Highway Patrol free porn video

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The roar of the engine filled the early morning desert air as the canary yellow 1996 Viper convertible raced down the empty highway. The young woman at the wheel paid no attention to the tableau around her as it hurried past. Her mind was on much more important matters.

To anyone who owned a television, the young redhead's face was instantly recognizable. Right after, that was, they stopped looking at the long smooth, tanned legs that stretched out from her white shorts and the overflowing breasts that strained against a small red tank top that had to be at least two sizes too small. What her legions of fans would find shocking would be the angry thoughts that filled her mind.

"Goddamn fucking agents..." Angela Foster yelled into the wind as she shifted into another gear with an angry movement. "They have some fucking nerve!"

The agent in particular that Angela's anger was directed against was one John Temple. He was one of the best movers and shakers in Hollywood and the man who had started Angela on the road to stardom.

Last night, Angela had attended a party at the palatial desert ranch of producer William Donovan. It was supposed to cement the deal giving her the lead role in his next sure blockbuster film. What the reality had been was that Donovan had wanted to cement the deal in his bed. An event that Temple had assured him was more than probable.

"When is that asshole going to remember that I'm a major star." Angela thought. "I don't have to spread my legs for some balding sixty-two year old."

Angela was the star of one of the year's hit series, "Los Angeles Blues". Know sarcastically as "Babes in Blue", it was the network's answer to Baywatch. And unlike its beach counterpart, its main star was female, namely Angela Foster. By the time she was done, she was convinced they'd be saying Pamela who?

The days were long gone when the 26 year old had to put out to get ahead. It was time John learned that. He was no longer making the decisions about her career — she was. And if he couldn't get that into his head, well there were other agents.

Lost in angry thought, Angela barely noticed the small comfort station along the road that she barreled past at better than 100 mph. What she did become painfully aware of was the flashing red and blue lights of the highway patrol cruiser that appeared moments later from behind the building.

"Fuck!" Angela yelled as she turned and looked over her shoulder. "This shit I don't need right now."

Had she been thinking a little cooler, Angela would've simply pulled over and taking the ticket and the inevitable lecture. In fact, based on the previous four times she'd been pulled over for speeding, she wouldn't get either. At worse, she'd show a little skin, flash some tit and leave a satisfied patrolman with a story to tell and an autograph.

But this morning Angela had an anger at the whole world and instead pressed her foot down on the accelerator, causing the high performance automobile to quickly close on its top speed of 165 mph.

"Eat shit and die!" Angela laughed as she image of the police cruiser in her rear view mirror receded in the distance. Even if they'd managed to copy down her plate number, she didn't care. After all, it was Temple's car that she'd borrowed and if they went looking for him, it would serve the little cocksucker right.

Two minutes later the police cruiser was gone from view and already fading from Angela's mind. She downshifted and slowed to a more respectable velocity. A sly smile crossed her lips at her small victory.

The smile quickly faded as she cleared a small rise in the road and saw the police cruiser ahead of her. The cruiser was spread across both lanes about a quarter mile ahead. It took a second for her to realize that it wasn't the same one she'd left behind in the dust. Fast as a Viper was, it couldn't outrun a radio signal.

Angela slowed to a stop and considered her options. Upon due reflection, the actress realized that her little run for the gold was one big fucking mistake. If word of this got to the tabloid press, the negative publicity would be awkward to say the least. As much as she liked to consider herself as a major star, Angela was enough of a realist at times to know the truth of the old saying that "fame was fleeting."

She took a deep breath and began to move forward at a greatly reduced speed. Angela put on her contrite face and practiced her apology. She had to get out of this as quick as possible. If worse came to worse, she'd offer to blow the cop. She couldn't imagine any normal guy turning down that offer. There were far worse things that she'd done for her career.

"Shit, what if he's gay?" she thought as she came to a stop a hundred feet from the police cruiser. "In that case, I'll fix him up with Ramon." she decided, picturing the 6'2" stud that the studio had hired as her personal trainer. She wanted to bed him so badly and wanted to cry when she found out that he wasn't the least bit interested.

Long minutes passed as Angela watched the police officer sit in the front seat of the cruiser. She wondered what the hell he was waiting for, then got her answer as the lights of the first highway patrol cruiser appeared again in her rear view mirror.

"Guess I'm going to have to make that two blowjobs." Angela thought as she recalled the night six years before when she'd done summer stock and had participated in her last threesome. It was a pleasant memory but she pushed it aside. Damage control came first.

"Showtime." Angela said to herself as she saw the doors of both of the police cruisers open and a uniformed figure step out of each.

Angela stretched the open top of her blouse to give an even better view of her breasts. The deep valley between her mounds was clearly visible. She pushed her ample breasts up to give an even better view of them. She checked her face in the mirror and was satisfied that she was as hot as she ever was. Her hands ran through her long red hair and she pulled it back.

"Good morning officer." Angela said with her warmest voice as she turned with a flair to face the officer approaching from behind.

"License and registration please." the officer said as the blue uniformed figure stepped up to the drivers side door.

The look of confidence on Angela's face turned to dust in the wind as the actress looked right into a set of breasts even more impressive than her own. Dark black hair tied in a bun framed a creamy white face. Behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses were a pair of baby blue eyes.

"Of course." Angela said, trying to regain her composure. "I realize I was speeding," she said in her most apologetic tone. "And I have the highest respect for people who wear that uniform. I don't know if you recognize me but..."

"Yes, I recognize you, Ms. Foster." the officer whose nameplate identified as Clarke. "But I still need to see your license and registration."

"Of course." Angela said as she noticed the other officer approach the car from the other side.

The second officer was also a woman. Four inches shorter than her partner's 5'9" she was a more heavy set, Hispanic woman. A full figured woman, her heavy breasts were larger than either of the other two women. Short dark brown hair famed a round pleasant face and brown eyes hid behind the standard mirrored sunglasses. The name on the nameplate was de la Gura.

"Like I said, I have the highest respect for police officers." Angela said as she searched through her purse for her license. "I'm sure you've seen my show and I..."

"We've seen it." Officer Clarke said in a disapproving voice.

"Yeah, Babes In Blue." her partner chimed in an equally cold voice. "Now there's an accurate portrayal of the LAPD."

"I'm fucked!" Angela thought as she pulled her license out of her purse and handed it to the officer to her left.

"Is the car registered to you, Ms. Foster?" Officer Clark asked as she examined the license.

"Actually it belongs to my agent." Angela answered. "I guess the registration is in the glove compartment."

Angela leaned over and opened the glove compartment. As she stretched across the bucket seats, Angela gave both officers a great view of the best breasts a Beverly Hills surgeon could offer. It was a pity, she thought, that the view was wasted.

"It's got to be in here somewhere." Angela said as she pushed aside a large assortment of junk. "Here it is." she cried out as she pulled a small leather packet from the back of the compartment.

As she pulled her hand out, her bracelet caught on another packet and pulled it out as well. As her hand emerged back into the warm morning air, the second package fell onto the unoccupied passenger seat.

"What's this?" Officer de la Gura asked as she reached down and picked up the clear plastic bag. Inside it was a fine white powder very familiar to all three of them.

"That's not mine!" Angela immediately called out.

"How many times have I heard that before." Diane Clarke said as her partner examined the packet a little more closely. "What do you think, Maria?"

"Definitely more than 28 grams." Maria de la Gura said as she gauged the weight of the package after tasting it.

"Dealers weight." Diane added as the package was passed to her and she sampled it as well.

"I don't understand." Angela said.

"This isn't just possession." Diane said in a serious tone. "Having more than 28 grams of cocaine implies intent to sell. And the penalties that go with it."

"But it isn't mine." Angela insisted.

"Please get out of the car." Officer Clarke said.

"Oh God, what do I do now?" Angela asked of herself as she stepped out of the car. "I wish John was here, he always knew what to do."

Then she realized that it was obviously John's package of cocaine. He must've bought it for some of his other clients.

"This can't be happening to me." Angela thought as she felt cold steel wrap itself around her wrists and the voice of Officer de la Gura read her the rights she had hear herself repeat so often on her TV series.

"Do you understand these rights as they've been explained to you?" Maria asked.

"No, I mean yes." Angela answered.

"Not so much fun when it's not make believe, is it?" Diane asked as she began to lead Angela back to the rear police car.

"Wait, there has to be some way for us to work this out." Angela said as she stopped short. In a state of panic, Angela missed the knowing smile that Diane gave Maria. The Hispanic officer walked around the Viper and came to a stop in front of Angela and Diane.

"Do you hear this bitch." she said as she stood only a few inches from Angela's face. "She thinks her money can buy her way out of anything."

"Maybe we should hear her out." Diane suggested. "If nothing else it might be entertaining."

"All right sweet cheeks, my partner wants to hear what you have to say." Maria said. "Better make it good."

Angela took a deep breath. If she was very, very lucky, maybe there was still a way out of this mess. She directed her comments to Diane who seemed the most receptive to the idea of working something out.

"Look, you know that bag's not mine." she began. "So why don't we just make belief none of this ever happened. I'm sure I can make it worth your while. Say, a thousand dollars a piece?"

"Fucking bitch!" Maria yelled into Angela's face. "Do we look stupid?"

"Easy, Maria." Diane interrupted.

"You saw that article in People last month." Maria continued. "What does she make per episode of that candy ass program - forty thousand dollars! I'll bet she spends more than a thousand dollars a year on her dogs."

"You have a point, Maria." Diane said. "We'd better get going." she added as she gave a tug on Angela's arm.

"No, please." Angela said in desperation. "I'm sorry, double it, no ... triple it. There has to be something I can give you."

"You have that much money on you?" Diane asked.

"No, of course not." Angela said. "No one carries money anymore. I could write you a check." she suggested.

"Yeah, right!" Maria laughed.

"There has to be something?" Angela insisted.

"Come on." Diane said as she pulled Angela forward.

"Wait a second." Maria said, causing Diane to stop in mid-step. "Maybe there is something she can do for us."

"Anything!" Angela insisted.

"I'd like to see this high and mighty television princess get down on her knees and lick my pussy." Maria said.

"What?" Angela said surprised.

"You heard me." Maria answered. "And don't look so shocked. I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time you've had a cunt in your face."

True be told, it actually would only be the second time Angela had been with a woman. Back when she had first been up for the part in Los Angeles Blues, the final choice on the lead had rested in the hands of Sylvia Toland, the executive producer. The 59 year old woman had come right out and told Angela that if she really wanted the part then she would have to earn it the old fashion way - in her bed. She said that the other actress up for the part had already agreed to spent the weekend away with Sylvia, but the producer would really rather it be Angela. Without a second thought, Angela had agreed.

"If I agree to do that, will you let me go?" Angela asked, panic making her willing to accept any way out of her predicament.

"Sure." Maria said.

"Why not." Diane agreed.

"All right, I'll do it." Angela said in a quiet voice. "Just let me go and then you can come to my house this weekend and..."

"Hold it one minute..." Maria interrupted. "We're not making a date here. If we're going to do it, it's going to be right here, right now."

"Now..." Angela repeated.

"That's right." Maria said. "Unless you'd rather take the chance that your high price lawyers can get you out of this. Of course I'm sure some of the ladies in holding would appreciate a chance to share some of your charms."

"And in a high profile bust like this, I'm sure the D.A. would want to handle the case personally." Diane added. "What with all the media attention and all. If only to make sure that there was no special treatment."

"Okay, okay ... I'll do it." Angela said, the image of being trapped overnight or even longer in a cell with the scum of Los Angeles sending a shiver down her back.

"Good." Maria smiled.

Maria reached forward and slid her hand up and under Angela's tank top. She squeezed the actress's left breast, playing for a moment with her nipple. Then she grabbed the bottom of the tank top and pulled it up, exposing both breasts. She cupped the other mound and repeated her actions.

"What'd I tell you." she laughed to Diane as she felt the hardness under the skin. "Fake as they come!"

"No shit!" Diane said as she reached out and pressed her own left hand against Angela's globes. "I never felt a fake pair."

"Must've cost a bundle." Maria noted as she continued to play with one breast. "Isn't that right sweet cheeks."

"Yes." Angela said, feeling more than a little embarrassed.

"You still want her?" Diane asked, wondering if the revelation made a difference.

"Fuck yes!" Maria said. "I don't care if the tits are fake, her mouth's real enough."

"Can you take off the handcuffs?" Angela asked.

"Not yet," Maria said. "We'll get to that soon enough."

With that, Maria slid her hand down Angela's chest and under the waistband of her shorts. A smile filled her face as she discovered that Angela wore no panties. The smile grew brighter with a second discovery.

"This bitch is wet!" she exclaimed. "I think she gets off on being tied."

Marie pressed Angela up against the door of the Viper and ran her fingers against Angela's pussy. Then moved it to the center of her mound and rubbed against it. As her finger became lubricated by the wetness there, she slowly slid it between the folds. A soft gasp escaped Angela's lips as Maria slid the finger in and out, soon following it with a second. Gently, she slid them up inside of her, reaching deep within.

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Beach Patrol

I first met Nancy when I was working the overnight shift as a part-time police officer for a small ocean-side town on the Atlantic. She was sixteen, and her parents had just bought a small complex of duplexes in town. She was working at the only fast-food joint in town, and the only place in town open to get something to eat or drink after 10PM on a Saturday night, my usual shift. However, my contact with her was less at the restaurant than it was catching her, like clockwork, making out on the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Monika On Patrol

I work in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. On one particularly hot summer the fire danger was quite high. I had been temporarily assigned to work with someone from another department to form patrols to be initial responders in the event of a fire. On the day this happened we were patrolling the woods in a pickup that had no air conditioning and a rather thin insulating blanket between the engine and passenger compartments. It must have been close to 105 degrees outside and much hotter in....

1 year ago
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Tuk Tuk Patrol

A lot of people have this idea of The Porn Dude as a fat slob who never leaves the basement and is always coated in a layer of food, lube, and his own filth. It’s not true, I tell you! I have interests besides jerking off to pornography every waking moment of the day, and I leave the house all the time. Hell, I’m a globetrotting motherfucker. I just got back from Thailand, a country with so much to offer: Asian MILFs eating cock, young Thai girls who love the smell of tourist money and jizz,...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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She she slowly slipped her hand down into here shorts and started to rub on her pussy. Watching her please herslf gave me a hard-on like no other. She asked me if i liked what she was doing. She could tell by the bulge in my pants i was enjoying every minute of it. Rose tilted her seat back and pulled off her shorts and began to finger her pussy. She finger her pussy and played with her tits while i rub on my dick. I could she her juices dripping from her fingers as they went in and...

3 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn’t sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. I...

3 years ago
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Highway Stranger in the Rain

Its early spring with the first april shower overhead covering the roads. Im riding down highway 64 on the way home when I notice a leggy brunette looking under the smoking hood of her sportscar. She is wearing heals and a short dress with buttons all the way down…it is unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. She is using a newspaper to try to keep the rain from covering her completely. She has this damsil in distress look. Im not about to let someone else ‘rescue her.’ So i pull over in front...

2 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn't sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. ...

2 years ago
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Highway Stranger in the Rain

Its early spring with the first april shower overhead covering the roads. Im riding down highway 64 on the way home when I notice a leggy brunette looking under the smoking hood of her sportscar. She is wearing heals and a short dress with buttons all the way down...it is unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. She is using a newspaper to try to keep the rain from covering her completely. She has this damsil in distress look. Im not about to let someone else "rescue her." So i pull over in...

3 years ago
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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends. Her best friend had told her about some website she had found. She said it was a hook-up site. Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued. Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her. She was living the dream about being a cougar. She went on to explain that they met at a...

2 years ago
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The Dawn Patrol

‘We KNOW from our sources, that their Matriarch has the satellite in her residence. We are also fairly certain that her people have not figured out our how to retrieve the information it contains. They need the encryption code. The problem, of course, is that the longer they have the satellite the closer to having that encryption key they get. We can NOT allow that to happen.. Combined with what they already know, perhaps … Unfortunately, the Matriarch’s palace has some sort of shielding so we...

1 year ago
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Beach Patrol

I first met Nancy when I was working the overnight shift as a part-time police officer for a small ocean-side town on the Atlantic. She was sixteen, and her parents had just bought a small complex of duplexes in town. She was working at the only fast-food joint in town, and the only place in town open to get something to eat or drink after 10PM on a Saturday night, my usual shift. However, my contact with her was less at the restaurant than it was catching her, like clockwork, making out on the...

1 year ago
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Mind Fuck 1 Police Patrol

I always said that I am going to fuck with her mind and on a late evening I knew I would do well to keep my promise. My girlfriend is a tall stunning blonde call Antoinette, endless legs with rather big and firm tits and beautiful hard nipples that pierce through her braless tight fitted tops whenever we are out together. It has always been a hard effort for her to dress against her conservative, wealthy and rather proper upbringing as I like to show her off in public. She even enjoys the...

3 years ago
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Hardon Family 03 Park Patrol

The two men got out of the car and quietly moved through the trees into a small clearing. They were hidden from view except for the light of the full moon filtering through the branches. Setting their bundles down, they began to strip. At first, their backs were toward each other, but by the time they set their tee-shirts down next to their sneakers and socks, like opposite poles of magnets, they had rotated enough to be able to see each other. The older, taller man was in his middle...

1 year ago
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Black Patrol

BlackPatrol! Hello, fellow people who enjoy making their male genitals nonfunctional due to over masturbation. As you all know, I am a model citizen who respects the law and always supports the people in blue. I pay my taxes on time, I pay my bills, and I'm never late with rent. But, upon viewing this site, I kind of wish I was a street thug. Because on this site, you can see wonderfully attractive MILF cops who are purposely searching for young delinquents and outlaws, especially the...

Premium Black Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Highway 8216Drive8217

It was just 8 in the evening, and I was about 50 km outside Chennai heading to Bangalore. I stopped at a Dhabha, for drinking a coffee and smoking a cigarette. The air was filled with the aroma go food. Although I was tempted to order some food, I decided against it. I was driving alone and I did not want to fall asleep at the wheel. While I had my coffee, my eyes kept going back to a young woman standing a few feet away from me. She must have been in her mid-twenties, with brownish complexion,...

3 years ago
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Highway Lust

It was a fine summer afternoon. I was driving north on I95, somewhere between Richmond and Washington D.C. I had put the top of my remodeled MGB down and was tooling along in the fast lane going about 75 m.p.h. I spotted a white car coming up fast out of my rear view mirror, so I moved over to the middle lane. As the Jaguar overtook me, it slowed down until it was keeping just even with me. I looked over and saw that a gorgeous looking brunette was driving all by herself. She seemed to be...

1 year ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 4 Connecting Dots

Reid scrambled through the ventilation duct, her knees scraping on the cold metal floor as she rounded another corner, the engineer and her science team in tow. There were fewer branching paths here, fewer places where the little swarm of lizards could evade them. Finally she came to a T-junction, and stopped, looking to her left and right. Damn it, no sign of them. She waited for the engineer to catch up and then demanded to know where these two vents led. He sat down to catch his breath and...

3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Doctor Patient Confidentiality

Sousa sat down heavily on a nearby chair, going over the fresh information in his head. At this very moment more of the Krell population could be changing gender, had some kind of delayed breeding season brought this on maybe? Some other environment change they weren’t aware of? Some reptiles and amphibians were so sensitive to temperature changes that an increase or decrease of just a few degrees was enough to radically alter their behavior and biology. The Krell served in the capacity of...

1 year ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 7 Mudding

The hauler left superlight, spraying a technicolor cloud of gas and dust as it punched a hole back into reality. Its skeletal bulk drifted idly, the naked frames of its hull housing mostly empty cargo containers, the brilliant residue slowly dissipating as the human occupants lurched back to consciousness. Reid retched into a paper bag, still anchored to her crash couch by her safety harness as the nausea and disorientation of the jump wracked her body. Sousa was seated beside her in the...

2 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 9 Free Love

Clayton was awoken by a sound, an intense, low frequency rumbling that shook his bones. At first he thought it was some kind of earthquake, but as he came to, he realized that it was coming from an adjacent recess. They were deep enough to hide a prone human from view, and so he sat up to peer over the lip, trying to work out what was going on. In the gloom he could make out the back and shoulders of a Krell, moving slowly, rhythmically. It must be Sleethe, the mating call was coming from...

2 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 10 Blood Pressure

Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...

2 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 12 Catalyst

Lena arched her back, Sleethe slipping his hand beneath her to cradle her petite body as she took fistfuls of the furry pelts that lined their bed in her hands, her knuckles white. He dragged his long tongue from her belly to her chest, passing between her breasts and lapping at her sweat-drenched skin, his alien member lodged deep inside her. He was getting close, she could feel it, his massive organ swelling inside her to stretch her insides even further with its wicked, flared glans. It...

3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 13 Morning After

“Let’s all agree to never speak of this again,” Reid sighed, hefting her rucksack onto her back as her team loitered around her. Her face was burning, Dubois seemed similarly embarrassed but Sousa and Webber were beaming. Clayton was hard to read, avoiding eye contact with his colleagues as he tightened the straps on his bag and inspected his boots, trying to keep himself occupied in order to avoid talking to them. It seemed as if everyone had slept with one or more Krell the night prior,...

1 year ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 3 Good Vibrations

Webber walked up the path that led to the entrance of the Krell barracks, her tablet computer clutched tightly to her chest as her heeled shoes clicked on the artificial stone, passing beneath the palm trees and decorative ferns while loitering Krell turned to watch her with curious eyes. She didn’t wear the heels for show, they were not flashy or sexy, merely in order to gain a crucial inch so that her taller colleagues might take her more seriously. At five feet and four inches she was so...

1 year ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 4 Connecting Dots

Reid scrambled through the ventilation duct, her knees scraping on the cold metal floor as she rounded another corner, the engineer and her science team in tow. There were fewer branching paths here, fewer places where the little swarm of lizards could evade them. Finally she came to a T-junction, and stopped, looking to her left and right. Damn it, no sign of them. She waited for the engineer to catch up and then demanded to know where these two vents led. He sat down to catch his breath and...

3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 5 Doctor Patient Confidentiality

Sousa sat down heavily on a nearby chair, going over the fresh information in his head. At this very moment more of the Krell population could be changing gender, had some kind of delayed breeding season brought this on maybe? Some other environment change they weren’t aware of? Some reptiles and amphibians were so sensitive to temperature changes that an increase or decrease of just a few degrees was enough to radically alter their behavior and biology. The Krell served in the capacity of...

4 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 6 Field Work

Clayton sprinted through the throngs of people, his lungs burning as he pushed past crowds of human personnel and dodged around the larger aliens. He had to head off Reid, the lives of all the Krell in the ventilation system depended on it. As cavernous as the interior of the Pinwheel’s torus was the expansive space was always crowded with people, either engineers and soldiers on their way to and from their duties, or civilians and personnel on leave who loitered and clogged the walkways. He...

3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 7 Mudding

The hauler left superlight, spraying a technicolor cloud of gas and dust as it punched a hole back into reality. Its skeletal bulk drifted idly, the naked frames of its hull housing mostly empty cargo containers, the brilliant residue slowly dissipating as the human occupants lurched back to consciousness. Reid retched into a paper bag, still anchored to her crash couch by her safety harness as the nausea and disorientation of the jump wracked her body. Sousa was seated beside her in the...

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