Stigmata Martydom Ch. 02 free porn video

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In the middle of the woods a man stood with an axe preparing to cut enough firewood to protect him from the coming cold of winter. He was a tall man with long thick hair that had been slicked back, and he wore a heavy coat, long pants, and boots to match. Winter was definitely here and all the wildlife had moved to warmer climates or hibernated. With food being scarce he would have to go into the city of West Kingston and buy some food and supplies. Maybe some dried pork or other various food items which have a habit of not rotting on a moment’s notice. He went inside got his pack, and stuffed it full of various items one would need on a short train trip into the city. As he handled the money he looked upon his coins as he put them into his bag. Written around the coins was ‘May the creator watch over you.’ It was quite odd staring at it.

‘Yeah, watch over you’ Said the man. There it was written right on the money, control on a level that they can say ‘hey, we own you.’ He looked up in disgust then put the money into the bag, then slung it over his shoulder and headed out of his cabin and into the mid morning. The sun shined on his skin and his long brown hair and stubble. He was kind of built and in his late thirties. The birds and various other animals though scarcer during these winter months, were still going about their daily lives while the man walked silently and solemnly through the forest until he arrived at the outskirts of the train station and the small town that existed to serve those who were in transit from one big city to the other. It was nice to see the farms that lay off in the distance. He suspected that they grew some kind of wheat but now with the winter now in full swing it would be impossible to grow anything. He noted that it resembled a barren wasteland but still organized. Like the land was nothing more than a dead slave to which it’s master would inanely summon to do tasks which it could not complete. He walked past the empty tracks, there was only one train parked and it was headed towards the opposite city to which he needed. He needed to get to the city of West Kingston. It wasn’t the largest city but it was full of the supplies which he needed. And West Kingston always had a habit of being free of unwanted attention.

The man walked out of the forest and onto the train station platform where he could buy his ticket. He slowly approached the window and knocked on it. An old man lifted the blinded window and smiled softly.

‘Name and destination stranger?’

‘My name is Henry, I need a ticket to West Kingston.’

‘Sounds good it’s four copper pieces for a ticket.’ Henry reached into his pocket and pulled out the money and then handed it to the old man. And then exchanged it for a ticket.

‘The train arrives at one thirty, now remember trains like to leave exactly on time, so know where you are around one twenty-five.’

Henry took this into consideration, and sat on a bench waiting for the train to come. Whipping out a whittled pipe he had made. And began to smoke a little of what could best be described as the kind of drug that was his own secret recipe. It was mellow and not the kind of thing to dilute the mind but a stronger reliever than your average herb and it lacked some of the nasty after effects. Plus the smoke would fill the air with a luxurious aroma. Which left him smelling quite good when he hurried onto the train. He found a car and sat in one of the seats and looked at the clock and of course at exactly one thirty the train left the station. Henry found himself dosing off and soon fell asleep entirely

‘WEST KINGSTON!’ the conductor shouted waking Henry from his sleep. He got out of the train and the sun was cascading an orange light on the whole of the small city. As Henry got out of the train and headed down towards the market street. He was reminded of a younger and much stupider age. The West Kingston market was like a bazaar that you would find in older Middle Eastern countries. The streets were lined with shop after shop each person trying to sell to whoever was passing by. The main staple of West Kingston was fishing and farming. West Kingston was a city born as a port for fish and a center area where many farms took their goods for sale. This would have everything that Henry needed for another portion of the long winter. He went and bought meats and any fruit or vegetable that wouldn’t spoil quickly. Even thought this was the dead of winter some farms from the south were less affected by winter. He finished up and headed away from the market area which lay towards the east of the city and headed towards the western area close to the docks.

Henrys visits to west Kingston were usually short but he always had at least one reason to stick around longer. He walked down a street, turning a corner walking onto the boardwalk he looked ahead and saw a small building with a sign hanging blowing in the wind. The bars name was Ramona’s and it had been one of his favorite bars since as long as Henry cared to regale. It was a small bar at the corner of a street. Henry looked up at the now darkened sky and smiled as he walked into the bar. It was busy tonight as he looked around at the various people who seemed to be enjoying their night out. He sat on a bar stool in the dimly lit area and waved his hand at the closest barkeep to bring him a bit of whiskey. He saw two men sitting at the far end of the bar wearing what seemed like military uniforms more closely resembling that of S.S. uniforms only their clothes were off white they both wore necklaces with small spearheads attached they were drinking, members of the Faith. Henry had to be quiet, they may be two thugs but they could end up having an undesirable impact. He raised his hand and asked for another shot of whiskey. It came some seconds later by a pretty blonde bartender. He shot the drink back tasting bitterness, and then burning in his throat that was followed by a warming sensation in his chest.

Then out of the corner of his eye he saw the flaming red hair of a beautiful woman. There she was, Ramona. She was in her late thirties and you could begin to see the signs of aging and the impact that a hard life has on a person. She looked at the two thugs with horrid disgust but she still served them drink after drink. A thug may be a horrible thing, but money is money Henry reminded himself. That had always been Ramona’s logic. They had once been lovers not so long ago. But something had happened between them and he wasn’t sure if things would get better. He wondered if they could still talk. And yet a part of him wanted to look over. And soon he found himself doing just that. His eyes caught a look of disgust on her face, which quickly turned to surprise when she caught a glimpse of Henry’s face.

‘Bartender hand us another drink and be quick, we’re on a mission.’ One of the thugs shouted. ‘Some kind of underground newspaper has been talking nonesense about the Faith and they’ve been going on for too long.’

Henry dared to look at her again and Ramona shot him a look followed by her voice penetrating his thoughts ‘get out, get out while you still have the chance.’ Instead of heeding these words Henry felt a mad resolve wash over him. He reached into his pocket and began to grip his switch blade. He held it in secret and was ready to act if the thugs got out of hand.

‘That’s interesting isn’t it?’ Ramona said to the thugs. ‘Well we always look forward to supporting the cause. God knows the Faith needs all the help it can get with all these rogues running around.’

‘You’re darn right!’ the other thug said with a smile. ‘They think they are so much better than everyone else. They think that they don’t have to abide by the law. Don’t you know that god rules this land? That god can heal this land if he is able to consolidate all people into his divine hand.’ The two men cheered and clinked glasses before washing down their large pints of beer.

‘Oh speaking of which we were wa
rned to be on the lookout in west Kingston for somebody.’ The second thug then unsheathed a large sword and held it in the sky in one hand and held a poster in the other hand.

‘HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN!’ the second thug shouted. He got up with a drunken stupor and walked around the bar. Henry was wanted by the Faith he had done something’s in his past that he wasn’t quite proud of and as soon as Henry saw the parchment his mind immediately leapt into action. Could it be me? How do they know where I frequent? Henry was ready get the drop on the drunken fool. Henry turned his head and the thug was now standing over him waving the poster. ‘My good sir have you seen,’ Henry turned to stare at the man holding the poster. With a sudden sense of drunken awareness the man recognized that Henry was sitting at the bar looking up at him with nonchalant eyes. ‘It’s you Hen-‘

Henry moved with lightning quick speed and the switch blade left Henry’s pocket almost as fast as he returned it. The man stood there midsentence with his neck completely cut and bleeding everywhere before he collapsed onto the ground flat as the beer that Ramona only dared serve these Faith thugs and now a paranoid ex-boyfriend.

‘My god! You killed him!’ one of the customers shouted as they all began to run out of the bar screaming. Immediately all the people at the bar tripped over themselves except for Henry who poured himself a drink of whiskey then shot it back. Then the room was empty except for Ramona and the second drunken thug standing there with an angry look on his face. Thinking quickly Ramona grabbed the thug by the back of his head and bashed his face into the mug which had been drinking from.

‘Filthy asshole,’ Ramona said focusing her attention directly on Henry. Her face staring directly at Henry her eyes seemingly piercing Henry’s soul and making him feel like a little boy who had gotten caught eating desserts before dinner. ‘So you had to go and kill him. You had to come to this bar!? Well you are you as dumb as ever aren’t you? No don’t answer that, you are. You’ve just been in the woods smoking some of your own herbs and trying to become one with nature or some stupid crap that you’re always talking about right?’

Henry was at a loss for words. The situation had went and past so suddenly. He knew he shouldn’t have stayed around in an urban area the way he had but something had been calling to him something still was calling to him. He wasn’t sure if it was Ramona or if it was something else.

‘Um you look very pretty Ramona,’ was the only thing Henry could say trying to smile even thought he was filled with terror, more of what Ramona would do to him and less of what the Faith might think about this whole incident. And he knew about five seconds later that, that was the absolute wrong thing to say in a situation such as this. Her slap came fast and hard.


Henry looked down at the dead body then back up to Ramona. ‘Well I should be going now don’t you think?’ He said with a slight air of defeat as he began to walk out of the bar.

‘No, wait stop,’ Ramona said tugging his arm back. ‘Look I’m just pissed off I mean come on that was stupid. That doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon you. It’s not like you won’t be able to make it out there with the faith running around. Come on, this building has a basement that no one knows about, you can stay until things calm down enough that you can actually walk out of here without someone trying to crucify you.’ She led him to a backroom where Henry began to look up and down at the skimpy dress she was wearing. It was unlike her she usually wore pants, but she knew how to make money so she would sacrifice her comfort if it would make a few bucks. Henry took some clothes from a closet that was in the room. Then he followed Ramona up to the second floor which was used as a small apartment for Ramona. Once at the top she grabbed some money from the bar vault. Then they both went back to the backroom where she opened a secret passage in the floor that led to the basement. It stunk, but there was food and water.


There were always shadows crisscrossing Benjamins dreams. He could never escape them but he knew that they were there inside his brain smoldering him. Tonight he saw a grimacing face that smiled a dark and evil smile. Slowly more emerged he could see fire red hair and yellow eyes glimmering like pieces of amber. The emerging figure had straight hair that came down covering his eyes but the bright yellow still shown through like a demonic light. He wore on his head an old bowler had curved down making his whole thin face seem all the more demonic.

‘Kill them,’ the creepy looking man said. Benjamin could see more of the emerging figure from the shadows. The man was wearing a black suit with a black blazer, in his hand he held a large hatchet. ‘Kill them all. I’m going to spill your guts and take over this useless sack of meat. I should be in control, me!’ He continued ranting as he walked closer and closer. The man’s black blazer was blowing in the wind showing off his button up shirt. His pants came into view now they were black as night with overall straps now coming into focus as he walked closer and closer. A long tie hung around his neck blowing from side to side. His face continued to smile as he moved closer and closer.

‘What’s going on?’ Benjamin asked with fear in his voice. The red headed monster kept moving towards the boy faster and faster not breaking his stare at Benjamin. Soon the crazed demon was running as fast as he could.

‘I’m going to kill you,’ he said as he began to laugh madly. He was now only a few inches from Benjamin still laughing he pulled the hatchet back getting ready to swing. The hatchet came down and Benjamin closed his eyes as he tried shield himself. He heard a clang. He opened his eyes and there was his older brother Thomas with a sword in hand blocking the mad man’s assault. ‘You again! Why must you always interfere you useless trash.’ The demon shouted.

‘Ben, go now. I’ll hold him off as long as I can. You are weakest in your dreams. Quickly you need to wake up. I’ll hold him here. But you must live brother.’ Tom was twenty three, his hair was long and brown, he wore a long trench coat and had grey pants that matched his coat. His shoes were shined to perfection. Looking at his brother with amazement he smiled and turned and ran as fast as he could.

What was going on? One minute it was a normal dream and now this nightmare monster shows up. And the man or creature always had a habit of coming through his dreams and was once again back trying to kill him. His dreams were getting worse this was the first time the monster had gotten so close as to nearly end his life. And why was his brother in his dreams? He had always had memories of what his brother looked like before he left home. But never something that looked so recent. It was like he wasn’t looking at a memory. It was like it was really his brother. Things were getting too weird for him to understand. His mind was reeling he had to wake up he had to wake up for god sakes if only he could just wake up.

He blinked his eyes and he was in his dark bedroom. He could hear the sounds of the city bustling all around him. Sirens were blaring, someone was after someone in an ever turning nonsensical cycle. Welcome to West Kingston he thought the land that doesn’t sleep.

‘I’m going to get you, you filth. Mark my words before the end of this month you’ll be mine. And then oh the fun and havoc we’ll be able to have.’ The mad man’s voice screamed in his head. It was louder than ever. And he couldn’t do anything to shut the voices up they were getting worse and worse. And at times Benjamin felt like just commit
ting suicide in order to a leave this horrible pain racked in his brain. He lit the candle next to his bed and headed down the stairs. The day was early but he had recently taken an apprenticeship at a local printing press. He changed into some work clothes and headed out of the small house into the early morning air. It was his job to get in to sort through the latest stories and help decide which would get in or not. But these voices they wouldn’t leave him alone. It was like there was some big battle going on inside his brain and he couldn’t get the two sides to calm down even for a bit. His mind was whirling. Quickly he thought go to the local tea shop and grab a piece of bread that’ll at least get your mind on something tasty rather than the war of the mind that was happening right now. Then he would get to work and concentrate you can drown out these voices with the concentration needed for work. But god just think about something think about something you can drown out the voices now if you just concentrate hard enough, you can drown out those voices you can, Benjamin thought.

He crossed the street and burst out into a run. Yes that’s it if I keep running I can get the voices to stop. Oh dear god just please stop for god sakes shut up. Benjamin ran up to the tea shop across the street and slammed open the door. He entered and tried to act casual as if nothing was the matter as he walked up slowly to the man behind the counter. Benjamin smiled and ordered a bagel and was reaching into his pocket when he heard the voice of the mad man ringing in his head again this time stronger than ever.

‘You filth, it should be me out there enjoying all the fruits of life you take for granted.’ The mad man said from inside his head.

‘No don’t listen to him. Keep calm brother we’ve got it under control.’ His brother spoke. And then Benjamin felt his brain begin to split in two. He looked at the portly man who was at the counter making the bagel and naming off the prices and trying to desperately. Yet he could feel his mind reeling and a scream swelling to the top of his lungs and then he burst like a firecracker.

‘WHATS GOING ON HERE!!!’ Benjamin shouted at the top of his lungs while the man at the counter stood shocked with a bagel in his hand.

‘I’m sorry I had to raise the price recently.’ The man said clearly on the verge of tears. ‘Would you still like the bagel?’ the man now said breaking into tears. Benjamin looked down embarrassed and frowned as he raised his head.

‘Yeah, sorry about that. I’m not having the best of days lately.’ Benjamin said as he paid for the bagel then exited the building. Just outside hung a wanted poster with a bearded man’s face on it. The poster read like this.

Wanted: Henry Grace

Crime: Murder

Note: the man is highly dangerous enemy of the faith. He’s known to have healing powers able to heal any wound. Caution suspect is armed and very dangerous.

May god be with you. The faith is always protecting you.

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You probably wonder why I’d fix my sister up with a guy who used to suck my cock, and it’s a good question. But that was many years ago, and things change. After all, Ashton and I had been strangers thrown together as college roommates who became good friends. We were just two young horny guys who were exploring their sudden sexual freedom. Things just happened and lead to other things. So he sucked my cock and yeah, I sucked his. And I fucked him, multiple times. Big deal!Over the years since...

4 years ago
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A Trip To Remember

Its 4 am in the morning, I can feel the cool environment, cold breeze coming from the window of the apartment on the 6th floor. I have been awake whole night not because I had sex with the person I loved a lot. It was the guilt that didn’t allow me to sleep. The guilt of what I did was right? It all started 2 years back. An average looking guy with a nice sense of humour from bangalore. I won’t say I am a hunk that any girl who meets me will feel for me. I look very innocent and sweet. The...

3 years ago
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 15

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Velvet Spike and tonight's special match. As unbelievable as it may sound, the loser of tonight's fight must submit to the pleasure's of as many customers who wish to partake!" There was loud applause and raucous cheering. "First, the challenger. Standing five feet five inches tall and weighing one hundred and nineteen pounds, I give you... Vickie!" There were a few cheers, but most were hoping the same as Andrea, who again occupied a choice...

4 years ago
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A life Long Journey

A Life Long Journey This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Even before I was born, something seemed to be working to get me to the point I am today. While Momma was pregnant with...

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Princess SaraChapter 15

"I shall really miss you when you return home, Your Highness" said the dragon as the pair sat outside his cave one morning in early April, the day before the Princess Sara was due to begin her long walk back home - she was still not permitted to ride the horse, and so would need to start soon if she were not to be late. "I'll miss you, Bill" replied the Princess, moving away from him as he exhaled cigar smoke - at least he was smoking a decent brand by this time! "I see you have...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 02

Karen was an hour early for her next appointment and in quite an emotional state, although she hid it well from the others in the waiting area. Her body was softly shaking and it was all she could do to prevent herself from storming into Grey’s office and demanding help. The oils on the handkerchief had faded around midnight the previous evening and she had awoken at 5 am in a cold sweat. She had been using those oils more and more since Doctor Grey had seen her last, as he knew she would, and...

3 years ago
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Two Different WorldsChapter 18 Where the Air is Fresh

"The men are grumbling at the pace that's been set, Sire," one of Arragin's aides reported as the sun rose toward midsky. "Keep them moving. If I can march this fast, so can they. Tell them they'll get double rations, both tonight and tomorrow morning, and a mug of ale apiece with each meal. We'll easily reach Chammar before tomorrow's nightfall if we can keep up this pace." Arragin was well back from the head of the column, surrounded closely by men of his personal guard. His...

1 year ago
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Teasin Tina

“Quick, turn on the heat,” Said Tina the minute we entered my dorm room, “I am freeeeeeeezing.” Tina and I were returning from a party late at night when we were caught in a sudden downpour. Drunk and already cold, we ran the final half mile back to my building in the pouring rain. “I cant control the heat in my room,” I replied to Tina with a sad expression on my face, “Its set on a timer, it will probably come on later on tonight.” “Then get me a towel please,” Tina asked, “I’m going to be...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 17

I have to admit that I got real concerned when Princess came home one day with a new BFF called Sam. I could tell right away that this Sam had her mesmerized with bull-shit that I had no chance of coming close to. It should be explained right up front that "Sam" was really Samantha and the dark-haired tough little douche-bag was a cunt and not a guy. At first, I thought that was a plus because it opened up a lot of possibilities but after I saw Sam in action a few times I changed my first...

2 years ago
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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 2

It had been several seconds since the firing had stopped outside the door. Both Darknok and Sarwin knew what that meant. The three Earthers were either dead or captured. Darknok hoped they were mercifully the former. "Captain?" He turned to his engineering officer. "Yes, Lieutenant? "Sir, we are the only ones left. The Grok will be blasting through the door any moment and while they prefer Earthers, they attack women of all species," she said, withdrawing the blaster from the small...

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Priyanka8217s Diabolical Deeds 8211 Part I

(I thank Mrs Priyanka for sharing her experiences. Part of it is true, sex with her brothers and clients is true, Rest is all fiction. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) “Didi, look. It is going to rain, let us go to terrace and dance in the rain” my young brother Vijay shouted excitedly. “No. I have an important meeting tomorrow. I can’t afford to catch a cold” I declined his proposal firmly. Tomorrow I have to be at my sexy, seductive and provocative best. Have you ever seen a sexy...

4 years ago
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Lesley part 2

This is part 2 of my story of Lesley. She was a girl I was involved with a few years ago. She loved cock. Lesley Charleston got home at 2 pm. She had time for a bath before she went to pick her k**s up from school. She had just spent nearly 7 hours in the company of her patient Mr Rob Brownlee. She had been offered many chances to leave, but had declined each time. She had had so many orgasms that at one stage passed out for a few minutes. He had brought her round by pinching her nipples so...

2 years ago
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New Career 1877Chapter 6

Well, this was nice, an unexpected opportunity to spend a night sleeping with my wife. Now, that is the way to live. It was not until late in the afternoon before my rifle was ready and I had checked and re-zeroed it. The gunsmith had done an excellent job. While he was working on it, I had him put in a peep-sight to replace the open "V" notch sight that the rifle came with. I much preferred the peep-sight over the notch sight as I felt that it gave me better accuracy in my aiming. I admit...

1 year ago
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First Wives Club Part 2

First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...

2 years ago
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We Did It Again

This is a companion story to “We Did It!” that I posted some years ago. A lot has happened in those years. Both stories stand alone, but I didn’t go into detail here about our first encounter with our best friends, Ted and Dot. Please read (and vote on) the first story, but it isn’t necessary to (hopefully) enjoy this one. I pulled the car into the driveway and parked. One of the first things I’d done when we moved in was to convert the garage to my ‘rec room’. It was a proper ‘man cave’, with...

2 years ago
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Falling For The Teacher

Hey guys, this is my first story so go easy on me. English is not my first language so please excuse the spelling and grammatical errors. When I posted this on other site many people commented that my language is too formal. I could have re-written but as this is my first work I felt like sharing the original version. Some day I will Improvise it and re-post. Please comment and let me know your thoughts and how I can improve. And here we go…. Hi. I am Jake. I am 19 years old and have a...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy

Helping a girl friend move after a failed relation is always a stressful time but she was your girl friend, most likely your best friend. Keeping all of your comments to yourself about her last venture into the realm of couple hood was becoming a usual pass time. The last of the boxes finally in her new apartment and you glance around looking at all of work still lying ahead and we’ve been at this all day. It’s not going to go anywhere how about a break better yet call it a day your suggestion...

4 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 51

The couple of weeks following Thanksgiving were mostly uneventful; we all had semester finals to study for and complete. The night we got home, Brandi pretty much turned me every which way but loose, but the only other sex the girls and I had was the odd quickie.The girls had packed everything but the kitchen sink for our trip to Switzerland. The pilot had told them one big bag and one small bag each. They all went out and bought something the size of a steamer trunk.I had thought we were just...

3 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 7

As the wave of agony faded, Charles pushed himself to his feet and then scrambled up onto the stage. Quickly he strode towards where Clyde was bound. As he walked past Connie, he grabbed hold of her by the arm. Forcefully, he dragged her to her feet. Then before she could protest, Charles forced her along with him. "What did you just do?" Charles demanded to know when he came to a halt opposite Clyde. "Answering my own question!" insisted Clyde glaring angrily at Charles. Then his...

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Don Venutos Sissies

Part 1Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of Mark, aka Janet.Synopsis: "If you...

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My wife the internet swinger Ch3

  My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it's obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...

Wife Lovers
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 7

Pete, despite the drink, maneuvered his long black Cadillac skillfully through the streets of Tijuana and out on the other side of the city. They had left the pavement and were following a dirt road to a large Spanish style hacienda. It showed up clearly, in the moonlight that flooded Baja California, even though it was still over a half a mile away. The Martinis, wine, and black Russians left a comfortable glow on Ann. The black Russians in particular were delicious after dinner. It was a...

2 years ago
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Molly Seduces Mr Lopez

I was babysitting at my neighbor’s house for their child, Amanda, who’s four years old. We were playing hide and seek and she hid in her parent’s room and accidentally the door locked behind her. I didn’t have a key to open the door and tried to explain to her how to open the door. She was screaming and carrying on and didn’t understand what I was saying. I started to panic and didn’t know how to open the door. I didn’t want to call her parents, because they went on a cruise around New York...

1 year ago
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My true first time story Filipina soldiers wife

I don't know why we are required to say this is fiction when this story really happened to me. Quite familiar MILF story line, but this one is not written, it happened and I always like to remember my first time. Of course I have to change names, places and some events to cover identities. And ages is legal. It was March of 1992, I was 18 when my ailing grandma prevailed on my uncle to take me with him to his house in Cebu City and get me to school. My mom was a domestic helper in Hongkong and...

First Time
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Broken PromisesChapter 36

She was wearing her special bra and only that. I was wearing my usual skivvies and only those. Well, the visual stuff was better presented with those things on than off. Her lips and tongue tasted real good, so did the other parts of her that she presented to me. A lot of touchy-feely stuff went on, and overall, our first serious tests of the new relationship went pretty damn well. I had to wonder how long it would be before the busybodies would be looking to find out how we were getting...

2 years ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 29

Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start. Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling...

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Tricks of the Trade

No matter how late she was running, there was always time to make love to the mirror. It was the only way to keep doing her job and save just a smidgen of self-confidence. Gina Divine stood before the mirror in the bathroom preening for work. Hunter kohl eyeliner was applied in a single unwavering stroke to emphasize her emerald eyes. She brandished the wand to her mascara like a pro. Puckering her lips, she applied the final coat of shellac and pouted seductively. Gina wiggled into her slinky,...

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Our first encounter

OK, you have been tantalizing me for a couple of weeks here online. Pictures of your hard dick with a cock-ring, private messages about hooking up, de-friending me, re-friending me. So here’s how it’s going to go down:Tomorrow night I will be sitting in my car at the Wal-Mart on your side of town. Not directly under any lights or so far away from other cars as to attract attention. Just out near where the employees park. Light green 4 door sedan, with the driver-side seat belt hanging out the...

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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 8

“WHAT?!!! I thought it was a trick!” I said as the apparition of my mother stared at me... “I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched...

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The Wayfarer

There is actually a new universe in here, as anybody can be switched by the indian at the Wayfarer Inn. (By the way, the Wayfarer Inn is situated between the Professor's town of Ovid and Elizabeth Bennett's town of Zenith.) The Wayfarer by Raven and Caleb Jones That was it. I'd finally gotten tired of my life, packed up a few things, and hit the road. I wanted to start a new life somewhere else, where nobody knew me. I could be anybody I wanted to be. Anyone other than...

1 year ago
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He fucks his mom CH2

Billy had slept most of the day away. So Kim really had not had to communicate with him at all. She knew the time was coming though. Just then, the front door opened. It was Dave, her boyfriend. They had been together for a while now and he came and left as he pleased. Most of the time, he slept at Kim's house. He knew Billy was staying the week after his surgery, so he stopped in after work to see how everything was going. Kim, with a nervous tone, told Dave that everything was fine and...

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