Stigmata Martydom Ch. 03 free porn video

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Ben stared at the poster awestruck. He held the poster in his hand as he slowly walked down the street. Where was he, this man who could heal any wounds? He had to get to work, the newspaper archives might have some information on this man.

He headed to the printing press. It was a few blocks away in the brick covered city. The sun was beginning to come into full dawn lighting up the sky with both majesty and beauty as it did. He saw the small building that was right in the middle of the city. It was nearly identical to all others of the square brick buildings lining the area of the small business district the only thing that set it apart was the large painted on letters which were fading now that read: The West Kingston Tribune.

He went inside the building. It was filled with machines hustling and bustling forming newspapers which were going to be printed soon and sent off by random paper boys. He headed past the machines to a backroom that was marked Editor in chief. Benjamin walked inside closing the door behind him and looking at the small office to which there were simply two desks and a giant mound of papers. There waiting for him was an old man. With a balding head, white hair, and spectacles held around a chain. He smiled as he looked at Benjamin.

‘Well it’s good to see that you can show up on time my boy. Now this is still your first week so I’ll give you a little rundown about being an editor’s assistant.’ The old man named Eugene said. Benjamin smiled not letting on that he would use this day of work to secretly scour through the mound of papers to find anything he could about a man named Henry Grace, or someone who was known for having healing powers. The old man was a kind old soul he seemed so gentle that even the toughest man couldn’t help himself but stop and kindly say ‘hello’ and ‘can I help you across the street sir,’ and as much as Benjamin would love to do nothing more than sit and chat with the master of the press he knew that there was more pressing matters to attend to. As they sat down at the two desks, Eugene handed him a stack of papers and told Benjamin to look through them and decide which ones would work best for the paper. Then Eugene would look through those Benjamin had selected and select his own then put them in some kind of order.

‘Be quick now you have to read fast if we wish to get this paper out on time ya hear?’ Eugene said with a smile as he began to look through the order for how the paper would look tomorrow. The stack Benjamin would be looking through would be used for the days long after that.

As Benjamin looked through the stories he held to the idea that most didn’t have much to do with anything really? Here was something to do with economics. And here was a story about the latest big pie eating contest that West Kingston held annually. Everything was monotonous over and over yet again each useless story after another with no discernable end in sight. Until finally he hit a headline that looked most promising. ‘Murderer still on the loose in West Kingston.’ Benjamin scoured the paper with his eyes, it read like this.

‘Be advised. A former man of the faith known as Henry Grace is currently still at large. He is a known Fallen with healing abilities. I have personally been seeking clues as to find about the masterminds whereabouts and motives. I have discovered on January 17th not one week ago a man named Henry Grace entered a bar where two loyal soldiers to the faith were enjoying a few drinks of fine apple cider and teaching others about the impact that choosing god has had on their lives at large. When a drunken Henry Grace apparently slashed one of the men, and slammed the others head into a beer mug and left the premises running like a coward into the dark of night. Witnesses report that the man was drunk with rage and like an out of control animal.

Ramona, the owner of the bar, had this to say. ‘yes I was there the whole time he was mouthing off and then out of nowhere he whips out this switchblade and well at that point I ran.’

‘What we have here is a terrible tragedy. And we should always be reminded of what happens when you let idiots carry weapons. Maybe the faith should act on this,’ Said the local head of West Kingston church Harry Buckhannon. ‘We should all be reminded of the ever growing threat that the Fallen present to our society. Through my research I have found out that there is a hefty bounty on his head. And this has attracted many a bounty hunter to our small city in order to try and seek their own personal fortune.’

There you have it folks a personal message from the West Kingston Post to you. Be wary and on the lookout.’

Benjamin gripped the small article and smiled. A bounty hunter eh? They should be coming from all over. Benjamin thought. They will all probably start off at this bar ‘Ramona’s’ and from there I could follow them to their destination. Benjamin smiled, he had finally found a solid lead as to what he was going to do. He continued his work knowing full well when the night came the bar will have to have at least one bounty hunter looking for fortune.

He picked up another article that probably wouldn’t make the news because it happened in East Kingston but he couldn’t help but read the title followed by the article.

‘Rock man robs bank. Then claims he’s been falsely accused because of skin condition.’

‘The East Kingston National Bank was robbed on January the 15th. Faith officers saw what appeared to be a large grey skinned rock man emerging from the bank and crashing his way through the city at a brisk jog while police kept up the pace. They failed to injure the man because he proved impervious to most weapons that they used. Lead detective Lenko says that it could have been his rock hard skin that made these weapons so useless against the burglar.

They then chased him on horseback all the way out of town and onto his small farm. There they kept chase until the man ran into his house and shut the door behind him. The faith officers too scared to cause more trouble from the great giant simply knocked on the door and waited for him to politely answer the door. I interviewed officer Pennywise who was there at the scene of the action for more on this event.

‘Well he answered the door he did and he seemed very pleasant as well. He said ‘hi how you doin, what can I help you with?’ And I was like ‘yes you can you can kindly return the money you had stolen from us.”

‘Ah, what happened next officer Pennywise?’

‘Well at this point he looked quite confused and he looked around and said. ‘Money what money? I don’t see any money here unless you count my dear little dog he’s my pride and joy he is and he just happens to be named copper.’ I turned to a fellow officer and whispered in his ear. And the man looked confused and asked why he was being bothered today when he was sitting here playing with his dog and counting sheep and all that. And I said ‘Look here we have multiple witnesses that put a giant rock man at the bank and you match the description perfectly. In fact I personally chased you all the way here just to talk to you’ well as you can imagine the man got quite flustered at this and quite mad as well.’

‘What did the man say then officer Pennywise?’

‘Well he started to yell he said something like. ‘What are you talking about I match the description? Just because my skin isn’t like yours? I don’t see you going and picking up people with dark skin and putting them at scenes of the crime then saying ‘hey you did it because you look just like that guy would you?”

‘Would you ever do that Officer Pennywise?’

‘Well no that’s just wrong, and besides I do have darker skin so I don’t see why I would be seen as racist.’

‘Why not Officer Pennywise?’

‘Well because that wasn’t the case and that was the man! We followed him we did. I don’t see why there’s a point in arguing that when it’s the fact that he did r
ob the bank. We saw him we chased him. But yet he prats on about how he didn’t do it.’

Well there we have the good officer Pennywise a man simply trying to get by on a meager salary having to deal with a man who’s as hard as a rock. And has an alibi as strong as a new born bunny. I hope this serves as just another shining example of how the faith needs to come down harder and sooner on these Fallen so that they don’t think that they can go around breaking whatever laws they don’t like and using their powers to do whatever want.

Benjamin handed the article to Eugene with a smile.

‘Sir I’m not sure if this can go in. but I personally found it very entertaining and readers might do the same.’

‘Ah good work lad.’ He skimmed his eyes reading it and delighted Benjamin by smiling. ‘Oh don’t you love it when someone actually shows the faith up for the cowards they are.’ He smiled and patted Benjamin’s scruffy brown hair. ‘You’ll be a fine editor someday my boy. A fine editor, oh did I ever tell you about my son?’

‘No sir, I don’t think you did?’ Benjamin said looking through some more articles.

‘Oh well he’d be about twenty three. He was a bright lad brilliant boy but he saw something one day. Connor that was my sons name, he was gifted like this rock man. And he was all fine and good until one day he just. Well it’s probably not good to talk about it. You remind me a bit of him personally. You don’t quite have his good fashion sense. But not everyone does.’

‘No sir, I guess not everyone does.’

The two of them spent the rest of the day working and joking until it was finally ready for Benjamin to call if quits for the night. Benjamin went home and quickly ate dinner then headed down to the boardwalk where the bar Ramona’s was. It was raining that night when Benjamin snuck into the bar Ramona’s. It was not that hard to do considering that the place was unusually busy. This was probably due to the fact that this place had become quite famous because of the recent incident. The owner of the bar seemed to have mixed emotions about all the people inside her establishment. Benjamin searched the corners then found a booth in the back. He tried to be inconspicuous, then he turned his attention to seeing if he could find a bounty hunter.

He peered throughout the dimly lit building and he could see that several of the patrons were the bounty hunters he was looking for. One wore an ordinary shirt and had some kind of axe that looked old and rusty. His eyes searched and he soon found a man in a long tan trench coat and brown fedora. The bounty hunter was smelling everything around him. Then the bounty hunter turned and started looking very oddly at the older woman who tended to the bar. The woman looked just as odd, but with a triumphant grin the man pointed to a wall and with greedy eyes whispered in her ear. She soon backed away dropping a glass she was pouring then shook her head. But the man smiled anyway and jumped towards the back wall. The man quickly ran to the door that led to the back room of the bar and swung it open and went through quickly. Benjamin leapt up from his own booth and ran for the backroom. Benjamin was hot after the bounty hunter determined not to lose sight of the man who could help him find Henry Grace. Benjamin went into the room and saw a secret passage which had been opened and led to a basement. He went down the stairs and stood at its base. The strange man was standing right in front of him with a grim smile on his face.

‘What’s this, a wee pup wants to join the hunt with the big dogs?’ the man asked mockingly.

‘I…I…I…’ was all Benjamin could stammer out. Then like a bolt of lightning Henry appeared from the darkness and struck the stranger in the side knocking him into a wall.

‘Get out of here kid this aint your fight!’ Henry shouted as he was thrown into the air by the stranger with the trench coat. Henry and the stranger then began a fist fight in which neither one gained ground but with each throwing devastating blows to one another. Trench coat removed a small war-hammer from his belt and looked ready to smash it into his opponent. But Henry was too fast and knocked the hammer out of his hands. It flew wildly and before Benjamin could make any moves to try and duck. He was hit with the wooden end of the hammer and then his consciousness left his body in an enveloping blackness.


Benjamin jerked awake his head was not in any pain. He got up and surveyed his surroundings. He was in a room with nothing in it and everything was white. The walls had no form and it seemed as if there were no walls at all merely an endless white room that was pathetically lonely. Slowly he moved his limbs he was sure that there had to be some damage to his body after taking a hit like that. He found that this movement came quite easy to him. He stood up and began walking though where he could go in an endless white he didn’t know. He began to break into a run trying to get anywhere but this never ending white but found that it was impossible, there was nothing and no one.

His mind was racing now move away from here anywhere but here he thought to himself. After he couldn’t take it anymore He collapsed on the ground his mind heavy with an overwhelming sense of loneliness and exile. His mind wished so badly for something anything that wasn’t white and endless something besides himself to prove that he wasn’t alone in this pitiful existence. He looked up again this time there was a man, he was wearing a bowler hat and had long brown hair. His smile was warm and pleasant and as he edged closer the name seemed to form easily in his mouth and he shouted across the endless plain.


The figure smiled and kept walking. He was wearing a pair of green trousers and had a matching suit. His tie which hung down to his belt was a bright red and the whole outfit had a comic effect but was very warming.

‘Yes, Ben it’s me. It’s good to see you again little brother.’ Benjamin got up from the ground and broke into a sprint. Benjamin was dead he thought to himself. That was the only way he would be able to see Thomas. He reached Thomas who held his arms out to hug. Benjamin began to cry as the two brothers hugged for the first time in ages. Benjamin began to sob as he held his brother close and there was a small silence as Tom let Ben get this pent up emotion out of him.

‘Why’d you have to die? Why’d you leave us?’

‘Ben, there’s something I have to tell you. But you have to keep an open mind and listen to what I have to say.’ Thomas said sullenly. Benjamin looked up and nodded. ‘Ben, I’m a Fallen. I kinda have this ability to see what’s gonna happen before it does. Two years ago I had a vision of the faith finding out where I was and what I was. They wanted to use me as a weapon to seek out and crush other people who were different like me. I saw two paths, the first led to the death of you and mom. But I would be spared and killed later on in duty to the faith. So I chose the second path, where I did not fight and all of you were spared. But my death was unavoidable. And I didn’t want to make things any worse for the people I love.’

‘You’re a Fallen?’ Benjamin asked coldly.

‘Yes I knew ever since I had dreams where I could see events that just had this way of coming true.’

‘So why are you here? Am I dead? Where is here? Is this just another hallucination? And if that’s the case why are you a hallucination inside my head? Why is it though that you feel so real?’

‘To put things simply this isn’t quite a hallucination. And no you’re not dead. Somehow when I died I was able to take refuge in your mind.’ Benjamin turned his head and saw another figure walking up out of the white beyond. Benjamin backed away from Thomas to look at the approach
ing figure. The person was built whoever they were. With odd hair that was tied back into a ponytail. As the figure slowly walked up with powerful deliberate steps Benjamin could make out the clothes. They greatly resembled a seventeenth century general. There was a blue overcoat and pure black vest. His pants were pure black as well as his nylons and heeled shoes. as the man came closer it was clear to see that the man was on in the years probably around sixty or so. The wrinkles mixed with ancient battle scars that made the man seem all the more wise and powerful. His hair was long white and was the color of pure ivory.

The man approached Benjamin and put his hand on Benjamin’s shoulder. ‘We are souls trapped inside your own soul. We are in a sense trapped here by your powers. You are a vessel to which we can live and survive. It’s a mixture of a haunting and a symbiotic relationship. For as long as we are here we can assist you. If you die we die. Am I making any sense?’ The old man said plainly.

‘I think,’ Benjamin said slowly. ‘But I swear this isn’t real though, I know that this is certainly one of the weirdest dreams I’ve had to date.’ Benjamin looked around and with an odd smile he began to speak again. ‘I must ask if I’m in a severe hallucination where the demons of my mind try and use odd logic to persuade me into falling deeper into my insanity. Yet I am curious of one thing. Where is the red headed demon that seems to stalk my dreams?’

Suddenly a black void came sputtering up from the whiteness to the right of Benjamin and the red headed man rose up from the darkness with blood shot eyes and a dark sinister smile.

‘So boy, you think you’re better than me?’ he pulled up a broadsword from the void and hoisted the massive blade over his shoulder. ‘Personally you don’t stand a dogs chance at beating me.’

‘Put a muzzle on this beast and send him back my boy. Remember this is your mind and you have control over it.’ The old man said with a smile. Benjamin turned his body too face the smiling demon.

‘Come on boy bring it on I’ll be sure to cut you down to pieces.’ The demon said. But with a wave of Benjamin’s arm the red head was flung foreword from where he stood and landed on an invisible wall face first. He slid down and landed in a heaped pile. The man got up slowly and brushed the dirt from his suit and looked up smiling.

‘Oh now you’re going to get it. I’m gonna really mess you up now little boy.’

‘You see my boy,’ the old man said laughing. ‘Now please if you could find a way to shut him up for a little while I would greatly appreciate it.’ And with another wave of Benjamin’s arm the red headed man’s body became chained and his mouth became covered with a large muzzle. The old man smiled and clapped his hands in delight. ‘Very good, you see now I ask you if you were insane would you be able to control your hallucinations in such a way like that?’

‘I don’t know,’ Benjamin said. ‘Are you insane? And if so would that means that you know you can control hallucination? And if you claim to be a sane hallucination in an insane person’s brain wouldn’t that be quite contradictory.’

‘Ah how clever of you my boy. No I don’t think I can solve that puzzle. But I take it for now you don’t want to comprehend that idea for the moment. So I’ll leave you to it and allow you to return to your world. So long my boy.’

And like that the white void skewed back away and Benjamin woke up in a dark forest with a bright fire around him. He looked over and there was the man from the wanted poster. There was Henry Grace.

‘Well it’s about time you wake up. Here I was wondering what in the world was going on.’

‘Oh, where are we? And what happened to the man in the trench coat. What the happened to me?’

‘Well you were knocked out and I beat the crap out of the guy and then I dragged you out into the forest and built this fire and boom here we are. Heck I don’t even know why I picked you up except for the fact that I had an odd feeling about you. What’s your name anyway kid?’

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Our first leading to many adventures 2

As you will have read our first event 12/13th April After our fantastic session, reality kicked in with what we had done, I became a little worried about how much I had enjoyed the pleasure and fun of actually doing it instead of being just a fantasy and screaming out at the pleasure I received. I needed time to console my guilty secret but was wondering what Alan would think of me. I mentioned I was going to have a shower; I looked at Dave and said are you alright? he held my hand and drew me...

4 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 14 Changing Landscape

Viktor POV: ‘Son of a BITCH! What the HELL just happened?‘ I thought to myself. I’m sitting here trying to catch my breath, having narrowly escaped disaster, and now trying to figure out who the HELL I’d just run into. I’m pissed off at myself for having to run like a scared cat! That NSA asshole I so easily terrified down at Gitmo WASN’T the same guy I just ran into in Chicago. I also have to believe he wasn’t the ONLY one there who had powers like me! That fucking Locuro had been babbling...

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Mock Interview

Vivienne or Ms. V as her staff referred to her ran her household like she did her businesses. She made sure that her staff knew exactly what was expected of them right from the get go and paidhandsomely for exceptional service. Vivienne depended on her manager of household affairs, Stacy to make sure she had the right people in the right place. Stacy had great pride in her job. She knew better than to send applicants for interviews with Ms. V without thoroughly establishing their...

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JapanHDV Tubasa Tubasa is our sexy cheating wife with huge G cup tits

Japanese cheating wife Tubasa is back and we are so excited to see her. She has what we call enormous tits! We are very excited to get our hands on tits! And when we get some hot tits in our face that are huge we get really excited! Our members happen to share our love for tits, and so many like us really really like huge tits! And huge tits are on the menu today for our male models. We got up today for work and didn’t know it was going to be his lucky day. Can you imagine what it would be like...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 54 Future Imperfect

June 1979 On Friday, my grandparents came to visit for dinner, so I couldn’t spend any time with my friends. I would see all of them on Sunday, and Jennifer promised to be at my house at 6:00am on Monday to say goodbye. My grandparents didn’t stay late, and I set about making phone calls to people I wouldn’t see. I spoke with Anna, Elyse, and Jennie Sanders. Elyse was thrilled that I had called again and promised to write and said she was really looking forward to seeing me when I came...

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My wife and our new neighbor part sixteen

Throughout that day I kept having visions of her and Greg in the shower and him peeing over her. This gave me an erection for the whole day and when she called me later that evening, I asked her if she had planned another shower session.“We haven’t planned anything but you never know, Steve,” Christy said, “Did you like what I told you then?”“Yes I did, I found it very erotic.”“I thought that you would be angry with me.”“Never babe, I love that you are experiencing new things.”“Even though I...

Wife Lovers
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Under the Table

It all began with an innocent comment one day, as I was out for a long bicycle ride on a hot August afternoon.She had a habit of calling me with a sense of perfect timing. Never when I was just sitting in one spot, waiting for a call, but usually while I was gliding along at 30 kilometres per hour. I usually had my cellphone set to vibrate, but when I went out for a ride, I turned on the ringer to its loudest setting, knowing I would hear her call me.That was important to me. Our friendship had...

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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 1

There I was, face down across the bed, t-shirt pulled up to my chest, naked from there down, legs apart. A woman, in her forties, was kneeling between my legs, trying to extract grass ticks from my bottom and inner thighs. "Auntie" Joan was kneeling beside her, handing to her, tweezers, magnifying glass, disinfectant or Itchease, as requested. There were thirty to forty of the little blighters to remove, so I knew I would be there for quite a while.What are grass ticks? They are the larva or...

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SRU The Envy Charm

SRU: The Envy Charm By Morpheus Sean watched the gorgeous redhead in the cheerleader uniform intently. Heather Hodson, one of the prettiest, and most popular girls in school, was the center of his attention, and at the moment, his daydreams. Sean licked his lips, barely able to take his eyes off of her. She was a frequent guest in his wet dreams, as well as in nearly every other male's in that college. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, Sean stood up, carefully tossing...

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The Frat

The Frat I am standing almost naked with my hands bound together above my head. I am hanging from a heavy metal ring attached to a beam in the ceiling. I am strung up so that I am almost suspended, only touching the floor with my tip toes. There is a penis shaped gag filling my mouth. My ankles are tied so that my legs are spread about five feet apart. The only thing I am wearing are my shoes; black five inch strapped heels that have padlocks locking them to my ankles. My 36D breasts...

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Karen in the Closet

Karen Jones was upset. She had just hung up the phone on her husband who was away on a business trip for the third time this month. This time it was Chicago, last week it was New York, always some different city. She knew he had to take these trips, visiting his legal clients in all the big cities, but she couldn't help but wonder what he did on his business trips at night. John had been quite a ladies man during their college years, tall and good-looking with dark curly hair and a muscular...

2 years ago
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Azubine silvia german

Azubine SilviaLeise klopfte es an der T?r, so leise dass ich es wahrscheinlich ?berh?rt h?tte, h?tte ich es nicht erwartet."Herein!""H... Herr Minski, ich sollte zu Ihnen kommen...""Ja, ja, komm rein."Steffi kam etwas z?gernd in mein B?ro. Die 18-j?hrige Auszubildende hatte ihre Nervosit?t vor F?hrungspers?nlichkeiten noch nicht  wirklich abgelegt, obwohl sie ansonsten ein ziemlich patentes M?del zu sein schien, das sich durchaus durchzusetzen wusste.Ihre dunkelroten Haare wallten hinter ihr her, als sie...

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Finally Had Sex With Didi 8211 Part 5 My Brother8217s Friend

Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story in the series. Sameer and I decided that I should do the narration as it will be more erotic. Please read the previous parts to better understand the story about my brother’s friend. For the new readers, a quick introduction about myself. I am 24years old and have a curvy figure of 32D-28-36. I hit the gym regularly to stay in shape and maintain a toned body. Until recently, I was a simple, innocent girl. But that changed when I had sex with...

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First Night

First night – Part 1 We met for the first time this evening. I heard her firm knock on my door and my knees shook. Oh, we’d met many times before but tonight was the first time alone in private and we both knew its significance. Our emails had been clearly explicit. We both knew the other well enough – we had trust and fondness. Preparing for her visit was exquisite anticipation. I had shaved myself smooth as I knew she wanted. I had taken an enema. She demanded cleanliness. New silk stockings...

2 years ago
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THE ADDAMS FAMILY The Perfect Torture

THE ADDAMS FAMILY Created by Charles Addams Parodied by Ron Dow75 Please note: I have come up with a new pronoun system: -he-she, etc.- he accepts that he is a male with a female body. -she-he, etc.- he accepts that he may becoming female. -`he', etc.- he does Not accept that he is in a female body. -`she', etc.- he struggles to face facts. * And, of course, they have the reverse meaning for a born-female. 01) The Perfect Torture "Wednesday?" Morticia asked,...

3 years ago
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Please Dont Make Me Do It

Copyright © Chapter One Carol was alternating between despair and furious anger. After 30 years of marriage. How could he, the absolute mean-hearted, two timing, treacherous devious bastard how could he? She was aged 22 years and freshly out of University when she met him. She quickly fell in love and he equally quickly bedded and wedded her. Now she was 52 and he was the only man she had 'known' since that time. Oh yes, of course there had been clumsy fumblings as a young teenager,...

1 year ago
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Marital Escapades Part II

The next weekend, Kelly and I, decided to check out a new club that had opened. The flyer had said, in bold, “Couples Night Every Saturday”. When we arrived and entered the club, Kelly pointed out that there were a lot of attractive couples in attendance. Kelly excused herself to the restroom, while I stayed behind to get our drinks. While I was waiting, a woman approached me. “Are you enjoying yourself?” She asked. “I am”, I replied. ”How about you?” “I was getting really bored until I ran...

Group Sex
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My Affair with Alison Part 3

I could not believe I was having an affair with my neighbor. I had watched her beautiful body at the neighborhood pool and I secretly watched her sun bathe in her backyard in a tiny day-glow orange bikini. We chatted every week at the bus stop and our kids played together, but I lusted after her. Now that I knew her curves intimately I wanted more of her. She had an uptight husband and she learned how much she liked dirty talk and taboo play time with someone else. After our hotel encounter I...

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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening part 2 see the rewrite for the begining

Michelles mother was now staring at her daughter's D-cup breasts. "We'll make you feel all better," Lillian-her mother- sighed, rubbing her babygirl's chest. "Arousual is fun, and when Craig and Adam shoot their loads its fun to watch, they taste good too," Amy said, running back to Craig after saying that. Amy started fucking Craig again, and Michelle's pussy twitched, her mother saw that. "Lets have some fun baby," Michelle's mother procedded to rip off her daughter's clothes,...

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Airport Sex 8211 Two Angels

Hello ISS Dears… Hope you all are Fine! is back with another Airport incident. If you read the following link, you will be familiar with characters and scene, well! () I also request our readers to forward the links to your friends and use your social media so that many others can enjoy the incident After a few weeks. I had to travel the same route. Next trip, I took the connecting flight late by almost 8 hours; since we were in touch thru What’sApp, I informed Lekha about my arrival. After...

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Juliette The Super Tramp

                                    Juliette the Super Tramp                                                      Prologue        Those of you who have faithfully followed the adventures of my heroine and general screw-up, Juliette, know that her adventures abruptly ended with nurse Crocet wheeling her booby trapped body across to the men's wing of the private hospital where she had been admitted for a total physical revamping. Why the lengthy delay since then? There are many reasons, but the...

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Dogging at your convenience

Kim read the e- mail again. Meet me in St Georges Park at 6pm, bring your collar, were going on a dogging adventure.Bill xxAs far as she knew the local park wasn’t a dogging site but she was excited about whatever game Bill had up his sleeve. There “adventures” had gotten more and more risky as the months had gone by and he had been concentrating on her humiliation side and exploring that avenue. Kim giggled to herself and made preparations to go and meet her wonderful Dom. She pulled up in the...

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DonkeyLoving SchoolgirlChapter 2

The dog's long tongue dangled as he panted, dripping spit on the seat between Peggy's spread legs. Peggy no longer leaned back in the corner, but sat facing directly forward, her feet on the floor, one foot under the dog's lower belly so she could stimulate his slippery cock with her toes--the same sexy toes Denise had been sucking on only a few minutes ago. The dog let out a low growl, and he started to hump, fucking his cock between Peggy's toes. Giggling, Peggy moved her other bare...

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A Come BackChapter 31 Billy Agrees

"I've got to head to town. I've got to get laid." Billy said to the empty room. He'd just finished jacking off for the third time in a week. It wasn't helping anymore. It was harder and harder to even get to the point of ejaculation. Like tonight, he had reached for his old standby a popular magazine. He took the time to read some of the short stories with a dick that was already hard from the shower. He had flipped through the many pictures. Preparing, he had poured a generous amount...

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My Pegging Wedding Night

A month ago, I married the love of my life. It was the best day I’ve ever had in my 31 years so far. But more importantly, it was the best NIGHT I’ve ever had. Let me set the scene…We had a destination wedding in Cancun. The resort was absolutely beautiful and the service was incredible. Since we were getting married there, they gave us all the upgrades. We had paid for a junior suite, but were upgraded to a massive two-bedroom, three-bath suite with a bar and full kitchen. It had a pool table,...

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The Stalker Part 2

The Stalker (Part 2) – A Masturbatory Interlude I’m trying to walk away but it’s so difficult. I’m placing one foot in front of the other; toe to heel with perfect 6” gaps, my head is raised and my eyes fixed forward but my mind is entrapped by the soft eyed temptation that pants nosily behind my stiff back. I’ve become entangled by the cleverness of my own designs and the wantonness of my pussy.I step onwards; walking through treacle like air, my heels catching in every crack of this crazy...

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First Time in a gay bathouse changed my life

This is AS TOLD TO ME from a friend, it is not me. Although I wouldn't mind dabbling lol!! My first time at a gay bath house or spa! I had for years had an urge for seeing naked men especially ones that had big dicks. I didn’t consider myself gay. I was actually married and I still liked having sexual relations with my wife. I found myself getting turned on when at a nightclub or somewhere in public standing at a urinal and seeing a man that was hung standing there peeing. At times, I would...

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It All Started With A Bubble Bath

My name is Carol and I recently left my house. I’m eighteen, but a very young eighteen. I’m still in high school. In sixth grade, I was left back. I should have graduated already but I didn’t. The last few months have been very hard on me. My mother recently got a new husband. He’s an alcoholic and they’re always fighting. I really don’t like him very much. My mother really pays me no attention. This is her third husband. It’s always the same kind of a man that she attracts. I’m always very...

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A Fresh StartChapter 53 Married Life

So, the rest of our honeymoon went pretty much like our first honeymoon, as well as all the other little ‘practice honeymoons’ we had taken up to that point. To be specific, we goofed off and screwed our brains out! We hit the beach in Bermuda, did a few tourist type things, ate too much, drank too much - all the things young honeymooners are supposed to do. On most cruises, for instance to the Caribbean, every night you sail to a different island, so there is no way to see the night life on...

2 years ago
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For SarahChapter 5

The next afternoon, Samantha took her overnight bag to her friend Trina's and swore her to secrecy and enlisted her into providing an alibi. Trina's parents weren't home yet and so in her friend's room, Samantha pulled out several shopping bags before taking off her sweater and jeans. Trina looked at her nearly naked friend, wearing only white silk panties and bra, and was jealous. Samantha had pert, firm breasts and Trina was as flat as an ironing board. While she, Trina, was skinny and...

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He was eighteen and I had been tutoring him for the past three months. I caught him many times staring at my tits beneath my tight top. One day I took off my top and pulled his mouth to a tit and told him "Suck that nipple. It is yours to enjoy. Now suck it hard and feel it get hard with your tongue. Yes, you like a big tit don't you?" As he sucked my nipple I took his other hand and put it in my other tit and rubbed it over it before I again told him "Now play with that tit. Rib it, pinch it,...

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Im Going To Make You Feel Amazing

I'm going to make you feel amazing. I've kept off masturbating for the past week, so the next time I get horny, when I masturbate, I can have a big orgasm. I was thinking about this, and starting too get wet when a girl around my age, maybe 19, (i'm 18) walked up too me. Her breasts looked around a C or B cup, and were perfectly rounded. They flopped around freely as she has no bra on. Her nipples were obviously hard. She had a short little skirt on she wore a pair of sexy black high heels with...

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Aprils GiftChapter 14

Ron placed his hand on April’s knee. “You really look gorgeous in that dress,” he said. “I think the white stockings were the icing on the cake.” “Gloria really did a nice job. She added more lace and some embroidery. I really love the dress and I will be able to wear it ... once it gets warmer.” “I think you can afford to lose the veil.” “Oh, duh...” April removed the headband and the gauze veil. She put the headband back on. “I like how that looks on you ... sort of an updated hippie...

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 12

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...

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