleep when I felt him start touching me. I got hard almost immediately but still pretended to sleep because I had no idea how to feel about this. It felt so wrong and yet right at the same...

2 years ago
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After Tution Class Part II

By : Devteen Hi, I am back with the second part of my net friend’s story “After Tution Class”. Then Shyam came to ask something to me but my sister came back into the room after calling. In all that tution period of my sister everybody even me enjoyed her body with eyes. Next day in evening 5pm my mom came to me and said “Sanu, I am going to the temple pond for bath. Are you coming with me? I said no first and I thought about 5 minutes and said to mommy”Mom, I am coming with you.” I went with...

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Roommates sister ends up with my hubby

We rented a front bedroom to my best friends youngest 20 yo daughter, and after a few months she broke up with her abusive boyfriend after my husband had to stop a fight where he was hitting her. He did so completely naked with his huge thick cock just hanging there as he kicked the assclown out. She is not my husbands type, as she is skin and bones and he likes women with meat! Fast forward to the weekend and her sister and my besty are over for my female only sex toy party. My husband comes...

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Briannas Backdraft

There was a fire in me, and it took four of them to put it out. I played along with my husband’s sermon about me being a bad girl who needed this “punishment.” He was like a priest wanting to exorcise the demons out of me. I just wanted to close my mind, free myself of any pride, open my legs, and enjoy the pillaging these boys were about to commit on my body.Julian wanted me humble and hesitant, I guess. That’s probably why he was frowning as I danced my little butt off for the boys at his...

Wife Lovers
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Diwali fuck

The story I narrates u is about my father’s friend’s daughter Neena (19 yrs 34d-28-36) wow what a great body she has got. Any body dies to fuck her. The story starts at Diwali night as we go to her place to greet them for Diwali in there house only his father and mother and she was there. After some time my and her parents gone to greet other friends. We starts chat and we go her room she goes in kitchen to prepare some tea I starts her computer and play some games to save state when I goes in...

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Jess and the Birthday Party

Jess wandered into the kitchen at her parent’s house to pour herself another drink. It was her grandfather’s 80th birthday party and most people were in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and celebrating. Her grandad’s old friend Frank came in and glanced at her. He had been flirting playfully with her for years now, and Jess always enjoyed the cheeky banter between them. “It was my 80th last month and I still haven’t had my present from you Jess” he chuckled with a cheeky grin in his eye.“Well...

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It was a going to be perfect late spring day in the Northwest. I decided to call in sick. My wife, an assistant teacher, and k**s left for the school at their normal time. I had the whole house to myself. Part of wanting to skip work, was to get an early start on cleaning up the yard, which not only meant mowing the lawn, but weed pulling. FUN!!! As I was picking weeds out of the bark dust, my next-door neighbor Kelly popped out of her house to do some yard work herself. Now Kelly is no beauty...

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Blackfeather29 Wolf

I WAS CRYING my eyes out. So many tears I couldn’t even read the note in front of me. Oh God, no! Please don’t let it be Jason! “Demon Ramie. It is too late to help.” Miranda moaned. Please tell me what it says. I can’t see through your tears. Please, Miranda! “Theresa. White Horse. The army sent him away. Told him he had to go to the reservation. They no longer need Indian scouts. He came in the middle of the night and Theresa simply packed a sack and went with him. She says she is going...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 5

“How in the Seven Hells are we to get into the damned city, anyway? We must get past this rotten mess and this is the perfect moment for a sentry to catch us, you know. You two really know a passage into this miserable town?” Ser Jorah looked at Tyrion and Davos with a bit of skepticism and hesitation even now. “Three, counting myself, Ser Jorah. Remember, with Ser Jamie’s aid, I was able to smuggle Tyrion here out of King’s Landing and on a ship to Pentos. Trust me, though. We’ll be in...

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Meine Sporttasche

Einen Mann habe ich noch nie wirklich geritten. Das fühlte sich schon in Gedanken, wenn auch schmackhaft und geil, zu dominant an. Ich mag lieber neben oder unter oder vor ihm und ließ mich nehmen oder fickte mit. Sollte ich wirklich nach einer Bekanntschaft suchen, mit der ich es ein wenig üben konnte? Doch für's Erste war ich heute Abend allein. Und überlegte, wie ich es mit meinem Gummischwanz allein üben konnte. Der Ding würde nicht einfach auf der Matratze platziert dort bleiben, wo es...

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