Vivianna's Discretion free porn video

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Straddling one of her lover's subordinates, Vivianna felt Nukuma Zamblia's large cock penetrate her ass and slide deep inside. She emitted a drawn-out erotic moan while Nukuma's other subordinate, standing beside the mass of heaving bodies, made full use of Vivianna's perfectly shaped mouth, stifling her erotic moan with his engorged helmet. Despite enjoying the way she was being used and loving the sensation of the powerful African cocks pulsating inside her, Vivianna felt guilty. Not only because of what she was doing and with whom but, most importantly, because she couldn't believe how much she relished being Nukuma's sex slave.


Vivianna tried concentrating on the words and numbers on her computer screen but failed miserably. She knew why but admitting it proved much harder. Without looking up, she could feel his malevolent stare, a stare that trusted nobody and suspected everyone. He lounged on the settee in his office, watching her, studying her, looking for any weaknesses that he might exploit, any momentary lapse in concentration that would allow him to strike and take her.

Since being appointed Nukuma's personal secretary, Vivianna had developed an empathy with wildebeests and zebras in the Savannah, identifying with their fear and trepidation at being hungrily scrutinized by the king of the jungle. Like the mighty lion, Nukuma was also a hunter, but his prey were the men and women who wished to harm to his employer, the Ambassador.

Although she was scared of her immediate boss - who wouldn't be? she thought, trying to rationalize her feelings - fear wasn't the only emotion coursing through her body. A shiver ran down her spine; the idea that she was sexually attracted to the tall, dark African was appalling but she couldn't deny that her nipples hardened and her pussy began to moisten in his presence.

His arrogance, power, and dominance were traits she normally found abhorrent but some primeval instinct created a bloody conflict within her body and intellect. Reason and intelligence were losing to the baser feeling of lust. Nobody could be more surprised or disgusted by how wet she was after being near him, and the man hadn't even touched her. That was something she found even more frightening than the man himself.

Thirty-three summers young and born of a mixed marriage, Vivianna possessed the best of her parents’ genes. Her father was German and she'd inherited his athletic build, blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her fiery temperament and passion were inherited from her Italian mother, a combination which caused her father many sleepless nights when she was younger.

Vivianna considered herself an educated, sophisticated, and successful woman. One who knew what she wanted and, more importantly, how to get it. Of course, her feminine charms helped and, despite feminists protests about being exploited, Vivianna had no qualms about using them. Considered a liberal thinker, her political views were, in fact, vaguely left of center, and she found it incomprehensible that a man like Nukuma, with all his macho bullshit, could bring her to this state. Such are the whims of fortune.

After graduating Rome's Sapienza University with a degree in political science, she took various jobs and, during one of these, she met Fabio. More than a decade older, her husband was everything Nukuma wasn’t: charming, humorous and supportive of her needs and wants. They shared the same abstract intellectual ideas and passions and, long into the night, they’d discuss how to make the world a better place.

However, that was a long time ago, before Fabio was struck down by a debilitating illness. Vivianna, being a hot-blooded woman, missed the physical aspect of the marriage and she was particularly aware of her frustration during each new encounter with Nukuma.

The spark of ignition was provided by accident. Nukuma had grown hard while watching her and, although he probably didn’t intend to display his condition, fate conspired against him. Casually gazing at her, he'd been suddenly summoned by the ambassador and immediately stood up.

Vivianna's gaze was drawn to the huge bulge in his pants. She was stunned and felt her body physically respond to his excitement. As the object of her attention disappeared from the room, followed intently by her gaze, she realized how excited she'd become. Now that hasn't happened for a long time, she thought, wistfully.

After that day, Vivianna started dressing with more purpose when going to work, making sure she displayed enough skin to excite but keeping within the unspoken boundaries her position required. Unfortunately, her frustration - already unbearable due to Fabio's inability to satisfy her - only increased because it seemed that Nukuma was immune to her teasing.


Vivianna's cunt muscles tightened around Laquan's erection when she felt Nukuma thrust deep into her ass. She would have screamed but, with Samir’s prick stuffed down her throat, all she managed was a stifled moan. Her tongue slid along the length of ebony flesh as she tried swallowing the thick girth. She gripped the base of Samir’s erection and twisted her wrist in an effort to make him release his cream.

Beneath her, Laquan reached up and squeezed her breasts before sucking her erect nipples. Vivianna arched her back and pressed both abdomen and chest against the young stud. She was surprised at how intuitive he seemed to her needs. Unlike his superior Nukuma, the younger man didn't display his dominance, at least not to her. Instead, he assumed his subservient role.

Nukuma slapped her sweet buttocks while fucking her ass exactly how she had grown to love it. ‘Who would’ve thought it would come to this,’ she mused as another stinging slap increased her debauched pleasure. While his cock moved powerfully inside her, the heat his hand generated transferred to her loins, and she felt the first stirrings of the inevitable.

The moans of the two subordinates, clearly enjoying their involvement and the willing way their superior's secretary accepted them, were extra stimulation for Vivianna.

As usual, Nukuma didn’t say much. His Italian wasn't especially good and his heavily accented English was used mostly to bark orders at people. Including her, she thought wryly. Instead, he emitted muted grunts during his vigorous exertions and that suited her fine. It wasn't that he couldn't be tender or gentle or tell her how he felt: he could, he had. But both knew the relationship was physical, not emotional and that was good enough.


Having discovered she no longer needed to be frightened of him - well, within reason - Vivianna, starved of passion, wondered how far she dare go. Although married, and deep in her heart she loved Fabio, Vivianna missed the physical aspects of their relationship. And so it was that she kept recalling what she’d seen at the embassy. She was confident the huge bulge in Nukuma's trousers could give her exactly what she wanted and, from that moment, she consistently fantasized about him.

Tall and handsome, his high cheekbones and long sharp nose made his features look regal, and Vivianna imagined him being the powerful leader of some far off African tribe, getting ready to defend his village. She knew the images were a hangover from movies she'd seen as a young girl and they were grossly outdated. But the thought of his powerful muscles rippling beneath the taut ebony skin was one she couldn't shake off. Her body responded to these erotic fantasies and, not caring if Fabio was asleep, she would bring herself to climax.

At the embassy, her imagination did not need supplementing. Expensive tailored suits scarcely concealed the power Nukuma exuded and, more than once, she caught herself barely listening to him while her eyes drank in his beauty. Despite desperately wanting the man, she hesitated, being afraid of the consequences if he rejected her advances. But, mainly, she was fearful of not being able to contain the heat she felt if it was ignited. She needn't have worried.

Nukuma's homeland had rediscovered Catholicism and representatives from Vatican city regularly came to see the Ambassador. These visits allowed Nukuma to relax a little. The priesthood posed little threat to the Ambassador and, anyway, the visitor’s own accompanying security forces were responsible for his safety.

It was during one such visit that Vivianna learned exactly what Nukuma thought of her. She was sitting at her desk and Nukuma approached from behind. Leaning over her, he demanded to see the Ambassador's revised agenda for the day. Taking advantage of the situation, Vivianna sat upright and thrust her chest forward. She heard a sharp intake of breath but managed to suppress her giggles.

Peeking inside her blouse, Nukuma had glimpsed Vivianna’s virtually-naked breasts protruding from a half-cup bra, her nipples proudly visible. Knowing that he was looking, turned her on. Barely able to contain her excitement, she continued working the computer but then looked backward. That's when she saw it. There was no mistake: Nukuma's manhood was pressing tightly against the confines of his trousers. She gasped loudly and excitement rippled through her body. Was this the moment?

As if reading her mind, Nukuma grabbed her long blond hair and turned her head so that they were looking at each other. He saw the desire in her eyes and made his move. He grabbed her breasts with his free hand, a clumsy move that sent blouse buttons flying. He didn't care. Neither did Vivianna.

Fingertips closed around her erect nipple, sending electrifying sensations rocketing through her body and, immediately, her juices started to flow. When he squeezed the excited nub, a moan escaped her lips. She raised her chest, desperate for his touch, although they both knew that she really wanted to feel his fingers, and much more, between her legs.

He lowered his head, put his mouth to her ear and said, "I make you my woman today."

He continued to roughly knead her breasts, reducing Vivianna to a quivering heap. She waited impatiently, her heart beating wildly, her body wanting more. Then he commanded her to kneel in front of him, unbuckling his belt as he spoke. Eagerly, she tried to help. Masterfully, he slapped her hands away and, as he leisurely continued to undo his trousers, she was shocked to see him without underwear. But that surprise was only brief. Her anticipation of what she was about to see surpassed everything.

He was huge. Not just long but thick as well. She gasped and, for a split second, Vivianna wondered whether she could take him. Nukuma pulled his erection into plain view and began stroking it, pulling the foreskin tightly over his giant dome. Instinctively, Vivianna leaned forward and the heavy meat landed on her upturned face. Again she experienced some apprehension as the weight of it bore down on her but, ordered to open her mouth, she readily obeyed.

The spongy mushroom head pushed between her lips and, with pre-cum on her tongue, her taste buds rejoiced. The flavor was exactly as she remembered. The salty liquid reminded her of long-forgotten pleasure, and as his prick forced its way towards her throat, Vivianna knew immediately what she wanted. Nukuma held onto her hair, gaining control of the situation, and he penetrated as far as she could take him. He was too large for her to swallow completely but at least two-thirds of his nine-inch monster slid between her lips.

That was more than enough and he began pumping her face. His cock was slick with saliva and long tendrils hung from her chin as he pistoned rhythmically in and out of her mouth. When she wrapped a dainty hand around his greasy girth, he smiled in satisfaction and nodded his assent.

Vivianna stroked, sucked and swallowed his cock, loving every moment of her subservience and wanting it to never end. That, however, was impossible and soon his movements became less controlled as the spunk in his testicles began to boil. With each passing moment, Nukuma's self-discipline disintegrated and his hips bucked wildly as his orgasm ascended.

Vivianna clamped her lips around the ebony shaft, feeling the spunk rise. Her tongue pressed into his tiny slit and she felt her lover shudder in ecstasy as his engorged helmet expanded further. His discharge was accompanied by a loud groan and Vivianna got her first taste of his seed. It was hot, thick and salty, and this salvo easily filled her mouth. Before she could swallow it all, the mighty erection was pulled from her lips and Nukuma began tugging at the glistening shaft.

More spunk was released, landing on her expectant face, the thick liquid covering her cheeks, chin, and her succulent lips. Nukuma, eyes closed, released her hair and Vivianna started sucking him again. While she licked the cum from his prick, she wondered if he would fuck her now. She needn't have worried.

Nukuma trembled as Vivianna lapped up the last remnants of his semen while she looked up at him wantonly. He knew what she wanted, it was written all over her face - and he yearned for it, too. He ordered her to stand and lean over the desk, which she eagerly did. He reached around and unbuckled the fasteners on her trousers.

Pulling the trendy garment over her deliciously tanned derriere, he saw the small whale tail diving between her exquisite buttocks. The scent of her excitement had his revived prick pulsating in anticipation. Gazing at her half-naked body, trousers bunched around her ankles, he had difficulty containing himself. He leaned over her taut, expectant body and pressed his full lips to her ear.

"I fuck you and when you cum, you'll be mine forever." As he spoke, a hand dived between her thighs and rubbed the saturated gusset. Vivianna sobbed in desperation while he played with her, and nodded her head when he stopped talking.

"Fuck me," she begged softly, feeling her panties being pulled aside from her dripping sex. The thin strip of cloth that protected her puckered starfish was stretched over one side of her ass and Nukuma's fingers entered her sticky wet opening.

"Fuck me," she repeated, this time with more urgency. She'd enjoyed his fingers, even though it was brief, and when his prick slid between her thighs Vivianna knew she couldn't last much longer. She wanted it hard, fast and she wanted it now. She pressed down on the greasy pole and her body shivered in ecstasy when the huge swollen dome glided over her swollen clit. Then Nukuma pulled back his hips, positioned his prick between her slippery lips, and thrust.

Her breath escaped in a loud hiss as nine inches of solid flesh surged forward. Her cunt muscles were stretched by the thick intrusion and Vivianna bit her bottom lip to prevent crying out in pain. Despite the sharp discomfort, there was nothing she wanted more. Suddenly, Nukuma's pelvis pressed against her ass and Vivianna realized with a shock that his long prick was completely buried inside her.

She gathered her breath and, after relaxing for a few seconds, tensed her abdominal muscles. Feeling his manhood throbbing as he moved, she mischievously squeezed her pussy and was rewarded with a slap on the buttocks. Then she heard him spit.

Nukuma began thrusting with intent, and Vivianna moaned passionately, the volume increasing when a thumb started massaging the cool saliva into her tight asshole. Vivianna's orgasm rapidly approached - she’d been on the verge for a long time - and when Nukuma started thumbing her backdoor, she spun over the precipice; her first orgasm in months.

After she'd recovered, Nukuma withdrew his impressive erection and, grabbing her hair, he told her to get on her knees again. Surprised and amazed by her own subservience, Vivianna did exactly that and began cleaning him. It had been a long time since she'd tasted herself and the sweet flavors tantalized her taste buds.

"You're my woman now," he said. "No other man touches you unless I say so. Do you understand? You must do what I say, when I say, from now on!”
Unable to speak properly with his fleshy tube in her mouth, Vivianna nodded and continued her duty. When she was finished, Nukuma casually made himself decent and, leaving her kneeling in her state of undress, he strode out of his office.

That was the first time he took her at work, but it wasn't the last. She did everything he asked or, to be more exact, ordered. Not that she objected. Although generally despising macho men, she willingly gave herself to Nukuma, and sometimes wished for more. As for Fabio... they’d reached an agreement.

She’d told Fabio knew about Nukuma because he'd noticed the change in her almost immediately. Despite her efforts to keep things secret, subtle things that only a husband would notice gave the game away. He demanded to know what was happening. Initially, Vivianna accused him of being paranoid, but after Nukuma took her for the second time she had to confess. Their fucking had been more passionate, more brutal, more intense than she'd ever experienced with her husband and Vivianna realized that she didn't, couldn't and wouldn't live without it.

Although it hurt, Fabio didn't make a fuss or caused a scene. He nodded his head, accepting her confession and the conditions she'd laid down if they were to remain married. Vivianna, without his consent, had changed their marriage to an open one and said she’d see whoever she wanted.

"Otherwise," she threatened, "I'll let everyone know what a dickless wonder you are."

They knew the disgrace would destroy him but both also recognized that Vivianna now belonged to another.

Of course, she had no idea how demanding Nukuma would be as a lover. He took her whenever and wherever he wanted, which was almost every day and sometimes twice. Usually, it happened in the office but not always. On his night off, he would take her out, picking her up from the marital home. Having witnessed her preparations, dressing in sexy "fuck me" lingerie and "fuck you" revealing outfits, Fabio watched his wife walk to the waiting car. She never gave a single backward glance.

Vivianna knew he was unhappy but she didn't care. “You’d be a lot unhappier if you knew about the times Nukuma fucked me on the bed where you’ve failed so miserably.” She didn't say that but certainly thought it every time her lover arrived to pick her up.

It was on these evenings that Nukuma planned special, sexy surprises and Vivianna learned of Rome's kinky subculture. Nukuma seemed to enjoy seeing his woman perform lurid or obscene acts, and more than once, Vivianna, found herself doing things she wouldn't have contemplated only weeks earlier. It started innocently enough when he ordered her to orally relieve him at a restaurant table. Uncertain, she looked into his hard eyes and saw he was serious. Unsure of what would happen if she disobeyed, she complied, albeit reluctantly. By the time she reappeared from beneath the table with Nukuma's seed decorating her mouth, Vivianna knew she would do anything he commanded. And command he did.

Despite all her intellect, sophistication, and integrity, Vivianna, initially repulsed by his kinky demands, gradually became a slave to both his and her carnal desires. And, by the time she realized each event was just a little more deviant than the last, she was hooked on the dangerous game. She knew it pleased him but, more than that, she enjoyed the thrill and gratification of each new experience.


Vivianna was close to another orgasm. She'd lost count of how many she’d had this evening. The three Africans were really using her, their large cocks bringing her ever closer to the sinful abyss. Moans and grunts assaulted her ears, while the scent of sweat, lust, and aftershave, attacked her sense of smell. She closed her eyes and abandoned herself to the debauchery. A secret smile filled her heart as she thought about her husband and what he'd say if he could see her now.

This evening's fun was a continuation of Nukuma's fantasies. It had started in the auto going to a restaurant. He'd arrived in a blacked out Embassy minibus and, when she stepped inside, Vivianna was coolly greeted by the security chief and two of his subordinates. Without preamble, she was ordered to sit between the two younger men, hitch her dress up around her waist, and spread her legs.

Nukuma, sitting with his back towards the driver, reached over and hooked his fingers into the waistband of her delicate panties. Roughly, he ripped off the flimsy garment, exposing her sex. Then, still looking into her eyes, he ordered one of his men to finger her. Gasping in surprise, Vivianna felt a powerful hand move between her legs and allowed herself to enjoy the onslaught.

Fingers teased her expertly, her juices flowed, and her pussy twinged in excitement. She wanted something bigger inside her but that wouldn't happen yet. A soft moan escaped when two fingers slid along her slippery opening, parting her lips to let her nectar flow. Seconds later, her invitation was accepted and the powerful digits thrust inside her.

Nukuma stared at her, amusement in his eyes and a wispy smile on his sensual lips. This infuriated and yet pleased Vivianna. It wasn't the first time he'd invited someone else to join their sexual games, although it was usually women, generally prostitutes. At first, she’d been hesitant but was now used to the women. This was different, though. He'd never invited other men to use her, and Vivianna was determined to make the most of it. He uttered something in his native tongue and the other young man sitting beside her nodded solemnly. Then, quickly glancing at his Master's girlfriend, a twisted smile on his lips, he got onto his knees and crawled between her splayed limbs.

Although she hadn't taken much notice, Vivianna felt a slight rush of anxiety when the minibus stopped at traffic lights. Even though nobody could see through the blacked out windows, she saw passers-by apparently staring directly at her and, irrationally, she thought they knew what was happening.

She was close to cuming when she saw Nukuma retrieve a diamond-tipped butt plug from his suit pocket and motioned for her to lean forward. Pressed against her lips, Vivianna let it slip inside her mouth and ran her tongue around the shiny metal. Excited at what he planned, she did her best to ensure it was properly lubricated.

Then she climaxed.

She'd been on the edge for a few minutes, and while she was trying to please Nukuma, her body had taken control. The security chief watched his woman cum and smiled broadly. He enjoyed watching her climax, liked it when she screamed out his name as she writhed and shuddered, impaled upon his manhood. Although he hadn't actually done anything yet, everyone in the vehicle knew this orgasm wouldn't have happened without his consent.

Suddenly he barked an order and his subordinates immediately moved away from her, letting her recover. He motioned for her to bend over his lap and, seconds later, she felt the exquisite intrusion she craved. He gave her butt a playful slap just as the minibus arrived at the restaurant. Within ten minutes, they were seated around a table as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

During the meal, Vivianna was encouraged to make sure that all the cocks were kept hard for the ride home. When she wasn't busy doing that, the two subordinates, Laquan and Samir, took turns fingering her to a climax. Leaving the restaurant, Nukuma pulled her close and told her that, on the way home, they were going to fuck her.

As the door of the minibus closed behind Laquan, three pairs of trousers were unbuckled and engorged erections appeared. "Suck them," ordered Nukuma, while gently tugging at his magnificent manhood.

Hardly daring to believe her good fortune, Vivianna sunk to her haunches and opened her greedy mouth. She began with her lover. He removed his hand as her lips closed around the swollen glans and slid down his ebony shaft. Simultaneously, she felt her dress being unzipped and the cool air-conditioned interior caused goosebumps on her exposed skin. Nukuma wrapped her hair around his sizable fist before pumping her luscious mouth with intent. The expensive dress fell to the floor and extra hands began fondling her and it soon became apparent that hands weren't the only thing touching her.

Nukuma pulled her off balance and she fell against his powerful thighs, her rear end raising. A large, throbbing cock slid purposefully along the length of her dripping slit, reducing her to a quivering heap. Having been teased with fingers the whole evening, the feeling of a real cock pressing against her cunt was more than welcome. Vivianna almost came on the spot and was desperate to feel it slip inside. Before she could say anything, another erection appeared in front of her eyes. She looked up at her master and he nodded. She released Nukuma from her mouth and turned to Laquan, flicking her tongue over his mushroom-shaped dome while Samir buried his prick deep into her silken tunnel.

Driving over the badly maintained roads of Rome, the momentum rocked the passengers. Vivianna noticed the glass partition was raised but wondered if the embassy's driver was able to witness the steamy sex. She fantasized that, if he could see her acting so slutty, it would give him an erection. Maybe she would be ordered to take care of him as well. Despite having her mouth full of cock, she smiled. Her musing was broken by the weight of Nukuma's member slapping against her face. The message was clear.

She smiled wantonly at him after releasing Laquan's erection and proceeded to take Nukuma's length down her throat. Laquan asked something in their language and a broad grin creased the older man's face. Then Vivianna watched the subordinate sit on the plush carpet and saw his cock jutted proudly from his lap. She realized he was almost as well-endowed as her lover. In fact, both young men had large cocks, not quite as big or thick as Nukuma's, but the difference was negligible.

Samir was still pounding her pussy and, above the sound of the automobile, she heard loud, erotic squelching sounds. His cock felt wonderful and she could have stayed in that position all night.

To her dismay, Nukuma ordered Samir to stop fucking and he also removed his pride and joy from her mouth. Nukuma told her to straddle Laquan. This she did, eagerly reaching down between her legs and grasping the saliva covered cock. Placing it against her twitching cunt, she impaled herself on the throbbing flesh, a loud hiss of pure wantonness escaping her mouth. She eased down the thick prick, feeling it fill her silken tunnel as Samir moved into her field of vision. He was jerking his cock ferociously, his foreskin exposing his glistening helmet with each tug. His intention was obvious.

Opening her mouth expectantly, Samir fed her his meat and he shuddered when she tongued his piss hole. A gruff voice came from behind her. Without understanding the language, she knew an instruction had been issued. Now Samir’s hand entwined her long hair and pulled her head forward. His manhood disappeared down her throat and she danced her tongue around his girth.

Nukuma watched his woman accommodate his subordinates, grinning wolfishly. His eyes were drawn to her gorgeous bum as it moved up and down, her sex devouring the fleshy shaft in an erotic game of sexual hide and seek. He barked another order and Vivianna felt strong hands grab her buttocks.

A wicked thrill spread throughout her body when Laquan pulled her cheeks apart, exposing her back door for her lover. A glob of warm spittle landed in the exposed anal crevice and trickled slowly towards her twitching starfish. She smiled inwardly. Nukuma had told her many times that he adored her ass, and he knew she loved anal. It was one of the things she truly missed when Fabio fell ill and became unable to satisfy her.

Memories of the first time Nukuma had taken her ass made her grin. It had hurt like hell but she'd gritted her teeth and endured the initial pain, which gradually evolved into ecstatic pleasure.

Samir distracted Vivianna by vigorously feeding her his cock. He so desperately wanted to be like his boss, but to her mind, he lacked Nukuma’s stature and authority. She couldn't fault him for trying and she did so love to suck dick. Her lips clamped tightly around the ebony shaft while her hand sought his huge testicles. Her fingers encompassed the heavy sack and squeezed. Samir froze momentarily.

Nukuma pressed his engorged helmet between her welcoming buttocks, nudging against her little asshole. She immediately stopped riding Laquan and relaxed, allowing her lover to proceed. He pushed forward, his bulbous end stretching her sphincter, giving her the delicious burning sensation. Then she took the thick girth, swallowing the intrusion until he was buried. Nukuma paused, allowing her to settle, then fucked her.

For the next couple of minutes, the minibus was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and the moans and groans of rutting humans, their only concerns being their own sexual gratification. This symphony was accompanied by the scent of sex, heightening the senses of the occupants as they each pursued orgasm.

Laquan was the first to climax. He was biting and sucking Vivianna's erect nipples when she felt him go rigid. He grabbed her waist and he pulled her down against his loins. She tensed her cunt muscles and felt his prick expand inside her before white hot spunk scalded her silken tunnel. She continued milking the pulsating organ, feeling it flood her tunnel while Laquan's body spasmed beneath her.

She released Samir’s manhood from her mouth and kissed Laquan. She ordered him to keep squirting, grinding her pelvis against the young man's loins. Samir, not to be denied his moment of glory, pulled her head from his companion and aimed his fierce erection at her face. Automatically, she opened her mouth and the first rope of cream splashed against her face. Her tongue reached out for the next load.

Vivianna was in slut heaven as Samir continued pumping his cock, providing more spunk. She deliberately closed her mouth and felt his gooey offering slide down her smooth skin, warm and thick, and rubbed it into her superheated flesh. Then the helmet pressed against her lips again and she greedily opened her mouth and licked the spunk oozing from his tiny slit. Behind her, she heard Nukuma groan.

She concentrated on the cock deep in her ass and felt it erupt. Yet more cum filled her body and the delivery system, throbbing powerfully inside, set off Vivianna’s orgasm. Every invading cock sent powerful bolts of electricity through her nervous system, making her jolt demonically. Her muscles contracted and expanded violently and she shook uncontrollably, labored breathing ringing in her ears and her heart beating wildly.


Vivianna stepped out of the minibus and walked unsteadily towards the front door. Looking up, she saw Fabio watching her approach and a wave of guilt flowed over her. Then she felt Nukuma's spunk leak from her back passage and dribble down the insides of her thighs.

Should she tell her husband about this evening’s events? He always asked.

More semen trickled from her orifices.

No, that decided it. This experience she wouldn’t share.


~Author's note~

Once again a big thank you to Jwren for his editing.



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Editorial Indiscretion

Janice Owens, romance novels editor for Pink Beach Publications, pulled her little blue Toyota Corolla to a stop half a block away from the house of a man she had never met, a man she knew only by his words. She told herself she only needed a glimpse of him. She was no stalker. One glimpse, and then she would go back home. She would leave this fancy Coral Gables neighborhood and retreat two hours north to her little apartment in Boca Raton, and that would be that. She leaned back in the...

3 years ago
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My night of indiscretion

I'm a man in my forties, married twenty years with two c***dren both away at university. Lately both my wife & I have been getting at each other, finding the slightest of excuses to criticise each other. My job involves a lot of travelling which for me is a godsend as I can get away from the house & in particular HER! On this particular occasion I was away in Leeds for a work trip. A city I was not familiar with but a colleague who'd previously visited Leeds on numerous occasions...

3 years ago
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Pure Lust

They meet in the lobby of a hotel, moving to the bar where he buys her a drink. They settle down into a comfy couch, sitting down next to each other and clink their glasses together, toasting each other, and to the fact that they are finally meeting. They had spent many an hour chatting over the internet, getting to know each other inside and out. Their conversations, sometimes deep and meaningful, sometimes playful, had built into something more, although neither knew how to admit it. They had...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Sister

My Wife’s Sister About a week ago my wife informed me that her younger sister would be staying with us for a couple of weeks. She had just recently divorced and wanted to get away to relax from all the stress. My wife suggested that she visit us and since we had a pool she could sunbathe and swim while we were at work. My wife and her sister are similar both size and height wise, but my sister in law has larger breast and slightly bigger ass. My wife is more reserved in public, but my...

1 year ago
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My Daugters phone part 5

I remove the sheets and start stroking my dick. Thinking about these two after Amy has passed her math exam. I am flipping back and forth between the pictures of my daughter and Amy's when I hear my daughter clearing her throat standing in the doorway to my room. “Oh damn” I am trying to put my dick under the sheets, and my phone away. “Must be quite exciting” Kelly says while she watches me struggle. “I brought you some eggs and bacon, but you seem to be making your own eggs right...

2 years ago
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Life Of Lex Part 13

"Do you date?" she blurted out instead of a greeting. She was wearing extra short pajama shorts and a tank top. From past experience I knew she probably didn't have panties on underneath. Her breasts, barely restrained by the tight shirt made it more than obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. "Hi Lex, how are you?" I thought maybe I could avoid the question. "I'm great, you're great. Yeah, yeah, yeah; don't change the subject." "Yes, I date." It wasn't a complete...

4 years ago
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Best Friends

Hello, fellow horny people! I've never put a story on this format before, so please forgive me if it isn't amazing. This story is a slow start, but I like that, personally. Bear with me through the setting up of it all, and I'm hoping you'll enjoy what comes after. I'll be adding more parts of this soon because I've already written it, and I want to get it out there. There's a whole crazy world in my head that I've been slowly adding to, and I hope that you all like it as much as I do. Any...

1 year ago
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After Prom Version 1

After Prom: Version #1 By RogerGirl "Stan, wait," Charlene called out as Stan walked away. Stan turned around and walked back toward her. She had long had a crush on him, but had been afraid to act on those feelings as Charlie. While she liked girls too, she had always secretly been bisexual. She knew she'd never get another opportunity like this and was finally ready to act upon her feelings. Stan now stood in front of her and she looked up into his eyes. She put her arms around his...

1 year ago
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Thats It

‘That’s it?’ That was all George thought as he lay on his bed. His pain no longer bothered him. It was commonplace, to be expected. When it did bother him, he just had to press the button on the end of the white cord clipped to the railing on his bed and a nurse, usually the pretty, busty, beauty he liked would come into the room and adjust a valve or give him a shot, and minutes later, he would no longer feel the pain. * * * * * George spent his life trying to figure out his life. His...

2 years ago
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Katia and Cay

Chapter 1: The first meeting It was her first visit back home since the accident; she was nervous and a bit afraid. She pulled into the driveway of the old country house and got out of the car. "Hey sweetie, it has been so long. I missed you." Her mother was a small woman and it was always a shock when people found out that she was her daughter. "I missed you too mom. I am glad to see you are doing well." "Well Katia I can't complain, now come one your brother and sister are waiting for...

2 years ago
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Taking 4 Female Foreign Contractors to their Hotel

The story continues.... and I think it just gets hotter....I heard the shower running and the sound of giggles coming from the bath. My head was pounding and I was lying in a bed that seemed soaked with sweat and..... My mind cleared a little more and I smiled. Cracking my eyelids open I dimly saw two figures moving, kissing and touching each other. Opening my eyes discretely just a bit more I could see it was Ahani and her lithe tan body and the shorter, darker mature form of Ali.Ali...

1 year ago
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AnalOverdose Harmony Wonder Harmony8217s Gape of Wonders

Hot teen Latina Harmony Wonder is like 51 flavors and then some. She even wears rainbow knee-high socks and a matching tank top to emphasize her full spectrum sexual interests. She also loves the full spectrum of PervCity men, and when Isiah Maxwell’s big black dick points in her direction the teenager starts begging for interracial anal. He grabs her pigtails and facefucks her slobbery deepthroat until spit streams from the corners of her mouth and drips onto her small tits. But real...

2 years ago
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Torn LivesChapter 11

At Christmas, inspired, I remembered a Christmas fifteen years ago with my grandparents and I went to the storeroom in the back of the house and brought up an old Christmas tree that we had first used when I came on vacation from High School. It was an old artificial tree, in a place full of live pines, which had grown old with. Mom; it was still packed full of old ornaments and lights. We, Natasha and me, spent that evening putting it up and we thoroughly enjoyed decorating the tree as we...

2 years ago
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Balcony Diddling

Penny is definitely not all bad to look at. She’s hot, short blonde hair, beautiful face and gorgeous body. She goes to the gym twice a day, yeah, for a couple of obvious reasons, so she is nice and fit, her muscles well toned, but not freaky. She tans up nice in the sun. Has penetrating green eyes. A nice and natural rack, E’s. Oh, and she’s super hot in the sack. When she shows off, whether it’s just flashing or putting on a full blown show, she gets hot and horny. It kind...

1 year ago
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Short Pornographic Stories

This is the hub, I don’t have a lot of variety when it comes to what I write it is mostly incest but with A LOT of misogyny, there’s also a bit non-con and sometimes I like to write a bit of raceplay, so content warning for that as well. There are also a few longer ones here and there that I will put in here and even potentially edit later down the road to make them better. If any of you want that, just let me know

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 16 Bras

Not long after falling asleep, I woke up, really thirsty. The clock read 3:58 AM and I was beat. I stumbled, naked, into the kitchen. The tap water in town, though nationally rated highly for its quality, was not my cup of tea. I opened the refrigerator, took out a bottled water. I guzzled it like I might have guzzled a beer ten years ago as a college kid downing one in a chugging contest. Staring absentmindedly into the Simone’s refrigerator, I was a little disappointed at how little was...

3 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 15

"I went for it. I seduced boys, which wasn't all that hard. They were all older than me, of course. I did a lot of stuff, with a bunch of people. Mostly guys, a few girls." "Really? Girls too?" "Yep. I got really into it, Taylor. It was like, once I started, I didn't want to stop. But you know what happened?" "What?" "By the time I was around sixteen, or just turning seventeen, I realized I had a reputation. People were calling me names, and seeing me in ways that weren't so...

1 year ago
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Quarantine Stir Crazy

"I'm telling you the truth, auntie." Jordan rubbed his forehead as he sat at his aunt's kitchen table, pushing the mop of messy, matted, curly, mousy-brown hair out of his eyes. "If we have to stay in quarantine much longer, I swear I'll go out of my mind!" It had been fifty days since he'd had to abandoned his dormitory in New York City and take shelter with his aunt and his cousins in rural Massachusetts. Mary took a sip of her coffee and shrugged at her nephew. "I don't know what to...

3 years ago
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Slow Dancing With Irene

Adapted from the short story: DANCING WITH IRENE By Marcia R. Hooper It was Saturday, December 11, 2004. I had not seen Aaron in five years. Six years, once I stopped to think about it. I was at the Home Depot at Crystal Rock Center, looking for a replacement thermostat; I ran into Aaron at the end of an isle. It took a moment to convince myself that Yes, it really was Aaron, and then I almost walked away. “Hello, Aaron,” I said, nudging him gently. “How you doing?” He looked just as...

3 years ago
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Before and After

BEFOREUntil high school, I thought our family was an ordinary conventional family. It wasn't.Nudity was a tradition in our family. I lived in a house where being naked was the dress code. My parents had friends with the same conviction. I only found this out later as a junior in high school.Something else escaped my notice. It was the protocol at their "adult" parties. Well, that's what they were called, and I wasn't welcome. When I was too young and innocent to catch on, I was conveniently...

Straight Sex
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Secret Lives Chapter 2

I jumped in the passenger side and we waited for Sarah. I looked over in time to see Sarah strutting towards the car in a short skirt and t-shirt. It was like a scene from a movie. Everything slowed down as I took it all in. Those sexy, bare legs, the hypnotizing sway of her hips and the way her breasts moved inside her shirt, making it obvious she had removed her bikini top but not replaced it with a bra. Her semi hard nipples were obviously enjoying the feeling of sliding against the shirt...

3 years ago
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The experiment

Introduction: A secret govenment project A short story of how a govenment worker finds love. It all began 3 years ago, I was working on a top secret military weapon, I am benny lava and I was the lead engineer in operation crazy hindu, and I was tasked to create a jet pack system to be given to all soldiers as basic equipment. And after 2 years of development my team had created a prototype. Due to the nature of operation crazy hindu we couldnt just give the jet pack to anybody to run...

2 years ago
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The Past Catches UpChapter 2 Beth Speaks

I wanted to just disappear after what happened at the restaurant. I love Jerrod with all of my being and he was the only man I have ever trusted and loved. When he asked me to marry him I was the happiest woman alive and then minutes later that asshole Brad showed up. I've never lied to Jerrod but there is some things in my past that I never told him. I thought the best thing I could do is resign my position and head back home to Akron but Sally called Amy (Jerrod's mother) and the two of...

1 year ago
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My girls part two

Its a girls day out today I drove mom to her friends house and Vera and s*s has gone out shopping so I have grandmom today all to my self which I am going to fuck her she is right now having her afternoon cup of coffee once she is done with that I will take her and have fun with her. She needs a good fuck today. She is now an easy one to fuck not as how she was in the start good god she was a pain in the ass to fuck now she is so tame snap of my fingers I can get her and fuck her at will any...

2 years ago
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my wife the porn star

I was a thirty year old man that had ED which was cured not by taking little blue pill, or, visiting doctors, but rather watching my wife being screwed by a foreign exchange students.I was thirty and having male issues, to be blunt, I could not obtain an erection. I went to my doctor and he gave me the blue pills. They did not work so he suggested that I go to a urologist.. The urologist ran all kinds of test and they came back negative. He said that sometimes it is a psychological...

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

2 years ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 5

Saturday was wonderful. We were busy with real chores. Sia was full of bright smiles and hugs and, amazing me, accepted her chores with only minimal complaints. Occasionally she’d stop by for a chaste kiss, her lips so soft and warm. I took those moments to inhale her scent deeply and hug her rather fiercely. Just wonderful. The afternoon was taken with a slog to the supermarket, battling though snowdrifts. Sia had bribed me to drop her off at the local mall to meet up with her friends,...

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Fill Me

Alicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter — and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia’s fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...

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The New Neighbour Chapter 2

The New Neighbour Chapter 2 i awoke to the distant sound...a low growling... off in the distance.... my eyes opened.. i tried to focus.... the bright sunlight shinning trough the window..i lay there trying to get my bearings.... i was home in my own bed.. thank god to many hotels.. i thought... i stretch out feeling my legs and arms flex as i tightened there muscles...the sound was still there ... i listened and i suddenly recognized it as a...

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Bellesa Plus calls themselves the Netflix of Porn, which frankly wasn’t at all what I was expecting when I first heard the name. I was picturing a scaled-up version of Bellesa, which I’ve reviewed before here at ThePornDude. Their brand has largely been known for their pro-sex and pro-women take on dirty movies, their flicks featuring many real women having real orgasms. Now you’re telling me they’ve got some kind of package deal with their stuff plus other porn producers? Shit, why didn’t...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Daddy at the Truckstop Chapter 7

Enjoy Ch 7, evolving the fantasy makes for slow, horny writing. Remember to always be safe and sane!Chapter 7"Time to go, slut."Daddy had left me tied, gagged, and blindfolded in the tub of the motel room for some time, maybe a half-hour or longer, before I heard the door open and his voice. It was all he said as he helped me stand, unhooked my ankles, and began to lead me out into the room. I was still gagged, blindfolded, and nervous as we moved towards the exit, pausing long enough for him...

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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 8

Luke went home. He was pretty neat for the most part. So his apartment was not going to require much cleaning up. He gave his bathroom a quick wipe down. He changed the sheets on his bed. She said she wanted to take it slow, but better safe than sorry. He ran down and bought a couple bouquets of roses and dessert. A mix of pinks and whites. And a single red. Why not? He set the table up with the flowers and put the red in a tall glass by the bed. He set some chicken in a teriyaki marinade...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 15

In paradise Rebecca walks barefoot on the beach under the relentless tropical sun. She is wearing a white sarong tied under her armpits, which leaves her shoulders and most of her thighs bare. Under the fabric and hanging from a string tied around her waist, she hid a tiny tape recorder. She’s finally gonna do that damn interview! The blue-eyed girl who was waiting for her at the lodge accompanies her, still naked, towards the vast terrace which juts out above the lagoon. Sitting on a...

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Grammy Was My First and Best Part 2

This is part two of my recounting of one weekend with my widowed Grammy. In part one things got started by me looking at her and receiving a special surprise. Now, it is early Saturday afternoon of that same weekend and….I jumped into the shower and quietly cursed. I had been careful to put my underwear beneath my shorts because there was quite a mess in the front of them from having pulled them up too soon after spying on my Grammy in the workshop. I hoped that Grammy would just go to the...

2 years ago
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Ranma 12 Nighttime Conversations

Akane lay in bed, glowering at the ceiling. It had been a long day. It had been a weird day. Who does that jerk think he is? Barging into our lives, making fun of me! And now he's LIVING here! Stupid Ranma. Stupid Daddy. She turned over, staring at the wall and trying to settle her thoughts enough to sleep. It wasn't happening: the room felt stifling even with the window open, her covers too heavy, and when she turned over again she saw that Ranma was standing in the room with...

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The Ski Trip Conclusion

Chapter Eleven - The Rescue Kurt stepped around the ladies as they stood trembling. "Hmm, perhaps we need to give you some nourishment before we do round two. I really don't have much time left for fun as my contact reported they will be here in four hours. Oh well, I would be irresponsible if I didn't look after my animals and we don't...want...that." Each word was punctuated with a solid swipe of his crop on an exposed bum cheek. The women were so tired, they barely reacted to...

4 years ago
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Kitten and TeddybearChapter 11 Dancing on the Ceiling

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "Knowing both my Dad and my Mom, it has always surprised me that Mom never saw it coming. She says that she knew Dad was, her words, 'fond and protective.' Dad is as decisive as you can ask, but usually about as subtle as a fire alarm. Somehow, he bought a centuries old wedding band for her. He even ordered her a wedding dress. You should see it. I outgrew it before I turned 16. Let's just say, custom made for her. "Mom never had a...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked the Landlord and his wife

I woke up early Monday morning. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get ready before I left for work. I didn't want to be rushed. I was excited to start work. I've only ever had jobs as a server or working retail. This was a "grown up" job. I decided to act on my excitement prior to getting ready for work. I pulled out my dildo and suctioned it to the chair. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I wasn't wet so I had to gently guide the dildo into my pussy. A little rubbing made me wet enough...

2 years ago
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KarlaChapter 11

Helmut, though he held his peace, was not quite satisfied with my answer, that much was certain. Alfred rejoined us after some lengthy interlude and addressed the problem immediately. "Helmut, it is as I suspected. Your wife has been subjected to the most convoluted and cruel brainwashing imaginable throughout her childhood. Yet, she has shown astonishing resilience. Without that, she would not have been able to marry you, would not have allowed you to become intimate with her. This...

1 year ago
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BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 9

To Liam, being part of the President's detail was the pinnacle of his career. It was also much more difficult than he had thought it would be. Working with other agents, knowing where to be, what to watch out for - all of those were, by now, routine activities, and he was even better at them now that he had the abilities that came with being linked to the others. The difficulty was that President Winchell, under the severe business suits she wore in public, was a very desirable woman, even...

3 years ago
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Pados Wali Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi, I am Prince (Name changed), back with one more story, Hope you liked my previous story “Sex with ex-GF”. And I have received a very good response of some people. Luv u fans for giving me comments on my story. Any girls/bhabhi or unsatisfied ladies can mail me on Awaiting for your comments and happy fans to connect me through chat. As you know me, my name is Prince (Name changed) from Bangalore, yeh story mere pados wali bhabhi ki hai, kaise maine bhabhi ko seduce kiya aur seduce karte...

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Silver ArrowChapter 25 It Makes You Proud

Harlan, Rose and I had been in Sacramento, discussing some tree pruning issues with one of the resident experts at the Department of Food and Agriculture. They had been working with UC Davis and Chico State, searching for ways to be more efficient and productive with the annual pruning. Rose and I had to admit the conversation was well above our understanding, but Harlan seemed to relate to it and that was what mattered. What I got out of it was that we could be a little more aggressive with...

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Livia The Bad Employee

Livia Behrends got greedy, and then she got sloppy and as well as greedy. She was the assistant bookkeeper in the offices of a small restaurant chain. With the cash coming in, she figured she could pilfer a bit of it without it being noticed. Then she moved into straight embezzlement.She was good with computer programs, and the total wasn’t that much, about twenty-five hundred dollars. Her assumption was that it could be hidden in the background of larger financial transactions.At the start, it...

4 years ago
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Hetal Bhabhi Ki Gand

Hi I am Citu Sachin from Mumbai and please give your comment about the story on Ye baat 3 saal purani hai jab mai graduation ke second year me tha. Us samay meri umar 19 saal thi. Meri bhabhi aik sexy woman hai uske baray baray mammein Chuchi hain jin ka size 38D gand 38 aur waist 32 hai unka naam hetal hai. Mai hamesh unhe chodana chahat tha bathroom me unke naam ka muth mara karata tha. Wo bahut hi sexy lagati hai sabase mast unki gand butts lagate hai, man karata tha unki gand me apana lund...

1 year ago
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In His Hands Part One

My room was a mess, which was typical of me. I was a mess, too: long, dark hair untrimmed, dull clothes hanging loose, nose unpowdered, and nails unpainted. Honestly, I was lucky that I could feed myself with all the care I took. Nonetheless, the clients found me. I had just finished dinner when the intercom beeped, letting me know that someone was watching. It was a courtesy. It gave a worker about ten seconds before the client's camera came on to hide methers, if you were into drugs, or to...

3 years ago
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Remember Me Part 2

In the morning, I woke up from a deep sleep, where I had been dreaming, with crystal clarity and amazing detail, about my high school days. I was lying on my right side, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself looking at an unfamiliar window. For a moment, I didn’t know where I was, but then I remembered. I was in my hotel room, and I had gone to the reunion. I turned to lie on my back, and then the other memories of last night flooded back, the memories of Linda, and the sweet...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Reawakening A Journey To Being A Cuck

It was a hot July month; my wife left to visit her mom for a couple of weeks. I had to stay home because I could not get time off from work.  After a couple of days of being alone, I decided to go out to a bar to relax and have a couple of drinks. I sat at the barstool and saw a pretty lady wearing a white top.I could see she was not wearing anything underneath. She was also wearing very sexy red shorts. Her eyes were deep blue, and her hair was a very luscious brown color. Instantly, I was...

3 years ago
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Meri Bhen Ki Chadi Jawani Padi Bahari 8211 Part I

Hi mein Karan Mittal apni kahani leke apke samne hajir hu. Meri umar 20saal hai meri hyt 6f eet haimein engg kar raha hu. Mere ghar me meri mom dad aur ek choti bhen hai. Mein padhai ki wajah se ghar se alag rehta hu aur har mahine ghar jata hu. Ye baat jab ki hai jab mein apne ghar gaya aur mujhe waha ye pata laga ki meri bhen ne boyfriend banaya hai. Aur is baat ke mere dad against the to mene apni sis Radha ko bhaut danta. Lekin usko meri girlfriends ke bare me pata tha to usne bhi palat ke...

2 years ago
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Cousin Love

The constant ringing of the phone woke me up. I got up and looked at my table clock it was 8 am and I picked up the phone. Hi cousin!! Anju here and how is my favourite cousin and I immediately recognized the voice of my cousin Anju, Hi Anju! How are you? Where are you? I asked now completely awake and I am in Delhi getting ready for my marriage. We had still some shopping left so mother said that we can go to Lucknow for shopping and we can meet you guys also she replied. My cock just sprang...

3 years ago
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A story of experience finding love in family and how one kinky girl finally finds her place in a much older man8217s arms

I’ve never been much different from the other girls I saw everyday at school. In fact, I was exactly like them, wanting to be hip, wanting to be pretty, wanting to be seen with the hot popular guys. And that’s exactly what it was like until my mother decided to divorce my dad when I was 8. It was a shock to both of us, as they had seemed to get along pretty well, but that was that, and my mother was pretty much out of my life since then. My dad had a hard time coping with the loss,...

2 years ago
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RegretsChapter 6

The takedown of the entire Falcon Shipping terrorist organization had gone well. Better than well ... it went bloody brilliantly with not a single lost hidden cargo sent to the bottom the sea or ocean! The Dutch Unit Interventie Mariniers (Unit Intervention Marines, or UIM), probably took top prize, if anyone was keeping score ... and trust me, the international spec-ops community is fairly small and everyone is always keeping score. The Haytham-Azraq (or the Blue Falcon) was quietly taken...

1 year ago
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Seema The Sexy Gujju Bhabi

Sorry friends for such a long delay to post the story. My Gmail account messed up so I couldn’t post any new stories further on. Anyways let’s get on with the story. It’s a bit lengthy because it’s about My and Seema first encounter. But worth the same.   After calling Seema she said she wants to me again but this time all alone sine Rekha wud not allow fully her to use me in her presence. I asked what she meant by use me? She giggled back and said “tuzhya Rekha la watatay ki mi tula tichya...

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