PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 21 free porn video

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I woke up disoriented. Where am I, what woke me up? The sun is barely up. Long shadows and rays of light penetrating through the jungle canopy. There’s that noise, again. I am stretched out on the ground along b**st’s stomach and chest, his front leg over my upper body. This has become a favorite sleeping position for me since we arrived on the planet. Although it is much more comfortable on the beach sand at the lagoon. I raise my head to seek out the source of the grunts I am hearing. But right across from me I see the source. It is Gongon and Landda in the act of loving. Normally, I might say mating for gorillas, but this is different for them. Gorilla mating is what we would call ‘doggy style’. What they were doing is with her on top and him on his back. That is the position I used for Gongon when I fucked him last night. Interesting, this gorilla couple getting curious and experimental about fucking positions. I nudged b**st with my elbow and told him with my mind to check out the love-birds. He just grunted and wiggled into me, getting more in contact with my bare back. I wiggled down his body until I hit his sheath. But it wasn’t to be …

Just then, just as I was feeling my ass around his groin and positioning myself to his sheath, teasing his cock out to get some penetration, just then … more noises but from below the tree where the young ones were put down to sleep. I looked quickly to Gongon and Landda but they were well past the point of casual recovery with the stirring young. I was going to need to intercept them. If they had seen their parents mating before, this would look strange.

I apologized to b**st and scrambled up from under him despite him trying to hold me in place. ‘No time for playing around. I need to divert the two little ones. You come with me; you know how much they like you.’

I was out from under him and was next to them before they were even fully up. The youngest looked at me as I sat down in front of them and she crawled over to me and into my lap. She curled into me and nuzzled into my breast and gently suckled. Despite never getting anything, she persisted in trying. Might just be a comforting action that is the real need. But it was immensely pleasing for me, too. Is it a sad statement that this little furry female gorilla young might be the closest to mother-c***d bonding I get? I don’t think it is sad at all if she is comforted and I am so content with the gentle, quiet closeness we share on these occasions.

I am stroking the funny little face latched onto my nipple when b**st comes up and bumps over her male sibling and then takes off down the path knowing that he will be chased by the little gorilla. Their games were natural and unrehearsed, instinctive somehow across the line of species. I gently rose with the little one in my arms and followed the two down the path. A naked human female carrying a suckling young gorilla. As we continued down the path, not knowing when the other two might come crashing back towards us, I wondered about my body. While on the Predator’s space ship, we took the precaution to make it impossible for me to become pregnant. Nobody knew if it could be possible for a human and a Predator to successfully breed, but if it did happen nobody also knew what might happen. The precaution was wise given the activities that occurred on the ship between me and the Unit. But now I wondered. Not about getting pregnant. No, I didn’t need that. But my body was in the best shape of my life. My body fat was down to probably 10 or 11%, which for a woman with a mixed diet is amazing. My legs, arms, back, shoot, my entire body was developed like never before. I was proud of the way I looked. And spending my time naked felt amazing, free, and liberated. But still, holding this little one to me and walking after b**st and her sibling felt so domestic. Almost like walking in the park with the family. These thoughts are nuts. What am I thinking? Am I losing my grip on my reality? But I did start to wonder about this little one. There is no need because her mother is breast feeding her still, but … if this one keeps do this to me, suckling on my nipples … no, that nuts. Isn’t it?

Just then, the inevitable happened and the two came crashing past us, almost taking me out in the process. I quietly scolded them both. One at a time, of course, because of the language difference. They both looked a little sheepish but I told them I was going to sit under a nearby tree and for them to stay close but let this little one fall asleep if she could. So, they went off and resumed their chasing. A very large black as night dog creature chasing a young gorilla male. Quiet was not in their playing apparently but it didn’t seem to bother this little one as she dozed in my arms as I settled onto the ground against the tree. I looked down at this crazy image and let my mind drift back to my current life. And my past life. What might I be doing now if I had not accepted the invitation from Otton to go with the Predators? It was very difficult now to even feel life as it was on Earth. It had only been a few years but it felt a lifetime ago. The time with the Predators, the time here on this planet. Two totally different experiences but both so totally different than anything on Earth in my life experiences.

And so, I considered my current situation. I knew then, at that instant with renewed clarity, I needed more time before more direct action was taken. I had been on a path of headlong action in defense of my new world. But it wasn’t just my world. I was the intruder, also. As much as the dog packs and the new people from wherever across the ocean in their sailing ships. This wasn’t my world to control and mold into what I wanted. I was just a part of it and I needed to meld into it, accept what I could work myself into without causing damage and chaos myself. And part of that was my presentation to others on this world. Sure, the a****ls didn’t care how I was dressed or if I was dressed. But the people probably did. I remember the looks from them on the encounters on the plains and in the jungle after the attacks. I was so focused on the attacks and defeating the dog packs that I neglected to recognize the people’s reaction to me. Now, in reflection I see the looks of displeasure, disapproval. Maybe I didn’t care before, I saw myself as a savior of sorts, a Lara Croft character. But, if this is to be my home, those in it whether people or a****l are my companions, neighbors if you will, I needed to accept their customs, as much as my own desire for independence and freedom. And this was a good start. Sitting here watching two different species playing together. Recognizing that one of those different species, different from me, was my mate. And in my arms, suckling at my breast for comfort, no milk was coming, was a young female of the other species. Looking down at my breast in her mouth, only reflexively taking a suck occasionally in her sleep, considering the furry body, what should appear to be an ugly face, it feels so good. There was no getting around the furry body, but the face … no, it is just a face, not ugly, only different. Able to express love and wonder as any human toddler.

Maybe I am losing my grip on reality, on myself. Are these crazy thoughts, feelings, relationships? Stroking the head of this little one at my breast I look up and follow the crashing through the underbrush to again see b**st and her sibling darting through an opening and b**st catches my eye and stops abruptly, the young gorilla crashing into him and falling backwards. Shaking himself off, he follows b**st’s gaze over to me, as well. They both walk over to me quietly. They both stop about ten feet from me, sit down, and just look at me. I am puzzled by this change in them.

“What’s the matter, b**st?”

‘You. Why you have tears? Something is wrong?’

‘I’m crying?’ I raise my fingers to my eyes and cheeks. My cheeks are wet. My thoughts and the peaceful quiet diverted any concern for my vision changing. ‘No, thank you. Nothing is wrong. I am just happy, I guess. In a very peaceful, contented, tranquil, emotional place right now. b**st, I don’t know if you can relate these emotions or not, but I love the life I have with you, sharing this with you, being here on this world with you, being with these new friends. Do you understand?’

b**st responded, ‘I don’t think I can have those same feelings, Alexa. But, the part of being with you, sharing this world with you, yes, you are what makes my being here good. You are my mate. We are one.’

“That is beautiful, b**st. Thank you.”

Then we were surprised by, “Are we intruding on something?”

It was Gongon and Landda. Landda looking at everyone and then noticing my cheeks. She puts a fingertip to me cheek and wipes the moisture and tastes it. Tasting the salt, “What is this, Alexa? Is everything okay?”

I smile to them, “Yes, dear Landda, yes, it is. Very, very okay. Much better than okay. I was just thinking how fortunate I was and I was overwhelmed with joy, happiness. This is silly of me.”

“No, Alexa. Talk. We don’t know your kind. You are the first to just be comfortable with us. Share and be like one of us or let us be like you. Can you explain?”

“Really? Okay, I will try, but human emotions are difficult to explain. b**st is not used to them. I was watching your young playing with b**st, two different species, naturally bonding, playful, like it was not unexpected. I was sitting here, quietly, cuddling your youngest, stroking her head, watching her sucking on my breast. Again, like it was natural, perfectly natural. It all felt so good. b**st and I took these two away so you two could have privacy as you loved each other in that new way for you. I wanted to give you that privacy, that moment of intimacy without concern of the young ones. We are two very different species. But we share the same concerns for each other as though we were not different. b**st and I are intruders here in your world. I realized that more clearly this morning. We have to fit in with your world, not force ourselves into it. But, Gongon, Landda? You and your young have given b**st and I a wonderful gift of friendship and belonging that I didn’t know I was missing. That is why I was having the tears. Happiness, joy. Overwhelming. Thank you, both.”

“Alexa,” always it is Landda, Gongon is such a guy, always letting the female do the sensitive talking, “you are always welcome with us. You have given us so much, also. We learn from you. The sex, yes, that is wonderful. But the quiet you have, we are enjoying that, too. That is not natural for us, our kind. But we feel the peace and pleasure of it.”

“Landda, I hope you don’t mind this.” I indicate the little one at my breast. “She is so precious. Quietly cuddled into me. I feel very peaceful with her.”

“No, Alexa. We have noticed how she likes you. That is good. She needs me, I know that. You are like a special family member she doesn’t see often enough. Alexa, we have talked, too. We forget that you are different than us, too. And not just because of the sex. You are closest friends for us. You and b**st. Like you say, three different species.”

“Thank you, both of you, for accepting us this way.”

“What is wrong, Alexa? You usually so sure of yourself, confident.”

“I was just wondering how I, we, fit here in this world. I have much to think about. Our place in this world. What our being here should mean.”

“Alexa, I think you think too much. You two are here. You have friends. Don’t make life more complicated.”

“Maybe you’re right. We should go.” I get up and hand the little one back to Landda. “Thank you for letting me know her this way.

“Alexa, please, I see it in your eyes, again. Believe me, just be. Wherever you and b**st go as your home place, go there. If you must think, use b**st to balance.” b**st comes over to me and nudges me with his head. “You are loved, Alexa. Start there. Remember us, too. Then come and see us, again, soon.”

I nod, turn to b**st and wrap my arms around his neck. I gather my few weapons and we head down the path off the mountain. I stop when we get to the statue things in the clearing. “I wish I knew what this was all about. What is this legend they refer to? What caused it, what are these other figures?”

b**st asks, ‘Are we going to the village as you planned?’

I switch to mental responses, ‘No, that is one of the things I was considering. I have been charging through this world like a heroine. I need to be more considerate of others even if I don’t agree with them. The people are too reserved with handling their danger. I think they should be more aggressive in protecting themselves, but they aren’t. But it does not help if I ignore that they wear some clothes and I walk around them naked. I think I should have clothes on when I go to meet with them. How about we go back to the lagoon. For a few days. Let me think. Let me use you to talk about this?’

‘Thank you, Alexa. I want to help. Some of this is outside my understanding, but talk to me anyway. It might help you to just go through it.’

‘You are very wise. Let’s go to the lagoon. I need you very badly. Is that okay?’

‘I am kind of tired after chasing that young one and …’

“Teasing me! You’re teasing me, again?”

‘Yes, Alexa, to the lagoon.’

Hours later, reaching the lagoon and its peace and tranquility, I stow the few weapons I had taken, removed my boots, walked out of the hut, and stepped onto the beach. Wiggling my toes in the sand, spreading my arms out and breathing in deeply, face turned to the sky feeling the hot sun on me and the fresh breeze off the ocean. After days in the jungle, the stillness and humidity, the beach of the lagoon was always refreshing. The weather was predictably good. Sure, there were rain storms, but never more than a day for a long one and normally just a few hours. In all this time there had not been a severe storm but I was sure they must be possible and so we kept diligent about protecting our belongings. There was evidence in the jungle of violent forces toppling trees so it had to happen.

b**st walked up to me and nudged my side with his as he sat down next to where I stood. ‘Go for swim. You like that. Good for you. Go to other side, think. Then come back to me.’

‘Wonderful idea. You know me.’

‘No, Alexa. You too complicated. But I know you like swim and sit on rocks on other side. Go.’

I hugged him deeply and kissed the side of his face. I walked backwards, smiling at him as I went further into the water. Then turning, I dove under the surface and came up stroking. He was right, this was what I needed. Using my body and swimming used most of my body. As I had to focus on my stroke and breathing, my mind relaxed and I relaxed. I stopped over half way and looked to the shore. b**st was still sitting there watching me. I waved to him. He lay down on the sand and continued to watch. I reached the other side and climbed out over the rocks to the ocean side. My body feeling alive and fatigued. I sat down on a large rock and looked out over the ocean to the far horizon of just water. Like anyone anywhere, I gazed out over the water at the endless horizon. Why do we do that? Everyone I had ever known who was ever at the edge of an ocean did the same thing. Gazing at nothing but the distant, never-ending horizon. Occasionally broken by clouds, rain squalls, a rising dolphin or whale or (on Earth) a far-off ship. The intrigue of the unknown. And the peaceful sound. Almost always. The crashing of the waves on the rocks, the birds both on shore, up on the cliffs, or out at sea.

Intrigued by the unknown. That has pushed man out into space, they say the final frontier. It pushed people in America to the shores of the New World from the known existence of the Old Worlds they knew. Pushed them across that wide continent, growing the country and the people. Pushed them around the world for better or worse, that would clearly depend on your perspective and where you were in the world. Now space. Earth still isn’t really into space. Now I understand just how much Earth is just baby steps. The Predators showed me just how far behind Earth is, how immature we are despite our feelings of superiority with each other. Whose more powerful, more inventive, better educated, freer, more accepting of each other, who is a true believer as if anyone could possibly know what that means.

So, here I am. A lonely human woman on a planet in some system in the skies that people on Earth look up at without any thought of what is up there. That I am up here. Lonely? No, that’s not the thought or feeling. Not lonely. No, I have b**st, Gongon, Landda and their two young ones. Lonely, no. No, not lonely. Alone. No, not alone, either. Only. Only Earth human. Yes, only. Okay, so what is this feeling about? b**st. b**st is my mate. Yes, he is. I love him. How? No idea and I don’t care to. It just is. Why should that be an issue? Living with the Predators in space on their ship. Training to be a warrior and a damn good one. Not as strong, clearly, but innovative. Compensating for my lack of strength. Living on this rock for part of a year. Having many adventures, meeting new species, new experiences. Hell, I’m more of a slut here than on the ship. But b**st doesn’t mind. He says I need it. He’d probably be surprised by the normal Earth human females. Talk about mind wandering …

Okay, I have a lover who is always there for me. Hell, I could even communicate with him before I got this transplant that helps me with the gorillas and Native People. I have wonderful friends who want us around them. And, they enjoy good sex, too. No mind wandering … I live in paradise. Look at this. I sleep outside on the sand when I am here. Even in the jungle, I sleep on the ground. The weather is rarely an issue for temperature. And when it rains, it just feels good. The land has plenty of food. The lagoon has good fishing … and the dolphins … no wandering! … So, what is it? The Native People are a mystery. More? Are they more than a mystery? I don’t understand them. They make me mad that they don’t take more action against the intrusion of the dogs. But I’m an intruder, too. And I flaunt myself. What did I think earlier? Yeah, Lara Croft. That movie character. Female heroine taking on man and b**st to save the world even with the guns strapped to her thighs. But she wore skin tight outfits. With her body she should be naked like me.

Naked heroine … Saving the world … And what thanks do I get? … What? … Who asked me, anyway? … And what if the people are peaceful, non-combatant? … What if that’s all they ever were? This is feeling uncomfortable, so I must be getting close to the truth. My expectations on others. My approach to the others. Most of my adult life I have been the aggressor and been recognized, appreciated for it. The Marines, tough, arrogant, always in front, never turn back. The Predators, tougher, savage, fearsome. This is such a stark change. I came here and wanted an arsenal when I was dropped off. The guns have saved our lives several times, but what was I expecting? This is a primitive land. Okay, so I need to relate better to the land and those here. b**st is wild. I need to finish this with him.

I stand and turn, looking to the beach and familiarity rather than the what-if over the horizon. b**st, my security. A big, black, massive, huge, dog-like a****l. That I somehow love as a mate.

I walk over the rocks to the edge of the lagoon water and dive in. I swim with intent and determination straight for the beach and b**st. When I reach the shallow, I find my feet and awkwardly run through the water to the sand. b**st sees me coming but is too slow in realizing he is about to be attacked by a crazed woman whose eyes are fiercely blazing with lust. He vainly tries to gain his feet but the sand gets in his way and I am on him before he is half way up. I crash into his upper body with the intent to put him back on the ground but he gains just enough footing to slip just barely to the side so I bounce off him to the side. I am rolling and laughing as I come to a stop on my back, completely covered in sand. I am still laughing as he walks to me and licks my face. I look up at him and put my hands on each side of his massive head and try to pull him to me. I don’t, of course, he’s too strong but he knows, knows what I want and comes in, following my hands. I open my mouth and he slips the tip of this tongue inside. I nibble on it and suck on it. He pulls his tongue back and let’s mine into his mouth and I tongue the fearsome teeth inside. He licks one breast but it is covered in sand and he wipes his tongue on his leg.

I giggle. How girlie … but it feels so good after that funk I got myself into. “I’m going to go back in the water to wash off the sand. No, wait right here, I’m going to run down to the waterfall and get cleaned in freshwater for you. I’ll taste better than all that salt.” I start running. I look over my shoulder while running at full speed and wave to him. Yep, down I go. If I had gum, I couldn’t do that and run at the same time, either. I get up and blush in embarrassment as I shrug my shoulders and take off, again. This time I just run. But I know what he sees … my naked body, breasts bouncing wildly, my long hair trailing behind me like a wild mane or tail of a horse. I am again feeling wild and free.

Under the falls I rinse the sand off. I use some of the root I found that lathers up and wash my hair and thoroughly rinse myself, including between my legs. Wow, this feeling is new. Like something is happening. A change. I jog back towards b**st. He is still watch me. My breasts are bouncing wildly and I feel very aware of that. I stop, still a little distance from him and walk. Within easy speaking distance I say, “b**st. Are you mine?”

‘Yes, absolutely. Completely.’

“Do you believe that I am yours just as absolutely, completely?”

‘Yes, with no question.’

“b**st, I feel a change about to happen. A good change.”

‘I feel something like that, too, Alexa.’

“I love you b**st. I am yours. And I want you to be mine. I want us to be mates. Humans use witnesses at a ceremony to publicly commit to each other. That they intend to be for each other forever. I know you would just take a mate. We don’t have witnesses.”

‘Alexa. We have an easy solution. Gongon and Landda. I feel comfortable letting them know where we live. We could have this ceremony here and they could be your witnesses.’

“Really? You think so? b**st, you would do this for me?”

‘For us, Alexa. If it is important to you … yes, let’s do it.’

I was only 3 feet from him when I leapt at him. Hugging his neck like a school girl getting ringed at the homecoming dance. I separated from him only slightly and looked into his eyes. “How do you want me, my mate?”

‘Traditional. For me.’

I kissed his nose and walked with him following to the fallen tree we use. I leaned forward with my forearms on the tree and he licked me. I giggled again at the feeling. I opened my legs wide and he licked more, now with full access to me. I reached down between my legs and stroked his chin as he licked. I looked behind me and called to him, “b**st, please, I need you in me. Please. And I want that lovely knot deep inside. Truly mate me, b**st. Make me yours forever.”

He gave me several more licks and them moved up along my body and jumped up on top of me and placed his feet on the tree next to me so his weight wasn’t fully on me. He probed with his cock. Almost exploratory probes to find me, my opening, my hole that so wanted to be filled by him, entirely filled, and then sealed with his knot as he fills me with his seed. I let him probe. He is gentle. Not the violent, hard, wild, a****listic thrusts that is so normal. He must sense the need I have. He is in control, feeling his way around my crotch and then, YES! God, yessssss. He is in. I love that cock. He is in but not all the way. He is still and I want him in. All the way. I move back a little. He stays still and I feel him. Even still, I feel him expanding, growing in length and width. He has always pounded me before and I feel this as he thrusts. But this time it is like he is stimulated just by our joining. He continues to grow inside me and he moves. Just a little, a few more inches. Then more, and more, till he is all the way in. God, I can feel his knot outside already! He is turned-on by this.

‘b**st, you are so gentle. But you are so hard and big, already.’

‘The talk before, Alexa. How important all this is. Our being mates forever. Wanting to publicly declare it with friends. I am overwhelmed by your wanting of me.’

‘Sincerely, b**st. Truthfully. Even when we were on the ship, I felt it. Remember? I told them I would leave if you had to. Now, my mate, make me yours. The way you do it. Take me, show me how much of a mate I am for you.’

And he did. The furious thrusts and pumping of his cock started. His knot pounding into my lips, each time pressing my lips out, each time opening me more to taking him inside. Until, YES! God, yes… Until he was inside. All of him, his wonderful cock, his magnificent knot, sooooo deep inside. Ooooooh … this is different … so deep … ooooh, yesssssss … much deeper … how? … who cares, he is. Hitting my cervix! Oh, that kind of hurts, but sooooooo gooooooood. What has gotten into him? He is so deep. Deeper than ever and such urgency. Oh, yes. I … yes … I am cumming. “b**st! … YES … I am cumming.”

In the middle of my orgasm I feel him stiffen. As my cunt is pulsing around his cock, clenching and releasing in my orgasm, he starts spurting his seed deep inside me. Oh, yes … so much. Where does all this come from? “b**st, yes, make me yours. Fill me, b**st. Make me your mate, your bitch to breed. Oh, yes, b**st.” I am exhausted, panting as he stops and just occasionally spurting more into me. He remains over me. His knot firmly lodged inside me. I feel the overflow leaking out, forced out between the knot and my lips. Unable to hold all of it inside.

And I am happy. I am at peace. I am content and fulfilled. Strange? Maybe, but so is my life on this rock. For the rest of my life. It will be what we make it. But now, unlike earlier, I feel a purpose. I feel a belonging. I feel part of something bigger and lasting. No longer am I Lara Croft, dog slayer. No, now I will be Alexa, mate of b**st, friend of Gongon, Landda and their family. We will welcome them into our home. Share our commitment, our ceremony, and at the same time exhibit our trust and commitment to them. Together we will make this place a home and influence our surroundings, but not force it.

I notice I am rocking back and forth on his knot and another small orgasm takes me. I sigh and moan and lower my body to the tree and then almost purr in satisfaction. When b**st pulls out of me, he just stands there and I go to him on hands and knees, cum streaming out of my gaping cunt, crawling under him and taking his wondrous cock into my mouth and begin cleaning it of our juices. But it will take a while and I am used to that. He continues to leak seed for minutes and I greedily suck it into my mouth.

When I am done, I crawl out from under him and sit on my knees, my butt on my ankles. I notice the sun is setting already. I sigh and stroke his side. I am not saying anything but he knows my thoughts as well as my verbal (no, he knows my verbal because it is thought out). He looks down, ‘You are happy, Alexa.’

“Yes, b**st. I am very happy. Are you? Do you want what I want? Or are you just agreeing for me?”

‘Alexa, as you said, a ceremony is not the way for me. But, for us it is the way. You know I don’t have the same emotions about things like you humans. I want this. Not just to please you, but because you want it, I want it.’

“Thank you, b**st. I know you don’t feel these same things. But I will keep saying what is in my heart, okay? I love you, b**st. And I want you to know that. I want you to know that I know that. And I want you to know that I am happy because of that. Are you tired, b**st?”

‘Maybe enough. I will lay down with you, Alexa. I will sleep eventually. Come, we’ll curl up.’

We went to our spot outside the hut. I don’t know why that was our spot, maybe so the hut would be close if a storm blew in. b**st laid down and raised his top front leg and I crawled in next to him. Stretched out along his body. Pushed my feet and lower legs under his hind legs and wrapped myself under his front leg. I sighed deeply and wiggled into him closer even though there was no closer. I still tried. Feeling his underside along my back, wiggling my butt into his stomach, squeezing his front leg.

The next morning b**st told me that I fell asleep, immediately. My muscles hardly had the chance to be fully relaxed before I was asleep. He said he wasn’t sure at first but decided I was. Puzzled, I asked him what made him wonder. He said I repeated four words over and over in my sleep … “I love you, b**st”.

* * * Part 22 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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Salvation of Humanity

With the sudden obliteration of a strange comet over the pacific ocean few cared what would happen. Microscopic spores purposefully spread to major landmasses entering everywhere. Only when some humans discovered the spores a few months later did activate consuming all organic life that it came in contact with and spreading its strange carapace like structures over all inorganic structure. Within minutes of Outbreak due to the density of its populations China, Japan and much of the eastern...

3 years ago
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Fucking With Humans

Human sex is a joke all across the Universe. For all other advanced species, sexual reproduction was carried out sensibly—outside the body, in a secure location, with the aim of birthing hundreds to thousands of offspring at a time. But many Earth fauna had evolved to need to fuck, to directly couple and begin gestation inside one animal or the other, an arrangement so ludicrous and absurd that scientists still have not determined how of all the thousands of methods of external reproduction are...

3 years ago
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Humanity vs DHumanity

The year was 2013, the world had suddenly fell back to the dark ages. The ages of war, death, famine and destruction reigned supreme. The dead have suddenly risen from their burial ground and has brought upon a deadly maelstrom of attacks on humanity... How did this began? No one really knows. Acce-core tech, the world's leading pharmaceutical company in developing the said 'cure' for cancer has been bashed by the government about the situation. This was just a theory. The military had been...

3 years ago
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A Lesson Regarding Humanity

The Reptilian Lounge Nightclub in Dallas, Texas was in the Deep Ellum neighborhood of the city, a somewhat rundown though still vibrant district separated from the high-rises of downtown by the elevated lanes of the North Central Expressway. It was a humid, sticky Friday night in late summer and at thirty minutes to midnight the three-story club was packed to well beyond legal capacity, mostly with twenty-one to twenty-five year old men and women, most of whom were provocatively dressed, most...

4 years ago
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The Control Of Humanity

Hypnosis to a large degree   The Control Of Humanity.   Section One. Narrator: Welcome to my country. I would like to tell you some tales of it, how we choose to live here, and the nature and quality of our culture.First, a slave-doctor will introduce you to our most important asset; Slaves. They are the backbone of our economy, industry and service. Part 4502: Interesting technology from years gone by part 98. It has taken three years to train her to this degree. As she stands before...

3 years ago
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Rise of the Pokehumans

Dr. Solomon had always had a love of Pokemon. To the point that they should be considered equals to humans. A vast number of people considered him crazy for thinking this. One day he had revelation, what better way to make them see that they were equal than to have them be one in the same. After years of experimenting on himself, he finally perfected the recipe to his serum. While he couldn't control what Pokemon the human would share their D.N.A with, he was just making sure it would transform...

3 years ago
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Hello, for those of you wondering why the first chapter isn't already diving into the story, it is for the reason as a type of hub for everything I will post and/or edit. Do not fret, I will try and make weekly updates if I can, though I will not take longer than an entire year, just remember I still have a life besides writing smut and similar things. I am currently writing a book so don't expect me to update this regularly. ~Virtual —Introduction— You walk in the shoes of Icarus Knight, a...

3 years ago
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TheHumanoidTyphoonhmmm... i imagine a logging road way back in the sticks, just after a heavy rain storm, there's a bunch of big mud puddles.. I'm standing next to one. you're down on your knees in the mud at the edge, naked except for your panthose, your legs covered with mud.i reach down and begin to smear mud all over your ass, giving it a playful spank. you try to crawl away, but slip in the mud. i pull you back towards me as you continue to try and squirm away. i tear a hole in your...

2 years ago
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Silly Parahumans

A collection of stories about Parahumans getting into silly, humiliating, and sexual situations. It can be an accidental wedgie, a bullying incident gone wrong, or a clothing malfunction leaving them nude and embarrassed! It’s a tough job being a cape. You have to look good for the cameras, attracting both male and female attention and the crazy paparazzi. If you aren’t careful, even a jealous rival or angry nemesis! Cape egos are the lifelines of their work. So it’s real fun to see them...

1 year ago
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Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun...

Funny Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Are you looking to meet people and have some sexy fun with them? Well, you’re not going to do it from your man cave. That is unless you’re on the website which specializes in just that. You’ll meet plenty of people with similar interests as you and you can start meeting up with them and making some new memories right now! In the end, you’ll have to go outside, but before you do that why not take a minute to utilize the wonders of modern technology in order to find yourself the...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Zombie Leza3 Last Days as a Human

“It’s not looking good, Ed.” Rose arranged the spare shells, loading each weapon and arranging them within easy reach. She glanced around the house, worry lines etched along her forehead. “There are a lot of those... things out there. We can’t hope to fight them all off.” “I know,” her husband acknowledged, glancing out the window at the shadowy figures banging on the sides of the house. “I’m trying to think of a way out, but I’m drawing a blank.” “Maybe I can try something?” Lisa Maria...

3 years ago
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Episode 51 HUMANS

IntroductionHUMANS is a British-American TV series currently airing on AMC and in the UK Channel4, where humanoid robots called Synths are being bought as home helps, but increasingly becoming indistinguishable from humans. I have only watched episodes 1-4, so have to anticipate some of the plot lines. In episode 3 we see the gorgeous female Synth Anita standing in front of a speeding car to save Toby from being knocked off his cycle. She undresses in the garage so that Joe can assess the...

1 year ago
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Not Quite Humans

I was alwasy a little...bothered by the Alma. They were visually indistinguishable from humans except for their eye colours. They have yellow and orange patterend eyes, the pattern being unique for each individual. The eyes weren't what bothered me though. No, the eyes were beautiful, absolutely nothing to be bothered by. What bothered me was the slavery. The Alma are a people who, apparently, willingly become the slaves of others. That bothers me. Slavery is conceptually horrifying, being...

3 years ago
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Once Human

The memories were still there. The hoards of goblins and the army of orcs. The troop of trolls and the other beasts from hell. I relived the long battle over and over but the end was always the same. I had stood in the gate to Elvanhome and fought constantly for two days before the legions of sidhe returned. They had struck into the rear of the enemy and brought their allies the dwarfs. The foul ones died or fled and I finally stood with no enemy before me. That was when the single black arrow...

3 years ago
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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

4 years ago
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Like Humans

I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...

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Create a female humanoid

In the year 2050, humans have started creating humanoids. These humanoids resemble humans in every aspect. They can think, talk, eat, drink and even have sex!!! But they are too expensive. Only millionaires can think about buying them. A leading humanoid manufacturing company, Technotrons inc. conducted a lucky draw. Winners will be awarded a free humanoid designed to their liking. You have enrolled yourself in the draw and luckily you have won!!! Now its time to design the female humanoid!!!!

3 years ago
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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 21 Serving Humanity

Sugiarto Kusnadi, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sat flanked by his aides in the spacious salon of the Masi'shen Embassy headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He held a delicate cup and saucer of tea in his hand. A small serving table with a silver pot and a plate of pastries and other treats, stood to his right. He sipped his tea, looked up to the assembled people in the room, and smiled. "This is most excellent tea, Ambassador Jon'a-ren. I recognize the blend. It is from my...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

4 years ago
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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

3 years ago
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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

3 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

5 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

4 years ago
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Cure For Loneliness

by boy scout Summer had hit full force, and with it that all-oppressing heat that seems to suck the life out of everything. At least, that’s the way I feel about this “lovely” place I call home. Phoenix has its moments, of course, but I’ve always been more interested in gentler, more loving climates. And that’s why my wife and I were so excited about our trip to Idaho. My sister lived there with her husband and seven c***dren. Yes, you heard me right. She actually gave birth to seven c***dren....

3 years ago
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Kayla The Girl Next Door

It was early June and I was moving into my new home. After a long search, I’d found a house that I loved, at the edge of a tiny village in central England, with most houses encircling a well-manicured village green. When beginning my property search, I wanted something which allowed enough privacy to explore my exhibitionist side.However, the sense of community which came from the design of houses around the green and views of the surrounding countryside from the large picture windows, had me...

4 years ago
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My best friend Jack fuck my wife Toulin While I wa

My best friend Jack also happens to be my wife Toulin best friend. They had actually been friends way longer then we have been and basically grew up together. We both had been married for about 4year and we went over to my friends house for dinner. His wife was pregnant and a bit grumpy because the three of us were drinking and getting a bit silly. Around 10pm she decided she had had enough and went upstairs to bed. We carried on playing drinking games when my wife said she was getting drunk...

2 years ago
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Boob Critic! Every straight lad loves to see a pair of bouncy tatas, right? I mean, whether they are small, huge, saggy, or just right, we are all in love with tits, and this site allows you to choose the tits that best match your taste. It is called and I think that that pretty much explains everything you need to know about this place.Old-school site and lots of tits.The first thing that caught my attention was the fact that the site looks quite old. I have a feeling like we...

Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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If the house is arocking

My senior year in college was fabulous. I was living in a house off campus with 5 women and one other guy. The guy was simply maintain an address to keep his conservative parents happy, and he was secretly living with his girlfriend. But he paid his share of the rent, so it was me with 5 girls 95% of the time. Things were pretty casual around the house it is was not unusual for me to see girls asses as they went down the hall from the shower. There were two bathrooms, and originally one was...

2 years ago
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Kindred Spirits Chapter 2

Kindred Spirits - Chapter 2 06/22/05 Stepping Out (continued from Chapter One) Mike turned the door knob and opened the front door all the way, as if to present me to the world. From my toes squished inside my kiwi colored Keds all the way up to the top of the bun in my hair, I was shaking like jelly. I could feel my heart pounding. I nervously glanced out, and everything seemed normal. The sky was a pretty azure blue. There were some puffy white clouds above the apartment...

4 years ago
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Robs Saga T T Bs Take

Audrey launched a campaign to get back in my life. She started to bombard me with phone calls and e-mails. Now it was easy enough to avoid her e-mails and simply delete them unread. It was a different matter with the phone calls. I was avoiding Bev and Barb by staying out of my home unless Kari was there. I was refusing to answer the phone when I was home, and leaving my cell switched off when out. I was spending my whole life staying out of other people's way. It started to wear me down. It...

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Knight in shining armour

Being a CPA, she'd been able to save a bunch by closing her expensive office in Phoenix's central business district. Now, at a fraction of the price, she only needed to rent a post box in the same uptown stylish and upscale address that at one time been her plush office. Her clients were happy to email their spread sheets to her, knowing her work was professional and accurate, as were her insights and opinions. She'd bought the business from an elderly man, inheriting his clientele. Those...

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Dating mom

I had had no luck with the ladies, and mom hadn’t dated since she divorced dad, so we had both decided to go to a dating agency. We had to do tests to profile your personality, likes, dislikes preferences etc. A few days later I got a phone call giving me the opportunity for a date with a lady called Sandy, she was an older woman, which has always been my preference, blonde with a medium to slim build. We had similar interests and dislikes and our love rating was 95%!Later on Mom came in from...

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Ex sisterinlaw dominationhumiliation

She didn’t waste any time once the pleasantries were done getting down to asking me what she called for, I was afraid she was going to ask for money but it was nothing like that at all. She said “So I was hanging out with my sister this weekend and she was telling me about the two of you and I just wanted to talk to you and find out your side of the story.” That took me aback but I replied with “Well, what did she tell you and what can I straighten you out about?” She laughed at that, and...

4 years ago
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Social GolfChapter 3

Putting his cup of coffee down, Vic Jensen thought things were going good for him. It has been one month since he asked Jill to marry him and plans for the wedding were going forward. Vic didn't want to make a big deal out of getting married and expressed his desire for it to be a small quiet affair to Jill. It wasn't going to be that way however, because Jill wanted it to be a much larger wedding. Vic gave into Jill's thoughts as to the size of the wedding, but he wasn't overly pleased...

2 years ago
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Ramesh Sir And My Sister Neena

Hello friends here is the story of my sister Neena’s fuck by my best friend Ramesh and his Sir. If you like it, email me at My older sister Neena had announced that she has two and not one brothers. My friend Ramesh became her brother too. Ramseh is mt best friend and it came as no surprise that Neena made him her brother. Reason was Ramesh has no sister. He has always called my sister Neena Didi. Now Neena didi is 23 years old and has just finished her BA. Mom is looking for a match...

4 years ago
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First time

Well, seeing how u******e stories are not allowed I will keep my age out of this! I was at a friends house back when we were teenagers a he was having a sleep over for the weekend. There were only 2 other boys and me, along with our friend Sean. We all met up over Sean's house right after school on a Friday. His parents weren't home from work yet, so we did what most guys do, horses around and watching TV. Sean's older brother( who was 2 years older ) who was a total dick came running into the...

2 years ago
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Bonerville Saga

Disclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are so not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter written by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...

2 years ago
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Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were coming in increasingly higher...

4 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 42

(NOTE): I do not speak Spanish and I am just telling you what I heard/think the family said when I include some of the Spanish that I picked up on in the dialogue. The entire family often mixed Spanish with English when speaking. The exception was Madre’ who always spoke Spanish. I could be wrong in my translations and my apologies to Spanish Speakers if I fucked up at any point. I based some of my interpretation on facial expressions and context cues as well). ---- Jessie showed the family...

3 years ago
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Mommy Sunbathing Part 1

My mother had me so rock hard when she was out sunbathing the other day in her pink heels and her pink mini bikini! I stood at the patio window staring her up and down, her toned long legs ran up to her tight thighs and butt. Her tummy was firm for a forty year old woman and she had some nice big d-cup mellons packed in her top! Her blonde hair was soft and cut short in layers, she wore her amber sunglasses and her pretty face was a glow! I couldn't help myself any longer so I reached down...

2 years ago
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Besides Being Best Friends We Are Sisters

My best friend is my sister Amber and we are both bored housewives. Because of this, we spend many long afternoons and many drunken nights together.   How this came about is that both our husbands are more interested in their careers then they are in us, which makes us two very lonely women. Sure my husband is a good provider as well as Ambers, but when it came down the point of pleasuring a woman it was more like wham bam thank you and off to sleep always leaving me to bring pleasures to...

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The Late Summer Sun

The late-summer evening sun shines through the windows of her room, casting long panels of warm yellow light onto the walls and floor. You lie there, naked, on the bed. Your skin is glowing in the sunlight, the sun lights your hair afire, your body is at rest from the long day at work. Laying there, waiting, eyes closed. You hear me walk quietly across the room to stand over you.I sit down, beside you on the bed, turning to face me, opening your eyes to meet my own. We exchange a small smile as...

3 years ago
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Office fuck

Jo came into the office as usual today, Gary was sat at the desk, Jo said hello and sat on the little sofa opposite waiting for Gary to finish what he was doing. Jo picked a magazine up and began to read it. Gary looked up and could see that Jo had on the skirt that he had fantasies about, it was a very sexy skirt which had buttons on the front. He admired Jo's legs as she sat opposite, he could see a little way up her skirt, but not far. As Jo was reading the magazine she began to move around...

4 years ago
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Carol Caliendo

Carol was always such a tomboy that it seemed like me and the and rest of the guys were her only friends. All the other girls had their little groups, but Carol was part of ours’, and for the most part she blended right in. A short little girl with dirty brown hair and hazel eyes, often shadowed with mud, she may as well have been named Richard. As we all grew older some of us separated off, but even then Carol stayed a part of the group. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I didn’t...

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