Ex-Girlfriend Revenge Fuck: Part Two. free porn video

The morning after my night with Aya I woke up with a hangover. There were two nasty messages on my voicemail. The first? April. That was expected. She ranted on about my fucking her little sister and how she was going to get even with both of us for fucking in her bed, my wiping my cock on her teddy bear and all the other things she had seen in the video Aya had sent her last night.
The second message was unexpected. It was April and Aya’s father. Let’s say he wasn’t too happy about the situation. April, being the vindictive bitch that she is, forwarded a copy of the video to her dad’s phone. Out of all the fucked up things she could have done, that was probably the worst. I mean, what kind of psychopathic cunt does that? So her dad is threatening my life and if he ever sees me, he’s going to beat my fucking head in, etc. Honestly, I don’t blame the dad. What dad wouldn’t have reacted like that? No dad, I know. And it’s too bad, too, because he’s a good guy and we always got along well when I was dating April. The thing that really pissed me off about it, was, he threatened to call my parents and let them in on the whole story. I couldn’t let that happen. I opened my phone and kept scrolling until I found a photo of April I took on New Year’s Eve. She was naked except for a pair of high heels. She had the neck from a bottle of champagne shoved in her twat and the other in her ass. I texted her dad and told him if he even thought about trying to hurt me, or speak to my parents, I would be forwarding the pic to everyone at his company and the congregation at his church. I attached the photo and hit send. I never did hear back from him.
I tried to call Aya, but she wasn’t answering her phone. I left several messages asking her to call me back. It wasn’t until 3 hours later I heard from her. An unknown number showed up on my phone. It was Aya. She was calling from her friend, Tonya’s house. She was going to stay there for a few days. Understandably she had gotten into a huge fight with her father and he smashed her iPhone, thinking he was destroying the video we had taken the night before. Then he threw her out. I knew he wouldn’t really throw her out. He’d cool off after a couple of days. That’s when she asked me about the photo I sent him.
“How did you know?” I asked.
“April called Tonya and said, “If you see my sister, tell her to tell Joe I’m going to kill him for sending that photo to my dad. She obviously didn’t say what it was. When I told her what was in the picture, there was silence on the other end for at least 30 seconds. Then she asked, “You actually sent that to my dad?” I told her I didn’t have a choice. I explained he was going to call my parents and fuck me up, along with a whole other bunch of violent shit he threatened to do to me when he found me. I told her I had no choice. Then Aya turned her cunt level to 10 and started bitching me out for sending him a photo like that. I couldn’t believe that after the things we did the night before, she was mad about me sending out an embarrassing pic of her twat sister with champagne bottles shoved in her cunt and ass, to her dad. I mean, after all, he had seen the video. She continued screaming at me until I I decided this whole fucking thing wasn’t worth it and I hung up. Aya, who I nicknamed, Crazy Cunt #2 kept calling my phone and leaving nasty messages, yelling at me all afternoon and night. I didn’t pick up and I didn’t call back. The next morning she left another 20 messages, apologizing for getting upset with me. She apologized and cried and said how crazy the whole thing was making her, and asked me to please call her back.
Fast forward 3 weeks. It was Thursday. I met Bobby Z. Bobby was the biggest and best weed dealer in town. If you weren’t smoking Bobby Z’s weed, you were smoking shit. We met a bar he hung out in. I bought him a beer and sat down at a table with him to conduct business.
“I heard you had some trouble with your ex,” he said, almost laughing.
I knew Bobby knew her. Both April and Aya bought their weed from him.
“She’s a crazy fucking whore,” I said, shaking my head.
I didn’t know it until Bobby told me, but April had been blowing him for the last 6 or 7 months, in exchange for free weed. “She told me everything,” he laughed. “That’s fucked up.”
I said, “I hope you enjoy her, man. You can have her.”
Bobby Z had no interest in April, other than to fuck her. Up until now, she had only sucked him off. He wasn’t stupid and didn’t want a relationship from anyone. But he did tell me, as he handed me a nice fresh ½ oz. of Lava Cake top shelf weed, under the table, “I also have a message. For what it’s worth, I’m just passing it on. When he started talking, it was all I could do not to laugh in his face.
“April wants to know if you’ll join me and her for a smokeout and threesome at my condo on Saturday? This isn’t my doing the asking. I’m just trying to help out a friend. She wants to make peace. She knows you’ll never get back with her. This is her way of saying farewell.”
This time I did laugh. “Bobby,” I said. “She’s a crazy bitch. I don’t know if you know that, but she’s a fucking kookoo clock. She’s got something up her sleeve. I just know it.”
“Hey, I’m just passing on the message. I’d never had a threesome with a chick and a guy before, and I’m not the least bit gay, but I’ve always wanted to fuck a chick with another dude. Will you help a brother out? I don’t want to ask any of my friends.”
“I’m sorry man,” I said. “I can’t do it. How much do I owe you?”
“You don’t owe me anything, if you go through with this,” he said. “In fact, if you show up at the condo, I’ll give you another half oz. of the best strain I’ve got. On the house. That’s a full oz. of weed for free and all you have to do is fuck a crazy chick with me.”
Can I think about it?” I asked. “Can I let you know by tomorrow?”
“Ok,” he smiled, shaking my hand, “but if the answer is no, you owe me $250 for what I just gave you. Understand?”
“I understand,” I said, standing up and going in for the bro hug. “I’ll let you know by 11am.”
“That would be awesome, man,” he said smiling. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
I left the bar, walked out to the parking lot and got inside my car. Something really smelled about this whole thing. I didn’t know Bobby Z all too well, other than being a customer for the past several years. We never hung out. Even though he was always honest doing business, I didn’t know what he was like personally. Suppose I walked into that condo on Saturday night and there were ten guys waiting to kick my fucking ass? I didn’t even want to fuck April, anymore. She’s a skank. A sexy skank, but a skank, nonetheless.Could I sell my integrity for an ounce of the best weed in the state? Probably.
And what of Aya? I know she was pissed at me for sending her father that pic of her sister with champagne bottles in her ass and coochie, but after the revenge I helped her get a few weeks ago, I felt kinda weird just fucking April again. I called my friend Tommy and told him the whole story. When he finished laughing he said, “You’re a fucking idiot if you don’t fuck her. It’s a threesome, not a date. It’s not like there’s romance involved. You’d just be fucking a girl and getting paid an oz. of weed to do it. Fuck! I would do it.”
When I got home that afternoon. I called Bobby Z. He didn’t answer the phone. He never did. I left a message: “Bobby, It’s Joe. I’ll be at your house on Saturday.” I hung up, pulled out the first half oz. of weed and rolled myself a giant blunt.” I was going to need it.
The next night, I was at Bobby’s house at 8:30pm. I had been running a little late, but that’s ok, he was,too. I rang the bell and April answered. I gotta admit she looked smoking fucking hot. Black panties, a pair of these white patent leather boots she wore sometimes for sex and a small half shirt. Aya was prettier, but April had the best ass of the two.
I sat on the sofa in the living room and asked about Bobby. She told me he had to make a delivery and would be back soon. As I sat and inhaled deeply in the marijuana scented room, April rolled a blunt and we sat there and smoked together.
“It’s been a wild few weeks,” she said, laughing.
“Does your dad still want to kill me?” I asked
“Oh, yeah!” she said. “He fucking hates you. You never should have sent him that picture. I thought he was going to have the big one and end up in the hospital, or something.”
“You deserved it,” I said.
“You’re 100% correct,” she said. “I know this whole thing is my fault. Everything.”
“Why did you want me here tonight?” I asked. “Me, of all people?”
“I wanted someone I knew well. I’ve only ever blown Bobby for weed and I knew he wanted to fuck me, but I didn’t want to do it alone. I didn’t want him getting the wrong idea about us and having him think I was his girlfriend. He’s weird. Anyway, I wanted someone I trust to be the other guy.”
“And you trust me?” I asked laughing, handing her the blunt and watching her inhale deeply.
“I trust you in bed. Besides, your cock is a lot bigger than Bobby’s,” she laughed.
“How’s Aya?” I asked sincerely. “She was pretty pissed at me for sending that pic to your dad.”
“Aya and I are always going to fight. We’re sisters and that’s what sisters do, but when everything is said and done, blood is thicker than water. I’ll talk to you about her after we fuck,. I’m horny and I don’t want to lose the mood.”
“Why don’t you suck my cock while we wait for Bobby Z?” I asked, not waiting for an answer and pulling my half erect dick out of my jeans. She didn’t even respond. She simply smiled, passed me the blunt, while I got comfortable on the sofa, and started sucking my cock. It brought back so many memories.
“Did you miss me?” she asked, swirling her tongue around the head of my cock.
“My cock definitely missed you,” I said, with a moan.
She laughed as she sucked, bringing her lips all the way down, quickly and then back up again, slowly. She squeezed the base of my cock with her fingers, directly above my balls in a way that had always driven me crazy. When my cock was soaked with her saliva, she rubbed it all over her face, slowly, taking her time, making sure my hard dick touched every inch of her face. Forehead, eyes, cheeks, and lips. It was at that moment, I decided that April gave the best head I’d ever had. No wonder she was so popular with the other boys. That’s when the front door opened, like I’d been caught by someone’s parents getting a bj in their living room. Bobby Z was finally home, smoking a joint, as he came into the living room.
“Don’t mind me, Sorry, I was running late. I stopped for some cold champagne,” he said, holding up a big bag with four bottles of some sparkling wine. “If you guys are ready. The bedroom is this way.”
I pulled April up by her right hand and steadied her. She was pretty high, She put her arm around me as we followed Bobby Z to his bedroom, which was huge and had the best of everything. A huge California King bed, paintings, 50 different kinds of weed in small bottles on his dresser, like someone else would line up colognes and a badass 65” television with kickass speakers all over the place. There was lots of money dealing weed, where it wasn’t legal, that’s for sure.
The champagne flowed and we drank fast, as the three of us got onto bed, April pulled off her t-shirt, revealing those hot, little titties of hers. She also had a few new tattoos I hadn’t seen yet. She looked good. I wished I could have her all to myself tonight, but I imagined with two dicks inside her, she’d become a wild, crazy slut. I was right.
“I only have one request before we do this,” she said, accepting a blunt from me and taking a huge toke, “I want to be used. Don’t fucking wimp out on me. Either of you, please. There’s no bigger turn off than waiting around, asking me to do something. If you want something from me? Just take it. This’t a fucking romance.”
That was all I needed to know. April got on her knees at the edge of the bed and Bobby Z stood up in front of her and started sucking his dick. I got on my back and slid between her legs pulling her down on top of my face. She moaned deeply, as my lips touched her clit.
One of the advantages in a threesome is knowing what the woman likes in advance and after three years with her, I pretty much knew everything she enjoyed in bed. I licked my middle finger and pushed it slowly in her asshole, eliciting an “Oooh!” from her mouth, as she momentarily stopped sucking Bobby Z to look back and smile at me.
Bobby Z had taken everything she had said about taking whatever we wanted to heart. When she turned her head back around, he grabbed her by the back of the head and stuffed his cock in her mouth, pushing down further, a smile covering his face after he found his sweet spot. “I always said you give the best head I’d ever had,” he said, as he continued to push her head down. “I guess everyone does feel that way,” I said to myself.
April was correct. I had the bigger cock. One of us had to be that guy. I was just glad it was me. Mine was standing right at attention and I didn’t even notice I was absentmindedly stroking it, as I ate April’s cunt. She had the wettest pussy out of every woman I’d ever dated. Not a squirter, but pretty fucking close. She was moaning louder. I didn’t know if it was because of the cock in her mouth, my tongue on her clit, or the finger in her asshole. She loved it all. She had once told me that if she had to choose only one type of sex to have for the rest of her life, it would be blowjobs. She loved to give them. She loved to get on her knees and take it. A real cockwhore. That was one of the things I admired about her, and hated at the same time. It took me awhile to figure out she loved giving head so much, she couldn’t be satisfied with one. I was too stupid to see that, which I assume was the reason she cheated on me. If at this point in our life we were still dating, I would let her suck all the cock she wanted on the side with full permission. Why? Why not? If I was going to receive the benefit of great sex from a nympho like April, why would I refuse it. Of course, I wouldn’t marry her. That would be stupid. That would be setting myself up for failure.
She pulled her mouth off of Bobby’s spit-covered dick and said. “Bobby, let me suck you while I fuck Joe.” She moved her ass down to where her pussy was directly over my cock and slid right down on my staff, causing me to almost explode inside her boiling hot, soaked pussy as Bobby Z fucked her mouth. She was gagging and making all sorts of gurgling sounds. It was pretty fucking hot. I reached my arms around her and fingered her nipples as she sucked Bobby’s pole.
He was fucking her mouth so hard, I suddenly had to grab onto her hips, so she wouldn’t fall back on top of me and knock out one of my teeth. She was a pro. No matter how hard he pushed into her mouth, she didn’t miss a beat jumping up and down on my cock. Now she was high volume moaning, as Bobby fucked her mouth. She was squeaking like one of those chew toys you give a dog. She was cumming. Hard.
“Ooooooh! Ahhhhhh!” she moaned, taking her mouth off Bobby’s cock to take a breath, but still jerking him and fucking me as she did. She looked up at Bobby. “Where do you want to cum, Bobby, she moaned. “Do it wherever you wish.”
Bobby was moaning heavily. I didn’t know how long he’d be able to last inside her mouth, but I was ready to cum just in case he started shooting.
“I want to cum in that wet cunt. Why should Joe have all the fun?” he asked. April shot back a dirty smile and without warning, jumped off my dick.
“Ok, boys,” she said. “Let’s see. You’ve been taking what you’ve wanted all night and now it’s my turn. “Are you sure you want to cum inside my wet, bald, pussy, Bobby?” she asked, slowly stroking his dick. April was definitely a cock tease.
“You blow me all the time. Now spread those long fucking legs of yours for me,” he commanded.
“Ok,” she said, seductively. “Joe, get off the bed and stand up and Bobby, lay where Joe just was. “I like to be on top when I fuck.” I knew that was a lie. For being the slut nympho she was, April preferred iit old school, missionary style when she fucked. That’s a fact. I wondered what she had in mind.
Bobby lay on his back, while I stood there outside of the zone and April jumped on his cock facing him and asked, “How does that feel baby?” For some reason, I felt a twinge of jealousy. Stupid, I know. But, don’t forget I used to be in love with this woman. I must have had some kind of weird flashback.
She bent down and made out with Bobby for a couple of minutes before looking my way, saying, “What are you waiting for?”
“What am I waiting for?” I asked.
“Fuck my asshole. You know I always loved your cock in my asshole.”
That’s when I said, “You’ve always loved any cock inside your asshole.” That’s when Bobby Z broke out into hysterical laughter.
“Fuck you guys,” she said, trying to sound mad, but failing and laughing instead.
“You got any lube or anything?” she asked. My pussy is soaked for you, Bobby, and I want my asshole to feel the same way for Joe.”
“Joe,” Bobby said, looking over at me. Bathroom medicine cabinet. On the top shelf there’s a jar of Vaseline.”
“Wow,” April said laughing. “Vaseline. Kicking it old school, aren’t we? That’s ok, Vaseline is the best when you want to stick a fat dildo up your backdoor. I don’t know if I’ve never used it for a cock up there, but I bet it feels good.”
I quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed the Vaseline, opening the jar quickly and slathering haf of the jar all over my straining hard on.
“Now be gentle,” she said smiling.
“Why?” I asked. That made her smile again.
I’d fucked April’s ass many times. I’m not bragging. Apparently, so have a lot of other guys. Aya’s ex boyfriend was the last I knew to be inside April’s skinny little asshole, but with this slut, who knows? There was a big glob of Vaseline on the head of my cock. I crawled between Bobby Z’s spread legs and rubbed my cock up against her back hole. She moaned as she fucked Bobby. They were back into a deep makeout mode.
My cock slipped in easily. It felt so fucking good, It was a familiar feel. It sounds fucked up to say it this way, but it was like putting on an old pair of sneakers. Comfortable, as fuck!
My Vaseline covered hard on, made its way into her dark tunnel. I could feel the pressure from Bobby Z’s cock as he fucked her pussy.. He wasn’t as big as me, but he was thick. As always the guy with the biggest cock wins, and I soon pushed past the bottleneck and plunged deeply into her ass. As she kissed Bobby, I saw her nails claw into the sheets on either side of his head, as my cock disappeared almost completely inside of her slick, petroleum jelly covered asshole. That’s when the three of us got down to business.
“Oooh!” she said, lifting her head away from Bobby’s face. She was starting to move those famous hips of hers. I could tell Bobby Z wasn’t going to last too fucking long. I didn't blame him. She would make any guy cum on the spot while they fucked her pussy. However, with two dicks inside her, I’m guessing almost any guy would have an issue holding his load.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cuuuuuummmmmm!” she cried out. I seriously wish you could hear her moan right before orgasm. It’s something you’d never forget. I guarantee it. But, knowing April, as I do, I’m sure that half of you reading this story have already had your dicks inside of her and know what she sounds like.
As she came, bucking like the crazy, psycho cunt, slut , she is, Bobby Z was the next to let it fly inside her pussy. I didn’t want to wait any longer, so why the fuck not? The three of us were like one writing pile of sweat, all getting off at the same exact time. It was pretty fucking intense. I shot inside her asshole and she twerked faster than fucking Miley in an Instagram video.
When it was over, we lay there for a while, trying to recover. Bobby Z finally got up, went to the kitchen and came back with a couple of bottles of Gatorade for us. Then he took a shower while April and I laid on his bed.
“Thanks,” she said, “I owe you one for doing this with me. I didn’t know if he was a crazy serial killer, or anything,” she laughed.
“Nah,” I said. “Pot dealers are way too mellow to kill people.”
“Yeah, but with my luck, he would be the first.”
Bobby came back a few minutes later dressed in clean clothes.
“You clean up well,” I said.
“Gotta do business,” he said. “Look, I know I can trust you guys. Shower or whatever and do what you want, Just make sure to lock up when you leave. And Joe, I’ll drop off that half oz’ I owe you at your house tomorrow.”
“Awesome,” I said getting up. I almost went in for the bro hug, but remembered, I was naked. That wouldn’t have been cool.”
“I need a shower,” I said, after Bobby left the condo.
“Me too, but I’m not showering here, Everything he owns smells like weed. His skin smells like weed.”
“You smell like weed all the time, too,” I said laughing.
“Maybe my clothes and my hair,” she said. “But, not my skin. His dick tastes like weed.” I laughed again.
“I need a favor,” she said. “Can I shower at your house and then you can drop me off? With the way things have been at my place, I can’t go home drunk, smelling like pot and leaking cum from my ass and my pussy.”
I laughed again. April could be really funny when she wanted to.
“Yeah, I guess,” I said, regretting my words as soon as I said them.
“We have something to discuss anyway.”
“Oh, fuck,” I thought. “Here it comes. What the fuck do we have to talk about?”
“Is it anything important?” I asked. “Can it wait for another time.”
“Nah, we should discuss it on the way to your house. OK?”
“I guess,” I said, wondering what drama she had to discuss with me now. If it were anything to do with us getting back together, I was going to pull the car over and tell her to get the fuck out.
I drove away from the curb and she asked again, “Did you really have fun?”
“Absolutely, I did,” I answered. “Did you?”
“Yeah, but I would have had more fun with just you, or maybe you and somebody else. Bobby Z is a little creepy. That’s why I only blow him for weed. I don’t even swallow his cum. Something weird about sex with him.
“Wow, that is creepy,” I yawned. “I can’t wait to go home and go to sleep. You wore me the fuck out.”
“Yeah, I’m tired too. My jaw hurts and my cunt is sore, but my ass feels fine.”
“That’s because you fuck everyone in your ass, a hundred times a day,” I said. “It’s expanded so much, you don’t feel anything in it anymore.
“Too bad if I enjoy it. Sue me,” she laughed, as I pulled into my driveway.
“Ok, lay it on me. What do we need to discuss?" I asked.
“Aya,” she said. “We have to talk about Aya. Seriously, it's really fucking important."
To Be Continued
NOTE: There is a final chapter to this story and I’m willing to write it out if there is enough interest. Please leave me a comment and let me know if you’re interested in reading it. Thanks!

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