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On April 1 of year 2019 a strange sequence of events began its course in our nation’s capital. Upon waking up in the morning, Melinda K., a professional massage therapist could not find her mobile telephone on the nightstand. Melinda searched for it in the handbag and encountered a strange object. She stopped looking for the telephone and retrieved from the bag something round, elongated and wrapped into a cloth napkin. Melinda placed it on the edge of the bed, unfolded the napkin and uncovered nothing else but a male penis. She realized that it was not some kind of a plastic fantastic dildo or other sort of a sex toy. No, that was a genuine uncircumcised penis with blueish veins running along its shaft and with foreskin fully covering its head. Attached to it was a pair of good size testicles. Dark pubic hairs were neatly encircling the overall bottom assembly.

Oh my god, thought Melinda, because she instantly recognized the penis as the one that belonged to Mr. Richards, her regular customer. The fact that she recognized someone’s penis, should not prompt the reader to think anything inappropriate about Melinda. She was a fully degreed and certified massage therapist. She worked at a highly reputable establishment which may never be confused with shady enterprises providing services on which we occasionally learn through law-and-order sections of local news outlets. Melinda was an excellent massage therapist, highly regarded by her customers of all sexes and genders. Yet she had an artistic streak in her and considered herself being both a healer and a sculptor. Her artistic nature occasionally made her so inspired by certain human specimen or particular elements of their anatomy, that she permitted herself a little digression from the strict rules of her employment establishment. Those of course were carried with full cooperation on the part of her customers.

That how it was with Mr. Richards who happened to have such an outstanding penis, that Melinda would offer him a special service delivered manually, occasionally – orally and in a few cases – vaginally. Although Mr. Richards was not an overly generous tipper, he always rewarded Melinda with a copious amount of cum, which she considered to be a compliment to her professional mastery, good looks and sexual prowess.

It was just the day before when Mr. Richards held his regular appointment with Melinda. As she recalled, Mr. Richards was unusually stressed on account of some work-related issues. To help Mr. Richards relieve his stress, Melinda provided him with relaxing massage covering his entire body and culminating in a nice hand administered release. However, nothing, absolutely nothing in that encounter would even remotely suggest how could Mr. Richards’s penis become detached from Mr. Richards’s body, get wrapped in a cloth napkin and placed in Melinda’s handbag.

Melinda touched the penis just with one finger. It felt warm and live. Encouraged by that feeling, Melinda picked it up and held in the palm of her hand. She could swear that the penis started growing in size responding to her touch.

“What the fuck is that?!”

That was Bobby K., her husband apparently coming from the bathroom and finding his wife holding a strange penis in her hand.

“Did you cut someone’s dick off? Why did you bring it here, into our home? What are you doing with it in our bed?”

While Bobby was peppering Melinda with these questions to which she obviously had no answers, the penis kept growing and growing until it engorged to its fully erect and rather impressive size.

“Drop it immediately!” yelled Bobby.

Although Melinda obeyed that order and placed the penis back on the bed, strange things happened at that moment. Bobby discovered that he was having a massive erection excited by the view of his wife holding in her hand a very big and strange dick (as this was the word he used in his mind). At the same time, Melinda realized how wet and horny she became from the encounter with the strange cock (as this was the word she used in her mind).

Up and off had gone Melinda’s nightgown. Down dropped Bobby’s boxers. In slid Bobby’s cock attacking Melinda from behind. Out flew Melinda’s moan naturally directed at Mr. Richards’s cock. And the cock responded! Its head went up, the foreskin retreated exposing the mother-of-pearl pinkish head glistening in precum and basking in the blissful light of the morning sun. The cock raised its head in a perfect forty-five-degree angle, stood on its balls and like a bunny on hinder legs jumped toward Melinda. Her jaw dropped in awe, and with a swiftness and precision of heat-seeking missile, the cock flew into Melinda’s mouth.

And what a wonderful debauchery it instigated over and around her tongue, within her cheeks, in and out of her throat. It was warm, it was smooth, it was strong and throbbing with energy. Unlike any other cock usually attached to someone’s body, this free flying cock had extra degrees of freedom: it could push and pull at any angle and turn up and down and around in Melinda’s mouth like a lollipop. Nobody ever fucked her face so thoroughly and so creatively and discovering of erogenous points inside her mouth she never knew existed. Ah, thought Melinda, how nice would it be to introduce that wonderful cock to my pussy. But the pussy was pounded by Bobby, who did it with a newly found enthusiasm and vigor. Bobby’s hands were roaming over Melinda’s body, groping and fondling everything within his reach in an attempt to claim full possession of his wife against that fly-in intruder. Obviously, the matter of switching positions required some delicate degree of finesse. Melinda gently grabbed the cock by the balls and slowly pulled it out of her mouth. The cock did not resist, it pleasantly pulsated in Melinda’s hand awaiting further directions.

“Come on, honey, I want you to cum in my mouth,” said Melinda and made a hundred-and-eighty degrees turn, now facing and swallowing Bobby’s cock and at the same time letting the other cock in through her nether lips.

Words have not been invented yet to describe the delicious mayhem that wonder cock caused in her pussy. Waves of orgasm traveled through Melinda’s body. Bobby unloaded himself into her throat and the wonder cock blessed her pussy with multiple jets of extraordinary cum.


Some educated readers may ask me at this point, how is it possible that the cock not being attached to the main body with its system of blood vessels could be capable of swelling and engorging, and where does it get all the materials necessary for making any quantity of cum? What can I tell you, I do not know. Perhaps some form of sexual energy gets transmitted to the detached cock through the Ether, and materialize by the means of some Einsteinian energy-to-mass transformations. Tell me, my reader friends, do you really know everything? Well, neither do I. I may have a massive Ph.D. under my belt, but I am not that kind of a doctor.


After that morning adventure, Melinda and Bobby K. were eating their breakfast.

“May I keep it, please?” Melinda asked. “It is harmless, and you have seen how much fun we can have with it.”

“Nonsense,” said Bobby. “How can you say that it is harmless? We can get in all kinds of trouble. We do not know where this thing comes from. We have no idea, whose dick this is. What if we are discovered with it in our possession through some kind of DNA tracing, or god knows what, and they, whoever they are, would send an army of lawyers and sue our asses for everything we’ve got and we ain’t got much? You should just get rid of it as soon as possible.”

Those were strong arguments, and Melinda felt that perhaps now was not the right time to tell Bobby K. that she knew whose cock it was. And that would not help either, who knows what kind of trouble they might get into if Mr. Richards were to find that they had his cock and even fucked it without owner’s consent.

Later that morning, while on her way to work, Melinda was standing on the Arlington bridge above the Potomac. She made sure that nobody was looking and threw Mr. Richards’s cock over the railings. Suddenly, she heard a swooshing sound and flapping of big wings and saw a black swan emerging from under the bridge, snatching the falling cock right in the air and soaring with it into the morning sky in the direction of Washington Memorial.



That same morning Mr. Richards woke up earlier than usual. His wife Lucy was softly breathing next to him in their bed. Mr. Richards worked at the Department of Good Intentions in its Paving-the-Way Division. That day was going to be a very important day for Mr. Richards, because a new Division Head was going to be named. It was widely expected within the Department that the new Division Head would be no other but Mr. Richards. Yet, Mr. Richards had an uneasy feeling that something might go wrong at the last minute and he could be bypassed on this important promotion. Perhaps it was his nervousness about that matter to which he attributed the absence of his usual morning hard-on.

Maybe to check on his erection, or maybe just to scratch his balls, but Mr. Richards reached under his pajama pants and found, well, nothing. Hardly can a man imagine a more devastating horror than the one experienced by Mr. Richards when he encountered absolute nothingness in between his legs. Trying not to wake up Lucy, Mr. Richards got off the bed and slipped into the bathroom. There he stepped on a stool in front of the mirror and lowered his pajama pants. What he saw in the mirror was terrifying: his belly was present, his pubis and pubic hair were there, but his dick and balls were missing as if they had never existed. There was no scar, not even a trace of anything that could suggest that only yesterday that place was prominently occupied by his impressive dick. He now vividly remembered how nicely Melinda K., his massage therapist, had channeled all his stress into a warm stream of gooey cum and how masterfully Melinda manipulated his dick to spread the cum over her face, presumably for cosmetic purposes. He also remembered himself getting dressed and neatly packing his dick and balls into his cotton boxer briefs and then…

“Honey, are you in the bathroom?”

Cold sweat covered Mr. Richards’s forehead when he imagined being caught penis-less with his pants down. Men he knew were getting in trouble with their wives for showing up at home without an item of underwear or for just missing a lousy sock. Imagine the trouble he would get in if his wife were to find out that he was missing the entire dick and both balls. And for how long could he hide that from her? But the time was running out, he was getting late for work.

“Yes, honey, I am coming out soon!”

Mr. Richards had to quickly wrap up his morning activities and shortly after that he was on his way to the office.

Bad news was awaiting him there, his worst suspicions were confirmed – an outsider, some Mr. Cox, was appointed a new Division Head and rumors have been already circulating that the new boss was a total dick.

The Meet the Boss session was planned to take place at ten in the morning in the big conference room. When at that time Mr. Cox presented himself to all the Division personnel, Mr. Richards made a stunning discovery – the new boss was none other but his missing dick. It did not matter that Mr. Cox was dressed in a nice pinstripe suit under which he was wearing a perfectly clean and starched white shirt and an elegant tie. It did not matter also, that on top of that, or rather at the bottom of it, Mr. Cox was sporting a pair of very shiny and rather expensive shoes. The crux of the matter was that behind all those accessories, he was a dick and not just some figuratively mentioned dick, but actual dick that was prominently absent from between the legs of Mr. Richards.

And while Mr. Cox was going about the team spirit, new paradigms and key performance indicators, Mr. Richards felt that he had had it! Not only he was missing his dick, not only he was bypassed on a crucial to his career promotion, but to add an insult to injury, his own dick had just become his boss!

Determined to show the impostor his place, Mr. Richards impatiently waited for the meeting to be over, followed Mr. Cox to, and sneaked into, his office.

“Who are you and what do you want?” asked Mr. Cox.

“You certainly know who I am, and I want you to immediately go back to where you come from,” replied Mr. Richards.

Mr. Cox was rather puzzled, “Sir, I have no idea who you are and what you are talking about.”

“Oh yes, you do know who I am. I am Mr. Richards and you sir, you are not a person, you are my dick!”

Once Mr. Cox heard Mr. Richards’s name, he suddenly took a rather friendly tone.

“Oh, Mr. Richards, I have heard many nice things about you. I was also told that you might be upset that you were not made a Division Head, but let me assure you, there is absolutely no need to for you to call me names. You and I are going to work together and turn this place around...”

Mr. Cox was about to take another round about those key performance indicators, when he noticed that Mr. Richards started unbuttoning his pants.

“Wait a second, who are you taking me for?”

Mr. Richards’s fingers moved a little faster, he unbuttoned and dropped his pants and boxers in an effort to literally show Mr. Cox his place.

“You see,” he said, “this is where you belong. I do not intend to call you names, sir. You see, you see!” Mr. Richards was pointing to the flat spot under his belly. “There is nothing here now. You are just an impostor. You pretend to be a man, a Division Head, but in reality, you are nothing but my dick and your place is here, right under my pubis.”

“But even for the sake of an argument, how can you prove it?” inquired Mr. Cox. “What evidence do you have that your dick is missing? Why should I believe you? What if you never had one?”

“I had a dick!” proudly exclaimed Mr. Richards, “I have witnesses, my wife for example.” In the heat of the moment, Mr. Richards was about to mention Melinda K. but finally did not, as that would be ungentlemanly.

“Your wife, you have a wife?” Somehow that piece of information made a big impression on Mr. Cox.

“Of course I have a wife,” assured him Mr. Richards. He even took out his mobile phone, found a picture of Lucy and showed it to Mr. Cox.

Mr. Cox looked at Lucy’s picture and somehow increased in size.

“Mr. Richards,” he said, “as a Division Head, I take family matters of my employees very seriously. No wife should be left behind.”

Having said that, Mr. Cox called his secretary and ordered for his car to be brought to the entrance immediately. Half an hour later, a black stretched limousine stopped at Mr. Richards’s house. Mr. Cox told the chauffeur to wait and followed Mr. Richards inside.

Lucy was a little surprised by their unannounced arrival. Wile on the way to the house, Mr. Richards was desperately searching for how to convey to his wife the essence of his dispute with Mr. Cox. But before he could even peep a word, Mr. Cox grabbed the matter by the horns.

“Dear Mrs. Richards,” he said. “I am here to personally extend to you my deepest gratitude for your husband’s outstanding work on behalf our department.” He waited a little and added, “with full admiration and with all due respect.”

Mrs. Richards responded to these platitudes very positively, “You should call me Lucy. What would you like to drink?”

It became clear to Mr. Richards that those two were getting along rather amicably. Mr. Cox was sitting at the the table in the dining room. His head turned healthy pink after two tequila shots Lucy served him. Things started getting even friendlier because after the third shot, Lucy somehow was sitting on his lap, while Mr. Cox was fondling her with youthful enthusiasm. Lucy neither objected to his advances, nor complained to her husband, and when Mr. Cox’s hand crawled under the hem of her dress, she squirmed a little and moaned with encouragement.

Mr. Richards was intently following the progression of events. First Lucy’s dress got peeled off her body on its own. Then her bra jumped off with a snapping sound leaving her magnificent breasts to be shared between Mr. Cox’s mouth and his right hand. His left hand was deeply buried inside Lucy’s panties which suddenly evaporated leaving her fully naked. A few minutes later Lucy slid off Mr. Cox’s lap and disappeared under the table. Mr. Richards could not see his wife in that position but by the sound of it, he could detect that she was pleasuring Mr. Cox with her hallmark sloppy blowjob. Mr. Cox was visibly pleased, he grew in size so much that he had to remove his tie and shirt.

"Take me to bed now,” said Lucy. And so they walked with Mr. Cox grabbing Lucy’s ass and Lucy holding his swelling cock. Mr. Richards silently followed them to the master bedroom. There he watched Lucy lay on the bed and open her legs for Mr. Cox who entered her with throbbing firmness and masterful precision. Mr. Richards was torn between several conflicting emotions. Watching his boss fucking his wife was making him jealous. Yet his jealousy was misplaced as his wife was fucking the cock she was married to. Finally, watching his cock doing such as wonderful fucking made him very proud.

While the fucking intensified, Mr. Richards suddenly noticed how unusual were the fingers on Mr. Cox’s hands. These fingers in fact looked like swelling cocks which Mr. Cox used to penetrate Lucy everywhere and play her like a flute. This soon made her cum so hard that the jealousy Mr. Richards felt caused a heavy swelling in his heart that had nowhere to go. But then, when with the growl and roar Mr. Cox delivered rivers of cum into all Lucy’s orifices, Mr. Richards felt elated with happiness for his wife and with the sense of pride and personal achievement for his cock’s mastery.

Lucy and Mr. Cox kept enjoying each other for a while until Mr. Richards felt withdrawn and exhausted. He laid on the bed and fell asleep. In his sleep he did not hear how Mr. Cox left the house, he did not hear how Lucy came to bed and snuggled quietly next to him. He did not see how Mr. Cox got into his black stretched limousine, he did not hear how the clock started to strike midnight, nor did he see how at the last strike of the clock the limousine took off the ground. Nobody noticed that, but if someone were to look up the starry sky, they would see neither a limousine, nor Mr. Cox, but a gracious black swan carrying in his scarlet beak Mr. Richards’s penis.



Next morning, when Mr. Richards opened his eyes, he saw Lucy next to him. She was already awake.

“Good morning honey,” she said.

Suddenly Mr. Richards felt Lucy’s hand on his cock. On HIS COCK! The cock was back, it was up, it was there, it was!

What ensued was a spectacular celebration of his regained manhood which both spouses thoroughly enjoyed. The reader should not insist on getting additional details of that event. Let us give these nice people some privacy.

A second pleasant surprise was awaiting Mr. Richards in the office. As he was told, Mr. Cox was appointed to head a totally different division in a totally different department. Some dickhead somewhere made a mistake, but that mistake had been corrected and the position of the Division Head was rightfully Mr. Richards’s effective immediately.

Shortly after Mr. Richards had settled in the new office, his secretary informed him that he was needed on an urgent matter by two visitors from FBI that were waiting in the lobby. The visitors introduced themselves as Agent Beth and Agent Rachel. They were both dressed in nearly identical black skirts and white blouses, they looked young and athletically fit and appeared very pleasant to the eye in all respects.

“We need to ask you a few questions in confidence,” started Agent Beth. “How well did you know Mr. Cox, the one that was mistakenly appointed for your position?”

“Well…” started Mr. Richards not knowing how to approach the subject.

“Let me help you,” said Agent Beth with a sly smile. “That Mr. Cox was arrested last night at the Dulles International Airport while awaiting a flight to Venezuela.”

“Why Venezuela?” asked Mr. Richards.

“Perhaps because there is no extradition treaty between Venezuela and the United States. That does not matter. What matters is that thank god the security guard at the airport timely noticed that he was just a dick and obviously should not be boarding an international flight. The guard informed the FBI and our people picked up that Mr. Cox and placed him into custody. When he was being processed, he admitted that he was not a real person, but that he was a dick and gave your name, address and social security number as an indication that you were his owner.”

“Agent Rachel and I were supposed to interrogate him this morning,” she continued, “but Mr. Cox was simply missing from his cell.”

“This is all very strange,” said Mr. Richards, “but how can I help you with this matter?”

“Do you know his whereabouts?” asked Agent Rachel?

“Actually, I do,” said Mr. Richards, “he is back where he is supposed to be, just here, in my pants.”

“Can we see him?”

“If you must,” said Mr. Richards and started unbuckling his belt.

“Oh, thank you, sir. If you do not mind, please stand here close to the light, so that we could run a proper identification process,” said Agent Rachel.

Mr. Richards moved to the middle for the room, stood up facing the window and lowered his trousers and underwear.

Agent Beth and Agent Rachel knelt in front of him and began visually inspecting his dick.

“Excellent specimen. Would you permit me to question him?” asked Agent Beth.

“Question him, what for? How are you going to do that?” asked Mr. Richards in astonishment.

“I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation,” said Agent Beth sternly.

“There is a new interrogation technique,” explained Agent Rachel, “it is called pussyboarding. It is very effective, but the Congress has not approved it yet. Some liberals are opposing it, but we have a very strong support among the GOP caucus.”

“That sounds intriguing,” said Mr. Richards.

"So, I hope you don’t mind signing this release form, just here, here and here, and your initial over there,” directed him Agent Rachel. While Mr. Richards was placing his John Hancocks on the release form, Agent Beth removed her skirt and panties and unbuttoned her blouse.

“Please, undo my bra,” she asked Mr. Richards.

After that, Agent Beth knelt in front of him and took Mr. Richards’s cock into her mouth.

“Do not worry,” said Agent Rachel, “she is very well trained.”

Her techniques were very impressive and in a few seconds Mr. Richards’s cock reached its nominal size and density.

“Looks like he is ready to talk now,” observed Agent Rachel. “Please lay down on the floor facing the ceiling.”

Mr. Richards did as instructed and Agent Beth slowly impaled herself on his cock. I am sure, he would not hold any secrets, thought Mr. Richards with his eyes closed and feeling the pleasure enveloping the entire length of his cock. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that Agent Rachel was standing above his face with her feet nearly touching his ears.

“What are you doing?” he asked looking up her skirt.

“We are going to work our good cop – bad cop technique on him,” she replied removing her panties.

“Which one are you?”

“Oh, I am very bad, baby” said Agent Rachel and lowered herself on his face.

After that, Mr. Richards became really tongue tied. In contrast, the Agents became rather chatty. Agent Beth was saying something to Agent Rachel, presumably retelling what she obtained from the interrogation. Agent Rachel was repeating back everything she heard presumably for information retention purposes. Mr. Richards did not understand a word of what they were saying. Perhaps that was some kind of a professional lingo, he thought. The Agents were speaking faster and faster, no words could be discerned, just moans that were getting more and more loud as they cum at once onto Mr. Richards’s cock and into his mouth.

“I think we got what we needed,” said Agent Beth standing up, “see for yourself.”

With that, Agent Beth dipped two fingers into her own pussy, and placed those fingers smeared in Mr. Richards’s cum into Agent Rachel’s mouth.

“I think you are right,” said Agent Rachel after licking the fingers, “we have what we need.”

“Sir, we very much appreciate your cooperation,” said Agent Beth. “You should watch him better. Once he becomes a repeat offender, he will be much harder to control. He may be placed on probation, or even worse.”

“Probation, what is that?” asked Mr. Richards.

“You don’t want to know,” said Agent Beth.

“What is worse than probation?”

“That you don’t want to know either,” said Agent Rachel, “here is my card, feel free to give me a call if there is any problem with Mr. Cox in the future.”

And with that, the Agents left.

For the rest of his workday, Mr. Richards felt a little guilty about that interrogation. He was not sure how much of that to share with his wife. Then he recalled that Agent Beth warned about the confidentiality of that matter and decided to keep all the information to himself. On the way home, he stopped by the florist and picked up a dozen red roses for his wife.

At home he found Lucy in a pensive mood.

“Anything happened?” he asked.

“Yes, honey. While you were at work, two guys from CIA came to talk to me about Mr. Cox,” said Lucy. “First they asked me to repeat everything Mr. Cox said. I told them that he said very little.”

“Right, and then what?”

“Then they were wondering if he was ever talking about black swans.”

“Black swans? What that is about?”

“These agents, they said that these black swans are some kind of a secret spy organization that place their own people within government agencies. They were wondering if Mr. Cox had any connection to that.”

“Wow, and what did you say?”

“I said I knew nothing, and that Mr. Cox barely said a few words while he was here. And then they were asking what exactly he was doing here for the whole evening if he did not say much.”

“And what did you say?”

“And I said that I was not very comfortable describing what he was doing. And they suggested to help me by using some modern questioning technique where I would not have to say anything and they would find out everything they needed. They called it pussyboarding. They said that the Congress is yet to approve it, and that the liberals are opposing it and that the conservatives are all for it. I thought I would try it.”

“So you agreed?”

“Yes, honey. They asked me to sign a release form and after that they took me to the bedroom.”

“Why bedroom?”

“This is how this thing works.”

“Or I see. Did they try the bad cop – good cop technique on you?”

“They did! How do you know? I have to tell you, the bad one was really good. Well, the good one was not bad either.”

“What a day,” said Mr. Richards taking Lucy’s hand into his. “Let’s hope Mr. Cox does not owe any taxes. I really do not want IRS people here and neither would you.”


Some readers may complain that the events depicted in this story are strange. Let me ask you, my reader friends, have you read the news? God bless you if this is the strangest story of what you have read today.


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Max watched his pregnant wife roll off the couch and race into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness again. She was now 4 months pregnant with a black baby. Unbelievable.His friends back home would never understand but Max was cool with it all. Mainly because he had set the whole thing up.From the first his pretty young wife Haley had been excited and interested in the swingers life style. She was only 19 when they married and the thought of fucking just one man for the rest of her life was...

3 years ago
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A Recollection

“A Recollection” by E. Land  Author’s Note: This is a true story about an experience that some may call “a man’s ultimate fantasy.” It involved my lover and yours truly. Everyone romantically involved should have a night like the one I am about to describe. It happened because of his desire to watch a woman sexually arouse me. Of course, we know this male wish is nothing new, almost every erotic magazine, website, and blog addresses this dream of theirs. Nor is it news that their women resist...

4 years ago
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In The Dark

Dimly I awake.Slowly regaining some semblance of consciousness, a shudder runs through my body at the realisation that I have no idea where I am. I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep. I don’t know if it’s still night, or if it’s light.Nor can I find out.That’s the rule. One of the rules. I must not remove the blindfold until I am given permission to do so. I could remove it; my hands are free. But I will not. I tremble at the thought that there may be more to...

Group Sex
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A Red Christmas

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Transcript from the hearings of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, December 17, 1952: SENATOR MCCARTHY: In the absence of more urgent matters, we resume the testimony of witness Ronald Bookman. Counsel Cohn, will you please continue questioning the witness. COUNSEL COHN: Mr. Chairman, the witness has been cooperative in describing the workings of the Communist organization of which he was a member. He has demonstrated irrational stubbornness...

1 year ago
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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 18

The phone rang and Amy picked up the receiver. Roxy was on the other end. Amy exchanged pleasantries with Roxy and could tell from her voice that something was wrong. "What's wrong Roxy. I can hear it in your voice. Something's not right. What is it?" Amy asked. Roxy was silent for a second before she said, "We could use your help down here." "I'm going to put you on speaker so Sam can hear too." Amy pressed a button and then set the phone down. "Now go ahead," she...

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The HealerChapter 14

“Admiral, the alien vessels have begun to move again,” a Detection Officer informed him and Captain Muln. “Heading?” Toolos enquired. “The planet. Also we detected several small vessels leaving the landing ships and heading back to their fleet which is beginning to pull back!” “Do you think they are suiciding?” Muln asked Toolos. “Wouldn’t surprise me; we forced a draw,” Toolos replied. “Can we stop them?” “Not all,” a Tactical Officer replied. “Can the forces we have aboard stop some...

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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 03

It was the usual boring Monday for Helen. The reviled one had left customarily early with the usual lack of any attempt at communication. The house and time were her own to do as she pleased. So why did she feel like a prisoner in this multi-million dollar mansion? Time, she sighed reminding herself and routine, too much of both. She’d met a young, handsome, passionate politics major out to change the world and ended up with a jaded, right wing office robot, content to mete out the days in...

2 years ago
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2 Girls and Me and my Daddy Makes Three

   I have always enjoyed teasing older men, Sure it's fun with the boys at school, but they're much too horny and annoying. Whenever my dads friends come over I always make sure to tease them, wearing little short shorts and tight shirts and playing with my hair and biting my lip as I talk to them. I can tell they love it, I look very innocent, being so petite.   I'm about 5'2, 105 pounds, deep blue eyes, pink luscious lips, tanned skin, brown hair down to my boobs, perky B cup, and very toned...

3 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 4 A World Of Their Own

When Aileen told Colin the news that they would be spending Christmas up at the cabin he seemed pretty amiable to the idea, apparently the thought of getting away from the apartment for a few days appealed to him as well. It was a four hour drive from Philadelphia to the mountain cabin and they planned on leaving early in the morning on Christmas Eve day, but it wasn't until slightly before noon before they were actually on their way. Not only had Patrick given them the use of his cabin, he...

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Crystal ClearChapter 7 Nicaragua movie making kidnapping rescue and sex

A machine gun fired at us from an overhead helicopter flying low and right at us. Along the ground, the pock marks each bullet made exploded in a line closely parallel to where we were running in a zig-zap pattern. I thought of all the training I'd had when I joined the Special Forces, much of it training for just a situation such as this, except the rounds were real. Barry Peters and I had just grabbed Jill Dane's hands and raced for cover in a dilapidated adobe hut. Just as we neared the...

3 years ago
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Fucking them

I had to travel a lot as in those days my job required it. My cousin use to live in Mumbai. Being distant relative I never went to their house. I never used to inform them of my arrivals in Mumbai. I used to stay in hotel during my visits. On this particular day I haphazardly thought of going to their house. My bro in law is also in business. I rang the door bell, Vina opened the door for me. To my surprise she was wearing jeans shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. At first she felt little shy, but I...

2 years ago
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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 18

Emma Worthington sat dismally over her tasteless tuna fish salad. The slices of hard boiled egg on her plate seemed to stare back at her with hateful eyes. She'd been down in the lunchroom for about ten minutes now, having left her office shortly after Mrs. Stilton's arrival. She would stay for the entire hour she decided, until that awful woman had left, and then perhaps she could find something... some small favor perhaps that would put her back in Brad's good graces. The thought gave...

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Red Light District Experience Antwerp Belgium

The Porn Chronicles continues following the adventures of Tyler Thomas and his sexcapades. There will be a video to come along this story, but the footage I got wasn't great so I wanted to write about it. My travels had brought me to Antwerp, Belgium where I had found out has legal prostitution as well as a recommended Red Light District. The nice thing about it is that it's not as touristy and not near the main train station of the city, so you don't have the rowdiness that a place like...

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The Original Sin

The curly-headed, pretty little blonde girl clutched her mother's warm hand as they made their way into the small church. At the tender young age of six, Miriam Posey was the perfect picture of a bright-eyed young lady, eager to learn about the vast new world all around her. The little girl and her mother sat at the front of the church like they religiously did every Sunday morning. Miriam smiled up at the man in the long white robe. She dearly loved her father, the Reverend Posey. The topic...

2 years ago
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Trust can be broken again

As I seen this, I grabbed my phone to take a picture, when I took it my phone made a noise. Dan looked it my direction. He grabbed his shorts, and tucked in his cock, as I took off running. I ran across the gym faster than I have ever had in my entire school life. As I got to the gym doors, they came out of the locker room, calling my name. I pushed open the door, and I ran to the front of the school. As I got into my truck, and drove off. My phone started to ring, it was Dan calling me. I...

4 years ago
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The unforgettable Time at the Orgy Club

This wasn't a new venture to go down to the secret club where men and women, like-minded could come to fuel their passion and secret desires, but there was one night that Kate would never forget...************************************************************************************************* Kate had undressed only one short hour ago, and already she needed abreak. She waited until the man kneeling behind her spurted his thick cum into her cunt and pulled out. Several other men and...

2 years ago
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The Cheerleader Part 1

The Cheerleader 'But mum, why can't I be cheerleader; Jenny is ? I want to be one to!!!' Mrs. Sherman looked at her eight year old son with exasperation. 'As I have already explained for the 100th time ? at your age only girls can be cheerleaders ? not boys.' 'But that's not fair' whined Kim 'not fair...' Mrs. Sherman looked at her son ? he was right; it was not fair, but there was not a lot she could do about it. The Eastwood Dolphin Cheerleaders only had junior programs for...

3 years ago
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Was in the bathroom one leg up on the vanity shaving my pussy, when my boyfriend walk in, he seen me shaving a hundreds of times he was pretty horny as I watch his cock grow in his shorts. I put a little lotion on for sweet smell the way Tim was looking at me I new he was just ready to eat my pussy.I wanted him to suffer just a little longer as I put one finger up in my cunt and move it in and out he had his shorts off and started beating his meat if I didn’t stop him he was going to cum and I...

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Bhukhi Married Cousin Ko Bhukh Mita K Choda Hun 8211 Part 2

Hi iss readers once again am basa here from bangalore ,mai iss ko bahut bahut dil se thanks kartha hun is liya k muje bangalore se 4 hot unsatisfied bhabhies ko satisfied karnay ka mail aaya hai aur bahut jald in bhabhies ky chut ko dekhnay ka possibilities hai, aur mai in dono hot unsatisfied bhabhies ko dil se thanks karta hun, is tara se mai hope kartha hun ky feature may iss ky through bahut se hot aur unsatisfied Girls,bhabhies aur aunties ko chudai karunga, mai iss may phela story ka 1st...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 25

When Helen and Rummy returned to Freiburg, they each brought vests. They were Kevlar Threat Level II, and not especially visible under business clothing. "This certainly isn't my preferred clothing," Helen said as they met outside her room on the way to breakfast. "Mine either," Rummy replied, though he looked little different than ever, his clothing rumpled and loosely assembled on his big frame. "Well, Johannes is right, I guess, there's no point in taking chances." "Me, I'm...

4 years ago
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First time going cammando

Last Sunday my husband and I went into the city for some sexy shopping and lunch. I wore one of my new short mini dresses that I had shortened very short! I felt so sexy just riding in the car, I had to feel my wet pussy turning into a full masturbation. I knew I wouldn't make it all the way back home to screw. After hitting a few shops while getting pics and a video made, we stopped at a bar with an outside patio. There were picnic tables to sit at, so I had to pick each leg up real high...

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A New Clientele

Word gets around in my profession. It's what my business model is based on. It's what all massage parlor's base their business on. The fact that I fuck five out of every ten men who come into my shop has changed what I do, changed who comes in. The news that I offer a special package to some of my customers has attracted more business than I have ever seen and scared away some of my old regulars. I'm a good masseuse. I am. But that isn't what brings my customers in anymore and it was never...

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The Legend of The Lust And The Undead

It was in the year of our lord, seventeen-twenty when the Lust sailed from her hideout, El Saqueo la Caleta. The day was sunny with fair winds. She was a one hundred fifty ton, eighty foot vessel that carried one hundred pirates. There were over twenty cannons and a very large cargo space.She had two masts and her main sail could be fitted with either square sails that were best in quartering wind, or fore-and-aft sails for sailing windward. The ship was also rugged enough to cross the Atlantic...

1 year ago
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Grandmothers house

"How long has it been since we visited nana," Ashlyn asked her mother while thumbing though a magazine!?! "Oh, at least two years," her mother replied quickly while maneuvering their car through the busy city traffic, "it was just six months after dad died, so it's been just about two years!!!" "Don't you think we should have called her first," Ashlyn asked seriously, "what if she's out of town or something, we'll look pretty dopey driving five hundred miles for nothing!!!" Her mother gave a...

3 years ago
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The Uncertainty Principle Episode 1

EDITOR'S NOTE The following tale is based on documents recovered from Woodfield Cottage prior to its sale in March 2012. The story appears on these pages by kind permission of Mr John Pennington. The right of Mrs Pennington to be identified as the sole author of this work is no longer disputed. In spite of their unconventional style, graphologists are satisfied that the earlier manuscripts were produced by the same hand as the others. Mrs Pennington's reasons for creating...

2 years ago
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In Control

Blake used to finish his twice-weekly racquetball game at the athletic club and hurry right back home. But today was different. Oh, he’d enjoyed the game all right. It helped him get out some of the agressions that built up during the week in his high-pressure executive job. But he was dawdling. He’d taken a couple of extra showers… combed his hair four or five different ways… what was he avoiding? He knew. He didn’t want to go home. Blake used to think that after he and his girlfriend...

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Alice Visby 26559

Alice Visby stops by a yard sale to pick up a few things for her new place. While there she discovers records (the kind that play music) and the owner is more than happy to show her how they work. After dancing to some tunes she decides there’s one more thing she wants from that yard sale…DICK! The owner of the records is reluctant to fuck her since he is married, but since his wife is making him get rid of his beloved records he decides that fucking a young hottie like Alice...

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New to sex all in one

This is a true story which involves sexual situations between a teen and a minor. So as not to cause any offence, if you find this distasteful, please leave and search for a story that is more to your taste. You have been warned. My infancy was a well protected one, being the only child at home made me an introvert, playing by myself and no friends to play after school, this lasted until my teens year (not sure, I cannot remember, it was such a long time ago. Unbeknown to me, changes were...

4 years ago
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The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 5

**Thanks for all the great comments, everyone! It means a lot that you are enjoying the series so far. Nicole has some interesting things in her future, stay tuned.** Nick tossed and turned in bed. As hard as he tried, he couldn't get the blowjob off his mind. He could still smell Brian's manly scent, could still hear him groan "good girl", could still feel and taste the cum splashing the back of his throat... He couldn't pretend this was just a silly prank any more. He'd sucked...

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The Passion Of Art Version CharlieChapter 2C

Valerie told Robby to go to bed. She was tired too, and relaxed from her bathroom masturbatory session. When she got to bed herself, she surrendered again and allowed herself one more orgasm, achieved more slowly. It was painfully sweet. The harder she tried to block it out, the more clearly she imagined her little boy's not-so-little penis while she came. Two rooms away, Robby's fist flogged his cock frantically, the vision of his mother's open robe and pooching pussy lips clearly in...

2 years ago
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Warned Off

“I’ll do my homework after I get home, Dad,” Eleanor said. “If I can work tables four nights a week, you can’t ask me to stay home with books the other nights.” “Where are you going, and who with?” Bud asked his daughter. He thought he knew the answer to the second question. “Movies. Lee. He could hardly take me to the Rosebud. Now, could he?” “You ought to be still seeing other boys.” “What do you have against Lee?” Eleanor could never see what Dad had against Lee -- Mom, was nearly as...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 30

Harmon entered his kitchen and froze. Noreen was standing at the stove wearing a T-shirt and panties, turning bacon with a fork, humming. He turned to Mack, "How did SHE get here?" "Donna? I brought her home." "Oh. I thought for a second she was Noreen..." "Wishful thinking, Pop?" Mack's eyes glinted. "Let's not go there," Harmon growled. Donna turned around, putting her unfettered breasts on display through the thin T-shirt. "Momma would probably be thrilled to...

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My College Niece

I picked up my niece around noon and started heading back to home. Neither of us watched the weather and didn’t know that a huge nor’easter was about to hit the east coast. It wasn’t long before we were driving in white out conditions. I pulled off an exit at a truck stop to check the weather and get something to eat. We sat in a booth at the truck stop watching the TV weather. Here we found out the worse isn’t even upon us and they are calling for 24” of snow by tomorrow morning. ...

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Moms DVD Collection

I had played sick so I could stay home school. There was going to be a test and I was in no way prepared to take it. Mom went off to work and left me home to get well. I am only sixteen, my mom and dad got divorced when I was thirteen. Mom does go out but she keeps it pretty low key. I got tired of playing X-Box and thought I would snoop around my moms room. I was hoping to find a pair of her dirty panties thaat I could use to jerk off with. I went thru her closet and was going thru her...

2 years ago
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Two Islands Last Day

We packed our stuff after breakfast. There wasn't much for me to put in my bag since I already had my clothes folded after used and placed in the corner. My wound felt better. It seemed smaller now that the hook was off. It'd probably fade off in time unlike some of the more serious cuts I had.Trying to enjoy the last serine hours in this island, I headed to the terrace. There, I hopped on the hammock and admired the sight of the clean blue sea, felt the fresh morning breeze caress my face, and...

1 year ago
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Paying the Rent in Jail Gay

The sound of the gavel rang through my ears and all I heard was the judge say, "I sentence you to 1 year in the county jail."One Year? Why had I been so stupid and put myself in this situation? Will my friends or what family I have left even visit me while I was in jail, or better yet even want to know me when I got out? All of these questions ran through my head as I was being escorted back to the transport van, every appendage shackled, just to take me back to where I had been the previous...

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VengeanceChapter 2

The next afternoon, I was back in town. I was in the office when the girls first started arriving for their shifts and decided to put my next part of the plan into action. I picked up the phone and called Elliot. It was time to get him to cuckquean Paisley. He answered the phone, thinking it was his bitch phoning. LMAO, what a retard. I invited him to the club, telling him I had a job for him or some shit. Anything to get him there. I did need somebody new in acquisitions I didn’t have...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 23

Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th February 1971 I did not fully realise how efficient, thorough, wealthy and influential Geoff Roasburie was, but I soon found out. From late Saturday morning (we slept in after a longer and more intense than usual carnal celebration of our engagement the night before), when Connie phoned her father to accept his generous offer, it was only two hours before he was back. He asked could she attend with him for an interview at the university first thing on Monday...

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I80 In Nebraska

Well I finally gave it a trial run guys, I took two of my favorite black dildos with us on a ‘Road Trip’ I guess you could call it. We got a babysitter and went out about 7:00 and headed east on I-80 from North Platte near where we live. Our blue Expedition washed and shiny, and the dusk setting in. We didn’t take my car because I knew I would need the room. We drove toward Lincoln, although I knew we wouldn’t go that far before we would turn around and head home again. Once it got dark I laid...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Brooklyn Chase Your Favorite Whore

Brooklyn Chase loves being a whore. Just look at her. You’ve laid your money down for a “Brooklyn Chase Experience”, and she’s ready to entertain. Brooklyn loves being a whore, and you’re going to look right into her “inner whore” as she entertains you. What’s on the schedule for today? First, Brooklyn’s going to tease you. Then, she’s going to pull your dick out, lube up, and use her soft, supple hands to build your load. She’ll...

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Dost Ki Sadi Me Meri Abadi

Dear friends me apka Ashu ek bar phir hazir hoon ek ghatna jo meri zindegi me ghati he bo ap logon ko batana chahata hoon. Meri pichli sari kahaniya sabhi logon ko bahat pasand ayi. Sabhi ne mujhe bahat sara email bheja he. Isiliye me ap sabhika thanks karna chahata hu. Un sabhi ki demand he ki me meri zindegi me ghati sari kahaniyan sabke sath bantu. Is bajhe se me ek bar phir apni ek experience batane jaraha hu. Ye kissa pichle winter season ki he. Jab me apne dost Sandy ki sadi me gaya tha....

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A Moving Experience by… SATINEXINHOSE ‘Hello, Aardvark Moving Company. How may we help you,’ said the voice over the telephone. It was the first entry in the phone book and Tracy couldn’t be bothered to look further. ‘Can you move our furniture across town tomorrow?’ Tracy said in her rather abrupt manner, as she sometimes tended to do with ‘hired help’. ‘Well, that’s rather short notice, madam. And tomorrow is Saturday. I am going to have a little difficulty in finding a crew.’ ‘Could you...

2 years ago
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Losing my virginity at the lighthouse

This is my first story of hopefully many, depending how well I do I guess. This story is about the night I lost my virginity. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. My on again off again boyfriend was 18 and about to go to college in New York City in the fall. We had been dating for about 6 months with some gaps in between. This night was about a week after we got back together after breaking up before his prom which I did not get to attend. We had never had sex together but we had fooled...

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A story about a retreat that caters to the rich and powerful to satisfy their perverted urges

This story is about a place and not about a person. It involves persons of great power and influence and must be kept confidential. If you can’t keep this confidence then stop reading now and go elsewhere. The Chateau is located in Luxembourg, and tucked away between Belgium, France and Germany. It is in a wooded area, isolated, but in a place of great scenic beauty. The Chateau is a converted castle dated back to the 12th century that has been tastefully enlarged to accommodate a...

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Rachel Crossing the Line IX

November 22nd, 10:01 AM The air conditioner wasn't running and the room felt very still. It was too quiet, like an empty church, and my ears were ringing. Was I alone? I remember hearing James milling about the room getting dressed earlier, but we didn't speak. I was exhausted earlier and now it struck me just how awkward I felt. I remember half-watching him, but I guess those feelings weren't enough to get me battling with myself all over again because it took nothing for me to slip...

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