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FLIRTING WITH EXHIBITIONISM AND i****t (Revised and Expanded)
by Tony Reeno

DISCLAIMER: Of course this is a work of fiction. Of course the
characters do not exist. Of course this is solely borne out of the
twisted mind of the author, Tony Reeno. And of course you should not
try this at home, under any circumstances. These are trained
professionals. You have been warned! Finally, of course you should
not read this if you are under 18 years of age and/or living in a
place that deems erotic fiction (and by extension, pornography)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a revised and expanded version of a story I
posted several years ago. I received a flood of email when I
initially posted the story and I'm surprised (and flattered) that I
still receive the occasional letter concerning the story, which has
led to some terrific discussions about similar situations experienced
by others.

I hope you enjoy this revised version of FLIRTING WITH EXHIBITIONISM
AND i****t. Also, if I receive a fresh wave of positive responses,
I'll be posting the sequel, CARLA THE SHOWOFF, very soon.

As always, comments, questions and your own stories are most welcome.
Contact me at: [email protected] . Thanks for reading!



I'm sitting at the keyboard and the white screen disappears and I'm
looking back a good twelve years, to the time when I still lived at
home while making my way through college. I'm an educator now, but at
the time, I used to work late nights at a convenience store.

My story is based on actual events, so there is no explosive sex to be
found here. On the other hand, I think that those of you who are
turned on by the sensuous nature of nudity and nudism will find this
story stimulating. The same goes for readers who love the thrill of
exhibitionism, especially those who relish the thrill of complete
nudity, especially when the showoff is the only person nude in front
of others. Finally, voyeurs are also sure to be stimulated by the
events in the story, thanks to my mother's increasing desire to see me
nude and be in my presence while I lounged around in the buff. In the
end, I believe my erotic life during this period of time was borne out
of a healthy and honest enjoyment of nudism, then slid slowly into
exhibitionist territory. Finally, did my behavior increasingly push
the taboo envelope? Did the evolving relationship with my mother
flirt with i****t without crossing the ultimate line? I would say so.

Now, read on and decide for yourself.

I've always enjoyed being nude and, while nudism wasn't practiced
openly in my house, I was always given a fair amount of privacy. My
room, I was told, was my own, and nobody would bother me there without
a knock on my door. I've always believed this to be extremely fair
behavior on the part of my mom and dad. Judging from my friends'
stories about their lack of space and privacy, I now see how rare a
situation my home life was, for a number of reasons. For one thing, I
was able to enjoy being completely nude in my bedroom, in a non-nudist
home. For another, I had a parent who eventually came to accept my
nudity and actually enjoy it.

I usually spent a great deal of time in my bedroom. Sure, I was out
and playing with the neighborhood k**s some of the time, but I also
loved to read and I would often come in from outside playing at a
friend's, strip off and spend the rest of the evening naked and
lounging in my bedroom. I loved to read. TV has also been a lifetime
love, so I asked for a small set one Christmas. It was perfect for my

Of course, when I was left alone in the house, my nudity extended
beyond the bedroom. It was during these excursions, casually walking
around the living room, kitchen and other rooms while totally nude,
that I got my first taste of eroticism being linked to nudity. My
nudity in the bedroom wasn't something that I found to be overtly
erotic. But taking nudity outside of the bedroom and into the rest of
the house: that seemed to be daring, thrilling, somehow taboo. Mind
you, these were extremely low-grade and confusing feelings and
thoughts at the time. However, as the years passed, this "nudity
equals eroticism" equation grew significantly exponentiated.

In time, I grew almost resentful of having to keep clothes on while in
my own home. I remember making mad dashes to the kitchen in the wee
hours. Sometimes I'd rush to the living room and hallway table to
retrieve a book or homework notes. No big deal.

Somehow or another, I managed to avoid being caught by the rest of the
family (father, mother and younger sister) until my late teens. Then
one summer morning when I thought I had the house to myself, I
sauntered into the kitchen in the nude, only to find mom coming into
the kitchen from the adjacent laundry room. We both froze and then I
said, "Sorry!" and was about to turn tail (literally!) and run, when
she stopped me and told me it was okay. She asked what I was up to.
I told her I was just grabbing toast and juice for breakfast and she
said, "Fine, go ahead."

This incident completely blew me away. I knew that my parents had
always given me privacy in my bedroom, but here was Mom practicing
extreme tolerance. I was still pretty embarrassed, so I hurried
through my routine and left, promising it wouldn't happen again.

And it didn't. At least not for another few years. Because I decided
to go to a local university, I continued to live at home to save on
bills. I worked graveyard shift at the convenience store, went to
school in the morning, crashed through the afternoon and woke up early
evenings to start the routine again. One morning, an off-morning for
me in terms of not having to rush off to school, I couldn't sleep, so
I got up and decided to get my studying out of the way, then try to
crash again. I'd forgotten my cigarettes in the family room (I know, I
know: smoking's a filthy habit, but hey, it's a habit I took up and
enjoyed for many years, so there). As soon as I got up, I began to
miss my smokes, so, completely nude, I strolled out of my room, down
the hallway, and headed to the living room. There, my cigarettes
awaited me, along with a surprise guest.

My mom worked part-time as a receptionist and records-keeper for a
pediatrician. That day, her job had pulled a switch and she spent the
morning at home. If she'd had the TV on, I would have been alerted to
her presence, but she was curled up on the couch, reading a book.

In I strolled and the first thing out of my mouth was "Sorry!" and the
first thing out of hers, was "Deja vu!"

"What?" I stammered.

"Flashback! Remember? Two or three years ago?" She cracked a
lopsided smile. "Didn't we run through this scene back then?"

We laughed about it and I grabbed my ciggies and started to leave. I
told her I'd be more careful. The next thing she said surprised me
once again: "Listen, I know you like to be naked in your room, Tony,
and to be honest, I don't care what you do or don't wear around me."

"No, Mom, really. I'll be more careful."

"I'm serious," she said. "You can run around in as little or as much
as you wish when it's just you and me at home. Just watch yourself
around Lisa [my little s*s] and don't you dare let your dad catch you
streaking around the place."

Well, I certainly didn't abuse the privilege after that incident, but
I was definitely more casual about walking around the house in the
buff when it was just Mom and I at home. And because the ice had been
broken, I noted that my mother was also more casual about coming into
my room to "sit and visit" with me during the day, if I happened to be
home. I even noticed that when she left my room on these occasions,
she'd leave my bedroom door open. I didn't want to make Mom feel
uncomfortable in any way, so I still tried to stick close to my room,
but with her visits to my room, I got the sense that she was basically
telling me that my nudity was really okay with her. And she
reinforced her message by inviting me into the family room to watch a
TV program we were both going to watch in separate rooms, etc. Once,
I donned my jogging shorts before going out to join her, but when she
asked me why I bothered, I got the hint. A few afternoons later, we
were going to watch a movie on cable together and I strolled into the
living room stark naked and lay face down on the couch. I eventually
turned over and watched the whole movie nude, my penis resting across
my thigh, my balls clearly in view from time to time. Mother wasn't
fazed by it, so that was the last time I covered up for her when we
were alone at home.


As time went on and my nudity around my mother became more common when
my s*s and dad weren't around, I started to notice that mom would seem
to seek me out more often and go out of her way to let me know I
didn't have to "live like a hermit" (as she put it) in my room, just
because I wanted to enjoy being nude.

To reiterate, little by little, I got over my apprehensiveness and
began to take her up on her offers to watch TV with her while in the
nude, or just join her for afternoon "chats" if she happened to be
home. In time, the bathroom became another place for us to "sit and
visit," especially on those days when I opted to take a bath instead
of a shower. On the afternoons when she happened to be home, she
seldom failed to come around and ask me, "Bath or shower?" and if I
replied with "Bath," she began to draw a tub of water for me. Then
she would join me in the bathroom while I scrubbed down. She'd sit on
the toilet or the sink counter and we'd chatter away.

It was around this time, about two or three months into my full nudity
around her, that I began to wonder if my mom was being tolerant of my
nudity simply because she wanted me to feel comfortable around the
house. I began to suspect that she might be getting a thrill out of
my exhibitions. While I believe that we never crossed overt i****t
boundaries, I also think that slowly but surely, sexual innuendo and
veiled eroticism began to creep into our relationship.

(Of course, the fact that my mother was - and remains - a good-looking
woman didn't hurt things, either. She's tall and voluptuously built.
She isn't fat in the least, but she'll never be mistaken for an
anorexic super-model. Mom's a redhead, with a good 36D chest, flaring
hips and very round buttocks. The classic Coca-Cola bottle figure
comes to mind when I'm looking for a quick description.)

Again, while full-blown taboo boundaries weren't transgressed, we
certainly began to move into new and questionable territory. For
example, one day when my mom drew my bath, I was in my room, furiously
typing away at a term paper that was due. Mom came up behind me and
rubbed my shoulders and told me I better hurry or my bath water was
going to get cold. I leaned back and told her that her shoulder
massage felt great after a couple of hours of typing. When I muttered
that maybe I was too lazy to bathe after all, she came around to face
me, took my hands, pulled me out of the chair and told me to quit
being a baby and march into the bathroom. I jested with her and asked
if she wanted to bathe me and she said that she'd done enough of that
when I was a k**. We shared a laugh, but as I passed her, she swatted
me on my bare left buttock. That surprised me. Up to now, she'd
seldom touched me while I was nude. I half turned and joked to her,
"You missed one." She quickly caught up to me halfway down the
hallway and swatted my right butt cheek, open palmed. "Not anymore,"
she said, following me into the bathroom, where she took up her usual
place on the counter while I bathed.

About a week later, I was back in the bathroom, bathing again. Mom
started out by sitting on the toilet, but eventually she got up and
perched herself atop the long bathroom counter, right next to the
sink. More and more, this was her preferred spot. I wondered if it
was because she had a total view of me in the bathtub from that
vantage point.

On this day, the water was a little warmer than usual and it actually
made my circumcised penis grow to a semi-hard state. I became just a
little self-conscious about it, but it was below the surface of the
water. Still, when I moved around a couple of times, its thick round
head and several inches bobbed into view, then sank, then did it
again. Mom giggled. I asked what was so funny. She shocked the hell
out of me by asking if there was a submarine in the tub with me. I
asked her what she meant, and she said she thought she detected a
periscope. I must've blushed ninety-nine shades of deep crimson! In
the past, Mother had never mentioned any specific part of my nude body
when she was around me. This was crossing a new boundary. I tried to
get over my embarrassment by making light of the situation and forcing
myself to play along with her. I slouched a bit lower in the tub and
my half-hard erection bobbed high above the water line and I said, "Up
periscope! Mom, you're right! There IS a sub in here with me!" We
both died laughing and I was surprised once again when mom asked me --
several times -- to do it again, please, just one more time. I
finally complied. In retrospect, I think that was the first time (but
not the last) that I got an erotic charge out of being totally naked
in front of my mother, and it was mainly her comments that did it. I
remember actually grabbing my penis at the base, near my balls, and
giving it a good squeeze underneath the soapy water. Still gripping
it tightly, it grew thicker but not fully erect, and then I slouched
even lower in the tub, lifted my phallus almost completely above the
water mark and yelled "Up periscope!" then left it exposed for a good
five seconds, moving it around a bit before splashing it back out of
sight. That did it. Neither mom nor I could stop our giggles after
that, and from then on, "periscope" became a running joke word between
us that was guaranteed to send us into hysterics at the weirdest


To repeat, the incident in the bathtub involving my "periscope" really
crossed a line for me -- and for my mother. We had never been candid
about my exposure before. In the past, she seemed to take my nudity
very much in stride; but the fact that she had actually joked about my
half-hard penis and I had sustained the joke, was new territory for

I began to wonder how much of a sexual relationship my mother and
father had, at this point in their marriage. As I mentioned earlier,
my mother was (and is) a good-looking woman: a pretty redhead with a
voluptuous body -- nice round breasts and a fantastic round butt. I
was around 20 or 21 when these events started, which meant that Mom
would've been around 39 or 40 at the time. My parents seemed to enjoy
each other's company, but my father was an inspector who was based at
home for a week, then on the road for four or five days at a stretch.
Sometimes he'd be home three or four days, then gone for a week. I
think that my mother started taking a greater interest in me because
she was lacking various vital components in the marriage - namely,
companionship and sex. Again, things weren't bad between my mom and
father when he was around, but he was not an overly romantic person
and once I started looking for it, I detected an absence of affection
and attention that may have been there at one time, that was now
missing, and that Mom seemed hungry to experience.

I wish I could say we lived in an isolated neighborhood, but we
didn't. Nothing fancy; just middle-class Americana, to be honest. So
I didn't have a huge private yard or woods in which to roam around
naked. On the other hand, our backyard was spacious. Mom loved to
work on it and she had several lovely flowerbeds which she tended
diligently. There was a fragrant gravel path that stretched in
serpentine fashion from one cluster of flowers to another. In the far
corner of the yard, a massive oak tree provided plenty of shade in the
summer. Underneath it, a wrought iron bench awaited lawn trekkers.
Closer to the house, my parents had long ago built a screened cement

One night in summer, I was out of school and wasn't scheduled to go
into the convenience store until 10:30 or so. My father was on a
three-day business trip and my baby s*s Lisa (who, in actuality,
wasn't all that much of a baby at 14) was sleeping at a friend's
house. I was in my room, nude, when my mom stopped by and asked if I
wanted to come out back and enjoy the evening breeze. I said sure and
moved to put on some shorts, but she said, "Why bother? We'll keep
the porch light off."

A thrill shot through me but I tried to maintain a poker face. "You

"Why? Are you chicken?" she giggled.

"Is that a dare, mom?"

"Yup!" Then she laughed and said, "If you and your periscope are up
to it!"

"Well," I said, feeling myself blush again, "I accept your challenge,
Mom, periscope and all!"

About two minutes later, we were both sitting outside in the dark,
sipping ice-cold glasses of lemonade. The lawn chair wasn't very
comfortable on my bare body, but to be honest, I didn't care. I was
absolutely amazed to be outside in the nude. Call me sheltered or
geeky, but I'd never done the adolescent outdoor streaking routine. I
think things would have played out very differently if our home had a
rural setting, but it didn't. I had never done this before, and I was
feeling an exhilarating head rush. And of course, there's another
major piece to the equation that bears mentioning: I think the fact
that my mother became my audience -- and an increasingly interested
and participatory audience, as time went on -- did something to my
casual nudity. Slowly but surely, I came to enjoy being naked not
just for comfort, but for the thrill of being on display. It's very
strange, but that's the best way I can describe it.

"Congratulations, Tony" Mom said, smiling at me. "You win the dare.
You're stark naked outside. How does it feel?"

"Incredible," I said. "You ought to try it sometime, Mom."

She laughed and shook her head. "No way. I'm just glad you can be so
open with me and do whatever you wish."

"Well, that's thanks to you," I reminded her. "You're the one who put
me at ease with being naked around you. If it weren't for your
tolerance, I'd be holed up in my room right now."

She leaned over and squeezed my thigh and pecked my cheek. "Oh, you
hermit, you! We don't want that."

"Thanks, mom," I said. "You're the best."

I stood up and I remember it was the bathtub incident all over again:
I deliberately went out of my way to expose myself fully to my mother.
We had kept the patio lights off, but there was enough light
filtering out through the sliding glass door for me to be splashed by
the orange glow of the lamplight from within the house. I was
beginning to realize that there is casual nudity and there is erotic
exposure and exhibitionism. The two aren't the same. You can be nude
but not exposing yourself. I say this because I don't think I was so
much exposed to my mother when we were both sitting side by side, but
what I did next -- and some of the things I did later on -- moved me
from being nude to the realm of being exposed and playing the
exhibitionist. My mother was still sitting down and I stood right in
front of her, with my crotch at her face level, just inches away from
her eyes. Only then did I ask if she wanted a lemonade re-fill. She
accepted and thanked me. When I returned with the filled glasses, I
made it a point to stand right in front of her and hold the glass
practically in front of my crotch. Mom thanked me and I watched her
hand come within inches of my phallus. Her eyes stole a long glance
before I moved away.

Eventually, we called it an evening and went back inside. I was still
riding an incredible erotic rush and I made it a point to come up
behind Mom and give her a long bear hug as she was rinsing out the
glasses at the sink.

"My goodness, thank you, but what was that for?" she asked. When she
turned around, I could tell she was a little flustered. She was also
gazing down at my bobbing penis and balls.

"For being the very best," I said. "You really don't have to be so
open, but I feel so at ease with you. Thanks again. I'll see you

"I see you now," she joked. I was thrilled by her comment! It was
the same kind of line that she'd given me in the bathroom, subtly
calling attention to my phallus.

I cupped my hands around my privates, but made sure to leave my penis
partially exposed through my fingers. "No you don't!"

"I sure do!"

I pretended to be agitated and actually grabbed my member and pulled
it upward and pretended to conceal it around my arm. Of course, the
head and part of the thickening shaft flopped around my wrist to peek
at her. "Can't see me now, can you?"

Mom laughed. "More than ever!"

When I took my hands away, my phallus flopped down but it felt thicker
and heavier. "Mom, I'm shocked!"

She was still staring at my growing girth, then she gave me a sly
smile. "You're something alright, you bozo, but I don't know if
'shocked' is the right word. Now hurry or you'll be late for work."

To be honest, she dismissed me just in time. By the time I got to my
bedroom, my phallus was a lot longer and very thick as it slapped
against my thighs.


At the start of the fall semester, I met an incredibly cool young
woman. Very soon, we were spending almost all of our spare time
together, and then some! Carla was super sweet and sexy, a brunette
with shoulder-length hair and a slim and trim body with just a little
extra in the hips and buns department. She had a great smile and a
crystalline, infectious laugh. She was also the most erotic and
sex-hungry woman I've ever met. Even now, about eight years after our
break-up, Carla is still tops on my list when it comes to insatiable
and daredevil women.

I have always had a pretty high sex drive and with Carla, it simply
grew out of control for a while. The girl simply didn't know the
meaning of the word "no." We were at each other's bodies constantly -
at motels, which put nasty dents on our paltry budgets, at those great
hot tub/spa rental places that you used to be able to find and lease
by the hour (do such places even exist anymore? I'm not talking
whorehouses, but great private rooms with low lighting, music, their
own hot-tub and shower, etc). When circumstances allowed and both of
Carla's parents were away for a part of the day or weekend, we would
take advantage of her bedroom at home. And of course, there was my
bedroom. Eventually, our love sessions led to another phase in my
home exhibitionism, and Carla became a most willing accomplice.

As time passed, I seriously thought about getting my own place and
inviting Carla to go halfers on an apartment with me, or contribute
what she could to the monthly expenses. I finally decided to wait a
few more months, to be on the safe side, but already it seemed like a
silly idea. I knew we'd be okay living together. After all, it
wasn't just great sex that attracted us to each other. Carla and I
liked the same movies, some of the same music, a lot of the same
foods; I pleasure-read more than she did, but that didn't seem like a
big issue. We certainly were off to a fine start.

There was no mistake that Carla and I found a sexual equal in each
other. We were constantly pushing each other to the limit.
Initially, I was very leery of messing around with Carla when ANYONE
was at home, but as with my nudity in the presence of my mother, I
started to get a heightened sexual charge from fooling around with
Carla when my mother was also in the house. We began to have more
frequent steamy lovemaking sessions in my bedroom. We kept the door
closed, of course, but I started getting louder and louder, much to
Carla's initial dismay and near panic. I told her to lighten up, that
we were just doing what came naturally, but she was a bit taken aback
by my cavalier attitude for quite some time. Ever so slowly, she
began to take a more permissive, carefree attitude about our at-home
sexplay. Actually, I could tell that as the days progressed, Carla
began to enjoy the risk-taking almost as much as I got into it.

After a few weeks of our loud lovemaking, I felt the need to push the
envelope yet again to get a more powerful erotic charge out of our
antics. One day, we had an especially intense rutting session in
which I banged into Carla repeatedly from behind as she backed up
against me, on the bed, on all fours. It was a session that left us
drenched with sweat, our bodies drained of energy and in much need of

Carla slipped into one of my T-shirts. On her cute figure, it came
down just past her butt and fit her like a ridiculously short
mini-skirt. She made a quick bathroom jaunt to freshen up, then I did
the same, but I didn't bother to put anything on when I went into the

"Tony!" Carla hissed. "Your mother might be around!"

"She's home, alright. I think she's up front, watching TV."

"But what if she comes down the hall?"

I shrugged, then grabbed my penis (still thick and long from our
recent session) close to the balls and wagged it up and down a few
times. "Hi, Mommy!" I said, then winked at Carla. She was laughing
her head off as I headed to the bathroom. Once there, I used it,
cleaned myself up a bit, then - still totally naked - I returned to my

Carla was still giggling on the bed, shaking her head at me. "You

"Let's go get something to drink," I said, then stepped back into the

"You're not going out to the main part of the house like that, are

"Like I said earlier, Carla, my dad's away for the weekend and my
sister's over at her friend's house for the night."

"But your mom --"

"My mom is used to seeing me like this," I said.

Carla's eyes grew so round I thought they would out of their sockets.
"You have GOT to be k**ding!"

"Not at all."

"You mean she saw you nude when you were a baby, right?"

"Right," I smiled, "and many days of the week since then, up through a
few days
ago and including this morning."

Carla gave me her sideways, cut-the-bullshit stare.

"Why don't you just walk to the kitchen with me and see for yourself?"

My girlfriend's smirk turned into a mischievous smile. "I think I

Hand in hand, we strolled down the hallway and into the living room,
heading for the kitchen. I remember my heart pounding in my chest as
we walked and I literally felt dizzy with excitement. (Have you
experienced the high of taking your exhibitionism to greater extremes?
This is the incredible rush I was feeling at this moment.) At the
hallway, rather than cutting toward the kitchen, I strolled into the
living room.

Mom was in her favorite large plush chair. I looked at her and then
at Carla and then shot a quick glance down at my nude body and time
seemed to have stopped for a moment and the scene seemed nothing less
than surreal. Thankfully, Mom broke the ice by flashing us both a
wide smile. She seemed completely unaffected by my nudity and had
decided to play right along!

"Hi, guys!" she said.

"How's it going, Mom?"

"Pretty good, now that I'm off work." She uncoiled her bare legs from
the couch and stretched them before her. I watched her flex her
pretty toes.

"Been home long?" I pretended we hadn't heard her come in (maybe
Carla really hadn't, but I had heard some noises in the houses while
we were playing in my bedroom).

"Not that long," she said. "Grab something cool! It looks like you
both need it!"

No doubt about it: Carla was in wide-eyed shock at the sight of my
walking around
completely naked in full view of my mother. She tried very hard to
act casual about the situation, but I could see red rising in her
cheeks and a laugh threatening to spill out of the corners of her

The dizzying head rush that I had savored during this latest act of
exposure began to subside in me, but I still marveled over how far
things had progressed in the past few months: from my being nude in
my room, to being nude in front of my mother around the house, to
jokes laced with sexual innuendo, and now this: showing off in front
of my mother, with someone else -- my own girlfriend -- present!

Now, we could've just resumed our trip to the kitchen and gotten our
drinks, but I was having too much fun to let it end so soon. Instead,
I walked over to the couch and asked Mother what she was watching. To
be honest, she hadn't watched the set since we came in. She was too
busy ogling me! She finally said it was some nature show on the
Discovery Channel.

I pretended to be interested in it and sat on the couch and asked
Carla to get me my cigarettes from the bedroom.

"And I'll get us all some snacks," my mother said.

Carla returned before mom. She still had the roundest eyes. As she
plopped down on the couch next to me, she started giggling.

"What?" I said.

She stroked my upper thigh and then grabbed my not quite flaccid
phallus and shook it. "This is WHAT! You are so fucking shameless!"

"Hey, I just like to be naked, that's all."

"Right," she said, giving me a lopsided sneer-smile. "You just like
to show off."

"No, honestly, it's more for comfort than showing."

"Whatever," she said, squeezing my penis and then tugging it hard at
the base, near my balls, before releasing me. "But don't stop on my
account, lover boy. I'm enjoying the show, and judging from the way
your mom was staring at you, I think she likes it too!"

Mom came back into the room and placed a tray of assorted chips and
dips before us. I asked where she was going. She said back to her
armchair. I told her not to be so
anti-social and sit on the couch with us.

Mom's quite witty. She asked, "Isn't three a crowd?"

"Never!" I said.

So she took a seat to my right. Carla was on my left and I lit a
cigarette and we watched the show. Or tried to. I think the sexual
tension was pretty high in the room. I sat with my legs in front of
me, crossed at the ankles, feet on the coffee table. My penis and
balls made a very prominent and visible pile in front of us. I
started to feel a fresh wave of that virtually indescribable head-rush
that comes from major showoff sessions. I had never felt so exposed.

When I finished my second cigarette, I stood up for a moment to put
the ashtray as far away from my feet as I could, on the pretext that I
didn't want to knock it over. In reality, I knew I was giving Carla
and my mother a close-up view of my ass. I even spread my legs a bit
to show them my phallus and testicles from behind, along with a
fleeting glimpse of my asshole when I bent over slightly, then I
snapped my fingers as though I were remembering something and headed
out of the living room.

I called Carla from the hallway. I said I'd forgotten to show her
something in my bedroom. She came around the corner and if her eyes
had been bug-round before, this time, they nearly fell out of her
face. Why? Because she found me in the hallway, lazily stroking a
massive erection.

"You are out of control," she whispered.

"Maybe I am," I said. "But you still love me, right?"

"More than ever!" And with that, Carla took over. She didn't have to
be told what I wanted. She came up to me, pushed my hand away,
started fondling me, then, after a quick peek over her shoulder toward
the living room, she knelt down and slid me into her warm moist mouth.

I could hear the TV droning on and on as I came closer and closer to
orgasm. I looked down and saw Carla's legs spread wide and asked her
to rub herself. She readily complied and hiked up the T-shirt and got
to work on her clit. I watched her mouth suck my penis deeply, then
let it slide out, in and out, in and out and I grew thicker and
harder. Below her mouth, I watched her fingers dance quickly over her
clit and pussy and it was a beautiful show. As I felt my orgasm draw
ever closer, I grabbed the sides of Carla's head and started thrusting
my erection roughly in and out of her mouth.

"Don't take this as an insult, baby," I told her, "but you're my
little fuckhead - literally - and I'm about to cum."

"Then cum, lover boy," she warbled between my thickness and in between
sucks and slurps, then she couldn't say anymore because I grabbed her
hair and thrust deeper and quicker and shot my load into her throat.
I saw some of her fingers dig into her pussy and others dance over her
clit and then she was coming too and it was one of the most powerful
and daring and erotic sex sessions of my entire life. I've tried hard
to recreate it here but I'm not sure I've succeeded at capturing the
intensity of the moment.

We shared several sloppy kisses then decided to head back into the
living room. I was going to go clean up a bit in the restroom, but
Carla stopped me. "Do me a favor, okay?" she said. "Leave it.

I looked down at myself. I was pretty flaccid now, but not completely
back to normal. I was still semi-long and thick. Also, my penis
looked shiny with residue from Carla's saliva and my own cum.
Moreover, we both reeked of sex.

"Just go out there, like this?" I asked.

She nodded. "Please, lover boy?"

"It would turn you on?"

She actually blushed, then cast her eyes down and she smiled and

"You know," I said, "this is why I think I've found the perfect

She laughed and we returned to the living room. Mom was still sitting
on the couch where we'd left her. We resumed our previous positions.
I leaned forward for my cigarettes and grabbed one out of the pack.
Mom beat me to the lighter though. As she reached for it, her hand
came within inches of my penis, now lying thick and slick on my leg.
My heart practically jumped when I saw a very small bead of post-cum
on the tip. I wondered if my mother saw it. She probably did, but
then, I was too lost in eroticism to dwell on it.

Mom lit my cigarette and put the lighter back down while I put my head
back on the couch and took a deep drag of my smoke. I kept my head
back, both to let the smoke stream upward and to let my audience
glimpse as much of me as they cared to. Sure enough, when I looked
towards the tube a drag later, I caught my mom's eyes fixed more on my
penis than the TV. I pretended to have an itch on my left thigh, so
with my free hand, I moved my phallus from one thigh to the other and
scratched. It was still fairly long and thick after cumming and it
made a slapping sound as it landed heavily on my upper right thigh.
After scratching my thigh, I scooped my fingers underneath it and
moved it back. It fell atop my left thigh with the same slapping


As you can tell, if you're reading this story in sequence, things had
progressed from the tame and erotic to the much more highly charged
sexuality that Carla and I came to enjoy. The incident in which Carla
gave me a blowjob and masturbated herself literally around the corner
from my mother fueled all kinds of perverse fires within and between

Watching afternoon and evening TV with Mom became a fairly regular
pass-time that fall. Sure, I used to engage in this activity before
Carla joined mother and me that afternoon, but my girlfriend's regular
presence added a new dimension to the fun that fall. Once we broke
this new ground, we didn't even try to rent a hotel or one of the hot
tub spas. My parents' home became our new playground. If we were
alone, we went completely crazy, all over the house. I remember
turning up the heat one cold afternoon and mounting Carla on the
kitchen table. I stood and she lay back, naked and spread legged, as
I pounded into her bald pussy. We were much more careful if my dad
and sister were around, but if my mom was the only one home, we
certainly didn't restrain the volume of our activity in my bedroom.
And there was always after, when Carla insisted that we go have some
of our special fun. "Come on, Baby. Let's go show your mommy how
much you've grown," she laughed.

Carla surprised me. I knew she had an unabashed, daredevilish,
vivacious nature, but the more we indulged in our exhibitionist games,
the more she egged me to get more brazen. She loved to push the
envelope, even more than I did at times. (This will grow even clearer
if you read my follow-up to "Flirting with Exhibitionism and i****t,"
which focuses sharply on Carla's erotic odyssey. CARLA THE SHOWOFF
details Carla's slow and steady slide into a kind of depravity that
eclipsed my own).

I'll give you an example that will underscore the kind of eye-opening
behavior Carla engaged in around my mother and me. This particular
incident underscores the fact that Carla became an increasing
participant in my showoff activities. In many ways, her antics made
my nudity seem tame. I know that's an incredible statement, but judge
for yourself. I remember one night when we were watching the tube.
Carla and I were on the couch and mom was in her favorite lounge
chair, legs stretched out on the ottoman in front of her. I was nude,
Carla was in a short black T-shirt that she'd borrowed from me after
another one of our sex-romps, and Mom was in a nightgown and robe.
The lights were out in the living room, but enough light shone from
the TV to splash us all in a swirl of ever-changing hues. During a
commercial break, Carla and my mother started to talk about some
aspect of the show we were watching. As they did, Carla ran her hand
lazily and nonchalantly up and down my thigh. Little by little, her
pretty, red-finger-nail-polished hand came closer and closer to my
flaccid member, lying lazily on my upper thigh. Finally, her fingers
made contact with my phallus and Carla cupped it gingerly and wiggled
it back and forth, back and forth, never missing a single word of the
sentence she was vocalizing. I was amazed. My mother didn't seem to
take notice, but in retrospect, I'm sure that she did because she
loved to stare at me when I was in the nude (which was most of the
time, as long as my father was away on his once-weekly out of town
trips, and my sister Lisa made herself scarce). Carla treated my
phallus like a conversation piece she'd idly picked up off a coffee
table. She seemed to absent-mindedly fondle my ember. She pretended
it was the most natural thing in the world to be fondling me, moving
her fingers up and down my semi-hard shaft, entwining it in and out of
and between her splayed fingers and jiggling it into a longer and
thicker state, all this while holding a conversation with my mother
who was just a few short feet away!

Luckily, the show started again and my mother's eyes returned to the
television. I tried to push Carla's hand away, but she just nudged me
in the ribs and smirked at me. I eventually managed to push her away
and settle myself down. Later, back in my bedroom, I tried to scold
Carla and tell her she may have been taking things a bit too far, but
she just brushed me off. When I tried to protest some more, she
silenced me with her expert lips and tongue, not on my mouth, but on
my penis.

"You were saying," she mumbled between sucks, never completely letting
my engorged phallus slip out of her mouth or off her lips.

"I just think that sometimes --" But then I felt Carla's right hand
cups my balls and her left one circle around my buttocks and suddenly
a wet finger probed deeply into my anus and wiggled around even as
Carla swallowed me deeper from the front, all the time gazing up at me
with arched eyebrows and round unblinking eyes, her lips stretched
snugly around my hardness. Well, that was the end of my protesting
for a while.

Another more troubling incident occurred a few nights later. The
night was chilly, even with the heat on (this may have been late
October because we all decided to watch a horror movie that night),
but I still liked the feeling of going around nude -- and yes, the
feeling of exposing myself to Carla and Mom. Carla used the cool
temps as the perfect excuse to drag a "blankie" (her term) from my
bedroom and to the couch when we joined mom in the living room for the
video. She covered us up with it as we sprawled close to one another
on the couch. Mom was close by, in her usual lounger. It wasn't long
before I felt Carla's exploring fingers all over my shaft, and, not
surprisingly, it wasn't long before I started to grow around and
between those fingers, springing out and away from Carla's hand from
time to time. The lights were dim again and I didn't think there was
much danger in allowing her to fondle me under the quilt, but then I
saw the undulations her fingers were making on the blanket's surface
and the way it tented up occasionally, and I knew that if my mother
glanced over, she would know exactly what my girlfriend was doing to
me underneath the blanket. I quickly readjusted the blanket and, as
best I could, covered up the movements produced by Carla's fingers.
Needless to say, she kept me in a state of perpetual anxiety for the
next couple of hours, pumping my phallus to hardness as she casually
conversed with my mother or laughed or feigned being scared or
commented on the film. Then her pumping would ease off and she would
allow me to return to a semi-hard state, only to begin a furious
pump-job that had me close to cumming within a minute. She was
uncanny! She seemed to know exactly when to stop her ministrations
and when to start them again. And then, as the movie reached its
climax, Carla made sure I reached mine, pumping with a passion until I
jetted rope after rope of warm sperm all over my stomach and chest.
She then proceeded to swab me down with it, all in the presence of my
mother, all but a few of her actions concealed by our "blankie."

Of course, I don't think it would have mattered to Mother if we had
decided to let the blanket drop and let her see the masturbation show.
After all, it wasn't more than a week or two later that my mother
caught me in the act -- literally -- of pleasuring myself and this
time, there was no way to disguise my actions as playful gestures or
anything else. I was caught with my hard-on in my hand, stroking away
and just seconds away from bringing myself to orgasm. And that put an
entirely new spin on matters.


The semester progressed. At school, Carla and I got closer to the end
of another successful term. At home, we continued to have incredibly
torrid sex.

At the time, I lived in a part of the country where it never got too
cold in the winter, and even if it had, the house was kept nice and
toasty, thanks to central heating. One night, before the evening
temps got too brisk, I remember Carla and I had just made love when
she suggested we go outside and join my mother in the back patio, and
so we did. Carla wore one of my many black T-shirts that fit her like
a daring mini-skirt. I stepped outside completely naked, as I had
once before in the summer, with my mother for company. Mom was out
there already and the three of us sat around, Carla and Mother in
lounge chairs, I on one of the patio benches near the wooden picnic
table. The three of us engaged in casual conversation. I'll confess
that the breeze was laced with a hint of autumn chill, but I pretended
not to notice. I was too busy enjoying myself, pretending that it was
the most natural thing in the world to be sitting outside in the
twilight while wearing my birthday suit, talking to my girlfriend and

My home exposure continued, with and without Carla. That's what it
had become too, more than comfort: exposure. I remember actually
finding excuses to walk out and be naked in my mom's presence. And I
was now constantly cupping and clutching myself around her. She took
it all in stride. More than that, she was enjoying the show. This is
a certainty. It grew obvious. If I didn't seek her out, she made it
a point to come and find me.

My mother's eagerness only pushed me further. Every now and then,
while watching a show on television, I'd groan at the appearance of a
hottie and openly run my hands over my penis and testicles. On one
occasion, a woman appeared in a g-string and I muttered an "Oh my
God!" and cupped myself more overtly than ever before, way down near
my balls. This thickened my penis and pointed it, fat and semi-erect,
toward my mother. She giggled and, never taking her eyes away from my
slow squeezes, said she was going to tell Carla that I was being
unfaithful with a bunch of electronic cuties. "She probably wouldn't
care, Mom," I said.

In fact, I told Carla about my increasingly crazy behavior and
mounting desire to expose myself and she grew wild with lust at each
of my stories. She also urged me to take things even further, to grab
myself more frequently and overtly in front of my home audience. I
seldom finished one of my stories, on the phone or in person, without
Carla fingering herself urgently to orgasm.

I suppose that given my hyperactive libido, what happened next was
quite inevitable. As I recall, it was right around Christmas break
because Carla and I had both wrapped up the fall semester, leaving us
with even more time than usual to devote to our hedonistic diversions.

Ah, youth. Even though Carla and I had just had a wonderful romp, I
felt myself harden a few hours later, when she'd gone home. You'd
think I hadn't had sex in days! I lay back on the bed and reached
down and began to work on myself. It didn't take long before I had
seven hard and thick inches to stroke. I could hear the distant
sounds of the TV so I knew Mom was still up, but I was feeling too
lazy and too horny to do anything about my open door. In fact, I was
so engrossed in stroking away that I didn't hear my mother approaching
my bedroom and didn't even see her until she was through the door!

Mom stopped dead in her tracks and I stopped what I was doing in
mid-stroke. I felt myself start to shrink as she backed up toward the
door, stammered an "Excuse me," and left the room.

For the next few days, we ignored the situation. Actually, we avoided
each other. I think each of us didn't know how to react, given the
circumstances. Once again, we had crossed a boundary -- the most
overtly sexual boundary yet. In the past, it had all been implied.
Not this time. My mother had seen me stroking away at myself, my
objective: to achieve orgasm.

Finally, on the third day of awkward silence, Mom knocked on the door
and I covered up before letting her in.

She raised an eyebrow at my shorts, then walked into the room. I
asked her to sit on the bed and she did.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb," she said. "Give me credit for breaking the ice."

"You're right." Silence filled the space between us. Finally, I
continued. "About the other day: I'm sorry! I really am. I
should've closed my door."

"Maybe you should have," she sighed, "but you didn't and it's done and
the way we've been behaving is silly."

I nodded. "I agree completely."

"I miss my buddy," she said, reaching over onto the bed and hugging me
where I sat. I hugged her back. "Even though you spend a lot of time
with Carla now, we've always found time to spend with each other, even
with your girlfriend. I don't want us to remain confused about this
or grow distant with each other, as a result of it."

"Mom, you're the best! I can't believe the way you've managed to
phrase it all. It's what I've been feeling, but I was too mortified
to approach you to iron things out."

"Well, it's over, okay?" She smiled and stood before me. "Now, as a
sign of good faith, get comfy."

"I am comfy," I said, but I felt a little charge at her words.

She smirked. "I mean get really comfy, Tony. Put on what you usually
wear around the house when we're alone. Or when Carla's here."

I stood up and in one swift motion pulled off my jogging shorts and
stood nude before her. "You mean my birthday suit, Mom?"

She grinned wider. "That's the one. Now let's go see what's on TV
this afternoon."

Together, we strolled into the living room. Mom was wearing a pale
blue T-shirt and cut-off jeans shorts. She was barefoot and she
crossed her bare legs when she sat on the couch. I decided to be
bold, so I grabbed them and placed her calves atop my knees, when I
sat down next to her. Then, with my left hand, I began a slow massage
of her feet.

In the middle of the movie (a boring B-grade action-flick), I couldn't
resist and leaned over and hugged her legs tightly. "You're terrific,
you know?"

She laughed. "So I've been told."

"Well, whoever told you before I did is right. You fixed things up
and you did it better than I ever could."

"I thought about it," she said, "and it's not like I didn't see you do
anything I didn't already know you did anyway. Quite frankly -- and
this should make you feel better -- I do it myself. But I'll be
honest," her right foot nudged me in the ribs playfully, "I didn't
expect you to be doing that anymore, with Carla in the picture."

"Well, you know what they say, Mom: too much of a good thing is never

She frowned. "Who says that?"

"I do!" We laughed and turned our attention to the movie, but I could
tell that Mom had more to say. Eventually, she started talking again.

"Didn't you and Carla do things --"

"Things, Mom?" I grinned at her and she actually blushed.

"You know. Didn't you two go at each other hot n heavy the afternoon
I caught you taking care of yourself?"

"Come to think of it, I think we did."

She adjusted the throw pillow beneath her mane of flaming hair, then
lay back against the opposite arm rest. "But you wanted more?"

I shrugged and lay back against the opposite end of the couch. I was
quite thrilled with the conversation and I let my legs fall open and
curve, bent at my knees. In this position, lying on one end of the
couch, my mother at the other, I knew I was giving her a clear shot of
my flaccid penis and balls and part of my ass. I reached down and
cupped myself, trying to make the motion seem absentminded and
innocent, as I'd seen Carla do to me in my mother's presence in the
past. "Sometimes I can't get enough, Mom."

"I see," she said softly, watching me pull my growing penis off my
stomach and flop it idly in my hand.

It was then that I knew I'd soon be in trouble if I didn't hide myself
soon. So I casually got up and walked to my room. I shut my door,
lay back on my bed, cupped myself again and started stroking away.
Very soon, my member grew harder in my hand and I reached down with my
other hand and cupped my balls and stroked in earnest and continued to
do so until I heard the knock on my door.


"It's me." Mom. "Can I come in?"

Silence. I didn't know what to do or say. Unlike the time she had
caught me, however, I didn't feel myself start to shrink. I actually
got a thrill from knowing that only a door separated my mother from
gazing upon my now fully erect phallus, my hand clenched around its
thickness, my other hand lower still, one wet finger working its way
into my anus.

I started stroking again. "I'm a little -- busy right now, Mom." I
heard my voice tremble from my motions and excitement.

"I think I know what you're doing."

And with that, she opened the door.

I froze as she entered the room and approached the bed, pink washcloth
in her hand. "I brought you something," she said. "I thought this
would make for an easier clean-up."

Once again, silence filled the bedroom. Then she spoke one word:

And I did.

I started working my erection again, then slouched lower and made sure
she could see my own finger sinking deeper into my asshole. "You knew
exactly what I was coming in here to do, right?"

Mother's eyes were riveted to my groin area. "I knew, and I came in
here because -- I'm doing this because I hate closed doors between us
anymore, Tony. Hate them."

She sat on the bed and this time our eyes locked. "I want you to be
comfortable to do whatever you want around me. Please."

I could have called her bluff then. I could have said that there was
now definitely more than an accommodating motive for my mother's
behavior. I could have pointed out that the same held true for my own
growing exposure around her, that it was more than simply my wanting
to be comfortable that made me spend so much time around her in the
buff. But I didn't. I knew that she didn't really mean to overlook
the truth. I think she was simply articulating that which she
believed to be the truth, the only part of the current situation to
which she would allow herself to admit. I knew better, but I
reflected on the incredible sexual titillation I was enjoying by
having her as an audience the past few months. If my mother wanted to
justify her own voyeuristic desires with a bogus motive in order to
ease her conscience, I decided that she was entitled to do so. What
we were doing was, in many respects, harmless and highly erotically
charged fun between consenting adults. At the same time, the taboo
factor was also moving into the red zone. I decided to continue the
fun and let it carry us to new highs in the relationship.

With that settled in my head, I stared at her, muttered a thanks and
told her that she was really too kind. I continued masturbating in
earnest and watched mom's eyes grow rooted once again to my member and
my stroking hand. Every now and then, she'd watch my finger sink in
and out of my asshole.

"You're very big," she said.

"Bigger than many you've seen?" I asked.

She smiled. "A hell of a lot bigger. Bigger than your father, that's
for sure."

"I can make it even bigger," I said, hearing a slight tremor in my
voice from being so turned on.

Her eyes widened, then met mine. "Prove it."

So I did. I gripped myself at the very base of my member and squeezed
it until it bobbed like a thick baton and turned a deep shade of
crimson. The circumcised head was a fat mauve helmet and I jerked it
and waved it at her.

My mother was, quite simply, mesmerized. Her eyes were at half-mast,
her mouth twisted in a lusty grin/sneer. I was shocked. I had never
seen her in this state. To be frank, she looked drunk, and, in a
sense, she was. drunk with lust. I could tell that she was enjoying
the show every bit as much as I was enjoying providing it.

I sank my index finger completely into my ass, stroked myself harder
and faster and knew I'd reached the point of no return.

"I'm gonna cum now, Mom," I whispered.

"Go for it," she muttered. "Do it, Tony. Cum for me."

Then it happened: a torrent of semen shot of out of my erection and
jetted up my chest, followed by another thick rope and another, each
propelled with incredible force as I continued to stroke myself.

Eventually, I stopped and collapsed back onto the bed, completely
spent. I lay there, eyes closed, until I felt something cool and
moist rubbing my chest and stomach. I opened my eyes and watched my
mother wiping me clean with the washcloth. After a moment she moved
the cloth and her hands lower. She cast me a questioning look and I
nodded. Then she took my still hard phallus in her hands and wiped me
clean. I flinched when she swiped the cloth around the head.

We both laughed at my spasm. "Still sensitive?" she asked.

I nodded.

This night marked the advent of a new phase in our ever-changing


There's often talk about the awkward moments that occur "the morning
after." Well, my mother and I had such a moment - two or three, in
truth -- the morning after she watched me openly masturbate (with her
encouragement) in front of her for the first time.

I was still on break between semesters and Mom had taken some time off
from her part-time receptionist job. Since she only worked about
twenty hours a week and knew the doctor well, she could come and go as
she pleased, if she gave the office enough notice. Since the
Christmas holidays were upon us, she had requested the month off.

Carla came over the next day and I revealed all to her. She was in a
frenzy of lust and we made wonderful, passionate love for most of the
afternoon. Then Carla broke the news: her parents had decided to
travel out of state to her grandparents' house for the holidays. It
would only be for a couple of weeks, but we'd been virtually
inseparable during our spare time during the past few months and we
both felt a touch of withdrawal syndrome setting in prematurely.

"I want you to promise me something, before I go," Carla said that

"What's that?"

"I want you to keep doing what you did in front of your mom," she
said. "Don't stop it. She's opened doors. Take advantage of them."

"But why?" I asked. "You make me happy."

"I know, but knowing that you're doing what you're doing, makes ME

I stared at her in the soft violet light of late winter afternoon.
"You're a mystery, Carla. I always considered myself an oversexed
daredevil in the sexual arena, but you take the crown."

She giggled and thanked me, then slithered her still moist body atop
me, cupped me below and stroked me to hardness, then impaled herself
on my erection. That last screw before Carla took off was as sweet as
any we'd shared, and far more tender, with her on top, grinding her
hips into ME for a change. I cupped her generous asscheeks in my
hands and squeezed them as her pussy walls squeezed me from within and
her fingers fluttered over her clit and we came together, for the
second during our session.

Believe it or not, for the first week of Carla's two-week absence,
nothing -- and I mean nothing -- remotely erotic occurred. My sister
became a semi-permanent fixture in the house (she was on public school
vacation), and my father, who regularly made three-nights-a-week treks
out of town, stayed much closer to home during the holiday break.

Then we got over the Christmas and New Year's hurdle (Carla and I
spoke on the phone on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and had a wonderful
mutual masturbation session in the wee hours of New Year's morning).
At that point, my s*s Lisa grew restless and started spending more and
more times at her friends' houses. And on the Tuesday morning of the
new week, my father left on a four-day trip that wouldn't put him back
home until late Saturday afternoon.

That Tuesday evening, Mom and I had the house to ourselves. Rather
than my usual graveyard shift, I was moved to days at the convenience
store, to cover for a fulltime vacationing employee.

It was our first night alone in a week and it was the first time I
actually dined somewhere other than my bedroom while totally nude.
Mom fixed a terrific spaghetti dinner for us. She came to my door and
knocked softly and announced that dinner was ready. I was sprawled
out on my stomach on the bed, reading a book, stark naked. I asked if
she wanted me to dress for dinner, but she said, "Don't be silly," so
I didn't.

Afterward, we settled on the couch and watched some television. We
debated going out to rent some videos, but both of us were too
comfortable and lazy after the great meal. Besides, we were more than
halfway through a bottle of Merlot and contemplating pulling the cork
on another.

So we channel surfed. Nothing was appealing to me until Mom clicked
onto a station hosting a sports magazine's bikini issue documentary.
I asked Mom to back it up and she suffered through my watching the
babes on the channel.

As I watched, I felt my member start to throb and grow on my thigh,
then off of it.

Mom giggled. "I think you miss your girlfriend."

I looked down at myself and grinned. I wasn't completely hard, but I
was thick and growing. "I guess it's pretty obvious, right?"

I continued to watch the gals. There were many shots of legs and
barely there thongs and such, which drove me crazy. I'm an unabashed
butt man and several of the lovelies on the tube had the round flesh
globes I so love to fondle and massage.

I suddenly became aware of my hand cupping and tugging at my erection
-- and it was indeed an all-out erection now. I stopped and

"Don't," my mother corrected. "Don't apologize and don't stop.
Remember our talk? Do whatever makes you comfortable."

I grabbed my erection at the base and gave it a long, slow stroke.
"You're sure?"

"Positive." She smiled, leaned back and


4 years ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 9

Of course, I haven't tried to relate every single incident that occurred in this wild ride. As I sit here winding this piece to its conclusion, myriad memories are rushing forward: I'm remembering countless other incidents that occurred in the course of day-to-day living and showing off. However, what is included in this memoir is more than sufficient, in my estimation. Instead of giving you an every-single-day chronicle, I've tried to highlight the most relevant incidents that together...

1 year ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 8

Writing this glimpse into my sexual past has allowed me to better understand the sexual dynamics at the heart of my home life. It's also helped me come to terms with my love of exposure. The more I look back, the more I truly understand that my love of being unclothed as well as my overactive libido were manifested themselves very early, certainly from the onset of puberty, onward. As I sit here reminiscing about my erotic odyssey, a flood of memories is charging to the forefront of...

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E Is for Exhibitionism

Fundamentals Underlying Nudism / Social Exhibitionism. That was the course title at Suffolk U. But the students and many of the faculty referred to it simply as FUN SEX. They had good reason to do so as the course instructor was Henry Hitherbottom whose previous course was Sexually Abnormal Social Systems ( acronym SASSY ) outlined primitive rituals from Aztec and Cretan sacrifice of virgins to Dionysian Saturnalia to the modern rituals of hazing college co-eds. Features in common included...

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Sultry MILFs Exhibitionism Leads to Gangbang

My wife, Monica (not her real name), and I were born and raised in an Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, and after graduating from college in upstate New York, my career brought us Pittsburgh, where we currently reside. We’re in our early forties now, and live in a hilly suburb, which is typical for this area, and that helped give rise to this story. My name is Leonardo (Leo), and Monica’s exhibitionism helped us to go beyond the swinging we did with other couples early in our...

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Dianes penchant for exhibitionism leads to a most memorable encounter

I have mentioned before that Diane was a natural exhibitionist. My previous stories focused on my own exhibitionism and submissiveness with her. I will now relate some of her own techniques and episodes, in which I was a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, while still being submissive.She was blessed with full, round and sumptuous breasts, and took every opportunity, away from the office, to show them off. Being a competent dressmaker, she designed or altered clothes that could easily reveal,...

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When I First Realized I Like Exhibitionism

I had just turned sixteen years old (grade 12) and my parents along with my younger brother went on vacation to Cancun, Mexico for March break. I am one of those girls that dressed quite skimpy and enjoy showing off my assets because I was fully matured by the time I hit sixteen.As I was packing for the trip I made sure to bring my skimpiest bikinis, shortest shorts and skirts, and my hottest sun dresses even though I was going with my family. That didn't really matter to me because this was...

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Exhibitionism And Voyeurism

Exhibitionism and voyeurism go hand in hand. Exhibitionism is the urge to expose one’s genitals to an unsuspecting person while voyeurism is the urge to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities. In my new community you can be both an exhibitionist and a voyeur. It is an exclusive community to say the least. All of the homes are single story with plenty of windows. No curtains, drapes, or venation blinds are allowed. You cannot do anything to...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 6

The semester progressed. At school, Carla and I got closer to the end of another successful term. At home, we continued to have incredibly torrid sex. At the time, I lived in a part of the country where it never got too cold in the winter, and even if it had, the house was kept nice and toasty, thanks to central heating. One night, before the evening temps got too brisk, I remember Carla and I had just made love when she suggested we go outside and join my mother in the back patio, and so we...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 2

As time went on and my nudity around my mother became more common and sis and dad weren't around, I started to notice that mom would seem to seek me out more often and go out of her way to let me know I didn't have to "live like a hermit" (as she put it) in my room, just because I wanted to enjoy being nude. To reiterate, little by little, I got over my apprehensiveness and began to take her up on her offers to watch TV with her while in the nude or just join her for afternoon "chats"...

1 year ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 7

There's often talk about the awkward moments that occur "the morning after." Well, my mother and I had such a moment - two or three, in truth -- the morning after she watched me openly masturbate (with her encouragement) in front of her for the first time. I was still on break between semesters and Mom had taken some time off from her part-time receptionist job. Since she only worked about twenty hours a week and knew the doctor well, she could come and go as she pleased, if she gave the...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 3

To repeat, the incident in the bathtub involving my "periscope" really crossed a line for me -- and for my mother. We had never been candid about my exposure before. In the past, she seemed to take my nudity very much in stride; but the fact that she had actually joked about my half-hard penis and I had sustained the joke, was new territory for us. I began to wonder how much of a sexual relationship my mother and father had, at this point in their marriage. As I mentioned earlier, my...

4 years ago
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Blowjob in front of 500 A near exhibitionism tale

The club was rammed. The music was pumping and from my vantage point in the DJ booth, I could survey the entire room. Groups of friends drank and laughed throughout, but I of course found my gaze drawn to gatherings of the opposite sex. A hen party here, a birthday gathering there, but one particular group caught my eye that night. There were five or six girls, a couple of blondes, brunettes, a redhead. They were all late teens or early twenties, attractive and seemingly bubbly. I had seen some...

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Exhibitionism fun to do and fun to watch

Exhibitionism; the need to want to flash or flaunt oneself and presumably for sexual pleasure and gratification. Never felt the need myself but did enjoy and so did Christine my wife, the work of a lovely lady living nearby to our house in Knutsford Cheshire. I first noticed this lovely lady on getting up in the morning and looking out of the window. She lived almost opposite and she was sitting at the window doing her hair. Nothing unusual there but she was naked. I looked again, yes naked, no...

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Exhibitionism Earns a Surprise

Ellen and I have been so busy raising our c***dren and meeting our responsibilities that we somehow managed to avoid spending time together for about ten years. We grew distant, but still loved each other. In fact, I have always lusted after my wife. When we were dating, Ellen had a wild side. We made love in cars, on beaches, and in the woods; where a hiker once caught us. I remember it well because Ellen was on top of me and just told the guy to move along as if he had found us...

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My Ex And I 8211 Exhibitionism Part1

This is a true story. My ex – Sarah (name changed) and I were a very horny couple. She was an average girl with b cup breasts but a really nice figure also she was bi.We had sex almost every time we met. In this story, I’ll tell you about our adventure at a shopping mall in Mumbai. We have been talking about it for a long time and wanted to experience it. Therefore we decided we will do it one day when we go shopping and move on from there. So she wore a knee length skirt and a regular t-back...

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More Exhibitionism With Susan On Holiday By The Beach

It is now the final night of our holiday. People have recommended the beach club, a short drive away. We are told it is somewhat more dressy than other places, but still basically informal. Susan has brought four wraps with her. Two are quite basic, and when back in Sydney, she wears these at the beach, over her costumes. The others are of better material, of elegant design, and she can make them quite dressy. She spends more time tonight on her hair, make-up and jewelry. Then she puts on her...

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My Obsession with Exhibitionism

My obsession with exhibitionism started when I was about 14. It was 1976 (my freshman year of high school) and a Saturday so I was home from school and my parents were both at work for most of the day. I knew where my dad kept his porn magazines (mostly Playboy) but plenty risqué for the 70s. I had been into dad's stash for most of the morning and I just had to pull out my cock and start pumping away like a mad man. My bedroom had sliding patio doors for the only window in the room. I had...

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Exhibitionism While On Lockdown For Covid 19

The University still has no idea if or when school will resume and there's no place to go and nothing much to do.  I had been limiting places I have been going; to just the store and a girlfriend's house a few blocks away.  That was until Chae called me.  Chae is not a "girlfriend" she's just a girl I know from school who did not seem too interested in me but had invited me over a couple of times to do some schoolwork together.  I figured she was just attention-seeking. She's always on...

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Coffee Exhibitionism

The coffee shop glowed, front window framed by a string of amber lights. It reflected on the shimmering pavement, the already over-green town draped in its usual overcast cloak. I sat alone, nestled against a rain-flecked window, a faded copy of Being And Nothingness resting beside my equally patient, steaming cup. Beneath the table, my fingertips played along my thigh.The white noise of boiling tea kettles and trickling brew made me soften. The leisure mumble of two other customers made my...

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Hayley Dan and Teenage Exhibitionism Part 1

We live in Ireland, in a big town by Irish standards, and have been together for just 2 months. I'm just gone 18, tall, and will soon look muscular, what with all the sex I'm having these days (as well as my newfound love of not being a lazy shit with no gym membership), and my dick is a respectable 7 inches, with a slight curve to the left on account of me being right handed. Hayley is 16, a year and a half younger than me, and gorgeous, in a sort of a way that all of her close friends...

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Exhibitionism By Proxy

My wife Lynn and I got married when we were both barely eighteen. And even though we'd had sex since we were both sixteen. Lynn had a very sheltered life with both her father and uncle both being preachers and her mother being very strict. But soon after we got married I took some nude photos of Lynn. It started as a joke but she let me take them still the same.Having always dressed in very non-flattering clothes and not wearing makeup she'd never considered herself as sexy. But once she saw...

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Further adventures into Exhibitionism

Following my exhibitionist awakening, hubby and I continued with the indoor erotic photography for several months.  Hubby switched from film to a digital camera, and I was quietly disappointed as it no longer meant having to get the pictures processed. Shortly after getting his first digital camera, we spent a weekend away in the countryside which was to become my first experience of outdoor nakedness and photography.On the first day of our little break we took a walk across country, heading...

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My best exhibitionism (real event):When I arrive at the edge of the woods I start first to check around so no one is around, I start to take my clothes off and starts to put on my sexy lingerie(Long fishnet lingerie, fishnet stockings, open panties), lipstick, wig and my dildo(32cm X 20cm). I inserted my dildo hard in my ass and using my panties to hold the dildo in place, so it does not fall out. I look quickly around one last time so I'm sure that no one is around, I leaved my regular...

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Exhibitionism in the airport

Let me start of by saying everything you are about to read is 100% factual they occurred 2 years ago to me personally and it is a deeply erotic memory for me. So here I was completely out of my mind desperately staggering through the airport in Rome. About 5 hours beforehand I'd gotten drunk and swallowed a litre of cheap corked wine (not fun) and if I didn't have friends with me I wouldn't have made it through the front door. But with them half carrying me I made it to boarding where I had an...

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exhibitionism to perversion

exhibitionism to perversion .....There we discovered exhibitionists one night by chance. and from that day the fantasy and reality, could not do without ..We were as usual in the evening, in the industrial area, sitting in the backseat of the car his dad, a great sw easy, and I was doing one of his insurmountable blow jobs, I noticed that someone was watching us, did not say anything not to it scared the stool to kneel on the seat with one hand and lifted her skirt and slipped two fingers in...

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ExhibitionismThey had been at a rather fancy restaurant for dinner, and all through dinner, she had one high-heeled shoe off on the floor. She had spent her time at the restaurant amusing herself by keeping him hard with her stocking toes. He was not quite sure what he was supposed to do about this as he suspected that she might dive under the table at any minute, take down his zipper and begin to suck on his by then throbbing hard cock. He was not wrong. As soon as desert came, and she knew...

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Bucket List Exhibitionism

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies' job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

1 year ago
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My wife is mainly shy, but she does dress up in sexy outfits when we go out in public. As long as it's not near are house. I love to see her shop and walk around while she finds ways of bending over, reaching up high, or allowing the wind to blow up her short skirt or dress to reveal her panties. Since she does this very often, it made me want more, so I had to think of an idea. My idea ended up being to dress up for Halloween and go to this certain small dark, fun gay club that we've been...

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Our First Exhibitionism

I had to go to Atlanta on a business trip and decided to take my wife, Diane along since she was on vacation from work that same week. I knew that I would be staying at the DoubleTree in North Atlanta and that my work would take me to the multi-story office building in the same business center. We checked into the hotel Sunday evening and went out to dinner. When we returned the hotel staff had turned the bed covers back and left our cookies. They had opened the drapes to the windows which...

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The thrill of exhibitionism

At the age of 40 I look back and think that I’ve had quite a conventional upbringing - ordinary home and family, local school and then university finally to a job within the health service – demanding and well respected but as conventional as the rest of my  life Frome time to time I had wondered what it would be like to ‘break free and let go’ but until I got married I always worried about what other people would think if I did. My husband from the start encouraged me to try new experiences...

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Karis Exhibitionism and Beyond

He then stood up, pulled his pants up and said, "your husband is a lucky man." and turned around and left Kari there on her knees. Shortly after marrying my beautiful young wife, Kari, we were out having drinks at a local club when she complained about some guy staring at her. I had to chuckle at this when I saw not one, but several guys around the club trying to subtly check her out. "He's not the only one," I said, "and besides, who can blame them? I'd be checking you out myself if I wasn't...

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

Driving Mrs. TandyChapter 1  John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time, he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all.    The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent...

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

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Flirting With The Enemy

CH. 1 - A LITTLE ABOUT USI had decided enough was enough and it was time to give Bennett a piece of my mind.It'd been almost two months since my son had returned home from college a week early for winter break. Richard tried to keep from me that he'd been sent home for academic suspension for his drastic grade point average drop. The college was not allowing Richard to return for Spring semester and would have to start over again next Fall.The boys who dropped my son off in our driveway -...

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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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Sex With My Maid Nandhini

Hello to all the iss reader’s. Let me first introduce myself, I am sparta with nice athletic body and this incident happened in boys hostel when I studing my bachelor’s degree. The heroine of this story is the maid nandhini who works in that hostel. She is black in color and good looking. Her size is 38-26-38 which will make everyone tempt. This is the real incident happened between me and my sexy maid few months back. Nandhini was working as a maid in that hostel for more than three years. Her...

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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

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Flirting Can be Hazardous to your Health

This is the first part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge. Flirting Can be Hazardous to your Health By Jane Steele Ken, Part 1 Let me introduce myself before I tell you my strange story. I am a 32-year-old guy, married twice but no kids yet. I am a successful business owner and my wife and I have a good deal of disposable income. Physically, I'm 6 foot even and a trim, fit 200 pounds. I have always kept myself in great shape. I don't smoke or...

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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

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Flirting Goes Too Far

A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making this a much better read. DG **** Sometimes you have to wonder who’s right, the moralist or the people who say live life to the fullest. I think everyone gets bored at times in their life but it’s all about how we handle that boredom, especially in the sexual department. Going back to my college days, I realize that flirting can be fun. I remember talking with the guys and we would say if we made it to first base or hit a home run with the women we...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Chandni Oh My Chandni

Hello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...

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Flirting with the wrong Guy Part 1

Charlotte was away on business for a week in London, attending a conference at a swanky hotel. She had arrived early and had gone straight to her room to shower. It was a hot sweaty journey and it was nice to step out of the shower and let the cool air dry her skin. She stood before the full length mirror. She was tanned and latin looking. With long curly brown hair and even longer legs. She wasnt skinny but she was by no means fat either. Just curvy in the right places. Since she had given...

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The Knight Zander

Since the day of the ill-fated campaign to bring down the warlord Mahrk that led to the death of the youngest prince of Harya, Zander lived in seclusion in the tiny fishing village of Fairno. No kingdom would accept him into their knighthood nor would any hire them for their "dirty" work. So Zander was content living in Fairno and keeping the life he now had. Most of his days we spent excercising keeping in shape and farming his land. And on days like today when he needed supplies Zander went...

2 years ago
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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

1 year ago
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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

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