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469 viral bordom
Another weary day in Virus-ville, shut in self isolating, the road outside quiet, no k**s, no traffic, no nobody. 10 days on his own, the postmaster thrusting mail, and a daily paper through the letterbox, a thing of milk and a loaf into the hall stand, along with stuff for the seven other flats. It was his only contact with the world. The poxy telly had gone duff, and he hadn’t hit it hard, well not by his standard`s anyway, his watch, one of those complicated ones that take a genius to change the battery, that had died. And he was fed up. The kettle luckily still worked, but his k**neys were floating, he had read the library book of the week and he was bored…bored…bored. What`s on the radio… luckily, he hadn’t thrown it out. left by a previous occupant he had found it dust-covered, in one of the cupboards, he tried the thing, but it was so old, he had to wait for the valves to warm, it wheezed into life, the room filled with tinny sound.
It was a local station, some prat reminding us all to wash our hands…” Naturally you dickhead, do you think we are all dim radio presenters?” he glowered at the inoffensive wooden framed radio, a song played, bright and cheerful, it was marginally better than silence! Then the presenter began to rant on as he interviewed one of the punters, an oldish woman. “Well “Mavis, what are your thoughts about the way this Virus has been handled…?” Mavis then proceeded to enlighten the presenter, about how she would have closed all Airlines, boats, trains, and roads, how she was pissed off with the Koran and its worshipers still having Friday prayers when good English folk couldn’t go to church, get married or bury their dead. And how the buggers in parliament should be put against a wall and shot!
As expected as soon as Mavis drew breath the presenter cut her off!
Arnold flopped on the ancient sofa and lay thinking about the virus.
The next interviewee was younger, gave her name as Sonia, and seemed somehow familiar.
The presenter sounded hopeful, asked her for her thoughts and was astounded when she put up a sensible argument for social grouping for sex rather than being lonely. Now, although he realised, she was not the brightest, she was female and as bored as he was, his ears pricked up. They picked up even more when in the background outside the girls flat could be heard the sound of a heavy train grinding past, it was the same train that he could hear now on the bridge beside his own flat and the location was confirmed when the second loco at the rear of the train growled past and hooted as they always did to let the signalman know they were past the road crossing.
He reasoned that she was another occupant of the building he was now sitting in, “Sonia, aye, bet we know where you are miss.” Sonia by now was telling the presenter that, “she was lonely, bored and sexually frustrated…”
“her last boyfriend had left her last week and how could she find another, stuck indoors with all the pubs, clubs and dance halls shut!” she rumbled on that “life was unfair for a twenty-year-old girl!” The presenter promised to help if he could, by passing on any requests asking to be ‘considered…’
Sonia vanished and after another dreary song, he turned it down to a back-ground burble just for company and so as not to have the problem of wasting ‘warming up time’ once more.
He dozed, wondered if he should write in for himself, then dismissed the idea. He looked fit enough, and in fact was, but the washboard institute, the mental department at the local hospital, who had housed him here, had said when they let him out this time he should interact more then told him to keep his social distance…oh and to self-isolate!
He sat on the sofa in the sunlight, it streaming through his ground floor window, March, cool but bright the man had said…
but that was on ITV… bright and warm BBC had said, and in reality it had rained, the buggers didn’t know arse from elbow, that had caused him to ‘tap’ the Television, with his fist, he laughed, shook his head, called himself a “pillock,” then lay back smiling. It was typical of his temper… it had got him in a lot of strife over the years.
He dozed, dreaming of the unknown Sonia, wondering if he had a chance, and what was she like. Late in the afternoon he awoke, made a brew and some food, listened to some drivel on the radio, then slept till dawn.
He woke busting for the toilet, the room cold he threw on a dressing gown as he padded his way to the tiny bathroom, Shivering, he returned to his bed, switching on the kettle as he went. Ten minutes and hot mug of tea in hand he was back in the warm bed the radio still yapping away…another shitty day in paradise!
God even on the ward it was at least interesting, watching the nutters…!
He idly watched a post van, as it stopped outside, something different usually it was that baldy prawn, in shorts who, clutching a handful of mail and the paper`s, and wheeling his trolly of milk and bread. Anyway he had already been… From the back of the van came two full mailbags and approaching the doorway by he vanished out of the line of sight. A distant bell rang up at the top of the house, once a Victorian mansion, now a ‘home of multiple occupancy,’ a nice name for seven shitty flats used as a halfway house!
It was now he was struck like a lightning bolt with the thought that this influx of mail could be the result of that interview yesterday… yes mail, lots of mail! The more he thought about it the more he was sure it was applicants for Sonia, he needed to see, he hadn’t spoken to a woman in a whole year, now, male nurses on the ward, and his probation officer was a miserable old shit who rang him on his mobile (supplied by the NHS so he could be located!) rather than visited… distancing…was his excuse
The mug clattered onto the table and throwing the dressing gown round him he was soon out in the hall, his excuse being he was collecting his paper and supplies He being on the ground floor he heard the clatter of feet on the stairs from high above, then she came into sight, blond hair in an un-combed, just off the pillow state and an open fronted bright green dressing gown over a practically see through yellow night dress, just about concealing her rather attractive shape.
The postman dumped the two bags at her feet, grunted that it was her fan mail and was soon gone. The two bags lay in the hall, her face a picture, as he ever the gentleman, offered to give her a hand with the heavy bags.
She smiled and tried to lift them herself but even the smaller one was too heavy. She grinned then stuck out her hand to shake his, but then realising the contact restriction withdrew it. She blushed to her roots and said, “would he mind she lived up in the top flat?”
He nodded, and hefted both sacks at once, so she led him up to the attic flat, a tiny room with sloping ceiling`s, a tiny kitchenette and a shared bathroom on the next landing down, it made his room look like a palace. Gratefully she had him dump the bags beside the kitchen table bade him sit and reached for the kettle adding that “her name was Sonia and she had been on the radio yesterday, she was bored and fed up and in need of some male company.”
His mile-wide grin said he was here to help…he gave his name, ‘Arnold’ and she made a quip about his being quarts -a-nigger, or whatever the actors name is…he being strong enough to carry two bags at once. He realised immediately she as a brick short of a full hod, it did not phase him at all! he said, “he needed to run down and lock his door as he had left it unlocked,” which he quickly did, also collecting his supplies as he passed, which he dumped on the table, and throwing on shirt and trousers before rushing back up to Sonia`s flat running a comb through his hair as he went!
Back upstairs he found the coffee made, “help yourself to sugar my lover,” it was the usual greeting from a lass brought up in the west country, where most folk were greeted as ‘My lover’ Arnold though was hopeful and said, “my lover, now that`s a good idea, I like that…!”
She chuckled, then without further comment she began opening the first sack of mail. With his help she tipped out the envelope`s and a few postcards in a pile on the floor. the initial sort was onto the table, row upon row of envelope`s, and about a dozen cards. He laughed, said that, “she would be a busy girl answering letters today,” then sat back to drink his coffee and watch her big breasted body still in the yellow and lurid green combination of night attire that showed a distinct lack of colour coordination, and to his joy, the odd flash of breast and nipple as she moved about not realising.
She dealt with the cards first, all from folk too tired to use an envelope but mostly hopeful adolescent lads.
they ranged from ’I wanna take you out,’ to the more lurid comments like she was a sex-mad- cow and didn’t deserve to live, or ‘did she just want to fuck, or did she want a real bloke?’
She asked him to help her undo some of the envelope`s gave him a kitchen knife, and he began slitting each one open, pulling out the content and after turning the pages to stand in its own packaging placed each in a row stood on the tabletop against the wall in huge rows.
He didn’t bother to read the contents, leaving her to her own privacy for that. It took an hour to open them all, by then she had made a start reading the first bunch, then making coffee once more and bidding him sit now that stage of the task was done. They chatted, as if they had known one another forever, each avoiding where they had been before coming here.
She said she was really 33 and a widow, and hadn’t had a man for about a year, as she had been ill. She wasn`t specific as to the illness and he didn`t press the subject.
At her request he started reading some of the many missives, discarding into one of the two sacks those that were abusive, and into the other ones that were OTT sexually, though she asked him to keep those as she said they might turn them on later, which he thought a little curious, it a little hopeful!
She busied herself reading the ones that had seemed to him to be genuine, on one or two the writing near illegible, ended up binned as she had so many, she didn’t want to waste time getting eyestrain. By mid afternoon they had weeded and sorted the letters down to 30 possible`s and about the same in the sexually explicit group, the rest he said he would take down to the bins for her later. That evening they ate together, before he took out the rubbish, and not wanting to overstay his hand returned to his own flat, the milk and bread untouched on the table and the radio still talking to itself. He had purposefully not pushed his luck tonight, but he was hopeful of tomorrow. Time for a wank!
The van reappeared next morning, just half a sack of mail today, posty rang her bell and our man, fully dressed and bathed today he appeared in the hall as if by magic, just as she appeared down the stairs dressed as yesterday. Without a word he locked his flat door and bag in hand. together they clattered up the stairs. In her flat she did, as yesterday shooting the mail on the floor, but something was different today she was not so friendly. Being him, he asked what was wrong, her answer rocked him back on his heels, “well you went home last night, after ogling my tits all day like you were interested, but you fucked off home like a bloody queer-boy , leaving me even more frustrated than ever, doesn’t your dick work then, or are you just shy?” he began to laugh, then he grabbed her kissed her passionately, and said, “I was being a gentleman, I didn’t want to frighten you off, I have been told by Patrick, to take my time, take things slow or the lady will run off screaming **** or something just like last time!” she looked aghast,
“last time…. and who`s Patrick?” the coal train rumbled past as it did every morning, as he reluctantly explained that Patrick, was his psychiatrist and that the last lady cried **** when he had been too fast in his chat up line” he didn`t mention the knife or the rope, he thought that was a bit too soon…. The banking engine at the back of the coal train blanked out her answer as it blew its horn to say it was clear of the crossing once more. He however leant forward and kissed her again, believing she wanted him and was annoyed about him going home last night. Social distancing had not been a problem yesterday, so he was going to make physical contact today and bugger the virus…
They fell to the floor, she was wearing the same clothing as yesterday, he could see her nipples, oh how he wanted her, oh, at last, it had been months now, his strong hands slid up her legs smooth soft skin, oh, fabulous, her head was back her arms waving about in her excitement, oh wasn`t this just perfect.
She was crying out as he found her hairy patch, she was loving this he was sure, her grasping hand found the tablecloth and pulled, oh this was special… the rows of yesterday`s envelopes fell on them like confetti, the cloth masking the knife he had opened the mail with clattering to the floor, unnoticed by our hero as he eagerly undid his fly, over a year and he was going to have this bloody Nymphomaniac from the top flat, oh man this was good, sod Patrick, this was the way… he grabbed at her breasts ripe and juicy, felt her hand round his genitals in a strong caress …oh yes
The pain of the knife as she removed his prick was beyond his imagination, his eyes boggled blood spewed forth as the knife, the one that he used yesterday, sliced off the lot in a single savage blow. She smiled, as he screamed, his last scream ever. It would be another lot of cleaning up, though she had the time that was true, but she did really need a bathroom of her own this was a bit awkward, but it stocked the freezer and it was cheap.

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Part I There were many times when I thought about doing it, but tonight was the night I was to embrace my opportunity... First let me tell you a little about me! I'm 23 and I go to grad school in Chicago. I live alone, in the "boystown" area of Chicago, but to the outside world, I've never been confused as anything but straight. However, when the lights turn low and the late hours creep up, I'm often checking out local personals sites, topics sights, and erotica online, masturbating...

4 years ago
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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 2

The next morning, Bobby Thornton awoke before sunup. This was unusual for him, because, like all boys entering puberty, there was no greater treat than to sleep late in the morning (he didn't know about sex, yet). He was lolling abed, waiting for his mother to call him for breakfast—he had momentarily forgotten the events of the previous day. Suddenly, there was a voice in his head, "Bobby Thornton, get your ass out of bed and get moving. Do I have to do everything?" He recognized that...

2 years ago
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Freakish Friday

It was the same argument they always had and Tricia always countered her mother by saying that she was 18 years old and legally an adult. Her mother, Jill, typically countered that she was then free to get a job, pay her own bills, buy her own clothes and find her own apartment. "As soon as I graduate High School I am so out of here" Tricia would threaten, and then there would be silence. Mr. Chin who owned the Chinese Restaurant near there home would witness this same argument many times....

1 year ago
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A Bikers Need

[For Sonny...though long gone, you have not been forgotten!]Sonny's life had been a colorful one. He'd been born in a little town in Oklahoma, to a roughneck father who worked on oil wells and a mother who did her best to raise Sonny and his three other siblings (in spite of an often drunken, and abusive husband). Eventually, Sonny also worked on oil drilling rigs until he and his father had a falling out and Sonny left home, rarely to ever go back.Sonny ended up going to California and he did...

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Losing virginity with my childhood friend Part 1 Virgin Sex Stories

Jacob and I had known each other since kindergarten. On the first day of school, he had pushed me to the ground and then run away from the scene. I had in turn called him a “snotty” because his nose was snot-covered that day. Yeah, that was how much we loved each other. Haha! Kidding. Our beginnings were rough and we often fought, but we also became friends. But these days, I felt weird when he was around and losing virginity was my wish. We were about to graduate high school and my body...

2 years ago
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OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...

3 years ago
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Danni TylerChapter 9

They had brunch and spent another couple of hours of visiting. The snowstorm had muted by then, but every time someone opened the doors of the restaurant the cold air swirled along the floor, making people shiver. They went back to the motel, spending time in the lounge next to a fireplace. Danielle knew some of her teachers in Tiburon would object to a fireplace. After all, they were burning wood, which came from trees, which had to be cut down, and... She'd snorted slightly to herself. In...

3 years ago
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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

1 year ago
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My Assistants Personal Improvement Plan

Trish has worked for me for several years. I hired her as part-time while she was still attending college. Then I moved her to a full-time secretary when my then secretary’s husband was transferred to another state. She has been a very loyal and hardworking employee. Over the years she has had her ups and downs in life, and she has frequently come to me for advice. Some of the times after giving her some advice she would say, “That sounds like something that Daddy would say!” And, of course, I...

3 years ago
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Big Black Biker

While visiting family in Memphis two weeks ago, I visited a gay bar in which most of the patrons were black bikers. I saw an ad at book store and decided to stop and see what it was like. I went on a Thursday evening and the crowd was fairly small. Best nights were Friday and Saturday but I couldn't go either night. After a couple of hours, I started to go back to my hotel. As I was passing by one of the private rooms, I saw this huge black man standing in the doorway. He must have been 6'5 or...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Cherie DeVille Alexis Fawx Dream Pairings Operation Spread Eagle

Written and cast by Alexis Fawx, GOTM, this Dream Pairings tell the story of when Airman Fawx first meets airman AJ Applegate at Air Force training camp. The pair start off as friends, but their relationship heats up when the girls are go on a hike, preparing for their confidence course. Alexis brings AJ to her secret hiding place, where she keeps a lockbox of personal items she can’t bring to the barracks, a beer cozy, a diary. AJ tells Alexis she’d love to know what’s...

3 years ago
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Unit 254 The Alpha Centauri IncidentChapter 6

Ships Log: SS Rochester - First Officer Scott reporting. The crews' recovery is almost completed and Captain Reilly is almost ready to take up his position although there are some residue problems with lack of breath, but this is only a short term problem according to Molly. Aboard the SS San Francisco the ship computer is now integrated into the system and reports that all is functioning correctly. Under the laws of salvage we have had half the cargo of the SS San Francisco transferred...

3 years ago
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The Flight Of Luka

One Man's Secrets I know that the Head of Humanities and Mr. Haldridge are making out in the cupboard across from where I sit next to the door in maths. I know because I can hear them. They are being very quite, two locked doors and corridor width away, but their thoughts are deafening. Want you in me. Want to hear you gasp when I take you. I can hear everyone's thoughts. Behind me, Tim is dreaming of being outside playing football, he's one of the few in this class of fourteen year olds...

3 years ago
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The Strange History of Girl R Pt 1

This is the first part of a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction that's been bouncing in my head for some time. It does allude to some events not yet fully covered, but I do hope I've thrown in enough for readers to get a basic idea of what the situation is. This story has adult themes including transgender, and hints of bondage & non-consensual sex. Future chapters will probably be more explicit. It also has some foul language. If you don't like any of this, please don't read. But then, why are...

3 years ago
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Beautiful StrangerChapter 23

'My father is failing, ' said the prince Iordan to himself. Try as he might, he could not silence the thoughts which came unbidden; his unconscious mind would no longer suffer to be quieted, and even the distraction of the bustle all around him was not enough to tear the part that listened away from the part that spoke. 'Even in his age, he grows old before his time. He was wounded when my sister and I were lost to him, and our return did not heal the hurt. No: if anything, it's...

3 years ago
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First Sex Experience With My Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

Hey this is Milan again this one is my 2nd story 1st one is hw I fucked my mami in my mama’s home (MAMA K GHAR MAMI KO CHODA). Guys that one is my 1st story n I want more cmnts is it gud or bad or how can I make it more sexy… I hope this story will be succeed to make ur dicks and pussies cry. Before starting the story let me introduce myself again… I m Milan Kumar from Bhubaneswar, odisha. I m doing b.tech n 21 years old with athletic physics and a drilling machine of 7″ with width of 2.5″.. I...

1 year ago
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Getting wife to do me Chapter 1

I am a 50 year old male that about 10 years or so ago "discovered" my prostate. Although happily married and with a healthy sexual content at home, after 15 or so years something was missing. Maybe it was our very frequent sex. We resembled rabbits . . .  I think. But after some time we began to get a bit "been there done that". We were looking for some changes to make our love making more pleasurable. Bought one of those sexuality books, read some and found the chapter of male prostate and its...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 48

Four months after the ambush, nothing much of anything important had been found. I had the operations but I still had to wear the sling for another three months. This did not stop me from getting Helen pregnant again. All the rest were very happy for her, for this meant that their turn would be coming soon. Sonny Forte gave me an unexpected call. He had been one of the people to send his sympathy for the men killed. Other than Lacroix, one of the men he had recommended to me had been killed...

2 years ago
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Punishment of NatalieChapter 4

Mr. Williams re-entered the room as the time was up. Bill's cock was somewhat weary but still an imposing sight. Mr. Williams looked at it and said, "I see that Natalie has had a good working over. Has she been fully obedient and enthusiastic?" Natalie blanched as Bill answered, "No she has not. She failed to address me as 'master' on two occasions and did a poor job of sucking my cock after I butt-fucked her." He turned on her and almost shouted, "So you need a caning and further...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 478 Deep Thought Provoking Question

We returned home a bit past her bedtime, but Ellen needed a shower. She stunk. I was reading April a bedtime story when Ellen came in from the shower. Ellen fell asleep almost as soon as she sat on April’s bed. I got April tucked in and then carried Ellen to her bed. After midnight, I headed to bed to find Vicky in my bed wearing only panties that were barely big enough not to call them a thong. “Can I sleep with you tonight?” Vicky asked. “Sure. I’m going to get a quick shower and pull...

1 year ago
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Me and my classmate

Shane and I are both 15 years old when this really happened around two years ago...I've got a big crush on Shane since we're 13 because she's cute, sexy although she got a not-so big tits for her age but it doesn't matter and kind too.Our teacher assigned the two of us as a partner for our research project in one of our subject which makes me pretty excited and shy. We talked about our project and decided to start working on it on our house. We agree to start it Saturday which is 2 days...

2 years ago
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My first daddy cock

My first summer home from college I was asked to paint trim for my neighbor. Our neighbors were a nice looking older couple. They were in their 60s and newly retired. On the morning I was to arrive to start painting I entered the mud room and found the paint and brush. As I did I heard sounds from upstairs. It sounded like a woman was getting fucked. That made me horny. I quietly went up and approached the bedroom. I looked at the dresser mirror where I had a view. He was on his back with his...

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Mens Rights Activist in College

Howdy, folks. The name is Kurt Lob. I’m a tall, good-looking, thirty-something black man living in Virginia. I’m the Athletic Director of Mason College, a private four-year college located near a small town of the same name in Eastern Virginia. The school only has two thousand students. The student body was sixty percent female and forty percent male when I came along. I changed that. I’m responsible for renovating the place and putting it on the map. How did I do that? By strengthening and...

2 years ago
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Creating an Empire Chapter Three

As he walked across the road Jack saw a silver Mercedes E Class estate with the registration number PC 50. Jack thought that this is Pat. He turned the corner then saw her. It was Pat. She had opened the boot and was now walking round the car to get her suitcases. Then she saw Jack and smiled. Jack gave her a big hug then they kissed. Jack got her two suitcase out of the boot. Pat had about six little bags which she carried. They got into the lift. They kissed again. Jack opened the front door....


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