The Highway Girl free porn video

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The sun was beating down off the old black State highway. Outside must have been nearly a hundred degrees. Inside the Audi A4, the AC vents blew a cool hard seventy over Glenn's knuckles, as the speedometer flirted with ninety miles per hour. His eyes scanned the sides of the road for the telltale glint of sunlight from a cop's waiting roof-rack, but out here in the sticks there wasn't much worry. He stepped a little harder on the gas, daring himself to get her up into triple digits.

Glenn loved his car. It had been a high school graduation present from his parents. Now, nearly a year later, he was driving it back home from Clinton State University. Sure, his parents could have easily paid for a plane ticket to South Dakota, but Glenn had been looking forward to the road trip all semester; a chance to see what this baby could really do.

He was glad to be putting miles between himself and Clinton City. His freshman year had been a complete drag. All the students were a bunch of liberal hipsters, and his professors enabled the little cry-babies by constantly talking about social justice issues and everyone's feelings. At times he wasn't sure whether he was in business administration or some kind of goddamn women's studies program.

He rounded a gentle bend, and saw a nice long straight way stretching out ahead of him as leafy green streamed by on either side in a blur. Glenn, checked himself in the rearview, fixing his conservative brown hair cut, parted on the side. He wasn't ugly or fat. In fact he went to the gym pretty regularly. Mostly he liked to jog on the treadmill and watch the girls in their tight yoga pants on the ellipticals and bikes.

His mind wandered. He thought of the last time he'd gone to the strip club. He'd been alone like usual. There was a stripper there, Melody or Melanie,  or something, who had chatted him up. He bought her a few drinks and got a couple of lap dances from her. He tried to bring her body back to his mind - The way she moved, the way she caressed her tits, how she had bent over right in front of him and pulled her thong to one side so he could see he pussy up close, a finger sliding across her slit...

His hand dropped from the steering wheel into his lap. He began massaging his cock through his pants, coaxing it to attention. There wasn't anyone else around, so why the fuck not? He shifted in his seat to undo his pants. It was a little awkward, but he finally managed to free his cock. There it was, in the summer sun, all flushed pink and purple. His fingers circled around it and began to tug.

Despite the no touching rule, he recalled the way that Melody or Melanie or whatever her name was had ground her ass into his pelvis, and gave him a naughty little smile as she felt his cock hard and pressing back against her. He gave her another forty bucks to keep doing just that. Only that. It felt so good. She leaned back against him. Her hands ran through his hair. She smelled like candy. Glenn couldn't hold back. He had cum in his pants.

Glenn's mind cycled through these events several times, neglecting to go any further in the memory. The way that she had hopped off of him just as he began to orgasm, ruining it. Her look that was a mixture of pity and disgust. How he had walked from the VIP area, escorted by a bouncer, through the club, holding his hands over the embarrassing stain at his crotch. No, the memory stopped at her grinding him until he came, and then cycled back again to her approaching him with a seductive smile and a sexy outfit.

Another car whooshed past, bring him back to reality. Glenn looked down at the dash to find he'd accelerated to over one-twenty. Better ease up a bit, he thought, both on the accelerator and his stroking.

He looked up just in time to see a blonde girl in sunglasses, shorts and a white top, holding an old suit case. The dumb bitch was almost in the middle of the road with her thumb out. Holy shit! He was going to hit her! Glenn stomped on the brakes. The tires gave a tormented screeched, and the car began to fishtail.

For Glenn, everything dropped into slow motion, as he skidded by the girl, narrowly missing her. He could see her face peering through the passenger window, more inquisitive than terrified, as he passed by her. Then she was staring after him in the rearview mirror as he fought to regain control of the car, and keep it out of the ditch.

Finally, several yards down the road, he finally came to a stop. His heart was pounding. He checked his rearview again to really be certain she was still alive and unhurt. The last thing he needed was a lawsuit. He saw her in an awkward not-quite-jog with her heels and suitcase, moving towards the car. Glenn watched her approach, admiring her legs, long and slender. Man, she was beautiful.

It wasn't until she'd reached the back of his car that Glenn realized he still had his cock out. Frantically, he tried to tuck it back in, but it was still half-hard and stubbornly refused to be re-confined to his pants. Fuck! He flipped the bottom of his shirt over his crotch just as the blonde reached the passenger window. She knocked on the glass. Glenn thumbed the button to lower it. Immediately the heat was on him.

"Hey man," the blonde said, almost leaning through the window. "Why don't you watch where you're going, huh? You could've fuckin' killed me, you know. Be my fuckin' luck, too."

"Yeah, sorry," Glenn said, feeling his face flush. "I didn't see you there."

"How could you miss me?" she asked. "I was standing right there."

"I know. Sorry," Glenn repeated.

The sound of cicadas swelled in the trees.

"Well?" she asked, finally.

"What?" Glenn asked back. All he could think about was how sexy the girl was and how his cock was dangerously close to being exposed.

The blonde gave an exasperated sigh. "Can I get a ride, man?"

"Uh..." Glenn said.

He'd been warned about picking up hitchhikers. He'd heard all the stories of highway robbers and murderers, not to mention the bums. But looking at her, she didn't look like any of those things. She was wearing clean clothes, and looked like she'd showered that morning. If she weren't there on the side of the road, it would be easy to picture her as one of his parents' friends' kids. Anyway, she looked hot.

"Yeah," Glenn concluded finally. "Sure, why not? You can put your suitcase in the back."

"Thanks, man," the girl said. "You don't know it, but you're a fuckin' life saver. Really."

The girl placed her luggage in the back, then climbed into the passenger seat. When she'd pulled the seatbelt across her ample chest, Glenn put the car into drive and pulled away from the side of the road.

"I'm Anita, by the way." She stuck out her hand.


He reached across to take her hand, and then felt the sensation of his shirt fabric sliding slightly across the head of his disobedient cock. He glanced down to make sure everything was still under wraps. It was. Satisfied, he shook, and then let his hand casually drop into his lap, pinning his shirt firmly in place.

"So Glenn, where are we headed?" Anita asked.

"Home," Glenn answered. "South Dakota. At least, that's where my parents live. I'm actually a student at Clinton State University."

Anita whistled. "That's a long drive, though."

"Yeah. What about you, where are you going?"

"Well..." Anita started. "I'm not really sure about that."

Glenn turned and gave her a puzzled look.

"Okay," Anita continued. "So, I was going to Nashville with my boyfriend-" She corrected herself, "ex-boyfriend, but now..." Her voice began to catch.

"Hey, hey," Glenn said. "I'm sorry."

"We just had a huge fight and then the fuckin' asshole dumped me with my suitcase on the side of the road. Just told me to get the fuck out of his car in the middle of fuckin' nowhere. I mean, who the fuck does that? Then the fucker drove off with my purse with my phone and debit card, and all my fuckin' ID and everything. What the fuck am I going to do without all my shit?" Her voice had become more and more hysterical as she spoke. The last of it was almost incomprehensible.

"He sounds like a real asshole," Glenn said, trying to reassure her, and hoping to score points. "You're probably better off without him."

"Yeah," Anita agreed, sniffling. She took off her sunglasses, revealing a set of beautiful brown eyes with tears welling them. "Anyway, I guess I'll go back to our apartment in Lincoln-"

"Nebraska?" Glenn interrupted.

"Yeah. We just moved there a couple of months ago."

"Well, Lincoln is kinda on the way to Sioux Falls."

"You'd drive me all that way?" Anita asked. She sniffed again.

"I'm headed that way anyway, so it's no extra trouble. Why not?" Glenn was enjoying the idea of himself coming to the rescue of this poor gorgeous babe. He was such a magnanimous guy. A hero, really.

Anita talked about her boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, she had to keep reminding herself), as they crossed a couple of state lines. She told Glenn about how they'd met, how she'd followed his career across the country giving up everything to be with him. Outside the car, the lush green leaves faded to darker pine needles, as the elevation began to climb.

Eventually, the conversation petered out. Anita turned her face to the window. They were now up in the Ozark mountains. The sun was setting, and everything looked amazing. Anita looked amazing, too, as she closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep. Glenn kept stealing glances at her and couldn't help but admire the curve of her breasts beneath her shirt, or the shape of her legs, so nicely revealed by the tiny pair of shorts she wore.

In the silence, Glenn's mind began to drift back to sexual thoughts and fantasies. He re-ran the stripper memory again, but this time Anita took the place of whatshername. It was Anita's smile and her tiny sparkly little outfit approaching Glenn's table. Glenn buying drinks for her as they chatted. Then Anita was giving him the lap dance, caressing her breasts (larger than the other pair), and bending over infront of him, pulling her thong aside, so Glenn could see...

"Where are we?" Anita asked, roused from her sleep and startling Glenn from his thoughts.

"Uhm..." Leaned over to check the GPS.

"What's that?" Anita asked suddenly alarmed. "What the fuck is that?"


"That," she said, staring and pointing at his lap.

He'd pretty much forgotten about his exposed cock beneath his shirt. When he'd shifted in his seat, it had finally come out, still mostly erect from his daydreams of Anita dancing in his lap.

"Oh shit," Glenn said. His hand went to cover his hard on.

"Why the fuck is your cock out?" Anita asked angrily.

"I'm sorry. I can explain." Glenn stammered. He wondered if he really could, though. "It was out before I picked you up, and then I didn't get a chance to put it away, and..." He was pretty sure he'd blown it. She was giving him a dubious look. His heart was sinking. "Listen, I'll pull over here, and put it away. Okay? And if you want to get out and find another ride, you can. I'll understand. I'm sorry."

Glenn guided the Audi to a stop at a gas station advertising homemade beef jerky and cheap beer. As soon as he'd put the car in park, he was working to stuff his disruptive cock back into his pants. As he did, Anita opened the door, jumped out of the car, and slammed it behind her. He watched her through the windshield pacing back and forth. She was ranting to herself. Glenn could barely hear the tone of her voice, but not the actual words. He wondered if he should just make his escape now. What was he waiting for? Then he remembered her suitcase in the back seat.

He lowered his window, and called to her.

"What?!" she yelled back.

"Uh, your luggage," Glenn yelled pointing over his shoulder.

"Ugh!" she growled. "Fuck my life today!"

Instead of coming to the car to retrieve it, she sat down on the curb in front of the store, and buried her face in her arms. After a minute, Glenn got out. He went around to the other side, and pulled out her suitcase. Cautiously, he walked towards her, and put it on the ground next to her. She refused to look up at him.

Glenn went inside the store to take a leak. He figured that when he returned, Anita would be by the side of the road thumbing again if she hadn't already been picked up. A girl looking that fine wouldn't have trouble getting a ride, he considered remorsefully.

However, when Glenn came out again, the girl and the suitcase had returned to his car. She was sitting in the passenger seat, staring at him through the windshield, as he crossed the parking lot. Glenn slipped in behind the wheel and eyed her curiously.

"You said you'd take me all the way to Lincoln?" Anita asked.

"Sure," Glenn agreed, barely able to contain his excitement.

"And you're not going to do anything weird like pull your cock out again, are you?" Anita asked.


"Because I know martial arts," Anita warned. Glenn doubted that she did, but now wasn't the time to call bullshit. "I can make grown men cry."

"I'm not going to do anything weird," Glenn repeated. "Really, it was all a misunderstanding."

Anita considered Glenn for a full minute, her brown eyes boring into his own as if she were trying to read his soul.

"Alright," she said finally. "Let's go."


It was about ten at night when they reached the outskirts of Kansas City. Glenn had been on the road for almost eleven hours. He was exhausted. Conversation between him and Anita had been infrequent and awkward since they'd resumed their trip. According to the GPS, Lincoln was a little more than three and a half hours away, and Sioux Falls three hours past that. Glenn tried lowering the temperature of the AC and playing some music to wake himself up, but it was a losing battle. He knew he wasn't going to make it.

"Hey, Anita?"


"We've got a bit of a problem."


"I feel like if I don't get some rest soon, I'm going to fall asleep behind the wheel."


"When I planned the trip, I thought I'd just get a hotel when I was tired. But then with you, and you know... what happened earlier..."

"Well, I don't want to you to crash and kill us both," she said resigning herself to the situation. "So I guess that's the only option."

"I can get us separate rooms," Glenn offered, hoping to show he really wasn't a creep. "I mean, my parents might give me shit when they get the credit card statement, but... it's fine, I can handle it."

"Separate rooms?" Anita asked, looking at him without suspicion for the first time since she'd gotten back in the car. "If you're really alright with that... Then thanks."

They checked in to a Holiday Inn just off the highway. Her room was a few doors down from his. Glenn wished her a good night, and then entered his own room. He flipped on the light, slipped off his shoes and collapsed on the neatly made bed, just lying there, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Anita.

About twenty minutes later, Glenn was nearly asleep when there was a soft knocking on his door. He got up, and dragged himself across the room to answer it. On the other side, Anita was standing there holding a bucket of ice. Gone was the white top and the short shorts. In their place was a sexy satiny red slip with a black lace trim that showed off her cleavage and thighs. Glancing down, Glenn noticed that she'd completed the ensemble with a pair of black nylon thigh high stockings.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," Glenn answered softly. His breath had been taken away.

"I brought you some ice," she said.

"Why? We don't have any champagne or anything."

"I know, but I needed some excuse to come over here. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Uh, yeah, please," Glenn said nervously, stepping aside.

She crossed the room, placed the ice bucket on the bedside stand, and climbed up on to the bed. Glenn watched her, unable to believe his eyes. She patted the spot next to her. Obediently, Glenn went. He could already feel his unruly cock stiffening again at the sight of her.

"I was just sitting in my room, thinking about my ex, and how he just dumped me on the side of the road, and then you picked me up. You're nothing like him, you know. Totally different. And it's been a long time since I've had something different. You know what I mean?"

Glenn shook his head. Her hazel eyes looked into his.

"Well, let's just say that this is my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me today."

She leaned towards him and pressed her lips against his. They parted allowing her tongue to slip into his mouth. Glenn was feeling shy as if she would disappear into a puff of smoke if he so much as moved a muscle. Anita grabbed hold of his hands, and placed them on her body, guiding them from her back, down to her ass, and up to her breasts. Glenn was amazed at the soft warm feeling of her. Once he'd gotten the idea, she let him explore on his own.

Anita shifted her position, throwing her leg across his body. Then she sat up, straddling him. She lifted the hem of her slip slowly up abover her head, finally exposing a gorgeous pair of round breasts, each with a nice big pink juicy nipple pointing at him. Glenn let his fingers wander over them, feeling their firmness slip between them. Anita, sighed. Beneath her, Glenn's erection was pressing insistently upward through his pants.

Anita leaned forward, lowering first one breast, then the other, to Glenn's mouth. He kissed and licked and sucked her nipples, operating mostly on instinct. Her hands glided beneath his shirt and caressed his chest upwards, and then dragged her fingernails back down to his belt. One by one, she unbuttoned his shirt and threw it open. Meanwhile she slowly ground herself against his crotch, feeling the bulge of his erection rub against her. Anita leaned over and grabbed an ice cube from the bucket. She warmed it in her hand, until drops of water splashed on Glenn's chest.

"Ah!" Glenn said, surprised by the sudden cool sensations.

Anita grabbed another cube. This, she slid across her chest, and down to her nipples which became even harder under the melting ice. Glenn was fascinated by the way water droplets formed at their tips and then fell onto his own stomach.

He took the half-melted ice from her hand, and began to draw trails of water over her breasts, circling her nipples, then downwards. He traced his way over her stomach, her cute little belly button, right to the edge of the edge of her black thong. He lingered there, allowing the remains of the ice to melt away, and soak into the material. Anita moaned, and climbed off of Glenn. She repositioned herself between his knees, and worked at this pants. Within seconds, she had them undone, and was pulling at the waist.

"I didn't get a good enough look last time," she said.

Glenn raised his ass slightly from the bed, allowing her to tug his pants and underwear together down to his knees. His cock sprung into plain view.


She wrapped her fingers around his stiff pole. Glenn liked the way that her smaller hand made it look even bigger. Anita began to caress and stroke it. She brought her mouth so close he could feel the warm humidity of her breath on the head. Finally, after a prolonged delicate tease, she took him fully into her mouth. The feeling was amazing. It was hot and wet and Anita knew exactly what to do. She allowed her tongue to slide along the sensitive underside, and dance around the head, making Glenn groan with pleasure.

"You like that?" Anita asked.


"Ha. Just wait. You haven't seen anything yet."

Anita continued to suck on his cock. One hand grasped the base of it, and the other caressed his balls. Then she took both hands away, and pressed her head forward. He felt his cock slipping down her throat until her nose pressed against the base of it. She held that position for a minute, then came up again gasping for breath.

"Holy shit, that was awesome," Glenn cried out.

Anita favoured him with a proud smile. Then she got off the bed. "Hey do you want to try something?"


In response, she raised one foot up on the bed and caressed her leg. Glenn watched mesmerized as her fingers reached the top of her stocking and began to roll it sexily downwards, until it came off her toes. She repeated this with the other stocking as well. Then she climbed back onto the bed, straddling Glenn's body once more. This time, she grabbed his wrist, tied her stocking in a tight know around it, threaded it through the headboard and then tied the other end to his other wrist.

"How's that?" she asked.

"Good," Glenn responded, smiling excitedly back up at her. He'd always wanted to be tied up and used, but had never done it before. The fact that it was a stranger he'd picked up on the roadside made it even hotter.

"Doesn't hurt?" she asked, tying the second stocking around his ankles, and to the base of the bed frame.

"No." His cock twitched with anticipation.


Glenn tested the restraints, flexing his arms and legs against them. They were tight and firm, but not uncomfortable in any way.

"Now this is going to be fun," Anita said, stepping out of her panties. Glenn's eyes fixated on the smooth skin of her pubic mound flushed pink with arousal between Anita's thighs.

She grabbed another ice cube from the bucket, and trailed it over Glenn's body, down to his swollen cock. She rubbed it over the head, down his length to his balls, and then behind them to his perineum. He could feel it melting coolly there and soaking into the sheets. The next ice cube went into her mouth, followed by the head of his cock. The sensation of her tongue chilled by the ice was different but no less exciting as sucked him. Then she replaced her cold mouth with her warm hands. For a couple of minutes she continued this way, alternating hot and cold.

When that ice cube was spent, she grabbed another. This she slid over her own body, between her legs, and then up into her hot pussy. Glenn watched as melting water dripped from it. She lowered herself onto him. Her wet pussy brushed against the underside of his erection, dripping cool water over it. She continued to drag herself up his body, leaving a wet trail on him. Finally she reached his face.

"Lick," she commanded, lowering her pussy to his tongue.

Glenn, kissed and licked her eagerly, feeling the remains of the ice cube running out of her, and over his face. His hands wanted to grab her, pull her even further into him, but the restraints held fast. Instead, he manoeuvred his tongue around her as best he could. She seemed to position herself where she needed him most, offering clitoris one moment and then her opening the next.

Anita had begun to moan deeply. She turned around, lowered her pussy to his face again, and then resumed sucking his cock for a few minutes until she climaxed.

"Oh my god!"she shouted. Her body quivered, and her legs pressed against him.

As the orgasm subsided, Anita crawled down his body. She took hold of his cock, and guided it into her pussy. Every subtle shift in positions brought new amazing sensations.

"That cock feels so fuckin' good inside me, Glenn," she shouted. "I knew it would since I first fuckin' saw it. Oh christ!"

Glenn could only respond with grunts and groans as she rode him for several minutes. He was so close to cumming. She reached down and fondled his balls. So close. AH!

His entire body tensed up, as he pushed his hips up, attempting to thrust as deep as possible into Anita's beautiful pussy. Again he strained at the restraints wanting to pull her body back down onto him. His cock pulsed shooting cum deep inside her. Anita continued to bounce on top of him.

"I want more," she exclaimed.

Oh god, it was so intense it was almost painful, the way she kept riding him. He could barely stand it. He tried to squirm out from underneath her, but Anita wouldn't let him go. His entire body twitched uncontrollably. He shouted.

"Quiet!" Anita demanded. "You've been a bad boy and you're being punished. Driving around picking up poor stranded helpless girls on the road side and exposing yourself to them. Showing off that big nasty fuckin' cock of yours. I'm going to milk it dry, and teach you a lesson."

"Ah, it's too much!" Glenn yelled, simultaneously hoping she wouldn't stop.

"You're really not in a position to tell me what's too much," Anita said, looking back over her shoulder at him. Her face had taken on a cruel expression. "I told you I knew how to make men cry." She ground her pussy in a circular motion that drove him crazy. He could feel the thick semen of his first orgasm running down from her and over his balls.

"Oh my god!" Glenn yelled as he felt his cock throb and ejaculate for the second time. "Enough!"

"I'll say when it's enough," Anita told him. "This is what you get for showing your cock to helpless ladies stranded on the roadside."

After another agonizing minute. She finally climbed off of Glenn. He thought she was finished, but instead she turned, sitting between his legs, and began to caress his still much too sensitive cock. She let her fingers glide over the head, and run down his length. Then she gripped it tightly in her fist, lubricated by his cum and her juices, and jerked it hard, causing Glenn to cry out again. His eyes began to water. It was such sweet incredible torture.

"Shut it!" Anita ordered. "Or I'll shut it for you."

"It was a mistake!" Glenn pleaded, whimpering and squirming as she continued to tease his cock. "Just a mistake, I'm sorry."

"I fuckin' told you," Anita said. She leaned over, while keeping one hand on his cock, and grabbed her discarded panties. She balled them up.

"Open," she demanded.

Glenn obediently opened his mouth, and she stuffed them inside. With his cries muffled, Anita continued to tease and jerk his erection which refused to subside. Glenn felt a trickle down his cheeks as his tears overflowed. In a few more minutes, a third ejaculation spilled from the top of it. The feeling was even more intense than the previous ones, but there was less cum. It merely trickled out over Anita's merciless hand.

"What a goddamn mess," she said sternly.

She finally let go of him and wiped her hand on his chest. Getting up from the bed, she picked up her slip from the floor and put it back on. Then she picked up his pants.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Glenn tried to shout against the balled up underwear stuffing his mouth . What actually came out was a series of inarticulate groans.

"Now you just relax," she said. "Try to get some sleep." She pulled out his wallet, opened it, removed all his cash, then tossed it on to the bed next to him. Then she removed his car keys.

"No, you can't!" Glenn protested. Another set of meaningless sounds. He jerked and strained against the restraints, but they held him to the bed.

Anita jingled the keys at him. "Thanks for the ride, Glenn."

Glenn shouted back at her. He kept shouting as she turned and left the room. And then for some time afterwards. But she didn't come back.

Glenn was discovered by the maid around ten in the morning. His car was found a day later, abandoned, but undamaged in a field in near Lincoln. Anita (if that was even her real name. Glenn doubted it) was never seen again.

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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends.  Her best friend had told her about some website she had found.  She said it was a hook-up site.  Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued.  Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her.  She was living the dream about being a cougar.  She went on to explain that they met at a...

3 years ago
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Highway To Heaven

How many times have you been in public and a woman doing nothing but being herself has made your dick rise up? That woman In the grocery store produce section Innocently handling fruit? The casual touch of manicured fIngernails on your palm as that bank teller hands you your cash? Or the lady workIng the cosmetic counter at the mall walkIng to the food court hiding her busty frame behind a white smock? all these Instances and more are enough to set most into satisfying minutes of...

1 year ago
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Gangbanged Off The Highway

Hi ISS readers, life, I was never the same again, after so many strange encounters. Although things came back to normal, Rohit my brother-in-law cum pimp also stopped bothering me, but now I always felt emptiness in my life. My hubby didn’t change, and he kept on going for his long tours. I was forced to look around for fun. After my rough night out with Negroes (details in an earlier story), my hubby questioned me about all the redness over my tits and butts. They had squeezed and pinched me...

1 year ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 4 Going Home

I awoke the next morning with the manual lying on my chest. I'd slept better than I could remember doing in a long time now. "Good morning, Sally," I said brightly as I stepped out into the clear morning light. "By now I'd say I know all of your secrets," I commented, slipping her owner's manual and other papers back into the otherwise empty glove box. After moment's reflection I added, "But I'll bet, in truth, that I don't know any of them at all yet." The danger in talking to...

1 year ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 10 Return to Origin

We made it with time to spare. Of course this was partly because of some wild — safe, but wild — driving down the Interstates. No doubt that this car loves the open highway every bit as much as the twistiest little backwoods road. We zoomed around and through trucking convoys, while I turned down every offer to race outright that we encountered. Not that I was worried about losing. Sally can top a hundred and eighty, and was more than willing to show it. I, on the other hand, decreed that...

3 years ago
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Highway In Heels

Highway in Heels By Sabrina G. Langton This story is autobiographical. When I was 20 years old I used to drive a van for my parents from Brooklyn to Tarrytown New York once a week to drop off merchandise for retail shops in the area. I always had a full van on the way up, but on the way down the van was almost empty. It was the summer of 1985 and I was given twenty to forty dollars to make the drive. I did this for the entire summer while I was home from college. I was a...

3 years ago
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Part 44 Queen of the Highway

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 44: Queen of the Highway “I can hardly believe this” I said. “I know it’s so weird.” Holly said. We both stood in the living room, blue gowns hanging down to the floor. “How did all this time pass” I said “It seems like high school was a year ago.” I stared at Holly in her gown. I was amazed at how she looked. I was just amazed at her, what she was, what she meant to me, and I to her, and how she would feel in a few hours. I imagined her face...

2 years ago
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Lonely Stretch of Highway

He could feel the wind wrapping itself around his body as he cruised his motorcycle down the lonely stretch of highway. He could see the sun setting in the horizon and knew he found a place where he wanted to be. The motorcycle was something he had been hoping to own someday, he just didn’t realize someday would become today. He looked down to see how fast his bike was traveling and when he glanced up again, he almost didn’t see her parked along side of the road with her hood popped on her...

3 years ago
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Highway Memories

As she drives down the highway, her mind wanders to the last time that she and her lover were together. She could still feel the first embrace of his arms, the first kiss on her lips, and the smell of him after being apart for so long. Oh how she missed him during those weeks that they could not be together. How she longed to be with him, if even for a few brief moments, but she knew the reasons why they could not be together and accepted them no matter how much it hurt her heart. She could...

4 years ago
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Highway Game Turns Erotic

It was a beautiful fall afternoon. I was headed back home after being out of town all day long. My drive down the interstate started out innocently enough, but little did I know that before I got off the interstate I would make three men cum. I have always been a bit of an exhibitionist. I have always wore my shorts a little too short, my jeans a little too tight, my skirts a little too short, and my swimsuits a little too revealing. Many times I do not wear a bra when I go out, and for the...

3 years ago
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Highway Patrol

My job as a state trooper has its occasional benefits.I’ve been a Florida Highway Patrol officer for about ten years. I used to patrol the I-4 corridor, I-95, and the Florida Turnpike in central Florida. But since I am single and they needed more surveillance in south Florida, I agreed to transfer down there.Right away I was assigned to patrol I-75 between Naples on the west coast and Fort Lauderdale on the east coast. I-75 is also known as “Alligator Alley” and the “Everglades Parkway.” It...

1 year ago
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By Justin Case "You sure you're not too drunk to drive?" Sheryl asked Toya. "Girl, I'm not drunk. I'll be alright." "Okay, drive slow...and watch out for the police." "We're going to follow you. We've got to pass your place to get to my house anyhow," I yelled as I opened the car door. "You don't think she's going to make it home in one piece?" Sheryl asked as she slid into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. "We're going to...

3 years ago
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Love and Lust on the Alcan Highway Chapter 2

It was almost eight hours later that my body responded to the need to relieve my aching bladder. The call made me very aware that I’d better answer it in one hell of a hurry. The warm body sleeping on my chest had me reluctant to even think about moving. I slowly and carefully extracted myself from under Linda’s warmth, not wanting to disturb her slumber. It was dark outside, which indicated that it was somewhere between 1:30 and 3:00 in the morning. If I got my ass in gear, we’d be in...

1 year ago
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Highway H

--- Despite numerous learning disabilities and near total lack of reasoning (she's with me isn't she?), Maggie gets by quite well outside the group home where she spend her first two adult years. Aunt Beth is slowly teaching her to cook and I even teach her a few things that aren't sexually orientated. Recently, when I bought her a candy bar, I told her about Hershey PA and the factory and amusement park. I only knew what I'd read about it, since I had never bothered to stray on...

1 year ago
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A Desolate Stretch of Highway

This is the story of how my sexual good fortune reached its crescendo on a busy stretch of highway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, in a vehicle traveling over 70 miles per hour. The boundaries that separate life’s ultimate erotic adventures and personal danger are sometimes blurred, and either consciously or subconsciously we all determine how far we’re willing to push the sexual envelope beyond that dividing line. In the heat of the moment most people probably don’t even realize that...

3 years ago
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Wrong stop in the Highway

Wrong stop in the highwayMy husband Victor and I moved to the west coast and lived there many years.In one occasion, Victor went abroad for one week and I had plenty free time to pay a visit to old friends living about four hundred miles from our home town.I spent three nice days with these guys and then came back home.Still I was expecting to be alone during another two days, but I wanted really to be at home as soon as I could; so, I tried to drive back during the night in a fast highway.It...

2 years ago
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Sex With Friends Husband On Highway

By : Writernial Hello to all the readers on ISS. I would like to first thank all the readers who had written to me after reading my story uploaded a few days ago. The response I received was tremendous and it was not possible for me to reply each and individual mail though I did reply to a selected few of them. I had received scores of request for adding them to chat but it was not proper to accept some and decline others. After much deliberation, I am writing my next experience in sex with yet...

4 years ago
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Love on the HighwayChapter 3

Just after noon, I rolled out of the Whitehorse yard on my way south to Seattle. The two trailers I was pulling felt light compared to the ones I usually had, and that promised to make for an easy trip. A quicker trip meant that I'd be back in Whitehorse, and in Linda's arms that much sooner. Linda Coulter. Somehow, this young woman had managed to sneak past all the barriers and safe-guards that I'd ever put up to keep my heart from being trampled on. A part of this realization scared me,...

2 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 9 Sightseeing Near and Far Away

I didn't head back home. The Map told me I still had eight days to get Sally back to The Highway, and I wanted her to see a few sights I really like before she left me. I headed us west into the Golden State, and then north to Yosemite. A week earlier I'd burned some mix CD's of driving music. I started out with East Bound and Down, my favorite drive-fast song, along with Wild Thing, which I remember from a movie where at trucker played it as he cleared out a bridge of blocking...

3 years ago
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Changing cars in the highway

I was driving back home that afternoon, in the middle of nowhere.My sweet wife was by my side. I had attended a boring conference at Tampa and had dropped Anita three days ago at Orlando, so that she could spend some time with her dear girlfriend Ursula.Now on the way back, I picked up Ana again.My wife looked horny; I asked her about her nice visit; but she said she had bored a lot and had missed my cock a lot…She looked at me, saying she wanted to stop anyplace at this long highway, to fuck...

2 years ago
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Renaming a Highway

Renaming a Highway By shalimar I went because he was my cousin. I didn't believe that I would ever have the strength to see the location where he probably died. According to my elders the whole family had to be there, just like the old days when we had family gatherings. I was only his third cousin but I still was required to be a part of history on the day the state of Mississippi would officially dedicate a part of the highway after him. I dressed as I usually...

1 year ago
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Wife Turned Highway Slut

My wife is on the conservative side when it comes to dressing, skirts knee length, blouses not too low cut. She 35, with great legs, a good figure and 36C boobs. I have tried to get her to open up a little, even got her shared with a neighbor a while back, but that is another story. I have always fantasized her with a stranger, but the situation never really presented itself, until last month.Now, my wife will get, what I call, all sexed up when we make love, dark stockings, garter belt, see...

4 years ago
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Highway Patrol

The roar of the engine filled the early morning desert air as the canary yellow 1996 Viper convertible raced down the empty highway. The young woman at the wheel paid no attention to the tableau around her as it hurried past. Her mind was on much more important matters. To anyone who owned a television, the young redhead's face was instantly recognizable. Right after, that was, they stopped looking at the long smooth, tanned legs that stretched out from her white shorts and the overflowing...

3 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 7 Conscience Calling

Time for a moment of Truth — and that's Truth with the big "T". I had let my enthusiasm overrun my good sense. Another Truth is that I really knew better. In fact, I'd really known better right from the beginning. That's why I'd tried so hard to find this car's true owner. I would have given her over in an instant to anyone who could show a valid claim. The intoxication came afterwards. Now I had the hangover. My conscience ached. Whether or not this was even the Sally I envisioned,...

1 year ago
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Highway HardOn

Highway driving gets boring. Long stretches of turnpike don't demand much concentration, so my mind always wanders to its favorite subject --- sex! In the summer, my wandering mind is aided by the view: single guys in sports cars and pickups, most driving shirtless, with one tanned arm out the window. I drive one-handed myself, but my free arm isn't out the window; my hand is gently rubbing my crotch as I fantasize. Sometimes I catch a smile from a passing guy, but even if I follow him, it...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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The Nogales Highway

The Nogales Highway   By Donato   Debra had been in tight spots before but this one was different. Her huge sexual appetite had gotten her in trouble on many occasions in the past and usually she managed the situation very easily. This was because she was so damn good looking and could have any man eating out of her hand in a short period of time. But, not this time.   There were five of them. All young, Latino, good looking and they...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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Hell on the Highway

Dad’s new car was a Triumph. Actually, it wasn’t really new and was not much of a triumph either. He was proud as punch, though, bringing our first family car home the evening before our annual week’s summer holiday. Holidays were a trying time back in those days, the early 1960s. For the short six weeks of the school holidays, the weekends became like the migration of lemmings. The English road system was pretty much as had existed since the 1930s, when there were probably more horse-drawn...

2 years ago
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Im a slut A dare to fuck a stranger on the highway

“Would you like to fuck me?” I asked bending over the car’s window and looking into the eyes of the man sitting in driver’s seat. He was in his mid thirties and dressed in formal black suit with white shirt. “Sorry, I don’t have sex with prostitutes,” he said looking at my tits inside my top through the neck line. “I’m not a prostitute,” I said. “You see those people over there,” I pointed at two cars parked along side the highway and few girls and guys were standing near the car. The girls...

3 years ago
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Im a slut A dare to fuck a stranger on the highway

“Would you like to fuck me?” I asked bending over the car’s window and looking into the eyes of the man sitting in driver’s seat. He was in his mid thirties and dressed in formal black suit with white shirt. “Sorry, I don’t have sex with prostitutes,” he said looking at my tits inside my top through the neck line. “I’m not a prostitute,” I said. “You see those people over there,” I pointed at two cars parked along side the highway and few girls and guys were standing near the car. The girls...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Highway Par Gadi Rok Kar Ki Chudai

Mera naam riya hai. Main delhi ki rehne wali hu. Meri age 20 years hai. Aur figure 44-34-44 hai. Mujhe group sex pasand hai aur forceful bhi jisme 1 ladki aur 2 ya zyada ldke ho. Koi bhi ldka jo delhi ncr me rehta ho aur sex karna chahta ho to mail kare   Main pehli baar story likh rahi hu. Agar mujhse koi galti hui ho to maf kardena.   Agar apko meri story pasand ayi ho ya koi suggestion ho to mujhe mail karna meri email id hai   Ab story par ate hain Ye baat pichle saal ki hai garmi ka...

3 years ago
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Fucked On The Express Highway

I was travelling from Mumbai to Pune for my college first year exams. I had done this tour a couple of times before as well but this time I needed to reach early and so decided to take a cool cab instead of the regular bus. When I reached the depot there was just one cab waiting and that too had only one other person in it. The guy in charge told me that either I bear the expense of all the remaining seats or wait till all the seats fill in. I was in a hurry to reach Pune as my hostel gates...

4 years ago
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Carefree Highway

The big 18 wheeler barely slowed down as I headed into the lot. I pulled the truck into a spot right in front of the mechanic's garage, so Ted the elderly mechanic could go over it before it went back out onto the road. I was one of the few drivers for Master's over the road trucking service who wasn't an owner operator. If I played my cards right, I would be very soon. I had just enough money saved up for a Kenworth truck that I'd had my eyes on for a while. My name is Charles Bennett. My...

3 years ago
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Toyland A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 2 The Journey

They say no two trips down The Highway are ever the same. I don't know how true that is, except that my trip didn't resemble any of the other accounts I'd read about. Most people report that trips cover a number of miles of actual distance, and that its not uncommon to travel alone for long stretches. Some only see small groups of other travelers. This makes sense, given how sparsely traversed Earth's segment is much of the time. For a good part of my journey, however, I seemed to have...

2 years ago
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Toyland A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 3 Toyland

I had no doubt the moment I arrived in Toyland. The quality of the light there is simply amazing. And there's a perfume in the air that somehow manages to shout "fun". There also seems to be a tune playing just at the edge of hearing, like a distant merry-go-round just over the hill. Toyland has its dark side to be sure. Fortunately The Highway was nice enough not to deposit me there. I barely needed a glance at my now-blank Map to know I'd arrived. The blank map didn't worry me....

3 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 6 Life with Sally

The next day I took Sally out and topped her off fuel-wise. I'd had to refuel her during the trip, and had bought the most expensive high-octane available at the time. She seemed okay with that, but I wanted to ensure now that I was doing the best possible for her. I'd done some spot research on the Internet for best fuels, and found out that their top recommendation wasn't even the most expensive. It was just in the top three. And it was available only a few miles from my house. Then I...

3 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 12 Arrival

The moment the windshield blinked I freed myself of my seatbelt, grabbed the door handle, and was out of her like she was equipped with James Bond's famous Aston Martin ejection seat — this one a side-eject model. I was mouthing apologies before my feet hit the ground. And this move made my leap into her as the sand cruiser was bearing down on us weeks ago look like it had been performed by a quadriplegic in comparison. Why was I so frenzied? Well, I'd basically put my entire self quite...

3 years ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 13 Radiator Springs

My first view of Radiator Springs it brought tears to my eyes. It was just, exactly, perfectly everything and only what it was supposed to be. A magical time machine back to a slower, gentler era where people had the time to sit back and get acquainted with each other. A neon, art deco meets the fifties, kind of place I didn't think could even exist anymore, at least not in its original form. And it hadn't. Not until this town had been resurrected from the walking dead. It was exactly the...

3 years ago
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My Way or the HighwayChapter 4

Alex was giving it hell on Branden's cock while masturbating Doogan so hard that the kid could barely keep his balance. At least Branden had a head-hold to help support his wavering hips as the cock monger extended little mercy feeding his manic infatuation, undoubtedly supercharged by the Ecstasy high. Rising to my feet, I looked Jordie in the eye and placed my hands on his shoulders. Applying only the slightest pressure, the message became clear and he pulled away from me and began...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Seema and Anita Part 4 off the highway

To add to my list of adventures is this another evening where I cheated on my husband again. I hope by now you must have read all my previous stories namely loyalty test, just before the wedding, negotiating a pay rise, spa incident. You surely by now are aware that I cheat on husband a lot. Not because he can't satisfy me, he surely can but I love having sex. I am 5'7, 36c boobs flat stomach and long slender thighs and a lovely ass which my husband loves to fuck. It was a Saturday late evening...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
2 years ago
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

1 year ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites

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