Revenge Of A Goddess, Part IV free porn video

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Revenge of a Goddess, Part IV By Limbo's Mistress Chapter Seven Kat and I didn't talk much during the walk home. For a first day in this new reality, I think we were both feeling a little overwhelmed. My earlier disgust at the things Stephanie had done with Principal Lewis had faded into the background. I still remembered the sensations and every dirty thought that had gone through her head, but it was in the distance. Like something ominous on the horizon. You could see it. You knew it was bad. But it was so far away that you just couldn't be all that concerned with it at the moment. Besides, if I thought too much about it, I was going to tell Kat every sordid detail. She didn't need that at the moment. She had her own issues to deal with. Halfway back to my house, she glanced over at me, though she didn't stop walking. "It moves," she said in a slightly surprised tone. "Not a lot, but enough to notice. Did yours do that?" My experience with my own penis seemed like a lifetime ago. I lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. "Sometimes," I said. "Depending on what I was wearing. I mean, I didn't wear too many skirt or panties back then." I shrugged again. "It moved around a lot when I wore boxers, though briefs were usually pretty good about keeping it in place." I nodded my head down at her lower half. "It's going to take some getting used to." "I guess so," she said in a defeated voice. When we got back to my house, we went inside to discover an older Vietnamese woman, probably in her fifties, working in the kitchen. As soon as we came into the room, she turned around from stirring a pot on the stove and threw on a big smile. "Hello, Miss Stephanie," she said in perfect English. "Welcome home." She nodded at Kat. "Miss Katherine." I started to ask the stranger who the hell she was, However, instead I raised one of my hands and waved, a giant smile forming on my own face in response to hers. "Hey, Michelle," I said as I drew in a deep breath of the heavenly aroma permeating the room. "What are you making?" "Lamb roast with garlic rice. For your dinner." I rubbed my belly, then snagged an apple from the basket sitting on the counter. "Sounds yummy," I said to the part-time housekeeper who made sure the place was cleaned on a regular basis and that Daddy and I had a hot meal every evening. After my mom died, Daddy said we needed to have someone to help look after us. He was working all the time, and I was only eleven, so he began the tedious process of finding a suitable housekeeper. Michelle Tran was the fourth woman we interviewed for the job. Five minutes into the ice breaking portion, I knew she would be the perfect fit. I think Daddy did too. "Miss Stephanie? Your father had to leave today to go to San Francisco. Something about an emergency meeting with the stockholders." She gestured at the oven. "The lamb should last you two days, and there is still braised pork from yesterday in the fridge." I pulled my phone out of my backpack, frowning at the screen. "He didn't send me a goodbye text or anything." I looked up to see Kat staring at me with an impatient expression on her face. She cut her eyes over to the stairs and back. "I'm sure he was just in a hurry to catch his flight," Michelle offered with a small smile. "I bet he will call you when he lands." I nodded. "Maybe." Turning around, I headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom, with Kat right on my heels. Once we were inside the room with the door closed, she gave me an perplexed stare. "Holy shit," she said, dropping onto the edge of my bed. "I don't think I am ever going to get used to that." I tilted my head to the side, looking at her. "Used to what?" "The way you just ... become her. I mean, one minute, you're Stephen. Saying Stephen things and thinking Stephen thoughts. Then, blam! Stephanie's in the driver's seat." She shook her head, slipping her backpack off her shoulder and letting it drop to beside her feet. "It's just weird how seamless it is, that's all." "That's all?" I asked, plopping down beside her. "You should see it from this side. When I come back, I remember everything she's said and done. But, she's in front, it's like throwing a switch. She doesn't know anything is out of place about her life. No clue that she's just a construct for the amusement of that ..." I almost said, "demented bitch", but figured there was no need to give Nadine a reason to show up. "... person." Kat put her arm over my shoulders. "I know, babe. And I'm sorry if it sometimes seems I don't care that this is happening to you. It's so fucked up it's mind-blowing." "It's not just me," I said, leaning into her embrace. "You're here, too. You're just as much a victim as me. Hell, maybe more. You don't forget how things used to be when other people are around." "I can't do anything about it, though. I'm still compelled to follow her damned rules and behave like I'm seventeen again." She turned her head to look at me. "At lunch, did you say she aged you a year just to turn you into a nymphomaniac?" "Sort of," I answered, my face growing warm. "Care to explain that a little more?" I recounted the incident at the lockers where Nadine had made her oblivious of her actions. I also informed her that the full truth behind her de-flowering had been revealed as well. When I was done, the look on her face had turned rather serious. "Wait, she said she took my attraction to older men, gave it some kind of supercharge, then placed it into you?" I nodded. "She did the same to you with my ... thing. Younger girls." She sighed. "Well, that would explain why I can't stop checking out the freshmen and sophomore girls. I nearly missed answering for attendance in Chemistry because I was busy staring at Christy Blevins' tits." I sighed, nestling against her as I closed my eyes. I wanted to go to sleep and wake up to find that this whole mess was nothing more than a horrible nightmare. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since my ex had strolled into our lives and given them an insane twirl. How long were we going to have to play her twisted game? "Stephen?" Kat said softly. "Yes?" "Can you, uh, maybe move off me?" "Why? Am I too heavy?" "No," she said with hesitation. "But you're starting to give me an erection." I jumped up off the bed, nearly tripping over her backpack. Kat remained where she was, but her attention was on the front of her skirt. There was a slightly noticeable bulge beneath the pleated material. As I watched, the lump grew larger and taller. "This feels weird," she said, not taking her eyes off the growing taking place in her lap. She winced a bit. "Panties are a little too tight." I covered my mouth with my hand absentmindedly, unable to look away either. "It's ... big." "I know." She grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up, just as she'd done earlier in the school's parking lot. This time, there was more than just the outline visible of her new parts. The unnatural appendage between her legs had become longer. At least three inches of it, including an engorged head, extended above the top of her panties. "Oh shit," I said, unable to resist moving in for a closer examination. "It's huge. Bigger than mine ... was." "It looks ginormous from this angle," she said. Hesitantly, she brushed the fingers of one hand across the portion of the shaft still covered by cotton. A shudder ran through her body, and a little drop of white appeared on the exposed tip. I lowered my gaze to the roundish lump at the other end of the fleshy rod. The underwear there was stretched tight as well, showcasing a set of balls worthy of a porn star. However, it was the dark spot of dampness even further down that really threw me for a loop. "You're wet," I said, finally looking up at her. "Does that mean that you've still got a ..." She nodded. "Yeah, I'm still packing my va-jay-jay. Apparently, this monstrosity has been formed out of my clit. My labia are tucked beneath the sack." "It's bigger than Bobby's," I said, looking back at my girlfriend's cock. "Bobby?" I blushed, bringing my gaze up for a second before turning to look out the window. "When she made me a nympho, she did it in Mr. Tillis' class. One second, I was fine. The next, I just wanted him to bend me over his desk and fuck me until I drooled." The words wanted to hang in my throat. "I heard you left the class sick or something." I nodded. "Then I got pinched by The Bull for being in the hall without a pass. She took me to the Principal's office." The heat in my face was a bonfire. "Turns out that Principal Robert Lewis, is actually Bobby Lewis. A kid I used to pick on in high school. Only Nadine has turned him from a skinny dweeb into a hot, mature administrator. She made sure Stephanie's horniness was cranked to maximum, then left me alone with him." "What did you do?" Kat asked, finally looking from her engorged dick to me. "I mean, what did Stephanie do?" I sighed. "She was so turned on by his age and apparent authority, she nearly creamed herself from him just giving her stern looks. Then I ... she ... got down on her knees and ..." I bit down my lip, closing my eyes. Not only could I still see with perfect clarity Bobby's cock hovering before my nose, I could still smell how aroused I was. Stephanie was. Hear the quietness of the office. Feel the softness of the carpet. Remember the not-so-quiet dirty words the Principal had uttered while getting his knob polished by my blonde, nympho half. "She sucked him off until he unloaded into her dirty whore mouth. Then she swallowed every fucking drop and licked him clean before skipping out of the office like I'd just won tickets to Disneyland." I was mad. I was furious about what Nadine had made me do. And, most of all, I was pissed that some part of me, not Stephanie, wanted to do it again. I opened my eyes, turning back to see Kat had her eyes shut. The hand not holding onto the bottom of the skirt was stroking back and forth along the hard rod in her panties. Her mouth slightly agape, her breathing quick and shallow. After a few seconds, her lids fluttered open to see me standing there watching. Her hand quickly leapt from where it had been caressing her cock to slide under her bottom, as if running to hide. Kat's face turned the color of an apple. "Oh, god. Stephen. It's ... I didn't ... I couldn't ..." I stared at her for another few seconds before nodding. "You couldn't help yourself? Yeah, I remember what it was like to have one of those. Sometimes the urge to touch it sort of overwhelms everything else." I didn't want to tell her how disgusted I was. Bad enough the things Stephanie had done that day were still zinging around in my mind. But to have my hermaphrodite girlfriend jerk off to it? That was too much. She yanked her skirt back down over the still pulsing shaft, twitching a bit as the cloth brushed the aroused head. "It's that damned thing Nadine did. You're not only younger than me, we already have a romantic connection. Me and you, I mean. Not her." She sighed. "I guess all that got jumbled around, so when you started talking about sucking Principal Lewis' dick, I could vividly imagine it. It made me really horny. So horny. Sorry." I shrugged. "I know. No reason to be upset about it, right? It's her fault." Was I referring to Nadine. Or Stephanie. "Right," she replied, visibly relieved that I wasn't mad at her. Then the phone in her bag chirped. Pulling it out, she looked at the screen. "It's my mom. She wants me to come home right now and help with dinner." She put the phone back in the bag and stood up. My pulse jumped into overdrive. "Wait! What? You're going home?" My heart began racing. "I have to, Stephen." She gestured at herself, then at me. "Rules of the game, remember? And since once of those rules is that we don't live together any more, I have to go home when my parents call me." "But ... Kat ... I'll vanish. Once you're out that door, It'll just be Stephanie until school tomorrow morning." She nodded, frowning. "I know, hon. But I also know that I have to go home. Have to. I can feel it pulling at me." She shook her head. "I had hoped we could throw a wrench in her revenge plan by not following her script. Looks like that's not going to work." I opened my mouth to tell Kat about the mistake Nadine had made in her original attempt to make me a slutty sophomore. However, warning bells in my head screamed that the bitch was probably watching us. Laughing her ass off. She slipped her bag on her shoulder and grabbed me in a tight hug. "I'm sorry, babe. I wish I could stay. I really, really do." Her erection hadn't completely gone down, and being pressed up against me made it come surging back to life. I quickly disengaged myself from her embrace, turning my hip so the thick organ was closer to the outside of my thigh, rather than nestled between my legs. "Okay," I said. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded and walked to the door. "Hey, I'll call you later. Maybe being on the phone will have the same effect as when we're alone for real." I shrugged, not thinking about what a phone call later may or may not do. "Maybe. See ya." She gave me one last look, one so full of pity it made my stomach burn. Then she was gone and the door closed behind her. After Kat left, I dug my books out of my bag and sat down at the desk by the window, working on my homework. I was most of the way finished when Michelle called up to me from the bottom of the stairs. "Miss Stephanie, your dinner is on the table. I'm heading out now." "Okay!" I responded. "See you tomorrow!" I ate dinner in the kitchen, rather than sit in the huge, empty dining room all by myself. The stillness of the house made me feel even more alone than normal. Having Daddy be gone for a couple of days at a time wasn't anything new, so I couldn't figure out why I was so wound up this particular time. It was like I kept expecting some monster to appear out of nowhere to torture me. When I was done with dinner, I debated watching some television. However, another idea popped into my head, and I drifted upstairs to the master bathroom. I had my own personal bathroom, of course. However, the one off my father's bedroom had a gigantic garden tub right beside the stand- alone shower stall. I turned on the faucet, filling the large tub almost to the top. Then I peeled out of my school uniform. I kept my eyes closed as I disrobed, pretending that it wasn't me who was removing my clothing. It was Principal Lewis. By the time I slid my panties down my trembling legs, they were soaked completely through. Slipping into the hot water, I settled back with my head resting on the side. I squirted some of the body wash from a bottle in the alcove in the wall. The aroma of lavender mingled with the scent wafting from my damp underwear as I lathered up my body. My hands roamed over my breasts, kneading the large mounds. My fingers traced circles around the areolas, nails dragging lightly over the tender flesh before pinching the hardened nipples teasingly. I bit down on my lips, imaging the administrator's hands on my body. Would he be gentle? Hopefully not. One hand continued to massage my breast, rougher this time, while the other slid down over my flat belly to the mound above my sex. After puberty had hit me like a freight train, I found that the hair down there grew from a bit of fuzz to a thick blonde bush incredibly fast. After one disastrous attempt to shave it completely smooth, I found it easier to keep things nice and neat with a pair of electric clippers. My fingertips stroked through the thin strip that remained, sending delicious tingles swarming lower. My hand continued further, fingers teasing the delicate folds of flesh between my legs. My thumbnail edged along the engorged nub nestled inside, bringing a happy gasp from between my lips. I felt unmoored. While this wasn't the first time I'd ever touched myself, it was the first time I'd done it in the bathtub. Or thought about an older man while doing it. The few times prior had been accompanied by images of Brad or Corey or Jeremy Donner. And the boy of honor was always whispering something romantic and sweet, like in a Nicholas Sparks movie. Darker thoughts flowed through my imagination as I continued to pleasure myself. More HBO Late Night than Disney Channel. Principal Lewis had me bent over his lap, my skirt flipped up to reveal my bare ass. The head of Taborville High had ripped my panties right off my body and stuffed them into my mouth to muffle my screams. His hand came down in uneven intervals, slapping the same general spot each time. "How's that slutty pussy of yours taste, Miss Coltrane?" He asked, bringing his hand down again. My butt felt like it was being ironed on a high setting. "You're such a little whore you can't even make it through one class without soaking yourself, can you?" I didn't answer him. Mainly because I didn't want to say anything that might spoil the moment. I just wanted him to continue paddling me like the dirty little girl I was. When I felt he took too long between blows, I wiggled myself against him, smearing the juices leaking from between my legs onto his freshly-pressed gray slacks. Back in the real world, my fingers danced around and around the swollen labia, fingers on my breast pinched and twisted the hardened nipple. I lifted my legs out of the water, placing them on the edges of the tub to provide better access to my needy slit. "You can't help yourself, can you?" Principal Lewis said, slapping on my bottom again. If he kept it up, I wouldn't be able to sit down in any of my classes for the rest of the day. "The first time some guy over the age of thirty looks at you, you turn into a wanton slut." I nodded my head, agreeing whole-heartedly with him. The fingers between my legs increased their motions, slipping just inside the edges and then up to attack my clit with fury. "Yes," I said, though the dream-version of me just mumbled against the panties. "I can't help it. I'm such a whore." Principal Lewis spanked me six more times in a rapid fire pace before standing up. He caught my arm before I could hit the floor and pulled me over to his desk. His fingers curled into the waistband of my skirt and tore it free with same ease with which he had removed my panties. The cool air of the office, swimming with the smell of my arousal, caressed the burning spot on my ass. "Such a tramp," he said, dragging his fingers through the slickness running down my legs. "You know what you need, Miss Coltrane? A good old fashioned fucking? You want that, whore? You want me to fuck your dirty, young pussy?" I nodded wildly, both in my head and for real. "Yes," I gasped aloud. "I need it." My other hand had abandoned my breast to join its mate in teasing my sex to incredible heights. One of my fingers kept sliding a little deeper, stopping just short of the unbroken barrier inside. "Maybe after I'm done using your little slut body, I'll bring the rest of your teachers in to have a go. We'll start with Mr. Tillis, I think. Work our way through the rest of the faculty after that." I gasped, feeling a pressure forming deep inside me. This was going to be more intense than the little orgasm I'd had on my knees this morning. This was going to be a screaming fountain of womanly pleasure that would rattle Olympus. "Yes!" I said to the older man in my imagination. "Please fuck me." My finger pressed against the physical representation of my innocence. The need to come was reaching a crescendo, and I wanted both to break at the same time. Back in my imagination, Principal Lewis had moved around to press himself into me from behind. I could feel the head of his giant cock teasing the opening of my dripping cunt. "Ready, slut. Here I go." He started pushing himself into me as my finger started pushing on the thin resistance against the tip. My orgasm hovered on the peripherals, awaiting its debut. RING!! My phone, hiding beneath my discarded clothes, shrieked loudly in the quiet room. Instantly, the spell of lust was shattered, and I shot upright in the tub, sending a wave of soapy water over the edge to splash on the tile floor. The near-orgasm evaporated instantly. Pulling my hands out of my still-aching crotch, I leaned over the side and dried them on my blouse before grabbing the shrilling device. I looked at the Caller ID and swiped my thumb over the screen. "Hello, Daddy." "Hey, Pumpkin. What're you doing?" I glanced down at my naked body with the diamond-hard nipples and sighed. Then I put the phone on speaker mode and lay back in the tub again. "Not much. Just taking a bath." "From your dirty whoring?" I nearly choked as my legs went weak and threatened to submerge me. I stared at the phone, heart racing in my chest. "What?" "I said, 'Well, here it's pretty boring.' I'm stuck at LAX waiting for a connecting flight." My pulses still throbbed in my ears. My daydream must have still been swirling around in my brain. Breathing a sigh of relief, I leaned back in the water again. "When will you be home?" "Right now, it looks like it might be the day after tomorrow. Will you be okay until then?" "I will, Daddy." "Good," he said. I could hear the pride in his voice. "Just remember to not take too many cocks to your bed." My heart seized again. "What?" "There must be a bad connection, Pumpkin. I said 'just remember to check the locks before you go to bed.' On the doors." Did I hear someone laughing in the background? The feminine chuckle seemed kind of familiar. "Oh ... uh, I will, Daddy." "That's my good girl. Well, I have to go, I think their calling my flight." "Ok, Daddy. Fly safe. Good night." "Good night, slut." Then the line went dead. I stared at the phone, shaking as if I were standing on an Antarctic ice floe and not lounging in a still-steaming bath. What the hell was going on? I knew far better than to think my father, who doted on me tirelessly, would say those dirty things to me. Not to his own daughter. I must have been more frustrated, sexually, than I realized. I decided that I would take care of that little problem sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, when I got out of the tub, dried off, and put on my nightie, I was too wound up to get any release. I crawled into bed and pushed my panties down over my hips, letting my fingers return to their delightful tasks. However, every time I got close to coming, I would hear my father's voice in my head. It drowned out Principal Lewis' dirty talk, and caused my damp honeypot to dry almost instantly. After over an hour of repeated failures, I finally turned off the light, rolled over beneath the covers, and went to sleep wound so tight I wanted to cry. Chapter Eight The next morning, I was sitting in the kitchen, eating a cinnamon raisin bagel, when Kat knocked on the back door. When I opened it, she gave me a strange look, then came in and plopped down at the table. "You look ... unhappy," she said. "Rough evening?" I sat back down at the table, looked at the bagel, then pushed the plate away with a sigh. "Rougher than yours." I knew my tone was harsh, but I was still reeling from the previous evening's events. "Probably. I had to deal with the fact that my parents are actually a couple I knew in college. Only instead of being in their late twenties, they're in their forties. But they're still this lovey-dovey sappy couple they were back then." "Okay," I said, resisting an eye roll. "That doesn't sound too bad." "Except the part where I have to act like I'm all embarrassed and upset about it. Then they get upset about upsetting me. I want to tell them I don't care if they rip off their clothes and bone each other on the dining room table. Instead, I get all flustered and red-faced." She picked up the rest of the bagel and took a bite. "That ex of yours really knows how screw with people." "Tell me about it. After you left, Stephanie decided to take a bath and finger-fuck herself while dreaming about Bobby Lewis spanking her." Kat sat up, color climbing into her cheeks. "Wow. How hard did you come to that image?" "She didn't," I spat. "Her dad called right when she was about to orgasm and spoiled the moment. Then he started saying all these dirty things to her. Calling her a whore and warning her not to take any cocks to bed." "What? Are you fucking serious?" I nodded. "I heard Nadine laughing in the background. I think she was either making him say that shit and then making him think he'd said something different. Or else she was making Stephanie hear the wrong thing. Regardless, it fucked her up enough that, later on, she couldn't get herself off. So, she went to bed sexually frustrated as hell and that's how she woke up." I sighed. "And I'm still horny as hell." Kat's face was bright red, and she wouldn't meet my eyes. Suspicious, I leaned over to look under the table, then sat back up. "I can't believe you have a fucking hard-on from hearing that." She threw the bagel back down on the plate. "I'm sorry," she says, still refusing to look at me. "I can't help it." Slowly, she turns her head in my direction. "I woke up this morning with it all stiff and painful. I mean, really fucking stiff." "Morning wood," I said. "Happens to guys all the time." "How do you make it go away? I had to get in the shower and turn the water to freezing before it would go down." I shrugged. "Jerk off. That always worked for me." She shook her head. "If it happens at school, I'm probably going to die of embarrassment." "Why?" I said, giving her a look. "It's not like it's a secret." Her eyes widened with shock, then returned to their normal size. "Shit. I just got that memory. Fuck! Everyone knows I'm a packing both types of genitalia, huh?" "Afraid so," I said, drinking the last of Stephanie's orange juice. I would have preferred a big cup of black coffee this early in the morning, but apparently Little Miss Sexpot is a healthy eater. "Stephanie tried to imagine it was you and your meat doing her last night. When every other thing she attempted failed." Kat shook her head and stood up. "Come on. Let's get this fucking day over with." School started off as an almost carbon copy of the previous day. Again, Brad Jenkins pulled up to the curb again and offered us a ride to school. This time, I hopped into his Mustang before Kat could turn on her Bitchy Ray. I didn't know what had pissed in her cereal, but I figured she could just get over it. She stared at me angrily for a few seconds, then climbed into the back seat of the convertible with an exaggerated sigh. When we got to school, Kat went straight to locker, grabbed her books, and marched off without so much as a wave bye. I watched her leave and then grabbed my own materials for class. As I was checking my appearance in the mirror affixed to the inside of the locker door, I felt someone come up behind me. "Hey, Stephanie." Corey Johnson's voice made my heart skip a beat. I turned around, flashing him my biggest smile. "Hey, Corey. What's up?" He leaned against the lockers, supporting arm high above my head. "Not much. Just wanted to know if you had plans for tonight?" I didn't even bother to pretend that I had to check some imaginary schedule first before shaking my head. "Not a single one. Why? Can't wait until Saturday?" He laughed. "Touch?. No, Jordan Kates is having a party tonight. Not a huge bash. Just a dozen or so people. It'll be totally chill." Jordan Kates was a senior and a Raiderette. If the party was at her house, then the chances were pretty good it would be only upperclassmen in attendance. Probably even just seniors. And me. "Oh?" I turned my head slightly to look at him with a skeptical glance. "And Jordan is okay if you bring a sophomore as your Plus One?" He grinned. "As long as I don't bring Melody Shaffer, she doesn't care." Melody was Corey's ex-girlfriend. They had an epic breakup fight the second day of the school year. Since then, Melody was living life as a person non grata at Taborville High. Not even the dorks in the chess club would associate with her. "Good point," I said. "Then I accept your invitation, Mr. Johnson." "Great. I'll pick you up at seven, okay? And one more thing?" He leaned closer, looking into my eyes. For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me. Part of me wanted him to. Another part wanted him to be someone else when he did it. Someone much older. "Watch out for Toni. She's mucho pissed you skipped the tryouts." I was so stunned I didn't even realize he'd walked away until I heard the first warning bell. Slamming my locker shut, I raced down the hall, barely making it through the doorway of homeroom before the tardy bell sounded. As Mrs. Daniels called out our names, I noticed several girls looking at me with expressions of concern and surprise. I wasn't sure what was going on until Barbara Crawford leaned forward and tapped me on the shoulder. "Is it true that you told Toni Johnson to shove her tryouts up her twat?" My mouth dropped open for a moment, then I shook my head. "No, I didn't say anything like that." The homely girl peered at me from behind her glasses before shrugging. "Well, that's what I heard in the Quad this morning. Rumor is, Corey convinced her to hold open a spot for you on the squad, and all you had to do was just show up to claim it. But you told her to where to stick it and left campus with Miss Long Dong. I flinched at the nickname I'd heard people use in reference to Kat. I didn't think it was fair to make fun of someone who had a difference due to birth. I mean, no one called Barbara "Peg-Leg" because she'd been born missing a limb. "That's not what happened." "Don't tell me, Coltrane. Better square it with Toni. Right now, you're not her favorite person." I couldn't believe Toni would think I'd deliberately blown her off. We'd been best friends for years, since fifth grade. But when Kat moved to town and we became close, Toni had decided to lessen her ties with me. We were still friendly-ish, but most of that was because Corey insisted we get along. When homeroom ended, I hurried down the hall to first period, practically running and dodging the entire way. I managed to catch Corey outside the classroom, talking to a guy I didn't immediately recognize. When Corey looked over at me and saw the panic I knew was on my face, he frowned. "Did Toni ...?" "You said she was upset, Corey. You didn't say she thought I'd told her to fuck off and wanted my head on a platter." He rolled his eyes. "Wow. Shit really gets exaggerated around here, doesn't it?" "So, your sister is not mad at me?" He shook his head. "Oh no, she's pissed as hell. But I'm sure if you explain where you were yesterday, it'll be okay. I mean, you've been dying to be a Raiderette for over a year. If you blew off the tryouts, it had to be for a good reason. Right?" I looked away, feeling my cheeks grow warm. "I was with Kat. She was having a problem and needed my help." I knew that to be the truth, but I couldn't really remember exactly what Kat was having a problem with. All I could conjure up was an image of Kat lifting her skirt to show me the penis in her panties. However, I'd seen that bulge a thousand times over the years. Why would its existence present a problem now? He shrugged his shoulders. "You know Toni's not a big fan of Kat Davenport. Especially after what happened in the locker room freshman year." "Corey, as a guy you should know that sometimes those ... things just get stiff for no reason. Kat didn't have an erection because she saw Toni taking a shower. Kat may be a lesbian, but she's into younger girls, not older ones." "I get it, Stephanie. I really do. I know that sometimes you have to help a friend in need. But Toni's a completely different creature than me. She has a temper and can carry a grudge." I sighed. "There goes my social life." He shook his head. "Maybe not. Maybe she'll come around. If I were her, I'd listen to your excuse and give you another chance." I looked up at him. "Really?" "Absolutely," he said. I frowned and leaned against the door of the classroom. "Too bad she isn't more like you, then." I said softly. "It would be great if she was." "Cheer up," Tony said, giving me a nudge with his shoulder. "Look, just explain to Cori when you see her. Tell her what happened. I'm sure she'll give you another shot." I nodded, knowing that he was probably right. Tony might be a jerk sometimes, but his sister was really easy-going. "Okay," I said, feeling a little better." I pointed at the open doorway. "Guess we better get inside before the late bell rings." Tony slipped his arm through my elbow and walked us into the classroom. "Don't forget, seven tonight. Wear something sexy." Lunch never seemed to arrive. When Ms. Maxwell's Geometry class was dismissed, I skipped going to my locker so that I could catch Cori before she got to our table. If she was going to tell me to piss off, I'd rather it be just me and her. I spotted her heading to the line the second I walked into the door. "Steph," Kat sad from a few feet behind me. I glanced back over my shoulder, held up one finger, then quickly walked across the floor to get in line behind the co-captain of the cheer team. "Uh, Cori," I said in a low voice. "Can we talk about yesterday?" She turned around and looked at me for a second, the expression on her face was like I had to be crazy to be speaking to her. Then she nodded a single time. "I'm sorry about yesterday. Something came up and Kat really needed my help. I didn't intend to ditch tryouts, honest. I want to be a Raidertte so bad. Please let me have another shot. I promise I'll work twice as hard as anyone else." The brunette stared at me for another couple of seconds before giving me a small smile. "Apology accepted. Just show up this afternoon, okay? This is the last chance I can give you." "Thank you. Thank you." I wanted to do a dance right there in the lunch line. I was still grinning like an idiot when I turned to see Kat several people behind me, wearing an extremely annoyed look on her face. My good mood vanished as easily as the previous night's orgasm. When she finally got through the line and sat down beside me, she leaned over to whisper in my ear. "She fucking did it again." I blinked, opening my mouth ask who she was referring to. Then my trap snapped shut, and I glanced around the table. Cori was focusing on the phone in her hand, and Sarah was whispering to Jasmine Peele, both of them glancing over at the footballers' table. I turned back over to Kat. "What did she change now?" "Well, Toni Johnson, former cheerleader is now Tony Johnson, wide receiver on the varsity football team. And Corey Johnson ..." She nodded at the girl scrolling through her social media feed. "... went from catching passes to shaking pom-poms. I guess she didn't leave their memories intact because neither of them seem to be freaking out they've changed sexes." I looked from Kat to the Raiderette co-captain and back, trying to sort out the jumbled mess of Who's Who in my brain. Then I smacked myself in the head. "Shit," I said. "It wasn't Nadine that did that. It was me." "What the fuck are you talking about?" she whispered. "You changed them around?" I glanced around again to make sure no one was paying attention to us. "Yesterday, Nadine said she wanted to give me a gift. Told me she'd given me the power to change something about someone once per day." "Change someone? Like what she keeps doing to us?" Her tone was heavy with accusation. I blushed, fighting to not look away. "I think she's trying to prove I'm just as fucked up as she is. I told her to taker her offer and go to hell. Because I wasn't interested in ruining people's lives for my own amusement." Kat frowned. "But you were okay with messing with Toni and Corey?" "That wasn't me. That was Stephanie." "Wait. She also gave Stephanie the power to change reality?" "Yes. But she doesn't know she has that power. This morning, she was all worried about Toni being pissed at her for skipping the tryouts yesterday. Stephanie accidentally used the power to fix it the situation. But, she's not aware that she changed reality. Or that it was even changed." "Shit. That's dangerous territory. Even if you can resist abusing it, that doesn't mean that Stephanie won't continue to make changes accidentally." I nodded. "How do we keep her from screwing things up?" "I don't know." A bit of color appeared on her cheeks. "Think the next time, you could put me back to normal?" She nodded down at her lap. "Even the memories of having this thing since birth isn't making owning it any easier." I smiled. "As soon as tomorrow comes, I'll fix what she did to you." The rest of the day went by so slowly I almost got up several times to check if the clocks on the wall matched the time on my phone. Finally, after I was ready to scream and break something, the final bell of the day rang. I rushed to my locker and shoved my books inside. Then I headed toward the girls' locker room to change into a pair of scarlet shorts, knee socks, sneakers, and a gray t-shirt that read "Taborville High" over a double set of sports bras. I gathered my hair up into a ponytail and secured it with a bright red scrunchy. A few minutes later, I was walking down the path that lead to the sports fields. I could see the Raiderettes hanging next to some folding tables. They were far enough away that I couldn't hear what they were saying. However, from the body language being displayed, an argument of some type was taking place. When I got within twenty feet, I noticed that Cori's face was red, including her ears. Which only happened when she was mad. Then I looked over to see Jennifer Walters giving me the stink eye. Guess she was aware of the lift to school Brad had given me this morning. Next to Jennifer, Jordan Kates was twirling a pen around in her fingers, snapping her gum as she gave me a neutral stare. Jordan and I hadn't really spoken before, other than a few short greetings at parties. The seven other members of the squad were sitting on the nearby bleachers, looking at the rest of us. Sarah Stroupe waved when she saw me. I smiled and waved back before looking at the three head cheerleaders. "Hi," I said to Cori, moving my gaze to include the rest in the greeting. "Sorry about yesterday. Something unavoidable came up." Jennifer snorted. "I bet something always comes up when you and MLD get together." Cori's eyes narrowed. "Jen..." "Fine," the cheer captain grumbled. Then she looked at me and put on a smile so fake, it could have been a porn star's boobs. "Welcome to the tryouts for the prestigious Taborville High Raiderttes. We had two open slots for this year's squad. One of them has been filled. Your name has been put forth as a candidate for the other." Her eyes went to Cori for a second before turning back to me. "Shall we begin?" "Begin?" I asked. Jennifer rolled her eyes so that I was sure she snuck a peek at her brain. "Duh. Tryouts, Coltrane. That means you try out. If we like your stuff, you're in. If not ... better luck next decade." "Oh. I thought ..." I looked at Cori for a moment. "I thought I was ... I mean ... I didn't realize I was going to have to actually try out." Jennifer laughed. "You were guaranteed a spot yesterday, Soph. But that was a one-time only, limited offer for one day. Non-transferrable. Now you're going to have to earn it. Just like the rest of the girls did." Her smile widened, though it dropped about fifty degrees in warmth. "We are the cr?me of the cr?me, Coltrane. We have to be sure you're not going to embarrass us in front of the crowds. Raiderette isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle." I nearly snorted at the pretentiousness of her statement. However, I doubted Cori or Jordan would think highly of my amusement. Instead, I nodded, keeping a serious expression on my face. "I understand." Then I took a deep breath and walked over to an area a few feet away that had been marked off with field chalk. Cori gave me an encouraging nod. "You know the routines, Steph. Just repeat what you did last weekend in my backyard and you'll be awesome." "I want to see this awesome routine," someone behind me said. Jennifer grinned. For real this time. "There's our newest member," she said. "I have to say the look suits you." I turned around, slowly. Panic was already creeping into my soul before I fully completed the turn. Silently I prayed that my ears were playing tricks on me. Leaning against the fence was Nadine. Dressed in the black and red uniform of a Raiderette. Her hair was braided into a pair of pigtails tied off with bright red bows. She smiled back at Jennifer and then cut her eyes over at me. "I've been told you know the routines better than some of the actual members. I came to see for myself." I nearly fled the scene, Stephanie's social future be damned. However, I knew that once I was no longer in control, the teen wouldn't be able to rationalize her actions. I wasn't sure what she would do if that happened. For all I knew, she might kill herself. Stephanie could ace the tryouts. She had committed every move, every jump, every gyration to memory. She could do the routines in her sleep, and had during more than one REM cycle. Technically, I knew them all just as well. All I lacked was the same desire. "Well?" Jennifer Walters said impatiently. "This is your chance to prove you're not just some loser nobody who grew a set of tits and now thinks she's the new Miss Thing. Show us what you got." I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. The only way I was going to pull this off was if I actually tried to be Stephanie. I couldn't just shove her into the driver's seat. Nadine had made sure of that. Which meant I was going to have to voluntarily commit to embracing my feminine side. I took another deep breath, pushed Nadine's presence from my thoughts, and stood in the center of the chalk square. I spread my legs slightly apart and placed the palms of my hands on my hips, assuming the ready pose. Cori picked up her phone and heavy house music began blasting from the Bluetooth speaker on the table. Just then, my gaze moved up from the trio at the table in front of me. It drifted higher, rising above the gleaming metal of the field's bleachers. It finally stopped at the top of the seating area, frozen on the person sitting there observing the action taking place below. Principal Lewis had come to watch me perform.

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

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Blessings of the Goddess

I'd originally intended to make this story a lot shorter, but after several problems at the start, the story just seemed to demand being made longer. I know that even more could be added at the end, but I decided to leave it where it was for now. Blessings of the Goddess By Morpheus Larry jangled the set of keys in his hand, carefully examining the old door in front of him, particularly the rusty padlock. Obviously not many people had been through there in awhile, which made...

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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.” He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the...

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The Rise Of The Futa Goddess

In an undisclosed part of the world a Goddess sat upon a throne shimmering with flawless golden tan skin with flowing ravenous red hair and built as the Goddess traced her hand down her tight stomach feeling the muscles sending shivers down to her thighs while the camera began to pan down to a golden tan rock-hard cock with pulsating veins while her cunt glistened with her slick womanly fluids… Where do I begin some say the Beginning is always a good place to start so where do I begin…? My name...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 42 The Goddessrsquos Perilous Offer

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest Fear poured through my body as I faced Throwia. The Goddess of Strife and Suffering sauntered forward, her large breasts...

3 years ago
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Revenge Sex

Revenge Sex Jennifer was one of my daughter’s closest friends. I had only met her three times before. She had accompanied my daughter to my father-in-law’s funeral services and she was about ready to pop with her third child at the time too. The second time was at my daughter’s wedding when she was a bride’s maid. The third time was when I dropped my wife off at her house for our daughter’s baby shower. Yes at age sixty-one I would become a grandfather for the very first time. Each...

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In 1999 my wife had an affair with a married man time I find out she been having this affair for 8 months but she came back to me because he was not going leave his wife for her.While we was sorting things out the only sex which I got was the first night she came back to me & than that night I did not cum in her pussy just over her face & walked into spare bedroom, while we was talking she told me he only fuck her 3 times in 8 months & one of them was in her ass, what piss me off...

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Revenge The Conclusion By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 4

Hello Friends, Greetings! Things were changing and i was hearing the whispers of demons in my mind. They were saying you are on the right path and will get your revenge soon. After that long horny and hectic night, I asked Andrew to leave for today. I will call him later. I need rest and lots of things were running in my mind. How to set the trap and blah blah. Those 3 years time span take me from a innocent and helping girl to a selfish girl. I fucked several peoples during that time only to...

4 years ago
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Revenge With My ExGirlfriend

Hello readers, I am Amit, my age is 28 and I live in Banglore. I am a software engineer. I was in relationship with my girlfriend Neha for almost 2 years. Everything was going perfect,but one day i came to know that she was cheating on me. she had one more boyfriend. i caught her red handed in a restaurant with that other boy. I saw her and fought with her boy friend there only, but she slapped me and asked me to leave. She slapped me in front of so many people, that has created so much of...

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Revenge Gone Bad

Revenge Gone BadI walked into the club hoping maybe that tonight might be a little different, after all it was my 37th birthday. I did not put much stock in the mid life crisis thing, I was an average male, married for several years with c***dren, I had fantasized about other women but had never been unfaithful to my wife. The guys at work had decided to throw me a 37th birthday bash at the club, it was a strip club and tonight was amateur night, amateur night brought out mostly want-to-be...

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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 14

I might have a bone or two to pick with Norman ... but he wasn't remotely responsible for the biggest single fuckup of my entire life. No one was, except for me. I hadn't realized on that September morning many years ago when I kissed Red goodbye that I'd never see him alive again, that he wouldn't return to our tent in the hills in our gawdawful corner of Iraq. And that as a result my once happy life would turn to complete shit. As a lower ranking member of our security unit, he was...

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The Serpent and the Goddess

Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards’ armor as they marched beside her. They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn’t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor. Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame them – they were about to walk into an enemy camp, enter the...

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Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 2 Goddess Brianna

It had been a few weeks since he and Bethany stopped seeing each other. They'd had many hot sessions together over the course of several months before parting amicably. Bethany had taken an interest in another submissive. While Alex missed the touch and taste of his first Femdom girlfriend, he didn't want to be clingy or get in the way of her fun. Besides, Alex was as eager to submit to other women as she was to dominate other men. Now that he had some experience in BDSM relationships, Alex...

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Goddess Initiation

A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a moviebut the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense ofarousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selectedfrom a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other.The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremonyfor one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organizationwas nothing more than a Black BDSM group...

2 years ago
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Last Goddess and her Last Worshipper

Prologue: Once upon a time, far away across the sea, there was a rich land. There were thick forests, green fields and silvery rivers. The soil was fertile and freely gave of its bounty to the people. The seas around the land were teeming with all kinds of fish. Gold, silver, copper and tin were readily available to be forged into beautiful jewelry and dangerous weapons. The residents of this favored land simply called themselves "The People." The People were farmers, fishermen, hunters,...

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The Goddess and the Bet

One night, we are out for an evening on the town. After a few drinks, we decide to have a little competition and bet between a game of darts, shuffleboard and pool. We decide the winnder of the bet gets to pick something they want for the evening and the other has to agree no matter what. It sounds fun and intriguing as we go forward. The first game is shuffleboard and neither of us is great at it but I’m able to squeak out a win and when it goes to darts, we play for a while and neither of us...

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The Goddess the Eunuch and the Harem

The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...

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Worshipping a Goddess ndash a pervrsquos steps to ecstasy

I’d never have dreamed it when I was younger, but I’ve managed to personally worship 4 Goddesses – and on two occasions my Goddess was accompanied by another Goddess. First of all, you need to know what a Goddess is, or rather who She is. Without that you’re never going to manage it. Second, read my ‘Perv’s Guide to Girl-Worship’ – failing to follow those steps is likely to mean your worship will be cut short. How do you find a Goddess? That depends I guess on exactly what it is you’re looking...

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My weekend with Goddess Riya and Goddess Anita

My Goddesses wanted to spend few days with me. So they decided to go for a weekend trip for 4 days to a nearby hill station, Mahabaleshwar. Only we 3 travelled to Mahabaleshwar. We reached there by 5:30 PM. Being a hill station it was quite cold there but my Goddesses asked me take off everything and stay naked until we left the room. It was 4/5 hours long journey so my Goddesses were tired, they asked me to give them a massage. And yess I was strictly kept in chastity. We then had late night...

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