PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 30 free porn video

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The travel back to the lagoon was much slower than the trip out earlier. And it wasn’t Alex being with us. She impressed me immediately with her resolve and determination to fit into our way of life. And this was a huge change for her. She had lived in a protected, loving family structure despite her rebellion and ‘non-female’ attitude to growing up. She insisted on letting her carry the backpack for periods of time to give me a rest. She couldn’t carry it comfortably for long but the break was still a very big help to me and I made sure she knew how much I appreciated her effort.

No, the reason for the slow pace was the wounded but especially b**st. His thigh wound was a problem. Not being able to remove the bullet caused two problems that I could identify from just field combat experience. The bullet would create a constant irritation inside as the muscles move around it and there would be continued blood loss inside with the irritation. But maybe worse was the potential for infection. And that was my biggest concern. That is why I was trying to keep the wound open rather than letting it heal over. And the wound was draining. I just hoped it would do so completely. Back at the lagoon there was a limited amount of medicine including antibiotics in pill form but even those were created for me. The Predators knew nothing about the genetic makeup of b**st. I could only hope that they might also provide some relief for him.

b**st required frequent stops to rest. The action of walking on his injured leg caused a lot of pain and his limp was becoming worse as the day progressed. On the positive side, though, that activity was helping to keep any infected fluid from collecting inside and was promoting drainage. Alex was very helpful whenever we did stop. She took it upon herself to immediately soak a cloth and assist me in removing the wrapping so the wound could be cleaned. She didn’t appear to have a problem with dealing with the wound and she was very gentle. I could ‘hear’ her softly communicating with b**st, trying to distract him from the pain. I suggested that the others continue on ahead to their groups but they refused, reinforcing that our team stayed together.

I did notice that Alex was easily startled by the other members of the team. So when it was my turn to take the point position, I asked her to join me there but to stay very alert to our surroundings. I explained the function of taking the point position in combat movements which we routinely considered ourselves. She asked me, “Alexa, are you going to teach me all this stuff? These movement formations, patrolling, what to watch for?”

“If you want to learn this, sure?”

“What about the other stuff you do? The fighting, weapons?”

“Alex, we need to talk about all this. You are still a girl, we have to consider what is right for you and your future.”

“But you said I was a young woman and needed to work with you as we went because I wasn’t just a girl, anymore.”

“You’re right. I didn’t mean it negatively. What I meant was you are still growing and learning. Your life is changing fast and now you have this change of living with me. I just want you to think about what you want from your life and then go after that with passion. You don’t have to think you will be a warrior just because you are living me. There are other options.”

“But I think I want to be like you. I’ve always been more active, like the boys.”

“Okay, let’s keep talking about it as we live through all these changes. In the meantime if you want to learn about these things, I will help you. But, to think you will become a warrior will take a lot of training to strengthen your body, train it to be able to do things that you don’t even know about now. But, it wouldn’t hurt to do that anyway and you can decide if you want to continue. Okay? Will that work for now?”

“Thank you, Alexa. This really excites me.”

“I have a question for you and is the reason I wanted you up here with me and away from the others. I have noticed that you get startled by the other team members. Are you afraid of the a****ls?”

“After I am with them for a while, no. But then I glimpse one next to me and, yes, I am startled and my reaction is fear. But, we were taught to be afraid. That we could be hurt by them. Aren’t you afraid, Alexa? They are so big and wild. They’re … well … a****ls.”

I laugh and she reacted to that. I could tell she thought I was laughing at her. “I am sorry, Alex. I wasn’t laughing at you. You should be free and comfortable that you can always speak to me about anything and we will work through it. Sure, when I first met them, I was very wary and concerned. It took a little time to develop the trust. But the same happens with people, doesn’t it? People are very dangerous, more so than the a****ls. Think about it, Alex. a****ls are really just what they are. Once you learn how they react to things, that’s the way they react. Their motives don’t change by greed or desire for power. People, though, can seem to be your friend but are really manipulating you to get something they want. I have become very trusting of the a****ls since being here, most a****ls. The people I have had more issues with. But, give them a chance. They are part of the team so if you want to be involved that comfort and trust has to be found. Okay?”

“Thanks, Alexa. There is so much to learn. So much more than at the village. There I was only learning about cooking, cleaning, finding food and someday probably having babies. Out here with you there is still all that but so much more besides.”

After our talk I noticed her really making efforts with the others. She helped clean the wounds and started walking side by side with the other species. Even though they couldn’t communicate their ideas and thoughts with each other, there was a comfort and acceptance developing. I was proud of her. She listened, processed and made her decision to move forward and leave a prejudice behind.

The first few nights were difficult for her, however. Now she wasn’t in a village surrounded by protective adults. Now she was somewhere in the jungle, in the dark, among unknown a****ls with other a****ls around her. Every sound seemed to give her a start. She tried to sleep as I cleaned b**st’s thigh but it wasn’t working. It was too strange. Once I had b**st re-bandaged, I settled in next to him and I opened my arms for her to cuddle with me. With me pressed into b**st, Alex was now pressed into me. In moments she was asleep. As I felt her body expand and contract with her breathing, her back pressed into my front, I marveled that this c***d was now my responsibility. And how wonderful it felt right now, holding her, lightly stroking her hair, kissing her head, softly humming a tune I was remembering from my c***dhood.

b**st thought, ‘That’s nice, Alexa. I said you were good with the young.’ I smiled and let myself go to sleep, too.

The next days continue in the same manner. Slow going with b**st and lots of stops. We drop off the wolves at their pack and continue on. When we are near the lagoon entrance, we part with the gorillas and promise be in contact after everyone has had a chance to recover. Once they are gone I turn to Alex and say, “I am going to show you something but you must promise not to show anyone else until I say it is okay. Our home is on the other side of this mountain but we have a hidden door to go through it rather than going over it. This way.” I head to the hidden door and she falls in behind b**st. At the entrance I stop and b**st moves to the side. Alex comes up to me and asks about the door. I put my hand on the rock face and then show her the rock that is out of the way. I tell her to step on it and when she does the rock face slide in and to the side. She looks inside, the light comes on and she sees the tunnel stretching into the mountain. She looks at me questioningly. I say, “Go inside and wait. I will show you how to close the door, too.” She is nearly overwhelmed. A sliding rock door, lights that come on making the dark visible. She just quietly follows us through the tunnel.

At the other end, near the other opening, I stop as we can see the light from outside. “Alex, you are about to see your new home.” As we walked out of the tunnel into the lagoon area, she gasps and gives a slight cry. She walks down onto the beach to the edge of the water. Touches the raft on the sand and wanders to the hut which is closed up, turning in circles looking at everything, up the tall cliffs, out over the lagoon water to the endless ocean beyond. She points with her mouth open. Living on an island and her existence has been so protected, so restricted, she didn’t even know about the ocean surrounding everything. This girl was in for so many new experiences.

I walked up to the supply cave and she came running up behind me as I entered. I removed all my weapons and the backpack and spread them out on the top of a crate. The weapons would need cleaning and backpack emptied and its unused contents stored away.

She was looking at all the crates. “What is all this? Where did it come from? Is this all yours?”

“Lots of questions and I will try to answer all your questions in time. But, yes, this is all mine. As to what it is and where it came from, we will get to all that over time. There is a lot you will learn but you need to be ready for it, too. Let’s go check on b**st and then have something to eat and get clean. It has been a long walk.”

b**st lay on the beach in the shade. I hope he will heal here. I grab the medical kit and examine the wound. It was still oozing but I took that as positive because it wasn’t being trapped inside.

Alex and I ate some fresh fruit and nuts. Then I asked, “Okay, Alex, girl time. We need to get ourselves cleaned, again.” I grabbed a couple towels from the hut and took her hand and led her to the waterfall pool. I told her to take her clothes off and I walked into the pool. It was cool and felt very refreshing. As she joined me in water up to her thighs, I handed her the root I used for soap. We washed ourselves and then our hair. It felt wonderful and I moved deeper so I could rinse out my hair and she followed. As I ducked underwater, she mimicked my actions and came up laughing. After several times I was satisfied that we had the root soap out of our hair. I was also satisfied that Alex seemed unaccustomed to the water but wasn’t afraid and eagerly duplicated my actions.

She was asking a hundred questions and I was soon feeling overwhelmed myself. I finally said, “Alex, slow down. I can’t answer your questions when you keep asking more questions. I will try to answer anything you need but we have lots of time. Remember, this is your home now. We have the rest of our lives to learn and get questions answered.”

“Sorry, Alexa. This is new and different.”

“I know, dear. Do you like it? Do you think you’ll be happy here? Is there anything you need?”

She laughed, “Now who is asking questions without leaving time for answers.”

I looked at her and laughed with her. I put my arms out and she walked into me and we hugged. I kissed the top of her head. “Maybe you should get your clothes back on.”



“Alexa, why do I have to wear clothes, you don’t?”

I paused and looked at her. Then at her slender, shapeless young body. I turned and looked out over the lagoon. “Alexa?”

“Yes, I heard you, Alex. I am thinking, trying to come up with a reason why you have to wear clothes. I just thought you would because you always have and you would feel more comfortable. But I guess you don’t. I am not saying you have to wear clothes, Alex. But if you want to you certainly can. We can make more in fact. But, if you don’t want to … I guess that is okay, too. At least around here for now, okay?”

“Thanks.” And she went running off along the sandy beach, her long hair that came down to her shoulder blades flowing behind her. I shook my head. Was I really ready for this? She has been here but a few hours and she is already testing the boundaries.

That night it was the same as in the jungle. The three of us cuddled together. I thought Alex was asleep and I was just dozing when, “What are those?”

I shook myself awake, “What?”

“Up there in the sky at night. What are those lights? The elders said they are our ancestors looking down on us. But I don’t think so. I bet you know exactly what they are, don’t you, Alexa? What are they?”

“You are a curious girl.” She turned her head and looked at me. “Sorry, a curious young woman. Better? Yes, I know what they are but some of your questions are going to have answers that will be difficult for you to understand. But we will keep trying. Don’t get frustrated, okay? You will have a lot to learn and we will keep talking about all this. If there is something you need more information about you just keep asking.”

“Okay. So what are they?”

We are now lying on our backs looking up into the sky. I point up and waving my hand across the sky. “All those lights up there are suns. You know the sun that makes our daytime warm and bright? Each one of those is a sun like that only far, far away.”

She looked at me and then the sky and back at me. She said, “You aren’t laughing or smiling. Are you serious? Those are far away suns? How do you know?”

I looked over at her and then at the stars. I thought for a moment. Do I tell her? I said I would answer her questions. “Alex, I know because I am from out there. I don’t even know which one or if it is even visible from here. b**st is from out there, too. But a different one than I came from. This is very complicated. I met b**st out there. He saved my life and I saved his. We have been close ever since. We were left here by friends.”

“Friends? Friends left you on this place far from where you are from? Those are friends?”

“It is complicated, Alex. But trust me, they were friends. All that stuff in the cave is from them. My weapons are from them. They found this place for me, built the hut, built the door into the mountain for my protection. Please don’t think badly about them. They did all this because they cared about me but there were reasons we couldn’t be together any longer. I will try to explain better another time.”

She looked at me with a worried look. “If you are from out there, are you going to leave and go back there?”

“No, dear. I have no way of leaving. And, I have you now. I won’t leave you, dear. Please know that with your heart. I will keep you with me.”

The next several days were similar except b**st made continually better progress each day. He still limped and I was guessing he was going to. That was probably the bullet lodged inside. But the wound had stopped oozing and his body temperature seemed to stabilize but I continued to want him to have more recovery time.

One night when b**st was feeling somewhat better and Alex was sound asleep in my arms, b**st nudged me, ‘Alexa, let’s go down by the pool. She’s asleep.’

‘Are you sure? I don’t want to do this too fast, b**st.’

‘Yes, I am sure. Come.’

And we did. I settled Alex down and covered her so she would maintain the warmth. At the pool I suggested that he lay down and so I can take charge and save him additional strain on his wound. Once on the ground I help push him over into the unnatural position of being completely on his back. I put my hands on his massive chest and push forward, my hands sliding along his chest up to his head. I lean in and kiss his snout, then his lips. He is responsive and I am hopeful that we are past the worst of his injury. I push my tongue at his mouth and he opens it, letting me slide my tongue inside and I feel the inside of his mouth with my tongue. I search for and find his large canines, then he is pushing his tongue in response, pushing it out to me and into my mouth. It is massive inside my mouth but I open wider to accommodate it and gently nibble on the tip and suck on it. I pull back and I am smiling at him, ‘I love you b**st. Are you sure you are ready for this?’

‘I thought you were going to do all the work. If you don’t want to …’

‘Stop it! You know I want your giant cock and especially that knot of yours. It has been so long, at least it seems that way. I’ve been worried about you, still am.’

‘I want to. Even if I am hurt, I want to. There are times I still cannot believe you chose to be with me, Alexa. I want to feel you, again. To know that feeling, that closeness and bond.’

‘I am yours, b**st. You know that. We have to be careful around Alex because she is young, but otherwise all you need is to ask. Your injury hasn’t changed that, b**st. If you are “up” for it, I am yours to have. So, enough talk, let’s fuck.’

I kissed him again and then slipped down along his body. Again feeling my nakedness along his muscled and taut body making me feel small against him. I slid down until I felt his cock hit my ass. He was well out of his sheath without any manipulation by me. He was anxious for this, again! I wiggled my ass back and forth to find his cock with my pussy. Then I pushed back, letting the tip of his cock part my already wet and ready pussy lips. When I felt him just inside, I stopped and looked up at him and gasped out my reaction, “God, b**st, you do feel good. How I have missed your wonderful cock. Please, b**st, I want to be owned by you again like only your cock can make me feel.”

He flexed his hip and I pushed back at the same instant and he was suddenly well inside me. I felt a jerk from his body but I ignored it. It had been quite a while and we have both been preoccupied by his injury. This was our release and we both needed it, to get us going back to normal. But I would learn that it wasn’t just that …

I used my hands on his chest and my arms to give me the leverage I needed to rise and fall on his god-like cock. And as I took it all inside me and let myself repeatedly rise up to just the tip inside and then drop to take the full length inside me, I now wanted to experience his knot again. So when I finally felt it growing and hitting my lips as I dropped, I smiled. Yes, that was what I wanted. And I wanted it now. Each time down I felt more and more of it. Then I it was pressing at my entrance and my full concentration again went to taking this ball into my cunt. I pushed and wiggled to get it inside and then b**st threw his hips up at me and then growled out a horrible sound but his sudden move drove his cock in so far I immediately started an orgasm, an orgasm that had been building from need and want since we had left the lagoon until now when maybe we could enjoy it again. But when I dropped back down in the throes of my orgasm, the knot was receded, disappearing and b**st was straining and growling, not moaning in pleasure or release but in pain and agony. He moved, rolled and I fell to the side and suddenly my cunt was empty. My mind was struggling to grip reality again, to push through this orgasm and focus on the world, this wasn’t right, something was wrong.

And as I did, finally, I saw b**st throwing himself back and forth, his eyes shut and his teeth bared. And as I got to him and quieted him, I saw movement. It was Alex and she was running to us shouting, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Is b**st okay?”

She slid to a stop on her knees next to me and the two of us leaned into him and softly used our own thoughts to him to provide some soothing. She mimicking me with soothing strokes along his head and shoulder. I already love this girl so much. Her immediate reaction was not fear at the sound but to help and to comfort. And, with the two of us bodily leaning into him, stroking him and talking to him, his energy spent completely from fighting off the pain, he slipped into quiet.

In the morning light I found myself still sitting, leaning against b**st’s chest. In my lap was the head of a sleeping Alex. I stroked her face, shoulder and arm, marveling at this wondrous being now in my life. She stirred and then sat up abruptly and looked to b**st who was still breathing the soft deep breaths of sleep. She asked, “What happened last night?”

“He tried doing something that hurt his injury.”

“Will he be okay, Alexa? It is painful for even me to see such a powerful and majestic being like him hurting. I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling.”

“Thank you, Alex. You are really very sensitive and caring. Yes, it is difficult, very difficult. And it is very difficult for him, too. He is used to be powerful and fierce and dominating. Now he has some dependency. And even dependency to us to this extent is difficult for him.”

“But will he be okay?”

“Well, he will certainly live. We have gotten past the infection and bleeding. The question is how will he feel? I am beginning to think that he will be limited. The bullet is a foreign object in his muscle tissue. Right now it is causing irritation and probably rubbing on nerves causing the pain. I am hopeful that with rest and healing that the muscle will heal around the bullet and he will be able to be as active again, but he may always have something of a limp.”

In the meantime I had started working with Alex on her own physical conditioning. We started with running along the beach until I realized that wasn’t long enough. She was in better condition than I had given her credit for. I guess chasing around with the boys was pretty effective. I also introduced her to crunches, pull-ups on a cross piece I rigged between a couple trees, and we used buckets of water for weights and did a lot of carrying, lifting, raising them over our heads. Everything I asked her to do I did as well to show her and to encourage her. She complained bitterly because she couldn’t do pull-ups like I was doing them. I would hold her waist and assist her up, then have her use a controlled descent and then we would repeat it. But in a week she did her first pull-up on her own. By the second week she was able to do two. At this point we moved a big rock near the bar. I told her, “Now that you are able to do two pull-ups, I want you to do one as frequently as you can during the day, every day. When you are near the bar, jump up onto the rock and up to the bar. Do a good pull-up and drop off. Each week we will test you. When you can do four, then do two pull-ups frequently throughout the day. Always in half of your capability and divisible by two. I guarantee you will greatly increase you strength quickly.

“Why do I need that strength?”

“Swimming for one. Climbing trees, cliffs, generally handling equipment, pulling the string of the bow. Lots of things. We will work on your legs, chest, arms and stomach. The stronger you are the better you will survive in the jungle and in the wild.”

We also started swimming. She was totally new to it but she was not afraid. On the third day I had the raft out in the middle which we used for her to swim to and hold onto when she needed. As she was sitting on it one day, the dolphins came for a visit. She was first fearful but then fascinated as I let them pull me around the lagoon. Soon I had her doing it, too. This really gave her motivation to learn swimming. She loved being in the water with the dolphins. I told her that when she could really swim and control her breathing, I would let the dolphins take her underwater and I showed her what that was like as I played with them briefly.

On the fourth day back b**st seemed strong enough to move a distance, again. He said he wanted to join us going to the gorillas. I could tell, even if he didn’t admit it, that he was wanting to see the young Gongin and Landdi, again. But I insisted that we take it slow and easy. If he aggravated his thigh, again, I would be upset. But it would be good for Alex to see our friends in their home environment. I asked her if she wanted to wear her clothes, that we might be stopping at the village on the way back. She looked at me and thought but said no. I said I would pack them along just in case.

I strapped on one gun to my thigh and she watched me intently. Then I put the bow and arrow quiver onto my back. She asked, “Can I try your gun sometime?”

“We will start with the bow.”


“In time, dear. These are dangerous. We have to train you, first. Give it some time. But you are doing magnificently, Alex. It won’t be long.”

Alex wears the backpack. With just the clothes and few other things it is not nearly as heavy as before. We are not intending to spend the night away from the lagoon. We go straight to the general area of where the gorillas should be on the side of the mountain. b**st is moving a little easier and at my urging he maintains a steady gate that avoids sharp movements that might aggravate the healing muscle. We arrived at the gorillas and are mobbed by them. They had all heard about b**st’s wound and about the girl and they are interested in both. Daggo and Tamack apparently did a good job of reporting the events of our journey. The leadership almost couldn’t make their way to us through the throng that surrounded us. It was heartwarming to see the depth of feeling for b**st and I told him as much. He bumped me and said, ‘Perhaps, but I think it is still an association to you. But, I am good with that.’

The young were trying to get to b**st but the adults were holding them and explaining that he was injured and to not be rough. It was amusing to me to think of these young gorilla being too rough with my massive b**st but right now that was the case. We talked with everyone briefly and then the leaders took over and the discussion took a serious tone as the talk turned to the battle. It was quickly agreed that the timing of establishing the Team was fortuitous and must be a high priority for continuing the patrols and scouting beyond in case the new people should venture this way, also.

Finally, that was all done and everyone let us continue on to finding Gongon and Landda. They worked their way to us and we all hugged. Landda was huge. I mean HUGE. The time was nearly here and I asked when they were going to come to the lagoon for the birth. They said soon but not for a few more days. Then they would come as a family and prepare. They, but especially the young Gongin and Landdi, were fascinated by Alex. I had her move up and indicated them by name which she repeated. Landda gave her a big hug which was awkward over her big belly. Gongon took her in his arms and lifted her off the ground with one of his crushing hugs. Alex groaned and he quickly put her down. I laughed as Alex rubbed her arms from the crushing. As I laughed, so did she and everyone relaxed. Then the young came up and touched Alex. They were very curious but quickly the curiosity turned to play and I indicated that it was alright and the three ran off.

I continued talking to them as b**st lay down and licked his thigh were the wound was. I said I was concerned but there was nothing more to be done. He may always have a limp. Then Gongin came charging back and Alex was walking after him holding Landdi on her hip. When she got to us, I took her from her and said, “She weighs a ton, doesn’t she. You really are getting stronger to be able to pick her up and carry her while walking. I am so proud of you. Especially for watching over Landdi. Thanks, honey.”

She just beamed at me. Gongin ran past and pushed her in the back and kept on going. Alex looked at me and got a playful look in her eyes and when he came back to do it again, she turned quickly and grabbed him firmly around the chest but he was already too strong for her and broke away. She shook her head at the failure and took off after him, her long hair flying behind her. I smiled and Landda saw it.

“This is going to be very good for you, Alexa. We have all seen how you are with the young. It will be good for you to have one around you.”

I just watched the chasing. I was going to have to show her a few things about chasing and timing, using her quickness to offset his strength. “Yes, I feel it, too. I was skeptical at first when they wanted me to take her, but now, yes, it feels so right. She makes me smile so much. I love having her around and teaching her things I know. Helping her discover new things.”

We stop at the village on the way back to the lagoon. Alex is talking non-stop about the gorillas and Gongin. She wants to learn to swing in the trees like he does, he’s so strong already and he is still so small by their standards … on and on. I just smile. When we reach the village we are greeted much more pleasantly this time. This is the first time we have come to the village since we left for the other side and took the people back to the other village. We were soon met by the young man and his family from before. As we learned, he was now the leader and he pledged their support. He was aware of the battle on the other side of the island. Several runners have been identified by each village to go back and forth between them with information. They have learned much about what happened and extended their concern for b**st’s wound. They were also interested in Alex. That she also was naked was never mentioned. They were clearly accepting me and our Team for who we were and what we were trying accomplish rather than trying to bend us to their intentions. I promised an extended visit and to discuss how they might help. But, I said as I put my arm around Alex, we have things to do to prepare for the birth by a friend and to allow the further healing of b**st. I thanked them and turned with Alex still inside my arm and b**st alongside us.

Back at the lagoon we started making ready for Landda and the family for the big event. We would need plenty of greens, roots, and nuts for the family to eat while with us for whatever time that would be. And we needed to prepare a comfortable clean place for Landda to be and in the shade. b**st suggested a canopy be built which was simple enough. Alex and I went out into the jungle and cut a number of young trees for the posts. Using rope from the supplies and tarps I had found in a crate, we strung up a very adequate and comfortable space just for Landda. I explained to Alex that the young always slept in the hut and asked if you could watch them there at night. She was surprisingly excited, feeling like she could make a significant contribution.

Then, almost before we felt ready, they arrived. Alex was surprise when she heard the young charging out of the tunnel. I told her they were the only ones we had shared our secret with. Then she was embarrassed because I had already indicated that the young used the hut for sleeping so she could have realized that they had been here numerous times. I knelt in front of her, “Alex, I want you to understand that this family is my closest friends. Besides b**st and you, they are very special to me. I know this all seems strange to you. And yes, they are a****ls, but that is the way my life is.”

She stepped into me and gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. “Alexa, you can stop explaining. It is obvious how close you are to the a****ls. Yes, it did seem different and strange at first, but it is not. I now think of b**st as I do you. Yes, he is different … clearly. But the love I feel from him is the same. I feel lucky to be able to experience this sharing and the extended relationships you have.” She hugged me again and ran off to Gongin and Landdi.

I stood there as Landda came to me and put her large, black, rough finger to my cheek, “A tear. A happy tear?”

“Oh, Landda, what did I possibly do to deserve her to come to me? She hugs me and showers her love back to me. A smile and I almost melt. She is so intent on being a warrior woman like me but then she is all c***d. And look at how she’s adapting to the inclusion of other species in her new life.”

“She’s lucky, you know? To have a mother like you.”

“I’m not her mother. Her mother died. I am taking care of her and I just hope I don’t screw her up too much.” We laugh but I can tell Landda wanted to argue with me.

I have anchored the raft out in the middle of the lagoon. Alex is already able to get out that far. It isn’t all the crawl stroke but between the crawl and the dog paddle she is doing wonderfully. So the next morning after Landda and family arrive I wake up early as usual and Alex comes out after hearing me. I am about to shoo her back into the hut for more sleep when I change my mind. I take her hand and walk her to the edge of the water and several steps in. “Alex, I had a routine that I stopped when you came here. I was about to do it with everyone asleep. Should we make it our routine? It means swimming out to the other side. Then I sit on the rocks and gaze out over the ocean and think. Maybe we could make this time our special time to talk, just girl stuff, woman-to-woman.”

“Really, Alexa? Will you share that with me? But, do you think I can swim all the way?”

“You don’t have to. Swim to the raft and then to the other side. But with the progress you are making, if we swim every day, you will be swimming all the way soon. Come on, I want this, too. Just us, where nobody can interrupt us.”

“You mean except for the dolphins.”

“I guess I forgot about them. Yes, except for them.”

She started out into the water and stopped when I didn’t follow. I encouraged her to continue, I would follow behind her. Truth was I just loved watching her. She really was becoming a young woman and learning more about independence and her own strengths. I watched her as she walked into deeper water. Her long hair down her back, her smooth tanning skin now that she was always naked, too. She was straight still, no curves to mention but her muscle growth was evident and I had her on a protein diet, making sure she got plenty of good, cooked meat, both red, a****l meat from the plains and fish and bird. She was beautiful. Maybe that was just because I loved her so. But I really thought it was more than that. Physically, sure; but her inner beauty was shining through her like a spotlight.

At the raft she didn’t seem all that winded or tired. In a few days I will encourage her to swim past the raft to the other shore but I’ll have to be extra attentive. At the other side she followed me as I clamored over the rocks and found a large enough rock for the two of us to sit side by side. I looked down at her and she was beaming to be here, my special place, together. Now it was our special place.

She turned and looked to the beach, “b**st is there looking our way.”

“It’s okay, he is used to me being here. But you might wave to him to let him know you are here with me.”

She did. But she stood and waved with both arms and when he acknowledged her, she was so excited. Then she settled back onto the rock. And we talked. About nothing special, just talked … and that was very special.

A day later after our swim to the rocks we were sitting on the edge of the water on the beach. I had just combed out Alex’s hair and I was sitting in front of her with her legs on either side of me as she combed out mine after washing in the pool. Landda came up. We were laughing about something silly when Landda said, “Alexa, I think it’s time.”

I leaped up and took her to the canopy we had for her. Alex knew exactly what her job was. She ran ahead of us and spread out the cloths and created a nest of bunched up cloth. She grabbed the bucket and ran to the pool and returned with the water. She looked at me slightly out of breath, “All that training you have me doing is paying off.” She smiled. “What now?”

“Now, dear, we witness the miracle of life.”

My impulse was to have Landda lay down but I saw her waddle over to the nest that was created and squat over it. Of course, in nature you would let gravity and natural positioning do much of the work for you. I asked, “What should I do, Landda? Catch it?” That sounded stupid! “Should I help pull it out or just guide it out and support it?”

“Just guide my baby out, Alexa. It will come just fine. Then support it until I get rid of the rest of the after-birth.”

It came flashing to me, how little I knew about this. I looked at Alex and her eyes were large but excited. I heard Landda grunt and l looked up and saw strain on her face but then I saw Alex step into her and hold her face and start talking to her. Of course Landda had no understanding but I saw her relax a little and they made eye contact. Alex leaned in and kissed her forehead and put an arm around her and let Landda put some of her weight onto Alex. I saw Alex’s legs start to buckle but she stiffened and pushed back up, all the while speaking softly.

Then it was there. The head came into view and then the rest. A male. I waved to Gongon who was waiting a ways away. He smiled and hugged b**st. b**st grimaced but tried not to let on. I pulled the baby to the side and then there was more grunting and the after-birth came. Landda settled back and Alex looked down with eyes big. I raised the baby to Alex to hold and I cut the umbilical cord and tied it off. With the water I cleaned the baby of the messy womb fluids. I looked at Alex as she held the just born baby gorilla. She held it with such love and tenderness, turning it confidently so I could clean it. I leaned into her and kissed her cheek, my hand on her shoulder. “I think the mother might like to see her baby.”

She looked at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on anyone. She walked to Landda, bent to her and handed the baby and she was still talking quietly. But before she released it to his mother, Alex lean in and kissed the baby on the forehead. I was standing behind her and took her in my arms as Landda smiled at us and moved the baby to her breast. I squeezed Alex, “Look, dear. Look at what life is. You, Alex, have just witnessed a true miracle. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Without taking her eyes off the mother and c***d, “Beautiful is enough of a word for it, Mom. Not nearly enough.”

I was stunned. I froze and she felt it. She turned and looked into my eyes. “What’s wrong? You went rigid.”

“Did you hear what you said?”

“Did I say something wrong? What did I say?”

“Not wrong, but did you mean it? You called me ‘Mom’.”

She looked at me, studying my face, my eyes. She stepped into me and hugged me, burying her head to my breast. Without separating she said, “I didn’t know I said that. But I am glad I did. It is what I have been calling you inside my head for days now. But I was scared that you wouldn’t like it or want to be my Mom. Now that I admit it … what do you think?”

“I love you. That’s what I think. Alex, feel my heart beating, it is racing, like I have been running for hours. I didn’t know I would feel this way, but I do, I really do. And, yes, I want to be your Mom. To be truly your Mom. You had another Mom who loved you enough to watch out for you with her dying breath. Now you have another and I will watch out for you till my dying breath like she did. Oh, Alex, I love you, thank you.”

As b**st and the family come up to us, Landda asks, “What are you two so happy about? Me?”

I look at everyone and then at Alex. I move her in front of me and I put my arms around her waist and hug her so my head is next to hers. I turn and kiss her cheek and then again. Everyone is looking questioningly. I say, “Yes, Landda, we are very, very happy for you and your new baby male, your new son. But, also, we are happy because … Alex just called me ‘Mom’. She wants me to be her Mom, not just take care of her, but MOM! You have a new son, Landda. I have a new daughter!”

There’s maybe a little too much happy right now. But how is that possible?

Then we get back to being busy with the new mother … the one who just gave birth. Alex and I gently go about cleaning up Landda and check her out. Her lips seem fine with no tearing. I was explaining all this to Alex as we worked and cleaned. And she was fascinated and started with the questions, again. I asked her to wait until we could talk better. She giggled and looked embarrassed. “Don’t be embarrassed. Questions are good, just the timing.” I kissed her cheek, again. I am kissing her a lot it seems. So much happy.

And sure enough, the morning swim does become our ritual. She becomes tuned to morning noises and when she hears me she wakes to join me. Each day she is stronger in the water, almost like our newly admitted relationship has given her more motivation and determination. And sitting on the rocks, looking out over the ocean, she gets questions answered. We are serious and silly. Laughing and poking each other and sometimes crying with each other like the second morning after the birth when she couldn’t get her first Mom out of her mind. I told her not to try. I asked her to describe her Mom, tell stories about her, what she liked. She cried. I joined her. And we got even closer.

We continued her physical training along with everything else going on at the lagoon. Gongon and b**st expressed how impressive her progress was. She was strong enough to carry her weight short distances. Her body was getting hard. Her back and legs bigger and shapelier. Her stomach was not only flat but hard, muscles showing. I asked them if she was looking strong enough to start fighting training. They were a little surprised by the question but then considering who I was, said she was. I questioned that but they insisted. They thought she was very much like me. Don’t hold her back.

I announced that the next morning I was going to leave for a couple days to scout with Daggo and Tamack. b**st understood. He still couldn’t and it had to be done and it had been too long since the last scouting. He also knew I needed something else and he was fine with that too as long as I came back to him.

The next morning Alex and I went for our swim but she was quiet. Not nearly the questions. I pulled it out of her. She was worried. I assured her I would come back, now I had even more to return to. That seemed to help. Back in the supply cave I put my boots on and strapped on my weapons. One gun, the knife, the arrows and the lance on my back with the straps around my shoulders. Alex handed me my bow and hugged me. I knelt down and looked up at her. If I stood, I looked down. If I knelt, I looked up. But I knew it wouldn’t be long and we’d be looking each other in the eyes. But I said to her, “When I get back we have more training to start.” She sighed. She wanted me and not to hear about more training. “How does the bow feel in your hands?” I handed it back to her. “Is it heavy or comfortable?”

“It feels fine. Not heavy.”

“I was talking to b**st and Gongon yesterday. I don’t know … I wasn’t sure you were ready, but they were pretty insistent …”

“What? What were they insistent about?”

“They think you are ready for combat and weapons training.”

“What? Really? Really, are you serious? Can we, please? Please?”

I tried to act nonchalant and put out, “I suppose we could.” And she jumped into me and wrapped her arms and legs around me. “You might want to thank them.”

She wiggled out of my arms and ran out of the cave. I grabbed my backpack and got to the entrance as she flew into Gongon, her arms around his neck, holding herself up. She kissed him on the cheek and then dropped and moved to a startled b**st. I was close enough now to hear, ‘Thank you, b**st. Thank you for convincing Mom about weapons training.’

‘It’s not me, Alex. It’s you. You have been dedicated and successful but you will have to be more so now. Now it is serious. You or someone could be injured, seriously. But I think you’ve earned the chance to go to that level. But ultimately it is your Mom you have to impress and satisfy. And she is hard to impress.’

‘I will, though, b**st. I will. Thank you.’

She kissed him on the head, turned and bumped into me. I smiled at her. I said bye to everyone and took Alex by the hand and asked her to walk me out. Along the way I said, “Alex, b**st is right. This will be a very big and serious next step.” I stopped and turned to her, “But you need to know something. I am hard to impress. I have competed with males all my life. I have had to be better than them just to be accepted by them. So I will be hard. But, I want you to understand that you have already impressed me. Everything you have accomplished in so little time, you are gifted and … I can’t wait to take you out there on patrol with me.”

“Wow, wow, wow. My head is spinning. There is nothing I would want more than to be side by side with you out there with our weapons.”

“There is much work to be done, first. So, while I am gone I don’t want you slacking off.”

“I promise, Mom. I’ll see you in two days.”

We parted at the opposite entry. I watched her close the door, turned and jogged to the meeting place for Daggo and Tamack. I explained to them that I wanted to cover a lot of ground but not stay out more than two days because of Landda. They were accepting of quick travelling. We set a route to the West but arcing toward the plains, then we would go along the plains to the river and return. That would cover a good territory so we could see if there was any signs of intrusion.

Near dusk we were just reentering the jungle from the edge of the plains when we heard a barking. We stopped and looked behind us into the plains. We couldn’t see anything. I said, “Maybe if one of us were up in the tree something would be seen.” Before I could saw that I would go, Tamack was already scrambling up the tree. Gorillas don’t normally climb high but they can and in no time he was quite high. Daggo and I were still trying to see something when a large nut landed next to us. We looked up and he was pointing straight out the direction we had come.

He was back down with us moments later. He filled us in, “There is a small group of dogs, four, coming and followed by three handlers from the new people.”

I asked, “Are the dogs leashed or are they free and a ways ahead of the men?”

“They are quite a ways ahead. They will be here soon. I think they are following our scent.”

I thought for a moment. “We take the dogs first and then let the men walk into us and we will have them surrounded. I will stand visible to the dogs, arrows ready to be silent. You two in the trees and drop down on one dog each. Then the men. But if possible I would like to question one of the men. But not if it increases our risk of danger. Are you both okay with this?”

“Yes. We still owe them for what they did at the other side.”

And that’s what happened. I stood open and visible as the dogs came into view. They snarled and moved to attack. I put an arrow into the lead dog and was reloading as the gorillas dropped out of the trees on each side and took a dog each. I dropped the remaining dog when it turned at the sounds behind it. Aside from some snarling and growls it was fairly quiet and now it was very quiet except for our rushed breathing. It worked so well we went with the same attack for the men, too. I shot the lead man in the stomach instead of an immediate kill shot. The other two hardly knew they were dying as the massive gorillas dropped down on top of them.

I talked to the dying man and he was willing to confess anything he knew. His time was going, anyway. He said that they were told to find out why the other group didn’t return and why no more captures were arriving for the ships that were waiting to leave. They didn’t suspect that there was organized resistance. He guessed they were wrong. He was also dead.

I asked if we should hide the bodies. They both said not to bother. The scavengers of the jungle would have the bodies stripped in a short time. Then Daggo raised his head and sniffed. He said there was fire smoke in the air. We walked to the edge of the jungle and could see the glow of a fire in the distance as it was now getting dark. I looked at them without saying a word. They both nodded, yes.

I left the backpack hanging from a tree at the edge of the jungle where I would be able to find it after. I unclipped my gun and charged it. We set out, following the trail they made in the tall grass. We crawled onto the small rise and looked down at the fire. Three more men were visible but no more dogs. The men looked nervous, probably because the others hadn’t returned and it was dark. I indicated to move back to talk. I suggested that they move around and cut off any escape. I would walk toward the camp. I could speak to them and they might not immediately recognize the tone difference. I would go in with my gun, no need for quiet this time. They were agreeable but I had a sense they wished to have the chance to get some more revenge. If so, they were disappointed. The men almost let me walk right into their camp, asking questions about the dogs, etc. When they reacted at the last moment, trying for their own guns, they too were dead.

We briefly discussed if we should just use their camp for the night but decided we were better off in the jungle. So we put out the fire and returned along the same trail in the grass and retrieved my backpack. We couldn’t penetrate the jungle very far, though. It was too dark. But we needed to put distance between the bodies and ourselves. We didn’t want to be near the scavengers during feeding. It was slow going and I stumbled a lot but we found a big tree for protection about a half mile away from the bodies.

We were quiet for a long time. Processing the short battle and the killing. Daggo spoke first. “It was good. It was necessary.” Tamack agreed.

Then I did. Then I smiled at them and repeated it, “Yes, it was good and it was necessary. Besides, they must learn that they will meet harm if they come out here. This is our land. We will protect it.”

There was yelling and noise I had not heard. It was almost scary to me. When they quieted, I stood and removed my weapons. I thought for a moment as I stood there with my back to them. Yes, I thought, this is good and necessary, too. I turned to them and I had their attention immediately. They had me before and they sensed a sudden change in the interaction between us. I stepped in front of them and spread my legs slightly. “Daggo, Tamack, I want you, both of you, now. Please? I want us all to be together at the same time.”

Daggo, “Of course, Alexa. You mean both at the same time? But how?”

These a****ls were such innocents to sex and the potential sex had. I almost blushed in the dark, “One of you in here and one of you in here.” I turned to indicate where I meant. They looked at each other and stood.

“But how?”

“Okay, if I were hanging onto you, could you still hang from that tree branch?” They both indicated they each could easily. I suspected so, I am not very big to them. “This will be difficult but could be very intense. We need a couple of logs brought under the branch so you can reach the branch, each of you, and then kick the logs out of the way so you are hanging.” They eagerly found the appropriate logs and placed under the branch. I noticed as I watched them moving around, find the logs and placing them that they were both sporting very rigid, very hard cocks. “Now one of you, Daggo, get up on that log and pick me up and place me onto your cock.” He got up on the log, balanced and I reached up and he took me into his arms and then slowly, carefully (and this is from a gorilla, mind you) lowered me until I felt his cock tip against my ass. I maneuvered around until I felt him pierce my lips and I sank down as my already wet and eager cunt swallow him. Then I used saliva to wet my asshole, then some more. With my legs wrapped around Daggo, I was stretched open. “Now, Tamack, get on the other log. Good. Now slowly push into me back there.” He did and I groaned and moan but as I did he stopped. “No, don’t stop, please, don’t stop, keep pushing, and get all the way into me.” So he did and once he had a few inches in I stopped him so I could adjust to having two gorilla cocks in my body. No, not earth gorilla with their little cocks, but this planet’s gorillas with their very, very nice cocks. “Now all of it.” And he thrust into me. “Oh, god, you two. I am so full. This feels sooooo good. Now, can you reach the branch?”

“But won’t you fall if we don’t hold onto you?”

“Trust me. With these cocks filling me and you two pressing into me, I will be right here.”

They both leaned into each other and reached for the same branch. As I suspected, I was firmly pressed between them. Once they had good grips, they moved the logs out of the way and we were hanging, then they started swinging, only several feet each way but the sensations were amazing. With my arms around Daggo I was able to raise myself and then drop back down onto their cocks. I could feel them moving in the separate channels, separated by only a membrane. And the swinging caused one to be in further and then the other. And it alternated with the swinging. And at the same time I rose and dropped. My mind slipped as I just enjoyed the stimulation but then I heard one and then the other groaning and then I felt each cock grow and tense and twitch inside me. And that was all I needed to go over into my orgasm. And in my orgasm my body tensed and twitched, my cunt and asshole both clenched and relaxed and repeated. Like they were milking the cocks inside them. And that sent them off. Climaxing together inside me, spurting their cum deep into my cunt and asshole. I dropped my head into Daggo’s chest and slumped, driving his cock deeper into my cunt. When Tamack recovered enough to control his next action, he released the branch and his pulled completely out of my ass in one immediate action. Daggo let go but put an arm around me and we hit the ground and Tamack was there to assist in hold me up. Tamack then lifted me up and off Daggo’s cock.

I turned and hugged Tamack and kissed his face and mouth. I then turned and did the same to Daggo. I pulled them down onto the ground and lay between them. “Thank you. That was wonderful for me. I hope it was good for you, too.”

“Alexa, you are an amazing female. You are a fierce and deadly warrior, a loving partner to b**st, a true friend to Gongon and Landda. And you are a committed warrior partner who would rather face the danger than have one of us do it. And, you are also so good at sex. Everything about you is good for us.”

What he was saying felt so good, so appreciated. But before he was done … I was asleep … in the arms of two gorillas I had just fought together with and been DP’d by. My last thoughts were maybe dream thoughts. My mind went back to the lagoon and the girl waiting there for me. Wanting me to teach her about weapons and combat. Was this the life she was headed for? Combat, living in the jungle, having to kill rather than be killed? Being with studs like these two, sharing more of each other, or sharing totally with each other? If so … I sure haven’t complained …

* * * Part 31 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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Once Human

The memories were still there. The hoards of goblins and the army of orcs. The troop of trolls and the other beasts from hell. I relived the long battle over and over but the end was always the same. I had stood in the gate to Elvanhome and fought constantly for two days before the legions of sidhe returned. They had struck into the rear of the enemy and brought their allies the dwarfs. The foul ones died or fled and I finally stood with no enemy before me. That was when the single black arrow...

3 years ago
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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

3 years ago
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Like Humans

I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...

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Create a female humanoid

In the year 2050, humans have started creating humanoids. These humanoids resemble humans in every aspect. They can think, talk, eat, drink and even have sex!!! But they are too expensive. Only millionaires can think about buying them. A leading humanoid manufacturing company, Technotrons inc. conducted a lucky draw. Winners will be awarded a free humanoid designed to their liking. You have enrolled yourself in the draw and luckily you have won!!! Now its time to design the female humanoid!!!!

3 years ago
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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

3 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 21 Serving Humanity

Sugiarto Kusnadi, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sat flanked by his aides in the spacious salon of the Masi'shen Embassy headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He held a delicate cup and saucer of tea in his hand. A small serving table with a silver pot and a plate of pastries and other treats, stood to his right. He sipped his tea, looked up to the assembled people in the room, and smiled. "This is most excellent tea, Ambassador Jon'a-ren. I recognize the blend. It is from my...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

3 years ago
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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

2 years ago
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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

1 year ago
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The mating institute

Elena lay down on the bed. She was stark naked. The man in front of the bed also. His cock was perpendicular to the body and was swollen thick. She came from Slovakia was really pretty, nineteen years old and totally inexperienced. She had been told that there would be a small test today if she could be hired as au pair girl. Then she would be given to a family and there mainly she had to take care of two small children and do easy housework. Manfred a fifty-year-old man needed relief, he had...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lydia Black Loves Anal And Thats What She Gets LIVE

Lydia Black is a wicked naughty slut who loves to fuck! She loved doing some hot anal play for her solo show so she had to come back so she could get a real cock to fuck this time. Normally there is not much anal action LIVE but Lydia insisted on getting that cock of Nathans deep in her ass! Nathan was all for it so in her ass that hard cock went! She just loves having her ass spread wide while getting drilled from behind. For Lydia anal is so much better than getting her pussy pounded so we...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Natasha Nice Busty Pornstar Natasha Nice Takes An Ass Pounding During An Interview

Busty Redhead Natasha Nice is scheduled to do an interview and when porn journalist, Vince arrives, Natasha is pleasantly pleased when she sees him, inviting him in straight away. The interview takes place in the garden and Natasha gets all hot and bothered, excusing herself for five minutes. This horny minx heads straight to the bathroom and fucks her ass with a jelly dildo. Vince calls her to check if she is okay and this insatiable babe wastes no more time as she climbs on top of him and...

3 years ago
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OreGasm Chapter 1

Billy McIntyre pulled up to the house and turned the truck off. He walked up to the door and knocked. Mrs. Greene came to the door. "Oh, hi Billy, Becky-Sue will be ready in a few minutes. So you two are going on a picnic are you?" "Yes-um. Becky-Sue has had this picnic idea planned for a couple weeks now. I finally got a day off from the lumber mill so we are gonna take advantage of it." "Well, she's been going on about this picnic thing all week! Take her and go have a good time so she can...

2 years ago
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Zugzwang Part 2 ZeroesChapter 11 Holiday

It was still dark out when a hand wrapped around my cock, waking me. The questions from my dream still rang in my head, but that hand made it easy to stop worrying, at least for a while. I let myself get lost in the sensation. "Jordan! Everyone's still asleep!" I shushed her. "Don't worry," she giggled, "I can be quiet." She put her hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss. "You're insatiable." I looked at her. It was dark, all I could see was my brand on her, burning...

2 years ago
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ElevenDigit Pursuit

A bunch of old people nursing pints of Mild and a serious lack of viable pussy are the main reasons social clubs aren't my scene. That and the wall-to-wall excitement: bingo nights, bridge evenings, and discos compered by washed-up music teachers. But at the request of the latest IT client I was fleecing, and the prospect of cheap beer, I made an exception.Turns out that was a damn fine decision.The building itself seemed almost anachronistic alongside the steel-clad offices that had been...

4 years ago
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Birth Error

Birth Error is a story by JC.ARBY. The story is about twin brother and sister who develop secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex. The rest you should read yourself. Comments can be posted to [email protected] Birth error This is a brief story of what happened to me and my sister, years ago. In 1977 me and my twin sister Melissa were born. We both were just ordinary children, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. I grew up with the guys in the street, playing...

3 years ago
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Price of Betrayal 5 Ella Fucks UpAn Unexpected Encounter

Introduction: Part 5 Shit! I chuckled when I heard Tanya in her bedroom. It was almost eight oclock on Thursday, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I put down the paper and took my coffee down the hall. I stopped in her doorway and grinned as I saw her trying to get out of bed. She looked at my left shoulder, eyes wide, and I just raised my eyebrows as I took a sip and watched her over the rim of my mug. She had only been able to sit up, and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. ...

4 years ago
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হ্যাঁ দীর্ঘ দিন ধরে নজরে ছিলেন পাড়ার বৌদি সুতপা। সিম্পলি চোদন মাগী। যেমন তার রূপ তেমনি মাই পাছা। অবশ্যই আমার চির পছন্দ কালো বৌদি আমার। এ বৌদি যে অফিসে যাতায়াত করেন দেখি আর দেখি। কিছুতেই বুঝি না এত্তো সুন্দর সাজে কোন অফিস করা যায়। একটা মিনিমাম ছিমছাম ব্যাপার লাগে অফিসে কিন্তু সুতপা বৌদি অসামান্য সাজতেন। অফিস বা যেখানেই বেরোতেন। আমি চাকরির খোঁজে ছিলাম। গবেষণার কাজ খুঁজছি।একটা বড় এন জিও এ ডাক পেলাম, সাজগোজ করে হাজির হলাম। ইন্টারভিউ বোর্ডে ঢুকে দেখি চেয়ারম্যান বৌদি। দেখেই আমার বাঁড়া ঠাটিয়ে গেল।কালো...

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Jane Doe

It was cold. Pitch black. The cold was everywhere, the worst of it coming from the hard metal surface beneath her. It seeped into her bare skin, holding tight in an unforgiving grip. Despite all efforts, she was unable to move a muscle, a prisoner of the dark, and the relentless chilled air surrounding her.She'd lost track of how long she'd laid in the darkness, the cold making its way to the core of her being. From time to time there was a sound, distant and unrecognizable.Then nothing. Only...

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UK Indian Police Woman

When I was at high school there used to be this Indian girl in my year we was in the same lessons sometimes, we never talked and stuff we just knew of each other.. anyway its been about 8 years since I left school, About a year ago one they when I was out with my mates we was drunk and loud and was walking through town and a police car was parked up at the side of the road as we was walking past I tapped on the bonit hard and 2 police officers got out a white male officer and an asian woman...

1 year ago
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Dost Ne Maa Chodi 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto me parmood aap logo ne part 1 me padha ke kaisa mera dost ravi ne meri maa chod di,ab agay ke kahani Jab me baatroom se fresh hokar bahar aaya to me sidha drawing room me gaya waha dekha ke ravi nahi tha to mai kitchen ke taraf gaya main ne dekha ke ravi maa se lipta hua tha wo maa ke dera dera gaand masal raha main dono love bird ko kitchen me chod kar office janay ke liya ready honay chala gaya jab me tayaar ho kar aaya to ravi is baar wahi baitha hua tha me bola ke ravi office...

2 years ago
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New Ski Bunny Part 3

New Ski Bunny Part 3: Our Trip to Europe - Part 1 By Nikki H Kim and I are thrilled that so many people are enjoying reading about our adventures. We have received tonnes of nice e-mails from lots of lovely people. It's good to know you girls and guys out there are enjoying them! We had promised each other a trip to Europe but had not made any firm plans. We had bailed out of the ski cabin early that year due to bad weather and poor ski conditions and, had managed to rent a...

4 years ago
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The tainting of the May blossom

Judy always walked to school. It was the first day of May and it was her birthday. Being seventeen was such a land mark and yet she so wanted to be eighteen. She knew it was only a matter of time before her fake ID got her busted and properly grounded. She had had umpteen arguments with her Mum about parties and late nights. Many was the night she had cried herself to sleep, hating her Mum. As if the changes in her body weren’t enough, she was now full of angst and rebellion. Being seventeen...

First Time
2 years ago
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Deception A Tale of Cross Dressing and Espionage

In line with the Fictionmania principle that this is a free site, no promotional publishing of commercially sold stories is allowed. Therfore this story chapter was taken off as it was only a teaser for a story that would have to be bought by readers. The Fictionmania Taskforce

4 years ago
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Day To Celebrate With My Maid

Hi friends …I wish everyone having their own fun here studying the erotic stories. I am bharath from Hyderabad working as an employee for an automobile company. I had completed my masters recently and had joined this job three months back. I am 5.8 and fair looking good and more over still virgin. I live alone at my room and it’s making a problem for me to complete all my work early so I am looking for a maid who works with very honest. So I have one of my colleague named Swathi (she is too...

3 years ago
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july 1982 Rednecks Lust

cashed my check and grabbed some dinner at Aunt Fannies Resturant. After I ate, I went for a ride on my freshly rebuilt Shovelhead, a '80-80. I took the long way out thru the forest, then zig zagged down to Belleview, then back up 441 and stopped at Dick's Bar on the north side of town. It was around 9:30 when I pulled into the parking lot and a dozen or scooters were already there. I entered the dimly lighted bar, grabbed a long neck Bud and put my quarter down...

2 years ago
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An attitude adjustment

It’s been a long day, but finally the kids have been put to bed and are asleep.After having worked the night before and sleeping all day until 5 pm, my wife is all smiles in bed, sipping on ice-tea while watching TV alone in our room.The lights in the rest of the house are dark.The only noise in the house is the faint chatter coming from the TV down the hall. I slowly make my way from the living room, down the hall to our bedroom.The room is dim with only the flickering light of the TV on.She...

2 years ago
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Reluctant NeighborChapter 2

Marily enjoyed the dinner. She had consumed two drinks, much to Fred's consternation, then had eaten a delicious steak, blood rare. She felt great. She had admonished herself for looking at the men in the room, feeling each time she looked thoroughly at one of them (sitting alone at the bar, with other women, with men friends) the sensations that she had had earlier in the afternoon. She was just as pleased to leave the restaurant as she had been to arrive there. Once home Marily tried to...

1 year ago
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BangBus Aria Skye Enjoying The Game

Today the guys pick up this petite chick that was down to play our fun game for some extra cash. We find out her name is Aria Skye and that she was simply walking around the artsy part of wynwood before we stormed in with questions and cash. We quickly got her to do some fun things before we get her to flash us for 10 seconds. We got her to hop inside shortly after the flash and let her know the real deal. We tell her about a running bet to see if JMac can actually make a girl cum by licking...

2 years ago
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Terror in TenerifeChapter 3

I could tell that we were expected as soon as we walked in. The man behind the counter nodded at Harold and looked Jenny over quickly. He came out from behind the counter. He walked around us, examining Jenny closely as he did. He closed and locked the door and put up a closed sign. We followed him into a back room that had several small sets prepared. The one that was already lit up and ready to go was a replica of a small bedroom. Why wasn't I surprised?! Harold took Jenny onto the set....

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