Keeghans Rave Revelation free porn video

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She didn't know if she was more excited or nervous for the festival. Keeghan had never been to a "rave" before and, although she couldn't wait for a night of fun, dancing, and losing herself with her friends, she really wasn't sure what to expect. She'd been so pent up with school and missing her long distance boyfriend Jeff, she just wanted to forget everything and party. Jeff had been gone to college for a month now, and they talked every night, but it only made her miss him even more. She'd stayed home for community college and was getting used to a heavier courseload. Jeff was so nice - he was so great at listening to her and they'd been really close when he was home.

He was the first and only guy she'd had sex with, another part of their relationship she was missing terribly. After their first time, they practically did it every day. They would go to his house every afternoon and the first thing they'd do was strip their clothes off and fuck. She was pretty enthusiastic about sex and always seemed to be the one initiating it with him. Unfortunately, Jeff never seemed to last very long - just when she started to really feel the pleasure beginning he was groaning and cumming inside her. She loved the feeling of when he came...she just wished he could hold off a little longer.

The plan was she'd meet the group of friends at Sarah's house beforehand to get dressed up and then go from there. She'd never been to anything like this before, so she was a bit confused about what to wear. "Duh...something SEXY" Sarah had said laughing, teasing her about her naivete. She had even googled images of "rave clothes" but didn't have anything like the stuff she saw, and couldn't afford anything being sold either. Exasperated, she pleaded for Sarah to help her. "Ugh I dunno, just wear like a sexy bikini or something" Sarah had said dismissively.

That wasn't so bad. She went to the beach frequently and didn't mind wearing her bikinis around. She grabbed the sexiest one she had - a black one that showed off quite a bit of her butt. She'd only really worn it during tanning sessions by the pool at Sarah's house. Sarah had recently helped her to be comfortable enough to undo the back tie of her top and shoulders to get rid of the pesky tan-lines they left. She'd been so nervous the first time, but soon enough she was enjoying herself, secretly somewhat excited to feel the sun covering her whole back and shoulders.

Parking on the street, she was grateful she wouldn't have to find her way home. Sarah had found a couple hotel rooms to share for the group of friends. She knocked hard on Sarah's front door, music bumping from inside. The door swung open and her tall 5'8" friend emerged, wearing boy shorts and a bikini top with fishnets and the big, furry boots Keeghan'd seen in the pictures she'd seen.

" Kiwi!!" Sarah screamed, rushing to give Keeghan a hug. "Cmon in girl we're putting on pasties!" Keeghan burst out laughing - she'd seen the stickers in the photos covering girls' nipples. She followed Sarah into her bedroom, where she was greeted with a cheer from the 3 girls crowded in front of a mirror. They were in various states of dress, each fidgiting with big, black stars. One of them, Dana, had one covering one boob already and was aligning the other over her nipple while the other two had theirs on already.

"So what's it like?" Lisa asked aloud to the mirror, beginning to apply her makeup.

"Um, well", their other friend Steph began, "you kinda get really floaty feeling and then really happy...I like totally didn't want to stop dancing too."

"Steph's telling us about when she did molly last month" Sarah caught Keeghan up.

"...and then I just started appreciating everything and everyone and the lights looked really pretty" she continued.

"Ted said he was gonna have some if we wanted to try it" Sarah said, looking directly at Keeghan. Sarah was always trying to get her to come out of her shell.

"God Ted is so hot" Dana blurted as she dabbed on her eyeliner.

Keeghan laughed, "I thought you liked Brent!"

"Yeah so I like him too. Can't a girl fantasize about multiple guys?" Dana countered.

"I bet you do fantasize about multiple guys you ho" Sarah didn't miss a beat. The girls all laughed. Keeghan knew the guys her friends were talking about and couldn't help but agree with Dana: they were two of the funniest, friendliest, and fittest guys at school. Knowing they'd be there too made her stomach twist just a bit more.

Keeghan was already ready so she was just waiting on these girls...or so she thought. Sarah handed her two of the black stars. "You're wearin these with us" she commanded. Keeghan shrugged - at least she wouldn't look too dumpy. Untying then pulling her bikini top off, she frowned at her boobs; they weren't nearly as big as Sarah's although Jeff frequently assured her that he liked them. She stuck the pasties on each nipple and posed for the mirror.

"Hot!" Steph complimented her from behind. She felt proud. If only Jeff could see! He could if she sent a pic to him, she thought. She took her phone out and snapped a selfie. She opened the messaging app to find he'd texted her.

"Stay safe ok? Don't get too wild!" it read. She frowned. Reading that, she didn't think he'd like that pic in response, so she just wrote back "I will :P"

The girls finished getting ready, Keeghan putting her top back on with the stars just poking out. They piled into Sarah's car and drove to the hotel, checking into their room to drop their stuff for the night.

"You all know the guys got rooms on our floor too right?" Sarah said as they ventured down to the lobby. The girls burst into fits of giggles. "Party's not stopping at the festival is all I'm saying" she grinned.

The hotel was a block from the venue, so they walked there together, Keeghan seeing more and more "ravers" joining them. Sarah, who had the tickets, helped navigate the lines, passing them out to the group before they marched in. The festival was outdoors in basically a giant parking lot next to a football stadium. An especially warm night, it seemed like perfect weather for a party.

Entering the venue she surveyed the scene. She saw the first stage with a large crowd in front of it, blasting huge bass beats into the night air and bright, colorful lights beaming from fixtures around and behind the dj. The crowd in front of it was pulsing with energy to the music.

Another group of girls pranced past them - 4 girls in matching outfits: giant furry boots, fishnets, tutus, bikini tops...and what Keeghan guessed were thongs. Geeze these people sure are confident about their bodies, Keeghan thought to herself.

"The guys are just outside of the crowd from the first stage" Sarah said, looking at her phone. She led the group in that direction, the other girls dutifully following as they took in the atmosphere. There were people dancing in groups, some sitting in circles, giving each other massages and waving lights in front of each other's faces.

"There they are!" Sarah exclaimed suddenly. A group of around 10 young guys were circled up on the perimeter of the mass of other festival goers. Keeghan was a bit nervous to meet so many new people, although she knew that she'd met at least a few of them before.

One of them looked up and noticed the girls approaching. He smiled and Keeghan immediately was reminded how attractive he was. "You made it!" he called out to Sarah.

"Fuckin' right we did Ted!" she yelled back. They hugged hello as the groups converged. Names were exchanged with Keeghan immediately forgetting all but a handful. She already knew a couple of them from school: Ted and Brent, who Dana had been talking about earlier. She hadn't said anything before, but she found herself agreeing once again: those two were quite good looking.

After a bit of chatting the group quieted down a bit, Keeghan looked over and Ted was producing something from his pocket. Keeghan noticed a quick exchange of hands between Sarah and Ted and she hugged him again.

"Guys, c'mere" Sarah turned and motioned to the girls. They each circled around her. "So, Ted hooked us up tonight" she said with a sneaky smile, sticking out her hand. In it were several small capsules filled with dark, purplish powder.

"What is it?" Keeghan asked, pretty sure she knew the answer.

"Oh just our friend Molly" Sarah replied nonchalantly. "I'm so excited to do this with you guys, it's gonna make tonight SO epic!"

Slowly each of the girls took one for themselves, Keeghan, nervous as hell now, getting hers last. She'd never done anything like this before. She'd tried weed and some alcohol with Jeff a few times, but this was a whole other thing. Sarah took hers and chased it with water, gulping with a confident smile. Dana followed suit, the two experienced friends leading the way. Dana handed the water to Lisa next.

"Same time?" Lisa looked at Steph, who returned a nod. They did a "cheers" of their pills, and popped them into their mouths, Lisa quickly chasing with water and handing it to Steph, who hurriedly swigged some for herself. Keeghan new then it was her turn. Timidly she took the water bottle from Steph's outstretched hand.

"It's totally safe Kiwi" Sarah reassured her. "You're gonna have so much fun with us". Her friends words helped ease the anxiety pulsing in her chest somewhat. She looked up, seeing the guys were waiting for her next move as well. They all seemed to be waiting for her. "Totally safe" she thought to herself. Before she could talk herself down any more, she threw the pill into her mouth, swallowing water as fast as she could. She didn't even taste anything. The whole crowd, guys and girls cheered.

"YESSS!! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!" Sarah screamed, rushing to give Keeghan a hug. Obviously there had been some chatter from the rest behind her back about whether she'd join in, but she was glad she would be on the group's level. She was certainly still nervous, but now that there was no turning back, she decided to try to put her mind on everything else around her.

The crowd was pulsing to the big beats blasting from the speakers. The lights behind the stage had gotten more coordinated and visuals were displaying on a big screen behind a DJ, busy selecting the next song for the crowd. Sarah was talking with Ted and the girls' group slowly joined into the guys'.

She felt a buzzing in her bag. She opened it, finding and producing her phone which buzzed in her hand again. 2 unread messages from Jeff awaited her. She decided she could just check them quickly.

[Hey baby]

[Having fun?]

Considering the question, she honestly wasn't sure. She'd just decided to try a new d**g for the first time, something she hadn't planned on tonight. Regardless, she didn't want him to worry.

[I am baby!] she shot a message back quickly.

"Hey Keeghan - so how are things with Jeff?" yelled Sarah, inviting her over to join their conversation. She quickly stuffed her phone back in her bag.

"Oh we're good!" she yelled back reflexively. She thought about how she missed him, but then thought about the several months it was going to be before she saw him again.

"Do you miss him?" Sarah asked, glancing at Ted.

"Of course I do!" yelled Keeghan back, an answer she felt no other choice but to give.

"Are you sad he's not here?" Sarah continued the interrogating.

"Yeah!" Keeghan replied, once again reflexively. She'd given these kinds of answers out to people asking so much since he'd left it was second nature. "But I'm glad to be here with you all to take my mind off of it" she found the words escaping her mouth. It was an answer that was partially what she thought they wanted her to say, but also a bit of truth. She honestly was glad to have something to take her mind off of Jeff.

She was noticing she really enjoyed this music. It was...dark...and moody, but sexy. More people were dancing around them, and she found herself subtly shifting her weight side to side.

The conversation turned after a bit. The guys and girls seemed to be a bit more comfortable with each other now. Keeghan was content just to listen to her friends. They were so funny and interesting! She was feeling excited to hear more, even. She noticed herself. A mix of serenity and confidence she hadn't felt before. She was happy to be here, surrounded by her friends and these nice, handsome guys.

She remembered the molly she'd taken. Was this what it was like? She noticed a slight knot in her chest. Almost like she was nervous. But she wasn't...she really felt great. She inhaled and exhaled like she might if she were about to take an exam to calm herself. This helped quite a bit - and she noticed a floating sensation eminating from her chest through the rest of her.

Her friends seemed to be fully relaxed and comfortable with each other at that point. They started talking about relationships and past hookups...but the conversation seemed so much more honest than it might've before. They were going into a lot more detail about their real feelings. And Keeghan found herself eager to hear abot it.

"So Keeghan," Sarah called to her "How was Jeff in bed?" the random, personal nature of the question caught her off guard and she laughed. She realized though how badly she wanted to answer honestly. These were her best friends, and what seemed like really nice guys! She decided it couldn't hurt to let them in on what had been bugging her quietly for a while now.

"Well...he's so sweet and nice and amazing..." she started.

"But...?" Sarah pressed.

"Well, he's" she chose her words slowly.

"Jeff is a minute man??" Sarah laughed, "oh no Keeghan!"

"'s sad. I want to do more but he just...comes so fast it's just over before much can happen." She couldn't believe she was telling her friends AND these guys this. But then, she also felt like the alternative: keeping it all bottled up, would be worse.

"Awwww" Sarah gave her a sympathetic side hug. She noticed Sarah's hug felt great on her skin, so she hugged her friend back. Their tight embrace was soothing and comforting.

Sarah pulled away, eager to keep the conversation going. "So are you like, super sexually frustrated right now?" her friend teased.

"I dunno!" Keeghan yelled, covering her face, embarrassed. She couldn't deny it though, that was exactly how she was feeling. It did feel great telling her friends. They'd all given their details, why shouldn't she share hers?

"Maybe" she said apologetically from behind her hands still covering her mouth. Sarah and the guys listening roared with laughter. She saw Ted laughing too and she almost wished she could take it back.

"So what would you change about Jeff and your sex lives?" Sarah pressed. She felt more comfortable answering this time.

"Well, I guess I just wish he would last longer...I never really get time to explore or try new stuff." She thought people might freak out again at this, but this time they were listening contently.

"What do you wanna try?" Sarah asked, the sly smile of hers returning.

"I on top...him behind me, just like, sexier stuff" she found herself talking like it was just her and Sarah chatting by the pool.

They didn't say anything but she saw a couple of the guys' expressions were somewhat surprised.

"So you haven't tried doggy style or cowgirl with him?" probed Sarah further, smile still plastered on her face. "Does he at least have a nice dick?"

"SARAH!" Keeghan squealed indignantly. "I's...ok!"

"Ok?? Like what...5 inches?" Keeghan realized she'd already told Sarah this by the pool. Had she forgotten?

"Mmmm maybe 4 or 5." She said, doing her best to seem nonchalant...she didn't know if that was an ok size or not really. She noticed Ted stifle a laugh.

"Wowwww..." Sarah replied in disbelief.

"What? That's not bad!" She yelled defensively.

She felt her bag buzz again. Was Jeff texting her again? Curious, she looked at her phone to see new messages awaiting her. They were indeed from Jeff.

[Hi baby]

[Can you take some pics so I know you're ok?]

Ok? What did that mean? Of course she was ok! She was with her friends after all.

[Of course I'm ok. I'm with my friends] she responded quickly. Remembering then that she tried a new d**g, she realized she should probably tell him. Before she could overthink it, she typed out a message and hit send.

[I tried some molly too. It's really fun!]

She was happy to have let him know, even if she wasn't sure how she'd take it. He'd appreciate her honesty right?


[I didn't know you wanted to to try that]

Was he mad?

The crowd's attention turned suddenly. "Let's go!" Keeghan heard Dana call to the group.

"Are we gonna go dance?" Sarah called out to Dana, who nodded enthusiastically back. She had two people's hands in hers and was pulling them toward the crowd.

Dana saw Keeghan standing and beelined toward her. "Cmon Keeghan, we're dancing!" Dana called back, grabbbing Keeghan's hand tight and leading her into the crowd. Keeghan reached back and caught someone's hand. Looking back, she saw it was Ted's. Her chest tingled. She hadn't expected that. He smiled at her and she managed a weak smile back.

They pressed through the thick crowd for a bit, hands still locked before finding a bit of an opening. The group chained its way into the space. Dana grabbed her hands, including the one in Ted's, and began bouncing her to the beat. Keeghan felt warm now, and excited. She took a big breath and the warmth flowed through her body. She saw the look of joy in Dana's face and felt it infect her. She smiled brightly, bouncing along with her best friend.

Dana twirled her and she spun along, laughing with her friend. Keeghan was exhilirated. Dana was right! Dancing was so much fun right now. She shook her ass back and forth to the thumping, bassy beat. Dana was such a good friend. All of that anxiety she'd had was slipping away as she enjoyed the lights, the music, and the crowd. She loved this feeling! She didn't want to forget it either. An idea came to her then - she should take a selfie! She could take some to remember this fun night and to send to Jeff.

She stopped her bouncing to reach into her bag for her phone. Producing it, she opened her phone app and switched her camera to face them. She could barely see herself in the camera picture, but she decided to try to get a pic anyway. Reaching her arm around Dana, she held her phone up for a classic selfie. Getting the idea, Dana posed with her and she did her best to find them in the display on her phone. It was just so dark...the front camera had no flashlight on it. She frowned as she saw the thumbnails coming up almost completely black.

"Do you want some help?" shouted a voice behind them. Keeghan looked up to see Ted extending his hand toward her with a handsome smile. She smiled back up at him, her nervousness returning a bit.

"Sure!" she shouted back, handing her phone his way. She looked back and found a very happy Dana to put her arm around, posing for the pic. After a few seconds of fiddling with the her phone to find the right settings, Ted held up a "3, 2, 1" and tapped the front of her phone, sending a blinding light at them both. Keeghan squinted, trying her best to look cute despite her eyes wanting to close. The light flickered a few times as Ted took multiple pictures. Keeghan looked over at Dana who was making funny faces, causing her to laugh and start making some herself.

After a few more flashes of light, Ted walked back to them. However, instead of handing Keeghan back her phone, he turned the phone around and threw his arm around her. Bewildered, she felt his strong arm grab her opposite shoulder as he snapped a picture of the three of them with the back camera. She laughed as the light flashed, lighting up the three of them.

Bringing his arm down, he scanned through the photos he'd taken, pausing for a second on one, then moving on and nodding with satisfaction before he handed her back her phone. "Thanks Ted!" she said excitedly. "No problem!" he replied, grinning. She looked through the pictures, seeing herself and her friend cutely smiling at the camera. They really were great pictures - Ted had gotten the timing just right when she was laughing and smiling with her friend. Getting to the end of them, she came to the selfie she'd taken earlier[ in just the pasties. Shit...did Ted see that one? She smiled, embarrassed, to herself. Normally she'd be freaking out about something like this, but at the moment, it didn't seem so bad. She returned to the last one, Ted's face in front of the three of them with Dana and her behind, finding herself secretly excited she had a pic with him.

Jeff will want to see some of these, she thought to herself. She opened the messenger app to send them over...only to find more messages from Jeff.

[Baby please be careful and send me some pictures]

[I'm really worried]



She frowned, realizing he was definitely upset. As fast as she could, she started attaching pictures to her message. She went by the thumbnail, picking three that looked OK. She hit send and looked away from the phone, sighing as she thought about what she would say to calm him down. Her phone buzzed as he replied.

[Whos he?]

[Are you partying with other guys right now?]

She looked at the three pictures she'd sent. She realized the phone had automatically picked the first one, which was the last pic Ted had taken with him in it, as well as three of the others. Fuck, she thought to herself, angry at her phone and herself for being so careless. Was he jealous? She didn't want to deal with this right now. She had been feeling so great up until then. What was wrong with him? She started writing an angry message back when she felt her phone snatched from her hand. Shocked, she looked up and saw Sarah with a stern look on her face.

"We're here to have fun Keeghan" she said putting the phone in her bag"

"but Jeff-"

"He can talk to you later - you're here to have fun with your friends!"

A rush of serenity went through her. Sarah was right. Jeff could deal with it, it wasn't her fault he was being so controlling.

A smile creeped across her face and Sarah smiled back.

"Thatta girl" she yelled happily, starting to dance once again. Keeghan started bobbing to the beat too, letting herself get lost in the thumping music. She turned around while she danced, looking at the rest of the beautiful people around her. How could she be sad in a place like this? Why did she have to be upset just because Jeff was so insecure? She noticed her vision had settled on the person in front of her. Ted had remained next to her and Dana.

"Having fun?" he asked.

"YES! she shouted back at him excitedly. She realized she felt like the best dancer there. She just hoped she looked sexy. She knew there were other girls there that had hotter outfits than hers. Did Ted think she looked sexy? She had a boyfriend, but that didn't mean Ted couldn't at least appreciate her. Would it hurt to ask? She didn't think so.

"Except I'm afraid I don't look sexy enough!" She shouted again over the music.

He laughed. "Of course you do!" he said with another handsome smile. She giggled excitedly, so happy about his response. He might've just been trying to be nice though, she thought to herself. She looked around - so many pretty ladies with their sexy outfits! She looked down at hers. She realized then...did she NEED her jean shorts? Suddenly she felt stupid for having them on at all. She had on bikini bottoms under them, and felt fine wearing bikinis at the beach...what was so different about this?

She looked back at Ted and gave him a "one moment" sign with her finger. She took a breath and smiled, looking down at her fingers unbuttoning her shorts. She felt a bit of a rush as she grabbed the waist and pulled them down with a smile.

"Nice!" Ted shouted at her.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Brent yelled too.

She beamed at them as she stuffed her shorts in her bag. Now she was getting to be on her fellow ravers' level. She started shaking her hips to the beat again, aware that her ass shook a bit more freely now.

She felt incredible. She felt like she looked incredible. And this music was so GOOD! Everyone around her was just so sexy. She appreciated how good the ladies around her looked, and didn't stop herself from appreciating the guys as well.

She'd turned to face the stage again, her ass gyrating to the beat. She hoped her dancing looked good too...when suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders. They were guys' hands, so she was a bit bewildered at first, but they were followed by a voice in her ear.

"Have you ever had a massage when you were rolling?" Ted asked her. She looked back over her shoulder and shook her head no. "Do you want one?" he followed. Smiling, she nodded yes. His fingers immediately began kneading her shoulders, and wonderful sensations began to radiate from her back. It was AMAZING!! She'd never felt such an incredible sensation as the hands grasped the tight muscles in her neck and shoulders. She then looked back to see a handsome smile beaming back at her. She was so happy! How nice of him to rub her shoulders like this. He dug his hands into her tight muscles and she exhaled at the feeling. She couldn't help but notice how good it felt to be touched.

His hands traced down her back a bit, rubbing her back muscles. Her head fell back in response, and she felt him move just a little closer to her. Her head rested softly on his chest as he continued rubbing her back, his body gently meeting hers. It was exactly what she wanted to feel and she sighed heavily. She felt his hips press against hers slightly and start moving to the beat, and she couldn't do anything but move with him.

His hands left her back for a second; he probably was tired or wanted to go hang with the rest of the group now or something, she figured. That was until a moment later, his hand appeared in front of her with a plastic package. She barely read "Eclipse" on it. Gum! Her mouth suddenly was so dry, and she noticed her jaw was clenched. Taking it from him, she popped a piece out from the package into her hand and put it in her mouth. Biting down, the sweet flavor and icy feeling flowed across her tongue.

"MMMMM thanks Ted!" she blurted excitedly. He handed her a bottle of water, which she grabbed excitedly. She gulped the refreshing liquid, sweetened by her gum. How incredible that he seemed to know exactly what she needed at that moment.

She was so happy to have such as wonderful dance partner...such a handsome dance partner. He'd helped her feel so good tonight, what could she do to repay him? She could only think of one thing - she'd have to be sexier for him. He'd like that...he was a guy after all, right? She thought of the girls she'd seen earlier in just pasties. Just like her bikini bottoms, she always had the pasties to cover up. And it's not like she'd be naked, and plenty of the other girls were rocking them. Ted had probably already seen that picture of her in them anyway.

She looked back at Ted with a nervous smile. Reaching up to her bikini top, she grabbed the fabric in the middle and, biting her lip, pulled it over each way. Her breasts poured out into the night air. It was surreal for her, almost like a dream. She couldn't believe she was doing this! She'd never been so many people. But still, it wasn't like she was the only one. Another wave of euphoria rolled through her and she sighed heavily.

"WOW!" was all Ted could manage. She hoped it was a good exclamation...his exclamation got Brent's attention, who spotted Keeghan, his mouth falling open.

"Damn!!" he said excitedly. He approved. A sense of pride filled her that these two guys thought she looked good.

She felt the air start to graze the exposed parts of her breasts as she continued to dance with Ted. She was so happy she was getting to show off her body to these wonderful guys, and that they liked to see her. She was surrounded by beautiful people, all just trying to feel good. What was so bad about that? People should be able to try to feel good if they can, and this was no different.

And wonderful Ted was right there for her. The skin of his sexy abs rubbing against her back, his hands on her waist. She moved her ass into his pelvis, hoping he liked it. She knew she liked the feeling of him grinding into her. This wasn't so bad was it? She was just making her friend feel good.

She loved the touch of his hands on her body. God it was so incredible. She grabbed his hands and felt him squeeze her back. Maybe he could just feel more of her. That would be ok, it didn't have to be sexual or anything. It could just be her sharing the good feeling of her body with him. She moved his hands around her stomach and he got the idea, his hands travelling around her skin. This was, of course, fantastic for her. His hands explored her body and she breathed heavily, warmth travelling wherever his touch did. She wanted him to touch her wherever he wanted. She wanted...well, she wanted him to touch her in other places too. What if, what if she let him touch her boobs? Would that be bad? They were just boobs after all. She figured it would totally make any guy's night getting to grab some boobs...why not hers? Jeff...she just wouldn't think about Jeff right now. Tonight was about her and right now was about feeling as good as possible.

She found his hands with hers and he squeezed them back. She slowly travelled up her stomach with them, stopping right underneath them. She tilted her head back into him and finally moved them up to her breasts. Warmth rushed from her breasts through her chest and she sighed. She felt him sigh too, and she knew then that it was a good choice. Happiness flooded her once again knowing she'd made her friend feel good. His hands slowly squeezed her breasts, getting handfuls with each grope. She was so happy he was enjoying her. She was so happy to be having such and incredible night.

She hoped this was as exciting for him as it was for her. She was elated at the exciting situation unfolding. His hands kneaded her perky breasts, slightly grabbing the nipples still hidden under the pasties. She grabbed back at him, her hands finding his sides as he massaged her.

His right hand left her breast and moved to her hip, moving her back and forth. She loved this; him controlling her hip movements. She shook her hips in time with him and the beat, feeling his crotch brushing against her butt now. His hand moved lower down her leg and she smiled. This was naughty, where's he going now? After moving down the back of her thigh, his hand trailed up and she knew then what he was getting at. It stopped at the curve of her butt and he hesitated. He was still making sure this was ok with her...gosh he was great. She moved her butt down into his hand and nodded at him. He grabbed her ass completely then, feeling her soft fleshy butt filling his hand over her bikini. He grabbed the other cheek with his other hand and squeezed tightly and she giggled. How wonderful that such a hot guy wanted her like this.

His left hand moved around her butt then, tracing her bikini. She loved his expoloration of her, finding new parts of her body that he liked. He found the string waist of her bikini, slightly slipping his finger under it. What a wonderful feeling, but the reality began to slightly set in of what was going on. This handsome stud had his hand in her bikini now. Where could it go from here? She knew...she knew where she WANTED it to go. And of course, as she thought of that, his fingers moved down the front of her bikini line, tracing her groin.

Fuck, she knew then that this was bad, but how could she stop it? It felt incredible, and she absolutely wanted him to continue. His hand was in the waist of her bikini, travelling further down. It was too good. His finger finally brushed her labia and she grabbed him. It tickled the lip of her pussy and teased her. She moved her hips forward in response and then felt his finger find her slit. She was almost bewildered with the situation. A ridiculously hot guy had his finger in her pussy lips. His finger curled ever so slightly, finding her clit, and electric sensations pulsed from her groin through her body. She let out a moan so loud she was afraid everyone around her could hear. His finger settled on her clit and started rubbing slowly and she sighed deeply. Oh god this is too good, she thought to herself. She'd just have to not tell Jeff. Or maybe they'd have to break up. This feeling Ted was giving her was all that mattered at this point.

His middle finger swirled on her clit and she gyrated against it. Jeff had never touched her this way before and she was positive he had no idea how to do this. After several moments of rubbing her clit, his middle finger moved down further. She wanted this feeling more than anything she'd ever wanted up til then. His finger found her vagina, and she could feel how slippery it was.

"Ohhh god Ted" she moaned aloud now. This was so dirty, and hot, and bad of her, and that made it all the better. His finger pressed slightly into her pussy hole and she whined. God she was getting fingered now. Hot, sexy Ted was fingering her. His digit pressed up deeper into her and she moaned loudly once again. The palm of his hand was pressed against her clit and his finger was massaging her pussy perfectly. It was so much. She could only move her hips into him and moan. She thought of how hard she might cum if this kept up. She thought of everyone seeing her lose herself in orgasm right in the middle of the party. No, she couldn't do that.

She stopped him, grabbing his hand. Maybe if she didn't cum it would be ok? But stopping him, now she felt bad...Ted, handsome, wonderful Ted had made her feel so good. How could she repay him? She turned to face him. Maybe she could...please him back? She reached down and felt the hard bulge she knew she'd been feeling against her ass earlier and he sighed with a sly smile. She got onto her knees. There were people all around her. What would she do? This was so unlike her

"Brent - a little help?" Ted called to his friend. She looked back at Brent who, with a surprised expression, got the message. He came over to them and, looking around, was thinking quickly. He tapped a few of their guy friend's shoulders and whispered in their ear and they all smiled and laughed. She felt a bit embarrassed, but, well, if they would help, it must mean it was ok right? The guys each came over and surrounded them, blocking off the view. She smiled at her newfound "privacy", focusing back on Ted's crotch. She reached up and unbuttoned his pants and, getting the picture he helped her. Her heart was pounding. Holy shit, she was going to get to see his cock...holy shit she was in public and about to...she helped him pull the waist down and his big, thick member sprung up at her face. She couldn't help herself, she put her hands over her mouth at the sight.

"Dude she can't believe it!" Brent said with a laugh. She laughed at herself and the situation. This dream man's perfect, hard, dick was right in front of her face, and she was about to suck it. It must have been 7 inches or so, and had the most wonderful shape to it. Uniformly thick, a slight curve up, it was exquisite. She reached up and grabbed it, immediately relishing its feeling in her hand, the surprisingly soft skin gliding through her palm and fingers. Saliva flooded her mouth as she thought about how wonderful it was, so hard, thick, and magnificent. She gave it a lick, the warm skin exciting her tongue. It was fantastic. She had to have it in her mouth. She bent it down to her level and placed her lips on it, hearing Ted moan as she did so.

She took as much of it in her mouth as she could, which wasn't much, but she figured he'd appreciate the effort. Getting to the point she thought she might gag or choke, she pulled back, letting her lips trail slowly over his shaft and head. She loved the taste of it, the feeling of it filling her mouth. She could suck on this forever if he wanted, she thought to herself. She felt his dick twitch in her mouth as her lips reached the head, a good sign from the few blowjobs she'd given Jeff. That twitching usually meant he would cum in the next few seconds, but she knew Ted was much more resiliant. She grabbed the base of his cock for balance, feeling the soft orbs of his balls as she enveloped him with her mouth once more. This time, after slowly releasing his cock from her mouth, she pushed it back in. He groaned at the feeling and she smiled around his dick. She began a slow rhythm of sucking, euphoric that she could please him in this way. Brushing her hair from her face, he grabbed the back of her head. He very softly helped pump her mouth up and down on him, her enjoying the connection very much.

After a few minutes, he tapped her on her shoulder, softly gripping her shoulders and motioning for her to stand. Why was he standing her up? Maybe he thought that was enough, but she didn't want to stop. He reached behind her, grabbing her ass and brought her closer to him, his cock still standing up straight. He pressed her crotch against his hard prick and she then understood then what he was getting at. She gyrated back on him, his cock brushing her pussy through her bikini bottoms. It was exhilerating, but she knew she needed to feel his skin on hers. With another bite of her lip, she reached down and slowly pulled her bikini bottoms to the side, exhilarated that her pussy was now on display in public. It didn't matter though, Ted was all that mattered. She let his cock press against her again, this time his dick sliding through her pussy lips, grazing her clit. They both moaned, hands grabbing for stability. FUCK that was good. God she wanted this dick so bad. She thought about how amazing it would feel inside her, and she got incredibly excited at the thought, and that she could actually maybe have that feeling. She continued to rub her pussy up and down his cock.

A hand grabbed her shoulder, snapping her out of her trance. She was being pulled away from him. Bewildered, she looked to see who would take her away from this heavenly situation she'd been it. It was Sarah. Damnit! What was she doing? Keeghan instinctively pulled her bikini bottoms back in place.

"Keeghan, we need to go. This is bad." she said simply.

"But Ted and I are having so much fun though" Keeghan complained to her friend. She thought if anyone Sarah would understand the circumstances.

"Right but you can't do that here Keeghan," Sarah replied flatly. "You need to come back to the Hotel and you and Ted can do...whatever you were doing...back there." A hint of a grin had crept onto Sarah's otherwise stern look.

Otherwise, Keeghan felt like she could cry. The hotel was so far away. And what if the trip back made things with Ted end? She looked back at him and he shrugged. He'd put his member away and she frowned in disappointment.

"OK let me tell Ted" she said before Sarah could protest. She turned and pranced back to Ted.

"Sarah says we should go back to the hotel" she said, trying to keep her cool.

"Alright! Maybe we can keep the dance party going there?" he offered hopefully. Her heart filled with excitement. He wanted to hang out there!

"Of course!" she yelled with excitement. She grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd. She felt some resistance, before looking back to see Sarah grabbing Ted's hand and gathering the rest to make it out of the throng of ravers.

Brent opened the door, and the group poured into the room. Ted found the speakers someone had brought and put on some music; Keeghan rejoiced, and started to bounce to the beat. She grabbed Ted's hand and started dancing with him, to which he responded with his beautiful smile, dancing back.

"You should just get naked Keeghan" Sarah commented, goading her friend further.

"Maybe I will!" Keeghan said excitedly, still dancing closely with Ted. "We all should!" she laughed. To her it was a perfectly acceptable suggestion. The room was filled with people chatting, dancing, and giving massages. The vibe was so friendly and safe...why couldn't this party get a little wilder?

She thought about it - everyone could basically already see her tits. And, well, Ted had already touched, and grinded against, her privates. She untied her bikini top and threw it in a corner. It wasn't doing much anyway at this point.

"If I do, will you all do it too?" she asked excitedly. She was met with nervous laughter. She was completely serious, but realized then that maybe she was on a different level than some of these folks. It didn't matter, she was determined. Maybe if she started things off they'd follow her. She grabbed the top of the star on her left breast. It's only boobs, she thought to herself. Looking at Sarah, who had her hand over her mouth laughing, she pulled the star off, her nipple popping out into the open. Sarah burst out laughing and the crowd cheered. Keeghan felt somewhat proud of owning her body like this. She peeled the other one off, enjoying the feeling of freedom on her nipples. Sarah went to high five her, but Keeghan passed it up and hugged her friend instead. Sarah had been the one who'd always been coaxing her to try to love her body, and now she felt like she did.

"Well, if she can do it, so can we Brent" Ted called out to his friend. Brent smiled and shook his head. Ted grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, his muscular arms, stomach, and chest revealing themselves to Keeghan's delight. He grabbed the waist of his pants and underwear and with a whoop, pulled them down around his ankles. His dick, which Keeghan was now familiar with, popped out and Sarah screamed at the sight of it. Keeghan scream-laughed too, covering her mouth. She couldn't help it, she was extremely excited at the sight of him, totally naked in front of her. Still shaking his head, Brent followed, pulling off his clothes, causing Keeghan and Sarah to squeal with laughter. His cock flopped out as he yanked down his boxers and she covered her mouth once again at the sight of it.

She grabbed the waist of her bikini bottoms then. Only Jeff had seen her nude really, but now she was going to let Ted and Brent...and everyone else...see her completely naked. She really wanted to be naked though - she wanted to feel that freedom of her body. And she wanted to be naked for Ted - she wanted everyone that wanted to see her whole body to get the chance. With an embarrassed smile, she pulled her bikini bottoms down around her ass, and finally off of her crotch.

"Wow!" Someone from the onlooking crowd of friends exclaimed. She giggled nervously as she stepped out of her bikini. She looked down at her pussy on full display. She was totally exposed. It was almost surreal, seeing herself completely naked around her friends.

With her and those two stripping, it wasn't long before others began to join in, until it was weird for the people that still had clothes ON. Soon everyone had their clothes off, all laughing at the scene. She giggled at the sight: her and her friends all naked and dancing in their hotel room. She loved the feeling of freedom she had, and she loved showing off her body too. Being naked was so fun! She loved dancing so much. She loved dancing with Ted. She was absorbed with the feeling of his body against hers. Even more incredible was the feeling of his dick bouncing against her naked ass. This was so exciting, and so hot.

She turned to face Ted. He reached behind her, grabbing her ass and brought her closer to him, his cock still standing up straight. He pressed her crotch against his hard prick and she understood then what he was getting at. They'd already done this at the rave, so she figured this wasn't so bad now that they were naked. She gyrated back on him, his cock brushing her pussy. She let his cock press against her again, this time his dick sliding through her pussy lips, grazing her clit. They both moaned, hands grabbing for stability as the other people at the party watched. They rubbed against each other, his dick spreading her pussy lips apart and hitting her clit. She moaned loudly, assuring everyone would know how good it felt. FUCK that was good. God she wanted this so bad. She thought about how amazing it would feel inside her, and she got incredibly excited at the thought: that she could actually maybe have that feeling...even though she knew she shouldn't.

She continued to rub her pussy up and down his cock. She knew everyone was watching. She knew everyone could see her lost in the wonderful feeling of his dick rubbing against her cunt. It really didn't matter to her. But now she was thinking to herself: what if she did it? What if she let herself be the cheating, slutty party girl she had never dreamed she could let herself be? Would she stop here? She slowly let it brush against her pussy again, shuddering at the immense pleasure this brought her as she slid against his shaft. He merely breathed deeply, also waiting to see what she would do. She did this again, starting at the tip, and letting it slide against her moist pussy lips all the way down the shaft of his now throbbing cock. She wouldn't need any lubrication; she was easily wet enough for him. Wanting so much to give in, she whined at the torturous feelings. It wasn't cheating if it didn't go in right?

She noticed behind Ted, Brent was watching intently. She felt bad he didn't have a partner at the she figured he might like to join in a bit too. "Hey Brent - want to join in a bit?" she asked with a grin. He didn't hesitate, moving next to them, his cock hard at the sight of her and Ted. She grabbed his hand and moved it to her breast with a giggle, letting him feel her up too. Soon he began rubbing her body too, grabbing her tits and putting his hands all over her. Brent and Ted were grabbing her ass and tits and their hands felt so good. She loved the attention she was getting from these guys and she was getting so horny. It was so fun exploring sexually with her studly friends. She felt perfectly safe with them, and felt like she could do, say, or try anything and nobody would judge her for it. She realized just how much she wanted Ted's cock inside her, filling her up and hitting her gspot. She thought about how hot it would be to be to let herself go right now. She'd be the bad girl cheating on her faithful boyfriend with these studly guys, and letting them do whatever they wanted to her. She relished the feeling of the cock rubbing against her pussy, teasing her clit. She couldn't believe how hot it was; how much she loved the feeling of his cock. She looked over, and saw both men who were rubbing her body: naked, studly athletic guys with hard cocks that she had aroused. She realized she wanted to please them all so badly now. She wanted to pleasure each of their dicks, and feel how each one felt in her hand, or in her mouth...or in her pussy. Oh god she so wanted their cocks deep inside her pussy. Their hard, thick rods filling her up to the brim. How could she get into a situation like this and not do what they all obviously wanted to do? This could be the best sexual feeling she'd ever felt, and she was supposed to just stop? Maybe she just wouldn't tell Jeff...or she would, someday? Maybe Jeff wouldn't find out. Maybe he'd be ok with it, or at least forgive her. He'd want her to feel good wouldn't he? If he loved her he would.

She ached for their cocks. She wanted to see what their cum felt like...or even tasted like. She realized for a second the situation she was in, and how this was already cheating in a way. Was there any point in turning back now? If this was already cheating, why not go all the way? She could at least let herself explore the sensation of the perfect cock that was currently rubbing against her cunt and clit. Her pussy felt so empty suddenly, and the hard, strong cock rubbing on her felt as though it would fit perfectly in her. There was no reason to stop herself now was there? She'd just feel it inside her. She'd just let it go in a little bit.

But she couldn't let it go in. If she did that would be sex and that would make her a total slut. But then she thought about it...what was so bad about that? What was so bad about doing whatever you wanted, to feel as good as you wanted? Maybe she should let loose and see how hard she could cum on this guy's perfect cock inside her; see how good she could feel? She'd never get a chance like this. These guys that were so much hotter than Jeff, with bigger dicks, and they all wanted her, and wanted to fuck her with those perfect dicks and make her cum. God, what was so bad about that?

She grinded his cock against her pussy once again, this time, grabbing his dick and placing the head directly against her clit. "Oh my god" she felt herself mouth silently. It was as though this would make her come at any moment. She then began rubbing just her clit with this cock, her head tossing back as the increasing pleasure making its way out from her crotch to the rest of her body. Her expression was pained - she needed the release and she was only building up the need more and more as she grinded her throbbing clit against his stiff, pulsing cock. She began rubbing the head of his cock around her pussy hole, going to the very brink of her morality for this pleasure her pussy seemed to now command of her. They gyrated against each other a few times, pausing for just a moment in one last moment of self-control. She moved the tip up to her pussy hole, the sensation getting incredibly intense, with the molly and the other guy touching her and the feeling of it being so WRONG.

"Oh godddd" she sighed, his cock tip pressing against her wet hole. She looked in his eyes and he looked back into hers, questioning what she would do. She let herself lower ever so slightly, her hole opening a bit against the tip of his cock. Warm feelings began to flow through her pelvis. She let a bit more slip into her, and they intensified. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling, hallucinating his cock as if it were a key slipping into her pussy, a locked door. A bit more slipped in and a release of pleasure coursed through her whole body. Oh god she wanted more in her. It was already in about an inch and it was the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt.

Then, she let more slip into her and the pleasure exploded further, a loud moan escaping. This was it...and she knew it. She had given up, and let herself indulge in the forbidden sensation of his cock entering her pussy. She was cheating on Jeff. She was a slut. But also...she was free. Since she already was cheating now she could do whatever she wanted right? She could be as bad as she wanted to be. And what a place to do it. She moaned loudly at this notion, as the throbbing member began filling her empty hole she needed to fill. She sighed and he groaned. She wanted this so badly, and now she was allowing it. She began to feel moans involuntarily erupting from her. She'd never felt anything like this, ever. The fullness and closeness of this man's cock pushing into her pussy was making her so happy and fulfilled. Waves of relief combined with pleasure now bolting through her body, she slowly let him slide even deeper into her, whimpering with every inch as his hard, throbbing cock slid against the wet, tight, walls of her aching pussy. Finally, she had reached the base of his cock. They both almost gasped for air as the intense pleasure travelled through them. They moaned loudly, as they sat there, feeling the ecstasy of giving into what they needed.

It was all the way in her now. She realized she was now naked, among multiple men that weren't her boyfriend, fucking another man completely. His balls were up against her ass, his cock was all the way to the end inside her pussy, and her clit was up against his pelvis. Brent was still grabbing her tits, and although she didn't mind, she was absolutely more preoccupied with Ted.

Ted withdrew his cock, and she took in a breath, only for him to drive it all the way in again. This made her whimper at the sudden pleasure that had come again after being taken away a second ago. He held it in her all the way for less time now. He then withdrew, with less of a reaction as she grew accustomed to the feeling of him stretching her wet cunt open. He then pushed in again, and her breathing started to normalize, as she allowed the intensity to start anew. She began slowly rocking with him, sliding his cock in and out of her, her clit brushing against him every time he slid into her, shooting pleasure through her. She was truly fucking him now. She whimpered at the feeling of it, allowing herself to be the baddest girl she wanted to be, filled up with the fat cock of the studliest man she'd ever been with, and now needed to have inside her pussy more than anything. They slid against each other, each thrust into her more fantastic than the last. She was getting fucked and she was loving it.

After a minute of this he grabbed her ass hard and she squealed with delight. Suddenly she felt him lifting her. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around him, relishing his powerful arms begin to carry her. He slowly pushed his cock all the way in again - and Keeghan opened her mouth in a silent scream. Her body trembled as his cock slowly filled her up again, this time allowing him deeper access to her hole. She had never experienced these sensations - she had definitely never been fucked this way with Jeff.

After pumping into her a few times standing up, he looked back at the couch against the wall. He carried her over to it, his cock still deep in her to her delight. Sitting himself onto the couch, her now on his lap, she excitedly realized she was going to get to ride his cock! She'd never really got to try this with Jeff - he'd almost always have cum by now.

She began moaning again with shortened breath as the sensations again emanated to the rest of her body from her throbbing pussy. Lifting her ass up, she let his dick slip almost the way out, marvelling at how much fun it was having control like this. Then, slowly again, she let her pussy fall back down his shaft, refilling her and sending electricity throughout her pelvis.

She slowly began riding him, and the pleasure increased even futher. She shuddered as his cock brushed against her gspot once more and another burst of pleasure went through her...only this time it didn't stop. She moaned continuously now, the feeling becoming overwhelming. She felt like she could cum at any second, but her orgasm was kept at bay by the molly, still in full effect. The cock inside her reached the edge of her hole, and she felt empty again, with the sudden need to have it in her once again. She slid it down into her once more, and cried out as the pleasure returned. It filled her pussy so well. This was it, she couldn't have stopped if she wanted to. She needed this dick in her cunt now. She needed to fuck him completely. Her mouth fell open uncontrollably as she slid herself down to his balls, his cock pushing her pussy open again, and then withdrew. She continued rhythmically riding, the pleasure maintaining as long as his cock was fucking her. In and out, in and out...she relished the constant feeling of emptiness then fullness in her pussy. She couldn't believe what she was experiencing now...the molly had made her so horny, and now she was getting to fulfill her fantasy...she was getting to fuck this hot guy she'd secretly fantasized about fucking. His perfect dick, in real life, inside her pussy, fucking her pussy. It was the most wonderful sensation she could possibly ask for. She loved how well it fit inside her. She loved feeling it spreading her open.

"Unngh...unhhh...mmm...ungh...ah...ohhh god...uuunggh...unhh...fuck..." she yelped repeatedly as she bounced up and down on his dick. She quickly looked around the room, seeing the scene she was in. The hotel room was filled with her friends...who were all watching her. Some people were even filming her with their phones. God she was being so bad. This was so bad. She had never thought she would be in the place she was right now. All of them could see her ass, her tits, and her pussy, and even worse all of them could see her fucking. They all could see Ted's cock sliding in and out of her pussy as she lost control of herself. But that was the strangest thing for her. She kinda LOVED they could all see her naked now. She loved that they knew what she looked like when she fucked. She loved that she was pleasing Ted's dick at that moment, and she was capable of doing so.

The thought sent her over the edge, and she began really bouncing her pussy on his dick, moaning louder and louder. His hands moved to her ass as she rode him harder. His hard cock piped into her as her ass bobbed up and down on his lap. The sound of his balls beginning to slap her ass started filling the room. She was being such a slut, getting d**gged up and riding this guy's big dick in a hotel room, out in the open, cheating on her boyfriend the whole while. It wasn't Jeff; it was so new and spontaneous, and bad. She was being so bad. She felt the orgasm beginning in her pussy. She began to cry out. She was going to cum, and she knew it would be more intense than anything she had ever felt. A scream began to erupt from her, and she realized she only could get out a few words before she lost control.

"Ohhhhh fuck TED!! OHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK I'M GONNA CUMM!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!" She wailed. Instinctively she continued to ride his dick, her body taking control of the situation. She screamed unintelligbly after that; the pleasure overwhelmed her. Her vision became flashing lights and her body melted, becoming liquid pleasure to the orgasm racking her body. Her whole body shook uncontrollably and she could only think to wail as euphoria consumed her. Her pussy convulsed on the cock inside her and she ran her hands all over her body. It was the greatest feeling she'd ever experienced.

She regained consciousness, in a daze, but now wanting more, more than ever. She'd taken control so far, but now she wanted to get fucked. She wanted Ted to fuck her pussy how he wanted. He'd given her a life changing orgasm and now she wanted to give him whatever she could. She withdrew his dick from her pussy and got on all fours on the empty part of the couch beside him, the crowd of her friends cheering and clapping as they realized what she was setting up. Ted quickly got the idea and took his place behind her. She felt possessed. She'd never even really done doggy style with Jeff, but now here she was presenting her pussy for Ted to fuck her from behind.

She had transformed into the slut that needed to be dirty and used by a willing and capable man. Ted positioned himself behind her, admiring her round, soft ass and beautiful pussy. He ran his fingers up her slit sending a shiver through her (and another cheer through the crowd) and she wiggled her ass at him, now aching again for his cock.

God she wanted it like this. She wanted his dick deep inside her from the back. He was more than happy to oblige, guiding his cock into her from behind. Feeling his cock head find her hole, she sighed as he entered her pussy in a new way.

She closed her eyes as he fucked into her tight pussy, grabbing her ass for stability as he buried his cock to the hilt in her hole, this time pressing immediately against her gspot. She whined in pleasure once again, loving the dirty feeling of giving up her pussy to him this way, in a way Jeff had never done.

His cock went all the way in, further in than it had ever gone that night. It was so deep she couldn't believe it. He withdrew and thrusted into her, hard. "OH FUCK!" she shouted instictively, the small amount of pain immediately turning to pleasure. The cock in her was filling her up more than she'd ever had. She smiled and she bounced back against him, happy she was able to be the sexy hot fuck she imagined he wanted.

The sound of his skin slapping against hers, and her loud moans, filled the room over the dance music. She felt his hands squeeze her ass tightly as he thrust into her again and again. "OHH...Ahhhhh...Oh fuck...Unnnnghh...mmmmmm..." she whined.

She felt hands on her back, but they were another set of hands. Curious, she lifted her head up, and was surprised to see Brent there, kneeling in front of her. His cock was standing up straight, inches from her face. She smiled at the view she had...and then realized the opportunity she had too. Ted had made her feel so incredible, what if she could please him AND Brent? Another perfect cock she could please; another friend she could help feel like she was feeling. Finding her balance from Ted's thrusting, she reached up and placed her hand on his dick and he sighed happily in response. He liked it! She smiled at the newfound joy she could provide to her new partner. She began stroking Brent's dick enthusiastically, in rhythm with Ted's cock sliding in and out of her.

What if...could I suck him? She thought to herself. She considered the possibility and naughtiness of it. Looking up at Brent, she saw he was looking back at her, waiting to see what she would do. Smiling back, she moved her mouth to his dick and licked it from the base all the way to the tip. Brent groaned with delight. Encouraged, she put her mouth on his cock, taking in the new flavor and texture of a new dick. She knew she wouldn't stop there however; she wanted to make Brent feel as good as she and Ted were feeling. She began bobbing her lips up and down on him, doing her best to focus on giving him the best blowjob she could while Ted was giving her the best dick of her life.

She couldn't believe the feeling. Two handsome studs piping their cocks into her at the same time. Out of her peripheral vision she saw the whole party still watching her. Some filming, some guys stroking themselves...but everyone could see her. Fuck this was so bad...everyone could see her naked, everyone could see her getting fucked doggystyle by Ted, while sucking Brent's cock at the same time. Everyone could see her moaning, relishing the fucking she was getting. Everyone could see her being a total slut with these two guys.

This notion started the beginnings of another orgasm in her. Ted's dick piping into her from behind had been grazing her gspot and now she was feeling an even deeper pleasure eminating from her pussy. With each thrust into her from Ted it became more and more pronounced until she could no longer focus on sucking Brent's cock. The glow of her 2nd orgasm pulsed through her and she began wailing.

"Ohhhhhh...OHHH FUCK TEDDDD!! FUCK I'M CUMMINGGGGG!!" She screamed to the room as he drove into her, their bodies pounding into each other the background noise to her whining in ultimate euphoria. Her vision blurred and body shook as she came and she was sure her pussy was clenching his cock harder than it ever had. The warmth continued its flow through her over and over again as she savored this perfect feeling. "AHHHH! UNNNNGHH!! OHHHH! OHHHH FUCK!!" she yelled with each wave.

As intensely as it came, she began to feel a twinge of sadness as the feelings began to subside, combined only with the excitement of knowing she might get to work her way there again. Still, she backed her ass into Ted, doing her best to get as much of his wonderful cock into her and draw out every last bit of pleasure from this orgasm that she could.

As the orgasmic feelings left her, she slowed herself, catching her breath. She loved getting fucked like this, but the molly had her curious to continue her exploration.

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Rave Party Main Maza

Doston ab jo story main apke saath share karne jaa raha hun wo meri life ka ab tak ka best sex experience hai last month mera friend sharad pune se aaya aur mere se kaha ke jaldi se bag pack kar le hume 3 – 4 din ke liye Delhi Jaipur highway se 25 kms andar ek resort main jaana hai Maine usse pucha ke kiss liye par usne kuch bhi nahi bataya aur kaha ke bas jaldi chal bahar gaadi khadi hai aur kafi log intezar kar rahe hai maine bina kuch age puche apna bag pack kar liya aur uske saath chal diya...

2 years ago
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An athletic white man and his black BBW wife in action at a rave

My husband and I have most things in common but not my love for techno music, dancing and raves. So for almost the first three years of our relationship, I experienced those things without him. When I went to raves, which was about every other weekend, it was a girls’ night out. He was cool about that but I still felt bad that he wasn’t interested in sharing a big part of my social life with me. Then one night when I was getting ready to go to a rave he surprised me by saying that...

3 years ago
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The Rave

I work part time for a security firm that specializes in event management. Concerts, sporting events, private parties, fund raisers… you get the picture. It’s a wonderful part time gig and I get to see a ton of professional sports and those hard to get concert tickets mean nothing to me because I get paid to be there! This story is about a recent ‘rave’ I worked and how an unexpected fringe benefit really paid off. A popular techno artist was in town spinning recordings to thousands of young...

1 year ago
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Rave Girl

It’s always an adventure when my business trip meetings get canceled after I’ve already traveled. I find ways to fill the time until my return flight, and my distractions have become increasingly enjoyable lately. My most recent trip involved a rave, which I had never been to before, and a dance with an incredibly sexy girl named Rose. A coworker who had visited this city knew about a spot where they occasionally threw massive raves. He told me that one was happening the night I was in town....

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Natalie Portman Rave Girl

I had just completed a long day of class up at school and was greatly looking forward to the party tonight. It was going to be a massive rave, with some great DJ's including Moby & Fatboy Slim playing all night. My girlfriend dumped me less than a week ago and I was back on the prowl, looking for a new hottie to occupy my thoughts for a while (or a night at the least). Raves are a great place to meet women, not only because the music is incredible, but the babes on ectasy are even more...

2 years ago
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House Slut 36 48 Hours Rant Rave

She alighted from the car with Jackson’s assistance, endeavouring to keep her thighs together and microskirt down. There were a few people in line for the nightclub as well as a large group of smokers clustered in a fenced off area outside. A few heads turned to look at her in her outfit but despite her feeling exposed no one seemed to linger on her for too long and she realised that her outfit was not hugely out of place – though she imagined that most of the other women here were wearing...

2 years ago
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Rave Mania

I can’t believe that I am doing this, I thought as I walked up to the persone that is letting people into the rave. He took a long look at my C cup breats and my wide hips and motioned for me to enter the rave. As I stepped in, the smell of humans entered my nose and the sound of techno music exploded in my ears. I looked around. There was imitation fog coming out of the ground and humans dancing in the dark. There was also a few vampires at the bar. The humans were goth, drug addicts and...

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a great rave story

I went to this rave last month, and i met this little Asian girl there, she was so sexy and i was on e, she asked me to dance and we did, i didn't leave her side for the rest of the show.I had a great time and well i had to leave after on a party bus and didn't think id see her again. then This month there was another show so we got in touch and she wanted to go, so she came down and we had dinner at a lovely Hawaiian restaurant (Shes Hawaiian) it was a good call she liked it. So we...

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It began with a simple padded plank supported on a couple of sawhorses. Black leather covered heavy pads that would support a body from head to foot. There were several cushions on the plank which suggested that the device might not be simply rigid. In fact, it was segmented, as he would discover. He was told to lie down, face down, fully dressed. Of course, fully dressed meant as he had arrived at the dungeon. He had received very detailed instructions about this nearly a week...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Darkside Rave Den

The cute-faced, 19-y/o Maureen wasn't just a punk slut. Punk, she most certainly was, with tattoos and a mohawk of dark hair, while she much more rated as the notoriously skankier than skankiest sex-bum her many bangers had ever known – which is redundant to say about the immensely twisted 'ho who absolutely detested nice fucks from nice guys. To put it mildly, Maureen took pride in being a low-down junk-scrap when dicks were stuffed in her slenderly sexy flesh including a chest adorned...

1 year ago
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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 3

A few days later, we had to give the yacht back, but we still had some time left in the small villa up in the hills. It wasn't huge, but it had a nice patio overlooking the Riviera with enough privacy to continue wearing absolutely nothing 24/7. We kept up with our young friends as well, and they invited us to the rave club where Patrick and his partner, Dimitri, were DJing. We had been pretty casual the whole trip, but I looked forward to the chance get a little dressed up. Tom looked super...

3 years ago
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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 2

Tom and I had an amazing night on the yacht reliving the fun this young girl so unexpectedly showed us. If you've never ridden your man on the bow of a ship in the moonlight, I highly recommend it. We slept out there naked in each others' arms for hours before retiring to our cabin, where we both caught a second wind and stayed up another hour hungry for each other's bodies. Late the next morning, we met up with Karine and her boyfriend Patrick in town. Karine looked exactly the same as...

2 years ago
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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 1

Some friends mentioned that my recent vacation exploits would translate well into erotica and suggested I post it. It's long, so I'll post it in a few sections. Quick background on me: (well, I guess you can see my profile for the basics), 28, never married, no kids, raised in a nudist household. I'm bi and have been seeing a guy for about a year (which is a very long time for me). His name is Tom, he'll be 50 this year, separated, but still living with his wife while they raise their boys....

Group Sex
3 years ago
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BBC Rave IR Fuck

Let me tell you a story about what I experienced at a rave in San Diego called LED USA. I was wearing a very skimpy outfit that day, dresses with bunny ears and a bunny tail, with a lacy black bra and tight ass-hugging underwear which exposed my butt for everyone to see. I was rolling HARD that day so I loved the feeling of being touched and every time a hand would brush past or grope my ass I would shudder with pleasure. After a while I started dancing with a tall, muscular black boy who was a...

4 years ago
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Lesbian play after a rave

So Cherry and I arrived at her place after the rave. She was home alone but we still went to her room. She smiled at me and kneeled before me. She lifted up my skirt slowly and stroke my pubic area gently.I got down, too, and removed her hoodie and unbuttoned her pants. She had black thongs on with a devil drawing on her. I turned her around and felt her tight ass and then lowered her pants. She had such a sexy ass. I spread her cheeks a bit and kissed her.Then I moved my hands upwards and...

4 years ago
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Girl Unraveled Unravel

unravel ??n-?ra-v?l v. 1. To unfasten, or to come unfastened a piece of clothing or fiber. 2. To find the correct answer for something that is difficult to understand. The first thing that happened when the child was born was that the mother, Patricia Jones, passed out from exhaustion. This left the newborn to be held in the arms of a young nurse. "Doctor," the nurse said, turning to catch the graying man before he left the room for his smoke brake, "I think you should...

4 years ago
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House Slut 37 48 Hours Rave On

“How’d you go?” Jackson enquired, not skipping a beat in his dance. Tegan briefly flashed four fingers and Jackson nodded appreciatively, apparently impressed. “Well you know where to find me when you’re done.” “I need another drink.” Tegan said. “So go get one.” “I don’t have my card on me.” “That didn’t seem to be a problem before.” Jackson said. Tegan rolled her eyes with a sigh and wondered if this was him sticking to the spirit of the challenge or just being an asshole. Maybe he...

1 year ago
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The Rave Party

My name is Sarah and I am 17, a virgin with big blue eyes, red hair that is down to my mid back, 36dd tits, and an ass that never ends, I have never smoked pot or done any drugs, not saying that I don't want to try them. "Ok so where is this party at?" I aasked Josh, my boyfriend. "Ten more miles Sarah quit bitching!" He yelled back. Josh was a great guy really he was, his friend was even better though, I almost fucked his freind Steven once, I let him lick the fuck out of my...

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The Rave at the Barn

The barn where we rode horses consisted of five different stables around a central grass paddock and to the side in the driveway was an old stone building which once might have been a feed store or large tool store. Horse care was excellent but the barn was a little ‘alternative’ – a little laid back and didn’t strictly adhere to any one particular discipline. English, Western, Dressage, Jumps, or Trail – whatever people rode – was accepted. In order to make ends meet and keep costs down,...

2 years ago
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A Rave Suprise

Zander grinned some,seeing his ex shitfaced drunk. Weaving in and out of the people being stupid. which was a black t-shirt "It wasn't me...This time"in dark green lettering,some baggy bondage pants with straps and chains hanging off them,and a pair of old combat boots on. His dark red hair was extremely messy. Finally getting into the room she stumbled into.No one was there.Perfect.He walked up behind her and started kissing her neck hard.He was groping her tits in his hands. Sarah was leaning...

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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 4 finale

It had to be Ecstasy or something like it that Karine had kissed into our mouths at the club. I'm an all night partier, but I should have been passed out on the blurry limo ride that returned us to the villa. Instead, I was still completely on fire. It seemed everyone was. The six of us were all in various states of undress. Our hands and mouths wandered lazily to whomever was closest. We got back to our rented villa, which was small with an open great room and two bedrooms off of it. There was...

3 years ago
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rant and rave

u know guys bitch about how women are such divas and bitches. Well its because some guys dont know how to take a hint. They force u to be mean to them inorder for u to be left alone. I might say "oh im not that horny atm" or "im busy, hope u have fun" or "well, im tired im going to bed"....u would think they would get the hint that im not going to play at that point and second. But NO...they keep pushing keep insisting til they piss me off! and then im just a grouchy bitch to them from this...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 3 Ginnys Naughty Futa Revelation

Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...

2 years ago
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Mollys Early Revelation

MOLLY'S EARLY REVELATION Part One We all look for those influences that shape our gender expression. But with all girls who have evolved, there is that early recognition of having that "femme" spirit of mind and expression that manifests early in life. Is it that inner mixing of XX vs. XY chromosome issue? Is it domineering women we have had in life?-more of an environmental influence or is simply a feminine being, packaged wrongly for what ever reason? As I sat...

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Sleeping Daughter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

Chapter Three: Nanny Cam Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “She isn't even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She's ripe and ready for you. She's taken her medication and she's passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my eighteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager...

3 years ago
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Blinding Lust 3 Revelation

Blinding Lust 3 : Revelation Natalia woke up to loud knock on the door…she looked around, and it was still dark…then the loud knock again…panicked, she jumped out of bed almost stumbling as she walked to the door…and there stood Lord Cedric, more handsome than even, Natalia just froze, couldnt believe that a man could get more handsome before ones eyes…and she find herself wondering if shell ever gonna get used to his handsomeness…then he spoke, and she smelled liquor…Why is this room locked?...

4 years ago
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On July 15, 2015 my life was turned upside down. I just didn’t know it at the time. Looking back, I was like so many others caught in the middle-class grind with a demanding job, family life, a house in the suburbs, and the hefty mortgage to go with it. It would appear by world standards that I was living the American dream, or so I thought at the time.When I made the decision to become self-employed, I had no idea how demanding that would become. As the business started to grow, it seemed like...

1 year ago
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New Years Revelation

New Years Revelation By Terry Cumslut My life as a male is over. Let's start with my childhood. My name was Terrance, now Terry. I was born a male in NYC, 28 years ago. My life was simple and ordinary. I had blonde hair and Hazel eyes. I looked more like a girl even when I was young. I grew up around three females; I was surrounded by perfumes and lacy clothing. I was also considered adorable; letting Mommy dress me up in feminine clothes was normal to me then. I was a...

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Gaby Part 5 Gabys Revelation

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

3 years ago
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Apollos Revelation

President Gerald R. Ford sat at his desk in the Oval Office at the address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. The cameras of three major T.V. Networks were pointed at him and running. When the light blinked from red to green President Ford spoke, "My fellow Americans, good evening. Last night, as we all slept and dreamt of the holiday season and the joys of being with our families, our nation, our planet, was attacked. We were the target of a diabolical biological weapon...

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Robbies Revelation

I hope you all enjoy the start of this tale, its actually the first creative writing I have attempted since I was in college. We'll just say that was 20+ years ago. This story has just been bouncing around in my head for a while and I felt the need to tell it, to the best of my ability. Some of the story is pulled from my actual experience, some are just daydreams of a 40 something lady now. Anyway I hope you enjoy, and I don't mind constructive feedback. I hope to get better as the...

4 years ago
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Nikkos Revelation

Chapter 1 Nikko looked at her dark haired bush in the magnifying mirror. She had her legs up on the tile wall in the small bathtub. Her good friend Yoko was giggling at the serious look on Nikko's face. "You should see yourself, Nikko. You look like the stone-faced dragon over the front door." Nikko had to laugh. It was true. She was nervous and worried about her decision to remove most of the hair from her woman slit to get ready for the beach vacation her family had scheduled for next...

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Mother Child ReunionChapter III The Revelation

Dad looked at Mom and me, without a word, for an uncomfortably long time. “Dad, please. Sit down and have some coffee with us while we talk. OK? With that, Dad sat down at the table, took off his ratty old fishing hat and looked worried. I wanted to tell him not to worry, but I figured he had every right. I poured us all a mug of freshly brewed Columbian coffee, Dad’s favorite, when Mom spoke up: “Honey, I don’t really know how to break this to you, so I’m just going to say it. We were...

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The ProfessorChapter 16 Pool party Nude pizza delivery Deb Startling revelation

Ash and Christy got out of the pool and I couldn’t help but follow the beautiful naked bodies with my eyes. God, they were such sexpots, and for the most part they didn’t even know it. Moreover, as I ogled Christy, I could swear that she’d become more shapely and busty than when I first became familiar with her body six months earlier. I think she was developing before my very eyes. There were new curves there and I thought her breasts were more defined. The two of them got towels, dried off,...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 49 Revelation

February 1981, Milford, Ohio Sunday was Krista’s first day with Beth and me. I noticed that Stephanie hung out with us far more than usual. I suspected that she was keeping an eye on Krista because everyone knew Krista had been flirting with me the whole year. She had just turned fourteen, which meant that my age restriction rules wouldn’t apply. I found it amusing that the girls were analyzing all the threats. It was almost like the military assessing enemies and preparing contingencies....

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Lucky StiffChapter 11 Camilles Revelation

Well you walk into a restaurant, Strung out from the road, You can feel the eyes upon you As your shaking off the cold. You pretend it doesn't bother you, But you just want to explode. --Turn the Page (Bob Seger) Camille seemed nervous when she picked me up. "We're going to Lake Shore Point," she said. I grinned. "You've always wanted to get into my pants," I said. Instead of laughing, Camille groaned. I now knew that something serious was up. "What's wrong,...

3 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 17 Another Addiction Another Revelation

Baby, you'll come knocking on my front door, Same old line you used to use before. I said yeah, well, What am I supposed to do? I didn't know what I was getting into. So you've had a little trouble in town? Now you're keeping some demon down. Stop draggin' my... Stop draggin' my... Stop draggin' my heart around! --Stop Draggin' My Heart Around (Stevie Nicks / Tom Petty) I saw Sherry during the three classes we shared the next day, and she usually lowered her eyes as she...

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The Princess And The Traveller

For now, I am abandoning my autobiographical series of short stories (though rest assured I will return to them soon!) and present here a completely fictional rendering in the Medieval "Sword and Sorcery" genre. I'm doing this now partly because I had been working on my third autobiographical story for a couple of weeks now, and my computer just ate it. No backup! Augh! Anyway, until my frustration dies down and I begin writing the whole @#!* thing second time, I decided to whip...

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Ravens Crossing

Raven's Crossing By Morpheus Raven's Crossing was a small town that was much more prosperous than most others of its size. This was not due to any special products or services that the people of the town offered, but was entirely due to its location. Raven's Crossing had been built where two ancient travel routes crossed. The road to the north led to enormous mountains and deep valleys, a region that was the ancestral home of several dwarf clans, rock trolls, and the occasional...

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Mindbomb Revelations

Following the blast in Las Vegas (see MINDBOMB: LOOSE ENDS - by Zapper) the existence of mindbombs and the knowledge that they swap the minds of those caught in their blast radius is now public. However, those behind them have long planned for this day .... (WARNING: This contains major spoilers for the earlier stories listed below in reading order. You should read at least the first of these before reading this one: 1. MINDBOMB 2. MINDBOMB: THE BEGINNING 3. ALTERED FATES: A...

3 years ago
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Ravens Room

In Titans Tower, there is a golden rule. Don't talk about Fight Club. Wait, that's a different story. No, the golden rule is, stay out of Raven's room. Unless you're invited in, the only one allowed inside is her. Many ask why. ...okay, only four ask why because only four other people live with her, but that's not the point. The reason is simple. Inside Raven's room is a collection of magical items. Most of which, not even SHE knows what they do. She constantly looking up information about the...

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Mrs Graves

MRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber.  He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back.  To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house.  She didn?t answer.  Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...

1 year ago
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When the Sleeper Wakes Part 5 Revelations

WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES Part 05: Revelations Copyright (c) 2002 by Kim EM All rights reserved "When the Sleeper Wakes" Created by Kim EM and Debra Rachel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read...

2 years ago
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Rainy Fuck In Vizag Swarn Praveen

Hi, sex lovers, This is Praveen from Vizag working in it park as a software engineer and this is my sex story. I’m of 5.8″ well-built body and 7″ long lasting manhood. I had a sex earlier with my girlfriend 2 times at her apartment and this is my third time luckiest fuck with a matured women with fully ripen assets. Coming to sex, story it happened with my colleague Swarnalatha, 29yrs women who divorced her husband, living with her dad&mom. She is newly appointed and working under my...

3 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 Revelations

Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 - Revelations By Farleven It was the morning light filtering in through the window that finally stirred me. Something felt different. That wasn't saying much, the last few weeks had been a whirlwind of change. I'd been turned into a woman and sent on an undercover assignment. I lived in a new apartment, wore new clothes, and that was just the little things. For all of that though, I'd gotten used to the changes, even the new body for the most part....

2 years ago
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Dickgirls of Faeruhn 03 Ravens Pets

"Based on the 'Dickgirls of Faeruhn' series, by lightswitch." All day Raven had felt unmistakable and rather pleasant twitches and surges in her cock. They seemed to happen most often whenever she saw a Golden out going about her business. "This must be the warning sign." She whispered as she lightly touched the heavy but flaccid organ that hung between her strong shapely legs to bounce against her knees. A radiant smile lit her face. "I have reached maturity! I'll be able to rut...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 15 Ravens First Day

Raven, dressed in a blouse and slacks, sat on the couch in the sex room. She had been given the tour of the house the previous evening after Dave, Sue Ellen, and Jim had left. She knew she was seated in the sex room. It's role in the project had been described to her in very explicit terms. In a way, it kind of scared her to be there. It was Saturday morning and she was expecting Andrew to show up at ten. That was in about ten minutes. She wondered about him and what he would be like. She...

3 years ago
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The TravellerChapter 9 Sopha of the House of Grorkn

My name is Sop'ha of the House of Grork'n; I am seventeen cycles of the planet of age. My father is Twine'n and I have ... or I hope I still have a sister, Sar'ha. I say hope as at this time my sister's body is lying on a bed, being watched by healers, and it's my fault she's there. I was showing off to my father and miscast a spell. I was trying to push her body out of the circle but due to my actions I forced her mind out of her body. Oh nobody is directly accusing me of anything,...

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Time Travellers from the 1960s Pt 01

Time Travellers from the 1960’s: Ted and Louise Chapter 1: Going To The Future Some close friends were very active in the ‘New Seminary of the Future’. Robert and Frances were convinced that many of the medical advances which we all expected could not be completed within the ten or twenty year time spans which everyone was talking about. So they opted to move forward to a time when all the advances to come would be far more reliable and complete. They opted to be put asleep for the longest...

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 46 to 47 Revelations

Chapter Forty-SixThey say that the older one gets, the faster time seems to pass. They also say that when you have children, time simply flies past so as parents in our fifties, you can imagine how time seemed to rocket by for Pete and me.Before we knew it, January had ended, February was upon us and Leanne was three months old. Still small for her age, she was unquestionably the most striking looking of my three babies, and by far the sweetest tempered. She was even sleeping through the night...

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(This story left me in doubt over which category to place it under. There is no sex in this story, you will understand why when you read it. I hope you enjoy the read, I did the best with the idea that stuck in my head and wouldn’t let go.) My very special thanks go to LSEiland for her editing. I had been chasing this ghost for over two years now. It all started as a conversation with a boat builder friend of mine. He mentioned a story I may be interested in for the paper. The trouble was,...

4 years ago
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wifes revelation

Jack, a confident, successful, self-made guy opens the door to the local eating establishment and immediately is greeted by the cute blonde girl working as the hostess. He pointes to a booth in the rear of the building. The girl gives him a puzzling look. "Pam is my wife and I want to surprise her". The girl smiles and escorts him to the booth. He sits patiently as his server comes by. "Hi can I start you off with a drink? He smiles "just waiting for Pam to come over she's my wife"...

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