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Chapter 1

I thought my life was supposed to be a milquetoast rhapsody of chemistry and laboratories. Underneath where I never looked I secretly wished for love, sex, kids and a home in the suburbs; but life had already shown me that a person's dreams should not exceed his grasp.

I am chemist, respected and complimented; I make the perfect lunch table companion. That's about it unfortunately. I came from a city school where geeks were easy targets and intelligence was something to be beaten out of the poor slob possessing any. I survived and that survival is still a sense of pride. College was surreal because, well, geeks were targets there as well, only they didn't use fists. The cruelty was much more subtle - sharp tongues, sneers, and outright rejections.

Graduate school was a relief for grad students are not expected to have a life outside of their schooling. At the time though I dreamed of going into food science, a lucrative field of chemistry that had created magnificent inventions like the taste of the McDonald's hamburger, which tastes the same no matter where or when you bought the product. Yummy.

As with so many other of my dreams, I earned my credentials from a mediocre school under a second-rate professor, and found that those laboratories that line the New Jersey turnpike had no openings for mediocrity. There were bills to pay, so off to the barnyard pharmaceutical labs I went; my dream wasn't entirely misguided, I was in Jersey. Many would surely be pleased with such a career, it does pay well, but the atmosphere of these industrial giants is brutal - it is hardcore greed and pity the poor bastard who delays, denies, or drops the proverbial test tube.

My company liked me. I didn't go home until late in the evening and a productive employee was a good one, a keeper. I had no one to go home to and little tolerance for TV. Life was routine: I would generally leave by 9:00 in the evening and grab dinner at a diner I passed on the way home to my dumpy little house. Dinner had to be done by 11:00 at the latest because the place would fill up with people coming off of the second shift at the area hospitals and factories. I told myself that the noise was annoying but in those quiet moments of confession I knew that I was jealous, lonely and bitter.

Hell, even the waitress, who was about my age or possibly younger, would ignore my smile when I looked up to order. It must be the perpetual library tan that hides the inner beauty. Ha.

My company does not produce Levitra; we lost that race by a full six months. By the way, that warning that if your erection persists for more than four hours you should seek medical attention is real. Sweet Jesus, be careful what you pray for. My lab was assigned the task of exploring the possibility of adapting these medicines into a female libido enhancing product.

The Chinese invented the first male libido medicine 2000 years ago. The first ingredient is 60 liters of male urine, which is slowly evaporated leaving white crystals of salt and minerals behind. The Chinese recipe was in those white crystals. When I suggested to my boss that we boil down 60 liters of female urine and start from there, he roared with laughter at my fine joke and suggested I start with the synthetic hormones we already had in house. I wasn't joking but took the credit for the humor anyway.

Tuesday night I thought I had cleaned up and stored everything. Coat in hand, I glanced at the table and noticed a tray that I had set aside and forgotten that was half hidden by an instrument. I tossed my coat and taking a shortcut of not putting on latex gloves, I picked up the tray to store it in its cabinet. Obviously it had been jostled, one of the vials was tipped partially sideways and when I jerked the tray a bit too fast, the poorly placed cap toppled and a drop of liquid fell on the back of hand.

The drop evaporated before I could put the tray down safely. No big deal, I knew the tray contained combinations of hormones, nothing dangerous or scary. I disposed of the now exposed sample and put the tray away. I passed the janitorial staff on the way out and the security guards at the entrance. All of them bade me goodbye and turned back to their own thoughts.

I stopped at the diner as I always did and sat at the booth I preferred, grabbing a menu and waving at the waitress as I made my way. She gave me a few minutes and made her way over. Staring down, I caught sight of her sensible white rubber soled shoes as she approached. I waited for the ritual words "what would you like this evening" and was mildly surprised when the silence continued for several beats. I looked up and she, well her tag read "Katy", had a puzzled look on her face.

"Do you smell something funny?" she asked me.

I sniffed and told her that I didn't smell anything. Maybe my cold wasn't completely gone after all.

She sniffed a few more times and then took my order. She came back with my decaf and announced that it only smelled peculiar around me. I could only offer a shrug.

Katy brought my dinner quickly and I noticed that she had unbuttoned her blouse one or two buttons.

"It's hot in here," she declared, "Aren't you hot?"

"No," I answered back wondering why she was even exchanging these few words with me. The routine was that she ignored me.

I finished my sandwich and even the chips quickly and pushed the plate back towards the other side of the table. Katy came tearing out of the kitchen and walked quickly over to my table. She looked terrible; her eyes were bloodshot and her hands were shaking.

"Are you done?" she asked in a trembling voice.

When I nodded 'yes' she said "good" and grabbed my hand. I started to protest when she pulled me from the seat and started to drag me toward the back of the diner.

"Hush!" she commanded and steered me into the Women's restroom and locked the door.

"Fuck me! Fuck... me... now!" she hissed at me in a harsh whisper. I stood frozen in shock and unmoving.

"Must I do everything!" she exclaimed with anger and grabbed at my belt and unbuttoned my pants and shoved them down.

She took hold of my cock and stroked it hard and it quickly became erect. She yanked down her panties, bent over the sink and reached back and pulled me by my cock. I pushed it in and began pumping by instinct alone. I felt nothing, every extremity was numb. She started making these animalistic grunting sounds that echoed off the faded tiles. I shuddered involuntarily.

"Not enough, goddamit," she spit out with frustration. She shoved me back and turned around. "Suck my cunt you bastard," she commanded. She grabbed the hair on my head and yanked me down until I fell on my knees. Katy jerked my head forward with both hands and forced my mouth into her pubic hair. The smell was overwhelming and I just opened my mouth and licked. I found her clit and just licked and sucked as the food curdled in the pit of my stomach.

Katy moaned and writhed with a frenzied energy until she cried out "enough" and pulled me up by my ears and demanded that I fuck her until she came. She dropped one hand and guided my cock into her orifice and began to bang her pelvic bone against mine. Her breathing became short and staccato until she bit into my chest and screamed out her orgasm.

To my shame, my body responded to her and I felt myself spurt my speed deep inside her. With her passion seemingly spent and her frame sagging against the sink countertop, I grabbed my underwear and pants, slipped them on with panicked speed, and ran out of the restaurant.

My first thoughts were that I had been raped. 'Men don't get raped, ' I kept telling myself. 'They get butt-fucked in prison but men don't get raped by women.' I was shaking when I walked into my house. I rushed to the bathroom tossing my underwear in the garbage and set the spray on stinging hot. I breathed in the billows of steam trying to purify my body inside and out.

"Hell of way to lose your virginity," I muttered to my reflection in the mirror. Yeah, I was a 32 year old virgin, emphasis on "was."

As I sat on the toilet lid drying my legs, my demeanor began to return and the questions of what happened popped into my brain. She said there was a smell; it was only around me; she got a hot flash; and then the attack. Did the drop of liquid from the lab smell? None the janitorial staff or security mentioned it but then again, they were all male. Like me they were all male and never mentioned a smell. Could it have been the libido drug?

I tossed and turned all night relieving the attack and the next day I felt the same tossing and turning in a wakened state. None of the female staff could identify an odor from the samples tray. It occurred to me later in the day, much later than it normally would have had I been able to concentrate, that there may have been a chemical reaction with the oils on my skin, but I sure as hell didn't want to test that hypothesis.

The sun had gone down and the lab had emptied hours ago. Sitting in my car, my hands were shaking again and I knew that I would not be going to that diner ever again. I cut across to another artery and pulled into different diner that I had been in a few times. The old man sat me in at a small booth off to the side and out of the way because single men like me are bad for business.

As I sat waiting for my meal lost deep in my thoughts, I vaguely heard the front door chimes tinkle as another customer entered. A shadow fell across my table and a body slid into the booth. I looked up and Katy stared me right in the eyes.

"I knew that I would find you eating somewhere, you prick. What did you do to me last night?" She demanded.

"What did I do? You fricking raped me!" I yelled in the loudest whisper I could muster.

She sat back like I had slapped her in the face. "I raped you?" she sputtered, "you raped me, you asshole."

It was my turn to sputter. "You grabbed me. You dragged me to the bathroom. You threw down my pants. You jerked my cock from its root and it still hurts. How can you say I raped you?" I charged. My guts were trembling behind my belt.

"You did something to me!" Katy accused. "That smell, what the fuck did you cook up in your lab?" My mouth dropped open; heartbeats later I remembered to close it and swallow.

"How do you know I work in a lab," I asked meekly.

"You never take off your stupid badge, idiot," taking a swipe at the dangling badge with her hand. I cringed.

I stared at the crusted salt shaker with mock fascination and took a deep breath. "There was an accident last night," I started, "a drop of synthetic hormones fell on the back of my hand and I wasn't wearing gloves."

The woman was utterly silent, not even breathing so it seemed.

"It was nothing dangerous, just hormones. Drink it and you probably wouldn't even get a stomach ache. Besides, I passed five people and no one smelled anything. My staff tested the stuff today and didn't smell anything or show any symptoms." I finished in a miserable whisper.

"Well, I did," and she started to sob. I felt completely helpless with no clue what to do when a woman cries. She thinks I raped her and I know she raped me and as my world spun all the more out of control, I only felt more helpless.

"We didn't use protection, you know. I could be pregnant. You could have given me HIV or something."

"No, no," I tried to assure her, "you won't get any diseases from me, I'm clean."

At this point the waiter came by and asked if the lady wanted something to eat and I told him to give her the same thing I ordered.

"What did you order?" She asked with a pained look.

"I have no clue, I wasn't paying attention for obvious reasons."

There was silence on both sides of the table. My attacker sat on the other side of the table and I was conflicted because she was acting far too human. I wanted to lash out at the vicious animal and found only an angry, frightened woman.

"I got fired last night; I have no money to pay for a dinner." I shook my head and told her not to worry.

"This is your fault," she started up again and my heart sank. "It was your accident and you've got to help me."

"Help you?" I blustered. I looked both ways to see if anyone else in the restaurant was paying attention.

"Look at me," she pleaded. "Everything is swollen, my eyes, my throat, even, uh, down there. and I ache like I have the flu."

I checked out her eyes which were bloodshot, her ears were red, and I reached out to feel the nodes under her jaw. She jerked away momentarily and then let me inspect that they were indeed swollen. I told her to wait a moment while I fetched something from the car. She started to panic so I took my badge from around my neck and tossed it at her.

'She thought I was going to run off, ' I mused wondering why I didn't. I retrieved my satchel from the car and brought it in. I dug into the bottom of it and pulled out a nose spritzer and bottle of liquid cough syrup.

"I was sick with the flu last week. This spritzer is a steroid and it is used to shrink tissues like mucus membranes."

I pointed to the brown bottle: "This is cough syrup but the active ingredient is codeine and it will alleviate the aching sensations in your lymphatic system."

She reached for the spritzer and snorted the medicine up both nostrils. Without measuring the liquid, she took a swig of the codeine syrup.

"How long will it take?"

"Five minutes for the spray to spread; twenty minutes for the syrup to digest if your stomach is empty."

We sat in that booth fidgeting for several long moments when, thankfully, the food arrived. I looked at the meatloaf special with the mashed potatoes covered in a plastic looking brown gravy that I knew was produced by immodest amounts of hydrolyzed corn syrup and modified food starch. My stomach lurched.

Katy looked up at me with a face that confirmed my own thoughts. My eyes widened as I realized that the red had receded from the rims of her eyelids and her eyes, a soft brown, had cleared up as well.

"You're feeling better," I announced. She blinked once and nodded.

"This is disgusting," she stated staring at the plates in front of us.

"I could send it back," I offered. "Order up some eggs."

"Don't bother. They pour the eggs out of carton. It's not even eggs, they call it egg product."

I brushed off the gravy with the side of my fork and picked at the meat. Katy followed my lead and did the same.

As my stomach attacked the meal with glee I finally got up the courage to ask, "what do you want from me?"

"An apology," was the simple reply.

My knee jerk reaction was to attack and accuse her for the crime against my person, but I couldn't. There was no energy, no power left to rehash last night.

"I'm sorry" came out in deadpan.

"I'm sorry, too." came from across the table and my head popped up from my chest to look at her. I nodded my acceptance.

"I need a job."

I shrugged. "I'm a scientist in a lab; I'm not management. It's not even in my building."

"What if I'm pregnant?" I shrugged again.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," was the only thing that popped into my brain. It seemed to satisfy her.

"I don't understand last night," Katy concluded. "You're not even my type. You've got no muscle tone and you're pudgy around the middle." With that she scooped up the meds and her jacket and walked out.

'Pudgy? She called me "pudgy", ' I mulled over in the car on the drive home. It was then I realized that she had never returned my badge and the quiet panic set in. What was her name? I never got her last name but she had mine and my place of work.

Chapter 2

Two weeks passed and life seemed to return to normal. I even stopped scanning the restaurants I haunted at night to make sure her face was not among the denizens. The only changes I made were to join a gym and watch what I ordered for lunch and dinner. Just as I relaxed and settle back into a routine again, a call came for me in my lab. It was security telling me I had a visitor at the front desk. My heart sped up as I made my way to the front.

My stomach constricted into a grotesque knot when I saw Katy's face.

"Can we talk privately in your office," she asked.

I explained to her that I didn't have an office but that I have a laboratory with a desk in the corner. The security guard looked amused when I ushered her into the coffee room where we sit salesmen and visiting managers. I sat her on the couch in the farthest corner.

"I'm not pregnant," she blurted out as soon as we sat. I started breathing again.

She was wearing a black outfit that was cut low and emphasized her cleavage, which wasn't that much but drew my attention.

She followed my eyes and smiled. She told me this was her new uniform, that she had landed a job as a bartender at a bar/restaurant one town over. The bar was known as the place for lonely divorcees and people over thirty. It paid better, much better she explained with hope in her voice.

"I had expected you to be a total shithead," she said breaking into my thoughts. "But you apologized instead. You weren't supposed to do that. I believe, now, I think, that what happened was an accident."

She glanced at me and tilted her head. "Are you working out? You look better."

"Yeah. 'Pudgy' is not one of those words I particularly like to hear, if you know what I mean."

I paused and looked her hard in the face. "Your symptoms have all clear up," I concluded without asking her. "My scalp feels normal again and the bite mark on my left boob has cleared up too. I guess that night will fade as well," I concluded only half believing myself.

"I'm okay; better I think." She hesitated. "I serve at the bar until 2AM. If you ever want to come sit and have a drink, you're welcome to come."

"Gosh," I said trying to scramble, "I don't usually go to bars; but then again, I didn't go to gyms either." She was confusing me all over again, in a different way, a good one even, and I didn't know what to do. I gave her a small smile and touched the back of her hand as it rested on her knee.

I made the excuse of getting back to work and showed her to the front door. My lab was abuzz with noise as I approached it and fell strangely silent as I walked in. I guess I was the topic of conversation.

Friday night the gym was eerily quiet as all of the regulars left to follow their weekend plans. I debated with myself as the weights rose and fell and the reps counted off. With one final clang of the weights as I brought down the bar too quickly, I decided to take Katy up on her invitation.

Katy's face lit up as I took a seat at the far side of the long bar; it had been a long, self-consciously painful walk to reach the other side and her recognition was a welcome reward.

"What are you drinking?" She asked in her bartender's voice.

"Rum and coke?"

"That's a kid's drink. How about a martini?"

"I hate gin. How about, uh, bourbon."

"A manhattan it is" and I watched as she expertly mixed the bourbon and the vermouth, plopping in a cherry as placed the drink before me. I watched the normal people of world talk and carry on as they tried to find love and companionship. Katy kept mixing drinks and pouring drafts as I slowly sipped my way through the martini glass. No one approached me nor did I move from my seat but when my glass was empty, Katy refilled it and we passed a few comments. I was satisfied.

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What’s more embarrassing than family dinners?? Family dinners in public. Such is Peter Green’s nightmare when his parents drag him and his stepsister Willow Ryder out for a bite to eat together. He can’t even manage to take a leak alone when Willow sneaks into the men’s room and asks him if he needs a hand!? Willow is a brat and taking risks makes her horny, so what better way to get her juices flowing than to blow her stepbro in a public restroom? Peter is terrified but...

4 years ago
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mother desire

visit on to see real homemade porn videosI was sitting in my dark living room sipping on a mixed drink and fuming. It was nearly midnight. Because my fifteen year old daughter had been caught sneaking out in the past I had checked her room before I went to bed and found that she was out again. Now I was sitting in the dark and staring at the clock on the VCR and waiting for her to come home so that I could kill her. Well, not really. But I was furious and she was going to know...

2 years ago
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Tara 5 BoasChapter 4

Collin was pulling at her clothes as he tried to remove them. “Collin,” Serpin yelled at him in shock. She tried to wrench free and stumbled back but he followed. He continued to rip her tunic and tore it in two halves down the front so her magnificent breasts where exposed. Stunned by the sight, he released his grip to grab them, but she was quicker, and she ducked under his arms and darted away. “Mine, have to make you, mine,” he was murmuring over and over as she continued to evade him,...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 30 Happily Ever After

"Simon. Look at this." Simon looked up from his section of the newspaper to see what Arabella was reading. He'd been trying to hide from the incessant barrage of news reports on Bobby Tyler and had been looking for some sports scores. "What?" "Bobby Tyler got shot." "Sounds like the government getting rid of an embarrassment. They couldn't really put him on trial, could they?" Simon took a sip of his coffee. "And admit that the world went to hell? Shit. Wouldn't go well in...

3 years ago
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Family AffairChapter 4

George glanced at the beside clock, 1:00 A.M., and he still couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of Cindy. His hands ached to hold her sturdy full tits again. His cock throbbed as he thought about his pleasure earlier in the day, when he finally had held that taut voluptuous body, touching every inch of that young tender skin, licking and sucking the sweet sixteen year old juices that flowed from beautiful pink cunt lips. What a pleasure it was taking her, stuffing his cock into...

2 years ago
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Never Too Old For Pussy

You are not going to believe this story but it really happened. I am a 71 year old man and have been married to a wonderful lady for fifty plus years. Now I have to admit that I do like to stick my dick in strange pussy when the chance arises. I retired several yaers ago and recently volunteered to help the county do some weed surveys down by a lake. On this day I was surveying the weeds along the road when a car pulled up with three high school girls inside. One stuck her bare ass out the...

3 years ago
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Height Of Sex Under Water

Lalita the name still put my lions on fire. No friends it was not a onetime fun, I had already being dating her for the last 2 years and was waiting for any substantial return. That happened to be my first affair in school and I was only 19 and Lalita turned 18, actually sweet girl. I remember my parents were sending me out of station for higher studies and Lalita was very upset. It happened to be our last meet or you can say first sexual interaction and it’s not that I have never seen her...

2 years ago
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Mallard HeirChapter 04

Jenny and Mort are cleaning up after their breakfast when Eric and Frank arrive. Mort takes them to help him unload the gear from the truck. They set up the cleaning gear and the collapsible table with the direct current power saw Mort bought yesterday. Mort starts the generator and is soon busy cutting the boards in the workshop to the sizes he wants for the new shutters. While he does that Jenny has the boys moving the furniture up from the basement so the furniture can be cleaned. By the...

1 year ago
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Andee Poses For A Friend

It had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with Paul,...

Wife Lovers
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Home Alone

Mom and dad decided to go away for a week and took my sister with them leaving me home alone. At s*******n I felt up to the task and was sure that I would survive. Mom felt other wise and had our neighbor, Jenny, stop in to check on me. Mom had Jenny over just before they left and went over a few things with the both of us. Jenny told me she would stop by around eight in the morning to check on me and then would not bother me the rest of the day "so that I could enjoy myself." Wink wink. Well...

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Island Surprise

Last year I decided I had had enough stress in my life. I packed up the things most important to me, locked up my house and headed for the Caribbean. That’s right, the Caribbean. The place I left for and the place where I am now is a small island off of St. Johns Island. I have owned a place there for years but until last year was only there twice. There wasn’t much in the way of amenities on this little isle, but then it was only about a ten or fifteen minute boat ride to St. Johns. My house...

2 years ago
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daves younger brother ken and my wife

After Peggy started fucking Ken, She couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of her. We were supposed to go out of town to her aunts for a party at their cottage and had shipped the k**s off to her mom's in Florida. We got a call that the well broke and they were going to have to get a new well dug. We sat down and said well there goes the weekend. I said maybe not. Call Ken and invite him over. She called and I listened to her talk to him as she said she was dying to suck his big...

2 years ago
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Little White LiesChapter 2

Sean Since it was a Friday, and Jerry and I never worked on weekends, I decided to call it a day early and left the office at just past 5:00. I would be home by 5:30 and we could talk. I was angry and anxious to find out what was going on. I walked into the house right on the half hour and Soledad was on the phone as I came in. She looked up in surprise when she saw me and seemed to be uncomfortable. I couldn't hear what she said to whomever she was talking to but she covered her mouth as...

3 years ago
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The Blind DateChapter 3

After about twenty minutes we parked by a very nice looking restaurant, must have been opened recently because I have never had come across it. As a gentleman I walked to her door and opened it to help her out. She thanked me, and said that she does not remember that anyone had ever done that for her. During the ride, we had not talked much, just about the weather and nothing much else. We walked in and took in the ambiance, everything in Hindu style; Indian dressed people were greeting us...

1 year ago
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Working Late

The cold bitterness of winter's breath tickled the window panes of Nat's office as she worked late on some reports in her downtown office. She sat there, not wanting to be doing these reports but also not eager to go home either to a snoring husband in front of the TV, and as if she wished for it, her cell chimed that an email arrived. She checked it and saw it was from Jay, a 'friend' she had met online who she sometime played with outside of home. His message read, "Look out your window, I'm...

Straight Sex
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Got Chance To Fuck Friend8217s Girlfriend Recording Their Session

Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating the story which was real incident happened last month, so moving in to story directly without any bluffing. I am 27 with 5.8 heights, fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my colleague’s girlfriend. I joined recently to new company and transferred to Mumbai at client location .I found one colleague and his name is jai. He is cool guy and we become friends with in short time. As I was...

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Little SisterChapter 36 By the Power Vested in Me

People look at the six-figure salary of a Congressman and think they are sitting pretty. Hah. My miserable two bedroom apartment was two thousand a month. I spent another six hundred a month on garage space, not to mention what I paid Johnson. At some point, I would need to entertain, which meant serious money on rentals and such. Ileana helped me through a lot of this, as did Representative Leonard. My wedding was a chance to pay some of it back. The actual wedding was at the Morris County...

3 years ago
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The Wish

It was Christmas Eve. Another big argument with his wife, Mona. Another night spent in Mulligans bar on Maine drinking beer and shooting pool with his friend, Harry. John Morgan had been married to Mona for nearly ten years and whatever sparkle there had been in the beginning had definitely faded. Mona was a damn good name for her, John liked to think at moments like this, moan, moan, moan! As he tipped the remnants of his fourth beer down his throat, John looked at his watch: 11.40pm. He’d...

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Kansas City Embassy Suites

Although this story is true to a point, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California, Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more than that actually...

2 years ago
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Lady Jane

June, 1986 This is the story of Lady Jane and two accidents. I shall let you be the judges in this matter, but would ask only that you keep an open mind, for this story is far from commonplace, as you will see. There are many places in which this tale might commence and even now, in my dotage and with the benefit of hindsight that stretches back a full three-score years, I am not certain that I know them all. And so, I shall start at a point that might seem arbitrary in the grand scheme of...

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My Motherly Neighbour

She’s not my real mom but looks after me like I was her son, I moved next door to her three years ago and we hit it off straight away. She is widowed and now retired from being a nurse and is nearly 64, 30 years older than me and has two daughters that live abroad so all her mothering skills are lavished on me. Susan is a big woman, tall as well as a little plump but looks amazing how she dresses. She has short mousy hair and is well stacked on top, with being a nurse nothing embarrasses her...

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A Paladins JourneyChapter 7 Ildernass

***ERIK – Temple Sura, Ekistair*** Erik reclined back on the soft cushions beneath him and folded his hands behind his head, relishing the warm, wet sensations emanating from his cock. Looking down past the dense hairs on his chest, he could see the silky brown tresses bobbing up and down over his groin. He moaned at the talented tongue and lips that pleasured him. He had been granted two sunstones for his modest quarters deep in the Temple, as had the other aronduri, but two were ample,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 33 Thanksgiving

November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 29 Body like Stone Cubed

Over the next few days, Master Lee watches over them as she leads them through the process of cultivating their bodies. They have been practicing Body Cultivation for months now, but not to the extent they will be during this trip. The first day they work within the formation of power that Master Lee had set up without any kind of pill or other concoction to assist them. The second day, Master Lee adds to it by slowly heating the ground under them. It isn’t comfortable, but they place their...

3 years ago
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Taken to the Edge

My phone rang. My heart pounded like the fast beats of my ringtone, which would have been playing had it not been on silent. I answered the call, “Hello.” “Where is he?” his deep strong voice said. “I can see him in the next room. He’s asleep on the sofa." “Touch your cunt for me.” “What!? I can’t. He might wake up.” “Do it.” I slid my hand down and under my panties. I could feel the heat before my fingers touched my slick pussy. My breathing quickened. I couldn’t take my eyes off my...

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Bhabhi Ke Masti Mere Dost Ke Saath

Hello friends, i am great fan of this site and always get excited to read sexy stories that are posted here. i really want to thank them all. Aaj main bhi apni ek story aapke saath share karnae wala hoon. Mera naam Sunny hai. i am 30 yrs old. mera ek khas dost hai Anand hai. he is 28yrs old . uska mere ghar regular aana jana hai. main usse har secret share karta hoon. Ek din sharab ke nashe mein maine usse apni sexy bhabhi ke saath apne riste ke baare mein bhi bata diya. Meri bhabhi ka...

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Danny and Jenny chapter seven

 It was a fantastic night, I really didn't know there were so many people around who actually cared about other folk, people I didn't know kept coming up to me and wishing me well, shaking my hand, or offering to drive me around if I needed it.The booze flowed freely and there was no shortage of food either, but in spite of all that, there was only one thing there that I was interested in and that was my gorgeous sister.She was in fine form, introducing me to people, fetching my drinks and...

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Teacher Gets a Surprise

When you work next door to someone for a few years, especially in a small school, you eventually learn a lot about them. Sherry and I were Social Studies teachers at the same high school. We’d both started at the school fresh from college. As the years go by, and we changed subjects, we bounced around from room to room, yet we always stayed in the same hallway. When I was giving a test, I liked to stand in the open doorway where I was behind the kids. They never really knew where I was, so...

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The Rise of Don Equis

On a Friday,the week of America's Birth of Independence in the year of 2017.With the confusion as to"what the fuck" and"why in the World". With the nothing new,same shit hereas it is out there.Screw it all, pop a pill Fuckitall,And keep it moving. Anyways let keep the story going,I was just doing my usual thing.Going thru the list of Models Online. Some enjoy the visit, In which I never truly stay longin order to not hold her up.Other just like sending me the fuck I continue just tossing...

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Arch Enemies Ch 02

Erin leaned back as she massaged her temples and released a heavy sigh. Yesterday’s events had left her drained but determined, and along with the janitor, she was the first one to enter the school the next morning. After sitting down at one of the library tables with books, the newly arrived librarian gave a startled glance at Erin then wearily ignored her to brew herself some coffee. It was 5 a.m. Erin was angry at the situation she was in. The damn bastard, Brady King, was going to make...

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CollegeSugarbabes Tasha Reign 25951

I won’t ever work the 9-5 job after I graduate college, and I’m living by that starting today. I’m meeting my soon-to-be sugardaddy Derrick. Upon our agreement, he’s going to pay me an allowance to hang out with him, show him my big tits and suck and fuck his cock like his wife never has. But nobody will know, because that’s part of the agreement. In exchange, he gives me spending cash and money for my sorority and our parties. My parents are already paying for my...

1 year ago
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Medicine by mouth Part 2 Oral Olympics

So many amazing things had happened in Kim Henry’s life over the past 6 months. To begin with, her school (St. George’s) had been selected to participate in the second phase of the Semen for Women Study, a nine-month multi-centre study now involving 50 schools across the country, in which schools were randomly assigned to have all the age-appropriate girls either (a) consume 60 cc (4 tablespoons) of semen from a bottle every day; or (2) consume that same amount by actually giving 30 blowjobs...

Group Sex
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Cookie MagicChapter 5

“We got five stars,” Molly said. Her words were followed by a long low moan. “Hmmp,” Mark replied. The dessert assignment had gone very well from his perspective although he hadn’t quite expected the evening to end up like this. Getting five stars for a cooking challenge in this program was almost impossible, but they had done it. Molly tilted the bottle of brandy and took another long drink. She wobbled from side to side while continuing to moan. It was very hard to sit still. There were...

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FapHouse Arab

Bitches from all around the world are sexy. I'll fuck anyone of them. Each region has its own flavor, and I have a worldly pallet. But, regardless of skin color or creed, one thing always holds true: they have pussies, asses, and tits. That's all a man like me asks for. Men are but simple creatures with simple needs.There is a World of Pussy OutsideIf you are looking for petite skinny bitches with cute faces, look no further than Japan. If you want something a little thicker with a fat ass and...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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5 The 18th Party

Following morning we ate a lazy breakfast before getting sorted for returning to Preston. “Can I leave most of these clothes here babe” shouted Lisa from upstairs “Yeah sure – if you’re not gonna need them back home” I replied. “Am I stopping at yours for a couple of days?” I asked, stuffing clothes into a holdall. “Well I hope you’re coming to Emma’s party with me – you’ve not met her yet have you?” she replied “Won’t it be a bit awkward with your ex being there and all that” I asked “Nooo “...

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