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Here’s another tale based on Philippine lore (and some werewolf lore, too) for you all while I continue working on How to Tame Your Tikbalang.

While there is quite a bit of flirtation and sexual tension in this standalone short, I don’t think it really falls into any erotic categories.

For those who are curious, caldereta is a very spicy stew of goat meat simmered in thick tomato sauce with carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, liver spread, grated cheddar cheese and plenty of labuyo (bird’s eye) chilies.

Pusoy dos is a local version of Poker, kind of like a blend of Texas Hold ’em and Five Card Stud.

A talyasi is a huge wok, one big enough to cook up to 15 kilos of food in over a wood stove.

A barangay tanod is a person deputized to keep the peace in a community (barangay). Tanods serve as force multipliers for the Philippine National Police.

I love Boracay island, and have since before it opened up to the world and sprouted streets. Have fun, and welcome to my Philippines. If inspiration strikes, I may also expand this story into a full-length novel someday.


The twilight of Boracay’s magic hour is always a beautiful thing to behold, with its purples and oranges, the pinks and grays that paint the sky’s canvas and give way to the throbbing music pulsing on the beach-front, as if in reply to the rise and ebb of the incoming tide. This is the new rhythm of this paradise island and it is broken tonight by the hoarse wail of the island’s one police vehicle, a battered and little-used multicab with a faded Philippine National Police insignia on its white doors.

The main road, where the island’s traffic of tricycles, jeepneys and smattering of sedans and cargo vehicles normally flows smoothly, is blocked off near the roadside entrance to D.Mall, the place locals call ‘Divisoria on the beach’ and the more jaded Manilenos have christened ‘SM with sand and no aircon.’

Several meters into the ‘mall,’ on the side of the main cobblestone path leading past shops selling sun-block, bikinis, sarongs and offering diving gear for rent and some expensive restaurants, is a young, lithe and very dead woman, a mestiza if her light brown curls and Eurasian features are any indication of her ethnicity.

Her cadaver is cordoned off with yellow tape: ‘Crime Scene: Do not enter.’ Her still-warm body is splayed at grotesque angles, her arms and legs all broken and arrayed like the limbs of a swastika, her once-lovely face frozen in a last horrific scream of glossy red lips and perfect white teeth marred only by a drying trickle of blood down to her chin as two junior police officers are taking turns fanning flies away from the corpse’s open, glassine brown eyes ringed with thick, curly, mascaraed lashes.

One of the officers, Police Officer 1 Karlo Santino, turns away to retch into a nearby santan bush, losing his dinner in a spill of sour bile over the bright pink of the small blooms. Santino’s partner utters shocked curses and shouts urgently into a battered old Motorola walkie-talkie, calling for additional personnel at the scene while the body is in situ to disperse the growing crowd of usiseros.

This crime scene will haunt them forever: The woman’s body has deep claw marks on the upper arms. Her throat looks like it had been ripped out and a ragged hole sits where her voicebox should be. She had been ripped open from belly to brisket and the top of her itsy-bitsy, yellow polka-dot bikini lies sundered and spattered with blood and gore, baring two healthy-looking and shapely (albeit dead) breasts over the shattered splinters of what had been her sternum. Her heart is gone and, perhaps, most of her innards, and one of the responding lawmen thinks of grim puns about how a Filipina could lose her heart on Paradise Island.

Shell beads, probably from a necklace or bracelet the victim had been wearing, lie scattered and glistening in the pink-white sand and among the flagstones of the path. So much for island souvenirs, one of the officers-on-case thinks absently.

The crowd of scene oglers swells and ebbs like the tide as incoming police reinforcements and barangay tanods push them back so the mall can be closed that they may gather evidence and begin their investigation in peace. Gasps and screams and know-it-all chatter have been filling the sea air in this area over the last hour and a half since the woman was found thus splayed by a shocked Scandinavian tourist who had been looking for the public loo.

She would have to be moved out of there, to the nearest funeral parlor, for the coroner to tell them what killed her – as if the blood soaking the sand did not speak its truth, or the many, many wounds she bore did not tell the story clearly enough. Most probably, the cause of death would be listed as ‘cardiac arrest’ for want of a better explanation. Yes, the heart stops when one dies, after all.

But the thrum of music from the beachfront bars and discos does not falter. The heart of Boracay continues to beat for the island is not dead. The libations continue to pour, the revelers keep at their partying, the beachfront masseuses, tattoo artists and hawkers still go about their business. The bartenders and baristas stay busy, showing off for the crowds. This is Paradise Island, after all, and paradise does not stop for anyone.

In the dark corners of Boracay, lovers still kiss in their pretzel trysts. Laughter still scents the air with a salty, lusty tang. Night swimmers still stroke their way through the purple waves and break through the whiteness of seafoam. The island is still beautifully clad in the black of night and spangled by party lights and strobes. One horrific homicide cannot put a dent in that.


Matthew swims up from the shore, his red-gold hair glinting in the waning light of the full moon and he shakes the seawater off his hairy limbs as a wet dog would shake its coat, making the waterproof pouch at his waist jingle with keys and coin. The light tan he has acquired only limns his skin’s natural pallor in a golden sheen as he watches the moon retreat past the clouds.

Sunrise is coming, he thinks with a smile. So good to be an early riser and all that. And what a breakfast he had. Luscious, juicy, so full of energy, so sweet and hearty. Perfect fuel for the long hours of swimming he likes to put in before exploring this island and those near it. How else is one to maintain such buff musculature but to work off the calories one consumes with a vigorous swim, eh? Here, the sea is warm enough for a good, hard swim and Matthew is happy for it. I could live here forever.

With a loping stride, he makes his way back to his hotel, a posh, five-star beauty of Mactan stone, chrome and glass that sits smack in the middle of the beach facing the Grotto where the image of the Queen of Heaven watches over the sunbathers and swimmers.

Time to shower and change, to rinse off the powdery sand and see what the day holds, Matthew tells himself as he pauses long enough to watch the sun start to break through the sea in a red-gold disc over the center of the horizon, throwing the Grotto into a fleeting penumbra, dousing Mother Mary’s meek face in complete shadow, before bringing her soft smile to light.

‘Massage, sir?’ The question takes Matthew by surprise, something that makes his hackles rise and draws a growl out of his throat as he turns to see a petite Filipina in a faded blue tank top and a gaily-patterned sarong full of swimming neon fish looking up at him and holding a glass bottle of clear oil in her left hand and a large beach blanket folded over that arm, her gamine face set in a friendly islander’s smile. ‘For two hundred pesos, I promise you the best massage of your life.’

Her long, straight hair hangs down to her waist, black as night, skimming the full curve of her hips and outlining a handspan waist that tapers upward to a firm, ripe bosom that is probably as brown as the rest of her body and Mat
thew smiles a wolfish smile. ‘Aren’t you out a bit early?’ Matthew’s question hangs in the air over her head, just at a level with his bare chest, and she shrugs.

‘The earlier I get out on the beach, the better. There are a lot of beach masseurs here and I need to earn my keep, sir,’ she says coyly, almost flirtatiously, her well-shaped brows rising engagingly as she looks up at him and dark chocolate eyes clash with his light green ones. ‘Just give me an hour and you will be a new man, I promise.’

A bit too early for lunch, Matthew thinks to himself, but she looks like a tasty morsel. Why the heck not? Just a massage, then, maybe later, well, this is paradise. There is always time for a leisurely meal after a massage.

He grins down at her and nods: ‘Okay, an hour, then. For two hundred pesos. But this better be good or I’ll be sorely disappointed and I may eat you for lunch.’ His tone, in clipped Queen’s English, is just as light, as flirtatious as hers is. ‘But you must tell me your name. I’m Matthew.’

She takes his extended right hand in a firm handshake, her little brown hand looking even smaller in his massive paw. ‘Hello, Matthew. You may call me Suzy, short for Azucena. Now, let me set the blanket up and I will give you a sunrise massage you will never forget.’

Suzy walks gracefully over the still-cool sand to a level spot and spreads the thick blanket with practiced ease, sets down the oil bottle and whips her sarong off to reveal perfectly browned, lithely-muscled legs bared by short, sheer white shorts. ‘Let’s start with your back. Please lie face down.’

Matthew snaps out of his intent perusal of Suzy’s legs and complies with a smile. Okay, I know it is bad manners to play with one’s food, but, maybe this time I can have a bit of fun, eh? He stops thinking when she settles down on the backs of his hairy thighs, her firm butt wiggling a bit until she finds her balance astride him.

Oh, yes, we will play first, he decides as he breathes in deep and inhales the heady scent of flowers falling from Suzy’s dark hair and an earthy odor he cannot quite place but doesn’t find at all unpleasant.

The oil pools in the small of his pack in a cool puddle that Suzy begins to spread with fingers and palms in light, expanding circles on his back. ‘My, you are hairy, Matthew, what we like to call ‘balbon’ here. If you had been born Filipino, we’d have said your mother ate balut while she was pregnant with you,’ she comments with a whisper of a chuckle as she begins to press and rub on the tight muscles of his neck, shoulders and upper back. ‘Why, you’re furry enough to make a rug if you lie perfectly still on the floor!’

‘Mmmm. Yes, where I come from, the men are rather hairy, although there is absolutely no balut there,’ Matthew replies, a laugh in his voice and his eyes half closed with pleasure as the sun brightens the sky. ‘So, tell me, what does Azucena mean?’

‘It is a very fragrant flower,’ she answers as she moves her skilled hands down to the middle of his back, kneading and pressing, caressing and soothing. ‘You know it as the tuberose.’ Reality begins to fade for Matthew as Suzy takes her ministrations lower down his back, to the base of his spine, over his tightly muscled buttocks and down his legs.

All he hears is her voice and the crash of sea against shore is a distant thing, irrelevant, really. Her hands, her slick, small hands are making waves of their own on the shore of his skin as the sun warms it and she works his toes and the soles of his feet. She moves up again, to massage his left arm, all the way down to the fingertips, and moves on to the right arm.

‘How did you learn to speak English so well?’ He asks her sleepily, for the massage is relaxing him so, making him take his guard down, making him forget everything but the soothing motions of her hands on him. ‘The other islanders use what you call carabao English.’

Suzy smiles and pauses as she sits astride his buttocks, ‘I went to college in Manila, the University of Santo Tomas, and I hung out with the campus writers and read a lot of American and British authors as part of my course in Literature.’ Her voice sounded wistful, as if she were reminiscing about lost treasure. ‘We had English as the medium of instruction there.’

‘Turn over, Matthew. It is time to massage your chest,’ Suzy says with an abruptness that tells him she doesn’t want to dig into that particular set of memories anymore as she rises off him. He turns over and looks at her, his light eyes boring into hers as she positions herself to his left and he cradles his nape with interlocked fingers so she can pour oil down his lightly-furred chest, over his pectoral muscles and down into the grooves separating his six-pack of abdominal muscles. ‘So, if you went to college, why are you giving beach massages for two hundred pesos a pop?’

Suzy cocks her head to the side and purses her plump, red lips, her thick black lashes veiling her almond eyes as she spreads the oil and begins working her magic over his collarbone and chest and the ocean breeze carries her scent to his nose. Matthew closes his eyes and breathes her in – salt, the sweet tang of tuberose, fresh and womanly sweat and that earthy odor he still cannot identify, try as he might, keen as his sense of smell may be.

The world fades away again as he feels her fingers brushing his chest and abdomen like butterflies, then pressing down to demand the submission of his muscles. He makes a sound that is half a groan and wholly a sigh, his butt lifting slightly off the mattress. Her fingers feel so good on me, Matthew thinks with a pleasured gasp. So good on my quadriceps, on my hips. So good on my…

‘I had come home because my grandmother died and I had to take on family responsibilities,’ Suzy says briskly, matter-of-factly, her tone breaking rudely into his horny mood. ‘I’m the eldest granddaughter and I had to take care of the things she left behind, to take her place as head of the family. My mother, her daughter, died ahead of her so it fell to me. It’s not so bad, being back home, giving massages. And my good English brings me good business. So, tell me what you do for a living.’

‘I’m an ordinary guy by day,’ Matthew says as he casts her a glance over his shoulder. ‘I work in my father’s construction and landscaping company back in the UK. By night, well, I howl at the moon and ravish virgins,’ he pauses as he hears her tinkling laughter above him.

‘Seriously, I’m a bad boy by night, woof-woof-bite, and all that,’ he expostulates with a laugh, which terminates in a groan as she undoes the knots in his quadriceps and he closes his eyes from the pleasure of her hands smoothing down the skin on his legs.

Her hands stop moving and Matthew’s eyes fly open. Suzy is looking at him with undisguised and intense hunger in her eyes, massaging his scantily-clad body with those brown orbs as surely as her hands had been doing just seconds ago. ‘Two hundred pesos, sir,’ she said, a smile bringing out small dimples in her cheeks as she holds out a small hand, palm-up.

Sitting up quickly, as much to get at his waterproof pouch and draw out the money as to hide the tenting of his arousal that he was suddenly aware of, Matthew takes hold of a P500 bill and hands it over to Suzy. ‘Here. The rest is a tip. That was truly the best massage in the world. At least as far as I’ve had massages.’

She beams up at him, satisfaction showing in her mien, in the way she stands tall and basks in his praise as she reaches for the currency he is holding out to her. Matthew smiles back at Suzy, a predatory gleam in his eye as he catches her hand before she can take the money he proffers. ‘Can I see you tonight? No massage, just dinner and a walk on the beach.’

She may shy away, Matthew thinks, but she can’t hide from me now that I have her scent. It is so much better when they are willing. Outwardly, he puts on his hopeful, puppy-dog face, seeming to beg when he is actually sch

‘I’d like that. Sunset? Here? Then I can show you my Boracay,’ Suzy said, smiling even more widely her teeth bright white against the deep tan of her skin, her dimple deepening.

‘Yes, that would be perfect,’ Matthew answers as she tucks a strand of hair behind her right ear and gathers up her gear. ‘Till then.’ He lopes away to his hotel and she sashays past him, down the beach to disappear in the gathering crowd of sunbathers, her hips swaying like palm fronds in the breeze.


‘What sort of predatory animal, Officer Santino, can prowl the beach, slip unseen into D. Mall and maul a woman without anyone even seeing it? You tell me that and I’d believe your ‘mauled by a wild animal’ theory! There are no wild animals on Boracay. We’re too far from Kalawit Island for them to swim to our shores, for God’s sake!’

The squat, balding mayor of Boracay is normally a jovial fellow, more given to gales of laughter than angry bluster, and PO1 Santino is discomfited by this change in his uncle. He is also shaken by the fact that this angry, bald man who is his uncle is not doting on him now or letting him off the hook at all.

‘Sir, that is what the coroner said. He said the victim was attacked by a wild animal, possibly a very big dog…’ The mayor interrupts his nephew with a downward slash of his right hand and a blue streak of expletives in at least four Filipino dialects, Spanish and English. ‘Sir, that is what the evidence shows, including paw-prints in the flower-bed beside the victim. Paw-prints, po, with claw-marks!’

The mayor inhales deeply and holds the bridge of his aquiline nose between thumb and forefinger as he closes his eyes only to open them again and fix his idiot of a nephew with an icy stare: ‘Then find this goddamned animal and shoot it before it ruins my island!’ There are days, the Mayor thinks to himself, when nepotism just does not pay.


As dusk draws near, Suzy prepares the outdoor kitchen. The wood stove out back is now stacked with tinder and kindling, a huge talyasi sits atop the stove, gleaming, for it has been freshly scrubbed. The newly-washed concrete patch and tiled countertop where food preparation takes place is drying in the late afternoon sun and she calls her two younger siblings over in Aklanon.

‘Allan, did you go to the talipapa and get the herbs we need?’ The gangly teenage boy nods at his sister silently. ‘Good. Now, you and Jessie-Mae should arrange the knives and chopping board on the counter when it dries, okay? I’ll be going out in a while. When I get back, I want everything ready so we can cook. We have a guest coming over. Please dress well so we can impress him, okay?’ The boy nods and his eyes light up as he goes to find their little sister.

Suzy hurries out of the back yard and into the hollow-block and concrete house to change into another set of tank-top and shorts – red top and black shorts – and pull on her best flip-flops, original red and black Havaianas bought in Manila.

She pauses in front of a cracked mirror and takes a small, old-fashioned flagon with a glass stopper and dip-stick from an ancient-looking red, lacquered Chinese chest on the dresser.

The box had belonged to her grandmother and it passed into her keeping after the old lady had died. ‘This is where we keep the most precious of things,’ her Lola told her as she lay dying on the bed not two feet from the dresser. ‘Keep it well. Now, kiss me goodbye, Azucena.’

There are a few gold rings in that box, and a small amulet of old carbon steel with Latin markings embossed crudely on it. When removed from the box, the amulet hung by a black leather thong that has grown brittle with age and, perhaps, the salt air.

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Hi ISS readers Again it’s Me Zavi my mail ID today I would like to share a true story which happened about 6 years back. it’s about my maid she was around 28 years old she was tall long hair little on the dark side huge boobs not much of education. Let me come to the story well in the beginning her mom was working in my house as a maid she was very old and looked very ugly sorry to use the word ugly but really she was. my house was on the ground floor I often used to keep the door open and...

4 years ago
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3 Sussex Wife B

3. Sussex Wife Friday dawned grey, not wet but showers looked immanent, the taxi bearing Fred and Holly whisked them though the streets of the old town, up the hill and into the small shopping centre where they paused to get tea, milk and sugar, and some sausage rolls for dinner, they soon found themselves in Fairlight, “the supposed posh end of the world” Fred said rather tongue in cheek.” Fur coat and no knickers more like!” He paid the cab asking him to return at four that afternoon. He...

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Games make life better

Maria and I had been playing around with the idea of spicing up the love life after seventeen years of marriage. We exchanged fantasies to find out what got us hot when we were having alone time. It turned out that we shared one fantasy that got both of us pretty excited.Maria and I both thought about bringing another man into the bedroom but we couldn't find the right way to pull it off. We couldn't, that is until a co-worker started flirting with my wife. Bill was quite a bit younger than us....

Wife Lovers
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Learning CurvesChapter 77

Phil and Katelyn were straightening the house when Tiffany and Hailey came back downstairs. Hailey was topless and she ran into the apartment to grab a shirt. She emerged and started in on mopping the dining room floor. They finished in plenty of time and were sitting in the drawing room well before Bob arrived. “Sorry I was a bitch,” Katelyn said when she pulled Phil aside. “It just hits home for me when I see you guys doing that. I think of how easy it would be to give in, to let go. I...

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Charlie and the Factory Ch 3

It had been a while since I had been back to the Factory. Even though I had not been in some time, I didn’t want to seem like some perverted strip club addict or something. I think that ship has sailed already. My thoughts were filled with undressing women. Lillian. Keisha. And…“Hey, Shawn!”I jerked out of my trance for one second. It was Daisy in her car.“Need a ride?” Daisy said. I was waiting on the next bus. I quickly contemplated my options.“Hey, Daisy. Where you going?” I said.“Where you...

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Theres Something About Fucking a Married Couple the Toy Show 3

Oh, there were a lot of good reasons to take them up on their offer to join them for a weekend. If the video, and 'that dream' that it had spawned, weren't enough; the toy show that followed was certainly enough to leave me wanting more. I'm sure Paula and Eric had no idea of the pure carnal roller coaster of thoughts that their video had unleashed inside of me. It's not like I came right out and said that three times this week I had woken up hard and close to boiling over thinking about them....

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A tied up Surpise

A few years ago, I received a message from my master.He texted me to shave my cunt and remove all other unwanted hair.When i was finished with that i had to put some specific clothes on.He would pick me up in a hour, so i quickly went to the bathroom to shave my cunt.It was already pretty smooth, so i was quickly finished.After that i went to the bedroom, where i had to search my items that master ordered me to wear.At first i put on the garter belt panty. After that i put on my crotchless...

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ExtraCurricular Part 3

Hot student Christina and her sexy teacher Amanda have succumbed independently to competing uncle and nephew seducers Gavin and Josh McClain. Both in steady relationships, the women nurse their guilty pleasures quietly, swearing there will be no repeat performance. But neither fully appreciates the kind of guy with whom she's been tangling. And if one McClain is bad, two plotting together is a fuckmare waiting to happen...“Give me a few more years and I’m going to have a place like...

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This is a completely true story that started in the summer of 1972, and continues to this day. Lynda was 22 and I was 17 when we met. She was a counselor in a youth group that I belonged to. She had long black hair, green eyes, and perfect 34c breasts. Although there was a mutual attraction, nothing much happened. She would tease me by telling me what she could do to me, if I was 18.At the end of the summer, I met her at a going away party. She was going back to college, and I was going to be a...

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Cupids Arrows

Cupid’s Arrows copyright 2016 Brianna Luid Lori, a 56-year-old, portish, balding, closeted cross-dresser was chair dancing in front of her computer screen and webcam, joining the other dateless gurls in the chatroom on St. Valentine’s Day Eve. A lot of gurls were drinking and had turned on their webcams, so the evening had become a sort-of “lonely hearts” impromptu party. She wore ballet slippers over black tights. Her pink and black mini-skirt was adorned with sparkly pink hearts and...

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I met Laura in a hotel bar, while I was staying in a different city for a short course. It was she who approached me and ever since I've wondered whether she knew somehow that I was interested in gender issues, indeed a transgender fantasist. She never mentioned it at the bar. We got on like a proverbial house on fire, so I invited her up to my room. It was while I was opening a condom packet that she said casually, "You'll get infected anyway, you know." And then, on my startled...

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MylfLabs Blondie Bombshell Will She Cheat

By now, you may have seen videos around the web of suspicious husbands or boyfriends seeing if their partner will cheat on them given the opportunity. “Will She Cheat” focuses on that exact scenario. Our newest Labs experiment showcases a fresh approach to cuckoldry and explores whether or not these models are as faithful as they say they are. In this episode, Ruban Rolex seeks the help of Peter Green, a well-known pick-up artist. Ruban believes his wife, Blondie Bombshell, is unfaithful and...

4 years ago
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Big Beach Bulges Butts and Boobs Part 1

Before we went to Jamaica on vacation my husband Richard and I fantasized about things that could happen – sexual adventure fantasies, specifically – and we spent some time telling each other about them, which invariably turned into some very hot sex. We had never had sex outside our marriage in the five years we’d been together, nor had we invited anyone else we knew to join us in a threesome; that would come later, but when we left for the tropical paradise it had not yet happened.I was a...

Wife Lovers
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Gangbang BBW Teacher Wife

A conservative attractive BBW wife is gang fucked as herhusband watches in horror.***Debbie Vines was nervous about teaching night school atthe inner city community center. She had volunteered aspart of cooperative effort between the middle schoolwhere she taught and the church her and her familyattended. Debbie had come from a small town in SouthCarolina and had married her husband right out of highschool.Her husband Jim, had worked for ten years at a Forddealership and they had three...

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Fall of Earth

No one was expecting the bombs to fall. The Soviet Union was hit. The USA was hit. And just about every other country was hit. Humans had just about killed off their whole species. People had started villages, there was a large scale Slave trade, Government Remnants and even some deep bunkers had been found. You are a Scavenger, a former Red Army sniper. WWII ended when the Nazi forces launched ICBM's at every major country. The Soviet Union and the USA fired back, destroying Nazi Germany...

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How a stranger changed our lives

I can honestly say on the surface and during most parts of every day, Chris and I have a normal American family life. We live on a lovely farm, ride horses and play tennis together, travel quite a lot, enjoy summer’s at our shore house, and we are close to our families and friends in the community. If you were an outsider looking in I’m completely sure you’d think we had as close to a perfect marriage as possible this day and age. What people don’t realize about our relationship is that...

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Online Encounter

Saturday night alone, I was so bored needed a distraction and I kept seeing these banners on the laptop of meeting strangers tonight. Could I really meet someone just for sex, I wanted it so badly though. I plucked up the courage, got on one which had lots of beautiful pictures of fit people, I was so nervous. Took me nearly 3 glasses of vino to fill in the form and upload a picture of my breasts squeezed into a tight corset for the Halloween party last year. I thought I could get lucky, or...

4 years ago
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TrialsChapter 6

“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...

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The Seduction of Angelinas Asshole

Based on a true storyAngelina: I need sexual healing--John: Put your finger on the button... Angelina: I am wet--John: ...and close your eyes Angelina: My pussy is tightening--John: Slow circular massage, let go... Angelina: stop it--John: feel the tip of the tongue probing the folds of your pussy lipsAngelina: tingles--John: and dips inside, you try to close your legs, but you can't. Hands hold them apart.Angelina: Oh John--John: The tongue is flicking your clit and you try to move up in the...

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The Good Wife Is Bad 20

Derek and I lay there on the sofa in the aftermath of our lovemaking, dozing happily. It was odd. I felt somehow liberated and carefree, yet I had a husband and children back home. I had lied to them to be here, and yet I felt detached from the situation. For the first time in a long time I felt content. I wasn’t completely happy, because I felt bad for Bryan and what I was doing to him and what could happen if he found out, but I felt oddly at peace with myself and the situation, as if I had...

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The Package DealChapter 9 Floral Arrangement

Lily is flat-chested. Rose has B-cups, but Lily gives only hints of her future potential. She is also still wearing clothing, something none of the rest of us is encumbered with, as we lie on the bed. She has a pair of shorts and a t-shirt top. Her hair comes down to her shoulders and is, as with all Filipinas, black and straight. Compared to me, at her age, she is a little slip of a thing. I had felt like a sausage. There is no sausage appearance to Lily. She is thin and probably weighs...

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“Email me a list of suggestions and I will respond.” Compiling a list for her was easy as I let my fantasies run wild. 1. You are sitting on my rock hard cock facing my feet, while you suck another cock. 2. You are sitting on another mans face, sucking my cock. 3. You are sitting on my face. I have your ass cheeks in my hands, while you are sucking another mans cock. 4. You are laying on your back with your head on my lap while another man licks you to orgasm while I tease your...

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Karmals Saga

Karmal leaned back in her well upholstered seat as the whine of the executivejet lulled her comfortably into a relaxed state.Her racing thoughts continuedto race within her mind as she tried to get a firm grasp on her good fortuneover the past 2 days when she had been hired by the W_S-T_N Corporation. Karmal over 3 months ago had escaped from the confines of a Mexican SlaveFarm and had sought employment once she returned to the U.S..She had just aboutbeen on the point of despair as she got the...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 5 The Old Homestead

Two weeks later Clair called and Jim and I both were on the phone as she said, "You two performed some kind of a minor miracle. Nancy has stopped misbehaving, her grades are excellent. She is the manager for the high school basketball team, she has a part time job two days a week, and she is dating several of the nicest boys in town. She is a pleasure to be with. She always has this positive glow about her. Getting her into horseback riding was a brilliant move. She is a very happy,...

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Lisa Ian

Later, she was unsure precisely just when she fell in love with him.It had all been so gradual, almost like something sneaking up on her.The cause had been serendipitous, if you could call a car breakdown that. Lisa had been driving home on a Friday, after a grueling week laboring in the accounting office where she worked. It had been a really hard week, she was amazingly tired, and just wanted to get home, have a bath, and then drift off to sleep.She had nothing planned for the weekend or that...

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1994Chapter 7 Sammy is Indispensable

Mr. Tom Collingsworth's visit to his new space in our building was heralded as a major achievement for us. Having a member of the board of directors of some of our realty trusts house his company in the headquarters building was viewed as a prestigious event. John Oldham and Suzanne joined me in welcoming Mr. Collingsworth, and they hung around for the complete tour. Daniel McDonald actually wore a suit for the occasion. He proudly pointed out how effectively he had interpreted the...

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DeepLush Ivy Lebelle True Lust

Ivy Lebelle and I have always had amazing chemistry and after a long time we finally got to shoot another scene together. We have an intense and intimate connection and instantly are all over each other. This is a really natural scene with a lot of kissing and close moments mixed with more rough moments while we fuck with my hand around her throat. She has multiple intense orgasms throughout the scene. She gives me an amazing blowjob and licks my ass. The scene ends with me using a hitachi on...

3 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons21 A Caring Intervention

“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...

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Jasons TaleChapter 15 The Piratesrsquo Response

While an alarm could come at any time during the day, it was most likely at dawn when all of our lookouts first got a good look at the sea. And, until the sun was up, the eastern lookouts couldn’t see any signal-fire smoke from the western towers. We had an alarm gong at Jayport, hanging next to the docks. It had been hammered out of brass and it didn’t make a loud noise that could be heard over cars and trucks and all the sounds of a modern industrial Earth city. It was plenty loud enough...

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The Submissive Takes Control 2

I feel the love for us increasing and I think I'm in for a fun-filled BDSM relationship connection with Elizabeth. We both know that BDSM role-plays fantasy relationships increase the pleasure of sex. We want to explore our sexual fantasies together. I take my shower and get ready. Liz is showering in the other bathroom. I put on a pair of dark Levi's and a dark black Levi's button-down. I put on my black leather jacket. Liz puts on her leather pants and a change of a blouse.This one is...

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Ass Fucking My Wifes Best Friend Part 2

‘Oh, I am sorry.’ Fortunately it was my wife Eve, who burst in on us and not Lena’s husband the firearms enthusiast. Whatever your personal opinion on gun control, I much prefer a husband to be unarmed should we meet while I am in the act of cuckolding him. A wife is better than an armed husband. A wife that begins by actually apologising when discovering her man buried in the ass of her best friend, well that is something special. Eve had heard Lena scream followed by a crash as the...

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Mariels Erotic Dream did it happen

It was billed as 'An erotic experience for women'.Jilly phoned me and relayed in an excited state, news about a new underground show for women.It was early in the morning and she had been told by her daughter, of all people, about live sex scenes, too graphic to describe, though I suggested her daughter was too embarrassed to tell her, but it had me interested so I agreed to go along with her and a few others, to be titillated and seduced by its charms.An underground show is a walk-in...

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BreakdownChapter 3

"Sir," Angel ventured softly, "may I call you Master when we're being intimate?" Her eyes were filled with so much love and hope that he couldn't say no. He acquiesced with a nod, and drew her back into his embrace. Across the room on the sofa, PeeJay had watched the proceedings with more than casual interest, but she had been bound for some time now. She was thirsty, and had begun to lose feeling in some of her extremities. More irritating that that, however, was the fact that she was...

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Meri Bholi Girlfriend Part 4

Hello friends. Main Ayush fir se hazir hu kahani ke agle part ke saath. Ye meri kahani ka agla part hai. Ye bhi real incidents par based hai. To ladkon apna lund apne haath mein le ke aur ladkiyan apni ungli apni chut mein daal ke taiyaar ho jaiye. Ek aur dhamakedar kahani ke liye. Agle din jab Vaani ki nind khuli to room mein koi nahi tha aur uske pure badan pe muth hi muth tha. Chaaro taraf tripods pe fone lage hue the. Woh himmat kar ke uthi aur 1 fone tripod se nikaala. Vaani: Videos...

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