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Here’s another tale based on Philippine lore (and some werewolf lore, too) for you all while I continue working on How to Tame Your Tikbalang.

While there is quite a bit of flirtation and sexual tension in this standalone short, I don’t think it really falls into any erotic categories.

For those who are curious, caldereta is a very spicy stew of goat meat simmered in thick tomato sauce with carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, liver spread, grated cheddar cheese and plenty of labuyo (bird’s eye) chilies.

Pusoy dos is a local version of Poker, kind of like a blend of Texas Hold ’em and Five Card Stud.

A talyasi is a huge wok, one big enough to cook up to 15 kilos of food in over a wood stove.

A barangay tanod is a person deputized to keep the peace in a community (barangay). Tanods serve as force multipliers for the Philippine National Police.

I love Boracay island, and have since before it opened up to the world and sprouted streets. Have fun, and welcome to my Philippines. If inspiration strikes, I may also expand this story into a full-length novel someday.


The twilight of Boracay’s magic hour is always a beautiful thing to behold, with its purples and oranges, the pinks and grays that paint the sky’s canvas and give way to the throbbing music pulsing on the beach-front, as if in reply to the rise and ebb of the incoming tide. This is the new rhythm of this paradise island and it is broken tonight by the hoarse wail of the island’s one police vehicle, a battered and little-used multicab with a faded Philippine National Police insignia on its white doors.

The main road, where the island’s traffic of tricycles, jeepneys and smattering of sedans and cargo vehicles normally flows smoothly, is blocked off near the roadside entrance to D.Mall, the place locals call ‘Divisoria on the beach’ and the more jaded Manilenos have christened ‘SM with sand and no aircon.’

Several meters into the ‘mall,’ on the side of the main cobblestone path leading past shops selling sun-block, bikinis, sarongs and offering diving gear for rent and some expensive restaurants, is a young, lithe and very dead woman, a mestiza if her light brown curls and Eurasian features are any indication of her ethnicity.

Her cadaver is cordoned off with yellow tape: ‘Crime Scene: Do not enter.’ Her still-warm body is splayed at grotesque angles, her arms and legs all broken and arrayed like the limbs of a swastika, her once-lovely face frozen in a last horrific scream of glossy red lips and perfect white teeth marred only by a drying trickle of blood down to her chin as two junior police officers are taking turns fanning flies away from the corpse’s open, glassine brown eyes ringed with thick, curly, mascaraed lashes.

One of the officers, Police Officer 1 Karlo Santino, turns away to retch into a nearby santan bush, losing his dinner in a spill of sour bile over the bright pink of the small blooms. Santino’s partner utters shocked curses and shouts urgently into a battered old Motorola walkie-talkie, calling for additional personnel at the scene while the body is in situ to disperse the growing crowd of usiseros.

This crime scene will haunt them forever: The woman’s body has deep claw marks on the upper arms. Her throat looks like it had been ripped out and a ragged hole sits where her voicebox should be. She had been ripped open from belly to brisket and the top of her itsy-bitsy, yellow polka-dot bikini lies sundered and spattered with blood and gore, baring two healthy-looking and shapely (albeit dead) breasts over the shattered splinters of what had been her sternum. Her heart is gone and, perhaps, most of her innards, and one of the responding lawmen thinks of grim puns about how a Filipina could lose her heart on Paradise Island.

Shell beads, probably from a necklace or bracelet the victim had been wearing, lie scattered and glistening in the pink-white sand and among the flagstones of the path. So much for island souvenirs, one of the officers-on-case thinks absently.

The crowd of scene oglers swells and ebbs like the tide as incoming police reinforcements and barangay tanods push them back so the mall can be closed that they may gather evidence and begin their investigation in peace. Gasps and screams and know-it-all chatter have been filling the sea air in this area over the last hour and a half since the woman was found thus splayed by a shocked Scandinavian tourist who had been looking for the public loo.

She would have to be moved out of there, to the nearest funeral parlor, for the coroner to tell them what killed her – as if the blood soaking the sand did not speak its truth, or the many, many wounds she bore did not tell the story clearly enough. Most probably, the cause of death would be listed as ‘cardiac arrest’ for want of a better explanation. Yes, the heart stops when one dies, after all.

But the thrum of music from the beachfront bars and discos does not falter. The heart of Boracay continues to beat for the island is not dead. The libations continue to pour, the revelers keep at their partying, the beachfront masseuses, tattoo artists and hawkers still go about their business. The bartenders and baristas stay busy, showing off for the crowds. This is Paradise Island, after all, and paradise does not stop for anyone.

In the dark corners of Boracay, lovers still kiss in their pretzel trysts. Laughter still scents the air with a salty, lusty tang. Night swimmers still stroke their way through the purple waves and break through the whiteness of seafoam. The island is still beautifully clad in the black of night and spangled by party lights and strobes. One horrific homicide cannot put a dent in that.


Matthew swims up from the shore, his red-gold hair glinting in the waning light of the full moon and he shakes the seawater off his hairy limbs as a wet dog would shake its coat, making the waterproof pouch at his waist jingle with keys and coin. The light tan he has acquired only limns his skin’s natural pallor in a golden sheen as he watches the moon retreat past the clouds.

Sunrise is coming, he thinks with a smile. So good to be an early riser and all that. And what a breakfast he had. Luscious, juicy, so full of energy, so sweet and hearty. Perfect fuel for the long hours of swimming he likes to put in before exploring this island and those near it. How else is one to maintain such buff musculature but to work off the calories one consumes with a vigorous swim, eh? Here, the sea is warm enough for a good, hard swim and Matthew is happy for it. I could live here forever.

With a loping stride, he makes his way back to his hotel, a posh, five-star beauty of Mactan stone, chrome and glass that sits smack in the middle of the beach facing the Grotto where the image of the Queen of Heaven watches over the sunbathers and swimmers.

Time to shower and change, to rinse off the powdery sand and see what the day holds, Matthew tells himself as he pauses long enough to watch the sun start to break through the sea in a red-gold disc over the center of the horizon, throwing the Grotto into a fleeting penumbra, dousing Mother Mary’s meek face in complete shadow, before bringing her soft smile to light.

‘Massage, sir?’ The question takes Matthew by surprise, something that makes his hackles rise and draws a growl out of his throat as he turns to see a petite Filipina in a faded blue tank top and a gaily-patterned sarong full of swimming neon fish looking up at him and holding a glass bottle of clear oil in her left hand and a large beach blanket folded over that arm, her gamine face set in a friendly islander’s smile. ‘For two hundred pesos, I promise you the best massage of your life.’

Her long, straight hair hangs down to her waist, black as night, skimming the full curve of her hips and outlining a handspan waist that tapers upward to a firm, ripe bosom that is probably as brown as the rest of her body and Mat
thew smiles a wolfish smile. ‘Aren’t you out a bit early?’ Matthew’s question hangs in the air over her head, just at a level with his bare chest, and she shrugs.

‘The earlier I get out on the beach, the better. There are a lot of beach masseurs here and I need to earn my keep, sir,’ she says coyly, almost flirtatiously, her well-shaped brows rising engagingly as she looks up at him and dark chocolate eyes clash with his light green ones. ‘Just give me an hour and you will be a new man, I promise.’

A bit too early for lunch, Matthew thinks to himself, but she looks like a tasty morsel. Why the heck not? Just a massage, then, maybe later, well, this is paradise. There is always time for a leisurely meal after a massage.

He grins down at her and nods: ‘Okay, an hour, then. For two hundred pesos. But this better be good or I’ll be sorely disappointed and I may eat you for lunch.’ His tone, in clipped Queen’s English, is just as light, as flirtatious as hers is. ‘But you must tell me your name. I’m Matthew.’

She takes his extended right hand in a firm handshake, her little brown hand looking even smaller in his massive paw. ‘Hello, Matthew. You may call me Suzy, short for Azucena. Now, let me set the blanket up and I will give you a sunrise massage you will never forget.’

Suzy walks gracefully over the still-cool sand to a level spot and spreads the thick blanket with practiced ease, sets down the oil bottle and whips her sarong off to reveal perfectly browned, lithely-muscled legs bared by short, sheer white shorts. ‘Let’s start with your back. Please lie face down.’

Matthew snaps out of his intent perusal of Suzy’s legs and complies with a smile. Okay, I know it is bad manners to play with one’s food, but, maybe this time I can have a bit of fun, eh? He stops thinking when she settles down on the backs of his hairy thighs, her firm butt wiggling a bit until she finds her balance astride him.

Oh, yes, we will play first, he decides as he breathes in deep and inhales the heady scent of flowers falling from Suzy’s dark hair and an earthy odor he cannot quite place but doesn’t find at all unpleasant.

The oil pools in the small of his pack in a cool puddle that Suzy begins to spread with fingers and palms in light, expanding circles on his back. ‘My, you are hairy, Matthew, what we like to call ‘balbon’ here. If you had been born Filipino, we’d have said your mother ate balut while she was pregnant with you,’ she comments with a whisper of a chuckle as she begins to press and rub on the tight muscles of his neck, shoulders and upper back. ‘Why, you’re furry enough to make a rug if you lie perfectly still on the floor!’

‘Mmmm. Yes, where I come from, the men are rather hairy, although there is absolutely no balut there,’ Matthew replies, a laugh in his voice and his eyes half closed with pleasure as the sun brightens the sky. ‘So, tell me, what does Azucena mean?’

‘It is a very fragrant flower,’ she answers as she moves her skilled hands down to the middle of his back, kneading and pressing, caressing and soothing. ‘You know it as the tuberose.’ Reality begins to fade for Matthew as Suzy takes her ministrations lower down his back, to the base of his spine, over his tightly muscled buttocks and down his legs.

All he hears is her voice and the crash of sea against shore is a distant thing, irrelevant, really. Her hands, her slick, small hands are making waves of their own on the shore of his skin as the sun warms it and she works his toes and the soles of his feet. She moves up again, to massage his left arm, all the way down to the fingertips, and moves on to the right arm.

‘How did you learn to speak English so well?’ He asks her sleepily, for the massage is relaxing him so, making him take his guard down, making him forget everything but the soothing motions of her hands on him. ‘The other islanders use what you call carabao English.’

Suzy smiles and pauses as she sits astride his buttocks, ‘I went to college in Manila, the University of Santo Tomas, and I hung out with the campus writers and read a lot of American and British authors as part of my course in Literature.’ Her voice sounded wistful, as if she were reminiscing about lost treasure. ‘We had English as the medium of instruction there.’

‘Turn over, Matthew. It is time to massage your chest,’ Suzy says with an abruptness that tells him she doesn’t want to dig into that particular set of memories anymore as she rises off him. He turns over and looks at her, his light eyes boring into hers as she positions herself to his left and he cradles his nape with interlocked fingers so she can pour oil down his lightly-furred chest, over his pectoral muscles and down into the grooves separating his six-pack of abdominal muscles. ‘So, if you went to college, why are you giving beach massages for two hundred pesos a pop?’

Suzy cocks her head to the side and purses her plump, red lips, her thick black lashes veiling her almond eyes as she spreads the oil and begins working her magic over his collarbone and chest and the ocean breeze carries her scent to his nose. Matthew closes his eyes and breathes her in – salt, the sweet tang of tuberose, fresh and womanly sweat and that earthy odor he still cannot identify, try as he might, keen as his sense of smell may be.

The world fades away again as he feels her fingers brushing his chest and abdomen like butterflies, then pressing down to demand the submission of his muscles. He makes a sound that is half a groan and wholly a sigh, his butt lifting slightly off the mattress. Her fingers feel so good on me, Matthew thinks with a pleasured gasp. So good on my quadriceps, on my hips. So good on my…

‘I had come home because my grandmother died and I had to take on family responsibilities,’ Suzy says briskly, matter-of-factly, her tone breaking rudely into his horny mood. ‘I’m the eldest granddaughter and I had to take care of the things she left behind, to take her place as head of the family. My mother, her daughter, died ahead of her so it fell to me. It’s not so bad, being back home, giving massages. And my good English brings me good business. So, tell me what you do for a living.’

‘I’m an ordinary guy by day,’ Matthew says as he casts her a glance over his shoulder. ‘I work in my father’s construction and landscaping company back in the UK. By night, well, I howl at the moon and ravish virgins,’ he pauses as he hears her tinkling laughter above him.

‘Seriously, I’m a bad boy by night, woof-woof-bite, and all that,’ he expostulates with a laugh, which terminates in a groan as she undoes the knots in his quadriceps and he closes his eyes from the pleasure of her hands smoothing down the skin on his legs.

Her hands stop moving and Matthew’s eyes fly open. Suzy is looking at him with undisguised and intense hunger in her eyes, massaging his scantily-clad body with those brown orbs as surely as her hands had been doing just seconds ago. ‘Two hundred pesos, sir,’ she said, a smile bringing out small dimples in her cheeks as she holds out a small hand, palm-up.

Sitting up quickly, as much to get at his waterproof pouch and draw out the money as to hide the tenting of his arousal that he was suddenly aware of, Matthew takes hold of a P500 bill and hands it over to Suzy. ‘Here. The rest is a tip. That was truly the best massage in the world. At least as far as I’ve had massages.’

She beams up at him, satisfaction showing in her mien, in the way she stands tall and basks in his praise as she reaches for the currency he is holding out to her. Matthew smiles back at Suzy, a predatory gleam in his eye as he catches her hand before she can take the money he proffers. ‘Can I see you tonight? No massage, just dinner and a walk on the beach.’

She may shy away, Matthew thinks, but she can’t hide from me now that I have her scent. It is so much better when they are willing. Outwardly, he puts on his hopeful, puppy-dog face, seeming to beg when he is actually sch

‘I’d like that. Sunset? Here? Then I can show you my Boracay,’ Suzy said, smiling even more widely her teeth bright white against the deep tan of her skin, her dimple deepening.

‘Yes, that would be perfect,’ Matthew answers as she tucks a strand of hair behind her right ear and gathers up her gear. ‘Till then.’ He lopes away to his hotel and she sashays past him, down the beach to disappear in the gathering crowd of sunbathers, her hips swaying like palm fronds in the breeze.


‘What sort of predatory animal, Officer Santino, can prowl the beach, slip unseen into D. Mall and maul a woman without anyone even seeing it? You tell me that and I’d believe your ‘mauled by a wild animal’ theory! There are no wild animals on Boracay. We’re too far from Kalawit Island for them to swim to our shores, for God’s sake!’

The squat, balding mayor of Boracay is normally a jovial fellow, more given to gales of laughter than angry bluster, and PO1 Santino is discomfited by this change in his uncle. He is also shaken by the fact that this angry, bald man who is his uncle is not doting on him now or letting him off the hook at all.

‘Sir, that is what the coroner said. He said the victim was attacked by a wild animal, possibly a very big dog…’ The mayor interrupts his nephew with a downward slash of his right hand and a blue streak of expletives in at least four Filipino dialects, Spanish and English. ‘Sir, that is what the evidence shows, including paw-prints in the flower-bed beside the victim. Paw-prints, po, with claw-marks!’

The mayor inhales deeply and holds the bridge of his aquiline nose between thumb and forefinger as he closes his eyes only to open them again and fix his idiot of a nephew with an icy stare: ‘Then find this goddamned animal and shoot it before it ruins my island!’ There are days, the Mayor thinks to himself, when nepotism just does not pay.


As dusk draws near, Suzy prepares the outdoor kitchen. The wood stove out back is now stacked with tinder and kindling, a huge talyasi sits atop the stove, gleaming, for it has been freshly scrubbed. The newly-washed concrete patch and tiled countertop where food preparation takes place is drying in the late afternoon sun and she calls her two younger siblings over in Aklanon.

‘Allan, did you go to the talipapa and get the herbs we need?’ The gangly teenage boy nods at his sister silently. ‘Good. Now, you and Jessie-Mae should arrange the knives and chopping board on the counter when it dries, okay? I’ll be going out in a while. When I get back, I want everything ready so we can cook. We have a guest coming over. Please dress well so we can impress him, okay?’ The boy nods and his eyes light up as he goes to find their little sister.

Suzy hurries out of the back yard and into the hollow-block and concrete house to change into another set of tank-top and shorts – red top and black shorts – and pull on her best flip-flops, original red and black Havaianas bought in Manila.

She pauses in front of a cracked mirror and takes a small, old-fashioned flagon with a glass stopper and dip-stick from an ancient-looking red, lacquered Chinese chest on the dresser.

The box had belonged to her grandmother and it passed into her keeping after the old lady had died. ‘This is where we keep the most precious of things,’ her Lola told her as she lay dying on the bed not two feet from the dresser. ‘Keep it well. Now, kiss me goodbye, Azucena.’

There are a few gold rings in that box, and a small amulet of old carbon steel with Latin markings embossed crudely on it. When removed from the box, the amulet hung by a black leather thong that has grown brittle with age and, perhaps, the salt air.

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MY inlaw

MY in-law.I secretly enjoyed the way my br(o)ther in-law was always undressing me with his eyes, trying to look down my top or his oops “sorry” roving hands. Although I've only been married a few years it's kind of nice to feel desirable by another man. On rare occasions I wondered what it would be like to fuck him especially when I'd rub one out or let my mind wander when my husband Mike was fucking me. My husband tries hard when we have sex but our sex life has diminished the last year. He's...

2 years ago
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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 6

Part 6 As we left the store, we decided to head over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. I wanted Burger King, but my mom said, "Taylor, it's time you start watching your figure and eating more healthy foods. Vanessa and I like the Fresh Express for salad and I think you should join us." "OK, mom. I hate salad, but with all my new clothes want to make sure they continue to fit me!" After picking up our salads, we found a table and I plopped down into my chair. "Taylor,...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

‘I will be home in about an hour, Amy. I want you to be upstairs in our room when I get home. I want you to have the spreader bar and ankle restraints holding your legs wide apart and your wrists in the restraints held up by the hook I installed in the ceiling beam. I want you wearing your blindfold as well. Do you understand these instructions?’ I said. ‘Oooh, John! Feeling frisky tonight? Ok, I will do as you say,’ she said. ‘Good girl,’ I said and hung up the cell phone. ...

4 years ago
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Suburban Fantasy

I feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...

Straight Sex
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Love Bullets and Badges Ch 01

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Also, this is not a ‘stroke’ story. It is a Romance, the sex is minimal. So, if you’re looking for a ‘stroke’ story, hit the backspace key on your keyboard. Chapter 1 ‘Love, love, love the pepper salad at Dead End,’ Darren Richards said. ‘Love, love, love half-naked girls running around there too, huh?’ Elise asked, turning from Highway 52 onto Mississippi Drive. ‘Oh, hey! They got...

2 years ago
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BrideChapter 22

Arnold stood there gasping for breath and wheezing like the dying man he was, "May I come in Thomas please? I need to sit down" I stood to one side, amazed that he'd actually dared to come her, "Sit down but don't get comfortable, you won't be staying long!" "I expect not" He sat down at the table opposite mum and took a few minutes to recover from climbing the stairs, finally though he looked at us both in turn and said softly, "I'm sorry, sorry to you both and I've come to...

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RuneswardChapter 22

Yren had re-sheathed his swords into the scabbard hung diagonally across his back and was staring at the ground, his dark blue eyes watery and pained. He’d killed. Twice. The first was from a trap he devised. The second directly from his sword. It gnawed at him. He was having trouble focusing and when he closed his eyes he kept seeing the cold, dead faces of the two people he’d killed staring back at him in accusation. He couldn’t help going over and over the two deaths. He couldn’t help but...

2 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 15

Alex got out of the cab in front of La Casa de Los Angeles and paid the driver a dollar for the six-block ride. It was a time-honored Tijuana price for a ride to any casa de putas in the city. Outside it looked dark. Boards blocked the windows and only an occasional chink let light creep out into the darkness. He walked up to the door, and, only when he was inches away and it swung open apparently of its own volition, did he realize that there was a man's dark shadow behind the screen and...

3 years ago
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Mia Pt 1

Part One - Too close for comfortShe was the sort of girl who simply did your head in. Mine at least! Part of it, of course was that I had known her almost all her life, she was after all only a month younger than my eldest son and had lived next door since she was eight months old. She was in effect the daughter I never had. I had watched her grow and was almost as protective of her as her father, my very good friend and neighbour, Pete. Mia was almost sixteen and a half and although she...

1 year ago
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Submissived Serena Santos Quarterly Cooch Conquest

Ever since joining his fathers company, our stud has been under a lot of pressure to perform. But this quarter, he exceeded all expectations. His dad wants to show him how the boys in celebrate success, so he leaves sexy Latina, Serena Santos, all tied up and ready to be penetrated by a prolific salesmans dick. He grabs her and sticks his cock inside her dripping pussy, pulverizing her from behind as she moans in delight. Serana loves feeling him go deeper and deeper inside of her almost as...

2 years ago
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Job in Nana Plaza

1 Watching a livestream of Sukhumvit Road, Na knew she’d feel like a fish out of water... Bangkok ... The lights, the traffic, the faces, streets brimming, floods of activity... One single city block had more people in its radius than Na had ever seen in her entire life, coming from a small rice farming village in Nowhere, Nakhon Phanom... Bangkok, Krung Thep, the metropolis, had so many foreigners, too, or, as the Thais called them: “farangs.” Not that she’d never seen foreigners, in...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 5

Chuck I heard a baby cry and the bed shifted a little. There was activity over by the small table that I was told was a changing table. I raised my head to see who was up and saw Nancy changing a diaper. Her little one was making noises, but not crying. I suppose since she was getting attention that was what she wanted. Wanting to watch what the process was, I turned on my back and propped my head up on a folded pillow. After she changed the diaper, she put the infant back into the...

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A camping Trip to remember More fun with Bud my

That summer spent with Jason, aka Bud was quickly becoming one of the best summer’s I’d ever had. His nightly visits after work became a habit I wasn’t willing to give up anytime soon, and before long I became addicted to his perfect body, especially his beautiful cock that had me perpetually mesmerized every time it was in my mouth or my ass. It was an addiction I wasn’t willing to give up anytime soon. We decided to get away from the realities of our everyday lives and take a short...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Chapter 3 Alchemical Solutions

Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Three: Alchemical Solution By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Free City of Baraconia, the Island of Birds The guilt, shame, anger, disgust, and self-loathing metastasized in me and then exploded out of me in a jet of uncontrollable magic, feeding on the vast reserves of power I absorbed when I debased myself with the crew of the Golden Hunger. The jet, a combination of all five...

1 year ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

2 years ago
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Meri Cousin Sali Kaise Bani Meri Gharwali

Hello friends, thanks for so many mails to me regarding my earlier stories. Today I come with another episode of my sexual encounter. This is about my encounter with my cousin sister-in-law (Sali). The main character of this episode is my SIL lets call her by Shagun as it’s not ok to take anyone’s real name which I did in my previous episodes. It all began 8 years back when she was just 21 yrs old and was doing her bachelors in arts. Shagun was a good looking girl who had beautiful eyes rosy...

3 years ago
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Further adventures

Having made the acquaintance of the lady who runs my favorite boutique, stopping by to say hello has become a new fascination. Business is shitty these days, so I arrive with coffee and sweetbread from starstrucks to help smooth over the prospect of another hour with no customers obsessed with lingerie.We've covered all the ills that beset society, politics and business, so it was only a matter of time until we started to converse about sex. Lightly into it at first; I assured her that my taste...

2 years ago
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Happy Ending

Kimiko slipped silently into the room, wearing a short floral silk robe and panties. Her black, silky hair, which normally cascaded over her shoulders, was gathered in a clip, with bangs falling over her forehead. Her client was lying face down on the mattress, resting his head on his arms, a folded towel over his muscular buttocks. Quietly, she struck a match and lit an incense stick in a holder on the bureau, and then pushed a button on the CD player. The music was quiet, pentatonic, twangy:...

2 years ago
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When I leave Ann's house with Beth in my car I ask her are you sure? she just blinks and looks at me, I say if you stay you WILL get FUCKED you WILL suck my COCK and your ASS WELL belong to ME!She nods and quietly says ok. Ok call your husband tell him something cause you will not be home tonite, but frist get naked I pull into a park and she striped and grabed her phone I pulled her close and kissed her neck and ears telling her to talk to him and do not hang up till I say. As she talks I'm...

3 years ago
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World War Campaign for BeslandChapter 7

Nobody wants to admit that their country has just gone from being a world power to being a third rate nation. In mid-morning, 17 million people lost access to fresh water. That night, 33 million people lost access to electricity. Suddenly there was no Internet, no television, no traffic lights, no refrigeration, no computers, or anything that required electricity. Stores which had computerized cash registers couldn’t ring up sales. Fast food places couldn’t prepare the rapidly rotting stores...

3 years ago
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Experience With Girl In USA

Hello everyone. This is Naveen (not real name). I am hiding my real name because the story i’m about to tell is very real, and if I told my real name here, everyone would know it’s me. I am a good looking indian guy who’s been living in Baltimore, Maryland, USA for about 8 years. I am 5’8″ tall, 25 year old, fair complexion, and good looking. When I first came to USA, I found myself attaracted to indian girls, but slowly slowly I started liking white girls also. It’s more fun talking to them...

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Master Strangelove or How I Learned to Love the Leash and Stop WorryingChapter 3

I woke up left out. My two co-slaves were snuggled up against our master, with no room for me. My sister, Becky, was sucking on his cock, while my assistant at work, Andrea, was underneath her, licking his balls. Chris let out a moan. "That's very nice, girls. Becky get on top and fuck me, like the other two did yesterday. Fuck to make me feel good. Your pleasure is secondary." Nodding, she knelt so his big erection was just below her pussy lips. Andrea gave some quick instructions on...

2 years ago
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The New Friend PT 2

“Well,” he said trying not to sound too anxious. “Here we are.” “I think I want to take a bath first.” said Kayla. “I smell like lake.” 'What?' The little horny dude that lived inside his head and ran the controls of his pecker was suddenly nervous. “That's not a bad idea.” agreed Sara. Besides, she wanted to give herself a once-over with her razor before anyone saw her naked in the light. 'NO!!' Screamed the little horny dude in his head as he hit the panic button. In Danny’s...

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Nobless Oblige

Yes, I sent you the contract and a diskette.  I think this is the version you bought.  Go ahead and cut as you suggested.                                Noblesse Oblige                                                                         by Abe        Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me:        "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride."        I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as...

4 years ago
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Dreams come true

I gave mom a strong clit suck…..I met Ann in school. She had the most beautiful smooth skin, hot lips, beautiful eyes, big tits and hot body. Long brown hair that she always kept piled up on top of her head. She was not very friendly and kept to herself. She always had a neutral look on her face. I wondered how can I get next to her. I had to get her to smile and to notice me was my first plan. I had one class with her, so I passed her a note that said: “Nobody seems likes you except me.” I...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 10

The next few weeks were spent in turning Jane into a competent fighter pilot. Karen stayed home during that time and concentrated on learning all she could about how Miami was organized and what was currently available. She was never able to find out where the original inhabitants had disappeared to. They had simply walked away from the city and were never seen again. Karen had AI search the memory banks, but he could find nothing there that shed any light on the question. Well, maybe we...

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The Bite part 4

I stopped before leading Kristin down the hallway and ran into the kitchen and drank a ton of water. I would definitely need to rehydrate for what I imagined would be in store for us over the next several hours. I didn’t plan on getting much sleep in case this was a one time thing. I hoped it wasn’t. After returning, I placed my hands back on her shoulders from behind and directed her into the bathroom across from her bedroom and flipped on the light. She was a cum covered mess and needed to...

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Joe and Stephie

I had been thinking of our encounter with Stephie and when Carmen had decided to visit her daughter, the opportunity arose for me to see if I could get Stephie to come back over for a private session. So after putting Carmen on a plane I drove home and immediately called Stephie, Surprisingly she agreed to not only come over, but since it was the weekend, she agreed to spend the night. My heart raced as I waited for her to come over and when the doorbell rang, I was at the door in record time....

2 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 17 December 31 January 3

December 31 I spent New Year’s Eve at home with Mom and Dad, watching the parties in Times Square and other places. It’s what we do every year. It was boring, really, but there wasn’t much I can do about it at age fourteen. Besides, my girlfriend is at her father’s house and she’s on her period. Plus, I don’t know if Roger Schuman would be as cool about his daughter’s sex life as his ex-wife is. Talk about cool, Becky is even teaching me what to do with hands-on sex lessons. This coming...

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Mom And Me

Hello Guys and Girls, Uncle and Aunties. I’m Karan from Tamil Nadu. Speaking of me, I’m 22 years old and I love women and girls who are much older than me. I was always fascinated towards women and girls who are much older than me right from my childhood days. The heroine of this story is none other than my mom. My mom is just like any other normal Indian woman. A bit plump with some extra skin on her sides. Those extra pounds are what makes her sexy. I forgot to mention that even though I’m...

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My First

This takes place in the summer of 2002. My boyfriend at the time and I had been dating for 6 months now. We'd fooled around and explored each others bodies many times prior to this. We had just left the movie theater, and I was house sitting for my older sister for the week. Not having to worry about getting caught, we went to her apartment and despite the slight awkwardness of being at my s*s's place, the mood was just right. We made out for a couple minutes, and he began kissing my neck and...

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1st gay fuck

Taking the last sip from my now stale beer, I figured it was time to head back to my lonely apartment. Having spent the past five years of visiting the bars and such hoping to meet up with some desperate girl or even one too blind to see who she might be sitting with, I was about ready for just about anything. Walking outside the cool night air woke me from some of my sexual depression but not enough to make me feel better. Taking the one hundred and eighteen steps to my apartment building,...

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From A to Z Ch 04

As usual this story is exclusively my property and can’t be republished or redistributed without my permission. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and not-so-innocent. Any resemblance to people living, dead or non-existent is merely a coincidence. — Zack and Adele were awakened by a rapping on her apartment door. Zack rolled over and nudged Adele, then put on some shorts and went to the door. He wasn’t surprised to see his sister and brother-in-law standing in the doorway with a...

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 52

Someone was sleeping on top of me. It wasn't Tiani either, as whoever it was, was bigger. Opening my eyes, I could see the auburn hair of Brandy. It was so brown, it was a little reddish. You would think it was dyed, but her mom's hair was like that, only with some gray intermingled. I was surprised her weight wasn't hurting my ribs as I only felt the restriction from the extra weight. I was still between the large breasted redhead, Frieda, and the small blonde, Judy. The group was very...

1 year ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 16

I had just raised my hand to knock on their kitchen door, when Kay jerked it open. She was grinning, and when I looked down, I knew why. Her shirt was up over her left hip and she was naked underneath. Kay is such a tall, happy girl and her smile makes me smile when I see her. When she swung the door open to let me enter, I noticed her pussy was as slick as the pussy I just pulled my cock out of. The thought hit me that possibly she and her mom shaved each other’s pussies like Rona and Lila...

3 years ago
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Hannah Watching LFS

"Do you remember Hannah?" Mark asked.He and his wife Caitlin were visiting us for the weekend. The four of us were out for the evening down by the harbour, eating out at Valantino's, our favourite Italian restaurant. Jess always looked forward to their visits, had fussed all week so that everything would be perfect for our dearest friends from the scene."How could I forget a woman like Hannah," I said. And I meant it. Jess punched my arm, told me to behave.Just then the waiter arrived with our...


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