Passion free porn video

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Zee walked into the bar like she owned it. Like she owned it and wanted to burn it down. She strode over to the pretty, green-eyed bartender without acknowledging the five men gawking at her.

"Where is she?" Zee demanded.

"You know, if you gave me your cell phone number I could call you when she comes in," said the bartender. Zee usually liked the tease in her voice but tonight, she was too impatient.

"I've told you, Brandy; I don't have a fucking phone. Now, where is she?"

"Crazy thought. You could join the twenty-first century and get one."

"Thanks for the advice. Now. Where. Is. She."

Brandy sighed and pointed to the 'Employees Only' door.

Zee strode past the rest of the patrons. She felt the eyes; it would have been strange if they hadn't been watching. She was born to draw men in. Feminine. A long, messy tumble of chestnut hair and wide, blue eyes. If men didn't care about the full, high tits or the round rich ass, it was the plump lips that got them. Or the fuck you attitude.

She went through the employee door and crossed her arms at the scene. A man--a boy really, not more than twenty--sat in a wooden chair with his pants around his thighs. Kneeling before him was Lilith. Not her name, but the one she went by.

Her golden hair fell in shimmering waves down her back and she used it to caress his exposed skin. She had his dick in her mouth and enthusiastically sucked it. That is, until she glanced over and saw her sister. Then, the cock fell out of her mouth with a wet-sounding smack.

"I know why you're here and I'm not going anywhere," Lilith said, stroking the bobbing, leaking organ.

"Please," the guy begged, looking back and forth between the sisters. "Don't stop."

"Shut up," Zee told the boy. She turned to Lilith. "You have been playing this game for six months. What is the fucking point?"

"It's not a game."

"We're leaving."

Lilith's expression became mulish. "I'm not done here."

"Oh, no?"

Zee sauntered to the boy and bent over, her lips near his ear. She blew into his ear and he shuddered.  

"Don't," Lilith said.

"Why do you go for the young ones?"

The guy lifted a hairless chin. "I'm nineteen."

"I'm four hundred and twenty-one." She blew in his ear a little longer this time and his shudder came with a vocalization. He broke into a sweat. "She's three hundred and ninety," Zee added.  

"Don't," Lilith repeated, but there wasn't much hope in her voice.

Zee hummed one long, clear note. The guy moaned, stiffened, and came.

The first sticky string of cum shot an impressive distance. At the second jet, Lilith took his organ in his mouth again and sucked, swallowing quickly. The boy cried out like he was in pain; he fisted his hands in Lilith's golden hair.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Zee asked, standing up straight.

Lilith kept going until the boy was spent. Then she looked up, licking her lips. "Trying something."

Lilith snaked a hand under her own short skirt. Experimentally, she fingered herself. Her pretty face wore a pathetically hopeful expression. Zee waited. She knew what would happen next. And, indeed, after a few seconds Lilith's hopefulness faded.

"You ready?" Zee asked.

"I think I love this one."

"You don't."

"I might."

"Trust me. You don't."

The guy looked up at them. "Any way this could be more of a three-way next time?" he asked.

"Not a chance," Zee said. She turned to Lilith. "Come on. The air is dry. We can get back before Father knows you're gone."

Lilith gave one last regretful look at the boy. Then, she picked up her leather jacket, pulled it on, and gave her sister a nod. They exited the back room and went through the bar.

"Glad you sorted everything out!" Brandy called cheerfully after them. "Next time, drinks are on me, if you stay long enough to sit."

Before Zee could stop herself, she smiled. Something about that bartender was... charming? Endearing? Maybe next time she would stay and have a drink. Let Lilith do whatever she wanted to with the sailor boys and just make sure her sister didn't get into any real trouble.  

Zee shook herself. What the hell was she thinking? Socializing with the bartender? Letting Lilith debase herself like this? And for what?

No. It was time they both went home.


"I don't get it," Lilith said as she and Zee walked to the waterfront.

"What don't you get?"

"Why you keep coming after me."

Zee didn't even try to hide her irritation. "You are a siren. You belong in the water. What is there to understand?"

"Why you care."

"Because I'm your sister and I don't want to see you throw your life away chasing a fantasy."

"It's not a fantasy."

Zee wished Lilith had never heard that old legend. The one where marriage magically turns a siren into a human. When that hadn't worked-- and it hadn't-- Lilith decided that sex-acts must be the key; she'd been diligently taking part in every sort of sexual immorality that she could manage for the last six months. Given her limitations, that is.

"You can't become a human any more than you can become a whale," Zee said.

"I'm telling you that I can. There's some sort of trick to it. I just haven't figured it out yet."

The most frustrating thing about Lilith's newest obsession was her reason for it. She wanted orgasms. Obsessed with them. Sirens couldn't have them and humans could.

It wasn't enough for her little sister that they could compel men with their voices, even on land. She couldn't be satisfied with the way her fish tail became legs any time she was on land. Albeit painfully, like the stroke of a blade, splitting her; nonetheless, she could have legs. But between those legs was smooth, uncleft skin. Nothing was to be done about that.

Lilith didn't believe that, though. She was determined to be the exception to the orgasm rule. Which meant that the smooth, sexless skin between her legs needed a magical makeover. If you believed in those things, that is.

"Maybe I was right. Maybe I do have to give a blow job and eat his cum," Lilith mused. "Maybe I just had to do it without using siren song." She turned accusing dark eyes towards Zee. "Thanks, Sis."

"Are you looking for an apology?"

"Maybe. Because if it isn't this, I don't know what to try," Lilith mused aloud. "I've already tried kissing, petting, hand jobs...."

"Lilith, please!"

"I let them cum all over me...."

"You are so disgusting."

"What am I missing?"

"Common sense and self-respect?"

Lilith made a less than polite gesture at her sister. But, they had reached the waterfront and the harbor. They slipped onto a very small, derelict pontoon boat tethered to an isolated pier. Quickly and quietly, they stripped out of their clothes, slipped out onto the deck, and dove into the water.

At least the transformation from human to siren wasn't painful. A warm melting sensation was the only indication that Zee's legs had bonded. That, and the instinct to propel with her iridescent green tail. Lilith flipped her blue one. They dove quickly, dodging the incoming boats,

Under the water, they communicated in tones of music, not unlike whale song.

You won't be so self-righteous when I tell you what an orgasm feels like, Lilith sang.

Please, just give it a rest.

Lilith did give it a rest, but she also veered to the east. Away from home.

Where are you going? Zee called.

To see the warlock.

Lilith, for fuck sake--

You don't have to come.

Of course she had to come. That old charlatan would swindle her sister and Lilith would thank him for it. Zee changed course, angry at the waste of time. Not that she was doing anything of interest when her sister disappeared, but it was the principle of the matter.

They headed for a deeper, darker portion of the ocean. The warlock lived in one of the underwater caverns, separate from the rest of the sirens.

Zee saw the glow from a distance. When they got closer, she recognized the eerie green illumination of hovering jellyfish.

You don't have to come in, Lilith intoned.

Oh, no. I wouldn't miss this.

They entered the cave and followed the glow until they were in a wide cavern. The jellyfish were thick about, so Zee saw the warlock right away. And he didn't make a very good first impression.

He was wizened, scraggily-- and, to Zee's eyes-- unhinged. His black hair was streaked white and caught with pieces of plants. It didn't look like he'd eaten in a week. His eyes seemed too large, like a creature adapting to the dark.

It's the restless one, he warbled. But he didn't look at Lilith; he looked at Zee.

Nothing I've tried has worked, Lilith complained. You said that there was a way. That if I was meant to be human, I would find it.

So I did.

Well, then?

Well, well, well.

Lilith gave the warlock a look that should have shriveled what remained of his skinny body.

Zee rolled her eyes. Then we're all in agreement? You're a siren. Enough is enough.

Lilith ignored her. What am I missing? she demanded of the warlock. If there's a way, I want to know what it is.

He shook his head at her, a little smile making him look almost smug. Passion, my dear. It can't be taught and it can't be given. You either have it or you don't.

I have it!

Then you don't need anything else from me. Unless you'd like to purchase a good luck charm--

Enough, Zee snapped.

The warlock shrugged. I guess you don't need anything else from me.

Lilith gave him another dirty look. She executed a huffy flip and headed for the exit. As she left, she hummed, I have passion. There's passion coming out of my ears, you nutty old eel.

Zee turned to her unlikely advocate and gave him a grateful smile. Thanks. Maybe she needed to hear it from you.

She's young. She'll learn that the sea is her home. The warlock drifted a little closer to Zee and tilted his head to one side. Tragic for you though, really. What will you do then?

What do you mean?

When you have no excuse to go on the dry land?

Her heart gave a curious thud, as if it didn't like the idea. Immediately anger flooded her; it washed aside the panic.

What are you saying? I don't want an excuse to go up there.

He wore that smug little smile again. Of course you don't.

Zee left the cavern in a huffy flip that was an excellent imitation of her sister's. She swam quickly so she didn't have to think about what that crazy old fish had told her. She wanted to smack him and strangle her sister. Or maybe the reverse. Either way, she was going back to the sunken ship she called home and getting some rest. And she wasn't going to think about his stupid insinuations.




It was at least a week before Lilith went missing again. Zee noticed hours before her father did, but didn't head after her sister until he insisted. It was her way of proving that she didn't really want to go up on shore. She only did it because she had to. Because responsibility compelled her, dammit.

She pulled herself up on to the pontoon boat from the water and used the towels to dry herself. She always steeled herself against the sensation of being split, but it was no use. From ankle to crotch and again for each toe. The pain left her breathless, dizzy, and nauseous, no matter how she tried to prepare. She sat there, naked, breathing deeply and waiting for the sensation to ebb.

Then, she put on clothes. That was something she didn't mind about humanity: fashion. As good as she looked naked, she looked twice as nice in jeans and boots. Her tits were unfettered under the water but there was just something so alluring about having them pushed up and peeking from the top of a tank top.

Stop it, Zee.

She didn't know if the appreciation for coming on land had always been there or if that old, fucking warlock had placed it there, but either way, Zee noticed everything she liked about humanity on this trip. Right up to the attention that males gave her. She tried to shake it, but it wouldn't go.

She walked into the bar and went straight over to Brandy. But, before she could even ask the question, she heard gasping moans of a very pleased male coming out of the Employee Only doors.

Zee recognized Lilith's voice. "That's right, Baby! Tell me this isn't fucking passion."

"Your sister's a corker," Brandy said. "She's been at it maybe an hour now."

Zee thought about going back there and putting an end to whatever human sex act had occurred to Lilith in the past week. But, what was the point? Zee sighed and settled on a bar stool.

Brandy raised an eyebrow. "Want a drink?"


The bartender smiled. "Let me guess. Rum."

Zee hadn't touched a drink in two hundred years. She couldn't remember what it was. "Sure."

Brandy put a hand over hers and squeezed. It gave Zee a little pleasant tingle that seemed to start in her stomach.

"I'll fix you up," the bartender said.

The sounds from the back got louder. Nobody was complaining-- probably because there was more than a hint of siren song in Lilith's cries. Several of the sinewy fisherman sitting about the bar absentmindedly rubbed a growing bulge through their pants.

Brandy, however, rolled her eyes. She went over to the door and banged on it once. "Keep it down! You're not in a fucking porno!"

There were a couple of protests from the bar and Brandy shot the drinkers a disgusted look. Then, she put a tangerine-colored drink in front of Zee and Zee sipped it. Not bad really. Sweet and tangy at the same time.

"You know," Brandy said, "my sister's a... free spirit, too. There isn't really much you can do about it."

"I'm starting to get that."

"I must admit, though, Lilith's great for business."

Zee laughed.

"And it brings you in."

Brandy's cheeks turned pink and Zee watched it curiously. She knew about flushing and blushing, though sirens did neither.

"You like that it brings me in?" Zee asked.

Brandy's cheeks bloomed to scarlet. "You're easy on the eyes," she said in a way that wasn't as casual as it should have been.

The bartender hurried away to refill glasses; Zee watched her. Her hair wasn't long and extravagant but it shone and looked so soft. Her eyes were a clear green that you rarely saw in the water.

What am I thinking?

The back room door flew open and a boy stumbled through it, red-faced and adjusting his pants. Lilith came through it right after, looking no more ruffled than usual.

"Anyone else?" she said. Then she noticed Zee at the bar, casually sipping her drink. "Aw, fuck," she added.

Zee flapped a hand at her. "Take your time."

Lilith's eyebrows furrowed. "Take my time?"

"Finish whatever you're doing. I don't want to have to chase you here tomorrow, too."

Lilith looked at her sister for a moment, heaved a huge sigh, and walked over to the bar. She sat down on a stool and took a long swallow of Zee's drink.

"This sucks," she finally said.

"What does?"

"I can see on their faces. How I want to feel but don't."


"Yeah." She took another long draught. "Fuck."

"I'm sorry, Lil."

"Me too," she repeated.

"What do you want to do?"

"Smack around the warlock."

Zee smirked. "Need a hand?"

"Why not?"

Lilith finished Zee's drink and they stood together.

Brandy hurried over. "One more?" she asked Zee hopefully.

Zee's heart sank a little. "No. We have to leave."

"Well, damn," Brandy said. "Next time, have a second drink."

Zee didn't know what to say. She wished the warlock hadn't planted thoughts in her head about how much she liked the land. She wished that her sister hadn't had a six month obsession with being human in the first place. And, oh, how she wished that she had an excuse to come back, just once.

Lilith pulled a gold coin out of her pocket. It was from one of the Spanish shipwrecks. Ten years ago, finding human treasure had been an obsession of Lilith's. She handed it to Brandy, whose hand sank under the weight.

"Thank you for letting me use your back room," she said.

"Are you serious?" Brandy asked, staring at the coin. Lilith nodded. "Thanks, girl. Next time, I'll make sure you have a pillow."

But there wasn't going to be a next time.

Zee felt a curious choke in her throat. Sirens didn't cry so it hurt quite a lot when they wanted to. She chewed the inside of her mouth and headed for the door. She didn't look back no matter how much she wanted to.




It simply wasn't fair.

Lilith had already moved on. Less than a week after she came to the realization that she wouldn't ever be human, she already had a new obsession: dolphin training. And she was good at it, too. Those damn things would attack a shark at her command. Already she'd had request for a well-trained creature from the Siren of the Caribbean.

All Zee could do was think about the wind against her skin. The power of a quick stride. How tall she felt upright. And Brandy. Always Brandy.

It was maddening.

Early one morning, Zee slipped out of the ship where she slept and made her sneaky way to the warlock's cave. Her stomach twisted when she saw the glowing green but she swam onward. Maybe he could help her; maybe he couldn't. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

She followed the same path that she had with her sister and ended up in the same wide cavern. The warlock seemed to be waiting for her--something that didn't make her feel any better. He seemed no saner than he had the last time they met.

The restless one, he sang.

I need something that will clear the thoughts of the land from my mind.

Shall I cut into your brain and scoop out the memories?

If you think it would work.

He smiled at her and it wasn't smug. There was sympathy and warmth. It wouldn't.

What am I going to do?

You're going to go and find out where you belong.

You say that like it's easy.

It's never easy, child, he crooned. But denying what you need is harder.

Zee waited for something more but nothing came. The warlock was the one to leave first this time, swimming deeper into the darkened caves. Finally, Zee reluctantly exited, too.

She swam around for quite a while. In fact, she nearly decided to go home. Save life-changing decisions for another day. After four-hundred years in the ocean, it wasn't easy to walk away. Or swim away. Whatever.

Nonetheless, and try though she might to get lost, her swimming led her back to the little isolated pier with the beat-up pontoon boat. And even though she forced herself to relive the sickening sensation of the splitting of her tail before she pulled herself ashore, she still hoisted herself up on deck and endured the pain.

She lay there, naked on the deck. She wiggled her toes. For the first time, she used a curious finger to trace a circle around her nipple.  She shivered at the sensation. An ache started deep in her stomach.


She stood and put on clothes, not really paying attention to which shirt and which skirt she pulled on. She only knew that the ache made her want to see Brandy more, so she followed the road, as she always did, and headed for the run-down bar.

There was one man snoring at the bar when Zee entered. She was almost never there in the afternoon. Lilith liked to sneak out in the evenings.

Brandy came out of the back room with a tray of glasses. "Hey there," she said. "Your sister isn't here."

"I know," Zee said, sitting at the bar.

The bartender's eyebrows lifted. She laid aside her tray. "You look like you're having important thoughts," she said. "Let me get you a drink."

She mixed the same rum drink she had mixed the time before and laid it in front of Zee. The siren sipped at it and watched Brandy stock the glasses, then organize the bottles of liquor, and then refill the nuts in the bowls.

Finally, the bartender came back over to Zee, who had barely finished a quarter of her drink, and said, "You know... the last time you were here, when you left, I didn't think I was going to get to see you again."

"No?" Zee asked.

"Nope," Brandy replied. She gave Zee a long, intense look. " you remember how you kind of kicked that one guy's ass when he put his arm around you that time?"


"That time that guy put his arm around you and tried to feel you up? You broke his nose."

"Yeah. So?"

"I don't want you to do that to me."

"Why would--"

Brandy cut her off with firm, press of her lips. At first, it was a soft, closed mouth thrill. But then, Brandy opened her lips, using her tongue gently. That tingle that had threatened in Zee's stomach traveled downward, into her legs.

Brandy broke the kiss and bit her lower lip. "Am I in trouble?"

It was the most curious thing. Zee wanted something. She needed something.

"You are absolutely not in trouble."

That pretty color came into Brandy's cheeks. She hurried over to the drunk man sleeping on the bar and shook him impatiently awake. He could barely stand but somehow she propelled him to the door and down the sidewalk to the boarding house where the fishermen stayed. She came back into the bar, locked the door, and turned the sign to 'Closed'.

"I have a room upstairs," Brandy said. "Would you like to--"


Brandy giggled at her eagerness. It sounded like the music on the wind to Zee. When Brandy took her hand, Zee had to be careful not to grip her too hard.

They made it to the top of the steps, but not the bed. Brandy's eager hands tugged Zee's tank top over her head. Instead of stripping her skirt away, Brandy pushed the denim mini up over her hips and scraped her nails over the skin of her ass. Zee's breath came in excited gasps, but she stopped Brandy's hands with her own.

"Look. I should tell you I'm..." Gender neutral? Smooth as a Barbie?

Brandy kissed her, a teasing, licking, playful thing. "You're what? Hot?" She bit at Zee's nipples through her bra and looked up with impish eyes. "Horny?" Zee moaned and Brandy slipped a hand into the siren's panties. "About to get the fucking of your li--"

Brandy cut herself off. She felt between Zee's legs and then felt again. Zee saw the quick turn of emotions flicker over Brandy's face: surprise, shock, pity, then finally, almost the light of a challenge in her green eyes.  

"I was... born this way," Zee finally managed.

Brandy didn't take her hand away. She played with the smooth skin gently and the tingle in Zee's legs got more intense.

"Are you freaked out?" Zee asked.

"No," Brandy said.

She rubbed a little harder. Zee gave a little involuntary whimper. There was the promise of a pleasure like she'd never known. Brandy applied careful pressure with her fingers and massaged the skin in firm circles.

Zee moaned. She pressed herself into the touch, her hips in gyration.

"Jesus. You are the hottest fucking woman I've ever met," Brandy said. "I could cum just watching you."

When Brandy took her hand away, Zee whimpered.   

But, then they were kissing again. This time it was hungry and wet. Messy. Brandy stripped off her bra. She pinched at Zee's nipples until her whimpers turned to moans.

"These are as gorgeous as I thought they'd be," Brandy said. "One night, when you were chasing after your sister, you didn't wear a bra." She dipped her head to a hardened nipple and licked at it in long, broad strokes. "I masturbated that night thinking about them."

Between Brandy's words and her touch Zee felt like she might burst with the pressure building in her. She kissed Brandy's neck, nipping it, licking at it, her hands under the bartender's shirt traveling over skin that's softer than scales. Skin that gives with touch and is rich with sensation.

She stripped away Brandy's shirt and bra. She tugged at the girl's skirt even as Brandy pulled at hers. In a few moments, they were nude and, though Zee wanted a few more moments to just look at the naked girl, Brandy pressed herself tightly to Zee.

Skin to skin, Zee's eagerness just built. Brandy's nipples hardened against her breasts. Zee didn't understand why it excited her, but it did.

The smell of musk had started to build in the sun soaked room. Zee put a tentative hand between Brandy's legs. The legs spread to accommodate her. Zee felt damp hair and the split of flesh. Fluid slipperier than water.

Brandy gasped, "Fuck, Zee. Lay down. I want to have you."

Zee didn't want to spoil the mood by asking how, so she obliged. But not before she put her slick finger in her mouth and sucked on it. It was like the salt from the sea.

"You taste good," Zee told her.

"You want more?" Brady asked, smirking.


Brandy straddled her face and settled the source of salt and musk over her mouth. Zee swirled a tentative tongue over her inside folds, picking up more of the flavor. She became hungry for it, licking deeper.

Brandy moaned and spread her legs wider, giving Zee even more access. While Zee lapped and nibbled, not knowing what she was doing aside from enjoying the rich taste, Brandy started massaging Zee's smooth crotch again.

The sensation was maddening to the siren. Muffled pleasure. She spread herself wide but it was as if the touch couldn't be firm enough to satisfy her. To make up for it. She licked at Brandy with all of her might.

"Fuck, Zee. Fuck." Brandy gasped, tossing her head back.

It was another curious thing. Brandy sounded in pain but pressed into Zee's mouth like she wanted more of it. She shuddered and strained. An hour ago, the siren would have found Brandy's response to her mouth a complete mystery. Now, Zee felt a similar sensation building within her.

Brandy's hips moved in a rhythm so Zee lapped in kind. She put her hands on the bartender's ass, spreading her fingers and enjoying the flesh.  

Brandy moaned, laid her head on Zee's thigh, gripped her legs, and began to shudder.

"Oh, please!" she cried.

The puffy knob of flesh against Zee's tongue pulsed. Brandy cried out and stiffened. Musky, salty fluid trickled into Zee's mouth and dribbled on her chin. Brandy gasped and writhed against her.

The sight of Brandy, the feel of her skin slicked with sweat, the sound of her pleasure all increased the pressure, the need, in Zee. She didn't want to stop tasting the girl, but after a time, Brandy flinched away from her. She crawled off of Zee and laid next to her.

She put her hand between Zee's legs and massaged her again. It felt less muted somehow. Zee opened her legs and rolled her hips.

"Jesus, you're sexy," Brandy said. "Pull your hair over your breasts and touch them for me."

Zee obliged, using the silk of her hair to torture her hard, aching nipples. Brandy's hand worked her harder and it was as if the aching and tingling in Zee's body focused between her legs.

Brandy kissed her cheek while she massaged. Soft, sweet kisses on her jaw and neck. A flicking tongue on her skin. Zee felt like she would fly to pieces. She wanted, wanted, needed.... something. Her hips twitched eagerly. She built and built. Then, she crashed.

It was unlike anything Zee had ever felt before. Stillness and flurry. Ecstasy that was almost too much to bear. She cried out at the sensation and heard the siren song fade from her voice. The pulsing pleasure washed over her, leaving her almost dizzy.

Brandy stopped the massage when Zee grew sensitive. But, when she withdrew her hand, she looked at her fingers. She licked one.

"Now what's this?" Brandy said, almost to herself. She crawled down between Zee's legs. "What the fuck?"

Zee didn't really need to but she reached between her legs and felt for what she knew would be there. Hair and soft folds. A moist core aching to be touched again.

"I could explain," Zee said, "but I don't think you would believe me."

Brandy gave her a long look. A very long look. She seemed to struggle with herself.

Finally, she said, "You know what? I don't care. Just tell me you aren't leaving again. I want to get you drunk and fuck you all night."

That new throb started again and Zee was starting to like it. "I'm not going anywhere."




"I don't fucking believe you."

Lilith was less than amused when Zee met her at the dock two days later. Zee sat with her feet in the water; it felt like a balm.

"Father is ready to kill you," she continued. "He said the warlock might be able to set you right again. If you come back."

"I'm not coming back."

Zee was amused to see the frustration that she had always felt mirrored in her sister's face. But then it faded. She put and hand on Zee's foot.

"What's it like?" Lilith asked. "Cuming?"

"It almost feels like you'll die from the pleasure," Zee told her.

"I fucking hate you right now."

"Brandy's really good at doing it to me, too."

"Just shut up."

Zee decided to throw her sister a bone. "All right. In case you're interested, it wasn't because of any act that I did."

"Then what was it?"

"It was because I fell for Brandy."

"Ugh. Really?" Lilith said. "Then never mind."

Zee said good-bye to her sister and kept her smile to herself. And when she got back to the bar, she kissed Brandy long and hard. Zee didn't expect Lilith to understand, but she knew that she was right where she belonged.



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I’m Karen and if you know me than you are aware that I’m a white slut housewife for black cock and there is nothing I like to do better than introduce another hot wife to black cock. My good friend which I call the New Jersey Slut because she has always had an interest in meeting black men.We had one problem we had to take care of before we could find her a black lover and that was to convince her husband to allow his wife to fuck a black man. I made a suggestion for her to play a few of my...

2 years ago
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Story By Raj

As I knocked on the door of Denise and John’s apartment, I wondered what it was like inside. I had been out with them both many times, but this was the first time I had been invited over. They were two of my closest friends, especially since my divorce a year ago. Denise was beautiful black woman that worked with me at work, and she had sensed that I needed to get out more. So she invited me to happy hour with her and John, and it had become a regular thing with us. Her husband, John, was a...

3 years ago
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Jon and Liz The Beginning

Her name is Elizabeth. We met the summer she was 19 and I was 26. And in all the years since that summer I have never forgotten her and the way she made me feel. It was the summer of 1979. That was the year that they lowered the legal drinking limit in New Jersey from 21 to 18. This allowed thousands of 19 and 20 year olds to legally enter nightclubs and bars, dance, drink, have fun and listen to music. I will be forever grateful for that official act that allowed us to meet. I was a 26 year...

4 years ago
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Mark taps the security-camera app on his phone and swipes through cameras until he sees Mollie on the couch. She's asleep, as usual, with nothing to do while he is out of the house. Mollie's face-down, so he can only see her back. She has shifted in her sleep and one leg hangs off the bed, revealing her pussy to the camera, still flush from this morning's routine. NOTES: Hopefully the parallels to a pet are clear: Mollie is obedient and eager to please Mark loves and cares for Mollie and...

4 years ago
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Magic Gloves

It’s a bright and refreshing Saturday morning as you hear the doorbell ring. You’re not expecting any anyone, so you open the door carefully. It’s a delivery man with a package. You think to yourself that you couldn’t have possibly ordered or won anything. “Package for you,” The delivery man says. “That’s impossible,” You reply back. “I didn’t order anything.” You look on the package and find your name written on it. “Well, by the looks of things, that’s your name on the package.” The man hands...

3 years ago
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The cigar cutter

As you drop the big carton box on the floor, you think, looking at the apartment full of boxes. "What a good place for a new beginning!" You see then your fat, sweaty friend Dan enter the room with a small box in his hand followed by little Fred. Those are your best pals since highschool and the three of you always stuck together even after you all got married. And it's not now that you got divorced got kicked out of your ex-wife's house that they will let you down. Sam:"Here you go buddy. The...

3 years ago
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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Spring part 4 of 13

Eerie Salon: Seasons of Change - Spring By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson © 2014 Sunday, April 21, 1872 "Arnoldo," Teresa hissed, "you are walking too fast." Her mother was holding onto her right arm, as they walked. "I am sorry, Mama." She slowed her pace. "Is this better?" "Si, fine." The woman smiled. "I suppose that I should be happy that you are in such a hurry to get to church." "I'm just happy that I don't...

3 years ago
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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

1 year ago
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After School Special

"Oh yeah! Ugh! Fuck me! God, your cock was made for my pussy! Fuck it! Fuck my black pussy!" I was panting, bent over a stool in Allen's basement with my long legs spread and straight to the floor. He was holding my hips, standing behind me and driving his cock into my cunt hard, taking long strokes too, the kind I really love. I could feel him pull back so his swollen cockhead was just at the mouth of my hole and then he'd slam that thick, white penis deep, reaching for my cervix and the...

4 years ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 10

We got the kit, there were three sets of buccal swabs, one for Stacy and me, and the third was for adding a parent to the mix. Since we think ... scratch that since Stacy thinks that Michael might be my father, we needed a method for getting his swab without his knowing it. Yes, that sounds incredibly stupid, but when you're in love, you do what you do. We swabbed each other, which was kind of fun and sealed those up tight. Stacy's idea for Michael was to get him over to our place, and get...

4 years ago
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My Haitian nurse care taker after my accident

I had a cast on one leg and one arm, the other arm in a sling. I had a rack tied to my back and I laid in bed for almost two months. An off road dune buddy accident nearly killed me. My family could not care for me and I did not want my mom doing it any way. So we found a part time worker at the Hospital to come into our home. She lived in my room the entire time taking care of me. The degrading shit on a bed pan and have her wash my ass. the pee in a urinal and have her hold it, shake it...

3 years ago
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333 mother begged for it 5

part 5 The next day being Saturday there was little to be done round the house, it was raining, so the garden was out, so her having fetched a tray of tea and toast, they lay in their bed, nibbling on the toast and listening to the rain on the windows while just enjoying being together. “Do you think I`m strange wanting pain as I do?” she asked between mouthfuls of toast, he thought for a moment swallowed, then looking deep into her eyes said, “well most folk would run a mile rather than endure...

2 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Part 8211 30

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Maine kai bhabhiyon ko choda hai aur story likhi hai.Meri story padhbkr ganganagar se ek manoj naam ka hubby ne mujhe apni wife reena ko chodne k liye bulaya.Reena ki abhi 2 mahine pahle hi shadi hui thi aur manoj usko chod nahi pata tha.Maine jate hi reena ko pta liya.Jab manoj ghar pr nahin hota to main reena ko ghar mein nangi krke rakhta aur usko sare din chodta. Kuchh hi din baad reena raat ko mere sath hi sone lgi.Jab uska hubby traning pr bahar gya to...

1 year ago
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Skeletons in my Closet Part 6 Motherly love found

Skeletons in my Closet Part 6 Motherly love found and one lostAfter becoming engaged to John we moved into his house just before New Years. Our new year was spent at home that year. Michelle and I awoke at the same time on New Year’s Eve. We met in the hallway as we both asked “Where is John,” then laughed as we walked hand in hand to the kitchen. Michelle and I had that mother-daughter bond I never had with her when running the bar.All because of John I thought as we walked into the kitchen....

3 years ago
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The Office Mess Part 4

 I arrived at the agreed upon restaurant right on time. She entered the door five minutes late, walked straight to where I was seated, kissed me on the cheek, and sat down facing me. “First of all, we have been together three times and have not introduced ourselves. I am Brittany.”“Yes, I know,” I replied. “I have researched you. And my name is Kyle.”“And Kyle, what have you discovered in your research?”“You are a very successful business lady, well known in the city and state, and you have...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 30

Still Susan's story: We had as much of a blow-out as this family EVER had. When Grandma and Grandpa showed up, she walked right past Mom and wrapped me up in a big hug. "MY baby girl's getting married," she said. "That 'Jason' guy." Jason had met my grandparents a few weekends before, so his face and name were familiar. Grandpa was kind of like Dad about Jason. He was impressed that Jason was a college grad and had a good job, but he was a little unnerved by Jason's age. Of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Zlata Shine Gaping Anal Elegance

Tall, sexy, blonde Euro-beauty Zlata Shine returns home in cutoffs and a tank top. Finding her in sexy stockings and garters, porn director David Perry gently blindfolds her. He twists her nipples through her bra, and he fingers her cunt. David’s wet digits feed her a taste of twat tang. He stuffs his big cock into her hungry mouth for a blowjob. With her eyes covered by the thin black mask, David bangs her doggie-style, fucking both her pussy and her asshole. Unmasked in her boudoir,...

2 years ago
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Danas Revenge Part 5

Dana's Revenge ? Part 5 ? by: Tweak (This is the continuing story of a man who is forced to live like a woman for the next two years by his jilted ex-girlfriend. Along the way his 'secret' has been revealed to four other women who are joining in his training.) After dropping Laurie off I ran by the tanning salon and ran into Stephanie who seemed to be in a better mood than usual. I asked her why she was so happy today and she merely responded "just because". I thought there...

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Marion the cum slut

That day she went to the right stall and waited. It took a while before she heard noise from the other side of the wall. Marion then pressed one of her naked C-cup tits against the hole so the person on the other side would know that there was a girl on her side interested in sexual contact. Her breast was promptly grabbed and squeezed. She pulled it away and a cock and balls promptly came thru the hole. When it did, it was a very nice one and well worth the wait. It was white, probably...

1 year ago
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Call GirlsChapter 9

When they returned to the room late in the afternoon, Jan went to her room. She took a shower, washed her hair and then lay down on her bed. She was amazed to find her cunt was sore and her legs ached. In spite of being a professional, it had never, ever been like it had been that day with Pete. She was staring at the ceiling reflecting on the events of the day when she heard a soft knock at the door. "Come in," she called, and Jill entered the room with two drinks. Jan pulled herself up to...

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The Devils Harem She Played The

Under the street lamps and neon signs, the streets and sidewalks glistened from the recent rain. It always seemed to have just rained around here, leaving puddles and steam coming off the hot concrete. Day or night, it was always humid. But did anyone see this place in the daylight? I don’t know. Like everyone else on this side of the bridge, I seemed to only come out at night. There may have been a moon out that night, and if so, it was hidden behind the skyscrapers and the lights of the...

Straight Sex
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Emilys anal Photoshoot

Emily’s Anal PhotoshootHer stomach fluttered with anticipation and excitement during that short walk on the beautiful, warm spring morning.She looked forward to the adventure that lay before her with excitement. The weather matched her mood perfectly. The dark months of winter were behind her and the morning sunshine warmed her pretty face. Emily felt her spirits lifted with the blossoming beauty of the day, which caused a surge of joy at just being alive to swell her heart in her chest.As...

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Sleeping Wife Played With

My wife Carol was always a sound sleeper. That allowed me to play out some of my fantasies with her while she slept. Carol had a very erotic and sensual side of her that she suppressed as she feared it would take over and she would become the cock slut that lurked inside. Although she was a great cock sucker, she rarely gave me head – she liked it too much. When she was hot the inner slut would take over and she was a tigress in bed – she would suck my cock as if her life depended upon it. Or,...

3 years ago
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A Steamy Room

The other day my girlfriend and I were sitting at home, trying to think of something we could do. We were trading ideas about possible options, maybe go to the mall or a walk in the park. Nothing really seemed all that appealing to me, until my girl said “I know exactly what we could do! We should go swimming!” Now I’m never one to complain when my girl wants to get dressed up in a tiny little bikini for me to stare at, so I agreed and we drove down to the local pool. After changing I sat...

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My 2nd time with my tranny

I’ve been talking to this woman for awhile. After our steamy car make out session I was hooked. I didn’t care if she had a dick. I wanted more of her. It was clear that she wanted more from me. We texted non stop everyday. It was fun. She blew up my phone with loads of naked selfies. I’d sit and admire her beautiful body. With every picture she’d send, my dick would throb with excitement. She would even ask if videos of me masterbating to her pictures haha she was amazing. whenever I worked...

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Anyway, it all started one day after school, I came home early on the day because school had finished an hour early due to parent teacher interviews, mom was home per usual as it was a Friday. "Hi honey, how was school"?....... "Good", I replied. Leaning in towards me to give me a motherly kiss , she then came in for a hug, I knew she had no bra on because I could feel her DD boobs as she pulled my head closer to her chest, and like I always did every time, I hugged her back,however I...

1 year ago
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VeronicaChapter 29

Veronica lowered her sweet posterior into one of the comfortable chairs. She crossed her legs elegantly, reflecting how much less of those long and sleekly muscular thighs was on view than the day before, and looked uncertainly at her boss. Mr Travers got up from behind his desk and sat opposite her. His usually uncommunicative features melted into an unaccustomed and somewhat sinister smile. The contortions of his face as he tried to convey an uncharacteristic message of benevolence were...

4 years ago
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The Party chapter 1

So the day had come it was party day, i had been organising this for weeks with my friend daisy, me and daisy have been fuck buddies for 3 years now but i had known her all my life, she was my neighbour growing up but until that 1st time together we had never thought of each other like that. Daisy was a blonde with a flat, toned stomach, boobs that were perfect, her pussy was shaved and always wet.Anyway about 2 months ago we had just finished another fuck session, we were lay in bed chatting...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Gianna Dior Lacy Lennon Let Me Watch V2 E2

Gianna (Gianna Dior) and Lacy (Lacy Lennon) want to do it all again! This time, its Gianna’s turn to put on a show for Lacy, so the adventurous duo heads to Gianna’s boyfriend’s (Seth Gamble) workplace to make his day! Wearing almost nothing, Gianna seduces Seth while Lacy settles in to watch the show. Lacy plays with herself while Gianna and Seth suck and fuck all over his desk. When Seth can’t hold back any longer, he splashes Gianna’s face with a healthy dose of jizz. She savors the taste...

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A slight departure from Mandy

As I said, I was preparing for a US trip for about 5 days before this last encounter with Mandy. Well something happened on the plane coming home which I would like to share as it is sort of related. As is obvious by now, I have been writing about my adventures with Mandy. Well I wrote quite a lot of it during my US trip. So it was an overnight flight back from the US, I was sitting in the window seat of a row of three with a couple next to me. I am not sure of the ages, but I’d guess 40...

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My first time and a little more

My friend Sean and I grew up together. We lived on the same block, were the same age, and were in the same class at school. Since my folks worked late, we usually ended up at my house after school. One day, Sean asked if he could see my dick. Of course, I had to ask for him to do the same. Sean asked if I wanted to suck ‘em. After going back and forth deciding who would be first and promising never to tell anyone, we ended up sucking each other. That was my first time. I didn’t know what a...

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Sam 8

Shaking his head Sam slowly lifted off the ground a few feet, looking at the huge throng of gray people. Suddenly he heard a shout of, "there it is! We have to destroy it before it ends our planet!" Sam grimaced as he saw more than a few of the gray people point a myriad of weapons toward him. "I suggest that you not discharge those. The consequences of that would be deadly. Just so you know; those won't hurt me though I am afraid that the bounce back will harm many of you." Sam...

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My first bi MMF experience

My first bi experience was in a 3some.........................I use to live in Minnesota and was a chef for a small upscale restaurant. After work we would all hang out at this Irish Pub down the street from the restaurant. After a short time, a woman (Beth) and I became good friends. Her husband (Daniel) would stop by the pub when the restaurant he worked at closed. We all became good friends. After about 3 or 4 month, Beth and I would flirt back and forth even with her husband around and he...

2 years ago
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A Nice girl who Sucks Dicks

Pam was in her senior year of high school and nearly everyone who knew her said "Yeah, Pam is a really nice girl; she never do anything very sexy with a guy at all," but what most people didn't know was what Pam would do and most guys who went out with her soon found that fact out -- Pam definitely loved to suck a horny hard cock for all she was worth. Pam was very pretty, her body had developed very nicely over the last three years in high school and she now had a figure that always got...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 82 The Core Family Grows Again

Mark Ryan looked worried after we shook hands and sat down at the bar in the Club Infinity. He’d accepted my invitation for a ‘confidential talk’ for a half-hour or so at the club. I wanted to see how things were going there in any case, and I wasn’t sure what Ryan felt. I explained right away, “My reason for talking with you is nothing bad, especially from your point of view. You may even consider it very good. I have an idea about our family and I want to get your input on it – and your...

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Panties for PE stories about billy

Mum was always very strict, but it seamed she was always a bit harder on me than she was to my two sisters, Sue who was older than me an Jen who was was more like i was the home help and my sisters knew this. They would frequently make up stuff an tell mum who would always give me some chore to do around the house like cleaning up, or come up with something to embarrass me. Like the time they told mum i was teasing them about their school uniform as they had to where a hat , mum made...

1 year ago
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Pickup Number EighteenChapter 7

Pickup (or drop) number five went smoothly; a couple of political types and their trophy wives and a fund-raiser. I can't tell you that these guys were honest, but they WERE smart. I figure that they got high marks for being savvy -- and we might need horse-traders at some point. They were only in the six point five plus to seven range, and so only merited one additional concubine; even so, the pickings were not anything I'd have looked forward to. The term 'rich bitch' applied to more...

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Aria and The Guys Part 1

As usual, the small coffee shop down the street from my apartment is packed and buzzing with the morning’s rush. Let’s Grind has always been my home away from home with its dark red walls, over stuffed couches, worn coffee tables, and the seemingly ingrained smell of freshly ground coffee beans. A sigh of contentment escapes from me as I lean back into the soft love seat. I can feel the morning rays of sunlight pouring in from the store front window bathing my skin in the most amazing warmth. I...

Love Stories
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Not a Pretty Girl

I stared back at the reflection in the bathroom mirror, I don't think I'm a pretty girl, my eyes too wide apart, my nose too small and my mouth too big. My hair is unfashionably short, making my ears look like they're sticking out; I had cut my hair short because I was fed up with it, it didn't hang right or shine or anything. Next I looked at my body, I removed my P.J.s and stared at my reflection. My boobs encased in my bra looked squashed and that made them look smaller than they are. I...

1 year ago
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Claimed by Ben

This is a story about Ben, my 3 year old German Sheppard/Cross, Mostly Cross, and me. I got him as a puppy before I married Lee.I'm a 24 year old woman, and for the past 2 years, married to Lee, a wonderful man who is 2 years older than me. I had known him from high school. He is a truck driver and owns a couple of trucks that cause him to to be gone for anywhere between a week and a month at a time. I asked him to put a driver in to the second truck too, but he insisted we couldn't...

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Just Another Pathetic Humiliated Loser

JUST ANOTHER PATHETIC HUMILIATED LOSER By Sissy Gaye Nancy knew about my submissive desires and my cross dressing and we had experimented with her humiliating me in various ways, but it was always private. Then one night when we were at a pool hall shooting a game, she began to subtly humiliate me. We were playing straight pool--first one to sink fifty balls was the winner. There were three high-school-age girls playing at the table next to us. As we played, Nancy began teasing...

3 years ago
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Shilpa Jab Pune Aayi 8211 Part 1

Hello all, to start with the story it is good to know me as well Shilpa(name changed…Privacy is most ) My self this is my first story on iss , chalo aab hindi mai baatein start karte hai kyoki sex ka mazza hindi mai padhne mai hi hai …Mera naam amit hai aur mai pune mai raheta hun yeah story meri aur shilpa ki 5 raato ki hai jo kiss se sex mai badal gayi aur room ko babu pyar se karo se aaaah aaahhh aaaah mai kaisa badli uske baare mai hai .. Shilpa meri gf ka naam tha aab uski shadi ho gayi...

1 year ago
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The shitting Boys

Matt lie in his large comfortable bed,with his hands tucked behind his back in silence as he counted the ceiling tiles..1...2...37..."agh" He groaned and shook his head,He just couldnt keep his mind off of his best friend Mickey..They were both Bisexual,Both 18,Both Blonde and sexily built. Matts parents were leaving town for a whole week and Mickey had asked to stay over. Matt had 5 younger sisters,all but one named Adaya were leaving with their parents. Adaya was Bisexual.she was tall.around...

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Winter Break

Winter Break Part 1 ?Now, unzip my jeans, take out my cock and suck me off? he said, ?Otherwise I?m going to drag your dressed-up ass into the hallway and lock you out.? I didn?t have a choice??..right? That?s how my winter break started. Well, actually, let me back up a bit. I had met Mike the year before. We were randomly paired as roommates our freshman year at the university. While from different parts of the country, we hit it off and decided to room together again...

3 years ago
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No Longer Online

Emma, you enjoy being used by your secret internet Daddy. This had been going on for months. It excites you to be on display for me on your cam. You would perform on your Daddy's command. Playing with your wet pussy and fucking yourself with your vibrators and dildos. You love being called dirty names while you do this for me and I normally obliged. One night after performing for me on cam, I said I wanted to meet. "I want to use my slut for real" was my command. "I don't know if I have the...

2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 1

Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. ‘Daaa… deee!’ she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...

3 years ago
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Short Interlude

The holiday lights twinkled off the ocean as they pulled up to the club and parked. The party was in full swing by the time they arrived. It was being thrown by a business acquaintance of his and they needed to make an appearance, no matter how short. She knew Alec would have preferred to skip the whole thing but it was essential to his work that they show up. Conor had worn the little black dress because she knew it was his favorite. The look in his eye as she came down the stairs earlier had...

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Sauna Suck

Hi! My name is Jamie. I'm 23 years old. I work at the local Walmart as a cashier. I still live at home with my parents because I cannot afford to move out on my own. I've recently been battling a bad case of depression which my doctor gave me some medicine for. It helps but I still feel down most of the time. Recently, my Mom and Dad suggested that maybe I should start a workout program. I was a little offended at first but after I'd thought about it, I decided it might be a good idea. Ever...

1 year ago
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Cuckolding my Father

"They look lovely this year."My husband looked up to where I was leaning out of the bedroom window watching him tend his roses."Yes," he smiled. "I think we'll win a few prizes again this year."""They're not nearly as lovely as your ass mum," my son whispered behind me as he raised my skirt up over my hips."And they're nowhere near as lovely as these sexy little panties."I sighed with pleasure as I felt his warm breath on my thighs, his lips touched the naked flesh above my stockings, and I...

3 years ago
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Ingrid still still has a gleeful expression on her face despite everything that's happening. The timing couldn't be worse, with COVID-19 passing around. I'm surprised they're still letting people into the country, but thankful. It's been five years since I last saw Ingrid in person when she was an exchange student and she still looks as good as she did back then. The flow of brownish-blonde hair, those blue eyes of hers, and those cute freckles. Worst of all, she's flaunting it all by wearing...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 5

As they laid there resting after sex, Joey asked his mother while she was under the influence of the Hypnotic Eye, “Were you a virgin when you married dad? Have you ever been unfaithful or tempted to be?” “Your father was my first and I have never been unfaithful, but every time your father is out of town working on payday, his boss hits on me when I go to pick up his check,” Sheri answered. “Have you ever considered letting him fuck you?” Joey asked. “No; but it does excite me very much....

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"Dad," said my daughter Sasha. "You have to come to the school tomorrow to meet my new teacher." "What happened to your old teacher, Mrs. Greendale?" I asked. "Her husband had a heart attack so she has to stay home and take care of him for the rest of the school year," she answered. I liked Mrs. Greendale. She was an old school teacher. None of that new-fangled, blame it on the parents shit for her. I never had to go up to the school unless Sasha did something extra stupid. "Can't...

1 year ago
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The Realtor

Marci, As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something. I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier…and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad. Danny wanted to use one of his...

2 years ago
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Weekend on the RiverChapter 9

The campers ate and packed up quickly, and managed to get on the water just after ten thirty. The mood was much more subdued than any of the other days, everyone was just too worn out. Rebecca sat in the front of Craig's canoe, her back resting on the bow plate, watching the others. Jessica was on the floor of the boat sunbathing, probably asleep. Craig's feet massaged her back as he tried valiantly to stay awake also. We must have really worn him out last night she thought, laughing to...

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