Renee's Internship Part 2 free porn video

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Sunday morning began with a lazy breakfast; the women were both up around 7:00 am. They stayed in their pajamas until after they had eaten. Lauren made omelets with Renee acting as her sous chef. They worked together very well despite being only the second meal they had prepared together. Lauren seemed to forget about her own “no contact” rule, accidentally brushing Renee a few times. Renee didn't seem to mind. Lauren thought she might have seen the smile on Renee's face get larger after one soft encounter. Then again it could have been wishful thinking.

Lauren showed Renee the finer points of omelet preparation; she had never really gotten the hang of it when she had tried on her own. Lauren guided Renee with each step, encouraging her with the two she made for them. Although they weren't perfect, Renee was happy with the advice in addition to the improvement in her cooking knowledge.

They ate, chatted a bit then Renee cleaned up the dirty dishes. Lauren called the restaurant to let them know they were stopping by for a brief tour. After the kitchen was clean they headed upstairs to change. Lauren made sure Renee dressed casually because after the tour they were going sightseeing. Shorts, loose tops and sneakers were the order of the day.

Renee made sure she brought her camera, she tucked it into her purse. They slipped into the BMW then headed off for the day. They kept the top down; the sun felt good and the humidity hadn't begun increasing. The trip took about thirty minutes; Lauren let Renee look for radio stations as they sped down the freeway. Finding one she liked she began to sing to herself when a favorite song came on. Lauren smiled singing a bit more openly; soon they had a duet going.

Smiling and singing at the top of their lungs they pulled into the parking lot of Lauren's pride and joy.

Felicia's was set back from the road and had a spacious parking lot. With the monies Aunt Felicia had left her, Lauren had opened her first restaurant. The cuisine and service had been a hit from day one. It wasn't long before Lauren had to expand so she named her expanded restaurant Felicia's in honor of her aunt. The success continued, now Lauren was paying back that kindness by offering education to those wanting to flourish in the art of cooking.

They got out, Lauren engaged the car's alarm out of habit. The restaurant's neighborhood was upscale and had never had a problem. Setting the alarm with the top down just kept gawkers from touching.

Slipping into the back door, they met the first sous chef inventorying a recent delivery. Lauren introduced Renee and asked if they had received anything special from the delivery company. The chef said no, but they might have some new vegetable varieties next time to test. The driver didn't really know much.

The two women continued their tour, meeting and greeting waiters, waitresses, cooks, chefs and maintenance people. Renee was surprised so many people were there so early in the morning. Lauren explained how her restaurant was more like a big family and that the employees take more “ownership” if they are more involved. “It also helps that I give them a better than average wage for their efforts,” she added.

They spent a little time in the office; Lauren checked her voice mails while Renee looked around. After about an hour they decided on touring the botanical garden in Atlanta, hoping some outdoor flowers were still in bloom. Lauren knew they had an extensive Orchid collection so they wouldn't be disappointed. They said their goodbyes and headed out once more. The botanical garden opened at 9:00 am, it wasn't too hot so they walked around viewing the outdoor gardens. Lauren kept an eye on Renee to see if any jet lag was creeping in or if she was getting too warm with the Atlanta sun beating down on them.

Eventually they walked into the greenhouses that held the orchid collection. The houses were more humid than outside. Renee adjusted the settings on her camera then began taking pictures. She must have taken three or four of almost every flower. Various angles, light settings and shutter settings. She commented to Lauren that since going digital even though she took more pictures she had become a better photographer.

“What do you like to photograph the most?” Lauren inquired as she watched Renee zip off a few more shots.

“Landscapes, I have trouble with indoor lighting. It's sort of I don't do it enough because I don't get good pictures. But if I did it more I'd learn what to do, sort of a catch 22.” She smiled.

“I understand completely. Maybe sometime you can take a picture inventory of my house. I keep meaning to do it for the insurance company. That way you can practice and I can have a record in case something happens.”

“That's a good idea; we'll have to figure out when.”

They continued their walk, strolling past the various varieties of Orchids and tropical plants. Around noon Lauren asked Renee if she were getting hungry. Renee yawned, telling her yes and that she was starting to feel the time change. Lauren suggested they head back home, make something cool to eat then Renee could nap.

That sounded good to Renee; so after a few more pictures she put the camera away to head home. The drive was quiet; Renee began nodding off after a few miles. Lauren let her sleep, watching her breathe, admiring her stamina. The other interns from the west coast didn't last as long until the lag crept in.

Lunch was a salad, nothing fancy. Afterwards Renee hugged Lauren then headed off to catch up on her sleep. Lauren cleaned what little dirty dishes were left in the kitchen then decided to hit the gym to burn off some of her excess energy.

She slipped into her room, changed into her workout shorts and a jogging bra. She slipped her running shoes on then peeked in to see Renee snoring away on top of the bed covers. She smiled to herself then walked over to the gym.

She grabbed a water bottle from the gym fridge, placing it in the cup holder on the elliptical then began an hour of sweaty, non-thinking bliss. Using the remote, she flicked on the stereo selecting a play list to keep her motivated. The movement felt good; she tried to work out at least five times a week but it normally was three. The yoga sessions helped twice a week especially when things had gone wrong. They were something she could count on to free her mind. The stress relief was something she heard would be a benefit. Until she had tried it she was a bit skeptical. Her “yogini,” Devina was an excellent instructor who after time had become a close friend.

After an hour, a little over six miles, Lauren slowed down then stopped. She finished her water as she stepped down. Feeling the endorphins kicking in, she took a deep breath wiping the beads of sweat from her brow.

“You've been at it since I nodded off?” Renee smiled as she slipped through the door.

“Don't do that! You startled me!” Lauren smiled so Renee knew she wasn't mad.

“I'm sorry; I called through the house, saw the car still here then figured you were probably out here.”

“I needed a release. It’s been a couple of days and I can feel it.”

“I know what you mean; I need to work out at least a few times a week or I get cranky. The kids can tell when Ms. Renee hasn't hit the gym.”

“Well, in lieu of that “other” release, I work out.” Lauren looked for Renee's reaction hoping her hint wasn't too crude.

“I haven't had that type of release since, well I can't even remember.” Renee sighed.

“You can work your tush off here all you like. Let me know when you want to try Devina. We don't have to do the Bikram if you don't want. I was actually surprised that it relaxed me as much as it did.”

“Thanks, I think just a regular workout for now is fine. Mind if I watch when Devina comes over? I've done yoga a couple of times. I don't want to embarrass myself with you two.”

“We were all beginners once, Devina is very patient so she'll make sure you're in the right position. She's amazing.”

“Schedule her anytime then, I'm here to learn cooking. Yoga would be an added bonus I guess.”

“You are right. You’re here to learn plus I want you to enjoy the experience. I do know some cute guys if you want that other “release”. Lauren was testing Renee once more, looking for any hint of her preferences.

“Thanks, but I don't want a summer love. I can just work out and do yoga. No need to complicate my life with someone I might fall for. Silly I know, but I do have a life back home.”

“If you change your mind, let me know. You're a doll. I don't think we'd have a problem finding you a date. Oh there I go again, my big mouth. Again, just tell me to hush if I get too personal.”

“It's okay, I'll say something if I feel offended or whatever. Right now, I just want to get this sleepiness out of my brain with a good sweat.”

“Help yourself, I am going to sit in the sauna for a bit, if you finish join me. Oh, I do that nude, so you've been warned.”

Renee blushed a bit, “I doubt you'll be in there that long, I plan on maybe an hour total working out, some cardio then weights. Like I said, nudity doesn't bother me.”

“I still have my weight sets to do, we'll see. The remote for the stereo is there, find something you like. I play music to pump me up, I like all that's on there so don't feel like you have to select something I might not enjoy.”

“Thanks, I'll figure something out.” Renee walked to the gym fridge, grabbed a bottled water, picked up the remote, selected some music then began her treadmill session.

Lauren went to the dumbbell rack and began some curls. She would look up from her weights admiring Renee's tush now and then. She tried not to be obvious but it was difficult at best. Renee wouldn't have known since the room mirrors didn't reflect a view of the weight area. After roughly thirty minutes Lauren walked past Renee, smiling as she did reminding her she'd be in the sauna. She stopped at the door to turn the timer on to thirty minutes, letting the sauna warm up prior to entering.

Slipping off her shoes, rubbing her feet a bit, then standing erect and stretching before removing her top and shorts, she checked to see if Renee was watching. Renee seemed oblivious to Lauren so she turned back, reached behind, unhooking the bra. She inched the jogging bra off her shoulders, down her arms, tossing it onto the bench. The shorts with panties were next, landing in a pile on top of the bra. Grabbing a full-sized towel she opened the door slowly. Turning back to Renee she smiled watching Renee run. She thought she saw Renee swallow hard when she turned her head to smile back. Maybe she did enjoy looking at a woman's body Lauren thought just before she walked into the sauna.

The warm moist air felt good. She stepped in, laid the towel on the bench then sat closing her eyes as she did. She sighed letting the sauna begin its work. Sitting with one leg up, her arms outstretched, she let out another deep sigh then all her cares began to vanish.

After a few minutes she felt the air pressure change. Opening her eyes she saw Renee, a towel wrapped around herself shyly, walking in. Renee paused focusing on Lauren sitting upright in a somewhat provocative pose. She was a bit shocked at her own reaction to Lauren being nude. She’d seen many women at the gym but Lauren was going to be her mentor and she felt a certain respect for her that nudity slightly altered. Lauren had a very nice body for her age. She looked as if she could be in her twenties which delighted Renee. Hopefully they could work out together, keeping pace as they did so.

“Room for me too?” she asked, a little embarrassed.

“Don't be silly, I told you to join me. Lay your towel out and relax.”

Renee took a spot close to Lauren, blushing a bit more as she loosened her wrap, laying it on the bench then sitting down. Lauren watched her, delighting in the muscle tone of Renee's body.

“I didn't think you were going to be done with your workout in time to join me. Everything okay?”

“I think I haven't hydrated enough, I started getting a cramp in my right calf.” Renee grimaced then sipped from her second water bottle. Bending down, she massaged her calf a bit to help ease the strain.

“Finish that then I'll work that calf for you if you want. The warmth in here will help. We need to make sure you drink more water.”

“I know, I should have. Thanks for the offer but it's fine, really.”

“Girl, never look a gift massage in the mouth. You finish that then lay down, that's an order.”

Renee grinned, “Yes, ma'am.”

Lauren smiled back at her, hoping she could refrain from any inappropriate touching. It would be difficult but she could do it.

Renee laid face down, her legs towards Lauren. Lauren got up waiting for her to get as comfortable as she could manage on the hard bench. Renee was glistening from the room's humidity and the sweat from her workout.

“Now, say something if I rub you the wrong way.” Lauren grinned.

“Oh that was bad. I'm sure you'll be fine, it should be obvious if it pains me. I'll start crying.”

Lauren laughed, “I have yet to make a girl cry so that would be a first. Too bad Devina isn't here, she has magic hands. Maybe when she comes over we can talk her into a massage or two.”

“She must be something special, you keep talking about her.”

“She is very special to me; she helped get me through some tough times. I could never repay that. She was a rock I could cling to.”

“Okay, I didn't realize it was that deep. I thought she was just like an employee you're friends with. It does sound like she is family.”

“It's fine, I don't expect you to know all about me in the day and a half you've been here. Now hush up and let me see what I can do about the cramp.”

With that, Lauren began working her fingers over Renee's leg, kneading the muscle in one direction then another. Her touch started light just enjoying the feel of Renee's skin at her fingertips. She could feel the small knot in the muscle. It wasn’t bad but it probably had caused some pain. Renee closed her eyes, signaling to Lauren that things were fine. She had wondered how Renee would react to her nudity; apparently it really didn’t matter as much as she thought. That made her smile while she continued exploring Renee’s leg.

Continuing her mission, Lauren expanded the area her hands covered. Moving up, then back down Renee’s leg she pressed slightly harder each time.

Renee smiled as she sighed, the stiffness evaporated within a few moments. She didn’t say anything as Lauren went beyond the problem area up then down her leg. Lauren had a very nice touch which led to thoughts regarding Devina as to how good she might be.

The way Lauren talked about her she must be some sort of Goddess. The respect in Lauren’s voice combined with her mentioning of troubled times just aroused the curiosity in Renee’s mind. She didn’t think Lauren could have ever had any problems.

“Would you mind if I massaged both legs?” Lauren asked in a very quiet voice.

“Not at all, this feels very nice.”

Lauren smiled, shifting her stance to reach over the injured leg. Renee moved her legs to make it easier for Lauren's reach.

“Do you mind me going a bit further than I was supposed to?” Lauren asked, this time more like a whisper.

Renee sighed, enjoying the attention. “Oh gosh, not at all. You should be a masseuse. I can only imagine what Devine's touch might be like.”

“I'll call her in the morning to be sure she's coming over Tuesday evening. We'll plan a nice dinner then a yoga session. If she feels up to it maybe you can experience her massaging. Her hands can be deliciously wicked. Sometimes I think I've had an out of body experience.”

“Oh my, that would be something.” Renee shivered with the thought.

Lauren continued working the muscles in Renee's legs. She enjoyed how they felt in her fingers. The voice within kept reminding her that this was too soon to go any further with a seduction. She felt Renee would be willing but didn't want to risk losing such a promising intern on the second day.

The massage lasted another five minutes because Lauren knew she couldn't restrain herself much longer. They sat and talked for a bit wrapped in their towels. When the timer rang at thirty minutes, they both left the heat. Lauren locked up the gym before they headed in to shower and make dinner.

Dinner consisted of stuffed pork chops, sweet potatoes and collard greens complimented with another white wine Lauren was testing. Renee had never eaten collard greens and despite being apprehensive found them to be very good. It seemed everything Lauren cooked pleased Renee's palate.

After dinner they took their wine with them on a stroll around Lauren's property. Lauren had a total of six acres most of which were a mix of pine and hardwoods. The gated community was restricted but not to wildlife. They walked slow enough that they were able to spy a couple of does with a yearling, some noisy squirrels and quite a few birds rummaging around the forest floor.

Lauren, being familiar with the habits of the wildlife took the opportunity to give Renee a little education in regards to their lifestyles. It was during one of these moments that Lauren had a chance to get closer to Renee.

They were walking along a path when Lauren spied a pair of cottontail rabbits playing under a pine tree. Quietly she placed a hand on Renee's shoulder pausing her in her tracks. She placed a finger close to her own lips to hush Renee while managing to hold the almost empty wine glass. She then slipped next to the younger woman to whisper in her ear. Pointing with her empty hand, her lips millimeters from Renee's ear she gently whispered for her to look at the rabbits. Renee paused, looking down the outstretched arm of her benefactor, resting her head on it, she saw the two rabbits scurrying around under the tree. A barely audible sigh emerged from her mouth as the two women stood watching the two bunnies. Lauren whispered in Renee's ear telling her about the little rabbit family that had taken residence in this part of her property.

Renee seemed to relax into Lauren as they gazed upon their antics, when all of a sudden they stopped, their tiny ears shot straight up and each stood on their haunches looking back at the two women. Both women froze but it was too late. The two cottontails bolted when they recognized the two humans who had invaded their space.

The voyeurs stood their ground as the little darlings dashed into the undergrowth to get away from the interlopers. It took a few moments before both women separated and returned to their walk each a bit flush with the encounter between them and the rabbits.

They walked further on each one contemplating both the rabbits and their brief close encounter. To Lauren it put her one step closer to getting Renee into her bed. To Renee, feeling Lauren whispering in her ear felt very intimate and erotic. She had felt an attraction to the thirty-eight year old woman from the moment she saw her on skype when she found out she'd won the competition. Being close to her and getting to know her fueled the attraction she'd felt then. Renee wouldn't step across that line. She knew she was here for a reason and it wasn't for herself. She didn't want to ruin this opportunity for her students. Maybe after this concluded she and Lauren could get to know each other in a different type of relationship. Lauren seemed to hint she was a free spirit sexually but without coming out and asking Renee couldn't be sure.

The question kept gnawing at her as they walked in silence along the path. Until Lauren spoke, “What are you thinking about, Renee?”

“Oh, how cute those rabbits were and how I don't get out enough like this. Just walking and enjoying nature with someone. The school year is so busy I hardly have any time for myself. I really need to find time not only during the Summer but during the entire year.”

“I understand completely, it's one reason I like living here. I can walk out here and listen to the birds and squirrels and forget about all the things that frustrate or worry me. While you're here I don't want you to worry about anything. From what the staff tells me you're doing fine and they really like you as do I. I hope you're getting as much as you wanted out of this experience. You have some very lucky children back home to have a teacher who cares as much as you do.”

“Thanks, Lauren, I appreciate that you and the board chose me. I am enjoying this. You have a great life here and I'm glad to be part of it.”

They slowly made their way back to the house. The sun had dipped below the horizon leaving just enough light for them to see the path ahead of them without a flashlight. When they arrived they said their good nights each going to their own room after a lingering hug.

Renee decided to take a shower prior to getting ready for bed. The thoughts of Lauren out in the woods so close to her, coupled with recalling the massage earlier stirred a warmth between her legs. She closed her bedroom door along with the connecting door from the bathroom to her room. Stepping in after adjusting the water temp she stood under the stream and let it soak her hair and body. When she was completely wet she turned off the water and began washing herself with her favorite bath gel. Her fingers slipped between her legs as she pictured a naked Lauren nuzzling her neck while whispering sweet words to her in that sweet Southern drawl. Leaning back against the shower wall she managed to slide down to rest on the floor as she continued pleasuring herself. Seated on the cool tile her fingers worked their magic along her thighs, tummy and eventually between her legs.

Imaging they were Lauren's she toyed with herself teasing and exciting herself at the same time. One hand pinched her nipples while the other massaged her clit. As she became more aroused, she changed to a fetal position on the wet tile floor. The hand that had been pinching was now at her rosebud teasing and massaging. Her excitement grew as she explored herself rubbing, poking and massaging. Biting her lower lip to stifle her moaning, she ignored the cold tile floor of the shower. A few more pushes with her fingers she brought herself to a satisfying climax.

When she'd finished she sat on the tile panting and thinking about her situation. Maybe she should flirt with Lauren a bit just to see what might happen. Nothing overt just enough to give Lauren a hint that she might be interested but not right away. She still had over a month and a half and didn't want to ruin that by making her hostess uncomfortable. Maybe next month when they would be alone more learning the business end she drop a few hints. It was difficult to be so close to someone she lusted after and remain silent.

She got back up turning on the water to complete her shower. The warm water felt good after laying on the cold floor. Her release negated the feeling which she'd needed since she'd arrived. Getting out she hoped that Lauren hadn't noticed the lull in the water usage. She'd have to think of an excuse if asked but she doubted Lauren would. She dried off and headed to bed knowing she'd sleep well. Hopefully her dreams would be as nice as the images she'd let wander through her mind while pleasuring herself.

During Renee's time in the shower Lauren took advantage of the time alone. She quickly got ready for bed sans panties, as she was about to climb in she opened her night stand to get her trusty friend. Under the covers she recalled how delicious Renee felt as she whispered in her ear. It had been very tempting to kiss her soft bare skin. She refrained from doing so which took most of her will power. During the silence afterwards as they continued their walk she thought about saying something but it was still too early.

She heard the water running though the pipes as she began to tease herself with her toy. Suddenly the water stopped. Pausing to listen she heard nothing. Afraid of being caught she put her friend away and laid there picturing Renee soaping herself down. Her firm body covered in cute little bubbles excited Lauren. She decided to use her fingers instead of the toy. Her door was closed and she'd done pretty good the other night being quiet she was sure she could do it now. Her mind flashed pictures of a sweet delicious Renee curled next to her, licking at her wetness and doing all sorts of naughty things with her. Just as she was about to reach another glorious orgasm she heard the water come on again.

Puzzled, she continued playing with herself until she achieved her goal. Moaning softly to herself she wondered why there was a break in Renee's shower. Then it occurred to her, maybe Renee was doing the same thing she was doing. Then again, maybe not. They had another month and a half to get to know each other. Lauren hoped it would be a very intimate August.




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internship fuck with sexy nurse

This story is about how a doctor during his internship made out with the co worker nurse. Who was awesome figure 32-28-34 Punjabi girl. She was stunning. All this happened last yr in Chandigarh.This is the time when I was doing my internship after finishing my graduation. As u all know hospital is surrounded by many beautiful and sexy nurses, my hospital was no exception. I had almost 20 nurses in my department and all of them were pretty friendly, and I always used to flirt around with them...

3 years ago
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From Internship Room To Sex In Baroda

Hello guys, this is the continuation of my previous story . So after having our time in the internship room the last day, we went to our different ways. Though we were still in contact with each other it was less due to our work. I tried calling her to my room in Mumbai in a disguise but then I thought it would be wrong and dropped the plan. After completing my job I came back to Baroda and got on with life and work then one day my mobile rang and it was her. She – Hey dear! How are you? Me –...

2 years ago
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The Internship Romance With Colleague During Internship

Hi guys, this is Dheeraj agian it feels so good to share sexual experiences. Here I would like to share an even better experience (than previous) with the woman who works in an it company in bangalore. If you hadn’t read my previous experience already I am Dheeraj 21 years old. I’m around 5’8 and very well built. Her name is akanksha. She is a cute, fair complexed lady of around 5ft 5 in. She was around 26years old. She is a little busty and cutest part of her is her nose ring. It will make her...

4 years ago
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Fucking The Co Nurse While Doing Internship

This story is about how a doctor during his internship made out with the co worker nurse. Who was awesome figure 32-28-34 Punjabi girl. She was stunning. All this happened last yr in Chandigarh. My e mail id is This is the time when I was doing my internship after finishing my graduation. As u all know hospital is surrounded by many beautiful and sexy nurses, my hospital was no exception. I had almost 20 nurses in my department and all of them were pretty friendly, and I always used to flirt...

2 years ago
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The Internship Pt 1

I had first met Joe Bass my senior year of highschool during a career fair and he immediately offered me his summer internship opening. He was a kind person and not bad looking for a middle aged man so I took his offer and came to work for him the summer before I started college. The Job mostly consisted of answering the phone outside his office and amusing him when he would come out and make small talk with me. I had just turned 19 and there was no question my figure had responded well to...

1 year ago
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Internship with a mature woman

I was a six feet plus, fit, good looking testosterone driven male that enjoyed pretty girls my age, and I must confess I was a flirt. She was my first mature woman. Gail was five-two red hair slightly overweight lady. She had large breasts, dressed conservative with nothing provocative about her easily seen. She did however have a personality, was smart, and a scent of a woman that got my attention. One summer evening after discussing my students, a requirement for my internship, we went...

4 years ago
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The Internship

You are 19 and just finished your first year of college. Instead of spending your summer in a meaningless minimum wage job, you apply and secure yourself an internship. You have been at this position for nearly two months. With a bit of experience under your belt you find that the employees around you trust you with more tasks, respect you more, but still try to pawn of menial tasks on you. You try to make the most of the rest of your time working as: Oliver, a naive boy from the suburbs with a...

4 years ago
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Renees Internship Part 3

Monday morning started off slow for Renee; she was introduced to a few more staff members then assigned to a sous chef. Lauren had her schedule worked out from having had previous interns. The time spent in each of the areas of study gave the intern opportunities to actually learn a task then master it.It was flexible enough to allow extra time if there were a task or concept that wasn't completely understood during the normal time allotted. Renee was mostly interested in the actual cooking of...

2 years ago
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Internship During The Lockdown

Dear ISS friends. This is my recent story during the lockdown. I work for the software industry and have two college students doing an internship in , Divya and Rita. Due to sudden lockdown, they could not go to their home town. Moreover, the office also got closed, and we were working from home. They were staying in a rented apartment in the same area where I was staying. After a few days of lockdown, they must be getting bored doing nothing. One day they called me and said, “Sir, can you give...

2 years ago
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Internship Brings Me Sex Days

Hello everyone, it’s my first time here. I’m 21 year old guy who lives in new Delhi with a natural aesthetic physique which obviously includes things like six-pack abs and a chiseled chest with a crazy sex drive. Any woman looking for quality time can let me know on Coming to the story, at my 2nd year of college, a girl dumped me and left me for someone else. I decided ki ab relationship me nahi padna nd busy rehna hai bs. So I joined an internship at rohini. So jo pffice tha wo basically ek...

4 years ago
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Internship Sex With Anamika

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Amit from Delhi, I’m 5’11 athletic build. Tall and Dark. (Google Hangout ) This is the first time I’m sharing Sex story on Public Platform, I hope you guys and Girls like it. *Name used in this story is imaginary, to hide her identity Moving to this Story, This is Story about Anamika, She was interned in the Company I work. Details About Anamika Height- 5’9″ Weight- 60 approx Figure- 34d-32-34 Colour- White She started her internship in the First...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Internship

Just promise me this If you guys liked the story or didn’t cum before the story ended (which is very unlikely ) or if you want to share your stories please let me know the feedback on my email id: Also I am available for women for sex chats and stuff. So do email me or text me on google hangouts. Needless to say, I am very careful about my privacy. Dicks and tits out because it’s going to get rough around here. If you want to know if it’s true or not email me ;) *Bling bling* my mobile...

4 years ago
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Internship Chapter 1 second try

At eighteen, Hannah had just graduated from high school. She was young and, while she knew that might be a stumbling block for her, she was determined to prove herself. After all, what other choice did she have. Rather than being able to go on to business school, as she had planned, Hannah's life had taken an unexpected turn when her mother became very sick. Now she took care of her mother, which left very little time for school. Instead, Hannah had been forced to find a job to help pay the...

2 years ago
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Summer Internship

I was 18 when it happened. After high school I had scored a great summer job at my dad's big office on an internship program they had for employees' children. At least it was supposed to be great. Actually I found life under florescent lights as boring as would any 18-year-old. I had been a shy kid all through school and, in consequence, I was still a virgin. I thought I should be out trying to "get girls" (even though I still didn't really know how) rather than being cooped up in this...

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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 5

In spite of all my trepidations and fears of going to Baltimore for an internship, it ended up being the best summer of my life. Arens and Ponds treated me like a goddess giving me plum assignments where I made contacts with people whom I deal with, even to this day. Miranda Ponds took me aside in my second or third day and told me that I had a special something, a drive, and a determination that exuded confidence. All the while she was telling me this I wondered if she had me confused with...

4 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 7

Miranda offered me a ride home and I accepted. I really wished Bill were here tonight to share in my good news, and to relieve the stress of earlier in the day. When she turned the corner on Johnson, there on my porch steps was Bill, with a bucket of champagne splits, catching the last rays of the day. He had his shirt off and he was just turning a nice shade past tan. He looked delicious. "Oh my God," I said to Miranda. "Bills here, he's never here on a Monday. I wanted to share my news...

2 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IChapter 4

He left the room and came back a minute later and asked me to kneel up again. He wiped around between my butt halves and folded the towel and held it up to my ass. "Ready to take a walk?' he said. I reached back and held the towel in place and got up on my wobbly legs. I walked bow legged into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Big farts from the air he pumped into me came out and I wished I had closed the door. I heard him stifling a laugh. "Bill?" I asked. "Yes" he answered "Fuck...

4 years ago
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The Internship Pt 2

Mr. Bass moaned as I used everything I had ever learned about sucking cock at once on his. His shaft was sliding in and out of my throat and I could feel the tip hitting the back of it every couple of seconds. His hands were at his hips while mine played with his balls and pulled him towards me. I was staring up at him with big dough eyes, spit falling out of my mouth along side my muffled groans of pleasure. The taste of my pussy on his cock was replaced with a mouthful of his cum as he...

3 years ago
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Jacks Internship Part 3

Just then, Sara cracked open the door and said, is that you Jack. I didn't realize I was still naked on the landing. Yep, it's me, I said. What are you doing up there? There is a lot of thumping. Just packing, I said. You’re packing naked, she asked. Oh shit, I covered up. Get down here right now! She yelled. I don't know why I felt compelled to go down there naked, but I did. She opened the door and said, get in her now. I was covering my junk with both hands. Just then Lisa...

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Jacks Internship Part 2

LISA's arrival I arrive at the apartment at about 10 15. I can see lights on in the kitchen downstairs. Sara must be up I thought. As I make my way toward the staircase, Sara is at the screen door. Well where have you been this late on a school night she asks. She must have just gotten out of the tub because she was only wrapped in a towel over her tits and barely covering her mound below. Oh, hi Sara, I was with the other interns at the company house going over the jobs ahead...

3 years ago
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Internship part 2

That next day and no sleep, I had still managed to make it into the office. Barb had taken the morning off to sleep in at my place. I felt good but weird not really knowing what to expect on my second day. I was lost in thought about Barb, she was nothing like anything I had experienced before. She infected my mind. The things she was into was only something I dreamed of or heard stories about. Now that I had had a taste, I wanted more. Just then Braden walked in. He had a big smile on his face...

2 years ago
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internship in europe

Ive got it all paid and finance by my university being one of the best students has its perks. The last 6month of my degree is going to be the best , I tought all semester before finally leaving for californiaI woud be working at the Hostel on their iphone app interface with a senior engineer who now run the hostel , named Mike and i would have free time to enjoy the city and beach alotI got to the place at noon and Mike was beind the counter welcoming me shaking my hand with his big firm black...

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My First Internship

It started back in the summer of my sophomore year in college. I had stuck around to take two classes and was living in a dormitory on campus. I was also working evenings at a video store. I had gotten into a really good routine. Class in the early morning, study in the afternoon, work in the evening, and repeat the next day. The weekends, were a little boring for me. I only had to work but most of my time was spent looking at porn and masturbating. On one rainy weekend, I was working at the...

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internship fuck with sexy nurse 2

This is part 1 of the story I lifted her tee shirt from the back and unclasped her bra and released her melons. And I started to pinch really hard on the nipples. She was moaning aahhhhh ahhhhhh. Love u. I made her face towards me and removed her tee shirt and her bra came along. She was topless and shying. Trying to hide herself in me. I lifted her chin and we again ended up kissing, this time I did not kiss just her lips but her cheeks,...

3 years ago
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Internship Chapter 2

Hannah's heart fell at these words, a fact which she tried to conceal. She just took the critique and followed Katie as she walked to the reception area. Katie spent the next thirty minutes explaining what Hannah's duties would be at the start of the day. She handed Hannah a coffee, which was for Mister Williamson, and quickly told her how to order the drink in order to get it right. Hannah made a mental note of how Mister Williamson liked his coffee and continued listening. By the time...

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Internship Chapter 3

Her emotions were a mixture of disappointment, shame, and outrage. Hannah knew that her boss, legally, couldn't do anything he had done today; that she could, if she so chose, sue him for sexual harassment. But he was rich and she wasn't, which meant that, if she pursued that course, it would most likely end in failure. So it probably wasn't worth the trouble. However, even if she could successfully go down that road, she wasn't sure she wanted to. A part of her, the part of Hannah that...

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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 3

I spent Thursday night and Friday with my Mom and Dad around the house, only taking time to talk to a couple friends who called to wish me well. Bill was able to call me once on Friday, but he was at work and couldn't really talk freely. Friday night he had tickets with Mr. Wilkens for a Yankee game, so he was happy. Happy/sad was the only way to describe my leaving at the Airport on Saturday morning with Mom and Dad. I was sure I had everything I would need. My Dad acted like I was going...

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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 4

I didn't think I could move from the table. I knew it was slippery under my butt and beginning to feel uncomfortable. As I thought I would get up, Bill scooped me in his arms. He carried me to the bathroom, knowing I would want to shower. It was then I realized that there were no towels out yet. "There are 2 in one of my bags. I was going to buy more here." I whispered to him, my throat still raw from my earlier vocalizations. "Here," he said. "You shower now, I'll find your towels...

3 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 6

I have to admit that with living together, having intercourse was becoming harder and harder to stay away from. There were many nights that we thought we would finally do it, but common sense won out each time. After waiting this long, it seemed foolish to not wait for our wedding night. Bill had promised me to have full ready bottom sex one time before we left. We had bought all the little extras we would need. I looked forward to the night it might happen. This was the almost painless and...

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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 8

He worked for his dream, and I went kicking and screaming to Baltimore. How do you figure we both get permanent job offers doing just what we wanted? Neither of us could have asked for anything more. Bill got EXACTLY what he aimed for, and I wanted something to teach me about the travel industry, advertising and promotion with a goal of my own agency. I was on my fast track. Whether we would keep the same arrangements of the long commute for Bill depended on what kind of hours he would have...

4 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IChapter 3

"Bill, lets go upstairs" I said impatiently, but he continued by slipping his finger through the gusset of my panty and making a pull loop of it, exposing my whole crotch. He tipped his head and took the whole of my mound in his mouth, flicking his tongue on my clit a few times before sucking my wings out of there hiding. He nibbled, chewed and licked as he drove me crazy. I was running like a faucet down there and I heard, as well as felt, his sticky wet face change positions. He was...

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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IChapter 5

I went into Maria's room and she was standing in front of an open drawer. I looked down into the open drawer and there lie 3 sex toys, dildos, whatever you might call them. One was an orange version of the White Wonder, one was a Silver Bullet, a vibrator, and the other an exaggerated long thin smooth penis. "Meet my friends. See, you have no reason to be embarrassed. It natural. How many do you have?" she asked. "Uh, just the one," I said. Then Maria uncovered one more, a black...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Rene Completes His Schooling

Rene retired to his room, a ramshackle structure roofed over with asbestos sheets. He was preparing to stretch himself on the cot when he heard the sound of someone sluicing water into a tub in the next room. The room next was apparently the bathroom, and the plywood partition that separated the rooms was full of cracks and holes. Rene looked through some of them. Aunt must have been aware of the possible uses of these openings for she had papered them over from the other side. There was one,...

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Renee By Waldo Chapter 1 - The Professor's scheme Chapter 2 - the earlobe response Chapter 3 - the other participants Warning - not for reading by minors. Story deals with Mind control and strong sexual themes. All rights reserved. This story may not be sold or distributed by anyone unless it is distributed free. Copyright must remain with the story. Renee By Waldo Chapter 1 - The Professor's scheme The golfball rolled slowly toward the cup, losing speed...

3 years ago
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Renee adds to our Marriage

Introduction: Wife gives ultimatum to save our marriage Let me tell you a little about my wife and my self before I get into this story. My wife Renee and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55 and we are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is 510 tall with long legs and long blonde hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about 3 years ago....

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Rene and Gene

Part l My first Friday as Jean: Although I work at home, I still took the day off to make sure all the housework was done. Rene called on her lunch hour and said she bought a surprise for me, that she felt naughty and wanted us to spend the weekend doing naughty things. I was hard at the word naughty, my beautiful wife is such a tease and enjoys role-playing. Naughty is like her code word and always means over the top sex for her and me. Her last words before she hung up were, ‘And don’t...

2 years ago
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Renee The French Maid

Renee, The French Maid By Renee It was almost 4 months from the first time we met online until now. It happened so slowly; I hardly realized that I would be trained into a slut French maid. I never imagined this would happen. It all started when I downloaded Yahoo Messenger and set up a profile. I did it because I thought I would be able to chat with people about some of my hobbies, such as sports, gardening or reading. And even though I was married, I thought maybe I could...

3 years ago
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Renee Adds to Our Marriage

Let me tell you a little about my wife and myself, before I get into this story. My wife Renee, and I have been married for eleven years now. Renee is 42 and I am 55. We are compatible in every aspect of life except in the bedroom. She is five feet ten inches tall with long legs and long blond hair. Her breasts are perfectly natural and as firm as a twenty year old with D cups. She is a very beautiful and sexy woman. This story began about three years ago. I have always known that Renee had a...

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