A Broken Heart Gets Mended. free porn video

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The sun had already begun to warm.

There was not another soul in sight, except for one fishing boat, way off the shore.

This is Mauritius, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I should be feeling ecstatic to be in a place like this.


The tears rolled down my cheeks, as I sniffled. It wasn’t fair, why had she dumped me? What had I done wrong? The thoughts tumbled through my mind.

I came to a fallen coconut tree, collapsed down onto it, and wept. My body shook, my grief was overwhelming me. The deep feeling of loss and loneliness. The girl I loved was gone.

She’d only left a note, she hadn’t faced me. “Sorry babe, I’m outta here, gotta move on,” was all it said. No explanations, nothing, it was cruel, and it hurt. I didn’t even know where she’d gone.

Vaguely, I saw a crab, climbing a coconut tree. It only got about five feet, then it fell, to land on its back. It wriggled, a claw pushed, and it was over.

Then it was scuttling, up the tree once more. This time, to disappear into the foliage up above.

Stupid, I know, but it brought a glimmer of a smile to my face.

“Fuck it!” I called out loud, but I wiped my tears, getting up, to go back for breakfast.


My brother Dave was on the veranda, I giant wedge of a bacon sandwich in his mitt, “Hi sis, you okay?” He cheerily said as he waved at me with his free hand.

“Yeah, fine,” I mumbled.

He shrugged his shoulders, as I went inside. Women, he thought, a strange lot!

Mum glanced at me, as I entered the kitchen. She saw my puffed, red eyes, but she didn’t ask. Only a woman had that intuition, of when it was better to say nothing. “Bacon, or egg sandwich, Liz?”

“No, just a coffee will be fine, thanks.”


Dad had flashed up the barbecue and was busy with chicken pieces, sausages, burgers and steaks. Mum was frying up onions, heating baked beans, making a salad, and whatever.

The neighbours were coming round. They seemed okay, although, I’d only met them briefly.

Not much later, the music was playing, the beer and wine were flowing, the atmosphere was good. Just not for me!

The neighbours had three children, all middle to late teens, or thereabouts.

The boy, Stu was probably the oldest at around nineteen or twenty, I guessed. The other boy was the youngest, by quite a bit.

Becks, they called the girl, she was eighteen to nineteen, pretty, but not in a flashy way, I barely noticed her, but I had caught her looking at me a couple of times, quickly, turning her eyes away, when I saw her.

Stu seemed to take every opportunity to get talking to me, oblivious to the fact, that I quite clearly made it plain, that I didn’t want to talk to him. Nor, did I want, to talk to anyone.

Three, four, maybe five glasses of wine later, with a bottle in my hand, I sort of, weaved my way to find my coconut tree. I’d had enough of their joviality, and anyway, I didn’t want to spoil their fun.

I saw dad, rise to follow after me, but my wise mum shoved him back in his seat. “Leave her love, she just wants to be alone.”

Half a bottle later, I wondered, what was the matter with the beach, it was moving, I could see the sands shifting. My head began to spin, I felt hot, my forehead was sweating.

I rose unsteadily, I found myself staggering toward the sea. The water was warm, although I didn’t notice it.

A wave nearly took me off my feet, but somehow I kept going. It wasn’t anything conscious, I was on autopilot.

I waved washed right over my head, tumbling me. Floundering, my brain telling me to find the surface. I realised I didn’t care, I couldn’t be bothered, I’d had enough.

Blackness engulfed me, I knew I was drowning. My bodies reflexes took over, whether, I wanted or not. A foot touched the bottom, and I pushed.

My hair was hurting, being pulled hard, I struck out with my hand, and connected with something, “Shit, that hurt!” A hand came beneath my arm, and I could feel someone was pulling me up.

I gasped for air, at the same time, choking on the water I had swallowed. Two hands now gripped me, pulling me. I tried to help, with my feet pushing at the shifting sand below.

Then, I was lying, face down on the sand, a weight on my back, as hands pressed down hard. I choked, a gush of water flowing from my mouth, then I was breathing deep lung-fulls of air.

The weight eased from my back, strong hands helped me stand, to stagger back up the beach, to the fringe of grass beneath the coconut trees.

A hand raked the hair, stuck to my face, another round my shoulder, holding me, as I began to tremble. The flood-gates opened, as I cried. A soft girl’s voice, “Shush, you’re safe now.” She gently rocked me, a finger wiping at my tears.

Slowly, I calmed, the trembling went, as the evening air warmed me. For the first time, I looked up at my saviour. I was surprised to find, it was the girl from the barbecue, Becks, the neighbour.

I flinched when she touched my cheek. And went rigid, when she kissed my forehead. I pushed her away from me, I didn’t want to be touched, not by anyone. She didn’t complain, made no comment, as she helped me to my feet.

In silence, we walked back to the bungalow. At the back door, I briefly touched a finger to her hand, I just said, “Thanks,” and went inside.

A hot shower later, I felt a little recovered, although my head was pounding from the wine I had guzzled down.

In my bed, I fell straight into a deep sleep.

The sun was blazing through my bedroom window when I woke.

Mum was there, picking up my clothes. “Whatever happened to these, they’re wet and covered in sand?”

“I tripped, and fell in the sea, too much wine probably,”

She stood looking at me, “If you want to talk, I’m here. I know you’re hurting, but sometimes it helps to talk it out.”

Somehow, I managed a smile, “I’ll be fine mum, but thank you.”


That afternoon, I returned to the grass patch, where I had sat recovering, the evening before. I wanted to think about what had happened. Was it something I had intentionally done? Had it perhaps, just been an accident? I knew it had scared me, I was shaking again, with just thinking through it.

My thoughts were interrupted. “Hi there, Liz, I wondered if I might find you here.”

Becks took a step back, perhaps, shaken by the withering look I gave her. She stammered, “I...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, I’ll just go.”

I felt disgusted with myself, what was I thinking. This girl had saved my life last night.

I stood, “No, it’s me that should apologise, I didn’t mean to be rude just now, it’s just that, well, I was wrapped up with my problems. You startled me.” I held out a hand, “Come and sit with me.”

She smiled back, if I had been in the mood, I might have realised how beautiful the smile was. “I want to thank you for last night, you know you saved my life, I would have drowned.”

“Can I ask? Was it an accident? It didn’t look like it. Or maybe you should just tell me to mind my own business.”

For a minute a kept my eyes to the sand, then, looked at her, “I honestly don’t know, that’s what I’ve been sitting here pondering over.”

“But if it was not an accident, then that would mean you tried to kill yourself, why would someone as beautiful as you want to do that?” She turned bright red. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I, being too personal I mean, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“Its okay, but I’m afraid I can’t talk about it, it hurts too much.”

She reached her hand out, and laid it my arm, “You’ve been let down, some guy, I suppose?” She coloured again, “You see, there I go again, with the questions.”

My eyes were locked to her hand, it felt as though my flesh burned. I glared with venom at her, she jumped up in fright, turned and ran. God! What are you doing, bitch? You just scared this lovely girl, half to death.

I ran after her, calling her name, “Becks, where are you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything against you.”

I could hear her now, she was close by, then, the other side of a tree, and there she stood, crying softly. I put my arms around, and quietly, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. It’s not you, I’m just angry with the whole world at the moment.”

She stood close to me, as she calmed. I took her hand, “Come on, let’s go back and sit.”

She shook her head, “No, perhaps I should go back, and leave you in peace, I can tell you need to be alone.”

All of a sudden, I didn’t want to be alone, that’s exactly where I had been, just feeling hurt and scared. So, I pulled her hand, “Come with me, please. I need some company,”

We sat again, Becks asked, “Only if you want to, do you want to tell me about this guy.”

“Becks, it wasn’t a guy, it was my girlfriend.” She looked startled, but slowly I began to tell her until it just seemed to pour out of me. I told her how we’d met, fell in love, and moved into our own place.

By now, I was crying, not hard, the odd tear trickling down my face. I told of how happy we had been together, how everything seemed perfect. Until one day, my world fell apart. The note. A bloody note, not even a letter. No explanations, nothing.

I rolled to the ground, curled in a ball and cried. I cried, like never before in my life. The sobs racked my body, my fists pummelled the ground.

I hadn’t heard her speak, not at first, but then her words broke through, inane nonsense mostly, but kind and comforting, as she held me in her arms, with her face pressed to me, her hand caressing my hair.

The sobbing stopped, a few tears still ran.

With a shock, I felt her lips kiss them away. One of her hands stroked my hair, the other gently stroking my arm.

She saw my eyes open wide, but not glaring at her this time. A smile crossed her face,” That’s better,” she said, her stroking didn’t stop.

“Becks, your hands, please stop.”

Her hands paused but didn’t leave me. “Why?" Was all she said.

I simply stared at her, a thousand emotions tormenting me. “Becks, I can’t, I don’t want to, you’ve been kind and it has helped me, and for that I thank you, can we just go now, as friends?”

Becks looked down at me, lying on the ground, a puzzled look on her face. I could see that she was trying to work something through her mind. I saw her nod to herself, then she was pushing me flat onto my back. I resisted, but she was strong, and in any case, I didn’t have the energy to fight, as her lips descended to mine.

She held my wrists, flat to the ground alongside my head. Her body moved over me, lying on top. I rocked my head from side to side, as her lips followed mine. Then, I just lay still, and let her kiss, I didn’t respond, I didn’t want to. I could see her eyes, urging me to return the kiss, but I didn’t

Suddenly she threw herself off me, stood and looked at me for a few seconds, then with a shake of the head, she walked away. She got a short distance, before turning to look back, “Liz, if you want to talk or something, you know where to find me,”


The next couple of days just seemed to drag by, I couldn’t get into the holiday swing.

At the breakfast table, my mum said, “Why don’t you get the bus into town, have a browse around the shops. You’ll like Curepipe, it’s a lovely town. Anyway, it’ll get you out for a bit.”

So, a couple of hours later, I found myself wandering aimlessly. In and out of a few shops, nothing grabbed me. Then, I found the market. I was immediately struck by all the brilliant colours of the Indian clothes and material stalls.

I picked out a blouse, even though I knew it was too brightly coloured for my taste, always a little on the sombre side. I held it up to me, looking in the long mirror, “It does look nice.” I had spoken aloud, without realising.

“That looks totally gorgeous on you.” It was Becks stood behind me.

“Oh, hello there, do you really think so? It's not too bright?”

“Believe me, it suits you just perfectly, you’ll be stunning in it, a real lady killer.”

What did she just say? I thought. ‘Lady Killer.’

On an impulse, I decided to buy it. After I had paid, Becks asked me, “Fancy a coffee or maybe something stronger? I know just the place.”

“Why not.” I found myself saying.

It was a lovely bar, real old-fashioned, in a French colonial style, but spotlessly clean and tastefully decorated.

We chose an alcove seat that had a window overlooking the gardens.

Becks didn’t sit opposite, as I would have expected, but instead, pushed in next to me. “Is it coffee, or do you fancy rocking the boat?” She laughed, it was an infectious laugh, suddenly I felt at ease in her company.

We had local white rum and coke, branded mind you, not some of the rough spirit, sold in the back streets.

It became easy to chat, nothing serious, just where she came from, that kind of trivial stuff. By the third round, I had completely relaxed.

I’m just a little tiddly, I thought, as I giggled at something she said.

Her hand was on my arm, strange that I hadn’t noticed it there, I think had actually been there quite a while. I looked down at her hand, when I glanced back up, she was looking at me, straight into my eyes.

A momentary frown, then I shook my head and smiled. “Another round?” I asked her.

“Maybe just one more, then I think we’ve had quite enough for one day,”

My bag fell to the floor, on my left, I reached down for it, as I leaned, her hand fell from my arm and landed on my thigh. She didn’t move it away. Feeling flustered, I grabbed my glass and swallowed half in one go.

Did her fingers just squeeze my leg? Maybe I imaged it, my sozzled brain said.

This time, I definitely felt it, the slightest squeeze, her hand inched just a tiny bit lower, toward the inside of my thigh. I looked at it, puzzled, where’d that come from? I wondered and giggled again.

I raised my glass to my lips, and as I tilted my head back, I felt a nudge against my crotch.

The hand was still there when I looked, but now it was pressing my skirt between my thighs, a slight pressure at my front. My gaze followed the arm up, “Becks, you’re touching me.” I accused.

“I know I am, I’ve been trying to ever since I first saw you. You don’t mind, do you?”

I tried to think, nothing seemed to make any sense, except the fact that the hand felt good. I lowered my own hand, covering the other, then pressed it into me. It did feel good.

I saw Becks look around the bar, before reaching for my skirt, she didn’t pull it up, just raised the side by my thigh, and her hand disappeared.

I thought, now where did that go? Then, I jumped, fingers were at the front of my panties, rubbing into my pussy. I took a deep breath. Oh, Wow, that’s nice. I could feel a finger, edging the crotch of my panties aside, so I spread my legs wider, to make it easier.

My panties eased over, for fingers to dance along my pussy slit. I could now feel the familiar tingle between my legs. I felt naughty, my pussy aroused in a public place. Then, a jolt, that hit the spot, my clit responded to the sudden contact. I gave a moan.

“Shush.” I heard.

I looked for the voice, it was Becks, “Is that you, playing with my pussy Becks?”

“You got it,” She replied, “You like?”

Pure lust erupted in me, “Yes I do fucking like, finger me, babe, inside, I want to feel you inside.” I lifted my hand to my breast.

“Here, let me.” As she reached her other hand over and moved mine aside. Her fingers squeezed me, through my blouse and very thin skimpy bra.

She twirled around my nipples, they were already like soldiers stood to attention. The sensations were driving me wild.

Her fingers, more than one, maybe even three, were now groping inside between my lips. A thumb worked my clit, “Shit! Becks, I’m gonna cum any moment, quick put your hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.”

My ass writhed on the seat, my own hands pressing hers into me, as I thrust my pussy onto her. The orgasm was intense, a release of all the pent-up tension I had been feeling. I tried to scream, but somehow Becks covered it.

I came down from my cloud, I was still holding her fingers inside me. I looked at her face, “Becks, you dirty bastard, you just wanked me off in a bar, for christ’s sake.” I leaned and gave her a small kiss.

“Aw, is that all I get?” She asked, with an impish grin.

“Tell you what, let’s get the fuck out of here, go find somewhere better,”


We got the bus, I wanted to touch her, as she had me, but the bus was way too crowded. I made do with just rubbing the side of her thigh.

We went two stops passed our normal stop for home, I knew it wasn’t far from a very rocky area, no beach, so no people. I was feeling a bit better by now, not quite as pissed as before.

I took hold of Becks’ hand, telling her, “Come on, it’s not far, this way.”

The undergrowth was a bit thicker than I expected, but with only a little worry, there was the sea, right in front. Mountains of boulders were everywhere, I could see why no one ever came here.

We found a lovely little-secluded spot, still with a view of the sea, a patch of grass, ready and inviting.

I stood, admiring the waves crashing on the rocks, Becks’ arms came round me from behind. She cupped my breasts and gently rolled them in her hands. I leaned my head back into her neck. She bent, a little awkwardly, and kissed me. It was a light, kind of, exploratory kiss.

But I savoured it. My tongue teased against her lips until she opened to me, our tongues danced against each other.

Now I had sobered somewhat, I was once again wondering at my feelings. I didn’t know this girl, in fact, I knew almost nothing about her.

I knew that there was still a feeling of devastation in my heart. There was still love there, for the person I had lost. But I also knew that this girl had breathed a little fresh air into me, a bit of hope for release from the pain I felt. For a moment, I felt guilty at my betrayal, then anger surged through me. How dare she have done this to me, and then I realised, she couldn’t have loved me as I had believed. Had she done so, then she would never have ditched me aside, the way she did.

I felt a release, a realisation that I owed that person nothing, we’d had our time, and it was over. I turned to look at Becks, I held her at arm's length, just looking into her eyes.

She herself, looked a little apprehensive.

“Becks, have you ever been with another woman?”

She lowered her eyes, the confidence from earlier now gone.

“No, I haven’t, but then I haven’t ever been with a boy either. I have no idea what it was, but when I first saw you, I recognised the pain you were in, and my heart went out to you. It was the first time that I have ever felt anything for another girl, my feelings frightened me at first, but I was drawn to you, that’s why I followed you until I saw you go in the water. What happened in the bar, would never have occurred without those rums, I found I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to touch you, I never thought for one minute, that I could ever have gone as far as I did. When I saw you getting excited and responding to my touch, then there was no stopping, I just wanted to please you in any way I could.”

“Oh Becks, you’re just fabulous, and I tell you what, you found me just at the right time because I was drowning in self-pity. You’ve somehow, forced me to face it. I feel alive again, come here my beauty.”

She fell into my arms, her smile brighter than the sun. I kissed her, perhaps more tenderly than I’ve ever kissed before.

She gazed into my eyes, the desperation clear to see, “Liz, will you love me, teach me to be your lover.”

I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, how did I deserve this sweet young girl. For the moment, I loved her. I kissed her again, pulling her tight, my hands lifting the back of her shirt. I felt her skin under the touch of my fingers, it felt so good.

I caressed her back, then I hit the clasp of her bra, and snapped it apart, my hands now coming round her sides, to the front, and then to hold her breasts. They felt divine, I had to see them. Her shirt lifted easily to her shoulders, then she raised her arms and I lifted it clear.

I was stunned the most beautiful breasts. They were different, they were sort of, conical in shape. Jutting proudly from her body, the cone shape, topped with large areolas, and not long, but the widest puffy nipples I had ever seen.

There was a worried look on her face, “They’re, ‘em, strange aren’t they, I guessed, you might hate them.”

“Oh Becks, they’re gorgeous, they’re fantastic, I love them.” And I plunged my mouth to a nipple, my other hand greedily groping another.

Her hands rested on my shoulders, her lips kissing my hair.

The nipples enlarged under my touch. I could feel her body tightening, her hands now digging into my shoulders.

Her skirt was elasticated at the waste, I grabbed a hold, panty band as well, and pushed them down. She was now there in front me, she was so beautiful it almost hurt. Her shape was perfect, below those beautiful breasts was a body to die for, a lightly muscled stomach, a lovely slim waist, not much wider hips.

But my eyes were drawn to her mound, it was clean-shaven, her pussy slit was exactly that, no lips to speak of, just a long thin slit.

I didn’t wait for her to ask. I almost ripped my blouse off, undid my bra, to let it fall, then wriggled my skirt and panties down. Okay, so I was a few years older than her, but I was in great shape, I played for my local hockey team. I knew my shape wasn’t quite up to the standard of Becks’, but I had always been complimented.

Becks looked at me like a kid with a new favourite toy. Her eyes flickered backwards and forwards, all over me, one moment to my breasts, the next down to my pussy.

I put a finger to her chin, raising her eyes to mine, I tried to be cool, like in the movies, “So whaddya think babe, like what ya’ see?” I held out my arms.

She almost flew at me, our breasts smashed together, our lips met again, then I was grinding my pussy into hers, as I grabbed her ass to pull her tight into me.

We kissed, as we stood there, mounds rubbing hard. She was gasping into my mouth.

We dropped to the grass as one, first kneeling, then falling together, my knee between her thighs and hers between mine.

We rubbed against each other, our need rising, I could feel her body reaching for a climax, so I pulled away, pushing her legs wide, and dropped my face to her slit. I probed my tongue between and licked up. Her hands pressed hard on my head and she moaned aloud.

I found her clit, only tiny, almost hard to find, but my tongue centred on it, to tease and tickle. Now she bucked her hips, hard to my mouth, as I sucked. I pushed a finger in between that small slit, she was much wetter than I expected, so I easily moved my finger in and out.

I could feel her passion rising fast, I added another finger and pushed harder and deeper, increasing the speed of my thrusting.

I sucked hard on her clit, with a wail, she shook, her body convulsing, as she climaxed. The orgasm ripped through her.

We lay together, enfolded in each other’s arms, she still trembled, as I held her. Until I asked, “Did you like that Becks?”

“That was just, totally, the most amazing cum I’ve ever had, I never realised just how mind-blowing it could be.” She answered. “Can I do that to you, with my mouth, I mean?”

“Never thought you’d ask, c’mon and get your head down here.”


My depression was over.

I had another week with Becks before it was back to the UK.

I knew she didn’t live too far away from me, so to start with, we had already planned to meet every weekend.

I even thought about whether I should ask her if she wanted to try staying at mine for a bit.

But then I thought, it’s early days yet girl, be sensible, let’s suck it and see.

We did! If, you get my meaning.

The end.


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Broken Hearts and Last Goodbyes

Miley sat spacing out as her teacher droned on. It was her final year of high school, only a month remained, and she couldn't be happier to get out of the place. She had always been quiet, so she didn't really make friends easily, but more than that, she hated everyone in that God-forsaken hell hole. Today was worse than usual, too. She had a lot on her mind, and couldn't even remotely pay attention to what was being taught. Her mother had just gotten a new boyfriend, Carl, and the guy...

2 years ago
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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 07

Matt smiled at the curled up ball on the passenger seat. Janey had spent much of the day playing with the kids and they had tired her out, given, 10 children between the ages of 3 months and 8 years would have tired out anyone. It was quite amusing, the way she looked happy and tired as she fiddled with the dial on the radio. Always with the music. She finally stopped on the classic rock station, humming softly along with Van Morrison before losing herself in the music. ‘I can hear her heart...

3 years ago
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Broken Heart Surgery

I have had a bad day at work.  A child died because of me. I couldn’t save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that...

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Broken Heart Surgery

I have had a bad day at work.  A child died because of me. I couldn't save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that we...

Straight Sex
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Broken Faith There Are Things Far Worse Than Death by Millie Dynamite

There Are Things Far Worse Than Death by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under the age of eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. It contains descriptive scenes of graphic sexual nature, graphic rape, graphic violence, and graphic depictions of abuse or torture. By reading this eBook, you assert that you comply with your local or state laws. This book is purely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product...

3 years ago
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Broken Birds Part 1 Beths Agony

Beth’s Agony Light was fading as the sun fell beneath the rolling hills. He couldn’t stop staring at her swollen face, her right eye closed, her eyelid purple, angry black bruises beneath both eyes from her broken nose, lips distended. Her fine blond hair framed a hideously disfigured face. Her fragile form remained still beneath the hospital blanket. The constant rhythm of the respirator was the only sound in the room. A nurse arrived and hung another bag of fluids to be drained...

5 years ago
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Broken Hearts and Last Goodbyes Part 2

The jukebox whispered out a gentle melody as Miley shuffled around the room, wiping up tables and stacking chairs. She didn't make much money waitressing, but she needed all she could get. She had just finished a double shift and her bones ached with weariness by the time she was done. Four years. Four years of doing the same dead-end job, scrimping and saving and still never having enough. It had been two years ago that she finally realized that she couldn't keep going on like this, so...

4 years ago
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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 03

Janey sighed heavily as she sat on the edge of her bed to slip out of her knee high boots. She loved the things to death, the tan wool weave moving up her leg, bunching in lines along the way to imitate a set of leg warmers. But they were so warm and getting out of them now was nearly better than sex, the air conditioning swirling between her toes. Getting home had been a bit heinous, she had forgotten how rough the walk up the hill could be. Even worse when you were on the verge of tears and...

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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 02

Janey sighed as she dialed the first 6 digits of Ted’s cell phone before hanging up. Why she had even asked ‘Los for it was beyond her. She just thought that maybe by now he’d be himself again. Head hung as she hung up the phone. It was over. There was no more hope. A tear stung her eye before she shook it off. It had been over two years ago, she was just entertaining some stupid high school fantasy. If she wasn’t so close with his brothers she probably wouldn’t bother leaving her house at all...

3 years ago
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Broken Hearts and Last Goodbyes Part 2

Introduction: Heres part 2 Four Years Later The jukebox whispered out a gentle melody as Miley shuffled around the room, wiping up tables and stacking chairs. She didnt make much money waitressing, but she needed all she could get. She had just finished a double shift and her bones ached with weariness by the time she was done. Four years. Four years of doing the same dead-end job, scrimping and saving and still never having enough. It had been two years ago that she finally realized that she...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 3 Romancing a Lonely Heart

I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my new life for the first time. The date was Monday, October 10th, and Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue, this drop-dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. “Wow, man. Who is she?” Brad asked me. “Gloria Harr, junior, just moved here from California,” I said as I scanned. “So far, she hates it here, and she only digs guys who...

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SemiBroken Eggshells

A/N: More Vincent-oriented stuff. Not so kink-filled this time. All human forms. Small bits of boy love fluff here and there. —– SemiBroken Eggshells Denver, CO: It seems that these young people are still on their hunt for their friend. The head of the group, Nathan Winters, had this to say, ‘It’s apparent that Vince doesn’t want us to find him, but we are going to. If everyone else drops out, I am, at least, going to continue my hunt for him.’ Vincent Fox, 23, left his home city of Denver...

3 years ago
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The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain, pain...

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I took a walk around the dark cellar that I had prepared for her, taking in her body. I had not cut away any of her cloths and she was still drop dead gorgeous. The picture of her I had found online did her no justice, those pictures that I had spent my lonely nights with. She was just what I had been looking for. Young and naïve. She was a solid ten out of ten, her ass was a nicely curved and she had perky c-cup tits but why she had become so popular online was her face. It was perfectly...

2 years ago
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Broken MiniFridge Turns to Taboo Fun

The wife and I were on our first vacation alone without family or friends in quite some time. In fact, it was the first time the two of us were totally alone in some time, and we were really looking forward to it. From the time the plane landed, we were in "party" mode. We grabbed a few beers at the airport waiting for our ride to the resort. When we arrived the room was not quite ready and they treated us to some champagne, as we waited and toured the grounds. When we finally got to our room a...

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Broken Bliss

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad to see...

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Broken The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily.  Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.  A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days.  He was still disoriented from the pain,...

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Broken WitchChapter 3

The following characters appears here and in other parts of the story: Fritz Herkimer Ley Line Wizard, 6’-2’’ tall, 220 pounds, 38 years old, blond hair, blue eyes The Guardian Keeper of the Books, about 5’-6’’ tall, neither young or old, very long blond hair, deep blue eyes “Stop here and turn left,” Al told me. He was sitting up in his cat seat and looking out the side window of the car. We were on our way back home from the bookstore and still had a good ways to go. “You need...

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Broken WindowChapter 2

"Soft little balls ... So sweet..." The woman played with my dick and balls like she'd never seen any before. "It's almost time to go," the man sighed and stroked my hair lovingly while I moved my tight, soft lips up and down his long cock. "I don't want to!" Stephanie pouted from behind me and I felt her mouth on my hairless little sack, her tongue playing against it. She had her nose pressed against my butthole like she wanted to fuck me with it. "I know, believe me." The man,...

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Broken WindowChapter 5

Somewhere nearby an alarm went off, or maybe some lights blinked, it didn't matter. I'd gotten barely three meters through the door when a large black man with a dragon tattoo flying around his massive bald skull stopped us. "Excuse me, miss ... Would you like to check your purse?" He was polite about it anyway and I had little choice in the matter. "Whatever," I shrugged, slipping my purse off my shoulder. Ransom and Viv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. I seriously doubted...

4 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 1 The Broken Angel

Friday: Twenty-five miles due west of Venice, California, a naked woman sunned herself. Dana Featherstone lounged on the deck of her custom built forty-foot cabin cruiser. The fact was it had been custom built for someone else was immaterial to her. All she cared about was it had been custom built and it belonged to her. She lay on her back, baking her well-oiled body in the hot sun. The radio was set to an oldies station and she hummed along to the music as she slowly rolled over and over...

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Broken AngelChapter 8 Evade And Retreat

I posted tomorrow's chapter this evening. Tomorrow I shall probably be gone. Not many people have responded. However the ones who have were all supportive, unless I missed something. Another FBI agent came up and yelled over the noise of the people. "You can't do that. I have a federal warrant here. She is coming with me." Two big outlaw bikers in full colors knocked people out of the way. One yelled in a hoarse voice, "She goes where she wants to, pig." He weighed over three hundred...

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Heartache Tonight

Hi Folks. First off, Thanks to all of the people who emailed me about my absence. It wasn't actually planned. But during the time that I didn't have the services Of a legendary editor, I started trying to finish the book I've been working on. And I sort of worked on it until it was finished. But to start us out again I wanted to write something that was more about feelings than most of my stories. I wanted to write something like Barney-R or Hermit or Jake Rivers would write. And while not...

2 years ago
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HeartBreak Hotel

This story is fiction, all similarities to an actual person or persons is purely coincidental. Like it goes: "Well since my baby left me, i gotta find a new place to dwell, its down at the end of lonely street at HeartBreak Hotel.” My woman left me, I don’t know whose fault it was, I wasn’t listening. She was very pretty, she was petite, she had long blonde hair, and a curly smile, she wasn’t fat, she was far from it, she didn’t have huge tits, and I couldn’t get enough of...

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S2K Your Hearts Desire

S2K: Your Heart's Desire By SueB Dan Talbot was once again cubby-holed in his den trying to take advantage of all the advertising he had seen to make this holiday season an "E-Season". Instead of getting in the car and driving from strip mall to strip mall, he and his wife Karen had decided that this holiday period, the Internet would do their shopping work for them. Dan had decided that his nephew, Tim, would really enjoy some books that had a Sci-Fi theme, which was his...

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Broken Angels Two Moons Sonata3

Chapter 1 - Awakening A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore. When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best...

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Broken by her Dog

Abby was having a dream that she was having sex with a man. He fucked her for what felt like hours, until he stopped and went down to her pussy. She watched as his incredible long tongue pushed itself impossibly deep inside of her. Pleasure overtaking her, she quickly woke up, continuing to feel the same exact feeling. Abby's head jerked up and she saw Buster licking her pussy. "Buster what are yo-" Abby's disgust at the situation changed almost immediately after Busters tongue licked...

4 years ago
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Broken Shadows

Chapter one His pain was excruciating yet he would not allow these blood suckers to see it on his mangled face, he would be dropped not very gently to the cold marble ground in the extravagant hall. A pair of pure bloods watching him set his calm resolve to a burning rage, if only he had his weapon. "Oh look yet another human at our feet." came a voice, he would trace the source to a silver haired woman setting on a step of the grand staircase. She lazily stirred her finger in a...

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Broken Birds Part 19 Kat Reborn

Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...

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Broken Birds Part 14 Harem Night

Harem Night Beth’s announcement shocked them. Michael had always exuded strength, confidence and control. They now knew he was as broken as them. Rafaela looked at Rachael. “I think we have been very selfish,” she said sadly. Rachael nodded in shame. All looked to Alice. “It’s a form of PTSD though he’s in control,” she turned to Beth, “Tell me about his nightmares.” Beth told them the little she knew. Her father had killed many times, his call sign, “Terminator”. On his...

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Broken Glass

On the way back, she noticed something wasn't right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the door's window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to bed, now it was unlocked. Someone had been in her house. Someone had not only been in her house, someone could still be in her house. Maci ran for the phone to call the police but when she picked up the phone, there was no dialtone. As she was on her way to her room to get her...

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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

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Broken Ch 00

Prologue She is nineteen years old, with the body of a fifteen year old girl, and the eyes of a ninety year old holocaust victim. Her lips are a thin line of pink and crimson, and when they are not, they are parted in unspoken protests, revealing to everyone what happens when those protests are made audible. Her hair is a mess of knotted brown and dirty blonde strands, and her skin is a surprising contrast with its tan almost olive color, and amazingly the bruises are a purple contrast to the...

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Broken Glass

Introduction: A woman finds herself not alone during a stormy night. There was a flash of lightning and a loud burst of thunder shortly after. Maci turned on the news, it was nothing to be worried about, just a small thunderstorm. She got up and turned off the tv and headed back to bed. On the way back, she noticed something wasnt right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the doors window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to...

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Broken Strap by loyalsock

Stella Bordon sat at her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. "Geesh," she thought to herself, "this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!" For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie's husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her...

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Broken Bliss Ch 01

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...

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Broken By The Smoldering Fire In His Soul

Homeless she thought, what do I do? Staying in an apartment with people she didn't know, she felt uncomfortable when they had to feed her. Where do I go from here? In her short years she had lived a lifetime. One of the girls in the house invited her to a party across the way. It was some place to be so they went. The summer night was warm when they walked to the front door.The house was full but what she saw was men, big men in jeans and biker cut-offs sitting and standing around the front...

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"The Penalty is death."  My English speaking lawyer told me.I froze, "But it was for personal use!" I explained.He shook his head "One hundred per cent pure, I think not, and since 1st April there is zero tolerance, I am sorry but you admitted possession, there is nothing to be done." "There was a girl who got pregnant and they gave her life imprisonment instead of death." I pointed out."Not in this country," he said, " plead guilty, save yourself the anguish, that is my advice."The Lady from...

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Broken Little Thing

DarksX for sexstories.com "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

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Broken Little Thing Chapter 1

DarksX for sexstories.com "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

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Broken Promises

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are on mine. She broke a promise, a date, and my heart. It was the Saturday after Easter it was also our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party. I am Richard, Rich, Jacobson, 49 and am a very successful inventor, writer, and OTC stock trader. My wife was Susan (Sue) Williams-Jacobson, 46 and was the owner of the most successful real estate company in the West Michigan area. We have two living children, Richard (not junior) 22, and a...

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Broken UpChapter 3

"I keep telling you," Liz said. "You should call him. You should say you're sorry and ask him if you guys can talk." "Can we, like, not talk about this anymore?" Danielle said. "Danielle, school starts tomorrow. We're going to be juniors. You'll have to see him, whether you want to or not." Danielle had been trying not to think about that either. The remaining weeks of summer had been different than she'd predicted when her sophomore year ended. She'd thought she'd get a job,...

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Broken UpChapter 11

"Wait," Jodie said. "You had his phone, and you didn't do anything with it? Like, keep it? Or throw it in a puddle of water?" "It's ... His phone," Elle said. "I'm not gonna do something like that." Jodie gave her a sidelong glance. "Aren't you supposed to be some sort of major bitch or something?" "What's that got to do with anything?" "Oh, nothing, nothing," said Jodie. "It's just that, you were awful kind to him. For a major bitch. Dude, if I'd had his phone, I...

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Broken UpChapter 14

Danielle had the dream again. She was in her apartment, but everything seemed weirdly skewed—the colors were all wrong, tending to the browns and greens of decay, and everything seemed to be in slightly the wrong place. Everyone she saw, she thought she recognized—Nicole, her mom, Liz, Scott O'Connor, even people she hadn't seen in a while: Tom, Shelly Baumgarter, Emma Stanton—but everyone she saw looked slightly wrong—eyes too far apart, nose in the wrong place, skin the wrong color. As...

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Broken WindowChapter 3

"You got it?" I kicked myself off the wall when I saw Ransom coming out of the pharmacy. "Two of them, yeah," he smiled. "Maybe you do love me," I smiled back, hooking my arm through his. "Maybe." "Where do we live, boyfriend?" We were walking left and Ransom stopped, pulling me around in a gentle loop. "The other way." "Okay." We hopped a magger, one of the automated trolleys gliding over the big magnetic rails embedded under the streets. They weren't the fastest way to...

4 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 2 The Awakening

Dana was careful when she stepped over the side and onto her private dock. The young guy stumbled as she helped him step over the railing. Only her strong hold kept him from a fall into the water. Dana helped him stumble up the cement walkway running from her small dock to her house. Each step was agony for him. "Come on, now, I know this hurts like hell, but you have to keep going. The doctor is waiting for us and he'll make you all better." It sounded almost as if she was talking to a...

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