That Rat Bastard Lesbian free porn video

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Lily shoved the door to the Port and Pint open, smirking as it slammed against the wall. She glanced back to make sure she hadn't broken the door. She had not; too bad, the damn thing was in her way after all and with the mood she was in, anything standing in her way had better watch out! The bar's few patrons turned to check out the noise, but Lily merely glared back defiantly.

The young woman stomped up to the bar, climbing onto a stool at the far left end of the bar, as far from the other patrons as she could sit. She huffed and grimaced as Rosalind, the proprietress, continued chatting easily with the two young men standing by the middle of the bar as they paid their tab. How long would she have to wait for some service, anyway?

As if sensing her annoyance, Rosalind turned to look her way, nodding to indicate she'd be there in a moment. She waved sweetly to the young men as they departed, and then made her way towards Lily's end of the bar.

"Bad day, love?" The barkeep smiled in sympathy, obviously not expecting an answer. "What'll it be?"

The question momentarily stumped Lily. All she knew was that she wanted a drink. Not having much experience with alcohol, she had no idea what kind of drink she wanted. This was hardly a butterbeer moment. "Something strong. Surprise me."

"I know just the thing," nodded Rosalind, turning back to the large display of bottles and vials she kept behind the bar. The older woman pulled several bottles of different colored liquors down from their racks and lined them up on the bar a few feet down from Lily. She ducked under the counter to retrieve a tall, narrow glass, which she filled with ice. After filling the glass with a little liquid from each bottle, Rosalind swirled it gently to mix the fluids together before topping the mixture off with a single cherry and handing it to Lily. "How do you like this?"

Slightly nervous despite her determination to Get Drunk, Lily gazed down at the strange concoction for a couple seconds before raising the glass to her lips and taking a large swig. The drink was sweet yet pungent at the same time, the unfamiliar burn of alcohol only partly disguised by a strong fruity flavor. Lily swirled the liquid around in her mouth a moment and then swallowed. Was it her imagination, or could she already feel the buzz? "Perfect," she replied before taking another gulp.

"I won't bother putting these back yet then." Rosalind gave Lily a sly wink before wandering off to check on the pub's only other patrons, who were seated at a table by the window. Lily paid little attention to the polite conversation the proprietress made, choosing instead to focus on her drink and the reason for her need for it. Jason Wexler.

"Maybe we should see other people for awhile," he'd said. As if he weren't the one who had pursued her for several years despite her protests. Against her better judgment she'd finally accepted his advances in their senior year at Wilson High, believing he was no longer the egotistical bully of his younger years. Lily had thought Jason had changed, but apparently she'd been wrong.

"I just want to see what else is out there before settling down and becoming all domesticated. Don't you ever wonder about other people, Lils?" No, asshole. Since I started dating you, I've had no eyes for anyone else, and more fool me to think you felt the same. I'm so bloody sorry if screwing me has gotten boring, Wexler. Sorry to cramp your fucking style.

Lily looked down – her glass was empty. After the first few sips it went down real easy. Disgruntled, she called out to the barkeep. "Hey Rosalind! I want another one!" Perhaps tomorrow she'd regret her manners, but right now they were the furthest thing from her mind. Right now she only wanted the fuzzy, glowing feeling that was creeping upon her to continue, and that required another drink.

The older woman chuckled. "Impatient, aren't we, love!"

Lily watched as the middle aged couple at the table stood to leave, hoping they'd hurry so Rosalind would come back more quickly. They didn't hurry, and Rosalind walked them to the door, locking it behind them as they left. Lily looked up towards the clock hanging in the back of the room. It was just past two. Crap. So much for another drink.

"Are you closing?" A small feeling of shame pierced through Lily's fog as she fumbled for her coin purse. "I should leave."

Rosalind walked back to Lily and put a hand on her arm. "No, stay. I can tell when a young lady is in need of a good drink and a good shoulder. It's part of the job description." The older lady stepped behind the bar and mixed two of the funny multi-colored drink, handing one to Lily and keeping the other for herself.

"I'm glad you like my drink, Lily, is it?" Lily nodded. "I call it ‘Rosie's revenge'."

"Does that mean I'll have an awful hangover tomorrow?" asked Lily after taking a generous sip.

Rosalind shook her head as she came back around to sit down on the stool next to Lily's. "Nothing a couple of aspirin can't cure. I just like the way the name sounds. Now tell me, what's he done to put you in such a mood?"

"He?" repeated Lily. "How do you know it's a he?"

"It's always a he," laughed the older lady. "If a lady wants a drink, ninety-nine times out of a hundred it's because some man treated her poorly. Am I wrong?"

Lily stared down into her drink, ashamed to be just a statistic. "No, you're not wrong."

"So what did he do?"

"You see this ring?" Lily nodded to the hand that was clutching her drink. "He gave it to me six months ago, when he asked me to marry him. He told me I was the only woman he'd ever wanted, ever loved. And I believed him."

At this Lily chugged the rest of her drink. "But tonight, just a few months before the wedding, he comes over to my apartment to tell me he's feeling trapped, that he wants to see other people. Oh, he didn't want to call off the wedding or anything, he just wanted a chance to ‘sow some wild oats.'"

"What did you say to that?" asked the barkeep gently as she took Lily's glass and began reconstructing a refill from where she sat.

"I told him that if he wanted my permission to screw other people he could go to Hell," sneered Lily. "And I meant it! I told him to get the fuck out of my apartment and that I never wanted to see him again. And then I came here. I should have thrown his damn ring back in his face."

Rosalind pursed her lips as if pondering. "Hmmm… I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe he had a point?"

"A point? What are you talking about?" challenged Lily.

"A lifetime is a very long time to be with just one person. And if you've only ever experienced each other, then how can you really be sure that you've chosen the right person?" The barkeep gave Lily her drink. "You might think so know, but you won't really know unless you've tried someone else."

"But I don't want anyone else!" Lily insisted, head down, staring into her glass again. "I haven't so much as looked at another man since I started dating him back at school."

Lily jumped as felt soft fingers brushing her hair away from her face. She turned to face the older woman, who replied softly, "What about a woman?"

"A woman," repeated Lily, shocked into downing half of her drink in one gulp. "No, not a woman either."

Rosalind was watching her intensely, and Lily felt herself returning the gaze. The older woman's fingers came down to gently touch her cheek. Lily had always believed that alcohol numbed one's senses, but she felt the touch far more keenly than normal. Her mind spun, part of it rebelling against the concept of thinking of a woman in that way, but another part reveling in the excitement of the foreign and forbidden. Rosalind was a pretty woman, her hair falling in soft curls around her face, her eyes warm and friendly, her lips shiny and red from her lipstick, her breasts swelling gently out from the low-cut blouse she wore.

Lily didn't protest as Rosalind's fingers stroked her cheek, then glided softly down the side of her neck; rather, she shivered at the pleasurable sensation. She'd always loved it when Jason kissed and bit her neck; it made her feel sexy and desirable. Just like Rosalind was making her feel now.

It was weird, getting these feelings from a woman. Lily could imagine the disapproving voices of her parents and sister if they could see her now. "Disgraceful! Freak!" Elizabeth would call her. But right now, the thought that kept repeating in Lily's mind was that it felt good, and how could that possibly be wrong?

If Jason could experiment, why shouldn't she?

Lily watched herself lift one of her own hands to Rosalind's cheek, mimicking the caresses she'd been given moments before. Rosalind smiled softly, and turned her face into Lily's hand, pressing a kiss into her palm. Lily's eyes closed and she gasped as she felt her index finger be sucked into the older woman's mouth. Whether it was a result of the alcoholic haze or some deep-seated lesbian desires Lily didn't know, but her entire body was reacting to the sensation of Rosalind's tongue swirling around her finger as if she were fellating it. Lily heard a groan, but several seconds passed before she realized it came from her.

Rosalind's chair sc****d against the wooden floor. Lily opened her eyes to find the other woman had stood and now right in front of her. She felt the cold air on her wet finger as Rosalind released it, her lips making a trail up the sensitive flesh of her inner arm, her tongue lightly carving a path of sensation. G-d, this woman knew just where to touch her!

Jason was different. Jason never bothered with her fingers or her arms, preferring to go straight for the obvious targets. As the silky tongue traced a circular path in the crook of her elbow, Lily moaned and forgot all about Jason.

She wanted to do nothing but feel, but she also wanted to touch. Her free hand cupped the older woman's shoulder, which was only half covered by her blouse. Her skin was soft like Lily's own, no bizarre tufts of hair marring the smoothness. With a boldness she didn't know she had, Lily allowed her hand to wander towards Rosalind's neck and then down toward that which was undisputably feminine. Rosalind groaned in either surprise or pleasure then took Lily's tentative hand under her own, guiding it along the neckline of her blouse to cup her fully. Lily had touched her own breasts, of course, but this one was much larger, the nipple much more extrusive than her own. She thumbed it tentatively, rewarded by the sounds of pleasure coming from the other woman. Lily always loved having her breasts touched too.

She didn't protest as Rosalind began unbuttoning her blouse, although a very small part of her mind still attempted to warn her about how bizarre and wrong this was. She didn't care. It felt good, and she deserved to feel good. Lily's hand squeezed and her mouth fell open as Rosalind pushed aside the blouse and bra to lift her breast and suck gently on the peak. She closed her eyes to be more aware of the sensations of touch, allowing her to fully feel each tug of the lips and flick of the tongue. With her eyes closed, Rosalind's mouth could have been Jason' except for slight differences in timing and motion, nuances that showed that where Jason had to figure out what made Lily wet, Rosalind just knew. This was just as good, if not better.

Lily's eyes flew open when Rosalind's head left her breasts, and she found herself being gently tugged by the hand. Rosalind was motioning towards one of the tables in the back of the room. "It will be easier over there."

The two held hands as they walked over to the table then stood, gazing intently at each other for a moment. Lily wondered if she should kiss Rosalind's lovely red lips, since generally that was expected when two people explored each others' bodies, but she hesitated. She wasn't sure she could do that.

Whether Rosalind sensed this or merely wasn't interested in kissing, Lily didn't know, but she found herself being gently pushed back against the table until she was seated on the edge. The older woman continued removing Lily's shirt and bra, the latter of which had been hooked awkwardly underneath her breast. The air was chilly but Lily didn't mind. She waited for whatever Rosalind would do next.

Rosalind yanked her own top unceremoniously over her head and tossed it onto a chair before reaching behind her back to unclasp whatever was holding the wisp of lace that served as her bra together and discarding it as well. The older woman's breasts were large and sagged a bit without the support of a bra, but the nipples were lush and a deep mauve and Lily couldn't draw her eyes away.

"Do you want to kiss them?" asked Rosalind as she stepped close to where Lily sat, her breasts only inches from Lily's mouth.

Lily nodded nervously. She heard Rosalind laugh a little as she leaned in closer to bring a nipple right up against Lily's lips. "Then do it."

Lily only had to open her mouth to take the swollen peak inside. She tongued it tentatively for a moment, then wrapped her arms around Rosalind's waist and began to suck hungrily. Driven by the memories of what had felt good to her, Lily licked and teased the tip while still applying suction. She imagined this were her breast and that she were pleasuring herself. The moans coming from Rosalind were really her own.

She felt Rosalind reach back to take her right hand and guide it between her legs. "Touch me when you do that."

Lily allowed her fingers to rub back in forth where Rosalind had placed it and was rewarded by the feel of a hand cupping her own breast, a thumb rubbing the tip. She sucked harder in response to the sensation and felt the other woman bucking against her hand. She rubbed faster, taking the hint and felt throbbing in her own groin as Rosalind came, crying out loudly with the most erotic sound Lily had ever heard.

She was pushed onto her back as Rosalind fell against her until they were both lying on the table, the other woman's hand still on her breast, unmoving. They lay like that a moment before Rosalind pulled back, still slightly out of breath. Lily moved to follow Rosalind as she stood, but the older woman pressed her back down on the table with one hand.

"We're not done yet. It's your turn."

Lily watched as Rosalind pulled a chair directly in front of Lily's legs and sat down in it. She didn't protest as she felt hands gently spreading her knees apart, she merely listened to the sc**** of chair legs as Rosalind moved in closer. She watched as her skirt was folded up, and obediently raised her bottom when Rosalind gently tugged her knickers down. Lily knew what was coming and wanted it with all her being. She closed her eyes and waited.

A hand pressed gently against each of her inner thighs, encouraging her to open further. She complied, desperate and eager. She felt the warmth of breath against her, each breath almost tapping against her in contrast to the cold air of the room. Her hips resisted the urge to close the distance, instead wiggling anxiously against the pressure of the hands against her thighs. And then, the tip of a tongue, pressing gently through the folds, teasing gently around the spot, driving her mad with wanting. She felt one of the hands leave her thigh to rest on her stomach, fingers circling in a pattern similar to that the tongue was drawing on her. Lily moaned. It all felt so good.

The other hand crept softly up the inside of her thigh, tickling a little as it did so before reaching where the tongue was already licking. She felt fingers spreading her folds open wider to make a path for the tongue to wetly trace. It licked back and forth, barely grazing her clit several times, making Lily squirm against it to try to bring it closer, before hot lips clamped down gently around it and began to suck.

Lily wasn't conscious of making the sounds that were coming incoherently from her mouth as she nearly wept with the pleasure that she was receiving from that marvelous mouth. She didn't have to instruct, "Faster," or "Harder," because the mouth knew just what to do. It was so easy in comparison, to just lie there and melt. Just when the sucking became too intense, the mouth would relax and slowly lave gentle circles, or travel down to poke its tongue inside her.

She kept her eyes tightly closed as she felt two fingers enter her, and those lips humming as they closed around her clit again, the feel of both sucking and fucking at the same time. She couldn't restrain her hips anymore; they strained against hand and mouth, rubbing, forcing the level of pressure to the limit as she bucked and cried out, driving herself to a shattering release.

Lily didn't move. She didn't open her eyes. She allowed the afterglow to course through her. The pleasure. Her lover. Her fiancé. Jason.

Lily opened her eyes. Rosalind was watching her silently, looking somewhat satisfied with herself. And then she remembered. Jason had wanted to experiment. To see what else was out there. She grinned in the knowledge of what she'd found.

"Are you ok?" asked Rosalind.

"Fine. That was amazing," replied Lily. She chuckled. "Just what I needed."

She stood and began retrieving her clothing. Rosalind just observed, saying nothing, as Lily donned her bra and blouse, attempting somewhat futilely to look presentable. Although she still felt the buzz of alcohol, her mind was relatively clear and she felt very odd about what had just occurred. It had been simply divine, but it wasn't love. She looked across at Rosalind and pondered the concept of a relationship with her. And couldn't. Not necessarily because she was a woman, but because she knew very little about her save her extraordinary talents. And somehow, she knew it would be very awkward to try to build a relationship from sex. The sex would always get in the way.

But Rosalind merely watched her, saying nothing of tomorrow, or expectations as Lily finished dressing. Maybe she already knew.

Lily decided the less said the better. She approached the other woman and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," replied the other woman, smiling slightly, saying no more.

Lily gave a little wave and turned to leave, turning the bolt to unlock the door and this time closing it softly behind her.

She wandered back towards her apartment in a sort of daze. What had just happened? Was it real? Could anything that perfect have been real? She decided it didn't matter whether it was real or not. It wasn't love.

She climbed the steps to her flat and startled at the sight of her fiancé, sitting against her front door, dozing. She shook him awake, unable to get past him.

He jumped, startled, as his eyes focused and he apparently remembered where he was and what he was doing there. He scrambled to his feet. "Lily! Thank G-d you're back! I am so sorry, love! I don't know what came over me earlier. After I left, all I could think about was you never wanting to see me again and how I couldn't bear the thought of living my life without you."

Lily started to speak but he put a finger over her lips. "Shh. Let me finish. I'm sorry I was such a fool. I don't need to sow any wild oats. I don't need to experiment with other women. I just need you. Please forgive me."

Lily looked up into the eyes of the man she'd agreed to spend her life with and saw remorse, anguish, and love. He did love her. And she knew she never trust him again.

"I forgive you but I discover I don't need men."

What? You heard me pack your shit and get out the wedding off!

She could only smile as he pack up his cloth's and in part a little grateful for what his moment of indecision had allowed her to experience. She was not ready to get married at-least to a man.

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Bhabhi ki sath rangele rat

Hi friends i am rohitfrom delhi.i am 26 year old.doing business.sabse pahale apne pariwar ka parichy kara du. Papa mummy aur hum do bhai hai papa mummy aur bhai gawn me rahate hai aur mai delhi me business karta hu.mai delhi me jaha rahata hu waha ground floor par mere door ke risteydari me mere bhiya aur bhabhi rahate hai.unki sadi ko 1 year ho chuka hai.lekin unke koi kids nahi hai.bhiya ek pvt company me ache post par hai. Bhabhi ka nam megha hai aur wo bahut hi sundar hai unko dekhkar mera...

3 years ago
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Rat Loves Stain

Rat dragged the razor lightly over the inflated V at the apex of her open thighs. She was already hairless as a grape skin, and he was only pushing the droplets of water across her skin, playing with his own fascination. Her complexion made him think of butter melting. It was deep and creamy and almost had a synthetic quality, except for her being as human a thing as he’d ever known in this life. “I’m gonna miss you. Bad.” He was so intent it came off like he was talking to her pussy. He...

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Lab Rat

‘I’d like to propose a toast, if I may.’ Ansel Kendrick was tapping on his glass. Ansel’s barber was not an uncommon sight on the elevator. No doubt, she had been there today. The edge of his combed gray hair was razor sharp. One button held the coat of his charcoal suit across his trim abdomen. I was loathed to admit that Ansel had charisma to go with the suit, had there been a fire, everyone in the room would have followed him to the exit of his choosing. Not surprising, for he was CEO of...

1 year ago
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My Life as a Rat

Many thanks to BlackRandl1958, GeorgeAnderson, Todd172 and Bebop3. “Good morning, my darling.” His voice woke me in in that insufferably cheery way. The bastard. “Sleepy again? Don’t worry, I’ve made you a nice, strong cup of coffee. Just the way you like it.” Asshole. “Fresh orange juice.” I hated him. “Fresh Croissants. They are still warm.” One of these days I was going to kill him. “I’ve managed to make a latte art heart on your Cappuccino. To express my love for you.” I’d do it...

3 years ago
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Meri Chaheri Badi Bahen Ne Rat Ko Sex Kiya

Hi friends Mera naam Neeraj hai. .mai ald. Se hu ,girls ko b meri pichli story achi lagi aur wo pagal ho rahi thi ,kafi log apni jhunthi story share karke logo ko cheat karte hai but mai apko apni jindagi ko kuch haseen rato k bare me batana chahta hu. . Ye 100% true hai, mai 24 years ka hu, maine apni engineering ki padhai khatam karke Civil ki taiyari kar raha tha, aur ald. Me mere chacha ki ladki b room leke apni ek frnd k sath padhti thi, mere ghar walo ne mujhe dedi se bat karke unke pas...

2 years ago
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Mom Ke Anjane Mein Usse Rat Bhar Choda

Mera chuti hua tha toh meh mom ke sath gaon gaya tha.Wahan humare joint family hai..Papa ki naukri ki waje se wo wahan rehte hai. Yeh bat last din village ki hai uska agle din meh mom wapis ane wale the. Us din dopehr ko gaon mein bohot barish hua jiske karan current chala gaya aur pata chala ki ped girne ki wajah se wire cut gaya h aur usi din current nae ayega. Barish toh band hogaya but tha toh summer so humidity bohot tha and ghar mein bohot garmi ho rae thi but bahar acha hawa chal raha...

3 years ago
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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

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Barsat ke rat

Hi dosto vaise to hamri jndgi khanio se bhari padi hai kahnia bhi kai tarha ki par sex ke sath romantic kahani ka apna hi maja hota hai jo dil ko gudgudati bhi hai aur hamre chut land mai halchal bhi peda karti hai mai ab sidhe kahni par aatahu iski kirdar ka naam juhi hai jo 27 saal ki hai usk ek beta hai are yeh kiya aap uski kahni uski jabani hi suno. “Helo mera naam juhi hai umar 27 saal hai mera ek beta hai mera kad 5 feet 5 inch figur 36 30 38 ghar mai rehne se kulhe thode badgaye hai par...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 2

Kat started to school in the little River City community school and caught up to the other students. The weather was getting cooler and even on sunny days it was too cool for Kat to go without clothes. Except when she was inside the houseboat, then she hardly ever wore clothes. Luther had even quit fussing at her. For Thanksgiving, Luther and Kat fixed a real fancy Thanksgiving dinner and invited Granny to eat with them. With duck season coming on, Luther spent a lot of time getting his...

1 year ago
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River RatChapter 3

“Pull your robe back all the way, Kat and I’ll look those pointy little nipples over real good to see if I can tell if there is anything that ‘d call out of the ordinary. “Whoa Kat, I didn’t mean for you to pull it off ... but come on and sit down on my lap. Hon you don’t even have any panties on ... you’re so naughty. What’s your ol’ Uncle Luther gonna do with you? You just don’t like a bunch of clothes do you?” “Well, since I started getting more pussy hair, I itch a lot down there Unk. I...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 21 The Rat Line

A Rat Line is slang for an underground escape route for criminals. After World War Two Nazi war criminals fled using the Rat Line. Fredrick Herman Manning was following his own rat line out of Florida. He very carefully employed counter-surveillance techniques and was sure that nobody was tailing him. "Manny" was right--no human was following him. Nor was Herman being followed by a robot. A fisher eagle named Binky flew from perch to perch, keeping Manny in sight as the fugative walked...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 212 Rat Bastard

Nicki, Cassie, Josh, and Mary were already back in Mishawaka. School started for Cassie and Josh on Thursday. Nicki's family was leaving for Rhode Island on Monday. The other eleven of us in Casa del Fuego cuddled in the harem tent upstairs and talked softly. I had no idea how Drew had died. I didn't care. I just knew I needed to be there for Joanne. I looked at Donna. "Donna, honey, do you want to go with me? You are Joanne's closest friend from school," I said. She shook her...

3 years ago
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Real love for bharati devi

It was a lovely morning in kolkata. In bharati devi’s flat bharati devi’s husband and his son pradip was sleeping but bharati devi was doing something in the kitchen. She was preparing juice for her son pradip. It is a special juice, it’s bharati devi’s cunt juice. Bharati devi was wearing only a cotton saree which were covering only 40% of her body and it seems she has rushly covered her bare body just to come out from her room , which she shares with her son .for the whole night she was nude...

3 years ago
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Bharati devi

Bharati Devi’r boyosh 52 bachhar, kintu ekhono tantan gayer chamra, dhabdhabe forsa gayer rang, boro boro tight mai aar ladlade pachha, sabmiliye nadhar thalthale chehara. Bharati devi r dui chele , barojon biye kore alada thke aar chhoto pradip jar boyosh 26 se kichu karaena, mane bharati devi korte denni, aar bharati devi r sami8 ekhono chakri koren , tai saradin bharati devi pradip er sathe ghare ekla i thaken . Pradip ke kaj na korte deoar pichhone ekta karon achhe set holo bharoti devir...

3 years ago
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Pratibha ka Manthan

Pratibha Ka Manthan. I met Pratibha at the hospitality desk of my Hotel. She greeted me with a big smile, “Good Morning Mr. Sengupta, I am Pratibha Shukla and I am your hostess at the Hotel. Please feel free to ask me for anything during your stay at our Hotel and I will ensure that all your needs are met.” Simple words but pregnant with lots of unsaid things ”all your needs” I wondered if that included the buxom, Pratibha Shukla. The lady was smart, attractive to look at, big tits, desperate...

2 years ago
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Bharati Devir Pregnant 1

Bharati devir pode nunu dhukie pradip bollo kemon lagchhe maa, bharati devi aste aste bollen khub valo aaro jore amai chod tor babu kothai, pradip bollo baba bathroom e, bharati devi bollen ohh ki aaram tor baba ke dak na , tor baba r samne toke die chodate khub valo lage. Pradip takhon bollo etokhhon to babar samnei chudlam ekhon tomai eektu eka chudi , bole pradip oor ma mane bharati devike jore jore pod marte laglo, aar bharati devi aarame sitkaar dite laglen aaahhhhhhhh oohhhhhhh...

3 years ago
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Real love for bharati devi

Bharati devi is a housewife, aged 50 , very fair,not very tall and she is fat, her figure is 40 38 44.her son name is pradip who is a unemployed youth. Bharati devi’s husband is an engineer , right now he works as a consultant in a kolkata firm. One day bharati devi’s husband was out of town for some official work and bharati devi and pradip was alone in the house. Pradip has always has a lust for his own mother. So he was waiting for the time when his mother will go to toilet and bharati devi...

2 years ago
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Bholi Namrata Ka Bhediya Mama

Hi, dosto mai pornasaxena fir apke liye ek sensual kahani lekar hazir hun. Mathki ke pani ko tube well ke niche se uthate huye namrata ke kameez par thoda pani lag gaya. Dur jhadiyo me chhipe huye kuchh ladke jo cheel ki nigaho se ye sab dekh rahe the, hasne lage. Insab se anjaan namrata apne mathki ko kamar pe rakh ke matak matak ke ghar ki orr chal di. Un ladko ne uska pichha kiya aur theek uske ghar me ghuste hi sab bhag gaye. Ye rojka tha, kandia nam ke odisha ke is chhote se gaon me rehti...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ko Choda Rat Din

Hi indian sex stories dot net me ravi ye meri pehali kahani he jo mere our mere chachi ki sacchi ghatana he Ye 15 din phele ki baat he mera admission pune me huwa to mere chacha ne muze unake ghar pe reheke college karne ko kaha que ki chacha kam ki baje se bahar rehete rhe our do mehine pehele hi unaki beti ki shadi hui thi to chachi ke sath koi chahiye tha fir me wahi rehene laga. Mere college ka rutin chal raha tha ghar me jagaha kam hone ki wajha se hum niche jamin pe bistar lagakr sote the...

1 year ago
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Escaping The Rat Race

Escaping the Rat Race By Paul1954 Have you ever travelled to work, packed into an overcrowded underground train - another day's journey into the rat race - wondering why you have been doing this for twenty-seven years with only the occasional holiday to relieve the tedium of your existence? Well I had - it had become a recurring theme over the last few years as I had become burnt out from the daily grind, working as a fairly senior manager within a major telco. Oh sure, the...

2 years ago
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The Street Rat A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...

2 years ago
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Ekta Modhumoi Josnar Rat

Hii readers ami subhodeep chatterjee.Amar bari kolkatate.Aj ami tomake amar lifer ekta recent sex er kahini Sonabo..Ei kahini ta mone porle amar nijer dhon khara hoye jai..Ami ar thankte parlam na tai tomake ei kahini ta Share korchi. Amader life e erokom ghotona ghote jai jeta amra kokhono vabteo pari na j eta ghotbe. Oneke ache jara vabe j dhur erokom hote pare na.Kintu jader sathe erokom ghotona ghote tarai sei ghotonar sakkhi thake.Kichudin age amra 5 jon friend mile purulia te amar ekta...

2 years ago
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Rat K Maze

Hi… Mera naam …Rohan verma (Name change) hai…Mai delhi ka rehne vala hu….aaj mai aap ko apne ek story btane jar aha hu k kaise maine apne cousion sister ko choda….pehele mai aap ko apne bare mai btata hu…mere hight 5.8 hai….age 23 years,,, rang gora..lund 6inch ka hai jo k maine mhut mar k lamba or mota keya hai……mere cousuon sister ka naam dipti (Name change) hai….vo muj se 3 sal chotti hai……hai….chucho ka size jayda barada hai….mai or mere cousion sister kafe frenk hai jab se hum young...

4 years ago
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Hotele ek rat

Train ta chakdah te ese theme galo. Sunlam samner station-e ekta malgari ultiye giyeche. Tai train ar jabe na. Geleo kokhon jabe kono thik nei. Rat nota baje. Aj seet tao besh jakiye poreche. Platform-e dariye chinta korchi. Ei rate bus pabo kina, ba peleo tate uthte parbo kina, ei shob chinta korchi. Emon samoy paser kamra theke ek meyeli konther dak sune takiye dekhi ananya. Ananya amar bou er bandhobi. Amader para tei thake. Dekhte khub-i sundori ar bhision sexy. Ami sekhor chakrovorty, ekta...

1 year ago
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Hi freind main apka wahi dost DEVANSHU me apko ek aur kahane padane ja raha hoon jo ki mere apne pichle khani ke responses ke swarup mile hai. Ye mujhe vibhor ne bheje hai.Helo doston me vibhor apka dost banne ki koshis karna chata hoon. Main antarvasna sex story world ka reader hu aur iske uper se neche tak sare story pade hai aur mene socha ki kyun na apne sachi kahane ad karon. Doston ye kahane sachi hai aur apna dil khol kar bata raha hoon. Mera cock ka size 9″ hai. Me 22 sal ka hoon. Me...

2 years ago
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Sali ki shuhag rat

Hi I am 45 year old widow lady and I have many erotic story for you. Mere do ladke hai jo 21 sall ke aur 19 sall ke apko sabse pahle “sali ka honeymoon” kahani sunane ja rahi hu. Kahani ek admi jiski umar 29 sal ki hai aur wo goa me service karta hai. Uski wife geeta hai aur uski do sali hai ek badi sali hai aur doosli shoti sali hai. Wo apni wife geeta ke sath bahut sex wo geeta ke sath goa ke beach par bhi kai bar sex karte the.nude sote thefull sexual enjoy karte day usko pat...

2 years ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 3 Fantastic Foursome Sex

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day! Thank you again for a wonderful response to Ratna’s story. For a better experience, kindly read the series. Coming to the story: I saw Sid making out with Sonali. I honked at the car, but Sid and Sonali were too busy with each other. Ratna was constantly laughing, looking at them. After a couple of dippers to his car, they realized we were watching them. Sid and Sonali came back to their senses. Sonali corrected her white top and her bra, whereas I...

1 year ago
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Ratan Ne Ki Meri Mom Ki Chudai

Hi guys mera naam Raj hai aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 20 saal hai aur mujhe sex stories padna bohut achha lagta hai. Mujhe humesha se badi umar ki bhabhiyo aur auntio mein interest rehta tha. Ye sach hai ki aurato ko bhi sex karna utna hi achha lagta hai jitna ki mardo ko. Aisa hi kuchh maine apni life mein bhi dekha. Kareeb 2 saal pehle ki baat hai main aur meri family Delhi se Bangalore shift hue the. Mere dad ki wahan posting ho gayi thi. Uss samay mere dad ki age lagbhag 50...

3 years ago
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My Friend Harshita Part 16 Virat8217s Comeback

Hello everyone, I’m back after a very long pause. There was so much going on in , and I couldn’t find time to write the story. But here it goes. This will be one of the hottest stories of this series, so let me know how it made you feel. Let’s get started The situation in the room would turn steamy now. Currently, I’m wearing see-through black lingerie while wrapped around in Virat’s arm. He is kissing the back of my neck and rubbing my pussy. In front of me is Reesh, who’s naked and has his...

1 year ago
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My Friend Harshita Part 16 Virat8217s Comeback

Hello everyone, I’m back after a very long pause. There was so much going on in , and I couldn’t find time to write the story. But here it goes. This will be one of the hottest stories of this series, so let me know how it made you feel. Let’s get started The situation in the room would turn steamy now. Currently, I’m wearing see-through black lingerie while wrapped around in Virat’s arm. He is kissing the back of my neck and rubbing my pussy. In front of me is Reesh, who’s naked and has his...

2 years ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 2 Exploring The Sex Adventures

Hello Everyone! Greetings of the day. This story is a continuation of my previous sex adventures, ‘Ratna – The Beginning’. For a better experience, please read it. I’d like to pay gratitude to readers who liked it and the ISS editors for publishing it. Coming to the story. It was around 8:30 in the morning when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Ratna sleeping beside me, stark naked with a comforter covering her upper body. The sunshine falling on her body was making her look so...

2 years ago
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Jodhpur Girlfriend Pratibha Ki Chudai In All Style

Hii iss readers… I am amit from jodhpur rajasthan, in looking i am slim and handsome,and age is 21 year, “my mail id = , its my first story and first experience!! Anyways now me apko borr ni karna chahhta so direct story- baat un dino ki h jab me b.Tech 2nd year me tha, mere colg me 1 pratibha name ki ladki padti thi jo meri junior thi, dikhne me sawli but bhut sexy lagti thi jeans and top me, college me usse meri dosti hoi, hum dhire dhire mobile cht karne lage, nearly 2, month baat ki or 1...

3 years ago
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Pratibha8217s passions

I am one among those lucky chaps having a neighbour whom i could savour to the utmost. During my stay at thane, a city near mumbai, india , i experienced one of my life’s best experiences with a mature women. We were staying in a apartment complex where our immediate neighbour, pratibha shah was my mother’s classmate in college. Immediately on shifting to this place , she renewed the old college ties and became the best of friends. Pratibha aunty was about 44, though she easily looked to be...

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Sex Adventures Of Rohan With GF Ratna 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day, to you all. This story is the second chapter named Bride Chitrangada gets a passionate kiss at the wedding. In the previous story, I had told you how Ratna, Rohan, Sonali, and Sid had an amazing foursome. Since that foursome, we guys were quite open with each other and had many sexual encounters. This story is about our adventures at Ratna’s sister’s wedding function in Oberoi Amarvilas, Agra. It was a day in September, when one fine evening I got a call...

3 years ago
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Ratna 8211 The Beginning

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day. This is my first story on ISS, though I’m regular to this site for at least 5 years. Forgive me if I make some mistakes. This is a real story. I hope you guys and girls enjoy it. Ratna (20) was a girl who was the crush of every boy in Symbiosis. She came from a rich background. Her father was a businessman who earns a lot and mom was a housewife who used to enjoy the perks of being rich. It was the day when I (Rohan) who was in my 5th year of law-college...

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Eporner Lesbian

If you have browsed my site for at least a few minutes, then you know there are so many porn sites out there that it’s almost impossible to see them all. And because you have countless choices, this could cause you to become overwhelmed. You know what happens when you’re overwhelmed: you retreat back to what you know.So when you’re in the mood to watch hot lesbians get each other off, why choose the same tired tube sites you visit daily? Go with a tube site like as a change...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Pratik8217s power a gift

Here is my new story of Pratik. He lives in Navsari area in Gujarat. As long as Pratik could remember he had the power. For about eighteen years now, with no real rhyme or reason, Pratik has somehow acquired the power to put people into deep hypnotic trances. And even more extraordinary, he could have them do his bidding, and wake up totally unaware of any of the activities they may have taken part in! He instinctively knew not to let on the secret of his new found powers. It was as if he...

2 years ago
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Tunnel Rat

I was eighteen when I joined the military. I was also short and skinny which did not help when I went through the training. All that changed when I walked off the Atlas struggling under the two duffles. A top sergeant gestured as I followed the others towards a hanger to process in, "come here private." I moved out of line and towards him, "first sergeant?" He grinned as he looked at my name tag and then at a clipboard, "how would you like to be in special operations?" I reddened,...

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HQporner Lesbian

If aliens landed on Earth and used the Internet for the first time, they would realize very quickly that lesbian videos are abundant on the Web. You have jerked off to them countless times, so I don’t have to tell you this. It’s one of the great things about the Internet, our mobile devices, and technology as a whole. No matter where you are, if you have a craving for some hot lesbian action, you can flip out your mobile device, unzip your other mobile device, and jerk off wherever you may...

Lesbian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 4 A Hot Foursome Experience

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day! This story is a continuation of my previous story. For a better experience, kindly go through the series, you won’t regret it. I was lost in sucking Sonali’s nipples, which were probably the best I’ve witnessed. Then I heard my interest Ratna who was moaning in ecstasy, getting pounded in the doggy style by my friend Sid. I lifted Sonali and signaled Sid to come into my room. I knew we guys were enjoying it, and our beasts were about to come out. So I...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog Lesbian

At first glance, it may seem like visiting a site like is not the place to go if you want to see a plethora of lesbian content. Hell, the idea of visiting a blog to watch videos sounds pretty fucking stupid when you think about it. That’s like visiting a forum to buy your erectile dysfunction pills in bulk: it’s not the ideal type of site to visit when you want a particular thing.Believe it or not, but is actually a fucking awesome place to visit...

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