PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 40a free porn video

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Then next day the warning went out to all the species groups including the two villages. The eagles came, took the symbols and delivered them. In two days the precise area of the plains I had selected would be teeming with us. Gorillas, wolves, humans, and dragons. Additionally, at the precise moment of the attack there would be others being brought in to bear on the invaders. Specifically meant to create confusion and panic. And all coordinated through Eewa during recent visits with Alex. I have to say that meeting with Eewa is a pleasure all unto itself. Except for the intensity of the experience it might be tempting to spend more time within her branches.

I request and receive expedited arrival of the West and East Team as well as one bowman from each village. These I immediately place outside the settlement in view but not close enough to be of immediate threat to the settlement. I want the bowmen to remain out of sight but available in case of danger to the others. An additional surprise if they got prematurely aggressive. What I don’t want is for the settlement to send out scouts to assess our condition. I want our positioning to be a surprise. I want them to only think that these are watchers to warn us. I don’t want them to suspect or discover our trap for them.

I also have several of the dragons flying overhead to watch and report new developments. These are the younger ones and females who can stay high enough to avoid any danger. I want Thorrass and Lassto to be on the plains for coordination with me for their roles. Their role will be critical and the timing must be precise.

When everyone arrives, we gather far enough from the battle site so our trampling of the grass is not a warning. I create a layout of the battle site and translate to everyone how each group will be organized and located and the signals for movements and engagements. It is quite time consuming but is the reason for all of us to be assembled early. This is a battle plan that has a large involvement from a****ls in a fight against humans with advanced weapons and common language. There is every reason to believe this shouldn’t work. Knowing these groups as I do, their commitment, their determination, I feel we may have a slightly better than even chance to succeed. But I am also convinced that if we do succeed, it will be quickly and decisively. If it becomes drawn out and they can reorganized and establish a decisive counter-attack, we will be lost and our immediate survival will be a hasty retreat with fighting a long series of small skirmishes and retreating further into the denser portion of the jungle and the higher, more remote portions of the mountains. Life may continue but not as the island inhabitants are used to.

Once briefed and all questions and concerns addressed, I let all wander with the promise that they return by late afternoon of the next day. That is the expected arrival of the two ships. The updates from the dolphins are still confirming that time frame. During the night everyone will move into their positions for the expected early morning movement of the forces from the settlement. All indications from the dolphins, eagles, dragons, and the front group indicate that our expectations are still accurate.

As I explain each group’s function and placement, the plan seems to come to understanding for everyone and some level of comfort is achieved. I tell them that the invaders will be stopped along the dirt road at a precise location. I am quizzed how that will happen. I just tell them that it is critical that nobody goes anywhere near the road. It will be extremely dangerous for anyone. Once they are stopped, the large gorilla groups will become visible ahead. In the midst of the confusion and fear generated by the stop, this will direct their entire focus to one location. Then four bow groups of twenty will be located in the quadrants around the stopped force. We talk about the signals. It is an important function of these groups to send up lots of arrows into the force. Accuracy isn’t as important as the number of arrows. Also, the rotation is important. I want the location of arrows coming from changing directions. They might be able to establish some protection being attacked from one direction. But with frequently changing directions they will be unable to protect themselves. Male gorillas and wolves will be spread out throughout the tall grass to intercept any fleeing invaders. I tell the group that it might not sound nice, but the more noise their deaths generate the more fear and confusion will be instilled into the other invaders and keep them concentrated. I also identify the locations of Addama and Helman in tall clusters of trees for sniper attack on officers and anyone attempting to show leadership. This will further add to the confusion, panic and fear.

With that established, we wait. The waiting is hard. But I use that time for Thorrass and Lassto to take Alex and me back to the lagoon. b**st and the others relax and wait. The dragons take us out over the ocean and we can just see the white of the sails far on the horizon. The estimates for tomorrow look good. We circle over the lagoon and glide in over the breaker rocks and softly land on the beach. The dragons lower themselves and Alex and I jump off them. I speak in the language of the dragon because Alex’s processor will translate for her and I want Thorrass and Lassto to be aware. “Alex, I think I have you prepared for the battle and the fighting that is ahead of us. The roles you and I will play are by nature of our weapons, training, and skill the most dangerous. If we, the inhabitants of the island, are successful, I believe it will be because of a quick, decisive and surprisingly deadly trap and surprises. I believe we have a little better than even chance of this working. But I want you to know before we leave and things get too busy, I couldn’t be more proud of the person you have become. Not just as a warrior but as a person and woman. I want you to be careful, but you must be decisive in your attacks. Any hesitation and we may fail. The others, the a****ls especially, can be expected to be uncertain once it starts. Our visible actions can prove the element that holds them all together.”

“We’ve talked about this, Alexa. I understand my role. And I understand that the role of all the others is separated. They are involved from a distance. The snipers, the archers. Our forces in the tall grass will be one-on-one combat and much more to their skills. I understand that we will be the ones exposed. For the sake of the island it has to be.”

I turn to the dragons, Thorrass and Lassto. “There are only a few of the a****ls besides you who will be so exposed and vulnerable to danger. Besides b**st and the gorilla and wolf teams from the West and East, it is you. I feel guilt for asking you to do all this for us.”

They look at each other and I see the smiles. Thorrass is the one who responds. “Alexa, Alex, what we do is not just for you is it? It is for the island and all who inhabit it. Alexa, you are not from here. You may have adopted this island as your home, but you do not have the roots of generations here that the rest of us have. And, yet, you would take on the most dangerous parts for us. That is why the island has come together with you. That is why Eewa chose you both. We all believe in your commitment here, so we all will do what is necessary and what you need us to do. Personally, for us, we are excited to take on this role. Our partnering with you both will be pivotal.”

“Thank you. Now, a serious question. How much can you carry and still fly out of here?”

“At least two of each of you. Why?”

“We need a lot of our arsenal.”

Alex and I go up to the supply cave to get ready ourselves and assemble the weapons we would personally use. I directed Alex as we walked through the cave. The crates now being well labelled, it was easy to spot and select as we went. We would each take our bows and two quivers of arrows; battle lance; battle knives; I would wear both of my guns and she would have her one; more charge clips attached to the holsters than I hoped we could possibly fire; the two full-size battle lances I would give to two of the gorillas. Once assembled Alex looked, “That’s a lot to have strapped to us.”

“Yes, it will be awkward initially. But the extra quivers can be attached to the dragons. We can get them as needed. Now, these …”

“The grenades.”

“Yes, we each need to fill up a backpack with them. Then fill this one, too.” I then retreated to the back of the cave.

I heard Alex call out, “I have it all down on the beach. Those grenades are heavy. How are you doing?”

“Now, just these.”

She turned around and her mouth dropped. But her eyes were blazing. “The battle amour suits! I forgot about those.” I was wearing mine and carrying the helmet. The suit cannon was attached to my shoulder.

“You suit up. I’ll get the charge clips for the cannons.” I had ten charge clips attached to the suit and ten more for Alex and I walked out of the cave to the beach. The dragons momentarily were startled but recovered upon see my face above the suit. Then Alex joined us in her suit. I attached her clips so she could readily recharge the cannon. The cannon were tremendous because they operated from the helmet and independently allowing the wearer to also use other weapons. Accuracy dropped off a little but the chaos would be tremendous and death would result in any event. I opened the control mechanism on the arm plate and Alex followed suit. This is what controlled the suit, from the cannon to cloaking. We went through all of them. Then we put the helmets on and did it again. The helmet changed your vision slightly. Taking the helmet off, “One more thing to do. Remember how the Predators looked? Their hair?”

“Of course. Like dreadlocks.”

“Right. Let’s make a bunch of braids that will give the same look. Then we’ll be ready to be Predators. Not that these people would know. But we will and that is the attitude we need to bring to this battle.”

Arriving back to the plains, we create a bit of stir. At first everyone saw the dragons coming but then when we were closer they didn’t know what to think. We certainly didn’t look like ourselves. Thorrass and Lassto landed and we jumped off. I took the extra back pack of grenades as I did. Everyone stayed back and gave us more room. Everyone except for b**st who approached us as normal. This relaxed others somewhat. If b**st was comfortable, it must be okay. I took the helmet off and Alex followed suit. Then there was recognition. We were told by several that our appearance flying over on the dragons should be enough by itself to frighten many of the intruders.

The next day Alex and I again took to the air for a visual check on the progress of the two ships we saw. They made good time like we estimated. They would be in the harbor of the settlement by mid to late afternoon. So far everything was going as planned. I knew from experience something was definitely going to go wrong. Things just don’t go according to plan.

Once back with the group I tell them they need to be in place before dark and then to stay put. I know it will be difficult and a long time but they can’t suspect anything by picking up on large movements of our group. So, everyone breaks up and moves into position. The a****ls are used to living in the open for long periods. It is the villagers who will be impacted the most. But they also comprehend the cause and effect better than the a****ls. So for them it will be uncomfortable and strange but they will understand the potential negative effects to the strategy.

The next day the West and East Teams move around the groups providing encouragement and support. Reinforcing them that there is just one more night now. The ships will arrive late and they will be preparing. These are mercenaries, not trained soldiers. They will want to get it over with so they can get paid and then go about the business of collect species for transport to wherever they take them. That will be their weakness. And that is what I continually reinforce to our group. Their weakness is that they are only committed to the money they are to be paid. When it gets hard, dangerous, others are dying around them, many of them will break and run. On the other hand, our strength is that we are doing this for our families and our homes. The danger we will encounter will only strengthen our resolve to keep that danger away from our families.

Early afternoon I pull all the group leaders together. They must pass the word. This is the final wait. The morning will surely bring the invaders and that will be our time. One asks, “Alexa, it isn’t that we don’t trust you but you have never told us why you are so sure they will stop in our cross fire. Why wouldn’t they continue to pursue the females that will be on the far rise? Why wouldn’t they just run past us?”

“I don’t think you will understand what will happen if I explain it. So I haven’t tried to explain it. You all know now that I am not from this world and that my weapons are much more dangerous than even theirs. I will be using some of them and it will work. They will stop. But that is why everyone, I mean EVERYONE, must stay well away from the road from now on. Even during the battle there will only be certain ones who I have planned to cross the road through them during the confusion. But mostly the road is going to be the killing field. Everything there will die. That is another thing I want everyone to understand. All intruders die until I say otherwise. Do not give them any quarter. They gave us none. Do not trust them, just kill them. At some point I may stop the killing but wait for my signal before you stop fighting. Okay? Pass that on to your groups.”

With that I have enlisted Addama, Helman, Alex and b**st to assist me with the trap. I distribute the stakes, the coiled wire, the maul for driving the stakes, and the backpack of grenades which is tied to b**st. He is the biggest and strongest. And we are going quite a ways ahead before moving to the road and back to the spot where the intruders will stop. They will stop right where I want them. I am feeling cold in my blood as the time nears. More than I have felt since being here. Up to now our battles and fighting have been reactionary, encounters that we dealt with. This was different. This was like my times in the Marines on Earth or planned battles with the Predators. The preparation is as much mental and emotional as it is physical. And that is what was happening. I was going to a not-so-good place that warriors sometimes have to go to when they know they will have to do their worst to other beings. Doing things that maybe we shouldn’t be proud of … but we are. Proud that we have the skill to win, to defend, to protect our fellows. Even if it by being able to do things that others, ‘normal others’, might find repulsive or barbaric. But at times like this, those are exactly the things that need to occur. So my blood goes cold in preparation for doing the things that will be necessary. And I will do those things. I have no doubt. Because even in the battle armor suit, I shiver.

I send the eagles out. I don’t want the dragons noticed by the new intruders. It might make them more cautious than they might otherwise be. The eagles come back late afternoon with the news we have been waiting for. The ships have arrived and are in the harbor. They are being unloaded. There are many new cages and men. Also, they describe cannon. More cannon. They brought cannon before but have never used them. This will be the time.

Early evening we hear gun shots, a lot of noise from the direction of the settlement. I think about the Teams still positioned between the settlement and us. They will retreat into the tall grass and join their assigned groups in the morning at first sign of movement. But the eagles bring the news. The new men are celebrating. Lots of fires, drinking, dancing. Excellent. They will be even less aware of danger potential in the morning. Especially this far from the known locations to the a****l and people groups. I try to get an indication of number of men from the eagles but it is hopeless. They have no real concept of numbers. Just ‘many’ is all I get. I have been estimating they might be able to bring about fifty but it is a guess on my part. I have really no idea how many might fit on a ship for an uncomfortable journey.

When the morning light brightens the sky, it is another perfect day. A cloudless, blue sky with warm temperatures and a light breeze coming off the ocean across the island. If there was such a thing as tourists to attract and we had a tourist bureau, it would be the easiest sell possible. But despite the impression that this could be paradise, these intruders have transformed this island into a war zone. And we were intent on taking back our piece of paradise.

I made a slight modification in our strategy for first contact. I decided to separate the West and East Teams and place one on the side to the settlement and the other on the opposite side. I would be closest to the settlement and Alex would be on the other side. We would both be nude except for our boots and weapons initially. I wanted to provide them with further incentive to rush into the trap. Undoubtedly, the word of me, a naked warrior woman leading the a****ls, would have been passed along to the leadership of the company. By being visible as they approached, turning and moving along the road away from them would hopefully provide the image that their larger numbers caused us to retreat. Then, we would disappear into the tall grass and I would again put on the battle suit. On the other side of the battle zone would be Alex and the West Team. She would stand like I had. From a distance we look similar enough that the appearance would be that we were ahead of them still. Then they would also disappear into the tall grass and Alex would put on her battle suit for us to be ready for the trap to be sprung. All of this required good sequencing. ‘Timing’ might have been a word normally used but specific time was not a factor in life here. So signals were substituted in place of ‘timing’.

As the sun was fully over the horizon, we received our first indications from the eagles that the invaders were coming. I stood with the East Team in the roadway and waited. We would not allow them to get too close but we did need to be visible and recognized. I definitely wanted them to identify me and give confirmation to the talk they undoubtedly heard. So we waited and soon got our first site of them coming up the road. So far everything was going according to our expectation. Nervously, I wondered if our luck could be good enough to continue to go according to plan. So far, so good.

As we could just begin making out them and their number, their formation stopped and I could make out a leader raising a telescope. Then there was cheering. Okay, I must have made an impression. They felt they could defeat us by getting through me. It was working. They started again at a faster pace, closer to a formation slow run. I raised my scope and saw in the rear, moving slower, cannon being pulled by a****ls. I could make out three cannon. I did a quick calculation of the men based on the formation and came to about sixty. By my guess that would be appropriate for the ship when assuming the other would be filled with supplies and cages. We turned and we jogged along the road at a comfortable pace but as soon as we turned a bend and over a rise, we faded into the tall grass and waited for them to pass. Now it would Alex and the West Team’s turn to make the identical impression.

As soon as the cannon passed our position, we followed while staying in the grass. There were several rear guards behind the cannon formation. I made the decision that we would eliminate them now with my arrows, quietly. Once down the gorillas would rush out and pull them off the road. If anyone looked back and notice the guard missing, they may be just considered deserters. The four rear guards were quickly eliminated and removed. Then …

The trap was sprung. The explosions were deafening even from our positions at the rear of their formation. We looked up and ahead, confident that all their attention would be to the smoke and carnage ahead of them. And they stopped right where I made them. Right in our kill zone. Alex and I had rigged trip wires at the precise spot I wanted the front of their formation. The trip wires were attached to a series of grenades anchored along the roadway for fifteen feet. I didn’t know how many of the invaders had been killed and maimed but I knew it had to be a significant number. Then the groups started the sequence of archery. Looking into the sky you could see arrows by the dozens arching into the sky and falling onto the road. Then I rose with the group on my side and shot arrow after arrow into the back of the formation specifically at the cannon handlers as the arrows were arching from the rear now. Then the left side and switching to the right side. Dozens of arrows quickly became a hundred and then more. Then it stopped. Everyone was counting and waiting. An eagle went across the formation from right to left at about fifty feet. With the eagle past the road, all groups began shoot their arrows at once. Probably eighty arrows in the air at any given time. Only sporadic gun fire had come from the invaders. They were caught completely by surprise.

Then the arrows stopped. I looked up into the sky and saw them. The sky was nearly dark above us. Eewa said there would be additional confusion provided. Like a funnel cloud, the dark mass descended towards the ground and the invaders’ formation was engulfed in birds and bats. Men were screaming. Some ran from their formation away from the road only to run right into the waiting gorillas and wolves waiting in the grass for just this kind of thing. The screams coming from the tall grass stopped other men in their tracks. They didn’t want to stay and they didn’t want to go off into the grass. Then the birds and bats s**ttered into the sky. And there was a moment of quiet and nerves.

I made my way onto the road. The plan called for me to be exposed on the road first and to use my suite cannon and pistols from the rear, cause that additional confusion of noise and death and then for Alex to assume a similar position in the front. We had a mass of men to shoot into. The cannon were my priority with the larger charges from my suit cannon. I used both pistols at once aggressively on anyone who turned to me. But I also noticed men falling that were not from my shots. Helman was picking his targets right on schedule. I got all three cannon damaged sufficiently and then faded into the grass, again. I made my way to where I knew Thorrass was waiting. I jumped onto his back and secured myself as he was already jumping into the air and beating his wings to gain altitude. I looked for Lassto and saw them now rise, too. Once we were in the air, we soared to opposite sides of the road, the dragons banked sharply and Alex and I opened the backpacks that were now strapped to the front of our bodies for easy access. Coming to the road in a steep dive I noticed all arrows stopped. Right on cue. We crossed the road at the same time and dropped four grenades each, charges set. Across the road and into a steep rise into the air, I heard the detonations of the grenades. I also heard the screams. I also heard the sound of our sniper rifles as Addama and Helman continued to spot and shoot any leadership being exhibited.

As we flew off, the arrows once again rained into their formation. Then banking hard and lining up for another pass we also armed our cannons to fire in a specific narrow range as we approached for six quick shots. Then we again dropped grenades. Back and forth Alex and I went and in between were arrows falling into them. Looking back as I passed I saw more running into the grass and down the road in both directions to escape the grenades and arrows. Addama and Helman were effective in taking down the ones staying on the road. The wolves and gorillas hidden in the grass took care of the others. I signaled Thorrass and Lassto to come together. I was hoping this would be our last time of exposure but it would be the longest. I waited for the arrows to again rain down the road and noticed that they were less effective with fewer of the men still standing but they continued to provide diversion and requiring them to contend with that rather than coordinate a reaction to us. This last pass would be along the length of the road and we would do it parallel so we wouldn’t accidently set off an explosion beneath the other. We readied our pass from the back and took flight lines on the edge of the road. We dropped grenades the entire length.

As we climbed and banked around for the dragons to land and let Alex and I off down the road, we drew our pistols and ran down the road side by side. I continued to hear the sniper rifles and then they went quiet as we neared the invaders. For at the same moment b**st flew across the front of their line followed by wolves and behind them gorillas. All along the road now was a mass assault of the a****l species against the remaining invaders. It was now difficult to have a safe line of firing and Alex and I switched to the battle lance to join the fight.

In moments it was over. And it was quiet. Except for the sound of moans and painful cries from wounded invaders who were dying. There were also sporadic terrified and pained cries and screams from out in the tall grass as stragglers were hunted down by the wolves. Then it was quiet. After the battle, the tension, the noise, the worry, it was eerily quiet. b**st came to me and nudged me. He and Gongon were at least safe. Then I saw the members of both Teams. Both Thorrass and Lassto were standing to the side. It seemed the ones that were most exposed all somehow survived.

The species assembled on and along the road. First to make sure that all invaders were in fact dead. Surprises now were not wanted. Then, the group leaders did a quick survey of their groups to report on our condition.

Alex took her helmet off and came to me, lifting mine off my head. She dropped them both to the ground and hugged me. “Don’t fret now about our losses. All of us were here because we wanted to be and we knew we had to be. We won the day, Alexa!”

But I still waited nervously for the reports. Alex touched my arm and I looked up. All the group leaders except one were standing in front of me. Another was standing in front of me in his place. My heart sunk with the realization that some had died. The reports came in from one and another and another: the females showing themselves on the ridge were indeed safe at that distance, although some shots were directed at them; two gorilla males, one wolf male were killed and three of each were wounded in the fighting in the grass; of the four groups of archers, three died including one female and five were wounded. Truly, that was far better than we could have expected. The surprise had done its job. The sun was just past the highest point in the sky. I was right. If we took the field, it would be a quick decision. I counted forty-five dead invaders on or near the road. Then the ones who tried to escape, the total probably was close to sixty.

I sank to my knees as the tension released from me. b**st came and licked my face. I smiled. ‘We did it, Alexa. You did it.’

‘We did it. We all did it. The species all came together to accomplish this.’

I stood and raised my lance high over my head. The sounds went across the massing of the species and all turned to me. Alex and I shouted in the languages in rapid succession, “Victory! Victory!!” And from all around us were cheers, grunts, and howls as all the species indicated their celebration!

But there was another sound. A sound that seemed out of place. I looked all around and finally into the sky and saw an eagle. That was it but it was an angry cry from the eagle. Just then, Thorrass and Lassto jumped into the air and beat their wings, gaining altitude quickly and flying toward the settlement. They circled briefly and we heard gun shots. The dragons returned and approaching on a low glide causing the other species to separate to make room for them to land in front of me.

“They come, Alexa!”

“What? Who? We killed them.”

“They come. Nearly as many. They come down the road from the settlement. I saw no cannon but nearly as many of them.”

“That can’t be.” But if they reported it, I knew it had to be true. But I had to see this for myself. All my planning was based on the element of surprise, the explosions, creating confusion and chaos. And it worked. Did it work … ALMOST? What was my negative thought before? Things just don’t go according to plan? But this can’t be. We worked too hard to accomplish this. All these species came together and cooperated and succeeded. Didn’t we?

But I was running now down the road and the others were following me. At the rise I stopped and looked off down the road. And there in the distance was a massed formation of men double timing it towards us. Something was bumping my arm and I look down. Alex is giving me my helmet. “You need to get us ready, Alexa. They will be here soon enough.”

“Alex, everything depended on our element of surprise. We don’t have that anymore. We don’t have the weapons or the individuals trained to use them.”

“Alexa, we all trust you. You have gotten us this far. If we can’t stay and fight another battle, do we retreat to hide our families in the jungles and mountains and fight skirmishes?”

I am quiet. Alex starts at me again. I shout, “QUIET! Please!” And … yes, I know what we are going to do …

* * * Part 40b will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …Sci-fi, Alien/Human Female, Various a****ls/Human FemaleRemember the Alien – Predator movie where the human woman joined forces with the Predator near the end to fight off the Alien? The Predator provided her with a make-shift shield, weapons. She aggressively attacked the Alien when the Predator was on the losing side of the fight. She ended up killing the Alien, but the Predator ended up dying, anyway. At the very end, the Predator space ship arrives, his comrades...

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Human Pet Zoo

Human Pet ZooBy SarahPrologue:        In the year 2020, Dictator for life Obama made it legal for girls over 21 to enter into voluntarily enslavement for the amusement of males.  Soon after the protests died down, business professionals soon began to develop theme parks for girls interested in living the lifestyle to live in comfortably, or in any case, as comfortably as a slave girl could ask for.  A new federal department was created, the department for human pet safety, which was tasked with...

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The Elf and the Human

She watched Him as He stumbled through the forest. Crashing through the undergrowth with enough noise that all the wildlife had fled far away. She was getting angrier by the second—what was this fool human doing in her forest? It was forbidden to all but the Elves. The Human King had even declared it off limits after He had lost so many soldiers in the forest depths. She had to hunt for the disabled and ailing back in her village. Unknown to the humans, the elves has suffered great losses...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 21: NEW LIFE REFLECTIONSI woke up disoriented. Where am I, what woke me up? The sun is barely up. Long shadows and rays of light penetrating through the jungle canopy. There’s that noise, again. I am stretched out on the ground along b**st’s stomach and chest, his front leg over my upper body. This has become a favorite sleeping position for me since we arrived on the planet. Although it is much more comfortable on the beach sand at the lagoon. I raise my head to seek out the source of...

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The Human Toilet Project

The Human Toilet ProjectIt all began with a casual visit to the Misc. part of Craigslist's job openings. I didn't necessarily need a job because I had begun to receive Social Security just a few months ago, but you are allowed to have a little part time work. The listing was as follows.The University of California Berkeley Psychology Dept in coordination with UC Medical School Dept of Internal Medicine need a male volunteer for their human toilet project. We prefer someone who has never been a...

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Human Toilet Abduction

Human Toilet AbductionIt was well after 2 am when I finished work at the club and after waiting for almost 45 minutes to get a cab home because my car was at the mechanics I finally gave up and decided to walk home.  It was dark and cold so my step quickened.  All I wanted to do was get home, take a long hot shower, maybe check out some porn on the internet while I fucked myself with my thickest dildo riding up and down the super thick shaft on my office chair while I went to some of my most...

3 years ago
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Sexcrazed Zombies vs the Human RaceChapter 2

After my own personal experience with the covert sodomy practiced by the hybrid zombie population, I directed my attention to the insidious nature of the sex-crazed zombie development. There was no doubt that the entire affair was more complex than we first suspected because a new crop of female sex-crazed zombies added to the confused state of circumstances. My team had isolated a coven of the creatures in an area just south of “Old Las Vegas” out in the Nevada desert living like a sacred...

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Nobody knows exactly where they came from, maybe they were mutants from the pollution of humanity or maybe they've always been around. Maybe this is Man's Hubris coming back to roost, maybe they're just a path of Evolution that was always there but never really discovered just from sheer dumb luck. Never officially, anyway. 1954, The Amazon. A scientific expedition takes a turn when Kay Lawrence, the group's ichthyologist and the only female in the group, is kidnapped by what was described by...

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More Than Human

This story is the sequel to my story Less Than Human. If you are 18 or under, disgusted by adult material or just don't feel like reading any at the moment, please read no further. If anyone wishes to archive this, please let me know. More Than Human part 1 of 2 By Morpheus Daryl pulled his jacket a little closer to him as protection from the chill of the night air, not taking his eyes off of the house that he'd been watching for the past hour. That he'd been watching the...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Part Two Human Nature

“B,” Bill said as we sat in the utility vehicle. They were parked just outside the food court of the mall. Things had gotten back to normal. Well as usual as they could be with a giant alien spacecraft sitting in our backyard.  The mall was busier than it had ever been. Chuck, the realtor, had told them that he had rented out or sold more houses and apartments in these few days than in his whole career, seeing as he took over his family business straight out of high school that was saying...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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New Beginnings Part Two Human Nature

“B,” Bill said as we sat in the utility vehicle. They were parked just outside the food court of the mall. Things had gotten back to normal. Well as usual as they could be with a giant alien spacecraft sitting in our backyard.  The mall was busier than it had ever been. Chuck, the realtor, had told them that he had rented out or sold more houses and apartments in these few days than in his whole career, seeing as he took over his family business straight out of high school that was saying...

Oral Sex
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Chapter 42: MY FUTURE IS DECIDEDThe island is at peace, the mainland threat is gone. The island should be secure. Life should be peaceful. And b**st is gone. Happy, perhaps. But still gone. What does all this mean for me?Within a week of our victory against the invaders, Alex and Addama decide to go ahead with their marriage. She feels it is good for a positive, celebratory change. So early evening, with the world quieting down again, Alex and Addama approach Tessra and me at the edge of the...

4 years ago
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Human toilet training

Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...

4 years ago
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Less Than Human

Less Than Human By Morpheus The rain was coming down hard and had long since left Ethan soaked to the bone. The long coat that he'd been wearing had been sufficient protection when he'd started out earlier and there was only a light sprinkle coming down, but far too soon the rain had started coming down full tilt. "God damn it." Ethan growled to himself, shivering badly as he strolled down side of the road, becoming more and more impatient to get where he was going. "This...

2 years ago
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Sexcrazed Zombies vs the Human RaceChapter 3

Most of us that had survived the first wave of sex-crazed zombies and then the second wave with the females of the species neutralizing the human male sperm and reducing the ranks of the human race to more manageable ratios didn’t have a clue of what was in store for the last and final spurt of zombie destruction that laid waste to our urban areas and devastated our farm production to the point that starvation was our final tribulation in the war against the insidious forces of evil. We had...

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Demihuman Slavery

In the not-so-far future, a part of the world has embraced slavery. Slaves are almost entirely removed from the jurisdiction of the state, as it is the duty of the master to discipline their slaves and keep them in check. Only, when a slave proves to be dangerous to the public (as with killing or injuring a free human), they will be put down for good. However, most slaves aren’t humans. Instead, the scientists of this country have used advanced genetics to create a multitude of humanoid...

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It was well after 9:00PM when I finally returned from work. I was exhausted mentally, which was definitely affecting me physically. But I had much preferred to stay rather late on a Friday evening than go to work for a few hours on a Saturday morning. Still, I felt less than human when I walked in the front door. Clearly, I had missed dinner, and the snacks I had bought from a vending machine at work would not last me much longer. If my fiancée had cooked dinner, she had already put away...

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Human Resources

Human Resources by Cindy V. May 2000 It was about 8 pm on a Saturday night, as I cursed the computer because my spreadsheet formula was wrong. Yes, another Saturday night at the office in downtown Manhattan. Why was I there? For one thing, because I had no social life at the moment. But for another, because there was too much work to do, and because the damn Human Resources department was dragging its feet as usual on finding me an assistant. Sorry, but I...

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Chapter 33a: ALEX’S NEW EXPERIENCESSix months after the training of the Western Team, life on the island continued suspiciously calm. Of course when I say six months it is something of my guess. I have known that the cycles of days, nights, months, moon orbit and orbit around the sun was different. I never thought to get a precise conversion from the Predators because, frankly, how does it matter? Life follows the cycles of the environment and is not predicated by some artificial timetable. But...

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Nitty Gritty Of Human Anatomy

Nitty Gritty Of Human AnatomyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBertha had really worked very hard for the last year and her grades were showing it. The improvement was more than one full point rising up 3.51 CGPA. For all the love she had to be in the marching band; she had done it faster than any black c***d ever known to achieve such high grades in so little time. She was told to have been enrolled in the band music class already but now all she had to do was to work on her individual subjects of Math and...

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A lone Human finds 3 very odd Elves

My name is Dalas. I grew up in a poor family in Southshore, and as soon as I was able, moved immediately to the great city of Stormwind to try and make a future for myself.I had never been very good with arms, nor had I felt the calling of the wild or the light, so that only left me with one choice; magic.The only question was, which kind would suit me better? The path of the Mage, who follows the "goodly" path of magic, or... the path of the warlock, controller of dark, ancient, powerful magic...

4 years ago
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Human Mattress 2

HUMAN MATTRESS 2By Hungry Guy     Doug yawned and awoke.  A ray of sunlight filtered in through the crack in the curtains on the single window of his dorm room.  He lifted his head up and saw that it was only 9:18.  Too early to get out of bed on a Saturday morning.      The girl upon which he was sleeping squirmed a little.  There had been so many girls the past few weeks that he could no longer remember their names.  She couldn't move much because her ankles were shackled and tied tightly to...

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Human Reproduction Ch 01

by Fidget Chapter 1 Dr. Jeff was trying to finish wiring his new device before his Intro to Bio class started, but it was starting to look pretty unlikely. As a molecular biologist, designing machines to improve concentration wasn't really his field (and to be honest, he was fairly certain he wasn't supposed to be using university equipment for personal projects either), but some amateur research into the effects of certain frequencies of sound on the human brain had led to a few...

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Free Use Laws Human Resource Management

This story follows Emma who is 24 years at the beginning of the story. It also covers the experience of her friends Carol, Alice, Amy ... The story is set in a future alternative world where some key scientific discoveries has lead to a new age of industrial revolution. Humans are a key resource in the new age. It all started 5 years ago when Emma had just been 18. The space company SPACELINK went out to deep space explorations to find new minerals for human use. They found a mineral named...

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The human made of water

The following few chapters are setting up the plot. Feel free to add on after the origin chapters are over... "Analyzing." A man over the speaker said aloud. His booming voice echoing throughout the room the subject was in. "Sir subject's vitals seem to be stable for now." A woman replied, worried about what would happen if their superiors found out about them forgoing their explicit instructions not to conduct this experiment. The researchers had a breakthrough of massive display, a gene in...

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Battle For Humanity

There is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...

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The Milk of Human Kindness 2

The doors of the high-tech elevator silently slid open, revealing a vast atrium quite unlike anything I had ever seen in my life.  Like a grand entrance hall hidden beneath the Stafferson Offices of Human Advances Special Research Facility, it contained a huge pair of holographic screens that dominated two of the titanium-paneled walls, displaying yards of information and announcements in bright white text.  Around me, I could see just under a dozen more elevators, each ferrying workers and...

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Marys humankittypet adventures 1

This story is another fictional story about Mary, Sam and Marc (all adult!) and the topic is human petplay. If you dislike it, please read another story, instead of ripping my fur off because of my ideas and imagination.In case you find typos - keep them as houswarming gift. ;)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary's human-kittypet adventures (1)Mary lived half a year now with Sam. The biggest...

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Working at the HumanMilk Factory

   I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of time...

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Working at the Human Milk Factory

      I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...

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A Course on Human Sexuality

My college has a first-rate psychology department, where one can study learned texts on human behavior.  But book learning has its limits, so the department prides itself on conducting clinical exercises that expand on the material.  That academic rigor applies throughout the department, but nowhere more starkly than in its course on human sexuality. All participants in that course have to agree ahead of time to participate fully in the clinical exercises – which they are warned may require...

Group Sex
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Humanoids 1

[As previously promised, I will be adding a couple chapters tonight before releasing a large amount of content made for the next day.. all fully typed, checked, and spaced out so you don't just see 1 or 2 pages added every update!] [I'm also happy to say that there will be much more action and lore coming soon!] _ (This story is my creation, but erotic content is not my priority with this.) READ: *Make sure that you have chosen your name and set each pro-noun to your character's gender - Click...

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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 04

Chapter 8 I have only been a toilet for a few hours, but time moves slower when you have shit in your mouth. Ms. Stone's diarrhea was brutal. I felt shell-shocked, and was convinced the shit inside me was eating away at my brain. It's as if I'm turning into a real toilet, losing my humanity one shit at a time. I had no dignity left. I entered this club with the hope of seeing my ex-girlfriend Lauren. But the reality is inescapable, the only human connection I can expect is having my lips...

2 years ago
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Chapter 40b: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINS - ContinuedSuddenly I did know what we were going to do to survive. And if we could bring it together decisively and immediately, the day will still be ours. Because when it got quiet, at least right around me as everyone was surprised by my reaction, I heard the disturbance. But I had to be sure. So I yelled for quiet, to listen, to be sure. And then I was sure. I heard the disturbance in the air that I have come to recognize as the cloaked shuttle of the...

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The WereHuman

A last story to submit for the list as a good-bye to the list that has given me so much joy over the last year and a part. I dedicate this to Mindy for all she has done. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion...

3 years ago
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A Human Touch

A Human TouchReclining in her chair and emitting a vexed exhale, Nike Toris brought the tips of the fingers to the temple of her skull in an attempt to ease the dull ache that was swelling within. The financial year had always been a stressful time, and always would be, as every man and his dog sought to make amends for leaving their taxes to the last minute, and piling their procrastination into the lap of one of the more reputable accountancy firms in town – for a handsome price. Abruptly –...

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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 1

“Finishing high school should make me want to celebrate, but I feel like shit,” I thought to myself. My girlfriend Lauren had broken up with me. She was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. I was so madly in love with her, but she thought I was a loser. She only liked me because I was one of the first kids to get a car. I would drive her and her girlfriends around, and they would pretend to be nice to me. After dropping them off at club events, I would hear them laughing...

4 years ago
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Human Mexican Donkey Part1

I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walking many miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavy objects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...

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Chapter 41: THE NEW DAY … AND A BIG CHANGEThe new day brought a new awareness. To all of us. And it was obvious by the reactions of all the species as they milled around the commons area of the settlement. The day before we were in the fight of our very lives. Although I gave us even odds for the initial battle as I had it planned, even odds is also just as good that we would lose. Then, when it was clear they had held back half of their force, I believed we were doomed. If not right there on...

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Chapter 38: ADVANCED TRAININGAfter that first night with the couples spending the night at the lagoon, Tessra, Helman, and Addama began to routinely stay at the lagoon. They would occasionally return to the village several times in a row to get new clothes and keep up appearances and share with the other villagers the training and any news about the arrival expectation of the ships that would contain more new people and my plans for the inevitable conflict. Everyone was resolved to the thought...

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Chapter 27: THE WOLF PACKb**st and I are back at the lagoon and discussing the success the team has had in formation and establishing a secure zone around the clan and village (even if they weren’t supporting the effort). During our discussion we were considering the timing for going to the NW mountain and making contact with the other people village and the other clan. I was interested in the dragon creature. I was estimating this expedition could take a considerable amount of time away. Part...

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Chapter 24: AN ALLIANCE FORMEDb**st and I were leading a very satisfying life cycle since the Predators once again left. Their return for the short visit was nice. I, especially, enjoyed catching up and renewing relationships with my former Unit mates and Danna. I had experienced much in the year or so I was with them. They were also indirectly responsible for b**st and I meeting. When they left, again, I faced that question that I had faced and addressed before. Will I be happy here? Will I...

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Asian Wife Internet Cafe Human Urinal

My wife and I went to a local internet cafe that has some arcade machines that she loves to play; Japanese rhythm games. We decided to go late at night since we didn't have any good movies to watch and we were bored, but we were still wide awake. The place is very large with about 80 PC's and 15 arcade machines, the place only had a few small groups of Asian guys in the place since it was late at night and they are addicted to LoL and Battlegrounds, but pussy will always be the most addictive...

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Marys humankittypet adventures 2

This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...

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Human Mexican Donkey Part1

I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walkingmany miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavyobjects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...

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Human Furniture Company

Human Furniture CompanyBy SarahPrologue:        In the early 21st century, human populations across the globe suffered a major financial meltdown, followed by a massive terrorist attack.  The insidious attack, however, targeted the reproduction rates of the world’s women.  50 years after the attack, women around the world began to see the results of the genetic bomb that the terrorists had delivered.  Women began giving birth to multiple girls at a time, while males being born remained...

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Becoming a human cow

The dark naked women in short white lab coats lead him into a white room.They told him to lay down,and they strapped him onto the table. There was a large bowl of liquid,amber in color,next to the table.After removing all of David's clothes, the women started to massage his body. For an hour or more, he laid back as dark hands worked over his soft white flesh. He was already erect when they removed his trousers, but when they applied the amber liquid, he knew the true meaning of "rock hard"....

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Human Mattress

HUMAN MATTRESSBy Hungry Guy ([email protected])    Doug got out of his last class at 3:30 Friday afternoon.  After dropping his books on his bed in his dorm room, he went down the hall to watch TV in the corner lounge.      Bob, Cindy, Diane, Carl, Debbie, Linda, and Ron were sitting around the coffee table passing a joint around.      "Hey Doug," Ron called.  "Want a hit?"    "Sure," said Doug as he plopped down on one of the institutional-decor dorm sofas.     "We're having a...

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