Montana To L.A. Chapter 3 free porn video

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Janelle woke early, Kelsey still sleeping peacefully next to her. She managed to slip out from underneath her young lover without waking her. Her thoughts tormented her about what she'd done the night before. She contemplated taking a shower; instead got her gym clothes on then headed downstairs. She tiptoed past Jordan's room, not pausing to check since she heard the young woman snoring.

Before heading into the gym which was just off the kitchen she made coffee. She leaned back against the counter, arms folded, recalling last night. Pondering her actions with each of the girls, marveling at how wonderful each of them felt. Her bliss was short lived when she thought how complicated her life was going to become.

The coffee smelled delicious as the aromatic steam arose from the maker. She sighed while grabbing a travel mug from the cabinet. She poured her daily dose of caffeine then turned off the maker. Walking into the gym, she swooped up her MP3 player, stuffed each earbud in and set her coffee in the elliptical's cup holder. Someone had left a towel on it which she decided to use to wipe her own sweat off with. It smelled like Jordan's body wash which triggered sweet thoughts along with lovely sensations.

Grabbing the elliptical's handles, she placed her feet in the pads, adjusted the resistance level then took off like a banshee. Letting her coffee cool a bit, her mind focused back on the night before. It was like she had a cartoon devil and angel on each shoulder arguing their cases. Back and forth they went, reminding her how sweet the girls were and how evil she was.

Summer was rapidly drawing to a close and she wanted both girls to stay. She knew Dave wanted them back, after all they were his daughters. Talking to herself, she began working on a dialog she planned on having with the girls. She was sure each one wanted to stay since they were enjoying their time with her. She hadn't meant to make love with either of them, it just happened. She had enjoyed both of them but it felt dirty in many ways as her conscientious reminded her.

She sipped her coffee hoping it would help her focus on doing the right thing. Continuing to pedal, her cartoon conscientious kept making valid points which got her nowhere.

After about a half hour her coffee was done so she slowed to cool off. Taking the towel from her neck, she wiped the sweat from her brow, inhaling the lovely scent of Jordan once more.

Her body felt better with the activated endorphins racing through it. Sadly, she hadn't come to any resolutions involving the girls. Passing through the kitchen once more, she set her cup in the sink then grabbed her water bottle. Filling it from the tap, her eyes looking out over the pool recalling the three delicious young bodies that graced it the night before.

The water overflowed the vessel quickly returning Janelle to reality. Shutting the faucet off she capped the container. Trudging back upstairs to shower she was anxious to get the sweat and sex off her. The girls were still quietly sleeping as she got undressed to shower. Taking the water bottle with her she closed the master bathroom door behind her.

She set the bottle in the shower, turned on the water and adjusted it to a soothing hot temperature. Stepping in, she sighed when the streams crashed against her sweaty skin. Dunking her head under the torrent she held it there for some time hoping it would help her find a solution to her angst.

She didn't hear the bathroom door open but she did with the shower. Turning her head while withdrawing it from the stream she wiped the water from her face.

There was Jordan, naked and holding her body wash, “Can I join you and talk?” Janelle was both shocked and delighted. Shaking her head because she knew this probably wouldn't turn out for the best.

“I don't think that's a great idea, baby doll. What is your sister going to think if she wakes and finds us in here? I already have too much on my mind to have to deal with explaining to Kels.”

Just as Janelle was declining the invitation she heard the toilet flush, “You don't have to explain anything. Jordan and I had a little talk before we walked in here. I'm kinda mad at you, Jordan said you resisted a bit. I can't blame you, my sister is a hottie.”

Janelle turned the water off, took a seat on the bench placing her face in her hands and started to cry. “Gawd I have screwed this up.” Her sobbing continued as both girls sat on either side of her.

“No, I put you in a bad place, Janelle,” Jordan confessed, “I shouldn't have bothered you last night and I'm sorry. I was just confused, so many feelings and emotions were running through my head. I wasn't thinking right. I confessed to Kels about what we did. She was mad but we don't hate you. We both love you.”

“Jordan is right, I do love you, Janelle. I was pissed at first but I understand. I mean I did come on to you too. But you kind of started it earlier last night. It's not like I said no or anything.” Kelsey reassured her.

“So, what you're saying is we're all to blame for this little love triangle?” Janelle stopped crying as she looked at each of the girls in turn.

“I think so,” Jordan admitted.

“Yes, I think we all share the blame, Janelle,” Kelsey agreed.

“I love you both, you know that. There's no way I wanted to hurt either of you. I got caught up in the moment also. Now we have it all out in the open and I promise it will never happen again. So, your aunt Janelle has made a decision. Here's what we are going to do. I thought about this earlier and I hadn't made up my mind until now. We're going to conference call with your dad. You both should go home and spend time with him. He misses you both. If he's willing to let either of you return you can stay here as long as you like.” Janelle waited for a response knowing they might not like her decision.

“But, I'm old enough to decide what I want,” Jordan retorted.

“I know you're old enough to make your decisions but you need to involve your father. He loves you and cares for you and wants you both to be happy. I'm not going to be accused, not that your father would, of stealing his only links to your mother.”

“I hate when you're right,” Kelsey sighed, snuggling closer to Janelle.

“I want to spend time with Emma,” Jordan said taking a stand to see if Janelle would fudge on her position.

“Look, we still have a few weeks before my sweet Kelsey needs to be back for school. You my dear, need to have a heart to heart with your dad. If you want and he says yes, you can work for me on a full-time basis. Bottom line is you're both going home and helping your father. It's been way too long for him with nobody home.” Janelle stood firm. The girls could see no matter what they said she wasn't going to budge.

They both sighed reluctantly then agreed she was right. Jordan got up, twisted the water valves on the wall letting the shower resume. Kelsey kissed Janelle's cheek before standing up to shower. Despite the temptation Janelle just showered with her young loves with no sexual overtones. After a little longer than usual shower they all got dried off and dressed.

Janelle dialed up Dave, luckily he was inside the house to answer. Janelle talked first telling Dave about the timetable she'd thought about for the girls to come home. He'd wished it were sooner but agreed since Janelle was paying for the flight. The girls each took turns talking to him without Janelle in the room and not on the speaker phone. They talked for over an hour each telling him what they were doing. He in turn informed them what was going on at the ranch. Jordan left out the part about Emma and Kelsey despite wanting to tell her dad. She also neglected to mention she wanted to live in L.A. with Janelle. They were both a bit melancholy when they hung up admitting to Janelle they really missed home. The rest of the day was spent out running around, visiting a farmer’s markets and some other sights they had on their to-do list.

During dinner that evening Jordan got a call from Emma. She excused herself since she was practically done to take the call in her room. The call lasted quite a while. When she returned to the kitchen to help with the dishes she was beaming.

“I have a date,” she bubbled.

Janelle grinned, “Oh, with Emma I assume.”

Jordan gave her a look, “Well of course, who else?”

“I'm teasing you, silly. What are you two going to do?”

“Since I'm a 'cowgirl' she wants to go horseback riding. There's some place out in the valley. She knows the owners. She told them I know horses so they are going to ask me questions then they'll let us go out on our own instead of in a group.”

Kelsey chimed in, “We don't have anything to really ride in. Looks like we might have to go shopping.”

“It's not we Kels, it's me. It's my date.”

“I know, I just wanted to go shopping with you. Can we Janelle?”

“Of course my loves. I'm sure we can find you both something even though you're not going with your sister, sweetness. When is this 'date'?”

“It's Wednesday if you'll let me off work. She said it's crazy there on the weekends. Please, Janelle.”

Jordan flashed her puppy dog eyes; naturally Janelle relented. She would have regardless but she enjoyed when the girls pleaded with her.

“Of course, silly. Is she picking you up or what? I would like some details so I don't worry about you.”

Janelle sighed; she caught herself being parent like. It was something she really hadn't contemplated the entire time the girls had been visiting. During all that time they really hadn't been out of her sight. Now Jordan was going on a date with someone she had almost guided her to.

Wednesday couldn't come quickly enough for Jordan. Janelle scanned the internet for local western wear stores then took the girls shopping during work on Monday. The girls enjoyed the trip. It seemed to Janelle the only problem was the whining from her two loves, that most of the clothes she was buying them they already had similar items at home. They ended the day by taking a quick drive by the stables to glance over the area where Jordan would be going.

The ranch was tucked away at the North end of the San Fernando Valley. They could see trails rising up from the bottom of a small canyon back behind the house and stables. The surrounding hills looked desolate due to the drought California had been experiencing over the past few years. Kelsey looked over the parched landscape as they drove by uttering how hot it was going to get on their ride. Janelle thought that with Emma it would get hot regardless of the temperature. Jordan reminded her this was Emma's choice and that she was going to make the best of it.

Wednesday morning arrived, Janelle and Kelsey hugged Jordan good-bye on their way to work. Janelle reminded Jordan to use plenty of sunscreen and take some extra water with her. She was beginning to accept the idea of being a surrogate mother despite the feelings she still had for both the girls. The commute to work was full of speculation about Jordan's first date. Kelsey took the position it would be too hot for Emma and she'd get sunburned or pass out from heat stroke. Janelle kept admonishing her for being so negative, accusing her of being jealous. It finally came down to a 'am not', 'am too' argument which lasted a couple of minutes. They ended it by laughing at each other for being so silly.

Meanwhile, Jordan fidgeted around the house checking herself in the mirror every ten minutes or so. She applied sunscreen just as Janelle had suggested leaving the tube on the kitchen table next to her water bottle just in case Emma needed some.

Emma finally showed just before nine. She pulled up in a black chauffeured Mercedes SUV. Jordan heard the car in the drive, she peeked though one of the curtains giggling to herself as Emma exited the vehicle. She was dressed just a bit fancier than Jordan, brand new boots, designer jeans, with a blouse that looked like it came off a rodeo princess. It was elaborately embroidered with gold vines and red roses. Jordan chuckled to herself, as Emma made her way to the door.

Jordan slipped by the table swooping up her water and sunscreen. She slid up to the front door just as Emma began her knock. She opened it quickly startling the unsuspecting Emma.

Emma jumped back as the beaming Jordan opened the door wide and said hello.

“Geeze, were you waiting behind the door?”

“Oh, sorry. No, I saw you drive up and I grabbed my stuff real quick. I didn't mean to scare you. Wow, you're lookin' good little filly.” Jordan giggled closing the door behind her.

“I wasn't sure what to wear. I've modeled this 'cowgirl' stuff before but never actually put it to use. Is it okay?” Emma did a quick pirouette showing off her new attire.

Jordan smiled, “It's a bit fancy for just a ride but it looks cute. I use my embroidered tops for shows. I brought some things but Janelle donated them when we got here. Now I wish she hadn't.”

The temperatures in the hills where Janelle lived overlooking Los Angeles were a bit cooler than the parched North end of the valley where the girls would be riding. The temperature at 9 am was already sixty-five degrees. By the time the girls got to the stables the thermometer had reached seventy-five degrees on its way to a scorching ninety-five. Emma escorted Jordan to the owner’s office to introduce her while their driver headed off someplace cooler to wait for a text to bring him back.

The owner, Maggie was in her fifties, dressed in clothes similar to Jordan well-worn and fit for working, not showing off. She greeted the girls with a skeptical look then walked them to the stables, questioning Jordan's horse knowledge along the way. She liked the answers Jordan gave her then told her she'd like to see her saddle a horse. Instead of the usual plodding trail weary quarter horses she used for tourists she introduced the girls to two of her more independent mares. One was already saddled and waiting, the other had all of its tack neatly arranged outside the stall waiting to be applied.

Maggie looked at Jordan and told her to have at it. The young woman smiled as she approached the horse waiting in the stall. Gently talking to her, she turned and asked Maggie her name.

“Princess, the other is Lucinda,” her voice a little raspy from smoking.

“Hello Princess,” Jordan said facing the horse.

When Jordan greeted her, the horse turned and walked over to the door in her stall. Poking her head out, she nodded letting out a whinny. Jordan stroked her forehead gently, talking to her the entire time. Emma looked over at Maggie to see her smiling, won over so far by Jordan's actions.

Jordan grabbed Princess' reins as she opened the stall door. Walking Princess out, she tied her off and began saddling her. When she was finished she stood back asking Maggie how she did. Maggie was impressed and told the girls they could head out on their own. She led them with the horses out to a trailhead just past the back of the house.

“Okay, ladies. This trail leads up to a reservoir about five miles out. It's not a hard ride but I don't let the tourists use it. The terrain is a bit more scenic so I hope you brought a camera. I see you have water with you. It's going to be hot so I gave you a couple more bottles just in case. They are in Lucinda's saddlebags. Have fun and I'll see you back here in about three hours.”

“We have my cell phone, Aunt Maggie,” Emma replied.

“Thank you Maggie, we'll take good care of them,” Jordan answered as she pet Princess.

Maggie watched as the girls took a few 'selfies' then grinned as Emma struggled to mount Lucinda. She finally got on after two tries, blushing profusely when she made it. Jordan easily entered the saddle, patiently waiting for Emma to do the same. When they were set, Jordan took the lead, waving back at Maggie thanking her as the trotted off.

The trail was wide enough for the two young riders to ride parallel to each other at the beginning. Emma was impressed with Jordan's horsemanship and let her know. Jordan shrugged it off comparing her knowledge with Emma's modeling expertise. The sun beat down upon them and had it not been for a slight breeze wafting up the canyon the girls would have been very uncomfortable. The horses plodded along in a comfortable gait allowing the girls to converse. As the trail narrowed Emma let Jordan lead the way which made talking a bit difficult.

After about an hour they were on a mesa overlooking the reservoir. The path wound through it bordered intermittently with piles of boulders. They could see hints of the reservoir just off in the distance. There were a couple of flat areas near the shore with trees in several places. Jordan suggested they stop under one particular spot that had a picnic table. Emma agreed joking that her butt was beginning to get a bit sore from the bumping in the saddle. That made Jordan laugh as she headed for the tiny oasis a few hundred yards off.

Upon arrival, Jordan dismounted tying Princess loosely to one of the trees. She helped Emma down then tied Lucinda off at another. She glanced at Emma who was walking rather stiffly to the table. She was rubbing her butt trying to ease her saddle soreness.

Before leaving Lucinda, Jordan snatched an extra water Maggie had packed. Smiling a bit at Emma's discomfort she handed her date a bottle then took a seat next to her.

“It takes a bit to get used to riding. How's your butt?” Taking a sip from the bottle.

“Thanks, it's getting warmer out. Oh, it's a bit sore. How's yours? Besides being cute,” Emma grinned.

“I can feel it. It's been a couple of months since I've ridden. But it does feel good to be back in the saddle, I miss it,” Jordan lamented.

“Well, I could rub the soreness out if you want.” Emma winked as she took a long swig from the bottle.

Jordan blushed, “Here? We're outside in public naughty girl.”

“We're outside five miles from anyone. Maggie said nobody comes up here. Rub mine, I'll rub yours.”

“You are naughty!”

“But you like it don't you.” Emma smiled seeing the blush on Jordan's face get a bit redder. “I can be. I want to be with you, Jordan. Not really naughty, well I guess I do but I want to be close to you. Get to know you. I've very attracted to you and I hope you feel the same.”

Jordan thought for a minute, looking down at the grass surrounding the table. It was a light yellow with a few remaining blades of green as the lack of water slowly turned it dormant. The horses stood idly by, stretching their reins trying to eat what little grass remained around them. She looked up at them as Emma patiently awaited a response to her confession.

“I have never felt like this with any girl I've ever met before, Emma. It's new, confusing, and it's exciting. I loved kissing you. But I'm scared at the same time. I'm going back home in a couple of weeks. I didn't think I missed it but after this little ride today, I realize I do. I miss my dad, I miss my mom and I miss home. I don't want just a summer fling.”

“I don't either, Jordan.” Emma set her bottle aside. Turning to face Jordan, she took both the girl’s hands in hers. Looking at her; voice trembling a bit, she continued, “Jordan, I know it sounds like a promise that won't be kept but I will keep it. I want to come visit you. I want to meet your dad. I want to see where you live, how you live. Find out more about your mother. Your world is so different than mine. Please let me in.”

Both girls tried holding back tears to no avail.

Jordan wiped away hers, “This is happening so fast. My heart is racing, I'm so torn.”

“Don't be torn.” Emma leaned in kissing Jordan softly.

Jordan reciprocated, dropping Emma's hands, wrapping hers around the girl’s shoulders, pulling her close. Their kiss started out sweet and loving then passion grabbed a foothold within each of them. It quickly built into a lust and arousal with each passing moment.

Jordan surprised Emma halting their kiss to take her hand. Rising up, she looked around making sure the landscape was still void of any human activity. Once assured, she led her new love to a shady part of their little camp. She sat down on the soft, lusher part of the ground beckoning Emma to join her.

Emma smiled, settling down next to Jordan. She slipped in for another kiss, her body weight encouraging Jordan to lay back on the cool soil. Her hand behind Jordan, insuring a delicate transition from vertical to prone, she extracted it to cradle Jordan's head as they kissed.

Emma looked into Jordan's eyes, “You know we don't have to do this, right? As much as I want to, it's not something you have to do for me to want you. Does that make sense?”

“I know. I don't have to do anything. I want to make love with you. I want to feel your body against mine. Your lips against mine. I want to hold you and just be with you. I know I'm confused to a degree but there's also a part of me that yearns to be with you. I will expect you to come see me. I'm glad you want to meet my dad and learn more about my mom. I want you in my life. I just don't know how that will work out. Just make love to me now before I change my mind.”

Emma did as requested. Laying at Jordan's side she unbuttoned her love's blouse while softly kissing Jordan's face. Her kisses were delicate, not quite short, yet not quite long, as she randomly covered the face she was in awe of. Jordan closed her eyes, waiting to be taken; the softness of Emma's kisses soothed and excited her at the same time. Emma's actions didn't feel rushed or hurried, she was in awe of her new love and didn't want to rush anything. The patience she displayed made Jordan long for her that much more. She realized this was more than lust. Emma did care for her and that made giving herself to her more meaningful.

With her new blouse now unbuttoned, she rose to her elbows allowing Emma to slip it off. She finished sitting upright removing the new garment and placing it to her side. Reaching back, she unhooked her bra as Emma unbuttoned her own top. The bra as well as Emma's newly acquired attire soon became a pile next to them. They helped each other remove their boots, Jordan still scanning the area to be sure they were alone. Princess looked over at them straining her bridle, nodding and whinnying as if she were her approving of Jordan and Emma.

Reassured of their solitude Jordan removed her jeans and panties. Emma followed suit completing the pile next to them. The grass under her bare body felt a bit odd to Jordan. It scratched slightly but wasn't uncomfortable. She looked into Emma's eyes, wrapped her arm around her lover's neck drawing her face closer, then she eased down with her to the ground. The girls embrace melded them into one being. Emma was about to say something when Jordan placed a finger over her lips silencing her. The look they shared at that moment removed any doubt from Jordan's mind. It was then Emma began making love to Jordan.

Emma sat up on one elbow. Her free hand traced Jordan's body from her face to her thighs, marveling at the soft curves. Jordan closed her eyes delighting in the touch of her lover. Emma placed her lips over Jordan's nipple as her fingers continued their exploration of the girl’s satin skin. She gently suckled at first, as Jordan become aroused her sweet efforts became more focused. She moved from breast to breast sucking, biting and inhaling each in turn. Her fingers teased Jordan's thighs, hinting at a different goal.

Jordan squirmed, delighting in Emma's focus on her body. Her moans and soft murmurings pleased her lover. Emma's arousal was building as rapidly as Jordan's. Her heart was racing, juices warming the area between her legs. She could feel the excitement in Jordan increase each time she brushed over Jordan's nether region. Jordan whispered for Emma to take her. So, Emma began massaging the girl's lips with her fingertips. Ever so delicately, gently rubbing, then a slow methodically up and down while Jordan squirmed. Jordan's secretions helped lubricate Emma's fingers making it easier to slip between her folds. After a few more moments, Emma's hand left Jordan's vagina. She placed her hand on the nearest thigh parting the girl’s legs.

Slipping over Jordan's leg she knelt between them, lowering her face. One hand reaching up from under a leg she manipulated Jordan's nipple with her fingers. Her tongue eased into her lover's vagina inducing her to moan aloud. Emma licked Jordan as if she a spoon of frosting. Long, slow passes of her tongue savoring the flavored liquid coating her lips and cheeks.

Jordan rocked side to side as her body approached the second earth shattering orgasm of her life. The sensations of pleasure coursed through her as Emma intensified her tasty task.

Emma felt Jordan getting closer to the peak so she focused on her clit. Touching it with just the tip of her tongue she teased it until Jordan could take no more. Jordan's eyes rolled back in her head, her body convulsed. Then her head snapped forward, her stomach muscles tightened showing off her abs, her toes curled nearly causing cramps in her arches. She repeated this sequence at least four times before settling back on the grass spent.

Emma withdrew her face from between Jordan's legs, sitting back on her heels, she massaged Jordan's legs watching her lover climax. When it seemed like it was over, Emma lay down next to Jordan gently kissing her cheek. Their bodies displaying beads of sweat partly due to the heat they created between them and the surrounding air temperature.

Jordan caught her breath, turned to face Emma, “I think I love you.”

Cradling Emma's cheeks in her hands she kissed her new love with all the energy she could muster. Then she laid back attempting to regain her composure, marveling at the sensations within her. Emma grinned as she snuggled up to Jordan.

“I'm glad you enjoyed my sweet love. I hate to, but I think we need to head back and turn in our ponies before Aunt Maggie sends out a rescue party,” Emma whispered.

“I just want to lay here with you. But, I know. It is getting hotter out and the horses need a drink,” Jordan reluctantly agreed.

The girls kissed one more time, savoring the moment and what they had just experienced. They got dressed, kissing each time one or the other put an article of clothing on.

The horses were ready to head back to the stable, they were hot and thirsty. The girls finished off their opened water bottles stowing the empties back in Lucinda's saddle bags. They allowed the horses to drink from the shoreline of the reservoir since the reservoir itself was extremely low. Jordan saw other hoof prints around it and figured it was okay for the horses to drink before she let them.

On the ride back Emma, her confidence bolstered by pleasing Jordan took the lead. They entered the mesa plodding along without a care in the world. Passing by one of the piles of boulders on either side of the trail Lucinda began getting jittery. She stopped suddenly causing Emma to look back at Jordan. Releasing one hand from the reins she turned to look back gesturing with her arm up asking what's this?

Before Jordan could say anything Lucinda reared, then bolted. Emma didn't see or hear the two foot rattlesnake that had been sunning itself on a rock next to the trail. Lucinda did and now she was getting away from it as fast as her four legs could take her. Emma managed to grab the saddle horn preventing her from falling backwards off the spooked mare.

Jordan saw Lucinda rear and yelled at Emma to yank back on the reins. Emma didn't hear her and panicked as Lucinda broke, screaming at the top of her lungs. Jordan slapped Princess on the haunches with her hand. She rapidly drove her heels into the horse's flanks to get her moving. Princess took off after Lucinda as Jordan lowered her own body, whipping Princess side to side with the reins in order to catch Emma.

Emma was panicked to say the least, she managed to get both hands on the reins but she had no idea what to do. Still screaming at the top of her lungs she nearly fell off just as Jordan and Princess pulled in front of the speeding Lucinda. It took a few moments but Jordan managed to curtail Lucinda's escape without Emma falling off.

The horses came to a controlled walk while Jordan verbally calmed them down. Gripping the reins as if her life depended on it Emma could only mumble. The two mares stopped with Jordan's command, she looked over at Emma who was terrified and crying her eyes out.

Emma looked at her, “You saved my life! Jordan! Oh my god! I could have died!”

Jordan realizing Emma needed to get back in control guided Princess back so she could console her love. When they were close enough Jordan took the reins from Emma. All Emma could do was repeat herself over and over, “I could have been killed. You saved my life.”

Jordan began calming her down as best she could, “Emma, it's okay. I have the reins now and we'll walk in. Shhh, it's okay. It's not that far to the stables. Just over that ridge.

Emma slowly began to focus again. Her tears started to subside as Jordan calmed her down. Jordan reached down into Lucinda's saddlebag and managed to get the last water bottle. She handed it to Emma to get her to focus on something else. Emma took the bottle gulping at least half of it down which seemed to work. She looked over at Jordan telling her once more that she saved her life. Jordan didn't know exactly what to say so she just told Emma she loved her.

That got Emma crying again, this time instead of panicked tears they were tears of joy. When Emma had calmed enough to talk in complete sentences Jordan guided her love back to the stable and an anxious Maggie.

Jordan apologized for being late explaining the circumstance behind their tardiness. Maggie thanked her for being there and remaining calm. Jordan put the horses in the corral next to the barn while Maggie consoled her niece. Jordan nuzzled Princess and thanked her for being such a good horse. One of Maggie's hired hands removed the saddles then led the two horses into a different corral for a rub down.

Emma had texted the driver when they were in sight of the stable. He was waiting in the parking area to take them back to Janelle's and to drop Emma off so he could go home to his family after a boring, hot day.

After Emma told her aunt the same story Jordan had she met Jordan outside the stable. Taking Jordan's hand in hers they strolled to the limo. The driver opened the door letting them in the cool air of the SUV. Not much was said on the drive back to Janelle's. Emma just held Jordan's hand never wishing to let her go. When they arrived at Janelle's Jordan asked Emma if she'd like to come in. She said yes then dismissed the driver. The driver thanked her and headed home, wondering what might have caused the two bubbly young ladies to become so solemn.

When they entered the house, Janelle and Kelsey weren't home. It was still early afternoon and they weren't due home for at least a couple of hours. As soon as Jordan closed the door Emma whipped her around kissing her deeply. They stood behind the door lost in each other’s arms for a good five minutes. Finally when they took a breath Jordan told Emma once more she loved her. Emma smiled and kissed her once again.

The girls hadn't eaten anything during their riding excursion so Jordan led Emma into the kitchen where they found some fruit and other delights in the refrigerator. They opened up a couple of mineral waters to complement their meal. The cool air of the house soothed them as they ate their lunch in silence, each pondering the events of the morning. After finishing up and putting things away Jordan suggested they shower. Emma's smile confirmed her acceptance to the invitation along with another opportunity to be naked with Jordan.

The two lovers went up to Jordan's room, undressed, tossing their clothes in separate piles. Jordan suggested they use Janelle's shower since she wasn't going to be home till later and it was much nicer. Jordan made sure they had clean towels to dry off with. Then she stepped in turning the water on in the process. Emma sat on the toilet watching the object of her affection adjust the stream, marveling at the sweet body before her. When Jordan announced the temperature was right Emma made her entrance, cuddling with Jordan once more. Together they basked under a soothing stream of water as it cascaded over their dusty hair and sweaty bodies.

Jordan took the lead, turning Emma's face to hers outside the shower's flow. Closing her eyes, she kissed Emma and held her close. Emma responded in kind, her hands on Jordan's lower back, creating little hearts with her fingertips.

Jordan broke their kiss giggling, “That tickles!”

“I won't do it anymore if it distracts you.”

“Maybe not so delicately. I love your hands on me, it's just sometimes you do it so lightly, it tickles.”

“I'll remember that. There's so much about you I want to know. I guess I'm diving in head first aren't I?”

“Hey, I am too. I'm just sorry it's the end of our trip and I have to go home. Are you wet?” Jordan inquired unaware of the innuendo.

Emma purred, “Yes, I am.”

“Brat! I meant from the shower so we can get clean. Here, use my body wash.”

She handed Emma the small bottle from the ledge containing the shower supplies.

Emma popped the cap from the bottle. Looking into Jordan's eyes she winked, “Do me, I'll do you.”

Jordan replied, “You already did me, I think it's my turn to do you.”

Emma's expression changed from sly to exuberant as she snapped the cap back on the bottle. Jordan took it from her then shut the water off. Opening the bottle once more Jordan squirted some in her palm to begin soaping down Emma.

“You're just going to soap me down? That's your idea of “doing” me?”

“Hush. This is my time. Bitch about it after I'm done if you're not happy, my fair skinned, freckled friend.”

Emma giggled, “Okay, I think I got a bit too much sun; my butt cheeks feel warm. Would you mind checking them for me, cowgirl?”

“I planned on doing that. Give me a chance will ya?”

Jordan started massaging Emma's breasts with the gel. At first slow and luxuriously covering every centimeter of her ivory skin. She then spread gel onto her own breasts watching her lover's face change from curious to hungry. She slipped her hands around Emma's waist, settling on her ass cheeks pressing Emma to her.

“You do have a hot ass, Ms. freckled one.” Jordan grinned.

She then began carefully sliding her breasts over Emma's. Watching as each nipple flicked the opposing one in a sensual race to see whose would harden first. It didn't take long until both girls nipples stiffened. Jordan grinned, kissing Emma as one hand slipped between her legs. The gel combined with Emma's excitement made it easy for Jordan to penetrate her lover. Emma cooed as Jordan massaged the soft circumference of her lover's vagina after discovering how effortlessly her fingers slipped in.

She guided Emma back against the tile wall continually kissing and fingering her. Emma's excitement was expanding with each moment, pleased how Jordan was taking over.

At first Jordan used a single digit to slowly tease. As their arousal spiraled upwards she slipped a second in amplifying Emma's passion. The kissing and fingering continued until Jordan paused for a brief moment. Jordan looked into the eyes of her love then knelt down to taste the nectar she had enticed from her friend. Emma bent her knees while spreading her legs as Jordan grasped her cheeks to help steady her. After marveling at Emma's fiery red mound she stuck out her tongue. Focused on her lover she delved between Emma's swollen lips. Her motions were methodical, covering Emma's pussy from bottom to top and then back again. Emma shuddered as Jordan tasted her first woman while hoping she enjoyed it.

Emma placed her hands on Jordan's head, holding her in place as she licked and kissed to her heart’s content. Jordan closed her eyes focusing her thoughts on how delicious Emma had made her feel earlier that day. She loosened her grip on Emma's ass, moving her right hand between her own legs to finger herself as she drove Emma to a mutual orgasm with herself. Her left hand then joined her tongue in her attempt to please her lover. Her fingers massaged and supplemented her tongue as her cheeks became drenched in Emma's sweetness.

Emma's moaning combined with murmured words of encouragement added to Jordan's excitement. Their tryst continued for a few more minutes as their bodies quivered in unison. Jordan could feel how close Emma was to climax; her motions obviously were the correct ones to satisfy Emma. The images in her mind flashed back and forth between Emma and Janelle driving her to the brink. Just as she was about to go over the edge Emma blurted out something Jordan didn't understand.

The girl's leg muscles buckled causing her to slide down the tile wall landing with her ass on the shower floor with an audible plop. Jordan still playing with herself kissed the panting Emma as she sat sprawled before her. Emma wrapped her arms around Jordan as she quickly followed the orgasmic trail just behind her lover.

They rolled onto the hard, cold tile kissing and writhing together unaware that Janelle had opened the shower door.

Emma looked into Jordan's eyes, “I'm in love with you.”

Janelle startled the girls when she smirked, “Well, hello ladies.”

Same as Montana to L.A. Chapter 3 Videos

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

3 years ago
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Amandas Journey The Final Chapter

Chapter 12 "Oh Princess, we have an hour all to ourselves," Jennifer says in a wicked tone, as she forces me to walk across the room. I know I'm about to endure pain like I've never felt before, so I try to brace myself as well as I can. I judge we're on the other side of the room near the stairs when she stops. I hear a panel open, and a click. Jennifer whips off the sack and says, "Check this out, I love this part." A section of the media wall swings open into a short...

2 years ago
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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

4 years ago
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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

4 years ago
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Turbulence The Next Chapter

(Recommend you read Turbulence Parts I-X first) (Reading Change of Course Series is also recommended) Turbulence: The Next Chapter By Julie O Chapter One I was actually enjoying being back in college. First, it took my mind off all the problems caused by Keir. Well, that's not exactly true. I would never truly get over the trouble he caused. It was his web of revenge that had changed my life forever. If it hadn't been for Keir, I would be on some warship troubleshooting a...

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