The Stud Farm Part Two free porn video

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Norfolk 1933

As Sir Michael walked through Stella's front door, he noticed for the first time what an attractive young lady she was.

Stella was still wearing a white Blouse and jodhpurs.

What a gorgeous looking little bottom she's got thought Sir Michael to himself.
And had to stop himself from giving her a playful slap, on that gorgeous looking bottom.

As Stella turned round, and said
Can a get you a cup of tea or something else? Sir............
Stella checked herself, she was about to say, Sir Michael.
But instead said Mike.

Well erm I thought we might have a glass of wine.
Replied Sir Michael.

Noticing what a preety face this young lady had.
He also noticed all the leather riding tack around Stella's front room that she had been busy cleaning.

I m sorry but I er don't drink wine Mike.
Replied Stella.

Really said Sir Michael, may I ask why not?

All the women he new loved a glass of wine or two.

It's a long story and a bit embarrassing.
Replied Stella.

Now intrigued Sir Michael said
Go on please do tell I promise not to tell anyone else.

Look OK Mike I'll tell you but please don't judge me, I've changed since then.

Stella had decided that she really liked Sir Michael and believed him when he said he'd never tell anyone else.

Please Mike sit down anywhere you like.

As Sir Michael sat down.
Stella explained why she never drinks wine.

This is what she told him as he listened intently.

Scotland 1929

It was the morning of my 18th birthday
And I was telling my parents not to wait up tonight as I would be staying over at Joanne's.

That evening me Joanne Frank and Burt.
Were out celebrating my 18th Birthday.
And I was let's say a little tipsy.

We was already on a second bottle of wine, I'd probably drunk more than the other three.

When I got into an argument with the barman.
Saying that I thought on a person's 18th birthday that drinks should be free.

Remember I'd already drunk quite a bit of wine so probably wasn't thinking straight.

And I was becoming rather loud and finally threw a glass of wine in the Barmans face.

At which point I was politely asked to leave by the pub landlord.

Stella Brown I think you've had a bit to much to drink, I think it would be best if you left please.

At this point Frank and Burt escorted me out of the pub.

Unfortunately for us we bumped into a policeman.

Did you know my father is a policeman Stella asked Sir Michael.

Erm well yes I do recall my wife saying that he was replied Sir Michael.

And I mean quite literally bumped into him knocking him off his bike.
Fortunately for me Frank and Burt were there to help him back to his feet.

He took it rather well,, especially as Frank had apoligised and assured him that they were taking me home.

Unfortunately for them I thought it would be rather funny to knock his policemans helmet off.
And say
Sorry Mr policeman but I need your helmet as I'm pregnant and need a piss.


For anyone unaware it is still law even today that if a pregnant woman needs a wee and there is nowhere for her to go
And she happens to be with a policeman,
She can ask him if she can use his helmet to wee in.
And the policeman cannot refuse.

But as I was only drunk, and not pregnant. He refused picking his helmet up and placing it back on his head.

At which point I knocked it straight back off, picked it up and was rather ill in it.

He was not amused!
And said
I'm sorry Miss Brown but I'm going to have to arrest you, for assaulting a policeman.

You can't arrest me I'd said drunkenly, do you know who my Father is?

Yes I do and I also know that he would not be amused
The policeman had said.

Well by now a crowd of people had gathered, so to try and safe me from making a bigger scene than what I already had.

Frank, Burt and Joanne helped the policeman take me to the police station.

Apparently at some point.
Not sure when, my Father had been notified.

And had come to the police station to take me home.

Luckily or maybe unluckily for me, he'd talked the other policeman into not putting in a report of what I'd done.
And promised to buy him a new helmet.

Well my Father was furious, and told me that when we got home I was going to be a very sore and sorry young lady.

As we walked through our front door I started to go to his study.
He stopped me saying oh no you don't this is happening in your bedroom over your bed young lady.
Then if you are sick it'll not be in my study.

Well two minutes later my Father was telling me off, asking if I thought it was funny?
And that I couldn't go round knocking policemans helmets off and swearing at them and that I should never throw anything in anyone's face.

Thing is even to this day I can't remember swearing at the policeman.

But according to Frank, Burt and Joanne I did just that.

Guess my laughing at this point didn't help me because my Father bent me over the end of my bed and took his favourite strap to my bottom.

As the first one landed with a SNAP it knocked me off my feet onto the bed.
He told me to stand back up and bend back over my bed.
As the second one landed with a SNAP. that also knocked me off my feet.

Guess I was drunker than I thought and couldn't stand up properly.

Well I remember my dress being pulled up and my Father's disgust to find I wasn't wearing any Bloomers under it.

All I remember after that is my Father strapping my bare bottom whilst I was laying face down over the end of my bed.

And that's all I remember until waking up the next morning with a banging headache, still facedown over the end of my bed.
But as I tried to get up my bottom was very sore and stiff, as I checked it out in the mirror it was still a little crimson, but with a fair bit of bruising.

I got dressed in some discomfort I might add and went downstairs.

My Father had already left for work.
But my mother told me that apparently I'd been so drunk that I'd passed out after about 5 minutes.
Which had annoyed my father even more.
Because he thought I deserved a lot more than I actually got.

Anyway he'd calmed down by the time I see him that evening.

I on seeing Joanne who had come round in the morning and told me all the events of the previous night.

So when I did talk to my Father that evening I told him that if he wanted to take me into his study and finnish giving me the strapping he'd started last night, before I'd passed out from all the wine I'd drunk.

Then I wouldn't object and would willing let him.

As I was so sorry for the fact that I'd embarrassed myself and him for that matter.
Oh and that I would apologise to the policeman who's helmet I'd knocked off and been sick in.

My Father replied no I don't believe that would accomplish anything taking you into my study and strapping your bare bottom.

I think by what you have just said that you realise what you did was wrong.
Just promise me one thing.
That you'll never again drink so much wine that you'll get drunk on it again.

Norfolk 1933

So I promised him, I'd never drink enough wine again that I'd get that drunk.
And from that day til this I've never had so much as a glass of wine.

Well yes I see said Sir Michael.

After all a promise is something one should never go back on.

To change the subject Stella asked Sir Michael.
How's your niece.

She's currently in bed nursing a well strapped sore bottom.

Replied Sir Michael.

All this talk off strapped bottoms, Stella realised something.
That day on her 18th birthday was the last time she had been strapped!

You know Mike I really think that I should be strapped too.
After all if I hadn't of spanked Anne then she wouldn't have gotten her friends to strap her.
Thus she wouldn't of been trying to get me into trouble.
Said Stella.

Well she did feed unsoaked sugar beet cubes to one of my Stallions.
Replied Sir Michael.

Even so I still had no right to spank her.
Replied Stella.
And I feel a little guilty that she got a strapping on her bare bottom.
I'm sure it must of come as a shock to her.
As I'd imagine that she's only ever had a hand spanking in the past.

Sir Michael smiled with a cheeky little grin on his face.
Well if your sure, then I'll oblige.

With that he stood up and said
Stella Brown you've been a very naughty girl and I have decided that you need a good bare bottom strapping.

Stella playing along said.

Please Mike don't strap me, I do promise I'll never be naughty again.

SIR! PLEASE SIR I promise I will not do it again.

Oh yes Sir, Sorry Sir, promise Sir, three bags full Sir.
Giggled Stella.

It's no laughing matter young lady.
Now I suggest you stand in front of me and put your hands on your head.

Yes Sir, sorry Sir.

Stella stood up and did as she was told.

Then Sir Michael walked up to her undid her button and pulled the zip down on her jodhpurs.
Exposing her camio type silky knickers underneath.
As he started to pull them down too.

Stella pretended to protest.

Oh please Sir not my knickers as well Sir .

Be Quiet girl, I told you that you was going to be getting a bare bottom strapping, and a bare bottom strapping is what your going to be getting girl.

Said Sir Michael.

As Sir Michael slowly pulled Stella's knickers down to her knees, he couldn't help but notice the black and very bushy nest of PUBIC hair.

It was a wonderful thick Bush of Black PUBIC hair.

Sir Michael thought to himself as he see her pubic hair that she had almost as thick a Bush as his wife Dawn..

Now with her jodhpurs and knickers round her knees, Sir Michael bent her over the arm of the sofa.

And picked up one of the freshly cleaned and oiled stirrup leathers.
Folding it in half he pushed and pulled at either side of it making it go Snap.

This made Stella jump.

Now you stay down and don't get up or I'll give you more.

How many I gonna get Sir?
Asked Stella.

That depends on how well you take them girl.
Replied Sir Michael.

Placing the strap on Stella's beautiful bare bottom. Then he lifted it up and brought it down with a

Snap snap snap
Owww oh gosh
Ouch ohhh
Stella over acted, in fact it had hardly even hurt.

Hurt does it girl, good it's meant to hurt

Snap snap snap snap

Oh please Sir it hurts to much Sir, I've not been that naughty Sir.

Another six, and if you take them we'll you can get up.
Said Sir Michael.

Snap snap snap snap

More over acting by Stella
Owww ohhh oooh ouch

Snap snap

As the last one landed Stella stood up.

Who said you could stand up.
Asked Sir Michael.

But you said I was only getting another six Sir.

No no and thrice no.
I said another six and depending on how well you took them.
And I don't think you took them at All well girl.

Oh Sir no more Sir Please.

Now I suggest you bend back over whilst I give you six hard ones.
And do not stand up until I tell you to.
Do you understand girl.

Yes Sir I understand Sir.

Stella did as she was asked.


This time Stella didn't over act and stayed down until told she could stand up.

When she stood up she pretended to rub her sore bottom.

I hope that taught you a lesson girl
Said Sir Michael.

Oh yes Sir it did Sir, didn't really hurt that much Sir.
Lied Stella.

Oh so it didn't hurt didn't it. Then maybe I should use something a little harsher
Replied Sir Michael.
Picking up a horse whip.

Which he swished through the air a couple of times.

Scissors I need a pair of scissors.

Sir Michael suddenly said.

Top draw of the desk to the left of the fireplace.
Replied Stella.

Arr good said Sir Michael.
Locating them and cutting the little stringy bit off the end of the horse whip.

He again swished it through the air.

Saying, better much better.
Now bend over girl.

S-s-surely you not going to hit me with that Sir.
Said Stella.

Well you're the one that said it didn't hurt!
Replied Sir Michael.

Now bend over and take your punishment like a good girl.

No not over the arm of the sofa,
Bend over with your legs slightly apart and place your hands on the sofa seat.
Instructed Sir Michael.

Stella did as she was told.

Two seconds later she heard a heavy swishing sound followed by a Thud, Crack type sound.
And immediately stood up no longer needing to act.

Stella had been Strapped by her Father many times on her bare bottom.
And caned countless times also on the bare bottom by the mother superior of the Catholic girls school she was at as a girl.

But nothing had ever felt like that, the pain was hard to describe, kinda like getting the strap and the cane at the same time.

Oops sorry was that maybe a little to hard, said Sir Michael. Apologetically.

No no just took me a bit by surprise that's all.
Stella assured him, please continue.

Getting back into the roll Sir Michael said good, because you've got another FIVE to go.
Now back in position girl.

Again Stella did as she was told and got back in position.

Swish. Although it sounded more like a swosh.
Stella thought.
She stayed down this time as it thud crackad on her bare bottom.

As the third one landed.

Swosh thud crack it sang as again it sailed through the air.
This time Stella let out a little yelp as it landed on her bare bottom.

A little harder please Sir Michael insisted Stella.
Really make me suffer.

Sir Michael replied brace yourself girl.
As again it sailed through the air landing on Stella s sore bottom.

This time Sir Michael tapped it playfully on Stella's bottom and said.
Now this one is really going to hurt.

With that he drew it back and as it landed on Stella's sore bare bottom with a loud thud Crack.

Stella let out a wow oh wow that hurts. But stayed bent down, until she was told she could get up.

And did that hurt more girl inquired Sir Michael?

Oh yes Sir Michael much more Sir.

Stella replied sticking her bottom out for him to see.

Sir Michael playfully slapped Stella's bare bottom.

Now pull your knickers and jodhpurs up. And get this tack cleaned.

Yes Sir right away Sir.

As Stella pulled her knickers up, Sir Michael took one last look at her gorgeous bottom.
And tangle of pubic hair.

Sir Michael so wanted to fuck this woman, but stopped himself from doing so and said goodnight Stella I'll see you in the morning and left.

That night in bed Stella played with herself imagining that she was having sex with Sir Michael,
Also she rubbed her sore bottom wishing that Sir Michael had stayed.

The next morning as she was about to leave for the tack room.
There was a knock at the door.

As she opened it a women with ginger shoulder length hair preety face and gorgeous figure was standing there.

She said to STELLA in a slightly raised voice.

YOU DIRTY LITTLE SLUT...............................


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Maggies Farm

The day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. It was October and the leaves were at their peak of color when this strange feeling came over me. I looked at the red and orange leaves on the trees falling to the ground and suddenly started thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground? I’m still not sure what came over me as I watched the colorful leaves falling. I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Down on the Farm

DOWN ON THE FARM!PROLOGUEThis is an inspiring, but little-known story!  It’s from the early life of one of the great Victorian philanthropists, Sir Roland Butt.  Our hero was just plain Roland Butt when these events took place.  But he never forgot the experience we’re about to relate.  In 1855 Butt’s Farm was a fairly big fruit and livestock farm in Kent.  The farm was just north of Pratt’s Bottom and due south of Elmers End.  (Really!  Look it up on any map of Kent.)  Its young landlord,...

3 years ago
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Maggies Farm

I’ll never forget that October morning watching the red and orange leaves falling to the ground. I stood by the window, thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground?  Still not sure what came over me, but the urge to burst out of the rut I was in rose in me like a geyser.  I wanted to do something wild, get away from my monotonous life, grab life by the balls and go someplace I’ve never been.  I don’t usually like to take trips. I love my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Mr Greens Farm Part 2

Mr. Green’s Farm, Part 2This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. After my first spanking from Mr. Green, my poor bottom was very sore for three days. But I kept my agreement with Mr. Green and I helped him with his chores every morning starting at 6 AM. Although he is twice my age, I have become very close to Mr. Green, working along side of him. He is actually a very kind and compassionate man who cares about his farm and his farm animals. I have tried...

1 year ago
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Frock Farm

Frock Farm By Lisa Lovelace The attorney finished reading my mother's will. "Does anyone have questions?" "So he gets it all?" my Aunt Amanda said. "That little twerp now owns a hundred percent of Frock Farm?" That little twerp was me, Jesse Darmand, my late mother's only child. Mom had died ten days ago in a high-speed rail accident on a business trip to China. A section of track buckled and the train derailed. She was one of a hundred victims. A contractor had just been...

2 years ago
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Stud MakerChapter 8 Star Studed

My experience with Ralph that evening was profound. He'd came to my bedside looking so devilishly virile yet virginal. A manly boy who knew about sex. He stood there; an immature face, a soft white neck, a pale chest and a so-slim torso. A lad I'd hardly spoken to; yet my lust had burnt for him since seeing that obscene photo. He's here in his pyjamas; and between his legs lurked that overblown schoolboy cock. I needed to see it harden for my juicy cunt. I needed that so much. With...

3 years ago
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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training

This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s:// h t t p...

3 years ago
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Kellys Farm Visit

Kelly's Farm Visit----------I dedicate this story to my new friend, Kelly. Hope she and others like it.----------"Grr, Do I have to keep clearing out that old trashy storage room? I've been working on it every day for a month, and seems like it will never get emptied out," I complained to Dad at breakfast.This was not the way I had wanted to spend the day. The main barn was immaculate; all lighting was perfect, everything in it's place, swept clean daily and no trash other than in the waste...

3 years ago
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Farm Help Girls Updated

Farm Help Girls (Updated)----------We were being overwhelmed at the Farm. So many people showing up to board their horses or just to ride on the weekends till summer. Jackson, the farm manager, had threatened to quit unless we got some people to help him out with all the various chores he had to do every day. We all pitched in with feeding the a****ls but all the horses had to be groomed and brushed, and then saddled up for the daily riders. Taking care of the customers' needs and then when...

2 years ago
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Farm Chemistry

Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest...

1 year ago
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Modern Farm

Just for heads up: Personally, it was not easy to let these things happen the way I tell them in this story. I am a very courteous and kind person, and need much personal overcoming and discipline equally to do such despising things to women and even destroy a mother and daughter connection in the end. Of course, there are always moments when I would like to take Katin and Sylvia in my arms instead of punishing them further. Especially when Katin or Sylvia look me in the eyes screaming or...

3 years ago
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A slut girl tries to help out friends on a goat farm

The July morning sun was warm and very muggy. It would prove to be hot by the end of the day and it would probably rain. Fourteen year old Catherine was walking up the road heading to her home away from home. She had stumbled across Sunnyridge goat farm six years ago while exploring her new neighborhood. Her engineer father and doctor mother had found a new home for them. They both had fulfilling jobs which was something that had not happened before. It was either her Dad was happy or her mom...

3 years ago
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Down on the Farm Part 1

This year Kyle had just pulled up in the truck with his grandfather and was unloading his backpack and duffle bag when Jake came up the driveway on a quad. “Thought I smelled something coming up the road,” was Kyle’s greeting. “Hey Kyle. Hey Mr. B,” Jake said as he got off the quad. “Hello Jake. How’s your Dad doing?” Kyle’s grandfather asked. “He’s good. Spent the day in the shop working on the big truck. It stopped running again.” “Tell him I said hello. Kyle, your...

2 years ago
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Alyssa Alvarez Farm Girl

Preface     The good folk of the isolated farm village of Emmittsborough, in a remote mountain valley in the temperate central belt on E21, a backwater planet of in the farthest wing of the Aeschylian Great Corridor, cleave to their strict, fundamentalist faith, called Agropadronism, which decrees that the farm head is Master of all he owns, from acreage, real property, and animals to wife and offspring. The farm-Master is champion and caretaker of life on the farm. Procreation and sexual...

4 years ago
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The farm mare

My name is Jonas and about 18 years I have black hair light brown eyes. And I'm 5,11 tall I go to high school I'm a only child have no brothers or sister. When I was in high school I got in to the bad crowd I started to drink alcohol. And do some drugs most my grade are C or D I didn't really care what happen. One day I got drunk in a party and took some cans of beers for the next day I've have hidden under my mattress my room had a queen size bed with a average size tv for me to watch....

3 years ago
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Visit to the Farm ndash Female Hucow Slut

Chapter 1, Jen's ArrivalSixteen year old Jen disliked the long car ride. Not so much the ride itself, thedestination bummed her out. Why her parents insisted that shespend the summer at her Aunt's farm was beyond her understanding. The thought of catering to smelly a****ls was beyond meredislike. Jen was a city girl. Not that the city smelled anyprettier. It was just that in Jen's late teen years she haddiscovered the joys and wonders of the city. It seemed onlyrecently that Jen had...

2 years ago
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Riz Banged In Farm House 8211 Part 2

(My good friend Riz was very upset the other day when I wrote story of another friend. ”You don’t love me anymore. You never have time or interest to write my stories.” She blasted me. I explained to her. I can keep up pace with express trains but not with supersonic jets. Riz’s fucking life has so many incidents in such short intervals, you start writing about one incident, another ten would pile up before you write few sentences. I can only write her biography after she decides to stop...

3 years ago
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Buster Becs Me IV On the farm

Warning – The following story contains sex between male-male, male-male-male, male-dog, male-horse, male-female, female-dog, female-horse If any of these things offend you, or if any of these things are illegal to read about, in your area, please close this file now. On The Farm. It was now time for me to leave for Uncle Zacs Farm. Mum, Dad & Becs took me to the airport, said their goodbyes, and told me Uncle Zac would be picking me up at the airport. Sure enough, when I came through...

1 year ago
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Funny Business Farm

Funny Business FarmShortly after my parents were divorced, one of my fathers clients had passed away leaving everything to his now widowed wife. Dad received a call from the widow, requesting a meeting to discuss the widow's holdings. As their financial advisor for the last 8 years, he was familiar with their assets.They met in his office; folders spread across the desk, each representing all the real estate and business ventures she now owned exclusively. Dad explained that all of her holdings...

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The Mountain Farm

I have seen the farm, from the distance, on one of my mountain hikes. I could have gone there, walking down on one side of the valley, crossing the brook at its bottom, climbing up the slope on the other side — the border is not guarded, it is hardly marked, I could have gone there and been back and still reached my destination long before dark, but what would have been the use? I took the the water bottle and a piece of bread out of my back pack, sat down on the trunk of a conveniently fallen...

1 year ago
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Down on the Farm

Chapter 1I use to think from time to time with fond memories of what brought me to this point in my life. I enjoy what I do; I’m a CPA for a medium sized accounting firm in Chicago. I’ve never married and I’m fine with that. I would have no problems finding a man if I wanted one. I’ve been told I’m attractive. I have brown hair that I keep neck length, good complexion, and my mother’s frame. She is pinup model quality. Large hips, thick thighs, narrow waist with a bit of belly. I thought that...

3 years ago
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Terminal Farm

Terminal Farmby slavegirl xDaddyThis is the way I like them best. Mindless, oblivious, walking sex. Of course, part of the charm is that they won't last long. If I had to live with someone like this for any length of time it would be exasperating. A week in her case, that's all the time she has left. Then she'll be finished. There's something incredibly sexy about turning boys into girls and girls into meat.From this distance, you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that she wasn't a natural born...

2 years ago
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More Than Cows Get Milked on This Farm Two College Hunks

Looking for a summer job Our semester had just finished up at college and both Chad and I wanted to get a part-time summer job but the only thing we could find is to be helping hands on a local farm. Chores on a farm for college guys is what we will be doing for the summer I guess Chad. The next day Chad and I went to Oakland County Farm in CA not far from where we both lived for our first day of work. Chad and I both showed up to the farm at 10 AM wearing old jeans and a t-shirt as it was...

3 years ago
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The Swedish Farm Girls

I had had a great two weeks backpacking around Europe, but seeing how I had gone through my money much faster than anticipated, it looked like I would have to cut my trip well short of the month I had planned. However, just outside of Stockholm, traveling toward Germany, the train passed through a small farming community and an idea struck me- if I could find work on a farm for a week or so, I could make enough to finance the re- maining week of my trip. On an impulse, as the train ...

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Sarahs Farm Adventures Part 6 Eavesdropping

Sarah's Farm Adventures Part 6: Eavesdropping.When I heard Granma yelling my name at the top of her lungs that day I freaked out because the first thing that popped into my head was that she had somehow found out I was busy screwing Henry while her and granpa were gone... I sat back up as I quickly jumped out of bed and I became extremely nervous unsure about what my Granmah wanted. She yelled my name as she approached my room saying, "Sarah, you'd best come on out here and explain something to...

1 year ago
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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

I’m Trudy and married to Dave there isn’t many thinks we haven’t dabbled in one way or another, so were looking for something new and exciting to try. We were going through one of the swing sites when we found an ad from a man in his 70s, he was looking to train a slut. We sent him an email telling the guy l was interested, a few days later we got a reply, he would like to meet and discuss training me, so we made a date the guy invited us to his house which turned out to be a small farm. When...

3 years ago
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The Farm

The scream broke the tranquillity of the warm, hazy afternoon. That the scream was cut off by a horrid, choking, gurgling noise terrified all who heard it. The afternoon had been calm, unhurried, as the farm workers went about their usual daily routine. Birds sang. A light breeze eased the heat of the sun. There was little humidity in the air. Tall maize, and sunflower, swayed to that slight breeze. It was from the sunflowers that they had come, inappropriate as that seemed. One moment there...

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Granny8217s farm

My Grandma, Hazel La Forge was a farm girl who grew up in New Madrid County, a small farming community in the southeast Missouri bootheel. The family farm was just over 2000 acres of prime fertile land bordering the banks of the Mississippi River. The property was flat and easy to plow. Each harvest was better than the previous. Great Grandpa La Forge had been offered over $1500 per acre back in the 1800s, but he wouldn’t sell one acre. It had been in the La Forge family since before Missouri...

2 years ago
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On The Farm Part Two

We heard that my Aunt and Uncle and their daughter (Joyce) were coming from Iowa for my High School graduation. My family lived in a small three-bedroom house. My Aunt and Uncle will sleep in the guest bedroom, and Joyce will sleep in my bedroom. I'll sleep in our camp trailer. My friends and I always sleep in the trailer during sleepovers. We can have more privacy out there and can sleep naked. The door can be locked so no one can interrupt you unexpectedly. My last girlfriend gave me her...


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