Suburbia: The Summer Is Coming To An End free porn video

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Mrs. Berg was a petite redhead soccer mom married to Mr. Berg who was a wealthy real estate mogul. She spent most of her time driving her five children either from sports practice, piano classes, ballet classes or any of the other afternoon activities that the children had.

When she wasn’t in her Mercedes minivan she was managing an army of maids, gardeners, and chefs that made up the Berg household. Apart from that she also made sure her husband was happy in bed with weekly blowjobs and sex. She also had time to go to the gym and kept her thirty-five-year-old body in perfect shape. On her thirties birthday, her husband had given her a boob job and she had cried of happiness.

But there was one thing neither he nor her staff could help her with. Heather Berg was bisexual but due to her social standing and her family she couldn’t go out and meet other women, and that’s where I came in.

It all started on a sunny Monday the second week in August. I had put her youngest son in his crib for his afternoon nap and was on my way to the kitchen for a drink when I met Heather coming up the stairs.

“Is he sleeping?” she said.

“Yes, I’m getting a drink if that’s okay?”

“Sure, I’ll be in my room resting a bit. The staff has left and will be back in a couple of hours or so.”

I made myself an iced tea and took it out to the pool area. The garden was enormous with a BBQ area, a large pool and even a mini golf range for the children.

I sat down at one of the many tables and took off my shoes. In an hour Heather would leave to pick up her other children from their different activities and I would help her making sure they did their homework after their afternoon snack.

When I returned inside to leave the glass I thought I heard the baby cry so I went upstairs to see what was going on with him. As I passed the master bedroom I saw the door was slightly ajar and when I looked in side Heather was sitting at her desk. The laptop was on and she was watching two women having sex on a sunbed.

She must have heard me because she turned around and for a second or two we just stared at each other, and then she said, “Please don’t tell anyone.”

I didn’t, instead, we began a very intense affair where I would come by a couple of times a week and she would send the staff home or out on errands. We had to be very careful so no one caught us doing the dirty deed and the more we did it the more she wanted it. She would send me photos to my phone of her naked and I would send back photos of me.


“We have to finish soon,” I said while arching my back and gripping the bed sheet.

Between my legs lay Heather and she was lapping at my pussy and sucking on my clit. When she looked up her face was wet with my juices and she smiled.

“You taste so good I can’t stop.”

“Remember, we have to be careful.”

She went back to licking me and when she began sucking on my clit again I came hard and pushed her face against my yearning cunt.


When I left the house I walked back to my sister’s place. In a week I would go back to the city and say good bye to life in the suburbs. It had been a very interesting summer where I had had great sex with both men and women. The only thing that nagged at me was that Carla hadn’t been tamed yet. She was still keeping me awake at night with her perfect body, and her sexual skills. Not only that but the thought of her fucking her step-brother Rick made me cringe.

After she and I had fucked him she wouldn’t let me see him again. She told me that it had been a one-time thing and if I wanted cock I had to find it outside of her family’s house.

My friend Josie and I still had an off and on relationship, which was purely based on sex. She had bought a strap-on over the internet and we used it on each other as often as we could. Even though I liked big cocks she had chosen a normal sized. When I had asked her why she simply smiled at told me I would find out why when it arrived.

Three days later she did, and I was thankful for her choice. It turned out that anal sex was quite nice and with the strap on and her fingers she had brought me to several, earth shattering orgasms. She loved to take it up the ass before having me fuck her pussy.


“Hi, are you already back?” said Pam when I walked in.

“Yeah, Heather and the children were going to visit some friends.”

“She is such a nice woman,” said Pam.

She was sitting in the living room painting her nails. I sat down opposite her and after a while, I said, “Will you be okay when I leave?”

Without looking up she said, “Yeah, I am sure of it. I won’t be alone now that I have Will.”

Will was a guy she had met at work. He was forty and a divorcee with no children. Even though he was several years older than Pam they had hit it off and after a couple of dates he became a big part of her life. I liked him because he didn’t think too much of himself. Even though he wasn’t as rich as Pam’s ex-husband he was well off but never flaunted his wealth. It also helped that he was good looking and funny. I had caught him eyeing me a few times but I had never made a pass at him nor him at me which was fine. I didn’t want to mess up my sister’s happiness by fucking her new boyfriend.

“When is it you are leaving?” Pam asked when she had finished with her fingernails.

“One week from today.”

“Do you want to invite your friends for a goodbye party?”

She began painting the nails on her right foot, delicate and slow movements.

I laughed. “What friends?”

She looked up and smiled. “Josie, Carla, and Rick.”

“Josie and Rick maybe, Carla not so much.”

“Have you seen him lately?”

“I spoke to him the other day when I took the Gardner children to the park. He was there with some friends.

“And?” she said with a sly smile.

“And nothing, Carla was there too and as soon as she saw us talking she came over being her usual bitchy self.”

“She needs to be put in place.”

I nodded. “I couldn’t agree with you more, but how? She is the top dog in the neighborhood, no one our age will stand up to her.”

Pam admired her work and then began with her left foot.

Her boss was out of town for a business meeting and had given her the day off. Pam had always been a prude person, not liking to show herself naked or even in a bikini at the beach or by her pool. I never understood why because her body was to die for, with long shapely legs, a tight ass, and perky tits.

As I sat there watching her paint her toenails her bathrobe opened up a little showing one of her boobs and her pussy. She didn’t notice what had happened so she continued with her delicate work. When she moved her leg a little I could see the pink of her pussy and I looked away, ashamed for what I had seen.

“Ellie, if you want too, Will and I can go out and then I can spend the night at his place, that way you have the house for yourself and your friends,” she said.

“Yeah, that would be cool, thanks.”

I left her and wandered into the kitchen where I made a sandwich and had a glass of apple juice. I checked the clock on the wall and realized I had to be at the Keller’s house in fifteen minutes.


Jeff Keller and his wife Shawna were the only afro Americans living in the neighborhood. He was a music producer and she worked with him. Shawna was a big woman, what I mean is that she was fat, huge, with enormous sagging tits. She would dress in Adidas and nothing else. Her nails were a good two inches long and she wore too much makeup but all that didn’t matter, she had a good heart and was a very funny person. I had sat for them back and forth during the summer and their little daughter was a good kid who seldom gave me problems.

Jeff Keller was the opposite of his wife. Lean and good looking he reminded me of a jungle cat. He had never made a pass at me even though I knew he checked me out each time I came over which was fine, I didn’t mind.

“Hi, Ellie, so nice of you to come,” said Shawna when she opened the door.

“No problem, Nina is such a nice child.”

Shawna wobbled away from me and I followed her into the living room where Jeff sat reading a music magazine.

“Hi Mr. Keller,” I said and gave him a small wave before continuing out into their garden where Nina sat playing with her dolls.

“I’m going out for a while but Jeff will stay at home. He will be downstairs in his studio and it is important that Nina doesn’t bother him.”

I nodded and sat down with Nina on the grass. Jeff often worked from home and he needed the peace and quiet to be able to concentrate.

When Shawna walked back into the house I picked up one of the dolls and began to play with Nina.


At five in the afternoon, I sat Nina down in front of the TV with a plate of cookies. She was quite independent for her age and didn’t need someone with her all the time like some of the other children I sat for.

I made my way down to the basement and opened the door to the studio. Deep base hit me like a sledgehammer and I walked in.

Jeff was sitting at a long desk fiddling with knobs and controls. When he saw me he smiled and turned down the volume.

“What do you think?” he said.

“Sounds good, a little heavy on the base maybe.”

He laughed. “That’s the point, it should make your body bounce. Where’s Nina?”

“Watching TV.”

He went back to his controls and I sat down on the desk. I wore tight shorts and a simple T-shirt in pink. My legs were tanned and when he turned towards me his eyes paused for a second as he looked down at them.

“Did you need anything?” he said.

“A favor.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

I had planned this moment for a long time and now was the moment it bore fruit or crashed.

“I was wondering if you would fuck me?”

He had been looking away from me but when the last two words came out of my mouth he whipped his head around.

“Say what?”

I giggled. “Mr. Keller, you are the only black man in the neighborhood and I have fantasized about you since I began working here.”

He didn’t say anything just stared at me so I continued. “I would like to try a black cock, that’s all.”

He seemed to have recovered from the initial shock and said, “Don’t they have afro Americans where you live?”

“Yes, but I like you.”

“So it’s all true then,” he said leaning back in the chair and clasping his hand behind his head.

“What is?”

“That you have fucked your way through ever household around here.”

I giggled. “Not all of them, but many. How did you know?”

“You’d be surprised how much the men around here talk and you seem to have made an impression. I was wondering when you would try it with me.”

I smiled at him slyly and slid off the table. Then I knelt between his legs and put my hands on the button of his jeans. He didn’t try to stop me which was good news, but there was something in his eyes that made me stop.

“What?” I said.

“Nothing, go ahead and open them, but if you do, there is no turning back.”

I undid the button and then slowly lowered the zipper. He wore white boxer shorts under and when the zipper was fully opened I sat back.

“Holy shit, that thing is huge.”

He looked down at his cock that stuck up over them hem of the boxer shorts. “Ten inches of hard black cock and it’s all yours.”

I put my index finger to my lips and said innocently, “will you be gentle with me?”

“It depends on how well you suck it.”

I got off my ass and knelt on the cold floor. I eased out his cock and when I held it in my hands my fingers were inches apart. I could put two hands on it and there was still plenty left before his shaft ended in a big mushroom looking cock head.

“I am not sure I can take all of it,” I said, my head was spinning as my eyes focused on the giant thing in my hands.

“You won’t know until you try.”

I gave the thick shaft a lick with my tongue and that resulted in his cock growing even harder. I kissed the cock head and then opened my mouth as much as I could.

With a little bit of wiggling my lips slid over it and my mouth was full of him.

“Good girl, and now go down on me,” he said while watching me.

I felt like if I was at the dentist where they put that metal instrument in your mouth to keep it open while the dentist worked. My jaws began to ache but I wasn’t going to give up. I had asked for it and now it was all mine.

“Yes, that’s a good girl, keep going, take all of it,” Jeff moaned as I began to slowly move my head up and down.

When my lips finally touched the base of his dick my eyes felt like if they were going to pop out of my skull and my lips would rip in their corners. I gagged and then pulled away from him.

“God, you are huge.”

“Mm, did you like it?”

I licked my lips and slowly nodded. “Yeah, but I want you to fuck me now, we might not have much time.”

He got out of the chair and pushed me against the desk. When I looked down I saw that his cock ended way above my navel and it scared me a little.

“Turn around and give that sweet ass of yours,” he said, his voice deeper now.

I did what he asked and then he pulled down my shorts and panties in one go, leaving my ass exposed. I prayed he didn’t want to fuck my ass.

Using his feet he spread my legs apart and then pushed me down over the desk so half my body was lying flat on it.

His cock head was hot when it touched my lips and after rubbing it along my slit he began to push it inside me.

“Slowly, slowly,” I begged him.

“I don’t think so, baby girl. You wanted it, actually, you asked for it, so here it comes.”

He grabbed my hips and then thrust his giant cock into me. I yelped but he didn’t stop. Instead, he began to fuck me with long thrusts.

“I love your pink pussy, it’s so tight, so fucking tight,” he growled.

I couldn’t speak, my mouth was open and my eyes shut. My entire body was being ripped apart by him. Then slowly the pain lifted and pleasure took its place. I had never been fucked so deeply before and the sensation was magical.

I looked at him over my shoulder. “I love your cock.”

“Good, because I love giving it to you.”

With those words, he increased the pace and fucked me harder and harder.

“Yes, yes, give it to me, I am a bad girl, punish me, Jeff.”

“You sure are a bad girl, but with a pussy like no other.”

Then I came, my body shook and I screamed and had to put my hand to my mouth not to scream again. Jeff pulled out and then grabbed me around the waist and turned me around.

“Jerk me off,” he demanded.

I fell to my knees and grabbed his shaft with both hands. Using my tongue and hands I brought him to a climax and when he shot his giant load it splashed over my face and ran down my T-shirt.

I looked down at the mess and giggled. “Wow, when was the last time you fucked?”

I slipped his cock back into his boxers and then pulled up his jeans.

“You have seen Shawna, you figure it out.”

“I am sorry.”

“Don’t be, I still love her.”

I kissed him on his lips and he held me close. His cock was still hard in his jeans and I fondled it a little before we came apart.

I went to the downstairs bathroom and cleaned my T-shirt as best I could. Then I went back upstairs and watched TV with Nina. My pussy and mouth ached but I had a big smile on my face.


“You poor thing, does it still hurt?” Josie asked while kissing my pussy.

We were in my bedroom and Pam was downstairs making dinner. Josie would stay the night since her parents were gone and she didn’t feel safe where she lived being alone.

“It’s okay, I guess.”

She ran her tongue over my clit and I gasped. “Please, don’t do that. Dinner will be ready any minute.”

“It’s just that you taste so good and I can’t get enough of you,” she said and then flicked her tongue over my clit.

“Please,” I said and pushed her away. I sat up and took her face in my hands and kissed her soft lips. “We can have fun later when Pam is sleeping.”

Josie giggled and got off the bed. She wore a tight skirt and her long legs were tanned. I got up and followed her downstairs to the kitchen.

“We are starving,” I said.

Pam turned from the stove. “Are you alright, Ellie, you look a bit flushed.”

“I’m fine, nothing to worry about.”

She kept on looking at me and then said, “If you girls keep at it someone will find out.”

I glanced at Josie who was sitting at the kitchen table. She gave me a look that said she had no idea what Pam was talking about.

“Oh C’mon, this might be a big house but the walls are thin. I know you two have been doing the dirty deed for weeks,” said Pam and then turned back to her pots and pans.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I said, but it didn’t sound convincing.

Without looking at me Pam said in a voice mimicking Josie’s, “yes, Ellie, lick my pussy, yes, yes.” Then she burst out laughing.

I blushed and sat down at the table. “I’m sorry, Pam.”

“Don’t be, I don’t care what you two do. Just try to keep it quiet so I can sleep.”


The following morning when I woke up Josie wasn’t there. I stretched like a cat and put my hand on my pussy which was still a bit sore from Jeff’s cock. The previous night Josie had licked me to several orgasms but when she wanted to fuck me with the strap-on I had declined. Instead, I gave it to her making sure she didn’t make too much noise.

I put on my bathrobe and padded down to the kitchen where Pam was having breakfast. It was not even seven in the morning but the birds were having a party outside the window.

“Good morning,” Pam said in a chipper voice.

“Hi, is there any coffee?”

She pointed at the coffee maker and I took a mug and filled it to the brim.

“Josie left a little while ago,” said Pam.

“Yeah, she had the morning shift this week.”

I sat down opposite my sister who was reading the morning paper. She ate very delicately. Her cheese toast she cut in little pieces and then used a fork to eat them, the same thing with the green apple. I watched her for a while and then said, “Could you sleep last night?”

She looked up at me and grinned. “Yes, thank you for being considerate. By the way, are you two going steady?”

“I don’t think so, I like her and all but since I am going home soon there is really no point.”

“Mm, I see. Does she feel the same way?”

I drank from my mug and said, “I have no clue.”

“Must be nice to be clueless, what I mean is, I think she does and it would be good if you talked to her.”

“God, I hate being emotional and talk about things all the time.”

Pam got up and folded the paper neatly and put it back on the table. Then she took her plate and mug to the sink where she washed it. When she was done she dried her hands on a towel and turned to me.

“I know you are more of an action girl and skips the small talk, but not everyone is like you. Talk to Josie before you leave for home, okay.”

“Sure, by the way. When can I borrow the house?”

“What about tomorrow? It’s Friday and Will and I can go to the movies and we don’t have to work the next day.”

“Great, thanks. Have a good day at work.”

When she had left I made a sandwich which I wolfed down, not being as delicate as my sister.


I decided to go shopping since I didn’t have any work in the morning. In the afternoon I was going to the Gardner family's house. I would probably give Mr. Gardner a blowjob which was as far as it went with him. Since he had a thing for skirts and sexy underwear I thought I’d give him a nice goodbye gift.

“Hi, Ellie,” said Lauren who owned the only lingerie shop in the strip mall. She was a kind woman in her forties and married to a guy who was twenty years older. It was his second marriage and her first. She had no children but her husband had a teenage daughter my age. I had never met her because she was in Europe with her friend’s family.

“Hi, Lauren, how’s business?”

“Good thanks, I haven’t seen you around in a while.”

I went over to a mannequin that was wearing a lace thong and a matching bra. Looking at the price tag and almost fainted.

“Too much work I guess.”

“Have you broken any hearts lately or left any men for dead after giving them multiple orgasms?”

I turned and gave her my most innocent smile. “Now, why would I do a thing like that?”

“Oh, I don’t know but the ladies talk and I have heard rumors.”

“Well, they are not true.”

“Sure, what can I help you with today?”

“I need some new underwear.”



I walked out with a two thongs and thirty bucks poorer but it was a good investment. I then went to one of the fashion boutiques and bought a new skirt. It was peach colored and ended high on my thigh, just what Mr. Gardner liked.

When I crossed the parking lot to head back home I heard a low growl and looked up. Carla’s black Viper turned the corner and headed for me. I stepped aside to let the low slung sports car drive by. Instead, it stopped and the passenger side window came down.

“Hi, Ellie.”

Rick smiled up at me from inside.

“Hi, Rick,” I said and nodded to Carla who was driving.

“What are you up to?” he said.

“Just some shopping, by the way, I am having a little get-together tomorrow, me Josie, you and your sister.”

I didn’t use her name and didn’t even look at Carla.

He turned to her and Carla said, “Sure, why not. If the little slut is leaving it should be celebrated.”

I sighed and leaned against the car, both hands on the roof.

“We’ll be there,” said Rick.


Carla gunned the engine and the car pulled forward so fast that I hardly had time to take my hands off it.


“I heard you were leaving,” said Mr. Gardner.

“Mm.” was all I could manage having his cock in my mouth.

“Such a shame, I liked your visits.”

I took his cock out and licked his shaft before saying, “me too, you have been so kind to me.”

“And you to me, what about if you gave me a piece of that beautiful ass of yours?”

“Sure, Mr. Gardner.”

I turned around and went down on my knees and elbows and shoved my ass up against him. Mr. Gardner wasn’t far behind and when I felt his cock slide inside me I sighed of pleasure.

“God, you are a tight little thing, aren’t you?” he moaned.

He grabbed my hips and began to fuck me with long slow thrusts and I moaned when he slapped my right buttock.

“Oh yes, I like it,” I said.


“Yes, I do.”

He slapped me again and began to fuck me harder and harder before coming over my lower back. When he was done and sat back in the grass I turned around and took his cock in my mouth again. Licking and sucking it I made sure there was no cum left before I let go.

“Thank you, Mr. Gardner,” I said and pushed down my new skirt and put on my thong that lay in the grass.

“You are most welcome. Will I see you next summer?”

I got up and brushed off some dirt from my knees. “Maybe, would you like that?”

He looked up and shielded his eyes from the sun with one hand. “Yes, I would like that very much.”

“I guess I will. Have a great day.”

I knew he was watching me so before I went inside I turned around and blew him a kiss.


Josie had a thing for shaving me. She loved making sure I was smooth and while doing it she would sing a song.

We sat in the large bathtub me on the edge and Josie crossed legged in front of me. Her gentle fingers sliding over my pussy looking for missed hairs. She stopped singing and leaned in giving my lips a gentle kiss.

“All done,” she said.

“Thank you.”

“You are more than welcome and if you don’t mind I would love to make you come right now.”

I giggled and put my hand on her shoulder. “Let’s wait until later. By the way, did you get the booze?”

She looked a bit disappointed but when she stood up and stepped under the water she said, “yes, Mr. Larson came through.”

“What did you have to do?”

She turned and faced me. “A quick blowjob in his car.”

“Well worth it.”

I got up and began to soap her body and then she did mine. When we were ready we got out of the bathtub and dried ourselves.

I chose a tight skirt and a black blouse on top and heels on my feet. Josie went with slacks that hugged her round ass and made it the center of attention. On top, she wore a white T-shirt tight enough to show off her nipples. She seldom wore a bra. After applying makeup we checked ourselves in the mirror and then went down to receive Carla and Rick that would arrive any minute.


“Are you ready for this?” she said while looking out at the Viper that had just parked outside.

“I guess, what could possibly go wrong?” I said, not sounding very sure of myself.

Carla got out first and as usual, I was amazed by her beauty. That evening she wore a long white skirt and a simple peach-colored blouse, but it made her look fabulous.

Rick didn’t bother about how he was dressed and wore jeans and a sweater.

“Hi, and welcome,” I said when I opened the front door.

“Thanks, bitch, where are the drinks?” Carla said and walked right by me.

Rick gave me a small kiss on the cheek and hugged Josie.

Josie and I followed them to the living room where she made drinks for us. Carla and Rick sat on the sofa and I in a chair opposite them. After serving the drinks Josie sat down on the armrest where I was sitting.

“So, are you two an item now?” said Carla after trying her wine.

“Nothing formal, just very good friends,” said Josie.

“That is so cool, I love watching girls getting it on,” said Rick with a grin.

Carla scoffed and said, “That’s all you get, internet porn. It makes me sick.”

I couldn’t hold back. “Maybe if you let him meet a girl he could have some regular sex.”

“I don’t think so. As long as I live at home he is mine.”

“You are sick, do you know that?” said Josie.

Carla just laughed and ruffled her brother’s hair. “No, he is okay, he likes me, don’t you, Rick?”

“I guess,” he answered.

Josie looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to tell me and I made a gesture for her to explain.

She leaned in and whispered, “what about if we give the poor boy a show?”

“With her here?” I said aloud.

“Yeah, why not?”

I turned to Rick. “Would you like to see us have sex?”

He glanced at Carla who shrugged her shoulders. “Fine, as long as he doesn’t get involved.”

“I promise,” I said and went to get the strap on from my bedroom.

I also grabbed the tube of lubrication that lay on my bedside table and made my way down to the others. Josie had been busy during the short while I was gone and I found them outside in the garden. She had lit candles and taken two of the rubber mattresses that usually covered the sunbeds and put them on the grass.

Carla and Rick had pulled up a small table and two chairs. With their drinks on the table, they looked up at me. Carla spoke first.

“That’s a nice toy, where did you get it?”

“The internet,” said Josie while undressing.

Rick smiled when she was naked and reached out for her ass. Carla quickly slapped his hand away and gave him a stern look.

When I was naked I had Josie lie down on the mattresses and I crawled up between her legs. From where Carla and Rick were sitting our bodies were served up like a buffet in front of them.

I began licking Josie and as my tongue slid in between her swollen lips, she moaned and put her hands behind her head. She quickly became wet and I spread her soft lips so I could reach her button and lick around her hole.

“That is so fucking hot,” said Rick squirming a bit in his chair.

“Are you hard yet,” I said teasing him.

“Mm, you bet I am.”

“Let’s have a look,” said Carla and opened his jeans.

I stole a glance at them and she had his cock in her hand, slowly stroking his shaft while watching Josie and me.

“What about you, Carla, are you getting wet?”

Josie had spoken and when I looked up at her she winked her eye.

“Yes, I think I am. That looks so fucking good,” Carla’s voice was a bit thicker than before and it wasn’t due to the wine which she had hardly touched.

I reached from the strap and after putting it on I helped Josie roll over so she was on her stomach. Then I pulled her up so she was on all four.

“You look so sexy with that cock,” said Carla. She was still stroking her brother and he had a stupid look on his face, like if he was going to come any minute.

“You better let him go before he explodes,” I said.

She gave her brother a smile and said, “Are you okay?”

“Uhu-hu, but it won’t be long,” he said.

Josie wiggled her ass at me and I knew she was horny and ready for me. Grabbing the rubber shaft I pushed it against her lips and watched with a smile on my face as it penetrated her.

“Mm, that feels so good. Fuck me slowly, Ellie,” she said ending with a little giggle.

Holding her hips and digging my nails into her soft flesh I began to thrust in and out of her but keeping a close eye on Carla and Rick. The strap on had a small cock that was vibrating inside my pussy and as I kept on fucking Josie I was coming closer to my own orgasm.

“Yes, yes, oh,” moaned Rick.

His cum ran down Carla’s fingers while she continued to jerk him off. Her eyes were fixed on the strap on sliding in and out of Josie.

I began to fuck her harder and as I did she stretched out her arms and grabbed the grass.

Oh, Ellie, almost there, almost.”

And with a small yelp she came, leaving finger marks in the grass and gasping.

When she crumbled onto the mattress the strap on slid out of her and I turned to Carla.

“Do you want some?” I said, in a sultry voice.

She had let go of her brother and her eyes looked into mine. “Sure, why not. Since you are leaving I might as well have some fun with you.”

Josie got up and sat down next to Rick who was cleaning his cock with a napkin he had found.

Carla undressed and the candle light reflected on her tanned skin making it look like gold. She got down on her knees and elbows. Since she was taller than I, she had to spread her legs much wider than Josie.

“Ready?” I said.

“Give it to me, bitch,” she said over her shoulder.

The strap on slid all the way inside her and she rested on her boobs and chest leaving her ass high in the air.

I pulled her down a little and then I began to fuck her with long deep thrusts. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Josie kneel in front of Rick and take his cock in her mouth. Good, I thought, he deserved someone else than his step-sister.

“Yes, yes, fuck me, do it faster and harder,” moaned Carla.

I did what she asked but on the fifth thrust, I pulled out of her and then plunged the rubber cock into her anus at the same time as I reached forward and grabbed a handful of her thick honey blond hair. I pulled back and her head came off the mattress.

“Ouch, fuck, bitch, what are you doing?” she said.

“That’s right, who’s the bitch now?”

Josie had stopped sucking Rick and they were both watching is. A smile grew on Rick’s mouth and turned into a grin when Josie went back down on him.

“I said who the bitch is now?”

I began to pump Carla’s ass, not hard and not deep but with a steady rhythm while still holding her by the hair.

“I am,” she moaned.


“I am!”

“Good, just so you don’t forget me while I am gone,” I said and let go of her hair and grabbed her hips. While slapping them I fucked her ass a few more times before pulling out and entering her pussy.

“Oh, oh, give it to me, Ellie, please make me come,” she moaned.

Being a good person I gave her what she wanted and she came hard, thrashing her head from side to side.

I took off the strap on and said, “Now you will eat me out, and make sure I come.”

She moved out of the way and I lay down on my back. She must have seen Josie and Rick because she said, “what the hell, get off him.”

“Oh shut up, and get down here,” I said.

At the same time, I heard Rick moan and in the silence that followed Josie when she swallowed his cum.

But by then I didn’t really care about them. Carla had her face between my legs and was sucking on my clit. Because of the constant stimulation by the small dildo on the strap on I came fast. Wrapping my legs around Carla’s body I pressed her face harder against my cunt.

When I let go of her she sat back, taking several deep breaths before she said, “you fucked my ass.”

“Yes, I did and I think you liked it.”

She just stared at me and then began to laugh. “You are okay, Ellie and if you decide to come back next summer, I’ll be nice to you.”

She turned to Josie and Rick. “And you, you have permission to have fun with Josie any time you want, but only her, no other bitches.”

“Thanks, Carla,” said Rick.

I got up and took Josie by the hand. “Let’s take a shower.”

When we came back down Rick and Carla were gone. We put back the mattresses, table, and two chairs leaving no signs of what had happened.

That night I held Josie close to me and we spoke late about the upcoming winter when we would be apart.


As the taxi slowly rolled through the neighborhood two days later taking me to the train station I waved at the people I saw. Some I had fucked, sucked, and licked. Others I hadn’t but I was looking forward to doing it the following summer.

Pam had cried when we hugged and we promised to keep in contact more often than before.

Turning the last corner before entering the highway I saw Carla drive towards us. The top was down and her hair was flying in the wind. She waved when she saw me and when I gave her the finger, she laughed. I was going to miss her body and the sex.

Same as Suburbia: The Summer Is Coming To An End Videos

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

2 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

1 year ago
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Summer Theater

Summer Theater                         By Rough Riding Tender Cowboy         It was full dress rehearsal for the actors and actresses at the local theater, in preparation for the summer outdoor pageant.   The stock panels had been removed in order that we could use the lights and bleachers of the local rodeo grounds.   The setting was an Indian village located on the prairies of Dakota Territory in the early 1800’s.   The play centered on the life of the Plains Indian and the early...

2 years ago
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Summer Theater

Summer Theater                         By Rough Riding Tender Cowboy         It was full dress rehearsal for the actors and actresses at the local theater, in preparation for the summer outdoor pageant.   The stock panels had been removed in order that we could use the lights and bleachers of the local rodeo grounds.   The setting was an Indian village located on the prairies of Dakota Territory in the early 1800’s.   The play centered on the life...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

2 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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