Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 02 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is as follows:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.

The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-2.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


Part 4 – The Crime Scene

I arrived at the River Valley Country Club at 9:15pm, Oct. 30th. Sr. Patrolman Rudistan stopped me at the entrance to the parking lot.

‘Can I see your badge, young officer?’ Rudistan said jovially. I knew he was kidding, but I showed him my badge anyway.

‘Sure, Sergeant Rudistan.’ I teased back, knowing (but he not knowing yet) that he was going to be promoted to Sergeant on November 1st. ‘Okay, Rudistan, you can let residents of the subdivision in so they can get to their homes, but no one goes out, and the Press does not come in at all, clear?’

‘Roger that, sir.’ Rudistan said. ‘We’ve already got it covered.’ I drove on, confident that Rudistan indeed had the traffic situation under control.

There were already four police cruisers and an ambulance in the parking lot, all with lights flashing. I got on my radio and ordered that someone come out and turn off all the ‘blinkenlights’. Not like they’d bring the dead back to life, and they only served to get the Media’s attention. Patrolman Hicks came outside quickly and resolved the situation to my satisfaction.

I went through the front entrance, which was two large, heavy doors with a really nice glass inlay. The meeting room was immediately to the left, and entering those double doors (more normal sized, and solid wood), I found myself in the back of the room, looking forward towards the speaker’s table up front. I saw a side table with desserts on the right.

Against the far back wall were two sets of double doors, with the projector screen between them on the wall. Those doors led to passageways that led to closets, a/v equipment and cleaning equipment rooms, those rooms being behind the wall covered by the projection screen. Those passageways led to a back hallway that had a door to the outside and the covered parking deck… where Anthony Warner had met his fate months before. The passageway went on around to offices and a hallway that led back to the main areas of the Club.

As I entered, I saw a number of women, some sitting, some sobbing, some being interviewed by officers. When they noticed my presence, the room suddenly became quiet.

‘Commander, they’re waiting for you in the back room.’ said Lt. Cindy Ross, coming up to me. But I didn’t move immediately.

‘Ladies,’ I called out, so that all could hear my voice, ‘I know you have had a shock tonight, and I appreciate your patience and staying here to help us out. I hope we’ll be able to let you go home shortly. I also appreciate your cooperation in allowing the police to look into your handbags.’

Police had been doing so, searching for the murder weapon, and I’d already received a phone call from Cindy about their complaints. I’d told Cindy to tell them that if they protested, we would get warrants… and they and their handbags could wait at Headquarters for those warrants. No, I didn’t say they’d be arrested, but the inference was enough that they were cooperating, and so far, no one had given any back talk.

‘What was that about?’ Cindy asked as we went through the door to the kitchenette.

‘Some of the wealthiest and most powerful wives in the County are in there.’ I said. ‘I definitely want to get on their good side to the extent I’m able.’

‘Oh.’ Cindy said. ‘I thought you were flirting with some of them. They way most of them looked at you, they’ll be flirting with you as soon as they get a chance.’

‘Maybe.’ I said. ‘The perks and curses of Command. Okay, J.R., whaddya got?’ I asked the youngish Crime Lab leader. He and the Crime Lab were dressed in Tyvex suits. Because of the contracts we had with other counties, we were able to afford the Tyvex suits so that our people didn’t contaminate the crime scene. It was the Crime Lab leaders’ call if they should wear the Tyvex or not. This scene definitely warranted it.

To the right of the main meeting room, to the speaker’s left, was a door that led to a kitchenette area. Inside that area, I saw that to the right was a door that led to a service entrance for waitstaff, in front of me was the kitchen sink and counter, and to the left were the two doors to the two unisex restrooms, each meant to service one person at a time.

Halfway through the right side bathroom doorway was the deceased, lying as she had fallen. There was a pool of blood on the bathroom floor, and some on the tile of the kitchenette area from her throat wound. Inside the bathroom, the toilet was on the right and the sink on the left. There was a small trashcan under the sink. Not only was there blood on the floor, but it had sprayed all over the back and left wall of the bathroom, some to nearly the ceiling.

‘Throat slit.’ said J.R. Barnes. ‘Hand over her mouth, slice across the throat with what looks like a very sharp knife, maybe a heavy one like a sendoku knife. But here’s the thing, Commander: she didn’t die immediately. She was dropped, but she managed to crawl to the door, tried to raise her hand to open the door, then expired and sank down, leaning against the door. When the door was opened, she fell out.’ J.R. had pointed to various blood smears on the door and marks in the blood on the floor as he told the story.

‘Oh, but this is interesting.’ I said. ‘She was facing to the left when she was attacked. Now if she were standing at the sink, wouldn’t she turn to the right to see who was coming in? And if she were standing near the potty, she’d again likely be turned to the right by her attacker coming up behind and grabbing her.’

‘Yes sir.’ J.R. said. ‘You’re correct, though maybe in grabbing her, the assailant spun her around.’

‘That’s a thought.’ I said. ‘So our assailant must be fairly strong, as he or she did not totally surprise the victim. So, who was it that met her unfortunate end here?’ I asked, though I recognized the woman.

‘Trish Donolan.’ said Detective Diana Torres, who had been looking around the kitchenette while her partner Martin Nash interviewed women in the main room. ‘Forty-six years old, married to Donovan Donolan, who goes by ‘Mr. Donolan’, but his apparently few friends call him ‘Donovan’-‘

‘Is that an assumption, or do you have data, Miss Torres?’ I asked.

‘Data, sir.’ said Torres, grinning. ‘I wouldn’t risk the Wrath of either of you Iron Crowbars by speculating.’

‘Smart Detective, you are.’ I said, grinning back. ‘Sorry I interrupted. You were saying?’

‘Yes sir,’ said Torres, ‘he’s the CEO of BigPharmaCorp. And I’m sure you remember from the recent Murdered Bride case that she was a Lightsource Industries employee.’

‘Yes.’ I said. ‘Do you remember exactly what capacity she was in with Lightsource?’

‘Sorry, sir, I’m not prepared on that.’ said Diana.

‘Neither am I, but that’s okay: we’ll refresh our memories on that soon enough.’ I admitted. ‘So, who
called it in?’

‘Geez, sir,’ said Torres, ‘our phones lit up like Christmas trees. The 9-1-1 system got eight calls about it, our Duty Desk got four, and Lieutenant Croyle got two.’

‘Croyle?’ I asked, surprised. ‘From who?’

‘I’m not sure, sir.’ replied Torres. ‘She just called Lieutenant Ross, who told me that when she told me to get over here.’

‘I see.’ I said. ‘Okay, J.R., what else have you found on the body?’

‘Not much.’ J.R. said. ‘We took fingernail scrapings, and we’re processing the scene for prints and stuff.’

‘Was anything of interest found in any of the ladies’ purses?’ I asked, looking around at the ceiling and cabinets of the kitchenette. ‘I don’t suppose we’d be lucky enough that the murderer just stuck the murder weapon into someone’s purse?

‘No sir.’ said Torres. ‘No weapons, except a few handguns, and their owners have carry permits. We’ve confiscated them for now.’

‘Be damn sure to give them their weapons back when we let them leave.’ I said.

’Sir, are you sure?’ Torres asked. I wheeled on her, harder than I meant to.

‘Detective,’ I said, ‘this victim was not shot, unless J.R. changes his story in there. We have no reason to keep their weapons at this time. Make sure to give them back when they leave.’

‘Yes sir.’ Torres said, looking disappointed. I knew that there was a big debate nationally, not only about gun rights, but about confiscation of them by police at scenes like this. I, for one, did not want to deprive law-abiding citizens of their lawfully carried weapons, but I knew that others in my own Force and elsewhere were of a decidedly different attitude.

‘J.R., has anyone searched above the ceiling tiles, especially in the bathroom?’ I asked. It was a hanging ceiling with tiles and fluorescent lights.

‘Not yet, sir.’ said J.R. ‘We’ll be doing that after the body is removed.’

‘All right.’ I said. ‘I’ll leave you guys to it. Let me know if you find anything spectacularly interesting.’

‘Commander,’ J.R. replied, ‘I always find everything about a crime scene ‘spectacularly interesting’.’

‘I can’t debate that.’ I said, smiling, as I walked back into the main room. Cindy Ross came up to me.

‘We’ve interviewed nearly everyone.’ she said. ‘The stories are the same: they were having a meeting, they went on break, came back, Donolan wasn’t there, one of them went to look for her, found her in the bathroom dead, screamed, they all rushed in, saw the body, screamed themselves. We’ve also interviewed all of the Club employees, who are all still here.’

‘Is there anyone that stands out that I need to talk to?’ I asked. Cindy had this look like ‘we can do this’, but I knew that I was a Commander partly because I knew how to interview suspects and watch their faces in ways the other Detectives didn’t, so sorry.

‘No sir.’ Cindy replied.

‘All right,’ I said, ‘But I do want to talk to two people: the person that found the body, and Mrs. Myrtle L. James. She’s a University Trustee, so I want you to meet her. Let’s go.’

I walked over to the speaker’s table up front, behind which Myrtle L. James was still seated. ‘Mrs. James,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry to trouble you, but I need to ask you a couple of questions.’

‘Why hello, Commander.’ said Myrtle James. ‘I haven’t seen you since your recent promotion. Congratulations. And I am so happy to hear that your wife has recovered so well from her surgery.’

‘Thank you, ma’am.’ I said. ‘May I present my partner, Lieutenant Cindy Ross.’

‘Oh… the Medal of Valor recipient?’ Myrtle L. James replied, her eyes lighting up. ‘It’s such an honor to meet you, Lieutenant, such an honor!’ the old woman gushed as she stood up, took Cindy’s hand in hers, and vigorously shook it.

‘Thank you, ma’am,’ Cindy said, blushing modestly as she always did at such praise. ‘I’m sorry we’re meeting under such difficult circumstances.’

‘Yes, so very sad.’ Mrs. James said as she sat back down. ‘Now what can I help you with?’

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to the University Trustee. ‘Can you tell us what happened in the moments leading up to finding Mrs. Donolan?’

‘Yes.’ said Myrtle L. James, and I knew that of all the attendees, her mind would be the sharpest and most observant. ‘We started our meeting, we began a debate of which of two stocks to buy. It got a bit… exciting for a few minutes.’

‘What do you mean by that, ma’am?’ I asked.

‘Sometimes arguments happen.’ Mrs. James said. ‘Tonight we had a pretty strong one.’

‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong was this one?’ I asked.

‘Oh, about a ‘7’.’ she said. ‘We’ve had worse.’

‘Did it get personal?’ I asked.

‘Oh no, nothing like that. It never gets personal, as long as I’m moderating the debate, anyway. What’s said in private beyond my hearing, I couldn’t tell you.’

‘So what happened next?’ I asked.

‘At 8:30 I called for a break in the discussion.’ Myrtle said. ‘People were milling about, getting some dessert and coffee from the side table, talking in groups, using the restroom and so forth. At 8:45 I called the meeting back to order and everyone came back in… except Trish. After a moment, someone… Catherine, I believe… yes, it was Catherine, she was putting her handbag down when I asked where Trish was, and she said she’d go check and see if Trish was still in the bathroom…’

‘I see.’ I said. ‘Mrs. James, let me ask some background information, if I may. How does your club choose what stocks to buy?’

‘We have to agree by a two-thirds vote of the members present. With sixteen members, that means we need eleven votes.’

‘And if there were only 15 present?’ I asked.

‘Then we’d need 10, as it’s based on the persons present.’ she said. ‘But I cannot remember having less than the full 16 at every meeting for at least a year.’

‘So how do these disputes get resolved?’ I asked.

‘Usually ladies give their presentations on what they think we should buy.’ Mrs. James said. ‘Usually we pick out one or two among the selections that everyone agrees pretty well on, and it’s an easy vote. On some occasions, like tonight, we had a stronger argument between two stocks, Apple and Netflix. Usually when it’s that evenly divided, someone suggests buying a half-position of both, but tonight… in fact, it was Trish that was very adamant about not buying Apple. She shot down the idea of buying both… in fact, she seemed more against buying Apple than for buying Netflix, if I remember the way she was talking.’

‘Any reason for her taking that attitude? Of not buying both, of being against Apple?’ I asked, out of simple curiosity.

‘No, no reason that I know of.’ said Mrs. James. ‘She didn’t say during the public debate, and I didn’t get a chance to talk with her during the break.’

‘I see.’ I said. ‘Okay, ma’am, can you tell me how the membership of the Club works?’

‘Yes, but let me start at the beginning.’ said Mrs. James. ‘We began about six years ago, with twelve women each contributing five thousand dollars. Within the next six months or so, eight more women came in, contributing $5000. At that time, we realized that 20 was too many, but we didn’t expel anyone. We made ourselves into an LLC and a Trust, and distributed 16,000 shares evenly. One woman, Mrs. Bonniker, passed away. Her family was paid out the cash value of her shares, and the shares distributed to the rest of us.’

Mrs. James continued: ‘We then had three other ladies leave over the next couple of years, and we paid them out and distributed the shares until we had sixteen women with 1000 shares each. That number seemed to work well, so we set our membership limit at sixteen.’

‘Have others wished to join your group?’ I asked. ‘You’ve done very well, from what I’ve heard.’

‘Yes, we have a waiting list.’ said Mrs. James. ‘And the value of the fund is about $2.5 million now.’

I no
ted Cindy’s look of shock and worked hard to hide my own surprise as I said ‘So for someone to buy in, they’d have to come up with nearly $160,000, wouldn’t they?’

‘No, Commander, not quite.’ said Myrtle. ‘They could do that, or they could pay $10,000 and their shares would only be worth a pro-rated amount. Over time, their re-investments can be used to pay to increase their shares to full par with everyone else’s. It’s pretty complicated, and we have a lawyer and CPA do all of that for us. We’ve only had two women leave since we incorporated. Well, one of them died… Mrs. Bailey.’

‘Margo Bailey?’ I asked, surprise in my voice. I remembered how, a year and a half before, Margo had been taken to the Hospital E.R., and had subsequently died of a drug overdose. (Author’s note: Please review ‘Case of the Murdered Chessplayer, Ch. 03-04, for the Margo Bailey death.)

‘Yes, that was her.’ said Myrtle James. ‘She was the closest we ever came to expelling a member. She had serious drug problems, but she got clean… for a while.’

‘Yes, I remember her death.’ I said. ‘I hate to have to ask this so shortly after Mrs. Donolan’s death, but I really must: what will happen to Mrs. Donolan’s shares?’ I asked.

‘I understand. Her heirs will be paid their fair value.’ said Mrs. James. ‘We’ll have to have a CPA determine that amount within a couple of weeks. Then the first person on our waiting list will be offered the chance to buy the 1000 shares from the Club.’

‘Do you know who that person is?’ I asked.

‘No, I’d have to have our lawyer look that up. Mrs. Olivet- I’m sorry, Mrs. Burke, of that Women’s Law Firm, is our agent. She handles all of that and doesn’t tell us, to keep things fair. Only she and her two partners know.’

‘Thank you very much, Mrs. James.’ I said. ‘And I’m sorry for your Club’s loss. Now who found the- er, Mrs. Donolan?’

‘That would be Cat- oh, that’s her nickname. Catherine Clausen is her name. She’s Trish’s best friend. She’s right back there.’

I saw the woman to whom Myrtle L. James was pointing, and I excused myself, listening to Myrtle tell Cindy that she so hoped to get to talk to the younger woman, if only Cindy would come to a Ladies Auxiliary meeting. To my happiness, and my surprise, I heard Cindy promise to come to the next meeting.

‘Oh, Cindy, while I’m talking to this witness,’ I said, ‘would you call Paulina for a warrant to get all the video footage from the Country Club and the area, then secure it-‘ I broke off.

‘I’ll call Jenna, she’s waiting up for me as it is.’ Cindy said. ‘Er… Don? You all right?’

I exhaled. ‘Yeah… yeah.’ I said, trying to recover my emotions. ‘I… I was just remembering when Anthony Warner was killed outside, and… and Pete Feeley had secured all that video before I even asked…’

Cindy patted me on the back of my shoulder, understanding. ‘I’ll get right on it.’ she said as she dialed her cellphone.

‘Oh,’ I said, ‘while you’re at it for warrants, ask for these also.’ I told Cindy what I needed to do, what I was looking for, and why.

I went to the chairs in the back row and introduced myself to Catherine ‘Cat’ Clausen. She had black hair, curly, was short and somewhat voluptuous, but very pretty. But her nickname was ‘Cat’ because it was said she and Trish were friends, partied together, and were known to be a mean pair of bitches at times… the ‘cat claws’ would come out.

‘Mrs. Clausen,’ I said, ‘I understand you found Mrs. Donolan?’

‘Call me Catherine, or ‘Cat’, please.’ she replied, her eyes looking at me invitingly as she spoke. ‘And yes… yes, I found her.’

‘Tell me what happened?’

‘We took a break from our meeting. Trish and I were talking in the kitchenette with Carol Carlington about the debate over which shares to buy. Carol wanted to buy AAPL, which Trish had opposed-‘

‘Let me interrupt you with a question, if I may.’ I said. ‘Was Trish normally this… defensive in her arguments? By that, I mean did she normally argue strongly and uncompromisingly?’

‘She usually was set once she decided what she wanted to see happen.’ said Cat. ‘But tonight I’d have to say she was really determined to not buy the AAPL stock.’

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Their Asian Wives by Throne "Come on," Mara snapped. "My friend will be here soon." "Please," her husband Walter pleaded. "You can't let anyone else see me like this." "Are you telling me what I can and can't do?" the cute Asian demanded. "No. I'm sorry. It's just that this is... well... too much. It's not justified." "Oh? Not even after I read all those e-mails back and forth between you and your buddy Larry? After I found out that the two of you married Asian girls...

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The Wivesrsquo Revenge Part 2

Part 2Before she knew what was happening Michelle’s hands were being handcuffed she tried to struggle but after the fucking she had received she was too weak.Her blindfold ripped from her eyes.She was faced with 2 women you would not want to cross in the dark, “you young slut” as one slapped her face so hard that it made the cum turn to blood and drip from her lip, You have fucked your last husband., singles guys not good enough for you.” Her face dripping with cum and blood: Michelle still...

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Bobby Invites Anne Carol And The Swinging Wives To A Party

Anne and Carol have received an invitation to a Girls Night Out Party at Bobby Vasquez’s estate. He also invited the wives from Dr. Carlos’s swingers group. He was there that night at the Lake. He is well known by the married ladies. There are two stipulations for the party. Plenty of food, beverage and entertainment provided. Bathing suits and wedding rings optional. My name is Anne. My best friend and co-worker is Carol. We have been invited to Bobby Vasquez’s estate for a Girls Night...

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BimboTech Chapter 6 CumHungry Bimbo Wives

Chapter Six: Cum-Hungry Bimbo Wives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn't that wonderful?” “Yes, it...

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Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: " Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK?" He replied: "By all means, let us." We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. "What is it my son?" "Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything?" "Of course you can, my son" "I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

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Introduction: CARE OF A HAREM Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK? He replied: By all means, let us. We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. What is it my son? Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything? Of course you can, my son I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

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Wives at the mall

RECRUITED MALL WIVESJudy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such...

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Judy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such a huge payment....

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Bored Business Wives Club Invitation

Bored Business Wives Club - InvitationMy ex-girlfriend, who has been married for five years, called me un-expectantly and wanted to meet up! Not being one to pass up on the opportunity to have lunch with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever bedded, I said, “Yes.” We had a superb meal. I enjoyed catching up, flirting and admiring her gorgeous lines. Sally is now 30+, shapely legs, firm round bum and her 37D boobs are now a little larger after having a baby a couple years ago. As the meal comes to...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

1 year ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 6

"Hmmm. Black high heels for the little-titted brunettes, and white high heels for the big-boobed blondes... and all of us naked!" And Tara did read that night - every word of the pamphlet which explained the laws of Titshurt to new residents. Twice. Much of what Tara read in that pamphlet, she already knew, having learned it the hard way. She read that she had to wear a bra 24 hours a day within the Titshurt town limits (which included the residential districts on the surrounding hills),...

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Last Wives Club 2 Taking the Oath

‘Okay, you want me to help save the world. You’ve got my attention. But I can’t imagine that you aren’t just being a bit melodramatic.’ ‘Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer.’ She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I’d ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...

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Swapping Wives and Fucking Teen Girls at the Beach Cottage

Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...

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Last Wives Club 2 Taking the Oath

"Okay, you want me to help save the world. You've got my attention. But I can't imagine that you aren't just being a bit melodramatic." "Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer." She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I'd ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...

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Black man controlls white wives

The young black stud remained by the pool for only an hour this time.The unintentional tension in the air caused by this black stud was obviously making all 13 of us white husbands feel uncomfortable. Our pretty white wives had so many moments where they were uncharacteristically quiet and somber, yet they tried to keep some form of communication inside the group.Minutes before the black man departed a few of the wives suggested we ask him to join us for the next meal."Why don't you guys go...

2 years ago
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Bi curious while Swapping Wives

Me and My Wife were always open sexually and would always talk about experimenting with other people or friends, And one night at a our friends house we got what we asked for and more... Friday was finally here after working all week and I was ready for a drink or five, My wife had called me on the way home and said our good friends Bob and Jenny invited us over to there house for drinks, a bonfire and just to sit around and have a good time. I am 22 my wife is 19 and our friends Bob is 30 and...

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Cheating Wives

Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...

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My Two Hot Wives 8211 Pt 4 Seduction And Surprise

After a terrible night, next morning I got ready to leave for work. My second wife Nurit had taken a day-off so she didn’t come with me to the hospital. Before leaving, I made breakfast for Pooja and took it to her bedroom. She was awake and watching TV. After seeing the breakfast in my hand, my first wife Pooja said: “Go feed it to your new slut, just stay away from me”. “Nurit isn’t a slut, she’s my wife and she already had her breakfast, this is yours”, saying this, I kept the plate on the...

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Fucking My Neighbors White Wives

The weather in Atlanta, Georgia is almost always better than what my wife, Chelsea, and I experienced in London, and we enjoyed the warm days there. Chelsea and I were thirty-two years old and had been living in Atlanta for six months at the time of this story. She works for a medical device company headquartered in London, with several subsidiaries in the United States.Chelsea is a research scientist and was chosen to move to Atlanta on a two-year work permit to establish a new research group....

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Yuppie Wives

Maurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...

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BimbotechChapter 5 Bimbo Wivesrsquo Orgy

Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I trembled with excitement. I couldn’t believe what Magnolia had shown me. A serum that turned women into busty airheads—bimbos. It seemed impossible, and yet one stood before me. Annalee Burrell, a woman I had met a few times had transformed from an uptight, straight woman with a pinched face into a blonde bombshell. A blonde bombshell that was so dumb I had convinced her that she would love licking my ass merely because I was a...

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BimbotechChapter 6 CumHungry Bimbo Wives

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...

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SisterwivesChapter 4

We were in our sleeping bags shortly after sunset. I wanted Josiah to fuck me, but the mom put a wet blanket on our amorous feelings. We were up before dawn, ate oatmeal in the grey light just before sunrise, packed up, and were on the trail as soon as the sun cleared the horizon. We continued northwest, in the direction of Loaf Mountain. Of course in this country, you don’t go in a straight line unless you are a crow and can actually fly. We wound around, seemingly aimlessly, to stay on...

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Housewives private sex club

I am a 54 year old married woman, I have large natural breasts and a big bottom, a proper “Auntie” if you like. It’s been a long time since I had some real fucking sex. We had been married for 25 years and of course the sex had gone a little bit stale. A business friend of mine who was also suffering the same fate as myself told me of a secret club that she was involved with. She had been going to this club for about four years and said it’s the best thing that she ever did. The club was a...

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The Wives

jan was one of the man's ten wives. It was the wives duties to take care of him and bear his c***dren. He would choose a wife not with c***d to sleep with each night. Once they had his baby, he would wait two months then start breeding them again. He was well respected in the village as bearing the most c***dren. His daughters learned from a young age that they would have a master to serve some day. At the age of 13 the dad would decide who they would be sent to and at 14 they begin to bear...

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First Wives Club Part 2

First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...

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Me and Friend watch our wives with black guys

Hi Im Paul Me and my wife Suzanne have been married for 16 years and have had a great sex life.A few years Ago I became a premature ejaculater and just could not satisfy Suzannes needs no more,Last year i give her permission to have sex with another guy aslong as i was present and i could watch ,she met a 31 year old white guy on the web and they had sex on 4 occasions , this made her happy and made me extremely horny , Suzanne stopped meeting the guy of the web about 3 months ago.A few weeks...

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Johns Wives Part I

Your name is John. You claim to have five wives. Right now you are laying face down on a massage bench with your face buried in Joes crotch. Between sucking on Joe's dick you are begging me. "PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE!I HAVE TO HAVE IT!I WILL GIVE YOU ANY OF MY WIVES!PLEASE!PLEASE!" "I haven't seen any of these wives you claim to have, John. Where are they? Are they real or a figment of your imagination to try to get me to fuck you in your ass?" "PLEASE!GIVE ME YOUR DICK IN MY ASS AND I WILL SHOW...

Group Sex
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Korean girl Teasing Captives 2016 Investment

So I got to wondering. If me and a couple of my buddies were to offer a service where you could have the freakiest girl around come and do the most lewd activities live right in front of you, would you pay a fee for an hour of live voyeurism? You’d be blindfolded, driven to a location, and then you could watch her naked as she did…. Whatever. It would probably go something like this!!! ——————————- I flipped on the lights and led the way down the steep basement steps. Katie, a young dark haired...

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Korean girl Teasing Captives 2016 Investment

So I got to wondering. If me and a couple of my buddies were to offer a service where you could have the freakiest girl around come and do the most lewd activities live right in front of you, would you pay a fee for an hour of live voyeurism? You’d be blindfolded, driven to a location, and then you could watch her naked as she did…. Whatever. It would probably go something like this!!!-------------------------------I flipped on the lights and led the way down the steep basement steps. ...

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Investment Opportunity

It was the kind of call I usually have screened by my assistant. Being in the venture capital business, I'm used to people sucking up to me for money. I've put together some big deals and been well compensated for my trouble. Not yet 40, and I had the summer house in the Hamptons and the Maserati in the garage along with a lot of other toys. I was looking to retire by 45, and I was well on my way. The call was from Daniel Washburn. I'd met him a few times; he was brilliant but...

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A black boxer likes to cuckold white guys by seducing their wives

My name is Ali; no last name and a no nonsense view of life. What I crave; what I must have is white pussy. I don’t desire white women that I can have at the drop of a hat or more appropriately the drop of my pants. My ten inch rock solid black cock will seduce any white bitch who comes near the monster. Its length and thickness (nearly that of most women’s forearms) will by itself seduce most white wives; wives whose husbands have developed the twenty second standard...

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Swapping wives

Jeff and I have been best buddies for a long time. He and I are the same age and we're about the same size. People used to ask if we were brothers.Jeff is married to a beautiful girl name Erin. She has a sexy body, she's almost 25 years old and is just made for fucking. (In my opinion)I'm married to Cindy who is also 25 years old. She has blonde hair, a great body, and a beautiful face. She is slightly taller than Erin, but both girls are great looking.Jeff and I live next door to each other...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 41

Edwin could not believe that he actually had the incredibly beautiful Natalie Kimble nude in a bedroom, and she was available for him to use in any way he wanted. While Edwin was undressing, the sexy divorcee, in her altered state, softly said, “Natalie never had any idea that you wanted to fuck her. She always thought you were a committed husband and father. She would have flatly refused to have anything to do with you, and would have forbid Kaylee from babysitting for her, if you had made...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 13

Frances grinned as Reg’s cheeks flared red. “You do remember that, I see. Anyway, back to the question. What do you think of employing them?” “As a first step with no other pre-ordained commitments, I am happy with that. Giving the girls an opportunity to show their mettle is good. Can I suggest, Frances, that we take up the idea of them officially being employed by your father’s business? That sounds like good business sense. The other parents can make their contributions to him, in...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 31 My Wives Are Married

September – Year 1 I woke up on Thursday morning with no one hanging on me for the first time in a long time. As I looked around, I remembered that last night I had taken myself out of the middle position between my wives. I rolled towards the middle of the bed and there were the two most beautiful women in the world, naked and in each other’s arms. Erin was on her back and Lynn was cuddled up next to her with her left leg thrown over Erin’s thigh. I lay there looking at the perfect image...

4 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 31

“Well, what grade would you give her?” Tim asked, while looking over Amelia’s incredible nude body as she stood in front of the men without a sign of modesty. Something that the beautiful wife would been horrified and totally humiliated to do in her normal state. “An A++. Now that Amelia understands that she is the property of the W&DS Club, she is a tremendously willing and slutty wife that will perform any sex act required of her. I am glad Bob decided to give her up for us to use. She...

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Naughty Wives

Here’s the thing guys. I’ve seen all kinds of subreddits, and the thing they all boil down to is user-generated content. I’ve always had the most fun on subreddits that are made for chicks to come and post real pictures to. I’m talking about amateur babes who have nothing better to do than to go on the internet in search of strangers’ validations. Anyway, imagine if those chicks aren’t even that young but are, in fact, married women in their 30s or so. Well, that’s the kind of content you get...

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