KellyChapter 4 free porn video

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Kelly drove home from the studio in a state of confusion. Had it not been for her planned rendezvous with Tony, she could have easily stayed at the studio and spent some more time with Todd and Laura. It wouldn't be right though she thought. Obviously Todd and Laura had plans for the evening. Again Kelly felt that pang of jealousy. Laura was an attractive girl, and Todd was single and available. And then there was the kiss she shared with Laura. It reminded her of Brenda.

Kelly licked her lips, remembering the taste of both Todd and Laura. This is getting to be too fucking weird, Kelly thought. It was the first time she and Todd had shared a real kiss, unlike the sisterly ones she had given him in the past and his response had certainly not been brotherly.

Her mind drifted back to that moment in the darkroom where she had found Laura on her knees sucking on Todd's cock. It had been a tremendous turn on, but now she found herself wondering if it had been the sight of Todd fully aroused or of the enthusiasm Laura had shown giving him head. She was obviously no stranger to oral sex, but it was the carefree happy abandonment she had displayed that reminded Kelly of last week.

"What's the matter with me?" Kelly asked herself. "Why can't I just let go and enjoy myself like Todd and Laura or like the kids of the 'James Gang?'"

"It's because you're a control freak," replied the voice in her head. "You're afraid to let go because you won't be in charge and that scares you."

"I am not," replied Kelly stubbornly. "I don't try to control anyone other than myself." But the voice in her head would not let her be. Even after she parked her car and had walked inside her house, the voice was still asking her how often in the last 10 years she had really enjoyed sex with a partner.

"Admit it Kelly," the voice persisted. "The best you ever had was with a group of kids four days ago. A hell of record for someone who claims to be so liberated."

Kelly had made it to the bedroom and turned to face the mirror.

"Okay smart ass," she said to her reflection, "Why don't you tell me what's wrong with me?"

Her reflection didn't answer but the voice in her head said, "Go back to the source. You will find your answer there."

Hmm... The source. Kelly sat down and lit up a smoke. A group of high school kids had shown her. But why could they do for her what no one else had been able to do in all these years? She had lost her virginity at 14, and had never enjoyed intimate contact as much as she had this last week. They were barely older then she had been then, but seemed to know so much more about love.

"Love?" said the voice, "I thought you were looking for sex."

Todd took the last of the pictures out of the dryer. He and Laura had run the proof sheets after Kelly had left, and had decided on three excellent pictures. One would make a great head shot if cropped which they had agreed would be the best to show family and friends. But Laura also liked one of the first poses in the cream outfit in which her nipples were clearly visible. Todd liked that one as well. But the one they both agreed represented the new Laura was the pose she had struck herself in the nearly transparent white mini dress. It was the pose where she had raised and spread both her knees and with entire front of the dress unbuttoned exposing most of her breasts and all of her pubis, her elbows were on her knees and her hands cradled her face and a giant smile. It was a combination of angelic and erotic.

Todd had made an 8 x 10 of the head shot for her portfolio and another of the one in the cream pant suit for a body shot, and then had tilted the enlarger and brought out the big paper. For her family, Todd had done an 11 x 14 of the headshot, making it as close to life size as possible, and for Laura's room a 20 x 30 of the waist up shot in the cream pantsuit. Then Todd had printed two 20 x 30's of the most revealing picture. One he rolled into carrying tube for Laura and the other he cold mounted and hung inside the darkroom. Laura had blushed with pride.

"I would hang it in the studio proper." Todd explained, "but I'm afraid some people might think the picture is just a bit 'over-exposed, '" he punned.

Laura laughed with glee.

Packing up all of the darkroom equipment and returning it to a state of order, they had finally settled back with a beer. Laura still wore Todd's t-shirt and nothing else. She pulled her one leg up on the couch and facing him allowed him to see the treasures that awaited him.

Todd was enjoying the view and with a devilish glint in his eyes asked Laura if she smoked.

"I did," she said, "but now, just occasionally."

"Ever smoke anything besides tobacco?" Todd asked as nonchalantly as possible.

Laura caught on right away and laughed. "I tried it a couple of times," she said, "but it never did anything for me."

"Do you want to try it with me?" Todd asked. "Before we go out and eat?"

Laura looked at him for a minute. She had trusted him this far and he had been a perfect gentleman until she had wanted otherwise.

"Sure," she said. "I don't know if it will do anything for me, but I'm willing to try it again with you."

Thirty minutes and two joints later they were sucking on mineral water.

"See," Laura said. "I must be immune to this stuff. It doesn't do anything for me."

"I can see that," said Todd laughing. "Is that why you are twirling your pubic hair then, cause you're just bored?"

Laura looked down at her hand as one finger continued to make little twirls in her pubic tuft. She burst out laughing.

"Do you feel like chicken balls?" asked Todd.

"I don't know," said Laura doubling over with laughter. "What do chicken balls feel like?" Laughing even harder at her own joke when she saw the look on Todd's face.

Todd smiled and as Laura continued to laugh he made his way to the phone and called his favorite Chinese restaurant. It was on his rapid dial so it was a quick call and Todd ordered enough to feed four. Chicken fried rice, chicken balls, Chinese noodles and a stir-fry of beef and broccoli with extra mushrooms, a large order of fried won tons and half a dozen fortune cookies.

Todd asked for delivery and was told it would be there in 30 minutes. Todd was a well-known customer and a generous tipper.

On his way back Todd slipped a few old rock CD's into the stereo and told Laura the music from the late 60's was the ideal background when stoned.

They were half way through the Beatles Sgt. Pepper's when the food arrived. Then the fun began as Laura attempted to eat with chopsticks dropping more on herself than in her mouth. Pulling Todd's borrowed t-shirt off to reveal her splendid birthday suit she continued to stab at her egg roll and her chicken balls finally spearing them and, with the sweet plum and cherry sauces dripping all the way to her mouth, enjoyed it like it was the greatest food on earth. Of course Todd licking off everything she dribbled on herself made it a much more interesting meal. Laura was nearly sated and fell backwards as Todd spread more of the red cherry sauce over her body, then crawled up beside her and carefully licked her clean from head to toe.

Laura was really getting into this personal attention but sought added attention in another area and dipping her fingers into the cherry sauce smeared it over her cunt lips. Todd, never too stoned to miss a clue, went to work licking her swollen pussy lips and sucking her nectar as well as the sauce, bringing Laura to a screaming orgasm.

"Oh, fuck," she said as she regained her composure. "You are fucking great with that tongue." She pushed him over and ripped off his remaining clothes. Smearing his cock with sauce Laura started to lick it like a Popsicle. Enjoying the buzz and feeling frisky, Laura dribbled more of the cherry sauce on his balls and spent considerable time sucking each testicle into her mouth and tongue washing it clean, finally gobbling both balls into her willing mouth.

Todd was writhing in ecstasy. Laura licked up on side of his rigid cock and then backed off, admired the tool she knew would bring her more pleasure later and then licked up the other side. After another pause, she caused Todd to buck up from the floor, as she swallowed his stiff prick as deeply as she could. She found that if she didn't try to force it, and since his cock was good and slippery, she could slide him right down her throat. She had heard about this, but had always been afraid to try it for fear she would gag. But now, it just seemed so easy and judging from Todd's moans, it brought him great pleasure. She held him deep in her throat for a minute, feeling his swollen glans tight in her throat. It was pulsating with pleasure and it took Laura a minute to figure out what to do next. She could feel the tell tale signs of his impending climax. Holding one hand on his waist so he wouldn't push up and grasping his swollen balls with her other hand, she tried using her throat muscles the same way she would if swallowing food. Just a gulping motion really but judging from the sounds of Todd, it was pleasurable for him, and Laura did so much want to give this man the kind of pleasure he gave her. Using her throat muscles she milked his cum right out of him. She could hear Todd groaning and gasping as she felt shot after shot pump into her belly.

She held on to him until he softened and slipped out of her mouth, then crawled up to lay beside him as they exchanged hot and soft kisses and caressed each other. It was only 9 o'clock.

Still feeling a buzz, they packed up the left over food to take upstairs. Todd took a last look around and satisfied the studio was reasonably presentable, took Laura by the hand and led her to his apartment where they would start all over again.

Kelly had decided on a simple summer sundress and sandals. There was really no need to impress Tony, as he would be more concerned about his own appearance. Besides, she thought, with any luck she would be out of them soon enough. Putting a bottle of a decent vintage red on ice, she pulled two thick steaks out of the freezer and put them into the fridge.

She let her Elantra slip through traffic to pick up Tony at the new Hilton Garden, after a brief stop to pick up fresh French bread.

Tony was standing in front of the hotel like he was posing, and Kelly could see quite a few female heads turn his way more than once. Even a few males took a second look. Since he was a regular model in major magazines, people often thought of him as someone famous they just couldn't remember the name to the show or movie he had appeared in. He knew this and enjoyed it.

This was typical Tony. He liked the attention. Dressed for it and groomed for it. His hair was carefully unkempt, one hand in his pocket the other looking at his watch. He wore a blue blazer, open of course, over an immaculate white shirt, unbuttoned just right to show his tan and his well maintained physique. Head casually dropped though his eyes took in all the sights around him. Kelly wondered if Tony actually had a normal way of standing. A short honk on the horn caught his attention and he glided to Kelly's car and casually got in. He gave her a quick peck on her cheek as she slid the car back into traffic and back to her house.

"How are you doing Tony?" Kelly asked. "Were you waiting long?"

"As usual love, I am doing superb. And no, I actually came down early to catch a breath of fresh air. You were right on time."

"Cut the bullshit Tony," Kelly laughed. "Fresh air my ass. You came down looking for attention."

Tony shrugged. She was right of course, but both knew it was a carefully guarded secret. Professional models are rife with insecurities. As the city dropped away behind them, Tony relaxed a bit more and started talking about his latest project and his career in general. His insecurity showed more and more as he talked. He was close to 35 and had to work out daily to keep his muscular tone. Hours a week on a tanning bed to keep his tan totally even and he had recently discovered new horrors.

"You wouldn't believe it Kelly," he said. "One morning I wake up to find I have visible hair in my ears. I nearly died! Antonio was doing the photography and pulled me aside to tell me. He's a real friend. Stopped the shoot while I got it taken care of, well actually I had it shaved, but now the agency is suggesting electrolysis to remove the hair permanently. Can you believe this shit? I don't mind the chest waxing, but shaving my ears..." Tony shivered with disgust.

"Hey" Kelly said, "Don't complain to me about a little thing like that. How would you like to wax your bikini line?"

Tony grimaced at the thought.

"What's even worse," he continued, "I was offered a five year contract for business suits for Brooks Brothers."

"What's so bad about a five year contract?" Kelly asked.

"Suits for executives? Are you serious? If I took on a job like that, my career would go right out the window. I might as well wear a sign saying middle aged!"

"Well," Kelly said. "It's not that bad for guys. Look at George Hamilton. How many women do you see at his age still wanted as full time models?"

"Not me Kelly," he said. "I'm going to be young forever. I thought maybe I'd do something like you've done and start my own agency, but if this is your car, I guess I'll have to find something more profitable to get involved in."

His remark stung Kelly, but she didn't bother to correct his misconception nor did she feel like explaining she had a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee in her garage.

She pulled in and parked the car and Tony got a look at her house for the first time. "It must be hard on you to have dropped from the good life to a little place like this," he said.

This was not going well.

Kelly and Tony had been involved for a short time when she was modeling, and had kept in touch after she opted out, but this was their first time together since she had gone out on her own, and quite frankly, she was proud of her house. She could have afforded bigger and better, but this one had character and appealed to her. It had been bought outright from her investments, and Kelly had decorated it to her liking.

"So Tony, where do you call home now?" she asked, perhaps a bit more brusquely than she intended, though he took no notice of her change in tone.

"Ah, you know me Kelly," he said. "I never felt comfortable settling down, so I just stick to the penthouse suites of good hotels where ever I end up."

"Don't you find that eats away at your savings pretty quick?" she asked seriously. "Are you investing for that day when this business is no longer as rewarding?"

Tony turned rather quickly and said, "Please don't talk to me about investing. I put all my money into technology stocks a couple of years back and was happy to sit back and watch my money double on a monthly basis. Fucking computer kids. I was vacationing in Cannes when my broker called and suggested pulling out my money cause it had started to flag a bit. You've got to realize Kelly, I bought in on margin for an additional $50 grand, cause I'd been watching this dot-com crap slip and rise for a while. I asked around and everybody told me computers were the way of the future and to just enjoy the ride. I told my broker to hold off cause something that good was bound to come right back up again, and by the time I got back to the States, I had less money than I put into the damn stocks to start off with, AND I had to pay off the balance of what I owed for the extra shares I bought." Tony was livid with anger.

"I won't even touch a computer now. And then I was doing a shoot for Martha and I was telling her about the beating I took. She turned me on to IMClone, some drug company or something and I figured I'd let one good investment pay for the other and I bought $30 grand of that stock and now that one is in the crapper too and I'm stuck with eating the bill for that one as well. I tell you, it'll be a cold day in hell before I pose for anything she's connected with again."

Kelly was about to say how sorry she was for him when she realized his own arrogance had done him in. She and Todd invested some of their earnings, but never bought on margin. Careful research and background checks guided their investments, and as a company, they had a nice solid portfolio that they monitored constantly. No overnight millionaire dreams clouded their minds.

As she opened the door she had the feeling she had made a mistake. There was no doubt that Tony was good looking, but as self-absorbed as he was, he saw nothing outside of his own reflection. With a sigh she put down the bread, opened the wine and poured them both a drink. Tony sat back content with a drink in hand and watched as Kelly prepared a fresh salad and turned the grill on. The steaks were still frozen in the middle the way Kelly liked them for grilling. Pulling a local wine out of the cupboard, she filled a tray and allowed the meat to absorb some flavor. Tony watched amused as she added some fresh cloves of garlic, chopped shallots, fresh ground black pepper and a splash of sesame seed oil to the mix.

Tony laughed, "You've turned into quite the domestic Suzy Homemaker haven't you?"

"I enjoy it," Kelly retorted. "It's one of the reasons I bought my own house. You can't do this in a hotel." She pulled two large potatoes out and scrubbed them under the tap and then wrapped them in foil and tossed them into the oven. She put plates on the table and fresh butter before sitting down herself.

Kelly allowed the meat to marinate for a while as they dug into the salad topped with fresh sliced mushrooms and an olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing along with Kelly's own combination of fresh herbs.

"Actually," Tony said between mouthfuls, "this is quite good."

Kelly warmed to the compliment, and they continued on by tearing of chunks of the baguette and smearing them with butter. It was a peaceful change and Kelly was content to listen to more of Tony's stories about the changing world in which he traveled.

Tony was one of the elite male models who had achieved public recognition. Unlike the top female models though, he was not known by name outside of those directly involved in the business. They both lit up after finishing their salad and Tony laughed at the irony of learning how to smoke before the ban on cigarette advertising had started.

Kelly laughed with him and said, "Hell Tony, even Joe Camel is out of work in that field now!"

She got up, cleared the table, turned the potatoes and lit the natural gas grill. Lifting the steaks out of the marinade, she gently laid them on the heated grill. Adding a tablespoon of cognac to them, they sizzled and the flames licked the meat as fire met alcohol. Pulling fresh plates out of the cupboard, she asked Tony how he wanted his steak.

"Rare, like me," was his reply.

Kelly sighed, and wondered if he had always been this self-absorbed or had she failed to notice this in him when she was younger and more impressionable.

A nice smell rose with the steam and smoke and somewhat regretfully Kelly turned on the range exhaust fan. After a few minutes she turned the steaks, making sure both sides were seared. Waiting for the meat to cook, she brought out sour cream and chives to go with the Yukon Gold potatoes.

"You know Kelly, you really have to try sprinkling caviar on sour cream for baked potatoes. I had that on my last trip to Monaco."

Kelly turned her back to Tony, closed her eyes and let out a silent sigh.

Lifting the potatoes out of the oven and turning it off, she placed them on the back of the grill to keep warm. She used her finger to press on the steaks, and seeing the slight indentation she left ensured her it was cooked inside and out. Tony might prefer it to be more on the rare side, but Kelly never took chances with meat. She quickly grabbed a saucepan and put it on a burner and threw a dollop of butter into the pan before adding a few cups of mushrooms. She sautéed them quickly, silently thanking Gloria for keeping her pantry and fridge stocked.

Lifting a steak onto each plate, and smothering it with mushrooms, Kelly turned the grill and the fan off and placed a potato on each plate as well. Carrying them to the table, she set them down and after refilling the wine glasses she dug in. Tony inspected the meat closely and for a minute Kelly thought of reminding him he was not in a restaurant but in her home and in her kitchen. Then she thought of James and wondered if he would appreciate this simple meal more. And thinking of James naturally brought her mind back to Brenda.

Todd cautiously dried Laura after a long shower where they had continued to kiss and caress. She was still shivering and quivering from the orgasmic experience, and a careless wipe with the towel would have driven her into another climax.

He had pressed Laura against the shower wall, and lifting her legs, slipped his cock into her, driving her to a multi-climatic frenzy as the water bounced off their faces and bodies. They had continued to stroke and caress each other with soap-covered hands sliding their slippery bodies against each other until the hot water ran out. Laura experienced a constant stream of orgasms from Todd's gently yet persistent caresses and her clit was so sensitive now it seemed just a glance from Todd would make her start squirming again.

Naked, they had adjourned to the living room to continue their lovemaking. Todd rolled a few more joints and they sat cuddled on the sofa in Todd's living room watching a Monty Python film on cable. The buzz they got from the grass brought on the inevitable munchies and they had broken open the fortune cookies and made up funny fortunes for each other as they rested and recuperated. Relaxed and comfortable with each other, they were just putting in time before the fun and games started again.

They were high in every sense of the word, high on love and life.

Laura ended sitting upright on the sofa while Todd sprawled with his head in her lap staring up her, gently stroking her breasts and stomach.

Laura was an active lover, both imaginative and willing. She had discovered her sexual nature at an early age, and had read a great deal about sex. She also loved to browse the sex story news groups on the web, her only solace for the last few months since the break-up with her fiancé along with her own hand, but Todd was so much better. "So fucking much better" she mumbled.

"What's that?" Todd asked, raising his head from her lap.

"Oh... Nothing," Laura said, blushing as she realized she had said it out loud.

Todd smiled at her and using his lips grabbed a mouthful of pubic hair and pulled gently on it. She was an exceptional lover Todd thought. Contrary to many peoples opinion, Todd was not the Casanova they thought. Sure, the opportunity was there but being a bit shy himself, he tended to avoid pushy self-centered women, which in his line of work desbribed those most of the ones he met. Not to say Todd was inexperienced, but with fewer notches on his belt than most people imagined.

Todd pulled again on her pubic hair with his lips and Laura squirmed as the lifting of her curly pubic hair pulled her labia against her clit.

"You better be prepared to finish what you start mister!" she said laughing.

Same as Kelly
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By Homealone_447 Edited by Silverman Danika arrived at the entrance of one of the caves that spread across the hills of Montana. She was an amateur geologist and knew that there were plenty of pictographs inside the caves of the area. She had walked all day and it was getting dark. This was her last chance to find something before heading back to the cabin she rented for the weekend. “I am here! Hope to find something in this one.” Much to her disappointment, she couldn’t find any...

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Every time without fail

Last night several things happened that were new and felt very good. One started when, after a bunch of handgasms, I was lying beside the Caveman and he let me touch his cock. Often, when he’s concentrating on giving me orgasms, he keeps my hands from his penis (despite my best efforts to sneak down there). I’m slowly learning to accept this concept of uninterrupted concentration because I’m quite different. I like the sensations to be happening all over the body. I’ll gladly have a penis in...

1 year ago
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A man discovers that he likes gay sex

I had never even thought of having sex with another man…let alone get on my knees and suck his hard cock. But that’s what happened one afternoon last week. My name is Jason. I’m forty-one with an average build. My wife considers me good looking but I think I’m just average. We have a good and active sex life. She gives me head on occasion and I love going down on her. She also loves fondling my rather large genitals… especially my balls that hang quite low. My cock...

3 years ago
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Old Man Fucked Me And My Wife 8211 Part I

Hi readers my name is Sreejith 33 years govt employee and my wife leena 29 year house wife. This story has been happened 2 years back when I got transferred to one of the remote village in Tamil Nadu. This incident happened in a month of June when it was rainy season and that day I was alone in home since my wife has gone to her mother house in Kerala. It was evening and raining heavily. It was around 5.30 in the evening days was looks like near tonight. I was smoking on my veranda that time...

Gay Male
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first encounter

I met Judy at my first Bingo game . We hit it off right away.She asked me if I did any home repairs.I told I did and she asked me to come to her house the next day to look at the repair.I arrived at her house mid morning.She opened the door and she was in a bathrobe.The repair I took care of the repair fast wondering what she was wearing under that robe.She wanted to pay me and I said no.She insisted she had to pay me somehow.Before I could say anything she wanted to know if a blowjob would be...

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A Good ServantChapter 3

“Really, Xavier, I don’t understand,” Lucas commented, looking somewhat vexed with his friend’s determination. “You usually get bored rather fast with them. Please at least promise me he can be mine once you are done with him.” They were talking over dinner, while Cory was tending the table quietly, trying hard to ignore the butterflies in his stomach upon hearing the masters’ conversation. “I believe that it would be no issue for a repeat performance if you come visit us,” Xavier sipped...

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Jedadiah Jones

Introduction: A cheating wife story I met this cute girl while I was out cruising Saturday night and we sort of clicked so she invited me back to her house. Actually, it looked like a small mansion. Her name was Bonnie. Bonnie said her parents werent due home until late. We started kissing and necking for a while. So anyway, one thing led to another. We threw off all our clothes and started fucking. Everything was going along fine and dandy. I heard Bonnie gasp while we were doing the old in...

4 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 26

The ambulance carrying Steve Stone and his patient arrived at the hospital without further incident. As the injured man was wheeled into the Emergency Room, a doctor came over to examine the wounded leg. After a quick examination of the leg, the doctor told the nurses to prep the man for surgery. Turning to Steve, she said, "Doctor, you saved this man's leg and possibly his life as well." "Gracias, Doctora. Would it be possible to come into the O.R. to observe the surgery? I am still a...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 13

It was a long day for Leon and after midnight by the time he walked out of the men's bath hut from his shower. It was only thirty days since full Mahina, and the bright blue orb still provided him with ample light to see his way home. He was delighted to find Ura and Nalani waiting for him outside the bath hut door. "Hi!" said Nalani. "We saw you enter as we were coming for our own showers, and we decided to wait for you. Will you walk us home?" "Sure!" It was a pleasant walk in the...

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Wild Magic Ch 13

I knelt down and carefully picked it up, taking care not to crush it. "Hey. I'm here to help. Hold still so I can get you free." It apparently understood me and stopped wiggling. As I freed it, I could not believe my eyes. Standing at his full height of maybe three or four inches tall, with wide, gossamer wings, was a tiny male fairy. I held him in my hand and watched as he picked off the remaining bits stuck to him. Finally, he finished, cleared his throat, and extended his hand. In...

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Dream Job

--please bear in mind this story is purely fictitious and any resemblances are merely coincidental, all rights reserved--As a man who secretly likes to play with dolls and panties, it can be 'hard' finding the kind of stuff you are after. Money doesn't necessarily help. Who wants to pay retail for something fresh out of the factory, anyway? I found my answer in a way that actually gets me paid.Not much, but...The fact that I am able to be on the clock while having fun with a steady supply of...

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Public Masturbation 3

In 2023 the newly liberal government passed new laws permitting masturbation in public. Originally it was just a six-month pilot program but was such a huge success that the laws were made permanent. Sex crimes overall were down and people in general became more liberal about their sexuality. Even the divorce rate came down. Let me give you some of my background. I started a small company when I was in my twenties that grew exponentially over a short period of time into a huge success. I...

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Our Girls

Our Girls by Vickie Tern We just stood there and watched, proud but also a little envious. They looked so very happy, our two sweet boys, lying there on top of the bed in their "fun room," our converted spare bedroom. Jan's house next door had one just like it so they could keep busy with each other when we were entertaining special friends, but this time it was just us, Janet and me and our two husbands, my "Pussy" and her "Kitty." They lay there...

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Dawn of the Deer

Black goes grey tinged with red. Beclouded vision. Lightning, white on black velvet. Soft. Soft yet harsh. Now grey again. Grey. Dawn. Dawn is grey... Dawn is a pale hint in the eastern sky, fortelling of a day blanketted with clouds, and again devoid of the warmth of the sun. I sit waiting, as I have for the past three hours, with teeth clenched against the arctic-like winds that gnaw at my feet and hands and bite at my exposed cheeks. That I would be here at all, or atleast in this...

2 years ago
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Help Part 9

*** “Okay Jake,” Danny said seriously as he continued to make eye contact, “I will tell you, but you have to promise me that you won’t flip out at me like you did last time. I don’t want this to turn into a huge drama like it did then. And I still don’t want you to tell anyone about any of this shit that’s been happening lately ok? ” “Fine!” Jake responded acceptingly. “I won’t say anything”. Danny took a deep breath. “Huh,” he sighed, “well obviously, you know that I’m...

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Hindsight worthy read

Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk around the neighborhood to get to the front door. The two women...

4 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 11B The Razor

Afterward, as they lay naked on their backs, staring up at the ceiling, smoking their cigarettes, she turned to him. "I really am going to make it up to you," she said. He grunted in response, feeling his usual post-coital guilt at giving into her emotional blackmail. She gently kissed his ear. "Jake," she said, "I know I've been unfair to you. I've been parading you around like a toy, exposing you to all kinds of things and people you don't want to be exposed to. I've ruined your...

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aunty betty

The year was 1979, and I was in the final year at a very exclusive girls boarding school just outside London. Being a a very tall striking blond with an outgoing personality made me extremely popular and some people even considered me rather arrogant. However I was really quite unassuming. In fact I never assumed as this would only lead to assumptions. The school I attended was very prestigious and very high standards of behavior were expected from all the girls.  Any girl who did not meet...

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Anokhey Pariwar

By : Atila1 Ye baat un dinon ki hai jab main Patna jaise chote shahr se Naukri ki talash mein delhi pahuncha tha. Rukney ka bandobast apney doston ke saath pahle se hi kar liya tha. Mujhey pata tha ki mujhey kya karna aur kaun si naukari karni hai. Kuch dinon ki talash ke baad akhirkaar mujhey naukri mil gayee. Delhi ke south ex area mein mera daftar that aur main chahta tha ki office ke aas paas hi ghar mil jaye ghar kya kisi kamre ya barsaati ki hi talaash thi jahan zyada paisa naa invest...

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TheDickSuckers Dixie Lynn Real Life Blowjob Story

Billy Watson’s camera slowly pans up from her feet, showing off Dixie Lynn and her tight, teen, freckled body. Dixie Lynn is the Real Deal, and being that, Dixie loves to “keep it real”. Nothing is fake is Dixie’s world. She’s a world-class dick sucker, as well as a world-class raconteur. Dixie loves spinning her real-life tales of sex & debauchery, and as this video roles, and as Dixie sucks Mr. POV’s blood-engorged boner, you’re gonna hear some of...

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Blackmailing The QueenChapter 8 Miss Kitty Takes a Bath

Linda Short had taught me a lot of what I knew about sex. Especially concerning the oral side of things. She had been a truly expert cocksucker, and expected good head in return. Luckily, she was happy to instruct me on the particulars of eating pussy, which she claimed to have done once or twice to her girlfriends. But although I had mildly enjoyed it, it was not my favorite thing. Linda's pussy was very hairy -- too hairy, really. And she was very aggressive. I often ended up with a sore...

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KristinChapter 16

Memorial Day weekend was something else. Again we were spending it with my parents, but this time — like the previous 4th of July — the girls elected to stay at the penthouse. Remembering the torture of the drive on the 4th, I was a bit smarter and took the big Mercedes with its automatic transmission. It didn’t make the traffic any lighter, but it sure saved a lot of wear and tear on my left knee. Mom and Dad were at the door to greet us, and I almost died! Mom had looked lovely at...

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The Big Sendoff

What a party! My friends gave me one hell of a sendoff with a big surpriseat the end.(Note-My stories are a series so if you want to catchup just head over tothe blog on my profile page-Lori )Gigi was almost hysterical."You can't go!" she screamed.But we both knew it was meant to be. My organization just offered me a bigraise if I was willing to relocate. I'd be a fool to turn it down.The Circle Jerk Club threw me a going away party after hours back stage atSlammers. That was the night...

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Covid grindr meet

This is my first story so go easy lol. And also trueim married and not been with with another man for around 10 years.i recently downloaded grindr after years of not being with another guy. Id browse the profiles and swap pics with other users but either they would flake or i would bottle it last min. I got chatting to one user who was not that far from me and he wasnt just the usual pic hunter, he found out i worked in a garage and asked if i could look at his car and maybe have some fun...

2 years ago
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Hot And Sensuous Massage

I went for a massage in Hyderabad, it was a M2M, and since I needed a good massage, I opted for M2M, with hopes that at the end I might get a happy ending. I was shown to the massage room and Sam, the masseur asked me to take a shower, and lie down on the massage table. I went to the massage room and undressed. I showered making sure I avoided touching my genitals too much as I would have been so embarrassed to have a hard-on before he even started the message. When I came out, I was surprised...

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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneChapter 5

I made eye contact with Zoey. It was remarkable that I'd only known this girl for about two weeks, and we were still able to communicate with just eye contact. It was the strangest damn thing. But the eye contact we had at this moment was perhaps the most important nonverbal conversation we've had through our short friendship - or tease-ship or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. Beth had finally let her guard down for a moment. She sat her shaken, tormented body on the couch...

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General Chens White Torture Slave

1General Chen?s White Torture SlaveOneTina almost purred with pleasure. She was utterly comfortable at the large yachts stern as she lay on a soft mat, feeling the light ocean breeze and the warm sunlight on her nearly naked body. The ship was making minimal speed and gently rocking up and down on the waves. The warmth and soft motions of the deck made Tina doze off several times, as she was sun bathing for the better part of the afternoon. Every so often, when she was awake, she would open her...

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The Queen of the NileChapter 6

Sir Harold entered into the underground chamber with two sturdy workers to assist his wife in the removal of the mummy from the sarcophagus. He noticed right away that his spouse was a bit out of breath and appeared a trifle disheveled. "Are you all right, my dear?" Not pausing for an answer, he continued, "It is rather close in here. Ramses, you must take better care of my little rosebud." Ramses, the Egyptian excavation guide nodded his head in agreement, but refrained from...

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Always keep an open mind

Always Keep an Open Mind“Do you ever get that feeling that you just need to find someone for a good, hot fuck?”Kate froze at the coffee machine, hand on the lever. Had she really heard what she thought she’d heard? Turning in place, she directed her best cold glare at the customer on the other side of the counter. “I beg your pardon?” she drawled slowly.The guy gave her a big, unapologetic grin. He looked normal enough: fairly young, average height, slightly shaggy dirty blond hair, in decent...

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My First EverythingChapter 29

Thursday, Denise was waiting for me right in front of the school when I first arrived. She flashed me one of her biggest smiles, acting as though she and I had never been in any arguments at all. "Larry, you didn't call me last night. I was waiting for you to call." "I didn't know you'd be at home. I thought you said you'd be out studying with a friend?" "I would have been, but my friend was busy with all his other friends. He didn't have any time to spend with me." "Are you...

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I lost my Virginity to an Older Woman

Part 1: SpainThis is the story of a journey. It started in Spain, continued in France and finished (climaxed?) in London. It was a journey of discovery. This was when I first discovered the thrill of intimacy with a real woman. This was when I lost my virginity.This is a completely true story. It happened over 50 years ago but I can remember much of it as if it happened yesterday. (I have used a little “artistic licence” in filling in memory-gaps with actions that probably happened, anyway.)...

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Taking Dogs for a Walk

I met a girl named Alice the other day. She was taking a walk with her dog. My dog Frankie noticed Alice’s dog and started barking. I thought Frankie was trying to tell me that Alice’s boobs are going to squeeze her little doggie to death. They were large indeed, and she had her dog Bond right between them. Bond got so afraid of Frankie’s barks, that he flinched. He flinched so tightly that the place between Alice’s boobs got too wide for him. Bond fell apart, and ran away into the forest. ...

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The Worlds First Futa Transformed Into a FutaChapter 3 Futarsquos First MILF

April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend’s mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds ... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,” I said, giving a soft chuckled. “But, I wasn’t hard. Yet.” I glanced out...

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A Dark Night Chapter 1

Chapter 1- A Dark night The dull hush that had washed over the library since it had almost emptied was peaceful, until a small thud sounded waking Ari instantly. The disturbance had been caused from her head falling against the thick notebook on the desk below. Glancing down at her wrist watch, she rolled her eyes, it was just after 11pm. It was the end of another exhausting day at university. Ariana was tired, not only from studying for her mid semester exam which was tomorrow at 8am, but...

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TeensLoveAnal Melissa Rose Only Anal Makes Me Cum

Melissa Rose and her boyfriend have tried every sexual thing imaginable to make her cum and nothing at all seems to work. Melissa wants to give up. Luckily her boyfriend is a trooper. He fucked her in almost every way he knew how but still no result. He had one more trick up his sleeve. He laid Melissa on the couch and had her open her asshole for him. He stuck his large head inside her gaping hole slowly, and it was bliss like she has never felt before. He plunged Melissa’s asshole to it’s...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 5

I love springtime in Florida. From about the middle of March until early June the weather is perfect. The humidity is low with temperatures rising to the mid eighties during the day, and dropping into the sixties at night. College spring break begins in late March, first for the Canadian then for the US schools. The college kids hit the beach about the same time that we locals start spending more time on them. If we wanted to check out the college talent we drove a dozen miles north to...

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Ketaki bhaujaoriya

Hi to all Iss reader. I am a regular reader of this site. But unfortunately there is very little oriya story in this site. Therefore i wrote this story in oriya for our oriya reader.plz mail me after reading this story.Mu mora nijara prathama anubhuti story lekhuchhi.mate bartamana 30 barsa bayasa. Kintu mate jetebele 19 barsa bayasa hoithila mora dada pua bhai bahaghara hoithila. Mora bhaujara nama ketaki. Setebele tanka bayasa 25 bhauja dekhibaku tike bulky kintu bahuta sundara....

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High School Reunion

All characters are over the age of eighteen.Finally walking off the plane from my first class seat on a Thursday evening, it feels good to be home. I’m back in town for my ten-year high school reunion. This time I’m going to be the one everyone’s jealous of. I’ve got the perfect job, making more money than I know what to do with. Well… being an accountant for a huge tech firm, I obviously invest my money to earn interest and make more money… but my point being, I’m far better off than all the...

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Paddlin Madelyne Home Ch 02

Her big company party was being held downtown at one of the fanciest hotels in the city, and even as I was getting out of my cab. I had told her that I never drove after drinking and that we would meet there. Nearly at once I recognized several prominent members of the cream of Houston ‘money’ society. Madelyne didn’t seem to be there yet, naturally she was going to be ‘fashionably late’, and I had nearly two hours all by myself to slowly nurse drinks that I very badly wanted to gulp down...

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