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I saw the union soldiers when they first crested the rolling hills at the edge of Papa's farm. There were so many, the ground shook with them and the wild things startled. I wished earnestly to be one of the rabbits, to hide in a burrow and let the destruction happen over my head.

Already, I had buried the jewelry--what little there was left. I had harvested all of the kitchen garden that I could, hiding the vegetables in the empty shed back away in the overgrown north field. I chased the pig into the woods, hoping it would have the good sense to stay away. There hadn't been chickens in months and I thanked the Lord for one less thing to worry about.

Mama was resting, though not easily.

So, I had no other occupation to distract me from watching the soldiers cover the land like grasshoppers. I stood on the porch in the already stifling heat, wishing I had the pistol in my hands but knowing it was better to hide it under Mama's mattress. It was useless against so many; they would only take it from me anyway.

Most of the men stayed outside of the fence that surrounded the house. It was a smaller group--only five--who walked up the poplar-lined road to the porch.

The tallest man stood in front of the rest. He was an unshaven, unwashed northerner in a better uniform than my father had left home in.

"Afternoon, Ma'am," he said, like he was calling.


"I'm Captain Waters. May I speak to the head of the house?"

"My father's dead these two years," I said. He was lost at Manassas in the first months of the war. "My mother is ill." I offered a hand and he took it with unexpected manors. "I am Mrs. Elliot. You may speak to me."

He gave me a sharp look. A twenty-year-old widow in mourning black. The broach with my husband's hair pinned to my bodice. The Captain seemed to take in all this information with one, efficient glance.

"Hell of a war," he muttered. But he straightened up and returned to business. "The Union Army is taking possession of this property. I recommend that you vacate north."

I looked at each of the five men in turn, hoping to see a sympathetic face among them. But I returned to the Captain as my best prospect.

"My mother is very ill. She cannot travel."

"I don't mind it she stays, Cap'n." one of the officers muttered. "Her and her ma." The others laughed.

"What's her illness?" Captain Waters asked, ignoring them.

"I believe it's pneumonia."

The captain peered up at our farmhouse. It used to be crisp white before the war but now it looked like everything else: tired.

"She's on the second floor?" he asked me.


"You and your mother may use the upstairs." He turned back to the men behind him, who snapped out of their lazy slouch. "Set up the hospital in the barn. Headquarters will be here. Station a guard at the steps for Mrs. Elliot and her mother's privacy."

"Thank you," I said.

"I will loan you our company doctor if you would consent to cook for my officers."

"I would be grateful for the doctor," I said.

"I'll send him up."

I hurried back inside so I needn't watch blue uniformed soldiers in my mother's pretty sitting room. Then I made my way up the steps feeling the heat climb with each one.


The doctor was an older man with a long gray beard and wire-rimmed spectacles. He was very kind, praising the care I had taken with my mother. Nonetheless, her skin was clammy and her lips tinged blue. She gasped for every breath and no amount of steam or heat would loosen her chest.

The doctor opened all of the windows.

"I've come to find that heat treatments for fever are harmful," he said.

He soaked rags in water steeped with herbs and arranged them under her nightshirt, making the whole room bitter-smelling. She opened her eyes, saw his blue uniform, and looked to me in alarm.

"Sleep, Mama," I said. "There are soldiers about, but they won't come upstairs."

She trusted me, as she had through her long illness, to manage things. Her eyes closed in spite of her labored breathing.

"It's good that you didn't try to move her," the doctor said. "I can't offer much hope, though. What she really needs is a hot onion poultice, but I haven't seen an onion in weeks. It may be too late for that anyways."

I looked at him and pinched my lips together, thinking of the shed in the overgrown north field. I had ropes of onion there, braided together. But, if any of the soldiers spied me going that way, they might follow. They might commandeer our last stores of food, as they had our house.

I hoped the herbs would do their job.

The doctor tipped a fluid out of a vial and past her lips. I saw her swallow. "To help her sleep," he told me. "It's the best thing for her now."

"I have to start supper," I said, looking at the sun in the window. "Can I leave her?"

"Go. I'll see to her."

I went down the steps with my eyes down, trying not to see the dozens of soldiers. But the one standing guard at the base of the stairs stepped directly in my way. He was lean and young-faced, but still a head taller than me. His eyes were glittering black, his cheekbones were high, and his hair as black as a crow. He wore a green kepi over it.

I stepped to one side to get past him but he blocked my way again.

"Excuse me, please," I said.

"You have such a pretty mouth."

"Why, thank you," I said haughtily. "You have an unusually handsome nose. May I pass?"

He smirked and stepped aside. I avoided touching him.

The next three hours were spent aproned and working, stoking the fire in the already blazing kitchen, and drinking tepid water by the tin cupful. I set the loaves to rise and turned to the chopping. Potatoes. Carrots. Someone's winter stores, no doubt.

I thought of my mother and her illness. It distracted me from the heat. For weeks she had been in decline. First the loss of Papa, then my Charles, and now, Mama dangerously balanced between worlds. Could I accept more grief if the Lord sent it?

I looked up, sensing someone in the kitchen doorway. It was the soldier who had been guarding the stairs. He smirked at me.

"Do you need assistance?" I asked.

"I need something," he said insinuatingly. His eyes were bold and even though I was stiflingly covered, I felt naked. He stepped all the way into the kitchen. I faced him, intuitively not wanting to show him my back. The knife was still in my hand; I hid it behind me.

He stepped closer and touched my mourning broach. It was pinned over my heart; a tintype of my Charles framed with a braid of his hair. The soldier's fingers brushed my breast. Even with the heat, I shivered.

"This is who you wear black for?" he asked. "This old, dried man?"

"You won't speak so of my husband," I snapped. He had been older than me but more than young enough to die for his country. "I'm honored to wear black for him."

"He must have been... quite a man," he commented. His hand skimmed my side and rested on my hip.

"Unhand me."

Instead he stepped up closer; I put the knife between us, digging the tip into his stomach.

"Unhand me," I repeated.

He stepped back.

"Is there a problem, Ma'am?"

The soldier and I both turned to see Captain Waters in the doorway.

"No," I said. "He understands my expectations of his behavior now."

The Captain looked to the soldier. "Don't you have a post?"

"I'm done for the night, Sir," he replied.

"Then get out to the tents." The soldier hurried out and Captain Waters stepped in. "Are you harmed?" he asked.

"No," I told him. "But thank you."

He nodded to me.

I set the table for fifteen. It was less than I had cooked for during the harvest but it had been cooler then. I set out the bread, served the stew, accepted their thanks, and took my leave to check on my mother. The sun had gone down and there were half as many soldiers in the living room as there was earlier.

The guard at the stairs, a fair, blue-eyed man, nodded at me as I passed him and gave me no more than a passing glance. I hurried to my mother's room.

I could hear her breathing when I entered the room. She was gasping. The doctor looked grave.

"She sounds worse," I said, hurrying to her side. Laying a hand on her dewy forehead as she had so many times for me.

"At this point, I would pray."

Tears welled into my eyes but I swallowed them back. Tears were for children. I found myself wishing that this wretched army had come days earlier, when it might have been of use to me.

"The onion poultice?" I asked. "Would it help?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. It makes no never mind anyway. We don't have onions."

I closed the bedroom door. "I know where there's some."

The doctor cast a look around. "You have a food store, we haven't found?"

I nodded.

"Don't you tell anyone about it. You hear me?"

"I wouldn't."

"You told me."

"I hadn't a choice, Doctor. You'll see me when I leave through the window to fetch them."

He looked at me, his eyes like hawk's eyes. "Can you find it in the dark?"

"I believe so."

"Do you have garlic, too?" he asked.


He looked at my mother, took her pulse, and pressed his palm to her forehead. "Go now," he said. "Bring both."


I hadn't snuck out of my house since I was a child. It was harder to manage than I remembered. I was in my frock with all the undergarments and my corset. But I lowered myself from the roof to the porch roof and from the porch roof to the ground. I avoided the windows and managed to bring a lantern with the lowest flame. I walked in the general direction of the shed.

Even the night was warm. The breeze seemed to blow from an oven. I heard the late summer bugs and every now and again, I turned up my lantern a bit to get my bearings. In ten minutes I found the overgrown bramble of the north field and in another five I was lifting the latch on the shed door.

It smelled like earth and spice. I turned up the lantern and set it on a shelf, pulled Papa's pocket knife out of my apron, and cut three onions from the braid. The little cloth bag at my belt easily held their weight. I found the garlic and took some of that, as well.

I turned for the lantern and gasped, backing away a step. I wasn’t alone. The soldier from the stairs and the kitchen stood behind me, again, blocking my path. He looked like a wolf; his eyes glittered like one would.

"What do we have here?" he asked.

I didn't know if he was talking about me or the provisions.

The shed was small; he was less than three paces away from me, but still he took a step closer. It was like he was trying to corral a frightened horse. And, indeed, he had me backed into a corner. My breathing came fast and my corset made it obvious.

"You have a secret, don't you?" he said.



"Mr. Fin--"

"It's just Fin."

"When you leave, I still must eat."

"That's one use for that beautiful mouth," he said to me. He took another step closer. "I can think of others."

In the few evenings I shared with my husband before he left for the war, he had been gentle and kind. The last pain I felt was when I gave him my virginity. At least once, I had some burgeoning pleasure when he finished. But it had been long enough ago, and such a brief span of time, that a shiver went over my body.

Fin turned me roughly and pressed the front of me against the sticky pine boards. His hot breath was on my neck. He took each of wrists in his grasp and held them against the rough wall, too. I jumped when his lips touched my neck just above the high collar of my mourning frock.

"Easy," he whispered. He licked the back of my neck from my collar to my hairline. A scant stretch of skin but I felt it in my toes. His lips found my earlobe and his tongue played with it.

My heart sped. Between my legs, an ache awakened.

"I can keep a secret," he whispered to me, "if you make it worthwhile." He released my wrists but I kept my hands pressed against the boards.

"I haven't any money," I said.

He took a stinging handful of my hair, sending my hairpins to scatter over the dirt floor, and pulled my head back. His teeth scraped my cheek. I struggled not to whimper and yet the insistent throbbing between my legs only intensified.

"Don’t be coy," he hissed.

"What do you require of me?" I breathed.

He let go of my hair and turned me around again, so I faced him. My pride wouldn't let me look away. "You, here, tomorrow at the same time. Wear nothing under your skirts."

I closed my eyes. "I will be here."

I didn't see him lean into kiss me, so his lips on mine made me stiffen. It only encouraged him. He sucked on my upper lip and then my lower lip. He ran the tip of his tongue along the crease. His lips were so much softer than those of my husband. I ached with want, but still didn't open my mouth for him. He chuckled.

"What's your forename?" he asked.


He kissed my lips again softly and smirked, backing away. "Until tomorrow, Anne."

He let himself out of the shed and left me there, shaking, alone.


It was the doctor who suggested that I volunteer to work with the wounded in our barn. He thought it would be best for me to spend as little time around the soldiers in the house as possible. And, after noticing the way the officer's eyes followed me, I tended to agree.

Besides, it would take my mind off of my obligation to Fin that evening. An obligation that left me dreading the sunset. The one glow of optimism came from my mother's response to the poultice. It wasn't miraculous but it gave me reason to hope.

Most of the soldiers in the hospital were recovering so my job as a nurse was simple. I had only to change bandages and carry water. Northern or southern, the men were so grateful to me that it was difficult to think of them as the enemy.

In the evening, I cooked again for the officers while the doctor saw to Mama. Fin was at the stairs. His dark eyes followed me and an ache, a throb, really, pulsed between my legs. I tried to ignore it but to deny it would have been a lie.

I sat with my mother and read aloud from the Bible until the sky was dark. Then, I slipped off my stockings, pantalets, and one of my petticoats. I put them under the sheets in the laundry basket. It was so much cooler but I felt indecent.

I took the low lantern over the roof, slipped to the north field, and picked my way to the shed, my heart pounding the whole time. I opened the door; Fin was already there.

"Get in here," he said.

I closed the door behind me and put my back against it. He took a step towards me. In his hands he held a yellow squash.

"You mustn't take anything," I said. "If the other soldiers see--"

"I'm not going to take anything." He laid the squash on a shelf and put out his hand. "Give me your lantern."

I did as he said. He put the lantern on a shelf and turned up the flame. Then he turned back to me.

"Lift your skirt."

I pinched my lips together but did as he bade me. With my husband, we had always been in the dark, under the covers. The sensation of eyes on my nudity brought heat to my cheeks. I held the skirts at my waist.

He didn't hide his gaze. When he spoke, his eyes were still fixed between my legs. "Whore camps follow the soldier camps all over. It isn't hard to see a woman bare." He stepped closer and put a hand on my hip, palm against skin. "But to see a lady...." His voice mocked me.

Both hands found my flanks and felt me over, like I was livestock for sale. He dug his fingers into my flesh and roughly separated my buttocks. I couldn't silence my gasp but I did lift my chin. I showed him my defiant expression. It only made his smile widen.

His hands went from back to front; unexpectedly gentle fingers stroked the hair between my legs. I clenched my teeth so I wouldn't make a sound and clenched my thighs to prevent his touch. But I couldn't control my breathing and I couldn't stop his determined finger from pressing into my flesh.

"Oh, mercy me," he said, his voice a taunting exaggeration of my southern. "You're as slick as a strumpet."

"Don't," I whispered. But my thighs relaxed and he laughed at me.

His fingers found a place where my husband's had rarely played. Where mine never strayed. He circled the spot with solid pressure over and over. Around and around until my hips wanted to move with him. Until I had to concentrate not to respond.

He knew. Somehow, he knew because he said, "Prideful girl." He took his hand away; it was a relief and a disappointment. "I'll make you a bargain."

"No," I said, before he even offered it, dropping my skirt. "I don't make deals with mudsills."

His expression darkened. "Very well. An ultimatum, then. I'll hear your pleasure this night, from your own lips."

"You won't."

"I will if you'd like this place to stay hidden. And...." he smirked, as if I was a struggling rabbit caught by two snares, "...if you'd like for me to take pains to not put a child in you."

I looked at him, my eyes frozen wide. I hadn't considered pregnancy. "No," I breathed.

"Yes, indeed." He brought his hand to my lips and rubbed my wetness across them. Then he followed his finger with his tongue. His lips brushed mine when he said, "Get on your hands and knees."

My throbbing was insistent. It was shame compounded. Why did this hateful man make me feel things that my loving husband couldn't? When I didn't move quickly enough, his heavy grip on my shoulder made my knees bend. I pressed my palms flat on the dirt floor and felt the grit between my fingers. My corset held my back straight.

He lifted my skirt to my waist and moved my knees apart with his boot before he knelt beside me. I closed my eyes.

Something solid pressed against my opening. At first, I thought it was his organ but it was too cool and too unyielding. It worked into me, getting slick, a bulbous shape opening me wider and wider and finally lodging in me in a satisfying way. Like a cool compress to my hot throb. My body trembled.

He worked the bulge inside me, twisting it so that texture massaged me from inside. I had never felt such a thing. My finger nails dug into the dirt. My ribs strained against my corset. My elbows buckled and my cheek pressed to the earth; it was rich and dank in my nose.

Fin's other hand reached around to my front and found the spot he had teased before. I clenched on the object inside me. I was worked inside and out. Without intending to, I opened my legs wider. Without intending to, I moaned.

"From your own lips, like I said," he told me. I could hear his smile.

His fingers and the object stole my senses and control. My hips moved with the invasion. His fingers chased me. Then, the world stilled around me. Pulsing pleasure started deep and shivered out. I cried out, gasping for breath. The corset prevented me from drawing deep; stars swam before my eyes.

Shadows, then blackness, covered my vision. It made the pulsing bliss intensify. It was too much for me to bear. The last thing I remembered before I lost consciousness was the withdrawal of the swollen object from my body and my shuddering aftershocks of pleasure.


I woke on the floor of the shed and I don't know how long I had been unconscious. The yellow squash lay in front of my face, smelling like me, stuck with dirt. The lantern still sat on the shelf. It was only when I sat up that I noticed Fin standing in front of the door.

"Same time tomorrow," he told me.


The onion poultice eased Mama's breathing. The blue left her lips on the second day. I gave her a sponge bath and put her in a fresh nightshirt. When she was resting easily mid-morning, I went to the barn to help care for the wounded soldiers with the doctor.

Men needing care arrived in the night. I saw my first fresh head wounds and the raw newness of a severed limb. I paled but didn't faint; the thought of fainting actually brought the blood back to my head and into my cheeks. In the afternoon, I scrubbed bloody bandages back to a beige tinge and hung them to dry.

I longed for a break to the heat but there was none.

In the mid-afternoon, when I was I was penning a letter to a soldiers sweetheart, I saw Fin standing in the barn door, watching me. The wounded man had a head wrap over his eyes, so he didn't see my distraction.

"I'm sorry," I said to the wounded soldier. "I've written, 'The heat is unrelenting but the battles go on.'."

"And every night I think of you, Martha," he continued. "Knowing you wait for me makes me long for home with my head and my heart and my soul."

I wrote, still feeling Fin watch me.

"For now, I'm resting...." He paused. "What state am I in, Ma'am?"

"Kentucky," I answered.

"For now, I'm resting easily in Kentucky and dreaming of you. Your devoted servant, Paul," the soldier finished.

I finished the letter and read it back to him. He nodded and I let him touch it. "Shall I post it for you?" I asked.

"If you don't mind, Ma'am."

I patted his hand. "I will see Captain Waters about it."

I tucked the letter into my waist bag and checked on the few soldiers who were awake. I brought them warm water from the barrel and wiped their faces with wet rags.

Fin finally sauntered over to me.

"If I were wounded, I'd make you bathe me," he said, standing too close to me.

The doctor looked up. I glanced at Fin without answering him and tried to step away. He hooked a hand in my elbow.

"Perhaps we could do that tonight," he said.

The doctor stood, still looking at me, and moved out of my peripheral vision.

"Let go of me," I whispered.

Fin leaned into me, his breath close to my ear. "We could be here for months. There's fighting all over Tennessee. Every night, you'll be my--"


Fin jumped and pulled away from me. Captain Waters strode over, the doctor slightly behind him.

"If you aren't sufficiently occupied, I can find new assignments for you," Captain Waters said sternly.

"Yes, Sir. I was between duties, checking on Mrs. Elliot to see if there was anything she needed."

"I don't need anything," I said softly.

"Well, there you have it," the Captain said. "She doesn't need anything. Move along."

Fin nodded and headed slowly for the barn door.

"I apologize," Captain Waters said.

"No apology needed. Thank you."

"I appreciate the way you've been looking after my men. There are never enough hands."

"We're all God's children," I answered. "We all deserve compassion, according to God's word and our conscience."

He nodded to me and smiled. He reminded me of my husband: honorable and gentlemanly. Suddenly, I didn't feel like I was worthy of a man like that any longer. It made a lump rise in my throat.


That evening, I considered not going to meet Fin. I could stay with my mother; he wouldn't even be able to look for me upstairs in the house. But there remained the issue of having food when the soldiers left. Now that my mother was starting to give me some hope, I had to be able to feed her. The army was eating everything left behind by my neighbors; there would be nothing left whenever they were gone.

I went to the shed as I had before, without my stockings, pantalets, and with only one petticoat. I saw light from under the door before I arrived. I let myself inside and closed the door behind me. My eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the lantern when his hands were on me. He turned me to face the door.

"You kept me waiting," he said.

He worked the buttons that went straight down my spine and dropped my dress. He untied the drawstring on my one petticoat and let it fall to the floor. Then, he turned me around and roughly unhooked my corset, dropping it, too.

"Breathe," he told me. "I won't have you fainting again."

I was just in my thin cotton chemise and it was sweated through. It clung to me and the color of my skin showed through.

He pressed me against the door with his body and kissed me like he intended to consume me. His mouth was open, his tongue pushed between my lips. I tried to turn my head but he held me by the jaw.

I closed my eyes, wishing that I could be stoic. My breasts hardened against his shirt. He rubbed himself against them. When I gasped, his lips attacked mine, forcing my mouth open, using his teeth.

"I'm to be sent on a scouting mission," he said, as his lips moved over my skin. "I may be gone a few days."

"I hope you're shot," I told him.

"Tell the truth and shame the devil, Miss Anne." He knelt in front of me, put his hands on my ribs, and bit at my breasts through the cotton shift. "You'll pray for me every night."

He pulled me by my hips to the dirt floor and roughly separated my legs. He felt me; I only barely concealed my moan.

"You're wet," he said. "But not wet enough for what I want to do."

He spat on his fingers and roughly pushed my chemise to my waist. He dipped his head between my legs and I instinctively closed my thighs. He forced them apart again. Then, he licked the length of my sex.

"You're nasty," I told him.

He responding with a flicking and fluttering tongue that left me gasping for breath. He slid and slithered. While he did, he put a finger inside me. I could tell when it became two and then three. He spread his fingers, opening me. He turned and twisted them. I clutched at the thin cotton shift and pulled it higher.

He added a fourth finger, his mouth still at work. He worked in and out of me, stretching me. Then, the movement paused.

He looked up. "This is going to hurt."

Four fingers weren't enough for him. He added a thumb. While his mouth worked, his hand did, too. It took seconds of overwhelming sensation before I understood his meaning. His saliva ran over his hand and he used it to slick himself into me, over fingers and over knuckles. The pressure hurt but, Lord, it felt like a hurt I wanted.

"You can take it," he said against me. "I want you to feel me while I'm gone."

It was a strong and pulsing pressure; eventually my body yielded. His hand buried in me to the wrist and he made a fist. I felt it, so full inside me. He hardly needed to move it; the twist of his wrist, in concert with his tongue, sent me galloping into pleasure. I bit my hand but still couldn't stop the strangled cry.

He moved his hand inside me, flexing and relaxing his fist. He turned his hand inside me, working me with his knuckles. His mouth took on a new intensity. My pleasure ebbed and flowed but never completely abated. The pain couldn't stop it. I felt my own juices trickle off of me and into the dirt.

I don't know how long he continued. I know I panted. I know I had loosened enough that he could move more inside me. I know I flopped like a fish. Finally, he slowed his tongue and stopped. He looked up at me, clearly knowing he had wracked my body, and clearly pleased that he had done so.

He withdrew his hand which elicited another cry from me. He was shiny with me, both his face from nose to chin and his hand from wrist to tip. He wiped his hand on my chemise.

"Kiss me good-bye," he said. He leaned over me; I waited for the assault of tongue and teeth. That wasn't what happened. His kiss was gentle and clinging. It was almost more obscene because it was.

Then, he left me there on the floor and let himself out of the shed. I think if my body had blocked the door, he would have swept me aside with it. I curled onto my side and stayed there a while by myself before I went back to the house.


Fin's attention did as he intended it to: I could feel him every time I moved. His knuckles bruised me from the inside in a way that he hadn't done before. His mouth's eager attentions left me sore outside as well. If my arousal sparked, I felt it all the more.

I spent the day in the barn, seeing to the soldiers. In the evening, I cooked for the officers and at night I sat with my mother. She slept easier now, even if I could still hear her breathing rattling in her chest. I went to bed unmolested for the first time since the soldiers arrived.

It was difficult to sleep. Each of the other nights, my tired body wouldn't let me explore the depths of my sin. This night, my body was anxious and my want unanswered. I told myself that I hadn't a choice but to submit to Fin, but my need revealed my lie.

I knew when he came back, nothing would change. Nothing, except I wouldn't be able to hide the truth from myself any longer.


It was two days before Fin returned. He arrived, slung over the haunches of a horse, raced back to the hospital-barn by his fellow soldier, who was white as a sheet. I remembered how I told Fin I hoped he'd be shot; it seemed that God heard my prayer this time.

The blood bloomed on his butternut shirt and ran over his neck from where he hung upside down on the horse. I hadn't worked in the hospital a full week, but even I knew his injuries were grave. Nonetheless, the doctor used his heavy shears to cut through Fin's shirt and get at the wound.

I stood back, not wanting to crowd his work unless he asked for me. The doctor's steady hands hesitated. I heard the rattle of Fin's breath and his last sigh. Blood stained his lips.

Then, the doctor said, "Captain. I think that this is something you should witness."

Captain Waters stepped close and I stepped up beside him. We both saw the same thing at the same time.

"I'll be God-dammed," Captain Waters said. Then he looked at me. "Begging your pardon, Ma'am."

Fin's shirt laid open revealed a wound in his chest, unremarkable in every way except that something so small could be so damaging. On either side of the wound were two small, but completely unmistakable, breasts. Fin may be a Fiona; she would never be a Finnegan.

My mind whirled with every act he'd--she'd--done to me. Every hard touch.

"No apologies needed, Captain," I said. "Those would be my sentiments, exactly."

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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL stpt

After this memorable afternoon Irene met her boyfriend the afternoon of the next day. Both were a bit reluctant and shy at first, as they were still captured in the turmoil of so many feelings. And by the fact, that Irene had given her body to his brother too.Irene was anxious that he wouldn’t love her anymore. But he assured her, that nothing had changed in his love and made sweet compliments to her that she was a ‘real woman’ now.[pic Irenes nasse Muschi wird herumgezeigt.jpg]These...

2 years ago
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Sleepover Part 2

Kirsty told me that she had been addicted to cum ever since her brother forced her to suck his dick a few years ago and when she was in the park it was too good an opportunity to miss, “I only went in for a pee and this dick came through the hole but he came too quick, then you came in and your cock was lovely” she told me in a happy voice, “So how many did you suck today?” I asked her and she said just 2 more after I left but the last one had so much that she pulled away and he shot over her...

3 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 20

As the group gathered in the reception hall, a number of people appeared, entering the room from its main entrance. Kevin and Denise looked at them curiously, but Amelia grabbed Kevin’s arm. “It’s the prime minister!” she whispered to him in shock. “The education secretary too!” Wixom entered the room following Grayson, ushering in several other distinguished-looking individuals. Grayson, with Wixom at her elbow, walked up to Amelia and took her hands. “Wonderful to see you again, Amelia,...

3 years ago
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What happens on a quiet night

Note: If this looks cheap, I apologise, but what comes into my head is what comes into my head. *** Well, what can I say? It's Saturday night and nothings going on. As in, nothing, zilch, nada, fuck all, ZERO! You get the message. Can't get a hold of anyone. And let's face it, a single average-looking guy hitting the pubs or clubs solo. Kinda raises eyebrows. For the wrong reasons. You know what I mean. Just not the sort of thing that happens. OK, I'm bored - I'm in my flat and...

1 year ago
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For him

This is the first part Lara and Jon arrived at the hotel in Edinburgh, he was going to the rugby match and she was going shopping. They checked in and left to get some food before going their separate ways. They met at the hotel later Lara had a power nap while he showered and dressed, then while she got ready he went to the bar to meet a couple of guys he had been talking to at the rugby. It was almost an hour before Lara arrived, he was chatting at the bar when his friend said “Wow” look at...

3 years ago
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Six Weeks of Grace Pt 05

At that, Don and Anne both turned to see two men following them. They were scraggly and unkempt, looking like they had just left a bar after an all-night drunk rather than at the zoo with families. ‘Do I know you?’ Don glared at them. Anne grabbed Grace’s hand and instinctively moved behind Don with the little girl. ‘No, but we know you, you fucking asshole.’ One of them spit out as the other laughed. Don’s anger was building and he had no doubt he could take these two. ‘What did you say...

2 years ago
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My experience at my age of 21

hi, i am Rubesh here to reveal out the incidents that happened in my life, actually there are two incidents i will thread them individually The first one was my first sex with my GF she was a model and a good looking chick,we began our love at the standard of eight, her skin will look like plastic, so much shining, its natural beauty,she is of course a naughty girl we are of course distant relatives, but she is all to me our love was unknown to anyone except my little sisteri used to sleep in...

3 years ago
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The Note

I had to remind myself why I was at the store at 6:30 in the morning… Ok, maybe the 105 degrees that it had been for the last week, had a bit to do with it. It would of been a great idea if I had had it all by myself. The store was busy already. I thought to myself that I was already here, just do my shopping now. I did get more than a few looks for my being in my uniform. I shugged them off and hurried to get done, untill I came around this one corner. She was stunning. Her long curly hair set...

1 year ago
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Once upon a lonely birthday

This story is completely fictional I was upset, to say the least. My birthday fell on a wednesday this year and it seemed to pass by just as fast as it arrived. All I did to celebrate my 18th, one of the most important birthdays in a young mans life, was split a store bought cake in the breakroom of my work with my co-workers (who I don't even talk to that much anyway)! My friends were at their respective jobs and busy for the rest of the week. Depression was beginning to follow me back to my...

2 years ago
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in the car park

The Car parkOne rainy evening I escaped the storm and found myself in a small back street Irish pub, so thought to myself what the hell stay for a few hoping the storm would die down soon, after a couple I slipped to the alley for a quick smoke,I noticed a young lady she was hot, I mean wow, she stubbed her cigarette out and walked back to the pub, I finished my cigarette went back inside and ordered another drink and there she was, luscious looking; long black hair like raven's feather, smooth...

1 year ago
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Strike 2016

The Time To Strike It seems like a strange thing to look forward to, but when the news came down that we as a union might strike, I got very excited about what I could do with the time off. Some of the events that happened I could never have dreamed of, but I am so happy that they did happen that I felt the need to write my story. A little background on me. I live in the Albany, NY area. I am a 30 something year old male named Bob, who for the most parts is known to be one of the...

2 years ago
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Flexible sister part 3

Flexible $i$ter - This is the third part – check out the other chapters on my profile. This story will make more sense if you do.Susan has just walked in on her best friend and her friend’s br0ther having sex… ******************************************************************************************Susan’s face melted from complete astonishment to a sinful smile in just a matter of seconds…“Oh my – you two have been baaaaad!” I was struck dumb, I mean really what could I say about what she...

2 years ago
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Neighbour FantasiesPart 10

I still had the house to myself due to Lorene being out of town. It was a muggy full moon night, and I was sleeping in the buff on top of the bed. After finally falling into a deep sleep, I very slowly awoke to the feeling something was "off". As I lay trying not to fully wake myslf, I realized I was smelling cigarette smoke. I sat up in bed rubbing the cobwebs out of my eyes, and was startled to see a female figure sitting in the chair across from my bed, lit by the moonlight and the cherry...

3 years ago
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Fuck Session With GF In Cafe

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 46th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about two lovers. They love each other very much but they are not getting place for fun. One day they found one cyber café with cabin facility then all things happened. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. My name is Sonu, 24 year old. I have one girl friend her name is...

1 year ago
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The Pain Stays the Same

The Pain Stays the Same Chapter 1 Jan and Carl stood, as they had so many times before for their father, hands clasped behind their backs, and listened to their step-mother lecture them. ?You may think that just because your father’s gone now, that you can do whatever you want to, that you don’t have to obey any more. Well, I’m telling you right now, you’re wrong!? Andrea, their step-mother, was standing before the pair, arms akimbo, not two feet in front of them, with a scowl on her face. An...

2 years ago
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A Day in the Life Dreams of a Lovely Marriage Conclusion

A Day in the Life: Dreams of a Lovely Marriage Conclusion As I washed my face clean of make-up in our bathroom, having removed everything worn except my pretty dark brown pageboy wig, my bottom radiated both heat and pain from my Mistress' spanking. I allowed myself a glance at it in the full-length mirror on the inside of the closed door and thrilled to see how red it was, also noting my cock extended to its full erective length of five inches. (Even...

2 years ago
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Soup and a Smile

CHAPTER ONE : The Visitor The cats were the first to announce his arrival. Tails high in the air they paraded up and down the hall. Pushing open the door to the living room, they rubbed themselves against her legs, gazing at her with bright eyes as if to will her to do something, to get up and follow them. She pushed them gently away, too deep within her book to want their interruption. A log fell to cinders in the fire with a gentle hiss while the old clock’s steady tick counted the lazy...

4 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 12

I stepped toward the man and he backed up a few paces. "What goes on here is the business of the wives of Hassan and none of yours," I said, my voice flat and menacing. His eyebrows jogged up and down and his face became redder. "I am al Hassan so it is my business, now get off my property," he screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. I regarded him coldly, resisting the urge to throttle him for all the evil he had perpetrated. "No you are not Hassan, you are Fayez bin Faisal, the...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied married woman ko satisfied kiya

Hi I.S.S Readers, I am abhishek from kanpur, I am regular visitor and reader of this website since last one year. I am 21 yrs of age and I am single. This is my first story for my hot readers, And if any of ladies, gals, bhabhi’s or aunties want to have some sex fun with me then freely email me at and I will give you my contact details aur aapki secrecy ka bhi poora dhyan rakhunga…Chalo ab sidhe story pe aata hu,, baat pichhle December ki hai.. Is baar kanpur mein thand pichle 40 years se sab...

2 years ago
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gf k saath uski behen

hello frnds, This is sidd again. Ye story mere pehle 3some ki kahani hai. Mai apni gf shefali se milne uske ghar pe gaya tha. Uski choti behen shruti jo ki 18 saal ki bahaut hi sunder aur sexy ladki thi mujhe aur shefali ko ghar me chod kar khud bahar se taala lagakar apni 1 frnd k yahan chali gayi thi. Uske jane k baad maine shefali k hotho ko chumna shuru kar diya aur wo bhi mera sath dene lagi. Apni jeebh mere muh me daalkar chuswa rahi thi. Fir usne apni jeebh se mere hotho ko chatna shuru...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 19

When I finally awoke, it was nearly five o'clock. We'd been asleep for a good couple of hours. I was feeling refreshed and ready for more sex with Keith. I looked at his sleeping form, it was lovely sight. His taut firm muscular body just inches from me, he looked so peaceful. His cock was soft and shrunken; I'd soon fix that I thought. I gently moved so as not to wake him so that my face was directly in line with his crotch. I gazed in admiration at his fine young prick. I touched it and...

1 year ago
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Changing My Luck And Other Things

“Hey there, hard-on,” a melodious contralto voice asked, “you got a light?”I looked over at the tall black girl next to me and saw she held a cigarette between two long-nailed fingers, angling it in my direction. As I fished the lighter out of my shirt pocket, she stepped closer. I flicked the Zippo's friction wheel and she moved even closer as she bent over to touch the cigarette tip to the flame and suck it alight.She was taller than me in her high heels, but she was right about one thing: I...

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Black Porn Clips

Twitter/@blackpornclips!. Black porn clips is a Twitter account dedicated to uploading black porn and interracial sex. I think black women are really sexy. I like to see an ebony beauty creaming over white dicks. I am not boasting, hell maybe I am. I have had various sexy black women creaming all over my dick. Well, that is something to boast about.One trend that has developed amongst women of different races is the fanatical obsession with getting fucked by a BBC. A black friend of mine told...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dont Stare at Black Cocks Gay

I was walking down by my house the other day while my wife and son were out of town. There was a group of black guys playing football on the street. As I walked by they said hello and I did hello back my eyes looked them over and staring saw they had pretty sizable cocks and they were partially hard. I watched as they flopped around and it made me stop walking. The guy with what seemed to be the biggest thickest cock stopped and told the others to. He then jumped up and down facing me and saw...

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Beetlesmiths Ch 04

Warning. This chapter contains strong depictions of double penetration and anal sex. If you are squeamish about such sexual practices, then click away now, although you will be missing a hell of a good story. What can I say? Sometimes folks who like the backdoor approach are also fortunate to find Beetlesmith’s magic elixir. ____________________________ Karen came back out of the bathroom wearing the strap-on device and carrying her old vibrator, ‘How do I look?’ I thought she looked...

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MollyChapter 7

The next morning, Rufus took off early out the back door. He didn't say anything to me so I looked at Jack. "Dad's gone to the barn," he said. "He's working the still today. It's an all day operation from start to finish, what with clean up and all. He and Paul take turns every weekend. Go on out there after you finish your breakfast. He should have your corn ready for you soon." "Aren't you going to come with me?" I asked. "He'll just find something for me to do out there. I...

4 years ago
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Ncis LA

You have just finished you working day at the office for special projects while walking to your car Eric walks over and ask's if you want to go to the bar that Deeks owns with Kensi and that he likes you as more than a friend you remain silent for a minute letting it sink in that the one guy you have wanted to be with for the last 2 years feels the same but your unsure as to how to feel so you tell Eric to meet you at yours tomorrow at dinner time you then climb into your car and set off for...

2 years ago
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The Door Upon Which I KnockEpilogue

We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love - Madame de Stael The little boy skipped through the green grass as he held his mom's hand. He loved playing outdoors in the grass, and even more when his mom let him take his shoes off so he could wiggle his toes in it. He looked up at him Mom and pleaded, "Could I run? I know where he is?" "I don't know. Are you sure you know where he is?" He smiled broadly as he shook his head yes. She nodded her...

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Kevin Gets His Ass Busted

Sexy little teenage Kevin, looked more like a girl than a boy! And he felt feminine too, inside. After puberty it seemed like all blonde Caucasian Kevin thought of was SEX! He would masturbate when his stripper mother was at work, slipping into her high heels and using her lipsticks! Kevin loved the transformation of himself from man to maiden, simply by being in the heels and lipstick! He just KNEW he could make a grown man hard - if he ever had the chance! Kevin would spend literally HOURS,...

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Husband likes wife8217s pussy real wet and she obliges

My wife likes to fuck and she does it a lot. She tells me about some of her fucks when I’m pumping her wet cunt. She is so sexy. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve been told some wives don’t like to fuck very much. I can only get my dick hard to get in her when her twat is real wet. I guess that’s because my first time ever in a cunt was when she took me in her bedroom and took our clothes off. She played with my pecker and then got her pussy right over my hard dick. Some...

1 year ago
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Different Strokes featuring Princess Tori

I’ve had several relationships with women, have had flings, & have had one night stands. I would consider myself your typical twenty something guy. One night, my friends & I went to a bar to flirt with some girls & see if we could get lucky.We flirted around & at some point during the night, my eyes found this girl . . She looked relaxed but not quite still, burning with energy, giving the impression that 24 hrs in the day weren’t enough for her. She was dressed in tight blue...

3 years ago
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The Consultant and the LA Submissive Slut

Jessica sat in her bed, nervously checking her phone for incoming notifications. She had just responded to an ad online for an LA dominant looking for a local submissive. There was a ding and a message popped up on her screen. It was from a mid-twenties guy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. The site listed his name as “Alex”. Jessica felt herself getting more and more excited and nervous as she read the message. “Hey - I saw that you were interested in my ad, and that you are a local...

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Sarahs Farm Adventures Part 6 Eavesdropping

Sarah's Farm Adventures Part 6: Eavesdropping.When I heard Granma yelling my name at the top of her lungs that day I freaked out because the first thing that popped into my head was that she had somehow found out I was busy screwing Henry while her and granpa were gone... I sat back up as I quickly jumped out of bed and I became extremely nervous unsure about what my Granmah wanted. She yelled my name as she approached my room saying, "Sarah, you'd best come on out here and explain something to...

2 years ago
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For Better or Worse Roberts Story

Introduction: Roberts marriage goes from better to worse in a few months time Roberts Story Robert awoke that morning by an amazing sensation that he had not felt in a long time. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his wife, Janet, slowly sliding her mouth up and down his cock. She looked up when he woke up and smiled at him. She stopped what she was doing and moved up his body. She started kissing him as she straddled him, reaching down and guiding his cock into her. Once he was in, she...

4 years ago
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Back To The Crib Pt 3

Well, when I heard that I thought two different things simultaneously. 1. Good thing she stopped fucking screaming, because I was about to get up and shove my messy dick down her throat. 2. I learned a couple of names. Ha-ha. I lifted Jenny off of my lap, grabbed the nearest pillow, stood up, and slowly made my way towards Becky. She looked at my wet, sticky dick, and then looked at me square in the eyes and the corners of her mouth twitched upwards in a small smile. “C’mon Sean. It’s nap...

3 years ago
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My first experience with Domestic Discipline

My Experience with Domestic DisciplineMy experience started as a c***d, when I was being a bratty k**, my mom would apply the hairbrush to my butt no matter where I was.My experience with partner Domestic Discipline started with my now ex-wife, who always had this in mind. Patricia was 6' and 200 lb. when we met. I found her to be big,soft and the best kisser in the world. She was a farm k** and always so darn healthy that she just glowed. I am 5'6" and 145 lb.The first time she tested the...

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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 9

Hanna had watched the whole show. She had heard what her mother said about checking to see if she climaxed as easily. Hanna wasn't sure how she felt about that. Sure, it was exciting and she did want more experiences, but it was scary too. She didn't think her big sister was hurt but she just wasn't sure. She knew how her sister acted and what she looked like when she climaxed and it wasn't anything like Hanna had just witnessed. Hanna and her sister had masturbated together before but...

4 years ago
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Mom Ki Bra Nikalne Mein Madad Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am Harsh from Bangalore. Main 24 saal ka hun, a software engineer working in an MNC. Mere ghar mein 4 log hain, mom, dad, sister aur main. Elder sister: Nandini (25 years), uski shadi ho chuki hai. My dad: Rakesh (55 years), woh bhi ek MNC mein hai. My mom: Janavi (45 years), jo ek interior designer hai. Mere dad ki job Chennai mein hai. Iss wajah se mom-dad Chennai mein rahte hai aur sister apne pati ke sath Delhi mein. Ab sidha story pe ata hun Mom: Aram se khao itani...

2 years ago
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A confusing time 1

A few blocks away there was a family of older teens, they were the cooler high schoolers that we knew, who would sometimes hang out with us if we were outside, or doing whatever it is we decided to do. We were all pretty friendly, which is where this story takes place. On a lazy Sunday afternoon I found myself without any of my friends on the block. It seemed everyone was busy, none of my family was home, and I was pretty bored, so I went outside to kick a ball around while I awaited one of...

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Young woman seeks older lover

Hi, I am Kelli. I am a 26-year-old college graduate that works in the finance industry in a very large southern city. I am not a small girl but, although I don’t consider myself fat, I am by no means petite or small. Most everyone says that I am cute but I know that I need to lose 10 to 12 pounds. I am 5’8’ tall, measure 36(firm and perky D cups with deep red silver dollar size nipples)-32-36 and have long dark hair. I work out regularly and I am toned and in good shape. I am fortunate enough...

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Fat old man

Anne and I both drink in a local pub in our village and there is this bloke, Mike, who always seems to be paying her lots of attention, he must be in his 50s and he lost his wife are Year ago. He’s always telling my wife how she reminds him of his dead wife. What’s more he’s forever giving her presents like his wife’s old jewellery, he has asked me whether I minded him giving her gifts and I told him that I really didn’t object, being that he’s lonely and harmless. Anyway, I told Anne that she...

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Das Opfer in der Schule

Denise war spät aufgestanden, denn sie hatte zur dritten Stunde. Sie trug eine Miss Sixty Jeans. Als sehr schlanke Frau konnte sie sich das erlauben. Dazu eine enge schwarze Bluse, darunter ein lila Top. Die Füße hatte sie in bequeme weiße Adidas Supertars schlüpfen lassen. Pünktlich hatte sie die Bushaltestelle erreicht und stieg ein. Um diese Zeit war der Bus recht leer. Ein paar Atzen die weiter zur Hauptschule führen saßen ganz hinten. Außerdem eine junge Frau mit Kind, und zwei...

3 years ago
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I Love Halloween

I love Halloween, not just the day, but the whole season. I go to as many costume parties as I can. I sometimes have to crash the parties, but with everyone wearing a mask no one notices me. That's the benefit of costume parties, no one notices me. The rest of the year everyone tries to avoid me, ever since the accident. Ten years ago I was riding my bicycle to school. I was sixteen and could not drive yet. There was a big hill just down from the apartment mom and I lived in. It was great for...

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Holiday in Bondage

Holiday in Bondage by "c.c." As a successful Antique Dealer, I spend a lot of time traveling around the country, usually off the beaten path, where the best deals are. I generally stay at quiet Bed & Breakfast Places out in the sticks, and it was one of these casual stop-overs that changed my life in ways I never anticipated. Janet's Inn was set back off the main road, near a woods and pond, and she ran it with help from her live-in girlfriend Jeri. Both women were attractive...

2 years ago
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Annie and Me Our Early DaysChapter 2

Her mum threw a surprise party for her on Friday night, to celebrate leaving school, so I left my second job an hour earlier and ran home to dive in the bath and get changed to go with her. We managed to be fashionably late because we ended up enjoying a sixty nine on the bathroom floor before we got dressed, she looked absolutely gorgeous in a pink flowery dress cut daringly low to show off her lovely breasts, new shoes with new stockings completed her ensemble, oh and some very sexy new...

3 years ago
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Holly Looks For Some Fun

It was a glorious morning when Holly awoke.  She was next to a hot blonde who was beautiful in every way.  She had long hair and was quite curvy. Her buttocks looked like a heart and her breasts were huge.  She was taller than Holly was.As Holly looked at her, she remembered their naughty evening.  She had been looking for something a little different from being with a man.  Lately, she found women to be more appealing.  They were gentle and more passionate about love.Holly was a bit sore and...

2 years ago
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Sherry Proves Herself Worthy

My name is Jim. I just turned 35 a couple of months ago. I married my wife Sherry nine years ago. We have two children, a son eight years old and a little girl three years old. We have a good life but there have been some rough spots. My story is about the end of one of those rough times. About two years ago Sherry and I had a big fight. She was spending much of her time with the kids and seemed less interested in spending time with me. She got involved in the PTA when our boy started first...

3 years ago
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My Sisters Horny Friend

Chapter 1 I guess just about everyone remembers their first sexual experience. I know I do and so does my sister. No, this isn't an incest story, I never fucked my sister but she was there. I was up in my room one summer morning when she came to my door and poked her head inside. "Question for you, Danny." "Yeah, sure, what." "Have you had sex yet?" Well, that came right out of the blue, my sister and I had never even mentioned sex to one another and now she asks me if I've done...

4 years ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 4

Chapter 4: Over and Done *Another lengthy one but I hope you like this one!* Adam woke up the next morning feeling the worst hangover headache he had ever experienced. Everything on his body was sore. The door bell rang startling him and it made his head ache even more. He looked around the room noticing that he was by himself, and bottles of wine still displayed all over the table and floor. His father was going to be pissed when he found out that six expensive bottles of wine were used and...

1 year ago
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Night With Aunty

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was one saturday a year ago that I stayed at my aunty's house. She is about 180 cm tall, big ass. She is 43 years old with no children. We were drinking on her back patio one night when we came across the topic of sex. We discussed each others sex stories and talked about specific details. My aunty admitted to having given at least 30 blowjobs and has had sex alot of times and has had anal sex at least twice. I have only been to second base,...

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A Kinky Threesome

A story about how my partner in bed met her old friend and we ended having a threesome. Things get kinky. [email protected] or on hangouts with the same email. Thank you.

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JulesJordan Kendra Lust Big Tit MILF Star Kendra Lust Has A BBC Celebration With Dredd

MILF Superslut Kendra Lust returns to after a 3 year hiatus to take on the NEW MONSTER COCK, Dredd. There’s not much to say about this mature beauty that hasn’t already been said, but she knows what she’s doing with her banging’ body and can devour men with it. She’s wearing a skin tight see through top that doesn’t leave much to the imagination as she calls up Dredd to let him know she’s in town for a couple of days. Kendra wants Dredd to come over to celebrate, but when he...

1 year ago
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Choices Ch 09

Saturday morning I walked around the house cooling down after my run. The grass was a little shaggy. With any luck today would be the last cutting until spring. I started up the mower and began the repetitious back-and-forth pattern that suburban squatters are familiar with. The boring work gave me time to think about my social dilemma. Nan was wild and exciting and beautiful. She was willing to share her bisexual playmates with me and would even recruit new ones, as the inclusion of Jill had...

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