Dirty Laundry free porn video

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When I went downstairs that morning, I knew that today was the day. I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer. I had to say something.

Lisa and Ellie were sitting at the kitchen table drinking herbal tea – fennel I guessed, from the aroma – and chatting idly. Both were already dressed, while I was wearing a dark green bathrobe.

I’ve never been good at mornings – few musicians are – and after a very late night working on my thesis the 11am alarm had felt like a midnight emergency.

“Morning, Danny,” said Lisa, giving me a little smile.

I grunted in response and tried to stifle a yawn. Both women knew I would be virtually mute until I’d had my first coffee of the day.

Grind, boil, pour, stir, wait... plunge, pour, sniff, sip.


“Morning both,” I said at last.

They laughed at my fading grogginess as I sat down opposite them and declined the proffered croissant. Caffeine was the only breakfast I needed in those days.

I didn’t interrupt their conversation but just sat there savouring my coffee, waiting nervously for the right moment.

They were both undergraduates, in their final year studying biochemistry, and had lived together in this house for nearly two years. I was nearing the end of a doctorate in composition, and had only been living there for three months.

Three rather interesting months, it must be said.

We all got on surprisingly well, though we had little in common. They were talking about something technical that I didn’t understand, and I zoned out into my own thoughts until, with a start, I realised that Ellie had asked me a question.

“Sorry, what?” I said, blinking.

She laughed.

“I said, how’s the thesis coming on?”

“Oh fine,” I lied. “Just finishing the final draft. How’s the revision?”

Two faces fell. Their finals were approaching like the light of an oncoming train at the end of a long tunnel.

“Never mind,” I said quickly. “It’s a nice morning, let’s talk about something else.”

Say it, I thought. Say it!

But I couldn’t, not yet.

It was indeed a nice morning in late spring, in this nice little house on the edge of the city, with its nice leafy garden and its countryside views. Lisa’s mother owned the house – along with a few other properties in town – and she didn’t charge much rent. It was the perfect place for me to hole up and finish my doctoral thesis.

The conversation turned to other things, and I gradually woke up properly. Lisa’s mother was visiting later in the day, I was told, so I had to make sure my room was tidy. It usually was, being so small.

After a while the big clock out in the hall struck midday, and some part of me took that as a sign.

“Look,” I heard myself say, “there’s something I have to tell you both.”

“Yeah?” said Lisa.

“What?” said Ellie.

I licked my lips nervously. They were both looking at me quizzically, unsuspecting.

This was it.

“You’ve each told me something,” I said. “A secret you asked me to keep.”

Now they both looked nervous.

“Danny...” Lisa began, scowling, but I held up a hand.

“The thing is,” I said, “that you’ve both... well, each of you... you’ve come to me with...”

“Danny, please,” warned Ellie.

I took a deep breath.

“You both have exactly the same secret!”

There. I’d said it.

The two women glanced at each other, faces unreadable. Then they looked at me.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence.

“Danny,” said Lisa at last, in a quiet voice, “would you excuse us for a moment?”

“Sure,” I said.

I stood up, tightened my bathrobe and left the kitchen, closing the door behind me. I climbed the stairs, breathing heavily and feeling a strange fluttery sensation in my stomach. I went to my little box room in the back corner of the house, and sat down heavily on the bed.

I wondered if I’d just done something very, very stupid.

I learned Ellie’s secret first, though in a way it started with Lisa.

It was the day I moved in. I pulled up in a taxi, my meagre possessions packed in two large suitcases and one open crate, and met my surrogate live-in landlady for the first time.

It was a windy day at the end of a long winter, cold but sunny – brisk, I think is the word. Lisa, wearing a short red dress, came out barefoot to meet me. We exchanged pleasantries, then she took one of my cases and led me upstairs to my room. I followed with the other case, leaving the front door open so I could come back for the crate.

Voyeur is an unpleasant word, and it’s something I try hard not to be. Sadly the line between a fleeting glance and a lascivious stare can be a blurry one, and one that fate seems to delight in tempting me across.

I was just congratulating myself for having politely looked away on noticing that Lisa’s nipples – erect with the cold – had been poking through the thin material covering her ample breasts, when halfway up the stairs a gust of wind came in through the open door and lifted her dress almost to her waist.

A split-second glance, that was all I had, before she pushed the dress down with her free hand. It was enough. The gold pattern on dark red cotton covering her bum was now, I knew, indelibly burned into my mind.

She half-turned to look down at me, her face flushed, then continued up the stairs.

That was how it started.

I sat on my bed, listening. No sound came from downstairs. Were they arguing? Did they hate me? I had no idea.

I stood up and wandered aimlessly round the little space I called home. The boxy computer on my desk stared at me accusingly, always eager for the words I struggled to provide. I ignored it.

I went to the window and looked out. It faced the house next door. The window opposite mine was dark today. Sometimes it wasn’t. Sometimes fate tempted me there, too.

A woman lived in that house, alone as far as I knew. She had a habit of doing the housework in her underwear, and many times I’d been treated to the unexpected sight of her huge boobs wobbling in her bra as she pushed a hoover back and forth over the carpet.

Once, to my shame, she had spotted me looking. The expression on her face as she had firmly closed the curtains still made my face burn, and yet, a few days later, there she was doing it again. Curtains open, striding around in her white bra and panties for all the world – or at least that part of it with a perverted interest in such things – to see.

I was glad she wasn’t there today. I couldn’t face any more embarrassment. I sighed and sat back down on the bed.

There was a knock at the door.

A few days after I moved in, Lisa went away to visit some friends. Ellie was around, but busy with coursework. I hadn’t spoken to either of them very much at that point.

I woke up early one day, feeling strangely alert. I hadn’t seen 7am from the front side in quite a while, and I had one of those very short-lived “I should do this more often” moments.

I went out into the hall, and noticed that Lisa’s door was ajar. As I went towards the stairs I heard it open fully, and turned.

“Oh, you’re back already?” I said.

But it wasn’t Lisa. Instead, staring at me wide-eyed from the doorway, Ellie stood wearing a very short lacy nightdress. Anxious to stare at anything other than her smooth, golden thighs or cavernous cleavage I found my gaze drawn to the thing she was holding in her hands.

Panties. Dark red panties. With a gold pattern.

Lisa’s panties.

Ellie’s face turned redder than the cotton she was holding as I took a few steps towards her.

“Are those...” I began.

“Please don’t tell her!” Ellie blurted out. “She’ll kill me!”

I was standing right in front of her now. Emboldened by the odd feeling of being awake so early and inspired by who-knew-what, I gently took the knickers from her unresisting hand and brought them slowly to my face.

Despite my obvious streak of perversion I had never sniffed a woman’s worn underwear before. Holding the cotton to my face, breathing in and smelling the faded scent of Lisa’s most intimate parts, I felt a wave of raw lust surge through my body. I closed my eyes and breathed deeper, then looked at Ellie.

“Is that what you were going to do with them?” I asked, handing them back. “Sniff them? Maybe... touch yourself?”

Ellie nodded slowly, saying nothing. She was breathing heavily, her breasts rising and falling in a very distracting way beneath the thin silk of her nightdress.

“Please don’t tell her!” she said again, in a whisper. “I’ll do anything!”

At this point her gaze dropped and her eyes widened further. I looked down. My cock was sticking out of my bathrobe, pointing at her like an accusation.

My own face reddened now and I moved to cover myself, but she dropped to her knees and pulled my hands away, moving her luscious mouth towards the straining tip.

“I’ll do anything...” she repeated, looking up at me.

“No!” I said, taking a step back.

I had a brief internal struggle. Part of me – the part I don’t like – was all for letting her do it. I’d been unintentionally celibate for nearly a year and a blowjob would, as it were, go down quite nicely.

But I had never accepted sex as a favour, and I wasn’t about to start.

“No,” I said again, more softly. “No, it’s... it’s fine. Please don’t. I promise I won’t tell Lisa that you... that you’ve been sniffing her dirty knickers. I promise.”

Ellie got slowly to her feet and forced a tiny smile.

“Thanks,” she said.

Without another word she disappeared into her bedroom and closed the door, taking the knickers with her.

I went into the bathroom, mind beset by strange new sights and smells, and jerked off into the sink.

I was getting hard at the memory, and took a moment to calm myself before going to the door. I took a deep breath, and opened it.

Darkness there, and nothing more.

I stepped out into the empty hallway, confused. I was sure I’d heard a knock. I looked around, and saw that Ellie’s door was closed but Lisa’s was wide open. I nervously walked over, and looked inside.

The room was also deserted, but something on the neatly-made bed drew my attention. I was almost shivering with anticipation as I walked over to it.

Behind me, the door slammed shut. I turned in a panic, and reached for the handle just as the lock clicked from the outside. I tried the handle desperately, but it was no use. I was locked in!

Heart racing, I turned back to the bed and looked more closely at what I had found.

A set of lingerie – a small black bra, lacy thong and stockings – with a note attached. I picked up the note, my mouth suddenly dry.

“Put this on,” it said, “and wait.”

While I had caught Ellie in preparation for her mysophilic masturbation, I actually caught Lisa in the act.

It was another morning, later this time, a few weeks after the incident with Ellie. Nothing had been said about that. I could almost believe that it had never happened, and the as-yet-unsatisfied desire I now had to steal my housemates’ underwear had simply come from my own imagination.

I had been awake for a couple of hours and had put a load of laundry in the washing machine, which was out in a wood-and-glass utility room between the kitchen and the back garden.

This annoyed Ellie, who had been about to use the machine herself before going to lectures. She muttered at me and left a basket of her own laundry out there, next to the machine, before leaving the house.

I hadn’t had a coffee yet, so the potential opportunities this state of affairs presented had not occurred to me.

I was on a roll with my thesis that morning, so I took my liquid breakfast up to my room and began to type. It was more than an hour later that sudden realisation dawned.

Ellie had left her dirty washing out! Surely amongst that basket full of clothes there would be...

She wouldn’t mind, would she? She could hardly complain.

I made it to the laundry in about twenty seconds.

The washing machine was entering its spin cycle, and the noise covered me as I opened the door and went into the laundry.

That was why Lisa didn’t hear me, and why she was still kneeling on the floor next to Ellie’s washing basket when I found her, with one hand clutching a pair of green panties to her face and the other circling frantically underneath her skirt.

“Fuck!” she yelled, standing quickly and throwing the knickers away. Unfortunately for her she threw them at me, and I caught them clumsily.

You as well? I thought, but didn’t say. I had promised to keep Ellie’s secret, and planned on keeping that promise.

“Look,” said Lisa, breathing hard. “Don’t tell her, okay? Please. She’d be furious if she knew.”

I looked at the skimpy garment I had caught. A lime green thong, the gusset smeared white. My body buzzed with anticipation as I brought the panties to my face, and sniffed.

“Her pussy smells good, doesn’t it?” I said at last, when the wave of dizzy arousal had passed. I opened my eyes to see that Lisa was staring at me, or at least part of me.

I still hadn’t got dressed, and in my haste to get downstairs I hadn’t tied my bathrobe properly. It had fallen open, and my dick was again sticking out, stiff and quivering.

“I’ll do anything,” said Lisa, meeting my gaze, “if you promise not to tell her. I’ll suck your cock! You can cum in my mouth! Just please keep this between us.”

Again, part of me wanted to take her up on the offer, but again I managed to push the unworthy desire aside. I pulled the bathrobe closed, though my erection was still very obvious.

“No,” I said. “You don’t need to do that. I won’t say a word.”



“Thank you.”

She seemed to relax, and then suddenly looked coy.

“She won’t be back for a couple of hours,” she said. “You can keep those for a while, if you like. I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine.”

I opened my mouth, but found I had nothing to say. I looked at Ellie’s knickers again. It was what I’d been planning anyway, wasn’t it?

“And,” said Lisa, pulling up her skirt, “you can have these ones, too.”

She was wearing her red knickers again, the ones I’d seen and Ellie had briefly stolen weeks before. She pulled them down her thighs, and I caught just a glimpse of her shaven crotch before the dress fell back. She threw the panties at me.

“Keep them,” she said, winking. “And enjoy.”

I returned to my room with two pairs of panties, each suffused with the scent of a different vagina, one still warm and very, very wet.

I didn’t get any more work done on my thesis that day.

Lisa and Ellie had more-or-less the same figure – busty and slender with deliciously pert backsides – and while I had never put it to the test I was confident that neither of them owned any underwear that would fit around my rather wider hips.

My first clue that things were not quite what they seemed came when I found that the underwear Lisa had left in her room fitted me perfectly.

It felt odd, of course, putting it on. My rapidly stiffening penis pulled the thong tight up my ass crack. I’d never put a bra on – least of all on myself – and it took me a few attempts to discover how this was achieved. The stockings looked very odd over my hairy legs, and the A-cup bra didn’t have much to support .

I sat on Lisa’s bed, waiting as instructed, feeling utterly ridiculous but highly aroused.

In the silence I became aware of noises coming from the next room, which was my own bedroom. The familiar creaking of the bed frame. Loud moans and barely-heard whimpers. The occasional feminine voice raised in ecstasy.

Lisa and Ellie were having sex, in my bed.

Over the following few weeks a system, of sorts, had emerged. Every few days Ellie would quietly hand me a pair of her own knickers, dirty and damp from her exertions over the underwear she had temporarily stolen from her friend, and in between Lisa would do the same. Each seemed to think it was part of some deal to buy my silence, though I didn’t see it that way.

I had quite a collection of panties by then. Neither woman knew that the other was stealing her knickers and masturbating over them, while I almost compulsively masturbated over both of them. I could tell their intimate flavours apart now, quite easily.

Many a night I sniffed and licked while stroking myself, imagining having both women naked in the bed with me.

I never imagined that it might actually happen, and even if I had I would never have believed they would do it without me.

It took, by my reckoning, about five hundred years for them to finish fucking. The sounds through the wall grew ever louder and more intense, finally peaking with a combined scream as they came together.

Then there was silence for some minutes.

Footsteps approached the door, and I heard the lock click open.

I licked my lips, and stood up. What the fuck was going to happen now?

The door swung open, inwards, and to my profound surprise a woman I did not immediately recognise was standing there, completely naked, holding a massive purple dildo in her hand.

Once she got to know me, Ellie quickly developed a “knock once then enter immediately” approach to personal space. Lisa, on the other hand, rarely bothered with the knock.

Consequently both women had walked in on me masturbating, once each. Fortunately neither time was I indulging in my new found fetish for panty-sniffing. That might have been awkward

This all happened in the days before the internet became an everyday thing, so my pornography at the time came in the form of magazines and, if you can believe it, video cassettes.

I was “reading” a copy of Mayfair when Lisa walked in on me. I was lying naked on my bed with the magazine beside me, and stayed there dumbstruck with my hand motionless around the base of my cock as she came inside, closed the door, and sat on the bed beside me.

“Carry on,” she said mildly, starting to flick through the crumpled pages.

I did so, feeling self-conscious but very, very horny, stroking my hand up and down my dick and playing with my balls while Lisa calmly looked through the photos of naked women in provocative poses.

Occasionally she made comments like “She’s got nice tits, hasn’t she? Would you like to stick your cock between them?” and “What do you think her cunt tastes like?” and (my favourite) “She has such a nice arse, Danny. Don’t you think it would look good covered in your spunk?” all in a voice that suggested she was talking about nothing more interesting than the weather.

I came, hard, all over my stomach and chest. She gave me a brief smile and left the room, taking the magazine with her.

With Ellie it happened while I was in the shower. I heard the bathroom door – the stupid door with its temperamental lock – open and close as I was jerking off under the cascade of warm water. I pulled aside the shower curtain and saw her sitting on the toilet, skirt hitched up around her waist, calmly taking a piss while looking at me.

“Don’t mind me,” she said.

I finished in seconds.

It took me a moment, but then I realised. It was the woman from next door. I’d seen her in her bra and knickers a dozen or more times. Now, numbly, I was seeing her naked.

She walked purposefully into the room, smacking the huge rubber cock into the palm of her hand in a decidedly threatening manner.

Lisa and Ellie appeared behind her, also nude , wearing expressions I’d never seen on their faces before. I felt scared and excited all at once. My cock strained against the tight knickers. The feeling of the silk gusset touching me, and the back of the thong pulling up between my cheeks, was indescribably erotic.

“Well, doesn’t he look nice?” said Lisa, smiling wickedly.

“Yes,” said Ellie in the same tone. “He’s a good boy, dressing up for us like that.”

My two housemates came towards me, leaving the woman from next door standing back, glaring.

“And he passed the tests,” said Lisa, “didn’t he?”

“Yes he did,” said Ellie, nodding. “He refused sexual favours. He sniffed our wet panties.”

“He wanks when he’s told to, like a good boy.”

“He’s such a good boy.”

“But not always ,” said Lisa, frowning. “He spied on poor Janice, didn’t he?”

“Yes he did,” said the woman from next door. “He’ll have to be a very good boy to make up for that.”

“Are you a good boy, Danny?” said Lisa, standing in front of me and pushing me onto the bed. I sat there, dumbstruck.

“He’s a little pervert,” said Janice darkly, giving the dildo another smack against her palm.

“But he’s a good little pervert,” said Ellie, climbing onto the bed and pushing me backwards so I was lying down. She straddled my chest, letting her naked breasts hang heavily over my face. “Are you a good little pervert, Danny?”

“Um, yes?” I managed.

“Yes what?” snapped Lisa, her face suddenly appearing very close to mine.

I swallowed.

“Yes I’m a good little pervert,” I said.

“He’s a good little pervert,” said Ellie, lowering herself so her tits pressed against my face. I moaned between them.

“Maybe,” I heard Janice say. “But I think he needs to prove it.”

A hand touched my straining cock, squeezing it through the panties.

“Will you prove it to us, Danny?” said Ellie, lifting herself up. I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I was holding.

“How?” I whispered.

The hand that had been caressing my penis – Lisa’s, I realised – suddenly grabbed the panties and roughly pulled at them. They snapped, painfully, and she flung them to the floor.

“You have to pass one more test,” she said.

“Yes,” said Ellie. “Just one more test, then maybe you’ll get a reward.”

“Or maybe you’ll be punished,” said Janice. The dildo made another thwack! sound.

“What test?” I said, voice quaking.

My field of view, which at this point mostly contained nothing but Ellie’s enormous boobs, was suddenly invaded by a flash of colour. Two colours, in fact, bright pink and sky blue.

More panties. Not ones I’d seen before. Both pairs were visibly wet around the crotch.

“One of these is Ellie’s,” said Lisa.

“And one of them is Lisa’s,” said Ellie.

“You have to tell us which is which.”

“If you get it right, you get to fuck us.”

“Both of us.”

“But if you get it wrong, then Mister Purple will say hello to Mister Asshole.”

“What?” I managed.

“I will fuck your arse with this dildo,” explained Janice impatiently, “and you won’t sit down for a week.”

“Oh, at least a week.”

“At least.”

I swallowed.

“What if I don’t want to play?” I said, giving defiance and dignity one last try.

“Oh,” said Ellie, “that would be disappointing.”

“Yes it would,” said Lisa. “So disappointing that I might have to kick you out of the house.”

“You wouldn’t!” I said, horrified. Right now, with deadlines looming, I could hardly spare the time to find a new place to live.

I looked at Lisa’s face, and knew.

She would.

I took a deep breath. In truth, I wanted nothing more than to play this game. I knew I could do it. I’d practised a lot, after all. If I succeeded then my fantasy would come true and if I failed, well... Mister Purple would be a new experience, at least. I actually quite enjoyed anal stimulation, though nothing quite that big had ever been up my bum before.

“All right,” I said, trying to sound cool and failing. “I know what your pussies smell like. I can tell the difference!”

“Oh yes,” said Lisa, her voice dripping with lust and power. “He’s such a good boy, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” said Ellie. “A very good boy.”

The pink ones came first, suddenly pushed hard against my face. I couldn’t breathe except through the cotton. My knees were pushed roughly upwards, and as I lay there inhaling the heavenly scent – Lisa’s, I was certain – I felt Mister Purple’s bulbous tip press gently against my anus.

“Enough?” said Ellie.

I nodded. The panties were whipped away and quickly replaced with the blue ones.

Oh no, I thought. Something was very wrong. It was hard to concentrate with the dildo circling my asshole, pushing a little harder each time and threatening to penetrate my rear even before I gave my answer. I didn’t know what answer to give. Both scents were the same. Was this a trick? Or was the weirdness of the situation messing with my mind?

“What’s your answer, pervert?” said Janice, pushing harder with the dildo and making me yelp. “Who’s who?”

“It’s a trick!” I said, my voice muffled by the damp cotton. “They’re both Lisa’s!”

The dildo stopped moving, right on the cusp of entering me. There was silence for a few moments, and then the panties were taken away. Ellie was frowning at me.

“Very good,” she said. “That was Lisa’s cunt, twice. This is what my cunt smells like.”

Suddenly she sprang forwards and a hot, dripping wetness was grinding down onto my face. I gave a loud moan as the familiar smell, vibrant and alive now, filled my nose. I stuck out my tongue and tasted her for the first time.

It was like warm honey, musky and pure. Her wetness covered my face as I greedily drank it in. Her labia were like silk on my cheeks, her vagina tight around my tongue as I penetrated her.

Ellie screamed with pleasure, and grabbed my head to pull me deeper.

“Yes!” she whimpered. “Oh yes! Fuck me with your tongue!”

The dildo withdrew. My arms were pulled outwards. My legs too. I felt cold metal being fastened around my wrists and ankles, and realised dimly that I was being handcuffed to the bed. I didn’t care.

I felt a hand begin to stroke my almost painfully hard dick. It was soon followed by a hot, wet mouth.

“Very good, pervert,” said Janice, her voice sounding distant with Ellie’s sweating thighs pressed around my head.

Lisa sucked my dick with expert skill for a minute or two, while Ellie’s moans grew ever louder. She came with a violent shudder, and an extra gush of her juices filled my mouth. The hot pressure around my penis withdrew, and the hand returned to guide it towards an even hotter, wetter opening.

Ellie swung herself off my face, breathing heavily and looking flushed. I looked down just as Lisa sank herself onto me.

I moaned as her slick pussy embraced me, the hot pressure caressing my cock. She moved slowly, up and down, quickly taking me to the brink of orgasm.

I didn’t want to cum yet, so I looked around desperately for something to distract me. Ellie was lying on the bed next to me, her face a picture of exhausted bliss. She was absent-mindedly stroking her fingers over her breasts, pinching her hard nipples...

I looked away quickly, to the other side.

Janice was bent over a chair with one hand reaching behind her, grunting huskily, her tanned cheeks quivering as Mister Purple said hello to Ms Asshole.

It was no good, I was going to...

Suddenly Lisa rose up off me. I lay there, my whole body shaking with denied release, straining against the handcuffs holding me tight against the bed, and felt her hand grip tightly around the very base of my cock, beneath my tight balls.

“Not yet,” she chided. “Good boys don’t spunk until they’re told to. Understand?”

I nodded, entirely unable to speak. The orgasmic rush began to subside as she squeezed. I closed my eyes, and tried to think about desert sands, freezing glaciers, wizened old university supervisors, anything...

I started to wonder how they had managed to buy underwear that fitted me so well. That seemed to do the trick.

I opened my eyes just as Lisa lowered her pussy onto my face. My tongue was aching, but I ignored it. She was turned the other way, and my vision was filled with her sweat-beaded bum cheeks hanging over me. I wanted to reach up and squeeze them, but the handcuffs still held me tightly. I raised my head as much as I could, and gave her asshole a teasing little flick with my tongue before returning my attention to her swollen clit.

“Ahhh!” she moaned. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh YES!”

The whole experience was becoming a blur of pleasure, and I was barely surprised when I felt another tight, hot vagina slide down over my dick. I tried to thrust up, deeper into her, but I couldn’t. Even without the chains holding me tightly down, the weight of the two naked women straddling my body kept me in my place.

I distantly heard Lisa cum, and felt warm liquid spurt suddenly over my face. She stopped rocking her hips over me, and shifted her position to press her buttocks around my face. The musky, sweaty scent of her ass filled me, and I felt my orgasm building once more.

Ellie was bouncing faster and faster, each downward thrust an explosion of bliss that shook my body. Then she stopped moving, my full length inside her, and squeezed her tight muscle around me.

Lisa leaned forwards, lifting herself off my face, and began to suck on Ellie’s tits. Looking down, I could see her bum spread open in glorious detail, and between her thighs I could see Ellie’s smooth pussy pushed right down onto me.

Ellie gave another squeeze. I strained at my bonds, the handcuffs biting my wrists and ankles.

“Let me cum!” I whimpered. “Please! Please let me cum!”

Ellie lifted herself off me and moved to stand beside the bed. Lisa did likewise, standing opposite her. Janice had appeared at the foot of the bed.

All three women, gloriously naked and covered with glistening sweat, were staring down at my quivering cock.

It was infuriating! It was torture! I wanted to touch myself, but I couldn’t. The barest stroke of a finger over the tip would send my cum spurting into the air. But there was only the cold absence of pressure.

“I think he wants to cum,” said Lisa.

“I think he does,” said Ellie.

“I don’t think we should let him,” said Janice.

I couldn’t speak, but pleaded with my whole body.

Ellie leaned forwards and placed one slender hand tightly around my shaft, while Lisa kissed the very tip. She pushed her lips downward, slowly, opening her mouth around my dick and sucking it before quickly withdrawing as Ellie’s hand became a blur of movement.

With a roar, a scream and a whole-body shudder, I came. A great fountain of spunk exploded out of my cock, great torrents and jets of it splashed over my legs and stomach and all over the smiling faces of the two women leaning close over it.

There seemed no end to it. Endless pulses of pleasure rushed me, each pulling a deep gasp out of my lungs. I thrashed against my restraints as I orgasmed on and on and on, at every moment feeling that the only possible end to the experience could be my own death.

When it finally abated, after some unmeasurable length of time, my body was exhausted. Even without the restraints that still cut bluntly into my wrists and ankles, I could not have moved. I opened my eyes – I couldn’t remember closing them – and looked up to see two faces grinning down at me, both covered in my glistening white juices.

I laughed, for some reason, and closed my eyes. I sank into a wash of bliss, feeling my body only distantly. I heard movement as though in a far-off land, through the fuzz and tingle of it.

When I finally emerged from my stupor I saw that all three women were dressed, and wiped clean. I lay on the bed, still bound hand and foot, still wearing stockings and a bra, with a vast mess of cum cooling on my skin. I smiled.

“So,” I said, clearing my throat. “Are you going to untie me now?”

All three of them looked at me for a moment, then laughed.

“Seriously,” I said, my smile fading. “Untie me, please.”

Janice opened the bedroom door, and held it as Lisa and Ellie went out. She turned and gave me a dark, disturbing smile.

“Please! Untie me!” I said.

Janice laughed and went out into the hall , closing the door behind her.

“Untie me!” I roared.

Footsteps went down the stairs. The front door opened.

“Take these fucking handcuffs off!”

The front door closed. Distantly I heard female voices laughing outside. They faded into the distance.

I glared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily, and suddenly remembered that Lisa’s mother would be popping round today.

“Oh, bollocks...”

Same as

Dirty Laundry Videos
3 years ago
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Brad Chrissie and the Laundry

Brad and Chrissie and the LaundryIt’s amazing how much fun you can get into when you use the laundry roomIn our apartment building. Let me tell you about one Saturday morning when I was busily doing a couple of weeks worth of laundry. I was all alone in the laundry room and waiting for the dryers to stop so I could retrieve my garments. There was one other dryer being used but no one was presently there watching it. It’s always so damned hot in the laundry so I was wearing just a t shirt and...

3 years ago
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I Do This for YouChapter 2 Laundry

"I'm out of laundry, again." "Excuse me?" "Aren't you going to invite me in?" "Ahhh..." I looked at Kathryn through the doorway. It was 8am, and she was dressed for work in a slightly rumpled, but otherwise nice, tailored suit. "Uh, sure," I closed the door, undid the chain, and then let her in. "I need all of my laundry done, preferably before I get home tonight." "Okay," I said, puzzled. Kathryn held up a key. "Great. Take this key, go into my apartment, and do my...

3 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 20 Mick and Keri Do Laundry

It was Wednesday and Sarah had a doctor’s appointment. Since Wednesday was laundry day, Keri told her that she would do the laundry. Things at work were slow this week and so Keri took the day off. The house had a laundry chute system with chutes going from the master bathroom and the four guest bedrooms down to the bottom floor’s laundry room. In the laundry room the chute emptied into a larger bin that allowed for the sorting of the laundry into whites and colors and underwear and bedding...

3 years ago
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Dirty Laundry

Two Irish lads have opportunistic sex with lonely Poppy, left to manage her parent’s isolated roadhouse and accommodation business.....When you are young and your whole life moves; it moves. When you’re older your life can seem stuck and static. Poppy was stagnant and knew it. This was a shame at eighteen; at that age life should be dynamic and a buzz of action and new experiences.As a primary school aged youngster the adventure was all there. Moving to a home with the strange name of Rendell...

1 year ago
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Doing the Laundry

Laundry rooms make me horny. When I first started college I came home unexpectedly and saw my Mom getting fucked hard by a neighbor in our laundry room, bent over the dryer and moaning with each stroke. Then she turned around and jerked him off until he came all over her tits. It was shocking, but also exciting. My pussy was instantly wet. I started to press my pussy against the dryer at the dorm after that, letting the vibration make my pussy wet and hot before sliding one or two fingers deep...

4 years ago
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Doing Laundry

We returned to the hotel after dinner and I stopped at the front desk to get laundry detergent so I could wash Daddy’s laundry, he got an ice cream and I handed the young man behind the desk the last of my cash and smiled. I noticed the tattoos on his neck and arms as he handed back my change. I followed stepdad back up to the room. I gathered his clothes and kicked off my shoes and made my way down to the second floor to start the wash. It wasn’t until I got to the washers that I...

2 years ago
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Of Intimate Moments and Laundry

The key clinked into the lock, and I was already tired before it even finished turning. I opened the door to my apartment and lugged my workout bag with me. I ached everywhere and I needed a shower, and I was pretty sure I had the start of a black eye, which wasn’t anything particularly new. There was a commotion of noise and chaos storming from one of the back rooms, but for the moment the living room was blessedly empty, and I wasn’t about to go running off to investigate. It didn’t sound...

3 years ago
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At the Laundry

I woke up and rolled over towards the window. Damn. Raining. I was getting so tired of going through a whole week a perfect weather, only to be dealt a shitty weekend. The rain was pouring down so hard, I could just barely distinguish the shapes walking by my window were people. Considering the weather, and the fact that it was now twelve noon, I figured it was time for me to get up. And since there was no way I was going to go for a cruise on my bike, I might as well get my apartment cleaned...

2 years ago
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Airing Out the Laundry

Rick was so excited to be moving to the big city. He was 22, from a small town, and got a good factory job in the city a few hours from his home town. Rick would be far enough away from his parents that Renae would be able to roam free. Rick found a little 2 bedroom apartment on the ground floor of a building in a gay community, though he did not tell his parents it was. Rick's parents were very old fashion and would disown him if they found out about Renae. Rick spent the first few days...

4 years ago
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Doing the Laundry

Laundry rooms make me horny. When I first started college I came home unexpectedly and saw my Mom getting fucked hard by a neighbor in our laundry room, bent over the dryer and moaning with each stroke. Then she turned around and jerked him off until he came all over her tits. It was shocking, but also exciting. My pussy was instantly wet. I started to press my pussy against the dryer at the dorm after that, letting the vibration make my pussy wet and hot before sliding one or two fingers deep...

2 years ago
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Late Night Laundry

Late-Night Laundry By Emshonique It was almost midnight when I left the office, finally satisfied that the place wouldn?t implode when I left on my long-overdue vacation in the morning. I was just starting to enjoy the prospect of a week away from work, when I realized that I had no clean clothing to pack for my 6a.m. flight. So I hurried home, grabbed a bundle of clothes from my hamper and headed off to the laundry room. I dumped my clothing into a washer, dropped in a few...

2 years ago
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The Laundry

The laundry I was checking out the sexy lace lingerie in a washing basket in the apartment laundry. I had seen it there before and this time had to touch them. The basked had lace panties and bras. I reached in and felt the lace on my arms. It made me very horny. Suddenly the door opened and in walked a goddess. She was very sexy and I think she may have just caught me out of the corner of her eye pull my hand out of the basket. I quickly dashed away feeling a little embarrassed. The...

3 years ago
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A Daring Game of Laundry

This takes place several years ago. I was at a party at a friend's apartment that had winded down. The last of the other guests had left, but I had stuck around to help him clean up. It was almost 3 in the morning but we were both wired. His roommate said good night and reminded my friend that he had promised to do laundry. He saw the basket of dirty clothes, grabbed some quarters, a and told me to follow him. We took the elevator down the basement and went into the empty laundry room. Things...

2 years ago
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Saturday morning is for laundry

On Saturday morning, my sweet wife said it was my turn to do the laundry.So I picked up some big items that would not fit in our washer and went to the laundry place. As I got there, I found another two ladies doing the same.The kind woman who ran the shop came over to me and said she would do it for me. I thanked her, thinking I had at least forty minutes free for me…Upon my return, the lady had dried all the items and they were folded.She sat down next to me and I noticed she was flirting...

3 years ago
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Airing Out the Laundry

Rick was so excited to be moving to the big city. He was 22, from a small town, and got a good factory job in the city a few hours from his home town. Rick would be far enough away from his parents that Renae would be able to roam free. Rick found a little 2 bedroom apartment on the ground floor of a building in a gay community, though he did not tell his parents it was. Rick’s parents were very old fashion and would disown him if they found out about Renae. Rick spent the first few days...

1 year ago
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Dirty Laundry

Me and my girlfriend just moved into our new apartment, and we have here for about a week or less. This is our first weekend. Our complex has an early morning special that's starts at 6 in the morning. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go do some laundry, I thought I would be the only one in there. We I finished gathering all my belongings, I walked over and looked thorugh the window, and to my suprise there was a little asian girl in sitting down, massaging her pussy while she waited for her...

2 years ago
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The Laundry

It was a soft morning. The sky was grey and the mist of drizzle hung around like a swarm of midges. The scrape of the windscreen wipers was the only sound as the car made its way across the county Galway countryside. Finally, the car turned into the drive of the crumbling convent, past the weather-beaten sign declaring it “Sister Mary Magdalene’s Home for Fallen Women” and as Eilish Galbraith glanced out the window from the back seat, the car crunched across the gravel and came to a halt.She...

2 years ago
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My Friends Wifes Dirty Laundry

I was at a buddy's house tonight catching up after not seeing each other for a while. I was ready to cut loose with him since his wife was out of town. His wife is a lovely person, she's just wound a little tight and her anxiety has a way of impacting the vibe sometimes. She would have been mortified if she knew I was in their house while it was in the state it was in. My friend and his wife are, admittedly, not the tidiest couple around. Whenever they host, they put a decent amount of time and...

2 years ago
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Chinese Laundry

CHINESE LAUNDRY When my next door neighbor knocked on my door, I hurriedly pulled off my wig, and slipped on a pair of jeans and a loose shirt to hide my rubber lingerie and form-fitting satin open bottom girdle I had been wearing for the past few hours. Luckily, I had not yet stepped into my leather boots. "Sorry to disturb you, Peter," said Pamela, when I unlocked and opened the door. For some unknown reason, she stood staring at my legs with a rather amused look in her eyes. "I...

1 year ago
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Dirty Laundry

With your newly meet step sister out tanning in the back you take the opportunity to snoop in her room. Going through her drawers you find the usual skimpy booty shorts and bras you’d expect from any young hot woman. Moving to the closet you find a big back cabinet full of sexy slutty lingerie, thongs, and sex toys. Looking to the left you see her laundry basket and you can’t help but pull out all her dirty bras and panties. Dumping all the slutty underwear and lingerie on her silly sheet bed...

4 years ago
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Dirty Laundry

With your newly meet step sister out tanning in the back you take the opportunity to snoop in her room. Going through her drawers you find the usual skimpy booty shorts and bras you’d expect from any young hot woman. Moving to the closet you find a big back cabinet full of sexy slutty lingerie, thongs, and sex toys. Looking to the left you see her laundry basket and you can’t help but pull out all her dirty bras and panties. Dumping all the slutty underwear and lingerie on her silly sheet bed...

1 year ago
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Doing the Laundry

I came over to your house to help you clean. I walk in, and you are in the middle of doing your laundry. As you bend over to unload the dryer, I can see your shorts outline your tight pussy, and I see that you aren't wearing any underwear. I sneak up behind you, and place my hands on your hips as I press myself up against your ass, and you respond by grinding against my crotch. You turn around and kiss me passionately while unbuttoning my shirt. Your mouth and skilled tongue move down to my...

2 years ago
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at the laundrymat

She offered to stay and babysit the laundry load at the out-of-the way laundromat they had found. If her husband told her she was wrong about one more thing... she might need her own hotel room. Relaxing with her phone was more fun than grocery shopping with the k**s anyways.She glanced as a younger man came in. Scruffy, blonde and anxious to get the job done, he opened the first machine and started stuffing it with clothes. A young woman came up to him and a very familiar litany began: "too...

2 years ago
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Night Dreams The Laundrymat

"A rare day off in the middle of the week, and you have to spend it catching up on shit.", I berated myself. "You could be at the beach with the guys, checking out the beach bunnies, you meathead, and who knows, you may have even got lucky ... but no, you let this shit go, so now you gotta spend the 4th of July washing dirty laundry, food shopping, and writing checks to pay your bills ... good planning meathead." I slapped myself behind the head, and stared at the eyes glaring back at me in...

3 years ago
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Of Intimate Moments and Laundry

The key clinked into the lock, and I was already tired before it even finished turning. I opened the door to my apartment and lugged my workout bag with me. I ached everywhere and I needed a shower, and I was pretty sure I had the start of a black eye, which wasn’t anything particularly new. There was a commotion of noise and chaos storming from one of the back rooms, but for the moment the living room was blessedly empty, and I wasn’t about to go running off to investigate. It didn’t sound...

2 years ago
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Of Intimate Moments and Laundry

The key clinked into the lock, and I was already tired before it even finished turning. I opened the door to my apartment and lugged my workout bag with me. I ached everywhere and I needed a shower, and I was pretty sure I had the start of a black eye, which wasn't anything particularly new. There was a commotion of noise and chaos storming from one of the back rooms, but for the moment the living room was blessedly empty, and I wasn't about to go running off to investigate. It didn't sound...

2 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 8 Threats Decapitations and Airing Dirty Laundry

Detective Thomas Andrews leaned forward despite everyone else at the table leaning back with their arms crossed, scowling at Josh. The detective glanced towards the door as if expecting someone to sneak up on him in the locked interrogation room. "As you may have noticed, we were ordered to simply hold you. The Feds have specifically asked that we keep no records. That's why we haven't charged, fingerprinted or photographed you." "So I can leave now?" Josh asked just to be an ass since...

1 year ago
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My Neighbours Sexy Laundry

There are times when your wildest dreams come true and yesterday was on such day!!! I'd been friendly with my neighbor, Hazel ever since I'd moved into my new flat a month earlier. Hazel was like me in her early sixties, that made us the youngest in the block of retirement flats where we lived. All of the other tenants were much older, mainly in there seventies and eighties and some even in their nineties. Yesterday I was on my way back from the shops walking past Hazel's flat and saw something...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Kappy Son of KaptainChapter 7

Jean tossed her head and whined gutturally in her emotional anguish and unprecedented impassioned craving, a stimulating shock tremoring along the smooth flesh of her thighs as she twitched and ground her buttocks down into the softness of the davenport cushion, her whimpers giving way to an incessant, helpless groaning, while his finger teased mercilessly at the thin, passion aroused slit of her vagina, gently thrusting and probing into it, parting the golden, silklike pubic hairs and making...

3 years ago
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Being Used and Fucked over April 1617

My Master had told me that I was to be used over the weekend and that I was to be available from 9am on Saturday morning. I was to be completely naked with only my collar and chain on. I did as instructed, I always do, I try to be obedientI stood outside my ranch door naked and waiting. The truck turned up just after 9. There were 6 men in total including my Master. As soon as he appeared I knelt down in front of him and accepted his cock and balls into my mouth. It is the way he requires...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With Mallu Maid

This is my first story in ISS and please forgive me for my mistakes if any. I have an average body with a normal dick and loves sex a lot. This incident happened when I was pursuing my engineering. I am now married and settled in Mumbai. Any horny ladies /teens can message me on Coming to the story, I was a horny guy and always used to watch porn movies whenever I was alone. We had a new maid in our house and she was very hot. Here stats were 36-30-36. I always used to stare at her body as it...

2 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 1

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 1 “You‘re just fucking great you are, you come home from work, eat the food I put in front of you, and then you declare that your off to the fucking pub! Well fuck you…” shouted Jane loudly as Bill was about to leave through the front door. “What about me eh! For fucks sake Bill!” she exclaimed, “Why can‘t you just stay home one night and just fuck me!” Bill stopped in the doorway, he glanced back at Jane and sighed. He looked at the floor for what seemed like...

1 year ago
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Mystery Dancer

About a month ago my friends and I went to a friend of friend’s party. It was at a large house, the entrance was bigger than my apartment. As the night went on, I was wondering around and made my way to the dance floor. It was there when I saw her. I was stunned, she was absolutely beautiful. I could not move my eyes away as she danced by herself on the floor, rebuffing any guy that comes close to her. She was slightly taller than me with a graceful body. Her hair midnight black, tied in...

1 year ago
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Breas First Time At The Club

BreaBrea was roaming around the house by herself. Her husband was gone on a business trip or, if truth be known, he was probably out screwing some young thing somewhere exotic around the globe. Brea had only been married to him for a few years before she found out he wasn’t interested in being faithful. She was fifty-eight-years-old, but you would never know it. She worked out regularly to maintain a shapely figure. Most men assumed she was in her thirties.Her skin was a that of a soft tanned...

2 years ago
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Meeting Curtis Pt 2 Rehab

Introduction: Curtis has a realization and gets closer to the main character. wake up Wednesday morning, my hair and make-up a mess, and roll out of bed, landing on my ass. It wakes me up a little, but not much, and I get up to take a shower. I grab a towel and open my door, walking down the hall to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks. I forgot about Curtis, who is now sprawled out on the couch in his boxers, his pale chest bare for my eyes. Hes snoring softly, and I smile softly before...

3 years ago
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Steves dirty thoughts the beginning

We will follow the family on a cruise and to Brad's wedding. 

We will also meet Steve’s friend, Dan and his lovely, quite big, black girlfriend and their little fuck toy. 

Linda and Sophie's friend have a lesbian love affair that ended kind of strange. 

The other short stories in the series are;
The cruise; here you will read their own stories.
Brad’s and Cassandra’s wedding, didn’t quite go as planned. Her family is seriously fucked up.

First let's enjoy Steve’s dirty thoughts about his...

3 years ago
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The babysitter gets hounded

"Where is that babysitter?" Dave yelled as someone knocked at the door. Sarah pulled the door open. "Thank God you’re here Alyssa. Are you ready to spend the weekend here watching Ted, Amy and Rex." "Yes Mrs. Toller" Alyssa responded lifting her full pack up. "Good then come in we have to leave soon." Alyssa entered the house walked to the couch and sat down. Sarah started telling Alyssa her duties as Dave began taking suitcases out to the car. "Okay the twins are in their rooms...

2 years ago
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El Yes Wed Like Some of ThatChapter 16

WEDNESDAY 8:35 A. M. CST News Stand, Chicago, IL Mike cut the link to the conference call after thanking everyone involved. Turning toward his dad, who was collecting money for a Chicago Sun Times, he said, "Hey, Pop, care for a Bolo and cup of Marga's love?" "That'd be sweet, Sunshine. Just try not to get too distracted by Margarethe's neighborhood gossip, OK?" "You got it Pops; I promise I'll be in and out. Back in five or less," Mike replied with a snort. "See that you do,...

1 year ago
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fuck To The Fullest

I was 23 when this incident happened.Those were the days after I completed my engineering in Chennai.I returned from Chennai to my home town and started preparing for TOEFL & GRE exams.We rented our top floor which consisted of two rooms to bachelor students who were studying in a college near by.I did not have any computer and so I used to study in the boy’s room which had a PC. We had a muslim maid servant named “Sakeena” who returned from Saudi.She was married and had a son.Her hubby left...

4 years ago
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Odd Man in CollegeChapter 09

Nancy and Lyn pack up and drive to Quantico early on the Friday of the last week of exams. Included in their baggage are transcripts of Lyn’s studies to date with a list of planned future courses because Bud rang up on Wednesday to request he bring them. The drive is a good nine hours plus breaks, assuming no traffic hold-ups along the way. So they plan to have the whole day driving to allow Saturday as a rest day. On the road at 6:00 a.m. they arrive at the Marine Base Quantico HQ building...

3 years ago
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Bitter Lemons Part 2

Bitter Lemons - Part 2Part 1 can be found here - https://xhamster.com/stories/bitter-lemons-part-1-690552.Part 2 will make more sense if you read Part 1 first.This is all my own work and copyright remains with me.---"You think they'll definitely be here?", asked Ben as we climbed out of the taxi into the warm late evening sun."No idea", I replied. "I just had that one letter and don't have contact details for her. It just said she'd be in the piano bar with her friend at eight o'clock...

4 years ago
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Amazon Part 10c Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, March 5, 2001 Nicole and Angela's apartment 7:20AM EST "You're in a good mood this morning. What did I miss yesterday?" Angela was indulging in a breakfast of biscuits with sausage...

3 years ago
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Best friend threesome

Myself and my best friend at the time sarah had planned a little trip away together just a wkend in Manchester so thar we could let or hair down and have some fun .Sarah and I met when I started working in my first beauticians she had great personality and if I do say so myself she was pretty good looking with boobs so big they made her back hurt .Sarah and I would always have a good time when we were out teasing guys feeling each others boobs and enjoying the odd kiss just to get the guys...

1 year ago
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JAG Macs Witching HourChapter 5

Mac had gone undercover in the Wiccan to discover if their prime suspect in a rape charge was indeed the sexual predator that the complainant had claimed he was. CPO Merker was also the High Priest of a Wiccan, practitioners of the art of witchcraft. That term no longer held the same image of evil that it used to. Wiccans were becoming more and more a recognized religion in the United States. While her partner, Commander Harmon Rabb, conducted an overt investigation of the charges. Mac...

2 years ago
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Life Of A Teenager

Hi, this is about the life of a teenager. I always compare the woman in the story to actresses. I hope you guys like this story. Please browse the actress’s name when reading the story. My name is Jack. I finished my junior college just now, and I am on vacation. I am an only child, and I am very good at my studies. I learned about sex by watching porn with my friend Rajesh. One day he told me that fucked his uncle’s daughter. That made me think about my uncle’s daughter Nivetha Thomson...

2 years ago
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The Butterfly

I enjoy working behind the bar, serving drinks,cheeky banter with boobs like mine I am eye candy behind the bar, the other good thing is I get to find items left behind by the general public.It was on such an occasion that I found THE BUTTERFLY!What's that I hear you shout,it's a sex toy,pretty sophisticated one, a bullet shaped body with two wings on elastic thong, plus a remote control. Totally wireless, abandoned under a table, maybe the bright pink carrier bag was a bit girly for the stud...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Domlight

I don't think I'd ever been so nervous in my life. I sat there on the padded bench in the hotel lobby, one of my legs bouncing restlessly over and over again as I tried not to fidget and failed miserably. My palms were sweating. I'd already wiped them off, twice, and pretty much gave up on them not sweating after that. I had a box of twizzlers in one hand and a bundle of roses in the other, and I was compulsively checking my phone for the time and to see if I'd gotten a message. Anything to...

3 years ago
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Nikkis guinea pigs

Here's the thing: when I'd moved into a sharehouse with two girls for college, I'd expected things to turn out a lot sexier than they had. Not that my roommates weren't hot. Anita, the total smoke show, was moving out (pity), but even Nikki wasn't bad to look at, if you're into the redheaded computer nerd genius thing. She was thin, with clear skin and bright green eyes, and okay sized boobs, I guess. And she liked to wear tight jeans, which meant I could get a look at the shape of that pert...

3 years ago
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AirBNB Part 3

After Mason left I thought that my first experience went quite well, I sent Anika a text telling her how well it went and she replied with a little wink face and told me the fee had been transferred.I decided to go clean the room and change the bedding, I was told to always have the room ready as sometimes bookings come in at short notice, it was just as well I did as it was just after lunch when I got another enquiry.This was an interesting one, it was from a woman calling herself Mrs Wilkins....

1 year ago
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Broken AngelChapter 3 The Beauty Of Angels

Dana woke up with his arms around her. He was still asleep and held himself close to her. She felt little flutter thrills slip through her. This she had not anticipated. When she tried to disengage herself from him, he came half awake, looked at her and screamed, "Nooo. Not again, please." Sorrow and fear shot through her as she interpreted the look on his face to be a personal rejection of her specifically. "I wasn't trying to do anything." she stammered, "I was sleeping and you...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 60

When I arrived at the college on Wednesday things were already buzzing. The contractor had moved a crane to set up the prefab office in at daylight to avoid the traffic. Along with the crane came two trailer loads of prefab office. They were just setting up the first pieces as I walked into the office. The pieces consisted of complete walls with the windows and doors installed. A few moments later it sounded like a war zone from all the air-nailers at work. The level of noise made it...

1 year ago
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Shrunken in a whore house

Your night starts out innocent as you were walking the College campus. The University was nothing much but this night everything was different as a strange glowing was coming from the science building. Having curiosity get the best of you you check it out to find your body being sucked into a portal before shrinking you down. You scream the whole time as you free fall into a animated world . Your body lands on a soft surface. In amazement you look around and see characters from Disney and...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Scarlett Mae Marie McCray Textbook Narcissism

A young woman, Jessica (Scarlett Mae), enters Dr. Crawford (Marie McCray)’s office, meeting the therapist for the first time. They have a therapy session, with Jessica revealing that she’s there to get help for her alleged superiority complex. She’s not ashamed of who she is but she IS starting to accidentally burn bridges. But as Dr. Crawford listens, it becomes clear that she plans to nurture Jessica’s superiority complex for her own personal gain… Four sessions...

4 years ago
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She used him

She was looking down on him as lay there spread with ass up high. He was tied bent over the back of the couch. His hands tied to the front and his ankles pulled wide to each back legs. Pulled so wide open he could feel his ass cheeks open and cool air on his anus. His cock hard from the feel of the ropes holding him. She could do anything she liked or every thought about. Slowly running her hand over his ass feeling each cheek the down between his legs playing with his cock. She could feel him...

3 years ago
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Bride of the Monster

-Mary Shelley, "Frankenstein" *** It started with the skin. Elsa would stay up all night looking at it. Sometimes she got so close that Elizabeth, sleeping next to her in bed, stirred, fitful and dreaming, and Elsa would have to stay absolutely still and quiet so that she didn‘t wake up. But the whole time, she never took her eyes off the skin. The skin seemed like a whole, solid thing, but up close, at night, she saw that it was really millions of tiny pieces, fitted together...

4 years ago
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In The Dark

Dimly I awake.Slowly regaining some semblance of consciousness, a shudder runs through my body at the realisation that I have no idea where I am. I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep. I don’t know if it’s still night, or if it’s light.Nor can I find out.That’s the rule. One of the rules. I must not remove the blindfold until I am given permission to do so. I could remove it; my hands are free. But I will not. I tremble at the thought that there may be more to...

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3 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses Ch 01

Authors note:This is based on factual events. If not mentioned, all characters that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18. In this variation of the story, I choose to focus on the main heterosexual coupling, so this will be a plot and character driven romance with a fair amount of erotica throughout, however if your looking for a quick fix, you might wanna come back to this one. If not, grab your snacks and enjoy. **** Chapter 1: Pinky Promise! ‘Mhhhhhhh,’ I moaned. My eyes...

3 years ago
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Fingering Anita during a night flight

I had gone to Salt Lake City on a business trip; but this time my sweet wife had joined me to stay there for a full week. We had enjoyed the trip so much; dinners outside, sunny days, too much sex during the nights…Now we were getting back home, in a long overnight flight…Ana was a bit tired, but she looked beautiful and sexy. She was wearing a short summer dress for the flight, with a pair of nice high heeled sandals.She also looked hot with her tanned body…Anita was not wearing a bra because...

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