Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen
- 2 years ago
- 207
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I had decided enough was enough and it was time to give Bennett a piece of my mind.
It'd been almost two months since my son had returned home from college a week early for winter break. Richard tried to keep from me that he'd been sent home for academic suspension for his drastic grade point average drop. The college was not allowing Richard to return for Spring semester and would have to start over again next Fall.
The boys who dropped my son off in our driveway - although whom I didn't meet because none of them would step out of the SUV - are apparently Richard's new friends. Two of them, Bennett and Randy are also on the same suspension for the same reason. I've absolutely no doubt who the bad influence was between the three: Bennett.
Richard in the meantime, ever since arriving home and having to be told by me alone - due to my ex deliberately leaving me the one to tell our son - that we'd divorced shortly after Richard went up to UCSB and we'd decided to wait to tell him when he came home for winter break. I suppose the irony is we did this because we didn't want Richard's grades to suffer, but he managed to do that just fine on his own.
The other issue that had caused his moodiness and bratty attitude seemed to be directed at coming home to see the "new" me. The new look and style I'd given myself as part of a makeover after divorcing my husband. I felt and looked better, more confident than ever. I'd worked very hard on myself along with the "cosmetic assistance" from the best doctor in Beverly Hills. However, starting a new chapter of my life and new career as an event planner has kept me very busy, too busy for dating.
Yet despite these things, not to mention how happy I felt, my son seemed almost... jealous of my new look. It may have something to do with when I walked out of the house to find the SUV the boys had driven home from UCSB parked behind my car in the driveway which I was going out to retrieve the shopping bags of new clothes and heels I'd been out buying.
I'd been wearing black yoga pants and white XoXo tank top with a black VS bra and my hair up in a high twist. So it's not as if I was dressed up or very glamorous. The sunroof of the SUV was open and I could see smoke drifting out and rap music playing. When I stopped short in my driveway, surprised by an SUV that wasn't there 20 minutes ago, I could hear some laughter and what sounded like wolf whistles.
I can't say for certain if I heard my son's laughter but when I put my hands on my hips and made sure they could hear my bitchy tone when I insisted, "Whoever you are, I've already called the police and they are on their way here so you better leave right this instant!"
There was a gust of mocking laughter from the SUV. I tried to not let it show on my face how flustered the response made me, but I kept my perfectly practiced bitchy pout on my lips. One of the rear doors opened and I heard my son's voice ask uncertainly, "Mom?"
I don't know what was being said about me by those boys in the SUV before Richard realized the woman in the driveway as his mother. I've never asked despite the temptation, but from the way Richard regarded my "new me" look the first month or so when he was home felt too awkward of a topic to bring up.
Although later, many months later, with the way things happened, I wish I would've.
Even before being introduced to Bennett, I knew he was the bad influence responsible for my son's academic suspension. Richard has always been nothing less than a straight-A student. Clearly, Bennett befriended Richard, I'm sure to copy his classwork. It would later become obvious that Bennett had introduced Richard to drinking and smoking pot.
About a month after my son returned home for winter break, I discovered his so-called friend Bennett took a photo of me behind my back when he spotted me out shopping. I was completely unaware of this until I saw the pic he'd taken and sent to Richard's phone.
Admittedly I was snooping in Richard's phone when he left it out on the kitchen counter and was in the shower. He guards it from me and I saw why. Yet I couldn't ask Richard why his friend took the pic of without having to admit to snooping. My relationship with my son wasn't going as I hoped for obvious reasons, so I decided to let things lay and not let it bother me.
For a fresh start, I told Richard he could invite two friends to a Korean BBQ dinner. To be honest, I'd hoped he'd invite his two friends he's grown up with Trey and Matty. But he chose Bennett and Randy. I tried to hide my disappointment.
I suppose I should have made more of an effort to socialize with Bennett and Randy, but one look at the smirking smile Bennett had plastered on his face and despite his attempt at trying to like he was an adult, I kept myself busy with cooking the food for Richard and his two new friends that he'd chosen over nice boys like Trey and Matty.
The next day when I saw this pic sent to Richard's phone in a text from Bennett:
"Nice view. Bra or no bra?"
I felt embarrassed I hadn't been aware of the "nice view" I had been giving the boys. Then I saw not only did Bennett text it to Randy who was sitting next to him and to my son, but also maybe half a dozen other boys. All of them replying back as to whether I was wearing a bra. Everyone LOL'ing.
It was Bennett's last text at the end that really infuriated me. It was a reply to Richard's text:
"Be cool. She's going to see u."
And the little brat Bennett's reply:
"Chill lil dicky. I can handle ur mom LOL"
To which followed was an avalanche of other LOL's from the rest of the boys on the text chain. Including my son at the end. It couldn't be more obvious what a bad influence Bennett was to my Richard.
I knew it was time to find an opportunity to confront Bennett.
The following week an opportunity presented itself.
One of Richard's childhood friends I mentioned, Matty, was having a birthday party on Saturday to celebrate turning nineteen. I remember when he and Trey and my son were like the three little Muskateers. Both Matty and Trey are such sweet boys and the type of friends much better for Richard than who he's forsaken them for.
To my surprise, I overhead Richard on the phone talking to Bennet about the birthday party. Richard was inviting Bennett and Randy. I decided to make Matty's party to be a perfect neutral ground, so to speak, for me to have a word with Bennett. I was even going to be adamant he and the other boys stop letting Richard hang around them.
With the party scheduled to begin at 3 PM, my plan was to arrive 4:30-ish. I would of course need to first socialize with the other adults/parents usually at these parties. What I didn't want to make it seem was the sole reason I was there was to tell Bennett off. But it's not as if I wanted to be at the party any longer than necessary.
Telling Richard that I would be attending Matty's birthday party - both my name and Richard's are on the invite - would result in his moodiness to escalate. I certainly couldn't tell him the reason I would be there for without having to admit I'd looked at Richard's phone, If he knew why I was going to be there, he just wouldn't go and that meant Bennett wouldn't be there for me to give him a piece of my mind.
The week leading up to the party, I wrote down what I planned to say to Bennett and while on the treadmill at the gym I began to recite it to myself. I'm much better at preparing what I have to say rather than just improvising it. What I wanted to say had to be to the point. This was to be a monologue, not a dialogue.
When Saturday finally arrived, I began to feel a bit anxious. A small doubt had kept me from having a good night's sleep. Should I be doing this? Would confronting Bennett and essentially shaming him for his behavior, then strongly suggesting he cease friendship with my son be the solution to letting this boy know I wanted him out of the picture?
With Richard out of the house and on his way to the party, I poured a glass of wine and having deciding on what to wear, I went to my bedroom and after a bath, began to get dressed and ready. The relaxing bubble bath and glass of wine were the perfect combination for my confidence to overcome any anxiety. I wasn't Bennett's mother (I had know idea who she was at this point) nonetheless I felt he could be a bratty as he wanted to be about the talk he was in for, but he still had to listen and follow what I say as an adult.
To look my best was something I do obsess over since my "new me" makeover. This occasion wasn't any different, but I didn't want to look as I was trying too hard. Getting Bennett's attention would just require a little bit of cleavage that one of my Dior stretch halter tops would provide. I chose a simple white one and wore my light pink snug XoXo blazer over it. A cute little Bebe jean skirt paired with my high wedge heel strappy Jimmy Choo sandals and my outfit was complete.
My makeup is always the first thing I do and it was perfect as usual. When it came time to do my hair, it took me longer than I planned. I first was going to wear it up in a loosely curled twist, but it didn't work with my outfit and deciding wearing my hair down meant having to straighten it. An extra 45 minutes and a second glass of wine later, I was ready at last.
By the time I arrived at Carol and David's home - Matty's parents - it was almost 6 PM. I wasn't even sure the birthday party was still going on until walking up the driveway and seeing the front door open. The sounds of voices and light music drifting out reassured me I would still have this opportunity to put Bennett in his place.
Walking inside, the high wedge heels of my Jimmy Choo sandals echoed loudly in the foyer. By the time I arrived at the living room, I saw Carol, David, and half a dozen or so other parents all looking in my direction. "Hi everyone!" I gave a bright smile and waved.
"Jillian? What are you doing here?" Carol stepped away from the other parents who began whispering to each other while looking over at me.
"I'm here for Matty's birthday," I replied, keeping my smile. "Didn't Richard let you and David know I'd be stopping by?" My eyes darted around the large living room without seeing Richard or Bennett among the young adults socializing separately from the parents.
"No, he neglected to tell us," Carol couldn't keep the suspicion from her tone. I've known her and David since Matty was born. We've always been friendly because our sons were friends. However, after my divorce and makeover, things changed. Mostly because of the way David started trying to flirt with me at parties. All of a sudden, she assumed I wanted to sleep with David, which I do not.
This happened with a lot of the other husbands and their wives, like Alice and Brian who were also at the party. David and Brian were the only men there. A few other wives were there without their husbands. These women in addition to Alice and Carol had formed a little clique, Carol being the one they follow. All of their husbands have tried flirting with me, some almost relentlessly, which has made their wives dislike me in their catty little ways. I simply have chosen to pretend that I don't even notice.
"What a cute outfit," Carol's compliment was laced with disapproval as she gestured me to join the other parents.
"Oh, it's just something I put together at the last minute," I lied, knowing it would make Carol jealous.
"If that's last-minute, what happens when you take your time?" Brian chuckled at his own joke as Carol and I joined the group. His wife Alice, just such a shrew and Carol's closes ally in their little clique against me, glared at him disapprovingly.
After a brief exchange of "Hello's" were made, I gave a casual glance across the living room to where the young adults were. Still no sign of my son and Bennett. Turning back to Carol, I casually inquired, "Where's the birthday boy?"
"Oh, around somewhere, " Carol said dismissively before turning away from me as if suddenly not there. Her hushed conversation with Alice sounded as if it might be about me when I saw Alice's eyes flick daggers in my direction before turning back to Carol.
"Could her skirt be any shorter...?"
Is what I thought I heard Alice say. Putting my hands on my hips, I was about to insist on Alice repeat her comment, but then David was handing me a glass of wine. "Here's some of that wine you enjoyed at that Sunday Social last time I saw you," David said in an attempt to be suave. It just happened to be the Sunday Social at Helen's house when David was inebriated after the sun went down and began relentlessly flirting with me, which Carol privately blames me for.
I initially was going to refuse the wine since I had two already while getting ready and felt just a touch tipsy. I certainly wanted to be focused when telling Bennett off, but the way I saw Carol and Alice look over at David with disapproval he was too busy looking at my cleavage to notice, I decided to accept the glass of wine. I smiled at both wives while speaking to David, "Will you help me find the birthday boy so I may wish him a happy one?"
"Of course I can, madame," David replied in a manor meant to be overly chivalrous and offered his arm. I linked mine with his, careful to loosen the link when I felt the front of my snug XoXo cropped blazer straining the delicate clasp keeping the blazer closed.
As we walked away from the other parents, I glanced up at David to see he was looking directly at the delicate clasp, too. With my arm linked in his and my other hand holding my wine glass, I couldn't do anything to avoid the way my cleavage was showing.
"Will you wear this outfit when it's my birthday?" David asked, the alcohol on his breath was almost eye-watering.
"I doubt Carol would like that, David," I coyly replied.
"That's because she's jealous."
I couldn't help but laugh. "Tell me something I don't know."
David laughed and it felt as if at me than with me. "I could tell you, Jillian, but you'd have to have a few more glasses of wine first."
"Carol would like that even less," I snipped at him.
"Carol doesn't have to know."
We'd passed through the living room but I didn't see Richard or Bennett among the dozen or so boys and girls still at the party. Nor had I really been paying much attention to the conversation with David. That is until his last remark.
"David, that's not funny."
He glanced over his shoulder at me, "Because I wasn't joking, Jill." His attempt at a smoldering expression switched to a grinning leer at my cleavage before turning his head forward and gestured to the hallway off from the living room. "I bet the boys are in the den shooting pool."
I followed David down the hallway. With each step, the sounds of the party lowered and the hallway grew dimmer. As we walked deeper into shadow, David said, "If you get scared, Jill, I have something for you to hold."
"I think I'll be fine, David," I made sure he could hear the bitchiness in my tone. The confidence David seemed to have in his cheesy pick-up artist come-ons was impossible to tell if he was serious or playing around.
"You're more than fine and you know it."
We were somewhere near the end of the hallway, but I couldn't tell how far because of how dim the hallway had become. Maybe it was my imagination or the glass of wine or both, but David's voice momentarily sounded... Vindictive.
"Just what does that supposed to mean?" I insisted. As David turned around to face me, I saw we had reached the end of the hallway. Just before David spoke I could hear the sound of voices and music muffled on the other side.
"Do you really want to know, Jill?"
David's condescending tone left me flustered. It suddenly seemed he was leaning toward me, but then Carol's voice came drifting down the hallway calling him to the kitchen. The way she said it made it clear she wasn't asking. David growled with frustration before replying in a "perfect husband" tone.
"On my way, hun!" As he turned to the den door, David mumbled over his shoulder, "Don't be surprised if they beg you to shoot pool in that little skirt."
"Oh stop it, David," I lightly slapped the back of his shoulder, "you're impossible to take seriously."
I didn't hear his reply because, at the same time, David opened the den door and stepped aside so the light from the room left me momentarily blinded while standing in the doorway. I could hear the sound of glasses or bottles being slid along surfaces and the hurried, worried murmur of male voices.
From behind me, I sensed David move closer and his palm rested on my lower back. He proudly called out, "No need to hide them beers, boys. Matt, your dear ol' dad brought you a birthday surprise!"
At the same time, my vision was starting to clear, I heard what sounded like a few boys reacting with envy and awe. One boy's voice squeaked as if suddenly going through puberty which made it difficult to understand the name he asked in hope, but it sounded like Tia Ling?
Before I could react, I felt David's hand on my back push me forward. My gasp of surprise filled the room. I stumbled forward in my high wedge sandals with my hand holding the glass of wine at my arm's length. I wasn't going to let wine get on my outfit and was about to drop the glass...
...when suddenly I felt someone's hand clasp my outstretched wrist, steadying the glass in my hand. My body collided with a young man's lean physique. I felt my cleavage press against his chest. My next gasp was into his neck. I felt his other hand on my hip, steadying my balance while stepping back at arm's length.
My vision completely cleared, I looked up to see it was Matty who had been the one to come to my rescue, so to speak. I was trying to regain my composure to say something, but Matty gave a boyishly handsome and genuine smile and said, "Ms. Dash! Wow! I mean, are you alright?"
The only thing I could think to say was, "Happy Birthday, Matty!"
He deftly removed the glass of wine from my hand and used his grip on my wrist to turn me to face the four boys around the pool table. Their eyes couldn't seem to decide where to look. "Guys, meet the coolest mom ever," Matt announced.
"She looks pretty hot to me," one of the boys replied, but quickly. Too quickly for me to notice which one. All four began laughing. That's when I noticed they became less concerned about hiding the beer bottles they all had and all bottles looked equally almost empty.
"Are you boys drinking beer?" I put my hands on my hips. "There isn't one of you who looks over twenty-one."
Matt put a gentle hand on my upper arm. "It's cool, Ms. Dash. My mom and dad said it was for us to have one under their supervision."
I made a show of looking around the den, the door closed. Obviously, I was the only adult in the room "What supervision?"
"Well..." Matt stammered, "you're here now."
"You boys have each had more than one beer is the feeling I'm getting," I said to Matt, looking at him blush, telling me all I needed to know.
"I've got a feeling I'm getting too," one of the boys said, but by the time I turned my head, I couldn't tell which of the little brats it was this time. They all began laughing in a taunting manner.
I cannot stand being laughed at. Certainly not by boys my son's age. I looked to Matt to see if he was going to tell them to be nice, but he only sheepishly shrugged. So I tilted my chin up defiantly at the laughter while adjusting the front of my blazer. As I did so, I faced the boys, giving them one of my perfectly practiced bitchy pouts before I spoke to Matt.
"Well, Matt, I was hoping now that you're a young adult now, that you and I could have a conversation as adults and talk about adult subject matter," I glanced at Matt then back to the boys, all of them slack-jawed with envy, "but if you prefer the company of your less mature friends, I'll leave you boys be."
I was pretending not to notice the dirty looks forming on the faces of the boys. As I expected, Matt was quick to offer his arm like his father did. I linked my arm with his, but forgot how the gesture caused my cleavage to push the front of my snug pink blazer open wider.
We stepped into the hallway, Matt left the den door open allowing the light for us to walk by. At least that was the impression I believed. But when we were halfway down the hall, I heard a hushed whisper, "Totally Tia." When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw all four boys huddled in the den doorway.
I realized Matt hadn’t left the door open to illuminate our way down the hall, but rather for his friends to watch him walk away with me. I looked at Matt. “Who is Tia Ling?”
Matt laughed in a way that felt at me and deliberately dubious, “I could tell you, Jillian,” he looked at me with a rueful expression that I’d never seen on his face before, “but you’d have to have a few more glasses of wine.”
By the time we exited the hallway and stepped back into the living room, I already had unlinked my arm with Matty’s. The other young adults paid no attention to us, but I could see how the heads of all the other adults were turned our way the moment we walked into the larger, open floor plan room.
I stopped and when I turned to Matty, I caught him staring at my cleavage in an almost dreamy state. He didn’t even notice I was looking at him until I cleared my throat and had to say, “My eyes are up here, young man.”
The young man’s face flushed red with embarrassment even though I didn’t say it like I had to his father earlier. I even smiled while I’d said it. Not to shame Matty, but to let him know I was aware of the whole “boys will be boys” motto.
“Sorry,” Matty stammered as he brought his eyes up to meet mine, “it’s just that you look hotter than the hottest girls I see on campus at the community college.”
The slight stammer he was able to get under control was endearingly genuine, rather than the type of cheesy come-on’s from his father, and to be honest, I felt briefly flattered. “Awww, that’s sweet of you to say.”
“The way that little pink jacket -“
I felt he was about to get carried away if I let him, so I interrupted Matty by asking if Richard was around. He couldn’t hide his disappointment at the change in subject, but nonetheless told me how Richard and Bennett and a few other boys had left the den “maybe ten minutes” before I had walked in. They apparently were going to “bring back some more beers” because Bennett had a fake ID. The plan was for them to return using the back patio’s sliding glass door to avoid the adults and sneak the beers down the hallway.
Even though I was certain of the answer, I asked anyways. “Who’s little idea was this?”
“Bennett,” Matty confessed. He then hastily pleaded for me not to tell his parents. Matty was so worried that I had to put my hand momentarily on his chest to calm him down. HIs heartbeat seemed to go faster and I had to tell the nervous young man to look in my eyes before telling him he needn’t worry. That I knew what a bad influence Bennett was and planned to have a word with him when he returned.
While my hand was on Matty’s chest, I couldn’t help but feel the lean muscle under the material of his baggy t-shirt. Suddenly it occurred to me how I had Matty practically wrapped around my finger with his boyish crush, he could come in handy with Bennett. Especially if he began acting rude while I spoke to him about ceasing his friendship with my son. I would much rather have Richard be friends with Matty.
So, I decided to tell Matty about my plan and what my intentions were. Matty was so cute how he expressed concern about me taking Bennett somewhere private to speak, but I assured him I had already picked out a spot in the living room that would allow us a certain amount of privacy while still being in view of everyone. Matty suggested a signal I could give subtly that would mean for Matty to come over to where I would be sitting with Bennett if I needed help. So, I suggested a casual flip of my hair over my shoulder and while I didn’t tell him it wouldn’t be necessary, in order to let Matty feel he was contributing to the plan, I agreed.
Satisfied that I would be putting Bennett in his place soon, I finished my glass of wine and said to Matty, “Now all we have to do is wait.”
Matty’s eyes lit up as he said, “Wanna come play pool?”
I happened to be glancing across the room at the other adults when Matty made the offer his father had predicted. It would’ve been impossible for David to hear his son’s eager invitation, yet he leered at me after Matty said it. Rolling my eyes at David, I returned my attention to Matty, just in time to catch him staring at my cleavage.
“Maybe later, sweetie,” I said and walked away.
After returning to the other adults with an empty wine glass in hand, David was quick to bring me a fresh glass from the kitchen while his wife Carol gave him a dirty look he either didn’t notice or was choosing to ignore. Since the other wives were excluding me from their conversation, I spent the next hour sipping my glass of wine while standing with David and Alice’s husband Brian who were pretending they weren’t flirting with me by the way they were in some silly male game of one-upmanship.
Before I knew it, I’d finished my second glass of wine, but in truth, it was really my fourth considering I had two glasses while getting dressed. Three glasses are my limit. Luckily, an hour or so had passed between the two I had at home and the two I’d had while at the party. David, of course, whisked my empty glass from my hand and left for the kitchen to pour me another before I could even decline.
This left me next to Brian. Even as I had tried to get David’s attention while he hurried off to the kitchen, I could feel Brian’s stare directed at my cleavage stretching the neckline of the white Dior halter top pushing my snug pink blazer wider. When I turned to face him, it was as if he delayed his reaction to look away on purpose so I would catch him. I just rolled my eyes.
“Can you blame me?” Brian boozily leered at me.
David’s flirting I can almost tolerate for his attempts at wit, but Brian is a lazy cad. I was aware his wife was giving a catty glare at me as if my fault her husband seemed to think I would even consider sleeping with her womanizing husband. Waiting around for my son and Bennett for an hour had put me in a bitchy mood. Plus now that I felt a little bit tipsy, I was having trouble remembering the speech I’d planned that week to tell Bennett off with.
A little bit tipsy, bitchy, and annoyed, I decided to leave before David could return with another glass of wine to put in my hand. But first, I was going to tell Brian just how annoying his terrible flirting was. And I wanted to say it while Alice was nearby watching. I put my pink glossed lips into my perfectly practiced bitchy pout while placing my hands on my hips.
“Brian, I want you -“ was as far as I was able to get, interrupted from including “to stop acting like you’ve never seen another woman’s cleavage.” It didn’t even occur to me how it sounded to the adults within earshot. That’s because my attention had turned to the sliding glass patio door opening and the rowdy group of boys -my son among them - led by Bennett returning to the party.
I noticed two boys with their jackets draped over a blue and white and yellow box of Corona beer they each were holding, huddled over and hurrying to the hallway to the den. Clearly the rowdy behavior Bennett was leading the other boys in worked in distracting any of the other parents from seeing the two boys sneak more beer down the hallway. I planned to express to Carol how irresponsible she and David were as parents for allowing the boys to drink, even if supervised.
At the immediate moment, I turned my bitchy out from Brian, to across the living room, directly making eye contact with Richard. His glazed eyes met mine and became wide as saucers upon seeing me, hands on hips, pout still in place.
“Mom!” Richard’s voice cracked with guilt and surprise, “w-what are you doing here?”
I could tell Bennett was looking at me with surprise as well, but I acted as if I was unaware. I would get to him in a moment. First, I wanted a word with my obviously drunk son. I snapped my fingers at him, indicating for him to join me in the semi-isolated far corner of the living room where I was walking toward.
“Young man, get over here right this instant!”
I stood by the sectional sofa that faced the ornate fireplace, impatiently waiting for my son to stop dragging his feet and get over to this semi-secluded area of the living room. I knew this would be the perfect area to sit Bennett down and really let the little brat have it. When Richard finally slouched his way to the alcove, I sat down on the sectional sofa and pointed to the spot next to me.
“Sit down,” I hissed at him. Even from a few feet away, I could smell the beer on Richard’s breath. He wouldn’t meet my glaring eyes to see my disapproval. But as Richard sat down next to me, I saw him raise his head slightly and it looked as if he was staring at my cleavage as if in a trance. Clearly, he was much more inebriated than I thought. After a moment, I had to clear my throat to get my son to look me in the eyes.
“Mom, what are you doing here?” Richard’s tone made it very obvious he was upset. It wasn’t the apologetic response I was expecting.
“I stopped by to wish Matty a Happy Birthday,” I insisted.
“I bet he loved that.”
“Richard, what -“
“Mom! How many times have I asked you to call me Ricky!”
This was an ongoing issue ever since Richard returned home with Bennett. I knew the boys called Richard by the crude version of his name. While I couldn’t prevent them from doing so, I certainly wasn’t going to let his friends dictate how I refer to my son.
“Never mind that nonsense,” I sniped at him., then in a harsh whisper I told Richard, “You smell like a brewery!”
“Because I’ve drank beer. Duh!”
I heard tittering of laughter and looked over my shoulder to see some of Matty’s birthday party guests nearest to the corner alcove. Had they been eavesdropping? How incredibly rude. I certainly wasn’t going to stand by and let their juvenile laughing encourage Richard’s odd behavior.
“Do you mind?” I put an unmistakable air of authority as an adult in my poise and tone while shushing them away. “Rude!” I hissed at their backs before turning around on the sectional sofa to return my attention on my sloppy drunk son. That’s when, in mid-turn, it occurred to me Richard’s drunkenness would be reason enough for me to insist Richard would no longer be allowed to hang around the obvious bad influences these boys were, especially Bennett. In an ironic way, Richard being drunk had made it unnecessary.
I couldn’t have been happier, but I kept my bitchy pout in place to face Richard with as I finished turning around on the sectional sofa. “Young man, you’re coming on home this instant,” I said or rather intended to say, but I got as far as “Young man, you’re coming on-“ but the way Richard was looking down at my lap as I finished turning back around.
Glancing down, I realized I forgot to use one hand to keep my fingertips on the hem of my Bebe jean skirt while I had been turning to look back at Matty’s guests and then back around while seated. The hem had moved further up my bare thighs. I tried to fight the feeling of being flustered while at the same pulling the hem back to mid-thigh.
“Color coordinated,” is what I thought I heard my son mumble in a trance and dizzy smile on his face.
Trying to regain my composure, I tried to keep my tone down while looking at Richard, “Wait... What?” I leaned closer and snapped my fingers in Richard’s face, “What did you say?”
Richard’s drunken trance disappeared and I leaned back when I saw an expression on my son’s face unfamiliar to me, but would later see over the summer. It was a mix of embarrassment and… smugness? The smugness was in his voice as he replied, “You color coordinated that pink jacket with your -“
Suddenly I heard Bennet’s voice say, "You're in my seat."
My son and I both looked to see Bryce standing in front of the sectional sofa, looking down at Richard. He had in one had a full glass of wine. Richard stood up, mumbling "My bad, bro." And he just walked away before I could say anything. When I looked back at Bennett, he was sitting down in Richard’s spot, but slightly closer.
The nerve of him! To interrupt a conversation with my son and send him off. I gave Bennett one of my perfectly practiced bitchy pouts while saying, “Just what -“
But he interrupted me by practically putting the glass of wine in my hand. “Matty’s dad was going to bring this over but I told him I could handle it.” His arrogant smile seemed to suggest he was enjoying some private joke in his head. To avoid his smile, I looked away and had a sip of wine.
“Thank you, I suppose,” I said, giving a glance at him, then looking away for another sip. My composure regained, I turned to look at Bennett to tell him how rude he was to interrupt my conversation with Richard. This time I was only able to get as far as opening my mouth before he interrupted me again.
“I heard you’re looking for me,” Bennett’s smile was just so cocky. “Here I am. All yours.”
I rolled my eyes at the way he tried to make it sound suggestive. Matty must’ve said something to Bennett when he returned to the den. How else would Bennett know? I glanced away to take another sip. Moments ago I was dismissing the idea of confronting Bennett now that I had Richard’s drunkenness to be the reason I would use as to why Bennett was clearly a bad influence and Richard would no longer be allowed to be friends with Bennett and the other boys.
But now, with Bennett suddenly sitting next to me in all of his arrogant smugness, I completely forgot the speech I had rehearsed in my head all week while on the treadmill. Sipping more wine wasn’t helping so I scooted casually just a bit from Bennett and leaned over to set the now half-finished glass on the small coffee table next to the sofa. “Oh really? And who said that?” I innocently asked as I scooted back on the sofa, only this time remembering to have my fingertips on the hem of my Bebe jean skirt.
“Sounds like a ‘yes’ to me.”
Even without looking at him, I could see the smugness on Bennett’s face just by how much I heard it in his voice. His confidence never seemed to wane. It was certain it was all an act. The smug arrogance in which he was speaking to me just suddenly made me determined to expose Bennett. And what better time or place than at a party in front of his peers.
Without looking at him, I replied, “I don’t care what it sounds like to you.”
“Wow’, Bennett chuckled, “you really have that boss babe bitch switch down, Jillian.”
I turned to give him my bitchiest pout, “What did you just call -“
“Look, either you wanted to see me about something or not. I’ve got better things to do and other girls to screw.”
I could not believe the way he was speaking to me with no respect as a parent. Not to mention the way he was deliberately interrupting me on purpose was beginning to get on my nerves. What bothered me more was the little brat seemed to know it.
“Do you talk to the other parents that way?” I insisted on knowing.
“What way?”
“You know what - “
“Remind me.”
I refused to let him think he was getting to me. I tilted my chin defiantly and said, “Girls to screw?”
But just as I spoke, someone turned on music and the general noise of the party became louder. Bennett’s eyes flashed amusement at my annoyance at being interrupted first by him and then the music. Determined more than ever to prove his Mr. Too Cool For School was all an act, I moved closer to Bennett on the sectional sofa. “Girls to screw?”
I may have said it too loud because at the same time Bennett laughed, I noticed the heads turning of Matty’s guests standing several feet from the living room alcove where Bennett and I were sitting. I simply chose to ignore it and snapped at Bennett. “Just what is it that’s so funny?”
“I talk about that with all the dads. It’s called ‘guy talk.’ Ever hear of it?”
One thing I cannot stand is being condescended to. Especially by men, let alone this boy Bennett, which he most certainly did with that last line. I replied right back, “Do you call the other moms ‘boss babe bitch’?”
“Of course not.”
“So then what makes you - “
“Because you’re the only mom who’s a babe and bitch and you know it.”
“I don’t -“
“Know that me and my friends talk about it with their dads? You do now.”
His constant interruptions and arrogant, cocky behavior was just getting to me and the more it was, the more I felt flustered. Bennett’s last comment caused my composure to slip. I looked over my shoulder to across the living room where the other parents were socializing. While the other women were engaged in conversation, I couldn’t help noticing how David and Brian were standing slightly off from their wives.
Keeping their backs to the women, they were looking right at me next to Bennett on the sectional sofa. David was saying something out of the corner of his mouth to Brian. A moment later, both men laughed. Maybe it was how I tipsy I suddenly felt from too many glasses of wine, but it seemed as if the husbands were laughing about me. Worse, at me.
I turned back to Bennett, I wasn’t sure if he had moved slightly closer to me on the sofa or had I to him? It was difficult to tell, especially with the wave of silly dizziness that followed from turning my head away from David and Brian as quickly as I had. Dizziness had my vision blurry for just a moment, but even in that moment, I could see the way Bennett’s head was slightly tilted lower that he had used the opportunity of me turning away to look over my shoulder as a chance to stare at my cleavage (or so I thought at the time, but I found out later I was wrong).
Bennett didn’t even react to me clearing my throat while I waited for the silly dizziness to clear my head and vision, which only lasted less than a moment. By the time it did, I could see Bennett was still staring. The expression on his face wasn’t the empty-eyed trance I’d begun to notice getting from men after my makeover six months ago when divorcing my ex. Bennett’s eyes were bright and he wasn’t smirking smugly, but smiling. In my tipsiness, Bennett looked like a little boy looking at a birthday cake. He looked cute.
“Bennett,” I whispered, and as I did, I wondered why I had with the living room filled with music and the general noise of the party when he still hadn’t. My dizziness was gone, but not the silly feeling and I heard myself giggle as I put a fingertip under Bennett’s chin, gently tilting it up as I said in a sing-song way that I sometimes do when tipsy. “Young man, my eyes are up here.”
By the time I raised Bennett’s gaze to meet mine, I just knew I had the brat almost literally wrapped around my finger. Much easier than I thought, too. Lucky for him, I didn’t have to give the speech I’d prepared to tell him off.
Bennett’s boyishly cute smile transformed instantly back to an arrogant smirk as he replied, “It’s not your eyes that are getting me hard.”
I blinked. Someone among Matty’s guests standing closest to the living room alcove laughed. Even though I had barely heard what Bennett had just said - and in that moment I wasn’t certain I’d heard him say such a thing - I looked over my shoulder to see if the laugh had been from Bennett’s comment. Half expecting to see faces turned in our direction, I was relieved to see there wasn’t. So, perhaps I had misheard and turned back to Bennett.
When I did, the front of my pink XoXo snug blazer just brushed past Bennett’s tight t-shirt covered chest. He had inched closer on the sectional sofa while I’d been turned away. For a moment our faces were close enough that I thought he was attempting to kiss me. “Excuse - "
“You,” Bennett interrupted me, keeping his gaze on mine as his smirk took on a dirty look, “for color coordinating that tiny little jacket over that tight little top.”
I was suddenly flustered from being interrupted constantly and this time with his critique of how I was dressed. Especially confusing to me, making me feel just how tipsy I felt, was how Bennett could’ve known something as personal about me. I wasn’t even sure he’d said the phrase. When he laughed and replied the way he did, I felt myself blushing as I realized I had wondered it out loud.
Bennett leaned in not to try to kiss me, but to apparently hear me. His laugh was a taunting one. “The way your jacket goes with your,” his eyes shifted to my mouth, “pink lip gloss and my new favorite part of this sexy soccer MILF outfit you wore to show off in.”
When his eyes were at my neckline, Bennett made no effort to hide or avert his gaze the way the husbands do whenever ever since my makeover and found them looking at my cleavage during a party or other social gatherings. I found myself speechless at the little brat’s audacity. The fact that is was Bennett to cause me to be speechless, not to mention how he certainly seemed aware of it, worse still was his obvious enjoyment of the moment had me flustered.
I gave him my best perfectly practiced pouts, “I didn’t wear - “
“That outfit to get me hard?” I heard myself gasp at Bennett’s bold interruption. He lifted his leering gaze from my cleavage and back to my face. “Congratulations, Jillian. It worked.” He mockingly raised his beer bottle in a toast.
I blushed at how Bennett was talking to me. I put my hand on his chest to keep him from leaning closer and the first thing I could say was, “I don’t - “
“Believe me?” He giggled at me, further flustering me. “Feel for yourself then.”
Before I could even react to what he said, Bennett’s hand reached up and took mine I’d just pressed against his chest. The next instant his hand pulled mine down into his lap. It happened so suddenly, I couldn’t contain the surprised gasp past my lips. He put my palm on the front of his jeans, his hand covering mine. To my shock, it seemed as if Bennett was already… Excited. Semi-aroused.
Knowing that gasp was louder than the last, I looked over my shoulder and around the room. Some heads were turnt our way. With the way the sectional sofa was faced away from the rest of the living room, the view of Bennett and I was from our shoulders up. Unless anyone was to walk into the alcove and step around the sofa, no one could see his hand holding mine in his lap.
Just as I was making this realization, Bennett may have, too. Because that’s when I felt his hand begin to make mine rub his lap. Instantly, his arousal began to grow. I turned my face from the living room to hide the blush of shock and surprise. Bennett’s eyes met mine as I hissed at him, "What do you think -"
“About your sexy little outfit? You can feel the answer." Even as he was saying it, his hand making mine rub his lap was turning his arousal harder. Bigger. He leered at me. "You can scream but I will too. That you touched me down there." His condescending tone further flustered me.
Bennett kept moving my hand on his lap and I felt his…erection take shape in his jeans. I didn’t dare look down, not wanting to be seen by anyone in the living room glancing over even for the briefest moment. When I glanced over my shoulder, I was relieved to notice no one was paying any attention.
“Should I call Ricky over?” I heard Bennett chuckle.
Turning back around to face his smug smirk, I hissed at Bennett, “You little bastard.” I felt his erection grow as if he was getting harder at how I was helpless under his hand now making mine begin to move along the denim shape of his shaft in his lap. "Let go of my hand," I insisted.
He kept making my hand moving up and down his swelling shaft and laughed loud enough that I could see some heads turn. I kept from looking over to see just who’s attention Bennett’s laugh had brought. I gained enough of my composure back and hissed at Bennett again. “Take your hand off mine this instant!”
Bennett kept his eyes on mine as he raised the beer bottle up to his lips. As he drank the last of the beer, his other hand slowly rose up for me to see it. Taking the bottle from his mouth, Bennett leered at me, “I let go minutes ago.”
And when I looked down, a breathless gasp left my mouth halfway open as I saw my hand was still stroking the outline of Bryce's erection over his jeans. A wave of feeling flustered like never before made my mind go blank with embarrassment. Suddenly it just felt as if everything was in slow motion.
Bennett let out a low groan. Someone looked over then away. My eyes were searching the faces for my son, but I didn’t see him. Then I saw Matty through the crowd. Or thought I did, but turned back to Bennett as his shaft grew incredibly harder and his eyes were beginning to roll back.
And suddenly I knew what I wanted to do to Bennett. The perfect putdown. It was his turn to be embarrassed in front of others. Before I had even finished the thought, my hand moved faster in his lap, squeezing.
Bennett’s eyes closed tight and his breathing became faster. “Wait... What are you…” He groaned again and whimpered, “Easy…Easy.”
I felt his arousal twitch. My hair fell slightly across my eyes and I didn’t want to miss the sight of Bennett no longer able to put on his arrogant act. I gave my head a quick turn to toss my hair over my shoulder and rubbed Bennett by the bulge harder. Faster.
“Have fun trying to leave the party without having it look like you had an accident in your pants,” I said while leaning closer to Bennett. His eyes opened to meet mine and I gave his arousal a stroking squeeze.
“You bitch…” Bennett groaned and whimpered at the same time. I lifted my hand off just in time before the front of his jeans darkened with the stain of his orgasm. Bennett appeared to pass out. My hand hovered over the blossoming wetness as soaking Bennett’s lap, causing the denim to cling to the shape of his erection. I didn’t realize I was unable to stop staring at how the stain continued to spread.
“Jillian is everything - “
The sound of Matty’s voice made me realize I had noticed him in the crowd just moments before I had given my hair a flip over my shoulder to watch Bennett’s expression and completely forgot about how it was the signal Matty and I had agreed upon for him to approach the sofa where I was with Bennett.
I looked up to see Matty standing within the alcove as he stopped short of finishing asking his question and his eyes were widening at the same time his jaw was dropping open. My hand still hovering above the stain in Bennett’s lap as Matty’s next step would bring him within view and leave little doubt at what he would see.
Turning away from the red blush overtaking Matty’s expression, I grabbed my glass of wine from the table next to me and I dashed it into Bennett’s lap. He twitched awake with a shout of confusion as I stood up, facing Matty now standing around the sectional sofa. My head felt dizzy from standing so suddenly, yet I still saw the way Matty’s head turned from looking down at Bennett then to me and how it tilted from my face as his gaze lowered.
It was just in that moment that I realized how I’d forgotten to keep my fingertips on the hem of my Bebe jean skirt while I’d been sitting with Bennett and when I had just stood up. I didn’t dare look down at how high up my bared thighs the hem of my Bebe skirt had risen. I dropped the empty wine glass on the carpet next to the sofa and blushing uncontrollably while hastily pulling my hem down, watching Matty’s eyes rise to meet mine.
Before our gazes met, I hurried past him and through the living room as I heard the sound of laughter following me. I didn’t want to know what or who was the subject of the laughing. It wasn’t until I was in the foyer and out the front door that I knew I’d recognized one laugh among them all.
It was from my son, Richard.
One afternoon, my neighbor told me he had bought the cable TV service, without imagining that I would be with my worst enemy, let me how how the retaliate.I remembered one evening in January 2000, when he was invited to the home of Eduardo, who was right next to me on the occasion that he had subscribed to cable TV to not depend on the family, declined to its separate subscription. I liked the idea because there was living my worst enemy, the man who dared to mess with my nephew, and all for a...
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My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...
TabooThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...
My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...
CrossdressingHi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...
Charlotte was away on business for a week in London, attending a conference at a swanky hotel. She had arrived early and had gone straight to her room to shower. It was a hot sweaty journey and it was nice to step out of the shower and let the cool air dry her skin. She stood before the full length mirror. She was tanned and latin looking. With long curly brown hair and even longer legs. She wasnt skinny but she was by no means fat either. Just curvy in the right places. Since she had given...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTherese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...
Sleeping With The Enemy I live for feedback [email protected] The present day... The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed...
sleeping With The EnemyThe present day…The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed by two of my aged relatives. His eyes pleaded at me to...
Sleeping with the Enemy QUICK NOTE: This story is essentially the second chapter of my attempt to turn ‘Sexual Healing’ into a novel, re-titled and posted as a love story…there is no real sex in this story, so keep that in mind…thanks to all who have been asking about it, and thanks for reading… Chapter 2. Failure. There are some events in a man’s life that just seem to eat away at his soul. Events that etch themselves indelibly upon us with the passage of time, like the lines that form upon...
Three months later, the sound of laughter made Thea Barton look up. The now twenty year -old blond-headed beauty was in the living room reading when she heard it. Recognizing the voice of Uncle Dan, she smiled as she waited to see whom he was going to be with. When the laughter grew louder, she smiled. Ah, yes! It was Irene, her now very good friend! Uncle Dan seemed to prefer her to the others. Her being married seemed to make no difference to all concerned parties. Thea smiled to herself,...
This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...
Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...
IncestMy name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...
ToysI, Portia Diamond, am a redhead with tanned skin. I have an average body with below average B-cup breasts. I was the valedictorian at my high school and softball was my sport. I was shy in high school and didn't date much. I attend Hartfeld University now and I know that I would not have gotten through the challenges in my college life without my friends. Let me tell you about them. There is the athlete Chris who eventually became the student body president. There is James Ashton who helped me...
LesbianTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
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