Mistis' Adventures Part 191 free porn video

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As time went by, Bob became a frequent visitor. Sometimes spending an hour or two, and, on other evenings, spending the night in the arms of Melody. She had become quite fond of the slightly older (by 11 years) gentleman. Most often, by far, they stayed at the house, laughing, swapping stories (MOSTLY JUICY) and just enjoying each other. They ALWAYS ended the evenings, that he didn't stay the night, locked in each other's embraces. The vow she had made at the beginning of her awakening of Albert' sexual training, was put into the back of her mind. It was STILL important to her, simply because, at her tender age, that she STILL wanted another c***d. Two or three would be even better, though. Albert was her primary choice to sire a c***d, but, if Bob were to knock her up, that would be fine with her, too.

She was retained for a manslaughter case, in which she had serious doubts as to her client's story. She spent several evenings in her office with him, grilling him more than the police had, and putting him "on the spot." He finally broke, and told her what sounded much more reasonable. His wife, the victim, had found out that he was having an affair, with her SISTER, and committed suicide. He had been at the sister's house, making love to her, and his wife had called, and killed herself, while on the phone with him. He had tried to keep the sister out of it, and had made up a story about being somewhere else. The gun had been recovered, with his prints all over it, and the ammunition, and he had been arrested. Without proof of prior difficulties, he had been charged with manslaughter.

She had gone to a judge, and requested the phone records, and transcripts, and submitted them to the District Attorney, who had immediately dropped all charges. Nothing more had been said. The "Black Widow" had chalked up another victory. The Detectives on the case had been admonished, and were suitably chastised, for NOT doing such an obvious bit of police work.

During this time she always found time to call Bob, and Albert, to let them know that she would be late in coming home. She would always call them as she left the office, to let them know that she was on the way. She relished the way that each of them welcomed her home.

While his Mom was busy, Albert had been busy, also. He had football practice for an hour or two, depending on how the team performed at practice. Althea and Susan were always there, as were some of the other girls, to watch "their guys" doing their best to impress them. The coach loved them having an audience. HIS boys worked so much harder when they heard the cheering from outside the field. He had worked out several new plays and was guiding them through the sometimes complicated moves. They WERE shaping up SO WELL!!! He could almost taste a State Championship at the end of the season. He was retiring this spring, so it was his last chance, for an even dozen State Championships.

When practice was over, and he had showered, Al would get n his pickup, and drive 'Thea and Sue home. He had noticed the way Floyd had addressed the pair, and had copied it. Most times, when he got them home, their parents were still at work, and they usually had a few minutes, MOST TIMES, 30 to 45, alone with them. Then they would shower together, and have some REAL fun. Susan had quickly overcome her jealousy of sharing him with her sister, and had come to enjoying watching the pair make love, together. The more experienced 'Thea had imparted some of her "wisdom" to Susan, on how to get Al even MORE excited, and in turn, doing HER better. They had been engrossed in their "studies" one evening, and had lost track of the time.

Susan was on top of Al's naked body, and had his dick in her mouth, sucking him. They heard a voice from the hall. "If you gently knead his balls, you will make him more excited, and he will give you a better load." 'Thea had fallen off the edge of the bed, landing, naked, on her back, legs open, revealing a very well used, and wet, pussy. The only thing that had saved Al from possible emasculation, was that Susan's head had popped straight up, and off of his quickly wilting erection.

CAUGHT IN THE ACT!!! Floyd was standing behind Maria, trying NOT to laugh, and Maria's face was contorting with her own effort to keep a straight face. "You three think I didn't know what was happening here? I've known EVERY time, when I wash the bedding, and see fresh pecker tracks on the sheets. I could usually tell who had been laid the most times, and which of you girls had got the first load. I'm NOT surprised, though. I've admired the way Al is built, my own self. I must admit. He is extremely well fixed. ESPECIALLY FOR HIS FEW YEARS!!! By the way, Al. Have you about finished with my daughters?"

Al had been sitting quietly, hoping to escape any further notice. The direct question had proved otherwise. "Just about finished, Ma'am. WHY?" Maria directed her attention to her eldest. "Althea! Take your Dad in and give him a shower. JUST EXACTLY the way you give Albert a shower. Do you understand me, young lady?" "Thea nodded to her. "Yes, Mother. Just exactly."

Maria turned her attention to Susan. "How many times have you and 'Thea made love with Albert, this afternoon?" Susan blushed, and answered, "Twice with each of us, Mommy." Maria pressed her further, "And did he cum inside of you, every time?" Susan's face grew even redder. "Yes Mommy. He came inside of us every time. We both love how it feels to have him cum inside of us."

Maria asked one final question, for the time. "How many times does he usually fuck the both of you?" Susan picked up on her Mom's change of terminology. "He usually fucks us six or seven times, unless the coach gives them an extra hard workout." Maria nodded and told her, "Go help your sister give your Dad a shower. I think HE, and probably ALL of you will enjoy yourselves. Now shake that pretty ass, and help your sister." She went out the door looking like a scolded puppy.

"NOW, YOUNG MAN!!! Don't look so surprised. Your Mom and I have talked quite a bit, so I know what you have going at home. If you think back a bit, you will remember that we have both seen each other completely naked, several times, so there is nothing wrong about seeing each other, again. YOU are going to give ME a shower. Just like you do with my two daughters. I can't imagine that you would object to finding out where they got THEIR talent. I already have the towels that we need, and we can use "Thea's bedroom. I don't want to lay in any wet spots, while we do what we're going to do. Don't worry! Floyd will take good care of them both. He, too, is quite a man. Now come along, and take my clothes from me. I'm going to show you absolutely no mercy. I expect to be satisfied at least twice."

He stepped over to her and she reached down and took his hand. She gave him a quick kiss, and told him, "I think you will enjoy the difference. Your Mom told me that you are VERY good. I have been hoping for something like this to happen, so I would have a good excuse. Floyd told me that both of the girls, when I am out of the house, make a point of running around naked in front of him, and he has been waiting for HIS excuse, too. Now it's our turn to get some of what you have all been sharing for these past weeks. He has been waiting for HIS chance to get better acquainted with his two new daughters, too."

Al reached out and took her shirt, first. She seldom wore a bra, but it had been cold this morning, and she had worn a padded one to help her stay warm. He reached around her and was trying to unfasten it, and she giggled and told him, "Just tell me, and I'll turn around for you, unless you just want to put your arms around me." He answered by kissing the exposed top if her breast. The catch unhooked and it came off her shoulders, and he was looking at a sweet set of tits. They weren't big, but they weren't small, either. Her nipples were almost red, and her areola were a shade lighter in color. He looked at her and she told him to drop them on the floor. "The girls are getting the laundry detail, tomorrow."

He unfastened her jeans, and pulled them and her panties, bikini panties, down just past her hips. He guided her to the edge of the bed and sat her down, removing them from her, to join her other clothes. He peeled her socks off, leaving her completely naked. He took her hands to lift her from the bed, wrapping his arms around her and laying his head on top of her head. "You know, there's something special about older women. They have something the younger girls lack. There bodies seem to be softer, and they make so much better lovers. I could go for an older lady, so easy." Maria turned her face up to him and he kissed her. "Yes, but then there would be the chance of them NOT getting pregnant."

"You, and most men, want c***dren, sooner or later. Take the younger versions, and be patient. We were ALL virgins at some point, and had to learn how to please our men. Take your time, and enjoy the enthusiasm of youth, and the rest will come soon enough. THEN you will have the kind of woman you think you enjoy, most. She's inside of all of us, just waiting for the right time to come out. Time, love, and understanding are the keys. Like I was told a long time, ago, "The older the violin, the sweeter the music." The lucky ones are the ones that find they have a cello, instead of a violin. They make the sweetest music of all."

"The best part is the understanding, though. Most men seem to think that only they get urges to graze on the other side of the fence. Women get those urges, too. WE have to be more subtle so we won't be called nasty names. No one seems to think about men straying, but let a woman do it, and she is a whore, a trollop, or an easy mark. If the time comes, give your wife, girlfriend, or lover, the same courtesy as you would another man, and she will, most likely, do anything she can to make your life that much better. I spend a lot of my time at work with the women we are working for. They have all the freedom that their men have, and are treated better than any of them ever hoped for. They are the happiest lot I have EVER met." NOW!!! If we have finished discussing relationships, I feel nasty, and need a bath in the worst way. Give me a minute to potty, and clean the inner lady, Come in when I call you. I'm gonna show you what good, clean fun feels like."

She reached up and pulled his head down to give him a long, hot kiss, that was overflowing with promises, then turned and actually skipped into the bathroom, closing the door.

Al thought she had forgotten about him, and heard her voice. "HEY, LOVER BOY!!! Komen sie heir, undt baden misch!" (Come here and give me a bath.) Ich leibe dich! (I love you) Although he understood, he wondered why she spoke to him in German. He opened the door, and she was laughing. "I wondered if you would know what I said." She held her arms out to him, and gave him another kiss, that matched the one last given. She had taken longer while she shaved her pussy, and under her arms. "I don't want you to get a hair in your mouth. It makes the fun go away."

She pulled him into the shower, and pulled on a cap, then took a sponge and filled it with soap. Let me wash you, first. I don't want to taste my girls' pussies when I'm eating your cock. I already douched, so all you'll taste is me, with a little peppermint. I think you'll enjoy it, though."

She set to scrubbing him, like he hadn't been done, in a long time. He thought his Mom and the girls had been thorough, but it was NOTHING like what Maria was doing to him. He was tingling all over by the time she finished his back. She turned him around and set to cleaning his front. "Close your eyes and mouth. " she told him. She was humming "Car Wash" as she scrubbed him. It never failed to amaze him, how many of the people that he had met, seemed to have such good singing voices.

At the party, Tod, then later, Darla, had sang for the crowd. Both had magnificent voices. Tod, especially, had surprised him. He had sang "The Auctioneer" and had even called the auction part of the song. .Then Lorene and Irene had joined with Chris, and Bruce, and sang some old ballads. It had sent chills up and down his spine to hear them. Not to be outdone, Carol, Sharon, and Robbi had sang. It was REAL music. Then Barbara, and Cathy had sang. It had turned out to be a hootenanny. Levi, Hiram, and of all people, CARL, had played instruments. Pete had drummed along on an oil drum, and together they spent more time singing, and dancing, than anything else. He had been sorry that he and his Mom had left so early, but she was expecting Bob to come over, for the first time, and she wanted to be fresh and rested for him. He was growing a deep respect for the car salesman. He hadn't seen his Mom THAT happy in a long time.

He felt something warm enveloping his cock and balls, and looked down to see Maria's head bobbing in rythm with the feelings. He put his hands on the top of her head, and she looked up, smiling at him. "I know how to get your attention when you start daydreaming. It's my turn, now."

He lifted her to her feet, and swapped places with her. He refilled the sponge and began scrubbing her, gentler than she had scrubbed him, but just as thoroughly. He told her, "Close 'em," and adjusted her shower cap. Some of her hair had come out. He washed her back and turned her to get the front. He told her to close her eyes and mouth and washed her face and neck, taking the time to enjoy the feel of her soft breasts, and her smooth tummy. He used one finger to wash the inside of her belly button, and went down to wash between her legs. She hadn't been THAT hairy, before, but shaving had made it even nicer than he remembered. Her Mons wasn't that big, but it was as soft as her daughters were. He parted the folds of her pussy, and wiped it carefully with a single finger, never going inside, but massaging the outside, and teasing the hood over her clitoris. He breath caught time and again as he cleansed her.

Her head went back, and she whispered, "You cheated." and giggled. He squatted down and held her open, inserting his tongue. "Just a tiny preview of what you're going to get." he snarled at her. "I'm gonna make you beg for mercy." She was on her tiptoes, her head back, hissing "YES, YES, YES!!!" to him. He kissed her, and put the cleaned sponge back on the shelf, and turning the water off, took a towel and began to rub her dry. She took the other towel and dried him, hanging both on rods to dry, and led him to the bedroom across the hall.

She stopped momentarily, and put a finger to her lops, and pointed to another door that was open. The went over and saw Floyd on his back, Susan over his face, and 'Thea posting with his dick in her pussy. He was flat on her back, and he was moving her to make his thick cock go in and out of her tiny, pink pussy. It was smeared with his cum, so it wasn't the first time he had cum inside of her. His tongue was driving, apparently, Susan, up the wall. She was whimpering, and groaning. "I LOVE YOU, DADDY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I'LL NEVER BE A BAD GIRL FOR YOU!!! I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD OF ME EVERY DAY!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" Thea's breath was whistling out of her throat as she was, evidently, coming. "OH DADDY!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRL" FUCK ME EVERY DAY!!! I LOVE HAVING YOUR DICK INSIDE ME!!! I WANT IT ALLLL THE TIME!!! GIVE ME SOME MORE CUM. I PROMISE NOT TO GET PREGNANT!!!"

Maria turned and led Al to the bedroom they had been headed for, originally. She led him to the bed, and spoke, softly. "I had an idea what I would see, and figured that you would want to see, too. Floyd has been good since we were in High School, together. I knew him in Junior High, but never went out with him till we were Sophomores. We lived in the country, and didn't get to town, except on weekends. He was busy helping on their farm, and we lived too far from each other to visit, except at school. He fixed up an old car, and we went out after he got it running, and got his license. He and a friend would come get me, and another girl, and we would go fishing, and swimming together. He would get one of us in the back seat, and his friend would take the other of us girls in the front seat, and take turns fucking us. They always wore rubbers, so we wouldn't get pregnant, but both of them fucked both of us, every chance we got. Floyd married the other girl, and I married the other boy. He's the father of the girls. I caught him fucking 'Thea, when she was 14, and ran him off. Floyd was married for a little more than 20 years, and had 3 sons, that are all grown up, and s**ttered all over, and she died. I didn't see him for almost 15 years, but he was here when Carl hired me. We, or I, tried to stay away from him, but the old feelings were too strong. We finally got married, and now he's a big part of my, and the girls' lives. I love him as much now as I did, then. NOW!!! LET'S FUCK!!!"

She punctuated her words with a tight embrace, grinding herself into him. HARD!!! She held him in her arms, as he was her, and fell sideways onto the bed. The innerspring mattress squawked its outrage at the sudden weight on it. THEY couldn't be bothered by such things, though. Brenda was not a large woman, but was muscled, and, since muscle is heavier, weighed ALMOST 125 lbs. She had the curves to please any that watched her, but could do surprising thing for a person her size. ESPECIALLY a WOMAN of her size.

A few years ago, she had been shopping. She had had an unexpected day off, in the middle of the week. BEFORE moving here. She had picked up a few things at the supermarket, and was in another part of town, looking for some parts to work on her car. She had been wandering inside the salvage yard, and three "tough guys," had started following her. She was near the back fence, and the supposed leader reached out and patted her on the butt. She had been watching from the corner of her eye, and slapped his hand away, before he could do more. "What in Hell do YOU want, ASSHOLE?" she demanded. "Get the fuck away from me, or I'll do you a double damn damn." All three of them were MUCH bigger than she was, and had figured to enjoy themselves with her body, fucking her, whether she liked it or not. The were all glaring, and giving her "the eye." THAT part was no surprise to her. She was slender enough, and was wearing some shorts that were not only hip huggers, but only came a few, maybe 2 or 3 inches, from the lower curve of her ass. It was partnered with a T-shirt, and NO BRA. Her nipples were in full sight. "We're gonna make your day, and maybe your whole week, Mama. We're gonna fuck you 'till you stop fighting, and then are gonna fuck you so much you'll fall in love with us, and take us home with ya, to fuck ya some more. NOW!!! Take off your clothes, and lay down. We'll get started, at making you a hot woman."

She saw what she needed, but it was about 15 or 20 feet away. "Okay sweetie." she replied. "Just let me go over here in this shady spot. I can lay down on that car seat, and do what you tell me you want. You're all so big and strong. MUCH bigger than little me. I don't want you to hurt me, so I'll do what you tell me. I think I'm going to love feeling those big, strong dicks, shooting gallons of cum in me. Just promise that you'll let me suck all three of your dicks, first. I'll bet they are something else." She had been moving slowly, nearer and nearer, to what she had seen. She had her purse in her hand, and dropped it to her feet, drawing their attention. They watched it fall, and when they looked up,
she had a driveshaft in her hand, and it was coming at the nearest guys stomach.

She wielded it like a spear, and hit him in the balls. He screamed, and fell, retching and holding his crotch. The next nearest barely had time to look up, and did, just in time to see the end hit him in the face, blinding him. He stumbled backwards, tripping and falling on his back. The last one made a futile grab at her weapon, but missed and she drove it into his knee, and knocking it sideways. His leg folded, and she made a long step, and drove it into HIS crotch, like she had the first. He helplessly watched it drive into him, and screamed in agony. She turned and saw the second assailant, getting to his feet. She swung it like a baseball bat, hitting him above the ear, and he went down like a poled ox. Al three were down, and helpless, in front of her. She pulled each of their wallets from their pockets, and got identification. She picked up her purse, took her cell phone out, and dialed the number for the police, giving her name, location, and promising that she wouldn't do them any more harm, unless they tried to "get smart." She read the information on all of them to the dispatcher. and soon heard the cars arrive to take them into custody. She surrendered the IDs to the officer, and gave him hers, as well, along with a statement. All three of them were well know to the law officers in the area. ALL had to be taken to the Emergency Room, first, though.

Al had wrapped his arms around her, and was kissing her on the neck. It made her shudder. She was looking forward to having a good time in his arms. She ducked her head down, and met him with her lips, kissing him, their tongues dueling first in his mouth, then in hers. Who won, or lost, was of NO import. It was the battle that mattered. She allowed him to roll her onto her back, wanting what she knew was coming.

He sucked her nipples, and massaged her breast, cooing to her about how soft they were. He made the most,and gave them his full and undivided attention, for a LONG time. Her breath was coming in gasps, and she could feel herself seeping her juices out for him to enjoy. BOTH of her girls talked in their sleep, and had described what he had done to them, so she was aware of his techniques. Both had cum, while they talked, and she listened to them describe their "latest" she figured, rendezvous. She had sat in the chairs in their rooms, listening intently, on the second night after her and Floyd had returned from their "Honeymoon."

he went down further, kissing his way to and across her tummy, giving the same loving treatment as he had her breasts. He stuck his tongue into her navel, licking the moisture that he had missed, with the towel. She felt the underlying muscles flutter. It was driving her out of her skull, and she responded with another long, sweet orgasm. Outside the door, Susan, Althea, and Floyd, were watching what was happening to their wife, and Mother. Susan tapped Floyd's arm with her cell phone, and mouthed the words, "His Mom." Floyd took the phone from her, and smiled at her. He spoke into the phone. "Hi, Mel. This is Floyd. Susan and Althea's Dad. Will it be okay for Al to spend the night over here with us. Yes. Both of us are here. It's not a problem. We enjoy having him with us. They got a game going, and are right in the middle of it. We're having so much fun that we hate stopping. Since it's Friday night, we can sleep late in the morning, eat breakfast, and send him home when we finish. Yes. We'll do that. We love having him here. He's such a good boy. Maria and I both got quite close to him, while we worked together. It's as if we had a son that spends a lot of time doing other things. We are. We're quite proud of him. Thank You, Very much. You're going to have to come visit us, as well. We look forward to having you here, as soon, and as much, as possible. YES!!! PLEASE DO!!! HE WILL BE QUITE WELCOME ALSO. Yes, Al speaks of him, often. He is quite impressed with him, and has voiced his opinion several times. I'll tell you what he said when we are face to face. Okay. Hope to see ya soon. Good Night, and Thank You, again. Bye Bye." He handed the phone back to her, winked and nodded. He turned his attention back to the lovers.

Al had come to rest between Maria's opened thighs. Floyd was well aware of what he was doing to her. He had done it at a time when it looked like she had no hair between her legs. She had not grown any pubic hair, until she was almost 17 years old. Bald was coming into vogue, and she had, at first, wanted it to grow, to show she was full grown, but came to appreciate that she didn't have to shave like so many of the OTHER girls did. When it DID grow out, it was more like peach fuzz than hair, and the two of them asked her NOT to shave it. It was so SOFT. It had been, then , as now, fun to fuck her. She never told them no, unless she was having her period. THEN she would suck their dicks, and swallow for them. She also let them fuck her ass. It was every bit as good as her pussy.

Al had arrived at the desired destination, and had licked his way around her ass hole, and had worked up, licking her "taint', until he was licking her slit. Her Mons wasn't that big, either, but shaving made it look much bigger, and made it even softer. He licked her up and down, while she moaned, and pulled hands full of the sheets, encouraging him with tugs at the back of his head. Her legs would spread wide, then point straight up, wrap around him, and fall wide open. She never stopped moaning and whimpering. She shook her head from side to side and pulled the back of her heels into his back, begging him to "Give me more! Please, give me more! I love what your doing!"

He had separated the globes of her Mons, and licked her up and down, until she had given him a good taste of her juices, and lay open enough that he could peer into her, and admire the beauty and graceful lines of her vagina It was becoming red from the blood engorging it, as he licked it over and over. Her lips had separated, long ago. and it was , to him, one of the most beautiful pussies he had had the pleasure of looking INTO.

He attacked her "guardians" and given them a licking, too, until they had surrendered their watch over her clitoris. It was left, exposed, and had grown darker pink, then red, at the assault of his tongue. She had raised up and cried out, begging for more of the same. Her head was in a soft pillow, and it cushioned the top of her head as she screamed out her passion, and her legs quivered. She was in Heaven. He heartbeat drummed in her head, and gave her the impetus to call the angels to her. She was also calling the Chairman of the Board, himself. "OH, GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS FINE YOUNG MAN!!! PLEASE, PLEASE EAT ME!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT IF YOU'LL EAT ME SOME MORE!!! I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME ALL OF IT!!! TAKE ME WHEN YOU WANT!!! JUST FUCK ME LIKE THIS, OVER AND OVER!!! THE GIRLS ARE GOING TO SHARE YOU WITH ME!!! OH GOD!!! I'M COMING SO MUCH!!! MAKE ME CUM FOR YOU!!! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE YOU!!! GOD, IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! I, I, I, UNGHHH!!!" She fainted.

He raised up and looked, with wonder, at this magnificent lady, who was giving him so much pleasure. She had the sweetest look on her pretty, NO!!, BEAUTIFUL face. It was halfway between the smile on the face of the "Mona Lisa," and the paintings of the 'Madonna." He halfway wondered if he was desecrating something holy, and was about to see a halo appear around her head. He had seen the pictures in Grandma's Bible, when he was very young. She had been a devout Catholic, and went to services all the time, and to confessions every week. He had sat on her lap as she confessed to the Priest, and was absolved of her sins. She would stop at the fountain of Holy Water in the entryway, dip her fingers in it, and make the sign of the cross on his forehead, before leaving. He had seen a Priest do the same on his Grandparents when they had passed away. It was the only time that he had been in a church since they moved here.

He looked lovingly at the figure in front of him, lifted her hips and placed a pillow under them, and leaned down and kissed her eyelids. Her legs were already open, and he hooked her knees around his elbows, leaned down and kissed her, again, this time, on the lips. She responded, with her lips nibbling at his, and her eyes slowly opened. filled with a dreamy look. Her arms reach slowly upward, going around his neck, and pulling him down to kiss. The kiss was long, sweet, and filled with love(?) and passion. She felt where he was touching her, and slowly, smiling, nodded her head at him. "Please fuck me. I want you to give me the same as you give my girls. I am beginning to see why they are BOTH in love with you. Sadly, or gladly, I am doing the same as they are. I'm falling in love with you, too. You and Floyd take such good care of all of us, that we won't need anything else in our lives. MAYBE WE SHOULD MOVE TO UTAH!!!" She giggled at the thought. They all knew what she was referring to.

He began pushing his way into her, and her eyes closed, savoring the sweet feel of him going deep inside of her. She was glad that she had grown up in a time when sexual freedom erased all the thoughts of doing something wrong. She had not been able to get birth control pills, but both the boys had thought enough of the two girls to wear a rubber when they fucked them, so they wouldn't get pregnant. Sex was joy, and joy was sex. Lots and lots of sex.

She felt him go all the way inside of her, and felt herself contracting to hold him as tight as she could. She had been relaxed enough for him to penetrate, easily, but, when he was all the way in, she had contracted to hold him fast. She knew that her pussy would be just as tight as either of her daughters. She initiated by rolling her hips, and squeezing him a little tighter. An observer would describe it as looking like waves coming up on a shore. She also, barely moved her hips from side to side. He laid there enjoying what she was doing to him, for a long minute, and began the withdrawal, repaying her kindness, and talent. As she began rolling her hips, the two girls got on the floor, to watch what their Mother was doing to their boyfriend. They saw that he puckered, so it MUST have felt so good.

He began to drive and pull back from her, and her hips moved faster and faster, until they had reached a steady thrust. It was so good, and Al had had enough pussy from the girls, that they kept their pace going MUCH longer than they realized. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an HOUR, went by, with no slack up. They rolled to lay with her on top of him, then she turned to give him a look at his dick going in and out of her pussy, and, finally back to missionary style. The pillow was in the floor, and he began to thrust inside of her with more force. "YES, YES, YES!!! FUCK ME HARDER!!! BRUISE MY BELLY!!! JUST FUCK ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!! FUCK ME LIKE A WHORE!!! I WANT IT ALL FROM YOU!!! WE'LL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU!!! WAIT AND SEE!!! WE'LL FUCK YOU TILL YOU BEG US TO STOP!!! WE WON'T, THOUGH!!! WE'LL FUCK YOU EVEN MORE, AND HARDER!!! WE'LL GIVE YOU YOUR MEALS IN BED, AND PUSSY FOR DESSERT!!! OH GOD!!! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!!! OH, SHIT!!! I'M COMING, I'M COMING, I'M COMING !!! CUM IN ME!!! I AIN'T TAKING NO FUCKING BIRTH CONTROL!!! FUCK ME, CUM IN ME, AND MAKE ME SWELL UP!!! KNOCK ME HIGHER THAN A KITE. PLANT A GOOD ONE IN ME!!! PLANT YOUR SEED IN ME!!! NNNOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!! She heaved up and wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing and squirming her hips, trying to get the last drop of his cum. She was crying, thanking him, and promising her daughters, and herself to be his servants, and love dolls for the rest of her days.

Al felt like a dam had burst inside of him, the liquid shooting out in thick ropes of semen. He felt himself fading, and willed himself to remain alert. THIS WAS WORTH IT!!! GOD, SHE HAS SOME GREAT PUSSY!!! he thought. He leaned down and kissed her, and she was pulling him closer. She was actually making his lips swell. Mom and Bob will have fun teasing me he thought. I just hope Bob stays the night with her. Maybe he'll give her enough that she won't try to get me to fuck her.

Finally he ran out of semen, and she ran out of steam. Both collapsed, too weal to move. He barely felt the two pairs of soft hands, pulling him off of the top of their Mother, then two sets of lips were licking him clean. They alternated between them, so both would enjoy the taste of their boyfriend, and their Mom, mixed together. They had tasted each other mixed with his juice, before, and had loved it. This was the first time, though of getting a taste of their Mom. It WAS good. Floyd was taking care of Maria's clean up, though, and refusing to share it with them. Finally satisfied, they went and got wet towels to finish the jobs Everyone wiped their faces, then cleaned the two lover's groins and legs.

'Thea and Sue went down and started something to eat for supper. They both looked at the clock on the wall, and looked over at the clock on the oven. Both read the same. They looked at each other, and laughed out loud. They had come home from school at a little after 4:30, and Mom and Floyd came home at almost 6. The fun had started with them giving Floyd a shower, and blowing his dick, then going FMF with him in HIS bed. THEY had finished at a little past 9, and went in to watch Mom and Albert after another shower. It was almost 10 when they called Al's Mom, and NOW it was a little past midnight. They had been fucking, almost steady, for almost 8 hours. Susan reached into the pantry, and brought out 4 cans, then got another, can of soup. "Thea put a pan on the stove and started making grilled cheese sandwiches. Both girls set the table for 5, went in and got 5 hand towels and put them on the chairs, and high fived each other, giggling. They had nissed 2 cans of beef stew, and 3 cans of vegetable beef soup. They made 12 sandwiches, knowing the appetites of Al and Floyd, and put bowls out for them.

"COME AND GET IT!!! SOUPS ON!! HURRY OR WE'LL GIVE IT TO THE COLLINS'S DOG!!! Maria, with Floyd supporting her, came in and seated thm selves at the table. Al had followed them down, and seated the 2 girls, kissing each of them, then Maria, v\before sitting down, himself. They would use the other two bedrooms, tonight. The Guest room had a queen size bed, that the youngsters, could sleep in, and Floyd and Maria would use the double bed in the other bedroom.

It had been QUITE A NIGHT!!!

Same as Mistis' Adventures Part 191 Videos

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 191

Lewinsky and Kaczynski The Washington Post runs a weekly contest in its Style section called the 'Style Invitational'. The requirements this week were to use the two words 'Lewinsky' (the Intern) and 'Kaczynski' (the Unabomber) in the same limerick. The following winning entries were actually printed verbatim in the newspaper, no bleeps or xxxs: Third place: There once was a girl named Lewinsky Who played on a flute like Stravinsky 'Twas 'Hail to the Chief' On this flute made of...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 191

THE RETREAT Jeff awoke from his nap feeling much better. Caitlin had a leg and an arm thrown over him and her head was resting on his shoulder. As he wondered if he could move out from under his wife without awakening her, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. He touched his finger to his lips, then eased out of bed to hold the sheet up for her as she followed him. Joyce, sleeping deeply beside them, didn't awaken. After the bathroom, they stepped into the shower together. "Feeling...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 191

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 191

A few months earlier, after persuading Yvette to bite her nipples while hand-fucking her hard, Laura had joked in passing that having her breasts tied up at the same time made the orgasms even more intense. Yvette had been so intrigued that only time pressure had made her reluctant to try it herself. Now, she sent Laura an email: Remember that thing with the rope? You said I could try. Y. Laura felt warm fuck nectars flowing into her pussy, embarrassingly, as she read it on her computer...

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Double TwistChapter 191

“As I drifted between waking and sleep, surrounded by so much love, my only coherent thought was, ‘I need a bigger chair.’” —Devon Layne, The Prodigal 18 MARCH 2022 If I didn’t know better, I’d say we were all sucking up. Neither Brittany nor Cindy has been a minute late for curfew when they go home. They’ve both established their routine of being at the farm Friday, Saturday, and Wednesday nights but both have backed off pushing for additional nights like Sunday. They are perfect...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 191

We made it to London in time to check in at the accommodations supplied by the government for VIPs. It was a Five Star + accommodations. I showered as did the rest of my family and put on a fancy evening gown by a world famous designer. My family and I were going to be treated to a state dinner by Prime Minister Attenborough - another strictly political affair. In the UK - as elsewhere - the political standing pecking order determined who was invited. You gained supporters in high places...

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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

3 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

2 years ago
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The New Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hi all, This story is about myself. And all feedbacks are welcomed at I posted this story, which is a very long story in Couple section because it involves both my girly side and my masculine side. So put your hands inside your pants and rub it. The story begins now. I was born like any other boy, but as soon as I entered my adolescence, I understood the other side of me. I was a cute boy back then, and whenever I started masturbating, I imagined myself as a girl fucked my strong men. My...

2 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part IV

Dear readers thank you for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,II,III. So many readers wanted to know what happened next. Next Sunday I reached Delhi in the morning and reached my Didi’s place at around 10 in the morning, Anjali with her parents came there at around noon. Anjali was looking gorgeous, she had everything in right proportions. She was wearing a pink salwaar suit. I could not resist ogling at her, and her melon sized boobs packed inside pink suit. After some...

1 year ago
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KAROLINA’S ADVENTURES – PART TWO: KAROLINA AND THE INTERN Karolina sat in front of the computer typing, bored as can be. It had been a week since her adventure… KAROLINA’S ADVENTURES – PART TWO: KAROLINA AND THE INTERN Karolina sat in front of the computer typing, bored as can be. It had been a week since her adventure with Ben, and to say things had been rough at home was putting it lightly. Will had raged at her for hours the night after her adventure with Ben....

Cheating Wife
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Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...

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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

2 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 2

**I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PM's and comments really have made me smile when I didn't think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the time to rate my stories, thank you for taking the time to read them and to register your...

1 year ago
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Erikas Adventures Part Seven The Next Day

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventures - Part Seven - The...

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Yukios Adventures Part 5

Introduction: Yukio continues her adventures and makes her neighbour happy! Yukios Adventures Part 5 ** This is the fifth story in this series. To really understand what she is doing I suggest you read the other four chapters first, but it is not essential. This chapter has some kinky sex and some genuine love making. The character development having occurred in previous chapters… along with lots of nasty sex. Comments are very much appreciated. I have tried to be careful with my use of the...

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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience, last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience; last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

Group Sex
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The adventures of Cassy the reluctant magical whore Part 1

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 4

This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...

2 years ago
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Adventures of the exhibitonist girl part 2

Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...

1 year ago
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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

2 years ago
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Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Part One

Introduction: Sex Crazed part One / Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Im a lawyer, and I know right from wrong, but this year has been really hard on me. Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. Im a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I dont know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my moms side. All I know is at...

1 year ago
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College sex Adventures Part1

College sex Adventures Part-1After breaking up with the love of my life, things soon got better and in a short time, I was on my way to college. It was my first day. I wanted to do my registrations on time so that I wouldn’t need to rush it. After I had settled down, I went in search of my departmental building.I slowly pushed the main door open and saw the wide hallway right in front of me. There were clusters of people in groups and some solitary, resting their backs on the walls. In my rush...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 1

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

3 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended. I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was thinking as we walked over to a bench and sat down with the most perfect view imaginable in front of us. There is nothing like an ocean and the wide blue yonder to make you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. "Beautiful," said Mom, smiling, "I could spend all day here like this." Stretching out my legs, I crossed them at the ankles and tried to bring myself back...

3 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part V

Thanks to all the readers for appreciating “Night Adventures with Didi” Part 1 to Part IV. Anjali ne mujhse pahle apni saari shaadi se pahle ki baatein sach sach bataane ko kaha aur wada kiya ki wo bhi sab kuch bina kuch chupaaye mujhko bataayegi taaki hamaari married life bina kisi shak ke bharose ke saath chal sake. Maine Anjali ke saamne bhagwaan ki kasam kha ke kaha ki jo kuch us story mein likha hai wo sab kuch bilkul sahi hai aur didi ke saath main 18 saal se hi sex karna chahta tha. Aur...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

4 years ago
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mother daughter lesbian adventures part 2

lias woke late the next day, she hada shower and headed down stairs she pored herself a coffee and went outside, to where kim was again sunbathing naked, lisa sat on the next sunbed opened her robe and laid back, "mornig mommy, or should i say afternoon" "morning sweetie" replied lisa "sorry if i woke you when i came in last night" kim said "no i didnt hear you come in what time was that?". "about 12ish" "oh no wonder i didnt hear you i didnt get home till 4". "wow you...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Have you had your break today Part 1

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. I reserve all non-electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: HAVE YOU HAD YOUR BREAK TODAY? ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K brushed a strain of hair out of her face as she backed her SUV out of her parking space. For the last time for...

4 years ago
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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K DEVASTATING AND DOMINATING Part 6

Hello, fans, and welcome to another installment of the adventures of the 'feisty, glamorous, and quick-thinking' Miss K. Well, she is according to my latest review from LadyCyrrh. If you want to read that review, as well as all my other stories, please visit my site. I reserve all commercial and non- electronic rights to this work. Also, if you're not legally allowed to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. Without further ado, let's get it on....

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures Part 3

Hi friends, My name is Sagar. I am regularly writing my experiences here. If you are first time reading by story than I suggest you to go to the profile and read the previous stories first. In my last story I have mentioned that how I was fucked very hard in the railway yard. It was my first big cock and he fucked me so hard that I decided to not to do gay sex. One year I remained as straight guy. Being bisexual I can enjoy both gay and straight relations. When I later transferred to Rishikesh...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

"If you don't need me for anything else," the blond young man said as he picked up the small pile of folders off his boss's desk. "I'll put these away and take off." "Of course Tim," Jacqueline Kirby smiled. "Enjoy the weekend." As the 22-year-old assistant closed the door behind him, Jacqueline leaned back in her chair and pulled a magazine out from the top drawer of her desk. It was the latest issue of "The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl", a book she'd looked forward...

2 years ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 2 Exploring The Sex Adventures

Hello Everyone! Greetings of the day. This story is a continuation of my previous sex adventures, ‘Ratna – The Beginning’. For a better experience, please read it. I’d like to pay gratitude to readers who liked it and the ISS editors for publishing it. Coming to the story. It was around 8:30 in the morning when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Ratna sleeping beside me, stark naked with a comforter covering her upper body. The sunshine falling on her body was making her look so...

2 years ago
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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Part 1

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. Disclaimer: This story is based on (of course) the Lewis Carroll children's classic, "Alice in Wonderland," however it does include "cameo" appearances from other stories - most notably, "The Wizard of Oz." If you look...

2 years ago
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Reshma Ke Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hey friends ye meri iss par first story hai i hope you guys like it and encourage me to write more stories. Mujhe hindi utni acchi nahi ati par desi sex story ka maza hi alag hai isiliye i try to write in hindi. Mai apne characters ke perspective se stories likhti hu. Reshma ki ye 12th class ki kahani hai jab use pehli baar sex ki knowledge milti hai aur kaise vo aage badhti hai. *reshma with her friends* Rashmi- reshma tu itni sundar hai ab tak koi boyfriend kyu nahi banaya? Reshma- yaar koi...

3 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VII

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VI Ab meri anur Anjali ki shaadi ko teen mahine ho chuke the, for a change we decided to go to South India Banglore, Mysore, Ooty & Kodaikanal for some fun. We booked our return train tickets. Ek din didi ko phone par humne bataya to unhone kaha ki unki family bhi kaafi dinon se ghoomne ke liye kahin nahi gaye hain, agar humko koi problem na ho to unki family bhi hamaare saath chale. Maine turant haan kar di,...

4 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VI

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to V Anajali ki shaadi se pahle ki daastan uski jubaani continued: Jaan boojh ke maine saaree ke marketing ka programme weekday ka banaya jab ki Nitin Bhaiya office mein ho. Jab main Nitin Bhaiya ke ghar 11 baje pahunchi to Bhabhi mera wait kar rahi thi. Bhaiya office mein the aur bachee school mein. Main aur Bhabhi ne turant Metro pakad ke Karol Bagh ke nikal pade lekin khareed daari ke baad shaam ko lautne...

1 year ago
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Adventures With Young Married Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...

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adventures with a familypart 1

If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...

3 years ago
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Gullivers Planet 4 The Continuing Adventures of a Sex Doll Part 1

Gulliver's Planet 4 The Continuing Adventures of a Cyber Sex Doll Part 1 by [email protected] "Mmmmm," she cooed, all blushing and warm and melty and wanting. "He's entirely fuckable!" He smiled, brought up the price per profit chart and studied it, smiling absent-mindedly. "Yes, Amy, I'm sure he is." She pouted. "You might as well have said, 'Yes, Dear'." He chuckled, wiped the monitor, sipped his tea and thought about checking the nav-chart to see how many days...

1 year ago
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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Part 2

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

1 year ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

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Sexual Adventures 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, This is Sagar here once again with another real experience. I have received some good response so far and I like that people are reading and enjoying it. Earlier I have written about my experience at theatre. As the end was not very good but it was good experience as an adventure. I was in college at that time. Computers are not easily accessible but cyber café was good option. I tried to find cyber café little far but not so far from college. I started going there to see some porn...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 2

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...

2 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 4

"Take that, Mom!" I moaned out loud as the first visceral stream of juice blasted out from my cock and landed in a long icky strand just above her right eye, across the bridge of her nose and over her parted lips before dripping off the end of her chin. More followed with Mom squeaking as I coated her blushing cheeks with more hot fresh jizz until she was covered with frothy gloop. "Henry Peterson!" she gasped as she knelt there with her eyes firmly shut, "What are you doing?!" I was...

2 years ago
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Adventures Of Just Married Couple Part 1

Dear Friends, This is the real story of a young beautiful married couple who is bold, beautiful and adventurous and very much sex obsessed. Like other all new open minded 21st generation couples, they are just entered the world of sex and were enjoying their youth, fresh body which was virgin before their marriage. This story narrates how their new marriage life started and moved to an un-imaginable corner which turned their meaning of sex and its pleasure. The whole reason of happening this...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2

Author's note: Hello folks, This is book 2 of The Adventures of Reggie Starr. Those of you who have read my stuff, know that I like Action/adventure/Si-fi/and a little Physic stuff thrown in too. One of my problems is I tend to melt all my characters together and give them all the same kinds of abilities. Reggie Starr is a small departure from that formula as, I want Reggie to be as physically normal as the circumstances will allow. Reggie has been placed in unusual conditions...

3 years ago
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Adventures With Shalini And Geet 8211 Part 2

Hello all, I am Akash. I am back with the continuation of the adventures with Shalini and Geet. First of all, I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to my first story. Those who don’t know me, let me tell you about my self. As I told you my name is Akash obviously name changed. I have a chiseled body with 6 inches of dick. The two main characters of the story are Shalini and Geet. Shalini is my sister in law and Geet is Shalini’s roommate in Ahmedabad.  I have already told...

3 years ago
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The P90SEX Adventures Part 2B

The P90SEX Adventures Part 2B Note, please read part 2A before, this is the continuation from part 2A. The girls headed back into the shower with the six guys behind them. Inside the shower the guys encircled the girls. From where we sat we could no longer see them. The dancers stood discussing the upcoming act with the girls privately, before the circle opened up and the girls were presented to the audience with the guys standing behind them. To my surprise Nadia and Allie raised their arms...

1 year ago
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Sonia A Dirty Whore Sonia8217s Adventures In Goa 8211 Part 1

Hii friends I am back it is too early but your reactions was great guys or aap logo kai messages ne mujhe mazboor kar diya apna next part launch karne kai liye I hope ki ye part mai aap pagal ho jayenge jo mujhe nii jante wo pahle meri firsy story sonia a dirty whore part 1 read kare to is part ko read karne mai or maza ayega to dosto ab mai aap logo ko zada bore naa karte hue story per aati hu to dosto ye ghatna mere saath 2014 me december me hui jab christmas ki vacation thi or new year ki to...

1 year ago
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The P90SEX Adventures Part 2B

The P90SEX Adventures Part 2B Note, please read part 2A before, this is the continuation from part 2A. The girls headed back into the shower with the six guys behind them. Inside the shower the guys encircled the girls. From where we sat we could no longer see them. The dancers stood discussing the upcoming act with the girls privately, before the circle opened up and the girls were presented to the audience with the guys standing behind them. To my surprise Nadia and Allie raised their arms...

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