The Patrol
- 3 years ago
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The two men got out of the car and quietly moved through the trees into a small clearing. They were hidden from view except for the light of the full moon filtering through the branches. Setting their bundles down, they began to strip. At first, their backs were toward each other, but by the time they set their tee-shirts down next to their sneakers and socks, like opposite poles of magnets, they had rotated enough to be able to see each other.
The older, taller man was in his middle thirties; heavy-set, thick-waisted, short dark hair, a neatly-trimmed mustache, well-muscled, hairy-chested. His thighs bulged in the tight jeans. The other man was ten years younger, and at six feet, only two inches shorter; slender, with a swimmer's build; light brown hair, blue eyes. They weren't directly facing each other, but each one knew he was being watched. There was a pause. The younger one hefted his balls, and then began to slowly unzip. The older man followed suit. A moment later they were naked.
There was another pause. The young one scratched his balls again, beneath a lengthening cock. "Don't take too long in there, okay?"
The older man squatted and picked up a pair of boxer shorts and trousers, holding them in front of his crotch as he stood, hiding his own rising prick. He glanced at the other's half-hard dick. "Horny, Rob?"
Rob looked down at his almost-hard cock. "Yeah. Guess I haven't been getting enough pussy."
"You've been saying that a lot lately."
"Well, shit, man, it's the truth! 'Sides, you've probably got a boner yourself. I mean, with all the fucking and sucking today..."
The older man chuckled. It was true. His own dick was swollen to full staff.
Rob gestured at the pants Paul was holding. "What's the matter, Paul, ashamed of a hardon?"
"Fuck, no! Why? You want a look?"
"Hey, I'm no fag!" Rob angrily picked up his own shorts and trousers, but when he stood up, a shiny drop of precum was oozing from his dickhead. "And I've seen your goddamned meat before anyway! In the showers, takin' a piss..." Rob's voice trailed off. He was standing facing Paul, his long—very long—slender rod, with the large, bulbous head, clearly visible, rigid and pointing across the clearing. More precum leaked from the prickhead.
"But you were just wonderin' what my cock looked like with a hardon."
"So? You never wonder what another guy was like with a boner? Ah, screw it!" Rob's voice was a mixture of anger and defensiveness as he started to turn away. He stopped when Paul moved his pants aside and took a step forward out of the shadows. Rob gulped silently. Paul's prick was enormous in the moonlight! It wasn't as long as Rob's cock, but much, much thicker, and uncircumcised. It was pointing up from a dense forest of crotch hair at almost a 45-degree angle.
For a long moment, they just stared at each other and then at each other's cocks, before simultaneously breaking the looks and turning away to resume dressing. Rob's voice was embarrassed. "Look, Paul, I..."
"Don't worry about it. Today made me horny, too."
Their still half-hard pricks were bulges in their dark blue pants, as they put socks and shiny black shoes on. "Maybe we'll get lucky. Get our rocks off tonight."
"Yeah. I could use it."
Rob laughed softly as he buttoned up his shirt. "Well, age before beauty!"
"Right, kid! I'll go first."
They tugged hats into place and the two police officers walked back to the car to put their plainclothes outfits in the trunk. They got back into the front seat and turned their attention to the outdoor toilet just down the hill. They didn't have long to wait. It was only a couple of minutes later when a tall man, with very broad shoulders, wearing a tank top, very short running shorts, and shoes with no socks, hurried along the path and into the john.
Rob groped his stiffening cock. Paul didn't move from the driver's seat. "C'mon, buddy! I need a goddamned blow job!"
"Give him a chance to get set."
"Shit! He'll see there's no one inside and leave!"
"Nope, he'll wait. So will we. We need two more arrests to make quota, not just one."
The park had been active that day. It had started with finding the skinny eighteen-year-old fucking the thirty-year-old brunette on a blanket off in the woods—but not far enough off in the woods to evade the two cops. They'd watched the kid's pale, bony ass pumping whitely up and down, his jockey shorts and jeans twisted around his legs, and when they figured he was about to come, they'd stepped into the clearing. At the sound of Paul's deep voice asking what was going on, the kid yanked out of the woman's pussy and promptly began spraying jism everywhere. The boy tried to hide himself, but only got his hands sticky with his own cum. After checking id's—while both the fuckers were still half-naked—they'd let them off with a warning to be more discreet.
The next sexually active pair got arrested. All the two men were doing was playing with each other, but that was enough to get them for indecent exposure. For a while Rob and Paul had separated, and both wound up with two more arrests, their bulging crotches leading the men on the park trails to suggest fucking or sucking. Then, just as it was starting to get dark, they found another pair of fuckers. A young white man was bent over a log, bracing himself, while an older black guy was ramming a huge prick in out and of the white butthole. Paul and Rob waited again until the one on top was about to come before stepping in and arresting them. They cuffed the black guy with his hands behind his back, and his still hard rod jutting out of his pants.
He tried to brazen it out as they led him toward the waiting paddy wagon, strutting along, but when they got to the point where they'd have to go through an open space with lots of people, he got panicky and begged them to let him get dressed. Rob taunted the faggot for a while, but said he was too dangerous to let loose. Rob yanked open the man's shorts, pulled them down, and then roughly stuffed the black meat inside and pulled them up again. He squeezed the fat dick hard, but even though the guy winced with momentary pain, he smiled as the backup officers arrived. The one who'd had the dick up his ass just kept on crying as he was led away.
At night, they preferred being in uniform. It was a great feeling to surprise the fags by pulling a badge when they were dressed in jeans and tee-shirts, but it was a real kick to see the queers panic when a cop in full uniform, including gun, suddenly loomed up out of the darkness. So they'd changed clothes and were back at the car near a very active toilet.
"Yeah, but it's late. Nobody..."
But somebody did. A man came out of the trees and hovered in the shadows, before moving rapidly into the john. They got a quick glimpse of curly, shoulder-length hair and a very slender body dressed pretty much the same as the first man.
"Okay, okay, bastard! So you were right."
Paul smiled and got out of the car. Rob followed, and whispered as they got near the door, "Look, leave one for me, huh? Fags like to come when they're suckin' cock, so I want one of them good and horny for me." Paul nodded. "You gonna fuck one? Or get a blow job?"
"Let's see what comes up!" Paul whispered back. "I'll let you know when I'm done."
"Yeah, well, keep the uniform clean!"
Paul almost laughed out loud at the joke. On this detail, you got razzed more back at the station if you came back without cum spots, than if your pants were stained and sticky with jism. Paul even remembered several years ago when he'd returned after a particularly good haul, a very large cum stain on the crotch of his tight faded jeans. Fags sure beat broads when it came to sucking dick! One of the other officers had really gone on about the fags in the park, but a few minutes later, when he thought Paul was in the shower, Paul had seen the officer quietly open Paul's locker and sniff the cum stain on the jeans and lick it. He had a raging hardon underneath his towel. So did Paul! Paul had stepped back into the john to quickly beat off a load into the urinal, only to find that the other officer had the same idea!
Paul just stood there with his hand wrapped around his meat, and then decided fuck it! The cop was another man and screw him if he couldn't take a joke! Paul looked away from the second cop and went on working his prick. When he glanced up again as he got near to blasting his wad he saw the second cop a urinal away, pumping his own prick. Their eyes met for a moment, and then they concentrated on watching the other beat his meat before they each shot a tremendous load into the toilets. The second cop wiped his dickhead clean with his fingertips, and then licked off his own cum. Paul had never tried that, but he did. It was almost enough to get him hard again. He closed his eyes as he finished the licking, and when he opened them, the cop was gone. Paul never saw him again.
All the sights and sounds of the day, plus the memories—plus the sight of his partner's hardon, though he wouldn't admit it to himself—had Paul really in the mood for a good cum as he quietly eased the door of the john open and stepped in. The lights were off, as usual, but there was just enough moonlight through the narrow skylight in the ceiling for Paul to see what was going on.
It was a fantastic sight. The heavier built man was standing in front of one of the two urinals, his arms and legs spread wide, as if he were being searched. From what Paul could see, he was well-muscled. His tanktop was bunched underneath his armpits, and although he still had his shoes on, his shorts were on the floor next to his left foot. Paul couldn't see too much more of his body because the second one—a teenager, he suddenly realized—was standing behind the man and clearly screwing the guy's asshole.
The boy was almost naked, with his shirt somewhere out of sight, and his shorts down around his ankles. His slender body appeared to be painted a cool blue by the moonlight as his magnificent, tiny asscheeks clenched and unclenched with each stroke up the man's butt. The man's deep voice suddenly whispered, "Oh, yeah, baby, fuck that man-hole. Shove that boy-prick up there. Fuck me, baby, fuck me good."
The voice made the boy writhe against the man's back, and he reached around in front, clearly trying to grab the man's prick.
"Oh, baby, that feels so fine. Play with that dick while you're fuckin' that ass. Nice, tight man-ass for a stud boy to fuck. Work that dick, boy, work it!"
Paul knew he wouldn't have to worry about stains on his pants. He was already leaking precum like a son of a bitch, and his dick wasn't even out of his pants yet.
"Want some company, guys?"
At the sound of Paul's whisper from the shadows, the kid stopped fucking, but the man continued to squirm and shove his ass into the boy's crotch. "You got a big dick, man?" he asked without lifting his head.
"Big, fat, and hard," Paul answered.
"Great, man, great! C'mon over here and let me suck that meat while the kid fucks me. You like to fuck?"
The sound of Paul's zipper was almost loud in the john. "Yeah. Go on, kid, keep fucking," Paul continued to whisper. He wasn't sure why he wasn't talking out loud, as he pulled his dripping cock and large balls out of his pants. The boy was clearly turned on again, as he began pumping the standing man's hole. Paul stepped forward, with his gun out. "What I like most, though..."
He was close enough now that he could stretch out his left hand and stroke the boy's sweat-gleaming butt as the kid crammed the asshole in front of him. He did! The boy didn't look back, but just pumped harder.
The man getting fucked moaned. "Well? What do you like most?"
"Getting sucked ... and then arresting the faggot. That really turns me on."
The two fuckers were shocked into immobility. The panic-stricken teenager looked over his shoulder at Paul. All the cop could see was the curly hair, and the wide gleam of frightened eyes and an impression of masculine beauty. What the kid saw was an enormous cop draped in shadows, with moonlight shining off his badge, and the gun in his right hand and the massive spear of meat jutting out from his fly.
"Suck me, kid." Paul's whisper was rough and commanding.
"I ... I don't..."
"Well, you little fag, you do now!" Paul grabbed the boy by the long curly hair, digging into his scalp, yanked him away from the unknown man—who was strangely quiet—and forced the kid to kneel on the dusty floor of the john. Paul was really getting off on this. He was standing directly behind the other man, his prick lined up with the slick hole; his right hand, still holding the gun, resting on the man's back, and his left hand on top of the kneeling boy's head. He turned to his left and forced the boy's head down to the huge cop-dick.
"Suck, boy-fag. Get me nice and hard, so your queer buddy can see what it feels like to have a man's dick up his ass. And you, queer, just stay right where you are." Paul had turned to his left and his left hand was at the back of the kid's head, pushing those tender boy-lips toward his prick. The boy was terrified, but he was still resisting! Paul was impressed in spite of himself.
"Do a good job, kid, and maybe I'll let you and your friend go."
The boy hesitated, and then opened his mouth. Paul slid his dick in very slowly, letting the boy get used to it. He began pumping then, and the kid began cooperating, bobbing his head up and down on the cop-meat. And even though he was afraid, the boy found he still had a hardon. He began stroking his own dick. Within moments, he was breathing heavily around the mandick in his mouth and his throat relaxed, and suddenly he had all of it! His nose was buried in the funky, musky smell of the cop's crotch.
Paul's legs sagged a little. It wasn't often he got a blowjob from somebody who could swallow all of his meat, and the warm, wet boymouth was really turning him on. But he'd decided he wanted to really get his rocks off, and that meant a hard, rough fuck of some fag ass. Gently, he pulled away from the boy's mouth, and turned back to the man.
"Stand up, kid." The boy stood and Paul could now see the boy's rigid cock, with the kid lightly stroking it. It was pretty impressive. "How old are you?"
"Huh." Paul reached out with his left arm and pulled the kid close. He was thinking that this was really weird shit! He'd gotten his rocks off before with a quick fuck or suck, but he'd never done anything like this ... and none of the previous times had turned him on this way, either! He pressed his sticky cockhead against the man-hole in front of him, and it opened easily, welcoming his dickhead in, the assring clamping smoothly down around him.
This was some experienced hole! Paul was almost ready to come from the hot asswalls clenching his prick. He was too horny to wait. He began with short, hard strokes and the man just shoved his strong, hard-muscled butt back to meet them. "C'mon, man, gimme that big meat. Shove it home and shove it hard! Ride that fucking hole!"
Paul could feel the kid squirming at his side, beating his own meat, and probably leaving trails of precum on the side of his pants. That was gonna be something to explain back at the station. Paul yanked his dick out of the hole, leaving it gaping and the man gasping, while Paul efficiently unbuckled his pants and dropped them and his shorts down to his knees. He was just about to ram his dick home again, when the kid leaned over and took him in his mouth, sucking and slobbering. Paul pulled him away before he came in the kid's mouth, and shoved the asshole full of copmeat again.
They'd all forgotten the threats, and the gun. The man getting fucked was breathing heavily and shoving his butt back to meet the hard ramming thrusts up his shitter, and beating his meat. The boy was writhing against Paul's left leg, playing with Paul's butt, feeling him up where he was sliding in and out of the asshole. And then Paul leaned down, lifted the kid's face toward him—and to his surprise, and the kid's, kissed the boy!
It made him harder and hornier! And the kid was going crazy! His tender boylips were pressed hard against Paul's; their tongues and spit were being frantically exchanged; the boy was whimpering in ecstasy as Paul's left hand roamed all over his body, tweaking his tits, kneading and pinching his butt, sliding a fingertip in his tight, unused hole. The three of them were kissing, and fucking, and beating meat, and getting ready for an incredible cum.
And the lights came on!
No one had heard Rob come in. No one had heard his gasp of surprise as he saw his stud partner drop his pants and not only start fucking some fag ass, but start kissing a young boy! Jesus, no wonder Paul was so good at his job, Rob had thought. He's a fucking fag! And then he realized he had to do something about it, or he'd get accused of the same thing when Paul was finally caught.
With his gun drawn, he flipped the lights on. The shock the first two had felt when Paul came in was nothing to the earthquake results when the lights came on. Rob was the first to react. "You rotten pervert! Fucking with your own son!"
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First TimeI work in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. On one particularly hot summer the fire danger was quite high. I had been temporarily assigned to work with someone from another department to form patrols to be initial responders in the event of a fire. On the day this happened we were patrolling the woods in a pickup that had no air conditioning and a rather thin insulating blanket between the engine and passenger compartments. It must have been close to 105 degrees outside and much hotter in....
A lot of people have this idea of The Porn Dude as a fat slob who never leaves the basement and is always coated in a layer of food, lube, and his own filth. It’s not true, I tell you! I have interests besides jerking off to pornography every waking moment of the day, and I leave the house all the time. Hell, I’m a globetrotting motherfucker. I just got back from Thailand, a country with so much to offer: Asian MILFs eating cock, young Thai girls who love the smell of tourist money and jizz,...
Premium Asian Porn SitesIt was two years after Deirdre and Maureen's fallout. James Parker, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics at Humboldt State University, was groaning while going over the papers his junior class students had returned. The topic was an exciting one, or so he had thought. "Pick a Nobel Price Winner and describe her/his impact on modern Biology!" Half the class had – predictably – picked Kary Mullis and the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Of those, not even twenty percent had a true understanding of...
Saturday night finally came, and since I'd already "warned" Tad that he was in for a voyeuristic treat at the Parker Residence, we were both looking forward to our evening. Louise answered the doorbell and immediately wrapped both arms around me with a huge hug. As soon as I was released, Tad got the same treatment. Louise had only met Tad once before -- an afternoon when we'd met for a drink after work -- but the way she behaved, you would have thought they were long-lost...
It wasn't a lot of money Parker Fullbright embezzled from the company. It wasn't like he was a crook or something. And after all, his uncle was the CEO. Well, that was the problem actually. You see his uncle was not only CEO, but also gay, and his uncle had wanted Parker's young ass ever since the boy was twelve. He had been fascinated by the kid for years, and if Parker's Uncle Jake had one quality it was persistence. If he had a dream, he stuck to it! Which is was he gave Parker a job in the...
Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...
(Another re-posting of a old British Classic).Kingston Park***A young boy accidentally discovers the delights of a glory hole in his local park. Over the years as he develops sexually he uses it as his base for some unusual encounters with strangers, people he knows and even his own Uncle. (Mm-teen, inc, voy, 1st-gay-expr, g-hole, anal)***Martin sat quietly in his own little space. He could hear the sounds of people passing by outside and c***dren laughing in the nearby playground. He knew this...
Roger Parker couldn't believe his eyes! Everybody was naked. Fucking! Not just Lucy, but their kids! All of his kids! The eight of them! Naked. Fucking. Sucking. The whole family! How did this happen? In what? A few hours? He had left home this morning, and everything was normal as usual! How did this happen? Who the fuck cares? His dream was right there, in front of his eyes! He smiled! And his kids started to move closer. They kissed him. They said things like "hi, dad" and...
First Time in the ParKBy SaraOzThis is a story of one of my first times in a park. I had heard around school about some of the things that happened in the park. I was not sure I would like being in the park, and maybe even doing some of the things I had heard other say went on, but I knew I had liked what I had been doing with boys so far, so this may be just as much fun.One part of me was scared of what may happen, but another part of me wanted to know what it was like to be in the park with...
First Time in the ParKBy SaraOzThis is a story of one of my first times in a park. I had heard around school about some of the things that happened in the park. I was not sure I would like being in the park, and maybe even doing some of the things I had heard other say went on, but I knew I had liked what I had been doing with boys so far, so this may be just as much fun.One part of me was scared of what may happen, but another part of me wanted to know what it was like to be in the park with...
Hi everyone. This is Krishna from Bangalore, the garden city. This city is full of parks and the parks are full of love. Park or Garden is a beautiful man made concept to feel the nature. With trees, various kinds of plants, colorful flowers with soothing fragrance, green grass, everything is fantastic to spend time with. And especially now in fast, mechanical world, they are like oasis between the deserts. Of course, they had a big role in love right from ancient times. Even today, If you have...
THE PARK By JANICE My parents would be out until after two in the morning. This meant I could spend some time in the park. The park, after dark, is a place for people like me. I am a 15 year old cross dresser and Bi, with a preference toward males. There is a good looking guy there that is such a doll, I drool when I see him. I know that some one like me hasn't a chance with him. He was at least bi, if not gay, or he would not be at the park. I knew I had no chance because most of...
"A Walk in The Park" Ryo sighed as he swept the floor of the anime store that he worked at. He had thought it would be a dream job, but his wage was too crummy to buy any of the many items which he so desired. He was so close, and yet so very far, from just about every manga, DVD or figurine he had ever wanted. He silently loathed the customers as he rang up their purchases. He was attractive, with stylish sunglasses that he never went without, and a spiky black hairdo that...
When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...
MatureVictor Banks quivered in a mixture of fear and masochistic anticipation, constantly reminded of his fate by the goading women at Hortense’s plush residence, who slapped his face and flicked his flesh with their canes, just for the sheer pleasure of it. They’d seen Hortense snuff males before, but there was something extra arousing about having one who had been made formally aware that this was to be his fate. Their pleasure at the situation grew more intense as the day of the hanging dawned,...
It was a beautiful spring day, the kind of day a girl starts to think about wearing her new bikini to show off her hot body for lots of men. I was feeling frisky and thought meeting some new men would be fun. There was a county park near my town where lots of men go to meet up for some good blowjobs and hot encounters. I planned to go there today.My new bikini still had the tags on it and was smelling fresh and new when I pulled it out of the drawer. It was a sexy little silver bikini with a...
CrossdressingThis is a repost where I have joined all the chapters together. No major changes. Disclaimer Warning: If you're under age 18 or offended by the subject matter you should not be here reading this, so DO NOT read any further. Comments welcomed to johnnie66666 IT ALL STARTED WITH A NICE SUNDAY AFTERNOON FUCK It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon. My husband and I had been gardening and were hot and sweaty. We decided to shower to cool down and clean off the sweat. When I came out of the shower...
As with my other departures this one isn’t any easier. Leaving behind all my newfound young lovers makes me wonder if I should settle down in one of these communities and forget about returning to the oil fields. It isn’t that I need the money. My investments will provide me with a very comfortable living for the rest of my life. The vision of the twins Melanie and Kylie naked in my tent has me dreaming were they older so we could have enjoyed each other to the fullest. Fond memories of...
Thanks to the summer construction, I had to take an alternate route home from work, and it turned out to be the best thing to happen to me in quite some time. On that drive I noticed a small secluded park tucked back behind a large group of trees. I decide I would check it out the next day at lunch. When I arrived there I noticed the parking lot was larger than I expected, but perfect for sitting in my car to nibble on my lunch while reading. I looked around and there were only two other...
ExhibitionismIntroduction: Sex park is like a childrens park but adults have more fun Sex park Once upon a time there was a park. Not any old park no. This was sex park founded by Thomas James Williams. This park is outside like most parks. Except there are a few exceptions that you can tell between a sex park and a childrens park. The slides are raised higher and there are a few lined up next to each other. Under the slides are chairs. The swings are also higher. And for bondage reasons there is a...
One typical chilly fall Saturday, I was rather bored. Sitting inside in my living room watching daytime television, same problem for everyone, just a bunch of re-runs. Anyway, I finally snap and head upstairs to my room take a look out of my window and I see the brilliant fall colored orange and yellow leaves on the trees at the park near by my house. I live in a town right next to a college town and being in high school, I feel like my sexual appetite is at an all-time high. I glance over at...
Straight SexThe building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood...
Playtime in the Park She had caught him several times watching her from somewhere across the room when she has been at the parties. However, he had yet to approach her for any type of interaction. She tried to give the impression that she was more then interested in him, but she didn’t think it had yet dawned on him. She was sure it wasn’t the fact that she had a boyfriend because they were both open with their swinging lifestyle. She was sure also, that it wasn’t because he was black as...
The next two weeks blurred together. Every morning was spent out at the park. Jason, Jessica and I always tried to get some exercises in first before we joined the others in a series of sports related activities. Soccer and kickball were the most common but we tried ultimate Frisbee and touch football as well. Sergeant O'Malley showed up occasionally and would drill us in unarmed combat techniques before having everyone run laps. At first the laps were small, but each time the Sergeant...
Well, in case you don’t know my wife is 52, a little on the plump side with a big round ass and a pair of fat DD tits, the red nipples of which ride nice and high and they’re like a couple of Ticonderoga My First Pencil erasers. She has cool gray eyes and corn-silk blonde hair that’s soft and luscious and still is showing no signs of going gray. Her legs are nice, chunky at the thighs, with strong calves that are good for… Well, you know. Anyway… Her skin is the softest, and...
My name is Barry Snow, and as you probably already know my wife April is a total nymphomaniac. She just can’t get enough different cocks, and she is always on the look out for a new one. I have no problem with her little hobby, and in fact I have been her number one source of encouragement for 33 years.Well, in case you don’t know my wife is 52, a little on the plump side with a big round ass and a pair of fat DD tits, the red nipples of which ride nice and high and they’re like a couple of...
They had walked their respective pups together at the local dog park at least five days a week at the same time for almost a month. The pups all got along well and pleasant company made the time fly. There weren’t many people who frequented the park with whom he socialized. Some had dogs that his canines didn’t get along with. Others were overly controlling owners who seemed bound and determined to make the visit to the park unpleasant for their own dogs and the other humans. Some were just...