Shanika At The Plantation Club Chapter 17 free porn video

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Chapter 17 - The Good Samaritan

Shanika walked down the street hoping to avoid meeting anyone in her unclothed condition, but painfully aware of the miles to go to reach her apartment. No one was on the street, but occasionally cars went by and she was sure people could see her from their windows.

After a few minutes she saw someone coming the other way. An older white man was walking carrying a bag of groceries. She could see he had graying hair and and a graying beard. He wore an old army field jacket and worn blue jeans. He looked up with a shocked look on his face as Shanika approached him.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, trying with limited success to be a gentleman and not stare at the black woman's nakedness. "What happened to you, miss? Are you hurt?"

Shanika went and stood in front of him. She didn't know how she could explain how she got in this predicament.

"No, sir, I'm not hurt," she said. "I know I must be a sight, sir. This was just a prank that got out of hand. But I do need some help as you can see."

"Of course, I'll help you," he said. He set down the bag and took off his field jacket and offered it to her.

"Thank you, sir," she said, putting on the jacket. "You're very kind." The jacket wasn't quite long enough to cover her much below the waist.

"I live in a building on the next block," he said, picking the bag back up. "Let's take you there and get you inside and cleaned up. I know I've got something you can wear."

"Thank you very much, sir," she said humbly.

As they walked along, a city bus passed them. Shanika glanced up and saw the passengers looking back at her. Obviously the man's jacket wasn't sufficient to cover her up, she realized. Her naked ass was still on display for anyone to see.

A white couple out for a stroll passed them going the other way. The man stared while the woman pulled him along and shot an angry glance Shanika's way. A car load of young men went by and they honked their horn and yelled incomprehensibly as they passed. Shanika's face was hot with shame. Her pussy was on fire. She could tell her scent was even stronger than that of urine left on her by the teenagers.

They arrived in front of a nondescript brick faced building with concrete steps leading up to a wooden double door with large glass windows set in it. The man produced a key and let them in. The lobby was kind of dinghy, the paint old and the linoleum floor grubby. The man led them to an elevator and he pressed the button.

He turned to her as they waited for the car to arrive.

"What ever happened to you?" he asked, his wrinkled his nose. "That must have been some prank. What was it? Some kind of initiation or something?"

That sounded plausible to Shanika. "Yes, sir," she said. "That's all."

She felt guilty for lying to the kind stranger, but she wasn't ready to go into all the hows and whys of what led her to be found wandering the streets naked reeking of piss and pussy.

The bell rang and the elevator door opened. A white man started to step out. Shanika saw his eyes go right for her naked crotch. She knew he could see her shaved pussy and flushed with embarrassment.

The man looked back up at her companion. "Ernie," he said. "Who's your friend?" The man leered at her again.

"Just someone who needs some help, Charlie," he said. "Nothing for you to get concerned about."

Charlie stepped out of the way and Ernie led Shanika onto the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. The door shut while Charlie continued to enjoy the view of Shanika's naked black ass.

"No offense, miss," he said at last, "but first thing is to get you showered. You k**s today. I don't know what you'll do next."

"I'm sorry to be so much trouble to you," she said, her eyes downcast. "You are very kind to help me this way."

"Don't worry about it," he said. "I have a daughter your age who's off at college. I want to take care of you the same way I'd want somebody else to take care of her in a tough situation."

"Oh," said Shanika. "I hope bringing me home won't cause a problem with your wife, sir."

"I doubt that'll happen," Ernie laughed. "She's home living in my house. I'm not married anymore."

"I'm sorry, sir," she told him. "It wasn't my place to say anything."

"Relax!" he said. "No offense taken. That's all my problem. Not yours."

The elevator stopped and they got out. Ernie opened the door to his apartment. The white man waited for Shanika to enter ahead of him.

Like the rest of building Shanika had seen so far, the apartment was off white but obviously hadn't been painted in quite a while. Pictures of the man along with a smiling dark haired younger white girl decorated the walls. The floor was covered in gold colored carpet. A sofa, a straight backed chair and a recliner were all positioned pointing at an old television set.

"Well, this is home for me," he said, placing the groceries down. "The bathroom is down the hall. Go get washed up, use any towel you can find. I'll hunt up some clothes for you. Looks like you'll be wearing mine, I don't think anything my daughter left here would fit you."

"Thank you so much, sir," said the colored woman.

Shanika slipped off the field jacket in front of her host and she noticed him blush, but also that he failed to tear his eyes away from the view of her body she gave him. The negro girl was very aware of the fact that she was alone in this stranger's apartment, not just completely naked, but without any of her own clothes at hand. She felt the dampness between her legs growing. She smiled at him and went down the hall to where he'd said the bathroom was.

The bathroom was in the same condition as the rest of the place and suffered from the neglect a lone man would give it. The tub was a little grimey, she noted as she ran the water and stepped in. The warm water felt good on her skin. She soaped herself up with the bar soap there and scrubbed herself thoroughly. She wanted to completely wash away her earlier experience with the white teenagers from the bus.

Her thoughts then turned to her host. Her champion. Even though the notion of walking the streets naked through the actions of others excited her, she was intelligent enough to realize how dangerous that could be. She knew she was fortunate to have encountered someone who would help her rather than give her torments far worse than what she'd already received that night.

She heard the door open and for a moment felt a twinge of excitement thinking the man would join her. But he only spoke from the hallway without entering.

"The bedroom's on the left," he said. "I layed out some clothes for you. It's not very feminine, but it'll cover you up."

"Thank you, sir!" she called to him. She heard the door close and felt her excitement replaced with a sense of disappointment.

Clean at last, she stepped out of the shower and dried herself with a towel that clearly hadn't been washed for weeks. She stepped into the hall and went to the bedroom. Sweat pants and a tee shirt were layed out on the bed for her. A chair near the door had a terry cloth bathrobe on it. She decided to put on the robe and forego the sweats even though she knew it wasn't what he'd intended.

Shanika walked out into the living room and found Ernie sitting in the recliner reading a magazine. Hearing her approach he turned to look at her.

"Oh," he said, observing the barely closed robe. "I laid out some stuff on the bed for you."

"I'm sorry, sir," she lied, "I thought you put the robe on the chair for me."

"That's ok," he responded, continuing to enjoy the look of the young black woman dressed only in his robe. "Oh, by the way, in case you hadn't already picked up on it, I'm Ernie. I don't think I know your name."

"Forgive me, sir," said Shanika. "I should have introduced myself. My name is Shanika."

"That's ok, Shanika," Ernie replied. "That's a beautiful name."

Shanika blushed and cast her eyes downward. "Thank you, sir."

"Please, Shanika," he said, "you don't have to call me sir. Ernie, will be fine."

"I'm sorry, sir, er, Ernie" she told him, "it's not easy for me to call a man by his first name that way. It seems so familiar. I don't feel right about it."

"Ok," he put up his hands, "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"I don't want to offend you, sir," she went on, "and not call you as you wish to be called. Ernie."

"Sir will be fine," Ernie said. "Perhaps it's better that we stay on a formal basis. You're a beautiful young woman alone in a strange man's apartment."

Shanika blushed again. In spite of everything that had transpired this night, she felt her arousal level increasing.

"Anyways," he continued. "You'd better off in the clothes I layed out for you. Why don't you get dressed and I'll drive you home."

"Yes, sir," Shanika answered and turned and went down the hall.

She was disappointed that he didn't appear interested in her and she didn't think it was her place to push it any further. As she walked by the bathroom she suddenly got an idea. There was something she could do for him.

Shanika went in and looked in the cabinet under the sink. It was stocked with cleaning supplies. Likely not used in quite a while, she thought. She got out the necessary items and hung the robe on the back of the door to keep it clean.

The black woman started in on cleaning the sink and then moved on to clean out the tub. She knelt next to the tub and leaned into it, scrubbing the grime off, leaving it sparkling clean. After a few minutes she became aware of the man's presence. She quickly turned around and still naked on her knees looked up at him.

"I thought you were going to get dressed so I could take you home," he said.

This time he made no effort not to enjoy the sight of the nude young black woman on her knees on his bathroom floor. Shanika was pleased to notice the bulge in his pants. He had been there for at least a couple of minutes and was obviously enjoying the view.

"Please, sir," she said, "let me repay your generosity first. I don't want to offend you, but it looks like this place could stand some cleaning. Allow me to please you."

"Believe me, you're pleasing me right now, Shanika," he told her as he continued to drink in the image of the naked black woman kneeling before him.

Shanika blushed and cast her eyes down. "Thank you, sir," she smiled. "I'm glad that I please you."

"Don't you think you should put some clothes on?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, sir," the young black woman apologized. "I didn't want to mess up your clothes while I was cleaning. I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, no, I'm not offended," the older white man objected. "It's not that at all. I just know you're about the same age as my daughter, but at the same time I am a man, and it's been a while since I've enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh, so to speak. I'm finding it difficult to continue acting fatherly towards you."

"You are very kind, sir," Shanika said. "I want to serve you any way I can."

"I don't think I've ever met anyone like you before," he said. "You're so polite and respectful. It's refreshing, for sure, but I don't know quite what to make of it. Is this part of the initiation prank, too?"

Shanika felt a little caught in her lie now. She knew it wasn't right for her to continue the fabrication of the initiation, but she was afraid of how he'd react to the truth.

"No, sir," she said at last. "I believe that people like you are deserving of my respect and service."

"People like me?" He was puzzled. "Lots of people would have helped you."

"I don't mean that, sir," Shanika said, approaching the moment of truth. "I mean white people."

Ernie's expression of bewilderment deepened. "Why?"

Shanika swallowed hard. "Because I am a nigger, sir."

"Excuse me?" he said.

"I'm a nigger," she repeated. "I want to serve and please you, sir."

The negress felt totally embarrassed by her confession, yet still compelled to make it. She hadn't admitted to anyone who didn't already suspect it before. She looked back up into his face to try to gauge his reaction, but it was hard to read. She glanced down and saw that the bulge in his pants was undiminished. If anything it was bigger. She felt a small measure of relief seeing that.

"Damn," said Ernie. He paused for a long moment, shifting uncomfortably on his feet trying to hide his erection. "I didn't know there were black women like you."

"There are, sir," Shanika replied.

The colored woman could feel the increase in her heartbeat and the familiar tingle in her pussy. She was concerned that it might not be her place to lead him, but at the same time she felt certain that he wanted her and just needed a little help to be comfortable.

Without breaking eye contact with the white man she clasped her hands behind her head and rose up slightly until she was standing on her knees.

"Please allow this nigger to serve you, sir," she asked.

Shanika saw the lust in the white man's eyes as he stood, mesmerized by the sight of her submissive display, before she respectfully cast her eyes downward. She could hear her heart beating and she could clearly detect the smell of her own scent. After what seemed an eternity, she heard him step towards her and she could see his sock clad feet on the floor in front of her where she knelt.

"All right," he said at last, "serve me."

The black girl let her arms down and looked up into the white man's face and smiled at him.

"Thank you, sir," she said warmly. "You honor this nigger."

Shanika turned her attention to the task at hand and reached up and undid Ernie's belt. Next she unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the fly. His erection sprung out when she lowered his pants and shorts together down past his knees.

The black woman looked back up at him as she grasped his cock with both hands and smiled again. She squeezed the shaft with one hand and caressed his balls with the other. She felt him shudder as she slowly but firmly started stroking him. Looking back down she could see the pre-cum on the tip of his dick and leaned forward to kiss it two or three times before leaning back and looking up at him again. A long strand reached from his cock head to her lip. His eyes were glazed and his mouth was slightly open, clearly enjoying himself.

Shanika smiled again and moved to slip his cock between her lips and gently sucked him for a bit before starting to bob her head in earnest. She heard him moan with pleasure. She slowed the pace while increasing how much of him she took into her mouth, which elicited another moan from him.

The negro girl kept it up until her jaw began to ache at which point she let him slip out of her lips and began to lick his cock and balls. She felt his hand gently stroking her hair and she looked up at him.

"I can't keep standing here, girl," he said softly, almost apologetically.

"I's sorry, suh," Shanika said, feeling a slight thrill at hearing him call her 'girl'. "You kin use dis nigga how you like. You jus' tell me how you want me, an' I do it."

"In the bedroom," said Ernie, slightly breathlessly.

"Yes, suh," she said, rising to her feet.

The white man stepped out of his pants and walked to the bedroom, the negress right behind him. His hard on bounced with each step. He lay on his back on the bed, she climbed in after him.

"You wants dis nigga keep suckin' yo' cock, suh?" she asked. "Or maybe you wants to use my coochie now."

"Yeah," he said, looking at her smiling face. "Gimme that coochie, girl."

"Mmmm, yes, suh!" she said happily.

Seeing that he made no move and was still on his back, Shanika climbed on top, straddling him. She reached down and grabbed his cock and guided it into her pussy. The colored girl was so wet the white man's cock slid right in. She lowered herself down on him, taking his entire length inside her.

"Ah..." he murmured. "Damn, that feels good, girl. It's been so long..."

"I's glad dis nigga pleases you, suh," she told him as she continued to slowly fuck him. "You jus' relax an' enjoys yo' se'f. Yo' nigga gon' take real good care o' you."

Shanika could feel the white man's hips bucking back at her as she continued to ride him. Her breasts shook with every stroke. He bucked harder. She stroked faster, squeezing his cock with her vaginal muscles. She saw the slight change of expression in his face and knew he was close.

"You like usin' yo' nigga, suh?" she panted, her sweat dripping onto him. "You like usin' her nigga coochie?"

"Yeah," he gasped. "Oh, yeah..."

"Dat's it, massa," she cooed in a husky voice, "use yo' nigga. Use me, massa."

"Oh, fuck!" the white man cried. "Fuck!" He looked right into her eyes as he filled her pussy with his hot sperm. "You fuckin' nigger! Oh, fuck!"

"Oh, massa!" exclaimed the colored woman, smiling broadly, "you cummin' in yo' nigga! Dat's right! Give me yo' cum. I needs yo' cum, massa!"

"Ahhh..." he sighed, closing his eyes, and started to relax.

"Thank you fo' usin' yo' nigga, massa," Shanika said, still squatting over him. "Thank you fo' cummin' in my coochie." She smiled down at him. "Kin dis nigga get up and have the honor o' cleanin' yo' cock off?"

Ernie opened his eyes again and looked into the negress's expectant face.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "I'd love that."

Shanika dismounted the white man, his cock slipping out of her pussy. Lowering her face to his dick, she began to gently lick the combination of semen and pussy juice off of it. She kissed the tip a couple of times when she was finished with the task and turned towards him to see what else he desired from her. He held his arms out to her and she lay next to him, resting her head on his chest.

"Dis nigga thanks you fo' the honor o' cleanin' yo' cock off, massa," she said softly.

"That was incredible, girl," he said. "I know I've never run across a girl like you. I've always had fantasies about black girls, but damn! I never considered the possibilities."

"Thank you, suh," she said softly. "I's glad I please you."

"Oh, you please me all right," Ernie replied with a smile. "It's going to be hard having to take you home."

"You ain't gotta take me home, suh," Shanika stated. "I stay here wit' you if'n you want me to."

"Don't you have classes or something in the morning?" he asked.

Shanika realized she couldn't go on with deceiving him.

"I need to beg you to forgive me, sir," she said, looking away from him, slipping out of the plantation slave persona. "What happened to me earlier wasn't part of an initiation or anything like that."

"It wasn't?" he asked, surprised.

"No, sir," the colored girl continued. "I met some young white people on my way home. One of them recognized me. He told me to come with him and his friends and serve them. I did like they said."

"I don't understand," Ernie responded. "How did that end up with you wandering the street naked?"

"They wanted to use me," Shanika told him. "They had me strip for them. They used me. They locked me out of where my clothes was when they was done with me."

"I still don't get it," he said. "Did they threaten you?"

"No, sir," she went on, looking away from him. "I just had to do what they said. Even though they were young, they were still white. I'm a nigger so I got to do what they say."

"Wow," he exhaled. "You take this very seriously."

"Yes, sir," Shanika agreed. "I learned to love serving and pleasing white people. I feel it's my place."

"So you liked what they did to you?" he was incredulous.

"Yes, sir, in a way," she said. "They hurt me. I was scared. But I still wanted it. It's hard to explain, sir."

"Damn, girl," Ernie said after a long pause, "you are a nigger."

Shanika felt an electric thrill run through her body hearing him say it. She had calmed down from having sex with the white man, but she could feel herself heating up again.

"Dat's right, suh," she said, her voice lowered slightly with lust. "I's a nigga. I wants to serve you."

She could see his once flaccid cock begin to stiffen again and turned her head to watch for a few seconds. She turned back to the white man.

"Kin dis nigga touch yo' cock, massa?" she asked. "I be honored if'n you say yes."

"Fuck." he said. "I can't believe you're getting another rise out of me, girl. But, please, go ahead!"

Shanika wrapped her hand around the white man's cock and squeezed it.

"You ain't gots to say please wit' me, suh," she said, her voice positively sultry now. "You just gots to say 'do it, nigga', k?"

"You want me to call you nigger?" he asked, his voice cracking as the negro woman continued to masturbate him.

"Yes, massa," she went on, stroking him slowly. "I's a nigga. I be honored if'n you call me what I is. Please, massa."

"Ok, nigger," he said, his arousal mounting. "If that's what you want."

"Yes, suh, it is," she told him plainly. "You like what I's doin', massa? Do it feel good fo' you?"

"Yeah," he murmured.

"What you want me to do, massa?" she asked. "I do anythin' you want. I suck yo' cock. You kin fuck my coochie. You kin fuck my ass. I do what you want. You jus' gots to tell me."

"I like what you're doin' now just fine, girl," he said contentedly.

"Then, tha's what I be doin', suh," she said, jacking him off faster.

"Ohhh..." he sighed, letting the pleasure he felt wash over him.

"You likes havin' yo' nigga girl dis way?" she cooed. "You likes havin' her hands on you?"

"Uh huh," he uttered.

"I want to suck you, massa," she stated. "Kin I? Please?"

"Oh, fuck!" he exclaimed. "Yes! Do it!"

Shanika quickly repositioned herself to take his cock into her mouth without letting go of it with her hand. She lowered her head over him, his dick slipping between her thick lips. The colored woman let her tongue swirl around over the tip. She could taste the pre-cum. Her hand kept working his shaft. The white man moaned with pleasure.

The negro girl could tell he was getting close again. She gave him short strokes at the base of his cock while she bobbed her head over the rest of it, slurping wetly and noisily. At last she was rewarded as she felt him release in her mouth. She swallowed it all greedily, not a drop escaped.

"Ohhh..." he gasped and tensed for a second or two and then relaxed.

Shanika held the white man's cock in her mouth until she felt it soften completely. She let it slip from between her lips and licked it completely, finally kissing the tip before returning to lying snugly against his side.

"Thank you, suh," she said softly. "Dis nigga 'preciates you lettin' her suck you dat way. And thank you fo' yo' cum, massa."

"It was my pleasure, nigger," he said, hoping to make her happy.

The black girl experienced another warm tingle in her pussy hearing him say it and snuggled closer to him. They lay that way for several minutes before Ernie finally spoke.

"I can't believe the life you breathed into me, girl," he said. "You are amazing."

"Thank you, sir," Shanika blushed.

"You know, we could go fetch your things now," he went on. "Why don't you get into those sweats I layed out for you and we'll go do that."

The black woman thought about protesting that he didn't have to do that for her. But she could tell that he really wanted to help her that way. She recognized the fact that it wasn't her place to object. "Yes, sir," she said. "I'd surely appreciate that."

"Ok, then," he said, sitting up.

Shanika climbed out of the bed and found the sweat pants and tee shirt where they'd fallen onto the floor. She put them on as Ernie went back to the bathroom to fetch his pants from where he'd left them.

She went out into the living room to find him already dressed and waiting for her.

"See if you can fit into my daughter's sandals there in the closet," he instructed her.

The black woman slipped into the slightly too small sandals and followed the older white man into the hall. The ride down and the walk to the alley was uneventful and they proceeded in silence.

"It was down there," Shanika said, indicating the alley.

"Alright, let's go see," replied Ernie.

They picked their way through the dark arriving at the boarded up door.

"In here, sir," she said, once again trying the door without success.

"Let me," said the white man.

Ernie also found the door stuck. He reared back, lifted his boot clad foot and kicked the door. It flew open. The smell of sex and urine greeted them along with the faint odor of rotting garbage and stale cigarette smoke. He took a flashlight out of his jacket pocket and turned it on, flashing it around the room.

"Whew!" he exclaimed. "I thought this place was getting renovated, but not like this. What a stench! What a mess!"

Shanika saw the pull string for the light and gave it a tug. Suddenly the squalid scene was illuminated. She saw her clothes on the floor where she'd left them. She also saw the mattress with two big wet spots on them.

"So this is where those punks used you?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she replied, blushing.

She felt shamed showing this man the place of her degradation. But she could tell she was getting aroused as she relived some of it in her mind.

"It stinks in here. What did they do?" he asked.

"I had to suck one off," she recounted. "Another used my ass. The third used my coochie while his girlfriend watched. Then she made me lick her pussy. After that she peed on my face, sir."

"Fuck," he said. "So you'd do anything they said?"

"Yes, sir," Shanika admitted, her face hot.

"And you'd do anything I said?" he asked.

"Yes, suh," she said a hopeful sound in her voice.

"Get naked, nigger," he ordered. "Get on that stinkin' mattress and put your fat black ass in the air. I'll be right back and I expect to find you like I just said."

"Right away, suh!" said the negro woman.

She undressed as Ernie pushed the door back into the door frame. The part where the latch plate belonged was in splinters so the door didn't stay all the way closed. Naked, Shanika knelt on the mattress and bent over, her ass in the air. She waited in that exposed position until he returned. She heard the sound of him unzipping his fly. Her pussy grew wetter.

"Open those legs more, nigger," he barked.

"Yes, suh!" she said and quickly complied.

Shanika could feel a cool draft on her wet pussy, now completely exposed to the white man at his command. She couldn't believe it was the same man who had kindly helped her out of her predicament a few hours earlier.

"So you like to be used?" he asked. "Is that it?"

"Yes, suh," she answered meekly. "Dis nigga needs to be used."

"Ah," he said. "You need to be used..."

She suddenly felt his weight on the mattress behind her and his hard dick at her cunt hole. He jammed it in and immediately began pumping her furiously. Her pussy was on fire. She was prepared to be fucked and had been expecting it since he ordered her into this demeaning "presenting" position. The ferocity of it took her completely by surprise.

"Oh!" she gasped.

She could hear his pelvis slapping her fat black ass like slow clapping. She could feel each thrust like a blow. She was very aware of her breasts shaking, almost painfully, in response to each stroke. The evenings activities had left her horny and unfulfilled, but still easily rearoused. She was warmed up already and could feel her climax starting to build.

The white man fucked her relentlessly. Her well used cunt was swollen and sore. At one level she felt pain in her tender pussy as his cock slammed in and out of her. But on another level it was pure pleasure. Somehow she knew she'd get her release this time.

"Is this the kind of use you want?" he said, the exertion audible in his voice as he continued to pound into her. "This how a nigger should be used?"

"Yes, massa," she said breathlessly. "Use yo' nigga dis way! You usin' yo' nigga good now, massa."

She could feel his balls hitting her in the crotch as each stroke drove the full length of his cock deep into her cunt. She lowered herself until she was resting on her elbows instead of her hands to brace herself against being pushed forward by the impact. She felt so close.

"Massa!" she cried out. "Kin dis nigga cum now? Kin dis nigga cum for you?"

"No!" he answered. "Take some more first!"

He bucked into her even more forcefully. She was having trouble holding back, but she desperately wanted to obey him.

"Please, massa!" she begged. "Oh, please, massa. Let yo' nigga cum. Let me cum fo' you!"

"Cum, nigger," grunted the white man.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she gasped with each thrust. She could feel her pussy getting slick with her own cum. "Oh, massa! Oh, massa!"

"Fuck!" he exclaimed. "Take it, you fuckin' nigger bitch. Take it all!"

Shanika felt him push into her so hard she almost fell forward. She could feel the warmth of his sperm being released into her. Her pussy continued to spasm and almost involuntarily milked the last of the semen from the white man's dick.

Her heart was pounding in her ears as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her. She was completely unaware of her surroundings, only the pleasure emanating from her crotch. After a few minutes she felt him withdraw from her but she remained bent over, ass in the air, pussy leaking cum, her face resting on the filthy mattress. She felt thoroughly and completely used. Her sore pussy was radiating heat.

"Massa," she said shakily, "Oh, Massa. You too good to yo' nigga."

"You're not through yet, girl," he told her. "Turn around and take care of business."

Shanika rose to her hands and knees and turned herself to face him. He stood, his slick wet cock hanging between his legs.

"Kin I, massa?" she asked.

"You better," he replied.

She leaned forward and rubbed her face on his sticky wet cock. She looked up at him for approval. She saw his expression soften slightly and she leaned forward again and licked it clean. She kissed the tip. She started to lean back onto her knees and stopped.

She was overwhelmed by the power of the orgasm she'd experienced and the way this kindly white man had delivered it to her so forcefully.

The colored woman lowered herself down to where her face was over his boot tops and kissed each one. Hearing no objection from him she began to lick them with broad strokes of her tongue. She felt compelled to completely debase herself before him. He stood silently for a minute or two while she continued her show of devotion.

"That's enough, girl," he said softly. "Get up on your knees."

Ernie pulled up his pants as she clumsily pushed herself back up and stood on her knees. She looked up at him, her brown eyes wide and wet.

"Thank you, sir," she said. "Thank you for usin' your nigger this way. Thank you for makin' your nigger cum so good. Thank you, massa."

He reached down to touch her hair, but she leaned forward and licked his hand then kissed it. He paused briefly and then lay his hand on her head, gently stroking her hair.

"It's my pleasure, Shanika," he said. "You're a good nigger and you deserved it. Now get dressed in your own clothes. I'm taking you home."

The black woman put on her office clothes and felt totally out of place in them. Naked in her previous position, that was her place. She had no doubt. She picked up the sweat pants and tee shirt he'd lent her and they headed for the door. Ernie pulled the string and turned off the light.

They pushed out the door and stepped into the alley. Together they walked back out of the alley and onto the street. After another block, Ernie pulled his car keys out of his pocket.

"This one's mine," he said. He walked around to the driver door and turned the lock, popping them all open at once. "Hop in."

Ernie opened the driver door and got in. Shanika sat in the passenger seat. The white man started the engine and pulled out onto the street.

"So where are we going?" he asked. Shanika told him where her apartment was and off they went.

"Thank you so much for helping me tonight, sir," she said. Shanika lowered her voice. "And thank you for using me the way a nigger needs to be used."

"It was my pleasure, girl," he replied. "You didn't know what you stumbled into when you ran across me. I have some, well, pent up fantasies along these lines. This is the first time I ever got to act upon them. So it truly was my pleasure."

They arrived at Shanika's building and she looked over at Ernie. "Forgive me if this isn't my place, massa," she said and leaned across the front seat and kissed him on the cheek.

"It's your place, girl," he said and turned and kissed the black woman on the lips. Shanika blushed.

She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and wrote on it.

"Here's my number, massa," she said. "I would be honored if you would call me. I want to serve and please you."

"I'll call, nigger girl," he said, smiling. "Believe me, I'll call."

Shanika handed him the paper and gave him another kiss. Then she opened the car door, got out and walked to the front door of her building. She let herself in and the door closed behind her. She turned and looked out the window to see Ernie putting the car in gear and driving off.

The black woman let herself into her apartment and saw how late it was. She undressed and got into her bed and was quickly asleep. She'd had quite a busy day.

Same as Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 17 Videos

2 years ago
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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - The Old ManShanika and Yolanda stood together watched as the negro slave girl's most recent master disappeared down the path to the cabins."It's time for you to get ready to go back home," Yolanda said. "Let's get you washed up." The colored lady led the black slave into the barn and handed her chain over to Elois, the young attendant. Maya and Darla, the mother and daughter, had already been bathed and were waiting for the rest of the slaves making the return trip to be ready. The...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - The great returnAfter her encounter with the white teenagers in the bus and seeing how things have turned in the abandoned building, Shanika decided that she cannot keep to live has she wanted in the outside world. To her shame she add realized that she have loved every second of her brutal and humiliating encounter with the three white boys and the beautiful white girl. Even if they have been really mean with her, she has obeyed them and had loved it, a lot. So, she took the only...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - The ReturnSeveral weeks had passed since Shanika's weekend at the Plantation Club. Some mornings she would wake having dreamed she was still there: naked and chained, standing on the auction block, the lust in the eyes of the white folks as they bid their money for her black body.As she came out of her slumber, she'd become aware of her surroundings: her bedroom in her apartment, the sounds of the city outside her window. Gradually the clarity of the dream would begin to fade until...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - The TeenagersThe next morning found Shanika riding on the back of the bus again. She was looking forward to her day at the consulting agency. She caught herself squeezing her legs together as she thought about Mr. Whitlock and what services he might want her to perform today now that he knew what she was.This time when the bus got crowded, she simply stood rather than offer her seat. She noticed a white woman about her own age sit in her former seat and felt pleasure at having...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - The GalaElois, the negro attendant, dressed in her usual denim shirt and wrap around skirt, took Shanika's chain from Yolanda as the two colored women entered the slave barn. The young negro girl led the black slave to a stall. After brushing Shanika's teeth she lathered her up and began to shave her pussy. She was just about finished when Mr. Richards walked in. He stood with Yolanda and spoke quietly to her as he watched the attendant lead her charge to the wash stall."Time to...

1 year ago
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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - The DepartureIt was hard to imagine that the weekend was almost over. It seemed like a long time since she'd started out down the path that led here, but a week ago she hadn't even heard of the Plantation Club.This time it was the young negro girl who led Shanika to the wash stall in the barn. "No need to shave that coochie since you be goin' back today," she said. The girl looked the other way as the slave girl squatted over the drain and relieved herself. She soaped her up,...

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Shanika at the plantation club chapter 2

Chapter 2 - The JourneyShanika arrived the next morning with plenty of time to spare. Not having been instructed as to what to wear, she just wore jeans and a tee shirt. She was very nervous, but excited. The van parked in front of the door to the office looked like a delivery truck, not a passenger van. A white man who appeared to be about Shanika's age was behind the wheel reading a newspaper."Excuse me, sir," she said, "I'm supposed be meeting someone here for a ride"The driver looked up...

3 years ago
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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - The CoworkerYolanda unhooked Jackie's chain from Shanika's collar and handed the black slave girl off to Elois, the young negro attendant."Damn, girl," said Elois looking at the welts on Shanika's body, "what'd you do to get that?""Nothin'," she replied. "My massa jus' like to whup on me. He got so 'cited by it he jus' push me down an' fuck me.""Damn," Elois shook her head. "I try to be careful washin' you."Since her pussy waxing the day of the gala, Shanika still didn't need to be...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - The DirtballsThe next morning the cycle began again. Elois, the young negro attendant prepared Shanika for the day."Yo' coochie so smooth, girl!" she observed, stroking the slave girls waxed pussy. "Won't be needin' to shave you for a while!"The experiences of the previous evening were still fresh in Shanika's mind. She closed her eyes and remembered the touch of Mr. Richards on her as he masturbated her to orgasm for the amusement of his dinner guests at the anniversary gala. It...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - The GiftYolanda tugged at the chain connected to Shanika's collar and led her to the barn where she had initially been shorn and shaved to be prepared for resale. The older black woman took the young slave girl to one of stalls equipped with a hose to get her cleaned up. She started by spreading shaving cream on her pussy and used a razor to get it nice and smooth the way the bidders liked it. Next she scrubbed her down with a bristle brush and a bucket of soapy water. She was more...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - The First TimeShanika's new owner tugged on her chain. "Let's go, girl," he said and led her away towards the main house.Shanika had never entered the main house other than by the service door until this time. Right in through the main entrance and into the lobby the white man pulled her along. He brought her right up to the front desk.Shanika saw that Debbie, the petite young white girl, was behind the counter. She was dressed in a grey jacket with a white blouse. She was wearing...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - The BitchSo Shanika found herself standing in the luxurious lobby of the main house. Wooden paneling, fine carpeting, and a high ceiling complete with a glass chandelier. She stood at the front desk with her head hanging down. Naked, except for the two sets of shackles that fastened both her wrists and ankles as well as the steel slave collar around her neck, the black slave girl contrasted dramatically with the the opulent surroundings.Debbie stood behind the desk, her gray jacket...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - The First MasterYolanda led Shanika down the steps to the front of the platform. The chain connecting her ankles clanked on the steps. Her new owner, her new master, was facing away from her, signing a slip of paper.He turned to face his purchase, his new black slave girl. Shanika was relieved to see it was Roy. Yolanda handed him the chain. "What do you say, girl?" she whispered to Shanika."Thank you for buying me, Master," she said to Roy, eyes downcast."It's my pleasure," he...

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Shanika at the plantation club chapter 3

Chapter 3 - The AuctionThe light was even brighter outside the van and Shanika was momentarily unable to see. She heard her chains clank and jangle as she stumbled out the door and onto a dusty stretch of ground. As her eyes adjusted to the light she saw that a few white men had gathered to watch the new slaves be unloaded.She could feel the heat of the sun on her naked dark colored flesh. A light breeze blew against her skin, providing a little relief. She looked around, trying to see past the...

2 years ago
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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - The Ride BackThe sound of crunching gravel was heard and the van arrived, kicking up a small cloud of dust. The front door opened and Steve the driver stepped out and went around the back. Pausing briefly to survey the negro slave girls waiting naked in chains on the bench, he let himself in the back and closed the door after him.Shanika and the others remained on the bench watching. They knew it would be a little while before Steve had the new arrivals in chains and collected his...

1 year ago
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The Plantation Changes Hands

(This story is dedicated to a beautiful woman I know, who I have yet to see. She has been my inspiration and, provided me with this story idea, and insights into Jasmine’s feelings and thoughts. I would love to have your comments and have you email me and tell me what you think of the story, or even chat with me about ideas for other stories or anything else.) * I come from an old North Carolina family. I’ve been working for the Department of Agriculture for a number of years. My father and...

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New Plantation Slave

John Childs remembered the first time he met Mr. Harken. It was early spring in 1819, and he was working as a hand for the Overseer. John thought nothing of him and paid him little attention. To John he was just another hired hand. Although he was a white hired hand, he was still treated as such. John did not know of the harsh discipline he enjoyed when Mr. Franks left. When Mr. Franks was moved to the cotton plantation, Mr. Harken took over as Overseer. John was now riding in the back of a...

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The Adventures of Stampley Plantation

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Malayan Plantation Boy

SAILING TO MALAYA: DANIEL Life was changing so quickly for me, I thought. I was standing by the rail of our great sailing vessel as we floated down the African coast to round the Horn and cross the Indian Ocean in the summer of 1904 to reach my family’s plantation home in Malaya—to the home where I had been told I had spent my earlier life but that I could barely remember. I was barely fourteen now, but I had only been three when my father had died on the plantation in Malaya and my mother...

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A Plantation Story

A Plantation Tale. By The Professor 02/98 This story will be a period piece, taking place during the American Civil War period. I realize not everyone on the list is American, so trust me, the historical data is essentially correct. Now, this story is sort of "nasty" but I'm not sure, Thomas, that it meets all of your criteria for your contest. Still, I would appreciate your considering it. Also, I note that it is Black History Month in the United States. Did I write this in...

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House Slave on Hopkins Plantation

Thank you and enjoy...I am thinking about writing more. Johncrinshaw1 October 19, 1861 Wilmington, North Carolina Planter James Hopkins Plantation When the air turns cool and crisp, it seems the energy it takes to get out of a warm bed becomes insurmountable. Looking out the bedroom window at the sun, as it begins its daily peak over the eastern most hill of the plantation, I gather my will and toss the covers off and heavily flop my feet to the cold floor. My robe is unfortunately...

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 1

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 1 She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the...

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Pomeroy Plantation

I was born on a cotton plantation September 4, 1882 in East Texas. If you drew an equal sided triangle with the base running from Longview to Tyler, the Pomeroy Plantation, founded by my great grandfather Rufus Leroy Pomeroy I, would be in the middle of the triangle.The Pomeroy Plantation was in the mist of a complete revival from the ravages of the War of Aggression, wrought by the Yankees, and the scourge of Yankee Carpetbaggers.My father, Rufus Leroy Pomeroy III, thru his personal genius had...

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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slaveby David Koury with the art of Shorterbus and Snap as edited by SirJeff. - do not use without permission.The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers...

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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

1 year ago
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Plantation Slave

The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers which had been branded deeply into her breasts. « X53 » on the right breast and « 211 » on the left. The intense tropical sun beat...

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House Slave on Hopkins Plantation 2

Thank you and enjoy...I am thinking about writing more. Johncrinshaw1 October 19, 1861 Wilmington, North Carolina Planter James Hopkins Plantation Defiantly, she looks directly at me as if gauging my level of charge. Without even a sound she abruptly steps on the wagon rung and climbs in the seat next to Ed. Her posture straight and proud, as if mocking her newly acquired position of purchased property. My property, and I am damned if this will be allowed. Staring with her eyes facing...

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 13 A New Plantation

08 January, 1687 Morning After Rauf Denkton had been introduced to John Archdale and he had turned over such papers as was instructed for him to deliver, Archdale shook his hand with gratitude and told him, "I have long yearned for a full train of evidence against Seth Sothel such as this. This evidence being full and particular against him, he and the others will, with out doubt, be found to be guilty." Then he smiled before continuing, "The papers you brought transferring ownership of...

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Spice PlantationChapter 8

We brought some lunch back in by the fireplace and ate with me sitting on the floor and Judy sitting on my lap. Of course we were both still naked. I was coming to find - and I think Judy was also - that spending the weekend naked was great. Neither of us had ever spent a long time at a stretch in the nude, but now we hadn't worn anything since Friday afternoon - almost three full days so far. We no longer thought it odd to head to the kitchen to get food or downstairs to the playroom or...

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Growing up on a plantation

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Toby and I grew up on a large cotton plantation in the south of Alabama in the 1840's. We owned over 100 nigger slaves. They were all given American names after Father bought them. More than three quarters of them were bucks. In our family there was my father (we always called him Father), my mother and my sister, Beth who was almost two years older than me, and...

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Growing up on a plantation

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pain pleasure of plantation

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 11 The Blanchart Plantation

27 December, 1686 Night As Denkton sat down at the now much more luxurious dinning table, with overhead skylight which Ihon had installed as part of the ships retrofit, he told the others, "Edentown is seated just a stones throw away past this creek on the north side of the Roanoke River. It is the largest town in the area and is and has been the seat of the governors for many years." "The only seat I have any interest in is the broad one making up my uncle's ass and only then...

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White whore on the slave plantation pt 1

Jessica was at a difficult age, a child with the blossoming body of a woman, a blue eyed pale skinned, blonde haired goddess/ child part latino part caucasian, she lived with her mother on the Carlos Menendez Plantation where James’s family had grown cotton for three generations. James tried everything to please Jessica but it was useless, he believed she hated him, It wasn’t his fault that Jessica’s father died or that her mother had married his father. James’ mother had died when he...

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Plantation Overthrow Gangbang

‘Bend over, nigger,’ Master demanded, as he prepared to **** my ass again, preventing me from getting the table ready for dinner. I reluctantly obeyed, like the full service slave I was, having learned the consequences of disobedience as the scars on my back showed. Master, a disgusting man in his sixties, his wife long dead, used me for his sexual fulfillment, using my mouth and ass for his pleasure daily. He left my cunt alone because he didn’t want any mixed-race babies tainting his white...

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Plantation Overthrow Gangbang

"Bend over, nigger," Master demanded, as he prepared to **** my ass again, preventing me from getting the table ready for dinner. I reluctantly obeyed, like the full service slave I was, having learned the consequences of disobedience as the scars on my back showed. Master, a disgusting man in his sixties, his wife long dead, used me for his sexual fulfillment, using my mouth and ass for his pleasure daily. He left my cunt alone because he didn't want any mixed-race babies tainting his white...

3 years ago
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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slave ?????????????????????????????????????????? X53211, Plantation Slave The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post? on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the ?  special ?  bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves? who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers which had been branded deeply...

1 year ago
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Plantation Lullabies

Plantation Lullabies Plantation Lullabies What would make a person spend $20,000 on a week-long session with a pro-domme?? Believe it or not, Mistress Emmanuelle, the Black Dominatrix who arrogantly charged the exorbitant fee, was booked solid for eight months in advance with her popularity growing by word of mouth alone.? Charles Trenton was intrigued by the concept when he read about her on his favorite BDSM message board.? The thread was started by someone who claimed to have been a...

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Plantation Living

Chapter 1 There’s no way to fully describe the magnificence of my family home. The house was over a hundred years old and was huge. To this day I still don’t know how many rooms there were. The house was always full of people, music, wonderful foods, and lots of other beautiful things. I remember the trees, the honeysuckle, and the creek where I went swimming on hot days. It truly was a wonderful life, if you were white. South Carolina was the heart of soul of southern living before the Civil...

3 years ago
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House Slave on Hopkins Plantation 3

Thank you and enjoy...I am thinking about writing more. Johncrinshaw1 October 19, 1861 Wilmington, North Carolina Planter James Hopkins Plantation Laying on her back on the workbench with her arms stretched over her head is Hannah. Surrounded by three others, her hair is tangled and matted and she is drenched in sweat. The tears streaming down her face leave salty trails out the side of her eyes; she has a permanent grimace showing her stark white teeth. Her plump mother Adena, the head...

2 years ago
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White whore on the slave plantation part 2

James returned to the house as dusk fell, “Where is Jessica, I thought she was with you?” Maria asked. “She went skinny dipping with the slaves, so I had her collared and branded,” James informed her. “Very funny, so where is my daughter?” Maria asked. “Chained up naked in the slave house as a kind of naked whore,” he explained. “That’s not funny!” Maria protested, “I know she is wilful and out of control.” “Not any more she’s chained up in the hut, there was a whole row of...

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The Plantation of Love and Tragedy

Ann was always the type of girl who did what she thought was right even if it meant going against what was popular. She wasn't the type of person who liked confutation but she wasn't afraid to fight for what she believed in. Which means she isn't a push over by any means believe me I know from experience. She would also do anything for love as long as it didn't go against her beliefs or so she thought. When she was fourteen she met a boy by the name of Brandon who she instantly fell head...

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Orton Plantation in North Carolina

Maria my real estate broker told me young assistant is in North Carolina waiting for me at the Orton Plantation. She will show me the property and be available to me for my needs. Her name is; Renee age 29 and she got her divorce three months ago. I arrived at the plantation and walked into the house, Renee is bending over to pick up some dropped papers and she feels my eyes upon her body, admiring and checking her out, she had heard a nearly silent sound come from my mouth, like a little...

1 year ago
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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 5

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 5 She began to feel regret at having put a thoroughly spent and exhausted June to bed with her husband. The whole evening had been a sexual thrill– an emotional dynamo as she experienced the rush of being in control, of hearing her friend and lover scream from her soul. True, she had allowed herself a few quite pleasant orgasms during the course of the evening, but her pussy still felt swollen and needy. She decided there might be some benefits to...

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Plantation slave girls

Introduction: Plantation owners family enjoys having slaves This story is about black slavery before the civil war and in a couple places it uses the N word. If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not...

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Black Men A Plantation owners Wifes Story

He stood before me, a giant of a man, dirty and ragged with muscles rippling on his stomach, and as I walked around him, my eyes traced his thin waist and the V on his taut buttocks, my favorite part when looking at a man, but what excited me about this particular encounter, he was mine, not by an affair attached to the heart, no this was business, he was mine as a gift from my husband, to amuse myself with, this was a plantation in the deep south, and he was my slave, my private property, and...

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Plantation Lullabies

What would make a person spend $20,000 on a week-long session with a pro-domme? Believe it or not, Mistress Emmanuelle, the Black Dominatrix who arrogantly charged the exorbitant fee, was booked solid for eight months in advance with her popularity growing by word of mouth alone. Charles Trenton was intrigued by the concept when he read about her on his favorite BDSM message board. The thread was started by someone who claimed to have been a client of this outrageously strict Ebony Domme whose...

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Mercy8217s teak plantation

I am 28 yrs old. I live in a small house in remote village of Kerala. My name is Ani. My parents are at Bangalore. They visit our village once in a year to look after our property of teak plantations. This year as my father was busy in business schedule, he send my mom Mercy to inspect our teak plantations. She landed from Bangalore by train. I had been there at station to pick her. For the first few days’ mercy was busy doing house hold chores and cleaning up the mess i had made up during the...

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The Black brotherhood Club

(Note, translated from the German, original blog by tanjamami.)Again and again I had heard and read about how great Black men were in bed and that a white woman who has had a black, will never want a white man anymore. I could not quite imagine this. I felt as if I was alone in the big city eager to find out where to find a black man, with whom I can go to bed. I was eager to learn - the only thing missing was the man.One day I met a pitch-black African at a party. I had been invited by the...

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On the Plantation

Chapter 1 Abigail Hanford stared at her friend in disbelief. "But why, Christabel? How? Your parents wouldn't leave you here alone, they just wouldn't!" Christabel Jennings grinned smugly, and mischief glittered in her green eyes. "Daddy was supposed to come back from Atlanta this morning, so Mama took the early coach to go visit her cousin Etta. Only Daddy sent a message with yesterday's coach that he has to stay in Atlanta for three more days. I was outside when the messenger came,...

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Plantation slave fucks the masters wife

It's 1850, 10 years prior to the silver war. Matthew and Rebeca Johnson own a small plantation in Georgia. Matthew is 52 and Rebecca is 45.They are c***dless after trying for years to conceive. Since she has just gone thru the 'change of life' they know it will never happen.It is noon on a Sunday. They have just returned home from attending church service where Rebecca sings in the choir and Matthew is a church elder. Matthew has just left to go to the auction in town as he does every Sunday....

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 4

When she awoke, Eric was still sleeping but June was already up. Finishing in the bathroom she slipped out, trying not to wake Eric, into the other room where she found June. June smiled and greeted her. Cynthia asked her if they should go to breakfast or wait for Eric. June looked at with a funny expression and replied “Neither right now love. I have something that I need very much like for you to do for me”. Cynthia assured her she would and wondered why she even asked. June...

2 years ago
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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 3

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 3 The two men, one leading the other by a leash attached to the thumb cuff imprisoning his cock, followed Cynthia back into the playroom. Sharon beamed as Eric was led in since he had clearly chosen the cock whipping over a night in the fiddle. As Cynthia thought about it, he had probably made a wise choice. As painful as what the women planned for him might be, it would at some point be over, while being locked in the feared fiddle would be a...

2 years ago
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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 2

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 2 As another day bloomed on the tropical island, she couldn’t help thinking about what the evening might bring? Was it possible to OD on kink? In the back of her mind she wondered if she could overdo it and become blasé? Certainly would not want that to happen – she was enjoying this too much. She vowed to discus it with her new friends later. For now the pool beckoned and she stretched out – enjoying the warm tropical sun. When she...

2 years ago
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Plantation slave girls

If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not farm it but let two sharecroppers pay him for the place to grow crops. He had a wife, Ellen, and two...

3 years ago
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Everclear Plantation Ch 2

I woke to the sound of Blue barking on the front porch as he always does. He has an ongoing feud with a riverboat that makes its way up the river every other day. The sun was just rising and shown in the windows. The home was quiet as always other than blue. I called him and he came into the bedroom and put his big head on the bed and looked at me with his big soulful light-blue eyes and a silly look on his face. Blue is a large hound, originating in Australia and the breed is called Catahula...

1 year ago
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White Plantation WIfe Breed by Blacks

The following story is for entertainment purposes only. The year is 1770. The place is Colonial Virgina. I’m the owner of a large plantation and I have a fetish that I fulfill using my wife and my slaves. My wife watches all those big black slaves working in the field during the day. Big and strong, sweating in the sun. But at night I bring those horse hung Niggers into our bedroom….and they’ve got a different kind of work to do! ‘Get of your knees bitch and start sucking those Nigger...

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