AllisonChapter 21 free porn video

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When Ali awakened on the morning of her wedding anniversary, she did so with a start. She realized why an instant later: Bill was not beside her in the bed. Since she always knew when he was taking a trip, she was worried because he hadn't said anything to her. Jumping out of bed, she called the front desk and was told that Mr. Clifford had left the hotel early that morning and seemed to be in fine spirits. Whatever it is, she thought, I guess he's all right. Still bemused by this strange turn of events she called room service, ordered breakfast, and then took a shower.

As she was finishing her breakfast, the doorbell rang. When she opened the door she found Henry Hall, accompanied by a manicurist, waiting patiently with his hairdressing kit. Things are really strange today, she thought. In spite of her questioning, Henry was very vague when she asked him why he had come.

He just looked at her and commented, "It's about time. With all the time you spend in the sun, Ali, we have to stay on top of your hair to keep it from drying out, and you haven't had a manicure in months."

There were more surprises. After washing her hair and conditioning it, Henry insisted that she sit with her back to the mirror while he worked on its styling while the girl worked on her nails. In spite of all of her experience with him, it seemed that Henry was taking far more than the usual care with the job. When he finally finished, he waved off any payment and just let himself out. Only then did Ali get the chance to see herself in the mirror.

The hairdo was the most spectacular one she had ever had. She couldn't understand what Hall could have been thinking of because it certainly wasn't one that the senior partner of a law firm would ever choose. Similarly, her nails were much brighter than they usually were. Another oddity was that she was not even asked about the color — the girl seemed to know exactly what to use without even asking.

While still puzzling over the beauty treatment, the doorbell rang again. This time it was Barbara Jamison. Barbara kissed her quickly, then hung a long garment bag in the closet. Turning to Ali she held her by the arms, then just shook her head and asked, "Ali, how do you do it? Every time I see you, you appear to be a couple of years younger than you were the time before. Do they serve you drinks these days without asking for ID?"

Then she became very businesslike and said, "Now get moving! We don't have all day. At this rate, you're going to be late."

"Late for what?" Ali asked, now completely baffled.

"For your wedding, silly," Barbara replied matter-of-factly. "Now move your tight little ass."

"My what?" she exclaimed.

"Your tight little ass," Barbara repeated.

Now Ali was feeling frustrated. She exclaimed, "Barbara, what is going on? Did you say something about a wedding?"

"Of course, dear. Yours. Now let's go."

Ali was dumbstruck. "Mine! But I'm already married," she wailed, absolutely baffled by the turn of events.

Barbara looked at her as if she were a mother trying to explain a simple concept to a kindergarten child. "Darling, today is your anniversary. Bill thought this would be a nice way to celebrate the occasion. When he raised the subject, we all agreed so that's what we're going to do. Besides, the girls are getting married in just a few weeks so we thought we might have a dress rehearsal."

Glaring at Ali, she exclaimed, "Now get dressed!"

"But what about me?" Ali protested. "No one asked me about a wedding."

"You don't count, dear. After all, Bill was correct when he pointed out that you are his employee ... at least for one more day. Now move it!" As she finished, she was taking the garment bag out of the closet.

Unzipping it, Ali saw the most magnificent wedding gown she had ever seen. Now moving almost in a daze, Barbara slipped it over her head and zipped it up. Since it had been made by one of the finest costume designers in Hollywood who knew Ali very well, it fit perfectly.

It was only then that Ali realized that Barbara was also dressed beautifully, as well. When she asked, Barbara replied that, after all, she should be dressed since she was the mother of the bride. "Darling, remember: I'm already rehearsed in the part."

After touching up Ali's hairdo with a comb, Barbara reached into a small bag she was carrying and took out the pearls that Bill had given Ali on their wedding day a year earlier and fastened them around her neck. Then she asked Ali to remove her gold wedding band. When she did, Barbara slid a massive diamond solitaire engagement ring on her third finger and grinned. "It would look a little tacky for you to already be wearing a wedding band to your wedding."

Then she looked into Ali's eyes and Ali could see enormous warmth as she added, "Darling, would you do Bill a great favor? Could you have your wedding band enlarged so that he could wear it? He really wants to." Ali just shook her head in bewilderment and gave the ring to her friend.

Now fully dressed, Barbara stood back and softly whistled. "Ali, last year I thought Ginger was the most beautiful bride the good Lord had ever created. Maybe she was. But now ... Ali, you are utterly exquisite. Please look at yourself."

When Ali looked in the mirror she was reminded of Bill's favorite description of her: a vision in shades of gold. She was gold and white with the only color being the brilliant blue of her eyes and the red of her lips. Barbara helped her with the train of her gown and led the way to the elevator. Fred Clark was standing proudly holding the limousine door open waiting for them.

Seeing him, Ali stopped and tears came to her eyes. "Fred, thank you so much. We met for the first time a year ago when you drove Bill and me to City Hall to be married. I am so pleased that you're going to be driving again! You were certainly good luck the last time." With that she kissed him softly full on the lips.

The man turned a bright red and said softly, "Mrs. Clifford — Ali — no woman has ever looked so beautiful." He had recovered from the kiss and added, "But it's not what's on the outside, although God knows, that's exquisite. Ali, you are really so beautiful because of what's on the inside. Your goodness just shines through. Ma'am, please believe me when I say nothing could possibly give me greater pleasure." With that he kissed her on the cheek, closed the door and ran around to the driver's door.

When they pulled up at the door of the church, Bob Jamison was waiting for them, dressed in a morning suit. Barbara grinned at Ali and said, "This is Bob's big day. You know that he is a hero at Boeing because he's a friend of Ali McGrath's? Wait till you see the reaction when he shows them pictures of him escorting you down the aisle as the father of the bride. Just look at him!" It was obvious that it was one of Bob's proudest moments.

In the vestibule of the church, Ali received another shock. The entire wedding party was there waiting for her. She was utterly stunned. Barbara quickly filled her in on the wedding participants. "Honey, Ginger is your matron of honor. The bridesmaids are your daughters, Jennifer, Joan and Connie, along with Sandy and Karen Gaudli. Karen insists that she's your younger sister in spite of the fact that she will be your daughter-in-law. The ushers are Charley, Brian, Chip and Jack. Of course Billy is his father's best man. Oh, yes. We even have a surprise.

The wedding was in a small chapel that was covered with flowers. Peeking around the corner, Ali thought she had never seen a church look more beautiful. She jumped back from the archway with a start as the organ began to play the Wedding March. It's so trite, she thought, but, oh God, I love it so!

Charley and Brian carefully laid a white runner down the aisle and then the ushers walked slowly down the aisle. They were followed by Karen, then Connie, Joan, and Jennifer. Before Ginger moved, Debbie's twin sisters, Carmelita and Consuela, appeared carrying beautiful bouquets of flowers. They rushed up to Ali, gave her warm kisses and then proudly walked slowly down the aisle together. Ginger gave Ali a quick wink and then followed.

When Bob touched her elbow she was startled. Suddenly it registered. This was her wedding! She was the bride. Looking at Bob she saw the look of intense pride and joy in his eyes as he extended his arm, then slowly walked beside her down the aisle. It vaguely registered that all of her friends were present and on their feet as they moved.

Finally they reached the altar and she found Bill waiting for her. Looking at him she realized that he really did look much younger than he had one year earlier on the day they first met. He extended his hand and she took it in her own, seeing the intense love for her in his eyes. Hand in hand they approached the priest who was waiting for them.

The wedding was a full nuptial mass. Finally, the priest said, "Do you, Allison, take this man, William, as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold; to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do!" she exclaimed, startled by the power of her voice. "Oh, God! I do!"

The priest repeated the words for Bill and then asked for the rings. Bill produced a platinum and diamond wedding band and Barbara produced a gold band for Ali to give to him. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she heard Bill say, "Ali, with this ring I thee wed."

Finally it was over. The priest said to Bill, "You may kiss your bride."

Bill took her in his arms and kissed her. Again, there was the wonderful electricity flowing between them. In spite of all the guests watching, she put her arms around his neck to hold him and to keep from falling as her knees turned to water. Then the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March rang out and Bill joyfully led her down the aisle with the guests whispering their good wishes as they rushed by. They ran down the steps to the car where Fred was waiting, holding the door.

When the car pulled away from the curb, Bill took Ali in his arms and kissed her. As he pulled her close he heard the wonderful happy sounds from deep in her body. Finally, she pulled away and looked at him with love in her eyes. "Bill, why? Why did you do this? We are already married." Then she smiled warmly and added, "Of course, I absolutely adore it, but still, why?"

"Because of something you said a year ago, my darling," he replied. "It was one year ago today that you said, 'I'm actually your wife — in the eyes of the State of California, if not necessarily in the eyes of God.' Darling, I wanted you to be my wife in everyone's eyes ... most particularly in the eyes of God. Do you mind?

"Then there are some other reasons which I'll tell you about at the reception."

It came as no surprise to Ali when Fred pulled up at the side entrance to their hotel. She was surprised to see two detail police officers keeping the crowd of curious onlookers at bay. Bill ushered her up to their floor where suites had been connected to form a large area in the same fashion that had been done at the graduation celebration a year earlier. During the wedding Ali had been dimly aware of a photographer in the background. Now it registered that it was the hallmark of a top photographer: he got the pictures without his subjects being aware of his presence. When the wedding party was all present he quickly took them aside and shot a series of the wedding party. To her relief, the entire process took only a few minutes.

When the group broke up, Bill took two champagne glasses from a waiter's tray and gave one to Ali. Raising his glass he said, "To Allison McGrath Clifford: The most beautiful bride and the most perfect wife the good Lord ever created. Ali, this toast is offered with all the love I possess. It's all for you, my darling."

He sipped his champagne and then leaned towards her. She raised her head and her lips touched his in the most tender yet electrifying kiss she had ever had, and this in spite of the fact that only their lips were touching. When she reluctantly moved away from him, Bill was shocked to see tears at the corners of her eyes. "What's wrong, honey? What did I do."

With her gorgeous blue eyes as wide as saucers, she looked at him and there was even a hitch in her voice as she whispered, "Darling, tonight ... Will you try to be gentle? I ... I'm so scared!"

Initially, Bill recoiled in shock and then realized her eyes were now dancing with glee and she was sticking the tip of her pink tongue out at him.

She went into his arms, hugged him tight, and whispered, "But, darling, I'm just practicing. I am an actress, after all. As a matter of fact, I just paid my dues again to Screen Actors Guild." Bill just hugged her tightly. Gently pulling away, with the playacting over, she murmured, "My darling and my love! No one can love a person more than I love you, Bill Clifford. Is there anything I can do to be better for you, my darling?"

"You can't improve on perfection, Ali," he whispered. "And that's what you are." He seated her at the head of the table and food immediately appeared. Suddenly, Ali realized that she was starving.

As they started to eat, she looked at Bill and said, "Darling, this has been a wonderful surprise, but why did you do it?"

"You'll learn soon enough. I'll answer the question after lunch but before we cut the cake." Taking advantage of the time, Ali looked around the room, realizing as she did that all of her closest friends were present. She took Bill's hand and squeezed it, then went back to her food.

When the dishes were cleared, Bill rose, went to the waiting microphone, and tapped on his glass for attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! I know that normally at weddings the best man toasts the bridal couple and the maître d'hôtel sort of runs things. Because this is not your ordinary wedding, we're not going to observe the usual protocol, either."

Turning to Ali he continued, "Darling, when I first had this idea and mentioned it to your friends they thought it was terrific. But a strange thing happened: It turns out that there are some things people want to tell you. However, they'll have to wait their turn.

"First, Darling, you asked why the ceremony. The fact is, I tricked you. You see, today is the end of your initial one-year contract with me. The thought of you walking out was too frightening even to think about. The reason is, of course, that I can't live without you, Ali. I really can't.

"Darling, if anything should ever happen to you I will die. That is a statement of fact as true as the fact that the sun rises in the east each day. Of course, I think you care for me as well. So anyway, today I signed you to a lifetime contract. Darling, thank you for marrying me. Last year in a courtroom I learned how much you care for me when you testified that you loved me more than life itself.

"That reminds me ... You see, I'm taking my text today from the words Jennifer said the first day she saw you. She said that you were a dumb, cheap, gold-digging whore. Now let's look at those words one at a time.

"First, dumb: Well, in recognition of degrees from Kansas and UCLA, coupled with a Phi Beta Kappa key and a couple of number-one class rankings, the Superior Court of the State of California has taken judicial notice of the fact that you ain't dumb. I guess that takes care of that.

"Next, cheap: In context, it was intended to mean gaudy, garish, obvious. Since you only wear Levi's and chambray shirts, they aren't gaudy or garish. On the other hand, they are inexpensive. Maybe that's what she meant." Bill looked for Jennifer, found her, and asked, "Jen, is that what you meant? Inexpensive?" Jennifer vigorously nodded her golden head. "Well," he continued, "That's that. But it takes me to the next point: gold-digging.

"Ali, you are now managing all of the family's money. Of course, on average you've only been managing about half of it for a year, so I guess that explains your mediocre performance."

Looking around the room, Bill grinned and continued, "Mediocre? If Ali were a reporting institutional money manager she would be at the top of the performance list in a class by herself. You see she increased the principal by 50 percent — over one billion dollars. How inexpensive can one woman be? I ask you?

"But let's think a little more about the word, 'gold-digging.' Good grief! Of course! Ali does dig gold ... or money, anyway, which is almost as good. Then she piles it up in large neat stacks in our bank." Bill looked at Jennifer and said, "Jen, you're absolutely right. Ali is a gold-digger, and a damn good one, too!" The guests exploded with laughter while Ali was rapidly nodding her head with a big grin on her face.

"But this brings us to the last point: whore. I was going to dismiss it out of hand, but then I thought more about it." Turning to his bride he asked with enormous love in his voice, "Ali, are you my whore?"

Ali looked up at him with her incredible love shining in her eyes as she said, "Bill, I am your whore, your mistress, your slave, your concubine ... Darling, I am anything I think you might like me to be. But yes, darling, I am your whore ... And very proud of it, too."

Bill just shook his head and said, "Well, Jen, I guess three out of four isn't so bad, so I guess I should apologize for some of the things I said to you last year. Now that I think about it, it's obvious that it was all a semantic misunderstanding."

Then he looked around the room and said quietly, "I used to say that what I love so much about Ali is her smile. She has a smile that is so brilliant it can light up the entire Los Angeles Basin ... and that's on a smoggy day. I wondered about it but never came up with a plausible explanation for its brilliance until Barbara Jamison told me earlier what our chauffeur, Fred Clark, said to Ali this morning.

"He said, 'Mrs. Clifford, it's not what's on the outside, although God knows, that's exquisite. But Ali, you are really so beautiful because of what's on the inside: your goodness just shines through.' You know, he has that exactly right. Now I understand the brilliance of her smile. It's like opening the door of a blast furnace and seeing the fire inside. When Ali smiles, it's opening the door to what's inside and letting her goodness shine out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before some of you start to get even, I would like to offer a toast. To Allison McGrath Clifford: the finest person God ever created; the person who has honored me above all others by allowing me to be her husband. Darling, I love you with my whole heart and soul."

With that he raised his glass along with the guests who were all on their feet with their glasses raised.

When the toast was completed and the guests were again seated, Bill said, "Well, so much for the good part. Now we get to the rest. Your law partner, Virginia Jamison Conrad, has a few words to say. Ginger?"

Ginger Conrad smoothly rose to her feet from her seat next to Bill's. As she did, Ali noticed how beautiful her partner looked. Apparently Henry Hall had worked with all of the girls in the wedding party and had outdone himself. Ginger's hair was shorter than usual but now showed an incredible variation in its basic auburn coloring ranging from red to brown to blonde. Ali was almost certain that Henry had trimmed the last of Ginger's dyed hair; now the color was almost certainly all her own.

Standing behind the microphone, Ginger just looked around at the seated guests. Then she said, "This is actually a rather different wedding reception. The plan initially called for the usual, with the customary tributes to the bride and groom. As we made plans, though, more and more gripes surfaced so we kind of converted it into a roast."

Turning to her closest friend she said, "Ali, would you please stand, put your foot up on the chair and pull up your skirt?" Ali didn't know what Ginger was thinking about but she did as she was asked. As she pulled the white skirt up it exposed her leg encased in a white stocking and finally revealed the blue garter high on her thigh. At the sight of her beautiful leg they heard soft wolf whistles from some of the guests.

Ali just looked at Ginger quizzically as the girl ran her finger up the inside of Ali's thigh. Then Ginger said, "Thanks, Ali. You see, we're serving roast leg of Ali as the main course today. And it's a hell of a leg, isn't it?" This time the guests cheered their agreement.

"Before I get to my complaints I suppose it's only fair to give credit where it's due, even if there isn't a helluva lot of credit to give. First, Ali, let's go back about a year to the day we first met. I was warm and happy then, living in my little brown shell. We talked and then you ruined my life. I recall telling you that I loved Charley Conrad.

"What did you do? Did you ask me why? Did you ask me how I could possibly be so certain of my love for him? Did you point out how warm and comfy my life was with no outside distractions? Did you? Hell, no!

"Did you point out that if I just let things ride, by now I would be a second-year associate at the second-best law firm in the city? I would be getting a big raise ... possibly as much as $5,000. Of course not! Ali, you were mean! That's the only word for it: Mean!

"Look at me today. My grungy brown dyed hair would be 'in' today. What do I have to live with? This!" she exclaimed as she ran her hand over her head with its autumn fire coloring. "Then there are my eyes. Ali, you never asked, but you caused me to throw away literally weeks of work when you made me get rid of those colored contacts. You can't believe how hard it was to find that particularly hideous shade of brown. Now what am I stuck with? These!" she said, pointing to her brilliant emerald green eyes.

"I mean ... Really! How common! How ordinary! And besides, green is never the 'in' color for eyes." She pretended to glare at Ali who was grinning up at her, and continued, "Look at yourself, Allison Clifford! You have the nerve to grin at me. Clearly, you're not taking this thing seriously. But there's so much more!

"I vividly remember telling you that the problem with men was that they only wanted to use us as receptacles for their sexual fluids. Well, damn it, Ali, you never told me that sometimes they run out! And conditioning: Last year I was in great shape. I would work out regularly and I really felt great. Then I met Charley."

Looking down at Ali and pretending to glare at her she said, "Do you realize it's only been in the last six weeks that I have been able to get my thighs back together again? It's true. But did you care? Hell, no! You just laughed at me.

"There's more. My honeymoon, for example. I thought Charley and I had a marvelous time. I really did. Then I saw you and Bill returning from your honeymoon and I realized the truth: I had been miserable. I must have been. Looking at you and then looking again at the pictures from my honeymoon, I realized that I must have been miserable. And that's your fault, too. This brings me to the present. What do I have compared to what I would have had if you had left me alone? The comparison is awful. Instead of being a struggling second-year associate at one of the best law firms in California, I'm a name partner in the best law firm in the state.

Same as Allison
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Ravi woke up the next morning around 10:30 am, on top of his naked aunt. Raji was in deep sleep and started to mutter “Put it in” as Ravi got out of bed to go to the bathroom. The naked nephew smiled as he took his phone on his way to the toilet. There were ten missed calls from his grandpa and mom. Ravi called his grandpa from the toilet as he started to take a dump. Grandpa: Where the hell are you? Why aren’t you answering your phone? Ravi: Sorry, I was playing video games all night and...

3 years ago
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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 2 I give Michael his release

Chapter two It was a year ago on Christmas Eve when Michael and I crossed a very dangerous and inappropriate line. Our parents were forced to travel to Ontario to tend my grandmother who had a stroke, leaving my stepbrother and I alone for the few days leading up to Christmas. Feeling lonely and nostalgic, my stepbrother and I had raided my stepfather's liquor cabinet, and we had gotten slightly inebriated. With our judgment impaired, an innocent shoulder and foot massage had led to...

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Oh docter uh doctor uh

When Allyson first came to work for my practice, I knew she was attractive to me, but I didn't prepare to fall in love. She worked reception but she was studying microbiology. A little older than most she was in her late twenties and in her final year of college. She wanted to go on to medical school and she was certainly smart enough to succeed at that. I knew. I was a successful surgeon. In my middle thirties, I wasn't great looking or in terrific shape, but being a surgeon made...

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before sleeping 3

a cold weather on mountains.... you are waiting in a little wooden hut in a dark forest... toooo dark outside... and freezing cold. you are laying naked on the bed front of fireplace, which the only light is comming from... just howling winter and crackel woods in flames making only sounds to your ears, and your waiting making you to sweat... suddenly you are noticing one more diffrent but very soft sounds... like some paws are going up the stairs.... and stopping front of the door. something...

2 years ago
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Unexpected gang bang1

Cheryl invited us in after we told her what we wanted and offered to make 2 trips. “First I need to finish this beer and then we can be on our way.” As she was taking a long swig out of the long neck bottle, I reach up behind her and gave her a quick tickle under ribs, causing her to spit out the beer as she laughed. “Damn it, now I have to clean that up asshole! Good thing all you guys are cute or nobody would put up with you.” When she bent over I tickled her again. She squealed and...

1 year ago
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The Road Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is David and I am 19 years old. I’m 6 feet tall and 213 pounds with an 8 inch dick. Let me tell you about Sarah before the story begins she is 18 about 5 feet 4 inches tall with 34c breasts. This is the story of the road trip we took together to Indiana last summer. Sarah Suggested that we take a road trip before we went to our separate collages after the summer was up. After a few hours of arguing about where we should go we decided to go see...

1 year ago
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The Ride of my Life

*** WARNING Will Robinson - if you don't like a guy sticking his pecker up some other guys shitter don't read this! I sat in the back of the cab my head spinning. I didn’t realize I had drank that much – I always get so angry and horny when I drink. I would beat her and fuck her – that’s why you have a wife, there always there when you need a punching bag or wet hole. I noticed the man driving the cab was a big black nigger. The lazy bastard said nothing just drove in silence and smoked an...

2 years ago
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Having Fun With The Babysitter and her Boyfriend

“Okay, Samantha, we’ll be gone for about four hours. Once you put Lauren to sleep you can call your boyfriend to come over. But, I don’t want him here until our daughter is asleep.” “Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be fine.” “If you want to go into the pool, just bring the baby monitor outside so you can hear the baby in case she wakes up.” “I have your phone number in case of a problem. Go have some fun you both deserve it.” My husband Jerry and I left to go out to dinner with...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Inspiration Ch 02

The lights to the book store were turned out followed by Stew and Rosangela stepping out along with the store owner. The store owner locked the door. Rosangela said to her boss as he walked away, ‘Night, Al!’ She turned and looked at her ogling friend and co worker. Stew questioned, ‘Are you sure?’ She gave a definite nod. He shook his head then asked, ‘You want me to wait here with ya?’ She simply shook her head. He huffed then gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. He sarcastically...

2 years ago
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Im Happy With That

My intention to leave for work earlier than normal to oversee a delivery of new stock was messed up by the discovery of a flat tyre on my car and, because I’m no good with these things, I ‘phoned Clive at the Mazda garage for help. He kindly offered to send a mechanic out later in the day to fix the problem and told me where to conceal the key but my main problem was how to get in to work. I then remembered that a neighbour of mine worked in the pharmacy in the same shopping precinct as...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Friend Devi In Outdoor 8211 Day Two

I decided to pick her up from central railway station. This time she came in a wonderful black chudi with some nice glittery art work on it. Just to explain you, she is 5.2”, brown, short female with a sexy face and seducing eyes and voice. After that we decided to go to beach for some time. So we went in beach in bike and walked to the shore then sat under a stationed boat. Since morning we were speaking sexy and the moment we reached that boat we started exchanging kisses vigorously. She has...

2 years ago
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30 F

I look younger. I have a boyfriend but he is not involved with this. Part of me just wants to experience something new. I want to see who is out there. I had a dream that I wanted to share. In it I cum when I am being pounded by a strap on while I suck on her man.I come to the hotel door dressed in my old sleeveless cheerleader outfit. It is a little too small now as I have put on a few pounds. The bare bottom of my feet feel the carpet. I am carrying cute little pom poms. My hair is tied with...

4 years ago
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A Fair Fuck

Introduction: for years i have had this fantasy of my mom fucking me hard with a strap on. I finally got it down in this story. Are you fucking Jessie, are you fucking my girlfriend? Jill shouted, Are you Lily, are you fucking your own mothers girlfriend! Tell me the truth&hellip,now! Jill stood over her daughter, her hands on her full hips over a stylish raincoat. Jill looked down on her daughter, who nervously flipped through a fashion magazine, her back propped up with pillows on her bed....

1 year ago
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Nicks divorce

Nicks wife Barbara watched him changing the helpless babies diapers and doing nasty things to the boy. To her shock and disgust she saw her husband sucking his little prick.Nick lost custody of his son Jason. His wife would not let him see his son. He had to do what she said or the up tight party fucked Jason over and over again until it was time for them to leave. Barbara slept with her ex and Jason that night and every night thereafter. They were a family again.

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 134

Two American tourists were driving through Nova Scotia. As they were approaching Shubenacadde (shoe-been-ack-id-dee), they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town's name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch. As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the blonde employee, "Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are ... ver-r-ry slo-o-owly?" The waitress leaned over the counter and...

2 years ago
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Love Making With Reader

Hi all.. . This is Raj.. Thanks for your comments on my previous story’s.. You can drop your comments @ After all the comments I received I replied to most of them and got a reply from few.. . Out of which one was female aged 28 named Sudha living near mehandipatnam in Hyd. She appreciated my experience and also shared her desire of sex.. .. I gave her my number for further chat and I began exploring her.. .to tell about her she was 5.10 with a little chubby and glowing face.. . Her boobs were...

2 years ago
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Paid in FullChapter 4

"Dawn, I would love to have you come out and stay with us," I told her. "We are flying back tomorrow night. I would love for you to go with us. We will bring you back in a couple of weeks, if you can get off work. If not we will fly you back when you need to come home." "That sounds like so much fun. I will ask my father if I can come out. I keep house for him since my mother passed away," she explained. "Please call if you will be flying with us so I can get you a ticket," I...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Hot Ass Hollywood 31691

Juan is delivering a package to Hot Ass Hollywood and Hollywood notices how could it is outside so she invites him in for a drink. Juan accepts but he seems nervous, so Hollywood asks if it’s cause of the reputation she has earned amongst the delivery guys in her area. Juan nods as he has heard that Hollywood is a hot cougar who likes to keep her delivery guys happy. Well, the rumors he has heard are true and Hollywood takes Juan’s cock out of his pants and starts going to work on...

2 years ago
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As Sara looked through the last night’s texts it became clear that Kay and Shelby had gotten her drunk again and essentially handed her off to the nearest guy who was interested. This made Sara’s blood boil. It wasn’t that this alone was such a violation of her trust but seeing the play by play record in the group chat as she was essentially dragged off to this apartment as a fuck doll. She’d thought of splitting ties with Kay and Shelby before and this seemed like the right time. “Fuck you...

4 years ago
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Fathers are mean

How do you know Fathers are mean Let me tell you of a conversation I had with my father not so long ago. ?Daddy, can I come in??? I said through the crack of his bedroom door. ?Sure Kitten!? I slowly opened the door and poked my head around; Daddy had just finished showering and had pulled on his trousers.? ?Going somewhere?? I nonchalantly asked, noticing the suit coat and tie on the bed. ?Out!? was his only reply, ?anything I can help you with?? I chewed my lower lip contemplating how...

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Video game se sex game

Hi i’m vinesh 19year old.I recently had sex with a 18year old girl.I have 5″ tool.Jo k har ladki ko dekh ke khada hota hai aur unki kawari chut me ghus k us me kho jana cahta hai.Aur me hamesha aise hi muake ki khoj me rahta hu.Pappa ki professional prbm ke karan hame ghar badlna pada.Naye ghar ke baju me muze wo mili jisne meri khoj ko pura kiya. Usaka naam manali hai.hum dono me acchi dosti ho gayi thi.Ab hum ek dusare k gharo me behichk jate the.Exam ke bad computer course k liye wo aur us k...

1 year ago
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Private Shay London Sex And Rock And Roll

The beautiful Shay London has come to Private Gold, The Grind – Sexy Music Girls and this teen rocker is proving too seductive for photographer Dante White to resist anymore. Watch Shay on with her sexy piercings and tattoos as she lures in Dante with the taste of her sweet pussy before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy this sexy brunette in action as she offers up her body for a spectacular fuck, taking it hard on the couch and riding her way to a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 359

Arlene grabbed Jeff's hand. "Come on, Daddy. Let's go back to our suite. Mom and Selina will be back ... uh sometime." Jeff frowned as he turned back to the others, "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about – the sometime. It's not like Diana to run off like that." Laura put her arm around his waist to get him started toward their suite. "Well, you were the one who kept pushing Diana to go through the academy. I have been through only the first six months there, but all that discipline...

4 years ago
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WELCOME HOME MASTER prt 4 public final

As i kneeled before my Black King as the flavor of shared cum still rested on my lips. I watched as he leaned over the beauty tied to our bed. He kissed her lips and removed her blind fold. While one hand reached between her thighs and massaged her pussy, the other skillfully removed her bound wrists.I watched as he inserted his fingers into her wet pussy and she road them, thrusting her hips upwards to meet his pounding fist. In awe i watched as she climaxed and her body quivered. Master then...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 432

Say thanks to Jimborh for this group: 1. What is Dominic Cummings’ favourite Christmas song? Driving Home for Christmas. 2. Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop? Many of his workers have had to Elf isolate! 3. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem? All Virgin flights were cancelled. 4. Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity. 5. Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown? Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen. 6....

2 years ago
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My FUTHER torture

My FUTHER torture Hello to all. This is a letter written to My Mistress’s slave Miss Angie. She is slave for Mistress but for me she is also my Second Mistress. Mistress gave me orders to follow her every order like I follow hers.She is very good and expert in giving pain. Once during our talk I don’t behave like a good slave, so Miss Angie disappointed from me. So to make Her happy and show that how sorry I am for my misbehavior, I conduct that punishment. This is an original letter and I do...

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Auntiersquos Naughty Boys chapter 9

Herb watched Aunt Dee putting away the groceries. She was wearing a thin, silky,brown dress that showed off her ass to full advantage. Under the chocolate brownmaterial, the big globes of ass-flesh trembled, contracted as she reached up highinto a cupboard, and rubbed against each other when she walked. The rich colorcomplemented her fair skin, dark hair, and green eyes. Unaware that her fifteenyear-old nephew was watching her body as it moved, the attractive woman leanedover to pick up a brown...

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Want to play

That morning I went late to my office; just in the middle of the rush hour. When I entered the company building, I found the elevator was crowded. When the jarring vibrations began, everyone sardined inside let out collective groans of disapproval. Everyone, except I. Directly in front of me was an awesome brunette, whose ass cheeks had been firmly sandwiched against my thighs since we started the ride. She seemed the type of bitch to make the most of an unpleasant situation. When that crowded...

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wife fucked by another guy


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Romance of Lust part 11

Next morning I was awakened by uncle alone, who told me that my aunt was somewhat poorly, and could not come.“I am sorry it is so, for this little fellow is as hard as usual.” “Oh, I am so sorry dear aunt is poorly, both on her account and my own.What shall I do, dear uncle? It is so hard and painful.” “Well, my dear boy, I must try to allay it myself. I love you too dearly to leave you in this state. I am not so good at allaying this painful attack as your aunt, but as you know you were...

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She Woke Up Feeling Frisky

It was 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday when Jane stirred under the sheets. Her eyes were closed but her mind was wide awake with sexual thoughts of the man beside her. Sean was her husband of 29 years and her lover for much longer. She’d had other lovers before their marriage but none could match what he brought, and still brings, to their loving relationship. His loving skills please her sexually and she does her best to return the sexual pleasure. They both had slept without any clothing...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 6 Daversquos Run

Dave found the strawberry blonde standing in front of the maternity store of all places absentmindedly admiring a row of female shaped mannequins with their plastic children. As he drew near to the woman Dave called out, “Miss!” When Cindy didn’t immediately responded Dave shouted, “Hey! Lady!” “Um. Yes?” Cindy sounded as if she was a thousand miles away. “Can I have your Breeding Pass?” Dave asked. “My what?” “Your Breeding Pass.” he replied. “The old man said he gave it to you.” “Oh....

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Never Saw His Face The Game crossdresser fantasy

never seen his face the gamehere i was sitting parked in my car at my destination it had just goneone am as i looked at my phone waiting for it to ring five minutes wentpast then it rang i answered to a low quiet voice thats me entering thehigh street go to location il be there in five minutes i hope your beready gave me a few extra ordersi opened my car door picked up my bag got out and closed the door andgot out thinking to myself how did i get here and was it reallyhappening remembering how...

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One Hot Night Ch 04

Katie opens the door to the bathroom and walks right in. She walks into the stall and locks it. She pulls her robe open and sits down on the toilet where she pees. She then gets up off the toilet and pulls her robe together. She ties it and turns around where she flushes the toilet. She then unlocks the bathroom stall and walks out. Katie walks up to the sinks. She grabs some soap. She then turns on the water and starts washing her hands. She finishes washing her hands and grabs some paper...

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Bk 1 Ch 2 First Harvest

There were still a few hours before first light when we arrived in the woods outside the town. I had already sent Baldar and Inger ahead to neutralize the land-ward sentries. They appeared like ghosts out of the darkness. Inger grinned evilly, her hair slick with the blood of her victim, and Baldar flashed me a thumbs up. They had both killed their sentries without a sound. In the pre-dawn darkness, I hid sixty of my men and women—the bulk of my forces—in the forest three hundred meters...

4 years ago
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Young man is fucked by two virgins

Young man is fucked by two virgins When we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon. They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday. They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy. Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your f****y to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville. The twin s****rs had thus a flat...

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ZebraGirls September Reign Kay Carter 07252020

September always is too busy to find the time to get a massage and take care of herself because she’s always busy working, but her girlfriend Kay is a Massage therapist so she decides to give her some pampering, by setting up a massage session for her at her house. She tries to set up the table in the bedroom but September says she’s more comfortable on her nice bed. Kay starts on her massage but soon she’s massaging areas that will really relieve stress with her tongue and...

3 years ago
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Hidden Talent Of A Laxmi Aunty

Hi Readers this is shankar i would like to present my first story which happened a month ago. Before that i would like to introduce my self. My name is Shankar working in a MNC living in Chennai.This is my first story so please dont mind if i make mistake and encourage me if the story is good by dropping me a mail to I live in an apartment which is seperated from all other houses around hundred meters there is not apartments or house i purposely chose this place to satisy mysexualy desires....

3 years ago
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A Girlfriends Understanding Love

Jade had started a new job shortly before Leah had moved in and made more than enough money to support them. That way Leah didn’t have to work and could focus on school. She had insisted for weeks that she get a job to help pay bills, she was sure she could get a good part time job working at a hospital. She argued that was the whole reason she had done the LPN program in the first place so that she could work and go to college. But Jade had forbid her saying she would have enough...

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Electric Blue Fantasy

I see you looking at an electric blue dress. It’s sleeveless and low cut with a short hem. It’s beautiful and I can imagine you in it. You turn and I can see your face. It falls with a look of immense sadness. It tugs at me and quickly I move to you. “You would look stunning in that dress,” I say. You turn to me with a confused look on your face. “That dress. You would look absolutely stunning in it.” You look into my eyes and catch the intensity in them. You pause and while you do, I pull...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Girlfriend In Open

My name is Kapil age 23. well built body with 8 inch rod. living in bhopal my girl friend ankita age 23 stats 32-28-32 is sexy and fun loving girl. this incident takes place 2 years ago. we are in relationship for quite a few time. But our relationship is limited to gentle kisses in college compound (sabse nazre chura k). ek din mausam acha tha humne decide kia kahi ghumne jaate hain. hum manuabhan tekri gaye. tekri do hisso me bata tha ek mandir dusra couples k baithne k liye jagah. hum doosre...

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