Hannah’s Tale… free porn video

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It was a pretty typical Tuesday, overcast, windy, the moisture on the wind hinting at the rain that would eventually come.

Hannah was sat at her desk, looking out the window at nothing much. At 23 and working at a local Council Housing Office she didn’t have many like minds or similarly aged people to talk to. Just older, sensible, conscientious, housing officers and admin support staff. Lame.

The job was mostly okay though, she spent most of the time talking to people on the phone. A relatively simple job dealing with a lot of people who were often clueless about their own health and resistant to helping themselves. So not, in fact, that simple. People were often worried and resistant or enthusiastic because they liked the attention but ultimately didn’t really want to change anything. There were a few who really did want the support to change and welcomed the support.

While she was making referrals of her service users she was also keeping up to date on new supportive healthcare services and their status. She was constantly desk and office bound and wanting a little more to do. Her manager was constantly telling her that she wasn’t experienced enough to carry out service user visits but she was determined to learn and progress.

Amongst other calls was Marion. An older West Indian lady who was always jolly and looking on the bright side about things. She loved to receive Hannah’s calls and was always chatting away. She’d been recently diagnosed with diabetes and was struggling with her energy levels. Hannah hadn’t heard the typically jovial woman sounding so tired. She worked two jobs to support her nephew and despite the hardships in her life she just kept going as if nothing was wrong.

Hannah had been trying to get Marion in to a support group which could in turn send service users on to clinical trials for new d**g therapies and she’d been unsuccessful. Marion was engaging with other services via Hannah’s support too. They just spoken and the support group was starting the next day. No luck unless someone dropped out.

The day trudged on. Hannah made a round of tea for the older staff and herself. Upon her return a few of the staff looked sad. One of the tenants had died the night before. He was a bit of a character with a history of alcohol abuse but he was well liked. It became apparent in the next two hours that he’d left an empty spot in the diabetes support group.

Hannah contacted the organisers and talked them in to taking Marion at short notice. They agreed. It was 2pm by the time Hannah gave up trying to call Marion, who was likely at one of her jobs and unable to talk. Standard practice was to write a letter but there was no way it would reach Marion in time to inform her if sent by post. Hannah said she would drop it in by hand to Marion’s home address and pass on all the info about the support group which started the next day. Hopefully Marion could work her shifts around this.

Hannah didn’t have to drive more than a few streets to reach Marion’s block. It was a dreary building. Three sides had rectangular patches of tufty grass with a few spindly trees and on the fourth side was road access and a block of garages.

She got out of her car and walked to the front door of the block, dialled the door number on the intercom panel and waited. The door buzzed open without challenge. “Marion?” said Hannah, to the intercom panel but all she heard was a second of static and then silence.

As she walked down the hallway it smelled like old people. Musty and whilst it was well cleaned and maintained it felt worn. She could hear televisions through the thin walls. There were eight flats on this corridor and the mish mash of sounds meant that the residents were all home through the day.

Reaching Marion’s door, she knocked and waited. Foorsteps, opening door and a tall thin young West Indian man looked surprised to see her… then he was curious and looked her up and down with curiosity.

“Who are you then?” he asked.

“Hi, I’m Hannah.” “I came to see your Aunt, is it?” “Is Marion your Aunt” “My name is Hannah, I work for the Council, I got your Aunt in to a diabetes support group and I can’t reach her by phone, the group starts tomorrow and I need to get her this information.” she said holding up the big brown envelope with all of Marion’s details for the support group in it.

“Uh, yeah..” said the guy. “I’m Alex …you can come in and wait for a while if you like.”

Hannah regarded him with curiosity. He was sorta fit. A bit skinny but stylishly dressed with a well manicured afro. “Will she be long?” “It’s really important.”

Alex laughed. “Yeah, not long, you can wait in here.” He gestured in to the flat and stood aside. Hannah slid past him and he closed the door behind her then followed her down the short narrow hallway to the lounge. The smell of weed was overpowering and as she entered the lounge she saw two more guys in their early twenties lounging on the sofa and armchairs.

“Oi oi, who’s this, Alex?” Said one of the lads wearing ill-fitting jeans and a hoodie.

“This is a woman from the Council…” Alex began.

“Are we in trouble?” said the other lad. He was a little awkward looking and a little nerdy and hid a spliff behind his back.

“No,” said Hannah and repeated the story she’d told Alex. “Will she be long?”

“I’ll ring her and check,” said Alex.

The nerdy guy nervously presented the spliff to Hannah, saying, “You want some?”

Hannah ignored him and Alex went into the kitchen through the archway from the lounge just as another lad passed him, on his way out, sat on the sofa with a cup of tea. He looked furtively at Hannah, took a sip of his tea, pulled out his phone and began to scroll, ignoring everyone.

Hannah, wearing low heels, knee length skirt, blouse and holding with both hands, in front of her hips, the brown envelope, stood in the middle of the lounge …waiting. She looked out of the window, more brooding clouds and waited while the lads looked at her, passed the joint around and answered text messages on their phones.

Alex appeared. “I tried my Aunt but she didn’t answer, but it’s okay, it’s getting on for 4pm now and she usually has a break around now, hopefully she’ll check her phone.” He then received a text, read it, looked at Hannah then back at his mate with the cup of tea and said, “Really?”

Hannah wasn’t sure if she was being made fun of. “Who are your mates?” she said to Alex as she looked at each in turn. Alex looked like the star of this bunch of weirdos. Not talent here at all.

“I’m Logan,” interrupted the guy on the sofa, “That’s Robbie and Trevor.” Said Alex gesturing at the guy with the ill-fitting jeans and lastly, the nerd.

“My name’s not Trevor!” said Trevor. “It’s Vincent.”

“Yeah, but you look like a Trevor,” said Dave, and they all laughed.

“Dicks…” muttered Vincent.

Hannah, could detect cooking smells in the air as well as the weed and the bodily aroma of three young guys in the small lounge when Logan looked directly at Hannah and spoke in a thick Scouse accent, “I know you.”

“Me?” said Hannah, a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Logan’s eyes were intense. “Yeah, I know you.”

“From where then?” said Hannah.

“Do you remember a guy called Martin’s?” “You looked a bit hammered.” “You got shagged by that lad …do ya remember?”

Hannah felt a little exposed. She wasn’t in party mode. She was at work and not in the headspace to deal with this, but she wasn’t going to lose her personal authority to this guy. Robbie and Vincent were watching. Robbie was smiling at Hannah’s reaction and Vincent wasn’t really sure whose side he was on.

“Course I remember ….there’s a reason it wasn’t you.” Said Hannah and the other three lads laughed raucously at Logan.

Logan didn’t back off though. I saw ya, we all did, she’s actually got a cracking little body under that lot, lads.” “Knickers round her ankles, top off, bra up and all the lads cheering on whoever that was she was shagging ….don’t worry if your memory is a bit fuzzy, I recorded it on me phone?” He sat on 22:37
the edge of the sofa and regarded Hannah through slitted eyes. He didn’t say anything more though. He slid back on the sofa and opened his phone. Robbie and Vincent dashed across to Logan and sat either side of him on the sofa, assuming he was about to reveal the video he’d taken of Hannah getting fucked in front of a live studio audience.

Logan acted like he was the man. “All right lads, calm down, gimme some elbow room.” Then with a disconcerting stare at Hannah, “Have you done much of this since?”

“I have a boyfriend.” Said Hannah, with a calm she wasn’t feeling. She didn’t really care about that night. She’d like the guy she was with. She was in two minds about her behaviour that night though. She liked the guy. She didn’t feel slutty doing it with him because of that but she had done it to please him and a little because she had some attention on her and she felt untouchable with him. It had raised her status for sure and gotten her some unwanted attention but she was torn about how some people saw her. She’d never tell a soul that though.

“Oh, boyfriend, is it?” continued Logan. “Does he know you do this kind of thing?”

Alex showed the only semblance of manners. He was, at least, looking awkward about it and embarrassed for Hannah and embarrassed by the lads behaviour. He looked at Hannah and in an apologetic way said, “I think my Auntie will call soon, do you still want to wait or should I just pass on a message?”

Hannah felt duty bound to pass on the information to Aunt Marion directly and had doubts that any of these idiots could manage a task that simple. “Does she work nearby?” asked Hannah, “I could drop the envelope to her there…”

Alex looked a little relieved. “That’s a great idea but I don’t know the address or anything …can you wait until she calls?” He gave her a wide eyed apologetic gesture.

Robbie and Vincent were now looking at Logan’s phone. Hanna could hear familiar sounds. Logan was playing the video of her having sex at Martin’s party.

“Did you suck his cock, that night?” Logan said to Hannah.

The atmosphere in the room tightened up. The other three lads appeared to have stopped breathing. Hannah, feigning confidence at this point said, “Yeah, course I did, he’s got a lovely cock …bigger than whatever funsize mars bar you got in your pants.” Hannah was out of her depth.

Logan pressed on. “Now now, girly girl, be nice?” His Scouse accent made his words sound harsh and deliberate, threatening.

Hannah felt the fun was gone from the situation now. “What?” “How do you expect me to feel?” “Just leave off.” She half turned, Alex was still there, his face twisted, showing awkwardness at how she was feeling. “He wasn’t fucking doing anything about it though, was he?” thought Hannah.

Robbie and Vincent were staring intently at Hannah. Neither seemed to be thinking anything, Just waiting. Hannah had a storm of feelings inside her head. If this was down the pub it wouldn’t matter but she was duty bound to finish her job properly. A woman’s health depended on it.

Logan continued his verbal assault. “So, your boyfriend doesn’t know you’re in the porn business and the Council you work for fire people for this sort of thing, don’t they?” “They do,” Logan said, answering his own question. “What do you think would happen if they both found out?”

Hannah didn’t know how to answer. She cared about her job. She didn’t exactly fit in with the old people in the office but they respected her. She was organised, exacting and punctual. She was proud of how good she was at her job. She stood in silence for a second. It felt like wolves were circling her and there was nothing she could do. She wanted to tell them to just release it. Tell everyone. She wasn’t ashamed. There would be consequences though. Potentially very serious ones.

Logan wasn’t stopping. “The video is at a terrible angle, isn’t it?” He was addressing the lads but really talking to Hannah. “You can still see that it’s her though, ay lads?”

“Can we put it on the big telly?” asked Robbie with an uncool amount of enthusiasm.

“Should be easy,” said Vincent. “Give us the phone and I’ll do the settings.

“Please don’t put it on the telly.” Said Hannah, as calmly as she could.

“We may yet.” Said a smug and smarmy Logan. He stood up, causing the other two lads to also get up from next to him. “Let’s stand over there lads.” As one, the three of them moved to walk past Hannah. They all brushed past her, almost knocking her over but their hands steadied her while copping a feel.

Hannah’s skin crawled. She was not in control of this situation and she’d have to get through the small crowd of them to leave. The smell of the weed and cooking and lads was thick in her nostrils and she couldn’t think. She wasn’t going to show them she was feeling upset but she didn’t know what to do. “I’m going to wait outside, come and tell me when your Auntie calls please, Alex.”

Alex nodded but before Hannah could move Logan was in her way with Robbie and Vincent in behind him. “I said, be nice.” “Don’t run off yet, there’s loads of time and the only other thing I was going to do was publish this nasty little movie of you on XHamster….” He leered at her, “I won’t have time if you’re here to keep us occupied with, stimulating conversation.” Logan gestured towards Hannah, “She looks tense lads, doesn’t she?” “Let’s help her relax…” All three approached and Hannah tensed even more. How would she feel if this was down the pub? She’d probably hate the lack of control. What would people think of her if they heard she was even mates with these losers. Still though, part of her loved the attention and the inevitability of what was about to happen. She was about to be used by these young men. She had no idea how far they’d go.

They were on her now. Three of them crowded closely around her. Three paris of hands on her shoulders, sliding down to her breasts, her waist, her buttocks. Logan was directly in front and went in for a kiss. While Hannah recoiled she felt hands undoing her skirt zip and her waistline loosen. Logan tasted of tobacco and chaviness. Despite her distaste, Hannah was feeling aroused. Hands were deftly undoing the buttons on her blouse. She saw Alex from the corner of her eye and looked at him directly. He was watching her bra being revealed and moved closer. Blouse was now gone, skirt around angles and Alex was reaching out to cup her left breast. He stopped, and looked at Hannah for permission. Hannah looked resigned but didn’t give her approval. Alex proceeded to firmly fondle her breast. Logan was kissing her again and her bra was unclipped. Robbie started kissing Hannah’s neck. Vincent was stood at the side, not really knowing how to involve himself. Logan found something else to do and suddenly Hannah was kissing Alex. She was a little more comfortable with this and a little tension went from her until suddenly her panties were whipped down. Hands were on her buttocks and breasts. Lips were on her mouth neck and shoulders. She glanced down, despite Alex’s kisses, and saw Logan on his knees in front of her. He reached down and moved her right foot to the side, ran his right hand up her inner thigh. She knew she was wet. She was wet and hating herself, loving the attention, feeling disgust and revelation at the juxtaposition of control and out of control.

Logan began to work his fingers in to her pussy. Alex was kissing her passionately and playing with her left tit. Robbie was kneeding her right butt cheek. “Seriously,” Hannah thought, “Does this guy know anything about how to treat women?” Logan was showing her how wet her pussy was because she could hear little squelches as he worked his fingers in and out of her. Vincent still hadn’t done much but Robbie had gotten his cock out and was rubbing it lamely against Hannah’s left buttock. When she noticed she gave a completely voluntary, “Eugh.” The lads stopped and laughed and then something weird happened. They defended their mate..

“What’s the matter with that?” chided Logan. “Pretty girl makes the cocks hard.” He continued, “Why would you feel disappointed with a little tribute like that?” He stood back and very deliberately got a decent sized semi out of his zipper. “See?” he said quietly, “It’s almost worked.” He stepped back in, took Alex’s place kissing her and forcefully guided her seemingly reluctant hand to his cock.

Hannah felt like her blood was flowing twenty times faster than normal. She was disgusted by her complicity and yet so hot that she wanted cock. Just one though. She couldn’t consider more than that or she’d not know what to think of herself.

Hannah knew what to do. She could feel Logan’s cock growing in her hand. It was hot. “Hot sausage.” She kept thinking. She could still feel Rob’s hard on pushing in to her left butt cheek. Her body was stiffening. Moments later her left hand had another cock in it. Alex’s. He didn’t disappoint. She could feel thick veins in his hardening cock. She was trying to wank them both when she heard…

“Vince mate, what you doing?” The other three lads stopped and looked at Vincent. He was standing upright like a broom handle. One hand in pocket and the other forearm across his body, hand gripping his other arm very tightly. His face was flushed and he didn’t know what to do. The lads laughed at him. “Come on mate,” said Robbie, “Get your cock out.” 22:37
The lads started cajoling him and he was desperately embarrassed. Even Hannah wanted to join in but couldn’t. He was such a sad sack that she wanted to mock him too. Eventually he complied though it was like drawing teeth. The poor guy was so fucking awkward.

He loosened and then pulled down his pants. The room went eerily quiet. With awe apparent in his voice, Alex said, “Maaaaate, you’ve been keeping that a secret.” And nodded approvingly. Hannah turned and looked down. Under Vincents spotty nerdy face was a long thick lump of meat that looked more like a flaccid forearm. Vincent couldn’t face the lads and was, well, naval gazing, sort of.

Hannah had stopped wanking both cocks and Robbie had lost his concentration…

Logan leaned in to Hannah’s right ear, and said, “On your knees then luv, we know how this ends.” The momentary fascination was followed by a statement of intent and the mood shifted. The lads were now focused on one thing only, shooting their loads.

Hannah was having a little crisis in the back of her mind. Disgust was battling a small burgeoning need. It was like it was happening to someone else. As she sank to her knees, on to the unhoovered carpet, it was like she’d taken a step outside herself. Like it was happening on TV and her opinion of the actress was mixed. There was what she really thought, the wanton need to abandon principles and the other side which was terrified that she’d be discovered and never accepted by people ever again.

The mood was becoming more laddish by the second. “Go on then, you know where to start, let’s see how embarrassed Vince gets and how much of that monster you can get in your mouth.” Logan was back in control.

Vincent still had his head down. Hannah rotated her torso to face him, let go of Logan’s cock, grabbed Alex’s with her right and Robbie’s with her left. “Who’s a good girl?” said Logan in low encouraging tones. Hannah was finding a rhythm with her mouth, though the size of Vince’s cock was troubling. The lads were looking around with looks of disbelief and congratulating each other. Logan was wanking his cock and standing over her back.

“Hey hey luv, make room for a small one.” He was k**ding but she changed cocks and Robbie was sitting this one out. He knelt down behind Hannah and started playing with her pussy.

“She’s so wet lads, I mean really soaking.”

Hannah was moaning on Robbies fingers and increasing her speed and enthusiasm. For a few intense minutes she kept going, trying to laugh along with the lads to fit in, when they laughed but it had to end sometime. Vincent was the least experienced and he was overstimulated from the very beginning. Once hard he was a real monster. He set the tone for the group. As he escalated towards cumming the other lads did too. He didn’t have the confidence to tell the lads and Hannah he was about to shoot. Hannah was sucking him at the time and recoiled at the cum hitting the back of her throat. Everyone including Hannah was laughing as he finished off. Robbie was next, then Alex then Logan. Hannah didn’t want to be seen to want the cum in her mouth but made it look like her grudging duty to do it.

She hadn’t cum. Her pussy was almost pulsating on it’s own and suddenly the lads had stopped, she had semen all over her tits and she was kneeling on the floor felling incredibly alone. Before anyone could say anything Alex’s phone rang. He answered it, there was a brief exchange and Hannah heard Alex passing on all the info and asking what Aunt Marion’s work address was. Turns out it was walking distance and Alex made arrangements for Hannah to go straight over to drop her package.

Hannah walked in to the bathroom. It was musty and damp. She could hear people’s TVs through the thin walls. All these people in. All Council tenants and all within metres of a Council employee blow banging a bunch of smelly students. She was ashamed and feeling utterly lost but there was some part deep inside of her feeling satisfied …and hungry.

She walked out of the bathroom and Alex greeted her in the lounge with a scrap of paper and Aunt Marion’s work address on it. She thanked him. “Logan, you can delete that video from your phone now, you got what you wanted.”

Logan tried to look hurt and innocent. “I never told you I’d delete it, I said that if you stayed for polite conversation, that I wouldn’t post in on XHamster tonight.”

The room went quiet again. Robbie wanted to laugh and the other two just waited.

“Please delete that video, Logan.”

“Well there’s something you can do to buy it back…” He looked at the other lads, “We all free Friday night?” There was a little mumbling between the lads but the consensus was that they were all free. “So then,” said Logan returning his attention to Hannah, here on…”

Alex interrupted. “Not here on Friday, Aunt Marion is in.”

There was a brief conference and the Logan said, “Out the back, there’s a block of garages, come to No42 at 8:50. The door will be open. Go in, you’ll find an old weights bench. Take off your jacket, and sit down and wait.” “We’ll be there at 9pm exactly.” “You’ll also find a hood in there …put it on your head while you wait.” “When we get there you’ll address each of us as Mr. Smith.”

There was some murmuring between the lads as they all approved.

“So, Dirty Hannah, if you’re a good girl and do what you’re told, I’ll remove the nasty video from my phone.”

Hannah left and got in her car. There was nobody about and she put her hands inside the waist band of her skirt and quickly wanked herself off before driving to meet Aunt Marion.

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                IN THE NEWS        "I didn't even believe in hypnosis until I met Brian," Christy said. "I mean, yeah, I knew people actually claimed to be hypnotized and stuff, but I thought they had to be very weak-minded or suggestible or something. I figured it would never work on me. No way. I was too hard-headed, too in contact with reality. No way anybody could make me lose control of my own mind, you know? Well. Then Brian came along."        "Thank God," I said.        Christy gave...

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Daniel in the Lions Den

Daniel In The Lions Den                          By  dale10     Across the desk from me sat one of the three or four most famous young movie actors in the world. The desk served several purposes, one of which was to hide my painful hard-on from intimidating the client too soon. Oh, he would be intimidated all right, but not right off. Start things slowly. He was not directly across the desk. His chair was placed back about five feet in a circle of carefully adjusted lighting. By having him...

2 years ago
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465 yes gran

465 yes gran It was a long week especially for Tina, who having seen what Beryl and her son Alec has endured over the last weekends, knew that this weekend, Specifically Saturday would be hard for her. On Tuesday Alec slept with her, very vanilla but hard and most enjoyable, she slept with Beryl on Wednesday, a nice gentle all girl night, that was over by midnight and both sleeping the sleep of the well satisfied by five past, it was soon Friday all too soon and Beryl off out to WI again the...

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That Was Fun

Check-in was essentially uneventful, except I knew that I was the luckiest guy in the airport. Every possible opportunity you gave me the chance to not just glance, but stare down your top. Your tits are magnificent. Utterly perfect. Perfectly sized, perfectly proportioned. Perfected topped by perfect nipples. I absolutely never tire of seeing either them, or your equally perfect pussy for that matter, but especially in forbidden settings – like airports.Lets see, I had a great view of your ass...

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Rachels Debt Chapter 1 The Accident

They were doing the speed limit, but my anxiety was making me more than a little impatient. I turned on his blinker and made to pass the truck. That was when I noticed the bumper sticker affixed to the tailgate. It had been right there in front of me, almost as if I had purposely avoided reading the bright white letters set out against the purple background: Dayton HS Cheerleading. As I turned the words over, something clicked. I'm not sure where the thought had come from, but I realized I...

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After reunion

When I went to Poland to go on with my internship and final project we had already exchanged our phone numbers and facebook profiles. Once a week we were writing how we missed each other. Internship went smoothly but when I started my work on project our contact almost cut off. I wanted to make it through exam without fail soi t was my top priority, even over her. Also I knew that when I’ll come back to Denmark for finals we will spend some time together. It was kinda strange as weeks were...

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Tanya Blows Halloween

A friend, our sometimes shy and always tiny Tanya, arrived at our post-Halloween brunch with her beau and two strangers, Chuck and Carol. After introductions, Mario asked how she met her new friends. The four of them burst out in giggles and blushing grins. “Oh, this should be interesting,” Mario smiled at his wife, Maria. Sue brought out a pitcher of frosty Marguerites and poured as Tanya hung a black trench coat and a black, long-feathered mask on a chair then began her embarrassing...

4 years ago
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Creatures Such as We

Strolling through the final airlock, you feel satisfied that the facility's in order: the spacesuits are starched, the moon rocks are neatly arranged, and you personally checked that every stateroom is in perfect condition. Twice. Tomorrow's going to go great, and you're finally off the clock. You look back one last time anyway. Time between tourist stays always make you nervous: it feels difficult justifying your non-existent workload while everyone else still has regular maintenance...

2 years ago
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Rough Cut Ch 04

Chapter Four – Ian’s Moves/Rick’s Moves Ian went into his home office, leaving Sammi and Debra in the living room. His first call was to Alex Brown, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University. He politely mentioned that he had heard the Board was being called into an extra session and that the topic of the session was tenure for Sammi and Debra. When Alex confirmed this, Ian suggested that Alex delay the meeting until the following week, citing schedule conflicts. Alex took the hint...

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The Hairdresser Lynette

The Hairdresser (Lynette) I’ve always hated going to the barbers. Maybe it dates back to some traumatic event in my childhood, like being dragged there screaming by my father, but truthfully, I just don’t know. I just know that all through my school years I hated going to the barber. I guess by the time I was in college I was old enough to get over that minor phobia, but I got through by snipping at my own hair, which was cheaper anyway, and having my sister cut my hair on holidays. When I...

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An Afternoon with Amber

We were sitting at the table idling time after eating an early afternoon lunch. The day was cloudy, gray and wet, a typical spring day in Seattle. It was a Saturday and my wife's best friend and I were keeping each other company while we waited for my wife to come home from a conference in San Antonio. Amber was clinking the plates together, putting them in a pile on a corner of the table when my cell chirped, it was Chloe, my wife. “My connection in Denver has been canceled, the damn...

1 year ago
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This Cant be Right

“The clock cannot be right. Oh, my God. What time…, wait it’s fucking Saturday. Saturday! I’m so messed up, what when wrong?” The fleshly and over-sexed 23 year old whispered in her head. A faint and feeble flavor of crotch and cum stuck in her throat like the seasoning of a Christmas goose. The taste vivid on her dry lips, the memory muted by the rounds of rum. Tricia Saratopia, an attractive and confident deli clerk from Hampton, New Hampshire stirred about, shifting uneasily in her bed...

1 year ago
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BangBus Claire Black Giving Back to Our Fans

This week we decided to give back to the fans. We invited some random guy that had emailed us to hop on the bus and get his fuck on. As we Cruised the streets we came across this hot 22 year old named Claire. She was apprehensive at first, but we happen to be persuasive enough to get her to give us a chance. Once inside the bus, we started offering her money to show us her body. Sooner enough she was sucking and fucking on a black cock. Our fan fucked this chick in several different positions...

3 years ago
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How I met my first wifechapter 2

Joan and I have started getting closer and more promiscuous as the summer went on . Each day we would sneak away from her brothers as it became easier with Debra keeping them occupied.The camp we built had gotten to where we were sleeping out in it on most weekends ,it also made it easier to play together unseen.Three of Joans brothers lost interest in playing and soon it was just Joan and I along with two of her brothers and Deb . One day as we were walking to the camp Deb and her...

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Chaturbate Latina

You betas should know that I love fucking Latina babes by now. No, I’m not simping for these whores like you are. There’s a difference. I actually take these babes back to my place and fuck their brains out. That’s a lot different than sitting alone in a dark basement fapping to their fresh OnlyFans releases. But I have a happy middle-ground for you guys this time around. I know most of you bastards are too shy to get out there in the real world and try to talk to a woman anyway. But if there’s...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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Letting Go

“Baby, is that you?” Skylar sits up in her bed, startled. A thin sheen of sweat covers her forehead, matting some tendrils of dark wavy hair to her slick skin. “Are you there baby?”She blinks her eyes and rubs them, trying to focus and adjust to the darkness. A small glimmer of ambient light hovers in the room, casting silhouetted outlines for her to make out. The clock on her bedside nightstand reads 4:19AM. Her brain, still foggy from the Ambien, wrestles with the strictures put on her...

4 years ago
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An Interlude In The Country

We are in Your car heading towards the hotel, and I am in a flurry of sexual excitement, desperate to have Your cock inside me.   I’m not good at waiting at the best of times, and the fact You are so calm and collected – as always – and without a hint of need makes me worse.   I’m really pushing my luck, occasionally dancing my fingers over your crotch and things and letting my hands brush over my breasts through my blouse, making my nipples stand out proudly. You aren’t saying much, just...

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Anal Beach Party

My friends always call me crazy when I tell them I love anal sex. Even today, as a 21 year old girl, still trying to explore and expand my sexual horizons, I have always found anal sex very pleasurable and exciting. The biggest complaint I hear from my friends is that it is physically painful. I must have never received that text because it gives me some of my strongest orgasms.I believe that anatomically speaking, I may be unique in the fact when I feel a nice hard cock sliding in and out of...

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Mature Blonde Boss Fucking Session

I worked in a place that regularly had fancy dress days.There was a female boss who worked there who always liked to dress up.Unfortunately she always seemed to dress up in a silly costume,which was a shame as despite being in her fifties she had a stunning figure and i always wished she would show it off.One time though she finally did.She was wearing a police-woman's uniform,albeit slightly modified.She had the white shirt on with the police-woman's neck tie and a police hat on.She coupled...

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Sweet Sixteen Part 11

Sweet Sixteen Part 11 By Beverley Ann Miles Alex was asleep by the time they got back to Jeremy's, so they carried him into the house, then revived him with a cup of tea, and a shower. He redressed in the clothes he'd started the evening in, and the chauffeur took him home. Fortunately he wasn't working the next day, so he slept in late, to be woken by a call on his mobile from Clive... could he come round tonight? "Oh yes, of course darling." he responded sleepily. As it was...

3 years ago
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Kawari Maid

By : Hot-Chubby-Boy Hi friend’s I am back with my story. I am 28 and this happend when I was 18 but things started few years earlier when I’m growing up. We have a maid name (Pooja) who use to take care of me or you can say play with me as she was of my age. One day in the afternoon, me and pooja were alone in the house suddenly Pooja started crying as she had a pain in her lower stomach. Pooja went to toilet and was not coming out. When Mother came, she went inside the toilet. She came out...

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One New HorizonChapter 4

The next day Marcela fed us a breakfast big enough for twice as many people as we had. I asked her about the leftovers, and she said that the grounds workers and others in the estate would make sure that there were none. She said that her husband took meals over to the apartments after the family was done. This didn't set too well with me, so after breakfast I got together with George; he was my overall supervisor for the estate. I asked him if it would be possible to get a cook for the...

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Cult of SexualityPart 3

Our family was an open-minded one. There was no shortage of both male and female nudity at any given time. It wasn’t uncommon to see people having sex in the living room or even the kitchen. It didn’t bother me. I loved looking at Steven’s body and I loved being naked around him, especially when we were alone. Because of the open nudity, I was very self-conscious about my breast size. My tiny 32b size stood out from the other women who had far more “on top” than I did. Steven would...

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An Arranged Marriage Part II

Sunita swallowed every drop with enthusiasm and then cleaned me with her tongue afterwards. “You have a beautiful cock, so long and thick,” she told me examining it very closely. “Sanjay is... Sanjay is quite small.”I guessed as much already and I felt sorry for him. They say that women aren’t really interested in size and that size doesn’t matter but that is just not so. Size does matter – you ask any woman who is sleeping regularly with a man who has a small one. They know the difference,...

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Hot and Horny WeekendChapter 8

The huge giant of a man smiled secretly to himself, a kind of childishly innocent smile, as he gazed around the living room full of well-dressed, softly talking people. The air around him was filled with the tinkle of ice in glass tumblers, the low, musical hum of cocktail conversation, and just the barely perceptible promise of excitement in the looks that shot from one guest to the other, inviting, teasing, and luring challenges from one to the next. Jackson stood with his huge arms...

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One Hot RushChapter 8

Meagan had made her way home after leaving the airport and had decided she was feeling mellow and to forgo a night of fun for some relaxation. After all she had deserved her rest and definitely would need it for the up and coming few days of freedom. She stopped at the fridge long enough for a bottle of Perrier, a glass of red wine and a bowl of fresh red strawberries before making her way to the bathroom and drawing a steamy hot bubble bath for herself. She smiled at her image in the mirror...

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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 3

Poor Horas was looking very downcast after failing to mate with Cathy. After we had dinner I looked over and he looked at me and I could see he was unfulfilled. I mentioned this to Cathy and she said she understood. Quickly undressing she “entertained” Horas in the lounge room. I swear I saw his smiling as he humped her. I sat watching as wife and dog became one. Grunts and moaning and whimpering filled the room. It only lasted maybe 10 minutes and Horas was lying down licking his weapon and...

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Anjane Mein Maa Ko Garam Kiya 8211 Aur Choda

Hello friends, this is Sameer. I live in Pune and my hometown is somewhere in Maharashtra. I am here to narrate a fictional story of mine with my mom. I used to visit my hometown only in vacations i.e. in Diwali and summer vacations. Now I will come to female lead of this story, my mom. I never thought about my mom sexually until that day. Here onwards I will narrate story in Hindi. It was Diwali of 2017. Main apne dosto se milkar ghar lauta. I changed to night pants. Mujhe underwear pehnne ki...

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The Farmers Daughter Chapter Two

The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 2 Sisyphus At breakfast the next morning, John and I were finishing our scrambled eggs and toast when he put down his cup of coffee, took a deep breath, looked over at Mary in the kitchen skimming the cream off of yesterday’s milk and turned to me. “Listen, Pete, I have to talk to you about Sherry,” he said, leaning forward, clearing his throat. “We have a rule about apprentices staying away from her. You’re here to work for us and we’ve had problems in the past...

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Old Shed

Releasing her from the kiss I looked in her eyes and said " Mina, you are one beautiful woman." Not giving her a chance to respond I leaned over and begin to lick and suckle her neck. She loves it when I do this to her and she leaned her head back and to the side as she closed her eyes. " ooohhh" She whispered. She feels all tingly and her pussy is now drenched to the point where she worried a little if she would leave a wet spot on the skirt of her dress. I begin to lick her earlobes...

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Gave my self to the delivery men

Gave my self to the delivery menThis happened earlier today.My dad and his fiancé had ordered a new cooker that was to be delivered today (Thursday 3rd dec 2015) but both could not be there when it turned up so I had some free time and said I would wait for it for them. I woke up early this morning and was just laying in bed and very soon my thoughts turned to something naughty. I was laying there thinking about what the two men might look like and maybe what they might think of me wearing some...

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Bounder Ch 06

*********************** CHAPTER SIX It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 01

She laughed at him, grabbed the handles on the hood of his latex bondage suit and pulled his face into her thrusting hips. Her huge gleaming scrotum, heavy with seed, smacked repeatedly into his chin. The waterbed rocked and waved as she mercilessly raped his mouth and the pungent odors of latex, rubber and sweaty cock filled James' nostrils. After a particularly vigorous thrust she held his head firmly to her pubis, his lips sealed around the base of her fat phallus. James tried to pull...

4 years ago
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Ragna the neighbour lady part 4

After my masturbation show for Ragna, her sister and the young girl, my interest to show off was born. Now I was in the car with Ragna, on the way to the shop some miles away. She had her right hand around my cock, andshe was stroking it slowly. I tried to touch her but she took my hands away at once. After a while of driving we passed three persons on bikes and Ragna told me to get ready, cause they are probably on the way to the small lake some km away. She turned into the small bumpy road...

1 year ago
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KATEAfter twenty two years in the Army and nineteen in a special forces regiment I had enough I took my discharge and walked through the gate my own person no one to order or dictate where I should be or what orders I must obey. There was a major problem I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be, all I had was my bergan and an old letter from my Sister Kate eight years older and much wiser written ten years ago informing me parents had passed away. I was unable to attend as I was on...

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Alicias Past Ch 02

Recently I read about the art of hypnosis. There was going to be a well known hypnotist, Mr. Samra, in our city as advertised in the paper. I mentioned it to Alicia and she seemed excited. She told me that her friend Kathy had been hypnotized by Samra to quit smoking and it worked, and she would like to try it to lose some weight. I told her she didn’t need to lose weight, but you know how women are. I promised to check into Mr. Samra and get us set up for hypnosis. I got on the web and did my...

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My virgin sister

Hello every one, I do not know I came to know about this site but whenever I have to mastuburate I used the stories on this site. I know most of the stories here are fake or somewhat made up. So I thought to writing something really true and that I have gone through. The story starts when I had given my board exam of class 10th in 2001. After my board exam there was around 2 months gap for the admission in 11th class. At that age I used to mastuburate by think of my biology school teacher but...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 24 An Unwelcome Visitor

London, Spring 1867 For weeks, Rose was confined to the house while slowly recuperating. Lady Wilkes had left strict instructions for the convalescence, and Priscilla enforced those rules without mercy. In this she found loyal support from Jim who would not allow Rose to exert herself at all. In her enforced idleness Rose busied herself with reading. Outwardly, Priscilla was living in the guest cottage, but for all practical purposes she spent the days and even some nights in the manor...

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AnnChapter 3

Casey looked over all those Polaroid pictures, and chose twenty four. I counted because I wanted to be sure I got them all back. I got Casey and I another beer, Ann did not want more wine. Ann told us that the pictures were good enough to turn Casey's wife on. Some were of just Ann, some were of just me, all were taken in the nude. Most of the pictures were of she and I in some pose having either oral or vaginal sex. Several were taken that day and showed her face as she was having a...

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A strange twist after My Cure

I awoke from the most wonderful slumber a few hours later. My shorts had become a part of me. My cum had pasted them onto my cock and balls. The memory of what made me fall asleep in the first place came rushing back to me… Aunt Sonya. I looked around me. It was still before noon and no one had disturbed my sleep for breakfast so I was starving. I made my way to the cabin, waving at my grandparents as I walked in the front door. My mom, my aunt Sue and aunt Sonya were busy...

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Sex With A MILF Teacher In Her House

Hey there friends myself Shashank Sharma. I’m 20 year old guy from Haryana. My height is 5’9″ and i am doing b tech from a govt. college. This story is about i lost my virginity to my teacher and enjoyed every bit of it. Lets start the story. You can reply to me on my email id: This story started 4 months ago. When I was in my final semester of diploma. The story revolves around Sonia who was my class tutor as well as the in charge of my major project. Sonia was a gorgeous lady mother of two...

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Potion 2

Wednesday, she came to school wearing a skirt that was at least a couple of years old, it still fit her tiny waste, but was way shorter then a girl of her age should be seen in, at least in public. It was a plain number, but she made it look amazing. She wore no panties again, and whenever I sat at my desk in front, she would open her legs and show me her best parts. I hadn't used any of my potion on her after the first time, but it just seemed to fire her up on an almost constant basis....

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